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Hurricane Division Ahome game on 29th May for the Wasps which was Montemar Torros which resulted with wins on four rinks to win 10-2 (Shots 108-86). The winning rinks were; Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (23-10). Kathleen & Noel Morrisroe with Derek Biggs (24-17). Ann & Jim Taylor with Jim Gracie (22-17). Les Bedford, Stan Dibble & Martin Harley (2420).


On 5th June the Wasps home game were Country Bowls Kites ending with another result of 10-2 (Shots 106-76). Rinks won by; Anthony Pridmore, Martin Harley & Karen Kirk (27-13). Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (23-14). Kathleen & Noel Morrisroe with Derek Biggs (25-16). Ramsay Sinclair, Jim Taylor & Jim Gracie (15-13).

Harrier Division La Siesta Hornets were welcomed by Greenlandís Warriors for their game, the game finished with wins on three rinks a draw on another by Skip David Whitworths team, unfortunately we were unable to supply a team for the remaining rink so the result ended 9-3 (Shots 80-61). Rink winners were; Mags Haines, Irene Laverick & Mike Inns (26-4). Ken Stringfellow, Pat Moore & Ken Barber (22-17). Jim Gwynn, Derek Barker & John Skipper (15-13).

VCLLeague The Parakeets welcomed Country Bowls Meerkats to La Siesta, which resulted with wins on three rinks by, Singles: take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - 5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm, by appointment ONLY. To book, please call Dave or Lynn Greenland on +34 667 207 508. We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique clubwe only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES.

For further info on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118

A very murky morning with rain threatening. Green was slightly damp which made it difficult for all to read the pace of your bowls.

Good wins for Sue Wilson ladies singles 2113 (well done Sue), Our fours team excellent win for Alan Bannister, Keith Black, Paul Durham & Eric Bishop 15-12 and a must win for triples to get overall points, well done to Denise Howell, Lynne Bishop & Carol Thorpe 24 - 16.

Overall scores Quesada lions 84 Vistabella Saxons 92. Points going Vistabella's way with a 8pts - 4pts win. Well done Vistabella. Vistabella bowls contact: tel:698 925 932 or richardwilley321@gmail.com,

Karen kirk (21-4). Trips: Jim Taylor, Lyndon Johnson & Martin Harley (28-13). Rinks: Pauline Johnson, Stan Dibble, Derek Biggs & David Blackie (18-15). We also collected an additional 2 points for the overall (Shots 87-67) for a result of 8-4. El Rancho was the venue for the Hoopoes game, the only winning discipline coming from; Trips: Mags Haines, Jim Jarvie & Mike Inns (29-13). The game finished 2-10 (Shots 79-83). All postponed matches will be published once played.

Emerald Isle Bowls Club

We are very pleased and proud to welcome as sponsors to the club both ROSAS MH and SUN LAWYERS, hopefully for a long and fruitful partnership. Thank you both

Vulcans started the week at home against San Miguel Moors and in a tight game, with home advantage, the ISLE won 84 with an aggregate of 93-74

N Davis M Dyer C Lindgren 25-8, C Udell S Marks R Marks 15-9, M Oakley N Prior S Elvin 20-19

Victors travelled to Monte Mar Toreadors, never an easy place to go, and they came home with a fine draw 6-6, aggregate of 87-84. M Raine D Clark J McGregor 25-14, J Holmyard G Digby B Carter 34-14

Wednesday brought San Miguel Sheriffs to the Isle against the Dukes and the home team had an excellent win by 10-2, aggregate 106-57. M Dyer 21-8, N Davis C Lindgren 23-12, N Prior M Ellis B Kavanagh 24-6, M Oakley S Elvin S Marks R Marks 20-10

Earls were at Country Bowls Foxes and they lost 2-10, Aggregate 62-118. M Riley M Raine C Wilson M Odell 1413

SAPS is on at 9-15 on Saturday mornings, great fun where you can learn to bowl or play for 2 hours and where shoes and bowls are supplied if needed. Bar open All for 5 Euros Elwyn Morris

Thursday Night Darts League

Cup results - Venue, Tipsy Toad, El Galan.


C.K.1 Lads 2-7 Mind the Gap

Auxiliary Cup Final

Tipsy Toad Toppers 7-5 Leeson St. Trotters

K.O.Cup Final - C.K.1 Lads v Mind the Gap

Despite a shaky start, Gap completed the league and Cup "double", for the 2nd time. Lads outscored the Gap in the Tons department but didn't convert their scores into point winning doubles.

The champions reputation often helping out at crucial times, but take nothing away from them they are deservedly "double winners".

Gap took an early lead through Sam Salt on D4, plus 89,123, ably assisted by a Che Liam 100, Lads, Steve Dalton, Darren Hurcombe and Bill Leaves 127, shy of nailing the outer circle. A better 2nd triple performance followed, Paul Green, Les Adams 121,100 and stalwart Kevin Wood, 100, D2 squaring the tie. A Salt 100 was converted by a Gordon Cowan D10, for 1-2, Lads managing just a lone 83 from Dalton.

Hurcombe 100,87 and a Dalton ton proved insufficient as Cowan wacked in a 135, partner Paul Moody nailing D2 after a tasty 180. Wood 85,100 and Adams 95, put up a good show in the 2nd pairs but were outgunned by Darren Sanderson's 2x100 and Salt's 83,and 48 out.

Liam and Carlos Escansiano 98, D8 concluded the pairs, Gap 1-5 ahead. Prior to the singles a superb selection of half time "Fayre" was provided by Toad's Andy and Lisa.

Adams 100,100,85,100,64 out, reduced Gap's lead, Esco the recipient, the score now 2-5. Sanderson 97,95,D16 increased his teams advantage against Hurcombe 100, leaving Dalton to face Salt. lt was to prove the final leg, Salt's 81,81,140, just too much for the Lad, Salt closing out 56 for the match. The remaining legs were played out, Liam, Moody, Cowan, all victorious.

POTM - Adams - Salt.

Auxiliary Cup Final

Tipsy Toad Toppers v Leeson St. Trotters

All 12 legs were necessary to determine where the spoils were going in this one. And what a match. Andy Rutter opened for Toppers with a nicely placed D20 and looked likely to go further ahead after 2 tons from John Rodford in the 2nd triple. Not so as Steve Tilley banged in a 180 and D20, for 1-1.

Rodford added a 140 in the 3rd, Tilley replying with a ton, Mark Farmer a 140, only for Lee Maiden to close the leg on 76.

Phil de Lacy 85,100 and Hugh Galloway 81, were out gunned in the 1st pairs by Ken Skinner 95 and Farmer 100,140,D18, for 2-2, the remaining 2 pairs going Toppers way.

Maiden 85,140 and Rutter 140 and a 96 out, disposing of Barry Shingler and Yvonne Rouffignac 95,85, Rodford 100, and Graham Solomans 100,D7 giving Toppers a half time advantage with victory over Kain Hickman and Tilley 2x100. Rutter faced Farmer in the 1st singles, the Topper not quite finding his usual form hitting 100,100,80,the lethal Farmer responding with 100,100,100,D18 for 4-3.

Solomans 81,95,121 did enough to win the next, but found the required double elusive, his opposition, Rouffignac took full advantage with a 13, Bull out, the score now 4-4. Tilley's 140,100,100, would see off most opponents, but not Maiden who somehow ignored the barrage to plant his arrow in D10 for 5-4.

De Lacy 93, D16 made it 6-4 for Toppers only for Shingler to overcome Toppers trump card, Rodford on D1, leaving a last leg "shoot out" between Galloway and Shingler for the Cup. lt proved a "nail biter" for all concerned, Galloway finding D4 and the trophy for Toppers.

POTM - Rodford - Rouffignac.

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