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Carp-R-Us Angling

Carp-R-Us took a week off from their Spring Series to fish their Pairs Cup at El Bosquet.

On this occasion they were also accompanied by Beth and Aiden from the TVprogramme Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun who shadowed club president Roy Dainty during the match as well as filming the pre-match rituals and joining members at CafÈ Uno in Catral after the match for a drink and some sparkling wit and repartee.


He died in a accident during the first Supertwin race of the 2023 Isle of Man TT.The accident occurred in the area of Alpine Cottage,between miles 16 and 17.

Half of those fishing were on beg 1a7 and the rest on 26-40 and sadly the latter stretch fished very poorly with and number of low weights and one blank net.

The overall match was won by Dave Hutchison on peg 1 who caught 16.32kg on pole and pellet. Second was birthday boy Steve Higgins (he claims he is 72 but no one believes him) with 13.72kg from peg 4 using pole and maggots.

He narrowly beat Nick Bastock on peg 3 who had 13.38kg and fourth was Paul Burton on peg 7 with 11.32kg.

Yassin won gold in the under 69 kgs light contact."

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