Upper Clutha
Messenger Volume XXXVII | No 21 | 10th June 2015 The Messenger is published each Wednesday by Print It Wanaka Ltd
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka | Phone 443 7804 | Fax 443 7805 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz
National Volunteer Week is nearly upon us. Volunteering Central is gearing up to celebrate with volunteers from all walks of life and invites anyone involved in volunteering to join them at their Wanaka celebration. The informal, sociable and inspiring celebration will bring volunteers from a huge range of organisations together and everyone is invited; past, present and potential volunteers, as well as volunteer managers. This year Volunteering Central is thrilled to have Peter Wardell, Chef de Mission with the New Zealand Winter Olympic Team speak at the Wanaka celebration. Peter, also an active volunteer, will highlight the huge impact volunteers have in the sporting arena.
Come in out of the cold to listen to Peter, meet other amazing volunteers and learn about the huge range of roles in this fabulous community. Coffee, cake, conversation and a warm glow of satisfaction guaranteed!
Thanks to Amigos and Peter Wardell for their support of this event. Volunteering Central is an initiative of Central Lakes Trust.
*Conditions apply
Call Absolute Energy Ph: 0800 423 454
Wednesday 24th June, 1.30 – 2.30pm, Amigos Restaurant. RSVP to Gillian White centralvolunteering@gmail.com or 443 4102 to ensure we have enough cake!
We currently require more properties to sell and have buyers on our books ready to buy now! For a free market appraisal with absolutely no obligation please phone.
'Prime Wanaka for Prime Real Estate' primewanaka.com
For ALL your travel needs talk to your local experts since 1989 Alana
Let us insulate your existing home with Bradford Gold in June and we’ll pay up to $500 towards your electricity bill!
The theme this year is ‘there is place for you to volunteer’ or ‘he wahi mohour hei tuao’ and in addition to the celebration there will be a display at Wanaka Library from the 21st highlighting volunteers and the roles out there.
03 443 1121 Licenced Agent REAA 2008
Upstairs 4 Helwick Street, P: 443 7414 E: wanaka@worldtravellers.co.nz
Phil Gilchrist
0274 351 399
10th June 2015
Upper Clutha Messenger
Dublin Downs Bare Land
837C Lake Hawea-Albert Town Rd Wanaka
Saddle Up
83C Black Peak Road, Wanaka
• 4.2ha of lifestyle bare land • Designated building platform on an elevated site • Panoramic mountain views • Surrounded with mature feature trees and it’s own Douglas Fir plantation • An opportunity for the lifestyle purchaser looking for their special piece of paradise
• 4.9ha property 6km from Wanaka • Currently set up but not limited to an equestrian training facility • 11 paddocks with irrigation and stock water from own bore • 4 bedroom home with open plan living/ dining plus separate lounge • Four bay shed with enclosed bay and a bay for stable/grooming • All weather arena, cross country jumps and river reserve access
Closes 5.00pm, 26 June 2015 (unless sold prior)
www.pggwre.co.nz ID: CRO21084
Trevor Mackay B 03 443 6950 M 027 220 5945
Plus GST (if any)
Trevor Mackay B 03 443 6950 M 027 220 5945
www.pggwre.co.nz ID: CRO21046
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Ltd, Real Estate Agent, REAA 2008
Wanaka 15b Rimu Lane
Wanaka 31 Brownston Street
Trustees Say Sell
Wanaka CBD - Prime for Development
Auction Saturday 20th June at 12.00pm, Onsite (unless sold prior) View www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ2484 Open Saturday & Sunday 12 noon
Auction Fri 19th June at 2.00pm, 21 Helwick St, Wanaka (unless sold prior) View www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ2480 Open Saturdays & Sundays @12pm
It's time to move on so the Trustees instructions are clear they want this property SOLD. Situated at the top of a quite cul-de- sac in a much sought after area of Wanaka, this two bedroom very large living area Oamaru Stone home is beautifully sited on an elevated sunny section next to a reserve. The bathroom has been fully renovated with tiles roof to floor, and the single car garage has internal access.
Astute Investors be aware! On the market for the first time in 50 odd years, this 4 or 5 brm Wanaka holiday haven could tell some stories. However the time has come to move on and the family jewel will be sold. Located within the bounds of the Wanaka Town Centre and with lake and mountain views, this is the last commercially zoned residential house on a ¼ acre in the block. Inquire now, the owners have bought elsewhere.
Jeff Kerr P 03 443 7829 M 0274 376 230 E jeff.kerr@harcourts.co.nz
Paul Miller P 03 443 7979 M 0274 364 458 E paul.miller@harcourts.co.nz
Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Your Friendly Local 7.00am to 10.00pm
Store 70 Ardmore St, Wanaka
10th June 2015
V Embroidery Group Meeting Day. 1.30pm at the Arts Centre Building. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm, babies to 5 \HDU ROGV 2OG 3RVW 2IÂżFH %XLOGLQJ RSSRVLWH +DZHD )ODW +DOO )LQG RXU QHZVOHWWHU RQ )DFHERRN 7H[W (P IRU further info 021 984 336. V Hospice Shop: 72 Ballantyne Rd, open 12noon - 4pm. V ‘Prime Timers’ social gathering and afternoon tea, 8SSHU &OXWKD 3UHVE\WHULDQ &KXUFK 7HQE\ 6W IURP SP All welcome, enquiries to Vivienne 443 5120. V Stop smoking with Smoking Cessation Coach, Rose Sneddon. 10am at Community Networks, 73 Brownston St. Ph (03) 444 9577 or 027 8784 552. V Toastmasters! We meet 7.15pm St John Rooms, Link Way. V Op Shop open 12 midday to 4pm. Wanaka Primary 6FKRRO 8VH .RUX :D\ HQWUDQFH RII 7RWDUD 7FH alongside the steps V Home School Group meeting at Wanaka Public /LEUDU\ DP QRRQ HYHU\ 7KXUVGD\ RI VFKRRO WHUP All welcome. V Wanaka Farmers Market, quality local foods and SURGXFH HYHU\ 7KXUV IURP SP 6SHQFHU +RXVH 0DOO V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30am at the Squash Club, Stone St. 0 - 5 years & caregiver. $3/family. 7KHPH WKLV WHUP 0H 0\VHOI , (QTXLULHV WR 5DFKHO 021 1029 130 or 443 5147 or Facebook. Locals and visitors all welcome. V “Kindermusik with Liz Ritchieâ€? St. Columba’s, 9.30am. 0212 091 355. First class free V Ladies 9 Hole Golf. Discs in 10.15am, tee off 10.30am. New members welcome. V Car seat services at Plunket 11am - 2pm. Please ring 443 8799 for an appointment. V 9 Hole Men’s Golf. Cards in by 10.45am, tee off 11am. New members welcome.
V Chess, the world’s greatest game, why not play in Wanaka? Beginners to advanced. Mt Aspiring Retirement Village Golf Course Rd. 1.30pm. Ph 443 7662, 746 8140. V Hospice Shop: 72 Ballantyne Rd, open 10am - 2pm. V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 1 - 4pm. Visitors welcome. V Southland Education Workshop: Art With Susie Ruddenklau. For more info phone Lesley (03) 2188 180 or see www.southlandeducation.org.nz V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 - 11am. V Celebrate International Knit in Public Day, at Cherry May 105 Ardmore St, Sat 13th June 11 - 2pm, bring your knitting or crochet and be part of an international event celebrated across the world.
FRIDAY 12 JUNE V Hospice Shop: 72 Ballantyne Rd, open 12noon - 4pm. V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston St, 10.30am - 11.30am. Appointments essential. Ph 03 443 7799. V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. Visitors welcome. V Wanaka Bridge Club 1pm at new rooms, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Social Bridge. V Alcoholics Anonymous: :DQDND 6WHSV 7UDGLWLRQV Group. 7.30pm every Friday. Plunket Rooms, next to BP, Ardmore St. Open meeting. V Steady-As-You-Go (SAYGo) exercise classes. Build strength, balance and coordination with this exercise programme designed especially for seniors to prevent the risk of falls as you age. St John rooms, Link Way, Fridays 2 - 3 pm, $2 per session. Come along or enquiries to Binsey Pender 443 5515. V TGI Friday, children’s liturgy with a song, a story, an activity, and a shared meal to follow, 5pm at St Columba’s Anglican Church. Children of all ages welcome. Contact - Damon Plimmer, ucang@xtra.co.nz V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 - 11am. V Wanaka Bowling Club 3URJUHVVLYH 7RXUQDPHQW Names in by 1pm, start 1.15pm. Visitors welcome. V Aspiring Beginnings Early Learning Centre: Bowling fundraiser for Vincent family. Friday night 6 - 8.30pm. $15pp inc light supper. Families & friends all welcome. V Mini Muscles - Indoor movement, music & play at Proactive Gym, 9.30am for crawlers, 10.30am for 2, 3 & 4yr olds & 11.30am for babies. $5 per session, $1 extra children - www.mini-muscles.co.nz
SUNDAY 14 JUNE V Holy Family Catholic Church, 152 Aubrey Road. Holy Mass at 11am. All welcome. See notice at Church for weekday Mass times. V Baptist Church, meets every Sunday 5.30pm at Lake Wanaka Centre, 89 Ardmore St (cnr Ardmore St & Lakeside Rd). Followed by a light meal. Website: http:// wanakabaptist.zohosites.com Ph 027 2785 540. V Wanaka New Life Church 10am. Meeting downstairs in Spencer House Mall, Dunmore St. All welcome. V Hawea Playgroup Annual Winter Garage Sale, 10am - 2pm Hawea Flat Hall. Hosted by local MC and musicmaker Anna van Riel there’s live music, cosy cafe, face SDLQWLQJ EXEEOHV UDIÀH DQG PRUH 7DEOHV VWLOO DYDLODEOH for $15 text Em on 021 984 336 to book. V St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Patronal Festival at 9.30am. Celebrant & Preacher - Bishop Kelvin Wright. All welcome. V Hawea Playgroup Annual Winter Garage Sale, 10am - 2pm, Hawea Flat Hall. Second-hand treasures, live PXVLF SRS XS FDIH IDFH SDLQWLQJ EXEEOHV DQG PRUH See Facebook.com/haweaplaygroup for further info. V Presbyterian Worship: Family Service 9.30am with Rainbow Club for children, Wanaka Presbyterian &RPPXQLW\ &KXUFK &HQWUH 7HQE\ 6W V Presbyterian Worship: Prayer in the Upper Room, 5pm, Wanaka Presbyterian Commmunity Church &HQWUH 7HQE\ 6W
MONDAY 15 JUNE V Wanaka Walkers meet on the lakefront, opposite the showgrounds at 9.30am. Bring lunch. Ph 443 5575 for info, or access www.wanakawalkersblogspot.co.nz V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm, babies to 5 \HDU ROGV 2OG 3RVW 2IÂżFH %XLOGLQJ )LQG RXU QHZVOHWWHU RQ )DFHERRN 7H[W (P IRU IXUWKHU LQIR V Alcoholics Anonymous, 8pm, Plunket Rooms, Ardmore St (next to BP). Open meeting. All welcome. V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. Visitors welcome. V Wanaka Grandview Probus Club. 10am, Mt Iron )XQFWLRQ &HQWUH $OLVRQ $YH $OEHUW 7RZQ V 6PDOOERUH 5LĂ H &OXE 6.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre. V Wanaka Bridge Club, 7pm at Clubrooms, 9 Cliff Wilson St - Silver Championship Pairs 6. V Wanaka Badminton Club 7.15pm to 9.15pm at the MAC Sports Hall, $10 for 2 hrs. Ph Mike 03 443 5009. V Wanaka Archery Club. Mondays, 3.30pm at Wanaka 3ULPDU\ 6FKRROÂśV WRS ÂżHOG &DOO &DUORV IRU PRUH LQIR 659 245. V Southland Education Workshop: Weaving with Margaret Stenhouse. For more info ph Lesley (03) 2188 180 or www.southlandeducation.org.nz
V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30am at the Squash Club, Stone St. 0 - 5 years & caregiver. $3/family. 7KHPH WKLV WHUP 0H 0\VHOI , (QTXLULHV WR 5DFKHO 021 1029 130 or 443 5147 or Facebook.
TUESDAY 16 JUNE V Chess, the world’s greatest game, why not play in Wanaka? Beginners to advanced. Mt Aspiring Retirement Village, Golf Course Rd. 1.30pm. Ph 443 7662, 746 8140. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm, babies to 5 \HDU ROGV 2OG 3RVW 2IÂżFH %XLOGLQJ RSSRVLWH +DZHD )ODW +DOO )LQG RXU QHZVOHWWHU RQ )DFHERRN 7H[W (P IRU further info 021 984 336. V Hospice Shop: 72 Ballantyne Rd, open 12noon - 4pm. V ‘Prime Timers’ Tai Chi for the over 60’s, St John rooms on Link Way. Enquiries to Doreen 443 7573. Gold coin donation for members or $4 casual. 7XHVGD\V SP V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston St, 1 - 2pm. Appointments essential. Ph 03 443 7799. V The Rotary Club of Wanaka meets at the Mt Iron *DUGHQ %DU DQG )XQFWLRQ &HQWUH $OEHUW 7RZQ 7DYHUQ 6pm for 6.30pm. V Mainly Music - music, movement, fun, and morning tea for children 0-5yrs, and their Caregivers 9.30am - 11am at Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church &HQWUH 7HQE\ 6W SHU IDPLO\ V Volunteering Central are at Community Networks WRGD\ IURP SP 7DON WR *LOOLDQ DERXW volunteering in this fabulous community. For appointments: centralvolunteering@gmail.com or ph 027 565 705 or just drop in. V Volunteer for Habitat Restoration DW 7H .DNDQRÂśV FRPPXQLW\ EDVHG QDWLYH SODQW QXUVHU\ 7XHV :HG 1pm to 4pm. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org. nz V Winter Bridge. 11am. Bring your own lunch. Wanaka Bridge Clubrooms, 9 Cliff Wilson St. V Wanaka Men’s Tennis at Upton St courts from 3pm. Visitors are welcome. V Meditation group, 8am at St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. All welcome. Contact - Damon Plimmer, ucang@xtra.co.nz V Wanaka Gun Club Annual General Meeting at the Clubhouse, 7.30pm. All members and past members welcome. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 7.30 - 8.30pm. V P.E.P.E - Caring for your Baby. Safety Messages with Rochelle held at Plunket Rooms, 51 Ardmore St. All welcome. Ph 443 8799.
WEDNESDAY 17 JUNE V Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting 7.30pm Hawea Flat (St Ninian’s Church). Open meeting every Wednesday. V Hospice Shop: 72 Ballantyne Rd, open 12noon - 4pm. V Wanaka Library Pre-School Session, 10am - 11am, for ages 3 - 5. V Wanaka Bridge Club 7pm at clubrooms, 9 Cliff Wilson 6W 7HDPV V Volunteer for Habitat Restoration DW 7H .DNDQRœV FRPPXQLW\ EDVHG QDWLYH SODQW QXUVHU\ 7XHV :HG 1pm-4pm. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org.nz V Mainly Music for children 0 - 5yrs and their caregivers. 9.30 - 11am at St. Ninian’s, Hawea Flat. Morning tea provided. $3 per family. V St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Holy Communion with discussion 10am. V Travel Club Meeting ¾7KH 9HQXHœ DP IROORZHG E\ OXQFK 6SHDNHU 'DPRQ 3OLPPHU ¾7DQ]DQLD Experiences’. Contact for guests - Lynne 443 6838 by midday, Sunday 14th.
For Medical Care in the weekend of Saturday 13 June & Sunday 14 June the duty practice is
Aspiring Medical Centre at Wanaka Lakes Health Centre 23 Cardrona Valley Rd
Ph (03) 443 0725
Urgent Clinics 9am -12 & 4- 6pm daily and After Hours Doctor on Call
10th June 2015
Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 11 Brownston St, Wanaka
This Week’s Birthday August 8th Jessica Struthers Notices AJunet10th 8th J- Debs h GRoy
ADVERTISING messenger@printit.co.nz
MESSENGER DEADLINES DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS (15 minutes design time included) To be proofed/designed: Copy by Fri 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3ULQW UHDG\ ÂżOH E\ 0RQ QRRQ
FULL COLOUR DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS To be proofed/designed: Copy by Thurs 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3ULQW UHDG\ ÂżOH E\ )UL QRRQ
$10 BANGERS AND MASH. 9 - 3pm Trout Cafe Restaurant Bar. 443 2600. FIREWOOD FIREWOOD at The Yard on Reece Cres! Macrocarpa, Old Man Pine and kiln dried Pine now in stock. Delivery or loan trailers available. The Yard 443 5069. BOOK YOUR SKIN CANCER and melanoma check with Molemedic 16 – 18 June. Regular skin examinations by a doctor qualified in Dermoscopy are critical for early detection of melanoma. Dr Brian Wills, MB ChB FRNZCGP, Australian Diploma of Dermoscopy is an Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Society. 25B Russell St. Phone 443 7929. ALCHEMY, FORMERLY KNOWN AS CAFE LAGO will be open for evening tapas from this Thursday - special $20 tapas and house wine or beer special. BUILDING A NEW HOME, renovating or just looking to get the odd job done around the house? Call Active Construction Ltd on 0274 785 026. BUILDING OR RENOVATING – Visit Selectrix for undoubtedly the best advice on your kitchen whiteware choices and audio visual customisation. The knowledge you will receive couldn’t be better than from Selectrix. CHERRY MAY BREAKFAST MENU served till 2pm every day. Come in and try our hotcakes with berry compote or homemade muesli and poached rhubarb. 105 Ardmore Street. TRYING TO FIND AN OSTEOPATH? The team at the Wanaka Osteopathic Clinic have been getting Wanaka’s locals back into action since 2005 and are focused on giving you long term relief from your pain. Old injuries can affect your performance in your favourite sport, so for the best snow season yet, let us help you resolve them properly. We can register you and treat on existing ACC claims so visit wanakaosteopathic.co.nz or give us a call on 03 443 6783 and get your body back! FRENCH LESSONS - BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE level, any age. I have a University of Otago BA in French and enjoy teaching. Please contact Jana for more information, ph 0212 939 242. TOYOTA CALDINA 1999. $3,000. Excellent runner, 4WD, petrol, 2L, G model, manual. 287,000km. Current rego and WOF. Have bought new car. Phone 021 443 173. DOG WALKING AND PET SITTING service in Wanaka and surrounding areas. Professional and friendly full time Wanaka resident with great local references and affordable rates. Call Emily on 0221 629 851.
Come into Print It to collect your voucher for a FREE coffee at Kai. (Or kids fluffy)
If you would like us to include your or someone elses birthday in a future issue ring us on 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka. www.mymessenger.co.nz
THREE PIECE BERGERE LOUNGE SUITE. Carved back, nice! $350. Bookcase chiffonier, excellent condition $350. Moving house. Phone 03 443 6065. FARM SHED AND WORKSHOP CLEARANCE. Electric fence reels, insulators, sheep netting, tools, bolts, railway iron cattle stop, workbench shelving, ride-on mower, quadbike and trailer, c-dax sprayer, dog kennel, garden tools, long accumulated clutter. Friday and Saturday 614 Wanaka - Luggate Highway from 10am. WANAKA HOSPICE SHOP is now doing pick ups. If you have any furniture you would like to donate, please call 443 4142. SHED STORAGE REQUIRED! Town or rural! Please contact 021 712 995. DOG WALKING - full time, reliable, experienced, enthusiastic. Phone 0220 714 689. LIVING IN ALBERT TOWN and looking for dinner options? Lone Star courtesy coach will pick you up and get you home safely. Call 03 443 6901. ZUMBA WITH RACHEL right in town, opposite New World at Dance Out Loud Studio, Spencer House Mall. Get your dance fix and feel great with easy to follow funky dance styles and a fun class atmosphere. Mondays and Thursdays 9.15am, Thursdays 6.30pm $12 per class. Everyone can do it! See you there. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN FIVER FRIDAY. ($5.00 drinks) 7pm until 8pm every Friday. Courtesy coach ph 443 4545 pick up and drop off. SAVE $20 ON RELAXING, THERAPEUTIC Treatments: Lymphatic Clearance (immune system support) and flowing Lomi Lomi Massage. Ph Maryann 443 6463, 021 1101 160. FREE HORSE MANURE. Great for gardens. Already in a heap. Just bring a trailer and help yourself! Hawea. Phone 0212 968 983. 56 Anderson Rd. Ph:03 443 2994
SHOP OPENING TIMES JUNE- JULY June 15th – 19th We will be CLOSED *****
June 22nd - July 10th OPEN: Tues – Fri 10am – 12pm *****
July 13th Onwards OPEN: Tues – Fri 9am – 3pm *****
Services and maintenance will still be available outside these hours. Please leave a phone message and we will get back to you. Aspiring Pools & Spas
10th June 2015
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MELANOMA IS THE MOST DEADLY skin cancer. Early detection and excision is lifesaving. Book your appointment now for a full skin cancer check with a doctor qualified in Dermoscopy at Molemedic. Digital imaging is available. Appointments 16 – 18 June. Phone 443 7929. 25B Russell St. Dr Brian Wills (MB.ChB, FRNZCGP, Aust Dip of Dermoscopy) is an Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Society. www.molemedic.co.nz TINT-A-WINDOW/SOLAR PROTECTIVE FILMS. Fade, UV block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Ph 0800 368 468 or view our website www.tintawindow.co.nz FOR RENT: ONE BEDROOM, fully furnished self contained cottage. Close to Albert Town, rural outlook. No pets. $200pw plus electricity. Phone 021 328 284 / 443 6643. WELCOME TO WINTER PARTY at Lalaland this Saturday from 11pm ‘til 2.30am with DJs Civilian Sol and Cshe getting the winter started with a bang. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable.� Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. LUXURY MOUNTAIN & AIRPORT TRANSFERS new local service. TC, Cardrona, SnowFarm $35pp return. Wanaka-Queenstown Airport $139 for 4. Ph: 0800 874 537. FROM YOUGHAL STREET TO YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA. The Messenger is available online on www.mymessenger.co.nz
We are looking for a bright and efficient “super-someone� to deliver a range of support services to our busy nurses and doctors Some prior health training such as enrolled nurse or nurse training or phlebotomy would be an advantage. This is a permanent position, initially offering 15 – 20 hours per week
For an Application Package with full details and Job Description please contact Sally (Practice Manager) office@aspiringmedical.co.nz APPLICATIONS CLOSE 12 NOON ON MONDAY 22 JUNE
CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR VISA? Need residency help and advice? Contact your licenced Wanaka Immigration Adviser 03 443 8386. info@easyvisa.co.nz 0210 2441 380. GOOD ROTATIONS BICYCLE SHOP is closed this week (June 8-14). We’re away testing new bike trails! We will reopen on Wednesday June 17th with our new winter opening hours: Wednesday 2-6pm, Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 2-6pm. Good Rotations : Urban, Electric, Cargo and Adventure bicycles, 34 Anderson Road, www. goodrotations.co, 03 443 4349. GO GUTTERMAN GO! The leaves are down. Let’s sort those gutters out now. Free quotes. Phone 027 7587 680 or 443 6864 or happygutters@gmail.com MAINTENANCE ENGINEER: We currently have a vacancy for a full time seasonal mechanical maintenance engineer. The successful applicant must prove relevant trade qualifications and a history of diagnostics and maintenance. Welding experience would also be an advantage. The job entails daily maintenance of lifts, hydraulic diagnostics and repair, to day to day repairs of infrastructure. Please note this may entail working at heights. Please email CV, cover letter and three referees to admin@treblecone.com DRY BLUE GUM FIREWOOD. Been in the shed since the Spring $115 per m. Phone 0274 403 070. HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING with Te Kakano this Saturday, June 13th on the Millennium track by Fossil Creek. Meet at 10am by the bridge in the Waterfall Creek carpark. All ages welcome. Tools and morning tea provided. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN, WILD BUCK BAR. New look and new beers with some of your favourites on tap. At the Albie where you get more for your buck . HAIR THOU ART WORKSHOP & MOBILE... For art, creativity & simplicity. Natural based/organic products. Now selling Giovanni Organic Haircare online! www.hairthouart.co.nz Phone 443 9545. DID YOU KNOW Hold Fast Concrete Specialists also cut concrete? Phone Manu now on 021 453 887 for a quote on our Place & Cut Package Deal. Remember, it’s Hold Fast or be bucked off! GARLIC, GARLIC, GARLIC – Now’s the time to plant and Wanaka Mitre 10 have all the garlic, shallots and elephant garlic you could need. COMBO DEAL - bacon and egg croissant plus a coffee or tea. $10 at Cherry May Cafe. Excludes coffee cards.
10th June 2015
TOSHIBA Heatpumps Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 11/12 Frederick St, Wanaka
TIP OF THE MONTH Scan your store receipts, rid yourself of the paper clutter. If you have a scanner at home, we recommend taking scans of your invoices, particularly for large value items with warranties. The electronic copies will last longer than a typical store receipt, and it saves you keeping the paper copies. Alternatively, you can take a photo of the invoice using your mobile phone. If you would like some assistance, we are happy to come to your place and assist with getting your scanner working.
Call us on 443 5499
KAHU YOUTH ARE TAKIN’ OVER Amigos again! On 4th, 9th, 11th and 16th June our wonderful youth will be running Amigos restaurant! Half of all the money taken each night goes to Kahu Youth too! So call Amigos on 443 7872 to book a table and enjoy great food and fantastic Kahu Youth service. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS, IPODS, Airport Express, Apple TV and Apple accessories available at Selectrix. Wanaka’s authorised Apple dealer. HULAHOOPING? Fun, fitness, dance, performance. Quality NZ made adult, kid’s and travel hulahoops, and quick release firewicks for that next level of hooping fantasticness. Available to buy online at www.fantailhoops.kiwi.nz or call Jo 0210 8289 987. HELICRAFT NEED AN OFFICE MANAGER/Accounts person. Please email details to Rod Price: rod@helicraft.co.nz SPA POOL FOR SALE. 5-6 person plus radio and remote $2,000 ono. Phone after 5pm. 0275 766 556. TRUE FACIAL EVENT AT HEALTH 2000, Wednesday 24th June 9.30 - 5pm. Experience Wanaka’s local certified organic skincare brand. Phone 443 8360 to book your 30 minute holistic facial. $20 booking fee applies, fully redeemable off the purchase of any 2 True products on the day. Excludes lip balm. Limited numbers. DEMOLITION SALE. Roofing iron, double glazed wooden framed windows, including Velux. Spa bath, 3 toilets/cisterns, internal doors, large diesel heater - heats swimming pools (with temperature gauge), Yunca fire. Four roses; two bush and two climbers. Phone 443 1162 / 0274 354 846.
Wilson’s - Pest Control & Window Cleaning, Spider & Fly Treatments. Do it once, do it well. Call anytime 443 6652 www.wilsonservices.co.nz
WANTED EXPERIENCED CHEF/COOK at Cinema Paradiso. Will need to work as part of the Paradiso team, kitchen and front counter duties. Shifts include evenings and weekends. Long term preferred. Please drop your CV into the Paradiso or email Calum at abccinema@xtra.co.nz. $10 FISH AND CHIPS. 9 - 3pm Trout Cafe Restaurant Bar. 443 2600. MICHAEL LANEY M.B.CH.B., Dip.Obst., F.R.C.O.G., F.R.A.N.Z.C.O.G. Gynaecologist and Gynae-Oncologist. Now consulting at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. For an appointment: Ph 03 379 0555. HOLIDAY HOME AVAILABLE FOR RENT. (Includes school holidays). Fully furnished. 021 659 757. POLYPROPS AND MERINO under garments for that snow season. Socks for men, ladies and children. Call in at The Merino Story, Brownston Street. TRANSPORT TO CARDRONA and Treble Cone. Book the Alpine Snow Shuttle 03 443 9120 or online www.alpineconnexions.co.nz Multi ride tickets also available. COVERSTAFF RECRUITMENT SERVICES: Annabel Blaikie has over 25 years recruitment experience and offers support to local businesses helping them to recruit and retain talented people. Email Annabel at Annabel.Blaikie@coverstaff.net.nz to see how she can provide flexible and cost effective employment solutions. BUNK BEDS FOR SALE - as new, black, excellent condition, $250.00. Phone 443 8887. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. OPULENCE HAIR SALON – Did you know? We are at 10 Helwick Street above Hamills Hunting and Fishing Store, next door to Soak Day Spa? Do you know how we are making a difference? Natural Products (better for you), Compostable towels and Rock Foils – no more aluminium going to the land fill (better for our environment). And of course fabulous stylists and a beautiful space. Come and see for yourself. Phone for an appointment 03 443 2243. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS, IPODS, Airport Express, Apple TV and Apple accessories available at Selectrix. Wanaka’s authorised Apple dealer.
DANIELLE TREATS: Babies, elderly, pregnancy, sports injuries, accidents, general aches and pains and prevention of problems. Gentle and effective treatment - AVAILABLE WEDNESDAYS. Wanaka Sports Massage. PLEASE CALL 021 806 656.
10th June 2015
CENTRAL FOR ALL YOUR ASPHALTING REQUIREMENTS GALLERY33 – NEW EXHIBITION now on, stunning paintings by Agneta Ekholm and gorgeous ceramic sculptures by Kiya Nancarro. Be sure to pop in and see this show! (5 – 26 June) open 7 days. PARENTING COACH, FAMILY COUNSELLOR. Mother and baby work, post natal, managing toddlers, parenting and general family issues. 20 years experience working with families. If you feel like you are struggling then give me a call. Will do home visits. Call Meg Bryant 0278 102 671. BIKE WANAKA TRACK MAINTENANCE this Sunday 9am. Meet at carpark, Peninsula Bay entrance to Sticky Forest. Free swag for eager track rakers from BASE and Mons Royale. Come support the community and make the Sticky Forest tracks even greater. REMEMBER FOLKS, BURT.RITOS IS CLOSED for the shoulder season. We’ll be back at it come winter time....with new additions! To keep up with the news or need to contact us find us on Facebook at Burt.Ritos, Instagram @burt_ritos, or email burt. ritos@gmail.com STAY WARM WITH THE FANTASTIC FIREPLACE, firewood and heating deals at Wanaka Mitre 10. Including electric blankets from $21.98. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@printit.co.nz
OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS 8.30AM - 12PM PHONE (03) 443 7833 A/H : Steve 027 8865 604 or Johnny 027 8397 908 www.uppercluthatransport.co.nz
Luggate Branch: • • • •
PHONE (03) 443 8221 A/H : Neville (Stock) 0274 431 958 or Jamie 0274 345 643 MAJOR SPONSOR OF: THE UPPER CLUTHA RUGBY CLUB AND OF: THE WHEELS TO DUNSTAN TRUST
Also specialising in kerbing, driveways, tennis courts, concrete, cobblestoning and chipsealing, throughout Central Otago.
Call Tony 0274 404 516 or 03 442 3212 P.O Box 906, Queenstown Email: tony.a1asphalt@hotmail.co.nz THE VEIN & SKIN CLINIC will be in Wanaka on the 17th & 18th June at Soak Day Spa. Phone 03 443 4340 for an appointment. www.veinandskin.co.nz WANT FAST, UNLIMITED DATA for your Internet or Wi-Fi time?? Get down to Wanaka Internet (3 Helwick Street). Only $45 for a monthly pass...$95 for a Season Pass...and remember, no time or data restrictions. Sim Cards and Top-Up also available alongside our usual range of printing, scanning, etc. EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. VISITORS TO JOGJA FLOCK TO BOROBUDUR TEMPLE, a Buddhist Temple in Magelang, Central Java, a 2 hour drive away. This spectacular monument was carved from stone in the 9th century. Borobudur was only rediscovered in the 1800’s, before that, the temple lay hidden for centuries under layers of volcanic ash and jungle growth. The facts behind its abandonment remain a mystery. The Messenger is available in Yogyakarta online at www.mymessenger.co.nz POWERLINE CLEARANCE shouldn’t cost you the earth! Phone Tree Tamers the tree care professionals for an affordable power trim. Ph 03 443 6454 or www.treetamers.co.nz WANAKA POOL AND AQUAFIT Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 9am for 45 minutes. CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE RESTORATIONS for all your motorcycle servicing. Oils, chains, tyres, batteries. Top brands, top service. Pickup and delivery. Phone John Holgate 0274 322 917. WIN A SPEIGHTS ALE HOUSE BAR LEANER and two Stools, valued at $1,459. Simply have your card stamped four times with four different beers to be in the draw. Competition valid until 31st July.
10th June 2015
Wed 10th June - Tues 16th June
THIS WEEKS SPECIALS Vine Tomatoes pre pack Broccoli head Mandarins Reed Avocados
$3.99ea $1.49ea $3.99/kg $1.99ea
SHOP SPECIALS Shortbread Tails 400g tin Mesta Tempranillo Wine 750ml Prenzels Mulled Wine Mixer 500ml Angus Beef Ribeye Steaks
$15.00 $14.95 $16.95 $26.95/kg
Mon-Fri 8.00am – 6.30pm | Sat-Sun 9.00am – 4.00pm | 20 Ardmore Street Wanaka 443 0118
SELECTRIX ARE LOOKING for a full or part time person to help in shop, do deliveries and engage in customer service with their problems. Apply in writing to Box 561, Wanaka in the first instance. THE WAXROOM is open for business! Upstairs Spencer House Mall. The official provider for the NZ Winter Olympic Park & Pipe Team. Get your skis and snowboards ready for the season. COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT 70M2. approx. Fully selfcontained, central, (off ) Anderson Road. Suit workshop, small business etc. All terms negotiable. Phone 443 4187. SPRAY FREE BARLEY STRAW. Big square bales $30 each and small bales $5 each. Delivered. Brilliant mulch or plant shelter. Ph 0277 224 548. FOR RENT LONG TERM: 3 bedrooms including master with ensuite & private deck, and extra 4th spare bedroom/office. Conveniently close to college/schools, modern, warm and spacious with yunca wood burner, dishwasher, sunny indoor / outdoor living and double garage. $475pw. Ph 027 6047 983. 1 DOZEN OYSTERS SALAD AND CHIPS $25 at the Wanaka Districts Club this Saturday from 6pm. Subject to availability. Phone 443 8080. WANAKA HOSPICE POP UP SHOP. Come on in and have a browse. Bric a brac and loads of goodies. Brownston Street, opposite Cinema Paradiso. LAKE HAWEA PHYSIOTHERAPY www.lakehaweaphysio.co.nz ACC and private physiotherapy treatments, therapeutic massage. Call Kaz for an appointment 443 8446 or 021 996 506. BUILDERS (LBP) AND HAMMERHANDS required for 3 month contract. Self employed. Top rates paid. Phone Steve Browne 0274 536 880. CHRIS, MICHELLE AND SHANE JOPSON wish to thank the Wanaka Community for their support and generosity following the recent passing of Karleen. Thanks to Wanaka and Aspiring Medical Centres, Wayne and Mary Palmer and Noeline Hollows. Also, for all the wonderful baking, meals and flowers. Your support has made our grieving so much easier. LABOURER WANTED, FULL TIME POSITION for physical construction type work. Must have current drivers licence and prepared to overtime when required. Text or phone 021 929 692 for an interview.
REMEDIAL MASSAGE, specialising in pain relief management and injury prevention for your sports or work place aches and pains. We are experienced therapists tailoring treatments to your specific needs. Call for your pain relief today 0212 487 771, 443 7055. Located at Wanaka Health, 21 Plantation Road. CANE LOUNGER AND BASE $40, outdoor table and chairs $40, 2 x sawhorses $20 each. Bar fridge freezer $200. 215/70R16 tyre $30. 175/R13 tyre $30. Hi-top roof rack $60. Transformer stepladder & 2 platforms $300. Ullrich extension ladder $250. 021 535 768. PANASONIC HEAT PUMPS - Special pricing at Selectrix. Call Ken at Selectrix - he’s been selling them for 25 years so use his experience! THE ALBERT TOWN TAVERN. Where you get more for your buck! YES! NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME to have a break. Rika the hairfairy will be away from 20 June till 6 July. But, you can reach me for appointments on 0273 169 463. ACCOMMODATION - SELF CONTAINED one double bed unit. New kitchen, separate lounge with modern bathroom. Very private, suit couple or professional single. $300p/w. Call/text 021 1725 491. WOODY’S PUB QUIZ! FORTNIGHLY FROM 16TH JUNE. Vouchers to be won! Be there by 7.30pm. SNOW LOVERS - ARE YOU READY for the season? Call Wanaka Health and find out how Dr Dan, Chiropractor; our Irishman Eoin, Physiotherapist/Pilates Guru; Mike who is great with needles, Acupuncturist and Sonia our amazing Massage Therapist can assist you with injury prevention, or with any existing injury you may have. Call our Clinic on 03 443 7055. 21 Plantation Road, Wanaka. www.wanakahealth.co.nz ROOM FOR RENT until end of July for working single female. Preferably mid to late 20’s. No partiers! 5 min walk to town, views of lake. 140p/w plus power & internet. Call/txt 0223 536 107 after 5.30pm. SKI BOOTS FOR SALE 28.5 Garmont Endorphin. Very good order. Phone 445 2770. FULLY FURNISHED room to rent 0276 938 887. FRESH FISH: blue cod / salmon, every Wednesday and Saturday at Wholefood Haven, 24 Dungarvon Street, behind Pembroke Wines. Phone 443 8801. FIREWOOD DRY WILLOW $60m3 delivered. Phone 0220 694 042.
MT IRON TRENCHING & EXCAVATION LTD Large & Small Diggers ‡ Landscaping ‡ Hole Boring ‡ Truck Hire MURRAY GARRICK Phone: 03 443 5489 Mobile: 027 443 5400 Fax: 03 443 6836 Email: mngarrick@xtra.co.nz
38 Sargood Drive, Wanaka
Buying or selling? Call me today 03 443 4332
Sara Secker
10th June 2015
Crime Line CRIME LINE: By Constable Greg Nolet
ˍ Established Esta Est Es tabl bli b lis ishe ish hed lo hed llocal loca oca al bu b business usi sine ine esss ˍ Guaranteed Guar G Gu uar a an ante teed ed workmanship wor orkm ork kman ansh ship hip ip as ECANZ as a member mem e be ber off E ber CANZ CA N ˍ Certified Smart Electricians Cert Ce rti tif ifie ied Eco Eco Sm Ec S Smar mar a t El Elec lec ectr tric tri icia ici ians n www.wellmanelectrical.co.nz
CALL NOW 0274 382 352
LARGE FAMILY HOME WANTED TO RENT. Family looking for 4 to 5 bedroom home in Wanaka area, looking to rent for 15 months while we build, prepared to pay up to $650 dollars a week, will consider furnished or unfurnished, in town or country. Ph Matt 0276 264 978. FAMILY TUNING DEAL - BASE Ultimate Workshop: 2 full tunes & 2 basic tunes for $129. Save $80! One week only, drop your gear into BASE 2, 12 Helwick St. CASUAL HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED: Local legend required for small motel. You will need to have a positive attitude, a ‘can do’ attitude and be able to work mornings (hrs approx 9.30am 12.30pm). Phone 443 7480 to discuss further. GIN & RASPBERRY happy hour 6-7pm every day! UPPER CLUTHA ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIETY: AGM. 245 Hawea Back Road, Tuesday 30th June at 7:30pm. SEASON SKI RENTALS AVAILABLE AT ROCKET RENTAL. Adults/ Youth/Kids packages. Get sorted and get riding. Limited stock be quick! 39 Helwick St. ADVENTURE CARAVANS OF WANAKA designs, manufactures, restores and repairs caravans, slide-ons and motorhomes. Free estimates. 26 years experience. Steve 0272 226 600. ACCOMMODATION WANTED for local solo father and daughter, or 3 bedroom house with large garage, close to primary schools in Wanaka. Call 0223 587 834. ONE BEDROOM FLAT TO LET. Central Wanaka location, private driveway, free Wifi and gas water heating. Prefer longer term. 0211 915 344. POISONING PARADISE’ WON BEST FILM in the Environmental & Ecology, International category at the Heart of England Film Festival. It was also nominated for the prestigious UK, Swansea Bay Film Festival. More recently ‘Poisoning Paradise’ won the ‘Conservation Advocacy Award’ at the Japan Wildlife Film Festival. Yet it has never been shown on NZ television. 1080freelakesdistrict@gmail.com TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 80 SERIES. Low km’s, top condition, too many extras to list. New rubber, paint and batteries. $22,950 ono. Trademe Listing #896805624. Ph 021 523 999. IT TAKES ONLY 22 MINUTES... to dry your washing at Caltex’s Wifi Laundromat, 9 superfast, oversized dryers available. Caltex Laundromat.
Worn and Torn carseats? We can repair, protect or recover your vehicle’s interior
9a Gordon Rd, Wanaka 03 443 1629 sales@wanakaupholstery.com
We have dealt with a number of complaints this week of offensive behaviour, fighting and bullying. The common factor here was too much alcohol. Please monitor the amount of alcohol you are consuming and don’t consume to excess, look after your mates and don’t stand by if you see them acting up. A breach of bail saw a local man arrested. We attended a couple of crashes this week. One on the Crown Range where someone had stopped to take a rock off the road after it had burst the vehicles tyre. A following car drove around this vehicle and then the next following vehicle crashed into the first. Lesson learnt here: If clearing rocks off the road, please park in a safe place off the roadway. An unlicensed motorcyclist crashed after his bike’s engine seized. He will now be attending Queenstown Court for driving while suspended. A car pulling out of a parking space clipped a passing 4wd causing it to roll onto its roof. I was at the crash within a couple of minutes and was pleased to see a great community response, with people helping the drivers, directing traffic and getting the vehicle righted. Thank you for this. Lastly, we dealt with the recovery of a stolen vehicle that was taken in September last year. Let me take this moment to remind everyone to lock their vehicles and please don’t leave your keys in the ignition. The ski fields open soon. If you are travelling up and down the mountain please don’t speed. Wear seatbelts, clear the windscreen and windows before you drive - not as you drive. Put chains on when requested. - And enjoy the snow.
WANAKA HEADING UP THE MOUNTAIN this opening weekend? Give Lone Star a call from your car and you can pick up your takeaways on the way home. 03 443 6901. Check out our menu online www. lonestar.co.nz CUT, CUT, HAIRCUT! French professional hairdresser makes you happy. Kids: $15, Men: $20, Women: $30, at home, Wanaka area. Anaise 0210 2401 697. OVERSIZE / SPECIALITY VEHICLE / TRUCK SNOWCHAINS contact Matt at Caltex for your vehicle’s specialised snowchain needs, at competitive prices. Personal service guaranteed. Matt at Caltex Wanaka: phone 0212 277 551.
10th June 2015
Computer Services Laptop & Desktop Repairs, Parts & Upgrades 20+ years Exprerience Wireless / Broadband & Other Networking Home / Business Services & Free Advice New and 2nd Hand Computers Virus & Spyware removal
Phone: 443 5717
MESSENGER LINE ADS - 2 for 1 for the month of June. (Private ads only.) DRIVING LESSONS AVAILABLE. Call Nicky at Aspiring Drivers. Wanaka’s only qualified female driving instructor. Friendly. Safe. Professional. Ph 0210 607 310. FLY AND SPIDER SPRAYING. No mess with JAE Pest Control. Spraying warranted up to one year by local operator. Ph 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. RESONANCE ASPIRING PODIATRY: For All Your Feet Needs. New range of comfort shoes available, Revere, Vionic, Orthaheel. Friday’s 9am - 2pm or by appointment. Raewyn Phipps 428 4220. BOSCH MITRE SAW - model PCM 1800 SD. Complete with stand, little use, $400. Phone 443 7304. ELECTRICIAN WITH HEATPUMP EXPERIENCE for diverse and rewarding role with the team at Central Heating Solutions. If you are a top tradesman looking for a challenge, contact us on 443 5845 or info@heatingsolutions.net.nz Enquiries treated with the strictest confidence. LIVE MUSIC THIS WEDNESDAY JUNE 10, at Sailz Lake Hawea. VETLIFE WANAKA - now stocks a comprehensive range of animal products for all farming needs (dairy, sheep, beef, deer, farm dogs, etc) all at competitive prices. As well, we offer excellent advice on product use. Vetlife Wanaka, 2 Balneaves Lane, Wanaka. Located on the Hawea turn-off – excellent easy parking. Ph 03 443 6409. GARAGE SALE 7 HEUCHAN LANE, THIS FRIDAY SATURDAY. Houselot, moving on. Beds, furniture, fridges, linen, dishes. Everything goes. 0274 337 376. SOAR - A POWERFUL & DYNAMIC SHOWCASE OF SONG & DANCE! Tickets now on sale at Video Ezy! Friday 10th July 5pm & 8pm $25. Saturday 11th July 1pm. $15 for 0-13yrs and $25 for 14+yrs. 5pm & 8pm $25. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN LOCAL’S CARD DRAW, every Friday at 7pm. It is up to $200. Got to be in bar to win.
ASPIRING BEGINNINGS EARLY LEARNING CENTRE - Families and friends are reminded to come along for a fun night of indoor bowls as a fundraiser to support Jade & Kahu Vincent this Friday 12th from 6pm onwards. $15pp includes a game & supper. Bring extra cash for raffles and the bar. Thank you to the Wanaka Bowling Club for donating the game proceeds and supporting Kahu’s recovery. WHITEBAIT. Do you need a new stand for the season. Come and see the team at Select Engineering about alloy & steel stand design and build. Select Engineering, 6 Reece Cres (behind The Yard) or call Eddy Sligo 0276 302 349. FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required.) CAFE GUSTO IS LOOKING FOR ENERGETIC, passionate people to join our team. We need a foodie for the kitchen (chef/cook) and a vibrant barista & waiter staff. Email us your CV to: healsons@ outlook.com Tyla & Cam. TRUCK DRIVER WANTED. Phone Murray 0274 435 400. DRIVING INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE. Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Licences Class 2, endorsements, W, R, T. - P, V, D, F, Osh. Defensive driving courses. Ring Neville 027 6465 386 or home 443 2345. INDOORS AT SPENCER HOUSE MALL, a fantastic range of locally produced and grown goodies, Wanaka Farmers Market every Thursday 4-6pm. WANAKA BIATHLON CLUB AGM. To be held at the Snow Farm, 2pm Sunday 21st June after a working bee. SUBARU 4WD LEGACY MANUAL 1998. 20803kms, full leather interior, great condition, WoF, serviced. $4,300. 0272 924 868. WATER QUALITY A PROBLEM? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 0275 021 234.
WANAKA MARQUEE & PARTY HIRE Wanaka Party Hire has all your hire requirements: &URFNHU\ &XWOHU\ *ODVVZDUH /LQHQ 7DEOHV %%4V 0DUTXHHV &KDLUV 8PEUHOODV E: info@wanakapartyhire.co.nz W: www.wanakapartyhire.co.nz Phone Brent or Hadyn on 443 8966.
10th June 2015
Call for “Stars� - Groups, Duos, Single if you sound like “Lorde� or perhaps “The Beach Boys� or “Madonna� or just whoever is your STAR this year, be part of Wanaka’s most popular and longest running show.
Pet Corner LOST:
Cages - if you have one of ours please return it. If you are still using it, please call us. Thank you.
Vet Ent Aspiring Ph 443 7262
Register on line for auditions at
www.wanakastars.org or ring Paul on 443 9550 (after hours) or Steve on 443 7635 for more details and information. This year’s 23 annual show will take place on 17th - 19th September 2015 at the Lake Wanaka Centre rd
WANAKA WASTEBUSTERS NEED A WINTER TRUCK DRIVER. We’re looking for a friendly, fit, hardworking person with Class 2 licence and a sense of humour to drive the Business Recycling Truck. Full-time/part-time position (negotiable), immediate start. Call Bis 0273 229 671. EXPERIENCED APARTMENT/HOUSE CLEANER - good recomendations, trust worthy, effiective. Phone Anna +64 220 714 689. HOUSE FOR RENT IN LUGGATE (10mins from Wanaka). Available from 25 June to 30 July. Suit family of four or couple. Mature responsible persons only. Logburner, sky TV. Reasonable rent in return for looking after resident cat. Email colquhon1@gmail.com SHEEP LOADING RAMP. M-80 topper (less than 100 hours use) for sale. Farming clearance. Phone 443 6065. PART-TIME WORKER WANTED for The Good Spot caravan, 34 Anderson Road. Coffee experience essential. Call/text 021 349 246 for more info. MAX FACTOR MAX FACTOR MAX FACTOR, the make-up of makeup artists now available at Aspiring Pharmacy, on the corner. FOR SALE: SUBARU 2000, 2.5L. Cambelt replaced 165,500kms, 239,000km. Reliable, manual ski slopes vehicle. Includes towbar, chains. NZ new. Call Julie (03) 443 8884 or 0210 2502 520. YUMMY FOOD, KIDS ENTERTAINMENT and amazing auction goodies at the Merino Muster & Snow Farm supporters’ dinner at the Lake Bar on Thurs, 25 June from 6 pm. Tickets $ 50 p.p. or $ 120 for a family of four. To book, call or email Mary on 021 766 910, maryleenz@gmail.com SKI JACKET. KJUS WOMEN’S XL (16-18). Red, white piping and pips. Powder skirt - top of line. As new condition. Cost $1000. Sell $350. Phone 0275 619 125.
SPONSORED SponsoredBY by:
VETSVets) Vet ASPIRING Ent Aspiring (Aspiring
$ "OEFSTPO 42C 3PBE ANDERSON r 1I r &NBJM BTQJSJOH WFU!YUSB DP O[ ROAD PH 443 7262 E : aspiring-vet@xtra.co.nz
NEED A DOG GROOMER? The Soggy Dawg Pet Boutique & Spa, full pet grooming facilities. Qualified Veterinary nurse with 16 years grooming experience, all grooms include: Hydro bath, blowdry, nail clip plus a discount loyalty card. Call/text Sheryl 027 4430 053. www.thesoggydawg.co.nz or face book. “Groomed to Paw-fection�. FOR SALE: 20FT & 40FT SHIPPING CONTAINERS - steel or insulated. Aspiring Cranes. Phone 0274 344 308. WIRELESS SPEAKERS FOR YOUR HOME - SELECTRIX has Wanaka’s largest selection from Denon Heos, B&W, Panasonic, Marley, Wharfedale, Pioneer, plus integrated audio systems all set to stream music from your smart phone, tablet or computer. Visit Selectrix for a demo. RELAX INTO WINTER with $8 Jugs of Bullock Bar Beer. No time restraints. All welcome. No rush to finish and get another before the hour is up. Full strength good beer at $8 per jug. Eaaasy! COYO - HEAVEN IN A MOUTHFUL! Coconut milk yoghurt alternative. Available at Wholefood Haven, 24 Dungarvon Street, behind Pembroke Wines. THE GOOD SPOT CARAVAN cheese scone and coffee special is still rocking! Grab this deal for only $6! It’s goodtastic. Hot soup and yummy falafel pockets also available. Open Mon - Sat, corner Anderson Road and Link Way. Pre-order on 021 349 246. AVOCADOES: TASTIEST AND CHEAPEST in town, so our customers tell us! Wholefood Haven, behind Pembroke Wines. Phone 443 8801. 1996 NISSAN PRIMERA $2000 ONO - SILVER. Wof and registered, tow bar, 282,000kms. Regularly serviced and maintained. 0273 109 323. HEADING UP THE MOUNTAIN this opening weekend? Give Lone Star a call from your car and you can pick up your takeaways on the way home. 03 443 6901. Check out our menu online www. lonestar.co.nz WANT FAST, UNLIMITED DATA for your Internet or Wi-Fi time?? Get down to Wanaka Internet (3 Helwick Street). Only $45 for a monthly pass...$95 for a Season Pass...and remember, no time or data restrictions. Sim Cards and Top-Up also available alongside our usual range of printing, scanning, etc.
No Limits Interiors Interior Plastering
From large architectural homes to smaller houses & renovations. CALL ADAM 021 171 8223
10th June 2015
Long Term Rentals
Cardrona Employee Bus Drivers with Class 2 & P Endorsement Cardrona will be trialling a bus for the transport of our employees this season. We have acquired one bus and need two Class 2 licensed drivers with P endorsement to transport our employees up the mountain at 7.15am and off the mountain at 4.30pm. We need you to be available for the whole season between the 13 June and 11 October. But there will be ÀH[LELOLW\ DURXQG GD\V DQG SRWHQWLDOO\ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR ZRUN part of the day when you are on mountain LI \RX ZDQW ¹ RWKHUZLVH \RX FDQ VNL RU ULGH DOO GD\
,I \RX KDYH D FOHDQ OLFHQVH KDYH H[SHULHQFH LQ GULYLQJ LQ DOSLQH conditions, are safety conscious and reliable please apply for WKLV UROH :H KDYH JUHDW EHQHÂżWV DQG ZRXOG ORYH \RX WR EH part of our team. Please apply online through our website www.cardrona.com Contact Rebecca on 03 265 3079 RU HPDLO ZRUNLQJ#FDUGURQD FRP ZLWK DQ\ TXHULHV
DRIVERS REQUIRED. NZ licence and Passenger Endorsement required. For all enquiries phone Ken at KT Sightseeing Wanaka on 021 1593 085. WOODY’S PUB QUIZ! FORTNIGHLY FROM 16TH JUNE. Vouchers to be won! Be there by 7.30pm. NATURAL HEALTH CARE CAN HELP YOU get your health and wellbeing back on track. Nikki Sumner is a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist at Fusion Natural Health Clinic located with in Health 2000 Wanaka. Nikki can help address the underlying cause of hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, fatigue and many more. Visit www.fusionhealthclinic.co.nz or call 03 443 8360 for more information. PANASONIC HEAT PUMPS - Special pricing at Selectrix. Call Ken at Selectrix - he’s been selling them for 25 years so use his experience! UPPER CLUTHA LIFE CARE MEDICAL TRUST is a registered charity set up in 2010 in memory of Bill King to acknowledge and support the: Wanaka Doctors, District Nurses, St John and Plunket. Donations etc welcome or provision in your Will. Phone 443 8565 or email: kingsview@kinect.co.nz WANTED EXPERIENCED CHEF/COOK at Cinema Paradiso. Will need to work as part of the Paradiso team, kitchen and front counter duties. Shifts include evenings and weekends. Long term preferred. Please drop your CV into the Paradiso or email Calum at abccinema@xtra.co.nz.
$220 pw - 1/91 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea 2 bed, 1 bath, fully furnished open plan living. Available: 17 June 2015
$345 pw - 17 Rata Street, Wanaka 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car garage, log burner, close to schools, unfurnished. Available: 8 July 2015
$370 pw - 184 Upton Street, Wanaka 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan living, Part furnished, 1 car garage. Available: Now
Winter Rentals (All Furnished) $560 pw—29 Frye Crescent, Wanaka 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 car garage, very warm with log burner & double glazing. Available: Now If you have thought about renting over Winter call us. No obligations and No hassles ! Call Richard Henshall or Nicki Scurr View online at: www.professionalswanaka.co.nz 38 Ardmore Street, Wanaka
443 7524
RELAX INTO WINTER with $8 Jugs of Bullock Bar Beer. No time restraints. All welcome. No rush to finish and get another before the hour is up. Full strength good beer at $8 per jug. Eaaasy! NEW SEASON BUSH ROSES HAVE ARRIVED!! Huge selection of healthy bush and climbing roses now available at Wanaka Mitre 10. WANAKA FARMERS MARKET FROM 4PM EVERY THURSDAY inside at Spencer House Mall, where you can get the finest artisan products and fresh locally grown delights. WANAKA HOSPICE SHOP for good quality recycled clothing. Ballantyne Road - See you there. FOR RENT: ONE BEDROOM, fully furnished self contained cottage. Close to Albert Town, rural outlook. No pets. $200pw plus electricity. Phone 021 328 284 / 443 6643. FOR SALE: 2003 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA, 5 door. 4WD economical 2.0L motor, manual gear box. $6,500 ono. Phone 0276 419 013. FREE “GARAGE SALE� SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required.) SELECTRIX ARE LOOKING for a full or part time person to help in shop, do deliveries and engage in customer service with their problems. Apply in writing to Box 561, Wanaka in the first instance. MAINTENANCE ENGINEER: We currently have a vacancy for a full time seasonal mechanical maintenance engineer. The successful applicant must prove relevant trade qualifications and a history of diagnostics and maintenance. Welding experience would also be an advantage. The job entails daily maintenance of lifts, hydraulic diagnostics and repair to day to day repairs of infrastructure. Please note this may entail working at heights. Please email CV, cover letter and three referees to admin@treblecone.com HELICRAFT NEED AN OFFICE MANAGER/Accounts person. Please email details to Rod Price: rod@helicraft.co.nz
Youghal Street to Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
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Messenger Please
10th June 2015
FURNITURE AND FRAGILE MOVERS PACKING & STORAGE AVAILABLE CHRISTCHURCH / DUNEDIN SERVICE Phone: 443 2220 or 027 443 2222 WANAKA’S ONLY TOUCHFREE CARWASH at Caltex. From $9, options available incl underbody, wheels, double wash, protectant, wax. Caltex Wanaka. MITSUBISHI LEGNUM 1997. $2200. WOF 03/12/15. Rego 29/07/15. Tidy station wagon with towbar. Call Mike 0204 0572 046. LINSEED STRAW FOR SALE. Like pea straw, linseed straw goes well on the garden to keep weeds down, helps retain moisture and breaks down as mulch. It doesn’t blow around like pea straw and the birds don’t seem to move it around either. Best of all, it looks great on the garden. Can be picked up on Luggate Cromwell highway, 20 minutes from Wanaka or 15 minutes from Cromwell. Conventional size bale $10 each or $9 for orders over 20, larger orders also by negotiation, Phone 0274 975 578 or 0220 684 933. THE ARTISTS WAY. An Inspiring Winter Nightclass to enhance, connect with and/or recover your creative spirit. Held over 10 weeks on Thursday evenings at the Wanaka Arts Centre beginning the 18th of June. Designed by Julia Cameron and facilitated by Tanette Hickey. For more information & to register ph 0212 622 049 or go to www.tanettehickey.com/Artists–Way.php HEALTHY GUMS DON’T BLEED. See Lucy or Vanessa, Dental Hygienist at Aspiring Dental Service. 443 7705. CENTRAL CAMPUS: Molyneux Restaurant opening for dining Thursdays from 23 July to 24 September. Bookings essential 0800 765 9276.
EXPORT SALES ASSISTANT We are a fully integrated cherry business with orchards and packhouse based in Cromwell. We are growers, pickers, packers, and marketers, and we export our fruit to 14 Asian countries. We are seeking a super Export Sales Assistant with an understanding of export processes and international trade. This is a NEW full-time role based in Wanaka. You will need the following attributes: Ä‘ĆŤ Ä‘ĆŤ Ä‘ĆŤ Ä‘ĆŤ Ä‘ĆŤ Ä‘ĆŤ Ä‘ĆŤ Ä‘ĆŤ
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BUILDING A NEW HOME, renovating or just looking to get the odd job done around the house? Call Active Construction Ltd on 0274 785 026. FABULOUS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Audi Quattro Winter Games NZ 2015, 21st - 30th August to fill various roles on and off the mountain. For more information and to register please go to: www.wintergamesnz.kiwi/volunteers/ HAPPY HOUR 5 - 6.30PM. Every day at Trout Cafe Restaurant Bar. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@printit.co.nz PRESEASON SKI TUNING DEAL! Free hot box wax with any tune this week only. Save $20. BASE 2, 12 Helwick St. FOR SALE: SUBARU 2000, 2.5L. Cambelt replaced 165,500kms, 239,000km. Reliable, manual ski slopes vehicle. Includes towbar, chains. NZ new. Call Julie (03) 443 8884 or 0210 2502 520. WANTED: TIDY PERSON for part time home duties. Work can fit in with skiing schedule. Apply with references to evansgolf1@ gmail.com or call (021) 02502 520. HELPING HAND HOUSEKEEPING AVAILABLE. For spring cleans, holiday homes and end of tenancy cleans. Quick, reliable and meticulous. Nicki 021 828 415. FULLY FURNISHED room to rent 0276 938 887. LICENCED BUILDER AVAILABLE NOW. 20 years exp. Call 021 347 336 today for a cost effective quote. AGM CENTRAL OTAGO ARCHERS INC. 10am, 28 June at the Hawea Holiday Park. For more information call 0276 461 520. CUT CUT HAIRCUT! French professional hairdresser makes you happy! Kidz $15 / men $20 / women $30. Phone Anaise 0210 2401 697.
10th June 2015
Lot 25 Takahe Lane
8 Ansted Place
30 Willowridge
Call us today if you would like the same result for your property! Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235 B 03 443 0272 sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz
Rebecca McGoun M 021 114 7681 B 03 443 0273 rebecca.mcgoun@bayleys.co.nz
ALBERT TOWN TAVERN: NEXT KARAOKE is this Friday the 12th of June from 8.30 pm. Enter the competition, this round is Alternative Rock! Dress up and sing to get into the finals. If you are one of the first three this round, you go to the final round to win $300.00. Third is Pop. Get an Albie buck every time you sing. Free courtesy coach. Ph 443 4545, pick up and drop off. Congratulations to Trudy, Delhi, and Nikita for getting into the finals. BUILDING OR RENOVATING – Visit Selectrix for undoubtedly the best advice on your kitchen whiteware choices and audio visual customisation. The knowledge you will receive couldn’t be better than from Selectrix. WANTED TO RENT URGENTLY for 50 yr old local working male. One to three bedroom cottage, house, sleepout, anything considered. Can house or pet sit. Can paint or renovate. Good references. Can do property maintenance. Call or text Clay 0272 942 103. FREE HORSE MANURE. Great for gardens. Already in a heap. Just bring a trailer and help yourself! Hawea. Phone 0212 968 983.
MOLEMEDIC – Diagnosing and treating skin cancer and melanoma. Book a dermoscopic skin examination for you or a loved one, 16 – 18 June with Dr Brian Wills, MB ChB FRNZCGP, Australian Diploma of Dermoscopy. Digital imaging also available. 25B Russell St. Phone 443 7929. www.molemedic.co.nz FREE MONEY! GRANTS ARE AVAILABLE for your group’s art project from the Upper Clutha Community Arts Council. Email: uccac@outlook.com for enquiries. Application forms available from the Wanaka Public Library. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Dry pine $80/mtr, dry Bluegum $120/mtr. Price includes delivery. Phone/text 0279 157 343. OATEN HAY - large bales for sale. Great stock feed $50 each. Delivered. Phone 0277 224 548. GUITARIST WANTED! Stars in your eyes needs a support guitarist for this year’s show. Interested? Phone Steve Brett 443 7635. FIREWOOD FIREWOOD at The Yard on Reece Cres! Macrocarpa, Old Man Pine and kiln dried Pine now in stock. Delivery or loan trailers available. The Yard 443 5069. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS, IPODS, Airport Express, Apple TV and Apple accessories available at Selectrix. Wanaka’s authorised Apple dealer. COMMUNTY NETWORKS WANAKA IS FAREWELLING BARBARA. After 11 years of offering an amazing service, Barbara has decided to move on to other adventures. Her farewell function is on Thursday 9th July at 5pm, venue tbc. All are welcome to this function. Please RSVP to Kate Murray at kate@ communitynetworks.co.nz or 443 7799. Thank you. ARE YOU HERE TO LEARN ENGLISH? I’m a qualified, experienced language teacher. I offer good rates and success. One on one, couples or groups. Any age, any level. Your place or mine. Phone or text Jools Winstanley 0210 2442 376.
Upper Clutha Messenger
10th June 2015
10th June 2015
Upper Clutha Messenger
3 new positions
Central Machine Hire is a long established Wanaka based contracting business working primarily in the Upper Clutha area. The Company operates the largest range of heavy plant and transport equipment in the area and is able to provide an unequalled range of specialist services. With a very full book of forward work we have purchased additional equipment and have three new positions becoming available for elite machine operators. This is an opportunity to join a progressive Wanaka company and be part of a great team and also enjoy good pay rates and conditions. These are all full time, permanent roles.
Wanaka 18 Matai Road
Trustees Liquidating Estate Asset
Bulletin 2
An exciting opportunity is presented here, with this sunny & north facing 1113m2 property being offered for sale for the first time in approximately 50 years. With stunning lake & mountain views, a no fuss, no frills four-bedroom home & subdivision potential, your options are plenty to either enjoy now, landbank or develop. Which suits you best? Be quick to view as the owners are committed to selling on auction day!
2. grader operator – We have an additional grader arriving soon and would like to hear from an experienced machine operator wanting a wide range of work from rural roading mainenance to new subdivision and road construction. Knowledge of automated machine control GPS grading an advantage but not essential as full training in this area available.
Please ch
Your local paper since 1987
Issue 1407 24/12/14 Cromwell
Auction Friday 26th June at 3.00pm, 21 Helwick St Wanaka (unless sold prior) View www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ2488 Open Saturdays 3.00-3.30pm Sheryl & Guy Alty M 021 800040 / 021 350214 E thealtys@harcourts.co.nz Licensed Agent REAA 2008
THe folloWing posiTions are available: 1. excavator operators (2) – Top flight operators for late model CAT machines, great range of quality and varied work. Knowledge of automated machine control GPS systems an advantage but not essential.
apply to: clive@cmhltd.co.nz or send your application to: Central Machine Hire Ltd, PO Box 495, Wanaka 03 443since 6885 localPhone paper 1987
R The advertisem
check your p ApplicationsPlease for these positions close Friday 19 June
Issue 1407
Response re The advertisement will be
CUT OUT AND KEEP – in case of a family crisis You never know what’s around the corner, but you can rest easy knowing there is help at hand. With nearly 30 years’ legal practice behind her, we’re delighted to welcome Gillian Stuart, our new Family Law specialist. Gillian deals with all aspects of Family Law, including division of relationship property. She also brings significant experience, both here and overseas, representing parents, children and vulnerable adults.
03 443 0900
Gillian Stuart
Family Law Specialist
SAFETY NETS fall-proof
• Certified Safety Net Installers • Fall Arrest Safety Net Hire • Protecting You On Site
027 222 8196 stevewatsontaylor@gmail.com
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Bookings Bookings 03445 445 3211 03 3211 Bistro ~ Wine Tasting ~ Pantry
Bistro ~ Wine Tasting ~ Pantry
OPEN 7 DAYS: 11.00am - 4.00pm NIGHTS: Thurs, Fri & Sat from 5.30pm Phone to enquire for other nights
OPEN 7 DAYS: 11.00am - 4.00pm Find us at Queensberry, between Cromwell & Wanaka 7 DAYS: -midway 4.00pm NIGHTS:OPEN Thurs, Fri &11.00am Sat from 5.30pm Phone to enquire for other nigh Evening dining available. Please enquire. booking is essential.
Find us at Queensberry, midway between Cromwell & Wanak Find us at Queensberry, midway beteen Cromwell & Wanaka
10th June 2015
Upper Clutha Messenger
Chiro Connect
· · ·
Best Selection of European Leather boots(some with wool lining) for Men and Women. Great selection of colours!
50% OFF SUMMER STOCK Stockist of Diesel, Scotch and Soda, Fate, Sass, Augustine, European Culture, Denny Rose, Fields cashmere knitwear and more !!!!!!
tarting Wednesday 29th January “Chapter5” Pembroke Mall Wanaka at039.30 am ph 443 5570 WHERE IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU !!
Chapter 5 Pembroke Mall Wanaka P. 03 4435570
buyer searching Do you know someone in Albert Town who wants a QUICK and EASY sale. I have a serious buyer who missed out on a house in Albert Town. They have asked me to search for a home in the area. Call me to find out how simple it could be.
John Fisher
Licensed Sales Consultant (REAA 2008) FNZIM
Phone: 021 327 928 Email: john.fisher@harcourts.co.nz
10th June 2015
Upper Clutha Messenger
BE NOTICED with innovative design & professional printing. Business cards, rack cards, brochures, calendars, banners, wedding stationery, colour posters, greeting cards, canvas prints, books, magazines, laminating, signs, vehicle wraps, flags and more, all designed and printed for you at Print It!
www.printit.co.nz | printit@printit.co.nz | 03 443 7804 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand
10th June 2015
WIRELESS SPEAKERS FOR YOUR HOME - SELECTRIX has Wanaka’s largest selection from Denon Heos, B&W, Panasonic, Marley, Wharfedale, Pioneer, plus integrated audio systems all set to stream music from your smart phone, tablet or computer. Visit Selectrix for a demo. LARGE FAMILY HOME WANTED TO RENT. Family looking for 4 to 5 bedroom home in Wanaka area, looking to rent for 15 months while we build, prepared to pay up to $650 dollars a week, will consider furnished or unfurnished, in town or country. Ph Matt 0276 264 978. $10 BANGERS AND MASH. 9 - 3pm Trout Cafe Restaurant Bar. 443 2600. WANAKA HOSPICE SHOP - Quality recycled clothing, bric and brac. Ballantyne Road. See you there. SUBARU OUTBACK H6 3.0L Anniversary H6 3 litre Limited Edition. Extra go, great for towing and heading up the ski fields. Awesome mountain car! 207,619k’s Very well maintained (service records). Brake discs, new CV boots, and winter service just done. Top Pirelli tyres. Towbar, Thule roof racks with key! Chains for all 4 tyres. Ph 0272 771 028. Trademe Listing #896950864. MIKE HASLER PLUMBING AND GAS LTD available for plumbing, gas fitting, servicing and general maintenance. Call Mike 027 5338 914. COMBO DEAL - AT CHERRY MAY CAFE. Bacon and egg croissant plus a coffee or tea for only $10. NANNY AVAILABLE through Footsteps home based learning. Experienced with excellent references. For enquiries please phone Sally on 021 768 133. WEDNESDAY NIGHTS PIZZA AND A PINT $20. Medium pizza of your choice, handle of beer, house wine or juice. Sailz Lake Hawea Restaurant & Bar.
DEBZ FOR HAIR. $100 CUT AND COLOUR. Open 6 days, 3 late nights. 443 6624. SHEEP LOADING RAMP. M-80 topper (less than 100 hours use) for sale. Farming clearance. Phone 443 6065. IF VISITING YOGYAKARTA, be sure to buy some handmade Batik from a local market. Batik is an ancient technique of wax resist dyeing that is applied to cloth. The applied wax resists dyes and therefore allows the artisan to colour selectively by soaking the cloth in one colour, removing the wax with boiling water, and repeating if multiple colours are desired. Batik is found in many countries such as Sri Lanka and Malaysia, however Indonesian Batik from the Island of Java is the most famous. In October 2009, UNESCO designated Indonesian batik as a ‘Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity’. The Messenger is available in Yogyakarta online at www.mymessenger.co.nz SNOW LOVERS - ARE YOU READY for the season? Call Wanaka Health and find out how Dr Dan, Chiropractor; our Irishman Eoin, Physiotherapist/Pilates Guru; Mike who is great with needles, Acupuncturist and Sonia our amazing Massage Therapist can assist you with injury prevention, or with any existing injury you may have. Call our Clinic on 03 443 7055. 21 Plantation Road, Wanaka. www.wanakahealth.co.nz LANDSCAPING? NEED A PLAN FOR CONSENTS or just an upgrade of your section? Contact Wanaka Landscapes for a good honest appraisal - landscaping since the 1980’s. Phone 0274 595 799.
PASSPORT PHOTOS 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz
POISONING PARADISE’ WON BEST FILM in the Environmental & Ecology, International category at the Heart of England Film Festival. It was also nominated for the prestigious UK, Swansea Bay Film Festival. More recently ‘Poisoning Paradise’ won the ‘Conservation Advocacy Award’ at the Japan Wildlife Film Festival. Yet it has never been shown on NZ television. 1080freelakesdistrict@gmail.com
10th June 2015
Canvases make ideal gifts. You supply the picture. We supply the canvas WANAKA WASTEBUSTERS NEED A WINTER TRUCK DRIVER. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for a friendly, fit, hardworking person with Class 2 licence and a sense of humour to drive the Business Recycling Truck. Full-time/part-time position (negotiable), immediate start. Call Bis 0273 229 671. INTERMEDIATE SNOWBOARDER? Train to be a Snowboard Instructor at Cardrona on weekends. For details go to: www. cardronainstructor.com or phone/text 021 2555 929. DID YOU KNOW IT IS INTERNATIONAL KNIT IN Public Day on June 13th? So why not bring your knitting or crochet to Cherry May, 105 Ardmore St between 11-2pm and enjoy a free pot of English Tea. DEMOLITION SALE. Roofing iron, double glazed wooden framed windows, including Velux. Spa bath, 3 toilets/cisterns, internal doors, large diesel heater - heats swimming pools (with temperature gauge), Yunca fire. Four roses; two bush and two climbers. Phone 443 1162 / 0274 354 846. CHAPTER5 SALE 50% OFF SELECTED boots and shoes. Sale at Chapter5 Pembroke Mall. HOLIDAY HOME AVAILABLE FOR RENT. (Includes school holidays). Fully furnished. 021 659 757. NEED YOUR INTERIORS PAINTED during winter? Call Brandon on 0272 912 245 for all your painting needs. TRANSPORT TO CARDRONA and Treble Cone. Book the Alpine Snow Shuttle 03 443 9120 or online www.alpineconnexions.co.nz Multi ride tickets also available. **SNOWCHAINS FROM $59** At Caltex, from 6am - 11pm. Huge 4WD selection, all $199. Quick fit, ratchet tensioning, free sizing and demonstration. POP INTO GEORGES, Pembroke Mall for childrens fleece neckwarmers in great colours. Made locally. Also Black long school socks. DID YOU KNOW Hold Fast Concrete Specialists also cut concrete? Phone Manu now on 021 453 887 for a quote on our Place & Cut Package Deal. Remember, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hold Fast or be bucked off! DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T JUST LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE by the fire. Book them in for a winter tidy up at Wanaklean Dog today! Call Emily on 0275 110 282. BUILDING OR RENOVATING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Visit Selectrix for undoubtedly the best advice on your kitchen whiteware choices and audio visual customisation. The knowledge you will receive couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be better than from Selectrix.
ACUPUNCTURE FOR COUGHS AND FLU TOO, not just injury and pain. Phone Jos McLean 443 6242, 0211 639 769. www. aspiringacupuncture.co.nz and see what else we can do for you. ACC practitioner. Very experienced. REACH MORE CUSTOMERS and save your business money. Call to book your Marketing Health Check, and let me provide advice on simple changes that will make a big difference. 15 years experience, and current knowledge of what works. Call Kim on 022 6373 177 or go to www.ethicalcomms.co.nz BLUFF OYSTERS ARE BACK ON SPECIAL in the restaurant at the Albert Town Tavern Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Lunch and dinner at $24.50 a dozen with salad and fries or $15.00 for 1/2 a doz. THE WAXROOM upstairs Spencer House Mall. Official provider for the NZ Park & Pipe Team. Covering Kiwi athletes at X Games, Dew Tour, FIS World Cups & Winter Olympics. Come in and get that world class tune. WOODYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S POOL COMP - Every Thursday from 7pm. Cash prizes. ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138. THE GOOD SPOT CARAVAN cheese scone and coffee special is still rocking! Grab this deal for only $6! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s goodtastic. Hot soup and yummy falafel pockets also available. Open Mon - Sat, corner Anderson Road and Link Way. Pre-order on 021 349 246. MESSENGER LINE ADS - 2 for 1 for the month of June. (Private ads only.) 2 FOR 1 PIZZA 5 - 6.30PM. Trout Cafe Restaurant Bar. 443 2600. HAIR THOU ART WORKSHOP & MOBILE... For art, creativity & simplicity. Natural based/organic products. Now selling Giovanni Organic Haircare online! www.hairthouart.co.nz Phone 443 9545. LIKE PAINTING? Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll love our Annie Sloan Chalk Paint workshops. Learn different painting techniques to transform your furniture, walls and floors. Saturday 11th July or Sunday 9th August 9am - 12 noon. For details/to register, contact paint@melaniecraigdesign. co.nz or T: 03 443 5312. WIN A SPEIGHTS ALE HOUSE BAR LEANER and two Stools, valued at $1,459. Simply have your card stamped four times with four different beers to be in the draw. Competition valid until 31st July.
CARPENTERS WANTED FOR WORK IN THE WANAKA AREA Amalgamated Builders are seeking experienced Carpenters & Formwork Hammerhands. 245 Minaret Ridge, Peninsula Bay
Buying or selling? Call me today
Please email your current CV to: queenstown@abl.co.nz Kelly Gooch
03 443 0091
For enquiries call Greg: 021 325 345
Amalgamated Builders Ltd Industrial Place, Queenstown Phone: (03) 442 7235
10th June 2015
PRACTITIONER ROOM AVAILABLE to rent at Health 2000 Wanaka. Recently refurbished and available on a casual or permanent basis. Working along side resident Naturopath in busy retail environment on Helwick St. Please call Sam or Nikki on 03 443 8360 to discuss. PROACTIVE HEALTH AND FITNESS. Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premier health and fitness club. Be closer to your goals today. 17 Plantation Rd. 443 6500. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - Contact your local operator of JAE Cleaning and Pest Control. For quality steam or dry cleaning and the best in stain removal, phone 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. WANAKA POOL AND AQUAFIT Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 9am for 45 minutes. SKI JACKET. KJUS WOMENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S XL (16-18). Red, white piping and pips. Powder skirt - top of line. As new condition. Cost $1000. Sell $350. Phone 0275 619 125. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN, WILD BUCK BAR. New look and new beers with some of your favourites on tap. At the Albie where you get more for your buck . DOUBLE MATTRESS AND BASE $40. Queen mattress $25, two x two-seater sofas $50 each. Phone 443 8656. GUITAR LESSONS. Professional, affordable, friendly. From the comfort of your home. All ages and experience welcome. Call Mark 0210 8153 568. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - new dentures, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. STITCH N BITCH, Wednesday 7pm, Edgewater Resort. All crafts welcome, beginner to advanced or just come have a drink! TRUCK DRIVER WANTED. Phone Murray 0274 435 400. WINTER SEASON ACCOMMODATION on lifestyle farm 12km from Wanaka. Furnished self-contained $200 p/week single, $250 p/week couple including electricity and internet. Phone 0272 267 300. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. ROOM AVAILABLE in warm sunny home close to town. Furnished - with Wifi. Cool cats need only apply. Call/text 021 349 246. PRISTINE STEAMING - Professional garment steaming. Specialising in bridal, bridesmaidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; dresses, suits, ball and evening gowns. Contact Neda 021 1612 885. pristinesteaming@gmail.com TREE PRUNING, SHAPING, THINNING, REDUCING, REMOVAL, professionally done. We can recycle your tree waste to mulch and firewood the rest. Free quotes, call Tree Tamers 03 443 6454 or www.treetamers.co.nz since 2003!
ASPIRING ACUPUNCTURE. 5 Element and traditional acupuncture. 25 years experience. Safe au-laser for children and nervous needles. ACC registered. Check out www. aspiringacupuncture.co.nz Jos McLean Dip Ac, MNZRA. Ph 443 6242, 021 1639 769 and email. ROCKGAS WANAKA IS LOOKING FOR a part-time (may extend to full-time) Filler/Yard person. Immediate start. Dangerous Goods Licence and previous filling experience would be an advantage. Please phone 03 443 5657 or email CV to ash@rockgaswanaka. co.nz. INTERIOR PLASTERER. All levels of finish, plus ornamental. Dean Harris. Phone 027 2204 832. ANNIE SLOAN CHALK PAINT. The best paint in the world? Try it for yourself! Exclusively available online at melaniecraigdesign. co.nz. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Dry Bluegum at $110 per cubic metre, delivered. Phone 443 7232. FOR RENT. THREE BEDROOM, 2 bathroom house. Close to town and schools. Large living, log-burner, large garage. Long term only. Phone 0211 267 700. 1 DOZEN OYSTERS SALAD AND CHIPS $25 at the Wanaka Districts Club this Saturday from 6pm. Subject to availability. Phone 443 8080. ALCHEMY, FORMERLY KNOWN AS CAFE LAGO will be open for evening tapas from this Thursday - special $20 tapas and house wine or beer special. PART TIME CASUAL LABOURER REQUIRED. Own transport preferred. Must be physically fit and strong. Call Andrew for more details. 021 761 641.
OPENING HOURS TUES - THURS 9am - 9pm SUN 10am - 9pm FRI, SAT & MON 9am - 10pm
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10th June 2015
New tyres from $75 +GST Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Selection Âť W.O.F Âť Full Servicing ÂťWheel Alignment 17 Gordon Road, Wanaka Ph 443 1755 www.wanakatyres.co.nz
66 Ballantyne Road Çż 3KRQH 443 2660 Çż )D[ 443 2661 (PDLO wanakastoragesolutions@xtra.co.nz FREEVIEW DECODERS FROM $99, installed to existing dish for only $50 more. Dishes installed from $295. Decoder and dish installed $395. All prices include GST. Barnettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Radio and TV Service, your local satellite TV specialists. Electronic equipment repaired, including plasma and LCD TVs. Phone 443 7961, 021 737 247 - www.wanakatv.co.nz FOR RENT 6 BEDROOMS, 3 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, garage, carports. Pet friendly $490pw. Take over lease â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;till Feb 2016 through Harcourts. Phone 443 8750 or 0274 337 376 for further details. Available July. BACKCOUNTRY AVALANCHE COURSES : 4 DAY Comprehensive course for skiers & boarders. Accredited by the NZ Mountain Safety Council. Contact Aspiring Guides: for dates & details: 443 9422 or www.aspiringguides.com GENERAL CARTAGE AND CRANE HIRE, call Glenn at Lakeland Contracting to discuss your needs today 443 5049. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lifting your expectations.â&#x20AC;? HOW IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP? Experiencing problems and not sure where to turn? Try ringing Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Support. It can be hard to pick up the phone but worth it to achieve a positive result. Phone 443 1448 for confidential 24/7 service. www.womenssupport.org. nz WALLPAPER HANGING SPECIALISTS. View our work at â&#x20AC;&#x153;Feature Walls Wanakaâ&#x20AC;? Facebook or Google. Phone 03 443 5802 or 0210 2389 097. SHOTGUN FOR SALE. Side by side, open choke ideal for quail. $100. Phone 021 2289 664. Must have firearms licence. ROCKETS RENTALS IS OPEN!! Ski/snowboard season rental available now for kids from $159. 39 Helwick St. OPULENCE HAIR SALON â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Did you know? We are at 10 Helwick Street above Hamills Hunting and Fishing Store, next door to Soak Day Spa? Do you know how we are making a difference? Natural Products (better for you), Compostable towels and Rock Foils â&#x20AC;&#x201C; no more aluminium going to the land fill (better for our environment). And of course fabulous stylists and a beautiful space. Come and see for yourself. Phone for an appointment 03 443 2243. KT SIGHTSEEING - Wanaka Queenstown Airport transfers. Door to door. You choose the time of travel. $140 one way. Phone 0800 272 700 or 03 443 9368.
WANAKA HOSPICE POP UP SHOP. Quality queen and single beds, cushions, gloves and beanies. Open Tuesday through to Friday 12pm onwards. Brownston Street, opposite Cinema Paradiso. MASSAGE THERAPY FROM A PHYSIO at In Balance Therapeutics. Skilled and knowledgeable. Sports Massage, deep tissue and trigger point release, relaxation massage. Phone/text Sally on 0274 875 942 for an appointment www.wanakamassage.co.nz CEDAR TIMBER FOR SALE - about 200Lm dressed T&G 80 x 19mm, 28Lm dressed 145 x 45mm, 6Lm dressed 175 x 25mm, 4Lm R/S 60 x 40mm $1500ono. Phone 443 6065. THE ALBERT TOWN TAVERN. Where you get more for your buck! FREE PREP & POLISH PEDICURE with any Shellac polish booked in at Emma for Beauty! Be quick book now limited spaces. Offer ends Tuesday June 30th. Phone / text 027 4271 024 or book through our website www.emmaforbeauty.co.nz/bookings.php MINI MUSCLES INCORPORATED AGM - 7pm 22 June at 15 Achilles Place, Wanaka. We look forward to seeing you there. Enquiries to info@mini-muscles.co.nz ALBERT TOWN TAVERN FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR from 5.30pm until 6.30pm. Free bar snacks, raffles, pokies! Courtesy coach, phone 443 4545. PARENTING COACH, FAMILY COUNSELLOR. Mother and baby work, post natal, managing toddlers, parenting and general family issues. 20 years experience working with families. If you feel like you are struggling then give me a call. Will do home visits. Call Meg Bryant 0278 102 671. SUBARU OUTBACK 2000 FOR SALE. $4500. Manual gearbox. Great car for the mountain. Cambelt and clutch done. 205,000km. Phone or text 0212 835 551. DRY BLUE GUM FIREWOOD. Been in the shed since the Spring $115 per m. Phone 0274 403 070. LOCAL FAMILY OF FOUR LOOKING for 3 -4 bedroom home in Wanaka area. Preferably close to schools, long term, unfurnished. Phone Carla 0212 469 858 or 443 5653. WANAKA BIATHLON CLUB AGM. To be held at the Snow Farm, 2pm Sunday 21st June after a working bee. WELCOME TO WINTER PARTY at Lalaland this Saturday from 11pm â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;til 2.30am with DJs Civilian Sol and Cshe getting the winter started with a bang.
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10th June 2015
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CANE LOUNGER AND BASE $40, outdoor table and chairs $40, 2 x sawhorses $20 each. Bar fridge freezer $200. 215/70R16 tyre $30. 175/R13 tyre $30. Hi-top roof rack $60. Transformer stepladder & 2 platforms $300. Ullrich extension ladder $250. 021 535 768. WANAKA’S ONLY LAUNDROMAT is open from 6am - 11pm daily at Caltex. Free WiFi, oversized washers and 9 dryers, complimentary laundry detergent. RENTAL HOME REQUIRED. Responsible retired local couple require 3 to 4 bedroom rental home for 3 1/2 months from 31st October 2015. No pets. All care taken. Contact 0274 764 062. Email: prue1948@vodafone.co.nz KIDS, DRESS UP LIKE A MERINO SHEEP and win a prize! All part of the Merino Muster & Snow Farm supporters’ dinner at the Lake Bar on Thurs, 25 June from 6pm. Yummy food, kids entertainment & amazing auction goodies. Tickets $50 p.p. or $120 for a family of four. To book, call or email Mary on 021 766 910, maryleenz@ gmail.com GOOD ROTATIONS BICYCLE SHOP is closed this week (June 8-14). We’re away testing new bike trails! We will reopen on Wednesday June 17th with our new winter opening hours: Wednesday 2-6pm, Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 2-6pm. Good Rotations : Urban, Electric, Cargo and Adventure bicycles, 34 Anderson Road, www. goodrotations.co, 03 443 4349. FEDERAL DINER IS STILL LOOKING for a super star duty manager, must have a NZ Managers Certificate and available to work weekends and evenings and here long term. A great opportunity for the right person looking for a new challenge. Email your CV to sian@raspberrycreek.co.nz or pop in after 3pm to Federal Diner, 47 Helwick Street, Wanaka. 1 DOZEN OYSTERS SALAD AND CHIPS $25 at the Wanaka Districts Club this Saturday from 6pm. Subject to availability. Phone 443 8080. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@printit.co.nz CELLULITE! Experience a manual massage treatment by an experienced French Physio to help your body fight against cellulite. This style of massage also helps detoxify by draining the lymphatic system, reducing water rentention, improves circulation and tones the skin. Call to try our introductory offer of $75 for 90 minute treatment and feel regenerated. Mobile or clinic service, phone 0212 487 771 or 443 7055. LIKE PAINTING? You’ll love our Annie Sloan Chalk Paint workshops. Learn different painting techniques to transform your furniture, walls and floors. Saturday 11th July or Sunday 9th August 9am - 12 noon. For details/to register, contact paint@melaniecraigdesign. co.nz or T: 03 443 5312.
SPECIAL MEETING OF NETBALL Upper Clutha to be held at Yvonne Brew’s home, 417 Aubrey Road, Wanaka on 23rd June 2015 at 7.30pm to pass new constitution. Followed by General Business Meeting. All welcome. ADVENTURE CARAVANS OF WANAKA designs, manufactures, restores and repairs caravans, slide-ons and motorhomes. Free estimates. 26 years experience. Steve 0272 226 600. FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required.) FOR SALE 1350 X 2000 TRAILER. Rego, no WoF. Great for off-road use. Also, 2 tyres 600 x 16 crossply. Near new. Phone 0211 267 700. WORK WANTED. ANYTHING CONSIDERED. Casual, one-off, labouring, firewood, weedeating, mowing. Keen, strong, reliable, capable. Weekdays 4pm onwards and weekends. Call Bill 021 0784 475. ROCKGAS WANAKA IS LOOKING FOR a part-time (may extend to full-time) Filler/Yard person. Immediate start. Dangerous Goods Licence and previous filling experience would be an advantage. Please phone 03 443 5657 or email CV to ash@rockgaswanaka. co.nz. LIVING IN ALBERT TOWN and looking for dinner options? Lone Star courtesy coach will pick you up and get you home safely. Call 03 443 6901. GUITAR LESSONS. Professional, affordable, friendly. From the comfort of your home. All ages and experience welcome. Call Mark 0210 8153 568. LANDSCAPER AVAILABLE. Local over 20yrs. Creative. Competent. Original design. Water features, ponds and natural swimming pools. Ph Greg Inwood. Ph 0211 633 811. MASSAGE WITH “MAGIC HANDS”, Jason Clarke. Provider to High Performance Sport New Zealand. “Magic Hands” has massaged NZ Elite Tri-athletes, winter Olympians, multi sports athletes, the All Blacks and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. “Feel the magic”. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. RELAX INTO WINTER with $8 Jugs of Bullock Bar Beer. No time restraints. All welcome. No rush to finish and get another before the hour is up. Full strength good beer at $8 per jug. Eaaasy!
10th June 2015
Penny’s Home Care
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PART-TIME WORKER WANTED for The Good Spot caravan, 34 Anderson Road. Coffee experience essential. Call/text 021 349 246 for more info. MESSENGER LINE ADS - 2 for 1 for the month of June. (Private ads only.) FOR RENT LONG TERM: 3 bedrooms including master with ensuite & private deck, and extra 4th spare bedroom/office. Conveniently close to college/schools, modern, warm and spacious with yunca wood burner, dishwasher, sunny indoor / outdoor living and double garage. $475pw. Ph 027 6047 983. PICTURE FRAMING - Give your pictures a new lease of life or get those pictures framed you’ve got lying around. For a free quote call Aspiring Photography, 12 Frederick St, ph 443 1883. OPULENCE HAIR SALON – Did you know? We are at 10 Helwick Street above Hamills Hunting and Fishing Store, next door to Soak Day Spa? Do you know how we are making a difference? Natural Products (better for you), Compostable towels and Rock Foils – no more aluminium going to the land fill (better for our environment). And of course fabulous stylists and a beautiful space. Come and see for yourself. Phone for an appointment 03 443 2243. ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138. HANDYMAN SERVICE - Anything from cleaning gutters to custom built gates and fences, pergolas, decks, engineering and repairs, shade sails. “You name it - we’ll do it”. Handy Solutions. Phone 443 4078 or 0272 080 175 or 0274 573 539.
BUYING OR SELLING A PROPERTY? Buying or selling property can be very trying John F isher’s service and attention to detail makes it effortless Call John on 021 327 928 for a free appraisal or a chat E: john.fisher@harcourts.co.nz W: www.johnfisher.harcourts.co.nz
FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Dry Bluegum at $110 per cubic metre, delivered. Phone 443 7232. DEMOLITION SALE. Roofing iron, double glazed wooden framed windows, including Velux. Spa bath, 3 toilets/cisterns, internal doors, large diesel heater - heats swimming pools (with temperature gauge), Yunca fire. Four roses; two bush and two climbers. Phone 443 1162 / 0274 354 846. BUILDING A NEW HOME, renovating or just looking to get the odd job done around the house? Call Active Construction Ltd on 0274 785 026. 1 BEDROOM STUDIO UNIT, Capell Ave, Hawea. Fully furnished excluding TV. Pay as you go WiFi available. $175 pw including power. Ph 021 467 336. COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT 70M2. approx. Fully selfcontained, central, (off ) Anderson Road. Suit workshop, small business etc. All terms negotiable. Phone 443 4187. APPRENTICE GIB STOPPER WANTED for gib stopping company, must have a vehicle, no seasonal workers please. BICTO apprentice scheme offered to right person. Ph 021 531 977. 100% COTTON RAGS – loved by mechanics, cleaners, painters and general mess-wipers. Just $5 for a large bag at Wanaka Wastebusters, open 9am-5pm, seven days. Thanks to our lovely cotton rippers who repurpose the rags – one more step towards zero waste. KT SIGHTSEEING SKIFIELD TRANSPORT - $70 return minimun 2 people. 2015 skifield special applies go to ktsiteseeing.co.nz or phone 0800 272 700 MERINO MUSTER & SNOW FARM supporters’ dinner at the Lake Bar on Thurs, 25 June from 6 pm. Enjoy a fun night out with yummy food, kids entertainment and amazing auction goodies. Tickets $ 50 p.p. or $ 120 for a family of four. To book, call or email Mary on 021 766 910, maryleenz@gmail.com. ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA! Est. 2004. Full time massage since 1994 USA/NZ. Phone 443 2993, 0274 222 455. www. aspiringmassagewanaka.co.nz SAILZ LAKE HAWEA RESTAURANT & BAR will be closed to diners on Monday 15 June for painting. SUBARU IMPREZA 4WD 1996. $2750. Lady driver last 7 years. Valid WoF and rego. 282,000km with tow bar. Nicki 021 828 415.
Over 900 jobs completed in Central Otago including over 340 new homes. NO standard plans, your home for your site.
10th June 2015
With purchase of any alcoholic beverage per pizza
5:00 - 6:30pm Wed - Sunday ELECTRICIAN WITH HEATPUMP EXPERIENCE for diverse and rewarding role with the team at Central Heating Solutions. If you are a top tradesman looking for a challenge, contact us on 443 5845 or info@heatingsolutions.net.nz Enquiries treated with the strictest confidence. WORRIED ABOUT SKIN CANCER? Early detection does save lives. See a doctor qualified in Dermoscopy, rather than a nurse or technician. Book an examination at Molemedic 16 – 18 June with Dr Brian Wills, MB ChB FRNZCGP, Australian Diploma of Dermoscopy & Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Society. 25B Russell St. Phone 443 7929. Check out www.molemedic.co.nz THREE PIECE BERGERE LOUNGE SUITE. Carved back, nice! $350. Bookcase chiffonier, excellent condition $350. Moving house. Phone 03 443 6065. THE ACUPUNCTURE ROOM provides highly qualified and professional Traditional Chinese Medical and Acupuncture services. Acupuncture provides a hands-on approach to physical injury recovery with ACC covered treatments available. Acupuncture can also help with digestive complaints, chronic pain, headaches, women’s health and the list goes on, to find out more www.theacupunctureroomwanaka.com. ACC provider and NZ Registered Acupuncturist Kate Perriam BHSc(Acu), located in The Wanaka Lakes Health Centre, 443 0742. SUBARU OUTBACK H6 3.0L Anniversary H6 3 litre Limited Edition. Extra go, great for towing and heading up the ski fields. Awesome mountain car! 207,619kms. Very well maintained (service records). Brake discs, new CV boots, and winter service just done. Top Pirelli tyres. Towbar, Thule roof racks with key! Chains for all 4 tyres. Ph 0272 771 028. Trademe Listing #896950864.
WANAKA HOSPICE POP UP SHOP. Quality queen and single beds, cushions, gloves and beanies. Open Tuesday through to Friday 12pm onwards. Brownston Street, opposite Cinema Paradiso. HAWEA PHYSIOTHERAPY. Owned and operated by Sandy Sharratt and located in Hawea Flat. Sandy has been practicing Physiotherapy since 1993 after graduating from Kings College University, London. She specialises in musculoskeletal injuries and rehabilitation and is an ACC provider. Please contact Sandy on 0212 451 904 or 443 7113 for appointments. WOODY’S POOL COMP - Every Thursday from 7pm. Cash prizes. DUNEDIN SHORT TERM ACCOMMODATION. 2 bedroom fully furnished unit in Roslyn Village, sleeps up to 3 people, full kitchen, OSP, warm & sunny. Close to supermarket, cafes, Mercy Hospital & Moana Pool. $120 per night. Weekly rates available. Ph 021 323 276. BUNK BEDS FOR SALE - as new, black, excellent condition, $250.00. Phone 443 8887.
BUILDERS (LBP) AND HAMMERHANDS required for 3 month contract. Self employed. Top rates paid. Phone Steve Browne 0274 536 880. FREE PREP & POLISH PEDICURE with any Shellac polish booked in at Emma for Beauty! Be quick, book now limited spaces. Offer ends Tuesday June 30th. Phone / text 027 4271 024 or book through our website www.emmaforbeauty.co.nz/bookings.php STICKY FOREST BIKE TRACK MAINTENANCE: huge turnout last Sunday – lots got done! Come support the community and make the Sticky Forest tracks great! Meet at carpark - Peninsula Bay entrance to Sticky Forest. 9-11am this Sunday. Many thanks from the Crew@BASE. WANTED: TIDY PERSON for part time home duties. Work can fit in with skiing schedule. Apply with references to evansgolf1@ gmail.com or call (021) 02502 520.
cleaning and pest control
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10th June 2015
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021 225 RENT (021 225 7368) rent@homeandco.co.nz | www.homeandco.co.nz WIN A SPEIGHTS ALE HOUSE BAR LEANER and two stools, valued at $1,459. Simply have your card stamped four times with four different beers to be in the draw. Competition valid until 31st July. RENTAL HOME REQUIRED. Responsible retired local couple require 3 to 4 bedroom rental home for 3 1/2 months from 31st October 2015. No pets. All care taken. Contact 0274 764 062. Email: prue1948@vodafone.co.nz ROCKGAS WANAKA IS LOOKING FOR a part-time (may extend to full-time) Filler/Yard person. Immediate start. Dangerous Goods Licence and previous filling experience would be an advantage. Please phone 03 443 5657 or email CV to ash@rockgaswanaka. co.nz. TRUE FACIAL EVENT AT HEALTH 2000, Wednesday 24th June 9.30 - 5pm. Experience Wanaka’s local certified organic skincare brand. Phone 443 8360 to book your 30 minute holistic facial. $20 booking fee applies, fully redeemable off the purchase of any 2 True products on the day. Excludes lip balm. Limited numbers. CEDAR TIMBER FOR SALE - about 200Lm dressed T&G 80 x 19mm, 28Lm dressed 145 x 45mm, 6Lm dressed 175 x 25mm, 4Lm R/S 60 x 40mm $1500ono. Phone 443 6065. MAX FACTOR MAX FACTOR MAX FACTOR, the make-up of makeup artists now available at Aspiring Pharmacy, on the corner. PEASTRAW FOR SALE. Large bales, (7 small bale equivalent). Great value $40 each. Delivered. Phone or text 027 7224 548. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR from 5.30pm until 6.30pm. Free bar snacks, raffles, pokies! Courtesy coach, phone 443 4545. MICHAEL LANEY M.B.CH.B., Dip.Obst., F.R.C.O.G., F.R.A.N.Z.C.O.G. Gynaecologist and Gynae-Oncologist. Now consulting at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. For an appointment: Ph 03 379 0555. GET FIT AND HAVE FUN whilst wearing your baby with Kangatraining! No need for a babysitter, your baby is your workout buddy! Learn how to safely wear your baby in a safe structured baby carrier while getting an awesome workout! Like www. facebook.com/kangawanaka for all the info or ph Fiona 0275 330 234. HAPPY HOUR 5 - 6.30PM. Every day at Trout Cafe Restaurant Bar. NEED A PLUMBER? Phone Wanaka Plumbing for all general maintenance and new work on 021 959 072 or a/h 443 4959. TRUCK DRIVER WANTED. Phone Murray 0274 435 400.
COME AND CHECK OUT WHATS NEW @Gin & Raspberry. Relax and take in the best views in town with our new outdoor heaters, shade sail and lighting. New Happy Hour from 6-7pm including our brand new Mulled wine on tap! QUEEN BED FOR SALE. Commercial quality $120. Phone 443 7698. COLD NIGHTS, WARM KITCHEN, HOT DEALS.... Monday Tuesday Wednesday nights in June at Sailz Lake Hawea - two for one curry and pasta. Order before 7pm. FIREWOOD4WINTER: Dry shed stored old Pine... 3 or 6m3 loads Delivered. Text 0278 438 901 or email: firewood4winter@gmail. com PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN YOGYAKARTA MEANS TAXI, motorbike taxi (Ojek), rickshaw (Becak), horse carriages (Andong), old buses and Trans Jogja buses. There is always a long wait for the old buses, so while you are waiting why not check out The Messenger online at www.mymessenger.co.nz ONE BEDROOM FLAT TO LET. Central Wanaka location, private driveway, free Wifi and gas water heating. Prefer longer term. 0211 915 344. KAHU YOUTH ARE TAKIN’ OVER Amigos again! On 4th, 9th, 11th and 16th June our wonderful youth will be running Amigos restaurant! Half of all the money taken each night goes to Kahu Youth too! So call Amigos on 443 7872 to book a table and enjoy great food and fantastic Kahu Youth service. AVALANCHE AWARENESS COURSE: INTRO. Evening session followed by a field day at a local ski area. Accredited by NZ Mountain Safety Council. Contact Aspiring Guides for dates & details. 443 9422 or www.aspiringguides.com IF YOU WANT SOMETHING LIFTED or shifted, give Glenn at Lakeland Contracting a call now 443 5049. “Lifting your expectations”. HELICRAFT NEED AN OFFICE MANAGER/Accounts person. Please email details to Rod Price: rod@helicraft.co.nz SPENCER HOUSE MALL, INSIDE FROM 4PM every Thursday, Wanaka Farmers Market - a fantastic range of locally produced and grown goodies. ALCHEMY, FORMERLY KNOWN AS CAFE LAGO will be open for evening tapas from this Thursday - special $20 tapas and house wine or beer special.
4 Bedr, 3 Bath, Dbl Garage, Unfurnished 4 Bedr, 3 Bath, Exec home, Part Furnished 4 Bedr, 2 Bath, Dbl Garage, Unfurnished 3 Bedr, 1 Bath, Dbl Garage, Unfurnished
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10th June 2015
Need a lawn? Aspiring Readylawn A beautiful lawn instantly!
Phone: (03) 443 1313 Mobile: 0272 808 987 LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable.” Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. AGM CENTRAL OTAGO ARCHERS INC. 10am, 28 June at the Hawea Holiday Park. For more information call 0276 461 520. SECOND HAND SKI GEAR FOR SALE @ Rocket Rentals! Check out our clearance rack and pick up skis and boards at budget prices. Some clothing available too. 39 Helwick St. 443 ROCK. INTERMEDIATE SKIER? Train to be a certified Ski Instructor at Cardrona on weekends. For details go to: www.cardronainstructor. com or phone/text 021 2555 929. GLASS BALUSTRADES. Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719. FAMILY TUNING DEAL - BASE Ultimate Workshop: 2 full tunes & 2 basic tunes for $129. Save $80! One week only, drop your gear into BASE 2, 12 Helwick St. DOG WALKING AND PET SITTING service in Wanaka and surrounding areas. Professional and friendly full time Wanaka resident with great local references and affordable rates. Call Emily on 0221 629 851. BOAT WANTED: Fi Glass Lightning, Reflex Chianti 585 or similar. Must be in good condition. Ph. 021 2289 664. FABULOUS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Audi Quattro Winter Games NZ 2015, 21st - 30th August to fill various roles on and off the mountain. For more information and to register please go to: www.wintergamesnz.kiwi/volunteers/ SATELLITE PHONES FOR HIRE. Going hunting or tramping? Phone 03 443 9422. PERFECT PEONIES – Plant locally grown bulbs now, in time for spring with Wanaka Mitre 10. All colours still available. THE WANAKA OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC is pleased to welcome Alistair Treacher for the early winter season. Alistair is visiting us from Auckland and has a particular interest in pain management and treating sports injuries as well as infants and pregnant women. Take the opportunity to be treated by an osteopath from one of Auckland’s best clinics and feel the point of difference of osteopathy. Call now on 443 6783 or visit wanakaosteopathic. co.nz/osteopaths
BLUFF OYSTERS ARE BACK ON SPECIAL in the restaurant at the Albert Town Tavern Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Lunch and dinner at $24.50 a dozen with salad and fries or $15.00 for 1/2 a doz. GARAGE SALE - 4 BOB LEE PLACE Sat. 13th June 9am - 1pm. Cabelas insulated hunting suit, Canada goose decoys, antiques, garden tools, furniture, household goods and free stuff. FARM SHED AND WORKSHOP CLEARANCE. Electric fence reels, insulators, sheep netting, tools, bolts, railway iron cattle stop, workbench shelving, ride-on mower, quadbike and trailer, c-dax sprayer, dog kennel, garden tools, long accumulated clutter. Friday and Saturday 614 Wanaka - Luggate Highway from 10am. GRIEVING THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE? Need some help to get through it? Women’s Support can help by listening and/or referring you to a confidential professional person who can help. Phone 443 1448. www.womenssupport.org.nz WANAKA HOSPICE SHOP is now doing pick ups. If you have any furniture you would like to donate, please call 443 4142. SORE FEET? See James at Lakes Podiatry for all your foot care requirements. Located at Wanaka Lakes Health Centre, phone 443 0730. www.lakespodiatry.co.nz ROOM AVAILABLE in warm sunny home close to town. Furnished - with Wifi. Cool cats need only apply. Call/text 021 349 246. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN LOCAL’S CARD DRAW, every Friday at 7pm. It is up to $200. Got to be in bar to win. FOR SALE: 2003 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA, 5 door. 4WD economical 2.0L motor, manual gear box. $6,500 ono. Phone 0276 419 013. ANNIE SLOAN CHALK PAINT. The best paint in the world? Try it for yourself! Exclusively available online at melaniecraigdesign. co.nz. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN FIVER FRIDAY. ($5.00 drinks) 7pm until 8pm every Friday. Courtesy coach ph 443 4545 pick up and drop off. LUXURY MOUNTAIN & AIRPORT TRANSFERS new local service. TC, Cardrona, SnowFarm $35pp return. Wanaka-Queenstown Airport $139 for 4. Ph: 0800 874 537.
10th June 2015
DAILY 1 - 5 PM
39 HELWICK ST - PHONE 443 ROCK STAY WARM WITH THE FANTASTIC FIREPLACE, firewood and heating deals at Wanaka Mitre 10. Including electric blankets from $21.98. DID YOU KNOW Hold Fast Concrete Specialists also cut concrete? Phone Manu now on 021 453 887 for a quote on our Place & Cut Package Deal. Remember, it’s Hold Fast or be bucked off! MIKE HASLER PLUMBING AND GAS LTD available for plumbing, gas fitting, servicing and general maintenance. Call Mike 027 5338 914. NATURAL HEALTH CARE CAN HELP YOU get your health and wellbeing back on track. Nikki Sumner is a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist at Fusion Natural Health Clinic located with in Health 2000 Wanaka. Nikki can help address the underlying cause of hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, fatigue and many more. Visit www.fusionhealthclinic.co.nz or call 03 443 8360 for more information. HOUSE FOR RENT IN LUGGATE (10mins from Wanaka). Available from 25 June to 30 July. Suit family of four or couple. Mature responsible persons only. Logburner, sky TV. Reasonable rent in return for looking after resident cat. Email colquhon1@gmail.com $10 FISH AND CHIPS. 9 - 3pm Trout Cafe Restaurant Bar. 443 2600. SELECTRIX ARE LOOKING for a full or part time person to help in shop, do deliveries and engage in customer service with their problems. Apply in writing to Box 561, Wanaka in the first instance. WANAKLEAN DOG - Grooming, clipping and bathing. Right here in Wanaka! Call Emily on 0275 110 282 to make an appointment. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN: NEXT KARAOKE is this Friday the 12th of June from 8.30 pm. Enter the competition, this round is Alternative Rock! Dress up and sing to get into the finals. If you are one of the first three this round, you go to the final round to win $300.00. Third is Pop. Get an Albie buck every time you sing. Free courtesy coach. Ph 443 4545, pick up and drop off. Congratulations to Trudy, Delhi, and Nikita for getting into the finals. COMMUNTY NETWORKS WANAKA IS FAREWELLING BARBARA. After 11 years of offering an amazing service, Barbara has decided to move on to other adventures. Her farewell function is on Thursday 9th July at 5pm, venue tbc. All are welcome to this function. Please RSVP to Kate Murray at kate@ communitynetworks.co.nz or 443 7799. Thank you. DEBZ FOR HAIR. $100 CUT AND COLOUR. Open 6 days, 3 late nights. 443 6624. CHAPTER5 SALE 50% OFF SELECTED boots and shoes. Sale at Chapter5 Pembroke Mall. PANASONIC HEAT PUMPS - Special pricing at Selectrix. Call Ken at Selectrix - he’s been selling them for 25 years so use his experience!
business cards
3 Day turn around as standard
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz
IMMIGRATION NEW ZEALAND needs chefs. If you’re a chef and want a VISA to stay long term contact info@easyvisa.co.nz 03 443 8386. POISONING PARADISE’ WON BEST FILM in the Environmental & Ecology, International category at the Heart of England Film Festival. It was also nominated for the prestigious UK, Swansea Bay Film Festival. More recently ‘Poisoning Paradise’ won the ‘Conservation Advocacy Award’ at the Japan Wildlife Film Festival. Yet it has never been shown on NZ television. 1080freelakesdistrict@gmail.com NEED YOUR INTERIORS PAINTED during winter? Call Brandon on 0272 912 245 for all your painting needs. METAL WINE/SPIRIT SCREW TOP CAPS earn $$$ for Cure Kids. Please save them and bring into Caltex Wanaka - supporting CureKids. URGENTLY REQUIRED a 2 -3 bedroom furnished place close to town, at a low price. Contact Sonya 021 953 998. VETLIFE WANAKA – Now provides comprehensive veterinary services for all your farming requirements (dairy, sheep, beef, deer, farm dogs, etc). At the normal competitive prices, from three experienced production animals veterinarians. Vetlife Wanaka, 2 Balneaves Lane, Wanaka. Located on the Hawea turn-off. Excellent easy parking. Ph 03 443 6409. ARMADA TSTW. 165CMS. Salomon S910 binding. Great condition. A great ski for the girl that loves to ski TC. $500 or $400 without the binding. Call Karen 021 350 950. COLOUR STEEL FENCING. Same both sides. New colour range now available. Wanaka Fencing and Gates. Phone 0272 080 175. HOT SOUP, TAKEAWAY $3, fresh organic ingredients, changes daily at Wholefood Haven, 24 Dungarvon Street, behind Pembroke Wines. Phone 443 8801. YES! NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME to have a break. Rika the hairfairy will be away from 20 June till 6 July. But, you can reach me for appointments on 0273 169 463. WANAKA POOL AND AQUAFIT Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 9am for 45 minutes. WELCOME TO WINTER PARTY at Lalaland this Saturday from 11pm ‘til 2.30am with DJs Civilian Sol and Cshe getting the winter started with a bang.
I will heel you, I will save your sole, I will even dye for you. 6107346AA
find us on
www .mcdiarmids.co.nz
Jim & Libby’s
3 Helwick St, Wanaka
Cobbler Glenn for stitching, patching, heeling, soiling, stretching, dyeing, zips, bags, backlining and hobnailing boots.
10th June 2015
OPEN HOMES DIRECTORY 10th - 16th June 2015
HARCOURTS 4 Bevan Place, Wanaka 31 Brownston Street, Wanaka 15B Rimu Lane, Wanaka 77 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 1/32 Brownston St, Wanaka 18 Matai Road, Wanaka 4 Bevan Place, Wanaka 15B Rimu Lane, Wanaka 31 Brownston Street, Wanaka 3 Kakapo Court, Wanaka 77 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka
PGG WRIGHTSON 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 2.00 - 2.30pm 3.00 - 3.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm
Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sun 14th June Sun 14th June Sun 14th June Sun 14th June Sun 14th June
$829,000 Auction 19/06 Auction 20/06 $569,000 $499,000 Auction 26/06 $829,000 Auction 20/06 Auction 19/06 $629,000 $569,000
10.00 - 10.30am 10.00 - 10.30am 11.00 - 11.30am 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.30 - 2.00pm 12.00 - 12.30pm
Thu 11th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sun 14th June
Auction 26/06 Auction 26/06 $1,250,000 $2,800,000 $875,000 $2,800,000
1.00pm 2.30pm 1.00pm
Sat 13th June $1,350,000 Sat 13th June $1,295,000 Sun 14th June By Negotiation
12.00pm 11.00am
Sat 13th June $420,000 Sun 14th June $545,000
11.00 - 11.30am 1.00 - 1.30pm
Sat 13th June Enquiries > $399,000 Sat 13th June $349,000
FIRST NATIONAL 1 Lagoon Ave, Albert Town 1 Lagoon Ave, Albert Town 159 Lismore Street, Wanaka 27 Penrith Park, Wanaka 120 Anderson Rd, Wanaka 27 Penrith Park, Wanaka
NZ SOTHEBY'S INT'L REALTY 6 Waimana Place, Wanaka 44 Kelliher Drive, Wanaka 825 Aubrey Road, Wanaka
EDINBURGH REALTY 38 Noema Terrace, Lake Hawea 56 Missy Crescent, Pisa Moorings
PROFESSIONALS 45 Bernard Road, Albert Town 38 Bodkin Street, Lake Hawea
YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA is usually pronounced Jogjakarta and Jogja. Yogyakarta is renowned as the cultural and educational centre of Indonesia and is famous for batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows. The Messenger is available in Yogyakarta online at www.mymessenger.co.nz COVERSTAFF RECRUITMENT SERVICES: Annabel Blaikie has over 25 years recruitment experience and offers support to local businesses helping them to recruit and retain talented people. Email Annabel at Annabel.Blaikie@coverstaff.net.nz to see how she can provide flexible and cost effective employment solutions. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - new dentures, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. JUST FISH IS SELLING A SELECTION OF freshly frozen free flowed Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP beside Bullock Bar entrance. Tucker 0274 376 657. 2 FOR 1 PIZZA 5 - 6.30PM. Trout Cafe Restaurant Bar. 443 2600. MILK & BREAD SPECIALS AT CALTEX WANAKA - today and every day. Pams milk 2 x 2L only $7.50. Golden Bake bread, 2 loaves only $3.20. Caltex open 6am - 11pm daily. PROACTIVE HEALTH AND FITNESS is looking for an outstanding new employee to join their team for 25 - 30 hours per week.The applicant must be able to work Saturday and Sunday and be flexible during the week. Must have incredible customer service skills, be a long term Wanaka resident and have a genuine passion for the fitness industry. Send your resume to info@proactivewanaka.com or drop it into 17 Plantation Rd. 1984 SPRAY TRUCK Toyota Hilux with 700L Stainless steel tank,180m hose, 9 hp Honda quickspray unit, 12m boom available. Quantity of used fencing netting 900mm high. Small bale accumulator. Garth Stewart phone 0274 2848 147 / 443 2884. PART TIME SECURITY WANTED for weekend work at Lalaland. Please email: lalalandwanaka@gmail.com with cover note and CV.
79 Riverbank Road, Wanaka 120 Anderson Road, Wanaka 137 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka
1.00 - 1.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 2.00 - 2.30pm
Sat 13th June $1,195,000 Sat 13th June $875,000 Sat 13th June Deadline Sale
5.00 - 5.30pm 10.00 - 10.30am 10.00 - 10.30am 10.45 - 11.15am 11.45 - 12.15pm 11.45 - 12.15pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 11.00 - 11.30am 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.45 - 1.15pm 2.00 - 2.30pm 3.00 - 3.30pm
Wed 10th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sun 14th June Sun 14th June Sun 14th June Sun 14th June Sun 14th June
Auction 26/06 $599,000 $799,000 Deadline Sale 26/06 $449,000 $549,000 By Negotiation $780,000 Auction 26/06 Deadline Sale 26/06 $549,000 $1,249,000 By Negotiation
12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm
Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June Sat 13th June
$1,195,000 $749,000 Auction $2,450,000
2.00 - 4.00pm 2.00 - 4.00pm
Sat 13th June Show Home Sun 14th June Show Home
12.00 - 4.00pm
Sat 13th June Show Home
BAYLEYS 16 Marbleleaf Lane, Albert Town 123 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 22 Niger Street, Wanaka 52 Willowridge, Wanaka 1/56 Warren Street, Wanaka 3/56 Warren Street, Wanaka 45 Warren Street, Wanaka 25a Old Racecourse Road, Albert Town 16 Marbleleaf Lane, Albert Town 7 Lansdown Street, Wanaka 52 Minaret Ridge, Wanaka 16 Minaret Ridge, Wanaka 447 Aubrey Road, Wanaka
RAY WHITE 79 Riverbank Road, Wanaka 187 Plantation Road, Wanaka 33B Old Station Avenue, Wanaka 63 Studholme Road, Wanaka
MIKE GREER HOMES Lot 163 Snowberry Street, Riverside Park Lot 163 Snowberry Street, Riverside Park
JENNIAN HOMES 16 Niger Street, West Meadows
WIRELESS SPEAKERS FOR YOUR HOME - SELECTRIX has Wanaka’s largest selection from Denon Heos, B&W, Panasonic, Marley, Wharfedale, Pioneer, plus integrated audio systems all set to stream music from your smart phone, tablet or computer. Visit Selectrix for a demo. NANNY EXTRAORDINAIRE AVAILABLE. Local Montessori Teacher with 30 years experience teaching 0 - 5years. Would your family like to build an ongoing relationship with a Nanny who will nurture your young child and stimulate their development? Please contact Bev on stevebev@xtra.co.nz BRRR! ITS COLD but there’s plenty of warm woolly kids jerseys, woolly socks and hats at Jills Wool and Dublin Bay Pottery. Possum and Merino handspun garments our specialty, also millspun and handspun yarns. Come and check out Joy’s pottery as well. Ph 443 8552 (home) or 443 1158 (shop). WANAKLEAN DOG - Grooming, clipping and bathing. Right here in Wanaka! Call Emily on 0275 110 282 to make an appointment. FULL BREAKFAST FRY UP including black pudding for $19.50 served everyday at Cherry May Cafe, 105 Ardmore Street. MAINTENANCE ENGINEER: We currently have a vacancy for a full time seasonal mechanical maintenance engineer. The successful applicant must prove relevant trade qualifications and a history of diagnostics and maintenance. Welding experience would also be an advantage. The job entails daily maintenance of lifts, hydraulic diagnostics and repair to day to day repairs of infrastructure. Please note this may entail working at heights. Please email CV, cover letter and three referees to admin@ treblecone.com CASUAL HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED: Local legend required for small motel. You will need to have a positive attitude, a ‘can do’ attitude and be able to work mornings (hrs approx 9.30am 12.30pm). Phone 443 7480 to discuss further.
10th June 2015
EST. 2011
3.15 PITCH PERFECT 2 [M sexual references] 4.00 ALOHA [PG coarse language] 5.45 TOMORROWLAND [M Violence, offensive Language, sex scenes]
6.15 THE GROUND WE WON [M Offensive lang sex refs, nudity, content may disturb] 8.15 MAD MAX: FURY ROAD [R16 Violence, content may disturb]
8.30 SPY [R16 violence offensive lang, sex refs]
THURSDAY 11/6 3.00 NOBLE [PG Violence, coarse language]
3.30 5.30 6.00 8.00 8.30
FRIDAY 12/6 3.15 4.00 5.45 6.00 8.15 8.45
12.45 TOMORROWLAND 3.00 THAT SUGAR FILM [PG coarse language, nudity]
3.30 5.30 6.00 8.15 8.45
MONDAY 15/6 3.15 THE GROUND WE WON [M Off lang, sex refs, nudity, content may disturb] 3.45 ALOHA 5.30 SPY [R16] 6.00 PITCH PERFECT 2 8.00 MAD MAX: FURY ROAD [R16] 8.30 JURASSIC WORLD 3D
WEDNESDAY 17/6 3.15 3.30 5.30 6.00 8.00 8.30
per ticket
ADULT $14.50
CHILD $8.50
10th June 2015
Upper Clutha Messenger
Wanaka Lakes Health Centre | 23 Cardrona Valley Road
Introducing our newest team member! We are pleased to announce Dr Kylie Lewthwaite will be joining the Lumino The Dentists Wanaka Team, permanently on 22 June.
Dr Kylie Lewthwaite
“Born and bred in Otago, I’ve spent many happy holidays in Wanaka and it holds a very special place in my heart. It’s always been a dream to live here so when the opportunity to be a part of the Lumino Wanaka team came up I couldn’t say no! I’m excited to be a part of the Wanaka community and look forward to getting to know my new patients.” The team would also like to thank Locum Peter Neumann for his time spent at the practice.
on dental treatments $300 and over with Q Card!* Hurry offer ends 30th June 2015.
Call today to make an appointment
Ph: 03 443 0790
wanaka@lumino.co.nz lumino.co.nz/wanaka
*Q Card lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Visit lumino.co.nz for more details.
NEW HOMES RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPING EARTHMOVING Call for a free quote - 0508 evergreen (toll free) www.evergreenhomes.co.nz
10th June 2015
Upper Clutha Messenger
The essence of LocaTion
7 Lansdown street, Wanaka
aTTenTion firsT home Buyers, inVesTors…
Deadline sale closing 4pm, Fri 26 Jun 2015 (unless sold prior)
Are you struggling to find that affordable entry level home in auction 12noon, Fri 26 Jun the Wanaka Area? 2015 (unless sold prior) at On the 26th of June we will be taking 16 Marble Leaf Lane, Bayleys Office, 62 Ardmore a brand new entry level home to Auction and it’s to be sold!! Street, Wanaka
View Sun 12 - 12.30pm or by appointment www.bayleys.co.nz/223035 Todd soper m 0027 487 6737 B 03 443 0265 todd.soper@bayleys.co.nz
This charming home oozes character and with the benefits of a modern build offers a stylish sunny retreat in Wanaka. Decorated in a French provincial style, the cleverly designed living spaces flow well yet provide the ability for privacy. With five double bedrooms and three bathrooms plus study, the 335m2 (approx) home provides plenty of room for everyone and could suit extended family living or bed and breakfast guests. Sited for the sun and to maximise the views to the mountains the spacious, level 4807m2 (approx) section is conveniently located within easy walking distance to town and the local schools. Triple garaging, and easy care gardens complete this great package.
This affordable home could be the cheapest new home sold View Wed 5 - 5.30pm and Sun 11 - 11.30am or by appointment in the Wanaka area, so don’t miss out, as it all stacks up. www.bayleys.co.nz/223024 The home is characterised by spacious open plan living, three bedrooms and all the heating conveniences of a Todd soper modern home. Chunky macrocarpa bordered landscaping m 0027 487 6737 B 03 443 0265 and a feature bbq area complete the package. todd.soper@bayleys.co.nz Call today for a private viewing.
before talking to Jarrod about buying or selling. i have the best options for you to move forward.
N EW charming french characTer
16 marbleleaf Lane, albert Town, Wanaka
Don’t pass GO
Only ever used as a holiday house, this 6 year old home is immaculately presented and appears brand new. From your future address it is just a few moments wander to Roys Bay, one of Wanaka’s most beautiful beaches. Ideally situated for all day sun this generous sized home offers you space and diversity for families of all ages and stages with multiple outdoor living areas, open plan living and a separate lounge or media room. A stylish but simplistic garden creates privacy but ensures that you’ll be able to enjoy your lifestyle. The triple car garaging with drive through access allows further out of sight parking. This immaculate home is ready and waiting for you.
Phone 03 443 5330 www.bayleys.co.nz
447 aubrey road, Wanaka for sale by negotiation
View Sun 3 - 3.30pm or by appointment www.bayleys.co.nz/223046 rosie ford m 021 189 6671 B 03 443 0271 rosie.ford@bayleys.co.nz
Jarrod Frazer M 027 251 2007 E jarrod.frazer@bayleys.co.nz www.facebook.com/jarrodfrazerbayleys