4 minute read
stupid, which you will understand when you see the results of an impact injury caused by the inflation of an airbag, which can happen at a relatively slow speed. It is illegal, because it is so dangerous. In the event of a crash, if a passenger is travelling with their feet up on the dashboard, the injuries that may occur will be very serious, partly as the deployment of the airbag can cause more serious injuries than it prevents in this situation, and, irrespective of an airbag being present, the glass from the windscreen can cause serious injury, not to mention the effects of a passenger being crushed by the impact between the dashboard and the seat.
rences of this sort of behaviour, there is also an increase in the number of fines issues as the traffic police. Incidentally, in the event of a passenger putting their feet on the dashboard, it is the driver who is ultimately responsible for the safety of the vehicle and, as such, it is the driver who will be fined.
We have had a bit of rain recently, but we are also now seeing temperatures start to warm up, and with that comes a wave of typical behaviours we see on the roads, many of which can cause us problems, and can lead to a fine, or worse, so it´s time to look at dome of the dos and don´ts of summer driving.

Firstly, and this is for passengers (hopefully), please do not put your feet up on the dashboard! We have already seen this happening this year. It is dangerous, and it is utterly
The image accompanying this article is an actual x-ray of such an injury caused by an airbag deploying in a crash whilst the passenger had their feet on the dashboard. Police in Wales released the image of the Xray to show what they called the woman's "life changing" injuries.

In addition to the increase in occur-
Article 18, Section 1 of Royal Decree 1428/2003 of 21 November, approving the Rules of the road, states that “The driver of a vehicle must maintain their own freedom of movement, the required field of vision and permanent attention to driving, to ensure their own safety, that of other vehicle occupants and other road users. To achieve this, you must take special care to maintain the proper position and that of the passengers, and the proper placement of objects or animals transported so that there can be no interference between the driver and any of them“.
Maintaining a proper position in the vehicle is not only important for our comfort, but also crucial for our safety.

San Luis Bowls Club
As we get towards the end of the summer leagues, the pressure increases for good results to maintain or improve league positions, This week our teams had some great results and gained some useful points. South Alicante summer league
Monday 5th SPITFIRE Div. SLWellingtons had an excellent result away v Quesada Lancasters, winning 9 pointsñ3, 96 shotsñ 66. Well done to: Kath Reid, June & Keith Jones 2013, Neil & Sandra Burrows, Scott Malden 15-15, Giuseppe Galelli, Vic Mahomet, Dave Webb 26-14, Dee Hoey, Caroline & John Smyth 24-11.
HARRIER Div. SLHercules: BYE
Valencian Championship League Wednesday 7th. In spite of the rain, the matches were able to go ahead. DIVA. Falcons had a great result away v Greenlands Giants 12 points-0, 103 shotsñ80. Ladies singles: 21-18, Menís singles: 21-20, Pairs: 20-14, Triples: 23-16, Rinks: 18-12.
VCL. DIVB. Hawks were home to the Quesada Tigers. It was a very close fought match, with Hawks taking some useful points; 6-6, 83 shots -81. Winners: Menís singles Ian Kenyon: 21-13, Phil Lockley & Jane Hamill 19-13.
We are a friendly club with competitive and hard-working members, we welcome new and experienced members to expand our teams. Come and meet us, or better still, come and join us!

Greenlands Results
Greenlands Warriors had a poor Monday against La Siesta who were really on form and came away with a 9 to 3 win shots of 80 to 61 .
Greenlands Gladiators kept the flag flying with a win of 7 to 5 against San Miquel with shots of 93 to 85 against strong opponents this week but managed to gain victory.Well done
Not much to tell about the TITANS as the game was not played due to unforeseen rain.
Greenlands GIANTS were really up against it this Wednesday playing San Luis and unfortunately could not gain the victory having lost 12 to 0 shots for San Luis 103 80 for the GIANTS
Still all to play for so dig in deep.
Monte Mar Toros v Emerald Isle Victors
At home to the Victors we won on three rinks but unfortunately lost by three on shots.Well done to the winning rinks: Lynn Armitage,Rod Chamberlain skip Phil Goble,Jean Chamberlain,Barry Watson skip Graham Smythe,Sheila Roberts,Diane Horsington skip Neil Crawford.
Shots Toros 84 - 87 Victors,Points Toros 6 - 6 Victors
San Miguel Bowls
WE 9th June 2023 - Barry Jones
It was a poor week for San Miguel as far as results went.
On Monday San Miguel Christians were hosts to Greenlands Gladiators, losing 5 - 7, 85 shots to 93. The best winning triples were Ian Hope, Stand North and Bob Donnelly 21 - 14, and Jack Jackson, Linda Douglas and Dave Champion 18 - 11.
Our other Monday Team San Miguel Moors were away to Emerald Isle Vulcans where they lost 4 - 8, 74 shots to 93. The best winning triple were Dave Homer, Gail Willshire and Fred Willshire 16 shots to 13.
On Wednesday both teams were in action in the VCL League, San Miguel Deputies were home to La Marina, where they lost 4 - 8. 71 shots to 92.
In the Ladies Singles Jan Farmer won 21 - 15, In the Gents Singles Dave Champion lost 13 - 21. In the pairs
Jack Jackson and Frank Scotthern won 15 - 11. In the Triples Bob Hanton, Ken Guiney and Bob Donnelly lost 10 - 31. In the Rinks
Tom Dalgleish, Sharon Louise, Derek Farmer and Eddie Cowan lost 12 - 14.
San Miguel Sheriffs were away to Emerald Isle Dukes, losing 2 - 10, The two points were picked up by Dave Homer in the Gent’s singles where he won 21 - 18..

A reminder that the Wasps sessions
Vistabella Bowls Club
South Alicante summer league
Vistabella Fairways v Quesada Blenheims
Always a tough game against these guys. With Brian Gilham, Mo. Foulcer & Martin Foulcer winning 19-14, Avril Kendall, Richard Willey & Carol Thorpe also close with a win 19-12 and Denise Howell, Eric Bishop & Maggie Furness finishing off well with a good result 16 - 11. Scores at the end were Vistabella 81 and Blenheims 87. Points shared 6pts each, well done teams.
VCL summer league - Wednesday June 7th
Quesada Lions v Vistabella Saxons