Upper clutha messenger 17th may 2017

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Volume XXXlX | No 19 | 17th May 2017

11 Brownston St, Wanaka | (03) 443 7804 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz

SOUTHERN FIREWOOD Hawea Playgroup is delighted to invite the whole community to our 7th annual garage sale. Hawea Flat Hall will be packed with second hand treasures and once again we’ll be running our delicious pop-up café, generously supported by The People’s Bread and Venus Coffee. The café will serve organic sourdough breads to accompany our famous kumara soup, home-made sausage rolls, beautiful coffee and homemade cakes, and cookies.

Tables are available for $15, however numbers are limited. Second hand items and home-made arts and crafts welcome. Get creative! Text Em on 021 984 336 or see Facebook.com/haweaplaygroup for more information.

Stephanie Botha & Terry Frisby Phone or Text: 021 069 8210

Let us fuel your fire!

Facepainting, giant bubbles, a lolly scramble and a visit from Cardrona’s friendly penguin Pingu and TC Cat are part of our exciting line-up. MC-ed by local musician Anna van Riel, entertainment will also be shared by Wanaka Ukuleles and other local talent.

Does your business need a fresh approach with new ideas and effective marketing options? Contact Randal Dobbs about a simple, straight-forward “Warrant of Fitness” coaching service for your business marketing.

Entry is by gold coin donation, with funds raised contributing towards fresh resources and the running expenses of our locally-run playgroup.

Phone (021) 973 043 Email frameworkmarketing@gmail.com


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Working together to get the best results 162 Fay Lane, Queensberry For Sale $1,350,000 www.bayleys.co.nz/223989

11 Hyland Street, Wanaka

Unit 5/19 Chalmers Street, Wanaka

Auction 1pm, Thurs 8 June 2017 at Bayleys, 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka (unless sold prior) www.bayleys.co.nz/223987

Deadline Private Treaty 4pm, Thurs 15 June 2017 (unless sold prior) www.bayleys.co.nz/223996

Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235 B 03 443 0272 E sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENCED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008

Upper Clutha Messenger

17th May 2017



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Up to 30% off selected tiles, until the end of May

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17th May 2017




7+856'$< 0$< Ć• $VSLULQJ 4XLOWHUV Wanaka’s quilting group meeting 1 - 4pm, Faulks Room, Lake Wanaka Centre. Visitors and new members welcome. Call Clare 443 4303 for more info. Ć• .QLW &OXE :DQDND A social fun free club meeting every Thur from 5.30pm, Alchemy Cafe. Come along, make new friends, knit, learn to knit, shop with The Woven and enjoy a drink and/or something to eat. All ages and skills welcome, come at a time that suits until at least 8pm. Email shop@thewoven.co.nz Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year olds. Warm, cosy and friendly faces, come for a cuppa after the school or kindy run. Everyone welcome. Find us on Facebook for updates. Ć• 0HQ¡V +ROH *ROI Cards in by 10.15am, tee off 10.30am. New players welcome. Ć• :DQDND 3OD\JURXS 9.30 - 11.30am, 0-5yrs old. Squash Club, Stone St. Indoor activities and large IHQFHG RXWGRRU DUHD IDPLO\ Âż UVW YLVLW IUHH 9LVLWRUV welcome. Enquiries to Kelli 021 776 853. Ć• 3ULPH7LPHUV Bus departs for Hawea and beyond from Showgrounds at 10.30pm. See you there! Ph 021 0431 054. Ć• /DGLHV 1LQH +ROH *ROI Stableford. New members and visitors welcome. Discs in by 10am please.

)5,'$< 0$< Ć• :DQDND %RZOLQJ &OXE Progressive Tournament. Names in by 1pm, start 1.15pm. Visitors welcome. Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Friday Bridge, 12.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St, visitors welcome. Ć• $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV Steps &Traditions Meeting. 7.30pm, Wanaka Plunket Rooms. Open meeting. Ć• :DQDND 7R\ /LEUDU\ Open 9.30 - 11.00am. Reece Cres - opposite Plumbing World. Ć• 6W &ROXPED¡V &KXUFK &RIIHH *URXS 10am, Beanie Cafe, Ardmore St. Ć• 0HGLWDWLRQ 12midday St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. All welcome. Contact Damon Plimmer ucang@calledsouth.org.nz Ć• 7*, )ULGD\ children’s liturgy at St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts, 5pm. Children of all ages welcome. Contact Damon Plimmer 03 443 2440. Ć• ,QWURGXFWLRQ WR VROLGV 10 - 11am at the Plunket Rooms, 51 Ardmore St. Find out about this next step in your baby’s development. Mums, Dads and bubs welcome. No registration necessary. Ć• 7RLOHW 7UDLQLQJ 11am - 12noon. Wanaka Plunket Rooms, 51 Ardmore St. Come along for tips, tricks and information. No registration required. Ć• :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. Visitors welcome.

6$785'$< 0$< Ć• +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ 3ODQWLQJ with Te Kakano, Fish & Game and the Wanaka Residents Association. %XOORFN &UHHN ZHWODQGV DP 0HHW LQ WKH Âż HOG E\ Bullock Creek in the Fish & Game Hatchery. Access: walk/drive in from Stone St entrance, opp. the day care centre. Head for the creek in the S/W corner. Tools provided. Bring sturdy boots/gumboots. Morning tea provided by Wanaka Wine Tours. Enquiries: Paul 021 0569 146 or Andrew 021 342 187. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am-3pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated.

Ć• :DQDND 7R\ /LEUDU\ Open 9.30 - 11am. Reece Cres - opposite Plumbing World. Ć• :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 1 - 4pm. Visitors welcome. Ć• $OSKD &OXE $QQXDO 2YHU ¡V /LYLQJ $ORQH /XQFKHRQ. Albert Town Tavern, midday. 443 7914.

681'$< 0$< Ć• +RO\ )DPLO\ &DWKROLF &KXUFK 152 Aubrey Rd. Holy Mass 9am. All welcome. See notice at Church for week day Mass times. Ć• :DQDND %DSWLVW &KXUFK 5.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre, 89 Ardmore St. Come as you are! 021 280 5817. Ć• :DQDND 1HZ /LIH &KXUFK Multigenerational meetings with great worship and Children’s Programme and you are welcome. We meet at 50 Reece Cres every Sunday at 10am. Night service 6pm, 1st Sunday of every month. Enquiries to 027 2927 770. Ć• 3UHVE\WHULDQ &RPPXQLW\ &KXUFK Family Service 10am with Rainbow Club for Children. Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, 92 Tenby St. wpccc.org.nz Ć• 1LJKW &KXUFK 7pm contemporary worship, inspiring message. All welcome. Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, 92 Tenby St. wpccc.org.nz Ć• 6W &ROXPED¡V $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Family Eucharist at 9.30am. Ć• &RQWHPSODWLYH (YHQLQJ 3UD\HU in the style of Taize Community of France, 5pm at St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Ć• /DNH +DZHD *ROI &OXE Sunday Golf 11.30am tee off. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD 7UDPSLQJ &OXE :LQWHU :DON. Meet 8.30am at lakefront, by toilets opposite Showgrounds. Bring lunch, thermos, weather-wise clothing, sturdy boots, sunglasses and petrol donation. Further details www.uctcwanaka.blogspot.com

021'$< 0$< Ć• $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV 7.30pm Plunket Rooms, Ardmore St. All welcome. Ć• 3HPEURNH &OXE RI :DQDND 10am, Albert Town Tavern. Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Silver Championship Pairs, 6.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Ć• :DQDND :DONHUV Meet on lakefront opposite McDougall St at 9.30am. Bring a jacket and packed lunch. Contact Ruth 021 474 904. Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year olds. Warm, cosy and friendly faces, come for a cuppa after the school or kindy run. Everyone welcome. Find us on Facebook for updates. Ć• 6PDOOERUH 5LĂ H &OXE 6.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre. Ć• :DQDND 3OD\JURXS 9.30 - 11.30am, 0-5yrs old. Squash Club, Stone St. Indoor activities and large IHQFHG RXWGRRU DUHD IDPLO\ Âż UVW YLVLW IUHH 9LVLWRUV welcome. Enquiries to Kelli 021 776 853. Ć• :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. Visitors welcome. Ć• +DZHD /LEUDU\ :ULJJOH 5K\PH 10am, followed by story reading and craft activities for pre-schoolers, every Monday of the school term.

78(6'$< 0$< Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Social session 10.50am, bring your lunch, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Visitors welcome.

Ć• 6D\ *R )DOOV SUHYHQWLRQ exercises for over 65s. Otago Age Concern - St John’s, Link Rd. 2 - 3pm $2. All welcome. Enquiries to Judy 443 4121. Ć• 7KH 5RWDU\ &OXE of Wanaka meets at the Mt Iron Garden Bar & Function Centre, Albert Town Tavern. 6pm for 6.30pm. Ć• *HQWOH <RJD for good health & calmness. 9.30 - 10.45am. St John Rooms, Link Way. Vouchers available for Cancer Society members. Open session for the community. Contact Carmen 0223 265 019. Ć• :DQDND 7R\ /LEUDU\ Open 7.30 - 8.30pm. Reece Cres (opposite Plumbing World). Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year olds. Warm, cosy and friendly faces, come for a cuppa after the school or kindy run. Everyone welcome. Find us on Facebook for updates. Ć• /DNH +DZHD .QLWWLQJ *URXS 12.30 - 3.30pm, Lake Hawea Library. All welcome. Enquiries Denise Shaw 0210 378 347. Ć• 0DLQO\ 0XVLF Music, movement and fun for children 0-4yrs and their Caregivers. Held at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Community Centre, 91 Tenby St, Wanaka. 9.30 - 11am, $3 per family. Ć• 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. 1 - 4pm. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org.nz Ć• :DQDND 0HQ¡V 7HQQLV Upton St courts from 3pm. Visitors welcome. Ć• :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE $*0 2pm at the Club Rooms. Ć• 9ROXQWHHULQJ &HQWUDO are at Community Networks today from 11.30am - 3pm. Come and talk to Gillian about volunteering in this fabulous community. Make an appointment or just drop in. gillian@volunteeringcentral.org.nz 027 5065 705 volunteeringcentral.org.nz Ć• :DQDND /LEUDU\ %RRN 1LJKW A nationwide reading event. Book lovers, book worms & book groups join us for an evening of reading & book chat. For more information contact Wanaka Library 443 0410. 5.30 7pm. Refreshments served - free - all welcome. Ć• :ULJJOH 5K\PH for 0-2 year olds at Wanaka Library 10am - 10.30am, term time only.

:('1(6'$< 0$< Ć• :DQDND /LEUDU\ 3UHVFKRRO 6WRU\WLPH. 10 - 11am, story reading followed by an activity for 3-5 year olds. Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Lindis Pairs. 6.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Ć• 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. 1 - 4pm. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org.nz Ć• 6W &ROXPED¡V $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK Cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Holy Communion with discussion at 10am. Ć• 0DLQO\ 0XVLF +DZHD Music, movement and fun for children 0-4yrs and their Caregivers. Held at St Ninian’s Church, Kane Rd, Hawea Flat. 9.30 - 11am, $3 per family. Ć• :DQDND &UHDWLYH )LEUH *URXS 0HHWLQJ Di’s home, 130 Hunter Cres. Start: 11am. Visitors welcome. Ć• %DGPLQWRQ IRU DGXOWV Come and play badminton with our friendly group on Wednesday evenings, 8-9pm at the Wanaka Recreation Centre. All levels welcome. We provide racquets so just bring court shoes and $5. Queries ph Julie 0204 0397 654.

For Medical Care in the weekend of Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 May the duty practice is

Wanaka Medical Centre at Wanaka Lakes Health Centre

23 Cardrona Valley Rd

Ph (03) 443 0710

Urgent Clinics 9 - 12 & 3 - 6pm daily and After Hours Doctor on Call 24/7

17th May 2017



Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 Address: 11 Brownston St, Wanaka Email: messenger@printit.co.nz


MESSENGER DEADLINES DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS (15 minutes design time included) - Monday 12 noon. LINE ADVERTISEMENTS Tuesday 12 noon, preferably Monday. COMMUNITY FEATURE Request an application form. COMMUNITY DIARY Monday 12 noon.

Check out the Messenger online at: www.mymessenger.co.nz

CUSTOM WALL MAPS – select your region, size and style. Come and see the options at our showroom. The 45th Degree. Unit 1, 148 Ballantyne Road Wanaka. Ph 443 9348. Open MonFri 9am-5pm. www.the45thdegree.com WE ARE LOOKING FOR A SALES SUPERSTAR to join our team at the Wanaka i-SITE as a Frontline Consultant selling Wanaka, Queenstown, Fiordland and beyond to our guests. This is a permanent, fulltime position and will involve weekend work. You must be eligible to work in NZ for the next 12 months. Please email a cover letter and CV by 5pm Wednesday 24 May to Jaimee at: isite@lakewanaka.co.nz WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. KIK BUTT CLOTHING. Unique and sassy clothing for your lifestyle. We support “fairtrade”. To view www.kikbuttlife.com TWO BEDROOM UNIT AVAILABLE end of June. Selfcontained, private, heat pump, gas hot water, washing machine, storage space, off-street parking. No pets. Long term, Albert Town. Phone to view, Gareth 0210 514 872. NEED A PLUMBER? Phone Wanaka Plumbing for all general maintenance and new work on 021 959 072. 4 BED 2 BATH HOME for sale 208 Aubrey Road, Wanaka 189 sqm house 800 sqm section. Private sale call: 027 3286 247 to view. CARPET REPAIRS, RE-STRETCHING, re-laying, inserts, laying new and second-hand carpet. Quality service by experienced local tradesman. Call John at A & J Services 0274 331 482 or a/h 443 6255. SIMPSON 4KG DRYER FOR SALE. $100. Phone 0274 368 875.

Need a professional clean? WANAKA CLEANING SOLUTIONS Reliable, Eco friendly, Quality Cleaning Services with a smile Home & Office

Call: 021 198 4844

New Builds Air BnB End of lease Window Cleaning

Come into Print It to collect your voucher for a FREE coffee at Kai.

If you would like us to include a birthday phone on 03 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz

DOES YOUR GARDEN NEED SOME LOVE? The Constant Gardener provides the reliable, professional, and timely service you need. Get your hedges, weeding, pruning, sympathetic tree work and more sorted before winter. Call or email The Constant Gardener for a free consultation on 022 6126 958 or theconstantgardenernz@gmail.com WANAKA FARMERS AND CRAFT MARKET this Thursday from 3pm outside the Speight’s Ale House. Come along enjoy some fabulous locally made artisan goodies and look out for those unique gifts. CHILLER AND FREEZER TRAILERS for hire - Call 021 329 968. BANGERS AND MASH. Great winter comfort food at Trout Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. CHRYSTAL PENDANT FOUND. Two-tone, with metal loop at top for hanging it on a chain. Please phone 0210 2601 515. LUGGATE HOTEL SUNDAY SESH. Free bar snacks, $8 big bott, $8 wine, $5 house spirits, $20 meal deals and free pool. Open fires. What a way to spend a Sunday. MARKETING NEED A warrant of fitness check? For effective ideas call Framework Marketing 021 973 043. FOR RENT - 1 BEDROOM SELF CONTAINED and fully furnished flat. Walking distance to town. Prefer a working couple for mid to long term. $360 pw includes power and WiFi. Available from 3/4 June. Phone or text 021 2206 558. WANAKA GARDEN CLUB AGM 25th May 2017. Meeting at the Wanaka Bowling Club at 7.30pm.

A BIG THANK YOU To all who helped in any way with the Poppy Day collections and the ANZAC Day Services and Ceremonies. The generosity of everyone who made donations to this worthy cause on Poppy Day is very much appreciated. The large participation by our communities and visitors in the services and ceremonies on our important day of remembrance, is acknowledged with thanks.

17th May 2017


MY COMMUNITY NEWS Alpha Club’s over 80’s Luncheon Alpha Club’s over 80’s Luncheon will be held on Saturday 20th May at 12 noon in the function room at the Albert Town Tavern. We invite all men and women who are over 80 and live alone to join us as our guests. There will be raffles, time for socialising and some entertainment. The only cost will be for those folk who want to take part in the many raffles that will be running over the course of the luncheon. If you would like to come along and join us please phone Carol on 443 7914.

Transportation can be arranged should you need a lift to get there. The Alpha Club of Wanaka was formed in 1993 by a group of local women, the purpose being to enjoy fun and fellowship together at dinner meetings while also raising funds to support organisations in the Upper Clutha Community. This has been achieved in various ways/swimmarathons, house tours, raffles etc. and so far approximately $87,000 has been given to 25 deserving organisations in the

Upper Clutha area. The Over 80’s Luncheon was also decided upon to further give back to our community and has been running for about 20 years. We would also like to acknowledge the wonderful help and support from the Albert Town Tavern in supplying the venue in recent years. We gladly welcome new members to our Alpha Club so for further information please contact Raeleen Thomas on 021 371 4977.

Kahu Youth is ‘Takin’ over Amigos’ once again!

Above: The ‘Takin’ Over Amigos’ team

For the ninth year running, Kahu Youth’s amazing young people will be taking over the running of one of Wanaka’s longest running and most iconic restaurants, Amigos, for four nights – Tuesday 23rd, Thursday 25th and Tuesday 30th May plus Thursday 1st June.

To top it all off, Amigos donate half of the takings from each night to Kahu Youth; because they are awesome! Over the years, well over 200 young people have taken part and Amigos have donated in excess of $10,000 to the Kahu Youth Trust.

This wonderful initiative began small back in 2008 and has grown to the four night event it is now, involving over 20 young people who clean and set up the restaurant, take orders, make drinks and help out where they can in the kitchen. Everyone generally has a great time in addition to gaining some invaluable work experience in the process.

So come and eat some yummy food in a great place, be entertained by your local young people and support your local youth service all in one go - it’s always a great night out!

BOOK A FULL SKIN CANCER check with a qualified skin cancer doctor at Molemedic. Regular skin examinations by a doctor qualified in Dermoscopy are critical for early detection of melanoma. Dr Brian Wills, MB ChB FRNZCGP, Australian Diploma of Dermoscopy is Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Society. 25B Russell St. Phone 443 7929. Clinics 23, 25 & 30 May. SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window Cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: wilsonservices.co.nz TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. WHITE, WOODEN, SINGLE BED BUNKS for sale plus very good mattresses. Good condition, only 4 years old. $420. Phone 0274 482 504. ECSTATIC DANCE WANAKA. Live DJ Conscious Dance Party for fitness & fun at Lake Wanaka Centre 7- 8.30pm. Every Wednesday May 17th - Jun 7th. $15 at the door. Check us out on FB @ecstaticdancewanaka. Phone 021 716 475 simonpaulshea@gmail.com


Call Amigos on (03) 443 7872 and book now! Please make sure to mention Kahu Youth when you’re booking and we’ll see you there!

CARPENTER AND HAMMERHANDS WANTED for high end residential developments. Call Justin on 021 464 656 or send CV to justin@hbd.co.nz DIGGER STACK RETAINING WALLS plus paving plus columns plus landscaping or house cladding. We do it all. Guillotine or nature. For all your Schist requirements phone 0274 691 069. NOTICE! Michelle has vast experience in perms and shampoo/ sets. To celebrate our relocation to the ground floor at Spencer House Michelle is offering $30 shampoo and sets for May and June. Three Chairs Hair. Phone 443 5898. NEED A DOG GROOMER? The Soggy Dawg Pet Boutique & Spa, full pet grooming facilities, qualified veterinary nurse and experienced groomer, all grooms include: Hydro bath, blowdry, nail clip. Call/text/pm Sheryl 027 4430 053 www.thesoggydawg.co.nz or FB for our ratings & reviews. “Groomed to Paw-fection”. 1984 WILDERNESS CARAVAN - full awning, separate bathroom, bedroom. New diesel burner. Very tidy. 29ft. $27,000 ono. Phone 0210 2743 797 or 0210 2543 699.

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

17th May 2017


Council Snippets Sign up now for Winter Road Reports QLDC provides an early morning road update seven days a week through the winter. You can get it by following @queenstownlakes ŽŶ dǁŝƩĞƌ͖ ͞ůŝŬŝŶŐ͟ YƵĞĞŶƐƚŽǁŶ >ĂŬĞƐ ŝƐƚƌŝĐƚ ŽƵŶĐŝů ŽŶ Facebook, or signing up for our emailed reports – go to our website ǁǁǁ͘ƋůĚĐ͘ŐŽǀƚ͘Ŷnj Žƌ ĞŵĂŝů ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐΛƋůĚĐ͘ŐŽǀƚ͘Ŷnj ĂŶĚ ƉƵƚ ͞ƌŽĂĚ ƌĞƉŽƌƚ͟ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƐƵďũĞĐƚ ůŝŶĞ͘ tŚŝůĞ LJŽƵ͛ƌĞ Ăƚ ŝƚ͕ ŶŽǁ ŝƐ Ă ŐŽŽĚ ƟŵĞ ƚŽ ĐŚĞĐŬ ƚŚĂƚ LJŽƵƌ ĐŚĂŝŶƐ Įƚ LJŽƵƌ ƚLJƌĞƐ ƉƌŽƉĞƌůLJ ĂŶĚ LJŽƵ ŬŶŽǁ ŚŽǁ ƚŽ ƉƵƚ ƚŚĞŵ ŽŶ͘ ŶĚ ĐŚĞĐŬ LJŽƵ͛ǀĞ ŐŽƚ ĂŶ ŝĐĞͲƐĐƌĂƉĞƌ ĂŶĚ ƚŽƌĐŚ ŝŶ LJŽƵƌ glove box.

ZĞĐLJĐůĞ ƐŽŌ ƉůĂƐƟĐƐ <ĞĞŶ ƚŽ ƌĞĐLJĐůĞ ŵŽƌĞ͍ zŽƵ ĐĂŶ ĚƌŽƉ Žī ƉůĂƐƟĐ ďĂŐƐ͕ ĨŽŽĚ ǁƌĂƉ ĂŶĚ ŽƚŚĞƌ ƐŽŌ ƉůĂƐƟĐƐ Ăƚ EĞǁ tŽƌůĚ͘ dŚĞ ďĂŐƐ ĂƌĞ ƐŚŝƉƉĞĚ ƚŽ ƵƐƐŝĞ ƚŽ be recycled into new products like park benches, bollards and street ƟůĞƐ͘


Are you enrolled to vote? ƵĞ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ tĂŶĂŬĂ ďLJͲĞůĞĐƟŽŶ͕ ƚŚĞ ůŽĐĂů ĞůĞĐƚŽƌĂů ƌŽůů ŝƐ ďĞŝŶŐ ƵƉĚĂƚĞĚ͘ /Ĩ LJŽƵ ǁŽƵůĚ ůŝŬĞ ƚŽ ĐŚĞĐŬ LJŽƵ ĂƌĞ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ƌŽůů͕ LJŽƵ ĐĂŶ ĚŽ ƐŽ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ tĂŶĂŬĂ ŽƵŶĐŝů ŽĸĐĞ͕ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ůŝďƌĂƌLJ Žƌ ŽŶůŝŶĞ ǁǁǁ͘ĞůĞĐƟŽŶƐ͘ŽƌŐ͘Ŷnj dŚŝƐ ƐŚŽƵůĚ ďĞ ĚŽŶĞ ďLJ ϭ :ƵŶĞ͘

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FUNDING FOR YOUR ARTS PROJECT. Grants of up to $2,000 available from the Upper Clutha Community Arts Council for creative projects including literature, performance and visual arts. Application forms in the Wanaka Library or contact uccac@outlook.com for more info. IKEA kitchens and furniture are available to order locally. For unbeatable pricing and a free design and quote, email help@ nordicdesign.co.nz Tel: 021 647 764. www.nordicdesign.co.nz IMPROVE YOUR MARKETING with a “warrant of fitness” from Framework Marketing. Call Randal on 021 973 043. I DIG EARTHWORKS LTD for all your earthmoving requirements. Small and large excavators, no job too big or small. Truck and transporter. Firewood. Screened topsoil. Schist walls etc. www.idig.co.nz Ph: 027 4691 069. OYSTERS OYSTERS OYSTERS AT TROUT Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. BADMINTON FOR ADULTS! Come and play badminton with our friendly group on Wednesday evenings from 8-9pm at the Wanaka Recreation Centre. All levels welcome. We provide racquets so just bring court shoes and $5. Any questions call Julie 0204 0397 654. WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. SALE! UP TO 50% OFF native plants at The Yard on Reece Crescent. Locally sourced and hardy to Wanaka conditions, while stocks last. 14 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5069. www. theyardcentral.co.nz LOCALS SNOWCHAIN SPECIAL. Purchase snowchains from Caltex this month and receive 3 FREE Superior carwashes (valued at $48) + FREE sizing, test fitting and on-wheel demonstration. Quick fit, ratchet tensioning chains at Caltex. LADI6 AND PARKER SOUND SYSTEM live at the Bullock Bar Sunday 4th June. Early Bird tickets $28.50 available from The Bullock Bar. TREES:TREES:TREES: do you have trees you need tidied up? Bluegums, Old Man pines, tree lanes etc, all types considered. Could be done for firewood value only, call Baz (the woodfella) 021 1046 155. Email: thewoodfella@gmail.com DOG NOT BEHAVING? Wanting a better mannered dog? Contact Mary, K9mana Behaviour Consultant and Trainer, P: 021 2880 881 or E: k9mana@gmail.com or www.k9mana. co.nz FOR SALE: 6 dining chairs $20 each. 2 bar stools $20 each. 2 x 3 seater couches $200 each. Wall unit $600. Bench saw $40. Fish tank $30. Phone 443 7009 after 5pm. TINT-A-WINDOW/SOLAR PROTECTIVE FILMS. Fade, UV block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Ph 0800 368 468 or view our website www. tintawindow.co.nz TRUE CERTIFIED ORGANIC holistic facials, Fridays and Saturdays. Central Wanaka location. 1 hour of stillness guaranteed $125. Nicki Hanning 0272 577 792 / truemindfulbeauty. SCHOOL HOLIDAY & OCCASIONAL WEEKEND WORK at Southern Wild is available to a motivated student, yr 10 and up. Experience not necessary but a good attitude and being willing to learn is! Please send a covering letter to accounts@ southernwild.nz

17th May 2017


Li ve For all your visa & immigration advice contact your local Wanaka adviser. 03 443 8386 | info@easyvisa.co.nz | www.easyvisa.co.nz

SUBARU LEGACY LANCASTER FOR SALE. 2003, 180,000k’s, auto, 4WD, tow bar, matt black rims, dark green, new tyres, chain driven so no cambelt to change. Fresh WOF and registration. Perfect car for winter. $4,800. Call 027 250 2996 for viewing. PAMPERING SPECIAL AT ASPECTS DAY SPA, Autumn Revival (I/2 hour massage/1/2 hour mini facial) $90, normally $135. Book now at 61 Brownston St. Phone 03 443 5051. MAKE TRANSPORTING ALL YOUR GEAR to the mountains easy. 10% off all Rhino Rack roof boxes and ski/snowboard racks for the month of May www.wanakaracks.co.nz Ph: Braden 027 5552 977. NEED A TEMP? For any short term office, admin, secretarial or IT cover contact Chris at OfficeMarvel on 021 2025 630 or info@officemarvel.co.nz WANAKA FENCING & DECKING - We specialise in colour steel fencing. Benefits of colour steel fencing: It withstands our harsh conditions, never warps, same profile both sides, plenty of colour options. Check out our portfolio www.wanakahandyman.co.nz Ph Sean 021 567 115 or wanakahandyman@gmail.com DO YOU HAVE CRACKED EXTERIOR PLASTER on your home or commercial building? We can re-coat your property, have it looking as good as new and provide a 10 year warranty. SToArmat is a European render system that has been in the New Zealand market for 16 years. Give me a call to discuss what we can do for your property before winter - Jeff 027 4533 240. WATER QUALITY A PROBLEM? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 0275 021 234. COULD YOU SPARE HALF A DAY a week to help out behind our front desk? Community Networks is looking for a couple more superstar volunteers to join the team. For more info please feel free to come in, give us a call or visit our website: www.communitynetworks.co.nz

The Landing restaurant is taking a holiday break. We’ll be closed from May 21st and reopening June 15th. Come join us for dinner this week: 2 courses for $35 or 3 courses for $45

PASSPORT PHOTOS 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 | F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz | W www.printit.co.nz

BO BOOTS CLOSING DOWN SALE! Wanaka Yacht Club - Friday 19th May 12 - 6pm, Saturday 20th May 10 - 4pm, Sunday 21st May 10 - 4pm. 30 - 70% off all stock. Sale online now www.boboots.com ASPIRING YOUNG MUSICIANS INC AGM - 22 June 2017 6.30pm, 28 Reece Crescent. All welcome to attend. CARPENTER/BUILDER. Fully qualified LBP with 30 years experience. Available for small jobs. Phone Matt 021 801 261. NIGHT CHURCH AT WANAKA PRESBYTERIAN Tenby Street Sundays at 7pm. Contemporary worship inspiring messages. All welcome. PANASONIC BREADMAKER FOR SALE. Had little use. Good order. Phone 0220 773 859 or 443 2946. PRESERVE THOSE PRECIOUS MOMENTS before it’s too late. VHS video tapes degrade over time. We specialise in converting VHS, audio tapes and all media to DVD or digital. Tidy Design, your file conversion specialist. 3 Frederick St, 443 4433. WANNA RENOVATE? We are renovation specialists and right now have a vacancy for your project. Local builders Seamless Construction. Call Thomas 0210 2791 516. seamelssconstruction.co.nz SILKY SMOOTH HAIR! Get a Keratin Complex Blow out as an addon service for only $50 for the month of May. Only at Alice Hair. Ph 443 5678 for bookings or book on FB alicehairwanaka WANTED: PART TIME paid coordinator for the Wanaka Alcohol Group. 12 month contract available to an organised, initiative-taking person interested in supporting our community in its ongoing conversation about alcohol and other drugs. Email info@communitynetworks.co.nz for job description. Closing date May 22, act fast! FREE LINE ADS IN THE MESSENGER for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. LIQUORLAND WANAKA - Free whisky tasting all week. Pop in and try some excellent single malt whiskies. HOT SOUP SERVED AT TROUT Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront.

LOGO DESIGN / PRINT APPS / WEB VIDEOS / ADVERTISING Level One, 80 Ardmore Street - Ph: 03 443 5099 e: dine@thelandinglakewanaka.co.nz


FUTURE CREATIVE www.thefuture.co.nz

021 0840 3852

17th May 2017


TOSHIBA Heatpumps Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 11/12 Frederick St, Wanaka

AUTUMN CLEAN UPS - leave it to us to tidy your section and remove your leaves. Phone 0274 299 330. PEASTRAW FOR SALE. Big square bales (7 small bale equivalent). $40 each. Free delivery. Phone 0276 819 966. PROFESSIONAL HOUSESITTER/AIR BnB CARETAKER: Taking a vacation this Winter? Hi! I’m Andy, a very experienced house sitter. I specialise in animal care, gardening, landscaping, and house cleaning. I have multiple references from Wanaka, Albert Town, Lake Hawea, and other regions of New Zealand. I consider myself trustworthy, kind, friendly, respectful, neat, and clean. I would love to meet and discuss any length of days/months to house sit for you. Email or Call/ text andyck7@yahoo.com 0204 1094 965. BULLOCK BAR QUIZ NIGHT IS BACK Wednesday nights from 7pm. Prizes to be won. Food specials with your favourite host George. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. HAIRCULTURE. CUT, BLOWDRY and style with intensive treatment $85. Phone 03 443 9515. WORK WANTED. Can do most odd jobs. Experienced in gardening, cleaning, painting, maintenance, pet and child care. References available. Contact now. 0210 519 378. BEAUTIFUL NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME in Peninsula Bay available for 2 weeks from 24th June to 7th July. $350 per night. Phone 027 2462 702 or 03 443 5727. HI CATHRINE HERE FROM Eat, Drink, Laugh. The next evening is on Tuesday 23 May at 6.30pm. “Old Dog, New Tricks� we will enjoy some classic tastes and totally new trending flavours that you may not have heard of let alone tasted. I would love to see you here, just call or text 027 2900 693 and I will be happy to put your name on a seat. The cost is still $65 per person and the evening will run to about 9.30pm. Don’t forget you will get to eat three delicious courses and take all the recipes home. Oh, and of course there will be bubbles! VW GOLF GT: 2006, 2000cc. 61,000km. Auto. $10,500 ono. Very good condition. Great car to drive. Wanaka based. Need holiday funds. Ph: 0212 755 757.

THE DREAM JOB! Mountainside Educare Early Childhood Centre in Albert Town, Wanaka will be requiring a number of amazing people to help our qualified teachers over the winter season. We are looking for caring, kind and energetic people, who have experience in caring for young children. You must have excellent character references, a clean police vet and a current working visa (if here on a working holiday). You must be available every weekday, but happy to do your own thing if not needed. If this sounds like you please send your CV to Amanda at mountainside.educare@xnet.co.nz ACUPUNCTURE/CHINESE MEDICINE. Very experienced. ACC provider. www.aspiringacupuncture.co.nz Jos McLean ph 443 6242, 0211 639 769, info@aspiringacupuncture. co.nz BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@ printit.co.nz



+ + + + +

;‰ r-࢟ ;m|v -m7 ˆbvb|ouv ‰;Ѳ1ol; 23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka | 03 443 0725 | www.aspiringmedical.co.nz



17th May 2017

Call for “Backing Vocalists”

Auditions for BVs are held on 18th June 2017 ring Paul Tamati on 443 9550 (after hours) or Steve Brett on 443 7635 for more details and information. This year’s 25th annual show will take place on 21st - 23rd September 2017 at the Lake Wanaka Centre

NEW ZEALAND’S HOTTEST NEW micro brewery tap takeover at Urban Grind Bar this Saturday night. FOR SALE: leather lounge suite 3+1+1, Rimu bookcase, Rimu sideboard, coffee table, stained Pine bookcase, dining table and 6 chairs, dressing table, two bedside cabinets. All good quality and condition. Please phone 021 432 474 for sizes, prices, photos and viewing. FOR SALE OCCASIONAL ROUND oak table 750 across x 600 high. Looks good. Phone 443 9355. FOR SALE 1994 TOYOTA COROLLA LEVIN: 2-door hatch, automatic, 228,000kms, warranted, registered, new tyres. Great first car. $2,000. Phone 027 2014 692. TO RENT: cute stone cottage in Meadowstone. 3 bedrooms, gas fire, open plan, sunny north facing, verandah. Step onto quiet reserve. Only caring tenants need apply. $600 per week. Text Sally 0210 8857 380. WEDDING HIRE - chairs (clear or gold). White garden umbrellas, crystal chandeliers, white ottomans (inside or outside), beautiful plates (lace, gold or silver trim), champagne coloured flutes and lots more. Cover 200 guests. Phone Sue 0274 530 974 to view. Wanaka Wedding and Event Hire. JACK AND RUSSELL INTERIORS LTD a new Wanaka company. I visited the interior trade fairs in Paris & Africa and can now supply soft furnishings directly to you. Are you looking for a feeling of comfort and relaxation? Something that feels luscious and oozes luxury without breaking the bank? My items feel like long lazy days snuggled down with a book or glass of wine in a comfy chair. Time to surround yourself with quality without breaking the bank. Mon-Sat 10am-2pm (or by appointment) Unit E 21 Gordon Rd Wanaka Ph 021 338 904 Jill Cole jillwanaka@gmail.com FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). QUAKE WANAKA: restoring your home. Specialising in repaints, interior and exterior work. Phone 0220 326 569 for a free quote.


. . .


Crime Line ‘Crime Line‘ by Constable Aubrey Martin

The temperature continues to drop as we draw closer to winter. Care needs to be taken on the road and it’s probably time to pop your snow chains in the boot. Police will be out looking for drivers who haven’t cleared Jack Frost off their windows before driving in the mornings. You need to be able to see where you are driving. It has been a quieter week than previous but Police have still had several calls for service. Maybe we will get the so called shoulder season for a week or two. Here are just a few of the incidents we attended: This week a parked vehicle was entered into on the lake front and some cash and cigarettes taken. Several event tickets that were purchased through Facebook are yet to turn up for the purchaser after paying for them. Not everyone is honest out in the wide world. Two drivers were processed this week for drink driving and both received tickets for this. Police attended a crash involving a motorcyclist after he lost control of his motorbike. The driver was taken to Dunstan Hospital with a wrist injury. Thankfully no other vehicles were involved. A concerned driver came to the station to report he nearly took out a person on a bicycle the other morning as he couldn’t see him in the dark. Daylight hours are a lot shorter now and if you are a cyclist and you value your life then I suggest you get a good set of front and rear lights, so drivers can give you a wide berth. Also, helmets are a great invention. Cool kids wear lids. Stay warm and have a safe week.

GET RID OF THOSE LEAVES and get the section tidied up before Winter sets in. Contact Wanaka Mowing Services. 027 2449 004 or visit www.wanakamowingservices.co.nz POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. WARM UP WITH HOT PIMMS at Trout Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. TINYHOUSES, SLEEPOUTS, offices, toilet blocks, kitchens etc. Now available in Wanaka. Lots of designs. Finance available. Can ship anywhere in NZ. Phone 0211 788 589.


GARAGE SALE - 9am Sat 20 March. 20 Quinnat Street, Albert Town. Household items, pictures, paintings and much more! Phone 027 3561 537. VIDEO EZY FINAL CLOSING WEEK sale from just $1 per DVD. Also shelving for sale. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. FRESH FROM THE TOP: Randall Aspinall, farm owner, and Chris Arbuckle, Aspiring Environmental Ltd, present the environmental plan for sustainable land and water use being implemented on Mt Aspiring Station, the topmost farm in the Matukituki River catchment. Hosted by Central Otago-Lakes Branch Forest and Bird, Thursday 25th May 7 PM, Presbyterian Church hall, Tenby Street, Wanaka. $10 entry. Enquiries Anne Steven 021 2939 207. WANTED: PERSON WITH EARTH SCIENCE qualification and experience for administrative and technical input into local geologic consultancy. Phone 0210 2773 211. HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING this Saturday May 20 with Te Kakano, Fish & Game and the Wanaka Residents Association. Bullock Creek wetlands. 10am. Meet in the field by Bullock Creek in the Fish & Game Hatchery. Access: walk/ drive in from Stone St entrance, opposite the day care centre. Head for the creek in the south west corner. Tools provided but bring sturdy boots or gumboots. Morning tea provided by Wanaka Wine Tours. Enquiries: Paul 021 0569 146 or Andrew 021 342 187. INTERIOR PLASTERER. All levels of finish, plus ornamental. Dean Harris. Phone 0272 204 832. NEW, NEW, NEW BREWERY Dunedin tap takeover at Urban Grind Bar this Saturday night. New Zealand’s hottest new micro brewery. WINTER RENTAL. Secluded rural cottage near Luggate on 12 acres, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Sleeps 5. Fullyfurnished. Available from June 5th. $490/week. Pets OK. Ph 022 1562 508. WANTED: ADMINISTRATION PERSON. Apple Mac friendly. 4-8 hours per week. Good rate of pay for the right person. Please phone Stephen 021 585 473.

17th May 2017

INDIA: WOMEN ONLY ESCORTED TOUR October 2017 11 days. Only a couple of places left! Hands on workshops including block print fabric making, Warli art and cooking. Diwali celebrations, fabulous food, shopping and sightseeing. Contact Natasha on 021 0418 555 or info@indafrica.co.nz for more information. HAIRCULTURE IS HIRING. All enquiries to: jadealex2009@ live.com EMPLOYMENT DISPUTES AND CONTRACTS - very experienced advice. No fee for initial long chat. Michael 443 7843. LUGGATE HOTEL - FREE BBQ and happy hour before the Chiefs vs. Crusaders top of the table clash this Friday night. Looking after the locals since 1867. AT MOLEMEDIC WE SPECIALISE in the early diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers including Melanoma. Early detection does save lives. Your examination is with a doctor qualified in dermatoscopy. Treatment – if required – can be offered by the same doctor who has advanced level skills in skin cancer surgery. Phone 443 7929 for appointment options on 23, 25 & 30 May. FRESH FISH: Blue Cod and salmon, every Wednesday/ Saturday at Wholefood Haven, 24 Dungarvon Street. Phone 443 8801. Get updates on Facebook. FEELING THE COLD? Get a Mitsubishi Electric Hypercore heat pump with WiFi control before winter kicks in and stay warm. Call Brent on 027 9561 030 or email brentmillarelectrical@ gmail.com for quote. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE AVAILABLE for short term accommodation. Ph 027 4354 160. PICTURE FRAMING with an eye for detail and design. For professional advice and creative solutions The 45th Degree Picture Framing Professionals. Unit 1, 148 Ballantyne Road Wanaka. Ph 443 9348. Open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. www. the45thdegree.com NOT JUST A BIT OF FLUFF! Shear Comfort installs loose wool ceiling insulation to new and existing homes. Call 021 0629 212 or info@shearcomfort.co.nz

LEAVES. We can mechanically collect the leaves from your lawn and cart the leaves away. Large and small areas.

Ph Craig 027 415 7543

17th May 2017


Pet Corner FOUND - FEMALE, BLACK CAT, now in the clinic.

CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - contact your local operator of JAE Cleaning and Pest Control. For quality steam or dry cleaning and the best in stain removal, phone 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. DO YOU NEED SUPPORT WITH your Maths, English, the Sciences and Economics? In2Learning enrolling now. Call Tom 03 443 1547. NICKY SAMUELS career to date talk and open home day Saturday May 27th 1pm. Come for an interesting talk on life as a professional athlete and check out which locals have got behind her to help produce her new show home. 6 Mt Linton Ave, Northlake. WANAKA’S ONLY LAUNDROMAT is open from 6am-11pm daily at Caltex. Free WiFi, oversized washers and 9 dryers, complimentary laundry detergent. VEGETERIAN PASTA AT TROUT Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. KIK BUTT CLOTHING for your lifestyle. Up to 70% off womenswear, menswear. Sale also includes women’s boots. We support ‘Fairtrade’. www.kikbuttlife.com For viewing phone Kirstin on 0272 298 960 or email kirstin@ kikbuttlife.com NEW 6 WEEK BLOCK OF PILATES and core classes at Central Lakes Physio starts next week. There are classes every day. Something to suit everyone - morning, afternoon and evening. $95 for 6 weeks or $20 casual. Call 443 1711 or check out our website. Look after your body! FOR SALE - I’VE GOT HOUSEHOLD STUFF for sale; some fabulous, some stuff. Well, you can look at it. It’s a potpourri, (that means a mixture to ordinary folk like me). Give me a call to make time to have a look, or just to be nosey. It’ll be fun. I’ve got water if you like a coffee! Any time is good for me, I mean, to look at my stuff! John 021 2882 099. FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS contact Dave Spedding, the full service landscaping professionals. Design, paving, lawns, planting plans and irrigation. Like us on Facebook or check out www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz Phone 021 707 481 or 443 2721.


MICKEY - BIG, FLUFFY & CUDDLY, BLACK & WHITE CAT, looking for a home.

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GENERAL CARTAGE AND CRANE HIRE, call Glenn at Lakeland Contracting to discuss your needs today 443 5049. “Lifting your expectations�. VIDEO EZY FINAL CLOSING WEEK sale from just $1 per DVD. Also shelving for sale. STITCH N BITCH - Wednesday 7pm. Community Networks, Brownston St. Fun, friendly, free, craft and conversation. MAKARORA SECTION AVAILABLE for use. Flat. Suitable for a caravan, house bus or storage. Has water, power and telephone if required. Ph/text 027 4354 160. WE ARE LOOKING TO FIND a new electrician to join our team. The suitable applicant shall have NZ Electrical Registration with a full vehicle class 1 licence. Uniforms, vehicle and phone and a great rate of pay. We are a local company and have a varied workload. Applicants must be able to work unsupervised. Apprentices looking for a change will be considered. Send your CV’s to jobs@upperclutha.co.nz SILK ROAD ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES has expanded the store! To celebrate we are holding two draws; one at the end of May and one at the end of June. Visit the store, sign our email register and you will go into the draw to win a $100 instore voucher. Located at 249 Riverbank Road, we are open Wednesday to Friday 10am - 5pm and weekends 11am to 4pm. Phone 021 495 569. At Silkroad we believe that “old treasures deserve new homes...� FOR SALE. REDUCED PRICE. Sustainability/organic. Hansa 4 stroke petrol Honda Mulcher. A must for serious gardeners with vineyard cuttings hedges and material up to 35mm diameter. Manufactured in Hamilton. $1200. To view phone 03 443 8020 or 021 931 076. Info@cardronaterrace for photo. COMPANY DIRECTOR WORKING ON PROJECT in Wanaka seeks 1 - 2 bedroom executive apartment or unit to rent. Preferably medium - long term, but will also consider long term. Exceptional references. No pets. No smoking. Phone Paul 021 2277 171. FRAMEWORK MARKETING will give you fresh ideas for your business. Call Randal on 021 973 043.

Also specialising in kerbing, driveways, tennis courts, concrete, cobblestoning and chipsealing, throughout Central Otago.

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17th May 2017


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RAW IS A YOUNG ARCHITECTURE STUDIO IN WANAKA We specialize in small/medium bespoke homes for those who want something a little bit special but dont want to break the bank. Check out our website today!

38 Ballantyne Road

EXPERT HOMEKILL BUTCHERS – that’s Bruce and Jeff from The Butcher’s Block and Smokehouse. We work with local farmers, lifestyle block owners and hunters to turn their cattle, sheep, deer, goats and pigs into prime meat cuts and handmade smallgoods. Bruce can also complete the humane on-farm slaughter for you in Wanaka, Hawea, Makarora, Tarras, Cromwell or Alexandra. Call 443 5017 or email shop@ butchersblockwanaka.co.nz. It’s a busy time, so get in early for your preferred booking. WANTED TO RENT: Come on now, you have all read my cheeky advert at least 4 times. I need a small place for me and Monty the Belgian shepherd. I have to move by end of July after 12 years as a great tenant. I also have some nice stuff for sale. Hey, get rid of some of your stuff and make room for me and Monty, and some of my stuff. Life’s a blast and this could be a scintillating experience for you. John 0212 882 099. HAIR ART WORKSHOP & MOBILE. Come out to Hawea. It’s a nice drive! No parking issues. Quiet salon. We use Luminart hair colour, low-no ammonia, natural based/ organic products. Creative techniques. www.hairartnz.com Ph Kirstin 443 9545 or 027 2298 960. CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR VISA? Need residency help and advice? Need a new work visa? Contact your local licensed Immigration adviser 03 443 8386 info@easyvisa.co.nz Ph 0210 2441 380. ENTREPRENEUR SPEAKER SERIES – Free session presented by the CUBE and Ignite Wanaka. Come along on 24 May and see local entrepreneurs Hamish Acland (Mons Royale), Hamish McGregor (kin2kin), Stef Zeestraten (Wanaka Lavender Farm) and Alice Herald (Herald Diamond Couture) engage in a panel discussion. The session will be hosted by Richard Liew founder of NZ Entrepreneur Magazine. Entry is free, but seats are strictly limited. For further information and seat bookings go to www.cubewanaka.co.nz/new-events/ SSANGYONG KORANDO 2012 $12,000. Diesel, auto, AWD, leather. Phone 443 5155. Trademe.co.nz Listing #1322073003.


Contact Luke: T: 021 1479 482 W: wanakacarpetcleaning.co.nz



BULLOCK BAR QUIZ NIGHT IS BACK Wednesday nights from 7pm. Prizes to be won. Food specials with your favourite host George. 2005 FORD TERRITORY GHIA FOR SALE. Auto, AWD, silver, 7 seater, 4 new tyres, tow bar, Rhino roof racks. Registered to April 2018, WOF October 2017. $7,990 ono. 0210 8321 701 or 0210 8205 434. BANGERS AND MASH. Great winter comfort food at Trout Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. DOES YOUR GARDEN NEED SOME LOVE? The Constant Gardener provides the reliable, professional, and timely service you need. Get your hedges, weeding, pruning, sympathetic tree work and more sorted before winter. Call or email The Constant Gardener for a free consultation on 022 6126 958 or theconstantgardenernz@gmail.com VIDEO EZY FINAL CLOSING WEEK sale from just $1 per DVD. Also shelving for sale. GUEST SOAPS FOR YOUR ACCOMMODATION. Whether you have one room or twenty, Soap Kitchen Wanaka can make custom sized soaps for you. Delight your guests with quality local natural product. Call Bridget 0204 1305 985 or 03 443 5256. www.soapkitchen.nz 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE in Luggate. Private, fully fenced large section, 9 x 7 total span garage, established garden, woodshed, raised vege bed. Call 021 2846 773.

BAYLEYS NATIONAL RECOGNITION Jarrod’s use of modern marketing strategies and understanding of the local property market has seen him placed him in the Top 10% of over 1000 Bayleys Salespeople nationwide.

Whether buying or selling property, you can trust Jarrod to help you achieve the best results. Jarrod Frazer M 027 251 2007 jarrod.frazer@bayleys.co.nz

17th May 2017

For all your Security needs With all Options Call now for your no obligation free quote




Maurice Chave - Owner Operator 027 2866011 email: mpchave@xtra.co.nz

Covers & Upholstery WANAKA OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC - Treating Wanaka locals since 2005. Offering new techniques specifically designed for the needs of Wanaka’s active population; to get you back out there asap, with long term relief. Whole body approach to musculoskeletal and organ system problems. From toes to tinnitus, newborn to ninety, we assess and treat the entire body. ACC registered, call 443 OSTE (6783) or visit www. wanakaosteopathic.co.nz MASSAGE WITH “MAGIC HANDS” Jason Clarke, provider to High Performance Sport New Zealand.”Magic Hands” has massaged: NZ elite triathletes, winter Olympians, multi-sports, the All Blacks, the Flying Fijian 15s rugby team, the Olympic gold-winning Fiji 7s team and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. “Feel the Magic”, Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT NATURALLY? Only 8 more sleeps until our Women’s Wellness Evening where you can learn all about the Taste Success natural weightloss and wellbeing programme. Tickets only $15 and includes seminar from popular Naturopath Tracey Loughran, amazing goodie bag and all the info you need about our 12-week programme! Tickets at www.dashtickets.co.nz HONDA ACCORD 2002 $6500 o.n.o. Under 105,000kms, Just had 2 new tyres. Rego until July 2017, WOF until Sept 2017. Chain driven. 2.4l VTEC. Looks and drives really well. Selling as leaving. SILK ROAD ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES has expanded the store! To celebrate we are holding two draws; one at the end of May and one at the end of June. Visit the store, sign our email register and you will go into the draw to win a $100 instore voucher. Located at 249 Riverbank Road, we are open Wednesday to Friday 10am - 5pm and weekends 11am to 4pm. Phone 021 495 569. At Silkroad we believe that “old treasures deserve new homes...”

MACROCARPA TIMBER FOR SALE • Chemical Free Suitable for Outdoor Construction of • Pergolas • Garden Edging • Play Areas • Interior Exposed Beams

We supply Wanaka businesses and individuals with upholstery and covers Canvas, Auto, Aviation, Marine and Residential Upholstery Check us out online for information and reviews www.optimumtrim.co.nz Contact James: 021 0865 5631 | info@optimumtrim.co.nz Unit 4, 80 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka, behind Upper Clutha Transport.

ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138. HOUSE-SITTER AVAILABLE from 21-8 to 4-10. Will love/care for pets/house while you are away on a worry free holiday. Local for 20 years with great references. Minimum 1 week stay. No fees. Contact Janine 021 476 629. OYSTERS OYSTERS OYSTERS AT TROUT Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. IT TAKES ONLY 22 MINUTES... to dry your washing at Caltex’s Wifi Laundromat, 9 superfast, oversized dryers available. Caltex Laundromat. TWO GREAT BEEF SPECIALS this week at The Butcher’s Block and Smokehouse. Beef and garlic sausages – one of our most popular sausages and made right here by Jeff and our team, only $11.99/kg. Fresh, versatile beef chuck steak from our premium South Island suppliers, also only $11.99/ kg. Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ ButchersBlockWanaka/ for great recipe ideas. See you again soon at Wanaka’s only dedicated butcher, 33 Reece Crescent, 443 5017. BO BOOTS CLOSING DOWN SALE! Wanaka Yacht Club - Friday 19th May 12 - 6pm, Saturday 20th May 10 - 4pm, Sunday 21st May 10 - 4pm. 30 - 70% off all stock. Sale online now www.boboots.com HOT SOUP SERVED AT TROUT Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. DUTCH CLASSIC USED BIKES FOR SALE. These 2 bikes are genuine from the gorgeous town of Delft in The Netherlands and have rear carriers and front baskets. You only need to add kids, tulips and groceries! $150 each. Phone 0204 0397 654. PRETTY SWEET LIGHTING. Local specialist in cafe, bar and retail lighting. prettysweetlighting.com Phone 021 0428 906. 27 Gordon Road Phone 443 1613

200x100 Landscaping Sleepers $14.95 per metre

Phone Rodney 027 443 0876 email: mac.timber@clear.net.nz


17th May 2017


With purchase of any alcoholic beverage per pizza

5:00 - 6:30pm PAMPERING SPECIAL AT ASPECTS DAY SPA, Autumn Revival (I/2 hour massage/1/2 hour mini facial) $90, normally $135. Book now at 61 Brownston St. Phone 03 443 5051. LATITUDE 44 FITNESS Introduction Program. Would you like to boost your training with a personalised strength and conditioning program run in a group coaching setting? Our next Introduction Program starts this Saturday at 9.30am and is the first step to achieving optimal results in the gym. For further information, or to book a place contact Simon on 0210 8441 022. RETIRED GENT AWAITING SURGERY wanting to rent one bedroom, self-contained flat or studio, close to business area of Wanaka. Phone 0204 0103 954. NEW, NEW, NEW BREWERY Dunedin tap takeover at Urban Grind Bar this Saturday night. New Zealand’s hottest new micro brewery. RENTALS AVAILABLE – for a list of our current rentals available go to www.harcourtswanka.co.nz to view. RAILWAY SLEEPERS AT THE YARD on Reece Crescent. Various sizes and grades, while stocks last. 14 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5069. www.theyardcentral.co.nz LUGGATE HOTEL SUNDAY SESH. Free bar snacks, $8 big bott, $8 wine, $5 house spirits, $20 meal deals and free pool. Open fires. What a way to spend a Sunday. WOULD YOU LIKE TO IMPROVE YOUR SKIING or boarding before the season starts? My treatment has been proven to increase movement and enhance proprioception, giving you the strength and coordination you have lost through injury and general stiffness. Aimed at getting optimal movement and function back in the pelvis, lower back and legs this will allow you to get more out of your season and help to avoid injuries. Come in with an existing ACC claim or lodge one for a recent injury. Don’t get bored in the quiet months, get yourself sorted for the ski season! Phone 03 443 OSTE (6783) or visit wanakaosteopathic.co.nz BTP - PAINTERS AND DECORATORS available for any size job. Very experienced and professional. Please phone Ben for a quote 0204 0133 350. DO YOU NEED HOUSE MAINTENANCE? Qualified tradesman for all work around your house. Carpentry, painting, gib repairs, tiling etc. Call Lee from Mountain Maintenance 021 0373 948 or 03 443 1867 evenings. WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out.

DO YOU NEED... help with IRD information? Community Networks Wanaka offers IRD appointments once a month – next on 24 May. Talk to us about an appointment: 443 7799 or visit 73 Brownston St. THREE CHAIRS HAIR now in Spencer House Mall. Tahnee’s May specials: 1/2 head foils, cut and blow dry $120 or ladies haircut (includes shampoo and blow dry) $50. Phone 443 5898. NEW 6 WEEK BLOCK OF PILATES and core classes at Central Lakes Physio starts next week. There are classes every day. Something to suit everyone - morning, afternoon and evening. $95 for 6 weeks or $20 casual. Call 443 1711 or check out our website. Look after your body! TO RENT: cute stone cottage in Meadowstone. 3 bedrooms, gas fire, open plan, sunny north facing, verandah. Step onto quiet reserve. Only caring tenants need apply. $600 per week. Text Sally 0210 8857 380. CARDRONA HIGH PERFORMANCE CENTRE is now taking applications to host one or two teenage ski race athletes through our Homestay Programme, short term and 14 weeks long. Extra $330 income per week. Email hpc@cardrona.com for information. DIGGER STACK RETAINING WALLS plus paving plus columns plus landscaping or house cladding. We do it all. Guillotine or nature. For all your Schist requirements phone 0274 691 069.

STARTERS Beef ragu arancini, arrabiata sauce Goats cheese, braeburn, beetroot, walnuts

MAINS Cardrona Merino lamb rump, courgette puree, eggplant croquette, smoked labne Confit duck, mash, red cabbage, blackberry sauce Risotto with mushroom and masca,pone

DESSERT Chocolate fondant, Baileys semifreddo Vanilla panna cotta, Central Otago peaches, raspberry, sugar shards bookings essential, menu changes weekly on wednesdays 03 443 8153 www.cardronahotel.co.nz

17th May 2017

Wanaka Self Storage

Dynz Designz Ltd

110 fully alarmed, all steel storage units. Ten different sizes. Secure, clean & accessible.

Ph: 0274 354 848


WANAKA FENCING AND GATES, engineering and handyman services. You name it, we do it. Handy Solutions. Phone 0272 080 175. SCHOOL HOLIDAY & OCCASIONAL WEEKEND WORK at Southern Wild is available to a motivated student, yr 10 and up. Experience not necessary but a good attitude and being willing to learn is! Please send a covering letter to accounts@ southernwild.nz TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). IF YOU WANT SOMETHING LIFTED or shifted, give Glenn at Lakeland Contracting a call now 443 5049. “Lifting your expectations”. CUSTOM WALL MAPS – select your region, size and style. Come and see the options at our showroom. The 45th Degree. Unit 1, 148 Ballantyne Road Wanaka. Ph 443 9348. Open MonFri 9am-5pm. www.the45thdegree.com QUEENSTOWN AIRPORT TRANSFERS to/from Wanaka. Contact KT Sightseeing Wanaka 443 9368 or 0800 458 744. AN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY HAS COME UP to join the Wanaka i-SITE team as our part time Accounts Administrator. This would involve, but not limited to end of month accounts, PAYE, GST and reconciliations. Ideally you will be experienced with Xero and must be eligible to work in NZ for the next 12 months. Please email a cover letter and CV by 5pm Wednesday 24 May to Jaimee at: isite@lakewanaka.co.nz CHRYSTAL PENDANT FOUND. Two-tone, with metal loop at top for hanging it on a chain. Please phone 0210 2601 515. FOR SALE 1994 TOYOTA COROLLA LEVIN: 2-door hatch, automatic, 228,000kms, warranted, registered, new tyres. Great first car. $2,000. Phone 027 2014 692.



Wed 17th May - Tues 23rd May

Specialising in curtains and blinds including all repairs. Based in Wanaka Phone Helen: 0224134622 • E: helen@dynzdesignz.co.nz www.dynzdesignz.co.nz

WANTED TO RENT: Come on now, you have all read my cheeky advert at least 4 times. I need a small place for me and Monty the Belgian shepherd. I have to move by end of July after 12 years as a great tenant. I also have some nice stuff for sale. Hey, get rid of some of your stuff and make room for me and Monty, and some of my stuff. Life’s a blast and this could be a scintillating experience for you. John 0212 882 099. NEED A VENUE for your next meeting, community group activity, pop up shop or training workshop? Wanaka Yacht Club is a great choice. Good rates. Lakefront location, kitchen facilities, tables & chairs. Contact Geoff on 0272 115 474. CARPENTER REQUIRED TO JOIN our crew. Minimum three years building experience required. Qualifications preferred. Full, clean driver’s licence essential. Must be hard working, punctual and have communication skills. Please email enquiries to ibellbuilders@gmail.com ALI BABAS IS CLOSED this Saturday 20th due to barbering competitions in Auckland. Back on Tuesday and open at 9am. LOCALS SNOWCHAIN *SPECIAL*. Purchase snowchains from Caltex during May and receive 3 free superior carwashes plus free sizing, test fitting and on-wheel demonstration. Quick fit, ratchet tensioning chains at Caltex. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. WANAKA GARDEN CLUB AGM 25th May 2017. Meeting at the Wanaka Bowling Club at 7.30pm. SEE MOLEMEDIC for diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer and Melanoma. Book a skin examination with a doctor trained in Dermoscopy, for you or a loved one. Dr Brian Wills, MB ChB FRNZCGP, Australian Diploma of Dermoscopy, also offers excisions. 25B Russell St. Clinic dates 23, 25 & 30 May. Phone: 443 7929 www.molemedic.co.nz

THIS WEEKS SPECIALS Broccoli Bananas Red Onions Celery

$ 1.99 ea $ 2.49/kg $ 4.99/kg $ 2.75 bch

Frozen #16 Free Range Waitoa Chickens Lamb Hind Shanks Chorizo Sausage Petit Normand Unsalted Butter

$11.95 ea $11.99/kg $ 1.90/100g $ 2.99 block



Mon-Fri 8.00am – 6.30pm Sat & Sun 9.00am – 4.00pm 20 Ardmore Street Wanaka 443 0118

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka P 03 443 7804 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz

17th May 2017

14 AWARD WINNING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Have a vacant property in Wanaka? Let the Housemart team earn you some income. NOW THAT’S SMART!

TO RENT - LONG TERM 25b Aeolus Pl, Wanaka 2 1 OSP Unfurnished


13 Wairau Rd, Albert Town 2 1 OSP Furnished


9a Aeolus Pl, Wanaka 3 1 1 Unfurnished


3 Connell Tce, Wanaka 4 2 OSP Unfurnished


WINTER PROPERTIES - changing daily, check our website for details p. 03-443-6921 |

e. rent@housemart.co.nz | w. www.housemart.co.nz

LUGGATE HOTEL REQUIRE Duty Managers and experienced Bar Staff for upcoming winter season. Must be able to work nights and weekends. Ph 443 8523 or email info@ luggatehotel.co.nz TRAILER FOR SALE 5X7. Listed also on TradeMe Listing #1287077918. View Hawea ph/text 027 4354 160. ADVANCED CELLULAR TESTING - Comprehensive analysis for gut issues, intolerances to food & chemicals, skin conditions, immune dysfunction, depression/anxiety, sleeplessness, fungal infections & electro sensitivity. Results in 15 mins. Certified & qualified practitioner. www.yogastudiocromwell.com 021 947 056. SERGEANT AND MADAME MOUSE HAIRCUTTERS. Ladies $40, gents $25, kids $15. 17 Plantation Road, upstairs from Proactive Gym. Phone 021 1551 105. WEDDING HIRE - chairs (clear or gold). White garden umbrellas, crystal chandeliers, white ottomans (inside or outside), beautiful plates (lace, gold or silver trim), champagne coloured flutes and lots more. Cover 200 guests. Phone Sue 0274 530 974 to view. Wanaka Wedding and Event Hire. LIQUORLAND WANAKA - Free whisky tasting all week. Pop in and try some excellent single malt whiskies. BOAT/CAMPERVAN STORAGE AVAILABLE. Fully covered and secure. $220 per month. Ph 0212 011 121. MASSAGE THERAPY FROM A PHYSIO at In Balance Therapeutics. Skilled and knowledgeable. Deep tissue massage and trigger point release, sports, therapeutic, relaxation. Phone/text Sally on 0274 875 942 for an appointment. www.wanakamassage.co.nz

Garage Carpet tion


-------Supply and Insulation June Special 36sqm Double Gargage Carpet Fully Installed $950 + gst

Call: 027 433 1482 email: centralgaragecarpet@gmail.com

CARDRONA Benbrae luxury self contained bedsit apartment available 30/04. $350p/w plus bills. 3 months minimum. Live super close to Cardrona Hotel and skifield. Ph: 021 923 553. WANTED: PERSON WITH EARTH SCIENCE qualification and experience for administrative and technical input into local geologic consultancy. Phone 0210 2773 211. FRESH FROM THE TOP: Randall Aspinall, farm owner, and Chris Arbuckle, Aspiring Environmental Ltd, present the environmental plan for sustainable land and water use being implemented on Mt Aspiring Station, the topmost farm in the Matukituki River catchment. Hosted by Central Otago-Lakes Branch Forest and Bird, Thursday 25th May 7 PM, Presbyterian Church hall, Tenby Street, Wanaka. $10 entry. Enquiries Anne Steven 021 2939 207. PRISTINE STEAMING - Professional garment steaming. Specialising in bridal, bridesmaids dresses, suits, ball and evening gowns. Contact Neda 0211 612 885. pristinesteaming@gmail.com LADI6 AND PARKER SOUND SYSTEM live at the Bullock Bar Sunday 4th June. Early Bird tickets $28.50 available from The Bullock Bar. SHOWERDOME. For a warmer dryer bathroom, stop the steam from your shower. Wanaka installer, servicing Central. Phone 0211 788 589. ASPIRING POOLS & SPAS will be open Mon-Fri 9-3pm from Mon 15th – Fri 26th May. Bring in your water samples and let us put your pool to bed for the winter and get your spa started up for those cooler nights. THREE CHAIRS HAIR. Stockists of De Lorenzo and Angel products. Free Angel shampoo and conditioner samples for you to try. Visit us at Spencer House Mall. Phone 443 5898. LOCALS DEAL - We are placing our order for new stock boats from the US. We will save you up to $5000 on a new 2018 Model Glastron or Chaparral. 2018 Chaparral 19 H2O for only $86,000 – RRP $91,300. As the NZ agents only we can provide full warranties. Contact Ian 027 2292 877 by 9th June – for delivery October. Wanaka Marine and Sport - Mercury and Evinrude Dealers. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable”. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. LOCAL 1ST YEAR ADULT BUILDERS apprentice with 3 years jobsite experience is looking for a new opportunity in town. I have transport and basic tools, and enthusiastic to learn. Please call 0221 634 654. WELL BEHAVED KIWI FAMILY of four living in Bristol UK looking to rent, house-sit or house-swap from mid August or 1 September. We offer newly renovated, 5 bedroom 1930s house with garden in leafy suburb of Bristol (vibrant university city; near Wales, Devon, Cornwall, Wiltshire, Cotswolds; fast train to London; superb airport with reasonably priced flights throughout Europe). Contact mark@ybc.tv TRUE HOLISTIC FACIALS Be nurtured in a cocoon of soothing massage, tranquil scents, certified organic products. Available Fridays/Saturdays 1 hour of stillness guaranteed. $125 Nicki Hanning 0272 577 792 or truemindbeauty.com BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. IMPROVE YOUR MARKETING with a “warrant of fitness” from Framework Marketing. Call Randal on 021 973 043.

Upper Clutha Messenger

17th May 2017

BO Boots closing down SALE!



Haast 1940 Haast - Jackson Bay Road

959sqm A 5 B 5 C 4 I 1 J 5 K

The Good Life, On The "Best Coast!" Situated in a prime sea front location with direct beach access sits this very unique circa 4 year old home offering a whole host of different living and lifestyle options and opportunities. This spacious 331m2 (approx.) home is split in to 3 separate self-contained living areas so the owners have the opportunity of having the whole house to themselves or the ability to rent out 2 (or three) of these areas.

Bo Boots.


For Sale $720,000 View by appointment www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ2626 Sue Grant M 021 443 906 P 03 443 7829 sue.grant@harcourts.co.nz Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008


Luggate 41 Hopkins Street

1176sqm A 2 B 1 C 1 J

Hop On The Ladder

Lake Hawea 10 Elizabeth Street

800sqm A 3 B 2 C 2 I

Owners Left Town

Now here is a great way to get started! In the market for your first home or looking for a viable investment opportunity? This cute & compact 1950's bungalow, sitting on an elevated & established rear section in the heart of Luggate, may be just the opportunity you are seeking. Sunny open plan living & timber floors are just a few of the features you'll love about this character home. Current tenants will stay on if you prefer a ready income so don't miss this! Viewing opportunity is limited. Call now to register your interest.

The vendors have secured their next purchase, two properties is too many, so their much loved Central Otago retreat must be SOLD. Built in 2005, this plaster over brick 196m2 home incorporates 3 dbl bdrms including master with ensuite, an open plan kitchen/dining plus large separate lounge capturing the sun & a generous dbl garage that's big enough for the family boat. Make the most of the Central Lakes living, come & be part of the action that this wonderful area has to offer. Priced to sell, hesitation could only disappoint, call now!

Auction Wednesday 31st May at 12.00pm 21 Helwick Street, Wanaka (Unless Sold Prior) View Sunday 1.30 - 2.30pm & By Appointment www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ4021

For Sale $735,000 View Wednesday 4.30pm, Saturday 11.30am or By Appointment www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ4033 Eamon & Riki Young M 021 355 140 (E) 027 424 4523 (R) P 03 443 7829 theyoungs@harcourts.co.nz

Guy & Sheryl Alty M 021 350 214 thealtys@harcourts.co.nz

Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning * Truck mounted hot water extraction * Kills 99% of germs

P: 4434162 E: info@advancedcarpet.co.nz W: www.advancedcarpet.co.nz

Upper Clutha Messenger


iow ana


17th May 2017


ENTRY BY GOLD COIN DONATION - Donation to Kahu Youth

1115 Aubrey Road

Large Practical Home on an Acre

This sprawling 5 bedroom home is loaded with potential for income seekers or large families looking for the home of their dreams. Sitting on an acre this substantial 354 sqm home fits into its surrounds with privacy and space to spare. In addition to the home this property boasts a large garage, storage shed, wood shed, plenty of parking areas and fully fenced dog run meaning this house really does tick all the boxes. The home has multiple living areas and four ensuited bedrooms on separate wings which will delight a family full of teenagers, or give it the potential to hit Airbnb and help fund your lifestyle. With a lovely covered outdoor living area and verandahs running around the house you will be spending time outdoors in all seasons. The owners are taking their home to Auction at 2pm on Friday 16th June (unless sold prior), so there’s nothing to miss but the opportunity to own!

Auction: 2pm, Friday 16th June 2017 (unless sold prior) View Sat & Wed 12pm, Sun 11am or By Appointment

Anna Findlay 0274 383 640 (03) 443 8912

www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21694 Ray White, 1 Helwick Street, Wanaka Wanaka Real Estate Limited Licenced (REAA 2008)


Your Friendly Local 7.00am to 10.00pm

Store 70 Ardmore St, Wanaka

Upper Clutha Messenger

17th 17th May 2017




LOCALS FOODY HOUR 20% off food menu 12.30pm daily


BINGO $$$ prizes to be won!



Open 4pm

Open 4pm



POOL COMP Cash prizes to be won! FREE entry



QUIZ NIGHT IS BACK! Hosted by George with prizes to be won! 7.00pm




LIVE MUSIC Holly Smith

SUNDAY ROAST 2 Courses for $20

FREE POOL COMP Prizes to be won! 7.00pm

QUIZ NIGHT FREE wedges per team! 7.00pm



2 FOR 1 TUESDAY 2 burgers for $15

JAZZ LOUNGE $10 cocktails

4pm (Monday)

Open 4pm

DJS From 8pm

'BLOODY SUNDAYS' Great specials on Bloody Marys


TIFFANY 7.00pm HAIR OF THE DOG 10.00pm

SUPER RUGBY LIVE Chiefs v Crusaders 7.35pm

SUPER RUGBY LIVE Force v Highlanders 9.40pm





Loopy, ambient vibes from the wonderful Tai! 5-7pm SUPER RUGBY LIVE Hurricanes v Cheetahs 7.35pm

Open 4pm

Until 7pm






OPEN FOR HAPPY HOUR DINNER 5-6pm EVERY NIGHT Tapas, local EVERY DAY! drinks & more



RAFFLES JOIN THE WANAKA DISTRICTS CLUB BISTRO (WORKING MEN'S CLUB) - 45 PLANTATION RD Members draw Just $20 per year 6-8pm Open 3pm, Bistro open 6pm (Saturday and Sunday) Open


$5 HOUSE DRINKS ALL THE TIME! Just show your locals sticker QUIZ NIGHT 7.30pm



LIVE ACOUSTIC SET Glen Ottley 3-6pm SUNDAY FUNDAY! FREE Sausage Sizzle FREE pool, darts & giant Jenga

JE MARCO 10.00pm




POKER NIGHT Be in to win a $500 Bullock Bar travel voucher 6.30pm

Upper Clutha Messenger

17th May 2017

But not far, just upstairs, same mall!


eS or

dm Ar

l He kS ic w

Pembroke Park


t eS or nm New World


n to



ow Br

Cartridge World Wanaka has relocated to

Fix It Digital Solutions, Spencer House Mall, 31 Dunmore St, Wanaka

New opening hours: 8:30-18:00 weekdays, 10:00-16:00 on Saturdays








30A Sargood Drive, Wanaka

Tucked away in quiet Rippon Lea, sheltered from the wind but with all the attributes you would expect in this locality. Close to the lake with excellent sun, mountain views with snippets of Lake Wanaka, and so close to walking tracks and parks on the lakefront at Roys Bay. Classically designed with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, sunny and comfortable living/dining, private outdoor living plus all the characteristics and comforts you can appreciate in a Mason and Wales home of this era. This property will suit first time buyers, retirees, investors or holiday home owners. Properties of this nature are a rarity and your inspection is highly recommended.

Auction 1pm, Thurs 8 June

2017 (unless sold prior) at Bayleys, 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka

View Sat and Wed 12-12.30pm www.bayleys.co.nz/223991 Robert Anderson AREINZ M 027 443 8039 Mat Andrews AREINZ M 027 483 6261

There’s a Cartridge World store near you!



Todd’s hard work and dedication to success for his clients has resulted in being ranked No. 18 for Bayleys Residential Salesperson nationally for 2016/2017, placed in the Top 5% nationally and awarded the No. 1 individual agent at the recent Bayleys Canterbury and Wanaka Awards. With proven sales performance, you can trust Todd’s expertise to help you achieve a premium price for your property.

Call Todd Soper today!

Todd Soper M 027 487 6737

B 03 443 0265 E todd.soper@bayleys.co.nz

17th May 2017



Kodak Wanaka is now hiring a store supervisor! 1HHGV H[WHQVLYH NQRZOHGJH RI PP ILOP GHYHORSLQJ ZHW ODE SURFHVVLQJ SKRWRVKRS DQG DVWURSKRWRJUDSK\ 0LQLPXP RQH \HDU VDOHV H[SHULHQFH 0XVW EH ZLOOLQJ WR ZRUN IXOO WLPH Please contact s.worley@xtra.co.nz with a CV and cover letter to apply

Showroom Consultant/Admin Assistant • • •

Well established brand within Otago region Consultative sales environment Wanaka Showroom

Active Furnishers Ltd is a well-established Interior Design company based in Dunedin and Wanaka, operating throughout the Otago region. Flair for Design along with strong client focus, excellent communication and attention to detail are D PXVW <RX PXVW EH FRQß‘GHQW LQ \RXU DSSURDFK ZLWK the ability to work autonomously as well as in a team environment, exceptional administration skills are essential. Industry experience is preferred.

Park, Pipe and Freeride Manager Join the fun, friendly and highly-motivated team at Snow Sports NZ and help more New Zealanders achieve sporting success. We are about competitive snow sports, from grassroots, to winning on the world stage. As our new Park, Pipe and Freeride Manager you will work with resorts and the Snow Sports NZ High Performance Programme to identify talented athletes and develop pathways to take them to the top. You will work closely with the Park and Pipe, and Freeride Sport Committees. Based in Wanaka, this is a full-time, ďŹ xed contract role from June until the end of November.

Job description available at: http://ow.ly/rylE30bIoWj Applications close 31 May. Send your CV and a covering letter to Snow Sports NZ CEO Marty Toomey: Marty@snowsports.co.nz. NOTICE! Michelle has vast experience in perms and shampoo/ sets. To celebrate our relocation to the ground floor at Spencer House Michelle is offering $30 shampoo and sets for May and June. Three Chairs Hair. Phone 443 5898. DO YOU HAVE A STORY for The Messenger’s free weekly ‘My Community News’ section? Contact messenger@printit. co.nz or phone 443 7804 to find out how you can get involved! ALPINE FIREWOOD: Dry Pine $90 and West Coast Native $120. Minimum order of 2m3. Local delivery free. Phone/text: Earl 027 3627 873 or Trevor 027 9157 343.

• •

Established company of more than 30 years Ongoing training and development

Apply now! Send a copy of your CV to: admin@activefurnishers.co.nz

CARPENTER REQUIRED Owens Building is a Wanaka based building company, specialising in architectural new builds. We are looking for a qualiďŹ ed carpenter with architectural experience to join our small professional team. To discuss this opportunity further, please phone David Owens on 021 917 999 or email a summary of your experience to david@owensbuilding.co.nz

PRESERVE THOSE PRECIOUS MOMENTS before it’s too late. VHS video tapes degrade over time. We specialise in converting VHS, audio tapes and all media to DVD or digital. Tidy Design, your file conversion specialist. 3 Frederick St, 443 4433. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. WARM UP WITH HOT PIMMS at Trout Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. DINGHY FIBREGLASS 3.2M, good condition, made by Fi-glass, model; Funfish 3.2m long, trailer WOF & reg. Ph: 0274 354 160.

17th May 2017


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz

FULLY QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN We are looking for an energetic, reliable person who is able to work unsupervised, has a strong work ethic, are dedicated to compliance, and take pride in the work that they do.

To be considered for this role applicants must have: -

NZ Registration & a current practicing licence Full & current NZ drivers licence Ability to work independently & unsupervised Excellent communication skills (Verbal & Written) Great work ethic & be customer focused Be confident working with & training an apprentice

For further information or to apply phone Greg Richards on 027 281 9400 or email info@electricalspecs.co.nz

CHEF DE PARTIE WANTED We require an experienced chef de partie to be part of our kitchen team. A minimum of two years experience in a similar role in a busy kitchen preffered. • Rostered hours including weekends & nights • Accommodation may be available onsite • Varied role, including lots of wedding and functions This is a permanent position and preference will be given to permanent residents, work visa required. Please email your CV to info@cardronahotel.co.nz or call Elaine on 443 8153 for more information.

**CAR SNOWCHAINS** full range now instore at Caltex. All car/4WD sizes available. Quick fit, with ratchet tensioning. FREE sizing, test fitting and demonstration. Caltex Wanaka your Wanaka snowchain specialists. JAW PAIN, HEADACHES OR MIGRAINES? Get back to normal pain free days with an integrative approach to treatment. Come and see an Osteopath for a hands on approach for longer lasting relief. See www.MetaMed.co.nz for more information. 24 Helwick Street. Call 443 8360 for an appointment. VEGETERIAN PASTA AT TROUT Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. COMPANY DIRECTOR WORKING ON PROJECT in Wanaka seeks 1 - 2 bedroom executive apartment or unit to rent. Preferably medium - long term, but will also consider long term. Exceptional references. No pets. No smoking. Phone Paul 021 2277 171. WANAKA CROQUET CLUB AGM Tuesday 23rd May at the Club Rooms 2pm. Please support your Club. M.A.C YEAR 10 STUDENTS FUNDRAISING for Spirit of Adventure available for odd jobs. Call or text Raewyn 0210 2501 664. REAL WORLD SELF DEFENCE SEMINAR with world class instructors. Saturday 27th May $40 pp. Places limited. Booking essential. Phone Hayden 027 3666 348.

APPRENTICE ELECTRICIAN We are looking for a bright, reliable, eagar person who has a strong work ethic, are dedicated to compliance, and take pride in the work that they do.

To be considered for this role applicants must have: - Prepared to learn and work towards Electrical Certification - A current NZ drivers licence - Excellent communication skills (Verbal & Written) - Great work ethic & be customer focused - Able to listen & follow instructions

For further information or to apply phone Greg Richards on 027 281 9400 or email info@electricalspecs.co.nz

PAINTER AND DECORATOR: For all your interior and exterior painting needs with over 30 years experience. Phone 021 716 485. FEELING THE COLD? Get a Mitsubishi Electric Hypercore heat pump with WiFi control before winter kicks in and stay warm. Call Brent on 027 9561 030 or email brentmillarelectrical@ gmail.com for quote. VW GOLF GT: 2006, 2000cc. 61,000km. Auto. $10,500 ono. Very good condition. Great car to drive. Wanaka based. Need holiday funds. Ph: 0212 755 757. ENTREPRENEUR SPEAKER SERIES – Free session presented by the CUBE and Ignite Wanaka. Come along on 24 May and see local entrepreneurs Hamish Acland (Mons Royale), Hamish McGregor (kin2kin), Stef Zeestraten (Wanaka Lavender Farm) and Alice Herald (Herald Diamond Couture) engage in a panel discussion. The session will be hosted by Richard Liew founder of NZ Entrepreneur Magazine. Entry is free, but seats are strictly limited. For further information and seat bookings go to www.cubewanaka.co.nz/new-events/ BARLEY STRAW, small bales $7. Lucerne $12. Timothy grass $10. Phone or text 027 6819 966. WE ARE LOOKING TO FIND a new electrician to join our team. The suitable applicant shall have NZ Electrical Registration with a full vehicle class 1 licence. Uniforms, vehicle and phone and a great rate of pay. We are a local company and have a varied workload. Applicants must be able to work unsupervised. Apprentices looking for a change will be considered. Send your CV’s to jobs@upperclutha.co.nz WANTED: PART TIME paid coordinator for the Wanaka Alcohol Group. 12 month contract available to an organised, initiative-taking person interested in supporting our community in its ongoing conversation about alcohol and other drugs. Email info@communitynetworks.co.nz for job description. Closing date May 22, act fast! WAIRIRI BUFFALO YOGURT and cheese now in store at Soulfood Organic. Organically farmed in Canterbury these products are easier to digest than standard dairy and have a deliciously mild taste. Great product and a great price at Soulfood, your local organic store since 1999. Find us on Ardmore Street just along from the Four Square.

17th May 2017


It’s the thrill of the search, since 1978. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • E: messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

HAIRCULTURE. Free skin consultation including cleanse, moisturiser and colour matched foundation to finish plus take home samples. Phone 03 443 9515. PORCHE 911 C4 2003 MODEL. 79,000km, excellent condition. Professional owner, regular service, 6-speed manual, leather seats.$55,000. Ph 0210 437 127. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF the Upper Clutha Historical Records Society will be held Wednesday 31st May 2017 at the Wanaka Arts Centre. Graham Taylor, Secretary. WELLBEING SPECIALIST & HEALTH EDUCATOR. Bowen Therapy, Kinesiology, Reflexology, Theta Healing, Holistic Massage. I treat a wide range of conditions and people from babies to the elderly, pregnancy strains, aches and pains to sports injuries and accidents. Anxiety, grief and depression. Prevention of problems to promote wellbeing, increase your vitality and joy. Breathe deeply, find balance, move forward. Call me now to make an appointment 021 806 656 danielleargent@gmail.com MARKETING NEED A warrant of fitness check? For effective ideas call Framework Marketing 021 973 043. GLASS BALUSTRADES. Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719.

FURNITURE NEEDED. Good quality second hand furniture for large Wanaka guest house. If you are down sizing and have excess furniture I would love to view. Phone 0274 756 637 Angela. STUMP GRINDING - Get your stumps ground with Acomplete Property Services. Call Lewis to book yours 027 2502 996. BO BOOTS CLOSING DOWN SALE! Wanaka Yacht Club - Friday 19th May 12 - 6pm, Saturday 20th May 10 - 4pm, Sunday 21st May 10 - 4pm. 30 - 70% off all stock. Sale online now www.boboots.com CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE RESTORATIONS for all your motorcycle servicing. Oils, chains, tyres, batteries. Top brands, top service. Pickup and delivery. Phone John Holgate 0274 322 917. WANTED TO RENT, BY END OF JULY. I need a one or two bedroom flat, bungalow or shack for me and my best friend Monty the dog. I need a bathroom, living area/lounge and kitchen. Neither Monty nor I smoke or drink. We are clean living, cleaner if there is a washing machine. I am a long term tenant; last one was 12 years. I await your call re your dizzyingly stunning property that doesn’t leak, is heated by something and a window or two, and won’t cost my life savings by Christmas. Call John 021 2882 099.

TOP TIP: Windows 10 – No longer free The one year anniversary of Windows 10 has come and gone, and the free upgrade is no longer available. Don’t worry if you didn’t upgrade. If you’re running Windows 7 or 8.1, you’re not missing out on anything spectacular. If you are in the market for a new PC, it probably makes sense to look at the software you are running and see if it will work on Windows 10. Give us a call to discuss your options, including new computers running Windows 7 Professional.

Call us on 443 5499

17th May 2017


Wanaka Storage Solutions 66 BALLANTYNE ROAD PHONE: 443 2660 E-MAIL: richard@wanakastoragesolutions.co.nz www.wanakastoragesolutions.co.nz HI CATHRINE HERE FROM Eat, Drink, Laugh. The next evening is on Tuesday 23 May at 6.30pm. “Old Dog, New Tricks” we will enjoy some classic tastes and totally new trending flavours that you may not have heard of let alone tasted. I would love to see you here, just call or text 027 2900 693 and I will be happy to put your name on a seat. The cost is still $65 per person and the evening will run to about 9.30pm. Don’t forget you will get to eat three delicious courses and take all the recipes home. Oh, and of course there will be bubbles! COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017. MORE YOUR KNIFE SHARPER, more you enjoy cooking! Sharpening knife from $5 each with diamond wet stone by experienced sharpening master. Possible to pick up. 0204 1126 177 Mr Sharpener. HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING this Saturday May 20 with Te Kakano, Fish & Game and the Wanaka Residents Association. Bullock Creek wetlands. 10am. Meet in the field by Bullock Creek in the Fish & Game Hatchery. Access: walk/ drive in from Stone St entrance, opposite the day care centre. Head for the creek in the south west corner. Tools provided but bring sturdy boots or gumboots. Morning tea provided by Wanaka Wine Tours. Enquiries: Paul 021 0569 146 or Andrew 021 342 187. BEAUTIFUL NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME in Peninsula Bay available for 2 weeks from 24th June to 7th July. $350 per night. Phone 027 2462 702 or 03 443 5727. FRAMEWORK MARKETING will give you fresh ideas for your business. Call Randal on 021 973 043. ENROL AT IN2LEARNING TODAY. Help and support with Maths, English, the Sciences and Economics Year 2 to Year 13. Call Tom 03 443 1547.


TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. DO YOU HAVE CRACKED EXTERIOR PLASTER on your home or commercial building? We can re-coat your property, have it looking as good as new and provide a 10 year warranty. SToArmat is a European render system that has been in the New Zealand market for 16 years. Give me a call to discuss what we can do for your property before winter - Jeff 027 4533 240. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. HAIRCULTURE IS HIRING. All enquiries to: jadealex2009@ live.com ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE NOW until October. Albert Town. Furnished studio apartment. $280 per week plus power. Suitable for couple working skifield. Phone 0275 883 073. PICTURE FRAMING - Give your pictures a new lease of life or get those pictures framed you’ve got lying around. For a free quote call Aspiring Photography, 12 Frederick St. Ph 443 1883. SUBARU LEGACY LANCASTER FOR SALE. 2003, 180,000k’s, auto, 4WD, tow bar, matt black rims, dark green, new tyres, chain driven so no cambelt to change. Fresh WOF and registration. Perfect car for winter. $4,800. Call 027 250 2996 for viewing. NICKY SAMUELS career to date talk and open home day Saturday May 27th 1pm. Come for an interesting talk on life as a professional athlete and check out which locals have got behind her to help produce her new show home. 6 Mt Linton Ave, Northlake. HOUSE TO RENT. Brand new. Available soon. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Long term. Unfurnished. Phone Janet 027 2293 125.

Call for Stars - Groups, Duos, Single Unleash that singer in you, it s your time and it s your show. 7KH 25th Stars in Your Eyes will make it happen for you so come on and be part of Wanaka’s most popular and longest running show

Register on line for auditions at


33 Reece Crescent, Wanaka

or ring Paul Tamati on 443 9550 (after hours) or Steve Brett on 443 7635 for more details and information.


This year’s 25th annual show will take place on 21st - 23rd September 2017 at the Lake Wanaka Centre

17th May 2017

P: 021 868 245 E: johnburkebuilder@gmail.com

WANAKA FARMERS AND CRAFT MARKET this Thursday from 3pm outside the Speight’s Ale House. Come along enjoy some fabulous locally made artisan goodies and look out for those unique gifts. VEGETERIAN PASTA AT TROUT Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. TWO CHILDREN’S BIKES FOR SALE. One has 12.5 x 2.25 wheels, the other one has 16 x 2.5 wheels, complete with trainer wheels and helmets. Both near new. To inspect phone 443 8055 evenings. FOR SALE: leather lounge suite 3+1+1, Rimu bookcase, Rimu sideboard, coffee table, stained Pine bookcase, dining table and 6 chairs, dressing table, two bedside cabinets. All good quality and condition. Please phone 021 432 474 for sizes, prices, photos and viewing. EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. LIZ MALUSCHNIG COUNSELLING - for confidential and experienced counselling and parenting support please email Liz: lizmaluschnig@gmail.com FREE LINE ADS IN THE MESSENGER for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. PLUMBER AVAILABLE for all your maintenance, repairs and renovations. Call Martin 0274 939 194. HAIRCULTURE. Free skin consultation including cleanse, moisturiser and colour matched foundation to finish plus take home samples. Phone 03 443 9515. BANGERS AND MASH. Great winter comfort food at Trout Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017.



OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS 8.30AM - 12PM PHONE (03) 443 7833 A/H : Sam McLeod 027 8865 604 www.uppercluthatransport.co.nz

Luggate Branch: • • • •


PHONE (03) 443 8221 A/H : Neville (Stock) 0274 431 958 or Tony 022 1826 605 MAJOR SPONSOR OF: THE UPPER CLUTHA RUGBY CLUB AND OF: THE WHEELS TO DUNSTAN TRUST

WE ARE LOOKING FOR A SALES SUPERSTAR to join our team at the Wanaka i-SITE as a Frontline Consultant selling Wanaka, Queenstown, Fiordland and beyond to our guests. This is a permanent, fulltime position and will involve weekend work. You must be eligible to work in NZ for the next 12 months. Please email a cover letter and CV by 5pm Wednesday 24 May to Jaimee at: isite@lakewanaka.co.nz WORRIED ABOUT SKIN CANCER? Early detection does save lives. No referral is necessary to book an examination with a qualified skin cancer doctor at Molemedic. See Dr Brian Wills, MB ChB FRNZCGP, Australian Diploma of Dermoscopy. Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Society. www.molemedic.co.nz Phone 443 7929 for clinics 23, 25 & 30 May. WE ARE LOOKING TO FIND a new electrician to join our team. The suitable applicant shall have NZ Electrical Registration with a full vehicle class 1 licence. Uniforms, vehicle and phone and a great rate of pay. We are a local company and have a varied workload. Applicants must be able to work unsupervised. Apprentices looking for a change will be considered. Send your CV’s to jobs@upperclutha.co.nz WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out.

Chimney Sweeping Phone Curly (03) 443 9458

• 20 years experience • Rotary power sweeping • Cleanliness guaranteed

17th May 2017


PEASTRAW, MEADOW HAY and lucerne by the bale at The Yard on Reece Crescent. 14 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5069. www.theyardcentral.co.nz PROFESSIONAL LOCAL FEMALE requiring house sitting position or long term rental. Employed, tidy, respectful and non smoker. Please call/text 0212 628 218. ALBERT TOWN rooms for rent: 14 Frye Cresent. Single $195 plus bills. Double with ensuite $275 plus bills. Fully furnished 5 bedroom villa close to pub. Ph 021 923 553. DO YOU HAVE CRACKED EXTERIOR PLASTER on your home or commercial building? We can re-coat your property, have it looking as good as new and provide a 10 year warranty. SToArmat is a European render system that has been in the New Zealand market for 16 years. Give me a call to discuss what we can do for your property before winter - Jeff 027 4533 240. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. SUBARU LEGACY LANCASTER FOR SALE. 2003, 180,000k’s, auto, 4WD, tow bar, matt black rims, dark green, new tyres, chain driven so no cambelt to change. Fresh WOF and registration. Perfect car for winter. $4,800. Call 027 250 2996 for viewing. NEED A VENUE for your next meeting, community group activity, pop up shop or training workshop? Wanaka Yacht Club is a great choice. Good rates. Lakefront location, kitchen facilities, tables & chairs. Contact Geoff on 0272 115 474. FOR SALE 1994 TOYOTA COROLLA LEVIN: 2-door hatch, automatic, 228,000kms, warranted, registered, new tyres. Great first car. $2,000. Phone 027 2014 692. JOIN THE TOY LIBRARY by the end of May and go in the draw for a free membership. Open Tuesday 7.30 - 8.30pm, Friday and Saturday 9.30 - 11am. Seasonal memberships available. BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. 1984 WILDERNESS CARAVAN - full awning, separate bathroom bedroom. New diesel burner. Very tidy. 29ft. $27,000 ono. Phone 0210 2743 797 or 0210 2543 699. GARAGE CARPET - JUNE SPECIAL fully installed garage carpet to standard double garage $950 plus GST. Bookings only available for last 2 weeks of June. Email: centralgaragecarpet@ gmail.com

For all your Brick and Block laying needs Complete service. We supply, lay and fill blocks. Place & tie steel or labour only. All top tradesmen. Done once, done right. Call Greg 021 2444 249

I DIG EARTHWORKS LTD for all your earthmoving requirements. Small and large excavators, no job too big or small. Truck and transporter. Firewood. Screened topsoil. Schist walls etc. www.idig.co.nz Ph: 027 4691 069. ARE YOU BUILDING OR RENOVATING? Have you considered lighting and electrical? Why not get a qualified electrician/ lighting designer for the same price as a regular sparky. “Good lighting changes spaces”. prettysweetlighting.com Phone 021 0428 906. LUCERNE HAY. Small bales $12, large $100. Timothy grass hay $10. Delivered locally. Phone or text 027 6819 966. ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA! Est 2004. Relaxation - deep tissue.Trevor Bailey. Full time massage since 1994. USA/NZ. By appointment. 7 days. Phone 443 2993 or 0274 222 455. BADMINTON FOR ADULTS. Wednesdays 8-9pm. Anyone interested in playing please call Julie 0204 0397 654. “HELPING HANDS HOUSEKEEPING” offer personal and well established cleaning service for holiday homes, end of tenancy or spring cleans. Phone 021 828 415. FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS contact Dave Spedding, the full service landscaping professionals. Design, paving, lawns, planting plans and irrigation. Like us on Facebook or check out www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz Phone 021 707 481 or 443 2721.

Nobody knows the local Wanaka market better


Spider & Fly Treatments. Window Cleaning & Pest Control.

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17th May 2017


Specialising in possum/merino garments - warmer than cashmere and up to 40% warmer than wool alone. Mens & Womens Jerseys, Ponchos, Capes, Christening Blankets and much more. NZ wool NZ made 8 Helwick S, Wanaka 443 7294

TO RENT: cute stone cottage in Meadowstone. 3 bedrooms, gas fire, open plan, sunny north facing, verandah. Step onto quiet reserve. Only caring tenants need apply. $600 per week. Text Sally 0210 8857 380. SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window Cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: wilsonservices. co.nz ALI BABAS IS CLOSED this Saturday 20th due to barbering competitions in Auckland. Back on Tuesday and open at 9am. OYSTERS OYSTERS OYSTERS AT TROUT Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Acomplete Property Services now offers chimney sweeping. Call Lewis to book yours 027 250 2996. EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES TO WORK in a brand new restaurant opening mid June. Chefs required – all levels. Kitchen Hand positions. Various FOH vacancies including Duty Managers. Bar Manager and Maitre’d. Please tell us a bit about yourself and send your CV to info@jackrabbit.co.nz APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. RELOCATING YOUR CAR, boat, caravan, light machinery? Use our tilt deck transporter. Call Rusbridge Transport 0274 920 194. TOYOTA CAMRY SW 1999, 5 speed manual, current WOF & rego, 325,198km. ABS, a/c, alarm, c/locking, towbar. Regularly maintained and serviced, 4 new tyres, new cambelt fitted at 300,000km mechanically sound, tidy interior, exterior has minor scratches. Good reliable large station wagon. $2500 ono. Phone 0274 036 603.

SELF-EMPLOYED CAN GET A GOVERNMENT TAX CREDIT The $521.43 Government annual tax credit is deposited into a self-employed person’s KiwiSaver account, if they have contributed $1,052 into their KiwiSaver account before 20th June 2017. WOW, that’s a 49.5% return on savings.

Aspects Day Spa welcomes Donna Dodds to our team. Donna has 17 years experience as a nail technician, specialising in Acrylic nails. Introductory offer, a full set of Acrylic nails $80 and Backfills $50.

Call now to make a booking 443 5051

INTRODUCING KANUKA CORNER, the new early childhood centre being created in Timsfield, Lake Hawea. Licensed for children from 0-5 years, open 7.30am till 6pm and through the holidays, enrol now www.kanukacorner.com, like our Facebook page for updates. SHORT TERM ROOMS FOR RENT in BnB cottage through May and June. Warm spacious ensuite rooms. Kitchen, WiFi, linen and continental breakfast included. $475/week or $160/2 nights. Call 03 443 5388 or email hello@wanakabnb.co.nz KINDLING FOR SALE. $10 per banana box, delivered. Phone David 443 7337. SILK ROAD ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES has expanded the store! To celebrate we are holding two draws; one at the end of May and one at the end of June. Visit the store, sign our email register and you will go into the draw to win a $100 instore voucher. Located at 249 Riverbank Road, we are open Wednesday to Friday 10am - 5pm and weekends 11am to 4pm. Phone 021 495 569. At Silkroad we believe that “old treasures deserve new homes...” XTREME CLEANS are now available for Airbnb change overs, holiday homes, builders cleans, weekly/fortnightly cleans and many more cleaning options. Cleaners with 5 plus years cleaning experience. Contact us for a quote on 027 9574 391 or cleansxtreme@gmail.com

If you would like our FREE advice on how to do this or start up your KiwiSaver Scheme, please contact our Senior Adviser Malcolm Papworth, on ph 027 553 0096.

Locally made Solid Cedar Entrance and internal Doors and all types of internal prehung door services.

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17th May 2017



LAKE WANAKA DIVISION sightseeing tours | Wine Tours | Airport Transfers | Conference bookings

FREE PHONE: 0800 788 294 Book your taxi DIRECTLY from your smartphone Receive live updates about your taxi’s position


NEW 6 WEEK BLOCK OF PILATES and core classes at Central Lakes Physio starts next week. There are classes every day. Something to suit everyone - morning, afternoon and evening. $95 for 6 weeks or $20 casual. Call 443 1711 or check out our website. Look after your body! WANNA RENOVATE? We are renovation specialists and right now have a vacancy for your project. Local builders Seamless Construction. Call Thomas 0210 2791 516. seamelssconstruction.co.nz FRAMING MARVELLOUS Custom Picture Framing offer a full range of services including: conservation framing of fine art, prints & posters, family & wedding photos, certificates, kids art, embroidery, canvas stretching, replacement of broken glass and re framing of old pictures. You can be assured of a friendly and professional service. Phone Rachel on 022 0298 725 to discuss your framing needs. Find us on Facebook. RESONANCE ASPIRING PODIATRY - Keeping Wanaka on it’s feet. Call Raewyn to get your feet ready for winter footwear and snow sport boots. Body and Sole, 24 Dungarvon Street, CBD, 03 428 4220. SALE PRICE - HEALTHY RIBBONWOOD trees (approx. 1m height). Also fine-leaf Pittosporums and Kowhais available. All trees $10. Will deliver for bulk orders. Please phone 03 443 7581 or 0274 452 032. LADI6 AND PARKER SOUND SYSTEM live at the Bullock Bar Sunday 4th June. Early Bird tickets $28.50 available from The Bullock Bar. PICTURE FRAMING with an eye for detail and design. For professional advice and creative solutions The 45th Degree Picture Framing Professionals. Unit 1, 148 Ballantyne Road Wanaka. Ph 443 9348. Open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. www. the45thdegree.com

LOCALS DEAL - We are placing our order for new stock boats from the US. We will save you up to $5000 on a new 2018 Model Glastron or Chaparral. 2018 Chaparral 19 H2O for only $86,000 – RRP $91,300. As the NZ agents only we can provide full warranties. Contact Ian 027 2292 877 by 9th June – for delivery October. Wanaka Marine and Sport - Mercury and Evinrude Dealers. WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. QUEENSTOWN AIRPORT TRANSFERS to/from Wanaka. Contact KT Sightseeing Wanaka 443 9368 or 0800 458 744. FOR SALE: WEIGHTS, bench press, squat rack - as new. Phone 443 4628, ask for Pete. WANTED TO RENT. Re our little ad. Monty the dog and I have put a note in a bottle and thrown it in the lake. Monty pushed it well out with his nose to make sure. I’m going to stand here till it floats back with a reply. Winter’s coming. John and Monty phone 021 2882 099. COMPANY DIRECTOR WORKING ON PROJECT in Wanaka seeks 1 - 2 bedroom executive apartment or unit to rent. Preferably medium - long term, but will also consider long term. Exceptional references. No pets. No smoking. Phone Paul 021 2277 171. SALE PRICE - HEALTHY RIBBONWOOD trees (approx. 1m height). Also fine-leaf Pittosporums and Kowhais available. All trees $10. Will deliver for bulk orders. Please phone 03 443 7581 or 0274 452 032.SSANGYONG KORANDO 2012 $12,000. Diesel, auto, AWD, leather. Phone 443 5155. Trademe.co.nz Listing #1322073003. FOR SALE 1994 TOYOTA COROLLA LEVIN: 2-door hatch, automatic, 228,000kms, warranted, registered, new tyres. Great first car. $2,000. Phone 027 2014 692.

17th May 2017




ÂŚ $OO ZRUN JXDUDQWHHG ÂŚ )ULHQGO\ DQG H[SHULHQFHG ÂŚ )DVW WXUQDURXQG KRPH DQG EXVLQHVV IMPROVE YOUR MARKETING with a “warrant of fitnessâ€? from Framework Marketing. Call Randal on 021 973 043. FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOM TO RENT. Close to town. $225 per week plus bond. Prefer long term. Please phone Stephen 021 585 473. PANASONIC BREADMAKER FOR SALE. Had little use. Good order. Phone 0220 773 859 or 443 2946. OVEN WANTED. Freestanding - 600mm wide in excellent condition. Phone 027 5527 743. FOR SALE: 6 dining chairs $20 each. 2 bar stools $20 each. 2 x 3 seater couches $200 each. Wall unit $600. Bench saw $40. Fish tank $30. Phone 443 7009 after 5pm. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependableâ€?. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. WARM UP WITH HOT PIMMS at Trout Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. FREE YOUR SPINE. Dr. David Jongsma, Chiropractor. Spinal Pain Clinic. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Fast effective treatment for: low back pain. Neck and mid back pain. Arthritic pain. Headaches. Migraines. Arm or leg symptoms. Repetitive strain injuries. Spinal maintenance. New patients welcome. ACC Provider. Phone: 03 443 0432. ENERGY KINESIOLOGY, THERAPEUTIC massage and stress release. We work with the body as a whole to release disharmonic energy from within the cells to enhance the energy flow to health, happiness and wellbeing. Living in Wanaka, trained in USA and NZ. Mobile to your home. Phone enquiries to Julie 027 7226 027. MARKETING NEED A warrant of fitness check? For effective ideas call Framework Marketing 021 973 043. CAR SNOWCHAINS at Caltex. All car/4WD sizes available. Quick fit, with ratchet tensioning. Free sizing, test fitting and demonstration. Caltex Wanaka - your Wanaka snowchain specialists. THREE CHAIRS HAIR. Stockists of De Lorenzo and Angel products. Free Angel shampoo and conditioner samples for you to try. Visit us at Spencer House Mall. Phone 443 5898.

cleaning and pest control

Andrew and Maree Burns have recently purchased Wanaka Landscapes from Don McKinlay. KÄŤÄžĆŒĹ?ĹśĹ? ƚŚĞ Ć?ĂžĞ Ĺ?ĆŒÄžÄ‚Ćš Ć?ÄžĆŒÇ€Ĺ?Ä?Äž Ç Ĺ?ƚŚ ƚŚĞ Ć?ĂžĞ Ĺ?ĆŒÄžÄ‚Ćš Ć?ĆšÄ‚ÄŤÍ˜ PROFESSIONALLY CRAFTED ENVIRONMENTS 0274595799 | www.landscapingwanaka.nz GAMEKEEPER SAUSAGES and artisan meats fresh in at Soulfood Organic on Ardmore Street. No preservatives whatso-ever, for superior taste and nourishment. Try the bacon and aged beef also. We also stock Stewart Island Salmon products, simply the best. Open 7 days from 8am. GUEST SOAPS FOR YOUR ACCOMMODATION. Whether you have one room or twenty, Soap Kitchen Wanaka can make custom sized soaps for you. Delight your guests with quality local natural product. Call Bridget 0204 1305 985 or 03 443 5256. www.soapkitchen.nz NEED AN EXTRA PAIR OF HANDS OCCASIONALLY? Chris at OfficeMarvel can help. Contact 021 2025 630 or info@ officemarvel.co.nz to discuss your requirements. HI CATHRINE HERE FROM Eat, Drink, Laugh. The next evening is on Tuesday 23 May at 6.30pm. “Old Dog, New Tricksâ€? we will enjoy some classic tastes and totally new trending flavours that you may not have heard of let alone tasted. I would love to see you here, just call or text 027 2900 693 and I will be happy to put your name on a seat. The cost is still $65 per person and the evening will run to about 9.30pm. Don’t forget you will get to eat three delicious courses and take all the recipes home. Oh, and of course there will be bubbles! GALLERY 33: Are you thinking about a wedding? We sell unique, handmade engagement and wedding rings by contemporary NZ jewellers. We can also host your wedding registry if you are looking for a special art work for your home. Contact us: info@gallery33.co.nz or 443 4330. TUTOR REQUIRED TERM 3 for a year 7 girl and year 9 boy. Tutoring needed in Maths, English and Science. Preferably Monday and Tuesday or any other day in the afternoons. Call Sarah 021 347 661. BEAUTIFUL NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME in Peninsula Bay available for 2 weeks from 24th June to 7th July. $350 per night. Phone 027 2462 702 or 03 443 5727. NEED A TEMP? For any short term office, admin, secretarial or IT cover contact Chris at OfficeMarvel on 021 2025 630 or info@officemarvel.co.nz


Indulge, relax & unwind while our fabulous stylists attend to your hair.

0800 CALL Fly, Spider & Rodent Control Specialists in Stain Removal, Carpets & Upholstery P: 03 443 1150

E: wanaka@jae.co.nz


2 Little Street, Wanaka 03 443 5522

17th May 2017




JACK AND RUSSELL INTERIORS LTD a new Wanaka company. I visited the interior trade fairs in Paris & Africa and can now supply soft furnishings directly to you. Are you looking for a feeling of comfort and relaxation? Something that feels luscious and oozes luxury without breaking the bank? My items feel like long lazy days snuggled down with a book or glass of wine in a comfy chair. Time to surround yourself with quality without breaking the bank. Mon-Sat 10am-2pm (or by appointment) Unit E 21 Gordon Rd Wanaka Ph 021 338 904 Jill Cole jillwanaka@gmail.com RENTALS AVAILABLE – for a list of our current rentals available go to www.harcourtswanka.co.nz to view. NEED YOUR GUTTERS CLEANED? Call Acomplete Property Services 027 2502 996. WANAKA RODEO CLUB AGM - Wednesday 7 June at 8pm in the Luggate Fire Station. LIQUORLAND WANAKA - Free whisky tasting all week. Pop in and try some excellent single malt whiskies. IN2LEARNING WANAKA REQUIRES A Maths and/or Physics teacher - to year 13 level. This is a permanent, part time position. Hours 3.30 - 7.50pm. Good remuneration. Call Tom 443 1547.

ASPIRING POOLS & SPAS will be open Mon-Fri 9-3pm from Mon 15th – Fri 26th May. Bring in your water samples and let us put your pool to bed for the winter and get your spa started up for those cooler nights. FEELING THE COLD? Get a Mitsubishi Electric Hypercore heat pump with WiFi control before winter kicks in and stay warm. Call Brent on 027 9561 030 or email brentmillarelectrical@ gmail.com for quote. ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138. HAIRCULTURE. CUT, BLOWDRY and style with intensive treatment $85. Phone 03 443 9515. LUGGATE HOTEL - FREE BBQ and happy hour before the Chiefs vs. Crusaders top of the table clash this Friday night. Looking after the locals since 1867. AN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY HAS COME UP to join the Wanaka i-SITE team as our part time Accounts Administrator. This would involve, but not limited to end of month accounts, PAYE, GST and reconciliations. Ideally you will be experienced with Xero and must be eligible to work in NZ for the next 12 months. Please email a cover letter and CV by 5pm Wednesday 24 May to Jaimee at: isite@lakewanaka.co.nz PAMPERING SPECIAL AT ASPECTS DAY SPA, Autumn Revival (I/2 hour massage/1/2 hour mini facial) $90, normally $135. Book now at 61 Brownston St. Phone 03 443 5051. WHITE, WOODEN, SINGLE BED BUNKS for sale plus very good mattresses. Good condition, only 4 years old. $420. Phone 0274 482 504. LEARN CHINESE. Looking for a dedicated Chinese tutor? Please feel free to contact me. Phone Valentine 0210 2694 810. GET RID OF THOSE LEAVES and get the section tidied up before Winter sets in. Contact Wanaka Mowing Services. 027 2449 004 or visit www.wanakamowingservices.co.nz

Making Wednesday hump day more bearable, since 1978. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • E: messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

17th May 2017

LATITUDE 44 FITNESS Introduction Program. Would you like to boost your training with a personalised strength and conditioning program run in a group coaching setting? Our next Introduction Program starts this Saturday at 9.30am and is the first step to achieving optimal results in the gym. For further information, or to book a place contact Simon on 0210 8441 022. HOT SOUP SERVED AT TROUT Cafe Restaurant and Bar on the lakefront. WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT NATURALLY? Only 8 more sleeps until our Women’s Wellness Evening where you can learn all about the Taste Success natural weightloss and wellbeing programme. Tickets only $15 and includes seminar from popular Naturopath Tracey Loughran, amazing goodie bag and all the info you need about our 12-week programme! Tickets at www.dashtickets.co.nz FRAMEWORK MARKETING will give you fresh ideas for your business. Call Randal on 021 973 043. BULLOCK BAR QUIZ NIGHT IS BACK Wednesday nights from 7pm. Prizes to be won. Food specials with your favourite host George. BTP - PAINTERS AND DECORATORS available for any size job. Very experienced and professional. Please phone Ben for a quote 0204 0133 350. BRAND NEW HOUSE AVAILABLE for rent in Timsfield, Lake Hawea. 3 bedroom, one with ensuite and WIR. Separate large double garage. Unfurnished. Until Christmas, possibly longer. Call Claire 0221 746 992. Available early June. GARDEN GOING TO BED FOR WINTER? For weeding, pruning and mulching call your local experienced gardener. Lynette 0220 773 859 or 443 2946 a/h.


CHIMNEY SWEEPING – Have your chimney cleaned in time for winter. Call John at A & J Services, 0274 331 482. FLY AND SPIDER SPRAYING. No mess with JAE Pest Control. Spraying warranted up to one year by local operator. Ph 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. NIGHT CHURCH AT WANAKA PRESBYTERIAN Tenby Street Sundays at 7pm. Contemporary worship inspiring messages. All welcome. MITSUBISHI DELICA (JASPER) 1996. 2.8 diesel auto, 4wd. 251,000kms. Excellent mechanical condition, full service history, one owner since imported in 2007. Bodywork needs some attention. Great all-rounder - Ski vehicle, backpacker van, family or trade vehicle. $4,500. 027 3157 383. THREE CHAIRS HAIR now in Spencer House Mall. Tahnee’s May specials: 1/2 head foils, cut and blow dry $120 or ladies haircut (includes shampoo and blow dry) $50. Phone 443 5898. WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. LUGGATE HOTEL REQUIRE Duty Managers and experienced Bar Staff for upcoming winter season. Must be able to work nights and weekends. Ph 443 8523 or email info@ luggatehotel.co.nz COME AND JOIN US AT BISTRO GENTIL on Friday 2nd June. We will be serving a 3 course ‘Trust the chef’ menu at $65 per person. Call us on 03 443 2299 to reserve a table. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. FOR SALE OCCASIONAL ROUND oak table 750 across x 600 high. Looks good. Phone 443 9355.

17th May 2017


Drawing your eye to a lot more than curtains

Curtain Court, Managed by Vicky Wyber has been servicing the Wanaka area for 18 months. Previously trading under a different name and servicing Alexandra, this business has taken a new turn, a new name, new Manager, and a new location. Curtain Court is a mobile interior design service that focuses on all window furnishings, exterior awnings and sun screening, upholstery fabric, soft furnishings including bed coverings and cushions, wallpaper and colour consulting. The driving force behind Curtain Court is Vicky Wyber who brings 25 years’ experience to the business. Vicky is a specialist in colour consulting, soft

furnishings and interior design. Vicky’s passion is providing specialist advice and creating beautiful spaces using the latest fashions, styles, fabrics and products. “I put myself in my customer’s shoes; I get to know them and what they want. I have high expectations and expect great customer service, so I strive to deliver this to my clients. Seeing them happy, makes me happy.” Being mobile has been a huge change for Vicky, who is used to working in large stores and showrooms, although an adjustment at the start, Vicky is now thriving in this new environment. ”Being able to meet in the clients home and walk through their vision with them, gives me the opportunity to provide a more personalised service”. Vicky has built a solid reputation and has some great feedback from local clients, Irene explains “Vicky made everything easy, from her quick response to our telephone call, site measuring, range of great samples and good advice on suitable fabrics for the climate,

providing us with a quote, no-fuss ordering and best of all, ongoing contact so we knew what was happening. She made it a pleasant experience all round.” Another client was thrilled with their experience with Vicky, especially in the demands from the building boom. Jill stated “We are in a new build and in this crazy building boom Curtain Court held their appointments on time. They were professional with very helpful advice leaving many samples for us to mix and match. The finish of the blinds, to hanging on a realistic time frame. We were thrilled with Curtain Court and their easy helpful approach.....why go anywhere else!!” Through Vicky’s years in the industry, she has made valuable industry connections. Through these connections, she is able to help facilitate other interior services such as carpets, painting and furniture. If you are looking to revamp your home and would like specialist advice, contact Vicky for a free consultation 021 403 071 or email vicky.wyber@carpetcourt.nz

17th May 2017





17th May - 23rd May RAY WHITE

30A Sargood Drive, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm

Wed 17th May Auction 8/6

21B Gordon Road, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am

Wed 17th May Auction 19/5

4 Edgewood Place, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am

Sat 20th May


Hikuwai, Aubrey Road, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.45am

Wed 17th May From $320,000

5/19 Chalmers Street, Wanaka

11.15 - 11.45am

Sat 20th May

Deadline PT 15/6

1115 Aubrey Road, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm

Wed 17th May Auction 16/6

11 Hyland Street, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm

Sat 20th May

Auction 8/6

110 Hedditch Street, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Wed 17th May Auction 19/5

30A Sargood Drive, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm

Sat 20th May

Auction 8/6

118 Capell Avenue, Lake Hawea

2.00 - 2.30pm

Wed 17th May Auction 19/5

21 Ragan Lane, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm

Sat 20th May

Auction 15/6

11 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Wed 17th May Auction 2/6

48A Frye Crescent, Albert Town

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 20th May

Deadline PT 9/6

9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Wed 17th May $1,350,000

61 Minaret Ridge, Wanaka

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sat 20th May


4 Edgewood Place, Wanaka

3.30 - 4.00pm

Wed 17th May $1,295,000

49B Hedditch Street, Wanaka

2.30 - 3.00pm

Sat 20th May

Auction 8/6

Hikuwai, Aubrey Road, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.45am

Sat 20th May

From $320,000

127 Pukerangi Drive, Queensberry

11.30 - 12.00pm

Sat 20th May

Deadline Sale 25/5

21 Hillview Place, Wanaka

4.00 - 4.30pm

Wed 17th May $895,000

1115 Aubrey Road, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm

Sat 20th May

Auction 16/6

96 Mount Iron Drive, Wanaka

4.30 - 5.30pm

Wed 17th May $720,000

11 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 20th May

Auction 2/6

10 Elizabeth Street, Lake Hawea

4.30 - 5.00pm

Wed 17th May $735,000

63A Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 20th May


216 Aubrey Road, Wanaka

5.00 - 5.30pm

Wed 17th May $975,000

229 Stone Street, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 20th May


Hikuwai Subdivision, Outlet Road, Wanaka

12.30 - 1.30pm

Fri 19th May

From $315,000

Alpine Estate, Sales Showroom, 17 Helwick St, Wanaka 10.00 -12.00pm

Sat 20th May

From $330,000

9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 20th May


100B Anderson Road, Wanaka

Sat 20th May


3 Daniels Terrace, Wanaka

2.45 - 3.15pm

Sat 20th May


4 Edgewood Place, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Sat 20th May


1115 Aubrey Road, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am

Sun 21st May

Auction 16/6

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 20th May


1.00 - 4.00pm

Thu, Fri, Sun

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Wed - Sun

Show Home

12.00 - 4.00pm

Tue - Sat

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Fri - Sun

Show Home

12.00 - 3.00pm

Sat - Sun

Show Home


11.00 - 11.30am

15 Reid Avenue, Luggate

11.00 - 11.30am

Sat 20th May

By Negotiation

10 Elizabeth Street, Lake Hawea

11.30 - 12.00pm

Sat 20th May


51 Skinner Crescent, Lake Hawea

11.30 - 12.00pm

Sat 20th May

For Sale

216 Aubrey Road, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm

Sat 20th May


RE/MAX SYNRG 4 Bell Street, Lake Hawea


Hikuwai Subdivision, Outlet Road, Wanaka

12.30 - 1.30pm

Sat 20th May

From $315,000

100B Anderson Road, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 20th May


47 Lagoon Avenue, Albert Town

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 20th May

By Negotiation


55 Totara Place, Queensberry

11.00 - 11.30am

Sun 21st Apr

By Negotiation

Mt Linton Drive, North Lake

8 Stowell Place, Summerfields, Cromwell

21 Hillview Place, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm

Sun 21st Apr



Hikuwai Subdivision, Outlet Road, Wanaka

12.30 - 1.30pm

Sun 21st Apr

From $315,000

53 Totara Terrace, Wanaka

41 Hopkins Street, Luggate

1.30 - 2.30pm

Sun 21st Apr

Auction 31/5


96 Mount Iron Drive, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sun 21st Apr


56 West Meadows Drive, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 20th May

Deadline PT 21/5

64 Infinity Drive, Wanaka



BECOME A XERO MASTER! Join On Track CA Mat Prichard for a 4 week interactive learning workshop with understanding the capabilities of the software and the benefits to your business. Mat has tips and tricks that will save you time and money. Spots are limited. $199. Every Tuesday of June. 6 7.30pm. Contact Claire Dooney info@leafcutter.co.nz Phone 027 6320 821. DAN O REGAN IS BACK designing as Future Creative. www. thefuture.co.nz. Doing branding, print, videos for web, apps and that kind of thing. Call 0210 8403 852 for free consultation. NEW ZEALAND’S HOTTEST NEW micro brewery tap takeover at Urban Grind Bar this Saturday night. WANAKA FARMERS AND CRAFT MARKET this Thursday from 3pm outside the Speight’s Ale House. Come along enjoy some fabulous locally made artisan goodies and look out for those unique gifts. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix.

ORGANIC MAPLE SYRUP - available at Wholefood Haven. Only $10.50 for 250ml. BYO container. Find us at 24 Dungarvon Street. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@ printit.co.nz VW GOLF GT: 2006, 2000cc. 61,000km. Auto. $10,500 ono. Very good condition. Great car to drive. Wanaka based. Need holiday funds. Ph: 0212 755 757. SILKY SMOOTH HAIR! Get a Keratin Complex Blow out as an addon service for only $50 for the month of May. Only at Alice Hair. Ph 443 5678 for bookings or book on FB alicehairwanaka BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SASSY Females. Looking for new people to join my team. Love Social Media? Care about nutrition and want to help other women with their health goals? If this sounds like you contact Aimee on 0210 8358 138. CARAVAN FOR RENT IN LUGGATE. Suit one person with car. $130 per week, includes power. Phone 021 1674 374.

17th May 2017



See THE ZOOKEEPER'S WIFE and receive a glass of house white or house red for only $22 for Seniors and $25 for Adults!


The real-life story of one working wife and mother who became a hero to hundreds during World War II. In 1939 Poland, Antonina Å»abiÅ„ska (portrayed by two-time Academy Award nominee Jessica Chastain) and her husband, Dr. Jan Å»abiÅ„ski (Johan Heldenbergh of "The Broken Circle Breakdown"), have the Warsaw Zoo flourishing under his stewardship and her care. When their country is invaded by the Germans, Jan and Antonina are stunned - and forced to report to the Reich's newly appointed chief zoologist, Lutz Heck (Daniel Brühl of "Captain America: Civil War"). To fight back on their own terms, Antonina and Jan covertly begin working with the Resistance - and put into action plans to save lives out of what has become the Warsaw Ghetto, with Antonina putting herself and even her children at great risk. - NZ Herald




1:00 Their Finest M Sex scenes & offensive lang 2:30 The Innocents M Sexual violence, suicide & content that may disturb

3:30 4:45 5:45 6:45

Viceroy's House M Content may disturb. Handsome Devil M Viol, offensive lang Denial M Adult themes Beyond the Known World NEW M Violence, offensive lang, drug use & sex scenes

1 2 1 2 1 2

8:00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 1 M Violence 8:45 Personal Shopper M Viol, off lang & content 2 that may disturb

THURSDAY 18 MAY 1:15 1:30 3:15 3:30 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15

Viceroy's House Winter at Westbeth PG Coarse language Handsome Devil Denial Personal Shopper The Zookeeper's Wife NEW M Violence The Salesman M Adult themes The Fate of the Furious M Violence &

1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1

offensive language

FRIDAY 19 MAY 1:00 1:30 3:00 4:00 5:30 6:00 8:00 8:15

Handsome Devil Denial From the Land of the Moon M Viol,

2 1

sex & nudity

2 1 2 1 2 1

Beyond the Known World The Salesman Viceroy's House Handsome Devil The Zookeeper's Wife

SATURDAY 20 MAY 11:30 12:30 2:00 3:00 4:15 5:30 6:15 8:15 8:30

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 3D From the Land of the Moon Their Finest Dance Academy PG Viceroy's House Handsome Devil The Zookeeper's Wife Personal Shopper Beyond the Known World

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

SUNDAY 21 MAY 12:45 1:00 3:00 3:15 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15

Dance Academy Beyond the Known World From the Land of the Moon Viceroy's House The Zookeeper's Wife The Salesman Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Handsome Devil FOODIES

2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

MONDAY 22 MAY 1:00 1:15 3:00 3:30 5:30 5:45 8:15 8:30

Their Finest Winter at Westbeth The Salesman Viceroy's House Handsome Devil The Zookeeper's Wife Denial Personal Shopper

1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

TUESDAY 23 MAY 1:00 1:00 3:00 3:15 5:15 5:30 8:00 8:15

Dance Academy Denial Personal Shopper Viceroy's House The Salesman The Zookeeper's Wife Handsome Devil Beyond the Known World

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

WEDNESDAY 24 MAY 1:00 1:15 3:30 5:30 5:45 7:45 8:15

Met Opera: Rusalka Viceroy's House Denial Handsome Devil Beyond the Known World The Zookeeper's Wife Personal Shopper

2 1 1 2 1 1 2

Upper Clutha Messenger




17th May 2017

NORTHLAKE. YOUR COMMUNITY. WITH A VIBRANT VILLAGE AT ITS HEART – ENJOYED BY FAMILIES YOUNG AND OLD – BE PART OF A WELCOMING COMMUNITY AT NORTHLAKE. Range of section sizes available. Prices from $265,000. Choose from our Northlake Home designer home range – or design your own. Construction is underway with first titles due Winter 2017.

Call Bayleys Wanaka 03 443 0279 or visit www.northlake.co.nz Contact selling agents: Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235 E sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz

Scott McGoun M 021 201 9029 E scott.mcgoun@bayleys.co.nz

Jimmy Allen M 021 676 013 E jimmy.a@bayleyslocations.co.nz

Mat Andrews Real Estate Ltd, Bayleys Licensed under the REAA 2008

Mat Andrews Real Estate Ltd, Bayleys Licensed under the REAA 2008

Queenstown and Southern NZ Realty Ltd, Licensed under the REAA 2008

Upper Clutha Messenger


17th May 2017





Start planning NOW for title release. Choose from our GJ Gardner Homes plans or design and build your dream home.


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