The Leader Newspaper 19 June 2023 - Edition 976

Page 8

Awoman received treatment after suffering an anxiety attack on Aguamarina beach on Thursday after she was alerted to a twometre long shark, just a few metres from where she was swimming.

Fortunately, that was as close as we got to any real drama, although several bathers were also forced to make a speedy exit from the water.

The alarm was quickly raised by a lifeguard at around 10am after he saw the excitement unfolding, with the shark swimming around in circles close the beach itself. The lifeguards whistled to the bathers to get out of the water, although it is understood that they needed little encouragement to do so. Coincidentally, however, Thursday was also the day that the lifeguard service began on the Oriolan beaches. The lifeguards reported the matter to the Local Police, although after a few minutes the shark had moved out beyond the beach and into deeper water. The flag remained at green with bathers back in the sea just five minutes later. But a happy ending there was not as we learned later in the day that, what we understand to be the same shark, had become stranded on the rocks at La Caleta beach, in Cabo Roig. This was reported by the MeteOrihuela Twitter account, which also published a video in which the shark could be seen perishing among the rocks near the shore, where it finally died.

According to scientific studies, the increase in sea temperatures due to climate change is now affecting all species, even large predators, and may alter the patterns and migratory routes of sharks.


No 976 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 637 227 385 Now in our 20th year of keeping people safe and informed - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper A A G G U U AMAR AMAR


From it’s appearance, it would appear to have been a blue shark, a species of the Mediterranean shark family. The biologist Juan Antonio Pujol explained that the specimen, due to its behaviour, appeared to have some kind of problem.

Like many of them that come close to the coast, it may have suffered from an interaction with another marine animal, been caught by a hook and released or suffered from a marine disease.

He also said that every summer there are specimens of blue sharks that tend to come close to the coast, either because of these problems or they wash up already dead. Pujol added that it is not a dangerous animal. Its diet is focused on fish, and “it is very rare that it attacks people, much less in situations where it has problems or is suffering from an illness.”

He said that, "finding a specimen of these characteristics on the shore if you are bathing is scary, but you have to remain calm, because they are not aggressive.”


After analysing the data provided by the election M28, P.I.O.C. would like to share some of it's conclusions for you to think about.

P.I.O.C. gained the vast majority of votes, in the town of Orihuela Costa. This in itself indicates that a good number of people want to become Independent from ëmoney grabbingí Orihuela, but also, there are plenty who are fed up with excuses by the Town Hall failing to provide the services we pay for and are entitled to.

The two parties with the biggest losses were Ciudadanos who lost 600 votes to PPand Cambiemos losing 700 votes to P.I.O.C. who ended up with the largest percentage of votes, just under 50%, 1,382 people voted for P.I.O.C.

Contrary to all the anti P.I.O.C rhetoric, one PPcandidate, (CLARO President Cerdan) regarded voters as ëUNINFORMEDíand his party CLARO, referring to all the non-

Spanish voters, as ëmisguidedí. You proved them wrong. What Antonio ignored or failed to see, is that, since the elections of 2019 the residents have become MORE INFORMED, through media, social media, meetings, or just generally talking amongst themselves, concluding that Orihuela is not your typically run

Spanish town hall. Despite promises to PPby Antonio, that he could deliver the coast, with their limitless resources, money and personnel, the big swing to PPjust did not materialize!

All the billboards, leaflets, letters posted, resulted in 1 additional Councillor for PP.

So why didnít the surge to PPhappen? Were they mislead into thinking that voters could be duped again into voting PP, with Antonio Cerdan as a candidate well down the list at a position 14.

You only need to look at the results. He could not possibly deliver Orihuela Costa to PP.

CLARO did not join PP, but it's President emigrated to PP, leaving CLARO, and using a shameless assembly to make that move. At the height of their popularity, CLARO only managed to obtain 1200 votes, as the only party of the coast, in joining forces with another party, not as an independent party!

However, people, who in previous elections voted for that party, in this instance, decided to vote for P.I.O.C.



So eloquent, so moving Acting from the very heart

A faultless 'tour de force' of skill Applied to every part

An Oscar winning actress

Showed the world she could achieve

Her many parts exceptional And easy to believe

Four hours later and the shark was washed up dead


637 227 385


637 227 385



Journalists 600 228 616

We know this to be the case, as the extra 600 votes that PPwon in the town of Orihuela Costa are exactly the same number that CIUDADANOS lost, and the increase in participation.

So, another conclusion is that CLARO is finished, it's Ex-President left the party and joined PP(was he ever out?) and all the people that could have voted for CLARO are now voting for INDEPENDENCE.

ANOTHER Conclusion is that CIUDADANOS is also likely dead, and likely to create OR resurrect another party, but we know our people of the coast are intelligent and mature, they will not be fooled.

They will campaign for what they believe to be right for the coast, for the future generations of the coast, annd they will do it together!

There are more conclusions we will discuss, but for now we would like people to debate as the adults we are, united in the same cause.

To see your poem published send to:

To meet her fellow actors

Who now grace a blessed stage Gone before but not forgotten

As life starts another page

'Paradise Theatre' Opening night, the house is full Angels backstage waiting Curtain up as they all pull

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of passion

Hold the people in a trance

The words delivered by a voice

As fluid as a dance

On stage, on film, in parliament

She reached amazing heights

Now God requires her talents

To set Heaven up in lights

The spotlight pans and settles On an actor in God's cast

Glenda Jackson starts her monologue She's received her wings at last!

PAGE 2 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
David Whitney, Torrevieja, c2023 The stage is lit The spotlights hit the actor's face The audience, a silent crowd Hushed by amazing grace A monologue
The dramatic moment that bathers first noticed the shark. Images courtesy AVCRL


The Popular Party and Vox have reached a government agreement in Orihuela. The announcement was made in the Casino de Orihuela, just 24 hours before Saturday’s investiture.

Until that point, everything seemed to indicate that the PP, led by José Vegara, would go into the investiture alone, with a view to closing a deal later. However, the numerous agreements that had been achieved between the two parties throughout the week, at the regional level and in nearby towns and cities such as Elche, encouraged the two Orihuela based parties to bring their arrangement forward.

The agreement includes the creation of the Department of Family and the Coast, which will be led by Vox and while Equality is integrated into Social Welfare, it will lose the nomenclature of LGTBI.

As part of the agreement, General Mestre and his VOX councillors will take over the departments of Culture, Tourism, Family, Youth, Statistics, Citizen Participation and Orihuela Costa. It will be allocated its own budget with additional responsibilities that will also include Beaches and International Residents. The PP will allocate its councillor responsibilities in the coming days, maintaining most of those that currently exist, including Social Welfare and Equality.

In line with their shared vision, the PP and Vox will work together during the legislature to implement various policies that will benefit the residents of Orihuela.

Some of the priority areas include tax reductions, security, a comprehensive cleaning plan, the reduction of bureaucratic obstacles, the creation of the Family Department and the rehabilitation of the Historic Centre. This governance agreement represents a shared commitment by the PP and Vox to work together for the benefit of all Oriolanos.

The signing of the agreement was made following meetings between the two candidates, Manuel Mestre of Vox and Pepe Vegara of the PP, who have always said that Orihuela is the priority, guaranteeing what will be their common objective for the good of the municipality.

For the moment the signs do look encouraging, particularly when reading through the VOX Election Manifesto, which includes many of the demands that coastal residents have been making for years. The proof, of course, will be “in the pudding.”

As well as a dedicated budget and a councillor for the coast, other pre-election promises made by VOX include: Library, Civic Centre.

Cleaning and Urban Cleaning plan.

Maintenance of parks and gardens. Multicultural Auditorium.

Service Social: Day Centre, Festivals, Culture, Sports…

Second Health Centre.

Pedestrian walkway over the Lomas de Cabo Roig Bridge. Fully operational Emergency Centre with Municipal staff. Expressway parallel to the N-332 from Los Altos to Lomas Cabo Roig.

Skate Park for young people. Bus Station.

Rainfall plan.

Comprehensive asphalt plan. Meanwhile, on Saturday morning, Pepe Vegara was formally appointed as the Orihuela Mayor. Immediately after the investiture General Mestre opened the session in which he invited the 25 newly elected councillors to enter one by one, and to take their oath of office.

The PSOE led the way, followed by Vox, Cambiemos, Ciudadanos and PP, to be sworn in and take their place in the plenary.

In one bench sat the 6 socialist councillors, the 4 from Vox and the 3 from Ciudadanos, while in the other the 2 from Cambiemos and the 10 from the PP.

Unlike the rest of the members, the two Cambiemos councillors, Carlos Bernabé and Leticia Pertegal, varied their oath by stating that they will show loyalty to the head of State, avoiding naming the king.

PAGE 3 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 637 227 385
DONE DEAL: Pepe Vegara and Manuel Mestre reach agreement INSTALLATION: New mayor, Pepe Vegara, with his family


This week starts with the publication of the report on the Spanish economy published by the Bank of Spain, which will also release its macro projections for the second quarter. In the EU, Energy Ministers will meet for the reform of the electricity market, where they will try to reach a general orientation on the reform of the configuration of the EU market. All on a festive day in the US, Juneteenth, in which Wall Street will remain closed.

In the UK on Monday, the Royal College of Nurses have planned a day of action to boost support for the next strike ballot which will close later in the week.

His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan, together with Her Majesty Queen Rania, will be meeting with King Filipe in Madrid on Monday.

On Tuesday, Queen Sofia will attend the closing ceremony and concert of the 2022-2023 Academic Year of the music school which carries her name, as this week children across the country prepare to take a well-earned break from their studies to enjoy summer.

Of course, we mustn´t forget that Boris Johnson will be in the news on Monday, as MPs vote on the findings of the report that condemned him for deliberately misleading Parliament, which might be a welcome distraction to another former Prime Minister, David Cameron, as he is the first politician to appear before the Covid-19 inquiry as they look at how policies prior to the pandemic may have shaped the response.

Other key politicians will follow Cameron, and as for the science bit, Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty and former Chief Scientific Advisor Patrick Vallance appear on Thursday.

A report on the economy will be published on Monday

As for the current Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, his luck is in as whenever there is a crisis there is always Ukraine to deflect attention, and that will be the case this time when he hosts the Ukraine Recovery Conference on Wednesday and Thursday.

He might be less inclined to draw attention to the fact that on Wednesday, the latest inflation figures for the UK will be published, followed by a decision on Thursday by the Bank of England on interest rates, as the UK is still struggling with the cost of living crisis, made worse, according to the majority of financial experts, by BREXIT, which is also marked this week as Friday marks seven years since the

UK held the referendum on EU membership. Also in the UK this week, the Electoral Commission publishes a report on their analysis of how successful (or not) the implementation of the new voter ID rules have been. With some economists predicting a crash in the UK property market, it might be interesting to see the results of the UK House Price Index on Wednesday, but the day before, the ONS release their report on holiday homes in England and Wales.

Finally, the Prince of Wales turns 42 this week, and we mark the 75th birthday of the modern computer. Celebrate either at your own will.




Totally refurbished 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, villa with large southfacing terrace.

PAGE 4 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Airconditioning and heating, all new windows, completely insulated. Underbuild with 2 additional rooms. Garage and access to seperate garden area, part of which is used for bed and breakfast. COSTA
Ref: 001562 e425,000


Sylvia Gallimore receives a British Empire Medal following 50 years of charity, community and voluntary work

Sylvia Gallimore, a British national now based in San Miguel De Salinas, Alicante, has been awarded a BEM (British Empire Medal) for “services to charity and community”, as part of the 2023 King´s Birthday Honours list, published on 17th June.

His Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott said: “Sylvia has dedicated her life to helping others. Her significant contributions for over 50 years of community and voluntary work have improved the lives of countless individuals, from her native Bristol to Southern Spain. She has worked tirelessly and given generously to numerous causes, including helping vulnerable young people, the visually impaired, homeless people and supporting animal welfare. This Honour represents a lifetime of service and is very much deserved.”

Sylvia Gallimore said:

“I cannot say how proud and honoured I am to receive the British Empire Medal from His Majesty. I was rather thrown into the world of the poorly sighted when my son lost his sight in 1996; since then, I have had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful visually impaired people and tried to enhance their lives as best I could. I could not have done this alone and believe there are others that deserve the BEM more than I do.”

Sylvia first became involved in charity work through the Horfield Prison in Bristol, where she taught literacy skills to help improve inmates' future employment prospects. She did this alongside running a canteen for the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service, fundraising for a pre-school, and running an

Busy Week for Fire and Rescue

Amongst the many incidents the provincial fire consortium had to deal with this week, the inclement weather added to the complications.

Around the rainy period, some 20 emergencies were dealt with in a single afternoon, from Orihuela to Denia passing through Elche, the crews responded to everything from water drainage, the removal of trees, including one which had fallen onto a car, and downed

animal rescue and rehousing project. In 1996, Sylvia shifted her focus to the visually impaired community in Bristol, fundraising for the Royal National Institute of Blind People and for Avon Sports and Leisure, to give young visually impaired Bristolians the opportunity to expand their horizons.

Sylvia played a crucial role in establishing the charity Have Stick Will Travel, founded in 2002 by her son Daniel Gallimore, who lost his sight at the age of 21. Together with Daniel, she has organised numerous fund-raising initiatives to procure life-changing technology for visually impaired people to become more independent in their homes and supported several visually impaired sports teams.

More recently, since being based in San Miguel De Salinas, Sylvia has supported the Help at Home charity, which helps people with mobility or health issues attend medical appointments or run errands. She’s also written a book called ‘Sleeping Rough’ to raise money for the homeless charity Shelter.

rescue of vehicles driven by people who wrongly believe water does not pose a risk… It does.

In a separate incident unrelated to the weather, crews also attended the latest in an ever-growing series of incidents revolving around electric scooters, on this occasion one which had burst into flames in a home.

cables, some of which were left in precarious situations, as well as the usual

Fortunately, the fire had been controlled by residents with fire extinguishers, assisted by the National Police, however the fire crew still had to neutralised smoke, and investigate the cause of the fire.

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 PAGE 5 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Torrevieja ‘Carnies’ ask mayor to speed up their move onto the new fairground site

Having seemingly not realised that developing the port area in Torrevieja would cause disruption to the fair ground, the Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, eventually promised to move the facilities to a new location in the market area of Parque Antonio Soria, but now the fair ground workers are complaining that nothing has been done to help them, even though the summer season, the most lucrative, is about to begin.

The stall holders have already lost serious amounts of revenue during the Easter period, with many of them not working for months.

Dolón made the commitment to the carnies, around 80 fairground attractions that employ 150 workers in high season, to have a new location in the market and fairgrounds by mid-May. However, the municipality, although it is working to get ready the new location, has not been able to fulfil its initial commitment.

The weather has been blamed, in part, for the delay, but other than that, the stall holders have had no further progress reports, and José Mateo, a member of the board of directors of the Asociación de Feriantes, has publicly asked the acting government team for more information on the process and speed.

They have also indicated that the possibility of working with their attractions in other municipalities is now much more limited than before due to local and regional ordinances giving preference to companies with more seniority in each municipality. Therefore, a good many of the families that maintained a

fairground business in the port area are now without activity. And it's been like this for six months.

The Council needs an investment of more than 600,000 euro, according to the latest modification of the project approved by the governing board last Friday, to adapt the 13,000-squaremetre facility.

Mateo explains that one of the biggest difficulties is in the provision of energy. Fairground attractions need enormous power and current facilities can only cover around 60% of the demand. If the relocation is carried out without the increase in that flow, it could resort to generator sets.

The same sources also want the Council to carry out an information campaign in the media about the relocation of the fairground when it is clear that the new venue will be ready for its activity in the market area, although this is something to which the municipality has committed, in addition to the provision of a shuttle bus from the centre.

Now the elections are over and promises no longer need to be made, those that were made need to be delivered on, and although the fair workers want a commitment to resume work as soon as possible, they also want to return to their home ground once the port area redevelopment is complete, although that might not happen, as the relocation is something that many councillors have been trying to achieve for many years.

Calls to Build 2nd Runway at Alicante-Elche Airport

The Business Confederation of the Valencian Community, Confederación Empresarial de la Comunitat Valenciana, has defended the need to expand, "in the short term", Alicante-Elche Airport by building a second runway.

They are also increasing pressure on improving the rail network in the area so that it reaches the airport facility.

The association highlights that the airport has not only recovered the figures that consolidated it as the fifth in Spain in terms of passenger traffic, but that the number of users is already 4.9% higher than in 2019.

The confederation regrets that the Alicante-Elche Airport Master Plan has been "paralysed" to date "as a result of the existence of two contradictory reports issued by the Generalitat, since one was favourable to investment on a second runway, whereas the other was against it. The former was based on the business needs, whereas the latter was due to environmental concerns.

"We think that the figures justify the existence of a second runway", said Salvador Navarro, president of the confederation, after holding a meeting in Madrid with the president of Aena, Maurici Lucena, in a meeting in which Esther Guilabert, general secretary of the Employers Association, and the president of HOSBEC, Pere Fuster, also participated.

In the opinion of the Valencian business association, it is necessary to study the construction of this second runway that would come into service, as is the case at the Málaga-Costa del Sol airport, when traffic requirements so demand.

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Photo: Ongoing Port Area Construction work (top right) by Derek Appleton


San Javier will host the International Parachuting Tournament (CISM) 2023, and the National Military Parachuting Championship, from July 15 to 21 at the AGA, with the participation of Spanish parachuting teams from the Army, Navy, Guardia Civil and from eight invited countries: Germany, Austria, Qatar, Morocco, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Korea and Turkey. In total, the Tournament is expected to attract some 250 participants, including judges and competitors, half of them from overseas. The Tournament, which is part of the annual

activities program of the International Military Sports Council, in line with the municipal project 'San Javier, ciudad del aire', was announced last week at the AGA by Colonel Pedro Ángel Díaz, secretary of the Central Board of Physical Education and Sports of the Air Force and Space, along with the mayor of San Javier, José Miguel Luengo. The skydiving competitions will take place from July 16 to 21 in the morning and afternoon at three venues, two inside the AGA and one in the area of what was the heliport of the old Los Arcos hospital, where they can be followed by the public. The AGA will also open its doors during the competition to it’s sports field where a small static exhibition of aircraft from the Academy will be held. (Full article at

Founder of former RBLSpain North Concert Band dined out

David Last, founder of the former RBLConcert Band, was dined out by band members and guests at Semana 8 Restaurant, in Playa Flamenca, last Thursday night. David resigned as Musical Director of the band 3 months ago after what he called ‘unacceptable interference and pressure by the District Committee’. He has since gone on to form a clarinet quartet and a string trio.

David and his wife Chris, were joined by almost 30 friends and colleagues, some of whom had flown in from UK, especially to attend the event. He was presented with a commemorative shield and a mug while Chris received a colourful bouquet of flowers.

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Do You mean that Literally?

Waiting for a bus, I'm burning to death in this heat. To make matters worse, I'm dying of thirst. And I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. It doesn't help that my feet are killing me and my briefcase weighs a ton. An earlier bus took forever to arrive, so that was a non-starter. At least it isn't raining cats and dogs. Hyperbole, or exaggeration, is a way of grabbing your listener's attention, to make what you say more interesting. It has been defined as "an elegant embroidering of the truth which asserts the incredible en route to the credible." My gran used to embroider my socks with my initials, and it worked, I never lost them, except one. In a famous comedy performance, Monty Python's 4 Yorkshiremen employ ever more extreme hyperbole in boasting about their impoverished childhood. "After 14 hours down the mill, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!" To which another would say, "Luxury! Our Dad beat us around the head with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!"

One folk song claims that it was once so cold that all spoken words froze solid, and people had to wait until sunrise the next day to discover what everyone was talking about the night before. We've all had nights like that.

When a football referee tells us his eye operation cost him an arm and a leg, we probably don't take it literally but sometimes the line between lies and exaggeration is so blurred that even a referee might be forgiven for a bad decision. People aren't lying too deliberately when they exaggerate downwards: "I'm just 5 minutes away"/"It must have gone to my spam folder"/"This is delicious"/"Your baby is adorable."


Occasionally, magnification of the truth seems almost as appropriate as the truth itself. On at least two occasions, "the shot heard round the world" certainly did have widespread consequences. The opening shot of the American Revolutionary War led to the creation of the U.S.A., and the assassination of an Austrian Archduke later provoked World War 1.

In the Far East, I was once atop a building so high up that I could see planes flying beneath me, but when I mentioned this back home I was accused of hyperbole, at

which point I almost died of embarrassment and wished the earth would open up and swallow me.

I feel the same nowadays when I look at my garden, and think to myself, "It's a jungle out there!" But I quickly realise I am exaggerating, and leave my hunting rifle and lawnmower in the garden shed. Actions speak louder than words, and anyway, for some reason the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. Hard as that is to believe.

The Foxtail fern is a perennial evergreen that's a member of the asparagus family, boasting luscious, fluffy stems of pine needle-like leaves giving it a plush delicate appearance.

It has small white flowers that then produces eyecatching red berries.

It prefers soft light and likes to be planted in areas with filtered shade. Alittle morning sun is fine, just be sure your plant receives protection in the bright, hot afternoon, as too much strong light will burn the leaves.

Foxtail fern can handle a variety of soil types, as long as it drains well to avoid root rot. It favours slightly acidic soil, but this is not a requirement.

The foxtail fern has tuberous roots, making it drought tolerant, which store water, even when the soil is dry.

It is easy to overwater, so it's best to water once a week, giving your fern a good drink, but letting the top three inches of soil dry out completely in between.

Start feeding your foxtail in the spring, then continue monthly throughout the growing season.

As with any garden perennial, pruning the stems at the base will help your plant look robust, while encouraging new growth and keep the plant bushy. It's easy to propagate through division, and the best time to do it is in the spring. When dividing ferns, always use a sharp knife or spade to cut through the centre of the plant. Once dug, make sure each divided piece has healthy greenery and roots.

Note that all parts of foxtail fern may be toxic to humans and pets, including both the flowers and

PAGE 8 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 637 227 385 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE The eyecatching Foxtail Fern!
Pretzel was born on the 16th April and is now ready for a new home. He has had his first vaccination and is used to being around people.
645 469


Sue said, “I really don’t know what to do as I can’t handle more animals.”

explained that her husband has been working so hard recently trying to prepare the centre with the correct installations ready for an inspection which would help them achieve the all important farm licence.

Sue added: “Rod has been working relentlessly for around 9 or 10 months, working 7 days a week including Christmas Day. The equipment needed was around 30,000 which we managed to raise but we couldn’t afford labour so Rod has been doing it all himself.”

It was around three weeks ago that Rod started feeling seriously unwell after ignoring health warnings, wanting and needing to complete the work required. It was only after he collapsed and suffered convulsions that he was rushed to hospital and the seriousness of his medical health was realised. Sue is now caring for and nursing Rod at home as she single handedly takes on the epic task of running the Rescue Centre in Rojales.

“He’s 73 now, he is recovering and starting to eat but he can only stand for around 30 minutes at a time and he will never have his health back to how it was, he will never be able to take on the workload he has been doing. I’m here now doing everything. I have a few volunteers who come in the morning but I need more help.”

Many say Sue and Rod Weeding would give their life for the horses under their care at the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, and tragically, Rod has come very close to that actually happening.

“My whole world has been turned upside down,” said Sue. She

The situation is worsened as Sue receives news that Crevillente has 6 donkeys they want her to take in. “I really don’t know what to do as I can’t handle more animals, especially as they were apparently used for breeding so some could be in foal, but if I don’t take them in no one else will have them.”

Easy Horse Care are still waiting for their farm licence which they believe will permit them to be able to get more funding

and help, including the money to be able to afford to pay for some staff to help them. The couple have dedicated their whole life since moving to Spain to the rescue and care of these animals, building a reputable, safe and nurturing environment for them, but for them to continue, help must come and it must come soon before it actually does cost their lives. For more information or to find out how you could help or support, contact them via their website on whatsapp 652 021 980 or email

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Be careful how you say it …!

You know me; always promoting the printed paper Ö but in the immortal words of one Mandy Rice Davis, ëhe would, wouldnít he!í In one sense, you always know what you are going to get in your paper, but conversely, you also never know what you are going to get when you open your newspaper. The most important thing is that we get real, fact-based information; unlike the string of misinformation that any yahoo can post on Twitter and social media.

Alot of newsprint is devoted to sports coverage ñ and even after attending a match, it is always interesting to read a journalistís take on the same match. As well as news coverage, crosswords, promotions, obituaries and court cases are all an integral part of your friendly newspaper.

Like we said, you never know what you might read in your paper and today we are going to totally surprise you with a selection of newspaper headlines that came out sounding all wrong. These are all genuine headings and you will wonder how they ever got past an editor. I know they wouldnít get past mine! The unexpected incredulity that you will get here is hopefully twinned with at least one good belly laugh. You will find these, mostly American gems, difficult to believe they were ever printed ñ but I have copies of all the clippings Ö so here we go!


DOCTORS - physician shortage prompting move, administrators say.íWhatever about not knowing what you will find in your newspaper, surely the fact that a hospital was hiring doctors was no earth-shattering news?


that one came from, but the next gem appeared in a San Francisco paper and covered the fact that parents of 200 kids kept them home as a form of protest: ëPARENTS KEEPKIDS HOME TO PROTEST SCHOOLCLOSURE.íIf we can give you another school one, which comes with a photo of a group of men singing and under the heading of; ëBARBERSHOPSINGERS BRING JOYTO SCHOOLFOR THE DEAF.í(God, but this is making us all look so good in this paper!)

ëTIGER WOODS PLAYS WITH OWN BALLS, NIKE SAYSíÖ.and moving quickly on from that headline disclosure, we come to one from the ëWinchester Star; ëSTUDYSHOWS THATFREQUENT SEX ENHANCES PREGNANCY

CHANCESí! Then there is another one based, I am sure, on very intensive journalistic research: The heading tells us that ëHOMICIDE VICTIMS RARELYTALK TO POLICE.í

You would imagine that ëThe Associated Pressímight do better, but this next one is one of theirs; ëMIRICLE CURE KILLS FIFTH PATIENT.íI think I shall just give you a few more and without any comment from me, other than to say the next one came from ëThe News Observerí



That should be enough to keep you sniggering for a day, dear readers; so weíll conclude our list with one from The Toronto Star; ëMARIJUANNAISSUE SENTTO A JOINTCOMMITTEE.í

The bizarro about all of those headlines is that they were all accurately giving a fair account of the story to follow.

It is the usage and application of the words that maketh the mirth ñ or as Frank Carson might say; ëitís the way I tell them.í

It isnít only in the written word that stating a fact can come across all wrong. Radio has hit many a pitfall over the years ñ and Iíd like to relate a clip I heard from local radio in America about forty years ago.

Asmall southern town was hosting its annual garden fete and farming task fair. One such competition was the garden hoeing competition; and this year there was massive excitement brought into the commentators report, due to the fact that a woman had won it for the first time ever. It went something like this - in a long southern drawl. ìAnd finally folks, this is a first Ö It is my great honour and pleasure to announce that Miss Sue Ellen Dawson is this yearís champion hoer Ö ho .. ho Ö hoerrr Ö ho Ö hoerrrr; The winner of this yearís hoeing competition is Miss Sue Ellen Dawson. Thank you ñand good evening!î


Some people use language to express thought, some to conceal thought, and others instead of thought.


José María Ballester, was invested as the Mayor of San Fulgencio on Saturday at the Municipal Plenary Session of the new Municipal Council.

The new mayor will preside over a coalition of councillors from the Partido Popular and Partido Independiente por las Nacionalidades (PIPN), while the six councillors of the PSOE, headed by former mayor José Sampere, will now form the opposition.

The new council will comprise of the mayor, along with four

councillors from the Partido Popular, Sara Nolasco Aldeguer, Paulino Herrero Cifuentes, Laura Bernabé Menárguez and Beatriz Sánchez Hidalgo and two elected councillors from the PIPN, Rosario Mejías de Dios and Alain Franz Vanderbergen. The opposition is made up of José Sampere Ballester, Francisco Manuel Molero Ortiz, Samantha Jayne Hull, Ana María Villena Gómez, Darren Parmenter and Alfredo Villanueva Cámara.

The mayor of San Fulgencio thanked the residents for their

support at the polls and said that "we want each and every one of the inhabitants of San Fulgencio, in the main town, urbanisations, neighbourhoods and scattered houses, regardless of their nationality, race or religion, to feel it as their town and have full confidence and conviction that we are going to improve the organisation of social life".

The responsibilities of the government team will be announced at a forthcoming plenary session.

PAGE 10 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

letters letters


Dear Editor,

I am writing to you with regard to items in last weeks edition of your paper. I am at a loss at quite where, or how, to start.

First off, we have an interesting article regarding the unwanted increase of accidents involving electric scooters alongside an article on the laws governing same.

So far, so good. But then we have the page provided by the N332 group on road safety. Not a mention of electric scooters anywhere. And, to make matters worse this organisation is apparently sponsored by the very company that is flooding the area with these scooters which can be hired by absolutely anybody regardless of age, experience, etc: all the hirers need is the means to pay for them. Hirers then set off breaking just about every rule as shown in your paper and endangering anybody whether they are walking or driving. Youngsters of all ages, 2/3 persons to a scooter, using mobile phones or listening to music whilst attempting to control the machines, on roads and pavements without a care about any other road user. Sadly, many a police vehicle has been seen totally ignoring these misdemeanours.

How can an organisation that is concerned about road safety take sponsorship from the biggest offender??


A very valid point Barrry so we sent your letter to the N332 for comment. This is what they had to say:


We have just posted the article about the

scooters published on your paper in the N332 Facebook page. If we have not published more articles about scooters it is just because there is nothing new to say.

On our page we talk about all subjects relating to road safety, there are no restrictions, we have published all the information that we have about scooters; regulations, and how to register them. If we have not published any new posts it is because there have been no national or local updates.

Yes, Hoop is the sponsor of the page; this is because they are a legal company. They have sponsored all the talks that we cane undertaken in many schools, explaining the regulations about the scooters in the Murcia Region. We have also visited many local secondary schools explaining the regulations and as soon as the new year starts in September we have an agreement with Hopp to give presentations in more schools.

Remember that during summer we had a serious problem with taxis in Orihuela Costa, and the bus service is a disaster. Many of my neighbours used the scooters instead of being waiting 1 hour for a taxi. Indeed, I even use them. The problem is the bad ways in which they are used by some people.

Hopp is a legal company operating in Orihuela Costa, they have licence and they have everything in place to work in the area.

I fully understand the writer’s frustration but despite the fact that we have many accidents brought about by drunk drivers we still advertise bars, pubs, and events.

Just because of the bad behaviour of some people, we can’t stop collaborating with legal businesses.

Local Police should enforce the laws and fine those drivers of scooters who break the law, or who drink and drive. The solution is not to ban scooters or cars at night because there are accidents.

Look out fornesting Loggerhead Turtles

everyone must pay attention across the whole of the Spanish Mediterranean coast. If you see a loggerhead turtle trying to nest on any of the beaches, call 112 and do not disturbit.

PAGE 12 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
On the urban beach of Can Pere Antoni de Palma, a loggerhead turtle has laid 106 eggs, in what is the first record of the season. Cronicles Torrevieja said: "From now on,

Seven percent more flights this summer

For the three months of summer, June through to August, Alicante-Elche 'Miguel Hernández' Airport will operate around 14,700 flights, which represents 7% more than those registered in the same period of the past year.

Specifically, this month, there are 4,600 flights scheduled, in July, the busiest month, there will be 5,100 flights, and in August, 5,000.

In the three months, the airlines offered more than 2.6 million seats, which is 9.3% more than last year, connecting with 107 cities in 24 countries around the world.

The biggest increase is in passengers from Germany, where almost twice as many flights compared to last year are scheduled, and Italy has also shown a considerable increase. With this information, the Hotel and Tourism Business Association of the Valencian Community (HOSBEC), has predicted a summer in which the definitive recovery of the tourism sector will be verified, and it can be "one of the best summers in history”, according to its general secretary, Nuria Montes.

Among the forecasts that HOSBEC predicts, as well as the German and Italian increase, between 30 and 35% of the tourists that are going to land this summer at the Elche airport will come from the United Kingdom.

New historical record in May

Earlier this week, airport operator, AENA, published figures for May, certifying a new historical record, registering more than 1.5 million passengers, a figure which also represents an increase of 18% compared to the month of April.

In the first five months of the year, the airport has managed more than 5.5 million passengers, which implies a growth of

28% compared to the same period in 2022. From January to May of this year, the airport facilities have operated 36,375 flights, 15% more than the same period of the previous year.

Breaking down by nationality, in May, the United Kingdom has been the one that has contributed the most tourists, followed by the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Norway and France.

Final stroll for U3A ‘Walk and Talk’ ahead of Summer

Saturday 10th June looked to be the long awaited start of Summer in Spain as temperatures hit the high 20's and also proved to be a bit trying for some of the members of the Torrevieja u3a Walk and Talk Group.

34 members of the group, formerly known as the Strollers Group, met for their last wander of the season before the weather becomes too hot for walking, and set off from near the Punta Prima restaurant on the Punta Prima promenade wandering along the shoreline through to the start of Torrevieja just by the bars and restaurants backing onto the old Dialprix at Mar Azul. They spent time relaxing and chatting over a coffee before setting off to return,

but this time along the streets to check out some stunning properties set one row back from the promenade. A great couple of hours with plenty of chat, banter and views along the way.

Check out our website at where details of this, and all of the other groups available to Torrevieja u3a members can be found, along with information on how to join the association.

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



ANSWERS Week 975


ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Inlet; 4 Impetus; 8 Devious; 9 Circa; 10 Fade; 11 Profound; 13 Mock; 14 Isle; 16 Generous; 17 Twee; 20 Brand; 21 Gallows; 22 Elected; 23 Green.

DOWN: 1 Indefatigable; 2 Livid; 3 Trot; 4 Insert; 5 Pacifist; 6 Torture; 7 Stand to reason; 12 Accredit; 13 Mundane; 15 Turgid; 18 Whole; 19 Flog.



7.Treat (6)

8.Box (6)

10.Guard (7)

11.Pamphlet (5)

12.Ogle (4)

13.Cheerful (5)

17.Scoundrel (5)

18.Visage (4)

22.Arbour (5)

23.Vertical (7)

24.Choose (6)

25.Hesitate (6)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23


1.Well-formed (7)

2.Expose (7)

3.Slumber (5)

4.Domination (7)

5.Mapbook (5)

6.Fuse (5)

9.Energetic (9)

14.Right (7)

15.Arrogant (7)

16.Bonds (7)

19.Misapply (5)

20.Dilate (5)

21.Wide (5)

ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Backs; 4 Discern; 8 Dresden; 9 Giver; 10 Iron; 11 Teacloth; 13 Togs; 14 Otis; 16 Agnostic; 17 Ages; 20 Nerve; 21 Tableau; 22 Rambler; 23 Tench.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Bedside manner; 2 Credo; 3 Side; 4 Danger; 5 Sagacity; 6 Envious; 7 North and south; 12 Eggshell; 13 Tantrum; 15 Mister; 18 Glean; 19 Abet.


7.Being inane, Virginia lacks ability (6)

8.One in position for sea-food (6)

10.The way to go around in regular course of action (7)

11.Complete composition or just a part (5)

12.Sound detectors used in rehearsals (4)

13.Be niggardly with work allocation (5)

17.Continental river in which fish are caught (5)

18.Part of our pinnace, initially (4)

22.This will beat vegetarian food (5)

23.Established genuine backing for Polonius's son (7)

24.Use more space for the banquet (6)

25.Barker is looked after by this kind of maid (6)


1.Do supervisory duties across the water, we hear (7)

2.Get a vocal group that's heard (7)

3.Gun-getter (5)

4.Peg comes in to work hard, showing some inclination (7)

5.One who stands on his own two feet (5)

6.Celebration for the Spanish after the Revolution (5)

9.Geometrical figure derived from a gentle arc (9)

14.The brass-hat is not particular (7)

15.Satisfied with what is inside (7)

16.Correspondence showing dreadful spite by the French (7)

19.The sergeant-major is interrupted by father's involuntary movement (5)

20.Some of the unconventional armaments cause a scare (5)

21.Five observed all round as a somewhat larger number (5)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. Which flower and national symbol in a European country reached number 2 in the UK singles charts (119 in the US charts) in 1967?

2. The name of which mega city with an estimated 21 million inhabitants is the Portuguese word for "lakes"?

3. What is the common name for the ulnar nerve, the largest unprotected nerve in the human body?

4. What is the name of the exotic citrus fruit which looks like an orange but is no bigger than a large olive? (seven letters)

5. Which surname beginning with the letter "G" has been since 1930 the most common surname at FIFA World Cups?

6. In which Bond film does 007 take to the sky in 'Little Nellie'?

7. Which Oscar winner for Best Actor was Lisa Marie Presley briefly married to?

8. Which airline operates the most Airbus A380s?

9. What are the three largest countries without an airport?

10. The following lyrics are all from songs with the name of a

country somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song?

a. And as for fortune and as for fame, I never invited them in.

b. Got in a little hometown jam. c. Show me round your snow peaked mountains way down south. d. Visions of swastikas in my head. e. And the day was just beginning as I stood in the morning rain

11. 'Specimen born hard' is an anagram for which dog breed?

12. In film, what were Dr Strangelove's last five words?

13. Which two colours are found on the flag of Nigeria?

14. Qantas, the national airline of Australia, is an acronym for what?

15. Tripoli is the largest city in Libya. In which other Mediterranean country is a Tripoli the second largest city?

16. Which US state has carried out most executions since 1976?

17. Gram flour, a staple ingredient in the Indian cuisine, is made from what?

18. The following are a few albums that reached No 1 in the UK charts during the year 1988. Can you name the artist? a. Popped In Souled Out. b. Introducing The Hardline According

To ....c. Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son. d. Tango In The Night.

e. Lovesexy

19. The following is the last line to which popular book? "Hazel followed; and together they slipped away, running easily down through the wood where the first primroses were beginning to bloom."

20. In which year did Halley's Comet last appear in the night sky?

PAGE 14 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Probe into alleged irregularities with Orihuela

Policia Locale

The Valencian Antifraud Agency has confirmed that it has been made aware about the possible existence of certain irregularities allegedly committed in the Local Police of the Orihuela City Council.

As such it has now formally requested documentation from the city council, in relation to an investigation that it is now carrying out.

The Agency says that it is necessary for the council to provide additional information stating that "the start of any actions will only take place when the existence of reasonable evidence has been verified, into the conduct that has given rise to the com-

El Corte Inglés Recruiting in Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa for Summer

El Corte InglÈs has launched a recruitment campaign for workers to join them during the busy summer period in both Torrevieja and the Orihuela Costa.

Additional staff are required at the El Corte InglÈs, Supercor and Sfera outlet centre, with a fixed-term contract with various working patterns, including full and part-time, and even individual days.

As well as general staff, they are also looking for a butcher, fishmonger, baker and greengrocer, amongst their profiles.

The jobs are for immediate start, and you can

submit your CVat their dedicated employment portal,

There are also many more jobs in different areas available on the same portal, and you can register for alerts, if there¥s nothing suitable immediately.

plaint or petition".

One of the files demanded is in respect of the "Gescity" program which details vehicles in storage following their removal by the city tow truck and the fee paid for each one of them, highlighting those that have been removed at zero cost and the reasons that justify their removal. The dates in question are from 2019 to the present.

In addition, they have requested a copy of the file detailing the selection process for two new officer positions filled by Manuel Lorente and Francisco Miralles, as well as a complete, indexed and authenticated copy of the file by which the local police chief, José María Pomares, was promoted in 2003. The Anti-Fraud Agency has also asked to see the complete, indexed and authenticated copy of the internal promotion process for Pomares who has since been promoted to commissioner and the file for the appointment of six new agents of the Orihuela Local Police in 2023.

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS

CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Join us at the SALTCHURCH

Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m.

Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO

is a 2021 Ford Focus ST-Line

X Petrol Automatic which is priced at just 25,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

COMMUNITYCARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) is an Association that caters for residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. It facilitates the provision of fair and adequate social facilities for everyone. It is located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 3 times a week for a programme of English speaking activities, support, information and advice with the support of Orihuela Council. Anyone wanting to join CCAsocial activities, learn Spanish, to paint, watercolours or acrylics can pop along where you will be welcomed by volunteers. We are open between 2pm -6pm Mondays and Thursdays, Wednesday 2pm - 5pm. You can register between 1pm & 2pm on those days, in the Cafe area where you will find Eva or Norah. email:

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website

PAGE 16 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


'Squatting' has become a major problem in Spain, with more than 16,700 complaints last year, which means more than 45 a day.


Today, Monday, Línea Directa will present a new comprehensive 'anti-squatting' insurance in order to provide coverage to the thousands of homeowners concerned about the illegal occupation of their real estate, a move which will be, the company, assures, the first insurance with this coverage in Spain.

The new Housing Law provides instruments to owners to take measures both for occupants who entered by force and those who do so without violence, as is the case of those who have stopped paying the rent, being able to request the intervention of the State Security Corps and Forces provided that a series of requirements are met. Although we will have to wait for the announcement later today to find out all the coverage and conditions of this new anti-squatter insurance holds, it will be especially interesting for homeowners in Catalonia, which leads the occupancy ranking in Spain with 42% of cases, the Valencian Community, Extremadura and Murcia, which saw the number of occupied homes increase in 2022.

Rainbow project for Men’s Shed

Members of the Men’s Shed have been very pleased to support and complete 2 important projects for the community of San Fulgencio.

Both of the projects are for the Garden of Reflection, which is used as an area of reflection and memory by people who wish to remember those who have passed away.

The project to re-furbish and repair the Rainbow Bridge, which is a memorial to animals, involved replacing all the wood, and restrengthen the supportive framework.

The wood used from wooden pallets was completely prepared before applying undercoat and then painting the design.

The decision was how the bridge should it be painted to reflect its purpose?

The Men’s Shed hope you like the finished project.

A further community project the Men’s Shed were asked to support, was the construction of a specific sized, square framework, and covered in artificial grass.

The ‘display wall’ will be used at the Garden of Reflection to display items that will reflect important awareness days. Such as Breast Cancer, Domestic Violence and others.

The Garden of Reflection is run by volunteers and is a tranquil place to sit and spend some

Whether with or without insurance, it never hurts to take precautions to avoid this problem, and these are some tricks to keep your home safe from squatters:

Avoid hanging signs for rent or for sale.

Install alarm and anti-squatter door.

If you do not visit the house regularly, install timers that turn on the lights periodically to give the impression that it is inhabited.

Do not leave the blinds completely closed, it gives the feeling of an empty house, you can use home automation systems to open and close them using an application if you cannot go in person. Avoid mentioning holiday trips on social networks and that the house will be empty.

time. Situated on the urbanisation, just above the Thursday Market area on the corner of Calle Lisboa

Members of the Men’s Shed have enjoyed working on both of these community projects and hope that those visiting the Garden of Reflection will enjoy seeing the work that has been done to support the community.

Membership of The Men’s Shed is available to anyone in the San Fulgencio area or its urbanisations. Find us in Calle Azorin, on the Urbanisation La Marina.

You do not need to have any particular skills to join. Opening hours 10.00am to 16.00pm Monday – Friday. We look forward to seeing you.

PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023

SNOW WHITE has a vacancy for an ELF!

The Rojales Pantomime Group are currently rehearsing their next Christmas Pantomime production, Snow White and the 7 Christmas Elves. Alas, they find themselves an Elf short.…OH NO……GRINCH who hates Christmas and of course is a very grumpy Elf. HELP - Snow White and the other six elves NEED YOU to join them to take part in this very funny Christmas show which they are hoping will raise lots of money for local charities.

Don’t worry if you’ve never acted before, join us for the fun, meet some new people and do something very different, you’ll be glad you did.


Dona Pepa's Victor Budds looks back on his childhood stardom in the production 'Let's Make An Opera' by late Composer Benjamin Britten in 1952.....................By

"I was one of the children from East Anglia chosen to appear in 'Let's Make An Opera', 71 years ago," said Victor.

At the time Victor was just 13, having auditions, at school, and at Benjamin Britten's House at Aldeburgh.

Additional auditions were with Basil Douglas, Head of the English Opera Group, and singer Ian Wallace. "I recall Britten's housekeeper bringing us hot scones," said Victor, whose final audition was at the English Opera Group's HQ at Swiss Cottage, London.

"I shared the child lead role of Sammy the Sweep with another boy, and Ian Wallace was the Sweep Master.

"I was given a contract for £10 a week," said Victor, who spent three months doing rehearsals at Edgeware, Middlesex.

"We had to take a pair of slippers, in order to save wear and tear in the house, under the the watchful eye of Matron Mrs Joyner," he said.

'Let's Make An Opera' ran at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, for four months, two weeks at the

New Wimbledon Theatre and in Hull for a month.

"After the rehearsals we had to continue doing our schooling, and after the daily sessions we had to have a bath, tea, and off to the Theatre," reflected Victor.

"We were allowed home every fourth week, for a day. I was put on a train to Lowestoft to meet my parents on Sunday morning and I had to be back again that day," he said.

Victor served his engineering apprenticeship after his only taste of stardom and became the owner of a successful garage business in Gorleston.

Composer, Baron Benjamin Britten who died in 1976, was made a Freeman of Lowestoft in 1951. One of his manuscripts 'A Hymn to the Virgin' was given its first performance in 1931, in St John's Church (now demolished) at a Lowestoft Musical Society Concert.

"I always wonder what would have happened if I had carried on in Showbusiness," said Victor, 80, who also appeared in amateur productions and with dance bands at the South Pier on Saturday nights.

Santa Pola Celebrating Pride

Whilst nearby municipalities “say” they will support the LGTBIQ+ community, whilst actually “doing” nothing at all other than putting a flag up occasionally, Santa Pola is going all out rainbow-coloured with the celebration of International LGTBIQ+ Pride Day on 28 June, with Santa Pola Pride. Under the banner "All Colours. All Loves.", the event promises to be an inclusive and festive celebration honouring diversity and equality.

The Department of Equality, Diversity and Citizen Participation has organised a series of activities for July 1, the official Santa Pola Pride day, beginning with a mural workshop on diversity and gender identity in the Glorieta at 6:00 p.m. At 7:00 p.m., there will be a concentration in the Glorieta with different workshops and activities for all ages.

The highlight of the Santa Pola Pride will

be the protest parade, which will start at 8:00 p.m. from the Glorieta and will go through the streets until it reaches the El Palmeral.

In the El Palmeral Auditorium, starting at 9:00 p.m., the Pride Party will take place, where a manifesto will be read at 9:30 p.m.

During the party, there will be a performance by Nancy & The Blue Stars, DJ's Laura Veyker and Lucía Ponce B2B Victoria Vegas, as well as a rainbow point, information, performance and entertainment stands.

In addition to the programming for July 1, previous activities have been organised to promote the inclusion and visibility of LGTBIQ+ people.

On Sunday, June 18, a day of inclusive sports will take place at Levante Beach, in charge of the DIMOVE Association.

On Tuesday, June 27, the Edisex associa-

tion will offer the workshop "Diversities Project. POP-ART: T-shirts with pride" at the Racó Jove, with limited places and prior registration.

On Wednesday, June 28, at the Casa de Cultura, the film "Our children" by María de Medeiros will be screened, followed by a colloquium talk.

On Thursday, June 29, the Diversitat association will give a colloquium talk on LGTBIphobia at the Civic Centre, and on Friday, June 30, the Plaza Constitución will host a live radio program by the Alicante Entiende association, with interviews and related content with the celebration of LGTBI Pride.

Santa Pola is filled with colours, joy and pride to celebrate diversity and promote the inclusion of all people.

The Santa Pola Pride is an opportunity to show support and respect for the LGTBIQ+ community, as well as to remember the importance of equality and freedom of expression in our society, according to the town hall.

Rehearsals recommence after the Summer break in September and are held in Quesada.

Just as important the Group are also looking to recruit BACKSTAGE CREW to assist with the props during the performances which will take place December 14-16th at the Cardinal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio, so, even if you don’t want to be on stage with the rest of the cast, helping backstage is just as much fun.

If you would like to be part of this amateur Theatre Group, whose members also enjoy some fabulous monthly social events what are you waiting for….. email and you will be contacted with further details.


PAGE 18 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
AndrewAtkinson EXCLUSIVE Victor, bottom right as Sammy the Sweep

Last week, we spoke about maintaining the correct position when we are sat in a vehicle, specifically, in that case, related to the potential and “life changing” injuries that can be caused by putting your feet on the dashboard.

However, the rule extends to much more than that, as Article 18, Section 1 of Royal Decree 1428/2003 of 21 November, approving the Rules of the road, states that “The driver of a vehicle must maintain their own freedom of movement, the required field of

vision and permanent attention to driving“, which covers a whole multitude of sins (and potential fines). Keeping both hands on the steering wheel, not leaning with an elbow on the window, keeping your arms inside the vehicle may have been the repetitive messages our driving

instructor taught us when we first took lessons, but the advice is still very much key to a safe driving experience.

When used correctly, the vehicle´s seats and features offer the maximum protection in the event of a collision. If we do anything to change the characteristics of these features, we risk our safety tremendously.

Arms and legs should be kept inside the protective shell of the vehicle. Sticking your head, arms or legs out of the window is not a very good idea.

There are countless documented cases of motorists suffering serious injury when “clipped” by a passing car, as well as the more gruesome stories of the loss of limbs in the event of a crash. Having an arm out of the window also poses a risk to other road users such as cyclists and motorcyclists. Being able to put your head out of the window implies that the seatbelt is not worn correctly. If your body parts are not within the safety cage of the vehicle, then you are at risk and are risking others.

Arms extended from the vehicle may also confuse other road users who might think that you are giving hand signals, thus posing a risk that those drivers may incorrectly react to what they think you are gesturing. Visibility may also be obscured as a result, blocking the vehicle´s mirrors and making it difficult to observe the vehicle surroundings correctly.

An arm outstretched to the left actually means you intend to turn left. It is a hand signal which may be used in the event of your indicators not working, for example. Your left arm out the window and at a right angle means you intend to turn right. Extending your arm out of the window with your palm facing backwards means you intend to reverse.

There are other hand signals too, but these main ones, which foreign drivers may not even be aware of, show how a simple move of putting your arm out the window to feel the breeze can be construed as being a hand signal.

Cyclists and VMP (scooter) drivers should also use hand signals correctly.

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
S U M M E R D R I V I N G – S U M M E R D R I V I N G –D O ’ S A N D D O N ´ T S – D O ’ S A N D D O N ´ T S –P A R T 2 P A R T 2


The world now knows that Boris Johnston was a lying, cheating rogue - something I was banging on about years ago. He has caused so much damage to the UK - forget partygate, what's important is lying to Parliament, on parties in number 10, and far more importantly, on Brexit, and this has caused the UK so much damage, which more and more people are discovering to their cost.

Theresa May knew the Brexit deal, as it was, could be a disaster to Britain, because it meant Britain doing business with the EU would be far more difficult, and, as for Northern Ireland, it would be a disaster.

But did Boris care? Not on your life. He and his right-wing supporters gave her hell and they knew how to play the British public. Claiming Boris had an “oven-ready” deal to sort out the Brexit impasse was, as we all now know, merely his willingness to sign a document regardless of what was written on it.

The result? Everyone in Britain is 5% less well off than it would have been if

we were still in Europe. Boris and his right-wing friends also claimed that the NHS would benefit from hundreds of millions of pounds if we were not contributing to the EU. Look out of your window...see all those pigs flying by?

In addition, he and his supporters” claimed they would have more ability to secure our borders and prevent illegal immigrants entering Britain. With all these promises who wouldn’t think getting out of the EU would not be good for Britain?

But in reality, it was all lies, half-truths ladened with a huge dollop of bullshit. And we are still paying the price for not being in the EU – so many extra hurdles if you want to have an extended holiday in Europe, or buy a property, or start a business, or driving in Europe. The extra massive layers of bureaucracy has now hit thousands of people to their cost.

Would that vote, if taken now, be one in favour of Brexit? Like hell it would. Going to the polls is not like going to a betting office. A voter should not be thinking who is going to be the winner

Fumigation of mosquitos Increases after rains

The Department of the Environment has intensified the spraying of mosquito larvae following the rainy episodes experienced in recent weeks.

Mild temperatures shorten the life cycle of mosquitoes, which is why massive hatchings of adults can occur. In order to avoid this, CTLis applying larvicidal treatments in the areas of Molino de la Ciudad, OciopÌa, Los Huertos and different green areas of the city centre.

Rain channels in the city, districts and Orihuela Costa are also being fumigated, in addition to the areas that have been flooded after the rains.

This campaign also includes the use of adulticides to eliminate specimens that have already reached adulthood.

The treatment is being applied in green areas of the urban area, the banks of the Segura river, the Palmeral, the Molino de la Ciudad and the surroundings of OciopÌa, as well as in the districts and in Orihuela Costa.

Once this campaign ends, the company will continue with the regular treatment to control mosquito larvae, in order to prevent new hatchings of adults.

and just putting a vote on that basis. People should be thinking very, very carefully before thy cast their vote. Because there is such a danger in voting a wrong’un into office. Just look at the mess the Germans got into in voting Hitler into office, and, more recently, Putin in Russia. It can cost thousands if not millions of lives.

Boris was a popularist clown. He appealed to party-going people, mostly women who appear to be drawn to such men. Goodness knows why. But you don’t need or want a clown as a prime minister. You need someone who puts plain common sense before playing around and someone who knows right from wrong and who does not distort that when it suits.

What we have now is a failed Tory party. It now has no mandate from the public, who dearly would love a general election. There must be and should be a mechanism in Parliament which dictates that when a government is running second in the polls for more than a year it triggers a General Election. Britain needs a change of government so badly.

But voters, don’t ever make the same mistake again. We don’t want or need a government with an 80+ seat majority which allows a huge right wing power base, or a huge extreme left-wing base either (rabid right or loony left).

We need moderates in the majority in Parliament, so think where they come from …a party waiting in the wings which deserves far more support and far more TV and radio air times than it gets. And while I am at it, don’t be fooled by the Reform Party, which is an extreme right-wing lot disguised in a popular name. So beware.

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After last weekís rain, this week has been scorching but, fortunately, our team members have survived. With just one match to go in each league, itís still all to play for and points to win. South Alicante summer league Monday 12th SPITFIRE Div.

SLWellingtons were at home v Vistabella Fairways. As expected this was a close fought match, 95 shots- 89, 8 points-4.Winners: Stuart Wilson, June & Keith Jones 30-15, Neil & Sandra Burrows, Scott Malden 16-14, Dee Hoey, Caroline & John Smyth 17-15.

HARRIER Div. SLHercules: travelled up to La Marina with hope but had a bad day at the office, losing 0-12, 73 shots ñ 115. Valencian Championship League Wednesday 14th. DIVA. Falcons had a good result, away v San Miguel Sheriffs, winning 8 points - 4, 92 shots - 77. Well done to our winners: Menís Singles: 21-17, (Ladiesísingles so close 20-21), Pairs: 23-6, Triples:18-14. VCL. DIVB. Hawks were at home and had a real battle v Emerald Isle Earls for 4 points - 8, 73 shots ñ 93. Well done to our winners: Menís singles: Kevin McKenna 21-19, Rinks: Brenda Reid, Dave Notley, Jane & Stewart Hamill 23-10.

We are a friendly club with competitive and hard-working members, we welcome new and experienced members to expand our teams. Come and meet us, or better still, come and join us.


Greenlands Warriors played host to Country Bowls who proved to be a strong side and won 8-4 with the shots 90 to 69

Greenlands GIANTS played Quesada which also proved to be a tough match,but they dug in and came out on top with a 7- 5 victory,shots of 82 to 79

In the Greenlands TITANS match against La Siesta there were some really tight games.Ladies singles was won by Mandy from Greenlands who really dug in deep,well played.

There was a brave effort by the trips team getting a draw and such an effort by the rinks,only losing by 1 shot.

The final result was a win for La Siesta 9-3

Monte Mar Toros v Country Bowls Red Kites

On Monday 12th June after the long journey to Country Bowls we only managed to win on one rink and lost by only one shot on another.Well done to the winning rink Lynne Armitage,Diane Horsington skip Photo Goble.

Shots Toros 75 - 108 Red Kites,Points Toros 2 - 10 Red Kites

Vistabella Bowls Club

Sth Alicante Summer Lg - San Luis Wellingtons v Fairways

Played in a friendly atmosphere but very competitive. Vistabella tried their best but were beaten to the post. Scores 95 - 89 to San Luis. Two good winning rinks for Rosemary & Ken Savage plus Paul Durham 23 - 14 and Keith Black, Richard Willey & Carol Thorpe 23 - 18. San Luis Wellingtons 8pts Vistabella Fairways 4pts.

VCL summer league. Emerald Isle Dukes v VB Saxons


On Tuesday our VCL team played it's rearranged match at home against Country Bowls, a tough game with Country Bowls taking the honours with their 4 rinks to El Rancho's 1.

But as we all know the result is often contrary to the effort and skill put into the play.

Mens singles: Keith Longshaw 10-21. Ladies singles: Diane Yates 21-6.

Played in very hot and humid conditions all bowlers played extremely well with some very close matches. Well done to Sue Wilson winning her singles 21-17,also Richard Willey & Gary Thorpe(pairs) 17 - 14 and our triples of Denise Howell, Steve Baxter & Carol Thorpe 15-14. Overall scores 89 - 88 to Emerald Isle Dukes. Result: Emerald Isle Dukes 6pts and Vistabella Saxons also 6pts. Roll ups Saturday & Tuesday mornings 10am. Please come and join us or have a go with our qualified coaches.

Contact: Vistabella BC / tel: 698 925 932

Pairs: Peter Blackburn and Sheila cox 12 -22. Trips: Frances Johnston, Sue Ziepe and Steve Ziepe 8-37. Rinks: Judith Foley, Ron Greenstreet, Bill Johnston and Jim Eastwood 12-19. Wednesday found our team playing host to La Siesta Parakeets in our last match of the league, taking 2 of the 5 rinks.

Not a bad result, remembering that losing a match does not mean that you played badly.


On Monday San Miguel Moors were home to Quesada Lancaster's where they recorded a great win of 10 - 2, 120 shots to 67. The best winning triple were Allan Patterson, Sheila Booth and Derek Farmer 32 shots to 11.

San Miguel Christians were away to Emerald Isle Victors, where they lost 12 - 0, 98 shots to 67.

On Wednesday San Miguel Sheriffs were home to San Luis Falcons where they lost 4 - 8. 77 shots to 92. In the Ladies Singles Gail Willshire won 21 - 20. In the Rinks Margaret Patterson, Sandi Hannan, Steve Cantley and Fred Willshire won 19 - 10. San Miguel Deputies were away to County Bowls Foxes, where they lost 3 - 9. 69 shots to 78. Jan Farmer won 21 - 11 in the Ladies Singles, In the Rinks Tom Dalgleish, Sharon Louise, Barbara Scotthern and Derek Farmer drew 13 - 13.

Areminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - Ä5 for an afternoonís bowling with shoes and bowls. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm, by appointment ONLY. To book, please call Dave or Lynn Greenland on +34 667 207 508.

We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique clubwe only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES.

For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118. BYBARRYJONES

Mens singles: Judy Foley 21-11.

Ladies singles: Bill Johnston 7-21.

Pairs: Bob Day and Mike Cox 17-22.

Trips: Sheila Cox, David Haynes and Marion Haynes 14-8. Rinks: Peter Blackburn, Pam Harris, Lesley Day and Ron Greenstreet 5-33.

Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at:


The week began with the Vulcans playing at Quesada Blenheims and they came away with points, although going down 5-7, Aggregate of 84-87. N Prior G Wallis D Jones 31-7, C Udell S Marks R Marks 16-14, N Davis M Willicott C Lindgren got a 17-17

Victors were at home against San Miguel Christians and they had a fantastic win by 12-0, Aggregate of 98-67. J Forrest S Ellis G Odell 25-10, B Eldred M Odell J McGregor 21-12, M Nash J Ball A Forrest 17-13, M Riley J Sayers R Pollock 18-16, M McLelland C Wilson B Carter 17-16

Dukes were at home against Vistabella Saxons in VCL league and it finished all square at 6-6, Aggregate of 8988. D Jones 21-13, M Oakley S Elvin S Marks R Marks 23-22

Earls travelled to play San Luis Hawks and they had a fine win 8-4, Aggregate of 93-73, B Eldred 21-15, A Forest M McLelland 18-7, J Forrest S Ellis B Carter 25-7

The Highjackers visited the Isle on Tuesday and in a competitive game Home Advantage won the day with Isle taking all the trips

SAPS is on SAT at 9-15am. You can learn to Bowl, Shoes and Bowls supplied with Coaching, all for 5Euros and a bar. BY ELWYN MORRIS

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023
VB Fairways were narrowly beaten at San Luis


This week was the 1st round of the Summer Cup for the members of the La Marina Golf Society.

The venue for today’s game was the Alenda golf course, the fairways were in excellent condition although the rough was indeed rough, and the greens were a little worse for wear, nevertheless, we all had a thoroughly enjoyable day in the Spanish sunshine. Afterwards the members met back at the La Marina Sports complex for the day’s presenta-

tion, and a nice cold pint or two.

In third place for today’s game with 37 pts was Gerry McCabe in second place was Sue Saunders with 40 pts and the day’s winner with 42 pts was Vic Smith, our Captain Iain Lyall was on hand to present the winners with their prizes.

The nearest the pin winners were Colin Taylor for hole 3 and also winning the two’s pot.

Mike Pearce for hole 5, Gerry McCabe for hole 13 and Jeff Wiszniewski for hole 16.

Well done to all the day’s winner


Thank you for supporting Smiling Jack's golf society. We had a beautiful day at the beautiful Vistabella. The course was in excellent condition and the staff were excellent.

A big thank you to Al and Lisa for looking after us today.

A special thank you to Julie for getting out of her sick bed to prepare out lovely food for us. We had some good scores today but only one winner. NTP on 2 Tommy Fahey, on 11 Tony

Clark, in two on 17 was again Tony Clark. In second place with 35 points was Tommy Fahey while our winner today with 37 points and a new handicap of 21 was Tommy Power. Winner of the famous Blue Johnny was Tom Holy. The winner of the raffle was Mandy Christie. A big shout out to Ger for donating a free day of golf with Smiling Jack's

Our next outing is on Thursday 6th July at the fabulous Altaona

Once again a big thank you to you all for your support..... El Presidente


Apologies for not having a report for the last 2 weeks. Senior blonde moments when I didn’t remember what day it was so missed the deadline.

Anyway, this week the Blenheims were at home to Emerald Isle & collected 7 points. Brian Trinder, Ann Linley & Peter Morgan 22-7, Graham Phillips, Mark France & Jason Prokopowycz 29-13. With George Carnell, Chris Brazier & Allen Bowen getting a draw 17-17. Overall shots 89-84.

The Lancasters were away at San Miguel. Unfortunately they managed just 2 points courtesy of Chrissie Edwards, Paul Edwards & Peter Bottle 24-12.

On Wednesday in the VCL the Lions were at home to Greenlands. They picked up 5 points thanks to Terry Morgan 21-17, Brian Trinder, Peter Farrell, Bryan Elliott & Allen Bowen 18-8, George Carnell, Carol Lowry & Keith Lowry drew 14-14. Losing out on the shot difference by just 3 shots.

The Tigers were away at La Marina where they collected 4 points thanks to Cathy & George Skinner 17-14 and Ken Gordon, Don Conlon, Peter Bottle & Ray Cole 28-12.

LA SIESTA BOWLS (Members Run Club)

Hurricane Division The Wasps travelled to Greenland’s for their game against the Gladiators which resulted with wins on two rinks for a result of 4-8 (Shots 69-101). The winning rinks were; Ramsay Sinclair, Harold Charleton & John Taylor (16-14).

Harrier Division La Siesta Hornets welcomed Country Bowls Bluebirds to La Siesta, which saw two of our rinks win quite comfortable by, Peter Ayres, June & David Whitworth (2716). Mags Haines, Irene Laverick & Mike Inns (23-15). The game ended with a result of 48 (Shots 87-97).

VCL League The Parakeets travelled the short distance to El Rancho for their game, they needed a good result from this game to remain top of this League which they achieved with wins on three of the disciplines by, Singles: Jim Taylor (21-7). Pairs: Martin Harley & Karen Kirk (22-17). Rinks: Pauline Johnson, Gordon Paton, Derek Biggs & David Blackie (33-5). We also collected an additional 2 points for the overall (Shots 95-64) for a result of 8-4.

The Hoopoes had a bye this week but will be playing a rearranged game against Greenland’s Titans on Friday, the report for this game will be next week.

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Our Captain Iain Lyall was on hand to present the winners with their prizes.

Gold Medals forLos Montesinos Taekwondo Club

Taekwondo Draco Kwan de Los Montesinos club travelled to L'alcora, CastellÛn, to compete in the II Jornada de Liga and II Jornada Del Josc Esportius Taekwondo 2022-23, returning with Gold medals.

Ricardo Villalba became Champion of Spain 2023, winning Gold in the Para-TKD Senior Men's category (Poomses). Ander Majon won the Bronze medal.

Francisco MaÒogil won Gold in the Senior 2 Men category (Poomses). Jasmina Garmins finished in 5th place, with an exceptional performance. Pepe Carmona returned an excellent performance. MarÌa del Carmen BernabÈ finished in 2nd place in the Female Master 2 Category (Poomses).

Success for Rocajuna in Westvilles Petanca Cup

Peacocks Petanca Club hosted the Westvilles Cup Competition today. Twenty-four teams went head-to-head in the sunshine. The day was competitive but friendly and the winners were a team from Rocajuna Petanca Club.

Peacocks meet at Westvilles every Monday at 10.a.m. for a morning of Petanca. So, if you are interested in a fun new

pastime, why not come along and join in.

The 352 Euros raised was split equally between the 2 charities, Butterfly Children and Help at Home, Costa Blanca

The competition was sponsored by Westvilles, who supplied all the cups and medals.

SAMM Golf Society at La Finca

Tuesday 6th June 2023 The course was in great condition and the sun shone as captain for the day, Jack Moss, led us away. Pride of Scotland, Rona Agnew won the Stableford with 26 points. David Shephard took the longest drive on the 18th with a herculean effort easily clearing 250 metres. Steve Rocks won the nearest the pin, while Tim Pritchard took best guest. Congratulations everyone.

La Finca Hotel overlooking the 18th green, and with its elevated views of the course, played host to the after-game celebrations with much forensic discussion of the days play. Acertain amount of humour was taken over the ìsnack of shameî handed out to non-winners ñ in reality, a bag of chocolates.

Our day out was completed when we met the Northern Ireland, Tottenham, Arsenal and FACup winning legend that is Pat Jennings as we were leaving. Priceless.

Next SAMM Golf Society venue is Villa Martin 12th September. If you would like to join this game please mail:

SAMM ñ Sailing Association Mar Menor, encompasses dinghy to catamaran sailing, cruising and motorboat groups. If you like sailing and would like to know more, visit our web site at or follow us on our Facebook Pages.


QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1.Edelweiss,

a.Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Julie Covington), b.Born In The USA (Bruce Springsteen), c.Back In The USSR

(Beatles), d.China Girl (David Bowie), e. Lost In France (Bonnie Tyler) , 11. Doberman Pinscher, 12."Mein Führer, I can walk!", 13.Green and white, 14. Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services, 15.Lebanon, 16.Texas, 17. Chickpeas, 18.a.Wet Wet Wet, b. Terrence Trent D'Arby, c.Iron Maiden, d. Fleetwood Mac, e.Prince, 19.Watership Down, 20.1986

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
2.Lagos, 3.Funny bone, 4. kumquat (or Cumquat), 5.Gonzalez (or Gonzales), 6.You Only Live Twice ('Little Nellie' is the nickname for the mini helicopter), 7.Nicolas Cage, 8.Emirates, 9. Andorra, Liechtenstein and Monaco.10. Big Hitter: David Shephard on the 1st Tee
PAGE 24 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th June 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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