8 minute read

new computers, websites, ecommerce, etc.
The day “Europe Opportunity. Financing for companies and the self-employed" involved technical staff from the Generalitat Valenciana to inform about the open subsidies and those planned in the coming months, and from the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, who spoke about Kit Digital, which deals specifically with these technology grants.
Thomsen confirmed that this event is the first of a series that aims to show the opportunities that Europe presents for companies and citizens. “We wanted to start by presenting to the business fabric the work we are doing to bring them closer to the information so that they can benefit from the Next Generation funds.
Torrevieja’s Councillor for International Residents, Gitte Lund Thomsen, who also holds the competencies within the town hall for EU Relations, held the first of what her department hopes will be the first of many conferences to help boost business in the town.

Last Wednesday, accompanied by the president of the Association of Small and Medium-sized Merchants (APYMECO), Jorge Almarcha, the first conference, held at the Real Club Náutico de Torrevieja (RCNT), focused on EU grants that small businesses and the self-employed can obtain to improve their digital presence, in which you can receive thousands towards
Torrevieja companies can count on economic means to improve their competitiveness by making them more technological and sustainable”, said the councillor, who explained that “after the pandemic, Next Generation funds are an opportunity for European countries. With this economic support, the European Union also intends to change the productive model of our countries, betting on clean energy and digitisation”.
To this end, "Torrevieja City Council has two people who offer specialised advice to companies and freelancers seeking financing from Next Generation funds, which will also support citizens and non-profit entities with any European aid and programme", she said, whilst referring to the difficulty that companies are having when applying for European aid because new concepts have been introduced and they ask for a lot of documentation. "Hence, it has been decided to open this new service to inform and advise any interested person, company or entity", she explained.
These two people are located, one in the Local Development Agency (ADL) and the other in the La Mata Town Hall, and provide telephone, face-to-face and online service by appointment at gvanext.torrevieja@torrevieja.eu and by telephone 607 822 878.
It is also planned to launch a newsletter to which any company, person or entity that is interested can subscribe. Likewise, the website also provides a link to the gvanext.com tool where you can search for aid financed with Next Generation funds.
Ilike to catch the early morning news headlines on RTE radio. There is seldom any good news on these bulletins, so I brace myself as the short blast of intro music tenses me up for how the news of today is going to affect me. Thatís the holy all of it, dear readers, I selfishly ask myself, what this has got to do with me.
There was a big one this morning ñ announced with the gravity of tone you might expect if Putinís army was crossing the Channel in our direction, or a new killer virus had escaped from the lab at a girlís convent school.
Every week it seems as if there is another impending danger for us unfortunate poor scruts and this was yet another big one. The fact is that the current most deadly threat to the future of mankind is the first day of the week, namely Mondays! Yes, friends; all the time when we were distracted through keeping an eye on Friday 13th, it is every Monday which poses the real threat. Monday is a killer Ö
Research at the Belfast Health and Care Trust and the Royal College of Surgeons have found that you have around a 20 per cent greater risk of a serious heart attack on Monday than any other day of the week.
Cardiologist Dr Jack Laffan, who led the research said; ëWe found a strong statistical correlation between the start of the working week and the incidence of STEMI.í(Aheart attack where the coronary artery becomes completely blocked) Maybe all those builders and painters who used to spend Mondays in the pub knew what they were doing after all?
Scientists are unable to fully explain the reasons for the ëBlue Mondayí phenomenon, but it is thought that the added stress of starting a new working week after two days of enjoyment buggers up the circadian rhythm. Workers make more mistakes and take longer to do tasks on a Monday.

Coming back to the selfish me, I donít fear that the minacious Monday will get me, because I do little enough any day and I donít suffer from Monday Blues ñ except after a Westmeath match.
In fact, in another life I had no reason to dread Mondays either. I told you this previously - but anything that might make me look smarter
National News In Brief
Spanish Govt promotes Mosquito Alert system

The Ministry of Health is promoting the Mosquito Alert project as a tool to improve the control and surveillance of mosquitoes that can transmit diseases.
The app allows anyone to provide information on the presence and activity of mosquitoes. Citizen science is included for the first time as a surveillance tool in the new National Plan for Prevention, Surveillance and Control of vector-borne diseases. The app is called MOSQUITO ALERT and is at http://www.mosquitoalert.com/, both of which are available in English.
than I am, you will hear it more than once!
I was doing a course and one of the themes was exactly what we are talking about here: the Monday morning syndrome, with its low productivity, rifts among staff and costly errors. When it came to my turn to contribute, I suggested that if they all worked a seven day week, like me, there was never a Monday morning feeling!
But ëleavin all jokin asideíñ to quote the Lads; there is something in this Monday thing that needs to be taken seriously. We will come up with a solution if you can stick this out to the end.
Brenda Spencer, a sixteen year old American student shot dead a number of people at Cleveland Elementary School, San Diego in 1979, citing the reason as ëI donít like Mondays.íIn typical American craziness, the rifle she used had been given to her by her doting daddy for her 16th birthday.
There are a lot of Mondays that presumably Spencer doesnít like since that infamous day, because she has spent all of them in prison to this day. Bob Geldof made a hit record
Doubled air support for European forest fire fight

The European Commission has announced that in view of how this year's forest fire season is progressing, it has been decided to double the aerial firefighting fleet, within the framework of the European system of rescEU resources.
It will be made up of 24 planes and 4 helicopters from 10 Member States. Spain will provide two medium scooping airplanes. The reinforcement of firefighting capabilities will be complemented by the provision of some 450 fire fighters from various countries, positioned in France, Greece and Portugal.

based on that terrible Monday massacre.
So, can anything be done about this mental Monday mystification? As ever, this column is to the forefront in coming up with an answer. It has been found that the productivity of workers is at its all-time low on Mondays.
With people being up to 30 per cent less productive and often only managing to work for 3.5 hours throughout the day. One solution would be to halve the working day on Monday. An even better idea might be to have a bank holiday Monday every week Ö but why not go the whole hog while weíre at it and get rid of Mondays altogether, if it is doing nothing but harm?

On Thursday, there will be a major nuclear incident in Madrid, requiring the evacuation of the city, however, the scenario is just a drill, preparing the emergency workers in the event of such an occurrence.
There will be 274 participants from local, regional and national organisations such as the National Police, the Guardia Civil, the Spanish Cruz Roja, SESCAM, the National Security Council, the Military Emergency Unit (UME) and the Junta de Castilla y León. Firefighters from the City Council will also participate.
The working week could start on Tuesday ñ a day that gives no bother to anybody. Granted, this makes the week a bit awkward if we are to retain seven days.
Having exercised a bit of brainstorming with the Lads, we see the answer in slotting in a nice new easy day between Friday and Saturday. This would be a ëwinding down dayí before the weekend to be called ëL· Easca.í
There are too many people in too many cars in too much of a hurry going too many directions to get nowhere for nothing.
The Fight against Terrorism of the United Nations has opened an office in Madrid. The Minister of Foreign Affairs said that it "represented an important milestone after several years of close work with the United Nations to strengthen the fight against terrorism".
The new office focuses on providing technical assistance as well as the protection of vulnerable targets, including critical infrastructures and public places, the prevention of violent extremism, the promotion and protection of human rights and support for victims of terrorism.

Potatoes get a bad rap, but they're gluten free.

Bad Foods That Are Good For Weight Loss
Potatoes score right at the top on the Satiety Index, a scale for measuring how filling foods are. But how you cook them matters: Boiled will keep you feeling fuller longer.
But baked, with a healthy topping like sautÈed broccoli, is another tasty option. Potatoes get a bad rap, but they're gluten free, they offer more potassium than a banana, and they're good sources of vitamin B6 and vitamin C.

Studies in people eating low-glycemic diets (foods that take longer to raise your blood sugar) show that a moderate amount of pasta isn't harmful.
In fact, participants were still able to lose weight while eating pasta.
Bottom line: Aim for whole-wheat pasta --the more al dente the less it raises your blood sugar.
They may be high in fat and calories, but you don't have to skip them in order to shed pounds. In fact, studies say women who eat one serving of nuts two or more times a week are almost 25% less likely to be obese and gain fewer pounds than those who avoid nuts.
If you're counting calories, don't count out cheese just yet. One study suggests including calciumrich low-fat dairy in your low-cal meals may actually help you lose a little weight while also protecting bone health.

Adaily cup of Joe alone won't hinder your weight loss efforts. In fact, researchers think the caffeine in coffee may actually make you feel less hungry and burn more calories.
But adding sugar and cream can make it less healthy. It may even boost the number on your scale over time.
Adiet that includes whole grains, like those in brown rice, can actually help you keep a healthier body weight.
In addition to fiber that keeps you feeling full, you'll also get vitamins B1 and B6, magnesium, selenium, phosphorous, and manganese.
And while white rice doesn't have these benefits, with limited, sensible portions, you can still enjoy it without worrying about weight gain.
The key to chocolate noshing is to go dark and keep portions small.
Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants, and studies report it helps insulin work better in your body, while controlling feelings of hunger.
That makes it an ideal sweet treat to cap off a healthy meal.
Go ahead and say yes to popcorn -- but hold the salt and butter. Air-popped popcorn is a great source of fibre and is a nutritious whole grain. It satisfies your hunger quickly so youíre less likely to overeat.

Whole Milk
Studies show a glass of whole milk every so often doesn't increase weight gain and may even help you lose.
Drink full fat milk to slim down? Seems strange, but experts think that may be the case. Studies show a glass of whole milk every so often doesn't increase weight gain and may even help you lose. Though they aren't yet sure how it works, it could be because the high milk content fills you up quickly and keeps you from overdoing it elsewhere.