The Voice of the Maltese No.298

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The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese

Winner of the 2023 special award by the Institute of Maltese Journalists for work among the Maltese communities overseas

May 2, 2023

A fortnightly print and digital magazine

y’s active contribution


Day com-memoration in Australia, memoration in Australia, ((above) above) the full Maltese RSL Sub Branch con the full Maltese RSL Sub Branch con-tingent , and tingent , and ((below) below) : marching at the cit y of Sydney parade : marching at the cit y of Sydney parade

(For more ANZAC Day commemorations in Australia and Malta see pages 2 and 3)

The Maltese communit y’s active contribution to the ANZAC Day com The Maltese communit to ANZAC

It has become a tradition for the Maltese community in Australia to participate actively in the Anzac Day commemoration

In NSW, the Maltese RSL sub-branch makes

W e w i l l r e m e m b e r t h e m … the Maltese way

us all proud by marching in the main celebration around the streets of Sydney

This year, ABC TV gave prominence to the many Maltese marching proudly under their banner and with the participation of the OLQP Maltese band Alfred Carabott holding the flag, veteran Lea Harding, age 96 years, this year in a wheelchair, and the presence of Consul-General Lawrence Buhagiar made it very interesting viewing

The RSL Maltese group also laid wreaths at the foot of the Martin Place monument.

At Pendle Hill

At the Maltese Bi-Centennial Monument at Civic Park Pendle Hill NSW, where the Maltese RSL Sub Branch established a beautiful memorial plaque for the heroes of Anzacs, they gathered for a short but poignant ceremony under the leadership of their new President, Major Clint Marlborough, to homage the fallen It could be the last function at Civic Park for a long while as it is receiving a significant upgrade

At Cringila

In the morning, a dignified service was held at the Monument at the George Cross Falcon Centre Cringila The Maltese SubBranch of the NSW-RSL and the GCFC

commemorated the Maltese-Anzacs of W W 1 before a considerable number of guests, led by Vice Admiral (Ret.) Bruce Kafer, Hon Paul Scully, Minister for Planning & Public Spaces, Allison Byrnes, Federal Member for Cunningham and Ms Lyn Cull, MCCI official

Twenty-Five uniformed members of the Maltese sub-branch led by its President, Clint Marlborough and the President of the Centre, Louis Parnis, also took part Charles N Mifsud, who was the MC led the service After acknowledging the distinguished guests and all present, he acknowledged the land's traditional owners He invited Mary Pace Feraud to talk briefly about WW1, and Andrew Magro, gave a brief history of the Maltese Anzacs who lost their lives fighting in Gallipoli and on the Western Front Vice Admiral Bruce Kafer recited the Ode,

and the Last Post and Reveille followed it Afterwards, Louis Parnis, invited everyone for refreshments

2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023
At Pendle Hill (from left): Andrew Magro, Rita Friggieri, Clint Marlborough, Alfred Carabott, Fred Agius and Mario Farrugia The Maltese contingent during the march as filmed by ABC TV The new President of the Maltese RSL Sub Branch, Major Clint Marbourough The Maltese ex-service persons that attended the function at the George Cross Falcons Centre in Cringila

A N Z AC 2 0 2 3 i n M a l t a

Malta and Australia are two islands separated by continents and seas but firmly linked by ties of family and history World War I that began the close relationship between the two countries During the terrible conflict, Maltese and Australians lived, fought and died together

Over 10 per cent of Malta's 222,000 people had volunteered for far-related duties, with almost 1,100 members of the Malta Labour Corps working with Australians at Gallipoli, Lemnos and Mudros The Maltese served gallantly with Australian regiments, six receiving decorations for their service in the 7th Brigade

The Anzac legend was born on 25 April, when some 16,000 Australian and New Zealand Army Corps soldiers landed under fire on the shores of Gallipoli, Turkiye They formed part of the expedition to capture the Gallipoli peninsula and open the Dardanelles to the Allied navies

They were the first time soldiers of the two fledgling nations fought together.

At the end of 1915, the Allied force was evacuated after both sides suffered appalling casualties Over 56,000 Allied soldiers were killed in the campaign, including more than 11,000 Australian and New Zealand troops

Several Maltese served with the British armed forces in World War I, including 800 volunteers who supported the Gallipoli campaign Some 58,000 wounded and sick Allied troops got evacuated to Malta from the Dardanelles. In total, 28 hospitals and convalescence camps were operational in Malta during the war as the island became the resting place of 204 Australians and 72 New Zealand soldiers Malta's position in the Mediterranean made it an important strategic location in both world wars

In Malta, Anzac Day on 25 April has been commemorated since 1916 In 1979 the service began to be held at the Pietá Military Cemetery, containing the highest number of ANZAC war graves (231) in Malta.

HE Ms Jenny Cartmill, High Commissioner for Australia cohosted this year's impressive service with the New Zealand High

Anzac Day has always held special meaning for me Not so much because I see it as the 'birthplace' of Australia, my adopted home, (which I don't, by the way), but because I see it as a useless and senseless loss of young life

What many do not realise is that Malta was the place where so many of the young wounded and sick from the Dardanelles were sent to recover Many did and many died on the Island, to be buried and for their graves to be maintained and cared for into perpetuity

Notwithstanding, I have performed the Anzac concert over a good number of years and with a number of fabulous performers.

My links with Anzac Day became further

Commission (accredited from Madrid), which was attended by several personalities that included HE Dr George Vella, the President of the Republic of Malta, Mr Kevin Bonnici, the New Zealand Honorary Consul, HE Mr Erdeniz Sen, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkiye, Mr David Agius the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Malta, and representatives of the UK, Germany, France, The Netherlands, the USA, India and Italy Embassies or High Commissions They all laid wreaths and flowers at the foot of the monument

Other organisations in Malta with affiliations to Australia or New Zealand also laid wreaths They included the Maltese-Australian Association, the Council of the Maltese Living Abroad, and the editor of The Voice of the Maltese on behalf of its readers. The Australian High Commission also hosted an Anzac Day reception at her residence

Malta’s enormous contribution

strengthened when I discovered, in a conversation with my dad not long before he died, that both my maternal and paternal grandfathers and my maternal great grandfather had all served with the British Armed forces at Gallipoli and Cape Helles This was indeed a revelation and one that forged the links forever.

Anzac Day this year found me in Malta and I had rather coincidentally come across the Anzac Day commemoration at the Pietá Cemetery in 2018 and decided to go there again this year. The last time I was there I wandered around the graves singing 'Matilda' to the lads buried there and followed it up with another of Bogle's magnificent songs 'Willie McBride', to try and let the spirit of these lads know that there were those who followed them who not only appreciated what they had done but who also protested their loss.

This year I wondered if I would be able to contribute to this magnificent tribute here in Australia, which is quite unknown to the majority of Australians and New Zealanders and indeed Turks who may not

even be aware of the enormous contribution made by Malta during that conflict.

I consequently contacted my friend Joseph Cutajar, editor of this great publication, to see if he had any connections who could help I followed up the lead he gave me at the Australian High Commission and spoke with Chris Steed from the HC's office He discussed the offer with the High Commissioner and she so graciously accepted it and asked if I could sing the two songs I had proposed at the function following the service at the Pietá Cemetery I was absolutely delighted and I will be forever grateful to Joe for facilitating this.

The performance went well with two songs performed; ‘And The Band Played Walzing Matilda’ by Bogle, and Çanakkale, the significant Turkish song about the conflict. The audience include the Australian High Commissioner, the Charge d'Affairs a i of New Zealand and, of great importance, the Turkish Ambassador.

*Continued on page 4

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 3
Joseph Cutajar on behalf of The Voice (left) and Alfred Briffa (Maltese Australian Ass), paying homage to the fallen at the Pietá Military Cemetery

To the Point .... Occasional comments

Dar l-emigrant, Malta

Do you remember the Malta Emigrants Commission established in Malta by the Catholic Action in 1950 They have been an integral part of the history of Catholic emigration from Malta

They also have an impressive building at Valletta, opened in 1971, near the entrance to Upper Barrakka, including a crucial archival section on the history of Maltese migration

The entrance to Dar l-Emigrant was converted into an Italian restaurant Dar l-Emigrant is now servicing refugees. Since Mons Alfred Vella was relocated to Curia, his successor has yet to contact the Maltese community in this part of the world.

The epicentre of the State?

Is the small village of Cringila the logical centre of the State of NSW? We have a Maltese centre serving the Maltese and other nationalities in this Illawarra region, and we should thank them for that

But why would they try to project the Maltese community in the rest of the State as not up to their standard, divisive, or incompetent? Be satisfied with your actions, and stop this rabble-rousing and constant incoherent rambling on Facebook. Being divisive is a nasty tool that cuts both ways

Assisting sports persons

We may have forgotten the Bishop Grech Memorial Scholarship, a worthy initiative by the MCC of Victoria in remembrance of a great Maltese clergyman.

I wonder how many sportspersons have benefitted from these grants; perhaps the MCCV will enlighten us.

Nonetheless, three netball enthusiasts of Maltese descent, all from Morwell in Victoria, assisted by these scholarships and other donations, are going to compete in Malta, perhaps the first sports persons to benefit from the Bishop Grech Memorial Scholarship

Malta and its contribution to ANZAC

*Continued from page 3

The reception was very warm with the Turkish Ambassador and his contingent in particular being very pleased to hear this song performed on this day, which is meant to heal and not proliferate the butchery and insanity of war.

For me, it was an event of enormous significance It was the first time that I had managed to perform in Malta and to do so in such a way was a high point in my musical career I remain eternally grateful to Joe for this He said he would help. And he did!

For those who are interested in finding out more about Gallipoli, the Maltese connection, my own story and reflections on the conflict and to hear the songs I mention plus others, visit my Anzac podcast, sit back and have a listen

I can't say I hope you enjoy it. It is not to be enjoyed It is a reflective and meditative presentation that I hope will put you in contact with the event itself and what it truly means and meant to the lives of so many people

So many lost their loved ones and so many died of broken hearts when they heard of the loss of their children It was, and will always be, one of the tragedies that is war; war that continues and never seems to end and is repeated over, and

over, and over again ac-concert-the-river-of-blood/id15021818 58?i=1000472010222

Is-sależjani mitt sena fl-Awstralja - tifkira

Nhar il-Ħadd 23 ta’ April żar lill-komunitá Sależjana fil-parroċċa ta’ St Marys NSW fl-Awstralja r-rettur maġġur tal-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana, Don Ángel Fernández Artime

Għall-okkażjoni saret quddiesa kkonċelebrata u wara kien hemm divertiment fil-Youth Centre faċċata tal-knisja parrokkjali Fost dawk li attendew u ltqagħu ma’ Don Angel kien hemm rappreżentanza mill-Għaqda ta’ Don Bosco f ’NSW (stampa fuq), li turi (mix-xellug): lil Joseph Zerafa, Don Angel, Emmanuel Zammit, Mark Caruana u Miriam Friggieri

L-okkażjoni kienet il-mitt sena mindu waslu s-Salesjani fl-Awstralja Ta’ min isemmi li kien is-Salesjan Malti, Fr Joe Ciantar, li rifes l-Awstralja fl-1938, li reġa’ ta l-ħajja lisSalesjani, li kienu qed jippjanaw li jitilqu l-missjoni tagħhom hemmhekk minħabba li ma qabdux art u kellhom ħafna dejn.

Fr Ciantar kien qassis dinamiku u ħadem bis-sħiħ biex tħallas id-dejn u kibru l-vokazzjonijiet

4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023
The ANZAC monment at the Pietá Military Cemetery at the end of the commemoration ser vice after the laying of thw wreaths honouring the fallen.

Q. My mother is a self-funded retiree selling her home and moving into a retirement village. She will have around $900,000 in surplus funds after this move. She has given my brother and me $200,000 each and invested the remaining funds Can she do this? Will we need to pay tax on this gift?

A As your mother is a self-funded retiree, she can gift any amount she wants as she is not a pensioner In Australia, we do not have tax on gifting, and therefore your brother, yourself and your mother will not need to pay any tax on this amount, which does not need to be shown on your tax return when lodging it

Q. My father is a widower, and all he has is myself and my two children as his family He is on a small part age pension and has offered to pay for my children’s school fees which amount to around $8000 annually. Can he do this, or will it affect his part-age pension?

A. . Pensioners can only gift $10,000 over one year or $30,000 over a five-year period Therefore, your father can pay for the school fees, and once he gives above the $30,000, which will be in four years, he will need to declare this to Centrelink His age pension should not be affected much, but he must still disclose this to Centrelink

Q. My husband and I are pensioners and plan to go overseas for four weeks. We have not been away from Australia since we retired and are unsure

whether we can travel overseas and whether our age pension will be affected.

A. As you are now on the age pension, you must inform Centrelink every time you plan to travel overseas Your pension will not be affected as your trip is less than six weeks, but Centrelink needs to be informed of your overseas trip

Thisis a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Financial Services helps our readers understand the complexities associated with financial planning If you need more advice send an email to Marie Louise via:

Q & A Q & A

Q. My father passed away a couple of months ago, and his funeral cost my mother around $12,000. She wants to ensure she does not leave us with a funeral bill to pay when she passes on. How can she have peace of mind that this burden is not passed onto us?

A. She has a few options that should provide her peace of mind She could either prepay for the cost of her funeral and in this way, she would choose how she would like her funeral to be Another option would be for her to invest in a Funeral Bond, which would provide her

with a policy document and then inform you about this so you could access the policy document to pay for the funeral A third option is to ensure she has sufficient funds in her bank account Banks allow the person organising the funeral to access the funds to pay for it after the account holder dies Discuss this with her, and she can select her preference

Q. My husband and I are still both working and in our 60s. We have three children, all of whom are married. Our youngest child has some financial difficulties as he has lost his job, and his wife does not work as they have a young child. We are happy to gift him $50,000 to help him pay his ongoing mortgage until he finds work again. Is this a good way, or will it cause friction with my other two children?

A. A While you are alive, you can do whatever you wish with your money and helping your children is commendable However, to alleviate friction, you could let the other two children know what you are doing and tell them that this would be part of his inheritance unless he can repay you this amount You could do this through a deed of agreement or a letter confirming the gift and something in the Will to allow him to pay it back in part or whole Your other children should be able to understand his current situation

This document contains factual information only It is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 5

Australian PM named among 100 most influential people of 2023

Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been listed alongside Lionel Messi, Beyonce ́ , and Doja Cat as one of the most influential people of 2023 Time Magazine’s annual list of artists, innovators, titans, leaders, icons and pioneers is compiled by the publication’s editors and has just been released for this year

In an article written for the magazine by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Mr Albanese is described as “a symbol of hope and inspiration”.

His glowing write-up refers to Australia’s upcoming Referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, heaping praise on the PM for “amplifying the voices” of Australia’s Indigenous people

It refers to Mr Albanese’s childhood growing up in public housing, his belief in “ambitious climate action” and his commitment to democracy. Mr Trudeau described how in an "increasingly uncertain” world where politicians sometimes “sow fear and division” Mr Albanese chooses the “path of hope and opportunity ”

In his victory speech when Labor was voted into government in May 2022, Mr Albanese had said he wanted to bring Australians together

Among the other 19 people to be listed under the leaders’ category with the PM are Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelensky, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, detained Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich and US President Joe Biden

King Charles was on the list as an icon, comedian Ali Wong was named under the artist category, Elon Musk as a titan, Natasha Lyon as an innovator, and Bella Hadid as a pioneer. Mr Albanese is the third Australian Prime Minister to make the Time Magazine list

Albanese details journey to find father

Mr Anthony Albanese has detailed how he found his Italian father after believing he was dead until his teen years. He has detailed his journey to find his father for the first time on national television, admitting the process was "overwhelming" and "very emotional".

As first revealed in an authorised biography written by journalist Karen Middleton, Mr Albanese believed his father was dead until he was about 14 years old His late single mother, Maryanne Therese Albanese, had told her only son she had married his father overseas and he had died in a car accident

“From an early age, that's what I believed,” he told ABC Once Mr Albanese reached an age his mother believed appropriate, at 14, she told him his father may actually be alive Mrs Albanese had met Carlo Albanese on a four-week ocean voyage and fallen pregnant but he told her

he was engaged to a girl in southern Italy and could not marry her

She returned to Australia and raised her son alone “I think she was very concerned that I would feel somehow less about her,” Mr Albanese explained about why telling him the truth was difficult for her “I think that whole guilt associated with having a child out of wedlock in 1963 as a young Catholic woman was a big deal

“Hence, the extent to which she had gone

to in terms of adopting my father's name, she wore an engagement and wedding ring ”

Mrs Albanese died in 2002 and five years ago Anthony started the journey to see if he could find his father, using a photo of Carlos and his mother on the cruise ship. Enlisting the head of Carnival Cruises, Ann Sherry, he tracked Carlos down.

“It is a moment I will never forget,” he says. After a series of letters, Mr Albanese met his father and learnt he had a brother and sister

“So all of a sudden with the exception of my son, Nathan, the three closest blood relatives to me in the world who I had never met were standing in this room ”

Carlos died from cancer in January 2014 but Mr Albanese got to say goodbye on a visit to Italy in 2013 “During the 2013 election campaign Kevin Rudd knew that at any time I might depart to farewell him,” he said of his funeral

6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023
In 2008, then PM Kevin Rudd was named on the list, with his entry written by Australian actor Cate Blanchett. Former PM John Howard made the list in 1999. Australian Prime Minister, Antony Albanease (left) in his meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Anthony Albanese with his father Carlo (now deceased)

A t r i p to M a l t a a n d G o z o c o u l d

Until 2019, pre Covid-19 pandemic, tourism in Malta was booming It had become one of the top places foreigners liked to visit, not just because of its sunny weather and the sea for most of the year Thanks to the efforts of the Malta Tourism Authority and all those involved in the industry Two years of pandemic put paid to all that

But with the efforts put in by all those in the sector, post-pandemic, Malta is again ranked as one of the most attractive tourist resorts in Europe, particularly in the Mediterranean The numbers of tourist arrivals are at par with the 2019 figures, and with travel becoming more comfortable than before, four months into 2023, those in the know predict that this year's arrivals would exceed the 2019 numbers

Many are witnessing why and how this small yet densely populated country has carved a niche in the tourism industry

The three main islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino, making up an archipelago called the Republic of Malta, have much to offer Foreigners find this out for themselves when they visit, even if it is just for a few hours on a cruise ship The Malta experience seems to leave an indelible mark on them after experiencing the strong culture, history and heritage the island has to offer

Even when it comes to gastronomy, food lovers have an exceptional choice of local and other tastes from all its neighbours in the Mediterranean and even further out, brought over by residents with citizens who have made Malta their permanent home

Pretty Wild World travel guide has de-

scribed Malta as an island that has many family-fun attractions stretching across its sun-kissed beaches, and that it lives up to its image of offering lazy holidays and to get a bit of sunshine combined with the luxury of inhaling the smell of fresh seawater. Many tourist travel guide magazines also agree that a trip to Malta and Gozo could be an experience of a lifetime!

In my first article about Malta as a tourist destination in The Voice (Issue No 286), I


St Julian's and Paceville are very close Both can be covered just by walking They are centrally located, but at the same time, they enjoy a beautiful spot next to some fantastic beaches. There are many hotels and self-catering apartments in the area Staying in the many hotels here means one is always a short walk away from the beach, the pubs, the countless restaurants, and all that nightlife brings with it

focussed mainly on the must-see attractions at Malta's capital, Valletta, the 'Silent City' Mdina, and its neighbourly and equally interesting town of Rabat This follow-up article deals with two places that generally attract different kinds of tourists, particularly those verging on en-

They are ideal spots for tourists, especially the young ones. Every year, thousands decide to stay in this spot on the island, especially Paceville, with its numerous pubs and music outlets Though it could be pretty noisy, Paceville, a small district, is a pull for young people until the early morning It has become known as the place where the young never sleep Staying in Paceville can be a good option if one plans to party the nights away. When it comes to St Julian's, it is a very modern touristic hotspot But It also has quiet districts that simultaneously allow one to be close to the party scene

Surprisingly enough, this area carries with it a long-lasting and fascinating history Back in the late 1700s, when Malta was under French rule, it was precisely here that the French troops first landed and started their occupation According to history, St Julian's was the first town to be conquered by the French In 1798 General Claude Henri Vabois landed with his soldiers in the middle of Spinola Bay, now a tourist attraction for many beach lovers Remains that date back to the Roman Empire era were discovered in the area, making archaeologists believe that the site was inhabited much earlier

Another interesting fact regarding St Julian's is that its flag has Belgian origin, concerning the patron saint Julian who is believed to have been Belgian

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 7
e a n ex p e r i e n c e o f a l i f e t i m e
The fantastic sandy beach of St George’s Bay shared by Paceville and St Julian’s JosephCUTAJAR An aerial view of one of the best parts of St Julian’s

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

L-ittri tagħkom

It-tifkira ta’ Jum l-Anzac hi okkażjoni ta’ swied ta’ qalb

Joe Spiteri minn Redfern NSW jikteb:

The Voice of the Maltese

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes.

e magazine can be read in flipbook or PDF format online. A pdf copy is sent via email on request. Hard copy subscription is also available at a cost.


Malta: Joseph Cutajar

Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP Rt email address:

Jien wieħed minn dawk li Jum l-Anzac iġibli ħafna swied ta’ qalb L-aktar meta niftakar f ’dawk il-qalbiena suldati li fl-aħjar żmien ta’ ħajjithom li tefgħuhom fuq quddiem fit-trunċieri ta’ Gallipoli, f ’battalja li qatt ma setgħu jirbħu.

Another top issue covering so many interesting topics

A. Mamo from Northmead NSW writes:

Congratulations for another well-presented issue of the Voice of the Maltese (No 297) I like the front-page photos and the mix of articles in Maltese and English covering various topics including law finance, history, sports etc.

There is no doubt that the issue of this newsletter requires lots of hard work often well into the night I like to thank the people who contribute articles to this interesting magazine

Il-ġenerali li fasslu l-invażjoni ta’ Gallipoli fit-Turkija messhom ġew mgħoddija court marshall Kienet l-agħar battalja li qatt giet imfassla Qabdu lill-Awstraljani u n-New Zealanders u s-sentenzjawhom għall- mewt Tmintax-il xahar fix-xatt iħarsu lejn it-Torok jisparawlhom minn fuq il-muntaji

Kien impossibli għall-alleati li l jirbħu Kienet il-qlubija tas-suldati Awtraljani u ta’ NZ, ħafna minnhom li qabdu l-azzarini għall-ewwel darba, u grazzja minn Alla li baqgħu hajjin biex bid-determinazzjoni tagħhom bnew nazzjoni

Le, ma tanx hemm x’niċċelebraw flAnzac Day u wisq iktar fil-gwerrer ta’ wara, tal-Koreja, il-Vjetnam u l-Iraq Nikkommemoraw IVA, niċċelebraw LE.

Congratulations for a great Voice

Chas Mangion from St Albans Vic writes:


https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthe-

J Cassar from Gladstone Qld writes:

Interesting comment about the current Church decision-makers being too old (VOM April 15); well, you can have them either too old or too young At present, the Church leaders are men of experience We have no female cardinals or bishops, so the decisions are already slanted.

There must be some balance I am still determining what can be done in an administration steeped in tradition It needs to meet the modern world. They have to get a move on NOW

Through this letter I wish to convey my thanks and of thousands of other members of the Maltese community, I am sure, for the interesting magazine (The Voice of the Maltese) that you present to us every fortnight

To be honest, I was never a Maltese Herald enthusiast, and as I was growing up, like others of my age, I was more inclined to read the other professional magazine and top newspapers in Australia But at least, even that paper used to serve the Maltese community in Australia, especially my dad used to look forward to reading it every time it was published

However, as I have now gone over the age of 62, I am finding out that The Voice of the Maltese manages to has its attractions for people like me, and perhaps even for young people. Therefore I like to read it along with a couple of other Aussie weeklies that I also don’t miss So thanks and keep it up.

Vale Joseph Spiteri

It is with deep sadness to announce the death of Joseph Spiteri of Wentworthville NSW past President of OLQP Church Festa Committee. His funeral will be held on Friday, 5 May, at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church Wentworthville at 11 am.

8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water State Member for Prospect Dr Hugh McDermott MP P: (02) 9756 4766 E: prospect@parliament nsw gov au 2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164 P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e
For issues concerning:
Published by The Voice of the Maltese Group Pty Ltd Pr i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e z i n e Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be e-
mailed to:
you can also join us on facebook:
D e c i s i o n - m a k e r s t o o o l d ; t i m e f o r a c h a n g e

T h e s i g n i f i c a n c e o f M a y D a y ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l Wo r k e r s D a y )

On 1 May this year, several countries have been celebrating the annual International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day, which is often referred to as May Day It is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement. Traditionally, 1 May is the date of the European spring festival of May Day

Millions hit the streets in worldwide May Day rallies and people across the world participate in demonstrations to mark the day

The origins of May Day

In 1889, the Marxist International Socialist Congress met in Paris and established the Second International as a successor to the earlier International Workingmen's Association They adopted a resolution for a "great international demonstration" to support working-class demands for the eighthour day

The American Federation of Labor chose the 1 May date to commemorate a general strike in the United States, which had begun in 1886 and culminated in the Haymarket affair four days later The demonstration subsequently became an annual event.

In 1904 the Sixth Conference of the Second International called on "all Social Democratic Party organisations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on the First of May for the legal establishment of the eight-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and universal peace".

Then in 1955, the Catholic Church dedicated 1 May to "Saint Joseph the Worker" Saint Joseph is the patron saint of workers and craftsmen, among others

In Malta, as in 79 other countries, 1 May is an official public holiday celebrated as "Workers' Day” The day, that started to be

celebrated by the Labur Party and the General Workers Union, is commemorated together with the religious feast of Saint Joseph the Worker The saint's main feast, commemorated by the Catholic Church on 19 March, is also a public holiday in Malta

The Labour Party always celebrates this day with a mass meeting, the same this year, in Valletta The Nationalist Party in opposition started to celebrate this day, but primarily to commemorate Malta's accession to the European Union on 1 May 2004 This year, while the Labour Party, as usual, decided to celebrate the day as it had been doing for several years, the Nationalist Party decided to organise a mass protest

Some countries celebrate Labour Day on other dates significant to them, such as the

United States and Canada, which celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September.

In Australia, while unofficial activities and commemorations associated with International Workers Day occur on May Day, Labour Day in the various states and territories generally falls on other days. It is only in the Northern Territory (where it is called May Day) and Queensland that Labour Day is celebrated on the first Monday in May, which is also a public holiday under the name of "May Day"

Queensland holds the largest rallies in Australia, with the biggest of them in Brisbane. Rallies are also held in Cairns, Rockhampton, Townsville, Barcaldine, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Bundaberg, Maryborough, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and other regional centres

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 9
For Spanish workers, 1 May is almost sacred. Above marching in the centre of Barcelona One of the recent commemorations organised by the Labour Party on May Day in Castille Square, Valletta

Fit-tnedija tal-ktieb ta’ Oliver Friġġier‘Il-Poter

tal-Kelma’ l-Ispeaker jgħid li dak li kiteb jibqa’

mnaqqax fil-qlub ta’ bosta Maltin u Għawdxin

Meta dan l-aħħar fil-bini tal-Parlament ippreseda t-tnedija talktieb “Il-Poter tal-Kelma”, pubblikazzjoni li tiġbor l-interventi kollha li kienu saru f ’April tal-2022, f ’konferenza bit-tema, “Il-Poter tal-Kelma, Politika u Letteratura f ’Oliver Friggieri,” li kienet saret b’tifkira lill-Profesur Oliver Friġġieri li miet f ’Novembru 2020, l-Ispeaker Anglu Farruiga stqarr: “Dak li kiteb jibqa’ mnaqqax fl-imħuħ u l-qlub ta’ bosta Maltin u Għawdxin”

L-Ispeaker qal li Friġġieri mhux biss kellu mħabba għall-ilsien Malti iżda għallpoplu Malti u fuq kollox għan-nazzjon Malti Kompla jgħid li Oliver Friggieri għaraf sew il-mixja politika u d-deċiżjonijiet li ttieħdu li lkoll sawru lill-poplu Malti bħala wieħed sovran filwaqt li jippromwovi s-sliem u l-progress fost il-ġnus.

Dr Anġlu Farruiga tenna li għandha tittieħed inkonsiderazzjoni li dan il-ktieb ippubblikat mill-Parlament ta’ Malta għandu jitqassam lill-iskejjel kollha ta’ Malta u Għawdex kif ukoll lill-istudenti tal-Università ta’ Malta, tal-Junior College u talHigher Secondary

Għall-konferenza, li kienet ukoll indirizzata mill-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni, l-Isport, iż-Żgħażagħ, ir-Riċerka u l-Innovazzjoni Clifton Grima, i l-Kelliem talOppożizzjoni għall-Edukazzjoni u s-Snajja’ Justin Schembri, Dr Mario Thomas

Skema li għandha twassal għal tnaqqis ta’ tliet miljun flixkun tal-palstik fis-sena

Bil-għan li l-pubbliku jiġi mħeġġeġ jissokta jnaqqas l-użu ta’dak magħruf bħala s-single-use plastic (plastic li jintuża darba biss, qed jiġu allokati miljun ewro għall-iskema l-ġdida għall-purifikazzjoni tal-ilma, imsejħa ‘Be Water Smart Scheme’ li qed issir biex tappoġġja lill-familji li qed jinvestu fil-filtrazzjoni tal-ilma u sistemi domestiċi ta' reverse osmosis

L-iskema toffri tliet tipi ta’ għotjiet finanzjarji, biex tilqa’ għas-sistemi differenti Waħda hija applikabbli għal sistemi

ta' filtrazzjoni tal-ilma, bIr-rata tal-għotja

tkun ta' 40% tal-prezz inkluż l-ispiża talinstallazzjoni, sa massimu ta’ €100

Hemm imbagħad applikabbli għal sistemi ta' reverse osmosis, bir-rata tal-għotja tkun ta' 15 25% tal-prezz inkluż l-ispiża

tal-installazzjoni, sa massimu ta' €100

Ir-tielet waħda hi applikabbli għal reverse osmosis b’wastewater ritornat fil-ħażna tal-ilma residenzjali, bir-rata hawn tkun ta’ 40% tal-prezz inkluż l-ispiża tal-installazzjoni, sa massimu ta' €300

L-ammonti jirrappreżentaw żieda millgħotja ta’ qabel ta’ 15.25% fuq il-prezz tax-xiri u l-installazzjoni, sa massimu ta' €70

Miriam Dalli, il-Ministeru għall-Ambjent, l-Enerġija u l-Intrapriża spjegat li hu stmat li kull dar tixtri madwar 500 flixkun tal-plastik fis-sena Permezz ta' kampanji bħal Saving Our Blue, qed jinġabru madwar 200 kilo ta' fliexken u tappijiet talfliexken minn clean-ups li jsiru fuq bajjiet kif ukoll fil-baħar

L-iskemi l-ġodda jinkoraġġixxu t-transizzjoni lejn prattiċi sostenibbli fil-ħajja ta' kuljum u huma applikabbli għas-sistemi kollha disponibbli fis-suq

Huwa stmat li l-użu tal-iskema se jirriżulta fi tnaqqis ta’ madwar tliet miljun flixkun tal-plastik kull sena, li se jkun qed jikkontribwixxi għall-isforzi ta’ Malta bħala parti mis-single-use plastic strategy kif ukoll parti mill-waste management plan u t-tnaqqis taliskart

Vassallo Kap tad-Dipartiment tal-Politika Pubblika tal-UoM u Dr Michael Spagnol, Kap tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti tal- UoM, kienu preżenti wkoll għadd ta’ kttieba magħrufa Maltin li wħud minnhom anke ħadmu mill-qrib ma’ Oliver Friġġieri.

Il-qoxra tal-ktieb dwar il-konferenza mnebbħa mill-ktieb il-Poter tal-Kelma

Mother’s Day mass 14 May

The Maltese New Zealand community are holding a Mass on Sunday 14 May (Mother’s Day) at 12noon at Our Lady of Fatima church, Tawa to remember members of their community who have passed away in New Zealand.

The celebrant will be Fr Michael Bellizzi For further info, one should contact Tony - Email: malta assn@hotmail com

10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Between May 1 and 13, thirty-seven countries, 36 of them members of the European Broadcasting Union, EBU, including Malta, will be taking part in the week leading to the Eurovision Song Contest 2023, which is to be hosted by the United Kingdom in the city of Liverpool. Australia will again be the odd ones out They are not a European country but have been participating since 2015

Three countries that took part in last year ’s Eurovision event, Bulgaria, Montenegro and North Macedonia will not participate this year

After the victory of Kalush Orchestra in Turin in 2022, Ukraine should traditionally host this year ’s Song Contest But due to Russia's invasion of the country, the contest cannot be held in Ukraine. Instead, EBU, the organisers, have entrusted the task to the United Kingdom, and specifically to the city of Liverpoo and BBC

This city is regarded as a UNESCO City of Music, and in 2008 was also the European Capital of Culture The Eurovision Song Contest will be held at the Liverpool Arena.

The Eurovision week includes: the first Semi-final on Tuesday 9 May, the second on Thursday 11 May, and the Grand Final on Saturday 13 May.

Ukraine and the Big-5 countries (Germany, France, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom) are pre-qualified for the Grand Final The rest of the countries have been allocated to one of the two semi-finals with 10 countries from each qualifying for the Grand Final that will feature a total of 26 countries, that is, 10 from each semi, the “Big-5” and last year ’s winners, Ukraine

Malta’s representatives in the first Semifinal will be The Busker who earned the right after winning the Song for Europe event with their song Dance (Our Own Party). They will sing second in the running order The others in their semi are, Norway, Serbia, Latvia, Portugal, Ireland, Croatia, Switzerland, Israel, Moldova, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Czech, Netherlands and Finland

Those making up the second Semi-final will be: Denmark, Armenia, Romania, Estonia, Belgium, Cyprus, Iceland, Greece, Poland, Slovenia, Georgis, San Marino, Austria, Albania, Lithuania, Australia

Many keep asking: why are Australia allowed to perform when they are not a European nation, and not members of EBU?

Australia will participate with the song "Promise" to be performed by Voyager Australia’s Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) has broadcast the Eurovision Song Contest since 1983, and the contest has gained a cult following over that time, primarily due to the country's strong political and cultural ties with Europe. Paying tribute to this, the 2014 contest semi-finals included an interval act featuring Australian singer Jessica Mauboy.

Australian singers have also participated at Eurovision as representatives of other countries, including Olivia Newton-John (1974, United Kingdom), two-time winner Johnny Logan (1980 and1987, Ireland), Gina G (1996, United Kingdom), and Jane Comerford as lead singer of Texas Lightning (2006, Germany).

Tying in with the goal of Eurovision – to showcase “the importance of bringing countries together to celebrate diversity, music and culture”, the 2015 theme of “Building Bridges”, and arguing that they could not hold “the world's biggest party” to celebrate the 60th edition of Eurovision without inviting Australia, the EBU an-

pation in the 2023 contest

Since its inc e p t i o n , 69 songs w r i t t e n by 139

s o n gw r i t e r s h a v e won the E u r o v is i o n

S o n g

C o n t e s t , an ann u a l competition or-

g a n i s e d by members of the European Broadcasting Union The contest, which has been broadcast every year since its debut in 1956 (with the exception of 2020), is one of the longest-running television programmes in the world

The contest's winner has been determined using numerous voting techniques throughout its history; centre to these have been the awarding of points to countries by juries or televoters The country awarded the most points is declared the winner. The first contest was not won on points, but by votes (two per country), and only the winner was announced

nounced on 10 February 2015 that the country would compete at that year's edition as a special guest participant

Along with the “Big 5” (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom), and the host country of Austria, Australia was given automatic entry into the final to “not reduce the chances” of the semi-final participants.

On 17 November 2015, the EBU announced that SBS had been invited to participate in the 2016 contest and that Australia would once again take part, however they would have to qualify for the final from one of two semi-finals and could only vote in the semi-final in which the nation was competing

Then on 12 February 2019, SBS signed a contract securing Australia's spot at the contest until 2023. In 2022, on 20 October 2022, SBS confirmed Australia's partici-

There have been 66 contests, with one winner each year except the tied 1969 contest, which had four Twenty-seven countries have won the contest Switzerland won the first contest in 1956. The country with the highest number of wins is Ireland, with seven The only person to have won more than once as performer is Ireland's Johnny Logan, who performed "What's Another Year" in 1980 and "Hold Me Now" in 1987

Logan is also one of only five songwriters to have written more than one winning entry ("Hold Me Now" in 1987 and "Why Me?" in 1992, performed by Linda Martin) This makes Logan the only person to have three Eurovision victories to their credit, as either singer, songwriter or both

The other four songwriters with more than one winning entry to their credit are Willy van Hemert (Netherlands, 1957 and 1959), Yves Dessca (Monaco, 1971 and Luxembourg, 1972), Rolf Løvland (Norway, 1985 and 1995) andBrendan Graham (Ireland, 1994 and 1996)

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 11 A
l l yo u n e e d to k n ow to f o l l ow t h e co m p e t i t i o n
u r ov i s i o n S o n g Co n t e s t 2 0 2 3
Since 2008, the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest takes home the iconic glass microphone (above) This trophy is a custom design, especially created for Eurovision. The unique hand-made piece of art in the shape of a classic microphone is made of solid transparent glass with sandblasted and painted detailing Malta’s The Busker

Roundup of News About Malta

Placing young people at the centre of decision-making

On the anniversary commemorating the 28 April 1958 riots during which youths were the protagonists as the Maltese workers fought for their rights at a time when Malta was a British colony, Prime Minister Robert Abela told youths in an activity organised by the Labour Youths, “we will realise youths' wishes together, and you will implement them with activism"

During the documentary presentation and a discussion about the riots, the Prime Minister said that today’s youths were similar to their predecessors 60 years ago However, today's youths have different choices, and they still have a common aim, looking into the future

He said Malta would be more beautiful and adaptable to youths' wishes, with change and activism and not with the status quo He urged the young people in front of him to come forward and be active in the localities' civil life, including by offering themselves as candidates for the

next local elections.

He repeated his call earlier in the week at the Youth Advisory Forum for youths to form part of this Forum This vital government organ will serve as a point of continuous consultation with youths on national

importance. He maintained the government's intention to continue strengthening the aspect of placing young people at the centre of decision-making

Businesses benefit through Smart and Sustainable Investment Grant

As Malta Enterprise extends its Smart and Sustainable Investment Grant for another year, it has announced that it is doubling a scheme in which local businesses investing in projects to become more ecologically sustainable would be receiving up to €140,000 (up to a €100,000 grant, which can be extended by another €40,000 in tax credits) in government support.

The Smart and Sustainable Scheme provides financial assistance to businesses

transforming towards more sustainable operations One such business is OLI Vibra Ltd, a subsidiary of the international manufacturer of specialised industrial equipment OLI

Through this scheme, the company invests in more efficient and sustainable machinery that will reduce its processes by more than 40% to cut energy consumption by 60%, reducing 7,500 kilogrammes of carbon dioxide emissions yearly

During a visit to the company, Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli explained that through the revamped Smart and Sustainable Investment Grant, the tax credit element can represent an additional 10% to 20% of the project amount if carried out by an undertaking that has been established for less than three years, if certified by an independent energy audit, or if the project includes investments in Gozo

Minister Miriam Dalli emphasised the need for every economic niche to tackle its environmental challenges and work towards carbon neutrality and long-term sustainability

Speaker on importance of climate emergency at CPA

In the session that tackled climate emergency during the Confeence of the British Isles and Mediterranean region of the CPA, the Speaker of Parliament Anġlu Farrugia referred to the Climate Action Act of July 2015 aimed at amplifying the responsibility of the country to address the effects of climate change

He stated that the Act lists several obligations that Malta has to observe, including the periodic publication of national inventories on the country’s anthropogenic emissions, the regular update of climate policies, the promotion of adequate technologies, sustainable land use management, and the enhancement of research cooperation and education.

He also recalled that, in May 2017, the Government of Malta published the Low Carbon Development Strategy, which outlines the country’s vision of transforming the island into a low-carbon, climate-resilient country by 2050 whilst fostering social and economic development

More importantly, he also referred to the conference on climate change held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2018 during his tenure as Chairperson of the Small Branches of the CPA, which was instrumental in launching the CPA Climate Change and Small States toolkit

He maintained that the subject of climate emergency must remain a collective mission to tackle and thus remain high on the agenda of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Minister Miriam Dalli at the OLI Vibra Ltd factory Prime Minister Robert Abela (white shirt) mixing with the youths at the gathering

Roundup of News About Malta

o l l a b o ra t i o n M a l t a a n d E U

n s a n c t i o n s a g a i n s t Ru s s i a

During a bilateral meeting with the European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders, who was on an official visit to Malta, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade Ian Borg said that Malta and the European Union would continue collaborating for justice to prevail also through the sanctions imposed against Russia

The Maltese delegation had the opportunity to explain the work being carried out by Malta, together with its European partners, through sanctions imposed by the European Union on Russian citizens and businesses as part of the packages agreed to mitigate the Russian economy in light of the Russian Federation invasion on Ukraine Several vital reforms that the Government has been making since 2019 to strengthen the rule of law and democracy in the country were also discussed

Meanwhile, Mr Reynders reiterated that he looked forward to continuing this discussion with his Cabinet and Directorate for further improvement. He noted the positive steps taken concerning the sanctions

Turkish President presents medals to Maltese firefighters

Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has officially recognised the search and rescue work carried out by Malta’s Civil Protection Department members in the Malataya province last February, following the earthquakes that left 51,000 people dead in Turkiye and another 9,000 victims in Syria

At a ceremony, the Turkish President presented Kevin Pace, the Malta group leader, with the Turkish Presidential Medal and the Order of Distinct Humanitarian Service. Thirty-eight Maltese officials and volunteers, with a rescue dog, conducted delicate and challenging search and rescue operations in one of the areas worst hit by the earthquakes

and even thanked Malta for its essential work in collaboration with European institutions and Member States

Earlier in the week, while on a visit to Greece on an official invitation by his counterpart, the Greek Minister for Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias to continue discussions started during a visit to Malta last year, Minister Ian Borg signed a cooperation agreement in the field of culture on behalf of the Maltese Government

At a press conference following the bilateral meeting between the two delegations in Athens, Minister Ian Borg claimed that his exchanges with Nikos Dendias continued to intensify in the trade sector, particularly between start-ups and in the fintech and food sectors

Bilateral discussions also centred on the situation in the southern Mediterranean, immigration, Sudan and other current affairs, and as the Maltese delegation attended the launch of Greece's campaign for its candidacy on the United Nations Security Council for 2025-2026, Malta also expressed its support for Greece' in this matter

Minister Borg explained Malta's experience during its Presidency of the UN Security Council and how it is working towards more dialogue in favour of global peace.

The Greek Minister thanked Minister Ian Borg, not only for accepting the invitation to visit his country, but also for his and Malta's support towards Greece's candidacy for a United Nations Security Council seat.

Minister Dendias also showed his appreciation for the knowledge that Malta passed on to Greece with a reflection on the month it ocupied the Presidency of the Council and thanked Malta for its work as UNSC President

He said that the signing of the cooperation agreement in the field of culture is a clear sign of both countries' willingness to strengthen their bilateral relations even further

During its stay in Greece, the Maltese delegation also visited the workers at the Maltese Embassy in Greece under Ambassador Joseph Cuschieri's leadership The Minister thanked all the diplomats for the vital work they carried out for the benefit of Malta

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 13
Malta’s Minister Ian Borg with his meeting with European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders (on left) and the Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias in Athens

Vittmi tal-Interdett

Is-snin sittin u sebgħin f ’Malta kienu kkaratterizzati bilkwestjoni ħarxa bejn il-Partit Laburista mmexxi millPerit Dom Mintoff, u l-Knisja, jew aħjar il-Kurja, li kienet immexxija mill-Arċisqof, Mons Mikiel Gonzi.

Fost il-miżuri li l-Knisja kienet ħadet kontra dawk li kienu fit-tmexxja jew li taw l-appoġġ lill-Partit Laburista kien hemm dak tal-interdett, li l-ewwel li ngħata kien liżżagħugħ Lorry Sant li kien imexxi l-ġurnal taż-Żagħżagħ

Laburisti: The Struggle.

Aktar tard l-interdett ingħata wkoll lill-membri talEżekuttiv tal-Partit Laburista u lil oħrajn anke jekk biss

kienu jaqraw il-gazzetti tal-partit

L-interdett kien ifisser li dak li jkun, jiġi maqtugħ għal kollox mill-Knisja u allura ma setax jirċievi s-sagramenti jew ikollu d-dar tiegħu mbierka Saħansitra, meta jmut ma setax jindifen fil-parti kkonsagrata taċ-ċimiterju, imma f ’dik imwarrba li kienet magħrufa bħala l- Miżbla

Fil-fatt għadd ta’ Laburisti, fosthom idDeputat mexxej tal-Partit Laburista’ ta’ dak iż-żmien, Ġużè Ellul Mercer messitu din ix-xorti (?) u spiċċa midfun hemmhekk.

Il-Kurja kienet ħarġet sanzjonijiet ukoll għall-partitarji attivi tal-Partit Laburista li ġew imċaħħdin milli jattendu funzjonijiet reliġjużi Dan wassal biex minħabba dawn is-sanzjonijiet għadd ta’ persuni kellhom jiżżewwġu fis-sagristija, mingħajr funzjoni proprja, jew inkella ma ngħatawx assoluzzjoni fil-qrar

Dak iż-żmien li tkun maqtuh mis-sagramenti, u li tindifen fil-miżbla kienet għajb kbir għax kollox kien iffukat fuq ir-reliġjon,

Il-ġnien wara l-Palazz tal-Arċisqof fil-Belt Valletta fejn ġie ssuġġerit li jsir il-monument iddedikat lil vittmi tal-interdett

u s-separazzjoni tas-setgħa bejn il-Knisja u l-Istat kienet għadha ħolma, u li bdiet tiġi proposta mill-Partit laburista Attwalment kien waħda mir-raġunijiet ewlenin li wasslet għal dawn il-kundanni min-naħa tal-Kurja

Maż-żmien il-Kurja ħadet passi biex tipprova tfejjaq din il-ġerħa billi l-Arċisqof Gużeppi Mercieca kien bierek dik li qabel kienet il-miżbla, xi ħaġa li saret ukoll millI-arċisqfijiet ta’ warajh, Mons Pawlu Cremona u wkoll dak preżenti, Mons Charles

J. Scicluna li saħansitra talab maħfra għal dak li għamlet il-Knisja dak iż-żmien

Iżda għal xi wħud dan ma kienx biżżejjed, tant li iċ-Ċermen tal-Aġenzija Kulturali għall-Belt Valletta, Jason Micallef kien ħareġ bl-idea li jsir monument lill-vittmi tal-interdett billi parti mill-ġnien li hemm wara l-Palazz tal-Arċisqof fil-Belt Valletta tiġi dedikata lil dawn il-vittmi

Xi Ħdud ilu l-istess Micallef sostna li għalkemm kienu saru diskussjonijiet malKurja dwar din il-proposta, ma kien sar

Dan l-aħħar laqatni rapport interesanti fil-ġurnal elettroniku Talk mt dwar magħmudija li saret b’rit mhux tas-soltu, dak msejjaħ ir-rit tal-immersjoni

xejn dwarha

Il-Kurja kienet pronta twieġeb u fi stqarrija li ħarġet spjegat illi fit-18 ta’ Mejju 2020, l-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna kien kiteb lill-ministru ta’ dak iż-żmien José Herrera fejn stqarr li l-Knisja kienet tappoġġa t-twaqqif ta’ monument bħal dan flispirtu ta’ għaqda nazzjonali

Iżda l-Kurja qalet ukoll li għal raġunijiet ta’ konfidenzjalitá dan m’għandux isir filĠnien tal-Palazz tal-Arċisqof, u ssuġġeriet lill-ministru ta’ dak iż-żmien biex monument bħal dan jitpoġġa f ’post pubbliku, u laqgħet il-proposta ta’ Dr Herrera li minflok, jintuża l-Ġnien tal-Mall fil-Furjana għal dan il-għan għax hu ċentrali u aċċessibbli.

Dan wassal għal tweġiba minn Micallef li baqa’ jsostni li l-Monument kellu jsir fejn ġie ssuġġerit oriġinarjament Nistennew u naraw se jiġri, iżda tkun ħasra li minħabba pika dwar il-post jintilef iċ-ċans li jsir monument lil dawn il-vittmi

Magħmudija b’differenza

sar fil-Parroċċa tal-Għasri Għawdex (ara ritratt) u sar f ’battisteru li huwa mobbli, u jista’ jittieħed minn parroċċa għall-oħra.

Ir-rit tal-magħmudija li aħna mdorrijin bih huwa dak li l-qassis li jkun qed jgħammed jimla speċi ta’ kuċċarun bl-ilma mbierek millbattisterju, imbagħad isawwab dan l-ilma fuq ras it-tarbija li jkun qed jgħammed

Fil-każ tar-rit tal-immersjoni, ilmagħmudija ssir billi t-tarbija jew min ikun jiġi mgħammed (għax jista’ jkun adult) jiddaħħal, jew jidħol, kollu kemm hu fl-ilma mbierek

Dan ir-rit huwa komuni ħafna fost il-membri tal-Grupp Neo Kattokmenali kif ukoll f ’diversi pajjiżi Ewropej fosthom l-Italja fejn fi Knejjes li ġew mibnija flaħħar snin saħansitra ġie inkluż fihom battisteru fejn tista’ ssir lmagħmudija b’dan ir-rit Il-każ irrapportat minn Talk mt,

Kull meta ssir magħmudija jittieħdu l-prekawzjonijiet meħtieġa biex titħares is-saħħa ta’ dawk li jitgħammdu permezz ta’ dan irrit. Dan billi wara li jitnaddaf sewwa u jimtela’ bl-ilma, isiru testijiet minn espert tal-pools li jiċċertifika li l-ilma huwa ħieles minn kull periklu għas-saħħa L-istess battisteru huwa mgħammar b’apparat li permess tiegħu tiġi rregolata t-temperatura tal-ilma

Skont il-kappillan tal-Għasri, Dominic Sultana, fejn saret il-magħmudija b’dan ir-rit lil tarbija u adult, il-proċess tal-magħmudija msejjaħ b’immersjoni hija xi ħaġa normali flistorja tal-knisja u li normalment isseħħ meta jkun se jitgħammed adult Fl-aħħar snin fid-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex saru għadd ta’ magħmudijiet b’dan il-mod u f ’dan l-istess battisteru fil-parroċċi ta’ San Lawrenz, fix-Xagħra, il-Qala u f ’San Gorg

14 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Imbutattura lill-ilsien Malti mill-President

Minn żmien għal żmien tqum ilkwestjoni tal-Ilsien Malti, mhux biss minħabba lintroduzzjoni ta’ ċertu kliem, iżda wkoll propju dwar l-eżistenza ta’ ilsienna

Jien qatt ma naqbel ma dawk li jsostnu li l-Ilsien Malti fi ftit snin oħra jisparixxi, għalkemm naqbel perfettament li dan l-ilsien għaddej minn żmien diffiċli u li żgur ma jinstabx f ’sitwazzjoni diffiċli jekk mhux alarmanti mhux biss għax donnu qed jonqos lużu tiegħu, iżda wkoll għallfatt li ħafna drabi jiġi mitkellem ħażin, biex ma nsemmux il-livell tal-Malti miktub.

Ta’ nkwiet ukoll il-fatt, li wasalna f ’sitwazzjoni fejn hemm ġenituri Maltin li jilmentaw mal-iskejjel għall-ħin użat għat tagħlim ta’ dan l-ilsien, għax isostnu li dan mhux meħtieġ biex wieħed jaqla’ l-ħobża ta’ kuljum

U propju f ’din is-sitwazzjoni, wieħed

jieħu r-ruħ jara li l-prim ċittadin tal-Gżejjer Maltin, Il-President Dr George Vella jieħu inizjattiva biex tingħata mbuttatura lill-użu tajjeb tal-ilsien Malti bit-twaqqif ta’-kampanja nazzjonali bit-tema ‘l-ilsien Malti għal Qalbi’, li qed issir b’kollaborazzjoni bejn l-Uffiċċju tal-President u seba’ għaqdiet tal-Malti b’risq il-lingwa Maltija.

Is-sussidju: jinżamm jew jitneħħa?

Żgur li qrajtu jew smajtu li mindu faqqet il-gwerra tal-Ukrajna u l-prezz taż-żjut u l-gass għola mas-smewwiet, il-Gvern Malti iddeċieda li ż-żidiet ma jgħaddihomx fuq il-poplu u l-industrija imma li permezz ta’ sussidju jżomm il-prezz kemm tal-enerġija (l-elettriku, eċċ) u l-fjuwil (petrol u diesel) kif kien qabel faqqgħet il-gwerra Sintendi dan qed jiswa lill-Gvern mijiet ta’ miljuni ta’ Ewro, tant li jfisser li familja ta’ erbgħa min-nies qed tiffranka mal€2000 fis-sena fl-enerġija, barra li jiġi ffrankat fil-fuwil għal min juża l-karozza

Dan qed jgħin ukoll lill-industrija biex tibqa’ kompettiva u lil setturi oħra fosthom dawk tat-turiżmu, eċċ

L-istabbiltà fil-prezzijiet tal-enerġija wasslet biex l-ekonomija nazzjonali kompliet tikber b’rata iktar minn mistenni, anke mqabbla mal-ekonomiji tal-istati tal-UE

Iżda, wara li l-bord eżekuttiv tal-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali rrakkomanda biex Malta tħejji strateġija ħalli twaqqaf issussidji, bdiet diskussjoni sħiħa dwar jekk il-Gvern kellux iwaqqaf dawn is-sussidji

Kelliema mill-Partit Nazzjonalista sostnew aktar minn darba li l-għajnuna li qed tingħata biex il-prezzijiet tal-enerġija

jibqgħu stabbli mhix sostenibbli u l-Gvern għandu jagħti każ ta’ dak li qed jgħidulu tal-Fond Monitarju u aġenziji nternazzjonali oħra

Min-naħa tal-Partit Laburista dan ġie interpretat bħala li l-Partit Nazzjonalista kien kontra li l-enerġija tibqa’ sussidjata Dan

ġie miċħud mill-PN li sostna li hu qatt ma qal li kien kontra s-sussidji.

It-tweġiba tal-Prim Ministru Robert Abela kienet li s-sussidji se jibqgħu, u wieġeb li d-deċiżjoni tal-Gvern hija importanti ħafna għax l-irkupru ekonomiku f ’Malta kien b’saħħtu. Spjega li l-Gvern għandu pjani fit-tul għas-sussidju tal-enerġija, iżda rrimarka li dawn ma jinkludux li jinxteħtu lpiżijiet fuq in-nies għax qal il-Gvern irid jibqa’ jgħin lill-familji u n-negozji

Sostna li kull meta l-pajjiż applika politika ta’ awsterità, kellu riżultati katastrofiċi flekonomija u fil-qgħad

Kien propju waqt waħda mill-konferenzi ta’ din ilkampanja bit-tema: ‘L-ilsien Malti għal Qalbi – Konferenza dwar l-użu ta’ Lsienna Fostna,’ li l-President (xellug) insista li “Irridu nipproteġu llingwa, u nipproteġuha minn xiex? Milli tiġi mwarrba biex tidħol lingwa oħra Nipproteġuha milli tiġi wżata ħażin u nipproteġuha milli tispiċċa mfarrka, li ma tibqax illingwa sabiħa li għandna ”

Fakkar dwar l-importanza li, partikolarment il-midja, tagħraf tuża Malti tajjeb biex filwaqt li l-lingwa tibqa’ ħajja u tkompli tiġi żviluppata, ma tinbidilx bla kontroll Ġibed l-attenzjoni għall-fatt li fil-ħidma tagħna biex inħaddmu l-ilsien Malti b’mod tajjeb, ma rridux ninsew il-vantaġġi li jgawdi pajjiżna mill-bilingwiżmu Dan filwaqt li tkellem dwar l-importanza li nipproteġu l-ilsien Malti.

“Ħadd mhu jgħid li għandna nwarrbu lbilingwiżmu Ejja nużaw iż-żewġ lingwi differenti fil-ħin opportun u b’mod korrett Nappella lil kull min qiegħed fl-amministrazzjoni biex jintuża Malti tajjeb”, qal Il-President George Vella qal li l-lingwa Maltija għandha tkun protetta biex ikun assigurat li tegħleb l-isfidi bħall-użu ħażin tal-Malti fosthom fix-xandir, filwaqt li spjega l-ħtieġa li lsienna jadatta għaż-żminijiet tal-lum fosthom fit-teknoloġija.

L-appell huwa li mill-kliem ngħaddu għall-fatti għax kulħadd jgħid kemm iħobb il-lingwa u niftaħru kemm il-Malti hu lingwa unika u lingwa sabiħa. B’mod prattiku anki x’irid isir kemm fl-amministrazzjoni u s-sinjali tal-etika, u l-użu tal-Malti fil-posters biex ikollna l-użu tal-Malti kif jixraqlu

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 15 Richard Spiteri 0407 202 167 (02) 9659 0900 Castle Hill Seven Hills Windsor and all suburbs “Let Our Family Help You Through” Ħalli l-familja tagħna tgħin lillfamilja tiegħek –

Biggest overhaul for the Reserve Bank

After months of interest rate rises and growing public frustration, the Reserve Bank of Australia is facing a major overhaul following an independent review Federal treasurer Jim Chalmers released a suite of recommendations, including stripping the current RBA board of its power to set interest rates, instead allocating the responsibility to a separate board

The change is one of 51 designed to ensure

the country's central bank is "fit for the future" The RBA is Australia's central bank and is responsible for contributing to the country's financial stability and setting monetary policy, including interest rates

It is also responsible for issuing Australia's banknotes, providing bank services to the government as required, and managing the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves

Speakman is named new Liberals’

leader in NSW

Former attorney-general, barrister and moderate Mark Speakman, nearly a month after the Liberals' heavy state election defeat to Labor, was elected as leader He won the party-room vote 22 to 13 over former planning minister Anthony Roberts Former finance minister Damien Tudehope has been elected leader of the opposition in the upper house Mark Speakman grew up in Caringbah, in the Cronulla electorate he has represented since 2011 and where he has lived most of his adult life. He has two children, Kate and Matt

He holds a Bachelor of Laws (first class honours and the university medal) and a Bachelor of Economics from Sydney University as well as a Master of Law (first class honours) from Cambridge Uni-

versity. Mark was appointed Senior Counsel after a successful legal career before entering NSW Parliament

The 63-year-old Camb r i d g e - e d u c a t e d Cronulla MP said the party needed to maintain its core principles while modernising its approach to create broader appeal

“We certainly have to reach out to women, reach out to young people, reach out to culturally diverse people and if that's modernising, then we have to modernise, but at the end of the day, our basic principles are sound

“My style as attorney-general has been to be constructive, collaborative, but ultimately activist and that will be my approach in opposition ”

The RBA is governed by a board comprised of a governor, deputy governor, secretary to the treasury, and six non-executive members, who are appointed by the treasurer The review has called for a more transparent operation, with press conferences held after every meeting and board member speaking publicly on occasion Under the recent reforms outlined, the current RBA board will be stripped of its power to set interest rates, with the responsibility instead being allocated to a "monetary policy board". The new panel will meet eight times a year instead of monthly to allow more time to consider issues

Doctors fight telehealth euthanasia consultation

The Australian states, all of which now have voluntary assisted dying laws, are seeking an exemption from the Philip Nitschke-era federal ban on the use of phone or the internet to “counsel or incite” suicide or “promote” suicide methods

States and euthanasia advocates argue that federal law frustrates access to VAD for regional patients with limited access to local doctors and specialists

However, the 1000 medicos – including past senior figures in key professional bodies – have penned an open letter in The Weekend Australian warning it would create “great hazards and injustice”

“Further relaxation of criminal codes to facilitate telehealth for VAD assisted suicide would remove protections owed those vulnerable to suicide under duress and in need of palliative care, aged care and mental health services, especially so in regional

and remote Australia,” their letter says.

“It is oversimplistic and in breach of a patient’s rights and owed dignity in healthcare to imagine competence, informed consent, lack of coercion, mental illness and comprehensive health care or palliative care needs can be adequately assessed using telehealth by VAD doctors.”

One signatory, NSW geriatric care specialist John Obeid, said the changes would effectively force regional patients into VAD, due to the lack of geriatric and palliative services in their areas. However, some doctors support amending the Nitschke law to exempt VAD telehealth, arguing it is not assisting suicide but rather managing end-of-life care

South Australian palliative care specialist Roger Hunt said that while telehealth for VAD consultations may not always be appropriate, it should be an option – as in other areas of medicine

16 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Thousands gathered to remember the contribution of Australian defence personnel at Anzac Day commemorations across the country Events were held in major cities, suburban centres and country towns honouring men and women who served in past conflicts and those serving today

During the dawn service at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese led tributes on the 108th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings during World War I

The Canberra dawn service started with the sounds of a didgeridoo permeating the silence in front of the more than 30,000 attendees

Wreaths were laid in commemoration by Governor-General David Hurley and New Zealand High Commissioner Annette King and by Malta High Commissioner

HE Mario Farrugia Borg amongst others

(See how the Maltese community commemorated Anzac Day on pages 2 and 3) Ceremonial lanterns, which were placed in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, were carried by veterans and serving members into the war memorial as the reveille was played by a lone bugler

In his first Anzac Day speech since taking on the top job, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said it was important to remember the contribution of defence personnel who did not make it home “As we gather here, in towns and suburbs across the country, and in former battlefields across the world, we are surrounded by their names and the places that made their final claim on them, laid out in an atlas of grief," he said

“If we are to truly honour our veterans, we owe them something more than just

Australia commemorates Anzac day Vale Barry Humphries

Legendary Australian comedian Barry Humphries (right) has died at the age of 89 His family has said he “never lost his brilliant mind” even at the end While Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has remembered him as the “brightest star in the galaxy" and King Charles said he was "saddened" by the tragic news

Humphries – famed for iconic comedy characters like Dame Edna Everage and Sir Les Patterson – died on Saturday following recent health issues caused by a broken hip. Just weeks ago, Humphries had spoken of the “ridiculous reason” behind the health ailment that would ultimately claim his life.

His wife Lizzie was at his side as were his daughters Emily and Tessa while his UK based sons Rupert and Oscar flew in to join them His ten grandchildren were also present when he passed.

With over seventy years on the stage, he was an entertainer to his core, touring up until the last year of his life and planning more shows Although he may be best remembered for his work in theatre, he was a painter, author, poet, collector and lover of Art in all its forms He was also a loving and devoted husband, father, grandfather, and friend and confidant to many

Born in 1934, Humphries started his comedy career in 1953 when he was still in his teens, joining the newly-formed Melbourne Theatre Company and debuting a character that would soon become a legend in her own right: Purple-haired Melbourne housewife, Edna Everage.

A prolific actor and writer across stage,

film and television, Humphries' international career skyrocketed when he relocated to London in the 1960s Humphries' film career began with the 1967 Peter Cook movie Bedazzled and continued through 1972's The Adventures of Barry McKenzie, 1981's Shock Treatment, 1997's Spice World, and 2003's Finding Nemo

gratitude Just as they stepped for us, we must step up for them ” The prime minister said it was also important to acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who donned the khaki “fought harder for Australia than Australia was sometimes willing to fight for them”

Wreckage from Australia's worst maritime disaster found after 81 years

The wreckage from Australia's worst maritime disaster that killed more Australians than any other has been found, 81 years on The shipwreck of the Montevideo Maru was found more than 4000m below the surface of the ocean off the coast of the Philippines

The Montevideo Maru was sunk by a US submarine, with around 1000 Australians on board

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 17 L e v e l 1 . S u i t e 1 0 1 C , 1 3 0 M a i n S t r e e t , B l a c k t o w n P O B o x 8 5 2 5 , B l a c k t o w n N S W 2 1 4 8 ( 0 2 ) 9 6 7 1 4 7 8 0 M i c h e l l e . R o w l a n d . M P @ a p h . g o v. a u M R o w l a n d M P w w w. m i c h e l l e r o w l a n d c o m . a u Minister for Communications Federal Member for Greenway M i c h e l l e R o w l a n d M P
Anthony Albanese delivering his first speech as Prime Minister at the dawn service in Canberra

Għaliex nassoċjaw il-praspar ma’

Ġaħan ... u wara kollox min kien?

Naħseb fil-biċċa ‘l kbira taqblu miegħi meta ngħid li xi darba jew oħra, l-aktar u l-aktar jekk fi ċkunitkom, bħali għamiltu xi praspura, li ġeneralment ġieli jfissruha li nkunu għamilna “waħda tinkiteb”. Hemm ukoll espressjoni oħra li tispjega lil min jagħmilha li jkun għamel “waħda ta’ Ġaħan” U jekk il-praspar isiru regolari anke jsejjħulek “Ġaħan”

Imma dan Ġaħan, figura folkloristika flilsien Malti, li żgur li mhawnx persuna Maltija li ma tafx bih, min kien, u għaliex wieħed mimli bil-praspar iqabbluh miegħu?

Fi ċkunitna konna anke naqraw għadd ta’ ħrejjef dwaru f ’kotba tal-iskola bil-Malti Min ma jafx pereżempju dwar l-akbar prasparu tiegħu fl-istorja dwar “Ġaħan u l-Bieb”?. Hemm ħafna oħrajn, u għadna sal-lum noħolqu stejjer dwar il-praspar ta’


Ġaħan kien biss ħlejqa, ipinġuh bħala żagħżugħ sempliċi, anke jekk imfarfar, li l-praspar kien joħloqhom, ġeneralment għax dak li jgħidulu “jieħdu Vanġelu” kif jgħidu, bla tant iħabbel moħħu jekk fil-fatt hemmx xi tifsira aħjar ta’ li jkunu ridu mingħandu

Jidher li kulħadd għandu l-Ġaħan tiegħu

Il-karattru tiegħu jafuh l-aktar fid-dinja

Għarbija, fejn x’aktarx li ġie maħluq

Hawnhekk jafuh bħala Guħa u jispjegawh

bħala karattru komiku. Fit-Turkija u fi Sqallija wkoll jogħxew dwar stejjer dwar karattri li jixbħuh Fit-Turkija, l-isem komplut huwa Nasreddin Ħoġa, jew Kħoxa

Skont il-kittieb Gużé Cassar Pullicino li kien awtoritá fejn jidħlu d-drawwiet Maltin, il-karattru huwa l-istes tal-Għarbi, imma żdididlu biss l-ittra ‘n’ bħal ma ġieli jigri flilsien Malti għal xi klem ieħor barrani

Id-differenza bejn il-Ġaħan Malti u lkarattru ta’ dak Għarbi hi, li Ġuħa talGħarab, ma kienx tfajjel imma raġel bid-daqna, miżżewweġ, u f ’xi stejjer anke jpinġuh bħala xwejjaħ Ġaħan dejjem ġie mfisser bħala ta’ karattru sempliċi, fabbli u li fl-istess ħin ta’ ċertu ħażen, meta jsib lilu nnifsu b’dahru mal-ħajt għalkemm mhux dejjem Kemm jekk Ġaħan, inkella Ġuħa, kienu jafu juru l-inġenwità tagħhom

Generalment l-istejjer ta’ Ġaħan jiġu rrakkuntati lit-tfal, imma donnu li dażżmien ftit huma dwk li jafuhom, u jieħdu gost meta l-kbar jgħidulhom xi storja mnnhom Fost l-aktar popolari hemm ilħrafa ta’ meta omm Ġaħan marret il-knisja u qabel ħarġet mid-dar fakkret lil Ġaħan biex qabel joħrog hu wkoll “jiġbed il-bieb


Iż-żagħżugħ ħatafha filkelma biex jobdiha, u qabel ħareg mid-dar, qala’ l-bieb miċ-ċaċċis u kaxkru warajh

Ara veru kien ubbidjenti ttifel! Imbagħad hemm l-istorja l-oħra ta’ Ġaħan u l-flieles Qabel ħarġet mid-dar, ommu qalet lil Ġaħan: Ara li tismod il-flieles. Hawnhekk riedet tfisser biex jitma s-smid lillflieles Imma Ġaħan qabad ilflieles u tefagħhom fl-ilma jagħli fil-borma biex jismothom

Studjuż ieħor tad-drawwiet Maltin (folklore) Ġorġ Mifsud Chircop isemmi lista ta’ sbataxil storja, bejn dawk tiegħu, ta’ Gużé Cassar Pullicino u Anton F. Attard li fihom il-protagonist ewlieni huwa Ġaħan Kien hemm ukoll folklorista Ġermaniż, Hans Stumme li wkoll ġabar xi stejjer dwar Ġaħan u ppubblikahom

F’waħda mill-isejjer irrakkontati dwar Ġuħa ingħad li kellu teżor u ried jaħbih, allura telaq lejn id-deżert fuq ħmar, sab post fir-ramel, ħaffer ħofra, ħeba t-teżor u rħielha lura lejn id-dar.

Ftit tax-xhur ward jidher li kellu bżonn it-teżor u għalhekk reġá rikeb fuq il-ħmar u mar lura fejn kien ħaseb li kellu l-moħba bit-teżor ħalli jġibu lura Imma minkejja li beda jħaffer fejn suppost kellu t-teżor, baqa’ ma sabux

Imnikket kif kien, poġġa bilqegħda jaħseb x’seta’ ġara sakemm kien għaddej bedwin u meta rah daqshekk ħosbien staqsih x’seta’ ġralu Ġuħa qallu li kien ħeba teżor u meta ġie għalih ma setax isibu Il-bedwin qallu li ken messu għamel xi sinjal sigriet biex meta jiġi lura jsibu.

“Hekk għamilt”, qallu Ġuħa “It-teżor dfintu fir-ramel eżatt taħt sħaba żgħira li kienet differenti mis-sħab ta’ madwarha li kien hemm fis-sema Għidt din is-sħaba niftkarha żgur Imma, issa din ma tidher imkien”.

Il-kttieb Morana jgħid li fuq siti tal-internet Sqallin sab mat-tletin ħrafa ta’ Ġaħan li wħud minnhom huma bħal dawk talMaltin kif ukoll min-nies ta’ kulturi oħra Isemmi li l-praspura ta’ Ġaħan, ‘Iġbed ilBieb Warajk’/Giufà Tirati la Porta hi laktar popolari fi Sqallija Hawn, Giufa huwa kif inhu magħruf Ġaħan fi Sqallija.

Morana jgħid li fi Trapani, Ġaħan hu

Ġaħan ikaxkar il-bieb warajh wara li qalgħu

magħruf bħala Guċċà, u fil-komunità antika Albaniża barra minn Palermo jsejjħulu Giukkà Fi Sqallija l-isem Giufà hu deskritt bħala raġel ta’ età medja u jidher li kien ukoll miżżewweġ, imma jibqa’ dejjem magħruf bħala karattru mimli praspar u li jdaħħak għal kif jirnexxilu joħroġ minn xi basla

Gufra (Ġuħa l-Għarbi) fi Sqallija hu magħruf bħala Musulman u jirrakkuntaw li darba kien qed jiekol ma’ Nisrani u Lhudi Il-laħam li kellhom kien ftit wisq u ma’ setgħux jikluh it-tlieta, allura ftehmu li jmorru jorqdu u l-għada, min minnhom ikollu l-isbaħ ħolma jiekol dik il-laħma L-għada, meta qamu bdew jirrakkuntaw il-ħolm tagħhom In-Nisrani qal li ħolom li kien mal-Messija li beda jdawwru filġenna tas-smewwiet Il-Lhudi qal li ħolom li kien ma’ Mosé li beda jdawwru malMuntanja Sinaj. Skont Giufà ħolom li ra liż-żewġ sħabu, wieħed fis-sema u l-ieħor fuq il-muntanja f ’kumpanija daqshekk importanti. Issokta jgħid: “għedt dawk mhux ġejjin lura qabel għada, u qbadt l-ikel u kiltu jien qabel jiħżien’’ Fl-aħħarnett, xi wħud jaħsbu li l-karattru ta’ Ġaħan oriġina fil-Persja (illum l-Iran) minn fejn l-istejjer dwaru nfirxu fid-dinja Għarbija kif ukoll fil-Mediterran u bosta pajjiżi oħra

18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Ta g ħ r i f d w a r l - i l s i e n M a l t i

Charles Spiteri Charles Spiteri Mill-Gzira

Il-Professur Joseph Buhagiar waqt id-diskors tiegħu lill-mistiednin

Il-proġett SiMaSeed Plus

Il-Ministeru għal Għawdex ospita’ lewwel preżentazzjoni pubblika talproġett SiMaSeed Plus li hu ffinanzjat mill-programm Interreg V-A Italia-Malta talUnjoni Ewropea

Dan il-programm għandu l-għan li jgħin itterritorji ta’ Sqallija u Malta jikbru b’mod sostenibbli, smart u inklussiv

Il-proġett, li hu kontinwazzjoni ta’ ieħor iffinanzjat mill-istess programm, SiMaSeed jinvolvi finanzjament ta’ € 471,000. Permezz tiegħu f ’Għawdex inħolqu faċilitajiet ta’ laboratorji ġodda li jservu għall-ġbir, ipproċessar u ħażna ta’ żrieragħ (Seed Bank), xjenza tal-ħamrija u faċilitajiet għat-tagħlim

B’mod partikolari l-proġett SiMaSeed Plus jibni fuq ir-riżultati tal-ewwel wieħed, u għandu l-għan li jiffaċilitá studji dwar irreżiljenza tal-pjanti fir-rigward tal-kambjament tal-klima bl-użu ta’ teknoloġija avvanzata.

Hu wkoll maħsub li għandu jgħin it-tkabbir ta’ kollezzjonijiet ta’ żrieragħ f ’Seed Banks f ’Malta u fi Sqallija, l-implimentazzjoni ta azzjonijiet ta’ konservazzjoni in situ permezz ta’ eradikazzjoni ta speċi aljeni, ir-rinfurzar ta’ popolazzjonijiet delikati, it-tkabbir tal-għarfien fil-komunitá dwar is-sbuħija u l-importanza tal-flora lokali

Għan ieħor hu t-tkabbir tal-għarfien fost innegozji dwar il-potenzjal tal-uzu ta’ speċi lokali fil-landscaping, il-produzzjoni tal-fjuri u attivitajiet ekonomiċi oħrajn Waqt din l-attivita, li saret fil-Mitħna taxXewkija l-mistiedna ġew indirizzati minn Anthony Zammit, li jmexxi l-proġett minnaħa tal-Ministeru għal Għawdex, il-Professur Antonia Cristaudo u l-Professur Giuseppina Alongi tal-Universitá ta’ Katanja. Dawn imexxu l-progett, u mill-Professur Joseph Buhagiar tal-Universitá ta’ Malta

Inawgurat il-mużew ‘Vigilat ’ fil-Bażilka tan-Nadur

Il-Parroċċa ta’ San Pietru u San Pawl finNadur għadha kemm inawgurat is-Sala tal-Arti Sagra fi ħdan il-Mużew tal-parroċċa Vigilat – The Nadur Basilica Museum

Fiċ-ċerimonja tat-tberik fil-preżenza talArċipriet Mons Jimmy Xerri, kapitlu, kleru u mistednin, l-Isqof t’Għawdex Mons Anton Teuma saħaq dwar l-importanza li lpost ma’ jkunx biss mużew tal-passat, imma jsir ukoll gwida u ispirazzjoni għallġejjieni

TA Ħ T ( xe l l u g ) : I l - Ku rat u r ta l - M u żew, D a n i e l M e i l a k ( x-xe l l u g n ett ) wa q t i dd i s ko rs ta l - o k ka ż j o n i .

Inawgurat monument fid-daħla ta’ Kerċem

Fid-daħla tar-raħal ta’ Kerċem ġie inawgurat monument li sar fuq inizjattiva tal-Kunsill Lokali li juri l-ġrajja tar-raħal

Is-Sindku Mario Azzopardi kixef lapida ta’ tifkira, filwaqt li Dun Roberto Gauci bierek dan il-monument.

Fil-fatt, kien l-istess Dun Roberto li ħa ħsieb li jiddisinja, u saħan-

sitra jaħdem dan il-monument tassew attraenti u li jisskta jsebbaħ ir-raħal ta’ Kerċem Fl-istess okkażjoni, u kif wara kolox kien xieraq, kemm is-Sindku Azzopardi kif ukoll Dun Roberto għamlu kelmtejn tal-okkażjoni fejn ta spjegazzjoni dwar il-monument (fuq)

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 19
. -

Australia Special Broadcasting Service Audio (SBS) has undertaken a special initiative to translate and record the Ode of Remembrance into 45 languages, including the Maltese language, making it accessible to all Australians It was launched in the lead-up to Anzac Day 2023 ( on 25 April) in collaboration with the Australian War Memorial Australian War Memorial Director, Matt Anderson, said: “The Ode of Remembrance is a key recital within Anzac Day commemorations, honouring the sacrifice of those forever lost to us These language translations are an important step in recognising Australia's celebrated cultural diversity, and as global citizens, we remember all those who served and who have sacrificed.”

SBS Director of Audio and Language Content, David Hua, said that SBS aims to share more of Australia’s history and what all Australians hold dear by re-expressing the Ode of Remembrance in 45 languages “I’m proud of how SBS can reach diverse audiences in this way to build understanding and inclusion and contribute to a more cohesive society,” she said

SBS has similarly collaborated with other organisations to make significant national occasions accessible to all Australians In 2020, SBS re-expressed the Statement from the Heart into more than 80 languages together with the Uluru Dialogue and Indigenous Law Centre UNSW to open up the dialogue between Australia’s Indigenous people and multicultural communities.

Interest-free loans for investors in energy efficient initiatives

To prioritise the environment, the Maltese Government has launched a new scheme to help both public and private companies, and individuals, make better environmental choices without extra costs It will therefore incentivise those wanting to invest in initiatives in favour of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

In line with this, two commercial banks will be offering an interest rate of 0% for those who will take a loan to purchase an electric or hybrid vehicle and other measures relating to water conservation.

Indigenous fruit and vegetables now conserved in the gene bank

Malta's Plant Protection Directorate is currently busy conducting various studies and experiments, including on the production of local pistachios, on 30 species of citrus trees, bambinella pears, and Maltese apples

By the end of the year, outside works for Malta's first Genetic Bank that will serve as a national repository to conserve the variety of fruit trees and vegetables native to Malta will be concluded

The Olive Tree (iż-Żebbuġa) is the most indigenous to Malta and dates back 2,000 years Even Malta's national tree, the Għargħar, has a long history in Malta, but not as much as the Olive Tree One frequently ignores such details on the Maltese islands' trees, plants and flowers

The Plant Protection Directorate within the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights ensures Malta's flora is preserved Director Denis Sciberras explained that the directorate is surrounded by gardens, greenhouses and seven laboratories, where gardeners first take strong samples from plants in danger of extinction and then grow them again

She added that it also needs to conform to the European Union and that it is essential to address specific diseases "We have

more than 200 diseases, and each year we take samples, we take over 2,000 samples, and we take them to our laboratories and certify they are healthy.

The blackberry (tuta) is a tasteful fruit that has lately become scarce after being attacked by beetle species Each year, the directorate produces blackberry and mulberry trees so that they can once again populate Malta's fields

At the same time, the directorate has collected around 30 species of citrus trees to treat them gradually and render them healthy once again

*The Malta Plant Protection Directorate is a team made up of highly skilled public officers who are knowledgeable and passionate about protecting plant genetic resources against persistent and emerging threats of biotic and abiotic nature.

Its members work hand in hand with farmers, traders, researchers, other regulators and policy makers, and the general public to safeguard plants and their genetic diversity

The team is also very actively involved in new initiatives and developments that bring progress to the field of plant health and management of genetic resources for food and agriculture

A total of €15 million through the EERE financial instrument under the European Regional Development Fund has been allocated for this scheme consisting of a portfolio guarantee and a subsidy in the interest rate for ten years, which will help to offer an interest rate of 0% for those who will take a loan.

Making the announcement, Minister for Transport Aaron Farrugia said that the transport sector could be a significant contributor in favour of the ecological transition that Malta is undergoing as the sector itself is responsible for most of the emissions generated.

Therefore, Transport Malta offers up to €13,000 in financial grants to those who want to buy an electric vehicle. There are also grants for cars for commercial use and motorbikes.

He emphasised that these loans and the financial grants Transport Malta offers will stimulate those who wish to shift to electric vehicles

Minister Silvio Schembri said a better environment could make a difference in homes, workplaces, and businesses He said the Government is facilitating this change with the launch of such schemes

The scheme, regarded as the most flexible, is aimed at everyone, both large and small businesses, individuals and public entities. It is open to financing a very varied investment, including better building insulation and measures that help water conservation

The scheme is an initiative of the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects, and the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands

20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023
h e O d e o f R e m e m b r a n c e i n 4 5 l a n g u a g e s

Launch of Charles Xuereb’s book:

x p r e s s i n g h i s o p i n i o n o n C h a r l e s X u e r e b ’s s o c i o - h i s t o r i c a l v o l u m e D ec o l o n i s i n g t h e M a l t e s e m i n d , i n s e a rc h o f i d e n t i t y

Baldacchino believed that Xuereb’s treatise was ‘monumental’ with an intended pun on the researcher ’s criticism of colonial monuments in Valletta

Two other academics, Dr Charmaine Bonello, researcher on early childhood education and Director of Culture in the Ministry for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Aleks Farrugia, journalist and historian addressed the audience.

The launch was presided over by the University Rector, Prof Alfred Vella

A colonial perspective

Farrugia said that many Maltese learnt their history through a colonial perspective For older citizens colonialism was a tangible experience; present-day generations absorb colonialism in a subliminal manner Does colonialism still exert a perpetuating effect?

Farrugia compared Xuereb’s approach to that of Giordano Bruno Guerri who contends that colonial domination and the influential Catholic Church made Italians, who disregard absolutist values such as freedom and heroism and prioritise personal well-being and the family’s needs

A parallel with the Maltese character is quite evident The Maltese were accustomed to serve They continuously strived to survive with the least of sacrifices. The speaker felt that this servant mind-set is still prevalent

Dr Bonello compared colonialism to a double-edged knife: some advantages gained but disadvantages linger on even after independence

Bonello noted that 12 per cent of countries in the world – all former colonies – start

at its launch at San Anton Palace recently, Professor Godfrey Baldacchino said, “The publishing of a book of research should not mark the end of a project, but rather the beginning ” He was commending the author on stimulating a national debateA ‘monumental’ study on Malta’s decolonisation

formal children’s education at five In Europe three countries, including Malta, the UK and the Netherlands do the same Research shows that since the 19th century, five year-olds were not provoked into critical thinking

Bonello agreed with Xuereb that colonial mentality increases inequity

Malta, 10th smallest in the world

Prof Baldacchino stated that countries have more than one narrative, evolving and taking different shades – social, economic and political

History is a construction process of a narrative At times particular narratives, depending on the power of the source, emerge as the strongest, as is the case with local voices lauding the British legacy

Analysing colonialism in Malta, the 10th smallest country in the world, one finds that the British did not come to exploit the Island or the Islanders They surmised that the archipelago could serve as a fortress base They forged an alliance with the Catholic Church and induced the people to be loyal to the Crown Baldacchino spoke of reactions to powerlessness, like loyalty and resistance. In Malta’s colonial history, resistance is quite rare: violent protests in 1919 and in 1958

The Maltese preferred to just grumble

Charles Xuereb’s book, which includes 130 photos – some never published before – asserts that the Maltese are still suffering from a ‘historical malady’ through which they are persevering a colonial mentality, even after almost 60 years of Independence. Already a best-seller on the Island, Decolonising the Maltese mind, in search of identity, follows another of Xuereb’s provoking deliberations on a crucial period of Malta’s history, the French 1798-1800 events

In 2014 the University of Malta had published France in the Maltese Collective Memory, Perceptions, Perspectives, Identities after Bonaparte in British Malta, now in its third edition and an e-book. Decolonising the mind is available at https://www midseabooks com/shop/history/decolonising-the-maltese-mind-insearch-of-identity/

BELOW: (From left): Professor Godfrey Baldacchino, the author Dr Charles Xuereb, Dr Charmaine Bonello and Aleks Farrugia at San Anton Palace during the launch of the book

Decolonising the Mind, in search of identity: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 21

Vincenzo of my Heart, Lou Drofnik’s novel about Vincenzo Borg ‘Brared’

The story of one of Malta’s heroes, Vincenzo Borg, nicknamed Brared, and born in Birkirkara in 1773, is the subject of Lou Drofnik’s rmost recent novel, Vincenzo of my Heart . He was born into a family that lived in Triq Santu Rokku, Birkirkara, who made their money in the cotton industry. .

In the eighteenth century Cotton was a very important crop in Malta Maltese cotton yarn, known for its quality was exported all over Europe It was highly taxed and many laws made sure it was not adulterated with cotton from the Levant Vincenzo, who was also known as Ċensu, started working with his father when he

was thirteen and took over the business after his father ’s death

Vincenzo was destined to lead the Birkirkara battalion against the French. He was on his way to Mdina the day the people of Rabat rose against the French That day, as he said himself in his diary, he was fired with a great passion to fight against the hated occupier He hurried back to Birkirkara and formed a battalion of local men It took two years of deadly combat to evict the French from the island and the toll was enormous

Vincenzo was not only a cotton merchant, a warrior, a strategist and a political activist but he was also a philantropist who

gave his parish church the magnificent statue of St Helen

Vincenzo of my Heart is published in Malta by Horizons. For those who love Maltese history or who have some connection with Birkirkara this novel is worth reading.

The author, Lou Drofenik is MalteseAustralian novelist and academic She born in Birkirkara, Malta and lives in Melbourne She was a teacher at the Siġġiewi primary school before migrating to Australia in 1962 She is the recipient of three Malta National Book Council Awards, and two of her novels were also awarded the Australian North Central Literary Award

Maltese Sen io r s Social Welfar e Da y Gr oups

Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, 257 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo 11am to 1 00 pm Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips.

Group Leader: Helen Azzopardi

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors

Meets every second Friday of the month Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10 30am to 12 30 pm

Group Leader: Salvina Falzon

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month Group meets in the Parish Hall of Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 18 Vine Street, Fairfield from 10 am to 12 noon Group Leader Dorothy Gatt Mb: 0422 757 829

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meets third Wednesday of the

month from 10 am at the Mt Lewis Bowling Club 14A Waterloo Rd Greenacre Every other Wednesday, an outing is organised. For enquiries, call Sam Galea on 0410 269 519 This Group is sponsored by the Bankstown Resource Centre

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets the last Wednesday of the month in Meeting Room One, No 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends

Group Leader: Connie De Gabriele

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the month,from 10:00am to 12 noon at the Miranda Community Centre, 93 Karimbla Rd cnr Kiaora Rd Miranda

The meetings are interesting and informative We have guest speakers Sometimes we also show films. Monthly

outings as well, travelling in modern, safe & comfortable minibuses Membership is Free Everyone is welcome for more info Please contact Charles N Mifsud, coordinator, on 0421 662 298..

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Parish Centre Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQP) Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 30 am to 12 30pm noon. Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips Group Leader: Frances Montesin.

Men’s Group

Men’s Group Meets every last Tuesday of the month at the MCC Centre at 59b Franklin Street Parramatta West (next to the Primary School), from 10 to 12 noon Dis- cussion, information and renew friendship Pastizzi, Kinnie etc available Contact Fred on 9863 2550

Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (Cnr Young St) Parramatta West NSW.

22 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023
*(All Groups are coordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Contact the MCC Welfare The bust of Vincenzo (Ċensu) Brared

C o m m u n i t y N e w s C o m m u n i t y N e w s

A division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc Established in 1999 Learn about the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and the amazing history of the magnificent Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo Classes available for beginners and those who already have a confident grasp of the Maltese language Adult and Children’s classes available All classes are online

Positions available for people who can assist with teaching the Maltese Language Call Lisa for an information package on 0419 418 547 or email mls@mccnsw org au


447 Royal Parade Parkville, Victoria Australia

Pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-lingwa Maltija

MCCV Maltese Language Classes qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-lingwa Maltija, (darba fil-gimgħa, ONLINE filgħaxija).

Applikanti għandhom ikollhom għarfien sewwa tal-Malti kemm miktub u mitkellem Taħriġ għall-għalliem/a u riżorsi sabiex tkun tista’ tgħallem jiġu pprovduti Dan huwa xogħol imħallas Ibgħat l-applikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal aktar tagħrif ċempel: 0466 079 814, ħalli n-numru tat-telefon u nċemplulek lura.

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We get to the point, provide the right advice and get the work done at a reasonable price.

St Nicholas Festa Committee St Nicholas Festa Committee Dates for 2023 Dates for 2023

Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

The Legends Showcase! Mark Andrew Tabone performing as Dean Martin, Buddy, Tom Jones, Austin Powers & Elvis

T u n e i n t o T u n e i n t o R a d i o a n d R a d i o a n d T e l e v i s i o n T e l e v i s i o n

SBS RADIO: 97 7 FM Tuesdays 12:00pm; Friday 12:00pm Listen on Digital Radio or Live Streaming on www sbs com au/radio/ or on TV Channel 38.

On Demand and podcasts on www sbs com au/maltese

SBS TV: SBS TV news from Malta every day at 4 30 pm on Channel 35 also on demand


3ZZZ 92 3FM: Mondays 5-6pm, Fridays 5-6pm and Saturdays 10-11am

Presenters: Paul Vella, Mario Sammut, Liz Phillips Listen live on www 3zzz com au

98.9 North West FM: Mondays 78pm and Fridays 6-7pm Maltese Program. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

Presley. Saturday 20 May. For tickets, either get them from or call 0405 233 144.

Sunday 2 July – Imnarja

Sunday 15 October – Fete

Saturday 11 November

Dinner Dance

Sunday 2 December - Festa


WOW-FM 100.7: Tuesdays 6pm to 9pm Maltese program with Joe Borg and Michael Mallia. Listen live on www wowfm1007 com au

Listen live on ethnic-radio/ 97 9 FM Melton: Tuesday 6 00pm to 8 00pm Maltese Program Presenter: Miriam Vella Live streaming on


2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Community Council programme: Every Sunday is now two whole hours, from 10 to 12 noon

The first hour is Maltese Voices, dedicated to the best of Maltese talent This is followed by News from Malta, the latest information, culture, interviews, community notices and topics of interest

Listen live on www 893fm com au/on-

VOX FM 106.9: Mondays 5pm to 6pm Voice of Valletta – Illawarra Maltese program presented by Louis Parnis Live streaming on www voxfm org au


4EB FM 98.1: Tuesdays 6:00am to 8:00am; Presenter: Lucy Stewart Music, news from Malta, topics of interest, song requests, community announcements Live streaming on www 4eb org au or On Demand on www 4eb org au/shows/program-billmalti-global-maltese/


5EBI FM 103.1: Maltese Community Radio Program from Adelaide Sunday: 7 00am; Monday: 8 00am; Monday: 6 00pm Presenters: Bernadette Buhagiar and Ron Borg. Listen live or On Demand on www 5ebi com au

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 23
L a V a l e t t e S o c i a l C e n t r e

Hamrun are crowned as Champions

At the end of the 2023/24 Premier League season, which they dominated, and following the game that wrapped it all up against Gudja United, whom they beat 2-0, Hamrun Spartans were officially crowned BOV Premier League Champions and presented with the Championship trophy at the National Stadium

The Spartans had mathematically clinched their ninth Championship title in the club’s history with four matches remaining to eventually finish the campaign with 69 points, 19 ahead of runners-up Birkirkara

It was also their second such title in the last three seasons

Hamrun Spartans won 22 of their matches and only missed nine points, from an only loss against Zebbug Rangers, and three draws, two goalless against Birkirkara, and a 1-1 outcome in their penultimate match against Sta Lucia

The end of their final match signalled the start of their impressive celebrations in their home town as they took over the main street to vent their happiness

Day 26 also decided the final placings in the league ladder. Birkirkara had already clinched the runner-up berth and finished the season on 48 points They failed to add

B’Kara win FA Trophy

Birkirkara beat Marsaxlokk 2-0 to win the FA Trophy, the second most prestigious honour in Maltese football on Sunday It was their sixth such victory in the history of their club, achieved in their eleventh final It was a deserved success, though Marsa-xlokk should feel proud to have made it this far in a difficut season

Birkirkara managed the win with two late goals, by Osvaldo Iorio (77th minute), and own goal by Claudio Bonanni eight minutes later

to their final tally after they disappointingly lost their last match against neighbours Balzan who were still in the battle with Gżira, Mosta and Hibernians for third spot that could have earned them the remaining vacant place in a European competition

Gzira eventually took the position after their win against Zebbug Rangers, having finished two points ahead of the other three With Birkirkara winning the FA Trophy, Hibernians and Balzan play-off Monday for the other place in Europe

The relegation question has also been

settled after Santa Lucia, who finished third from bottom, were reprieved by winning the p l a y - o f f a g a i n s t Zejtun, third in the Challenge League 2-0 to retain their place

Final Day’s Results Day 26

Hamrun S v Gudja U

Balzan v Birkirkara

Gzira U v Zebbug R

Hibernians v Floriana

Mosta v Sta Lucia

Valletta v Marsaxlokk

Sirens v Pieta H


Hamrun S (69 points); Birkirkara 50; Gzira Utd 48; Mosta, Hibernians, Balzan (46); Valletta, Floriana (37); Sirens (33); Gudja Utd (29); Marsaxlokk (25); Santa Lucia (15); *Zebbug Rangers (15); *Pieta Hotspur (12)

Zebbug Rangers and Pieta H lost their Premier League status to be replaced by Challenge League victors Sliema W. and Naxxar.

Hamrun Spartans replace winning coach Nisevic with Italian Luciano Zauri

In the meantime, Hamrun have parted company with head coach Branko Nisevic who guided them to their ninth title

He is being replaced by 45-year-old Italian coach Luciano Zauri, a former player with Itaian sides Atalanta, Chievo, Lazio, Fiorentina, Sampdoria and Pescara

Cycling - National Time Trial Championship

On his return from Australia, Aidan Buttigieg (D Sports Lab), and Marie Claire Aquilina (Team Greens) won the respective categories in the first race of the National Time Trial Championship on the Coast Road, Salina, organised by the Maltese Cycling Federation This year the Championship would be decided after a series of three races

He finished first in the Elite Category in

27:04 23, that is, 02:73 30 over Etienne Cutajar (Team Greens) Defending champion

Marie Claire Aquilina won the Women’s race, which Team Greens cyclists dominated She finished ahead of Juliane Vassallo in 33:46 30 Both races were for laps over a distance of 20 km

The next race will be the first of the Road Championships in San Martin, San Paul il Baħar, on Sunday, 7 May

24 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 2, 2023 S
o r t
S p o r t s
G re a t s t a r t b y A i d a n B u t t i g i e g a n d M a r i e C l a i re A q u i l i n a
Hamrun Spartans players and supporters celebrate after the presentation of the Premier League Championship trophy
2-0 2-1 4-0 5-2 2-1 1-1 0-0

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Articles inside

C o m m u n i t y N e w s C o m m u n i t y N e w s

page 23

Maltese Sen io r s Social Welfar e Da y Gr oups

page 22

Vincenzo of my Heart, Lou Drofnik’s novel about Vincenzo Borg ‘Brared’

page 22

Launch of Charles Xuereb’s book:

page 21

Indigenous fruit and vegetables now conserved in the gene bank

page 20

Inawgurat il-mużew ‘Vigilat ’ fil-Bażilka tan-Nadur

pages 19-20

Il-proġett SiMaSeed Plus

page 19

Għaliex nassoċjaw il-praspar ma’

pages 18-19

Australia commemorates Anzac day Vale Barry Humphries

page 17

Doctors fight telehealth euthanasia consultation

pages 16-17

Speakman is named new Liberals’

page 16

Biggest overhaul for the Reserve Bank

page 16

Is-sussidju: jinżamm jew jitneħħa?

page 15

Imbutattura lill-ilsien Malti mill-President

page 15

Vittmi tal-Interdett

page 14

o l l a b o ra t i o n M a l t a a n d E U n s a n c t i o n s a g a i n s t Ru s s i a

page 13

Businesses benefit through Smart and Sustainable Investment Grant

page 12

Roundup of News About Malta Placing young people at the centre of decision-making

page 12

Skema li għandha twassal għal tnaqqis ta’ tliet miljun flixkun tal-palstik fis-sena

pages 10-11

Fit-tnedija tal-ktieb ta’ Oliver Friġġier‘Il-Poter

page 10

T h e s i g n i f i c a n c e o f M a y D a y ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l Wo r k e r s D a y )

page 9

It-tifkira ta’ Jum l-Anzac hi okkażjoni ta’ swied ta’ qalb

page 8

A t r i p to M a l t a a n d G o z o c o u l d

page 7

Albanese details journey to find father

page 6

Australian PM named among 100 most influential people of 2023

page 6

Q & A Q & A

page 5

Malta and its contribution to ANZAC

pages 4-5

To the Point .... Occasional comments

page 4

Malta’s enormous contribution

page 3

A N Z AC 2 0 2 3 i n M a l t a

page 3

W e w i l l r e m e m b e r t h e m … the Maltese way

page 2

The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese

pages 1-2
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