7 minute read
1.Creek (5)
4.Momentum (7)
8.Winding (7)
9.About (5)
10.Lose colour (4)
11.Deep (8)
13.Scoff (4)
14.Island (4)
16.Kind (8)
17.Cute (4)
20.Make (5)
21.Scaffold (7)
22.Chose (7)
23.Inexperienced (5)
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
1.Tireless (13)
2.Irate (5)
3.Jog (4)
4.Put in (6)
5.Peace-lover (8)
6.Agony (7)
7.Be obvious (5,2,6)
12.Assign (8)
13.Worldly (7)
15.Bombastic (6)
18.Complete (5)
19.Whip (4)
ACROSS: ACROSS: 3 Prescribe; 8 Rare; 9 Assailant; 10 Single; 11 Sever; 14 Waive; 15 Rent; 16 Norma; 18 Road; 20 Clear; 21 Least; 24 Stalin; 25 Denigrate; 26 Lots; 27 Unceasing.
DOWN: DOWN: 1 Crossword; 2 Principal; 4 Rose; 5 State; 6 Roller; 7 Bunk; 9 Alien; 11 Sprat; 12 Rebellion; 13 Sternness; 17 Acute; 19 Defile; 22 Sorts; 23 Lean; 24 Stun.
1.Supports the defenders (5)
4.Perceive that Cinders is going out (7)
8.Possibly reddens the china (7)
9.Reg carries six back for the donor (5)
10.Press club (4)
11.They're used by those that dry up - there's a lot in train (8)
13.Got back small clothes (4)
14.Aman from a hot island (4)
16.Not sure about coatings (8)
17.Sage going out for a long time (4)
20.Courage never changes (5)
21.Scene of gold being put on the furniture item (7)
22.Walker who isn't a good story-teller (7)
23.Anumber going to church for fish (5)
1.Special skill Reds in BMAneed, perhaps (7,6)
2.Prayer of communist in the company (5)
3.Ateam dies out (4)
4.Peril in digging up the garden (6)
5.Story London, for example, has written with wisdom (8)
6.Jealous of endless souvenir exchange (7)
7.Points to the Cockney's mouth (5,3,5)
12.Paint where the bird came from (8)
13.Turn Tam out in a fit of rage (7)
15.Somehow merits a title (6)
18.Gather there's a different angle (5)
19.Encourage in crime for a wager (4)
LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)
1. A hip swinging inspiration for the young Elvis, which naive man from Greenbow Alabama is found on Forbes list of the 15 richest fictional characters?
2. Atome was the original name for which popular suit?
3. Borg is the most common surname in which E.U. country?
4. No Security, Licks and No Filter are all examples of what?
5. Which national football (soccer) team is sometimes nicknamed "Pentacampeoes"?
6. Which famous landmark looks somewhat forlorn in Lake Havasa City?
7. The movie poster tag line to which Oliver Stone film was "The story that won't go away"?
8. Which oriental stew reached number one in the US music charts (number 10 in the UK charts) in 1963?
9. The name of which dip translated means "chickpeas"?
10. The following lyrics are all from songs with the word "Game" or "Games" somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song? a. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time, impossible as it may seem. b. But I can see in your face there's a lot you can teach me so I wanna know. c. Suki plays with Leo, Sacha plays with Brit, Adolf builds a bonfire. d. And the seasons they go round and round and the painted ponies go up and down
11. Name the 5 African countries that end with the letter "i"?

12. What is a 'Hairy Saki'? a. port wine cocktail b. snowboard trick c. South American monkey
13. Name the films in which Charles Bronson played the following roles. a. Wladislaw, b. 'Harmonica', c. Flt. Lieutenant Danny Willinski, d. Bernardo O'Reilly, e. Paul Kersey
14. The name for which of the following winds is the Arabic word for "50"? a. Bora, b. Sirocco, c. Mistral, d. Khamsin
15. Which five time Grammy Award winning American singer-songwriter was the first non-British act signed by Apple Records in 1968?
16. In a major hit song from 1969, where would you find the "hungry little boy with the runny nose"?
17. With circa 7,000 inhabitants, what is the least populated capital city in the E.U.?

18. A mystic word, a type of engraved stone, a Santana studio album, and the grandfather of Draco Malfoy. One word.
19. The giant Kauri tree is native to which country?
20. According to the UN, which two European countries have the most indiscriminately buried landmines per square km?
Enquiry into legality of charging for hand luggage on aircraft.
El Ministerio de Consumo is investigating seven airlines for their policy with cabin luggage and seat allocation
If found guilty they could each receive a fine of up to 100,000 euros, as the investigation by the El Ministerio de Consumo gathers pace.
The Ministry is investigating a total of seven low-cost airlines that operate in Spain for "supposed irregularities " with regard to the carrying by passengers of cabin luggage and the allocation of seats among passengers.
Specifically, the practices being investigated by the team, headed by Alberto Garzón, are related to charging as "extras" for those services that are generally "necessary and essential" for consumers when traveling.

For this reason, the Ministry (under the protection of its new
Sunday Shopping is back
If youíre one of those people who canít fit all of your shopping into the current six-day schedule, we have great news for you, because the shops are about to open once again on Sundays. From Sunday 18 June 2023, shops and stores across the Valencia region will be open for Sunday business. Across the border in Murcia, however, they maintain Sunday shopping throughout the year.
Sunday shopping will now be the norm for the rest of the year. In fact, with only the odd exception, notably the 9 October and 25 December in Valencia, shops will be able to sanctioning powers against fraud) is studying whether this type of habitual practice carried out by low-cost companies could be considered abusive or unfair, as well as being a contravention of consumer regulations. have a continual schedule until the New Year. Of course, local holidays might mean there are some closures other than those mentioned, with shops not obliged to open, so you should check where you live for details. Other than that, you can shop until you drop every single day of the week, but perhaps spare a thought for the workers who will be tending to your every need whilst you do so.

The department is also investigating whether other policies, such as price segmentation, could be generating privileged positions for companies in search engines such as Google and online comparison sites, by offering prices that are much lower than what the consumer ends up paying.
The airlines that are now under the magnifying glass represent a market share of over 30%, both inside and outside Europe, so their policies affect, according to the ministry, many millions of passengers.
These issues that are being investigated could involve serious infringements, which would see penalties of between e10,000 and e100,000 for the operators, an amount that could increase to between four and six times the profit they would have obtained illegally, or even up to 4%. of the total billing. It would seem that if the irregularity of these practices is confirmed, the days of charges for travelling with hand luggage, or for choosing a seat next to our companion, could become a thing of the past.
The Church of JESUS
CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Join us at the SALTCHURCH
Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.
Facebook SaltChurchSpain
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m.
Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2021 Ford Focus ST-Line

X Petrol Automatic which is priced at just 25,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.
Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ gmail.com or see http://www.los-alcazarescamera.club/ for details.
COMMUNITYCARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) is an Association that caters for residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. It facilitates the provision of fair and adequate social facilities for everyone. It is located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 3 times a week for a programme of English speaking activities, support, information and advice with the support of Orihuela Council. Anyone wanting to join CCAsocial activities, learn Spanish, to paint, watercolours or acrylics can pop along where you will be welcomed by volunteers. We are open between 2pm -6pm Mondays and Thursdays, Wednesday 2pm - 5pm. You can register between 1pm & 2pm on those days, in the Cafe area where you will find Eva or Norah. email: communitycare@gmail.com
Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website rafa.org.uk. FREE CLASSIFIED ADS

If you have items that are WANTED or FOR SALE, ANNOUNCEMENTS, NOTICES and suchlike, advertise them, to a maximum of 35 words, FREE OF CHARGE, on this page. SEND BY EMAIL TO: office@theleader.info Call - 637 227 385