Upper clutha messenger 22nd november 2017

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11 Brownston St, Wanaka | (03) 443 7804 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz

Volume XXXlX | No 44 | 22nd November 2017

Wanaka Leo Club Car Boot Sale Fundraiser for Allenby Park Playscape Saturday 2nd December | 10.00am - 2.00pm

Take part in the Wanaka Leo car boot sale on Saturday 2nd December and help the Leos fund an accessible BBQ for Allenby Park Playscape. The Leo’s latest fundraising mission was brainstormed at a recent Wanaka Leo Club tea meeting, where one of the members suggested doing something “for the community”. Some investigation took place and the club found out about the Allenby Park Playscape, which is a mainly community driven project. On the wish list was a community BBQ to complete the proposed playscape, and it was hoped that the BBQ could be fully accessible.

The annual Leo fundraiser trip to the Cromwell Festive Fete had to be put on hold this year and it was decided to arrange a car boot sale at Allenby Park as a fundraiser for the BBQ, with the support of the Wanaka Upper Clutha and the Wanaka & District Lions Clubs. So, clean out your garage or spare room and bring your items along to Allenby Park on Saturday 2nd December from 10am until 2pm. The cost is $15 per car for a site with set up from 9am. To book, please phone Ann on 027 434 4188 or Paris (Leo President) on 021 0845 7518. Photo: Wanaka Leo Club members (left); Example of the accessible BBQ for Allenby Park Playscape (right).


Upper Clutha Messenger

22nd November 2017


Increased capacity, great team of joiners and installers, client focus and quality driven

Free, accurate and complete quotes with initial 1.5hr consultation.

Full design service available for small investment.

Commitment to firm timeframes (currently 6 - 8 weeks*) *Production Schedule is subject to change at short notice

Albert Town, 7 Kingfisher Crescent Brand new - Come and view Generously sized 198sqm, never lived in home is perfect to accomodate family and friends. Boasting an open-plan kitchen, dining and living area, a separate second living room, with beautiful views of the mountains and overlooking a reserve, a covered alfresco area and a double garage. The 750sqm section is located in a superb spot, close to the Clutha River, perfect for boating or mountain biking on the outlet track.




$825,000 Viewing by appointment Chris: 021 0465 060 Mel: 021 1915 364 chrisandmelanie23@gmail.com

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14 Reece Cres, Wanaka

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Upper Clutha Messenger

22nd November 2017



Wanaka 2 Little Oak Common

725sqm A 3 B 2 C 2 I

Wanaka 43 Manuka Crescent

809sqm A 5 B 2 C 2 I 2 K

Focus On Family In This Location

Better Be Quick

Meadowstone is an address you will want to own. Do not delay as these sellers are ready to sell. This lovely family home is constructed of brick, with open plan living, renovated bathrooms set on a 725m2 section, with private back yard, but the whole of Little Oak Common is the playground. The perfect property offering privacy, space and located within a lovely quiet cul-de-sac just minutes from the Lake front and town.

This is an unbeatable location and the seller here has made his plans and wants sold on or before Auction day. If you're looking for a warm, sun drenched home or ideal investment? This affordable, easy-care property in an established, private location is for you. Warm, private, and north facing offering immaculately presented. Step through the front door and find yourself immersed in the cosy living area with easy, indoor outdoor flow.

Auction Wednesday 6th December at 12.00pm. 21 Helwick Street, Wanaka (Unless Sold Prior) View Wednesday 5pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ5071 Sue Grant M 021 443 906 P 03 443 7829 sue.grant@harcourts.co.nz

Auction Wednesday 6th December at 12.00pm. 21 Helwick Street, Wanaka (Unless Sold Prior) View Thursday 3pm, Saturday & Sunday 1pm. www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ5067 Sue Grant M 021 443 906 P 03 443 7829 sue.grant@harcourts.co.nz

Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Professional Property Management

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To Rent: 4


7 Pepperwood Green


Brand new unfurnished home available December for long term



Unit 3, 43 Plantation Road


Unfurnished apartment available from January long term



7 Alpha Close


Unfurnished house available from January



23 Stonebrook Drive


Furnished house available mid January to December

Level 1 Spencer Mall, 31 Dunmore Street, Wanaka T: +64 3 443 0045 E: rentals@accommodationwanaka.com

Wanaka Hairculture Busy Hair & Beauty Business This busy Wanaka hair & beauty studio specialises in offering hairdressing & beauty services under one roof & has grown from strength to strength over the past three years of trading. With a lease in place until 2026 there is still scope to expand the business. The owner is pursuing new opportunities so this business is seriously for sale. Contact us now for more detailed information on this profitable business opportunity. For Sale Price on Application View By Appointment www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ5077 Guy Alty M 021 350 214 Sheryl Alty M 021 800 040 thealtys@harcourts.co.nz

Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Pest Control Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

3 Reece Cres, Wanaka P: (03) 443 7916 wanaka@stihlshop.co.nz

P: 4434162 E: info@advancedcarpet.co.nz W: www.advancedcarpet.co.nz

Upper Clutha Messenger

22nd November 2017


2018 - SEASON - PASS ON - SALE - NOW Until the 15th December 2017 available at www.treblecone.com or instore. For more information contact us on service@treblecone.com

22nd November 2017



SPRING SPR SP RING 2 RING RI 2017 017 01 7

7+856'$< 129(0%(5 Ć• (PEURLGHU\ *URXS :RUNVKRS day. 10.30am Arts Centre Building. Ć• .QLW &OXE :DQDND A social fun free club meeting every week from 5.30pm, Alchemy Cafe. Come along, make new friends, knit, learn to knit and enjoy a drink and/or something to eat. All ages and skills welcome, come at a time that suits until at least 8pm. For info email shop@ thewoven.co.nz Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm Mon - Fri and 11am - 3pm Sat. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć• 7RDVWPDVWHUV :DQDND &RPPXQLFDWRUV &OXE meets 7.15pm, St John’s Rooms, Link Way. Come along and improve your public speaking skills! Ć• :DQDND $UWLVDQ 0DUNHW VKRZFDVLQJ WKH ÂżQHVW ORFDO FDUW and produce 3 - 6pm, at Bullock Creek. Ć• 0HQ¡V +ROH *ROI Cards in at 9.15am for 9.30am start. Visitors welcome. Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9.30am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year olds. Water-play, tree-climbing, playdough, sandpit, friendly-faces and coffee! Find us in the cute pink and yellow building at 554 Camp Hill Rd and on Facebook for updates. Ć• :DQDND 3OD\JURXS 9.30 - 11.30am, 0-5yrs at Wanaka Squash Club, Stone St. Great outdoor fenced area and indoor learning experiences. $3 per family or $30 per term. First visit free. All welcome, Contact Kelli 021 776 853. Ć• :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE Warren St. Golf and Association Croquet, 1.30 - 4pm. Visitors welcome. Ć• /DGLHV 1LQH +ROH *ROI Closing day and prize giving. Finger food lunch provided. Ć• 3ULPH7LPHUV %XV departs from Showgrounds at 10am for Christmas Shopping at Frankton. Ph Helen 021 0431 054.

)5,'$< 129(0%(5 ƕ :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Friday Bridge, 12.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St, visitors welcome. ƕ $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV Steps & Traditions Meeting. 7.30pm, Wanaka Plunket Rooms. Open meeting. ƕ 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm Mon - Fri and 11am - 3pm Sat. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. ƕ :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 9am - 12noon. Visitors welcome. ƕ :DQDND %RZOLQJ &OXE 3URJUHVVLYH 7RXUQDPHQW 1DPHV in by 1pm, start 1.15pm. Visitors welcome. ƕ 0HGLWDWLRQ 12midday St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. All welcome. Contact Damon Plimmer ucang@calledsouth.org.nz ƕ :DQDND &RPPXQLW\ 7R\ /LEUDU\ open 9.30-11am. 3 Reece Cres (opp Plumbing World). ƕ /RRNLQJ DIWHU \RXU SHOYLF à RRU after childbirth. 11am QRRQ 3OXQNHW 5RRPV $UGPRUH 6W :DQDND 1R appointment necessary.

6$785'$< 129(0%(5 Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am-3pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć• :DQDND &RPPXQLW\ 7R\ /LEUDU\ open 9.30-11am. 3 Reece Cres (opp Plumbing World). Ć• )RUHVW %LUG 1RYHPEHU )LHOG 7ULS Rock Avalanches and Lake Seiches in Lake Wanaka. For more information, contact Anne Steven ph 021 2939 207 or E: a.steven@ xtra.co.nz Ć• :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE Warren St. Golf and Association Croquet, 1.30 - 4pm. Visitors welcome. Ć• 7UHEOH 7RQHV DUH SHUIRUPLQJ DW :DQDND /LEUDU\ Join us at the library for a fantastic performance from this talented local choir. Wanaka Library 3pm / Free Event / All Welcome..

6RFLDO 7HQQLV 1.00 - 4.00pm at Upton St courts. Visitors welcome.

681'$< 129(0%(5 Ć• +RO\ )DPLO\ &DWKROLF &KXUFK 152 Aubrey Rd. Holy Mass at 11am. All welcome. See notice at Church for week day Mass times. Ć• 3UHVE\WHULDQ &RPPXQLW\ &KXUFK 9.30am, Family Service with great kid’s programme 3-14yrs, crèche for under 3s. Love to see you there at 91 Tenby St. wpccc. org.nz Facebook wanakapresbyteriancommunitychurch Ć• /DNH +DZHD *ROI &OXE Sunday Golf 12 noon tee off. Ć• :DQDND %DSWLVW &KXUFK meets at 5.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre, 89 Ardmore St. Come as you are! 021 2805 817. Ć• 'LVF *ROI :DQDND Incorporated. Casual/social Sunday competition. Doubles & singles. 12.30pm, Beaumont St HQG RI /LVPRUH 3DUN /RRN RXW IRU FOXE Ă€DJV 1HZ SOD\HUV very welcome. The perfect complement for a walk in the park. Ć• )UHH &RPPXQLW\ <RJD Class at Rhyme and Reason Brewery 11am. BYO mat and extra layers. Donations accepted for the teacher’s hard work. 17 Gordon Rd. Ć• 6W &ROXPED¡V $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Family Eucharist at 9.30am. All welcome. Ć• :DQDND 1HZ /LIH &KXUFK 10am service, 50 Reece Crescent. Multi-generational meetings with great worship and children’s programme. Enquiries to 027 2927 770 newlife.co.nz

021'$< 129(0%(5 Ć• $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV 7.30pm Plunket Rooms, Ardmore St. All welcome. Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Makarora Pairs, 6.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Ć• :DQDND :DONHUV Meet on lakefront opposite McDougall St at 9.30am. Bring a jacket and packed lunch. Contact Ruth 021 474 904. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm Mon - Fri and 11am - 3pm Sat. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć• 7KH 3HPEURNH &OXE RI :DQDND meets 10am, Wanaka Golf Club. Ć• :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 9am - 12noon. Visitors welcome. Ć• %DOOURRP DQG /DWLQ 'DQFLQJ *URXS 7.30pm Wanaka Primary School Hall, off Kings Drive. All welcome for exercise and fun. Share hall hire charge. Enquiries 027 3931 046. Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9.30am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year olds. Water-play, tree-climbing, playdough, sandpit, friendly-faces and coffee! Find us in the cute pink and yellow building at 554 Camp Hill Rd and on Facebook for updates. Ć• :DQDND 3OD\JURXS 9.30 - 11.30am, 0-5yrs at Wanaka Squash Club, Stone St. Great outdoor fenced area and indoor learning experiences. $3 per family or $30 per term. First visit free. All welcome, Contact Kelli 021 776 853. Ć• :ULJJOH DQG 5K\PH at Hawea Library from 10 - 10.30am followed by story time and craft for preschoolers. Ć• 0RYHPHQW IRU 8QGHU ¡V 10.30 - 11.30am. Wanaka Plunket Rooms 51 Ardmore St, Wanaka. Learn how to engage children in quality learning and physical movement experiences that develop and enhance the growth of the child.

78(6'$< 129(0%(5 Ć• *HQWOH <RJD for good health & calmness. 9.30 10.45am. St John Rooms, Link Way. Vouchers available for Cancer Society members. Open session for the community. Contact Carmen 0223 265 019.

Ć• 6D\ *R )DOOV SUHYHQWLRQ exercises for over 65s. Otago Age Concern - St John’s, Link Rd. 2 - 3pm $2. All welcome. Enquiries to Judy 443 4121. Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE $*0 7pm at the clubrooms, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm Mon - Fri and 11am - 3pm Sat. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć• 0DLQO\ 0XVLF Music, movement and fun for children 0-4yrs and their Caregivers. Held at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Community Centre, 91 Tenby St, Wanaka. 9.30 - 11am, $3 per family. Ć• %1, :DQDND %1, is a business referral networking group. Meeting weekly for breakfast 7 - 8.30am at Alchemy. If you would like more information or to join a meeting, call the Chapter President, Vicki Donoghue 0272 089 462. Ć• /DNH +DZHD .QLWWLQJ *URXS For those who love to knit or would like to learn, come along to the Lake Hawea Library Tuesdays from 12.30pm. Bring your projects new or old, share your knowledge and have a chat with likeminded people. Enquiries Denise 0210 378 347. Ć• 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. 9am - noon. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org.nz Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9.30am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year olds. Water-play, tree-climbing, playdough, sandpit, friendly-faces and coffee! Find us in the cute pink and yellow building at 554 Camp Hill Rd and on Facebook for updates. Ć• :DQDND &RPPXQLW\ 7R\ /LEUDU\ open 7.30-8.30pm. 3 Reece Cres (opposite Plumbing World). Ć• :DQDND 5RWDU\ &OXE get together - Tuesdays - drinks from 6pm. Dinner 6.30pm at Wanaka Golf Club. Call Derek to join us! Ph 021 796 077. Ć• 9ROXQWHHULQJ &HQWUDO are DW &RPPXQLW\ 1HWZRUNV today from 11.45-2.45pm. Come and speak to Gillian about volunteering in this fabulous community or if you DUH DQ RUJDQLVDWLRQ LQYROYLQJ YROXQWHHUV ÂżQG RXW KRZ we can help you! Drop by or make an appointment. gillian@volunteeringcentral.org.nz 027 5065 705 volunteeringcentral.org.nz Ć• :DQDND 0HQ¡V 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St Courts from 3pm, A-grade from 7pm. Visitors welcome.

:('1(6'$< 129(0%(5 Ć• :DQDND /LEUDU\ 3UHVFKRRO 6WRU\WLPH 10 - 11am, story reading followed by an activity for 3-5 year olds. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm Mon - Fri and 11am - 3pm Sat. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć• $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV St 1LQLDQÂśV 3UHVE\WHULDQ Church Hall, Hawea Flat. 7.30pm. All welcome. Ć• 0DLQO\ 0XVLF +DZHD )ODW Music, movement and fun for FKLOGUHQ \UV DQG WKHLU FDUHJLYHUV +HOG DW 6W 1LQLDQÂśV Church, Kane Rd, Hawea Flat. 9.30 - 11am, $3 per family, includes morning tea. Ć• 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. 9am - noon. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org.nz Ć• 6W &ROXPED¡V $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Holy Communion with discussion at 10am. Ć• :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE 9.30am - 12 noon. Warren St. *ROI FURTXHW RQO\ 1DPHV LQ E\ DP

For Urgent Medical Care in the weekend of Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 November the duty practice is

Aspiring Medical Centre Wanaka Lakes Health Centre

Ph (03) 443 0725

23 Cardrona Valley Rd. Urgent Clinics 9am -12 & 3 – 6pm daily and After Hours Doctor on Call 24/7

22nd November 2017



Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 Address: 11 Brownston St, Wanaka Email: messenger@printit.co.nz

THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAY NOTICES 24th November - Christy Ellis 27th November - Luke Gendall

MESSENGER DEADLINES DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS (15 minutes design time included) - Monday 12 noon. LINE ADVERTISEMENTS Tuesday 12 noon, preferably Monday. COMMUNITY FEATURE Request an application form. COMMUNITY DIARY Monday 12 noon.

Check out the Messenger online at: www.mymessenger.co.nz

BAGLEYS POTATOES ready now. Dug daily each day. Available at Selectrix. BTP - PAINTERS AND DECORATORS available for any size job. Very experienced and professional. Please phone Ben for a quote 0204 0133 350. EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: House for sale in Haast township, West Coast. 3 bedrooms, permanent material, with double garage. On ¼ acre section. For more details contact 021 0569 146. NEED A VENUE for your next meeting, community group activity, pop up shop or training workshop? Wanaka Yacht Club is a great choice. Good rates. Lakefront location, kitchen facilities, tables & chairs. Contact Andy 021 1075 520. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable”. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. FOR SALE: TWO SMALL FRIDGES (with icebox). 480W x 440D x 490H suitable for accommodation providers $60 each or 2/$100. Phone 027 2454 407. CHILLER TRAILER FOR HIRE. Also large outdoor games including Giant Jenga, Giant Connect 4, Petanque, Quoits and Croquet. Call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. WANAKA AND DISTRICTS LIONS CLUB Off Road 4WD Safari Fundraiser, West Wanaka Station, Saturday January 13th 2018. BBQ to follow. Numbers strictly limited. Register through our Facebook page. WYC WOULD LIKE TO THANK the good folks at Perspective Digital Wanaka for support of our local community and the kind donation of our shiny new website. Check out our new website and the exciting things going on at WYC online at www. wanakayachclub.co.nz CHEF REQUIRED AT URBAN GRIND. Signing bonus and accommodation allowance paid to an experienced applicant. Apply in person to one of the kitchen team. 72 Ardmore Street. EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719.


Come into Print It to collect your voucher for a FREE coffee at Kai.

If you would like us to include a birthday phone on 03 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz

LONGTERM RENTAL REQUIRED: Local family urgently require 3+ bedroom rental. Please phone 0204 0377 884. Ideally near Wanaka Primary School or central Wanaka. TIME TO EXPERIENCE FRENCH HAIRCARE. Angel En Provence, organic ingredients and superb fantastic value Christmas gift packs. Three Chairs Hair, Spencer House Mall. TABLE AND CHAIRS FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee and Party Hire on 443 8966. PICTURE FRAMING BY FRAMING MARVELLOUS. Rachel is a Guild Certified Framer and member of the Fine Art Trade Guild. She is passionate about providing high quality framing services to suit your taste and budget. She has an excellent eye for detail and design and you can be assured of a professional and friendly service. Phone 022 0298 725. Find us on Facebook. ARCHANGEL IS THE PLACE TO BE this summer! Be sure to come on out to Archangel to enjoy some award winning wine and delicious platters on our terrace overlooking Archangel Vineyard. Call 03 443 4347 to book. Summer never sounded so good! TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. DJ LOOKING FOR A PARTY. Got an event? Need some tunes? Check out www.djsion.com SERGEANT AND MADAME MOUSE HAIRCUTTERS. Ladies $40, gents $25, kids $15. 17 Plantation Road, upstairs from Proactive Gym. Phone 021 1551 105.

THANK YOU Coastguard Wanaka Lakes would like to thank all those who l-7; |_; o-v|] -u7 -b !-Z; v 1_ - v 11;vvĺ $_; = m7v u-bv;7 _;Ѵr v _;Ѵr |_ov; _o ];| bm 7bL1 Ѵ| om o u Ѵ-h;vĺ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Kai Whaka Pai New World Edgewater Resort Ritual Cafe Paddle Wanaka Relishes Cafe ] vঞm; u;v;u ;v Maude Wines -u7uom- bvঞѴѴ;u Selectrix Wanaka Mediterranean Market Patagonia

)-m-h- oll mb| ooѴ Wanaka Marine R Redpath Ltd The Yard Annabelle Langbein Pembroke Wines and Spirits "-vv -m|v Mitre10 PaperPlus Wanaka Lake Bar Placemakers Jim and Liz McRae

22nd November 2017


MY COMMUNITY NEWS The big unveil – a biking and walking masterplan for Wanaka! Imagine Wanaka as the envy of the rest of New Zealand where most residents walk or bike daily; where school drop off zones are virtually empty at 8.50am and 3pm; where the town centre, schools and public amenities are connected by a biking and walking network; and where commuting from outlying residential areas is safe and seamless. Imagine no more. A committed group of locals has designed a comprehensive cycling and walking network for the town. Active Transport Wanaka, the group’s name, consists of representatives from Bike Wanaka, Upper Clutha Tracks Trust, Wanaka Community Board, Wanaka Primary School, Holy Family School, and Mt Aspiring College. Spokesperson Simon Telfer says a lot of hard work has gone into producing draft maps. “We’ve identified the need for underpasses, traffic calming measures, segregated

cycleways and shared pathways. We believe that linking schools to the new recreation center is a priority project, followed by Aubrey Road, Anderson Road and safer walking and cycling around the town centre.” The next stage of the process is to share the draft masterplan with the community and incorporate all the feedback. The evening will commence with guest speaker Tyler Golly, a Canadian expert in getting communities collaborating on urban transportation challenges, sharing his insights. “Safe travel options are critical to our success in building great communities”, says Golly. All members of the community are encouraged to attend the evening on Thursday 30th November, 7.15pm at the Lake Wanaka Centre. Photo: Off to school we go. Laila, Rhian and Jo en route to Wanaka Primary School.

The best things in life are free... enjoyable printed materials. Nowadays, the library not only provides a comfortable haven where you can enjoy your choice of books, but has opened a world of non-print and digital media we can access for free or at little cost.

...Like reading and belonging to the Friends of Wanaka Library! Being a friend is being a support and being there when you are needed. Our public libraries have a long and proud history of providing a repository of informative and

We take our libraries for granted. But, we do so at our peril. The digital revolution raised the possibility that libraries may face extinction because we would be able to access not only books and magazines, but the world’s TV and movies from our electronic tablets. Local authorities sensing the possibility began to withdraw funding and suggest the library take on other council services. If it hadn’t been for the vigilance and support of the Friends of Wanaka Library, could you have found yourself in a line to check out your books behind someone seeking a building permit? Friends of the Wanaka Library may not be marching the length of Ardmore Street to protest a proposed Council decision this month, nor are they likely to next month. Library collections, like the warmth and

QUALIFIED CARPENTERS/BUILDERS WANTED. Wanaka Builders are looking for new team members. Send CV to wanakabuilders@ outlook.com RUBYS CINEMA HIRE - Imagine... you and only your best friends, The Snug, the service, the movie - all yours! WPS SECURITY ARE LOOKING FOR part-time guards for nighttime hosting on local bars. Great way to supplement regular income. Training given. Must be prepared to get Security License. Text/phone Claire 0273 585 426. GARAGE SALE - 31 Main Road, Luggate, 25th November from 9am.

comfort of a book in its traditional format, have had a resurgence. For the time being at least, our libraries and our highly trained, resourceful and helpful librarians are safe, but they need the support of the community. Becoming a Friend of the library provides some of this support. Friends give assistance to the librarians, deliver and collect books to and from the retirement villages, offer refreshments at library activities, provide support to librarians on request, and generally promote books and reading throughout the community through library events and activities. Friends of the Wanaka Library are the friends who are there when they are needed. If you would like to become a Friend, visit this website https://friendsofwanakalibrary. wordpress.com to join online, email friendsofthewanakalibrary@gmail.com or drop into the library and pick up a brochure. Photo: Wanaka Library is in need of friends.

COOK/CHEF - LAKE HAWEA. We’re looking for a positive, hard-working Chef/Cook to join our busy kitchen. 35 + hours per week, flexible shifts and hours. A minimum of two years experience preferred. Cover letter and resumes to info@sailz. co.nz WANTED - Artists easel. Phone 027 2717 862. FOR SALE: WANAKA WEDDING CARS. Website done and good bookings in place for the wedding season. Matching white 1966 Chrysler and 1966 Cadillac. Great part-time business. For more information call Johnny 0274 354 534.

22nd November 2017


THE CARDRONA HOTEL IS LOOKING FOR A MATURE, motivated and customer friendly person to work with us in our new merchandise shop. You will ideally have some retail experience although the right personality and attitude as well as reliability are the key attributes we are after. The role is full time until April 2018 with the possibility of this extending through the winter season. The hours are daytime on a rostered basis but will include weekends and public holidays. Preference will be given to local candidates as some knowledge of the area would be helpful. To apply, please email us at info@cardronahotel.co.nz TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, with lock up garage, fully fenced, central Wanaka, available for rental after Dec 1, suit couple or young family. Pets allowed, non-smoking applicants only, long term rental. References required, $420 per week. Apply by email, CLANO@xtra. co.nz NOVEMBER SPECIAL AT ASPECTS. One hour Classical Pedicure, foot soak, rough skin removal, nails cut filed and buffed, foot massage and polish. $60. LOVE WINE? Come join the Wanaka Wine Club page on Facebook and hear about upcoming wine tastings and events. Alternatively email: wanakawineclub@gmail.com WE’RE CELEBRATING GREAT NEIGHBOURS at the last LINK Connection Café for 2017. Christmas is a great time for getting together with your neighbours - street parties, pot luck, BBQ! We’ll share tips for organising your own party this summer. Friday November 24, 10.30am - 12.00pm, Cinema Paradiso. See our display ad or LINK Upper Clutha FB page for more. RSVP sophie@link.org. nz - first 10 get free coffee with their morning tea! HANDYMAN SERVICE. Fencing and gates. Engineering. You name it, we do it. Handy Solutions. Phone 027 2080 175. PRIVATE HYPNOBIRTHING available with Clinical Hypnotherapist. Complete Childbirth Programme. www.hypnobirth4U.co.nz Phone 021 947 056. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. CHRISTMAS FUNCTIONS or pre and post wedding gatherings. Book the Rabbit Hole Bar at Jack Rabbit. Phone 443 7125. NIGHT PORTER POSITION AVAILABLE - Ramada Resort, Wanaka. This is a permanent position on a rotating roster of 4 days on and 4 days off, working from 11pm - 7am. A strong honest work ethic is a must and requires somebody that is capable and happy to work alone at night. A small amount of computer knowledge is an advantage but not necessary. If interested in applying for this position please send me an email along with your CV to: deanne. nicholls@ramadawanaka.co.nz Only long term locals need apply thank you. FREE SHOUT OUT - juicy carved ham, off the bone, rolls every Friday 5.30 - 6.30pm at the Waterbar. HEAD CHEF AND KITCHEN HAND WANTED at The Cow Restaurant Wanaka, located in Post Office Lane. The Head Chef is a full time, long term position - minimum one year contract. Applicants need to be able to work to a flexible schedule in a small close knit team. You must have at least 5 years experience in a kitchen, with at least a year in a senior position. The Kitchen Hand must be hard working, fast, and flexible with working hours. Kitchen skills would be an advantage but not compulsory. Minimum 6 month contract. Pop in to The Cow with your CV.

MT IRON TRENCHING & EXCAVATION LTD Large & Small Diggers • Landscaping • Hole Boring • Truck Hire MURRAY GARRICK Ph 03 443 5489 M 027 443 5400 F 03 443 6836 E mngarrick@xtra.co.nz


P: 03 449 2922 or P: 03 443 7664 Mob: 021 02444 665 obc.centralotago@yahoo.co.nz | www.obccentralotago.co.nz

AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. DISHWASHER/KITCHEN HAND/Garden Waterer required for busy cafe. Please have a current visa and be truthful about your intentions while you are in Wanaka. No 2-3 week travellers need apply. Send cover letter/resume to info@florencesfoodstore.co.nz PROTILING WANAKA. Professional tiling contractors servicing Wanaka and all Central Otago Area. Phone Jezza 027 8468 464 or protiling.co.nz WOULD YOU LIKE A SMOOTH RUNNING bike for your summer riding? Black Peak Cycles has the best equipped workshop and highest workmanship standards in the area. www.blackpeakcycles. com Ph: 027 4347 212. POKER RUN 2017. Five Lakes Poker run is on at Luggate Hotel Saturday 2nd December. Registrations start at 10am, ride begins at 12 noon. Great ride. Great event. Good prizes. Prizegiving and BBQ at the Luggate at 6.30pm followed by some great live music in our Garden Bar. Phone 0274 335 132 for enquiries. FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS contact Dave Spedding, the full service landscaping professionals. Design, paving, lawns, planting plans and irrigation. Like us on Facebook or check out www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz Phone 021 707 481 or 443 2721. BOTTLE-O WANAKA, 1 Ardmore Street. 1 litre: Greenalls Gin, Dewars, & Smirnoff Vodka (more in-store) only 3 for $99.99. Sale! Absolut 1L $37.99, Glenmorangie 700ml $59.99, Villa Maria from $12.99 Pasque $16.99, Stoneleigh $12.99, and Panhead 6pk $19.99. Bottle-O. GOLF BALLS. Near new. Top brands. Bags of 25. $10 per bag. At garage sale, 49 Totara Terrace, Friday 24th 9 - 11am.

Morsel & Archangel Wines invite you to the Summer Series, a pop-up restaurant in the winery every Sunday. A set sharing menu which changes weekly showcases Morsel’s delicious food & Archangel’s incredible wines. Spaces are limited - book now to ensure a space. kate@morsel.co.nz

028 403 6814 www.morsel.co.nz

22nd November 2017



Spider & Fly Treatments. Window Cleaning & Pest Control.

ÂŚ $OO ZRUN JXDUDQWHHG ÂŚ )ULHQGO\ DQG H[SHULHQFHG ÂŚ )DVW WXUQDURXQG KRPH DQG EXVLQHVV NEW AT ASPECTS SNS coloured powder nail polish, lasts 2 weeks, gentle on nails. Includes an express nail tidy $45. COSTUMES FOR SALE! Hoopla is selling everything! Open by appointment in Lake Hawea. Individual items, wigs, full costumes. Phone 027 4665 101. SICK OF WORKING FROM HOME? Brand new desks available for hire from $103 per week. Come and enjoy the company of other solopreneurs! Life is short, work somewhere awesome. Email: info@ thecell.co.nz or 027 4974 586 for full pricing and options (daily, weekly, monthly) POSITION AVAILABLE at Caltex Wanaka. We require a Customer Service Representative for a fulltime role. You must be customer focussed and value teamwork. See Matt at Caltex or email caltexwanaka@xtra.co.nz. CLEANERS WANTED for busy holiday home cleaning company. Applicants need experience, attention to detail, driving licence and NZ Work Visa. Good rates of pay. Phone Mary 021 1208 960 or email CV to blitzwanaka@xtra.co.nz NEW SUMMER MENU! Come check out our new summer menu at Double Black Cafe, Albert Town. There are some exciting new items to tickle the taste buds, like our new ‘Double Black’ grainy gluten free bread (homemade of course). Come check it out! ROOF REPAINTING - ROOF REPAINTING - roof repainting. Get your house a new look! Inspection for free! Contact: roofsnewzealand@ gmail.com YELLO! Part-time night driver required - working 2-3 nights/week, incl. Friday and Saturday. 10 hours guaranteed. Possibly more work available at times. Reasonable hourly rate on contract. You will need your ‘P’ licence and provide great customer service. To apply for any of the above positions, please email Ramash on ramash@ yello.co.nz BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea – just call us on 03 443 7148. MODERN SPACIOUS WANAKA HOME. Great views, open plan. Available 10 days inclusive 20 - 29th January to mature couple or two couples. $350/night. Enquiries to mobile 0275 373 482. DINING TABLE 70W x 150L x 75H cm. Slight veneer damage otherwise good sturdy condition with a 3 person bench and 3 single chairs $100. Microwave oven, good clean working condition $100. WANTED - LONG TERM, unfurnished one bedroom self-contained flat for respectful, non smoking, employed mid 40’s local male and two cats. Prefer quiet location. Can provide excellent refs. Please phone/text Christian 021 0536 659. Thank you. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT IN LAKE HAWEA. Spend your summer working in beautiful Lake Hawea with the team at Sailz. We are currently recruiting experienced Kitchen staff, Front of House and Cafe staff, as well as Wait staff for our busy establishment over the summer season. Resumes to info@sailz.co.nz THE COFFEE SHACK WANAKA is looking for an experienced Barista to join the team. Never work a public holiday again! Speciality coffee experience would be a plus. Come have a chat to Bonnie - 75 Brownston St.



Do it once, do it well. Licensed, Accredited, Insured. Call anytime: 03 443 6652 Web: wilsonservices.co.nz

NEED HIGH QUALITY FARM FENCING, effective rabbit proofing or beautiful macrocarpa post and rail fences? Call Tony at Alpine Fencing on 027 4575 152 for a quote or visit www.alpinefencing. co.nz for more info. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. FREE “GARAGE SALEâ€? SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). LAKE FRONT HOUSE UPSTAIRS. 2 available rooms. Both furnished. Excellent lake and mountain views. Long term rent available from 1st November. $180 plus $25 power/week. Address: 6 Baker Grove Phone: 021 1109 276. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A JOB these summer holidays? Come and work at the Lake Hawea Holiday Park. We need fun, conscientious cleaning, grounds/rubbish and office staff. Varied hours available. Email CV to Pete at manager@haweaholidaypark.co.nz BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY at Water Bar, and we’ll tailormake it for you, no matter the size. info@waterbarwanaka.co.nz TEMPS DE FAIRE L’EXPÉIENCE de soin français. Angel En Provence, d’ingrĂŠdients biologiques et superbe. Une valeur fantastique cadeau de NoĂŤl packs. Three Chairs Hair, Spencer House Mall. WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. GIFT CALMNESS this Christmas...or keep it for yourself. www. mindchat.nz is full of wonderful, mindful Christmas presents for all ages. Gift wrapped and free delivery in Wanaka! Declutter your mind. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. TRAVEL ENRICHES LIVES. Keep your pocket richer too, by booking exclusive deals this weekend at Flight Centre’s Mega Global Sale. We are passionate about travel and love to create trips that you’ll remember for a lifetime. Come and share the wanderlust. Head to our Mega Global Sale, Saturday & Sunday 9am-4pm. Appointments recommended, call us on 03 443 4101 wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz Flight Centre Wanaka, 38 Helwick St. WANAKA ALCOHOL GROUP in partnership with MAC are conducting a survey on “A Parent’s Perspectiveâ€? regarding youth and alcohol. We encourage parents of Yr 9 -13 to respond to MAC email to ensure robust results. BUSY MUMS. Looking for casual desk space a few hours per week? Time share a desk at The Cell. It is a great place to be productive, meet some cool people, and is centrally located. Email: info@ thecell.co.nz or 027 4974 586 for full pricing and options.

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

22nd November 2017


Visitors and New Patients Welcome

Three Chairs Hair

03 443 5898 · threechairshair@gmail.com Unit 3, Spencer House Mall, 31 Dunmore St, Wanaka

ph: (03) 443 0710 www.wanakamedical.co.nz THE CARDRONA HOTEL IS LOOKING for a superstar Housekeeper to join our team ready for the busy summer season. This is a full time role starting in the next few weeks. Early mornings will be required, weekends and public holidays are worked on a rostered basis. Experience in housekeeping is preferred and some front of house experience will be favoured as the housekeepers are often required to run our continental breakfasts for houseguests in the morning. Ideally we would like a commitment until the end of April. If you are interested, please email us at info@cardronahotel.co.nz KATE IS BACK! Open Salsa classes start Thursday 23rd Nov at 8.15pm. Dance Out Loud studio. No experience/partner needed. salsawanaka.co.nz TV’S BIG BRANDS AT SELECTRIX. New unbeatable prices on OLED, QLED and LED Smart TV’s. Best prices guaranteed in New Zealand at Selectrix, Wanaka. IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW, has rented out your Wanaka house/holiday home and you have some unused food please remember your local foodbank at Community Networks, 73 Brownston St, Wanaka. Thank you! WANTED ONE FOLDAWAY single bed. Phone 03 265 1111 Liz. CARAVAN FOR HIRE. Sleeps 4. $150 per week. Available now. Phone David 021 2384 506. CAKES OF WANAKA - our Christmas sweet treats are now available to order online! Baked from scratch and made fresh, to order. www. cakesofwanaka.co.nz Creating sweet memories! TE WANAKA LODGE and Wanaka Selection are looking for housekeeping superstars! If you are hardworking, have exceptional attention to detail and want to work with a great team, please bring your CV into Haley at 23 Brownston Street. Cleaning experience is preferred but not essential. You must have valid work visa and able to work for the summer and possibly beyond. NEED A PLUMBER? Contact Martin Plumbers for your maintenance, repairs and renovation requirements. Phone 0274 939 194.

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CHRISTMAS HAMS (COOKED) FREE DELIVERY to Wanaka. Back in Wanaka for another year with a 1 day pop up shop Sunday 17th December at Pembroke Park Market. Our award winning NZ ham & fresh pork for your 2017 Christmas. Sizes: *Whole 8-10kg, half 4-5kg and small 2.3kg* And for your summer holidays our gourmet Manuka smoked bacon/ fresh ribs/fresh belly & fresh whole ribeye available. One day only. Orders taken prior. Extra hams available on the day. www.waitakibaconham.co.nz Farmers Gus & Sue Morton Waitaki Bacon & Ham Ltd. Call Sue on 027 6005 787 or email sales@ waitakibaconham.co.nz BUSINESS STRESS - would you like some assistance to manage your business to improve profitability and your lifestyle? Experienced business advisor available to help you. Call 027 4956 788. MACROCARPA POST and rail fences made from stunning renewable Southland timber. Call Tony at Alpine Fencing on 027 4575 152 for a quote or visit www.alpinefencing.co.nz for more info. CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE RESTORATIONS for all your motorcycle servicing. Oils, chains, tyres, batteries. Top brands, top service. Pickup and delivery. Phone John Holgate 0274 322 917. SUGOI PAPERGOODS & TEXTILES: Will be at the Cromwell Fete, this Sunday 26th November. For sale: Zig Zag girl tees, screenprinted typography tea towels - ‘Wanaka’, ‘Queenstown’, ‘Hawea’ and ‘Coffee Queen’ plus full range of quirky illustrations. Site number: T 12. See you there. STANLEY PAINTING LTD FOR ALL your painting requirements. Phone Brett 027 2884 428. LIKE TO MAKE COFFEE and hang with awesome people in a fun environment? Work hard? Get on well in a team? Then The Good Spot needs you! Casual Barista position available with hours increasing through summer. Call 021 349 246 or email: thegoodspotcaravan@ gmail.com for more info. LIVE IN ALBERT TOWN? Join the Riverside Park community facilities. Great pools, gym and bbq’s available to members. Call Steph (03) 443 0088 for details. RUBY ISLAND WORKING BEE 03/12/17 - All welcome please, to help tidy the island for the holiday season. BBQ lunch provided. Something for everyone to do. Bring your own boat if you want to. Sunday 3rd December - we leave the Marina at 9.30am, back at 2pm. Contact Jude 443 1602 or 027 5616 088 as we need to know numbers for boat transport. SHEEP MANURE! Upper Clutha Junior Rugby Open Grade fundraiser. $10 each or buy 10 get and get one free. For orders please email Belinda: mossman2018tour@gmail.com

Wheels to Dunstan

22nd November 2017

Free Door to Door Transport For Medical/Specialist Appointments at Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra


Crime Line ‘Crime Line‘ by Constable Deane Harbison

Wheels To Dunstan

Appointments 10am to 3pm if possible Bookings: Community Networks 443 7799 by 3pm the previous day Major sponsor Upper Clutha Transport Donations Gratefully Accepted

WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. THE CARDRONA HOTEL IS LOOKING FOR a superstar housekeeper to join our team ready for the busy summer season. This is a full time role starting in the next few weeks. Early mornings will be required, weekends and public holidays are worked on a rostered basis. Experience in housekeeping is preferred and some front of house experience will be favoured as the housekeepers are often required to run our continental breakfasts for house guests in the morning. Ideally we would like a commitment until the end of April. If you are interested, please email us at info@ cardronahotel.co.nz FOREST & BIRD NOVEMBER FIELD TRIP. Rock avalanches and lake seiches in Lake Wanaka on Saturday 25th. Learn about this dramatic natural phenomena in the Wanaka-Makarora Area. For itinerary details please contact: Anne Steven. Phone 021 2939 207. Email: a.steven@xtra.co.nz STAFF FUNCTIONS ON DUAL IMAGE are more fun! Packages for any business. Party on the lake with Lake Wanaka Cruises 0800 800 090. NEW AT ASPECTS SNS coloured powder nail polish, lasts 2 weeks, gentle on nails. Includes an express nail tidy $45. ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138. SUPERSTAR CLEANER NEEDED for busy resort. Training provided. Good pay and hours. Minimum 3 months work. Please call or text 027 6566 008. TWO FOR ONE TUESDAY at Alchemy Restaurant and Cafe. Awesome special on all our mains after 4.00pm on Tuesday. Come in, relax and enjoy our delicious dinners! FREEVIEW SATELLITE AUDIO visual installation Wanaka for all of your needs. Phone Mike 0210 2270 639 or go to www.miketech. co.nz FLY AND SPIDER SPRAYING. No mess with JAE Pest Control. Spraying warranted up to one year by local operator. Ph 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. CRUISING OR STAYING in beautiful Wanaka? Kaleidoscope, Helwick Street has new seasons cotton nighties for comfort sleeping. Girl’s nighties too. NOVEMBER SPECIAL FOR IN HOME MASSAGE therapy. Registered Massage Therapist, Bailey Chinnery was trained at the leading massage therapy school in Toronto, Canada. She has extensive knowledge and training in myofascial release, trigger point therapy, joint mobilisations, stress relief, prenatal/postnatal massage, indie head massage as well as strength and conditioning programs. Spaces are limited so book your appointment today. Phone 0210 8952 983.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and not too many are nursing sore muscles after the Queenstown marathon. I had to work, that’s my excuse anyway for not entering. A fairly standard week for Wanaka Police, as per below: $W WKH VWDUW RI WKH ZHHN D YLVLWRU WR WRZQ KDG VL[ ¿VKLQJ URGV WDNHQ IURP inside his boat whilst it was parked up at the Outlet Motor Camp. Someone PD\ KDYH EHHQ D ELW MHDORXV DERXW WKH ¿VKLQJ DELOLWLHV RI WKLV JURXS DV WKH\ FOHDQHG XS WKH VDOPRQ SUL]HV DW WKH /DNH +DZHD ¿VKLQJ FRPSHWLWLRQ ,œP sure using stolen rods will not bring the thieves any luck. $ VLJQ RQ %URZQVWRQ 6WUHHW DW WKH EDFN RI &DOWH[ ZDV WKH YLFWLP RII D JUDI¿WL attack. The weapon used is most likely to be a thick vivid marker. Too much of this going on and we would be grateful for any information. A young male was very lucky to escape an early morning crash after the vehicle he was driving left the Albert Town - Lake Hawea Road and rolled. He is now facing court on careless driving and driving with excess breath alcohol charges. A vehicle was stolen from Upton Street and taken for a joy ride. This vehicle ZDV UHWXUQHG EDFN WR WKH RZQHU ZLWK D VLJQL¿FDQW DPRXQW RI GDPDJH 7KH offender was caught and is facing several charges. This is the second similar incident in the last two weeks involving vehicles with the keys left in them. I know this is usually a town safe enough to leave things unlocked, but if we continue to do this, chances are that sooner or later you will be the victim. A man was arrested for trespassing on a property that he had previously been told to stay off. Our Search and Rescue volunteers were put to work locating and recovering a male who had taken a fall and broken his leg in the Gillespie Pass area. A peeping Tom was seen snooping about a local Motel and looking into a bathroom window. A great description was obtained and Police are on the look out. If anyone sees any suspicious people lurking around their properties - please let us know. $Q RYHUVHDV GULYHU ZDV YHU\ VWXSLG RQ WZR FRXQWV ZKHQ ¿UVWO\ KH GURYH DW 190km/h then secondly when his wife recorded this on his telephone. He very quickly had his rental car contract revoked and his holiday interrupted as he has a court date in Queenstown. Good luck explaining that one to the judge. Alcohol was again the major factor in a domestic incident that resulted in a Police Safety Order being issued. The couple were required to spend a IHZ GD\V DSDUW WR FRRO RII DQG UHÀHFW RQ HDFK RWKHUœV DFWLRQV A reminder for cyclists to use the road, as we have had reports of cyclists XVLQJ WKH SDWKZD\V DURXQG WRZQ ZHDYLQJ DURXQG IRRW WUDI¿F UHVXOWLQJ in danger for pedestrians. Reminder to wear high visibility vests when cycling on the main roads around the Upper Clutha area, black cyclist tops can be very hard to see in certain light during the day. Have a safe week - and remember, everything in moderation.

22nd November 2017


EDGEWATER IS LOOKING FOR A dedicated Night/Day Porter to join our team. The role will consist of 2 night shifts and up to 3 day porter shifts. This role will be predominantly cleaning of the Hotel public areas and Hotel grounds along with guest services interaction. The applicant must be reliable, hard-working, take pride in their work and legally entitled to work in New Zealand (current work visa). Please apply at the Hotel Reception or email your CV and cover letter to guestservices@edgewater.co.nz WANAKA’S ONLY TOUCHFREE CARWASH is at Caltex. From $9, options available incl underbody, wheels, double wash, protectant, wax. Caltex Wanaka. FOR SALE: Ladies Giant bike in good working order. $100 to include helmet. Call 265 3173. PROFESSIONAL CARETAKERS. Going away for the weekend or extended travel? We’ve got you covered! Responsible couple with experience in property maintenance and management. Love looking after animals and gardens. Superb references. Call or text Jaila - 022 4770 471. FEMALE FLAT MATE WANTED. Nice room in modern house. Long term only. Lake views, close to town. $190 p/w. Phone 021 1332 227. COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017. BUY: LOWBOY, WOODEN, in good condition. Sell: Naked gym weights bench. $100 ono. Phone 443 8358. WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out.

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Eamon and Riki Young ‘SUMMER SERIES’ AT ARCHANGEL this Sunday 26th of November. Come and be amazed by a Middle Eastern inspired menu with the bright, bold and interesting flavours of Turkey, Morocco and North Africa. Its like nothing else in town and not to be missed! Email kate@morsel.co.nz to book your ticket today! https://www.morsel. co.nz/summer-series GIFT CALMNESS this Christmas...or keep it for yourself. www. mindchat.nz is full of wonderful, mindful Christmas presents for all ages. Gift wrapped and free delivery in Wanaka! Declutter your mind. STUNNING LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY. Some of the finest professional photographers in the country are represented by The Picture Lounge, come and see our truly beautiful selection of artwork in Spencer House. Order our top quality fine art prints now to be framed in time for Christmas. Great gift selection, many entirely exclusive. Ph. 03 443 5033 www.thepicturelounge.co.nz BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. THE PICTURE LOUNGE PRESENTS – Our gorgeous and exclusive ‘Central Otago & Surrounds’ photographic calendars are back for 2018. These are a top quality production. Large A3 size means big beautiful images, each calendar signed and numbered by the artist, great value, great gifts. Be quick! ONE BEDROOM HOUSE TO RENT - Short term, Lake Hawea. 10th December 2017 to 4th February 2018. Best suited to mature individual or couple. Lake views, all mod-cons. $250/week+ bills. No pets. Email lovethewisps@gmail.com for more details. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger. co.nz or email: messenger@printit.co.nz

22nd November 2017



Planning your Christmas function? $u;-| ‹o†u |;-l -m7 1;Ń´;0u-|; |_; =;vŕŚžÂˆ; v;-vom 0‹ v†rrouাm] Ń´o1-Ѵġ ;mfo‹bm] 7;Ń´b1bo†v =oo7 -m7 ;Šr;ub;m1bm] |_; ]u;-| Ń´-h;=uom| Ń´o1-াom -| Ń´1_;l‹Ĵ

Check with us to make sure your pet is up to date for the Christmas holidays.


a range of BlackHawk pet food.

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Three courses $65pp _;1h o†| o†u vr;1b-Ń´ _ubv|l-v l;m† ‰‰‰ĺ-Ń´1_;l‹‰-m-h-ÄşmÂŒ ou 1-Ń´Ń´ †v om Ć“Ć“Ć’ Ć‘Ć?Ć“Ć?Äş

WHAT AN EPIC WEEKEND we have in store for you at Rhyme & Reason Brewery & Bar! Friday night kicks off our Food Truck Freakin’ Weekend with the Amigo’s TacoTruck! Hoppy Hour Special: Pint plus taco only $13! On Saturday, the Taco Truck returns with an extra special Saturday Launch Pad performance by Otepuni Moonshine beginning at 3pm. You don’t want to miss this talented duo. And as always, start your Sundays with a free Community Yoga class here at 11am! Come for the yoga, namaste for the beer. See you at the brewery this weekend! 17 Gordon Road, Wanaka RABBIT HUTCH REQUIRED November and December. Phone/text Claire 027 6861 623. “HOLLYWOOD, MOVIES AND ALL THAT JAZZ� by Classically Music students. Sunday 3rd December at 1pm, $15 an adult or $20 per family, Armstrong Room at the Lake Wanaka Centre. Door sales only. LANDLORDS! GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS are changing to require all rental homes to be adequately insulated. Shear Comfort loose wool insulation is the perfect choice to top up ceiling insulation. Call 021 0629 212 or info@shearcomfort.co.nz Your tenants will love you! BHUTAN, BHUTAN. BHUTAN BY BIKE. Join local Doug Hamilton on another 15 day mountain bike tour of central Bhutan in June 2018. Check www.blackpeaktravel.com for trip info or call Doug on 027 4347 212. TV’S BIG BRANDS AT SELECTRIX. New unbeatable prices on OLED, QLED and LED Smart TV’s. Best prices guaranteed in New Zealand at Selectrix, Wanaka.

Locally made Solid Cedar Entrance and internal Doors and all types of internal prehung door services. View our doors at www.cedardoors.co.nz Call 027 526 3695

Email knock@cedardoors.co.nz

DISTINCTION WANAKA ALPINE RESORT, 150 Anderson Rd, need a ‘strong’ person to help with stripping of apartments and maintenance. Please enquire at reception. ENJOY THE OUTSTANDING WEATHER. Time for lunch on the deck at Jack Rabbit, Thursday to Sunday. Phone 443 7125. STANLEY PAINTING LTD FOR INTERIOR and exterior painting. Phone Brett 027 2884 428. WESTCOAST WHITEBAIT for sale. Phone 0276 303 938 or 443 8586. SHOWERDOME. For a warmer drier bathroom, stop the steam from your shower. Wanaka installer, servicing Central. Phone 0211 788 589. GALLERY 33: It’s the last week to view Kate Alterio’s illuminating new exhibition, ‘Walk Between Worlds’. Kate’s meticulous and meditative practice is a sight to be seen! BLAIKIE RECRUITMENT: your locally owned recruitment agency based in Wanaka. With over 25 years HR expertise locally and abroad, Annabel Blaikie will assist your business with your temporary and permanent staffing needs. Call 0272 416 619 or email annabel@ blaikierecruitment.co.nz Staffing issues should not be issues. IT TAKES ONLY 22 MINUTES... to dry your washing at Caltex’s Wifi Laundromat, 9 super fast, oversized dryers available. Caltex Laundromat. WHY CEDAR PROFESSIONALS? Protect your investment. Ensure your newly built cedar home stays looking beautiful for life with the help of a regular maintenance program. We specialise in oiling and staining exterior timber to keep your house looking great. Freecall 0508 443 555. www.cedarprofessionals.co.nz EXPERIENCED EXTERIOR PLASTERER required. Must be local and commit to a minimum 12 months, be a NZ resident and have previous experience with NZ health and safety laws. Phone 027 9794 407.

Parent Information Evening Tuesday 28th November 7.00 – 9.00pm You are invited to join us for an informative and informal opportunity to learn about the Montessori equipment and philosophy. This is a great opportunity to have any burning questions answered and discover what happens in a child’s day at Montessori.

22nd November 2017


Last Connec on Café of 2017 Celebra ng great neighbours AND Lakefront Development Plan Christmas is a great me for ge ng together with your neighbours — think street party, pot luck, BBQ! We’ll share ps for organizing your own party this summer. The Eely Point sec on of the Lakefront Development Plan is now available for review — come along to see the concept plans and give your ideas. As always you can tap into our community database, meet others, and ask the LINK team about turning ideas into ac on. Morning tea nibbles provided, free coffees for the first 10 people to respond! Please RSVP to sophie@link.org.nz or 0210 239 5498

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24 10:30am-12:00pm Cinema Paradiso

COBBLER GLENN FOR PATCHING, stitching, heeling and resoling your boots. Drop them into Simply New Zealand, 3 Helwick St, Wanaka. CARPET CLEANING AND REPAIRS, re-stretching, uplifting, relaying, inserts, laying new and second-hand carpet. Quality service by experienced local tradesman. Call John at A & J Services 0274 331 482. ADVANCED CELLULAR TESTING: Comprehensive analysis for gut issues, food/chemical intolerances, skin conditions, immune dysfunction, mood disorders, re-occurring infections, fungal persistence & sleep disorders. Certified Practitioner. www. yogastudiocromwell.com Phone 021 947 056. MODERN SELF CONTAINED STUDIO apartment available to rent. 10 minutes walk to town. Suit couple or single. Please call 021 1143 332. READY FOR LANDSCAPING? Eco-sourced NZ Natives best plants. Best price. Call 443 7581 or 0274 452 032 for details, deliveries etc. SPRING TIME ON THE TERRACE! Join us at Bistro Gentil on 76a Golf Course Road during the month of November. A glass of Maude bubbles and canapes between 6-7pm $15 pp. Cheers! ROOF REPAINTING - ROOF REPAINTING - roof repainting. Get your house a new look! Inspection for free! Contact: roofsnewzealand@ gmail.com STUNNING LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY. Some of the finest professional photographers in the country are represented by The Picture Lounge, come and see our truly beautiful selection of artwork in Spencer House. Order our top quality fine art prints now to be framed in time for Christmas. Great gift selection, many entirely exclusive. Ph. 03 443 5033 www.thepicturelounge.co.nz

THE CARDRONA HOTEL IS LOOKING FOR a mature, motivated and customer friendly person to work with us in our new merchandise shop. You will ideally have some retail experience although the right personality and attitude as well as reliability are the key attributes we are after. The role is full time until April 2018 with the possibility of this extending through the winter season. The hours are daytime on a rostered basis but will include weekends and public holidays. Preference will be given to local candidates as some knowledge of the area would be helpful. To apply, please email us at info@ cardronahotel.co.nz FEDERAL DINER ARE LOOKING FOR new superstars to join the team. We are seeking a Sous Chef & Kitchen Hand. These are full time, long term positions. Must have a valid work visa and be available to work weekends and evenings. Please email brona@ federaldiner.co.nz or pop in and see us. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A JOB these summer holidays? Come and work at the Lake Hawea Holiday Park. We need fun, conscientious cleaning, grounds/rubbish and office staff. Varied hours available. Email CV to Pete at manager@haweaholidaypark.co.nz NIGHT PORTER POSITION AVAILABLE - Ramada Resort, Wanaka. This is a permanent position on a rotating roster of 4 days on and 4 days off, working from 11pm - 7am. A strong honest work ethic is a must and requires somebody that is capable and happy to work alone at night. A small amount of computer knowledge is an advantage but not necessary. If interested in applying for this position please send me an email along with your CV to: deanne. nicholls@ramadawanaka.co.nz Only long term locals need apply thank you. SICK OF WORKING FROM HOME? Brand new desks available for hire from $103 per week. Come and enjoy the company of other solopreneurs! Life is short, work somewhere awesome. Email: info@ thecell.co.nz or 027 4974 586 for full pricing and options (daily, weekly, monthly) LUGGATE HOTEL ASIAN INSPIRED BUFFET Sunday evening $20 per plate. Be early and avoid disappointment or if Asian isn’t your thing, check our menu or specials board. Satisfaction guaranteed. An iconic venue. Awesome Garden Bar and great food. No better way to cap off your week. THE CARDRONA HOTEL IS LOOKING FOR A MATURE, motivated and customer friendly person to work with us in our new merchandise shop. You will ideally have some retail experience although the right personality and attitude as well as reliability are the key attributes we are after. The role is full time until April 2018 with the possibility of this extending through the winter season. The hours are daytime on a rostered basis but will include weekends and public holidays. Preference will be given to local candidates as some knowledge of the area would be helpful. To apply, please email us at info@cardronahotel.co.nz

Making Wednesday hump day more bearable, since 1978. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • E: messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

22nd November 2017

Chimney Sweeping Phone Curly (03) 443 9458 or 027 2866 567

• 20 years experience • Rotary power sweeping • Cleanliness guaranteed

Sponsorship Opportunity

Sponsor one of our festive games pages! We only have 2 dates remaining: 6th and 13th December SPOT THE DIFFERENCE

CHRISTMAS HAM - it’s time to reserve a honey-cured, manukasmoked Christmas ham at The Butcher’s Block & Smokehouse Wanaka. Our whole or half cooked hams on the bone are so delicious! Free range option from Havoc Pork available. Also free range Croziers turkeys. Pop into Wanaka’s only dedicated butcher at 33 Reece Crescent to talk about your Christmas meat requirements. Ph 443 5017. THE PICTURE LOUNGE PRESENTS – Our gorgeous and exclusive ‘Central Otago & Surrounds’ photographic calendars are back for 2018. These are a top quality production. Large A3 size means big beautiful images, each calendar signed and numbered by the artist, great value, great gifts. Be quick! POKER RUN 2017. Five Lakes Poker run is on at Luggate Hotel Saturday 2nd December. Registrations start at 10am, ride begins at 12 noon. Great ride. Great event. Good prizes. Prizegiving and BBQ at the Luggate at 6.30pm followed by some great live music in our Garden Bar. Phone 0274 335 132 for enquiries. NOVEMBER SPECIAL AT ASPECTS. One hour Classical Pedicure, foot soak, rough skin removal, nails cut filed and buffed, foot massage and polish. $60. BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY at Water Bar, and we’ll tailormake it for you, no matter the size. info@waterbarwanaka.co.nz BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. LOCAL PAINTER. For all your interior and exterior painting needs, with over 30 years experience. Phone 021 716 485. COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017. FOR SALE - WOOD LATHE. Good working order. Offers. Phone 0210 2337 577. SNOW FARM BACKCOUNTRY HUTS AVAILABLE for bookings. Our two backcountry huts are available for summer use for that special event in the mountains. Enjoy a walk, run or mountain bike around the Pisa Range and then come back to a great hut for a night in the mountains. Both huts are available from 10 December and currently, have plenty of availability. Email us at info@snowfarmnz. com for more information or check out www.snowfarmnz.com

With purchase of any alcoholic beverage per pizza

5:00 - 6:30pm






Contact Vicky to find out how you can sponsor this fun festive feature! Phone: (03) 443 7804 or email: sales@printit.co.nz

SUPERSTAR CLEANER NEEDED for busy resort. Training provided. Good pay and hours. Minimum 3 months work. Please call or text 027 6566 008. SHIPPING CONTAINERS for sale. Phone 0211 788 589. PAINTER REQUIRED. Immediate start. Must have own vehicle and tools. Phone Benjamin 022 6306 716. CLEANERS WANTED for busy holiday home cleaning company. Applicants need experience, attention to detail, driving licence and NZ Work Visa. Good rates of pay. Phone Mary 021 1208 960 or email CV to blitzwanaka@xtra.co.nz LAKEFRONT DEVELOPMENT PLAN - The Eely Point section will be available for review at the LINK Connection Café this Friday. Come along to see the concept plans and give your ideas and feedback. Friday November 24, 10.30am - 12.00pm, Cinema Paradiso. See our display ad or LINK Upper Clutha FB page for more info. RSVP sophie@link.org.nz - first 10 get free coffee with their morning tea! BLOOM - ART EXHIBITION. Andi Regan’s new cable tie works, inspired by native flowers will be bursting off the wall at Hullabaloo Art Space, Old Cromwell Town 19 Nov - 9 Dec. Open daily 10am4pm. www.andireganart.com BATHROOM MOISTURE A PROBLEM? Fit a steam stopper. Stop the steam before it starts. Phone 021 1788 589. PENNY’S HOME CARE - DO YOU REQUIRE HELP with housework, personal care, shopping, meal preparation, medications, outings, transportation, gardening etc? If so, call Penny Fisher R.N. on 0273 434 776. PARTY ON THE LAKE WITH DUAL IMAGE, the perfect venue for staff Christmas functions and all other occasions. Call Tim, Lake Wanaka Cruises 0800 800 090. PLANNING YOUR CHRISTMAS FUNCTION? Treat your team at Alchemy. Check out our special Christmas menu at www. alchemywanaka.nz or call us on 443 2040. ARCHANGEL IS THE PLACE TO BE this summer! Be sure to come on out to Archangel to enjoy some award winning wine and delicious platters on our terrace overlooking Archangel Vineyard. Call 03 443 4347 to book. Summer never sounded so good!

22nd November 2017


TILE & STONE BOUTIQUE 33 Reece Crescent, Wanaka www.casamia.co.nz


+ + + + +



BUSY MUMS. Looking for casual desk space a few hours per week? Time share a desk at The Cell. It is a great place to be productive, meet some cool people, and is centrally located. Email: info@ thecell.co.nz or 027 4974 586 for full pricing and options. PROTILING WANAKA. Professional tiling contractors servicing Wanaka and all Central Otago Area. Phone Jezza 027 8468 464 or protiling.co.nz WANAKA’S ONLY LAUNDROMAT is open from 6am-11pm daily at Caltex. Free WiFi, oversized washers and 9 dryers, complimentary laundry detergent. CONSERVATION TALK: Renowned helicopter pilot Peter Garden will give a public talk about eradicating rats from remote islands, including South Georgia. Thursday 30th November, 7pm Presbyterian Hall, Tenby Street. Organised by Lakes Branch, Forest & Bird. Door donation $10 for Whio survey please. Cuppa tea afterwards. RENOVATING IN 2018? Re-cladding, window and door replacement, carports and more. No building consent required for many projects. Call your local renovation expert for a free consultation: 0210 2791 516 or www.seamlessconstruction.co.nz FREE “GARAGE SALE� SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). FOR SALE - DELONGHI 90cm cooker gas hob electric oven. $500. Phone 0211 042 127. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE, HAWEA AVAILABLE to rent short term only. Ph 027 4354 160. MOST PEOPLE CAN OIL timber but when treating your house, preparation is key! For the best finish your house must be properly cleaned and prepped before staining and oiling timber. Cedar Professionals offer free appointment call 0508 443 555. www. cedarprofessionals.co.nz CAKES OF WANAKA - our Christmas sweet treats are now available to order online! Baked from scratch and made fresh, to order. www. cakesofwanaka.co.nz Creating sweet memories! FOR SALE: 2 X BUOYANCY VESTS, hardly used. XL and AL $30 each. Short leg Extreme Limits wet suit XL $30. Two loose covered solid armchairs $30 each or 2/$50. Large brown armchair plus VCR free to good home. Phone 027 2454 407.

LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable�. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. DVD’S & CD’S : DVD’S & CD’S - now available for purchase in Wanaka. Huge selection at Caltex Wanaka. BAGLEYS POTATOES ready now. Dug daily each day. Available at Selectrix. JAPANESE COOKING CLASSES in December! Neri-goma summer cooking using Tahini. Bang-bang-chicken salad, Goma-dalle somen, Goma ice cream. Choose from 5th, 12th, 14th, 21st. $55pp. Enjoy the taste, get the sesamin power! More info: japanese.cuisine. wanaka@gmail.com or 443 1232 Yumi. WANAKA AND DISTRICTS LIONS CLUB Off Road 4WD Safari Fundraiser, West Wanaka Station, Saturday January 13th 2018. BBQ to follow. Numbers strictly limited. Register through our Facebook page. TRUE WONDER BALM. “I’m loving it as a skin treatment for the dry conditions... on my lips it’s instantly soothing. Every family needs this in their staple health care go to kit!� Ruth, Wanaka. Mention this ad and receive your free Wonder Balm mini with every purchase over $50 until 30th November. At the Markets or online at truemindfulbeauty.com. FREE SHOUT OUT - juicy carved ham, off the bone, rolls every Friday 5.30 - 6.30pm at the Waterbar. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - contact your local operator of JAE Cleaning and Pest Control. For quality steam or dry cleaning and the best in stain removal, phone 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. GARAGE SALE - SATURDAY 25TH 9am - 2pm. Games, puzzles, childrens books and toys, kitchen appliances, utensils, crockery, serving bowls and plates, baking dishes, ergonomic kneeling chair, wooden coffee table, single bed, vintage childrens chair. Loads of bits and bobs. 21 Moraine Place, Hawea. LIVE CELL TESTING: Identify deficiencies/intolerances, toxins and microbiology that may be contributing to health issues. www. yogastudiocromwell.com Phone 021 947 056. NEED A VENUE for your next meeting, community group activity, pop up shop or training workshop? Wanaka Yacht Club is a great choice. Good rates. Lakefront location, kitchen facilities, tables & chairs. Contact Andy 021 1075 520. NOVEMBER SPECIAL AT ASPECTS. One hour Classical Pedicure, foot soak, rough skin removal, nails cut filed and buffed, foot massage and polish. $60.

PASSPORT PHOTOS 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 | F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz | W www.printit.co.nz

22nd November 2017


NZ Natives Select Plant Sale Eco sourced, healthy, locally grown

Lacebarks • Kowhais • Pittosporums • Flaxes

Only $10 per plant! View on

NZ Natives Select or ph 443 7581 or 027 4452 032 for viewing & delivery details.

CHRISTMAS HAMS (COOKED) FREE DELIVERY to Wanaka. Back in Wanaka for another year with a 1 day pop up shop Sunday 17th December at Pembroke Park Market. Our award winning NZ ham & fresh pork for your 2017 Christmas. Sizes: *Whole 8-10kg, half 4-5kg and small 2.3kg* And for your summer holidays our gourmet Manuka smoked bacon/ fresh ribs/fresh belly & fresh whole ribeye available. One day only. Orders taken prior. Extra hams available on the day. www.waitakibaconham.co.nz Farmers Gus & Sue Morton Waitaki Bacon & Ham Ltd. Call Sue on 027 6005 787 or email sales@ waitakibaconham.co.nz FOR SALE: WANAKA WEDDING CARS. Website done and good bookings in place for the wedding season. Matching white 1966 Chrysler and 1966 Cadillac. Great part-time business. For more information call Johnny 0274 354 534. WANAKA SINGING TEACHER: Jenn Shelton, presents her end of year showcase ‘A Night Under The Spotlight’. 40 amazing singers, guaranteed entertainment! December 10th & 11th at 7.00pm at the Rippon Hall. Tickets sold at SassyPants and on the door. $15. STANLEY PAINTING LTD FOR PAPER HANGING and special effects. Phone Brett 027 2884 428. COOK/CHEF - LAKE HAWEA. We’re looking for a positive, hardworking Chef/Cook to join our busy kitchen. 35 + hours per week, flexible shifts and hours. A minimum of two years experience preferred. Cover letter and resumes to info@sailz.co.nz WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. POSITION AVAILABLE – Ramada Resort Wanaka is looking for a part time Café/Bar Attendant. Approximately 20 hours per week (shifts mainly Monday - Friday). A Bar Managers certificate is an advantage but not essential as we are willing to put the right person though the course if required. Please apply by email to Bruno.moise-cretney@ramadawanaka.co.nz

FULL TIME PERMANENT POSITION AVAILABLE – Night delivery driver required for wholesale bakery delivering to Wanaka, Cromwell and Queenstown. NZ driving license essential. Please send CV to: info@thebakerynz.co.nz ZESTY MANAGEMENT, House Keeping with a twist wants to help you! Make use of those spare rooms or empty holiday homes and provide short term accommodation in the Wanaka and Queenstown regions. Zesty provides: Profile creation with professional photography - Marketing/advertising & customer bookings - Key drop offs/meet & greets - Professional cleaning, property maintenance and much more! To find out more about what Zesty has to offer please get in contact: zestymanagement@ gmail.com The Zesty Management Team. SOLO BACKPACK SPRAYER 15 litre $30. Ladder $20. 2 ton carjack $30. Large soup pot $30. Primus gas cooker, 2 burner $30. Outdoor extension cords $20 each. Bench saw $50. Phone 0274 330 291 or 443 1894. PANASONIC 40” PLASMA TV and stand for sale. 32” LED Veon TV and stand for sale. 1 Freeview box. All excellent order. Enquiries 0270 2705 922. RITUAL CAFE IS LOOKING FOR 2 very experienced Baristas and a Baker/Cook for Christmas and beyond. Please email CV to Chris at: ritualcafeltd@gmail.com. Good pay, paid breaks and food included and as much coffee as you can drink. BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea – just call us on 03 443 7148.

; r-ࢼ ;m|v -m7 bvb|ouv ;Ѳ1ol; 23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka | 03 443 0725 | www.aspiringmedical.co.nz


22nd November 2017




LOOKING FOR MORE HARMONY? Stressed, lonely or unhappy? Clear out old energy and invite new energy into your home or work space with a Bespoke Energy Enhancement Room Spray. Promote peace and deeper connection, initiate movement and healing, invite clarity, creativity and success. $49.99 +$8 P&P 50ml misting spray. Email me your intentions or wishes for your space to deb@ debbiegillespie.nz or shop directly at www.debbiegillespie.nz FREE LEGAL ADVICE available at Community Networks delivered by the Dunedin Community Law Centre on Wednesday 6 December. Please call Community Networks on 443 7799 to book your appointment. GARAGE SALE - 31 Main Road, Luggate, 25th November from 9am. LIZ MALUSCHNIG COUNSELLING - for confidential and experienced counselling and parenting support please email Liz: lizmaluschnig@gmail.com BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. PRIVATE OFFICES FOR HIRE! From $135 per week. Work does not have to be boring. Come and enjoy the company of other solopreneurs! Life is short, work someplace awesome. Email: info@ thecell.co.nz or 027 4974 586 for full pricing and options. WINDOW CLEANER AND DOMESTIC CLEANER wanted! Experience required. Must have car and working visa. Long term resident preferred. Text 021 555 963 or 021 500 774. FOR SALE: Ladies Giant bike in good working order. $100 to include helmet. Call 265 3173. LONG TERM RENTAL PROPERTY WANTED. My husband and I are looking for a 2 to 3 bedroom home in the Wanaka area. We have been living in Wanaka now for 3 years and have excellent rental references. We are both professionals - an Osteopath, and a Viticulturist, non smoking and we have no pets! We are tidy and respectful tenants! Please phone 021 484 564 if you can help! Thank you, Tom and Nicole.

LADIES NEW (AND NEWISH) TO WANAKA - Come join us for a special Christmas lunch, to meet new friends... next Tuesday 5th December. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP. Phone 443 7442. Looking forward to hearing from you! WYC WOULD LIKE TO THANK the good folks at Perspective Digital Wanaka for support of our local community and the kind donation of our shiny new website. Check out our new website and the exciting things going on at WYC online at www.wanakayachclub. co.nz RABBIT HUTCH REQUIRED November and December. Phone/text Claire 027 6861 623. BLACK LAGOON! Wanaka based 5 piece rock covers band. Book us for your Christmas party or staff do! Very reasonable rates. Phone/ text Callum or check us out on Facebook at Unoffical Black Lagoon. FRUIT TREE PRUNING. Specialist care for your trees. For professional and friendly advice and service please call Joe on 0274 785 913. QUALIFIED CARPENTERS/BUILDERS WANTED. Wanaka Builders are looking for new team members. Send CV to wanakabuilders@ outlook.com TRAILER HIRE AVAILABLE AT CALTEX. We have single and tandem trailers, with cages. Available for 2 hours/half or full day. NEED A PLUMBER? Contact Martin Plumbers for your maintenance, repairs and renovation requirements. Phone 0274 939 194. FRESHLINK WANAKA - Great range fresh fruit and vegetables at competitive prices! Open 2pm-6pm Monday - Friday, 10am-2pm Saturday. 9 Reece Crescent, in the Wanaka Marine yard. See you there! CUTLERY AND CROCKERY FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. CHRISTMAS FUNCTIONS or pre and post wedding gatherings. Book the Rabbit Hole Bar at Jack Rabbit. Phone 443 7125. RUBYS CHRISTMAS GIFT VOUCHERS - The perfect gift of an experience wrapped in a gorgeous Rubys gift voucher. WATER QUALITY A PROBLEM? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 0275 021 234.

Upper Clutha Messenger

22nd November 2017

Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations to the 2017 winners of the to the 2017 winners of the

in partnership with Milford Asset Management

in partnership with Milford Asset Management


to theWINNER 2017 winners of the

Outstanding in Tourism and 2017 WINNER

Supreme Business Award Winner Outstanding in Tourism and 2017 Cardrona Alpine Resort Supreme Business Award Winner

The judges were impressed WINNER Cardrona Alpine Resortby Cardrona’s significant recent growth, Outstanding in Tourism 2017 The judges werecustomer impressed byand quality product, service and Cardrona’s recent growth, Supreme Business Award Winner strong teamsignificant culture. Cardrona’s offering quality customer service and is a classproduct, act and the development of Cardrona Alpine Resort offering strong culture. Cardrona’s staff is ateam tribute to their culture – isThe a class act and the development of judges by despite their were largeimpressed size. They’re staff is a tribute to theirrecent culturegrowth, – Cardrona’s significant innovative, deliver a great customer despite largecustomer size. They’re quality their product, service and experience and have a quality future innovative, deliver a great customer strong team culture. Cardrona’s offering outlook with continued investment in experience and have quality futureof is a business class act and theadevelopment their planned. outlook continued staff is awith tribute to theirinvestment culture – in their business planned. despite their large size. They’re Outstanding in Tourism innovative,bydeliver a great customer Supported Outstanding Tourism experienceinand have a quality future Supported by continued investment in outlook with their business Supreme Businessplanned. Award Supported by

Supreme Business Award Outstanding in Tourism

Supported Supportedby by

WINNER Supreme Business Award Supported by in Sustainability Outstanding WINNER

Eastwood Environmental Painting Outstanding in Sustainability Eastwood Environmental Painting The judges appreciated that Eastwood

WINNER Environmental lived and breathed The judges appreciated that Eastwood sustainability and theand environment. Outstanding in Sustainability Environmental lived breathed They noted that care the sustainability the for environment. Eastwood and Environmental Painting environment WAS their not They noted that care forbusiness, the just a part of it. Judge DayEastwood said: The judges appreciated that environment WAS theirBill business, not “Environmental concern central Environmental lived and just a part of it. Judge Billisbreathed Day said:to everything theyand do. They’ve even to sustainability the environment. “Environmental concern is central They noted thatdo. care for theeven developed their own environmentallyeverything they They’ve environment WAS their business, not friendly masking tape.” developed their own environmentallyjust a part of it. Judge Bill Day said: friendly masking tape.” “Environmental concern is central to Supported by everything they do. They’ve even Supported developedby their own environmentallyfriendly masking tape.” Supported by


Outstanding in Retail & Hospitality WINNER PERRIAM Outstanding in Retail & Hospitality

Optum Plumbing in partnership with Milford Asset Management Outstanding in Infrastructure & Trades

The judges liked how the PERRIAM brand has PERRIAM

The judges noted that Optum has experienced Optum Plumbing

combined a quality product with extraordinary The judges liked how theloved PERRIAM brand has WINNER rapid growth. They also their innovative combined ausing quality product with integrating extraordinary approach, new wools and Outstanding in Retail & Hospitalityand rapid growth. They also loved innovative diversifying into leather. “Theytheir really are a PERRIAM approach, using new wools and integrating and quintessential Kiwi and Wanaka company, said diversifying into leather. “They really are a The judges liked how the PERRIAM brand has convenor of judges Bill Day. quintessential Kiwi and Wanaka said combined a quality product withcompany, extraordinary convenor of judges Bill Day. rapid growth. They also loved their innovative Supported by approach, using new wools and integrating and Supported diversifyingby into leather. “They really are a quintessential Kiwi and Wanaka company, said convenor of judges Bill Day. WINNER

Outstanding WINNER Supported by in Professional Services

Blend Creative Outstanding in Professional Services The judges commented that while only a Blend Creative

Outstanding in Infrastructure & Trades WINNER

an exciting period of growth and horizontal The judges noted Optum hasculture, experienced WINNER development. Thisthat growth, their an exciting with period of growth and horizontal combined strong focus on quality, team Outstanding in Infrastructure & Trades development. growth, their them culture, development This and safety made a stand-out Optum Plumbing combined with strong focus on quality, team in their field. development andthat safety madehas them a stand-out The judges noted Optum experienced in their field. an exciting period Supported by of growth and horizontal development. This growth, their culture, Supportedwith by strong focus on quality, team combined development WINNER and safety made them a stand-out in their field. Outstanding Innovators WINNER Supported Wanaka by App Innovators Outstanding The judges were impressed with the Wanaka App’s Wanaka App

small design agency, Blend Creative is WINNER The judges commented that while only a winning significant projects with major clients small design agency, Blend Creative is Outstanding in Professional outside of Wanaka and as a result,Services they have winning significant projects with major clients Blend Creative had a big increase in sales. outside of Wanaka and as a result, they have The ajudges commented that while only a had big increase in sales. Supported by small design agency, Blend Creative is winning significant projects with major clients Supported by outside of Wanaka and as a result, they have WINNER had a big increase in sales.

business model. There are a number of apps out WINNER The judges were impressed with the Wanaka App’s there, noted the judges, but the Wanaka App’s business model.Innovators There are a number of apps out Outstanding point of difference is they’re taking their concept there, noted the judges, but the Wanaka App’s to other cities. Wanaka App They’ve refined the product here in point of difference is they’re taking their concept Wanaka and are now rolling it out further afield, The judges wereThey’ve impressed withthe theproduct Wanakahere App’sin to other cities. refined passing model. on theirThere winning toofothers. business are concept a number apps out Wanaka and are now rolling it out further afield, there, noted the judges, the Wanaka App’s passing on their winningbut concept to others. Supported by point of difference is they’re taking their concept to other cities. Supported by They’ve refined the product here in Wanaka and are now rolling it out further afield, WINNER passing on their winning concept to others.

People’s Choice WINNER Supported by

Outstanding Individual WINNER Supported by

WINNER over the globe and promoting anfrom active Attracting over 2,500 participants alland healthy lifestyle and role models to the People’s Choice over the globe and promoting an active and Wanakalifestyle community, Challenge healthy and role modelsWanaka to the has Challenge Wanaka created a significant legacy in its 11 years. Wanaka community, Challenge Wanaka hasIn Attracting over participants from all 2017 there were2,500 179 legacy locals taking part. At In the created a significant in its 11 years. over there the globe promoting an part. active inaugural event in 2007 there were under a 2017 wereand 179 locals taking Atand the healthy lifestyle and role models of to the junior handful. Inevent addition, thethere growth inaugural in 2007 were under a Wanaka community, Challenge Wanaka has event is promoting and handful. In addition,an theactive growth ofhealthy the junior created to a significant legacy in its 11 years. In lifestyle the region’s youth. event is promoting an active and healthy 2017 there were 179 locals taking part. At the lifestyle to the region’s youth. Supported by in 2007 there were under a inaugural event Chamber Commerce handful. In by addition, the growth ofofthe junior Supported event is promoting an active and of healthy Chamber Commerce lifestyle to the region’s youth.

WINNER designed to deliver technical performance and Mons Royale creates both versatile merino clothing style from Wanaka. Hamish and wife -co-founder Outstanding Individual designed to deliver both technical performance and Hannah, have successfully managed to build a very style fromAcland Wanaka. Hamish and wife -co-founder Hamish of Mons from Royale successful global business little Wanaka. Hannah, have successfully managed toold build a very Mons creates versatile merino clothing With Royale offices, manufacturing etc done in Wanaka. Germany and successful global business from little old designed to deliver both technical performance andand Switzerland, they promote Wanaka on world With offices, manufacturing etc done in the Germany style from Wanaka. Hamish and wife -co-founder stage and do so with the utmost quality and pride, Switzerland, they promote Wanaka on the world Hannah, havesustainable successfullyand managed to build a friendly very employing environmentally stage and do so with the utmost quality and pride, successful global business from little old Wanaka. practices in their business. employing sustainable and environmentally friendly With offices, manufacturing etc done in Germany and practices in their business. Supported they by promote Wanaka on the world Switzerland, stage and do Supported byso with the utmost quality and pride, employing sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in their business.

Supported by

Supported by

Challenge Wanaka People’s Choice Challenge Wanaka Attracting over 2,500 participants from all

Hamish Acland of Mons Royale Outstanding Individual Hamish Acland of Mons Royale Mons Royale creates versatile merino clothing

Chamber of Commerce

Marianna Muniz Photography Marianna Muniz Photography

Marianna Muniz Photography

Upper Clutha Messenger

22nd November 2017

www.lakelandcontracting.co.nz General Cartage

Christmas @ The Fed Treat your staff to a Christmas Feast @ The Fed

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Free measure & quote Suppliers of tracks, decorator rods, blinds, linings and fabrics or you can supply your own. Locally owned and operated. Resene fabric samples to match your paints Unit 1, 12 Frederick St, Wanaka P 443 8111 C 027 256 3113 E qualitycurtainswanaka@gmail.com


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• www.printit.co.nz

Upper Clutha Messenger

22nd November 2017


Albert Town 112 Albert Town - Lake Hawea Road Lifestyle with opportunity


Once a hunting and fishing lodge, this character packed home embraces the true sense of Central Otago. Extensively clad in schist enhanced with a high ceiling and exposed timber beams, this property is truly impressive. Upon entering you are impressed by the space, warmed by a cosy wood burner with beautiful wooden French doors which open out onto an entertainer’s outdoor area. Sitting by the outdoor fireplace you can enjoy the stunning mountain views. All five bedrooms open out onto the beautiful garden and well maintained grounds. Setback behind the home is a separate two bay garage with workshop and carport attached. 112 Albert Town – Lake Hawea Road is set on 2.13ha (approx) of near flat land, the potential development of a parcel of land this size so close to Wanaka is deserving of further investigation. Please contact Todd Soper for more information on this stunning property.

Auction (unless sold prior) 1pm, Fri 15 Dec 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka




View Sat and Sun 12.30-1pm or by appointment Todd Soper 027 487 6737 todd.soper@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008



Upper Clutha Messenger

22nd November 2017


Wanaka 6 Ruby Ridge

Wanaka 7 Mcleod Avenue

Step up to lake views Now is your chance to secure an elevated 942m² (approx) section with lovely panoramic views. This flat easy build section has a stacked schist retaining wall on the road boundary and hedging in place on the Northern boundary. With services to the boundary, all you need to do is contact your designer and have him plan your home to maximise the stunning lake and mountain views. Set in a quiet cul de sac and only 2.5km (approx) to the lake front, this section is a titled and well located rarity. Step up to another level and build your dream home on this West Meadows section.

For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (unless sold prior) 4pm, Thu 7 Dec 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka View by appointment Sharon Donnelly 027 561 7235 sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz Scott McGoun 021 201 9029 scott.mcgoun@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008





The ultimate in easy living


Whether you are looking for a permanent home, holiday home or rental investment, this home will tick your boxes. In a fantastic location, in close proximity to Mt Aspiring College and both primary schools, this home also has the added bonus of lake views from upstairs. Each of the three bedrooms open out to the fully fenced, low maintenance 751m² (approx) section and the downstairs office is currently utilised as a bunk room. Upstairs is lovely and sunny with open plan kitchen and dining separated by a central log burner to the living area which opens out to a spacious deck area. Call now to view this home today.

For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (unless sold prior) 4pm, Thu 14 Dec 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka View by appointment Sharon Donnelly 027 561 7235 sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz Scott McGoun 021 201 9029 scott.mcgoun@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008



Wanaka 135 Meadowstone Drive

Wanaka 12 Bills Way 1



Captivating Meadowstone haven


Just 400m (approx) to the lakefront sits this beautiful Meadowstone home which features timber panelling, fantastic outdoor living spaces and mature gardens. Spaciously proportioned and positioned on a 1088m² (approx) section, this home consists of open plan kitchen, dining and living downstairs along with a bedroom, bathroom, separate toilet and laundry. The dining and living spill out to several outdoor entertaining options. The upper level has four bedrooms, the master with ensuite, and the double garage is accessed from street level. This home has the bones and appeal to modernise beautifully, or simply to age with grace, as great spaces in prime locations never date.

For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (unless sold prior) 4pm, Thu 14 Dec 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka


View Sat 10-10.30am or by appointment Sharon Donnelly 027 561 7235 sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz Scott McGoun 021 201 9029 scott.mcgoun@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008




Lake view original


An opportunity has arisen to purchase this original kiwi bach in the established and sheltered Ripponlea area. Located 400m (approx) to the lake front, this 1980’s beauty enjoys a view of the lake from the lounge and spacious deck area. With original features including a pot belly wood fire and schist stone surround, this home has two bedrooms and a bathroom downstairs and two extra large bedrooms upstairs, perfect for the kid’s sleepovers. The open plan kitchen, dining and living looks over the 631m² (approx) section. You will never tire of listening to the birdlife while enjoying the peaceful location and fantastic views. Just over 2km to downtown Wanaka, properties in this area are sought after.

For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (unless sold prior) 4pm, Thu 07 Dec 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka View by appointment Sharon Donnelly 027 561 7235 sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz Jamie Askham 027 586 7541 jamie.askham@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008



22nd November 2017



Assistant Maker We have some big boots to ďŹ ll‌ My superstar “Sorbet Sarahâ€? is leaving town for the big smoke, so we are looking for a key new member to join our team here at Black Peak Gelato. You will be working alongside Jon, “Bossmanâ€?, hand crafting happiness as assistant maker.

shop manager

Skills required: • Passion for ďŹ nely crafted food • Knowledge of the food industry • Food and Hygiene CertiďŹ cate a bonus • Experience in food preparation • Team player • Well presented • Quick learner with a can-do attitude

Skills required: • Customer Service and retail experience • Excellent people and communication skills • Ability to manage a team and delegate • Well presented • Proactive with an eye for detail • Quick learner with a can-do attitude

This role is a permanent full-time position so need to commit for at least 12 months. Availability over the holiday periods is essential. If you think you’ve got it, we’d love to hear from you! Please email your CV to admin@blackpeakgelato.co.nz

We have some big boots to ďŹ ll at Black Peak Gelato‌ My superstar “Sorbet Sarahâ€? is leaving town for the big smoke! So we are looking for a key new member to join our team.

This role is a permanent full-time position so need to commit for at least 12 months. Availability over the holiday periods is essential. NZ work visa is a must. If you think you’ve got it, we’d love to hear from you! Please email your CV to admin@blackpeakgelato.co.nz Closing Date: Friday 1st December

Closing Date: Friday 1st December

:DQDND /DZ Paralegal/Legal Executive Fantastic opportunity to join this busy general practice assisting with property and transactional work on a full time, permanent basis. We are looking for someone who has: • • • • •

outstanding organisational skills; a high level of accuracy and attention to detail; strong communication and interpersonal skills; a positive attitude; and LGHDOO\ H[SHULHQFH LQ D ODZ RIĂ€ FH

If you would like to work with us, please email your CV to: tegan@wanakalaw.co.nz

TIME TO EXPERIENCE FRENCH HAIRCARE. Angel En Provence, organic ingredients and superb fantastic value Christmas gift packs. Three Chairs Hair, Spencer House Mall. COBBLER GLENN WILL HEEL YOU, save your sole and even dye for you. Drop your repairs into Simply New Zealand, 3 Helwick St, Wanaka. ‘SUMMER SERIES’ AT ARCHANGEL this Sunday 26th of November. Come and be amazed by a Middle Eastern inspired menu with the bright, bold and interesting flavours of Turkey, Morocco and North Africa. Its like nothing else in town and not to be missed! Email kate@morsel.co.nz to book your ticket today! https://www.morsel. co.nz/summer-series FOR SALE: TREK MOUNTAIN BIKE. 49.5cm frame hard tail 20 speed Shimano gears with breakdown kit. Excellent condition. $490. Ph 0274 952 111.

Housekeeper long term positions available Housekeeper required for 25-40 hours per week. Must be available to work weekends. Must be honest, reliable and a team player. Due to the nature of the work, you must be SK\VLFDOO\ ʀW DQG DEOH WR XQGHUWDNH VWUHQXRXV FOHDQLQJ GXWLHV with attention to detail a must. *RRG UDWH JRRG ZRUNLQJ FRQGLWLRQV ZLWK D JUHDW WHDP ([SHULHQFHG SUHIHUUHG EXW QRW HVVHQWLDO DV IXOO WUDLQLQJ ZLOO EH JLYHQ Applicants should have NZ residency or a valid work visa, full drivers licence valid in NZ, be a quick and motivated, reliable and available to immediate start. Please email application including previous housekeeping experience and references to: info@thecleanerswanaka.co.nz

BLAIKIE RECRUITMENT: your locally owned recruitment agency based in Wanaka. With over 25 years HR expertise locally and abroad, Annabel Blaikie will assist your business with your temporary and permanent staffing needs. Call 0272 416 619 or email annabel@blaikierecruitment.co.nz Staffing issues should not be issues. ENJOY THE OUTSTANDING WEATHER. Time for lunch on the deck at Jack Rabbit, Thursday to Sunday. Phone 443 7125. TREE CARE PROFESSIONALS: prune, shape, thin, remove damage risk, improve your view, crown reduction, tree removal, stump grinding, firewooding! Free quotes from fuly qualified and fully insured Tree Tamers. Phone 03 443 6454 or www.treetamers.co.nz PLANNING YOUR CHRISTMAS FUNCTION? Treat your team at Alchemy. Check out our special Christmas menu at www. alchemywanaka.nz or call us on 443 2040.

22nd November 2017


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz




ƒ–ƒ‰‘Â?‹ƒ Š‘…‘Žƒ–‡• ƒÂ?ƒÂ?ƒ ƒ”‡ Ž‘‘Â?‹Â?‰ –‘ Ď?‹ŽŽ –Š‡ following positions:




We are seeking an experienced Pastry Chef Assistant to join our busy team at our Wanaka CafÊ. At least one years’ experience in pastry is required, a la carte experience is a plus.

BARISTA We are seeking an experienced, long-term Barista to join our Wanaka team. At least one years’ experience is essential.

SALES PERSON We are seeking a Sales Person to join our Wanaka team.

FOOD PREPARATION ASSISTANT We are seeking a Food Preparation Assistant to join our Wanaka team to support the chef in preparing food, washing dishes and utensils, and cleaning work areas.

CONE MAKER We are seeking a Cone Maker for our busy summer and holiday period. The Wanaka team are looking for hard working team players who ƒ”‡ ”‡ƒ†› –‘ ™‘”Â? ‹Â? ƒ ˆƒ•– ’ƒ…‡† ‡Â?˜‹”‘Â?Â?‡Â?–Ǥ ‡ Šƒ˜‡ „‘–Š Ď?‹š‡† term and permanent positions available and all positions are on a changing roster including weekends, AM and PM shifts.

To apply please call in to the Wanaka CafĂŠ, 155 Ardmore Street, Wanaka with your CV and cover letter.

SUMMER EMPLOYMENT IN LAKE HAWEA. Spend your summer working in beautiful Lake Hawea with the team at Sailz. We are currently recruiting experienced Kitchen staff, Front of House and Cafe staff, as well as Wait staff for our busy establishment over the summer season. Resumes to info@sailz.co.nz CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR SNOW-LOVERS - Carry your skis hasslefree with Skiddi - pocket-size ski wheel. 6 cool colours for the whole family. Special online Christmas price. www.tsloutdoor.co.nz or call Janelle 021 756 280. LAST LINK CONNECTION CAFÉ FOR 2017 this Friday. Drop in to connect with other community groups. Find out how Link can help you turn your ideas into action. Morning tea provided. Free coffees for the first 10 people to respond! Friday November 24, 10.30am 12.00pm, Cinema Paradiso. See our display ad or Link Upper Clutha FB page for more info. RSVP sophie@link.org.nz




HOUSEKEEPING STAFF REQUIRED – Come on up to Distinction Wanaka Alpine Resort, 150 Anderson Road and have a chat. 3 month minimum required. MODERN SELF CONTAINED STUDIO apartment available to rent. 10 minutes walk to town. Suit couple or single. Please call 021 1143 332. FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS contact Dave Spedding, the full service landscaping professionals. Design, paving, lawns, planting plans and irrigation. Like us on Facebook or check out www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz Phone 021 707 481 or 443 2721. DISHWASHER/KITCHEN HAND/Garden Waterer required for busy cafe. Please have a current visa and be truthful about your intentions while you are in Wanaka. No 2-3 week travellers need apply. Send cover letter/resume to info@florencesfoodstore. co.nz

22nd November 2017


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz

.ƧBD "NNQCHM@SNQ Ĺ” BBNTMSR %NBTR ); _-ˆ; -m ;Š1bাm] orrou|†mb|‹ =ou -m o†|v|-m7bm] ou]-mbv;u -m7 -11o†m|v -7lbmbv|u-|ouÄş !;rouাm] |o |_; bu;1|ou ‹o† ‰bŃ´Ń´ 0; u;vromvb0Ń´; =ou ruoˆb7bm] _b]_ t†-Ń´b|‹ -m7 াl;Ѵ‹ -11o†m|v -7lbmbv|u-াom -m7 v†rrou|ġ 7-|- ;m|u‹ -m7 - u-m]; o= -7lbmbv|u-ŕŚžÂˆ; v;uˆb1;vÄş To be successful in this role you will need to demonstrate: • Previous experience working in an accounts or support role or similar, ‰_;u; rŃ´-mmbm] -m7 1oou7bm-াom ‰-v - h;‹ 1olrom;m| o= |_; ‰ouh • mo‰Ѵ;7]; o= 0-vb1 -11o†mাm] -m7 ;Šr;ub;m1; ‰b|_ -11o†mাm] vo[‰-u; • uoˆ;m ou]-mbv-াom-Ń´ vhbŃ´Ń´v -Ń´om] ‰b|_ |_; -0bŃ´b|‹ |o ;v|-0Ń´bv_ ruboubা;v -m7 l;;| 7;-7Ń´bm;v • ‚;mাom |o 7;|-bŃ´ -m7 _b]_ Ń´;ˆ;Ń´ o= -11†u-1‹ ‰_bŃ´v| ru;v;uˆbm] |_; _b]_;v| Ń´;ˆ;Ń´ o= -11†u-1‹ -m7 1omC7;mা-Ń´b|‹ • Š1;Ń´Ń´;m| ou-Ń´ -m7 ‰ub‚;m 1oll†mb1-াom vhbŃ´Ń´v • Good interpersonal skills with the ability to relate to a wide range of people • mbা-ŕŚžÂˆ;ġ 7ubˆ; -m7 ;m|_†vb-vl |o ‰ouh -v r-u| o= - vl-Ń´Ń´ |;-l -m7 autonomously • b]_ 7;]u;; o= 1olr†|;u Ń´b|;u-1‹ bm " L1; v†b|; o= ruo7†1|vġ r-uা1†Ѵ-uѴ‹ " )ou7 -m7 Š1;Ń´ • Some experience or knowledge of the building industry is an advantage. $_; v†11;vv=†Ѵ 1-m7b7-|; l†v| _-ˆ; , !;vb7;m1‹ -m7 bv b7;-ѴѴ‹ - )-m-h- local. ou lou; bm=oul-াomġ 1-Ń´Ń´ (b1hb Ć?Ć‘Ć• Ć‘Ć?Ńś ƖƓѾƑ ou ;l-bŃ´ ‹o†u u;v†l; -m7 1oˆ;u Ń´;‚;u |o ˆb1hb7omo]_†;Ć?Ć?Ĺ ]l-bŃ´Äş1ol rrŃ´b1-াomv 1Ń´ov; moom om7-‹ Ć“ ;1;l0;u

FOR SALE: TV AND cabinet $30. Dining table and 6 chairs, just recovered $200. Cane drawers, bedside $40. 1 sunscreen blind. 3 roller blinds. Phone 0275 087 082. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. MEGA GLOBAL SALE AT FLIGHT CENTRE. This weekend, Saturday and Sunday 9am-4pm. We’ll have tours, cruises, hotels, flights and more on sale. Don’t miss out on a chance to get a deal on your next trip. Appointments recommended, call us on 03 443 4101 wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz Flight Centre Wanaka, 38 Helwick St. RENTAL NEEDED PLEASE! Young local responsible family of 4 looking for a rental home. Careful, tidy tenants with references available, anything considered. Phone Ewan 021 2401 181.

AUTOMOTIVE PAINTERS ASSISTANT / PREPPER ); _-ˆ; - ˆ-1-m1‹ =ou - =†ѴѴ াl; rovbাom -vvbvাm] o†u 0†v‹ |;-l o= -†|oloŕŚžÂˆ; r-bm|;uvÄş No experience is necessary as you will be trained on the job -m7 |_;u; 1o†Ѵ7 0; -m orাom o= -m -rru;mা1;v_br =ou |_; right applicant. Please call Simon on 443 1613 or email CV to simon@ southernlakespanel.co.nz

BAR SUPERVISOR Job Purpose To assist the Bar Manager in the effective running of the bar and ensuring customer satisfaction by maintaining an exceptional standard of delivery and professionalism whilst achieving profitability in line with budget. To apply, please go to Base hostel reception with your CV.

LONGTERM RENTAL REQUIRED: Local family urgently require 3+ bedroom rental. Please phone 0204 0377 884. Ideally near Wanaka Primary School or central Wanaka. HAMMER HAND OR EXPERIENCED LABOURER required for carpentry work. Immediate start. Part time considered. Carpenter also wanted. Tel 021 730 098. CHRISTMAS PARTIES AT ODE - Let us tailor you a Christmas function to remember! Dine on Wanaka’s local produce matched with Central Otagos best organic wines. Customised packages for you and your group. Email: eat@odewanaka.co.nz

22nd November 2017


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz

Wanaka Lakeview Holiday Park MAINTENANCE / GROUNDSPERSON Wanaka Lakeview Holiday Park is looking for a full time maintenance / groundsperson (New Zealand residents only). If you: • have practical skills and common sense • GER TPER ]SYV S[R HE] EVI ǼI\MFPI GER XLMRO SR ]SYV JIIX • have a can do attitude • don’t mind helping with the cleaning team during peak season • EVI EZEMPEFPI XS [SVO [IIOIRHW ERH WGLSSP LSPMHE]W • have a clean driver’s licence

WANAKA SPEIGHTS ALEHOUSE IS LOOKING FOR CHEFS Sous Chef Grill Chef Cold Larder Chef Experience Required If you would like to work in a fast pace Kitchen and are looking for a new challenge. Please call in and see Bexs or send your CV to kitchen@wsah.co.nz

8LIR XLMW QMKLX FI XLI NSF JSV ]SY If interested then please send your CV with cover letter and references to manager@wanakalakeview.co.nz. Applications GPSWI SR XLI XL 3SZIQFIV



HR & Training Coordinator Treble Cone is the closest ski area to Wanaka, the largest in the Southern lakes region and best known for incredible views and terrain. We take great pride in what we do and continuously strive to achieve the best results, guided by a strong set of values that include teamwork, honesty & integrity, professionalism and respect. What's in it for you? x A varied and rewarding role in a stunning location x Be a part of a supportive and collaborative team environment x Encourage staff performance and engagement The suitable applicant will be hardworking, energetic and with a great attitude and the ability to show initiative. As well as demonstrate a methodical approach, responsible manner and the ability to listen and problem solve in a collaborative way with others, reach acceptable solutions quickly, and communicate effectively with a wide variety of people. Key responsibilities of the role include; x Coordinate recruitment, HR & performance management processes in an exciting and challenging seasonal business x Develop and update internal content for the web based ‘Bamboo HR’ management system x Treat confidential information with sensitivity and courtesy x Coordinate in house and external training x Play a vital role in communications throughout the business x Willingness to support a wide range of functions across the business x General administration duties About you; x Organised, self-starter with good time management skills x Computer savvy, familiarity with the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, Outlook and Power Point) and aptitude with various web based and social media programs x Minimum 2 years previous administration experience, preferably in a HR environment x Familiarity with immigration processes considered an asset This position is full time, fixed term with the chance to move into a permanent position for the right applicant. Due to seasonal requirements the role is 46 weeks per year (6 weeks holidays! mix of paid and unpaid leave) negotiable, generally taken during the summer (offseason). Usual working hours are 08:00am – 4:30pm, 5 days a week, Monday to Friday. The position is based on mountain during operational months (likely May-Oct) and the remaining months in the town office on Dungarvon Street. If you are looking to be part of a collaborative team, and an organisation that values it’s people, apply now via our website www.treblecone.com. Email info@treblecone.com for more information.

WANAKA ALCOHOL GROUP in partnership with MAC are conducting a survey on “A Parent’s Perspective” regarding youth and alcohol. We encourage parents of Yr 9 -13 to respond to MAC email to ensure robust results. WE HAVE A PART TIME and full time Beauty Therapist positions available over the busy summer months at Sanctuary Day Spa, massage skills a bonus! Please call 021 1305 723 or email your CV to: dayspa@oakridge.co.nz


WANAKA BASED Class 2 + 4 license with P endorsement an advantage.

Ritchies Wanaka is looking for reliable drivers. Enjoy the Wanaka lifestyle while you earn. Become part of a large, well respected, privately owned and operated New Zealand company. Do you ? • Have a good driving record • Have New Zealand citizenship or residency

if this sounds like you

Contact Us Today

on 03 443 9120 or email CV to: wanaka.depot@ritchies.co.nz

WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger. co.nz or email: messenger@printit.co.nz WANTED - LONG TERM, UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom selfcontained, unit/studio/sleepout for respectful, employed local male 40’s and two cats. Non-smoker. Prefer quiet rural location. Can provide excellent refs. Please phone Christian 0210 536 659. Thank you. BUSINESS STRESS - would you like some assistance to manage your business to improve profitability and your lifestyle? Experienced business advisor available to help you. Call 027 4956 788.

22nd November 2017


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz

GRAPHIC DESIGNER POSITION An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced graphic designer to join our innovative small sign, design, print and production company. We are looking for an organised, self starter who enjoys seeing jobs from brief through to delivery. If you’re a designer who thrives on variety you won’t be disappointed. We require a dynamic individual who is not just creative but has strong conceptual skills and the ability to execute ideas. The skill to work independently, quickly and accurately on large volumes of work and the capacity to work to deadlines while staying calm under pressure, is a must. Clients and work is extremely varied. Projects can be anything from logo design and branding, to all types of signage including illuminated and dimensional signage, car wraps, all printing needs, business cards, newsletters, clothing & apparel. The ideal candidate should also be capable of getting involved in print production as ZHOO DV WKH ȴQLVKLQJ RSHUDWLRQV +RXUV D ZHHN ΖPPHGLDWH VWDUW


Raspberry Creek Wedding and Event Caterers We’re Hiring! We are an award-winning Wanaka based catering company who deliver excellent food ĂŶĚ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ Ăƚ Ěŝī ĞƌĞŶƚ ůŽĐĂů ǀĞŶƵĞƐ͘ dŚĞ ǀŝĞǁƐ ĂƌĞ ĂůǁĂLJƐ Ěŝī ĞƌĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ŽƵƌ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ͊ tĞ ŚĂǀĞ Ă ƚĂůĞŶƚĞĚ͕ ĚĞĚŝĐĂƚĞĚ ĂŶĚ ĨƵŶ ƚĞĂŵ Ͳ ďƵƚ ǁĞ ŶĞĞĚ ŵŽƌĞ ĂǁĞƐŽŵĞ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ďƵƐLJ ^ƵŵŵĞƌ ƐĞĂƐŽŶ ĂŶĚ ďĞLJŽŶĚ͘ ŽŵĞ ũŽŝŶ ŽƵƌ ƚĞĂŵ͊

Senior Wedding Co-ordinator Key Skills • džĐĞƉƟ ŽŶĂů ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟ ŽŶ ƐŬŝůůƐ • &K, ŚŽƐƉŝƚĂůŝƚLJ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ĞƐƐĞŶƟ Ăů • 'ƌĞĂƚ ĂƩ ĞŶƟ ŽŶ ƚŽ ĚĞƚĂŝů ĂŶĚ Ɵ ŵĞ ŵĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ ƐŬŝůůƐ • ƌŝǀĞƌƐ ůŝĐĞŶĐĞ ĂŶĚ ŽǁŶ ĐĂƌ Ă ŵƵƐƚ ;ĂďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽ ďĂĐŬ Ă ƚƌĂŝůĞƌ Ă ďŽŶƵƐ͊Ϳ • ƵƚLJ DĂŶĂŐĞƌƐ ĞƌƟ Į ĐĂƚĞ • ďůĞ ƚŽ ǁŽƌŬ ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƟ ŶŐ ŚŽƵƌƐ ĞǀĞŶŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ǁĞĞŬĞŶĚ ĞƚĐ • DƵƐƚ ďĞ ĐŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ ůŝƚĞƌĂƚĞ ĂŶĚ ƐŽĐŝĂů ŵĞĚŝĂ ƐĂǀǀLJ • Long term local resident


Send your portfoilio and CV to us at signs@signdepot.co.nz

MASSAGE WITH “MAGIC HANDS”. Jason Clarke, provider to High Performance Sport New Zealand. “Magic Hands” has massaged NZ Elite Tri-athletes, winter Olympians, multi sports, the All Blacks, the Flying Fijians 15s rugby team, the Olympic gold winning Fiji 7s team and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. “Feel The Magic”. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. PROFESSIONAL TEAM OF BUILDERS available with attention-todetail and pride in their work. Available for full support for your building project, both new builds and major renovations. www. mabuilding.co.nz LOOKING FOR A SMALL PIECE OF LAND to park my tiny house from mid Dec. Off grid and self contained. Please call me if you have any ideas. Tony 021 2700 717. GARAGE SALE - FRIDAY 24TH 9 - 11am. 49 Totara Terrace. Girls bike, wheelbarrow, china cabinet, 4 dining chairs, bags of 25 golf balls, portable wooden cot, bathroom stand, dolls house, oil heater, battery drill, skill saw, jig saw, 3 LP record players, 2 touch lamps, 2 stand lamps, misc needlecraft, misc collectables and crockery, 12g shotgun reloader and accessories, numerous other items. Cash only. STANLEY PAINTING LTD for staining and oiling. Phone Brett 027 2884 428. THE WANAKA YACHT CLUB is tidying up the boat parking area. If you have a boat parked and are not a current financial member please make contact, sail@wanakayachtclub.co.nz or phone Steve 027 4333 058. Derelict boats and boats not identified by the 1st December will be removed. EXCLUSIVE OFFER! Join the Peninsula Bay community facilities. Great pools, gym and bbq’s available to members! Call Steph for details (03) 443 0088.

Ăůů ŵŝůŝĞ ŽŶ ϬϮϭϯϳϰϴϰϰ Žƌ ĞŵĂŝů ĞŵŝůŝĞΛƌĂƐƉďĞƌƌLJĐƌĞĞŬ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnj LJŽƵƌ s ĨŽƌ ĐŽŶƐŝĚĞƌĂƟ ŽŶ

SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window Cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: wilsonservices.co.nz THE GOOD SPOT’S CHEESE SCONE and regular coffee deal is the best in town! Grab this for only $6.50. Fresh juices, smoothies, salads and lots of other goodies available. Enjoy the sun at The Good Spot Caravan, 34 Anderson Road. CHEF REQUIRED AT URBAN GRIND. Signing bonus and accommodation allowance paid to an experienced applicant. Apply in person to one of the kitchen team. 72 Ardmore Street. WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR VISA? Need residency help and advice? Need a new work visa? Contact your local licensed Immigration adviser 03 443 8386 info@easyvisa.co.nz Ph 0210 2441 380. HOME AVAILABLE FOR RENT over New Year period. 3 bedrooms, Albert Town. Please call 027 2307 006. TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. BOTTLE-O WANAKA, 1 Ardmore Street. 1 litre: Greenalls Gin, Dewars, & Smirnoff Vodka (more in-store) only 3 for $99.99. Sale! Absolut 1L $37.99, Glenmorangie 700ml $59.99, Villa Maria from $12.99 Pasque $16.99, Stoneleigh $12.99, and Panhead 6pk $19.99. Bottle-O.

22nd November 2017


professional haircare * natural based products


BUSINESS CARDS 3 DAY TURN AROUND 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka P 03 443 7804 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz

BHUTAN, BHUTAN. BHUTAN BY BIKE. Join local Doug Hamilton on another 15 day mountain bike tour of central Bhutan in June 2018. Check www.blackpeaktravel.com for trip info or call Doug on 027 4347 212. ENJOY THE OUTSTANDING WEATHER. Time for lunch on the deck at Jack Rabbit, Thursday to Sunday. Phone 443 7125. WHO IS JESUS? “The resurrection, and life”. Come along to Wanaka Presbyterian Church to find out this Sunday. Join us at 9.30am. Great children’s programme for 3 - 14yrs and fellowship after service. 91 Tenby Street. Facebook: wanakapresbyteriancommunitychurch WANAKA MARINA BERTH WANTED. Buy or long term lease. Contact Allan 022 3259 701. OFFICE SPACE LEASE. Suit 1-6 people. Modern, bright 60m2. Frederick St. $350p/w+gst+opex. Call Claire 022 6823 834 or info@ wilddiamond.co.nz Rare in Wanaka! GLASSWARE FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee and Party Hire on 443 8966. WHEELS TO DUNSTAN links with the Cromwell - Dunedin hospital transport. For bookings, please contact Community Networks on 443 7799. SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window Cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: wilsonservices.co.nz ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A JOB these summer holidays? Come and work at the Lake Hawea Holiday Park. We need fun, conscientious cleaning, grounds/rubbish and office staff. Varied hours available. Email CV to Pete at manager@haweaholidaypark.co.nz LONG LUNCHES AT ODE - Join us this Saturday for a Long Lunch 12 - 3pm, 2 courses $45, 3 courses $55. The best way to relax this Saturday. Email to book eat@odewanaka.co.nz TRAVEL ENRICHES LIVES. Keep your pocket richer too, by booking exclusive deals this weekend at Flight Centre’s Mega Global Sale. We are passionate about travel and love to create trips that you’ll remember for a lifetime. Come and share the wanderlust. Head to our Mega Global Sale, Saturday & Sunday 9am-4pm. Appointments recommended, call us on 03 443 4101 wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz Flight Centre Wanaka, 38 Helwick St. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. NEW SUMMER MENU! Come check out our new summer menu at Double Black Cafe, Albert Town. There are some exciting new items to tickle the taste buds, like our new ‘Double Black’ grainy gluten free bread (homemade of course). Come check it out! FLATMATES WANTED. Available now. 2 bedrooms. Internet and power included. $175. Albert Town. Short term preferred. Ring Paul 021 2384 506.

dŚĞ ƐĂĨĞƐƚ ǁĂLJ ƚŽ ĐůĞĂƌ LJŽƵƌ ĞĂƌ ĐĂŶĂůƐ ŽĨ ƵŶǁĂŶƚĞĚ ĚĞďƌŝƐ ŝƐ ŵŝĐƌŽƐƵĐƟŽŶ͘ ůŝŶŝĐƐ ŝŶ tĂŶĂŬĂ ŽŶĐĞ ƉĞƌ ĨŽƌƚŶŝŐŚƚ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ tĂŶĂŬĂ >ĂŬĞƐ ,ĞĂůƚŚ ĞŶƚƌĞ͘ For appointments please book online at www.earhealth.co.nz or phone or text 027 339 5043

workshop & mobile

027 229 8960 www.hairartnz.com

MACROCARPA POST and rail fences made from stunning renewable Southland timber. Call Tony at Alpine Fencing on 027 4575 152 for a quote or visit www.alpinefencing.co.nz for more info. CASUAL POSITION AVAILABLE for qualified Sports/Therapeutic Massage therapist. You must be flexible, responsible, experienced. The successful applicant would need to work weekends. alivebody. info@gmail.com TRUE WONDER BALM. “I’m loving it as a skin treatment for the dry conditions... on my lips it’s instantly soothing. Every family needs this in their staple health care go to kit!” Ruth, Wanaka. Mention this ad and receive your free Wonder Balm mini with every purchase over $50 until 30th November. At the Markets or online at truemindfulbeauty.com. BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY at Water Bar, and we’ll tailormake it for you, no matter the size. info@waterbarwanaka.co.nz RUBYS CHRISTMAS GIFT VOUCHERS - The perfect gift of an experience wrapped in a gorgeous Rubys gift voucher. GOLF BALLS. Near new. Top brands. Bags of 25. $10 per bag. At garage sale, 49 Totara Terrace, Friday 24th 9 - 11am. CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR SKIERS - Skiddi - pocket-size wheel for hassle-free “non-carrying” of yours, or your kids skis to and from your car and the slopes next season! Discounted Christmas price and choice of 6 cool colours. www.tsloutdoor.co.nz or phone 021 756 280. WANAKA ALCOHOL GROUP in partnership with MAC are conducting a survey on “A Parent’s Perspective” regarding youth and alcohol. We encourage parents of Yr 9 -13 to respond to MAC email to ensure robust results. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. WANTED TO RENT: house/bach/farm cottage for responsible family of 4 (2 adults, 14yo & 12yo) from January 2018 for 6+ months. Hawea/Wanaka area. Please phone/text Ange on 021 447 613 or email fireflyange@gmail.com GENERAL CARTAGE AND CRANE HIRE, call Glenn at Lakeland Contracting to discuss your needs today 443 5049. “Lifting your expectations”. THE CARDRONA HOTEL IS LOOKING FOR a mature, motivated and customer friendly person to work with us in our new merchandise shop. You will ideally have some retail experience although the right personality and attitude as well as reliability are the key attributes we are after. The role is full time until April 2018 with the possibility of this extending through the winter season. The hours are daytime on a rostered basis but will include weekends and public holidays. Preference will be given to local candidates as some knowledge of the area would be helpful. To apply, please email us at info@ cardronahotel.co.nz CHRISTMAS FUNCTIONS or pre and post wedding gatherings. Book the Rabbit Hole Bar at Jack Rabbit. Phone 443 7125. FREE SHOUT OUT - juicy carved ham, off the bone, rolls every Friday 5.30 - 6.30pm at the Waterbar. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger. co.nz or email: messenger@printit.co.nz WANTED: SHUTTLE DRIVERS for visitor activity. On-call, paid well on the day. Phone 443 1246.

22nd November 2017


NEW DENTURES All denture services | Relining | Partial Dentures RAPID REPAIRS

Gerald Byrne: Clinical Dent. Techn Experienced and affordable Appointment necessary Ph: (03) 443 9433 | 0276 348 793 4 Bovett Place, Wanaka | House calls available

BOTTLE-O WANAKA, 1 Ardmore Street. 1 litre: Greenalls Gin, Dewars, & Smirnoff Vodka (more in-store) only 3 for $99.99. Sale! Absolut 1L $37.99, Glenmorangie 700ml $59.99, Villa Maria from $12.99 Pasque $16.99, Stoneleigh $12.99, and Panhead 6pk $19.99. Bottle-O. LOOKING FOR A SMALL PIECE OF LAND to park my tiny house from mid Dec. Off grid and self contained. Please call me if you have any ideas. Tony 021 2700 717. DIRTY CAR? NEED A CARWASH? Caltex’s touchfree carwash, from $9. Options available: foambath, underbody, wheelwash, doublewash, protectant wax. Caltex Wanaka. WANAKA OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC - Treating Wanaka locals since 2005. Offering new techniques specifically designed for the needs of Wanaka’s active population; to get you back out there asap, with long term relief. Whole body approach to musculoskeletal and organ system problems. From toes to tinnitus, newborn to ninety, we assess and treat the entire body. ACC registered, call 443 OSTE (6783) or visit www.wanakaosteopathic.co.nz THE WANAKA YACHT CLUB is tidying up the boat parking area. If you have a boat parked and are not a current financial member please make contact, sail@wanakayachtclub.co.nz or phone Steve 027 4333 058. Derelict boats and boats not identified by the 1st December will be removed. PRISTINE STEAMING - Professional garment steaming. Specialising in bridal, bridesmaids dresses, suits, ball and evening gowns. Contact Neda 0211 612 885. pristinesteaming@gmail.com READY, SET, GO is general sports holiday programme. Best suited for 6-11 year olds running on the 20th, 21st and 22nd December in Wanaka. The prices are $70 a day or all three days for $175. Email readysetgo.wanaka@gmail.com or call Ruby on 021 2262 771 for more information. FLIES & SPIDERS? Pest Control services provided by experienced, fully qualified PMANZ registered technician. Call John at A & J Services 0274 331 482. TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. FREE LINE ADS IN THE MESSENGER for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. ART EXHIBITION - Masonic Lodge, 1 Dunmore Street, Wanaka, Saturday 25th November to 2nd December 10am to 4pm daily. Megan’s Wednesday class. Art for sale. Everyone welcome.

TOP TIP: Assistance for small business start-ups We’ve created a simple package that covers all your IT requirements IRU WKH ¿UVW \HDU LQFOXGLQJ • Domain name ‡ $ EXVLQHVV FODVV HPDLO DGGUHVV DFFHVVLEOH IURP PXOWLSOH GHYLFHV • A basic 1 page website ‡ 0LFURVRIW 2I¿FH VRIWZDUH • Cloud backups for one computer • Remote management and monitoring of one computer

Call us on 443 5499

ADVANCED CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY: Gastro band therapy, smoke-free, trauma release, depression/anxiety, sexual dysfunction, weight-loss, sporting success, childhood issues, personal & lifestyle transformation. www.hypnotherapy4U.co.nz Phone 021 947 056. LAKEVIEW COTTAGE AVAILABLE Christmas holidays. Sleeps 4 max. Enquiries please text or call after 6pm 021 0318 288. GARAGE SALE - 31 Main Road, Luggate, 25th November from 9am. BAGLEYS POTATOES ready now. Dug daily each day. Available at Selectrix. CENTRAL LAKES PHYSIO provides physiotherapy to fix those injuries and niggles as well as pilates classes to stop them happening. Call 443 1711 to book or check out our website for the pilates timetable and online bookings. Just fix it! STOCK UP FOR BBQ SEASON – The Butcher’s Block and Smokehouse makes award-winning 100% pork sausages. They’re on special this week for a very tasty $12.99/kg. Grab a few extra packs for the freezer and never be short of a sausage for the barbie. See you again soon at Wanaka’s only dedicated butcher at 33 Reece Crescent, phone 443 5017. Open Monday - Friday 8am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. TREE PRUNING Reductions. Thinning. Deadwood. For professional and friendly advice and service please call Joe on 0274 785 913. SEMI-RETIRED FARMER LOOKING FOR casual stock or tractor work. Please call 0274 389 952, no texts please. FOR SALE: WANAKA WEDDING CARS. Website done and good bookings in place for the wedding season. Matching white 1966 Chrysler and 1966 Cadillac. Great part-time business. For more information call Johnny 0274 354 534.

Liv e For all your visa & immigration advice contact your local Wanaka adviser. 03 443 8386 | info@easyvisa.co.nz | www.easyvisa.co.nz

22nd November 2017


Wanaka Self Storage 110 fully alarmed, all steel storage units. Ten different sizes. Secure, clean & accessible.

Ph: 0274 354 848


Over 900 jobs completed in Central Otago including over 340 new homes. NO standard plans, your home for your site.

LONGTERM RENTAL REQUIRED: Local family urgently require 3+ bedroom rental. Please phone 0204 0377 884. Ideally near Wanaka Primary School or central Wanaka. THE COFFEE SHACK WANAKA is looking for an experienced Barista to join the team. Never work a public holiday again! Speciality coffee experience would be a plus. Come have a chat to Bonnie - 75 Brownston St. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, with lock up garage, fully fenced, central Wanaka, available for rental after Dec 1, suit couple or young family. Pets allowed, non-smoking applicants only, long term rental. References required, $420 per week. Apply by email, CLANO@xtra. co.nz EDGEWATER IS LOOKING FOR A dedicated Night/Day Porter to join our team. The role will consist of 2 night shifts and up to 3 day porter shifts. This role will be predominantly cleaning of the Hotel public areas and Hotel grounds along with guest services interaction. The applicant must be reliable, hard-working, take pride in their work and legally entitled to work in New Zealand (current work visa). Please apply at the Hotel Reception or email your CV and cover letter to guestservices@edgewater.co.nz TINYHOUSES, SLEEPOUTS, offices, toilet blocks, kitchens etc. Now available in Wanaka. Lots of designs. Finance available. Can ship anywhere in NZ. Phone 0211 788 589. RITUAL CAFE IS LOOKING FOR 2 very experienced Baristas and a Baker/Cook for Christmas and beyond. Please email CV to Chris at: ritualcafeltd@gmail.com. Good pay, paid breaks and food included and as much coffee as you can drink. COOK/CHEF - LAKE HAWEA. We’re looking for a positive, hardworking Chef/Cook to join our busy kitchen. 35 + hours per week, flexible shifts and hours. A minimum of two years experience preferred. Cover letter and resumes to info@sailz.co.nz MILK & BREAD SPECIALS AT CALTEX Wanaka - today and every day. Pams milk 2 x 2L only $7.50. Golden Bake bread 2 loaves only $3.50. Caltex open 6am - 11pm daily. WPS SECURITY ARE LOOKING FOR part-time guards for nighttime hosting on local bars. Great way to supplement regular income. Training given. Must be prepared to get Security License. Text/phone Claire 0273 585 426. STANLEY PAINTING LTD FOR WATER BLASTING and house washing. Phone Brett 027 2884 428.

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Long term and holiday house management MARGO GOODSELL 021 70 50 40 www.managemyhouse.co.nz Own a property in Wanaka? Ăůů ŵĞ ĂŶĚ / ĐĂŶ ĐƵƐƚŽŵŝƐĞ ƐŽŵĞ ŽƉƟŽŶƐ͘ I have many tenants looking for long term rentals.

THE CARDRONA HOTEL IS LOOKING FOR a superstar housekeeper to join our team ready for the busy summer season. This is a full time role starting in the next few weeks. Early mornings will be required, weekends and public holidays are worked on a rostered basis. Experience in housekeeping is preferred and some front of house experience will be favoured as the housekeepers are often required to run our continental breakfasts for house guests in the morning. Ideally we would like a commitment until the end of April. If you are interested, please email us at info@cardronahotel.co.nz HOUSEKEEPING STAFF REQUIRED – Come on up to Distinction Wanaka Alpine Resort, 150 Anderson Road and have a chat. 3 month minimum required. BUY: LOWBOY, WOODEN, in good condition. Sell: Naked gym weights bench. $100 ono. Phone 443 8358. GARAGE SALE - FRIDAY 24TH 9 - 11am. 49 Totara Terrace. Girls bike, wheelbarrow, china cabinet, 4 dining chairs, bags of 25 golf balls, portable wooden cot, bathroom stand, dolls house, oil heater, battery drill, skill saw, jig saw, 3 LP record players, 2 touch lamps, 2 stand lamps, misc needlecraft, misc collectables and crockery, 12g shotgun reloader and accessories, numerous other items. Cash only. FOR SALE - Child’s life jacket. Size small. Fit 12 - 25kg. Good condition $20. Phone 443 8196 or 021 375 684. NEED HELP BUILDING YOUR deck, patio, fence, pathway? Call the team at Yerbackyard for a free site visit. Graeme 021 1869 142. Facebook yerbackyard. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. MOUNTAIN MASSAGE - Therapeutic, relaxation or a combination. 1 hour $70 at my home studio in Lake Hawea. Ph/text 021 2327 862. Gift vouchers available. THE PICTURE LOUNGE PRESENTS – Our gorgeous and exclusive ‘Central Otago & Surrounds’ photographic calendars are back for 2018. These are a top quality production. Large A3 size means big beautiful images, each calendar signed and numbered by the artist, great value, great gifts. Be quick! LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE & LOMI LOMI MASSAGE. Support immunity, cleanse, deeply relax, reduce swelling (Lymphoedema). Therapeutic treatments ph Maryann 443 6463, 021 1101 160. WINDOW CLEANER AND DOMESTIC CLEANER wanted! Experience required. Must have car and working visa. Long term resident preferred. Text 021 555 963 or 021 500 774.

Dynz Designz Ltd Specialising in curtains and blinds including all repairs. Based in Wanaka Phone Helen: 0224134622 • E: helen@dynzdesignz.co.nz www.dynzdesignz.co.nz

22nd November 2017



Wed 22nd November Tue 28th November

THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS Green Capsicums Red Cherry Tomatoes Hydro Spinach Iceberg Lettuce

$4.99/kg $2.49/pnt $2.99/bunch $2.49ea

Beef Rump Chicken Boneless Leg Meat Luglio Pure Olive Oil 1 Lt

$11.99/kg $10.95/kg $12.95/bottle




Tue–Fri: 8am – 6.30pm | Sat & Sun 9am – 4pm | 20 Ardmore Street ,Wanaka 443 0118

‘SUMMER SERIES’ AT ARCHANGEL this Sunday 26th of November. Come and be amazed by a Middle Eastern inspired menu with the bright, bold and interesting flavours of Turkey, Morocco and North Africa. Its like nothing else in town and not to be missed! Email kate@morsel.co.nz to book your ticket today! https://www.morsel. co.nz/summer-series HAIR ART WORKSHOP & MOBILE. For art, creativity and simplicity. Natural - based/organic products. Weddings, hair ups, colour work, creative techniques, body waves, texture waves, scalp massage and moisture treatments. Keratherapy straightening system. Hair extensions and dreadlocks. www.hairartnz.com Ph 443 9545. STRESSED OR ANXIOUS? Want to change this? Life doesn’t have to be this hard. Proven practical and effective help available. Kim Johnstone Counselling 0274 962 664 or kim@Changez.co BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea – just call us on 03 443 7148. ARCHITECTURE GRADUATE LOOKING FOR some part time/ freelancing work over the summer. Have experience with revit. And have a high skill level with photoshop and illustrator. Open to any kind of work including graphic design, post production rendering. Please get in touch if interesting or have any questions. Phone 021 426 645. WOULD YOU LIKE A SMOOTH RUNNING bike for your summer riding? Black Peak Cycles has the best equipped workshop and highest workmanship standards in the area. www.blackpeakcycles. com Ph: 027 4347 212. WANAKA LAVENDER FARM Vinyasa Yoga session (outside, weather permitting). Sunday, 26th November at 5.30pm, $10 suggested donation. Please arrive 15 minutes before class begins and call Kate at 021 0481 318 if you need to borrow a mat. SAVE $$$. GET YOUR COMING WINTERS firewood sorted early. Old man pine cut to length and chunkiness to suit your specific fire. This wood is hand loaded so minimal rubbish in your load. Email: thewoodfella@gmail.com or call/text Baz 0211 046 155 to place your order. THE COBBLER IS AVAILABLE until 15th December. All repairs to Southern Wild, 10 Helwick Street, agent for The Cobbler. Phone 021 2384 506. Quick turnaround. BHUTAN, BHUTAN. BHUTAN BY BIKE. Join local Doug Hamilton on another 15 day mountain bike tour of central Bhutan in June 2018. Check www.blackpeaktravel.com for trip info or call Doug on 027 4347 212. THE CARDRONA HOTEL IS LOOKING for a superstar Housekeeper to join our team ready for the busy summer season. This is a full time role starting in the next few weeks. Early mornings will be required, weekends and public holidays are worked on a rostered basis. Experience in housekeeping is preferred and some front of house experience will be favoured as the housekeepers are often required to run our continental breakfasts for houseguests in the morning. Ideally we would like a commitment until the end of April. If you are interested, please email us at info@cardronahotel.co.nz

PHONE (03) 443 7833 A/H : Sam McLeod 027 8865 604 www.uppercluthatransport.co.nz

Luggate Branch: • • • •


PHONE (03) 443 8221 A/H : Neville (Stock) 0274 431 958 or Tony 022 1826 605 MAJOR SPONSOR OF: THE UPPER CLUTHA RUGBY CLUB AND OF: THE WHEELS TO DUNSTAN TRUST

SUMMER IS HERE. So let’s get it done. Thinking of a new kitchen? Now is the time to start designing. Plan it well, get it right. Our award winning team of Kitchen Designers are taking new design works for installs March/April next year. 40 Helwick Street, Wanaka, 03 443 5312. TINT-A-WINDOW/SOLAR PROTECTIVE FILMS. Fade, UV block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Ph 0800 368 468 or view our website www.tintawindow.co.nz BLAIKIE RECRUITMENT: your locally owned recruitment agency based in Wanaka. With over 25 years HR expertise locally and abroad, Annabel Blaikie will assist your business with your temporary and permanent staffing needs. Call 0272 416 619 or email annabel@ blaikierecruitment.co.nz Staffing issues should not be issues. WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. THREE BEDROOM HOME AVAILABLE to rent from 26th December - 1st January 2018. Call 0211 940 311. DISTINCTION WANAKA ALPINE RESORT, 150 Anderson Rd, need a ‘strong’ person to help with stripping of apartments and maintenance. Please enquire at reception. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT IN LAKE HAWEA. Spend your summer working in beautiful Lake Hawea with the team at Sailz. We are currently recruiting experienced Kitchen staff, Front of House and Cafe staff, as well as Wait staff for our busy establishment over the summer season. Resumes to info@sailz.co.nz READY FOR LANDSCAPING? Eco-sourced NZ Natives best plants. Best price. Call 443 7581 or 0274 452 032 for details, deliveries etc.

TOSHIBA Heatpumps Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 11/12 Frederick St, Wanaka

22nd November 2017


DID YOU KNOW... Mon – Fri 9am -5:30pm Sat & Sun 10am – 4pm 19 Reece Cresent, Wanaka Ph (03) 443 7032 wanaka@smithscity.co.nz

We have tenants ready & waiting but no houses to let

If you have a house to let, we can help. Trust us to care for your home like it’s our own. WANAKA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT

Everything for Your Home

Visit us at Level 1, 4 Helwick St or phone 03 443 6921 www.housemart.co.nz

PICTURE FRAMING BY FRAMING MARVELLOUS - Don’t leave it until the last minute. It’s less than 5 weeks until Christmas! Phone Rachel 022 0298 725. Find us on Facebook. CAKES OF WANAKA - our Christmas sweet treats are now available to order online! Baked from scratch and made fresh, to order. www. cakesofwanaka.co.nz Creating sweet memories! JUST FISH IS SELLING A SELECTION of freshly frozen free flow Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP beside Bullock Bar entrance. Tucker 0274 376 657. CHEF REQUIRED AT URBAN GRIND. Signing bonus and accommodation allowance paid to an experienced applicant. Apply in person to one of the kitchen team. 72 Ardmore Street. WHY CEDAR PROFESSIONALS? Restore the former glory. An effective treatment for timber that is silvering, cupped and cracking or has unsightly mould or lichen. Our knowledge insures you the best finish. Phone 0508 443 555 for free inspection. www. cedarprofessionals.co.nz IF YOU VALUE YOUR TREES, you can trust Tree Tamers professional arborists; fully qualified, fully insured and experienced! Operating locally since 2003. Phone 03 443 6454 - www.treetamers.co.nz TWO FOR ONE TUESDAY at Alchemy Restaurant and Cafe. Awesome special on all our mains after 4.00pm on Tuesday. Come in, relax and enjoy our delicious dinners! MOBILE PHONE ACCESSORIES AT CALTEX: Lightning, Type C, AUX & HDMI cables; USB car chargers; Micro SD cards; earbuds & headphones; travel adaptors - all available at Caltex Wanaka. A 60 YEAR OLD LADY WISHING TO RENT an unfurnished, double glazed, 3 bedroom house for 2 years from December 2017. Will take exceedingly good care of your property. Have excellent references. Please email: thermokitchen60@gmail.com WANTED MAC SCHOOL UNIFORMS: size 12 ish for Year 8 girl and size 14 ish for Year 10 boy. Please contact Ange on 021 447 613 or fireflyange@gmail.com

ARCHANGEL IS THE PLACE TO BE this summer! Be sure to come on out to Archangel to enjoy some award winning wine and delicious platters on our terrace overlooking Archangel Vineyard. Call 03 443 4347 to book. Summer never sounded so good! OFFICE SPACE LEASE. Suit 1-6 people. Modern, bright 60m2. Frederick St. $350p/w+gst+opex. Call Claire 022 6823 834 or info@ wilddiamond.co.nz Rare in Wanaka! FOR SALE: Ladies Giant bike in good working order. $100 to include helmet. Call 265 3173. STUNNING LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY. Some of the finest professional photographers in the country are represented by The Picture Lounge, come and see our truly beautiful selection of artwork in Spencer House. Order our top quality fine art prints now to be framed in time for Christmas. Great gift selection, many entirely exclusive. Ph. 03 443 5033 www.thepicturelounge.co.nz TV’S BIG BRANDS AT SELECTRIX. New unbeatable prices on OLED, QLED and LED Smart TV’s. Best prices guaranteed in New Zealand at Selectrix, Wanaka. FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). LADIES NEW (AND NEWISH) TO WANAKA - Come join us for a special Christmas lunch, to meet new friends... next Tuesday 5th December. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP. Phone 443 7442. Looking forward to hearing from you! NEW AT ASPECTS SNS coloured powder nail polish, lasts 2 weeks, gentle on nails. Includes an express nail tidy $45. CLEANERS WANTED for busy holiday home cleaning company. Applicants need experience, attention to detail, driving licence and NZ Work Visa. Good rates of pay. Phone Mary 021 1208 960 or email CV to blitzwanaka@xtra.co.nz ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138.

Quality used vehicles from $5,000 to $50,000

51 Brownston Street Te l 0 2 1 2 1 2 2 8 8 9

22nd November 2017


ƑƑ o ;l0;u Ŋ ƑѶ£ o ;l0;u NZ SOTHEBY’S INT’L REALTY

From $280,000

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Wed 22nd

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Thu 23rd Nov From $280,000


Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Fri 24th Nov

From $280,000

2 Bramble Close, Wanaka

135 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka

10.00 - 10.30am Sat 25th Nov

Deadline PT 14/11


52 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

10.30 - 11.00am Sat 25th Nov


12A Alpha Close, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Wed 22nd Nov Auction 15/12

12 Bills Way, Wanaka

10.45 - 11.15am Sat 25th Nov

Deadline PT 7/12

15 Niger Street, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Wed 22nd Nov Auction 1/12

7 McLeod Avenue, Wanaka

11.15 - 11.45am Sat 25th Nov

Deadline PT 14/12

33 Minaret Ridge, Wanaka

11.00 - 12.00pm Wed 22nd Nov $1,259,000

345 Aubrey Road, Wanaka

11.30 - 12.00pm Sat 25th Nov


149 Warren Street, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Wed 22nd Nov Auction 1/12

71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

11.30 - 12.00pm Sat 25th Nov


20 Harris Place, Luggate

12.00 - 12.30pm Wed 22nd Nov Auction 15/12

66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 25th Nov


174 Plantation Road, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Wed 22nd Nov Auction 1/12

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

From $280,000

1 Waimana Place, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Wed 22nd Nov Deadline Sale 7/12

9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

12.30 - 1.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

By Negotiation

112 Albert Town - Luggate Road

12.30 - 1.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

Auction 15/12

56 Sherwin Avenue, Albert Town

2.00 - 2.30pm

Wed 22nd Nov Auction 1/12

5 Old Station Avenue, Wanaka

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

By Negotiation

43A &BB Hewson Crescent, Lake Hawea

2.00 - 3.00pm

Wed 22nd Nov $649,000

54 Bernard Road, Albert Town

2.30 - 3.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

For Sale $749,000

10 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Thu 23rd Nov

The Heights, Aubrey Road

10.00 - 12.00pm Sat 25th Nov

From $385,000

15 Niger Street, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 25th Nov

Auction 1/12

9 Edgewood Place, Wanaka

11.30 - 12.00pm Sun 26th Nov Deadline PT 1/12

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Sun 26th Nov From $280,000

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Mon 27th Nov From $280,000

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Tue 28th Nov

10.00 - 10.30am Sat 25th Nov

2.00 - 2.30 pm

Sun 26th Nov

Auction 9/12

12.00 - 12.45

Sun 26th Nov


Deadline Sale 15/12

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 25th Nov

Auction 15/12

33 Minaret Ridge, Wanaka

11.00 - 12.00pm Sat 25th Nov


2 Ivy Lane, Albert Town

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 25th Nov

By Negotiation

From $525,000

149 Warren Street, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 25th Nov

Auction 1/12

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 25th Nov

By Negotiation

FIRST NATIONAL Clearview Rise, Wanaka

11 Wren Street, Albert Town

12a Alpha Close, Wanaka

From $280,000

43 Frye Crescent, Albert Town

10.00 - 10.30am Sat 25th Nov


62 Matai Road, Wanaka

39 Hunter Crescent, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 25th Nov


20 Harris Place, Luggate

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 25th Nov

Auction 15/12

12.30 - 1.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

Deadline Sale 15/12

Sat 25th Nov

Auction 1/12

52 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 25th Nov

By Negotiation

10 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

11.30 - 12.00pm Sat 25th Nov


174 Plantation Road, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 25th Nov


8 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 25th Nov


The Heights, Aubrey Road, Wanaka

12.30 - 2.30pm

From $385,000

9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

By Negotiation

Sat 25th Nov

Clearview Rise, Wanaka

10.00 - 10.30am Sun 26th Nov From $525,000

86 Lagoon Avenue, Albert Town

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

Auction 20/12

52 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sun 26th Nov By Negotiation

66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 25th Nov


66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

11.30 - 12.00pm Sun 26th Nov $1,249,000

50 Quinnat Street, Albert Town

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 25th Nov


39A Manuka Crescent, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sun 26th Nov $500,000 Negotiable

1 Waimana Place, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 25th Nov

Deadline Sale 7/12

71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sun 26th Nov $1,249,000

56 Sherwin Avenue, Albert Town

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 25th Nov

Auction 1/12

19 Frye Crescent, Wanaka

12.30 - 1.00pm

Sun 26th Nov $725,000

43A & B Hewson Crescent, Lake Hawea

2.00 - 3.00pm

Sat 25th Nov


43A Hewson Crescent, Lake Hawea

12.30 - 1.30pm

Sun 26th Nov $649,000

8 Mount Iron Drive, Wanaka

2.00 - 3.30pm

Sat 25th Nov

Auction 15/12

43B Hewson Crescent, Lake Hawea

12.30 - 1.30pm

Sun 26th Nov $649,000

71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

2.30 - 3.00pm

Sat 25th Nov


The Heights, Aubrey Road, Wanaka

12.30 - 2.30pm

Sun 26th Nov From $385,000

40 Kings Drive, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Sat 25th Nov

By Negotiation

Hikuwai, Aubrey Road, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sun 26th Nov From $335,000

52 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

1.00 - 2.00pm

Sun 26th Nov By Negotiation

244 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Wed 22nd Nov Tender 30/11

2 Little Oak Common, Wanaka

5.00 - 5.30pm

Wed 22nd Nov Auction 6/12

43 Manuka Crescent, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Thu 23rd Nov Auction 6/12

2 Little Oak Common, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 25th Nov

Auction 6/12

13 Balneaves Lane, Albert Town

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 25th Nov

By Negotiation


244 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 25th Nov

Tender 30/11/17

Hikuwai Subdivision, Outlet Road, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

From $335,000

43 Manuka Crescent, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 25th Nov

Auction 6/12


4 Bell Street, Lake Hawea

3.30 - 4.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

Deadline Sale 14/12

The Heights, Aubrey Road

4.00 - 5.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

From $385,000

59 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Tues 28th Nov


TURNKEY HOMES Off Orchard Rd, into Mountainview, Wanaka 11.00 - 12.30pm Sat (See signs)

Show Home

STONEWOOD HOMES 64 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

12.00 - 3.00pm

Sat - Sun

Show Home

8 Ethereal Crescent, Pisa Moorings

12.00 - 3.00pm

Sat - Sun

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Fri - Sun

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Wed - Sun

Show Home

1.00 - 3.00pm

Tue - Fri

Show Home

By Appointment Sat

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Show Home

MIKE GREER HOMES 56 West Meadows Drive, Wanaka

26 Alice Burn Drive, Luggate

1.30 - 2.30pm

Sat 25th Nov

Deadline Treaty 7/12


The Heights Subdivision, Wanaka

2.30 - 3.00pm

Sat 25th Nov

From $385,000

Mt Linton Drive, North Lake

31 Marbleleaf Lane, Albert Town

2.30 - 3.00pm

Sat 25th Nov



2 Little Oak Common, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sun 26th Nov Auction 6/12

11 Matipo Street, Kirimoko, Wanaka

65 Ohau Drive, Lake Ohau Village

12.00 - 12.30pm Sun 26th Nov Deadline Treaty 14/12

11 Matipo Street, Kirimoko, Wanaka

43 Manuka Crescent, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sun 26th Nov Auction 6/12


3 Takahe Lane, Wanaka

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sun 26th Nov $885,000

8 Stowell Place, Summerfields, Cromwell

Thu, Fri, Sun

22nd November 2017


cleaning and pest control


0800 CALL Fly, Spider & Rodent Control Specialists in Stain Removal, Carpets & Upholstery P: 03 443 1150

E: wanaka@jae.co.nz

POSITION AVAILABLE – Ramada Resort Wanaka is looking for a part time Café/Bar Attendant. Approximately 20 hours per week (shifts mainly Monday - Friday). A Bar Managers certificate is an advantage but not essential as we are willing to put the right person though the course if required. Please apply by email to Bruno.moise-cretney@ramadawanaka.co.nz KITCHEN FEELING TIRED? What about your bathroom? Freshen up the most important rooms in your house. No building consent required for many projects. Call your local renovation expert for a free consultation: 0210 2791 516 or www.seamlessconstruction. co.nz HAWEA’S NEW EARLY LEARNING CENTRE is now up and running! Kanuka Corner is a nurturing, home away from home for our children. Our exceptional outdoor playscape and nature based programme make us special. With low ratios of children to teachers and a limit of 30 children a day, our 2 rooms provide the highest quality care and education. Open 7.30am - 6pm, for ages 3 months - schoolready. www.kanukacorner.com, 443 7783, or just pop in. GLASS BALUSTRADES. Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719. SNOW FARM BACKCOUNTRY HUTS AVAILABLE for bookings. Our two backcountry huts are available for summer use for that special event in the mountains. Enjoy a walk, run or mountain bike around the Pisa Range and then come back to a great hut for a night in the mountains. Both huts are available from 10 December and currently, have plenty of availability. Email us at info@snowfarmnz. com for more information or check out www.snowfarmnz.com LUGGATE HOTEL ASIAN INSPIRED BUFFET Sunday evening $20 per plate. Be early and avoid disappointment or if Asian isn’t your thing, check our menu or specials board. Satisfaction guaranteed. An iconic venue. Awesome Garden Bar and great food. No better way to cap off your week.


03 443 5898 · threechairshair@gmail.com Unit 3, Spencer House Mall, 31 Dunmore St, Wanaka

ALUMINIUM DINGHY FOR SALE: with 15HP Parsun 4 stroke petrol motor on a trailer. Two fuel tanks, four swivel seats, oars and rollocks. Spare tyre for trailer and boat cover. Motor last serviced Jan 2017 but has not been in the water since then. Based in Wanaka. All are in excellent condition. $6,000. Ono. Contact Russell 022 3489 319. YELLO! Part-time night driver required - working 2-3 nights/week, incl. Friday and Saturday. 10 hours guaranteed. Possibly more work available at times. Reasonable hourly rate on contract. You will need your ‘P’ licence and provide great customer service. To apply for any of the above positions, please email Ramash on ramash@ yello.co.nz GROUND CONTROL - Lawns, gardens and general property maintenance. Call us for a free quote 022 3634 413. CHILD’S PINK BIKE 16” $20. Porta cot with mattress $50. Portable highchair $10. Rimu book case 150W x 100H $100. Rimu hall table, turned legs 73H x 73W x 40D $30. Wanted - child’s bike 24” wheel. Ph 027 6870 432. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. USING YOUR BOAT for the first time this season? Ensure you don’t run into any costly issues and bring it into Wanaka Marine and Sport for a quick pre-summer service. We’ll check you aren’t going to have any trouble - saving you in the long run. Phone 443 9062 to book for book via www.wanakamarine.co.nz TEMPS DE FAIRE L’EXPÉRIENCE de soin français. Angel En Provence, d’ingrédients biologiques et superbe. Une valeur fantastique cadeau de Noël packs. Three Chairs Hair, Spencer House Mall. SASANOKI’S JAPANESE OF THE WEEK: ‘tada’ (tud-duh) meaning ‘free of charge’. Bruno will give you the chop stick instruction free of charge, to good people only. If you think you’re good people, come to Sasanoki. No to pricks, yes to Sasanoki. Ph 443 6474. TIRED OF MOWING YOUR OWN LAWNS? Do you need your holiday home grounds maintained, lawns, and or gardens? Contact Wanaka Mowing Services 0272 449 004 or visit www. wanakamowingservices.co.nz Fantastic, reliable service. PRIVATE OFFICES FOR HIRE! From $135 per week. Work does not have to be boring. Come and enjoy the company of other solopreneurs! Life is short, work someplace awesome. Email: info@ thecell.co.nz or 027 4974 586 for full pricing and options. RUBY ISLAND WORKING BEE 03/12/17 - All welcome please, to help tidy the island for the holiday season. BBQ lunch provided. Something for everyone to do. Bring your own boat if you want to. Sunday 3rd December - we leave the Marina at 9.30am, back at 2pm. Contact Jude 443 1602 or 027 5616 088 as we need to know numbers for boat transport. CHRISTMAS HAMS (COOKED) FREE DELIVERY to Wanaka. Back in Wanaka for another year with a 1 day pop up shop Sunday 17th December at Pembroke Park Market. Our award winning NZ ham & fresh pork for your 2017 Christmas. Sizes: *Whole 8-10kg, half 4-5kg and small 2.3kg* And for your summer holidays our gourmet Manuka smoked bacon/ fresh ribs/fresh belly & fresh whole ribeye available. One day only. Orders taken prior. Extra hams available on the day. www.waitakibaconham.co.nz Farmers Gus & Sue Morton Waitaki Bacon & Ham Ltd. Call Sue on 027 6005 787 or email sales@ waitakibaconham.co.nz NEED HIGH QUALITY FARM FENCING, effective rabbit proofing or beautiful macrocarpa post and rail fences? Call Tony at Alpine Fencing on 027 4575 152 for a quote or visit www.alpinefencing. co.nz for more info. LIKE TO MAKE COFFEE and hang with awesome people in a fun environment? Work hard? Get on well in a team? Then The Good Spot needs you! Casual Barista position available with hours increasing through summer. Call 021 349 246 or email: thegoodspotcaravan@ gmail.com for more info. MEGA GLOBAL SALE AT FLIGHT CENTRE. This weekend, Saturday and Sunday 9am-4pm. We’ll have tours, cruises, hotels, flights and more on sale. Don’t miss out on a chance to get a deal on your next trip. Appointments recommended, call us on 03 443 4101 wanaka@ flightcentre.co.nz Flight Centre Wanaka, 38 Helwick St.

22nd November 2017





$1 juicy, sticky, tangy chicken wings


FREE pool comp with lots of prizes to be won & FREE wedges

Free Ham off the bone tasty rolls







Breaks - House G F***

2 course Sunday roast only $20






INAPPROPRIATE BINGO Huge prizes to be won! $12 pizza & pint deal!


HAPPY HOUR 5.00–6.00pm

WING & PONG WEDNESDAY Prizes & 50c chicken wings!

Open 4.00pm

Open 4.00pm




Fire in the Meth Lab


$5 HOUSE DRINKS With your locals sticker



POOL COMP Cash prizes!



TAI 10.00pm

JE MARCO 10.00pm



Our courtesy coach will pick you up & take you home every day

03 443 7148


Karaoke every Friday!

Music & no actual working out!

$9 JUGS RAFFLES GAME OF CHANCE Open 4.00pm, Bistro open 6.00pm


More prizes than a Sunday service & $5 cocktail jars, 2 for 1 on burgers $5 pints & $12 pizzas!

RUGBY LEAGUE LIVE SEMI-FINAL 2 5.30pm Open 2.00pm, Bistro open 6.00pm

SUNDAY ROAST $19 Open 3.00pm, Bistro open 5.30pm

LIVE CRICKET Australia v England 12.58pm

Graeme James 9.00pm


OPEN UNTIL 2.30AM Your party hotspot


Like the shower but with prizes & clothing!

Pool competition with $50 prize!


Available for functions with the best beer garden in town! Open 4.00pm


$5 HOUSE DRINKS With your locals sticker!





JADE 7.00pm

TIFF 7.00pm


TAI 10.00pm

OPEN FOR DINNER EVERY NIGHT Tapas, local drinks & more

LIVE CRICKET Australia v England 12.58pm










LIVE MUSIC Tony Picket 8.00pm



LIVE MUSIC SUNDAYS: Authentic blues and soul from Evan North!


RUGBY Scotland v Australia & Wales v All Blacks Replays in the bar all day



TAI 10.00pm





Australia v England 12.58pm

Australia v England 12.58pm



VICTORY 10.00pm

2 FOR 1 TUESDAY On all mains!

After 4.00pm

POKER NIGHT! Be in to win a $500 travel voucher 6.30pm


22nd November 2017














'DGG\ V +RPH 0



























For Detroit or Human Traces Ä€Ĭĵ ŸåŸŸÄœÅ…ĹŸţ

SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 22 NOVEMBER 1:00 Murder on the Orient Express M


Adult themes

1:00 Only the Brave


M Offensive Language

3:15 3:30 5:15 5:30 7:45 8:00

No Ordinary Sheila G Madame M Off lang, sexual refs & nudity Murder on the Orient Express Only the Brave Thor: Ragnarokk 3D M Violence Murder on the Orient Express

2 1 1 2 1 2

R16 6 Violence, cruelty & offensive



1:30 No Ordinary Sheila 3:30 Murder on the Orient Express 3:45 The Mountain Between Us M Sex

2 2 1

scenes & offensive language


5:45 Murder on the Orient Express 6:00 Human Traces NEW NZ FILM

1 2



7:45 Only the Brave 8:00 Detroit

2 1











M Violence, offensive language & drug use

1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1

A Ticket & A Martini

Just $25.50! 1:00 1:00 3:15 3:30 5:30 5:45 7:45 8:15

Murder on the Orient Express Only the Brave No Ordinary Sheila The Mountain Between Us Human Traces NZ FILM Murder on the Orient Express Detroit Bad Moms 2


2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

ADULT $14.50 • CHILD $8.50 SENIOR/STUDENT $10.50


FRIDAY 24 NOVEMBER 1:00 2:00 3:30 4:00 5:30 6:00 8:15 8:30

Bad Moms 2 Detroit Murder on the Orient Express Human Traces NZ FILM Detroit Murder on the Orient Express Thor: Ragnarok Only the Brave



1:00 1:00 3:00 3:45 5:15 5:30 7:45 8:00

Murder on the Orient Express No Ordinary Sheila Madame Human Traces NZ FILM Detroit Only the Brave Murder on the Orient Express Bad Moms 2 R166 Drug use, sexual refs &

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1:00 1:30 3:15 3:30 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15

The Mountain Between Us Madame Murder on the Orient Express No Ordinary Sheila Detroit Human Traces NZ FILM Only the Brave Murder on the Orient Express

1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1

offensive language

SATURDAY 25 NOVEMBER 1:00 2:00 3:30 4:00 6:00 6:15 8:15 8:30


Thor: Ragnarok No Ordinary Sheila Only the Brave PRIVATE BOOKING Murder on the Orient Express Human Traces NZ FILM Detroit Bad Moms 2 FOODIES

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1:00 Murder on the Orient Express 1:30 Met Opera 2017-18 Season: Norma 3:00 Only the Brave 5:30 Detroit 5:45 Murder on the Orient Express 8:00 Human Traces NZ FILM 8:15 Bad Moms 2

1 2 1 1 2 2 1

Upper Clutha Messenger


22nd November 2017



NZ’s only nose to tail award winning pork farmer is back to Wanaka for it’s fifth year.

Or d er by:




by glass artists Ola & Marie Höglund


1767 Luggate – Cromwell Road (between Wanaka and Cromwell) OPEN DAILY Ph 03 442 7210 www.hoglundartglass.com

Sunday 17th December • Pembroke Park Market • Manuka smoked cooked Ham On Bone & Champagne Ham • Whole/half or special 2.3kg Champagne Ham • PLUS Gourmet Bacon/Fresh RIBS/Belly/Whole Ribeye CAN SHIP ANYWHERE IN NZ BY OVERNIGHT COURIER FOR GIFTS. NZ Outstanding Producer Finalist Ribs & Ribeye (2017) . NZ Winner NZ Pork Belly (2017) . Gold - Champagne Hampshire Ham (2013) . NZ Fine Food Award - Pork Sausage (2010-12)

PHONE or TEXT 027 600 5787 Waitaki Bacon & Ham Ltd, Oamaru, New Zealand www.waitakibaconham.co.nz

Relocatable Homes built in our factory and delivered to you Family Space on a Budget A stylish and compact 1 to 4 bedroom home. Easy to transport and fit on most sites. Perfect for growing families. All Sunshine Homes are designed to be easily altered to suit your site, your budget and your personal preferences. Talk to us today about our relocatable home options and how this Sunshine plan can be adapted to suit your needs.

Sunshine Homes & Cabins South Island

Stacey Jessep Sales Representative 027 828 3372 | stacey.sunshinehomes@gmail.com

It’s the thrill of the search, since 1978. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • E: messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

Upper Clutha Messenger

22nd November 2017

We are taking orders now...

for Christmas

Tur keys & Hams

Turkeys are free range, limited numbers. Hams come in all shapes and sizes, bone in - bone out, free range if needed, whole legs, half legs etc. Come in or CALL to place your orders.

Mediterranean Market Wanaka 20 Ardmore Street Ph 443-0118



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Store 70 Ardmore St, Wanaka

Upper Clutha Messenger

22nd November 2017

Sonos is everywhere you want music

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The Upper Clutha Community Christmas Trust presents

UPPER CLUTHA RUGBY CLUB $3 per person or $10 group tickets (5 max) Under 1’s free ❅ all ages welcome

Magical Christmas atmosphere in Santa’s Wonderland

✩ ✩

SANTA WILL BE AT ALL OPENING TIMES Saturday 2nd December 11am-1pm and 3pm-5pm Sunday 3rd December 11am-1pm and 3pm-5pm Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th Grotto Closed Wednesday 6th December 4.30-6pm Thursday 7th December 4.30-6pm Friday 8th December 4.30-6pm Saturday 9th December 11am-1pm and 3pm -5pm Sunday 10th December 11am-1pm and 3pm -5pm

✩ ✩

Gorgeous Christmas windows by

Bring your own camera for a photo with Santa and your letter for Santas postbox

Also sponsored by


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Upper Clutha Messenger


SA E V LE Ac E S O ce RY F ss D F fro A IC m Y E O 12 O ut - P le 1 E tR P N o M

22nd November 2017

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Call 0800 NORTHLAKE or visit www.northlake.co.nz Contact selling agents: Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235 E sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz

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