LOP News Feb 1019

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M A R C H 2 0 1 9 • V O L . 4 8 , N O . 3 • O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E L A K E O F T H E P I N E S A S S O C I AT I O N

Photo Contest


Golf Committee


Public Safety


Easter Eggstravaganza


County News


Tuesday, March 12 9:00 a.m. Clubhouse Dining Room


Wednesday, March 13 2:00 p.m. Sports Lounge Meeting Room

Daylight Savings Reminder Sunday, March 10

Activities .................................... 13 Association News ..................... 4 Clubs............................................ 14 Committees .................................. 5 County News ............................. 27 Food & Beverage...................... 10 Golf Pro ....................................... 11 Parcel E......................................... 4 Recreation.................................. 22 Public Safety ............................. 12 Service Teams ............................ 8 Sunrise/Sunset ......................... 11 Treasurer’s Report ...................... 3

LOP 2019 First Quarter “Your Best Shot” Photo Contest Winner, Mitzi Southwick Boat, Marina and Boat Rack Fees Due Friday, April 1 See page 4




VICE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Vice President, Rick Fowler Well, it’s been a busy month and the activities will not slow down anytime soon. Board President Terry Eberhardt is away this month so I am providing the monthly article. Over the last several years, previous LOP Boards have initiated studies, plans and action items that are all coming together in one form or another in the Long Range Strategic Plan. This means that all the previous undertakings will be reviewed, modified and or approved by your current Board after member comment and, as the LRSP process is finalized in the next several months. These actions include completing and approving the previously budgeted LRSP Document; deciding what to do with the budgeted contract for the remaining holes for the golf course architectural construction plans; approving the next budgeted golf course hole(s) to be brought up to current best practices safety and playability standards; review and approval of the Yacht Lounge conceptual drawings and when to contract the budgeted architectural construction plans; and review of the conceptual drawing and when to approve a contract for the budgeted Hazel Park architectural construction plans. Timelines for actual construction of these projects will depend on available funds from the appropriate funding sources. All of these projects are in the first phase of the “Capital Projects” Chapter of the LRSP document. This is still a work in progress and should take shape as the LRSP financial recommendations are finalized and presented to the members for comment in the next several months. On January 30, the Golf Committee and the Board of Directors conducted a joint meeting with our professional golf course Architect, Mr. Forrest Richardson. At this open meeting we reviewed hole-by-hole the entire amenity after member comments were accepted on the project. The focus of this meeting was to come to a consensus on the remaining Master Plan architectural plan needs. This exercise turned out to be a six-hour plus marathon that primarily focused on current best practices, safety and playability standards, as expressed by Mr. Richardson, with Golf Committee input. At the end of the discussion for each hole, the BOD deliberated and voted on that hole’s final architectural plan details. Some of the golf course architectural plans had already been designed and paid for in a previous year’s budget. This meeting determined that fourteen of the remaining holes were still in need of plans, as modified by the Board. At the February 13 BOD meet-

ing, the Board authorized Mr. Richardson as the Golf Course Bid Management Architect for holes 1 and 18; however, a motion for the future year’s architectural plans was tabled for further discussion, as no consensus was reached. Please take a look at the LOP Golf Committee article in this publication for more information on the Golf Course. One final comment on moving forward with any Golf Course modifications is that I am confident your BOD will prudently exercise their fiduciary responsibility, and just as importantly, exercise their due diligence by addressing the safety concerns of each hole as the first priority. Staff has ordered the first shipment of NT-MAX for this second of a threeyear biological lake and ponds dredging plan. The monthly applications should begin sometime in March or April and continue through October. Optimum results occur when the water temperature reaches a minimum of 50 degrees and when it looks like the heavy rains have subsided for the season. One of the side effects of the NT-MAX applications has been an increase in lake weed density due to the vast increase in water clarity that allows sunlight to penetrate deeper into the lake. So, this year’s budget has authorized lake weed harvesting in June and August, approximately four days for each of those months to aid in weed control, in conjunction with the annual herbicide applications. It is anticipated that the lake weeds with their roots anchored in the nutrient rich decomposed plant matter will begin to subside, once the NT-MAX organic digester has eaten enough of this material, exposing the lake bottom hardpan soil and rocks. One last topic for this month is the Common Area Service Team’s efforts to conserve energy, reduce natural resources consumption, and to significantly reduce member costs for Common Area utilities. I have written a letter detailing this project and requesting help from the community. It was recently sent to all LOP Clubs for distribution, and the Firebelles have already made a significant financial commitment to the project. Thank you very much for supporting this effort to offset future member costs for all utilities! Should any of the clubs wish to get more information on the subject, I would be glad to attend a club meeting and detail our efforts. Should anyone wish to participate in this project, or want to volunteer as a committee member on the Common Area Service Team, please contact me.

MANAGER’S UPDATE By General Manager, John Bowman

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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Last November, the Board approved a three-month trial program to allow non-golfers to walk on the golf cart path before and after the course is open for play. At their February meeting, the Board reviewed 40 letters from owners expressing their opinion on this program. The vast majority of these owners said they were very happy with the program; many said they were pleased to be able to enjoy this valuable amenity for the first time. However, many owners pointed to several problems that are being caused by residents who are violating the program rules. The primary complaint regards dogs that are running loose or being allowed to defecate on the Golf Course. There were also several complaints about non-golfers being out on the Course while it is open for play. After much discussion, the Board agreed to extend this trial program, subject to the Association taking further steps to control these violations. Walking Hours - As we approach summer and the days get longer, golfing hours start earlier. This means that the walking schedule will change each month. Starting Friday, March 1, the morning walking program will end at 9:00 a.m. During the month of April, walkers have to be off the course by 8:00 a.m. From May through September, walkers can only be on the path up until 7:00 a.m. We will advertise these changing times on our website, in our newsletters and in the LOP News. Keep in mind that we also advertise sunset times in the LOP News, so if you are unsure of when that is, check there for evening times.

Enforcement - Since violations of these rules can jeopardize your safety, I have instructed our staff to rigorously enforce this schedule. Violators will be cited. Fines for this violation start at $100 and go up from there. Also, you must be on the cart path only; no cutting across the grass and bicycles, skateboards and scooters are never allowed. Dogs on the Course - Dogs must always be on their leash and owners must carry a doggie bag, pick up after their pet and properly dispose of its waste. Dog violation fines start at $25 and go up from there. Multiple violations may result in you losing your privilege of bringing your dog on your walk on the course. We never want to fine anyone, and it would be a shame if a walker couldn’t have their dog with them on their walk, but we shouldn’t jeopardize this valuable program because a handful of residents are not willing to follow the rules. Our Pro Shop and Public Safety staff are dedicating several hours each week to enforce these rules. You can help them by calling the gate when you see a violation in progress. If we are available, we will respond immediately. The Board authorized the installation of several doggie bag dispensers, trash receptacles and new signs at each of the cart path access points. This exciting program can be a huge benefit if we all do our part. If you haven’t gone out to walk the path yet, you are missing something special. Thank you for all the input we received on how to make this trial program a success.

TREASURER’S REPORT By Treasurer, Ross Tokmakian

Price, Quality and Service: Pick Two The Food and Beverage Committee has the unenviable task of trying to optimize price, quality and service at our two restaurants and bar operations. Many in business know the old adage: “It is impossible to deliver high quality and service at a low price.” The challenge for management is that the members push for low prices, better quality and service, while that other component of price (the “subsidy”) is a somewhat ignored component until assessments go up. We have made many attempts to address this challenge in previous years with limited success. What is different this time? First, some background. Early last year, the Finance Committee raised concerns to the Board that the loss (subsidy) in Food and Beverage was trending up. How much? The first five months showed a loss of 28% versus revenue compared with 17% in the prior year. The good news is that corrective action was taken by management, resulting in an annual loss of 18% for 2018. To put this in perspective, while this is at the high end it is not significantly larger than our historic losses in percentage terms. However, one would expect to see some economies of scale in such an operation, but as we have worked to keep service and quality up and price down while facing rising costs, the subsidy increased. Why is this optimization such a problem and what will be different this time around? The answer, I believe, comes down to the quality of our cost information. We simply lack the information to effectively evaluate the economics of the service, menus and pricing we offer. A year and a half ago, we implemented a point of sale system, which is giving us great information on the revenue side. We are now evaluating options to extend this through a similar effort on the cost side. Short of that, we are likely to be victims of another adage: “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Financial Results: January 2019 January 2019 Highlights are as follows: Overall Operations results were $21,000 better than budgeted largely driven by lower staff costs in the office. Major Repair and Replacement (MR&R) spending of $36,000 was mostly for marina storm damage, dam valve and water heater repairs.

Board Highlights By Jacqueline Fox

John Bowman General Manager/Editor 268-1141, ext. 2001, gm@lop.org LOP News Submissions 268-1141, ext. 2014, lopnews@lop.org

Lake of the Pines News is the official monthly publication (1) for notifying Lake of the Pines Association members of actions and proposed actions of the Board of Directors; (2) for informing members of changes to Association policies, procedures, rules and regulations; and (3) for notifying members about upcoming events and reporting on past activities. Copy deadlines are the 5th of the month prior to publication. LOP News is mailed bulk rate to all homeowners and renters in Lake of the Pines. Opinions expressed by contributing authors do not necessarily reflect those of Lake of the Pines Association, its Board of Directors or LOP management. The inclusion of advertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Lake of the Pines Association, its Board of Directors or LOP management of the products, services or views contained therein. Board of Directors 2018-2019 BOD@lop.org comments@lop.org President: Terry Eberhardt 278-3362 Vice President: Rick Fowler 401-5586 Treasurer: Ross Tokmakian (925) 202-8535 Secretary: Daryl Chandler (208) 661-9105 Director at Large: Rich Goldsberry (661) 478-3145 Director at Large: Jane Nole 278-3424

Docks 1 & 2 for damage caused during winter storm, not to exceed $15,250 from the Reserve Account. • Approved the purchase of NTMAX for 2019 Lake Maintenance not to exceed $102,375 from the Reserve Account. • Accepted the updated December 31, 2019 financial report and the monthend report for January 2019. • Approved the charter for a new Governing Documents Committee. • Approved an extension to the Cart Path Walking program through November 2019. Authorized the purchase of signage and doggie bag dispenses from the contingency fund. • Approved a 50/50 cost sharing with SAC to update the Bocce Master Plan not to exceed $2,000.

Director at Large: Robyn Rollins 278-3133 Executive Team 268-1141 Accounting – Russell Graham ext. 2103 rgraham@lop.org Administration – Donna Lowenthal ext. 2002 dlowenthal@lop.org EC – Christine Shufelberger ext. 2012 cshufelberger@lop.org F&B – Mark Norman ext. 2108 mnorman@lop.org Operations – Chad Norrell ext. 2101cnorrell@lop.org Pro Shop – Pat Shaw ext. 1201 pshaw@lop.org Recreation – Nicole Hurd ext. 2015 nhurd@lop.org

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February 13, 2019 • Authorized Forrest Richardson as Golf Course architect for the 2019 Bid Management, for holes #1 & #18, not to

11665 Lakeshore North, Auburn, CA 95602 (530) 268-1141

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Board Highlights is a summary of actions taken by the Board of Directors at its meetings. Draft minutes, a summary of minutes or minutes of a meeting (other than executive session) are available to members within 30 days of the meeting. They may be obtained upon request and upon reimbursement of costs by contacting the Administration Office at 2681141, ext. 2002.

exceed $4,600 from the Reserve Account. • Approved the purchase of a Turf Sprayer, not to exceed $40,144 from the 2019 Capital Expenditure Account. • Approved Asphalt Consulting Services as the consultant for 2019 Road Maintenance Management, not to exceed $25,000 from the Reserve Account. • Approved Russell D. Mitchell Associates, Inc. as the contractor for Irrigation Mapping, not to exceed $11,500 from the Reserve Account. • Appointed Director Rollins and Director Chandler to finalize an agreement with California Tree & Landscape Consulting as the consultant for developing a Tree Management Plan, not to exceed $1,500 from Operating Account. • Approved Matta Construction as the contractor to perform repairs to



Winner 2019 First Quarter “Your Best Shot” Photo Contest

Mitzi Southwick

Barney Pugh

Congratulations to Mitzi Southwick, winner of our first quarterly “Your Best Shot” photo contest for 2019. Mitzi’s photo was taken from her Lakeshore North home. She says she was “inspired by the colors on the lake and the sky, as well as the beautiful foliage and flowers framing my shot.” Our judges were inspired by your shot, as well Mitzi! Mitzi wins the cover shot of this issue of LOP News, as well as a $50 gift card to the Magnolia Pointe Grille. Our Second-Place photo winner is Barney Pugh for his whimsical shot of himself inside a downed oak on hole 15 in February. And the ThirdPlace winner is Donna Cronan, who caught one of LOP’s wild residents mid-meal with a great shot of our Lake. Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to all who Donna Cronan participated in our contest!

Lake of the Pines Lending Library

Your volunteer, LOP librarians are excited to share news about your LOP Lending Library. The Library, located in the Sports Lounge, now includes new books, games and puzzles for children, tweens, teens, and families. A wide assortment of books are there for you to borrow and return. Adult/family jigsaw puzzles may be borrowed as well, but we ask that children’s and tween/teen puzzles and games be used in the Sports Lounge only. If you are returning or donating books, please place them upright on the shelves below “New Arrivals” (our goal is to keep them off of the floor). Over time, your volunteer librarians will sort and place them in the appropriate section. Thanks again to the Firebelles whose generous donation made the new books and games for children, tweens, teens and families possible.


Renewal notices were mailed early March. If you registered a boat last year and did not receive a renewal notice, please contact the Administration Office at 268-1141, ext. 2000.

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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Win a $50 LOP Dining Gift Card!

It is strongly recommended that all boat registration renewals be processed by mail. Turnaround time is usually 1-2 days. All complete renewals received by mail by 5:00 p.m. on March 29 will be entered into a drawing to win one of two $50 LOP dining gift cards! If your boat was not registered last year it will need to be re-inspected by Public Safety. Call 268-1135, ext. 1, to schedule your inspection. Bring your inspection form, DMV boat registration and proof of insurance with you to register your boat. Boats Power Boats 100 hp or greater $189.00 Power Boats 26 hp to 99 hp $181.00 Power Boats 25 hp or less $124.00 All Electric/Battery Powered Boats $ 57.00 Sailboats w/ CF Numbers $ 57.00 Non-powered Watercraft (CF# not required) $ 30.00 Includes fishing boats, fishing tubes, pedal boats, rigid kayaks, windsurfers, water bikes, sailboats w/o CF #s, canoes, rowboats, float tubes or any inflatable boats used for fishing, and sculling boats. Paddleboards do not require LOP boat decals, unless used for fishing. All other water toys and towed inflatables do not require registration or decals. Note: Any apparatus used on the Lake for fishing (including paddleboards) require a LOP boat decal. Marina Slips Gate locks will be changed on Monday, April 1. Annual Marina Rental* $700.00 (Includes one key per slip - $16 each for extra keys – maximum of three) Boat Racks Annual Boat Rack Rental $108.00 Any boat in a boat rack must have current decals displayed and be registered to the renter of the rack. For more information, refer to Lake Rules (SR-01); lop.org, Resource Center/Governing Documents, Rules and Regulations, Lake Rules. If you do not plan on keeping your marina slip or boat rack, please notify Administration prior to April 1 to avoid being billed the rental fee for April.

Shopping Center gateS 2019-2020 Fee Due April 1

Gate locks will be changed on Monday, April 1. Annual key rental is $16. Keys are available at the Administration Office beginning Friday, March 1!


OPEN DATES AND TIMES First and third Saturday of each month, 7:00 a.m.-noon March: 2, 16 April: 6, 20 May: 4, 18 June: 1, 15 July: 6, 20 August: 3, 17 September: 7, 21 October: 5, 19 November: 2, 16 December: 7, 21

COMMITTEES Golf Committee By Ron Wolyn, Committee Chair

need for adjustments to the course plan to secure our community from future liability concerns. Please take a moment to review the accompanying chart, titled: “Golf Course Items Expected Life Cycle.” Golf Course Architect, Forrest Richardson has stated, “The LOP Golf Course is existing Continued to page 6

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of the other projects and priorities that the Board has approved. When the course was built, there were fewer homes and now we have a large number of homes located in areas along the fairways which are vulnerable to errant golf balls. There are areas along the course which are unsafe and there is a minimal

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

All of us, the LOP community, moved here to find a better life experience, more relaxing way, more enjoyable way of life. We moved here because we liked/loved the surroundings…centered by a beautiful lake…surrounded by seven parks…a Junior Olympic sized pool…and a Golf Course circling the Lake. We all benefit from the fact that those amenities are here and make our community a beautiful and special place! Our buy in was and is “All Inclusive.” The Board of Directors, elected by you, and all past Boards, have been charged with securing, and minimally maintaining our many amenities. In the later part of the 60s, Boise Cascade constructed a golf course at Lake of the Pines. Boise Cascade was not in the golf course building business and did not use an architect, nor did they generate plans for the course as to location of irrigation and underground infrastructure. The golf course is one of the special amenities which helps make LOP a special and desirable place to live. When you moved here…you bought the community. You may have found a home you love, but the value of that home is only enhanced by the continued improvement of all that we have. Our past maintenance staffs have done their best to maintain and preserve the course. When they found a problem, they did their best to fix it or patch it. There had been a “react as the need occurred” policy. Not always the best and most long-term effective method to maintain and manage our valued asset. The Board hired an outside consultant and a golf course architect to review our course and our minimal needs to be certain we do not allow this asset to lose its value for the whole community. If you don’t play golf, you still use this amenity to grow the value of your home. Our review of the current status of the golf course has led us to recognize that we, as a community are playing “catch up” in maintaining an aging amenity. The Golf Committee has been reviewing and dissecting the preliminary plans presented to and through the Board of Directors in 2017. We have solicited community feedback as to needs and priorities. We have been diligent in dealing with costs and projections to best serve our full community. Taking a look at our recently completed hole #7, through concerns for doing the best for our entire community, we have completed the project on time and under budget! Those savings go back into the Reserve Fund and will be used for many

COMMITTEES Continued from page 5

on borrowed time!” Updating this aging infrastructure will allow us to meet all of the safety requirements and improvements presented in the new architectural renderings. We will Grow the Asset. We will Reduce Costs (Shift Energy). We will Increase Revenue (Activate Members). This will reward all of us with an Increase in Property Values. The Golf Committee recognizes our responsibility of better communicating to the entire LOP community. We will have more transparency and will share more details each step of the way. Each year the Board members will change, and the Golf Committee members will change, but our Long-Term Renovations Plan will remain. The architectural renderings will be our community property and we all can move forward to meet the better needs and values of the community. We will pursue other avenues to procure funding for additional and continual improvements. We have learned that we could pursue grants to help pay for some of the renovations. We have learned of several dollar savings oppor-

tunities such as turf conversion and bioswales. We have noted that over 20 acres of the current course being maintained can be converted to low maintenance areas…saving dollars! The water flowing in and through the golf course does have materials traveling with it which may be detrimental to other vegetation and plant life. By creating bio-swales we may be better able to curb these chemicals using plant matter to leach them out. We have recommended that our non-golf members have the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful asset. The Board has extended the program that allows walkers on the cart paths during nongolf hours. We hope that once this test period has passed, we can find safe ways for all members to enjoy this amenity. In the next few months, our committee will complete a full study of the number of players participating on our course. Our preliminary review of golf club membership indicates a significant increase over the past few years, and we believe that trend will continue. The saying…Use it or Lose it comes to mind…to use it we must be constantly focused on ways to improve it and continue to advance the safety standards employed for the course.

Lakes & Parks Committee By Lakes & Parks Committee Chair, Paul Brown

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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After many hours of contemplation and community input, a finalized rendering of the proposed Hazel Park Renovation Plan was submitted to the Board of Directors by the Lakes and Parks Committee. Hazel Park is LOP’s largest and most used park and home to a growing number of pickleball enthusiasts. The Committee started working on this plan in the spring of 2017 at the urgings of then Board Liaison, Paul Murphy. The Board of Directors allocated funds for its development, and asked the committee to help Sean Bothelio interview landscape architectural firms that wanted to bid for the work. A sub committee was formed consisting of Committee members Paul Brown, Jeff Orcutt and Roger White. After meetings with several firms and going out to bid, Jeff Ambrosia and the landscape architectural firm of Yamasaki was chosen. It was the sub committee’s intention to step back and let a professional architect take a fresh

Firewise Committee By Toni Boyer As the weather improves and spring is upon us, it’s time to prepare for the next fire season. Your Firewise Committee will be participating in several events this year to help you prepare. The first one is a Nevada County coordinated Fire Drill, set for Sunday, April 7 at LOP. This will be a major drill including 15-20 simulated vegetation and structure fires, two-three auto accidents, five medical emergency calls, and one PG&E electrical line down incident. Cal Fire and Higgins Fire will respond with up to 40 fire engines, along with a private ambulance company. Nevada County Sheriff and CHP representatives, as well as LOP Public Safety staff will participate in a simulated evacuation. There also will be animal control representatives onsite for simulated rescue of member’s pets. Several LOP homeowners have volunteered to take part in this exercise. All members are invited to participate in the post-emergency drill critique set for 1:30 p.m., as well as a hosted BBQ. Watch for updates and additional information in the weekly e-blast. Later in the spring, all community members will be invited to participate in an Evacuation Route Exercise and Neighborhood Watch event. Both of these events are important preparation for a potential emergency evacuation in LOP. We strongly encourage everyone to participate. You can never be too prepared! In addition to these community events, it is important for every homeowner to keep their home firesafe. If you would like to schedule a defensible space inspection to get recommendations that can help your property be less likely to be affected by fire, please contact the Nevada County Fire Safe Council at 272-1122. Members of the LOP Firewise Committee will call you to arrange an appointment to perform these inspections.

look at the property and advise us on how to reorganize the existing amenities to maximize the overall land use with the least amount of expense. We feel the plan accomplished this goal. Anyone who uses or drives by Hazel Park can see it is in bad shape. Lawn drainage problems from irrigation leaks and 50 years of rain have created potholes and irregularities in the lawn area. Erosion from unchecked runoff and a poorly maintained shoreline now hampers fishing and nonmotorized boat entry into Hazel Lake. The basketball court has been double lined to convert into pickleball courts and it is all surrounded by a beautiful wire “goat” fence. The Board of Directors was right. We needed a plan to evaluate and restore this beautiful park to what it once was. The plan (see page 7) has not been finalized by the Board of Directors, so we still have room for improvements. As the plan stands now, we will have four permanent pickleball courts and a separate recreational basketball court, which can also be converted into a fifth pickle ball court, when needed. The existing bathroom will be moved closer to the courts. The par course station that is next to the current bathroom will be relocated further

to the east to open lawn area enough for a full 60’ x 40’ soccer field. The open grass area will be flattened and properly irrigated and drained so it can be used year round. A power outlet will be left where the bathroom now stands to accommodate an area for a portable events stage. The basketball courts will have a paved asphalt surface. The plan allows for a large gated opening on the street side to accommodate service vehicles and food trucks to service community events. Power outlets will be built into the newly placed bathrooms to service this area. Hazel Lake frontage will be cleaned and improved with a gradual grassy slope to the water. Some water excavating will be done to restore the shoreline for recreational use. A short access ramp for non-motorized boats, such as kayaks and canoes will be built into the parking lot at the west end. Parking spaces for 32 golf carts (which also can be used for cars), and at least 14 spaces for cars have been drawn into the plan. Parking is an issue. Many of the cars that currently park at Hazel Park are from our maintenance workers. Management is discussing a plan to relocate Continued to page 7


Lakes & Parks Committee’s Hazel Park Proposed Improvements

Continued from page 6

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Page 7


MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

many of those cars to parking spaces along Hazel Way and the front gate security employee parking area. Why do the Hazel Park renovation now? A good portion of the funding is already in place with the mandated updating of the park’s bathrooms that are currently not up to code. Two of our parks will have new bathrooms installed this year with Hazel scheduled next. These bathroom updates include funds to pave the parking lots. The bathroom replacement on Hazel Park is tentatively scheduled for 2020 or 2021. If we are going to tear up the park for the scheduled bathroom and parking renovation, it would be financially prudent to do the rest of the work at the same time. A community survey done by the Long Range Strategic Planning Committee in 2017 clearly showed that our community’s priority is to maintain our lakes (this includes Hazel Lake), and second priority is to maintain and improve our parks. I can’t think of a better use of community funds than to bring our

largest and most-used park back to the beautiful lake side community space it once was. If you have questions or comments regarding the Hazel Park renovation plan, you are welcome to attend the Lakes & Parks Committee meetings that are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the Sports Lounge Meeting Room. Committee members are: Roger White, Steve Bock, Mitch Booth, Steve Meikle, Greg Bastian, Jeff Orcutt and Paul Brown.

SERVICE TEAMS Channel 7 By Mike Callahan Focus on Cameras What does a camera do besides add a proverbial ten pounds to its subject? Well, our cameras can do quite a bit more. Since the majority of these sixty plus articles have dealt with editing, that well may have run dry by now. In any case, in my quest to avoid repeating any ideas over and over again, writing about cameras seems a logical extension. After all, some Ch 7 viewers may still draw a blank about the editing process, but they’re definitely aware of cameras. First off, they’ve taken pictures themselves of friends, of places visited, and of events. Some folks even immortalize their dinners before tasting them. However, in this report we’ll discuss how the Ch 7 News uses these magical devices. Though our cameras are roughly the size of a couple of decks of cards, they produce very high-quality images. In fact, we have to dumb-down the density of our pictures so that we can show them on Suddenlink CH 7 and on the LOP website. In the process of producing a broadcast, I sometimes make a DVD to watch on a large TV at home so I can catch even the tiniest flaw that almost no one would notice. Our cameras do not stand alone. A sturdy tripod insures sharp and stable images. The great Billy Wilder (“Some Like It Hot” and “Sunset Blvd.”) railed against his contemporaries

who called attention to the camera with impossible angles. A shaky image does the same thing. For a recent show I spotted some geese swimming outside my window and grabbed a camera to follow their movement. The shot worked perfectly, but it’s the only handheld one I recall ever using. We record the anchors for our Ch 7 shows with a fixed camera mounted on a cart. The whole wall behind the talent is covered with a green drape. A large television monitor provides a copy of the script for the hosts to read. Once that recording has finished, a flash drive with the captured images allows us to import them to the studio computer for the editing process. Electronically we remove the green background leaving just the images of the anchor team. That way we don’t have to pose them in front of the Clubhouse or against a stunning sunset. However, we do have to shoot those backgrounds. By now we have accumulated many dozens of scenes that can serve as fitting complements to the narrative unfolding in the script. Being a bit lazy, I create many of those shots of the Clubhouse from my backyard. Using the telephoto setting on my camera, I can see figures moving on the Clubhouse deck a couple of miles away. The camera remains just a tool in the hands of its user. Much as I’ve praised the ones we use, Oscar-winning director Steven Soderbergh (“Traffic”), currently helms his second feature using an iPhone. We absolutely love our cameras.

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By Toni Boyer Our first annual planning meeting was held on January 29. We look forward to partnering with the Firewise Committee to hold an emergency evacuation route exercise, followed by a barbeque in the park this spring. We will also be encouraging LOP residents to participate in the National Night Out that takes place on the first Tuesday in August every year. Watch for more information on these events in the coming months. In addition to these community-wide activities, each Block Captain will hold a Neighborhood Watch meeting for their block. We are continuing our endeavor to add Block Captains in order to cover all homes in LOP. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors, share safety information and look out for each other. If you would like to become a Block Captain, please e-mail me at neighborhoodwatch@lop.org or, stop by the Admin Office and complete a Block Captain application. You can also contact me at 728-3148 if you have questions or if you require more information.

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•• Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • •• Clean & Program: safe environment Preschool 8:30 a .m. - 12:30 p.m. Rd to West Hacienda, Combie • Age appropriate theme basedClub curriculum just past Generations Health •• Kindergarten readiness Caring and educated teachers Sierra Court Grass Valley, CA 95949 • Preschool Lunch andRose snacks provided •10746 Program: Lic. 293614615 & 293614616 Rd to West Hacienda, Combie 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. just past Generations Health Club • Age appropriate 10746theme-based Sierra Rose Courtcurriculum Grass Valley, CA 95949 Lic. 293614615 & 293614616 • Caring and educated teachers • Lunch and snacks provided

Combie Rd to West Hacienda, just past Generations Health Club

10746 Sierra Rose Court Grass Valley, CA 95949 Lic. 293614615 & 293614616

• On Suddenlink TV: The News airs on Suddenlink Ch. 7 at 9 & 11 a.m. and 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 p.m. • Check The Pines Times for other videos playing on Suddenlink Cable Channel 7. • On Demand, anytime, any place on your computer or mobile device: watch on high speed Internet at www.LOP.org, scroll down to the big 7 against a lake background and click on the arrow or scroll past the arrow to the six icons below for additional video options.

• Join our News Team!

Be a writer, videographer or video editor. Volunteer at least 10 hours of time for one week a month. Contact Janet Trimble at jaytee@cebridge.net or 2681917.

STAFF out 264 courtesy notices. We have returned about 75 emails and phone calls answering questions for members who needed more information By Compliance Coordinator, regarding their enclosures. Christine Shufelberger Moving forward, we have created a flyer (see this page) to further EC staff had a busy start to the new inform members of considerations year as we started when enclosing a propane tank. The flyer describes the materials needed to address propane and provides a description of the 10’ tanks that have come clearance for vegetation. out of compliance. As we get ready to spring forOur goal here is not to impose fines ward, you will be hearing a lot on members, but rather make them from EC regarding weeds. Spring aware of an issue with their propane is a good time of the year to start tank and ask for their compliance cutting back those tall weeds that to bring it up to the standards as become fire hazards through the described in 5.06 of the Environ- summer. Next month I’ll get into mental Standards. We have written the specifics regarding the rules for previous articles for the LOP News grass height and the importance of on this topic and have used the keeping your home and yard fire weekly e-blast to get information safe! out to our members. If you have any questions or EC Compliance Officers have concerns, contact me at cschufelcshufelberger@lop.org. checked 1,000 lots. mailed berger@lop.org.  about NOVEMBER AD We PROOF Corrections/OK Due By: Today if possible! No later than MON . NOV. 13

Environmental Control

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MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

JUNE Day brings us the Luck of the Irish; St. new Patty’s Days are longer; Spring is just round the corner!! You’ve decided: a. Your family needs more space; orWhat b. You need to downsize!! a View!

STAFF Food and Beverage By Executive Chef, Joe Lynch Greetings from the Food and Beverage Department. March is finally here! On Sunday, March 10 daylight savings time begins, and we spring forward. On Wednesday, March 20, spring begins, and we are just around the corner from warm beautiful weather to bring everyone out and about. The warmer weather always brings more guests to our dinning facilities and we look forward to seeing everyone. Karaoke at the Sports Lounge is on Saturday, March 2, featuring a full bar, a full dining menu, pizza and dancing to your favorite tunes performed by your neighbors. If you have a couple of “buck up” drinks from the bar, you may even find yourself in front

of the microphone. Don’t worry, there’s no judgment and no crying in karaoke. It’s a very popular event, so bring your friends for a great time. Saturday Night Dinner at the Magnolia Pointe Grille will be served on Saturday, March 16 and 23. Our new menu is mostly gluten free and has been well received. We also feature weekly specials with appetizers and fine dining selections, as well as two less expensive, ala carte comfort food specials. Liver, bacon and onions has been very popular and if it’s not on the menu when you come in, keep a look out for it, it will come up again soon. Also, during Thursday, Friday and Saturday night dining, we offer a slow roasted, 14 oz. Prime Rib for your enjoyment. This is very popular so get it while it lasts! Once again, I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you as your executive chef, and I look forward to seeing everyone out and about in the sunshine this spring.




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MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 10

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STAFF Pro Shop

Lake of the Pines

By Golf Pro, Patrick Shaw, PGA, A-1


Spring has sprung and the Golf Course is looking superb! Our February golf was wet, starting with a rained-out Super Bowl Scramble Tournament, but then the Brady Bunch winning the big game was a bonus! March should be dryer and a little more fun, especially with the annual favorite on my birthday, the St. Pat’s Tournament. Green beer, mixed with birdies on the greens, produces green in the pocket. The Ladies’ and Men’s 9ers have guest days on Tuesday, March 5 and Friday, March 8, which is a great way to start the season, especially with two growing clubs. Now is the time to get tuned up and be ready for a sizzling summer. See you on the range!

A North State Chapter of the NCPGA Pro-am Awards

Date: May 10, 2019 Time: Shotgun Start @11:30am

~1st Place team: $2000

Registration Deadline: May 3, 2019

~2nd Place individual Pro: $1000

*Limited to first 25 Teams*

~Closest to the pins: $100 Pro, prizes amateurs

Teams: 1 PGA Pro w/4 amateurs

~Hole in one: EZ-Go golf cart ~Payouts: 30% of field *Top prizes based on full field*

Format: 1 gross, 1 net per hole

Entry Pros: - $100

*Top prizes based of full field*

Amateurs - $130 *NCGA Handicap required* LOP Annual Member - $105 Pro name: _________________________, Amateur name:_____________________GHIN:______________ _____________________GHIN:_____________ : Phone:_____________________________ _____________________GHIN:_____________ _____________________GHIN:_____________

“Make checks payable to LOP Golf Shop” 11665 Lakeshore North Auburn CA 95602


SAVE THE DATE • Sunday, May 26 at 8:30 a.m. Join us Memorial Day Weekend for a community event to celebrate the 50th Birthday of our Championship Golf Course! Pre-tournament activities, ceremonial first tee start, putting contests and more! Stay tuned for registration and application information.

March March 2019 2019 1 1 Men Niners Men Niners 9 a.m. 9 a.m. Tee times Tee times Bk. 9 Bk. 9

2 2 9 a.m.

9 a.m. Tee times Tee times

5 5 Lady Niners

6 6 WGC

7 7 MGC

8 8 Men Niners

9 9 9 a.m.

10 10 9 a.m.

11 11 Member

12 12 Lady Niners

13 13 WGC

14 14 MGC

15 15 Men Niners

16 16 9 a.m.

17 17 St. Pat’s

18 18 Member

19 19 Lady Niners

20 20 WGC

21 21 MGC

22 22 Men Niners

23 23 9 a.m.

9 a.m. Tee times Tee times

St. Pat’s Tournament Tournament 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

24/31 24 9 a.m.

Member 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

25 25 Member

Member 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

Lady 9 a.m.Niners SG 9 a.m. Bk. 9 SG Bk. 9

Lady 9 a.m.Niners SG 9 a.m. Fr. 9 SG Fr. 9

26 26 Lady Niners Lady 9 a.m.Niners SG 9 a.m. Bk. 9 SG Bk. 9

WGC 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

WGC 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

WGC 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

27 27 WGC

WGC 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

MGC 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

MGC 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

MGC 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

28 28 MGC

MGC Guest Day Guest 9 a.m. Day SG 9 a.m. SG

Men GuestNiners Day Guest 9 a.m. Day Tee 9 a.m. Tee times Fr. 9 times Fr. 9

Men Niners 9 a.m. 9 a.m. Tee times Tee Bk. 9times Bk. 9

Men GuestNiners Day Guest 9 a.m. Day 9 a.m. Tee times Fr. 9 Tee times Fr. 9

29 Men Niners 9 a.m. Tee times Bk. 9

9 a.m. Tee times Tee times

9 a.m. Tee times Tee times

9 a.m. Tee times Tee times

30 9 a.m. Tee times

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


6:38 a.m. 5:56 p.m. 6:36 a.m. 5:57 p.m. 6:35 a.m. 5:58 p.m. 6:33 a.m. 5:59 p.m. 6:32 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 a.m. 6:01 p.m. 6:29 a.m. 6:02 p.m. 6:27 a.m. 6:03 p.m. 6:26 a.m. 6:04 p.m. 7:24 a.m. 7:05 p.m. DST Begins 7:23 a.m. 7:06 p.m. 7:21 a.m. 7:07 p.m. 7:20 a.m. 7:08 p.m. 7:18 a.m. 7:09 p.m. 7:17 a.m. 7:10 p.m.

Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31



7:15 a.m. 7:14 a.m. 7:12 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 7:09 a.m. 7:07 a.m. 7:06 a.m. 7:04 a.m. 7:03 a.m. 7:01 a.m. 6:59 a.m. 6:58 a.m. 6:56 a.m. 6:55 a.m. 6:53 a.m. 6:52 a.m.

7:11 p.m. 7:12 p.m. 7:13 p.m. 7:14 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:16 p.m. 7:17 p.m. 7:18 p.m. 7:19 p.m. 7:20 p.m. 7:21 p.m. 7:22 p.m. 7:23 p.m. 7:24 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 7:26 p.m.

Page 11

9 a.m. Tee times Tee times

Member 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

Lady GuestNiners Day Guest Day 9 am SG 9 am SG Fr. 9 Fr. 9


MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

4 4 Member

Member 9 a.m. SG 9 a.m. SG

Please use these times as guides to indicate quiet times on the lake, and openings and closures of the golf course. Date

3 3 9 a.m.

9 a.m. Tee times Tee times

Sunrise/ Sunset Chart March 2019

STAFF Public Safety/ Community Service By Lieutenant, Michael McLaughlin This has been brought to the attention of the Association in the past, but I wanted to bring it up again for the new members of the community, to ensure they are informed. Public Safety is equipped with a video system called “Vievu,” which is a body-worn video and audio camera, aka: “body cam.” These cameras are worn by patrol officers and used in the performance of our job duties, such as traffic enforcement and all calls for service our department may respond to. These cameras provide protection to both the officers, as well as the residents, so any claims of impropriety can be substantiated or unfounded. The videos are used for such situations as Covenant’s or Board of Director’s Hearings, management follow up, etc. All patrol vehicles are also equipped with dash camera systems to document incidents upon arrival to a call for service or for traffic enforcement duties.

With boating season just around the corner, I want to remind the membership that the deadline for registration renewal for all boats is Monday, April 1. Any watercraft operating on the Lake after that date must have current boat decals displayed for the current year. In addition to the LOP boat decals, all CF numbered boats must have the 2019 state registration tag and “Quagga/Zebra mussel fee paid” sticker applied to their boats. There are a few reminders that I want the residents to remember for the start of this year: Decals must be placed on the port and starboard (left and right) side of the boat near the stern (back)

and above the water line before the watercraft is placed in the water. Decals are not to be placed in the front of the boat. Any expired LOP boat decals must be removed or covered so that only the current year sticker is visible, so easy identification can be made by the boat patrol staff. Public Safety will perform an annual lake sweep to check for unregistered boats a few weeks after the start of April. All boats that are moored in the LOP Marina, or boats that are on private docks and in lifts must display current LOP boat decals, current state registration and mussel tags and be in the proper placement. Also, any canoes or kayaks in LOP boat racks must have current LOP decals displayed. The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) has determined that stand up paddleboards operated outside a surfing, swimming or bathing area are “vessels” under USCG regulations. The County of Nevada has an ordinance that defines a surfing, swimming, or bathing area as the area that is inside the roped off swim portions of the parks or the Main Beach. All other areas outside are considered boating areas, so therefore the lifejacket rule applies. Paddleboards or other vessels may not be launched from inside any swim area at the parks or Main Beach.


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LOP BLOOD DRIVE Sponsored by the Pinesmen

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 12

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GRASS VALLEY • 1751 East Main Street • 272-6671 LAKE OF THE PINES • 10612 Combie Road • 268-1200 5.00% for a new Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), and is fixed for * The initial Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is currently 4.50% the first 5 years of the loan which is called the draw period. After the initial 5 year period, the APR can change once based on the value of an Index and Margin. The Index is the weekly average yield on U.S. Treasury Securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 10 years and the margin is 3.50%. The current APR for the repayment period is 6.625%. 6.25%. The maximum APR that can apply any time during your HELOC is 10%. A qualifying transaction consists of the following conditions: (1) the initial APR assumes a maximum HELOC of $100,000, $150,000, and a total maximum Loan-to-Value (LTV) of 70% including the new HELOC and any existing 1st Deed of Trust loan on your residence; (2) your residence securing the HELOC must be a single-family home that you occupy as your primary residence; (3) if the 1st Deed of Trust loan is with a lender other than El Dorado Savings Bank, that loan may not exceed $200,000 and may not be a revolving line of credit. Additional property restrictions and requirements apply. All loans are subject to a current appraisal. Property insurance is required and flood insurance may be required. Rates, APR, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Other conditions apply. A $375 $475 early closure fee will be assessed if the line of credit is closed within three years from the date of opening. An annual fee of $50 will be assessed on the first anniversary of the HELOC and annually thereafter during the draw period. Ask for a copy of our “Fixed Rate Home Equity Line of Credit Disclosure Notice” for additional important information. Other HELOC loans are available under different terms. 14-1

To make an appointment please call either Bill Benner at 268-2566 or Ron Trimble at 268-1917

STAFF Recreation By Recreation Coordinator, Nicole Hurd

Spring Community Events As we all hop into spring with a welcome amount of increased activities outdoors, we have quite a few exciting community events in the works, hosted by the LOP Recreation Department. The Easter Eggstravaganza and Golf Fair is scheduled for Saturday, April 20 from 10:00 a.m.-noon at the driving range. Mark your calendar now. More details will follow in the April edition of this publication and in our other communications. The next event we have planned is in May during the Memorial Day Weekend. On Saturday, May 25 we will have Music, Art & Wine in the Park at Hazel Park from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. On Sunday, May 26 we have the Pinesmens’ downhome family BBQ in the Park at Park 4. See the Pinesmen’s article for the details. Invite your friends and fam-

ily for this fun-filled weekend. Stay tuned for more details to come! We do need lots of volunteers for both events. Please contact Nicole Hurd to sign up at nhurd@lop.org or call 268-1141, ext. 2015. LOP Pool Seasonal Staff Openings Aquatic Staffing Changes – Lisa Huerta our Assistant Pool Coordinator has taken a job elsewhere and will not be with us this summer for our Summer Swim Lesson Program. Don’t worry though, she will still be around, as she will continue to coach the Piranhas Swim Team in the evenings. We wish Lisa good luck in her new endeavors, and we are grateful for the value she added to our aquatics program. We are currently recruiting for a new Assistant Pool Coordinator to oversee our busy Swim Lesson Program and train the seasonal pool staff. If you are interested or know someone who would be a great fit for our dynamic team, please contact Amy Davis in Human Resources in the Admin Office for more details. We have Lifeguard and Pool Monitor

positions open as well. Applications are available on our website at www. lop.org under “Employment.” Classes Spring into the new year with tennis lessons, painting classes and sculpture building classes. We have so many fun classes coming your way—come and see what’s new. Flyers for each activity will be available in Admin. Watch for more details in our Thursday e-blast, “This Week on the Lake” and other communications for more information. Susie Bell, our art instructor, has scheduled a series of classes around the theme of the month. Painting shamrocks for March, flowers for April, etc. She also has added a clay sculpture series where you can sculpt your own creations and have them fired and glazed. More details will be available in our e-blast. Sign up in Admin for one of these fun classes starting now! Don’t like to take a class alone? Bring a friend! Invite a guest to attend with you. The more, the merrier. Bob Heiser is our LOP, USPTA-Certified Tennis Instruc-

tor. Bob has been playing and teaching tennis for most of his life. He offers his services to the LOP membership at a deep discount because he loves our members and he loves tennis. Bob teaches players of all age groups, and offers private, semi-private or group lessons. He currently teaches for us on Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. on Court Four for children’s lessons. He also runs our Saturday morning Cardio Tennis Class on Court Two at 9:00 a.m. You can register and pay for tennis classes and lessons directly with Bob. Please call 268-1687 to schedule, or for more information. Speaking of Tennis, did you know we have a free drop-in play scheduled on Court One on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.-noon for anyone who wants to play or is curious on how to get started? Pool News We will have all things pool related coming out in the April issue of LOP News. Stay tuned. We have a wonderful swim season planned for you!


Be a part of the 3rd Annual LOP “Music, Art & Wine in the Park” Memorial Day weekend, Saturday, May 25, 2019 11:00a.m.- 4:00 p.m. at Hazel Park (#1) (new, extended hours!)

Page 13

Artists must provide display materials, including sun shades, seating, etc. Art may be available to sell • Live demonstrations encouraged All LOP members, friends and families should save the date. This year there will be art exhibits, live music, food trucks and wine and beer for purchase. For more artist information about this event please contact: Mary Wyrsch at: ididit458@gmail.com

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

We are looking for local, LOP artists, as well as artists from surrounding counties to exhibit their talent. We welcome paintings of all types, photography, stained glass, blown glass, metal work, woodwork, sculpting, multimedia, fine jewelry and more. 25 spaces are available at $45 each (approximately 10’ x 10’) 15 for first time exhibitors and 10 for repeat exhibitors (spaces can be shared by two or more artists)

CLUBS Sons in Retirement (SIR) By Duane Heaton

The Mission of Sons in Retirement is to improve the lives of our members through fun activities and events, while creating friends for life. The fun has already started for the year. Our first outing was arranged by Terry Eberhardt. He coordinated a wine tasting outing to “Vian Estates Winery and Vineyard.” A crowd of fifty people enjoyed a fun time with friends at the winery. Fun was had by all while they sampled some flavorful fruity wines. The next wine outing will be held the last week of March. Look for more information at our lunch meeting. For our March lunch meeting, Bob has arranged for Ed Schofield,

Kathy Shelley, Diane Friedberg and Jan Phillips having fun at our wine tasting event at Vian Estates Winery. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley.)

Supervisor District 2 to be our guest speaker. Pete Morelli attended our meeting to present Ron Wolyn with his championship jacket. Ron took First Place in his flight and had the lowest net score in the SIR State Championships. Congratulations Ron! The next Blood Drive will be

Left-Right: Pete Morelli, Ray Tschirhart, Ron Wolyn. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley)

Sunday, April 7 at the Lower Sports Lounge Parking Lot from 8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Our next lunch meeting will be Wednesday, March 6 at the LOP Clubhouse starting at 11:30 a.m. Terry also helps with SIR travel events. If you haven’t already booked the “American Duchess Mississip-


New Golf Cars

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pi River Cruise,” you are probably too late. It is scheduled for March 24-April 1, 2019. You still have time to book the “Grand Tour of Italy.” It is scheduled for May 7-18, 2019. Next year, the “Oberammergau” is scheduled May 9-21, 2020. Located in Bavaria, several towns will be Continued to page 15


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MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 14

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“I’m worried about Dad living alone. His memory is declining.” “I’m worried about Dad living alone. His memory is declining.”

Fred Friedberg, John and Cheryl Sinsel at Vian EstatesWinery. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley)

Continued from page 14

visited in the surrounding area. Please look for brochures at our monthly SIR meetings or contact Terry Eberhardt at teberhardt@suddenlink.net. Golf Chairman, Ray Tschirhart shared the following March and April golf events. Monday, March 11, Peachtree Golf Course (4 Man, 2 Best Ball) Tuesday, March 26, Colusa Golf Course (2 Man, 1 Best Ball) Tuesday, April 9, Table Mountain Golf Course (4 Man, 3 Best Ball) At our February lunch meeting, Bob Krogman introduced our guest speaker, Carol Young, owner of Carol Young, owner Rincon del Rio and Bob Rincon del Rio. She and her family Krogman, Little SIR. (Photo Credit: Larry Shelley) are developing 225 acres bordering the Bear River. Eighty-five percent equestrian trails. Abundant Living of the property will be preserved as and Successful Aging for their Active open space with walking trails and 55+ Residents is their vision.

He’s been jogging for the last 26 years. That’s my husband, Randy. We both run around the lake–but for different reasons!

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Page 15

Nevada County Association of REALTORS®

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News


Page 17

CLUBS Pinesmen

scones or donuts while viewing his 50,000 daffodils in bloom and the rest of his eight By Betty Koski acres on which he has planted anemones and hyacinths. Dawn Gardens is located at 14446 In lieu of holding a February Garden Club Perimeter Rd., Grass Valley meeting, President Terri Tucker hosted a JanAlso, of interest to you might be the Neuary 29 potluck luncheon at her home. Many vada County Master Gardeners Workshops, enthusiastic members enjoyed dining and which are held on Saturdays in March from sharing gardening tips, successes and fail- 10:30 a.m. until noon at the Master Gardenures. Terri shared information on when to er Demonstration Garden Pavilion (on NID prune clematis. She said that spring bloomers Grounds), which is located at 1036 W. Main should be pruned in early summer after the St., Grass Valley. Topics and dates of the blooms are spent, summer bloomers should Saturday workshops are as follows: “Bringbe cut back in fall or early winter, and late ing Native Plants Into Your Garden” on Sunsummer or fall bloomers should be cut back day, March 3; “Totally Tomatoes” on Sunday, hard in early spring. March 10; “Waterwise Gardening” on Sunday, Our March meeting will convene in the March 17; “Functional Irrigation” on Thursday, Yacht Lounge at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 21; and a much-needed workshop on March 13. At this meeting, dues will be col- “Firewise Landscaping: How It Can Protect lected. Dues are $10 for one person and $15 Your Home” on Sunday, March 31. for a couple. Also, our upcoming March 16 I’m looking forward to seeing all of you field trip to Barry Friesen’s Dawn Gardens current and prospective members at our meetwill be discussed. Those interested in going on ing on Wednesday, March 13, which will start the trip are asked to meet in the Yacht Club at 9:30 a.m. in the Yacht Lounge. Come preparking lot at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March pared to share gardening tips and pictures of 16. Barry invites you to partake of coffee and flowers and plants in your garden!

Bear River Garden Club

By Jim Nachtigal

February is history and we’re all looking forward to the next 10 months. We’re only 126 days away from our July 4th celebration. Our monthly dinner and meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 27 starting at 6:30 p.m. We had four guests at our January meeting. Jerry Barber, Mark Rubin, Ted Ornduff and Donovan Rittenbach. If you’re interested in joining the Pinesmen, visit our website at pinesmen.org, print out the application and bring it to the next dinner meeting, or contact Phil Jones, our membership chair at philjonz83@gmail.com. Our next BBQ is scheduled for Sunday, April 7. We will be set up at the roundabout by the Clubhouse to support the Firewise Fire Drill from noon to 3:00 p.m. We will be serving hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and water. Our first Blood Drive for 2019 is also scheduled for Sunday, April 7 at the Lower Sports Lounge Parking Lot at the Main Beach. On February 2, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, so spring should arrive any day. From all the Pinesmen, have a wonderful March.

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MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 18


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CLUBS Firebelles By Pam Harley

Our February luncheon program presentation by Greg Grimm of Gold Country Wildlife Rescue was both enlightening and fun. One of the wonderful benefits of being part of Firebelles is the way we learn about organizations in our community that many of us would not really know about. We learned about this long-standing non-profit organization dedicated to the caring for wildlife in our community that need rescue and rehabilitation, and enjoyed the many wonderful success stories of wildlife rescue. Be sure to make reservations for Thursday, March 21 for one of our favorite annual programs: The Assistance League Fashion Show, hosted by Pat Wilkinson. It is a pleasure to have a delightful and entertaining fashion show plus being able to purchase lovely clothing for really great prices! The added benefit is supporting the Assistance League charity, which offers so much to our community. There will be a plated lunch at a cost of $19, which serves quickly and allows more time for our show. This is a good program to invite a guest. When you do, remember to make reservations for them. We sure hope you have your tickets to Viva Las Vegas on Saturday, March 2. This will be especially exciting, with professional dealers and professional gaming tables, plus special hors-d’oeuvres by our excellent

Joanie Haase and Kimberly Steel of Practice Peace Yoga. (Photo credit: Pat Evans.)

Food and Beverage staff. Gambling, fun prizes, a delightful social evening-what’s not to like? Our first Ladies Night Out was a great success with an attendance of 55 ladies visiting and laughing and sampling sparkling wines with Mark Norman, plus a good variety of snacks. The consensus was “We should do this again!” And so we shall. Look for dates in the Pines Times and all the other places inviting you to fun LOP activities. Janice Carey is joining Mary Chakurian as co-chair of our Home and Garden Tour on Thursday, May 16. We are still looking for homes and would love to have you consider putting yours on the tour. Do remember that each home has its own unique character and need not be especially large or have high-end accoutrements. The fun is extending hospitality to your Lake of the Pines neighbors. Contact Mary at 268-1741 or chak-

Firebelles January 2019 raffle winner, Toni Krall. (Photo credit: Pam Harley.)

urian@sbcglobal.net for details. My mother used to say “Many hands make light work.” That is the true spirit of Firebelles. We come together to better our community by serving in a capacity that shares our talents and our skills. Take a moment and look at pages 2, 3 and 4 of your membership roster to see the titles of the board members and the names

of all the committees and ways you can serve. Several key positions will be open in the coming 2019-2020 term: President, Treasurer, Donations Chairperson, Special Events Promoter. If you are interested in a particular task, call the person currently serving in the position and inquire about details regarding the task and its time commitments. We have many new members and wish to encourage you to get involved with a group of dynamic women who have a heart to serve. We would like to invite all interested parties to attend our board meeting on Thursday, March 7 at 1:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse Meeting Room. You can see how we conduct business and get a feel for the workings of the group that leads Firebelles. If interested in attending, please call or text Pam Harley at 906-8005 or email pamharley@ coldwellbanker.com so we can send you an invitation to our meeting.



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MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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CLUBS Sports & Activities Club By Dee Demorest

The year is flying by in nanoseconds. Just two years ago, in 2017, fourteen groups were members of SAC. Now take a look at all the interesting and fun groups that have joined since. If you enjoy doing something and you would like to form a group to share with others, don’t be shy. Let us know. Contact SAC President, Lynn Elliott, at lynn_elliott@yahoo.com and talk it over with her. You will be most welcome to present your idea to our Board of Directors at a monthly SAC meeting. Most of the groups below started with one person and an idea. Yours might be next. If you live in LOP, you are a member. Aerobics Classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse. Cost is $1 per class.

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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Bocce Ball Bocce Ball Captains, it is that time again. Signups for the 2019 Bocce League will be on Saturday, April 6 from 9:00 a.m-noon in the Clubhouse Multipurpose Room. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration fees will be $20 per person and payable in the form of one team check on the day of registration. Bocce Teams consist of a minimum of eight and a maximum of 12 players. Typically, bocce league activities run May through September. More specific dates and information will be published soon. We look forward to seeing you at registration. Your 2019 Bocce Club Board Members: Chairperson, Chuck Potter Vice Chairperson, Christy Swider Secretary, Donna Fucci-Wheeler Treasurer, Suzanne Jones Maintenance, Larry Harris Court Improvements, Bob Koenitzer Registration and Party Planner, Sharon Cowles Registration and Statistics, Tom Vengelion

Past Chairperson, Patty CampbellChandler Volunteer Members: Karen Silva, Dave Medlicott Cocktails and Coloring Come for the Cocktails and Coloring; stay for the socializing! We have a great group of ladies who gather together the third Tuesday of the month from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at the home of Peggy Fenstermacher. Coloring books and gel pens are provided to first-time guests. Please contact Peggy for additional information at (925) 980-1220 or peggy.fenst@att. net. Hope you’ll join us! LOP Families for the Lake This new group is excited to connect families and help create even more fun events here at LOP! Please join us again this month for Family Fun Time at the Yacht Lounge on Saturday, March 9 and 23 from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. We will bring games and activities for the kids. Feel free to bring your own fun things as well, but it is not required you do. Weather permitting, kids can play in the sand and at the park. We are excited about adding Story and Music Time twice a month. This will be held Monday, March 4, and Wednesday, March 20 from 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (location TBD). Please join our Facebook Group at LOP-Families for the Lake for the latest updates and to help plan future events. For more information, contact Michelle McIntyre at mhall18@gmail. com or (619) 920-1511. LOP Fishing Group Trout plant a huge success at LOP! As we all know, because of the huge participation of the entire LOP community, the Trout Stocking on December 14 of this previous year was a tremendous success. We were able to plant over a thousand pounds of threequarter- to one-and-one-half poundsized trout along with two hundred pounds of trophy size, three- to eightpounders. Thanks everyone for your support. We could not have done it without you. The trout have really been biting lately, including the big ones. So get

out there, catch them while it’s hot! Don’t forget to use the trout tracker on the LOP App to submit photos of your catches, if you have it downloaded to your smartphone. If you catch a tagged trout there are special prizes to be awarded. Just take a picture with the tag visible and submit it to the Fishing Group to redeem your prize. Though we promote catch and release, these trout are very tasty. We ask that you keep only two anglers per day. Also, if you catch a trophy size trout, please release it so we can enjoy catching them for years to come. The smaller ones taste better anyway. If you need tips in proper handling for catch and release or how to catch one, contact any one of the many volunteers from the Fishing Group, or email lop_ fishingclub@yahoo.com. Stay tuned for the next LOP Fishing Group fundraising events and activities. For more information about the LOP Fishing Group, contact Director, Chris Swindell at 401-0318 or Assistant Director, Rusty Stadtman at (916) 502-1558.

LOP Game Days LOP Game Days is a group of individuals interested in having an enjoyable afternoon in the Sports Lounge, socializing with neighbors, challenging their brain skills, learning new games, and refreshing their memory of old games. We play card games, dice games, board games and domino games. Skill level required: None. All games are started from the basics. We have introduced over 24 games in the past two years. Please join us on Wednesdays from noon-1:00 p.m. for lunch, followed by games from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. For more information, contact Russ Lewis at russ4sales@earthlink.net. Horseshoes Horseshoe pits are in Shadow Cove Park/Park 2. Equipment may be checked out from the Sports Lounge Bar. Contact Larry Hardy at 268-0158 or 2hardy@att.net. Improv Class Do you want to escape from reality and have some fun for an hour or two? Then come to the Improv Class. No acting experience needed, just a desire to have fun. For information contact Lynn Pennington at 268-2798. Line Dancing Line Dance lessons in the Clubhouse on Mondays. Beginners: 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.; Improver/ Intermediate 5:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m. $1 donation. Contact Karen Mills at karen.mills@yahoo.com or (916) 6777393.

Congratulations to Brock Benton for this beautiful tagged Trout! (Photo credit: Brock Benton)

Congratulations, Giana Mazzei, for this 6-1/2 pounds trophy size Trout! (Photo credit: Steve Mazzei)

Pickleball Pass by the courts in Hazel Park any morning and you are likely to see Pickleball being played. Stop and watch a game or two, but beware: You might get hooked. Open drop-in play is still held daily from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Equipment is provided and experienced, friendly players will be on hand to help anyone new learn the sport. Pickleball is great exercise, social, and most importantly, a whole lot of fun! If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Sean Tener at (916) 208-8751.


Pine Needlers The Pine Needlers is a group of ladies who meet weekly to share their passion of needle arts and to exchange ideas and techniques. Our members have varied talents – hand and machine sew, cross-stitch, knit, crochet, quilt, and embroider – just about anything crafty. Occasionally, we plan fun field trips to quilt shows, check out quilt shops, or even to take in a movie! This month a group of us will be attending the Sacramento Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival being held March 14-16 at Cal Expo. There will be a wide variety of sewing, quilting, needle-art and craft supply exhibits from many quality companies. The Pine Needlers has two groups meeting weekly to work on hand projects, sew with our machines, or participate in instructional classes. The Tuesday group meets from 11:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. in the Yacht Lounge or at members’ homes. The Thursday group meets from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in the Yacht Lounge. Currently, the Tuesday group is at full capacity; however, the Thursday group has space available. If you are interested in knowing more about our group, please contact Gwen Tillisch at 728-3048.

LOP Snow Ski Club We go to Sugar Bowl mid-week when the conditions are good. Contact Lynne Sullivan at 718-4102.

Ukes of the Pines The Ukulele classes will be meeting mostly in the Sports Lounge this year. However, there will occasionally be some days that we will have to meet in the Clubhouse Multipurpose Room. People who are signed up with me will receive emails twice a week, once for the Monday class and once for the Friday class. They both meet at 1:00 p.m. at the Sports Lounge unless otherwise notified. We are now using the projector to show the music on the screen, which for some people is a lot easier than bringing their music albums. The Monday class is more for teaching new players, while the Friday class is open to all who want to learn new chords and have fun just playing. Guitar players are welcome on Fridays as the chords are compatible. If you are interested in joining, please contact Pat Brothen at pbrothen@yahoo.com or 268-9113. There is no cost involved. LOP Voice on Facebook The LOP Voice Facebook page has become a valuable online communication conduit for LOP members and residents. In our first eight months we gained 700 members. The LOP Voice administrators want to thank all the contributors for keeping the conversation respectful and observing the submission guidelines. LOP Voice benefits members by giving them current information and a platform to make suggestions, and benefits the Association by giving the board and management an insight to

what members want. LOP Voice provides real-time updates from Jan Kucharski Cantwell on local fires, weather, crimes, traffic and much more. Log into Facebook, search for “LOP Voice” and ask to join. Please note: We do ask for name, street name only (no numbers), and lot number to verify that you live in LOP, but we do not save this information. We look forward to seeing you on LOP Voice. Wines in the Pines We’re continuing this fun and popular event in March. We have invited Mount Saint Joseph Wines of Granite Bay to present their wines. They operate a beautiful tasting room in Granite Bay named “Vin Uva.” This is a partnership and one of the newest wineries in California. We feel very fortunate to have them, and you will love what they bring for us to taste: lots of varietals! This month’s event will be Tuesday, March 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse with seating beginning at 6:00 p.m. Participants should bring their own wine glass, and if they like, a nice bottle to be shared with the entire room’s social after the tastings. This is a free event. However, there will be drawings for prizes, cheese and charcuterie plates available for purchase, as well as complimentary chocolates, and more. Seating is limited and must be reserved in advance! To reserve seats and cheese plates, please send an email to winesinthepines@gmail.com. If you have any further questions, please contact Paul Petrali at (916) 628-7285.

The Sports & Activities Club invites you to join


A Facebook Group Created by LOP Members for LOP Members Discuss Community Issues, Provide Feedback, and Stay Informed in Real Time

Page 21

Tai Chi Tai Chi has a NEW schedule. We meet every Thursday morning from 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. at the Clubhouse (unless notified otherwise). The first half hour is devoted to NEW students, but intermediate and advanced students are welcome to join in. If you have been waiting to learn this popular form of exercise that gently conditions, or re-conditions your body, this is your opportunity. Known for improving LOP Riders Open to anyone who enjoys riding posture, balance, flexibility, coordination, with others to interesting places. Check core strength, and breathing, it also out our Facebook page, LOP Riders for promotes relaxation and use of memory. more information. The hour from 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. will include the chi qong warm-ups, tai chi ball exercises, and practice of the LOP RV Ramblers Happy March and some Luck O’ familiar Yang-style 24-movements. the Irish to you! New students may stay and join this If you are ready for a fun-filled hour as well. Newcomers: please come spring of camping or traveling with early to class to sign up. There are no

fees, but a small donation is accepted for LOP. For questions, call Louise Chan at 268-8606.

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Qigong Qigong (pronounced chee gung) is an age-old Chinese healing and therapeutic modality which utilizes breathing techniques, mediation, and special movements to promote health and well-being. Qigong’s slow, focused exercises are for all ages and levels of fitness. If you are ready for a fantastic change in your lifestyle, come and join us at the Yacht Lounge on Monday, Wednesday or Friday mornings at 8:00 a.m. Classes last one hour. For further information, contact Sylvia Waddell at (408) 341-5444 or email at sylviawaddellart@gmail.com.

some really great campers, you need to hear what the LOP RV Ramblers are up to. In March, we are heading over to Porto Bodega at Bodega Bay. If you would like to join us, let us know. We are going March 19-29. It’s a great spot, right on the bay and marina, with lots and lots of fun things to do and join in on. From April 14-19, we are heading off to Moss Landing. From May 6-10 we trek up to the Sacramento River at JGW between Red Bluff and Redding. People have already signed up for these trips, and we would love to have you join us. It’s time to make your reservations. So, even if you don’t have an RV, trailer or fifth wheel, we will give you information about these destinations so that you can join us. Please note, we have a meeting date change due to our trip the following week to Moss Landing: Our April meeting has been moved to Tuesday, April 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sports Lounge Meeting Room. Please mark your calendar. For more information about these trips or this great group, please contact Cheryl Sinsel at cherylsinsel2014@ gmail.com or 728-3103.

RECREATION handicaps, payouts, and golf results.

Men’s Niners Golf By Eric Jacobsen

As you read this article, the rainy month of January has passed. My trusty rain gauge showed we received seven inches of rain in seven days during the month. As a result, the course was very muddy and “cart path only” conditions were in effect for most of the time. Fortunately, the Men’s Niners play by the rule that says that if you have lost a ball in the fairway and, after searching for three minutes and you can’t find it (most likely it was “plugged”) and the others in group agree, the player may take a drop with no penalty. This helps speed up play. March should be a great time to start playing in earnest. The course should be dry and with all the water, the fairways will be lush. The Niners begin playing at 9:00 a.m. on Friday mornings. The Men’s Niners have their own website which offers a variety of information. It can be found under “lopmenniners.com” or just type “lop men niners” on Google. From this website you will find contact information, the course schedule,

January Results: January 4, Back Nine - Low Net Flight “A” First Place: Pat Graham Net 33 Second Place: Greg Bastian Net 36 Flight “B” Patrick Graham took first place in every round in January. First Place: Jack (Photo credit: Janet Jacobsen.) Kaiser Net 34 Second Place: Al Gustavson Net 35 Birdies Dennis Camarlinghi #12, Daryl Chandler #12, Pat Graham #12, and Al Gustavson #12 On a cold day, only four players had a net score of 36. Pat Graham had the most birdies/ pars with one birdy and two pars. As seen below he will keep his hot streak going for the month. January 11, Front Nine - Low Net

Flight “A” First Place: Pat Graham Net 31 Second Place: Greg Bastian Net 33 Birdies Jim MacWilliams #6, Steve Rosenblum #6 Only eight members played on a cold “cart path only” day, but Pat Graham won the round as he did last week. Of the eight players, six recorded net scores of 35 or less. January 18 was rained out, but the club held its quarterly meeting. At the meeting Jim Goetsch discussed the new website, which posts the club’s schedule, roster and handicaps. January 25, Front Nine - Low Net First Place: Pat Graham Net 26 Second Place: Ken Svanum Net 28 Birdies Duane Heaton #4, Mark Wuelfing #1 Pat Graham now has three first place finishes for the month of January. Way to go Pat! Upcoming Dates: Friday, April 12 – Outside play Friday, April 19 – Club Meeting Thursday, May 9 - Guest Day

May your troubles be less Your blessings be more

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Page 22

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Steve, Just wanted to send you a quick note, thanking you for all your help on my home purchase. Your knowledge of the area and knowing all the key players sure made this much more pleasant than it could of been. You made us a priority on a holiday weekend and didn’t make us feel rushed or persuaded in any way. I can’t thank you enough for all that you did for me and my family on this stressful task of buying a home. I not only consider you my realtor, but my friend I look forward to referring you to anyone that might need your assistance. Thanks again Steve, all your efforts and commitment to me and my family are appreciated beyond words. We look forward to seeing you and your family in the community as we start our new life in Grass Valley. Sincerely, Tom


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RECREATION Women’s Golf Club By Carol Cunningham

With some very wet weather lately, there hasn’t been a lot of golf being played! One thing that did take place was the Women’s Golf Club Annual Awards Breakfast on Wednesday, Jan. 9 at the Clubhouse. It was a free breakfast for members, and 40 women attended. The biggest award of the day was Most Improved Golfer. That went to Donna Cronan, who improved her index by three points, from 23.8 to 20.8 during 2018. Well done! Other announcements were the winners of the Red Tee Eclectic Tournament, which ran from June through September. Linda Hefti was the overall winner, with an impressive net eclectic score of 46. In Flight 1, Sharon Rea took first, with Patty Nicholl in second. For Flight 2, first place went to Jo Walker, and second was Terri Rooney. In the third flight, Donna Hay came in first and Kathy Belding got second. In the Green Tee Eclectic, which took place from September 1 through

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Overall Red Tee Eclectic winner Linda Hefti at the Awards Breakfast on January 9. (Photo credit: Pat Seeley)

Donna Cronan won Most Improved Golfer for 2018 at the Awards Breakfast on January 9. (Photo credit: Pat Seeley)

December 1, Carolyn Goldsberry took Low Gross and Linda Hefti was the Low Net winner. Nice job, everyone! Thanks go to Val Lanza for running the Red Tee Eclectic, and to Barbara Kilborn for taking care of the Green Tee Eclectic. The WGANC Northern Awards went to members who score the three lowest total net scores played on designated Northern Days in

Spring is here!

March through October. The recipients this year were Ann Elliott and Linda Hefti. Nice going! Some other interesting statistics were that Linda Hefti recorded the most birdies on Wednesdays, and Jo Walker had the most chip-ins. Jo also played the most rounds of golf during the year, tied with Denise Mascari, with 122 posted rounds each. That’s a lot of golfing! Many thanks go to Pat Seeley for being the chair for the Awards Breakfast. In upcoming events, we are looking forward to the Laddie’s Rules game for sweeps on Wednesday, March 13 in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. That is always a fun game. Also, the WGANC Open Days are getting underway. They are a good way to play other courses at a discounted rate, and also meet women from other clubs. Check out the binder in the Sports Lounge cabinet and sign up. Remember that the shotgun start for March is at 9:30 a.m. The next scheduled general meeting is on Wednesday, March 6 at 2:00 p.m. in the Sports Lounge Meeting Room after golf.

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Let’s talk! Call Diana Caselas

RECREATION Lady Niners By Lynn Marshall with Lee Hicks It was an exciting day for all the Lady Niners on their last tournament in January, as Kimberly Lane sank a Hole-In-One on #15. It’s been a bit of a dry spell in respect to this high achievement recognized by the LOP Lady Niners, as well as all golfers worldwide. It was one of those rare January sunny days, when the course had even dried up enough to drive off the cart paths, and the club had turned out en masse to play. It should be noted that this club, although known widely for mentoring golfers to greatness, had little to do with Kim’s demonstrated superior skill, as she’s a brand-new golfer, having begun only in August. A sheer natural athlete and gifted golfer! Congratulations Kim and thanks for the drinks around! Other Lady Niners came alive on this sunny January day, carding all sorts of achievements, such as chip-ins. Sharon Cowles chipped in on #17, Mary Rosseau, #10, and Sue Miller, #18. Janice Lambert celebrated her installation as Co-Captain of her club by winning the gold flight in the Throw Away Game played by her club. Janet Trimble, the honoree receiving the Armstrong Award for 2018 placed behind Janice in second. Playing from the green-combo tees, Sandy Malin placed first in the first flight; Kay Nunez was second. The second flight was won by Mary Rosseau, followed in second by Suzie Estes.

Kim Lane scores a Hole in One on #15. (Photo Credit: Kim Lane)

Third flight was won by Kay Knowlden; Bev Barnett placed second behind Kay. Playing in the fourth flight, Barb Hallock was first; Lee Hicks was second. The Blind Holes Game played in January was played in two flights from the green combo tees. Those placing in the first flight were: Suzie Estes

and Lauren Dummer, first and second respectively. Kim Lane won the second flight and Lynn Marshall was second. Tournament Chairs for 2019 have been determined, and the Lady Niners are already gearing up for an exciting season of special events. Junior Girls from Northern California will descend on the LOP golf course for the first ever hosting event for the Lady Niners on Tuesday, July 30. Lauren Dummer will chair this event with both women’s golf clubs on board to care for the details. This Corena Green Junior Tourney is a prestigious event that garners support from WNHGA in terms of scholarship awards for high schoolers and recognition and experience for young women in junior programs throughout the north state. The LOP club has sponsored entries to this event to travel and compete. This year they compete at home. Good luck LOP junior golfing women! Next up, Sue Miller and Kay Knowlden will chair the Spring Twilight Tournament and the Club Championship in 2019 will be played over three summer days, co-chaired by Christina Fahlstrom and Toni Boyer. The LOP Lady Niner traveling team will be co-captained by Suzie Estes and Cathy Sulinski, and the Niner’s pro-techie, Cassi Bassolino, will continue as Web Liaison. A visit to the Lady Niner website includes a virtual tour of the golf course as well as news of achievements, tournament results, photos, tee assignments and course conditions. Go there!


By Dennis Camarlinghi

By Ben Seward

The men’s golf club had their Inaugural golf tournament in January. The results are in: Flight #1 1st Mark Moore & Russ Broughan -64 Tied with Terry Cross & Joe Slain-64 3rd Dew Ward & Mark Aanenson -65 Tied with Dave Holub & Bob Yates-65 Flight #2 1st Jim Gunn & Ray Tschirhart -60 2nd Mark Stemple & Mark Scott -64 Tied with Harry Lent & Mike Burwell -64 Flight #3 1st Pat Graham & Daryl Chandler-59 BEST SCORE of tournament 2nd Frank Rooney & Frank Mascari -62 Tied with Duane Heaton & Charlie Mullen -62 Closet to pin winners: Hole #7 Mike Ertola 4’ 1” Hole #15 Mark Stemple 10’4”. There is a new golf notification site lopgolf.com that can also be used along with the old site. This new site also has an app. that you can use on your Android phone and, coming soon, for iPhones.

Be a part of the LOP Piranhas Swim Team family! Do your children enjoy swimming? Are you looking for a fun, new, summertime activity and an opportunity to meet other families here in our community? Come join the LOP Piranhas Swim Team for warm summer evenings by the pool while your kids make memories, meet new friends and build confidence in their swimming abilities! The Piranhas are one of six teams participating in the Sierra Foothills Swim League (SFSL) established circa 1990. The SFSL successfully combines the spirit of recreation and competition through a series of dual meets (pitting one team against another) held on Saturdays during the months of June and July. The swim season culminates with a

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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Men’s Golf Club

Championship meet (“Champs”) where all six teams compete for the SFSL Trophy. The LOP Piranhas Swim Team is comprised of swimmers between the ages of five and 18. Practices begin Tuesday, May 28, the day after Memorial Day, and are held on weeknights between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at the LOP Pool. Practice times vary depending on age and ability of swimmers and typically run 30-45 minutes. Registration for the 2019 season begins Saturday, March 30. For more information, please visit our team website at http://www.lop-piranhas.com or contact us at loppiranhas@gmail.com with any questions. Also, be sure to stop by our booth at the LOP Eggstravaganza on Saturday, April 20 where you can speak with Piranhas families and drop off your Registration materials.

RECREATION The Tennis Racquet By Lynn Sullivan

Win More Points. The best tennis strategies are similar to those of any sport: win more points and lose fewer points. But what tennis tactics support a tennis strategy of winning more points? Use the knowledge you’ve gained by observing your opponent. For instance, you’ve observed which is your opponent’s weaker side. Now attack this weaker side with serves, returns and ground strokes. Force your opponent to use this weaker side and play faster shots to that side, giving your opponent less time to react. Use variations of height, spin and speed to disrupt your opponent’s timing. Observing weaknesses is key. If your opponent is tall, land the ball low, forcing him or her to bend. If your opponent appears out-of-shape or slow, force him or her to run from side-to-side or from shallow-to-deep

and back again. A full array of tactics can be applied to most game situations, allowing you to outplay your opponent, thus winning more points. Perhaps, for example, included in your tennis strategy to win more points, is to play aggressively from the baseline. Differing tactics may be used to achieve this secondary strategy: you may strike balls on the rise to put pressure on your opponent; or you may use as many inside out forehands as possible. Or, if for example, your opponent is uncomfortable at the net, you can hit short, then lob or you can make your opponent volley. Remember to remain flexible and resilient throughout your match. If a stroke is not working, don’t stubbornly keep trying it to support your tennis strategies, even though it’s obviously “off.” And, against all

of your opponents, it’s essential to disguise your strokes and vary your placements. Deception is important to your tennis strategies, more important even, at times, than sheer power or technique is to supporting your tennis tactic. The Tennis Committee and the Tennis Club are researching LED lighting for Courts Three and Four. LED lights use less than half the

electricity of our old metal halide lights and put out more light. Energy efficient and better lighting saves LOP electricity and makes the courts safer as well as more fun to play on. Please pay your tennis club dues of $30 if you haven’t already done so. You can drop your check off in the ‘tennis club’ box up at the Pro Shop located at the Sports Lounge.

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Don’t miss all your local and national coverage every second and fourth Friday, in print and on the Web.

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News


Easter Eggstravaganza Save the Date: Saturday, April 20 from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the Driving Range Egg Hunt, Cakewalk, Carnival Style Games, Art Table, Golf games on the first tee. The Sports Lounge will be open for food and beverage needs, meet your swim team and more!


Volunteers, we need you! You, yes you, are needed for Easter Eggstravaganza and Golf Fair on Saturday, April 20 from 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. The event is 10:00 a.m.-noon. We need volunteers to cover one, two and three-hour shifts. We need help with set-up, take, down, carnival games and booths etc. Email Nicole to sign up at nhurd@lop.org or call 268-1141, ext. 2015.

Art Classes

Three NEW Art Classes coming up! Register in Admin or at the class if there is space available.

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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1. Painting Clovers - Wednesday, March 13 Sports Lounge Meeting Room 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Cost: $28 Description: Have fun painting art for St Paddy’s Day! Create a beautiful painting of clovers in this class with easy step by step instructions. Acrylic on an 8x10 canvas. All materials provided. 2. Clay Sculpture Making - Three Mondays, March 4, 11, 18 Yacht Lounge 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Cost: $80 for the series includes all three days. Description: Create a sculpture out of clay from start to finish. Learn about different types of clay, scoring techniques, how to manipulate and make changes to it. Pieces will be glazed with a clearcoat and fired for you to pick up at a later date. 3. Painting Spring Flowers – Tuesday, April 9 Sports Lounge Side Patio 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cost: $28 Description: Create a beautiful painting of flowers in this class with easy step by step instructions. Acrylic on an 8x10 canvas. All materials provided. Call Susie Bell, Instructor for more information: (916) 802-8917.

Music, Art & Wine in the Park at Hazel Park

Save the Date: Saturday, May 25 from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Memorial Day weekend. Food, Beer, and Wine for purchase. Local Live Music. Fine Art Vendors.

Tennis Tennis Lessons are offered on Wednesdays on Court Four at 4:00 p.m. Cardio Tennis Class offered on Saturdays on Court Two at 9:00 a.m. Private, Semi-Private or Group Lessons for all ages and abilities Contact Instructor Bob Heiser, LOP’s USPTA Tennis Pro to schedule at 268-1687.



Bear River Garden Club Couples Bridge Duplicate Bridge Firebelles Board Mtg. Firebelles Luncheon Firebelles Viva Las Vegas Lady 9ers Board Mtg. Lady 9ers General Mtg. Men Fellowship MGC Board Mtg. Men Niner Quarterly Mtg (MBS) Military Bull Season Pinesmen Mtg. Pinesmen Bingo Pinesmen Dinner Pinochle Poker Sports & Activities Mtg SAC Bocce Ball SAC Fishing Group SAC Families for the Lake

SAC Pine Needlers SAC Qigong SAC Ukulele Group SAC Wines in the Pines SIR Board Mtg. SIR lunch Tennis Club Board Mtg. WGC Exec. Board Mtg. WGC Gen’l. Mtg. WGC Luncheon Women’s Fellowship

Wednesday, March 13 Tuesdays Thursdays Thursday, March 7 Thursday, March 21 Saturday, March 2 Monday, March 11 Tuesday, March 12 Tuesdays Wednesday, March 6 Friday, Jan. 18 No Meeting in March Tuesday, March 5 Wednesday, March 13 Wednesday, March 27 Fridays Tuesdays Wednesdays Tuesday, March 19 Thursday, March 7 Tuesday, March 5 Monday, March 4 Saturday, March 9 Saturday, March 20 Saturday, March 23 Tuesdays & Thursdays Mon./Wed./Fri. Mondays & Fridays Tuesday, March 5 Wednesday, March 6 Wednesday, March 6 Tuesday, March 5 Thursday, March 28 Wednesday, March 6 Wednesday, March 20 Wednesday, March 13 Wednesday, March 27



9:30 a.m.-noon 6:15-10:00 p.m. 6:30-10:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 2:30-4:30 p.m. noon-2:00 p.m. 7:00-8:00 a.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. ----3:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00-10:00 p.m. 7:00-10:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-noon 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00-11:00 a.m 1:00-3:00 p.m. 10:00-11:00 a.m. 1:00-3:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:30-9:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00-5:00 p.m. 8:30-11:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Noon-3:00 p.m. 2:00-3:00 p.m. 2:00-3:00 p.m.


Fitness & Rec CLASS SCHEDULE – March 2019 Class


Aerobics Line Dancing LessonsBeginners Improver Intermediate LOP Sliders – Salsa Lessons Pickleball – Drop-in Open Play (all players)




8:30-9:30 a.m.


Mon. Mon. Mon. Mon.

4:00-5:00 p.m. 5:15-6:15 p.m. 6:30-8:00 p.m. 6:30-9:00 p.m.


Mon.-Sat. Sun. Thurs.

8:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:30-10:00 a.m.

Hazel Pk Hazel Pk CH/MPG


Covenants Darkhorse Ad Hoc Environmental Control



6:00 p.m ----9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.


No meeting in March No meeting in March No Meeting in March



By Supervisor Ed Scofield As a member of the Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC), I keep a close watch on the South County section of Highway 49. Last year a number of projects were placed on a Caltrans project list, a result of citizen input regarding the need for more safety projects on the highway from Grass Valley to the outskirts of Auburn in Placer County. I always give credit to a small group of South County citizens who make up the Highway 49 Safety Committee for organizing community activism and addressing those concerns with government agencies involved with highway safety. But I don’t want to forget Jolie Allen who, at the large Community meeting in March 2017, presented Caltrans with a petition calling for action on more safety projects with over 1,500 signatures and another 1,400 collected electronically. So, here’s an update on the projects that were identified following the Community meetings of last year. Project 3H340/Electrical: Install flashing beacons at Alta Sierra Drive intersection, upgrade intersection lighting at Brewer Road, and install radar speed feedback signs at various locations. At a projected cost of $169,000, the project received only one bid that came in too high to award. (I’m afraid this could become a trend.) The project is being repackaged with the power source changed to solar and will be rebid. Estimated project starting date is May of this year. Project 3H340/Wolf/Combie: Construct acceleration lanes on both North and Southbound lanes. Project cost estimate is $3.91M. Planning is complete, and Environmental review is targeted for July of this year with construction completion targeted for October of 2020. Project 3H650 Round Valley: Construct two-way left turn lanes for Round Valley Road and Quail Creek Drive. Estimated cost is $4.21M. Planning, Environmental review and design are on the same schedule as Wolf/Combie and is targeted for completion in October 2020. NCTC does not have jurisdiction beyond the County line; however, recent community meetings have focused on fatalities in Placer County and an extreme need for some form of traffic control at the Lone Star Road intersection. The loudest cry from the community was for a center median barrier primarily from Combie Road to Elder Corner. While Caltrans pointed out that this concept was not feasible, they did come up with a concept of concrete median barriers with roundabouts. Heading South on Hwy 49, you would enter a roundabout at Lone Star Road and upon exiting the roundabout, the highway would have a median barrier until you reach a second roundabout at Lorenson Road. I’m struggling with this concept, and I’ve requested that ample public review be given. The project is in the early planning stages and with an estimated cost of $25M, project completion is 2022 at the earliest. Finally, there are two Corridor Improvement projects that would extend the highway widening from La Barr Meadows Road to McKnight Way in Grass Valley: The first project (4E170) is a widening funded by NCTC. Currently only planning and design are funded. The second project (3H150) is a Caltrans State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) project that will construct a northbound truck climbing lane north of the La Barr Meadows Road intersection and add paved shoulders and a two-way left turn lane throughout the project limits. NCTC is working on a Federal grant application with Caltrans that will combine the two projects. The total cost of the combined projects will be approximately $70M, with about $52M coming from SHOPP funds, $10M from a Federal Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant, and the remaining $8-$10M coming from future NCTC and Caltrans State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funds. So, if we get the grant (we expect to know by September 2019) we will combine the two projects. If the grant is not approved, we will keep working on the two projects and use STIP funds to make smaller phased improvement projects that can be combined with the SHOPP project and will take us toward the ultimate goal. If the grant is received, the target completion date is November 2024. It’s great to have a vision, especially with a project such as the State Route 49 Corridor Improvement project. Not only do we have the vision, but also a plan to actually fund a project of such magnitude.

Page 27

Finance Firewise Golf Lakes & Parks Long Range Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Tennis Yacht Lounge Bldg Ad Hoc


Tuesday, March 26 No meeting in March Wednesday, March 6 Wednesday, March 27 Monday, March 11 Tuesday, March 5 Tuesday, March 26 Wednesday, March 6

District II Government Update

MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

Tai Chi



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MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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Cleaning Services


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Anesthesiologist: Small town care has big benefits By Mary Beth TeSelle Special to The Union


Page 32 MARCH 2019 Lake of the Pines News

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or Dr. Tom Luisetti, living and working in a small town has always been the goal. “I knew early on that I wanted to practice medicine at a smaller, community hospital,” Dr. Luisetti explains. “Doctors and staff have to be very engaged in a smaller hospital and everyone really knows each other. In my experience, that translates to more compassionate care. And that’s what I want to provide.” And for the past 13 years, that’s exactly what Dr. Luisetti has done – provide compassionate care as an anesthesiologist at Dignity Health Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital. “You find exceptionally well-trained doctors and nurses at SNMH,” Dr. Luisetti says. “Honestly, for the vast majority of cases, there is no need to seek care at a bigger facility.” That great care extends Dr. Tom to the anesthesia services Luisetti provided by Dr. Luisetti and his three partners. Dr. Luisetti serves as Medical Director for SNMH’s Anesthesia Services and is also the hospital’s Vice Chief of Staff. At SNMH, anesthesia services are available 24/7. “We cover anesthesia services for the hospital’s main OR, the Emergency Department, and OB – or Family Birth Center,” Dr. Luisetti explains. “We are able to offer patients the same services and provide the same experience that they would find at a larger hospital.” Dr. Luisetti says that, in recent years, his team has followed the national trend of being a “surgical home.” The American Society of Anesthesiologists created this model of care and describes it as being a “patient-centered, physician-led, team-based model of care coordination.” “As anesthesiologists, we are becoming more involved in the patient’s care,” explains Dr. Luisetti. “We are part of the pre-op assessment prior to surgery, we are obviously involved during the procedure, and then we follow up during the post-op phase as well. It ensures the patient receives the best care possible.” Another recent change that is helping Dr.

Luisetti and his team to continue to focus on patients is the partnership between SNMH’s anesthesia team and Vituity – a physician owned and led partnership. “Our partnership affiliation with Vituity enables us as physicians to focus on patient care,” Dr. Luisetti explains. “Vituity provides comprehensive practice management, including robust data analytics, billing support, and payer contracting. They are also exceptionally skilled at physician recruitment, a key need for us. There is a real physician shortage and we must attract more anesthesiologists in order to ensure that we can continue to meet the community need.” For patients, Dr. Luisetti says the transition with Vituity has been seamless, with the same anesthesiologists continuing to provide care at SNMH. When asked what patients can do to ensure that they have the most positive anesthesia experience possible, Dr. Luisetti says that process actually starts well before someone finds themselves in the operating room. “The most important thing a patient can do is to have a good relationship with their primary care physician. Have an interest in your health, see your doctor regularly, and address any medical issues when they come up. That makes the job of the anesthesiologist much easier.” Dr. Luisetti also emphasizes the importance of honesty – both with your primary care doctor and with your anesthesiologist prior to your procedure. “Be honest about your medical history and any medications you are taking. And don’t hesitate to share any concerns you may have. Often, your anesthesiologist can help to address those concerns, making for a much smoother procedure and recovery.” Just one more example of the personalized, compassionate care that can be found at a local, community hospital like SNMH. Dr. Luisetti says he feels fortunate to be a part of that type of care and hopes that others will help to spread the word. “The care available here, in our community, rivals that at larger hospitals. And I say that as someone who has needed surgery and has chosen to have it done here, at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital! I could have gone elsewhere but I was confident I would get great care here.”

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