Lake of the Pine News Jan 2019

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F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 • V O L . 4 8 , N O . 2 • O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E L A K E O F T H E P I N E S A S S O C I AT I O N

Sign up for e-blasts


Viva Las Vegas “Casino Night”


Super Bingo


Public Safety Statistics


Tennis Lessons



Tuesday, Feb. 12 9:00 a.m. Clubhouse Dining Room


Wednesday, Feb. 13 2:00 p.m. Sports Lounge Meeting Room

INSIDE Photo credit: Pat Brothen


Activities .............................. 11-12 Association News ..................... 4 Clubs................. 6, 8, 12-15, 18-19 Committees ................................. 6 County News ............................. 25 Food & Beverage....................... 8 Golf Pro ........................................ 9 Parcel E....................................... 5 Recreation............................ 21-23 Safety ........................................ 10 Service Teams ......................... 29 Sunrise/Sunset Chart .............. 9 Treasurers Report....................... 3

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By President, Terry Eberhardt

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Well, we are certainly into the winter weather times. We have received a lot of needed rain, which has us doing a lot more inside activities. Speaking of the rain storms, you all heard about our near disaster at the Marina in early January? That windy and rainy storm caused significant damage to parts of our Marina Dock. While no boats seem to have received any damage, much damage was done to two of our dock sections. A big thank you goes out to the staff members who worked very hard to save the Marina docks during the storm. Chad Norrell, Dave Reid, Barry Mickleburgh and Public Safety Officers Ross Davis and Mike Schuetz responded quickly to the situation and were able to secure the docks safely. Coordination with a vendor to make dock repairs was handled swiftly and we are hopeful that, by this reading, the docks are either fixed or will be very soon. The Long Range Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee has been working to finalize the plan and bring the finished document to the Board. At the workshop held January 8, many comments and suggestions were received from the attending members. Comments and feedback from members, staff, Board members, committee members and others have been received online and in print and reviewed by the Long Range Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee. Much of the recommendations will be incorporated in the revised plan and, once completed, it will be presented once more to the members at another community workshop (date and time to be determined), prior to going to the Board for approval. We are hopeful that the plan, once revised, will reflect the wishes of the majority of the community. Members of the Ad Hoc Committee have spent many hours working to ensure this document will be of value to the current and future boards. The Food and Beverage Ad Hoc Committee has completed its work and presented its report and recommendations to the Board at its January 16 meeting. It is an extensive report and it highlights the need for overall improvement of the Food and Beverage program. The Board received the report and directed the President to meet with the General Manager to begin implementation of the recommended improvements. The Board also approved the creation of a (standing) Food and Beverage Committee to provide oversight and support to the Food and Beverage department. Again, thanks to Bud Abbott for chairing the Ad Hoc Committee, the

Board Highlights

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

By Administrative Manager, Donna Lowenthal

Board Highlights is a summary of actions taken by the Board of Directors at its meetings. Draft minutes, a summary of minutes or minutes of a meeting (other than executive session) are available to members within 30 days of the meeting. They may be obtained upon request and upon reimbursement of costs by contacting the Administration Office at 268-1141, ext. 2002. January 16, 2019 • Authorized GM Bowman and Director Rollins to work on a contract with California Tree & Landscape Consulting to prepare a Tree Manage-

members who all worked so hard on the project, and to Jane Nole in her role as board liaison. As many of you know, fire safety has never been a more relevant topic. Our Firewise Committee and staff continue to work on issues which will enhance fire safety here at Lake of the Pines. Working with LOP staff, Firewise Committee Chairman, Steve Chandler is coordinating a safety drill to take place here at LOP alongside officials from the County OES, local fire protection agencies and law enforcement. The drill, planned for Sunday, April 7 will give us all an opportunity to understand our role in case we ever face a major disaster situation. Stay tuned for more information on this critical community event. There has been much discussion and concern around LOP regarding the Golf Course renovation program. Our golf course was initially a ninehole course and was later expanded to eighteen holes. The course is now nearly 50 years old and is need of significant renovation. Some renovation has been done over the years, but no major work has been completed for most of the tees and greens. LOP contracted a golf course architect two years ago to create a golf course master plan for our course. The architect evaluated each hole and made recommendations for improvements for the course overall. Our Golf Committee has spent many hours in meetings to make recommendations to the Board regarding the plan. In the 2019 budget, the Board set aside funds in the Reserve to renovate two greens and tee boxes each year for the next eight to ten years. This will allow the course to be fully renovated. The Board met in January with the Golf Committee and the architect to review renovation recommendations and agreed on an overall plan. While the planning phase is complete, the Board has made no decisions on what the next golf project will be. The key considerations to the renovations of the Golf Course are safety and playability. The course is an important amenity here at LOP and the Board has the fiduciary responsibility to maintain it and keep it and all of our amenities in good, working order. Lots of work ahead for all of us, but I hope that we can continue to improve all of our amenities and services to make this the best place to live and play. ment Plan for LOP, not to exceed $1,500 from the Operating Account. • Accepted the 2018 Fourth Quarter Financial Reports, consistent with AB 2912. • Approved the early payoff of the Clubhouse Renovation Loan with Union Bank. • Approved the next twelve monthly transfers of $107,993.42 from Operations to Capital Reserves, $30,835.42 from Operations to Facilities Renovation and $5,041.67 from Operations to Capital Additions to satisfy the non-operating allocations portion of the approved 2019 Budget. • Authorized Allied Trustee Services to place a lien on one account. • Approved the charter for the new Food & Beverage Committee. • Accepted the Food & Beverage Ad Hoc Committee’s Final Report and directed management to implement it.



11665 Lakeshore North, Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 268-1141 John Bowman General Manager/Editor 268-1141, ext. 2001,

By Treasurer, Ross Tokmakian

The Problem with Socialism Margret Thatcher is often paraphrased as saying: “The problem with socialism is that you always run out of other people’s money.” The challenge for Lake of the Pines and funding of all our various projects and programs is that we are the “other people!” Some people here have said that developing a Long Range Strategic Plan results in a similar problem. First, everyone asks for what they want but then, when taken together, the result is a higher price than they are willing to pay. This leads to the inevitable and difficult battle of prioritization and elimination which could have been avoided by not asking the longrange plan question in the first place. Nonetheless, it has always been my view that we should have a long-term vision of what we want to be – to guide us as we make individual decisions year to year. So now we find ourselves at that inevitable step of prioritization and elimination forced by the need to pay for all the amenities we want. The Long Range Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee has taken the first step by holding an open workshop in January to get your input on the draft and incorporate that into the next draft. The next step will be for the Finance Committee and me to put financials behind these plans. There has been lots of discussion about which fund (e.g.: Operations, MR&R, Capital or Renovation) pays for what; however, in the end, all the funding comes from you, the members, out of your assessments. From a financial perspective, we will be considering tradeoffs between timing and extent or size of the projects with the impact on your assessments – all while keeping Lake of the Pines financially strong. At the base of this are the ongoing services and subsidy levels which we pay for as well. Finally, as we go through this process, we need to keep reminding ourselves that this is just the long-range plan, every bit of which will need to be approved year by year, project by project, by your Board of Directors.

Financial Results: Full Year through December 2018 $Thousands

TOTAL OPERATIONS1 For the Month Ended December 31, 2018 Actual vs. Budget Actual Budget Better/(Worse)

OPERATING Total revenue Total expense OPERATIONS NET GAIN (LOSS)

Less: Extraordinary Items OPERATIONS NET before extrordinary items

$ $ $

942 $ 660 282 $ (334) (52) $

519 $ 566 (46) $ (46) $

For the 12 Months Ended December 31, 2018 Actual vs. Budget Actual Budget Better/(Worse)

423 $ (94) 328 $ (334) (6) $

6,926 $ 6,601 325 $ (334) (9) $

6,452 $ 6,493 (41) $ (41) $

474 (108) 366 (334) 32

NON-OPERATING FUNDS Contingency Fund January Beg Balance


Assessments/Other Income YTD

Less: Current Month Expenditures Prior Months Expenditures(YTD) Total Expenditures Interest on Debt Due to/(due From)

Current Balance

121 $ 5


(2) (33) (35) $


92 $

Note: Budgeted Annual Expenditures $ (53) $ 1. Unaudited 2. Consisting of Ending Debt of: $65 and Ending Account Balance of: $90

Capital Additions

(273) $ 350

(41) (41) $ (11) 0 25 $ (41) $

$ 86

3,298 1,230

(2) (67) (69) $

(101) (790) (891)

16 $

3,637 45% (1,603)

(86) $

Board of Directors 2018-2019 President: Terry Eberhardt 278-3362 Vice President: Rick Fowler 401-5586 Treasurer: Ross Tokmakian (925) 202-8535 Secretary: Daryl Chandler (208) 661-9105 Director at Large: Rich Goldsberry (661) 478-3145 Director at Large: Jane Nole 278-3424 Director at Large: Robyn Rollins 278-3133 Executive Team 268-1141 Accounting – Russell Graham ext. 2103 Administration – Donna Lowenthal ext. 2002 EC – Christine Shufelberger ext. 2012 F&B – Mark Norman ext. 2108 Operations – Chad Norrell ext. Pro Shop – Pat Shaw ext. 1201 Recreation – Nicole Hurd ext. 2015

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2018 Highlights are as follows: • Overall Operations results are over $32 thousand better than budgeted. This is before the net Suddenlink payment of $334 thousand, which puts us $366 thousand better than budgeted. • The Suddenlink payment has been set aside for the Board to specifically identify how it will be spent. Prior to that, income taxes will have to be paid on this. • The Contingency funds were spent for the Long Range Strategic Plan consulting work. • The Renovation Fund spending was for Yacht Lounge design work. Note that the remaining debt on the Clubhouse loan ($65 thousand) is to be paid off out of cash in that account in January. • Capital Additions of $87 thousand were for: the bocce shade, golf course design work, a new greens mower and Hazel Park design work, less credits of $18 thousand for capital donations. • Major Repair and Replacement (MR&R) spending ended the year $712 thousand below budget. Most of this was due to deferred spending due to both projected longer lives and project timing issues.

Lake of the Pines News is the official monthly publication (1) for notifying Lake of the Pines Association members of actions and proposed actions of the Board of Directors; (2) for informing members of changes to Association policies, procedures, rules and regulations; and (3) for notifying members about upcoming events and reporting on past activities. Copy deadlines are the 5th of the month prior to publication. LOP News is mailed bulk rate to all homeowners and renters in Lake of the Pines. Opinions expressed by contributing authors do not necessarily reflect those of Lake of the Pines Association, its Board of Directors or LOP management. The inclusion of advertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Lake of the Pines Association, its Board of Directors or LOP management of the products, services or views contained therein.

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

MRR % funded

Renovation Fund2

Capital Reserve (MR&R)

LOP News Submissions 268-1141, ext. 2014,


Are you missing out?

Call for Submissions for the Second Quarterly “Your Best Shot” Photo Contest It’s time once again for you to scroll through your phones and cameras and dig out your “Best Shots” of life on the lake—whatever that means to you but preferably one that shows off our best assets. Guidelines: The deadline for submissions to the LOP News “Your Best Shot” photo contest for this quarter is Tuesday, Feb. 5. All entries may be used to support communications, including our Facebook page, weekly e-blasts and the LOP website. Guidelines for “Your Best Shot” photo contest. All entrants must submit photos that were taken here at LOP within the last year. Photos must be submitted in digital, high resolution JPG format. Limit: one entry per resident per quarter. Entrants must have a release form signed by any individuals in all photos, including and especially minors and, by entering give Lake of the Pines Association full usage rights to all submitted images. How to enter: Simply email your best shot in digital format to lopnews@ In your e-mail, include your name, approximate date the photo was taken and a brief description of your photo telling us all about it, including what inspired you.

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Guest Cards Changes

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Beginning January 1, 2019, owners in good standing or registered tenants of each lot within Lake of the Pines shall be allowed to purchase a maximum of three (3) Guest Photo ID Gate Entry Cards per lot. Guest Photo ID Gate Entry Cards allow members’ guests to enter the community without the preauthorization of a sponsoring member. Guest Gate Photo ID Entry Cards will not be issued to anyone under the age of 18. Guest entrance for visitors is granted

for the purpose of meeting with the sponsoring member at their residence or some other specified location within Lake of the Pines. Guests must be accompanied by an LOP member or tenant during their visit and while using the Association’s recreational amenities, excluding the golf course and dining facilities. The sponsoring member is responsible for the actions of their guests during their visit to LOP, including fines that may be imposed upon their guests for violation of the Association’s Governing Documents.

If you are not receiving our weekly e-blasts, “Eats & Drinks,” delivered on Wednesdays, and “This Week On the Lake,” delivered on Thursdays, you may be missing out on important information about events, food and beverage notices, club and committee news, and Association updates. But don’t worry. Signing up is easy. Here’s how: 1. Go online to and sign in. Then, click on “My Profile.” 2. On your profile page, click on the “Subscriptions” tab. If you do not see a list of options, click the email bulletins box to see the list of options. Select the box next to “Resident.” This will allow you to receive everything we send out by e-mail, including e-blasts and the weekly newsletter, as well as spot notifications about amenity closures and other critical issues. 3. If you would like to make sure your spouse or a second resident living in your home also receives our e-mailed materials, be sure to add them to your profile as a Resident 2. Missed the e-blast? We got you covered! We post “This Week on the Lake,” and “Eats and Drinks,” as well as the weekly issue of Pines Times on our website after publication each week. Please visit our homepage at to read the current and or back issues of Pines Times. Visit our Communications page to locate previous e-blasts. The current issue of “Eats and Drinks” can be found under “Food and Beverage.”

Are you signed up for CodeRED? CodeRED is a free emergency alert service available to all Nevada County Residents. Stay informed in case of an emergency. Sign up online on our web site at PREPAREDNESS/ Code Red or call 211 to register by phone. Consider adding these two numbers to your contacts list:

(866) 419-5000

(855) 969-4636

NEW: Revised Saturday Office Hours For Administration In May of 2018, the Administration Office launched new opening hours for the first Saturday of every month from 9:00 a.m.-noon, excluding holiday weekends. In order to better serve our residents, we are switching from the first Saturday of the month to the last Saturday of the month, excluding holiday weekends. This should help with those last-minute renewals for boats, golf, tennis, etc. As a reminder, we may not be able to provide all services.

Department Contacts


LAKE OF THE PINES ASSOCIATION MAIN NUMBER: 268-1141 ADMINISTRATION General Manager Accounting Manager Administrative Manager Community Services Manager Human Resources Manager Operations/Project Manager COMMUNICATIONS Communications Coordinator

John Bowman Russell Graham Donna Lowenthal Barry Mickleburgh Amy Davis Chad Norrell

ext. 2000 ext. 2001 ext. 2103 ext.2002 ext. 3111 ext. 2004 ext. 2101

Jacqueline Fox

ext. 2110


Direct number 268-0570


ext. 4005

FOOD & BEVERAGE Food & Beverage Manager Mark Norman Magnolia Pointe Grille bar/reservations Sports Lounge Bar

ext. 2108 ext. 2200 ext. 1000


Direct number 268-1780

LOST & FOUND Public Safety

Direct number 268-1135


Direct number 268-8337 ext. 1201

Pat Shaw Direct number 798-2400

Direct number 268-1135 ext.3002

PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Supervisor

David Reid

Direct number 268-3982 ext. 4001

RECREATION Recreation Coordinator

Nicole Hurd

ext. 2015


RV Storage Manager ext. 5000 Direct number 268-2787

February: 2, 16 March: 2, 16 April: 6, 20 May: 4, 18 June: 1, 15 July: 6, 20 August: 3, 17 September: 7, 21 October: 5, 19 November: 2, 16 December: 7, 21 Please abide by the following Parcel E Rules & Regulations when disposing of your green waste. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and will allow us to keep Parcel E open for your use. Thank you. • Material may only be deposited at Parcel E when the facility is open for access during the published open dates and times. • Parcel E is for green waste only; brush and tree limbs up to 6” in diameter. • No construction debris or garbage. • No root balls, sod or fill dirt. • Yard bags must be emptied and removed. • Pile your material as close to the brush pile as practical, or where directed by onsite staff. • Parcel E is only for material generated within LOP. No material may be brought into LOP for deposit at Parcel E. If material collected in LOP is taken outside of LOP, it may not be brought back into the community and deposited at Parcel E. Violations of Parcel E rules may result in fines, reimbursement assessments for the cost of correcting the violation and suspension of privileges for using Parcel E.

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First and third Saturday of each month, 7:00 a.m.-noon

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

PUBLIC SAFETY Lt. Mike McLaughlin



COMMITTEES Firewise By Toni Boyer

As the new year progresses and I struggle once again to keep my new year resolutions, the one I fully intend to keep is to be better prepared for an emergency. I hope you will join me to include emergency preparation as one of your own must do items this year and every year. The recent Camp Fire in Paradise is another sad reminder of the damage a wildfire can do to a community, not to mention how quickly this one spread. We need to be ready to evacuate on short notice. Prepare and have ready a “grab and go” bag. At a minimum, you need to have quick access to any medications, important documents, a flashlight and bottled water. You should also have personal items, clothing, food, such as granola or protein bars and cash, including small bills to get you through a few days. And don’t forget those phone chargers and important contact information. If you have pets, be sure to have food, water and any other needed supplies for them as well. One other must do item is to make sure you have up to date fire insurance. Check with your insurance provider to ensure you have adequate coverage to repair or replace your home structure and contents. This is especially important if you have been in your home for a long time. Also, prepare an inventory of the contents. Creating a video is a good way to do this. Your Firewise Committee is in the process of planning upcoming events to help you be better prepared for a potential emergency evacuation. Stay tuned for more information to come.

Is Your Child Thriving? Visit our Tuition-Free K-8 Charter School

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 6

16229 Duggans Road Grass Valley, CA 95949 Phone: 530.268.9990

Small Class Sizes Child-focused Instruction Real World Responsibility Project Experiences High Tech Classrooms Safe, Caring Environment Lifetime Learning Orientation

I’ve just SOLD another beautiful Lake of the Pines home on the golf course, and I can sell yours too! I know the area, and I am knowledgeable on the current market trends and how to market your property for excellent results! So, if you would like to have an experienced, full-time, hard working professional real estate agent working for you, do not hesitate to call me! Thinking of buying, selling or just curious about your home’s value… Give

"Casino Night"

March 2, 2019 6:30 to 10:30 pm

Professional Game Tables Great Prizes Appetizers

Tickets $45.00 530-278-1279

BLOOD DRIVE Sponsored by the Pinesmen

In 2019 the four Blood Drives will be on April 7, June 9, August 18 and December 8. Each drive is on Sunday from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. using two large Bloodmobiles located on the upper Marina parking lot. Bring photo ID.

me a call!

Roxane Schepens Realtor | CalBRE# 02019435 530.652.2849 | 530.867.5076 Century 21 Cornerstone Realty | 10063 Combie Road | Auburn, CA, 95602

Reservations are preferred. Walk-ins are accepted, though reservations take priority. It takes approximately one hour of your time to give one pint of blood that will make a difference in someone’s life. Just do it!

Contact: Ron Trimble, 268-1917 or 575-6448, Bill Benner, 268-2566

Give Blood. Save Lives.

STAFF Environmental Control By Compliance Coordinator, Christine Shufelberger Regarding complaints received: The Environmental Control Department works very hard to correct violations viewed from routine inspections throughout LOP. While fines are an option, the main goal is compliance. This department sometimes receives complaints, and we address every complaint received. There is a difference between anonymous complaints and those with contact information. If we receive a complaint with contact information, we have a chance to contact the complainant to thank them and to explain how we will proceed. We also have the opportunity to

inform the complainant that we are doing everything within the procedures allowable. In some cases, and with some violations, the only option we have is to issue a fine. We do not have the right to tow a motorhome or a boat, etc. Just because you may feel the violation has not been addressed, does not make it true. Please keep this in mind. If you take the time to make a formal complaint, we would appreciate the opportunity to explain situations. We continue to keep names and contact information confidential. Last month we discussed the need to keep Lake of the Pines a firewise community. We will be addressing propane tanks that are not screened with proper materials. All propane tanks with a wood or plastic surround will need to be screened with proper non-flammable, non-combustible materials. The EC department has a few different choices. Please contact me at or call me. My direct line is 268-1141, ext. 2012.

Now is the time for a fiscal check-up. No more excuses for not knowing how your finances and investments line up with your life goals and retirement expectations. Call today for a complimentary consultation, and we’ll explore strategies for protecting yourself and helping you prosper today, tomorrow and into the future.

Glenn D. Kenes, CRPC Private Wealth Advisor Managing Director CA Insurance Lic. 0B55360

and Structures. During routine inspections we notice a great number of homes that may require paint or general maintenance. It will be our goal to bring such properties into compliance. Please start working on scheduling approval of paint colors and contractors if needed. We have a list in the office that may be of some help. We are always looking to expand this list.

Helping You Find a Home Your Heart Will Fall In Love With Trina Laird LOP Resident and California Realtor #01066113

Call or Text 916-532-6271

I Hope Your Valentine’s Day is as Happy as These Buyers! As first time home buyers the most important thing to us was finding someone we could trust to guide us through the home buying process. Working with Steve made purchasing our first home easier and less intimidating than we had ever anticipated. He worked hard to find the right house for us, answered all of our questions (and we had a lot of questions), offered knowledgeable and honest advice, and quickly got us into our first home! Steve is not just a great realtor, he is a great person who truly cared about us and helping us achieve our goal of owning our home! Brayden and Lindsey



470 Nevada St., Suite 200 Auburn, CA 95603

(next to Holiday Market)

Steve French 916-212-4994 #00998849


Page 7

The Confident Retirement approach is not a guarantee of future financial results. Investment advisory services and products are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., a registered investment adviser. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2016 Ameriprise Financial, Inc., All rights reserved.

10988 Combie Road, #107

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Call today for a complimentary initial Confident Retirement® conversation.

We can discuss the different options available. Our goal is compliance no later than April 2019. Rule of the month: No Blue Tarps. Lake of the Pines does not allow bright colored tarps. Our local Ace Hardware store carries several different sizes of brown tarps. Submitting plans? There seems to be some confusion regarding what and when you need to submit for approval. Replacing a deck, even like-for-like, must go through the approval process. This includes both front and back decks. EC can make this process minimal. We have plans for most every lot and will help you through plan submission. Easy rule of thumb: if it is exterior changes to a house or lot, please call EC. Property maintenance: While this includes landscape issues, it also includes structures and keeping all properly maintained. Please see Environmental standards 6.00 Property Maintenance and 6.01 Buildings

STAFF Food and Beverage By Executive Chef, Joseph Lynch Happy February from Food and Beverage! Now that the holidays are over, it doesn’t mean that the Food and Beverage Department is going to slow down. We have high expectations for the month, as well as the entire year. You will see a changing variety of events to attend this coming year. Karaoke at the Sports Lounge is on Saturday, Feb. 2, featuring a full bar, a full dining menu, pizza and dancing to renditions of your favorite songs performed by your neighbors and if you dare, you can sing – no judgement. A great time and popular event. Come have a great time. On Sunday, Feb. 3, the Sports Lounge will have the Super Bowl on all the big screen televisions. The kitchen will feature the entire menu with pizzas

and Super Bowl specials, and there will also be a full bar with festivities and drink specials for the event. Come watch the game with your friends and enjoy the evening. On Tuesday, Feb. 5, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Wines in the Pines will be at the Magnolia Pointe Grille featuring a selection of significant wines and charcuterie trays to enhance the specific characteristics of the wines presented. Don’t forget Valentine’s Day! On Thursday, Feb. 14 at the Magnolia Pointe Grille, we will host our annual Valentine’s Day Dinner and Dance! You can see the menu now on the Lake of the Pines website under Food and Beverage, Special Events. Rest assured it will be a top shelf event and a memorable time for all. Check out the website for more details. This is a very popular event, so please make reservations as soon as possible before we sell out. Call 798-4108. Here is to another wonderful year at Lake of the Pines!! Thank you again for having me as your executive chef.

All Welcome (no minors please) Hosted by the Pinesmen

Wednesday, Feb. 13 7:30 p.m. Magnolia Pointe Grille For more information, contact Tony Gosalvez at 906-7282.

TOP 10 THINGS TO DO BEFORE SELLING YOUR HOME 1. Call Tony. “He’ll do the rest.”

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 8

2. Make a plan. 3. Declutter. 4. Order cleaning. 5. Get title report. 6. Gather list of upgrades.

Home is where the heart is.

7 Take Professional Photos. 8. Prepare marketing & MLS. 9. Plan for Open House, Showings. 10. Plan your move.

Let our family bring your family home. Call Debbie 530-330-3042 or Angie 530-615-4826

FANTASTIC LAKEFRONT, OWN A PIECE OF PARADISE! Outstanding one story home on professionally landscaped .45 acre lot with easy boat docking. Enjoy the new deck and beautifully placed lakeside gazebo with lights, perfect for entertaining.

TONY TALBOT 530-906-7855

$739,000 LIC #00824212

Cal Lic# 00670667/02074880

Over 35 years of experience

100% Commission Office - Agents Call for Details

STAFF Pro Shop

Sunrise/ Sunset Chart February 2019

By Golf Pro, Patrick Shaw, PGA, A-1

Please use these times as guides to indicate quiet times on the lake, and openings and closures of the golf course.

The winter season is still here, but some sunny days are making the golf course very attractive. This month starts off with the “Big Game” golf match, and our Super Bowl celebration. Be sure to register your teams early as this tournament is an annual favorite which fills up fast. We have three club guest days: the Lady 9er’s on Tuesday, Feb. 5, the Men 18er’s on Thursday, Feb. 7 and the Men 9er’s on Friday, Feb. 22. The MGC also will host their annual NCGA Qualifier & 2 Man Best Ball on Saturday, Feb. 16 and Sunday, Feb. 17. President’s Day, Feb. 18, we will use tee times for the day’s play due to the long holiday weekend. With February’s warmer weather, I hope to see all those rusty swings out on the course!


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



7:11 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 7:09 a.m. 7:08 a.m. 7:07 a.m. 7:06 a.m. 7:05 a.m. 7:04 a.m. 7:03 a.m. 7:02 a.m. 7:01 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 6:59 a.m. 6:58 a.m.

5:24 p.m. 5:26 p.m. 5:27 p.m. 5:28 p.m. 5:29 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:31 p.m. 5:32 p.m. 5:34 p.m. 5:35 p.m. 5:36 p.m. 5:37 p.m. 5:38 p.m. 5:39 p.m.



15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


6:56 a.m. 6:55 a.m. 6:54 a.m. 6:53 a.m. 6:51 a.m. 6:50 a.m. 6:49 a.m. 6:47 a.m. 6:46 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:43 a.m. 6:42 a.m. 6:41 a.m. 6:39 a.m.

5:40 p.m. 5:42 p.m. 5:43 p.m. 5:44 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 5:46 p.m. 5:47 p.m. 5:48 p.m. 5:49 p.m. 5:50 p.m. 5:52 p.m. 5:53 p.m. 5:54 p.m. 5:55 p.m.

February 2019 2018 February 1


Men Niners 10:00 a.m. Tee times Bk. 9

LOP Super Bowl Tournament 10:00 a.m. SG







10:00 a.m. Tee times

Member 10:00 a.m. SG

Lady Niners Guest Day 10:00 am SG Fr. 9

WGC 10:00 a.m. SG

MGC Guest Day 10:00 a.m. SG

Men Niners 10:00 a.m. Tee times Fr. 9

10:00 a.m. Tee times







16 MGC 2

10:00 a.m. Tee times

Member 10:00 a.m. SG

Lady Niners 10:00 a.m. SG Bk. 9

WGC 10:00 a.m. SG

No Sweeps Open play 10:00 a.m. Tee times

Men Niners 10:00 a.m. Tee times Bk. 9

Man Best Ball & NCGA Qualifier Tee times








10:00 a.m. Tee times

President’s Day 10:00 a.m. Tee times

Lady Niners 10:00 a.m. SG Fr. 9

WGC 10:00 a.m. SG

MGC Sweeps 10:00 a.m. SG

Men Niners 10:00 a.m. Guest Day Tee times 10:00 a.m. Tee times Fr. 9






10:00 a.m. Tee times

Member 10:00 a.m. SG

Lady Niners 10:00 a.m. SG Bk. 9

WGC 10:00 a.m. SG

MGC Sweeps 10:00 a.m. SG

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News


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FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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JAN 0 2 2 0 0 4

JAN 77

JAN 130 19 8 0 4 0 161

JAN 0 5 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 11

JAN 22 4 4 30

FEB 0 0 0 0 0 0

FEB 58

FEB 103 15 10 0 1 1 130

FEB 0 5 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 8

FEB 17 0 1 18

MAR 0 1 0 0 0 1

MAR 70

MAR 137 17 14 0 4 1 173

MAR 0 5 5 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 16

MAR 12 0 1 13

APR 0 0 0 0 0 0

APR 70

APR 137 19 17 0 1 0 174

APR 0 5 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 2 14

APR 29 1 5 35

Have you seen this man?

He’s been jogging for the last 26 years. That’s my husband, Randy. We both run around the lake–but for different reasons!

Call me to list your home! Tami J Anderson Cell: 530-906-8279

MAY 0 0 0 0 0 0

MAY 68

MAY 132 8 20 0 2 2 164

MAY 21 4 7 2 3 2 4 0 0 8 51

MAY 19 0 5 24

JUN 0 0 0 0 0 0

JUN 60

JUN 165 8 13 0 2 0 188

JUN 8 1 7 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 18

JUN 26 2 2 30

JUL 0 5 0 0 0 5

JUL 71

JUL 164 11 16 0 2 0 193

JUL 4 7 9 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 26

JUL 24 16 0 40

AUG 0 0 1 0 0 1

AUG 55

AUG 213 8 9 0 0 2 232

AUG 3 10 16 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 34

AUG 12 5 2 19

SEP 0 2 1 0 0 3

SEP 63

SEP 180 8 12 0 0 1 201

SEP 3 4 4 0 2 3 2 1 0 0 19

SEP 8 2 1 11

OCT 0 0 1 0 0 1

OCT 78

OCT 163 3 19 0 0 2 187

OCT 0 3 10 0 2 3 1 1 0 2 22

OCT 20 0 4 24

NOV 0 0 0 0 0 0

NOV 63

NOV 118 11 14 0 1 0 154

NOV 0 0 32 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 37

NOV 11 0 4 15

DEC 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL YTD 2018 0 10 5 0 0 15

YTD 2017 4 11 9 0 0 24

YTD 2016 1 26 17 3 0 47

YTD 2015 2 11 4 0 0 17

DEC 57

TOTAL YTD 2018 790

YTD 2017 659

YTD 2016 685

YTD 2015 564

DEC 100 19 12 0 3 1 135

TOTAL YTD 2018 1742 146 164 0 20 10 2092

YTD 2017 1740 191 162 0 32 18 2145

YTD 2016 1931 171 162 1 20 18 2304

YTD 2015 1746 168 94 2 11 16 2037

DEC 0 1 36 0 3 6 0 2 0 0 48

TOTAL YTD 2018 39 50 131 2 17 26 19 5 0 15 304

YTD 2017 41 47 107 4 11 12 19 2 21 20 282

YTD 2016 109 39 112 16 10 0 0 0 77 25 388

YTD 2015 77 35 153 13 23 0 0 0 69 15 385

DEC 11 0 0 11

TOTAL YTD 2018 211 30 29 270

YTD 2017 205 90 46 341

YTD 2016 231 29 24 284

YTD 2015 209 146 23 378

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STAFF can liners out of cans without getting it all over yourself is a skill and reBy Public Works Superintendent, quires strong shoulders and a strong Dave Reid stomach, in some cases. Cleaning up At a pace of 40 the leaves in the yard of my house hours per week, an and hauling them away is quite the employee works about challenge, and the Public Works crew 2,080 hours in the av- here this fall has done a great job on erage year. Every em- staying on top of leaf removal in all the parks and building areas. That’s a ployee of the Public lot of ground to cover. Works Department That’s why I want to personally performed very well throughout 2018. thank my crew for doing what they do Some spending much of their time out there. It’s not always glamorous performing revolving maintenance but they do the job, and they do it tasks, such as cleaning the restrooms, well. Every individual in the Public blowing off pathways and emptying Works Department spent their 2,080 garbage cans. Some refining their hours of the 2018 work year building skills in landscape detail, pool main- their skill set in ways that were most tenance and machine operation. beneficial to the preservation and enFor the new employees of the hancement of this community. We are department, learning these routes well on our way into 2019. We look and the procedures for these routine forward to building our skills and tasks was a new experience for them processes even further with a goal of all together. These tasks seem to be perpetual improvement every year to easy enough, but even the simplest achieve the highest level of excellence task can have its share of problems for the people who call Lake of the and challenges. Taking leaky garbage Pines their home.

Public Works

Recreation By Recreation Coordinator, Nicole Hurd

d: a D r o f t lis My wish male friends ities ave te in activ ❒✓ h icipa t r a p ✓ ❒ re u c se e s l e ✓ fe a sernDseaod:f purpo ❒ hhalviest fo nds ✓ ❒ s i w My laumghale frie ities ✓ave ❒ ctiv a n i ❒✓ h e t a icip t r a p ✓ ❒ ure purpose c e s l e e f If ❒ this call, of click or come by today. ✓ is you,aplease e s n e s ✓ have h ❒ g u a l ✓ ❒ Eskaton Village Grass Valley

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Eskaton Village Grass Valley

Multi-Level Community: Independent Living with Services, Assisted Living and Memory Care

530-268-5638 A leading nonprofit provider of aging services in Northern California since 1968

Page 11

License # 297001933

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

What a beautiful New Year’s Day we had for the Annual Polar Bear Swim in conjunction with the Pinesmen’s burritos and beverages. We had 29 people participate in the swim, and all age groups were represented! We had a fantastic cheering party of residents lined up to watch from the Main Beach to the Yacht Lounge Deck and beyond. Thank you” to the Pinesmen for supporting our event. At LOP, we are so fortunate to have so many different clubs that offer a little bit of everything. There are fitness classes, dance classes, land sports, water sports, and more activities to help you take care of your body, mind and heart each day. Many classes are resident-led and are free to join, or may have a minimal donation. Check out the Community

Calendar on for the current schedule of activities and events. This year we encourage you to invite your family, friends and neighbors to enjoy this paradise with you whenever we have events. If you are a new resident and not sure what group to join or what activities to do first, give me a call or drop me an email, and I will do my best to connect you to all we have to offer here. You will have so much fun meeting new people who live here in your community, your planner will be full of things to do. If you like to volunteer, you are in the right place too. We always need volunteers all the time to help make our events a success. If you would like to help with any upcoming events in Recreation, please give me a call at 268-1141, ext. 2015 or email me at If your New Year’s resolution included learning how to play tennis on our beautiful tennis courts, we can help. We offer tennis lessons with our Continued to page 12

“I’m worried about Dad living alone. His memory is declining.” “I’m worried about Dad living alone. His memory is declining.”



Continued from page 11

USPTA Certified Tennis Instructor, Bob Heiser. Bob has been teaching both private and group lessons for many years from Southern California to right here at LOP. He has years of experience, and he is looking forward to sharing his love of tennis with you. Bob teaches all ages, and currently has children’s lessons scheduled on Court

Four at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. For adults, we have Cardio Tennis on Court Two on Saturday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Call Bob at 268-1687 to sign up for a class we offer now, or to take a private lesson or semiprivate lesson with a friend when it works best for you. We also have a free Drop-In Clinic on Saturdays on Court One from 9:00 a.m.-noon. Come by and join us!

The Sports & Activities Club invites you to join


A Facebook Group Created by LOP Members for LOP Members Discuss Community Issues, Provide Feedback, and Stay Informed in Real Time


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FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 12

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5.00% for a new Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), and is fixed for * The initial Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is currently 4.50% the first 5 years of the loan which is called the draw period. After the initial 5 year period, the APR can change once based on the value of an Index and Margin. The Index is the weekly average yield on U.S. Treasury Securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 10 years and the margin is 3.50%. The current APR for the repayment period is 6.625%. 6.25%. The maximum APR that can apply any time during your HELOC is 10%. A qualifying transaction consists of the following conditions: (1) the initial APR assumes a maximum HELOC of $100,000, $150,000, and a total maximum Loan-to-Value (LTV) of 70% including the new HELOC and any existing 1st Deed of Trust loan on your residence; (2) your residence securing the HELOC must be a single-family home that you occupy as your primary residence; (3) if the 1st Deed of Trust loan is with a lender other than El Dorado Savings Bank, that loan may not exceed $200,000 and may not be a revolving line of credit. Additional property restrictions and requirements apply. All loans are subject to a current appraisal. Property insurance is required and flood insurance may be required. Rates, APR, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Other conditions apply. A $375 $475 early closure fee will be assessed if the line of credit is closed within three years from the date of opening. An annual fee of $50 will be assessed on the first anniversary of the HELOC and annually thereafter during the draw period. Ask for a copy of our “Fixed Rate Home Equity Line of Credit Disclosure Notice” for additional important information. Other HELOC loans are available under different terms. 14-1

Sports & Activities Club By Dee Demorest

February. Don’t you LOVE it? Only two months into 2019 and we have another new group joining SAC: “LOP Families for the Lake.” It sounds like a wonderful way to bring LOP kids and their families together. Details are below. Even when it is freezing outside, the fun never stops “Inside the Gate.” A water skier was out on New Year’s Day and SAC volunteers helped the Pinesmen serve mimosas and burritos at the Clubhouse Parking Lot. If this is the first time you have read this column, welcome. Make it a habit. It features sports and activities, something for everyone. Some groups have changed meetings times/places, so head’s up. If you live in LOP, you are a member.

Arts & Crafts: Saturday, Feb. 9, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. in the Yacht Lounge. Crafts and art materials will be provided. Join our Facebook Group at LOP-Families for the Lake or contact Michelle McIntyre at (619) 920-1511or LOP Fishing Group Our group is open to all ages. If you like to fish, contact for more information.

LOP Game Days LOP Game Days is a group of individuals interested in having an enjoyable afternoon in the Sports Lounge, socializing with your neighbors, challenging your brain skills, learning new games, and refreshing your memory of old games. We play card games, dice games, board games and domino games. Skill level required: None. All games are started from the basics. We have introduced over 24 games in the past Aerobics two years. Classes are held on Mondays, Please join us on Wednesdays Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30 from Noon to 1:00 p.m. for lunch, a.m. to 9:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse. followed by games from 1:00 p.m.Cost is $1 per class. 3:00 p.m. For more information, contact Russ Lewis at russ4sales@ Cocktails and Coloring Come for the Cocktails and Coloring, stay for the socializing! Horseshoes We have a great group of ladies who Horseshoe pits are in Shadow gather together on the first and third Cove Park/Park 2. Equipment may Tuesdays of the month, from 6:30 be checked out from the Sports p.m.-8:30 p.m. at the home of PegLounge Bar. Contact Larry Hardy gy Fenstermacher. Coloring books at 268-0158 or and gel pens provided to first time guests. Please contact Peggy for adImprov Class ditional information at (925) 980Do you want to escape from real1220 or Hope ity and have some fun for an hour or you’ll join us! two? Then come to the Improv Class. No acting experience needed, just a LOP Families for the Lake desire to have fun. For info contact We are excited to start conLynn Pennington at 268-2798. necting families within our amazing community! Please join us this Line Dancing month for some fun events. Line Dance lessons in the ClubFamily Game Time: Saturday, Feb. 2, 10:00 a.m.-noon; and Sat- house on Mondays. Beginners 4:00 urday, Feb. 23, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. p.m.-5:00 p.m.; Improver/Interin the Yacht Lounge. Bring some mediate 5:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m. $1 fun games or activities for our kids Continued to page 13 to enjoy together.

CLUBS LOP Voice LOP Voice is a forum to enable members and residents of LOP to have the ability to exercise their rights under law to freely and respectfully communicate with one Tai Chi Tai chi has a NEW schedule. another with respect to common We meet every Thursday morning interest development living and from 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. at the for social, political and educational Clubhouse (unless notified other- purposes. LOP Voice benefits members wise). The first half hour is devoted by giving them current information to NEW students, but intermediate and a platform to make suggestions and advanced students are welcome and benefits the Association by givto join in. If you have been waiting the board and management an ing to learn this popular form of insight to what the members want. exercise that gently conditions, or Log into Facebook, search for re-conditions your body, this is your “LOP Voice” and ask to join. We do opportunity. Known for improving ask for name, street name (only) and posture, balance, flexibility, coordi- lot number to verify you live here, nation, core strength, and breathing, but we do not save this information. it also promotes relaxation and use We look forward to seeing you on of memory. LOP Voice. The hour from 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. will include the chi gong Wines in the Pines warm-ups, tai chi ball exercises, and We’re having lots of fun so far! practice of the familiar Yang-style For February, Wines in the Pines 24-movements. New students may has invited Wise Villa Winery of stay and join this hour as well. New- Lincoln to present their wines. Wise comers: please come early to class to Villa was awarded “Golden State sign up. There are no fees, but a small Winery of the Year 2015!” They donation is accepted for LOP. For run a family owned and operated more information, call Louise Chan winery, estate vineyard, including a Tuscan-style bistro. We feel very at 268-8606. fortunate to have them, and we can’t wait to see what they bring for us Ukes of the Pines Group The Ukulele Club will be meet- to taste! This month’s event will be Tuesing in the Sports Lounge Meeting day, Feb. 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the ClubRoom this year, because we are now house with seating beginning at going to use the projector to show the music on the screen. We will be 6:00 p.m. Participants should bring their own wine glass and if they like, meeting on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. a nice bottle to be shared with the for the beginners and those that just room’s social after the tastings. want to practice. We also meet on This is a free event; however, Fridays at 1:00 p.m. for those players there will be drawings for prizes, that want to expand their knowledge cheese and charcuterie plates availa little more or just play and have able for purchase, complimentary fun. I welcome any guitar players chocolates and more. or others who would like to join in Seating is limited and must be on Fridays. The music we project reserved in advance! To reserve seats on the screen will only show words and cheese plates, please send an and chords. If you are interested in email to winesinthepines@gmail. joining in with us, please contact com. If you have any further quesPat Brothen at 268-9113. There is tions, please contact Paul Petrali at (916) 628-7285. no cost involved.

LOP Snow Ski Club We go to Sugar Bowl mid-week when the conditions are good. Contact Lynne Sullivan 718-4102.

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News Page 13

niques, postures and special movements that harmonize blood flow to donation. Contact Karen Mills at calm the heart, boost clarity of mind or (916) to help us with everyday decision 677-7393. making, and helps with memory retention. Few types of exercise can Pickleball match Qigong’s blood circulatory Pass by the courts in Hazel Park boosting effects. any morning and you are likely to Qigong is for all ages and levels see Pickleball being played. Stop and watch a game or two, but be- of fitness, so if you are ready for a fantastic change in your lifestyle and ware. You might get hooked. Open drop-in play is still daily want more energy and agility, come 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Equipment is and join us at the Yacht Lounge provided and experienced, friendly Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 8:00 players will be on hand to help any- a.m. For further information, conone new learn the sport. It is great tact Sylvia Waddell at (408) 341exercise, social, and most importantly, a whole lot of fun! If you have any 5444 or email at sylviawaddellart@ questions or need more information, please contact Sean Tener at (916) LOP RV Ramblers 208-8751. Happy Valentines all you who love to ramble! Pine Needlers If you like to “camp” (RV, travel Our Pine Needlers group is growing. We have added six new trailer, popup, tent, cabin or yurt) members over the last few months we will be planning several really bringing our group to a total of 23. fun trips this season. This month we run over to JackWe meet at the Yacht Lounge on the first and third Tuesdays from son Rancheria. We are planning to 11:00 a.m.-4:00 work on our be there February 18-22. Only one hand projects or sew with our ma- hour and 20 minutes away, this chines, and sometimes have classes. beautiful, clean campground sits on We also meet at rotating members’ a bluff and has full hookups, backhomes on the second and fourth ins and pull throughs, pools, spa, Tuesday afternoons throughout barbecues, and a free trolley every half hour to the casino where there the year. With our ongoing growth, we are good restaurants. Wine tasting have added a second group for new (over 40 in Amador County), hikmembers. They meet on Thursdays ing, and small-town shopping close from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at the by makes this a great destination for Yacht Lounge or at members’ homes. a short trip. Note: this campground does not If you are interested in knowing more about our group, please con- allow tents, but there is the casino hotel nearby, or the National Hotel tact Gwen Tillisch at 728-3048. in Jackson. For more information about Qigong this trip or this great group, please Qi (chee) is the Life Force Energy that powers your heartbeat and contact Cheryl Sinsel at or 728-3103. gives us strength. Gong is the Practice of Increasing our Life Force Energy for a bet- LOP Riders Open to anyone who enjoys ridter quality of life. Qigong is an age-old Chinese ing with others to interesting places. healing and therapeutic modal- Check out our Facebook page, LOP ity which uses breathing tech- Riders, for more information. Continued from page 12

CLUBS Sons in Retirement (SIR) By Duane Heaton

Pinesmen New Year’s Day Burrito-fest.

Pinesmen By Jim Nachtigal

January is history and we’re all looking forward to the next 11 months. January brought us the New Year’s Day Burrito-Fest. We served 380 burritos and plenty of mimosas and bloody marys. This was a perfect way to start the year on a cold and sunny day. We’d like to thank the Sports & Activities Club and Firewise for helping us on New Year’s Day. The Pinesmen are looking for new members. Join us at our next dinner meeting or join in at one of our socials

and events during the year. You’re probably wondering what else is happening the first half of the year. Starting in February and March, we have our dinner meetings on the fourth Wednesday of the month. April brings the Blood Drive back on Sunday, April 7, and our dinner meeting on Wednesday, April 24. Saturday, May 11 is our “We Haul” Brush Day. Our dinner meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 22, and Monday, May 27 will start the major events with our Memorial Day BBQ. For a list of our events, meetings and officers along with pictures, go to

2019 is here! Is your home ready?

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 14

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The Mission of Sons in Retirement is to improve the lives of our members through fun activities and events while creating friends for life With a fun-filled 2018 in the rearview mirror, plans for the 2019 SIRs activities are in progress. Several of our volunteers are working hard to make sure we have a full schedule with a wide variety of activities for our members. Look for more information on the Beer Tasting event to be held, in February at “Ol’ Republic Roadhouse” in Nevada City. Lunch will be at 1:00 p.m. with tasting during and after lunch. There will be a wine tasting event, in March. The Reno Bus Day trip will be held, in March or April. The Rivercats

Baseball trip will be in May. Sometime in July, the Couples Luncheon will be held and the SIR’s Fun Day will be in September. Mark your calendars, as Wednesday, Dec. 4 is the date of the SIR’s Christmas Dinner and Dance. Ray Tschirhart is the 2019 SIR Golf Chairman for our branch. Here are some important dates for golf: Monday, March 11 – Peachtree Golf Course. Monday, May 20 – Alta Sierra Golf Course (team qualifier). Monday, July 15 – Auburn Valley Golf Course (individual qualifier). Monday, Aug. 19 – Lake of the Pines Golf Course. Our January meeting was kicked off by our new Big Sir, Andy Ameigeras. Larry Shelley led the group in singing, “Auld Lang Syne,” Scottish style, and Jim Goetsch introduced two new members. After our lunch, Little SIR, Bob Krogman, introduced Nevada County Fire Chief, Jim Turner. Jim discussed Continued to page 15


Membership Officer, Jim Goetsch and New Member, Jay Fahlstrom. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley) County Fire Chief, Jim Turner and Little Sir, Bob Krogman. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley)

Continued from page 14

his experiences with wildfires. Each of us needs to have a plan and practice the plan before a real emergency. He mentioned if you don’t practice your plan, in a real emergency you will revert to your usual habit. What is your usual habit to exit LOP? It is the Main Gate. Jim suggests if you have not identified and

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Golf Chairman, Ray Tschirhart along with Third Place winner, Ron Wolyn and Flight Champion, Daryl Chandler. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley)

driven to the emergency exits, please do so. Our 2018 golf season ended with a SIR State Championship Tournament held in Monterey, at the Bayonet Golf Course. Our Lake of the Pines SIR branch had six players qualifying for the tournament. Daryl Chandler took first place and Ron Wolyn placed third in their respective flights. Congratu-

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Page 15

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FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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New Member, Les Chakurian and Membership Officer, Jim Goetsch. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley)

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

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lations. This was Ron’s second trip to the State Championship and he was a winner both times. I know he is working hard to three-peat in 2019. There was an opportunity for some of the golfer’s wives to play and Mary Heaton participated in the women’s scramble tournament. There were five teams and Mary’s team placed first. Congratulations!

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FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News


Page 17

CLUBS Bear River Garden Club By Betty Koski Just a reminder that the meeting day of the Bear River Garden Club has been changed to the second Wednesday of the month in order to ensure that our meeting day does not conflict with other obligations that our members have previously had on the second Friday. Our first meeting of 2019 will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 13, with a 9:30 a.m. coffee hour, followed by a 10:00 a.m. meeting and discussion of viable plantings for February. Current members and potential new members are invited to attend. This month, you might want to set out roots of artichokes and asparagus, and or seedlings of cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, celery and cabbage. Or you Names for raffle winners: (Left to Right) #1 Sandy DesAutels, #2 unknown, #3 Patti Abbott , #4 Sharon Gove, #5 Joyce might want to hold off planting vegetables until after Farnham, #6 Marianne Topping. you’ve attended Eisley’s lecture on the planting and care bodies and help our balance and flexibility. of vegetables on Saturday, March 16 at l0:00 a.m. and Firebelles Our luncheon program on Thursday, Feb. 21 By Carol Howell and Pam Harley 2:00 p.m. is completely different and features a presentaBulbs that can be started in pots on your patio are Firebelles has begun 2019 with a lineup of tion by Greg Grimm of Gold Country Wildlife pineapple lilies and agapanthus. After the frost is over excellent programs arranged by Raeann Good- Rescue. This is an amazing non-profit organizathese can readily be transplanted in your soil. This month, Eisley’s will have roses and trees in pots win. We enjoyed a fun and informative presen- tion that is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation ready to be planted in your garden. tation by Jeanie of “Practice Peace Yoga,” who and release of injured and orphaned wildlife Looking forward to seeing you at the Yacht Lounge shared with us how to let go of the busyness of serving over 1,500 square miles and 140 species at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 13! the holidays, and how yoga can strengthen our of animals! We have been lucky to have them


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Super Bowl Sunday, February 3rd, also delightful Valentine’s Day, February 14, followed by Presidents’ Day, February 18. As the rainiest, snowiest month for our area, perfect for cozy dreaming of home ownership and/or your ideal home . NG!! HIDDEN HEAVEN! 2440 I D N s.f., one level, 3 bedroom, PE First home, larger, smaller — whatever your dreams are, 2 bath, plus huge bonus View! your housing needs and get your NOW is a greatWhat time toa evaluate room, home on magical level 1/2 acre in Nevada City. First REAL ESTATE plans going. We are right here to assist you. We can’t wait to meet time on the market in 46 years! Lovingly updated and cared AGENTS NEEDED! 3000 SF, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths plus an you, either online or in person. for! “I wanna cook” gourmet office, on 3.10 acres. Beautiful grounds. kitchen! Relaxing, uncluttered and sparkling clean.Lake EnjoyCenter forestedjust garden Experienced or New HugeYour swimming pool, gourmet kitchen Across street from out-& perfect home is ready for you and so are we! deck with built-in BBQ/miniside fridge, sink island. Natural gas and piped water. (2 sinks, 2 ovens, 6-burner Wolf ), many LOP. This is a 1 acre portion of parcel Full or Part-Time Asking $549,000. MLS #20183102 unique features in the home. Playhouse/ — 530-269-9595 57-200-15 which is 3.3 acres total (all or fort, 2 nice Tuff sheds. This is a must see Prime Location ~ Spacious Offices part of the remainder 2.3 acres avail. at home! (20171282) add'l negotiated price). Owner will pay No Desk Fees for lot line adjustment. EZ access, zoned

Page 18

new JUNE

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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residential. Buyers should investigate

CLUBS serving our community for over 20 years. This will be an interesting and enriching afternoon! Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, March 2 for our upcoming Casino Night. For the first time ever, we are hiring professional dealers who will bring in professional tables. For all you card sharks we will have six black jack tables, six poker tables, a roulette table and a craps table! The tickets are $45 per person and include tasty finger foods, prepared by our wonderful chefs plus some fun music. As usual we will have a no host bar. Tickets can be reserved by calling 278-1279 and are selling fast, so act now! Our own Cheryl Sinsel will be working with Sandy Malin and Marjorie West to oversee the re-organization of the LOP Library in the Sports Lounge. They want to have books and games available to all our LOP residents including teens and children. Families will be able to gather for some fun family time in the Sports Lounge for a snack and a game. Firebelles is supporting this endeavor by donating $400. Look for the changes! One of our most popular programs is the spring Home Tour. We are happy to have Mary

New Golf Cars Starting at



Chakurian as our chairperson this year, and she has formed an enthusiastic committee. We do, however, need more homes. An important aspect of the Home Tour is that it is a great incentive to get all those “Honey do” chores done. And, not every home needs to be a model home! It is a chance to share our home with our community for a time of visiting and sweet fellowship. Mary can be reached at 268-1741 or chakurian@ Lastly several key positions serving Firebelles will be open in the coming 2019-2020 term: President, Treasurer, Donations Chairperson, Special Events Promoter. We would like to invite anyone who is interested to come to a Firebelles Board Meeting, which is held at 1:00 p.m. the first Thursday of every month and check us out! See how we work and explore what the position entails. Your Firebelles Board and Chairpersons are a group of intelligent, creative, and fun-loving women, who have a love for our Lake of the Pines community and enjoy serving in a variety of ways. Call Pam Harley at 906-8005, and we will be happy to put you on our email list and send you an invitation to our next meeting.

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Page 19

Contact us for your Real Estate needs.

RECREATION Men’s Niners Golf By Eric Jacobsen Although the New Year has already begun, we would like to revisit the Men’s Niners holiday party. It was a great success: There were excellent appetizers and food coming from the kitchen. The Clubhouse decorations looked spectacular in their full holiday regalia. The music provided by the Dream and the Dreamers was delightful. Everybody had a great time. The accompanying photos provide a small illustration of the holiday cheer which was present. December Results: December 7, Back Nine - Low Net Flight “A” First Place: Dave Medlicott Net 34 Second Place: Jim Nachtigal Net 35 Flight “B” First Place: Chuck Mercer Net 35 Second Place: Robin Friesen Net 36 Birdies Duane Heaton #12

(Left to Right) - Pat Shaw and Daryl Chandler.

First Place: Gordon Boyer Net 28 Second Place: Ken Svanum Net 32 Birdies Rick Fowler #6, Pat Graham #6, Al Gustavson #4, Duane Heaton #6

We had 25 members playing and there were also two new potential members. The new Hole 7 grand opening also occurred this day. There was a chance to win a season pass if someone scored a hole in one. Alas, no one from the Niners was able to win the pass. December 21: It was a cold and On Pearl Harbor Day 19 members rainy day and only four members played, but only six were able to “par” ventured out. No scores were the course. Of note, Steve Rosenblum recorded, and each member got their had four pars for the day. five dollars back from the kitty. December 14, Front Nine - Low Net Flight “A” First Place: Rick Fowler Net 30 Second Place: Pat Graham Net 34 Fight “B”

(Left to Right) Duane Heaton, Steve Rosenblum, Greg Bastian, and Jim Goetsch.

December 28, Front Nine - Low Net Flight “A” First Place: Pat Graham Net 34 Second Place: Dave Medlicott Net 36

the best net score of the threesome. In Flight 1, first place went to the By Carol Cunningham team of Renny Baker, Carol Cunningham and Patty Nicholl. Second The Women’s Golf Club fin- place was a tie between the teams of ished up 2018 with some fun events Denise Mascari, Linda Moore and Jo in December. On Wednesday, Dec. Walker, tied with Diane Friedberg, 12, we had our Christmas game, Judy Koenitzer and Jan Schulte. Santa Jack Nicklaus Christmas. It The winning team in Flight 2 was was a threesome team game played Kathy Belding, Diana Garza and Kay from the green tees, with many “gifts” Nunez. Second place went to Carolyn from Santa Jack, such as free drops Goldsberry, Maggie Lyman and Jeanfrom hazards and out of bounds, and nie Ward. Many thanks go to Patty “gimme” putts for all putts less than a Nicholl for creating and scoring the putter length from the hole. We really fun game. enjoyed the presents! The scoring was Continued to page 21

(Left to Right) Ray Tschirhart, Pat Shaw and Dave Medlicott.

Fight “B” First Place: Robin Friesen Net 27 Second Place: Chuck Mercer Net 32 Birdies Duane Heaton #4, Chuck Mercer #5 With New Year’s approaching, 17 members braved the cold and frost

delay to play. Despite the weather, Robin Friesen had a fantastic day. He carded a net score of eight strokes below par, and had five pars. Way to go Robin! Upcoming Dates: February 22 – Guest Day March 8 – Guest Day

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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Women’s Golf Club

(Left to Right) At the Holiday Luncheon: outgoing Niners Captain, Lauren Dummer, Luncheon Chair, Luncheon Chair Barbara Kilborn, outgoing 18ers Captain, Jeannie Ward. (Photo credit: Carol Cunningham)

RECREATION Continued from page 20

Another fun event for the WGC in December was the joint Holiday Luncheon with the Lady Niners on Thursday, Dec. 13. It was nice to get together with our fellow women golfers, and there was a great turnout. There were lovely decorations, including centerpieces put together by Mary Harrison, and Paula Glass made the napkin rings. We had a good lunch, and a little Christmas quiz to solve. Entertainment was provided by the first and second graders from Forest Lake Christian School, with their lovely Christmas carols. As a fundraiser for the club, members donated gently used or new golf shirts and other golf clothing, which were collected and organized by Carolyn Goldsberry, and then were put on sale at the luncheon. All of the shirts were only $5, so we could find some good buys for ourselves or to give as

Christmas gifts. The sale was a great success! Barbara Kilborn did a great job in organizing the event, so “thank you” goes to her and everyone on her committee who helped to put it on. The Awards Breakfast for 2018 took place on Wednesday, Jan. 9. The main award announced was that Donna Cronan was the Most Improved Golfer for 2018. She improved her index from 23.8 to 20.8 during the year. Nice going! Due to maintenance issues, there will be some changes in the shotgun start times this year. December through February will remain at 10:00 a.m., but March and November will be at 9:30 a.m. April and October starts are at 9:00 a.m., while May through September will be at 8:30 a.m. The next general meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 6 at 8:30 a.m. in the Sports Lounge Meeting Room before golf.

The Tennis Racquet By Lynne Sullivan Hello tennis buffs. I am the new writer for the Tennis Racquet. Please let me know how you like it, and I welcome any suggestions for content or improvement. Lynne Sullivan: 718-4102, or www.drsullyls@gmail. com. Q: What do you serve but not eat? (Answer at the end) LOP tennis players love to watch the Pros play at the four big Masters events (Australian, French, Wimbledon, and US Open), but cannot afford the time and money to go to see these events live, on the other side of the country or world. The next largest event is right here in Southern California, near Palm Springs at Indian Wells. This year the tournament runs from Monday, March 4 thru Sunday, March 17. The first two days of pro qualifying rounds are free. Parking is $20. You have to buy tickets for the rest of the tournament, but the prices are affordable except for the last two days of finals. The Indian Wells Tennis Garden grounds are very nice with lots of shade areas, trees, lawn, palm trees, live music, drinks, and food choices. We were pleasantly surprised at the number of tennis players from LOP who came to watch tennis and enjoy the warm sunshine. It is like a LOP reunion in March.

Check out Pets page the third Friday of each month in The Union.

Page 21

Sierra foothillS’ entertainment guide every thurSday in the Union and 150 other locations within the area.


FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Fun at your Fingertips.

The courts are up close and personal except stadium one. On the practice courts you get a close view of big names like Nadal, Federer, etc. Lots of fun. For more info go to, or you can contact Carl Paquin, cdpaquin@ On January 16, we held our Membership Appreciation Dinner. Everyone had a great time. We were greeted by new President, Laura Goldschneider. Delicious dinner! Thanks to social director Peggy Smith for organizing. We are welcoming new members, so please don’t be shy. Our members are very social and welcoming. We recently lost two longtime Tennis Club members: Chuck Bense, who passed away peacefully on Christmas Eve, surrounded by his family; and John Finnell, who lost his battle with cancer in early January. They will both be greatly missed. Please remember to pay your annual Tennis Club dues of $30 for 2019. A: a tennis ball.

RECREATION Men’s Golf Club By Duane Heaton The Grand Opening of hole #7 took place Friday, Dec. 14. The honor of hitting the first tee shots was given to our Club Champion, Joe Slane and Senior Net Champion, Jim Mullins. Joe was up first. For the average golfer, can you imagine setting up your tee shot in front of 100 people. Most of us have a golf experience where we play in front of our foursome and sometimes there is pressure in that, when you really need a good tee shot. A hole-in-one on this day would win an LOP annual golf membership, for 2019. So, as expected, the pin placement was not in an easy spot. It was tucked in the right corner of the green, with bunkers in front and back of the line of flight to the pin. It was 120 yards downhill to the pin. Club selection was critical for this shot. When the time came, Joe lined up his shot, and the talkative crowd quieted down

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FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 22

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as he focused on the task at hand. The shot took off and hit the green a little left of the pin and trickled off a short distance on the back side of the green. A great first shot to open the hole. As of January 7, there has not been a hole-in-one on hole seven. Who will be the first to make one? In the last three years, there have been 17 holein-ones by MGC members at Lake of the Pines. Eleven of the seventeen were on hole #7 before the recent change. The most recent one was by Rene Bourdet, on August 25, 2018. The following list of names are individuals with a hole-in-one at LOP, for 2018: Juan Lozano, Bart Nyhan, Rene Bourdet, Russ Broghan, Pat Graham, Ted Smith, Duane Heaton, Gil Decker, and Jay Fahlstrom. 2017: Joe Conyers, Jim Mullins, Carl Franklin, Norm Hill, Rene Bourdet, and Kevin Schultz. 2016: Larry White and Colin McDonald. If you are checking, you are correct. Rene Bourdet has two, hole-inones. One in 2018 and one in 2017. More information about our club, including tournaments can be found at

Men’s Golf Club Champion, Joe Slane teeing off Hole #7 Grand Opening, December 14. (Photo Credit: Jacqueline Fox)

If you are interested in joining, please refer to our website, talk with a member or contact Membership Director, Duane Heaton at drheat007@ In addition to our club playing every Thursday, we have nine tournaments during the year. Our next couple of tournaments are NCGA qualifiers. February 16-17, is a 2-Man Best Ball

Tournament. April 6-7 is a 4-Man, 2 Best Ball Tournament. One of the most popular tournaments, MGC Invitational, is planned for June 20-22. This tournament pairs up one LOPMGC member with their guest. It is three days of golfing with great food and lots of fun. More information will be coming out to the membership in the next few months.

Lady Niners By Lee Hicks One of the traditions established by the LOP Golf Clubs is the annual Christmas Luncheon at the Clubhouse hosted by the Women’s Golf Club or the Lady Niners, for all the women golfers in the two sanctioned clubs. A charity is chosen by the hosting club, and a fundraiser has traditionally been a part of the event. The WGC broke new ground this year and chose their home course, and local young golfing women as recipients of their charitable funds. Luncheon guests spent their cocktail hour browsing through a display of lightly used and hardly worn golfing attire and shoes offered for purchase to benefit their chosen charity. In addition to their desire to benefit the work proposed for the Golf Course Master

Terry Karnezis browses the golf club charity fundraiser. (Photo Credit: Lee Hicks.)

Plan, the WGC also increased their scholarship fund, benefiting young women participating in the LOP Junior Golf Program. “For the Good of the Game,” ladies. Noble priorities for a Golf Club! Carry on! The Lady Niners made it out to

the course amid their holiday preparations in December for a Low Putts round in which Lee Hicks walked away with honors posting 11 putts on her nine hole round, including chip-ins on # 12 and #15. Others Continued to page 23


RECREATION Continued from page 22

carding chip-ins were Barb Hallock on #17 and Joyce Lewis on #14. Placing second in the tournament were Jeannie Duggan and Joyce Lewis with 14 putts. A game which totaled only the scores of holes beginning with T & F was also played in December. Playing in the Red Flight, Cassie Bassolino placed first, and Rochelle Calderone was second. Janet Trimble won the Gold Flight with Joyce Lambert placing second. Playing from the Green Combo tees, Suzie Estes was first; Mona Stolz, second in the First Flight. Sharon Cowles placed first and Toni Boyer, second, in the Second Flight. January was the month to install the new Executive Board for the Lady Niners, and this was done at a Breakfast Buffet held before their shotgun

on January 8. Those installed to lead the club through 2019 are: Captain, Mary Heaton, Co-Captain, Janice Lambert; Janet Jacobsen will continue as Treasurer, and Carla Holtzclaw continues as Secretary – a solid group of proven leaders welcoming Janice Lambert in as Co-Captain. Janice will also represent her club on the Golf Committee. Watch this column next month for announcement of presentation of some of the prestigious awards not yet available at press time, including the Armstrong Award, and the Eclectic Award, as well as those stepping up to lead in the production of events planned for 2019. The new year rings in time for this scribe to say farewell to this responsibility. I’ve loved my assignment for my club over too many years and will miss cheering us on in print, but looking forward to my next chapter, traveling the River Valley for WNHGA and Team Play. Go, Niners!


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Page 23

Contact Mary Heaton for more information at (925) 337-2391 or pick up a brochure and membership form at the Pro Shop.

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Come out and work on your golfing skills. Play a weekly 9-hole round of golf with other women who enjoy the game, and maybe stay and replay each great shot over lunch. Ride with a mentor to learn the rules of golf and obtain a handicap. Travel with others to Invitationals and Open Days or represent your club in Team Play competition.


FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 24

COUNTY NEWS District II Government Update By Supervisor Ed Scofield Every January the Board of Supervisors holds their annual planning workshop to set the goals and objectives for the year. At the time of writing this, I anticipate our top priority goals to remain pretty much the same as 2018. These include fiscal responsibility, wildfire management and prevention, homelessness solutions, and cannabis regulations. Serious efforts have been put forth on all of these efforts in 2018, and as we enter the New Year, we’re able to see some forthcoming results. Wildfire will always be in front of us as a major concern. The County has applied for $16M in grant dollars. As those dollars become available I’ll update you as to how these dollars are planned to be utilized to best protect our County. I recently saw a letter from the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) regarding communications between PG&E and County Governments. The letter notes the Counties, including Nevada County were advised they would likely experience power shutoffs due to

severe winds that could trigger wildfires. RCRC noted the importance of working with counties so that key agencies know where and, as soon as possible, when outages would occur. I believe that with the occurrence of the “Camp Fire” we will be seeing more of these planned outages; and, as we know, these outages can last for days before power is restored. Here again is a major step in preparation. If a fire can be prevented through planned power outages, then we should be able to endure a lengthy period of time without power. Of course we must be prepared, even if a fire doesn’t reach evacuation necessity. Homelessness, a top priority in 2018, is another issue that is on our January agenda. A Resolution authorizes a Memorandum of Understanding with Hospitality House and the Regional Housing Authority related to completion of a No Place Like Home (NPLH) application for funding of a NPLH project. This is followed by a Resolution approving the purchase of a five acre parcel on Old Tunnel Road in the City of Grass Valley. The NPLH program provides funds for the development of permanent supportive housing for a specifically defined population of homeless mental health consumers. The property purchase creates a location to provide a service center for homeless, plus transitional housing for qualified members of our homeless population. At this point, I’m being very vague since the agenda items are early steps in

creating the partnerships necessary in order to bring a detailed project to the Board for implementation. Cannabis, while not on the early agenda for January is and remains very much part of the County’s current goals. I’ve seen such an overwhelming situation of uncontrolled cannabis cultivation, that I’m convinced that the only way to get control and safety to our citizens is through regulation of the market. The County has written an ordinance and contracted for an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that allows commercial cannabis operations in Nevada County. We’ve been pushed with a time line that allows legitimate cultivators to cultivate and sell during the 2019 growing and harvest season. At this point, we’ve issued very few permits. However, the goal is to have enough legal cultivators so that law enforcement can dedicate their time to those who continue to remain part of the illegal market. One final note of a 2018 goal discussed at the January agenda is the proposed issuance and sale of revenue bonds to finance the costs of construction of a County Operations Center located at La Barr Meadows Road in Grass Valley. This will be several years before completion; however, the first turning of dirt should occur in the spring of this year. Oh Yes, I have high hopes that by the end of 2019 we can say we’ve pretty much completed the Combie Road project!

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Page 26

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FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Chuck Townsend

FEBRUARY 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 28


REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS – February 2019 Date

Bear River Garden Club Couples Bridge Duplicate Bridge Firebelles Board Mtg. Firebelles Luncheon Firebelles Fiesta Night Lady 9ers Board Mtg. Lady 9ers General Mtg. Men Fellowship MGC Board Mtg. MGC Guest Day Men Niner Quarterly Mtg (MBS) Military Bull Season Pinesmen Mtg. Pinesmen Bingo Pinesmen Dinner Pinochle Poker Sports & Activities Mtg SAC Bocce Ball SAC Fishing Group SAC Families for the Lake

SAC Pine Needlers SAC Qigong SAC Ukulele Group SAC Wines in the Pines SIR Board Mtg. SIR lunch Tennis Club Board Mtg. WGC Exec. Board Mtg. WGC Gen’l. Mtg. Women’s Fellowship

Wednesday, Feb. 13 Tuesdays Thursdays Thursday, Feb. 7 Thursday, Feb. 21 Saturday, Feb. 9 Monday, Feb. 11 Tuesday, Feb. 12 Tuesdays Wednesday, Feb. 6 Thursday, Feb. 7 No meeting in Feb. Thursday, Feb. 14 Tuesday, Feb. 5 Wednesday, Feb. 13 Wednesday, Feb. 27 Fridays Tuesdays Wednesdays Tuesday, Feb. 19 Thursday, Feb. 7 Tuesday, Feb. 5 Saturday, Feb. 2 Saturday, Feb. 9 Saturday, Feb. 23 Tuesdays & Thursdays Mon./Wed./Fri. Mondays & Fridays Tuesday, Feb. 5 Wednesday, Feb. 6 Wednesday, Feb. 6 Tuesday, Feb. 5 Thursday, Feb. 28 Wednesday, Feb. 6 Wednesday, Feb. 13 Wednesday, Feb. 27


9:30 a.m.-noon 6:15-10:00 p.m. 6:30-10:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 2:30-4:30 p.m. 8:00-10:00 a.m. 7:00-8:00 a.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. ----3:00-5:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00-10:00 p.m. 7:00-10:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-noon 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.-noon 1:00-3:00 p.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:30-9:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00-5:00 p.m. 9:00-11:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 2:00-3:00 p.m. 2:00-3:00 p.m.


Fitness & Rec CLASS SCHEDULE – February 2019 Date



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4:00-5:00 p.m. 5:15-6:15 p.m. 6:30-8:00 p.m. 6:30-9:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:30-10:00 a.m.




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Tuesday, Feb. 26 No meeting in Feb. Wednesday, Feb. 6 Wednesday, Feb. 27 Monday, Feb. 11 Wednesday, Feb. 5 Tuesday, Feb. 26 Wednesday, Feb. 6

6:00 p.m ----9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.


No meeting in Feb. No meeting in Feb. No Meeting in Feb.



By Mike Callahan What’s an editing style? Just as there’s a writing style in literature, as I learned with my Master of Arts thesis on Ernest Hemingway (he sent me a letter when I told him I was writing about him!) a film or video editor provides a personal approach to a project. The chosen style depends on the material. Slam-bang editing would probably prove destructive in an English drawing-room drama. However, “never say never” about what works and doesn’t work when it comes to editing. Different scenes call for varied approaches. Looking back on a couple of recent editions of the CH 7 News prepared by different editors, may afford the readers of this article some new insights into what we do to enhance their experience while they watch the Channel 7 News. When Barry Beals edited the Polar Bear Swim last month, his soundtrack consisted entirely of the actual sounds recorded during the event. Sometimes those were Nicole Hurd’s directions, while most of the other sounds were screams of horror or delight from the participants at the event. That approach would not have worked for my “musical montage” of LOP’s Christmas lights. While music played at some of the sites, it varied during my trek around the lake. In need of a consistent element, I chose “Deck the Halls” by Mannheim Steamroller, an electronic score that would give a

distinct edge to the enterprise. Then I cut the images to fit the music, starting with static shots of the multicolored lights, moving to pans to the right, and concluding with zooms in and out. Presumably viewers would feel an increasing tempo as the editing reached its crescendo. Needless to say, I would not use this editing style for an interview. As it happens, Barry Beals volunteered to edit the first Ch 7 News show of 2019. I gladly bequeathed to him the part I like best about working at CH 7. The result certainly reflects a different hand as he inserted shots within other shots, extended a 30-second segment of the trout being introduced into The Lake to form the background for a lengthy interview about that event, something I told our Service Team Lead, Janet Trimble, would be impossible. Barry also used various transitional tricks that I have never employed, mostly because I don’t know how. Though I pulled out all the tricks for my Christmas lights extravaganza, I tend to disguise my work for the most part in my shows. I use tiny dissolves to link mistakes by the CH 7 anchors or their guests, often cutting out an “ah” or shortening a pause between words. Flamboyant as my montages often become, I want my hand hidden during the rest of the shows I edit. Here’s the trick for winning your Oscar pool. Unless it’s something like the car chase in “Bullitt” (a terribly edited film otherwise) Oscar voters give it to their Best Picture choice. They don’t know what the editor does either.

Channel 7 • Channel 7 News

• On Suddenlink TV: The News airs on Suddenlink Ch. 7 at 9 & 11 a.m. and 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 p.m. • Check The Pines Times for other videos playing on Suddenlink Cable Channel 7. • On Demand, anytime, any place on your computer or mobile device: watch on high speed Internet at, scroll down to the big 7 against a lake background and click on the arrow or scroll past the arrow to the six icons below for additional video options.

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Be a writer, videographer or video editor. Volunteer at least 10 hours of time for one week a month. Contact Janet Trimble at or 268-1917.

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Preventive Care Small steps can prevent big health problems

By Mary Beth TeSelle Special to The Union


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Our cardiology experts never miss a beat when it comes to your heart health. They’ll be there for you whatever you’re facing—and above all, they’ll put all they’ve got into healing you. Find out more at


e’ve all heard the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Experts say that rings very true when it comes to our health. However according to the Centers for Disease Control, Americans continue to fall short when it comes to preventive health care. In fact, when it comes to preventive items like screenings and vaccines, the CDC says Americans are only accessing these services at about half the recommended rate. That number is alarming, especially considering that chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes, are responsible for seven out of every 10 deaths among Americans, according to the CDC. These chronic diseases can be largely prevented through close partnership with your health care team. One local doctor wants to help spread the message of preventive health care to Nevada County residents. “Preventive medicine is so important,” Jason Wallace, DO, Family Practice physician at Dignity Health Medical Group – Sierra Nevada explains. “For patients of all ages, that begins with getting regular check-ups; staying up to date on your routine screenings; and getting any vaccinations that are recommended by your physician.” One example Wallace feels strongly about is the pneumonia vaccination. He recommends that anyone 65 and older talk to their doctor about getting both versions of the vaccines to protect themselves against pneumonia and its complications. For screenings, Wallace says recommendations vary by age and by personal medical history, but all women should talk to their doctor about when to get a

mammogram and when to get a colonoscopy. For men, they should ask about prostate exams and colonoscopies. “Early detection for diseases like breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer makes such a big difference in terms of our ability to treat the disease successfully,” Wallace says. “Regular screening dramatically increases the chances of finding disease early.” Another important component of preventive health care, according to Wallace, is eating a good diet and getting regular exercise. “What I encourage my patients to do is really look at the portions of what they are eating. The vast majority of restaurant meals, in particular, are much bigger than the recommended serving size. Cut a meal in half and give half to your spouse or eat the rest the next day. It’s a great way to save money while also consuming fewer unnecessary calories.” Wallace also reminds patients to eat a variety of foods and focus as much of their meal as possible on vegetables, fruits and healthy grains. For protein, small portions of lean meat are ideal. Finally, Wallace points to regular activity as a critical component of preventive care. “You don’t need to run a marathon, but try to be active every day. If you are sedentary now, try walking around the block. Add a little more time every day. Ideally, aim to hit your target heart rate for 20 minutes every day.” The CDC says that even short, regular bursts of exercise can provide benefits, including making people feel better, function better, sleep better, and reduce the risk of a large number of chronic diseases. And as Wallace points out, that should be the goal for all of us. “I hope to help all my patients see that there are small steps they can take every day that can have a big impact on how they feel.”

Expert cardiology with heart.

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