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easier and more effective to have more police patrolling the streets.
Six months before these new rules in Romford, in the north-west of the country, the seaside town Maryport in Cumbria has seen ASB reduced by forty nine percent by the introduction of just one Community Beat Officer, who patrols the streets of this delightful town
ASB crimes vary, mainly those of causing fear or intimidation to residents by vandalism, harassment and trespass. Following their success in reducing this type of misbehaviour the Cumbria police see it as the way forward encouraging Police forces across the UK to take note of the result.
I am sure most readers will notice small everyday things changing, it could be the way the internet works or perhaps variations to the service on your phone, small, sometimes annoying things which one shrugs off.
It was in 1925 that Hitler wrote ‘Mein Kampf’ which means ‘My Struggle’, in it he wrote about his future plans for Germany. One of the passages in the book, and I quote from it.
‘The best way to take control over people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and imperceptible reductions’. Sounds familiar, to what is taking place today. For example, there is concern amongst the elderly and I guess by people who do not want to be dragged into this modern world, where the mobile phone is ‘king’. Enfield in North London is the latest of a string of councils to remove the option of paying for parking meters by cash.
Gone are the old machines and along with them the lovely people with yellow braid around their caps who march up and down ensuring compliance with complicated parking laws.
Instead, there are new ugly machines standing to attention at the side of the road. If you are not computer literate then they are foreigners with a language you will not understand, as
Entrenaranjos Civic Centre To Reopen After Five Years
The Department of Citizen Participation has put out to tender the lease of two premises in the Entrenaranjos urbanisation that will be used to serve it’s Community of residents as a Civic Centre. Councillor Ángel Grau,said that “this is the first step they demand you to put something called an App on your mobile phone so you can pay the parking fee.

Tough! If you haven’t got a phone or one that is capable of downloading this magic group of letters or you do not understand the instructions, then be a good fellow.

If you cannot comprehend then either go elsewhere or pay the penalty for parking in the zone covered by the stationary robot. That is another small step toward a cashless society.
It was Henry Ford who said when buying one of his similar looking cars ‘you can have any colour providing it is black’, very little has changed, cars still look similar but now you can have any colour you wish.
Now once you have settled on the colour you can drive away one of these wonderful toys, but I do not expect Henry Ford or oth- for the residents of this urbanisation to once again have a facility that they should never have lost five years ago. ers in the developing motor industry appreciated what they were flooding onto the world. For a very long-time towns and cities have tried to control the growing number of vehicles invading their streets, until it was recently decided that people should be cycling to work, this decision has triggered the narrowing of thoroughfares to lay cycle lanes to restrict traffic. www.facebook.com/percy chattey
A loss that,due to the negligence of the government at that time, meant that associations and residents no longer had a meeting place where they could hold courses such as Spanish for foreigners.
Quite frankly I think it is a senseless idea to try and convince people in a chilly and often wet country to arrive at work cold, damp and miserable. I don’t think so. No, the cycle will stay in the shed, and most will continue using their cars, no matter how difficult the traffic.
A realistic answer to the traffic problem is comfortable, fast, frequent and low-cost public transport at a price that compares very favourably to the cost to using your own vehicle. Take care.
It is expected that the use of one of the properties will be used as a medical office "steps that we have already been dealing with alongside the Department of Health in order to authorise a satellite office service",said Luis Quesada, Councillor for Health.
The lease for the two premises of 85 square meters each,has a basic bidding budget for the two-year duration of the contract of 58,080 euros.