It’s Worth the Work:
Why Intentional Relationships Are Better By Brodderick D. Roary
efore we get into why
intentional relationships
are better, we need to establish what exactly they are. The
dictionary defines intentional as “done on purpose;
deliberate.” This meaning plays an important role in what an intentional relationship is. It
involves being active instead
of passive and making things
happen rather than waiting for them to happen to you.
Intentional relationships are
not convenient relationships; dating someone simply
because he or she is around
all the time (i.e. conveniently located in your life) rather
than having a real romantic connection to them. They
aren’t short term, and they are not dictated by the superficial things: physical attraction,
monetary reasons, friends with benefits, etc. When you enter
into an intentional relationship
you are proving that you’re in it for the long run.
You fight the hard fights and learn how to work and grow together as a couple. This
type of relationship means
not giving up when things get tough. Conflict is inevitable,
and instead of running away from it, you run towards it,
ready to tackle it together. This sounds like a lot of work, right? So why are intentional relationships better?
Like anything, hard work pays
off. The following are just a few
of the many benefits that apart of intentional relationships: