Upper clutha messenger 21st february 2018

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Volume XL | No. 07 | 21st February 2018

11 Brownston St, Wanaka | (03) 443 7804 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz



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JOIN THE PARKRUN FAMILY WALK, JOG, RUN, VOLUNTEER or simply come and watch - it’s up to you!


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Every Saturday morning

Kickstart your weekend with your local Parkrun community… Jane and Adam Sharman are really excited to be bringing Parkrun to Wanaka, starting this weekend! Parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world. They are open to people of all ability, free, and are safe and easy to take part in. Jane explains, “The events are all about fitness and community – you can feel comfortable whatever stage you’re at”. Parkrun started 13 years ago in London with a group of friends and it has grown to over 1300 events across 19 countries and over 4 million registered participants. Parkrun Wanaka will take place every Saturday morning at 8am (9am in winter), starting at the picturesque Wanaka Station Park with an out and back loop to Waterfall Creek. “We have designed the course to make the most of the great sheltered hub in Station Park with a truly stunning run along the lake path – this is what Wanaka is all about!”

As is tradition with Parkrun, participants are all invited to meet for a post-event coffee at Edgewater. Parkrun is organised entirely by volunteers – who do it for the love of it! “We had a great experience joining Parkrun in Auckland when we moved there and now we want to share the fun and enjoyment with the Wanaka community” says Jane. Participants are encouraged to help by volunteering and any interested volunteers should get in touch. You must register to take part in this event and you only ever need to do this once – then your barcode will give you access to any Parkrun worldwide, including your detailed stats of each run completed. A huge thank you to QLDC, Edgewater and Outside Sports for helping to get this event up and running and for their ongoing support! To register, get in touch or find more info please see www.parkrun.co.nz/wanaka or find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/wanakaparkrun

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Upper Clutha Messenger

21st February 2018


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21st February 2018




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Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year olds. Check out the climbing tree, sensory play, water fun, playdoh, op shop and more. Always coffee & tea brewing, everyone welcome. Updates on FB page. Ć• (PEURLGHU\ *URXS Workshop Day 10.30am, Arts Centre. Ć• :DQDND 3OD\JURXS 9.30 - 11.30am Wanaka Squash Club, Stone St. 0-5yrs. Great outdoor fenced area & indoor learning experiences. $3/ family or $30/term. First visit free. All welcome. Contact Kelli 021 776 853. Ć• /DGLHV +ROH *ROI Discs in by 9am, tee off 9.30am. New members welcome. Ć• 0HQ¡V +ROH *ROI Cards in by 9.15am, for 9.30am start. Visitors & new members welcome. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. 73 Brownston St. Volunteers required ph: 443 4142. Ć• :DQDND 7RDVWPDVWHUV 7.15pm, St John rooms, 4 Link Way. Watch or join in. A great evening of fun. Young & old. wanakatoastmasters@gmail.com Ć• :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE Warren St. Golf and Association Croquet, 9.30am - 12 noon. Names to be in by 9.20am. Visitors welcome. Ć• 3ULPH7LPHUV 7ULS WR &DUGURQD $OSLQH 5HVRUW. Bus departs from Showgrounds at 10.30am. Rug up and wear sensible shoes. Ph Helen 0210 431 054. Ć• :DQDND *DUGHQ &OXE Meeting at Bowling Club rooms, Tenby St at 7.30pm. Speaker Dorella 2VERUQH RQ Âł$ +RUWLFXOWXUDO /LIH´ 5DIĂ€ HV VDOHV table and supper. Visitors welcome. Contact Rochelle 0211 165 093.

Ć• :DQDND 6XQGD\ &UDIW 0DUNHW Pembroke Park from 10am. Handmade NZ arts and crafts. Ć• )UHH &RPPXQLW\ <RJD &ODVV Rhyme x Reason Brewery, 17 Gordon Road at 11am. BYO mat and donations accepted for the teacher’s hard work. Ć• +RO\ )DPLO\ &DWKROLF &KXUFK 152 Aubrey Rd. Holy Mass at 11am. All welcome. See notice at church for week day Mass times. Ć• 6W &ROXPED¡V $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Family Eucharist 9.30am. All welcome. Ć• :DQDND 1HZ /LIH &KXUFK 10am, 50 Reece Cres. Multi-generational meetings with great worship and kids programme. Enquiries to 027 2927 770 newlife. co.nz Ć• :DQDND 3UHVE\WHULDQ &KXUFK at 9.30am. We are pleased to welcome Mary Somerville from Alpha. Special fun programmes for 3-13 year olds plus a crèche for the little ones. All welcome at 91 Tenby St. www.wpccc.org.nz Ć• :DQDND 3UHVE\WHULDQ &KXUFK at 8pm. Come along to hear four different people talking about the Spiritual Disciplines that they practice. 91 Tenby St www.wpccc.org.nz

FRIDAY 23 FEBRUARY ƕ :DQDND %RZOLQJ &OXE 3URJUHVVLYH 7RXUQDPHQW Names in by 1pm, start 1.15pm. Visitors welcome. ƕ :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV 9am - 12pm, Upton St courts. Visitors welcome. ƕ :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Friday Handicap Bridge. Play starts 1pm. 9 Cliff Wilson St, All welcome. ƕ -3 6HUYLFHV at Community Networks, 73 Brownston St, 10.30 - 11.30am. Appointments essential. Ph 03 443 7799. ƕ 0HGLWDWLRQ 12midday St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. All welcome. Contact Damon Plimmer ucang@calledsouth.org.nz ƕ 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. 73 Brownston St. Volunteers required ph: 443 4142.

6$785'$< )(%58$5< Ć• :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 1-4pm. Visitors welcome. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 11am - 3pm. 73 Brownston St. Volunteers required, ph: 443 4142. Ć• :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE Warren St. Golf and Association Croquet, 9.30am - 12 noon. Names to be in by 9.20am. Visitors welcome. Ć• :DQDND SDUNUXQ A free, weekly, timed 5km run. All abilities welcome! Wanaka Station Park 8am. Join us for coffee at Edgewater after the event. Register at www.parkrun.co.nz/wanaka. Contact Jane or $GDP RQ RU ZDQDNDRIÂż FH#SDUNUXQ com

021'$< )(%58$5< ƕ :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV 9am - 12pm, Upton St courts. Visitors welcome. ƕ :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Silver Championship Pairs, 6.50pm. 9 Cliff Wilson St. ƕ 0HGLWDWLRQ 5pm at St Columba’s, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. All welcome. Contact Annette 021 2075 122. ƕ +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year olds. Check out the climbing tree, sensory play, water fun, playdoh, op shop and more. Always coffee & tea brewing, everyone welcome. Updates on FB page. ƕ :DQDND 3OD\JURXS 9.30 - 11.30am Wanaka Squash Club, Stone St. 0-5yrs. Great outdoor fenced area & indoor learning experiences. $3/ family or $30/term. First visit free. All welcome. Contact Kelli 021 776 853. ƕ 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. 73 Brownston St. Volunteers required ph: 443 4142. ƕ :ULJJOH 5K\PH DW +DZHD /LEUDU\ every Monday in term time at 10am followed by story time & craft for preschoolers. ƕ 3HPEURNH &OXE RI :DQDND 10am meeting, Wanaka Golf Club.

78(6'$< )(%58$5< Ć• 9ROXQWHHULQJ &HQWUDO are at Community Networks today from 11.30am - 2.30pm. Chat to Gillian about YROXQWHHULQJ LQ WKLV IDEXORXV FRPPXQLW\ RU WR Âż QG out how we can support your volunteer programme. Pop in or make an appointment gillian@ volunteeringcentral.org.nz www.volunteeringcentral. org.nz 443 4102. Ć• :DQDND 5RWDU\ &OXE get together - Tuesdays. Drinks from 6pm. Dinner 6.30pm at Wanaka Golf Club. Call Derek to join us! Ph 021 796 077.

Ć• 0DLQO\ 0XVLF Music, movement and fun for children 0-4yrs and their Caregivers. Held at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Community Centre, 91 Tenby St, Wanaka. 9.30 - 11am, $3/family. Ć• /DNH +DZHD .QLWWLQJ *URXS For those who love to knit or would like to learn. Lake Hawea Library Tuesdays from 12.30pm. Bring your projects new or old, share your knowledge & have a chat with likeminded people. Enquiries Denise 0210 378 347. Ć• 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. 9am - noon. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano. org.nz Ć• 6D\ *R )DOOV SUHYHQWLRQ H[HUFLVHV for over 65s. 2 - 3pm, Otago Age Concern - St John’s, Link Rd. $2. All welcome. Enquiries to Judy 443 4121. Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Tuesday Social Bridge. 11am. 9 Cliff Wilson St. Bring your lunch, all welcome. Ć• -3 6HUYLFHV at Community Networks. 1 - 2pm, 73 Brownston St. Appointments essential. Ph 03 443 7799. Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year olds. Check out the climbing tree, sensory play, water fun, playdoh, op shop and more. Always coffee & tea brewing, everyone welcome. Updates on FB page. Ć• :ULJJOH 5K\PH DW :DQDND /LEUDU\ New time: 10.30 - 11am. Come & join in with some songs, rhymes & movement for 0-2 years. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. 73 Brownston St. Volunteers required ph: 443 4142. Ć• 0HQWDO +HDOWK 3HHU 6XSSRUW *URXS 6.30pm 7.30pm at Plunket, 51 Ardmore St. $5 donation to cover costs. Please request to join the FB group: “Mental Health Peer Support Group (Wanaka)â€? for more info. All welcome!

:('1(6'$< )(%58$5< Ć• $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV St Ninian’s Presbyterian Church Hall, Hawea Flat. 7.30pm. All welcome. Ć• 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. 9am - noon. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano. org.nz Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Bronze Championship Pairs, 6.50pm. 9 Cliff Wilson St. Ć• 6W &ROXPED¡V $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Holy Communion with discussion at 10am. Ć• 3UH 6FKRRO 6WRU\WLPH DW :DQDND /LEUDU\ 10 11am. Come & listen to some stories followed by activities for 3-5 years. Ć• :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE Golf croquet only. 9.30am 12 noon, Warren St. Names to be in by 9.20am. Ć• 0DLQO\ 0XVLF +DZHD )ODW Music, movement and fun for children 0-4 and their caregivers. Held at St Ninian’s Church, Kane Rd, Hawea Flat. 9.30 - 11am. $3/family, includes morning tea. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. 73 Brownston St. Volunteers required ph: 443 4142. Ć• :DQDND &UHDWLYH )LEUH *URXS Meeting at Di’s home, 130 Hunter Cres. 11am. Visitors welcome.

For Medical Care in the weekend of Saturday 24 & Sunday 25 February the duty practice is

Wanaka Medical Centre at Wanaka Lakes Health Centre

23 Cardrona Valley Rd

Ph (03) 443 0710

Urgent Clinics 9- 12 & 3 - 6pm daily and After Hours Doctor on Call 24/7

21st February 2018


Need to advertise?

Contact us

Phone: (03) 443 7804 Address: 11 Brownston St, Wanaka Email: messenger@printit.co.nz www.mymessenger.co.nz

THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAY NOTICES 26th February - Corinne Bailey Rae

Deadlines Display advertisements

Monday 12 noon

Line advertisements

Tuesday 12 noon

My Community Diary

Monday 12 noon

To be part of My Community News or the front page story please contact us for an application form.

Place your line ads and read The Messenger online: www.mymessenger.co.nz

MISSING CAT STONEY CREEK: small tan Abyssinian cat missing from McFarlane Terrace. Last seen Saturday evening 17/2. Answers to “Kitty”. If you have seen her, or seen a cat on the side of the road, please call 021 780 070. Thank you. HEDGE TRIMMING AND SHAPING. From high hedges to specialist topiary. Please call qualified arborist Joe on 027 4785 913 for professional service. AMAZING TRAVEL EXPO DEALS at Wanaka Flight Centre this weekend. In store at 38 Helwick Street. Book on the day to lock in your 2018 travel at the best possible price. We’ll have flights to hundreds of destinations on sale. Discounts on touring, hotels, travel insurance, car hire and more. Don’t miss out, book your appointment today as we expect to be busy. Phone 03 443 4101. wanaka@ flightcentre.co.nz. WANAKA A&P SHOW. Take advantage of our discounted Early Bird special now! Buy your tickets online at www. wanakashow.co.nz and go in the draw to win a $10,000 spa pool! GARAGE SALE - Queen bed, dressers, household things, tools. Things for everyone. Saturday 24th February, 31 Finch Street. 9am onwards.

Friends of Pembroke Park Inc. AGM/Nominations

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Friends of Pembroke Park Inc. will be held on Monday 12th March 2018 at 5pm in the Meeting Room of the Wanaka Presbyterian Church, Tenby Street, Wanaka. Nominations for the Committee signed by the nominee (with full name, address and occupation) and by two financial members (with full name and address) must be in the hands of the Secretary by 5pm Friday 2nd March 2018.

Loris King (Secretary), 120 Brownston Street, Wanaka.

Come into Print It to collect your voucher for a FREE coffee at Kai.

If you would like us to include a birthday phone on 03 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz

BLUETOOTH SPEAKERS & GUITARS: Get in quick for incredible deals on bluetooth speakers and headphones from Jamoji, Marley & B&W. Great guitar and ukes as well. Selectrix, Wanaka. WANTED TO BUY - 20ft shipping container in good condition. Phone/text 027 6990 568. SILK ROAD ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES are bringing a time capsule of vintage treasures to the upcoming Wanaka A&P Show! Take a trip down memory lane and receive 20% off your highest purchase. “At Silk Road we believe old treasures deserve new homes”. ‘EAT, DRINK, LAUGH’ IS HAVING ITS FIRST evening for 2018. “Summertime, and the Living is Easy”. February 28th at 6.30pm $65 per person and seats are limited. Phone Cathrine 0272 900 693. COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017. THE SOGGY DAWG PET BOUTIQUE & SPA, I’m needing an experienced part-time groomer for small & large dogs plus anything in between... if this is you I want to hear from you. Please send me your C.V. plus a cover letter to sherylstratford@xtra.co.nz

Graham & Olive West Charitable Trust Applications are now open for Upper Clutha not for profit and charitable organisations to apply for grants. Applications are available from the Wanaka office of QLDC and the Wanaka Library. Applications close on 31 March 2018 For further information please contact: Janice Hughes - (03) 443 0911 Alistair King - (03) 443 0086

21st February 2018


MY COMMUNITY NEWS 2018 MAC trip to Spain - car boot & table sale fundraiser Every two years Mount Aspiring College runs an educational trip to Spain for students in Years 11, 12 and 13 who study Spanish. Along with the culture and fun of Spain (a football match in Barcelona is one of the highlights) there is a school exchange for a week in San Sebastian on the Atlantic coast. As part of the experience, students are expected to raise $2,000 each by organising joint fundraising projects in the community.

Last weekend, Challenge Wanaka generously allowed students to run the carpark to raise money towards this year’s trip.

also enable anyone to make some money by selling whatever they can fit on a table or in a car boot.

The student’s next initiative is a ‘Car Boot and Table Sale,’ which will run until July, held every Saturday morning from 10.00am – 12.00pm at 66 Anderson Road (except A&P weekend).

For more information and to book a spot please contact Eliza Rogers at rogerse@ mtaspiring.school.nz

Not only will this earn money for the trip, by selling table and boot space for $10, it will

Thank you to everyone for helping the students to go on this amazing trip. Come and sell or come and buy. See you all there!

Do you have a story for MY COMMUNITY NEWS? Email messenger@printit.co.nz or phone 03 443 7804 MEDAL ENGRAVING. Participated in Challenge Wanaka? Bring your medal instore and get it engraved with your personal details and times. Make it one to remember at Wanaka Mitre10. A-SIDES (UK) SAFIRE (AUS) Allure-All Launch Party Friday 23rd. Tickets Onpoint.co.nz limited door sales. Mint Bar, Drum ‘n Bass. Local support Omnist Civil Oin. FOR SALE:- PINECONES $5 per sack. Horse manure $7 per sack plus $2 delivery. Collected by two local girls. Contact 0210 514 872. FULL TIME SALES ASSISTANTS WANTED for our busy bakery and cafes. Must have barista experience, friendly personality and cash handling experience. Please call (03) 443 2253 or email: info@thebakerynz.co.nz POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. PLASTERER. All aspects. Reno’s and new builds. Call now for a quote: 027 9607 731. BEEF SAUSAGES ON SPECIAL at The Butcher’s Block and Smokehouse this week! Our popular 100% beef sausages are $12.99/kg this week only. Visit Wanaka’s only dedicated butcher at 33 Reece Crescent. Open Monday - Friday 8am6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. Phone 443 5017. GARDENING SERVICE - planting, pruning, hedge trimming, green waste removing, any other general work. Phone 022 1635 807. WANTED TO BUY - 20ft shipping container in good condition. Phone/text 027 6990 568. GLASS BALUSTRADES. Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719.


BAR LEANERS FOR HIRE: View at www.therusticrabbit. co.nz AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. 2 X RAMS FOR SALE. Pure Bred Dorper rams born October 2017 - ready for this season. $300 each ono. Phone 021 2491 791. LEARN TO GIVE PRESENTATIONS with ease, inspire an audience with your stories, control nervousness and be your authentic self in front of a group. Speak with Confidence course runs for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings 7-9pm: February 27th, March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th. For more details contact Lee Ball ph: 027 3334 909, leeball40@ gmail.com or www.leeballcommunications.nz HAVE YOU BEEN MEANING TO DE-CLUTTER and organise your outdoor equipment, cupboards or tools but just never have the time? Sort and Store is a Wanakabased decluttering, sorting and storage service. Solutions for the home, garage, shed, storage units and more! www. sortandstore.co.nz getsorted@sortandstore.co.nz 021 2506 434. HOSPICE WAREHOUSE SHOP Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm. Furniture, homewares, curtains, art, bric-a-brac, craft, linen, clothing and more. Shop, donate, volunteer. Supporting the Wanaka Community 9a Gordon Road. MOBILE PHONE ACCESSORIES AT CALTEX: Lightning, Type C, AUX & HDMI cables; USB car chargers; Micro SD cards; earbuds & headphones; travel adaptors - all available at Caltex Wanaka.

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

21st February 2018


PIONEER NETBALL CLUB TRIALS TRIALS All trials for Senior Grades will be held at the Wanaka Recreation Centre. Monday 19th Feb

6-8pm on the outside courts

Wednesday 21st Feb

6-8pm indoors

Monday 26th Feb

6-8pm indoors

If you are interested in playing please email your details to Kirsten Humphreys: kirstfmcl@hotmail.com

LOCAL EXPERIENCED BUILDER AVAILABLE for immediate start for your next project. We offer flexible contract options, fair rates and excellent service backed up by references. Give us a call to discuss! Gordy 0274 144 509. FREE - 16 RAILWAY SLEEPERS plus 4 half length. At present a vege garden but need dismantled and removed, plus the garden soil. Phone 443 9488. COBBLER GLENN REPAIRS ZIPS, patching and stitching. Drop your boots and bags into Simply New Zealand, 3 Helwick St, Wanaka. FEBRUARY FOOTWEAR SALE - All shoes, boots, sandals etc $5 or less the whole month at the Upper Clutha Hospice Shop on Brownston Street and the Warehouse Shop at 9a Godon Road. Get your feet a neat treat! PRIVATE HYPNOBIRTHING available with Clinical Hypnotherapist. Complete Childbirth Programme. www. hypnobirth4U.co.nz Phone 021 947 056. ZUMBA FITNESS CLASSES EACH WEDNESDAY - Dance fitness classes that are fun, energetic and exercise in disguise! Get your weekly dance fix with a bit of salsa, hip hop and cha cha on Wednesday nights, 7-8pm at Dance Wanaka Studios, 19 Cliff Wilson Street. All welcome and for any level! $10 per class, cash only. No need to book, just come along and join a friendly group ready to dance it up each Wednesday. For more info get in touch with Yaeh 0210 2795 639 and follow ‘Zumba Wanaka’ on Facebook!

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DOUBLE BLACK’S 2ND BIRTHDAY! Saturday 24th February. Come celebrate 2 years of being open! There will be live music from 1 - 4pm with good vibes and good chat! WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. PRISTINE STEAMING - Professional garment steaming. Specialising in bridal, bridesmaids dresses, suits, ball and evening gowns. Contact Neda 0211 612 885. pristinesteaming@gmail.com ALBERT TOWN FISH COMPANY at 20 Allison Avenue. Take away open daily from 11.30am and the restaurant from 4pm. Come and try our amazing fish and chips with mushy peas! BAR LEANERS FOR HIRE: View at www.therusticrabbit. co.nz SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window Cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: wilsonservices. co.nz CARPET CLEANING AND REPAIRS, re-stretching, uplifting, re-laying, inserts, laying new and second-hand carpet. Specialist stain removal. Upholstery cleaning and leather care. Quality service by experienced local tradesman. Call John at A & J Services 0274 331 482. LANDLORDS! GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS are changing to require all rental homes to be adequately insulated. Shear Comfort loose wool insulation is the perfect choice to top up ceiling insulation. Call 021 0629 212 or info@shearcomfort.co.nz Your tenants will love you! TIRED OF MOWING YOUR OWN LAWNS? Do you need your holiday home grounds maintained, lawns, and or gardens? Contact Wanaka Mowing Services 0272 449 004 or visit www.wanakamowingservices.co.nz Fantastic, reliable service. HOUSE/BUSINESS/7 ACRES for under 600k +gst if any. This well established B&B is currently turning over approx. 60k p/a over a 6 month period. Situated in the Heart of the Catlins close to the very popular Curio Bay. Comes fully furnished with beautiful gardens and a tennis court. Has ongoing bookings into 2019. Want to know more: contact Vicky 021 545 222 vicky@sre.co.nz Vicky Young –realestate. co.nz GLEAMTEAM WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE. Professional, experienced, thorough and careful. Residential, commercial and builders cleans. Let more light into your life! 027 6148 728.

21st February 2018


Spider & Fly Treatments. Window Cleaning & Pest Control.

END OF LIFE CELEBRATION OR LIVING FUNERAL... it’s not an easy subject to talk about. However, if you or a loved one has a terminal illness, I am able to guide you in facilitating a gathering of friends and family to celebrate your life with you present! Please email me for more information lizmaluschnig@gmail.com and visit www. chosen.co.nz NEED SLEEPERS FOR THE GARDEN? Wanaka Mitre10 has what you need to get that garden or landscaping project looking a million bucks. For more info and details come and chat to our trade team. While stocks last. INDULGE - LUXURY FEATHER CUSHION INNERS 2 sizes Euros 65 x 65cm $40 and 50 x 50cm $35 straight from the factory in Christchurch. Strong cotton casing, soft plush comfy feel. Heritage Linen covers available plus a variety of fabrics & Turkish cotton towels/throws. Phone 021 338 904. THE CENTRAL STORE - Kitchen Aid, Cuisinart, Bialetti, Bodum, Cafelat, Ascaso, Duralex, Schott Zweisel, Nachtmann, Riedel, Govino, Robert Gordon, Maxwell & Williams, SC, Scanpan, Le Creuset, Chef Inox, Lodge Cast Iron, Weck, Agee, Wusthof, Global, Wiltshire, Victorinox, 24 Bottles. It’s all here at the Central Store, 40 Reece Crescent next to Hirepool. EXPERIENCED BARISTA WANTED at The Coffee Shack Wanaka. This is a long term, part time position and never work a public holiday again. Come chat to Bonnie during the week. WEKA WEB DESIGN. Give your business a professional edge with a website by Weka Web. We create success by maximising visitor numbers and conversions. Get in touch for a friendly and free consultation. Phone 0204 0153 678, info@wekaweb.co.nz, or Google Weka Web. SITUATIONS VACANT - Elmslie & Aspiring. More information www.psotago.org.nz/jobs or call Jacqui 03 555 3011.


Wed 21st Feb - Tue 27th Feb

Do it once, do it well. Licensed, Accredited, Insured. Call anytime: 03 443 6652 Web: wilsonservices.co.nz

CARPENTER WANTED. We are looking for a builder to join our awesome team. We have some exciting and alternative builds on the go so if you’re looking for a change, call Joel on 022 4379 231 or email erkhart@gmail.com www. erkhartconstruction.co.nz DITCH THE DIET WITH TASTE SUCCESS! Easy nutrition plans, complete with recipe book, weekly menus, shopping lists and ongoing support of a health coach. Top 3 reported benefits: weight-loss, increased energy, clear skin. Contact Jess at jessica@tastesuccess.co.nz 027 5377 448. MC SERVICES AVAILABLE for your wedding, conference or event. Create a memorable experience for your clients or guests with the help of a professional. Contact Lee Ball. Ph: 027 3334 909 leeballcommunications.nz RIPPON VINEYARD REQUIRES AN energetic, fun, organised child carer during harvest. Beginning mid to late March. A drivers licence is required for this position. Please contact Charlie 021 331 813. FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. FEDERAL DINER AND FEDELI are looking for new staff members to join our team. We are seeking an experienced Barista and a Kitchen Hand. These are both full time, long term positions starting immediately. Please drop in with your CV or email meet@federaldiner. co.nz

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21st February 2018


DECORATING WANAKA LLC Quality and Diligence Guaranteed with your local Experienced Painter/Decorator New homes, Repainting, and Alterations


Kylie Parkes 021 920 502 cuttingedgewanaka@gmail.com

ROOF PAINTING, ROOF PAINTING, ROOF PAINTING. Professionally painted without scaffolding. Save a lot of money! Web: www.roofsnewzealand.wordpress.com Contact: roofsnewzealand@gmail.com Phone: 0210 8099 967. Z ENERGY FUEL CARD accepted at Caltex Wanaka. Open from 6am - 11pm each day for your convenience. TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. PICTURE FRAMING BY FRAMING MARVELLOUS. Rachel is passionate about providing quality framing services to suit your taste and budget. Based in Albert Town she offers a full range of services including: conservation framing of fine art, prints & posters, photos, certificates, kids art, embroidery, canvas stretching, replacement of broken glass and re framing of old pictures. A Guild Certified Framer and member of the Fine Art Trade Guild you can be assured of a professional and friendly service. Phone 022 0298 725 to discuss your framing needs. Find us on Facebook. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE for 8 weeks August to October 2018. Four bedroom family home in Albert Town. Ph 021 949 670 to discuss.

Li ve For all your visa & immigration advice contact your local Wanaka adviser. 03 443 8386 | info@easyvisa.co.nz | www.easyvisa.co.nz

BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. CRAZY SALE AT SOUTH BEACH 30% off all wetsuits! VEGGIE BEDS - advice, design, build, maintain. Landscaping and gardening service on 022 1635 807. FREE LINE ADS IN THE MESSENGER for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. WANT A BUILDER? Have renovation needs? Or do you need a new house built? Contact 2020 Homes Ltd for those big jobs to the trickly little ones. With over 30 years experience there is no such thing as can’t. Phone Kevin 021 752 124 or Lesly 027 5665 449 or email: wantbuilder@ gmail.com GENERAL CARTAGE AND CRANE HIRE, call Glenn at Lakeland Contracting to discuss your needs today 443 5049. “Lifting your expectations”. NERVOUS SYSTEM BALANCE through craniosacral therapy may be your key to better health. Pause Craniosacral is a holistic woman’s only clinic dedicated to enhancing your every day well-being. Book today 027 5248 858. www. pausecranio.com WASTEBUSTERS JOB OPPORTUNITY: Reuse Customer Service Sales Assistant wanted. Full-time job in our Wanaka store; receiving, sorting and selling stuff in our busy shop and yard. Must be able to work weekends. Are you enthusiastic, friendly and hard-working, with experience in customer service and selling second-hand goods? Applications from Wastebusters shop or www. wastebusters.co.nz. Closes 25th February 2018. DANCE WEAR FOR SALE – clothing, jazz and ballet shoes for sale. Shoe fittings available Saturday mornings. Try before buy & save on postage. Ph 021 575 569 or info@ dancewanaka.co.nz COMPLETE SETS OF HEAVY DUTY STEEL shelving for sale. $200 per set. Phone 027 4439 853. FOR SALE - QUEEN BED base and headboard. Very tidy condition. Pick up Hawea. $100. Phone 443 1702 or 0272 822 452.

Wheels to Dunstan

21st February 2018

Free Door to Door Transport For Medical/Specialist Appointments at Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra


Crime Line ‘Crime Line‘ by Senior Constable Ian Henderson

Wheels To Dunstan

Appointments 10am to 3pm if possible Bookings: Community Networks 443 7799 by 3pm the previous day Major sponsor Upper Clutha Transport Donations Gratefully Accepted

WANAKA A&P SHOW WILL ONCE AGAIN be jam-packed with fun entertainment for the whole family. Additional to all the animals will be the ultimate in rotten entertainers Captain Festus McBoyle and his motley crew, to the interesting Animal Behaviourist Mark Vette. Check out full details at www.wanakashow.co.nz TRYING TO BEAT THE HEAT this summer? Fans are back in stock at Wanaka Mitre10. With those warm summer nights still hanging around beat the heat with Wanaka Mitre10. While stocks last. T’s and C’s apply. WATER QUALITY A PROBLEM? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 0275 021 234. WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. ED SHEERAN TICKETS WANTED! Looking to buy 2 tickets to Ed Sheeran for the Thursday night concert. Please phone 0204 0189 688. ENERGY HEALTH TREATMENTS. Restore your inner energy and wellbeing massage / kinesiology / healing stress release treatments to suit all ages and conditions. 3 week special $60/hr normally $90 Albert Town / Wanaka ph. Julie 027 7226 027. EVER WONDERED ABOUT THE BRAIN and its development? The Wanaka Alcohol Group are hosting 2 Brainwave Trust Seminars with national presenter Sarah Best. “Early Years Last Forever”, 19th March and “Unravelling the Mystery of the Adolescent Brain”, 20th March. Each evening is 7-9pm at Lake Wanaka Centre. Totally ‘not to be missed’ nights. Further details and RSVP on Wanaka Alcohol Group Facebook. (Koha and refreshments).

The week started out on a busy note with two motor accidents: 2Q 7XHVGD\ WK D F\FOLVW ZKR IDLOHG WR JLYH ZD\ WR WUDI¿F was knocked off his bike on Brownston Street. A very lucky man who should have been wearing a helmet! Later that day Police attended a serious motorcycle accident near Camp Creek, north of The Neck on SH6 towards Makarora, where the motorcycle came into contact with the wire barrier. A quick response from Ambulance and some DPD]LQJ À\LQJ E\ WKH KHOLFRSWHU FUHZ PHDQW WKH ULGHU ZDV LQ Dunedin Hospital in quick time. Also that day a driver had his licence suspended for excessive demerit points, and a local driver is to appear in the Queenstown Court on a drink driving charge. On Wednesday 14th, SAR members located a tourist on Rabbit Pass that had injured his shoulder and assisted in giving him a lift to the Wanaka Medical Centre. Also that day Police received a theft complaint when some solar equipment was stolen from Eely Point. The property was later returned by an honest local who had picked up the solar panels and charger for safe keeping. A reminder to us all not to leave valuables unattended. On Thursday 15th a second driver was suspended due to too many demerit points. On Saturday - Wanaka Challenge day - a male tourist was arrested in Wanaka in relation to a driving incident on the Milford Road. He is due to appear in the Queenstown Court on Monday 19th. Also that day a cyclist in the Aqua Bike race was knocked off his bike by a vehicle on Ardmore Street. Luckily only minor injuries were sustained by the rider. On Sunday 18th a female alpaca with a cria (baby alpaca) at foot was shot and killed at a Te Awa Road address at about 3pm. The baby will now have to be hand-fed. This is the second animal shot on this property recently. If anyone has any information to help Police identify the person responsible, please contact me at the Wanaka Police Station on 443 7272. As for Wanaka Challenge - the weather did come right in the end. Another huge event and a big thanks to the organisers, the many volunteers, supporters and the competitors. Dates to remember: Wanaka Show on 9-10 March and NZ Rodeo Finals on 10-11 March. Have a safe week.

21st February 2018


NEW DENTURES All denture services | Relining | Partial Dentures RAPID REPAIRS

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29 Infinity Drive


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WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@ printit.co.nz TWO KING SINGLE (FIRM) MATTRESSES for sale. Good quality Sleepmaker Lifestyle collection, hardly used. If interested ph 027 2015 461. CHILLER TRAILER FOR HIRE. Weddings, events or any ocassions that you require to keep food or drinks cold for those long hot summer days. Phone Wanaka Cheeky Chillers 027 5586 785. sandy.joel@xtra.co.nz DIRTY CAR? NEED A CARWASH? Caltex’s touchfree carwash, from $9. Options available: foambath, underbody, wheelwash, doublewash, protectant wax. Caltex Wanaka. TWO CARS FOR SALE: 2004 Citroen 132,000kms, diesel, auto. Toyota Avensis 2006, auto, petrol, station wagon. Ready to go! Phone 022 3119 113. NISSAN SENTRA ZX-E. 5 door hatchback. Low kms 107,400. Registered to Jan 2019, WOF July 2018. Serviced regularly. $3,150 negotiable. Ph 021 1235 951. CRAZY SALE AT SOUTH BEACH 50% off all women’s bikinis! WANAKA RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION AGM - due to unforeseen circumstances the AGM previously advertised for 5.30pm on Sunday 25 February has been postponed. It will now be held Sunday 11 March at 5.30pm at the old Fish Hatchery site on Stone St. Apologies for any inconvenience. IT MAKES YOU WONDER about our world, our health, our environment, about writing, history and how music makes memories. Tickets on sale from 8.30am on Friday, February 23 for Aspiring Conversations, Wanaka’s very own ideas festival (April 6-8). www.aspiringconversations.co.nz

TILE & STONE BOUTIQUE 33 Reece Crescent, Wanaka www.casamia.co.nz

Experienced and affordable Appointment necessary Ph: (03) 443 9433 | 0276 348 793 4 Bovett Place, Wanaka | House calls available

JUST FISH IS SELLING A SELECTION of freshly frozen free flow Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP beside Bullock Bar entrance. Tucker 0274 376 657. DOG CLIPPING - experienced dog groomer working in Wanaka for the next week. Phone Glenys 0272 849 238. PENNY’S HOME CARE - DO YOU REQUIRE HELP with housework, personal care, shopping, meal preparation, medications, outings, transportation, gardening etc? If so, call Penny Fisher R.N. on 0273 434 776. WANAKA SKI AND SNOWSPORTS CLUB AGM. Sunday 1st April 4.00 pm at Edgewater Resort. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. TIDY HOUSE IS LOOKING FOR part time housekeepers to join our awesome team. Immediate start, flexible schedule and pay negotiable. An eye for detail is a must. Please send CV to info@tidyhouse.co.nz or call 021 2614 657. WANAKA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at 9.30am. We are pleased to welcome Mary Somerville from Alpha. Special fun programmes for 3 -13 year olds, plus a creche for the little ones. All welcome at 91 Tenby St. www.wpccc.org.nz WANAKA A&P SHOW - 9th and 10th March. Go online at www.wanakashow.co.nz to enter the Home Industry Sections and be in the draw to win a night for 2 at the Mercure Leisure Lodge Dunedin. VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS APPRECIATED at the new Hospice Warehouse and Shop at 9a Gordon Road. If you can chat and sort simultaneously we would love to see you! Call in and see Tracey or Ronalda 9am - 1pm Monday - Friday. AMAZING TRAVEL EXPO DEALS at Wanaka Flight Centre this weekend. In store at 38 Helwick Street. Book on the day to lock in your 2018 travel at the best possible price. We’ll have flights to hundreds of destinations on sale. Discounts on touring, hotels, travel insurance, car hire and more. Don’t miss out, book your appointment today as we expect to be busy. Phone 03 443 4101. wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz. FUTURE FEET SHOES. Kids’ summer sale now on. At least 25% off summer sandals, with a huge range of shoes from infants to teens, including Bobux, Saltwater, Keen, Richter, Teva & McKinlay. Free shipping for orders over $50, with customer friendly 30 day returns period. Visit us online at www.futurefeet.co.nz

21st February 2018



MASSAGE WITH “MAGIC HANDS�. Jason Clarke, provider to High Performance Sport New Zealand. “Magic Hands� has massaged NZ Elite Tri-athletes, winter Olympians, multi sports, the All Blacks, the Flying Fijians 15s rugby team, the Olympic gold winning Fiji 7s team and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. “Feel The Magic�. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. LUGGATE HOTEL HAS LIVE MUSIC this Saturday 3pm. The Zuchinni Brothers are back, playing all your favourites from the recent past. $20 meal deals and drink specials. Child friendly, garden bar. Relax and enjoy the great surroundings. ASPIRING POOLS & SPAS - From March 1st our opening hours will change to Monday - Friday 8.30 - 3.30pm. Come in and see us at 56 Anderson Road for all your pool and spa needs. Phone 03 443 2994. BUILDING OR RENOVATING? Builders available for your next project. Architectural, residential, renovations, light commercial. Quality workmanship. References. Sramek Construction Ltd. Ph 022 6793 188.

LINK Upper Clutha invites applica ons from any organisa on or individual to fund a community project in 2018. LINK enables community-led development in the Upper Clutha. This fund provides a ďŹ nancial boost for collabora ve ini a ves that beneďŹ t our community. To ďŹ nd out more come to the March 2 Connec on CafĂŠ 1030-1200 at Cinema Paradiso, or email info@link.org.nz.

Applica on deadline 5pm 23 March 2018

2pm, 6th March, at the Golden Gate Conference Centre, Cromwell. SPONSORED BY

Sponsored by:

VETS Vet ASPIRING Ent Aspiring (Aspiring Vets)

$ "OEFSTPO 3PBE r 1I r &NBJM BTQJSJOH WFU!YUSB DP O[ 42C ANDERSON ROAD PH 443 7262 E : aspiring-vet@xtra.co.nz

NEW 6 WEEK BLOCK OF MAT Pilates and core classes at Central Lakes Physio starting next week. New Thursday 10.30 beginners class with Bree. Find our full timetable at www.physiowanaka.co.nz and call 443 1711 to book. Your body will thank you! FITTER/WELDER FABRICATOR WANTED: Due to company growth Select Engineering is looking for an engineer with general experience to join the team in Wanaka. Excellent rates of pay, great working conditions. Please email CV with covering letter to info@selectengineering.nz Valid work visa required. HONEST AND RELIABLE TEAM OF BUILDERS with over 10 years experience in the building industry available in the wider Wanaka area for your building project. Contact Mark at mabuilding.co.nz 027 4641 641. THE GOOD SPOT CARAVAN is looking for a barista/ kitchen-hand all rounder. This role will cover making awesome coffee, food prep, serving customers, opening and closing the caravan, and being an overall superstar. Previous experience in hospitality requires. 30+ hours/week available, call 021 349 246 or email thegoodspotcaravan@ gmail.com for more information. RHYME X REASON BREWERY is excited to host Ben Colvin for this week’s Saturday Launching Pad. Ben wowed the Rhyme x Reason crowd with his Saxophone a couple months ago and we are beyond thrilled to have him back! Don’t miss out on some great blues to soothe away your week’s worries and launch your weekend into epicness! 3pm Saturday, 17 Gordon Road, Wanaka. See you in the beer garden! WANAKA CONCERT SOCIETY AGM will be held 4.30 Tuesday 20th March at 11 Infinity Drive, Wanaka. All interested most welcome to attend.




21st February 2018


Wanaka Self Storage 110 fully alarmed, all steel storage units. Ten different sizes. Secure, clean & accessible.

Ph: 0274 354 848




+ + + + + +



FIND A COMPOSTING SYSTEM to suit you at this free Dr Compost workshop which covers worm farms, Bokashi buckets and cold composting. Reduce your waste to landfill and and feed your soil - easy for you, better for the planet, great for your garden. Funded by QLDC to reduce waste to landfill, delivered by Wastebusters. Wednesday 21st March, 6-8pm, St John Rooms, 4 Link Way. FOR SALE - 2003 NISSAN Elgrand 4WD. Under 100,000km, petrol, new battery and brake pads. Fantastic people mover. $12,800. Text Dean 021 403 076. DRIVER, WITH CLASS 2 LICENCE required for rubbish collection 1 to 2 weekends a month and casual relief driving as required. Some lifting involved. Competitive pay rates. Please email wanakawasteltd@gmail.com WOODEN TABLES AND bench seats for hire: View at www. therusticrabbit.co.nz LOCAL GARDENER has availability for additional clients in the Wanaka area. Qualified horticulturalist, professional and experienced, carrying out all seasonal, and one off, garden tasks: weeding, pruning, mowing, shrubs and tree care, hedges, veggie gardens, orchards, weed and disease control. Spray-free, organic solution focused. Call ‘Doug the Gardener’ on 022 0685 257. ASPIRING BEGINNINGS IS LOOKING FOR a grounds person for 2-3 hours per week. Please contact Jen on mgmt@aspiringbeginnings.co.nz for more information or call 443 1181. WYNDROK POTTERY - Hand thrown pottery suitable for every day use. Cups, mugs, bowls, jugs, tea pots, oven dishes. 191 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea. Phone 03 443 1707. 11am - 5pm Tuesday - Sunday.


FREE COMPUTER LESSONS FOR OLDER PEOPLE Community Networks is offering one-on-one lessons on your own device. If you are interested please call in to Community Networks or phone 03 443 7799. ED SHEERAN TICKETS WANTED! Looking to buy 2 tickets to Ed Sheeran for the Thursday night concert. Please phone 0204 0189 688. CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED top Barista as well as Front of House superstars at Kai Whakapai. Pop in and see Carrie or email CV to kaimanager@gmail.com PROFESSIONAL HOUSESITTER/AIR BNB MANAGER: Hi, I’m Andy. I specialise in animal care, cleaning, landscaping, gardening, and most all house maintenance. I consider myself trustworthy, neat, clean, and respectful of the homes I look after. I also manage rentals. I have multiple references in and around Wanaka, Albert Town, and Lake Hawea. Call or email anytime for consultation: andyck7@ yahoo.com 0204 1094 965. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. WANAKA A&P SHOW - 9th and 10th March. Go online at www.wanakashow.co.nz to enter the Home Industry Sections and be in the draw to win a night for 2 at the Mercure Leisure Lodge Dunedin.

21st February 2018

Tidy and timely with a mini digger, truck, tools and elbow grease. crankingfine@gmail.com / 021 422 295 / Facebook

TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. HELP AND SUPPORT WITH MATHS, English, the Sciences and Economics Year 2 to Year 13. Enrol at In2Learning today. Call Tom 03 443 1547. LICENSED BUILDER LBP 105458 available for small building jobs. Phone Neil 027 2879 734. WANAKA SKI AND SNOWSPORTS CLUB AGM. Sunday 1st April 4.00 pm at Edgewater Resort. SORT AND STORE. A decluttering, sorting, planning and storing service. Solutions for the: Home, garage, shed and storage units. Sortandstore.co.nz getsorted@sortandstore. co.nz 021 2506 434. WANAKA RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION AGM - due to unforeseen circumstances the AGM previously advertised for 5.30pm on Sunday 25 February has been postponed. It will now be held Sunday 11 March at 5.30pm at the old Fish Hatchery site on Stone St. Apologies for any inconvenience. DANCE CLASS FOR SENIORS! We call it 60yrs+ but this class is for anyone that loves music and movement. A relaxed fun atmosphere where you can dance at your own pace. Every Monday and Wednesday 10.30am Dance Out Loud Studio, upstairs Spencer House Mall. Come along or email Rachel for more info erichsen. rachel@gmail.com Dance today. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@ printit.co.nz

WANAKA SQUASH CLUB Annual General Meeting Tuesday 27 February 7.00pm Stone St.


Drinking water drop-in session ZĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐ ĂƌĞ ŝŶǀŝƚĞĚ ƚŽ Ă ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ ĚƌŽƉͲŝŶ ƐĞƐƐŝŽŶ ǁŝƚŚ DĂLJŽƌ :ŝŵ ŽƵůƚ͕ ŽƵŶŝůůŽƌƐ ĂŶĚ Y> ƐƚĂī ƚŽ ĚŝƐĐƵƐƐ ƚŚĞ ĨƵƚƵƌĞ ƉůĂŶƐ ĨŽƌ ŬĞĞƉŝŶŐ ŽƵƌ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ ĚƌŝŶŬŝŶŐ ǁĂƚĞƌ ƐƵƉƉůŝĞƐ ƐĂĨĞ͘ dƵĞƐĚĂLJ ϮϬ DĂƌĐŚ͕ ϱƉŵ͕ ,ĂǁĞĂ &ůĂƚ ŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ ,Ăůů ^ƵƉƉĞƌ ZŽŽŵ

Check it’s alright before you light /ƚ ŽŶůLJ ƚĂŬĞƐ Ă ƐƉĂƌŬ ƚŽ ƐƚĂƌƚ Ă ĮƌĞ͘ dŚŝƐ ŵĞĂŶƐ ǁĞ Ăůů ŶĞĞĚ ƚŽ ďĞ ĐĂƌĞĨƵů ǁŚĞŶ ŝƚ ĐŽŵĞƐ ƚŽ ǁŽƌŬ ŽƵƚƐŝĚĞ͘ dŚĞƌĞ͛Ɛ ĂůƌĞĂĚLJ Ă ŚŝŐŚ ƌŝƐŬ ŽĨ ĮƌĞ ĂĐƌŽƐƐ ƚŚĞ tĂŬĂƟƉƵ ĂŶĚ Ă ƉƌŽŚŝďŝƚĞĚ ĮƌĞ ƐĞĂƐŽŶ ŶŽǁ ĂƉƉůŝĞƐ͘ ŚĞĐŬ ŝƚ͛Ɛ ĂůƌŝŐŚƚ ďĞĨŽƌĞ LJŽƵ ůŝŐŚƚ Ͳ ŚĞĂĚ ƚŽ www. checkitsalright.nz ĨŽƌ ĮƌĞ ƐĂĨĞƚLJ ƟƉƐ ĂŶĚ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘

Rates due 23 February EĞǀĞƌ ĨŽƌŐĞƚ ƚŽ ƉĂLJ LJŽƵƌ ƌĂƚĞƐ ĂŐĂŝŶ͕ ƐĞƚ ƵƉ Ă ĚŝƌĞĐƚ ĚĞďŝƚ͕ ƚŚĞƌĞ͛Ɛ Ă ĨŽƌŵ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ Ăƚ www.qldc.govt.nz

Please conserve water this summer! /Ŷ ƚŚĞ ŚŽƚ ƐƵŵŵĞƌ ƉĞƌŝŽĚ͕ ĚĞŵĂŶĚ ĨŽƌ ǁĂƚĞƌ ŝƐ ŚŝŐŚ͘ tĞ Ăůů ŶĞĞĚ ƚŽ ǁŽƌŬ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ ƚŽ ŵĂŬĞ ƐƵƌĞ ƚŚĞƌĞ͛Ɛ ĞŶŽƵŐŚ ǁĂƚĞƌ ĨŽƌ ĞǀĞƌLJŽŶĞ͘ ,ĞƌĞ ĂƌĞ ƐŽŵĞ ĞĂƐLJ ƟƉƐ ĨŽƌ ƐĂǀŝŶŐ ǁĂƚĞƌ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŚŽƚ ƐƵŵŵĞƌ ƉĞƌŝŽĚ͗ tĂƚĞƌ LJŽƵƌ ůĂǁŶ ĂŶĚ ŐĂƌĚĞŶ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĞǀĞŶŝŶŐ Žƌ ĞĂƌůLJ ŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ ǁŚĞŶ ŝƚ͛Ɛ ĐŽŽů͕ ƵƐĞ Ă ƟŵĞƌ Žƌ Ă ŚĂŶĚͲŚĞůĚ ŚŽƐĞ͕ ĂŶĚ ĐŚĞĐŬ LJŽƵƌ ƚĂƉƐ ĨŽƌ ůĞĂŬƐ͘ DŽƌĞ ƟƉƐ Ăƚ www.qldc.govt.nz/ conserving-water


New weekly running event tĂŶĂŬĂ ƉĂƌŬƌƵŶ ŝƐ Ă ǁĞĞŬůLJ͕ ĨƌĞĞ͕ ϱŬŵ ƟŵĞĚ ƌƵŶ Žƌ ǁĂůŬ ĂƌŽƵŶĚ ƚŚĞ ďĞĂƵƟĨƵů tĂŶĂŬĂ ^ƚĂƟŽŶ WĂƌŬ͘ &ŝƌƐƚ ĞǀĞŶƚ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ Ϯϰ &Ğď Λ ϴĂŵ͘ Ğ ƉĂƌƚ ŽĨ ƚŚŝƐ ŐůŽďĂů ǁĞůůďĞŝŶŐ ŝŶŝƟĂƟǀĞ͘ DŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽ Ăƚ ƉĂƌŬƌƵŶ͘ĐŽ͘ŶnjͬǁĂŶĂŬĂ͘

Wriggle & Rhyme Open Nights Wednesday nights till end February 6.00pm to 7.00pm Rackets and balls available All welcome Enq: squashp.wanaka-online.co.nz



21st February 2018


17 February 2018

THANK YOU! We’d like to say a huge thank you to the Wanaka community and everyone who helped make Challenge Wanaka 2018 such a success; the athletes, the sponsors, the supporters and most of all the hundreds of incredible volunteers - you were outstanding! Thank you.

WANAKA OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC - Treating Wanaka locals since 2005. Offering new techniques specifically designed for the needs of Wanaka’s active population; to get you back out there asap, with long term relief. Whole body approach to musculoskeletal and organ system problems. From toes to tinnitus, newborn to ninety, we assess and treat the entire body. ACC registered, call 443 OSTE (6783) or visit www.wanakaosteopathic.co.nz KWILA DECK FOR SALE. 6m x 3m. Includes handrails, stairs, removable windbreak. To be dismantled. Good order. $700 ono. Phone 021 359 980. TREE MULCH (WEED FREE) root protection and moisture for your trees/shrubs. $100 per 6m3 delivered in Wanaka area. Put your name on our list 03 443 6454 or easy@ treetamers.co.nz ARE YOU TOO BUSY TO CHASE THE MOUSE? Between the Spreadsheets can help. Our services include invoicing, payroll, GST, PAYE, casebook reconciliation and much more. We speak the language of business. Contact Trish: contact@betweenthespreadsheets.co.nz Ph: 027 2244 124. FREELANCE ARCHITECT LOOKING FOR design/concept work. If interested please contact 021 426 645. DRIVER TRAINING. Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Endorsements, F/T, T.W.R., DG, vehicle recovery, defensive driving courses. Phone Neville 03 443 2345 or 0276 465 386. BUILDING OR RENOVATING? Builders available for your next project. Architectural, residential, renovations, light commercial. Quality workmanship. References. Sramek Construction Ltd. Ph 022 6793 188.

ROOF PAINTING, ROOF PAINTING! Get your roof professionally painted without scaffolding and save a lot of money! We paint every type of the roof. We also offer: roof repairing, fascia painting, moss and mould roof treatment. Window cleaning! Get your house a new look! Inspection and quotation for free! Web:www.roofsnewzealand. wordpress.com Contact: roofsnewzealand@gmail.com Phone: 0210 8099 967. TRYING TO BEAT THE HEAT this summer? Fans are back in stock at Wanaka Mitre10. With those warm summer nights still hanging around beat the heat with Wanaka Mitre10. While stocks last. T’s and C’s apply. NEED A DOG GROOMER? The Soggy Dawg Pet Boutique & Spa, full pet grooming facilities, qualified veterinary nurse and experienced groomer, all grooms include: Hydro bath, blowdry, nail clip. Call/text/pm Sheryl 027 4430 053 www. thesoggydawg.co.nz or FB for our ratings and reviews. “Groomed to Paw-fection”. CRAZY SALE AT SOUTH BEACH 30% off all kids clothing! VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS APPRECIATED at the new Hospice Warehouse and Shop at 9a Gordon Road. If you can chat and sort simultaneously we would love to see you! Call in and see Tracey or Ronalda 9am - 1pm Monday - Friday. WANAKA’S ONLY LAUNDROMAT is open from 6am-11pm daily at Caltex. Free WiFi, oversized washers and 9 dryers, complimentary laundry detergent. FOR SALE - Four burner BBQ. Bedroom chairs. Phone 443 5266. SMALL CARPENTRY PROJECTS - fences, decks, pergolas, retaining walls, garden steps, exterior cladding/interior linings etc. Phone 022 1635 807.

21st February 2018 QUICKIE SALE! 2003 318TI BMW • • • • •

Wife’s car. Excellent condition 103,000km White 6 disk CD, towbar Value $7000. Asking $5,400 O.B.O


International Virtuoso Violinist

Natalia Lomeiko

Phone (03) 443 2020

FOR SALE: Bike racks - Peruzzo 2 bike rack. Superior Italian design and made. Easy to use and very secure. $300 - used twice. Tel 0274 897 222. WANAKA A&P SHOW. The Park and Ride was such a success its back again! Available on the reserved land across from the Medical Centre on Cardrona Valley Road. Shuttles will run every 15 minutes delivering you to the gate between 8.00am - 5.30pm. See you there! ATTENTION REAL ESTATE AGENTS! Too busy for your admin? Time for your PA superstar! Call Fiona McLean 021 686 134. LADIES NEW (AND NEWISH) TO WANAKA - Come join us for lunch, to meet new friends... next Thursday 1st March. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP. Phone 443 7442. Looking forward to hearing from you! WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. IT MAKES YOU WONDER about our world, our health, our environment, about writing, history and how music makes memories. Tickets on sale from 8.30am on Friday, February 23 for Aspiring Conversations, Wanaka’s very own ideas festival (April 6-8). www. aspiringconversations.co.nz SAVE $$$ WITH YOUR LPG GAS BOTTLE. Refill them, don’t swap. Fast, friendly, cost effective refill service available at Caltex. EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER AVAILABLE around Wanaka. I’m 25y old, female, have 10y experience and a Masters in Educational Sciences. Available most evenings. Text or call me on 021 1521 233 - Liz. DRIVER, WITH CLASS 2 LICENCE required for rubbish collection 1 to 2 weekends a month and casual relief driving as required. Some lifting involved. Competitive pay rates. Please email wanakawasteltd@gmail.com

Friends of Pembroke Park Inc. AGM/Nominations

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Friends of Pembroke Park Inc. will be held on Monday 12th March 2018 at 5pm in the Meeting Room of the Wanaka Presbyterian Church, Tenby Street, Wanaka. Nominations for the Committee signed by the nominee (with full name, address and occupation) and by two financial members (with full name and address) must be in the hands of the Secretary by 5pm Friday 2nd March 2018.

Loris King (Secretary), 120 Brownston Street, Wanaka.

Sunday 25 February 7.30pm at Lake Wanaka Centre Tickets: $30 (WCS subscribers), $35 (non-subscribers), school children free 2QOLQH ERRNLQJV ZZZ HYHQWß‘QGD FR Q] &DVK VDOHV DW *LIWHG 'HVLJQ +HOZLFN 6WUHHW &DVK GRRU VDOHV DW /DNH :DQDND &HQWUH IURP SP *HQHUDO $GPLVVLRQ Presented by Wanaka Concert Society and supported by QLDC

EVER WONDERED ABOUT THE BRAIN and its development? The Wanaka Alcohol Group are hosting 2 Brainwave Trust Seminars with national presenter Sarah Best. “Early Years Last Forever�, 19th March and “Unravelling the Mystery of the Adolescent Brain�, 20th March. Each evening is 7-9pm at Lake Wanaka Centre. Totally ‘not to be missed’ nights. Further details and RSVP on Wanaka Alcohol Group Facebook. (Koha and refreshments). BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. AMAZING TRAVEL EXPO DEALS at Wanaka Flight Centre this weekend. In store at 38 Helwick Street. Book on the day to lock in your 2018 travel at the best possible price. We’ll have flights to hundreds of destinations on sale. Discounts on touring, hotels, travel insurance, car hire and more. Don’t miss out, book your appointment today as we expect to be busy. Phone 03 443 4101. wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz. GLEAMTEAM WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE. Professional, experienced, thorough and careful. Residential, commercial and builders cleans. Let more light into your life! 027 6148 728. FREE - 16 RAILWAY SLEEPERS plus 4 half length. At present a vege garden but need dismantled and removed, plus the garden soil. Phone 443 9488. NZDISHWASHER.CO.NZ seek expressions of interest from motivated individuals/businesses to partner our Commercial Dishwasher Leasing expansion into Central Otago. Interviews to be held in Wanaka 6th - 8th March 2018. Contact Cliff 0272 596 816 for info. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable.� Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. LOCAL EXPERIENCED BUILDER AVAILABLE for immediate start for your next project. We offer flexible contract options, fair rates and excellent service backed up by references. Give us a call to discuss! Gordy 0274 144 509.

21st February 2018


LOOKING FOR A RESPONSIBLE FULL TIME and long term worker with full licence and car, own tools and able to work most weekends. Must have gib, paint and plastering experience! Please send your CV to nolimitsinteriors@ gmail.com or call 021 1718 223. GREAT ART, CRAFT AND DESIGN at the Sunday Craft Market, Pembroke Park from 10am. Also the Wanaka Farmers Market. TRAILER REQUIRED TO BUY. 6 x 4 would be big enough, and one with a cage preferred. Just for general use like garden rubbish and moving the odd bit of furniture. Please call Mike 027 5965 200. MISSING CAT STONEY CREEK: small tan Abyssinian cat missing from McFarlane Terrace. Last seen Saturday evening 17/2. Answers to “Kitty”. If you have seen her, or seen a cat on the side of the road, please call 021 780 070. Thank you. HANDY PERSON WITH BUILDING SKILLS REQUIRED at Rippon Vineyard. We have a self contained caravan in a Kanuka forest that we are offering a motivated, creative, strong person to live in while completing a building job for us. Additional pay negotiated. Must have a drivers licence. Please contact Sarah 021 1800 048. CHILLER TRAILER FOR HIRE. Weddings, events or any ocassions that you require to keep food or drinks cold for those long hot summer days. Phone Wanaka Cheeky Chillers 027 5586 785. sandy.joel@xtra.co.nz

PASSPORT PHOTOS 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 | F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz | W www.printit.co.nz

BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. DOUBLE BLACK’S 2ND BIRTHDAY! Saturday 24th February. Come celebrate 2 years of being open! There will be live music from 1 - 4pm with good vibes and good chat! BOAT STORAGE WANTED. Do you have a large garage or space in your workshop or factory to store our boat? Needs to be 7m long x 3m wide and 2.4m high including, door height is the key, must be at least 2.3 or won’t fit under. Happy to pay good money weekly for use of the space, short or long term. Call Denzil 027 5550 049 or email kyberproperties@gmail.com ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more. One off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital 443 5138. FLY AND SPIDER SPRAYING. No mess with JAE Pest Control. Spraying warranted up to one year by local operator. Ph 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. LAKE WANAKA LODGE is looking for part time staff. Duties including housekeeping and reception. Long or short term position considered. Must be available for weekdays and weekends. Please drop your CV into The Lake Wanaka Lodge, 24 Tenby Street. HOSPICE WAREHOUSE SHOP Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm. Furniture, homewares, curtains, art, bric-a-brac, craft, linen, clothing and more. Shop, donate, volunteer. Supporting the Wanaka Community 9a Gordon Road. FREE DR COMPOST Winter Gardening workshop. What and when to plant so you can harvest from your garden through the winter - fresh, free vegetables with zero carbon miles. Funded by QLDC to reduce waste to landfill, delivered by Wastebusters. Wednesday 14th March, 6-8pm, St John Rooms, 4 Link Way. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. ACCOMMODATION WANTED in July - August for Rookie Academy 3 - 6 week training courses. Please contact Dean on 021 403 076. RITUAL ESPRESSO CAFE IS LOOKING for a full time experienced local barista. Must have experience. Contact Chris at Ritual Cafe. ritualcafeltd@gmail.com NEW 6 WEEK BLOCK OF MAT Pilates and core classes at Central Lakes Physio starting next week. New Thursday 10.30 beginners class with Bree. Find our full timetable at www.physiowanaka.co.nz and call 443 1711 to book. Your body will thank you! WASTEBUSTERS JOB OPPORTUNITY: Reuse Customer Service Sales Assistant wanted. Full-time job in our Wanaka store; receiving, sorting and selling stuff in our busy shop and yard. Must be able to work weekends. Are you enthusiastic, friendly and hard-working, with experience in customer service and selling second-hand goods? Applications from Wastebusters shop or www. wastebusters.co.nz. Closes 25th February 2018.

Upper Clutha Messenger

21st February 2018


Wanaka 23 Studholme Road

13527sqm A 7 B 5 C

Albert Town 7 Kingfisher Crescent

750sqm A 4 B 2 C 2 D 2 I

Alpine View Secluded Oasis In Wanaka

Brand New And Ready Now

Be captivated on entry into this freehold going concern Lodge, tucked away in its own secluded oasis of trees and gardens with outstanding mountain views. A place of spaciousness and seclusion on the fringes of town with panache and numerous accolades awaits a new owner. This luxury, boutique, award winning, purpose designed lodge must be viewed to understand the location's significant appeal. Expansive views mesmerise guests and owners alike.

The current owners have just completed this brand new home & their plans have changed. Why would you want to build? You can enjoy the fruits of their hard work, just turn the key & relax. This 197m2 home is the ideal size to cater for all your family & friends. The spacious open plan kitchen/dining & sep living area has easy flow to the outdoors where the patio area would make the perfect spot for the BBQ. You can be making the most of this home immediately, hesitation will only disappoint, call us now for more information.

Tender Closes 28 March 2018 at 4pm Unless Sold Prior View Viewings by appointment www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ5128 Sue Grant M 021 443 906 P 03 443 7829 sue.grant@harcourts.co.nz

Auction Wednesday 28th February at 12.00pm. 21 Helwick St, Wanaka (Unless Sold Prior) View Wednesday 4.30pm, Saturday & Sunday 12pm or by appointment www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ5120 Eamon & Riki Young M 021 355 140(E) 027 424 4523(R) P 03 443 7829 theyoungs@harcourts.co.nz

Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Making Your Future Our Business

Advisers for: • • • •

Life. Growth. Movement.

KiwiSaver Planning for Retirement UK Pensions Managing Investments

Phone 443 2427 or Email: malcolm@papworthfinancial.nz for a FREE no obligation consultation Our Disclosure is available on request at no cost

For all your electrical services and specialist lighting requirements. prettysweetlighting@gmail.com 0210428906

• Consultant Chiropractic Neurologist • Chiropractic • Koru Brain Centre • Functional Neurology - Post Concussion Syndrome • Functional Medicine The lab tests we commonly use are: • Organic Acid (Urine test) • Stool analysis with parasitology • Saliva Hormone test • Blood Spot IgG/IgA Food Allergy Dr. Stefan Billing Koru Clinic | 69 Dale Street, Albert Town p: +64 (0) 3 443 7055 | m: +64 (0) 21 689 770 www.koruchiropractic.co.nz

Upper Clutha Hospice Shop | Volunteers Wanted | Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm & Sat 11am-3pm 73 Brownston Street | Quality Clothing, Shoes, Jewellery, Accessories, Linen, Homeware, CD and DVD

Upper Clutha Messenger

21st February 2018

Hawea Flat Display Home Open Now... Our brand new display home will impress with its outstanding array of features and functional design. Come on over and see for yourself what this fabulous home has to offer - 114 Francis Lane, Timsfield, Hawea. Open: Tuesday - Saturday, 12pm - 4pm. P 021 227 6022 E bob.schonk@jennian.co.nz Jennian Homes Central Otago E central.otago@jennian.co.nz P 03 422 1287 jennian.co.nz


Wanaka 18 Little Oak Common 1


Unrivalled location


Meadowstone at its best. This home built on the developer’s choice of section makes the most of the areas location and views. Established setting and a permanent home, the environment has real appeal. The perfect holiday home or permanent residence, this four bedroom property has options written all over it. Our vendor has other plans and would like this property sold! Inspection is recommended, do not discount this one as it is more than meets the eye.

Auction (unless sold prior) 1pm, Thu 1 Mar 2018, 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka View Wed and Sat 11-11.30am or by appointment Jenny Calder 027 332 8068 jenny.calder@bayleys.co.nz





Your Friendly Local 7.00am to 10.00pm

Store 70 Ardmore St, Wanaka


Upper Upper Clutha Clutha Messenger Messenger

th DATE MONTH 2018 2018 21st February










RAFFLES Open 4.00pm, Bistro open 6.00pm


Open 5.00pm

Open 4.00pm, Bistro open 5.30pm


Open 4.00pm

Open 4.00pm, Bistro open 6.00pm


Showing Winter Olympics

Showing the action from Pyeong Chang every day!




HAPPY HOUR 6.00–7.00pm





WINTER WINTER OLYMPICS 2018 OLYMPICS 2018 Men's Snowboard Big Air Qualifying 1.30pm

Men's Ski Halfpipe Final - come & support the locals 3.30pm

THURSDAY Warm up for the weekend $10 cocktail specials!





LIVE MUSIC Jas Joslands 8.00pm

Women's SNB Big Air Final 1.30pm

Men's SNB Big Air Final 2.00pm





45 Plantation Road Open 5.00pm








EVAN 7.00pm






5.00 – 6.00pm

Highlanders vs Blues





with Tai 10.00pm








Let's party!

Your favourite party place!





Michael Morris the man & his guitar

GYPSY 7.00pm

RUGBY, CRICKET, WINTER GAMES, NBA Come & watch your favourite sports!


Crusaders vs Chiefs


Pyeong Chang 2018

Rebels vs Reds


FREE Pool, Darts & Giant Jenga




Open 5.00pm




45 Plantation Road



POKER NIGHT Be in to win a $500 travel voucher!


Lounge 7 days


HAPPY HOUR DAILY 5.30-6.30pm


COME & ENJOY OUR HOUSE CREATED COCKTAILS Cocktail specials - Raspberry & Basil Sour and Tommy's Margarita

Open 4.00pm – 2.30am every day PLATTER SPECIAL Platter + 2 wines or beers $45 From 5.00pm

HAPPY HOUR! Every day 5.00pm – 6.00pm

Happy hour 8.00pm – 10.00pm every day

LIVE MUSIC SUNDAY! Catch our happy hour & relax to some live music! This week, old jazz favourites from Pip Harker & Louis Koopman 5.00pm – 7.00pm

INAPPROPRIATE ALLURE ALL: BINGO OFFICIAL THURSDAYS LAUNCH PARTY Prizes & 50c Huge prizes FT. A-sides (UK), chicken wings! to be won! Safire (Aus), Civil Din Single use only please 8.30pm and Omnist $12 pizza & pint!


Come down to La La Land and let us create something delicious for you, just ask at the bar!

WORK'S OUT WORKOUT SATURDAYS! $12 pizza and a beer!


PLATTER SPECIAL Get our delicious platter plus two wines or beers for $45

Every day from 5.00pm CRANKIN' KARAOKE Like the shower but with prizes & clothing!

TACO TUESDAY! $2 tacos $5 tequila

Upper Clutha Messenger

21st February 2018

WANAKA’S PREMIUM PROPERTY SPECIALIST With the largest selection of premium property available in Wanaka, talk to me about your buying or selling requirements



14 Elderberry Crescent, Wanaka

51 Kelliher Drive, Wanaka





24 Briar Bank Drive, Wanaka

Unit J, 37 – 41 Lakeside Road, Wanaka

12 Old Station Avenue, Wanaka

Lot 7 Hillend Estates, Wanaka

Craig Myles’ passion for his career comes from assisting clients as they consider the options available to them when buying or selling property. His success with New Zealand Sotheby’s International Realty is evident in the many transactions and numerous sales records and awards he has achieved. These transactions are testament to the trust and respect he has amongst his clients – vendors and purchasers alike.

Craig Myles Sales Associate M + 64 21 467 585 craig.myles@sothebysrealty.com

21st February 2018


MY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Class 4 Drivers Wanaka & Cromwell

Part-time Retail Fashion Assistant We are currently searching for a casual staff member to join the team in our Wanaka women’s fashion store. The Role: • • • •

make hard easy Do you have a class 4 licence? Are you a safe and reliable driver? Allied Concrete Ltd is a leading national supplier of concrete, and part of the HW Richardson Group of Companies. Our plants in Wanaka and Cromwell are seeking additional experienced class 4 drivers to deliver our ready mix concrete to residential and commercial sites in the region. You must have a class 4 licence and be punctual and reliable with a strong safety ethic. Familiarity with a road ranger gearbox is preferred but is not essential as full training can be given. Allied Concrete has a rigorous drug and alcohol policy and the successful candidate would need to pass a drug test prior to employment. Enquiries are also welcome at our plants. To apply for this job go to: www.hwrcareers.co.nz Applications will be reviewed as they are received

Great Gear. Great People. Great Mates

• ‫ ڞ‬ • •

Driving sales to deliver daily/weekly targets. Constantly delivering a high level of customer service to increase brand loyalty and repeat business. Upholding our retail operational standards and procedures. Provide feedback to management through effective communication relating to sales. Maintaining the highest level of personal and store presentation standards. (QVXULQJ D ZHOO GHߑQHG XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH SURGXFW range in store. Availability for week days, some weekend and school holiday work. Immediate start preferable.

The Candidate: • • • • • • • •

Ability to meet sales targets. Proven experience to work collaboratively in a team. Proven success in delivering highly engaging customer service. Strong communication and time management skills. Possess a personal interest in the New Zealand & Australian fashion industry. Have previous experience in a similar role. Possess strong social media skills. Ideally a long-term Wanaka local.

To apply, please send your CV with a brief cover letter to saleswanaka28@gmail.com

Base backpackers is looking for a fun, outgoing, responsible person to take on leading the reception team at Base. Experience in a similar role is a must. Prefer New Zealand Residents.

Central Lakes Engineering have a full time Welder Fabricator position available with an immediate start.

We are looking for a hardworking, motivated and reliable person to join our great team. The ideal candidate must: x Be able to read and interpret plans x Have a high standard of workmanship x Demonstrate and abide by our health and safety procedures x Work to deadlines All applicants need be a NZ resident or hold a current work visa. To apply for this position email your CV and cover letter to: Jason info@centrallakesengineering.nz, phone 03 443 6007 or drop it into the workshop at 38 Gordon Road.

LIVE CELL TESTING: Identify deficiencies/intolerances, gut issues, skin conditions, anxiety/depression, toxins and microbiology that may be contributing to health issues. www.yogastudiocromwell.com Phone 021 947 056.Z ENERGY FUEL CARD accepted at Caltex Wanaka. Open from 6am - 11pm each day for your convenience.

Please send all resumes to james@stayatbase.com including a short cover letter explaining why we should choose you!

WE ARE LOOKING FOR a bright bubbly part time office assistant for our holiday park. Shifts include night and weekend hours. Must be flexible if required to work extra hours. Might suit a Year 12/13 student who is interested in a future in the tourism industry. Please email your application to info@wanakatop10.co.nz WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. BUILD A BACH. Check out our new small, creative, functional homes. Change the cladding, roof line and more, or add passive solar design features. Book a complimentary design consultation with our builder and architect. Suit singles, families and retirees. Floor areas from 75m2 160m2. “Less House More Home”. seamlessconstruction. co.nz COBBLER GLENN FOR PATCHING, stitching, heeling and resoling your boots. Drop them into Simply New Zealand, 3 Helwick St, Wanaka.

21st February 2018


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz

Grounds Person / Property Team Southern Hemisphere Proving Grounds Ltd, located in the Cardrona Valley 45 minutes from Wanaka, are looking for experienced, fun loving and hard-working personnel to join our awesome team this winter testing season. If you enjoy a challenge and want to do something completely different this winter; then we’re the company for you! We’re looking for: • • • • •

Machinery Operators Snow Makers Winter Field Services Tyre Fitters Client & Guest Services

All positions are of a Fixed Term nature and employment conditions such as start dates, shift type (day/night) and hours of work differ depending on departmental requirements. Some onsite accommodation is available by negotiation. All applicants must be legally entitled to work in NZ. If you are interested in further information or wish to apply, please indicate your desired position and send your current C.V. to Kat at work@shpg.co.nz

FUTURE FEET SHOES. Kids’ summer sale now on. At least 25% off summer sandals, with a huge range of shoes from infants to teens, including Bobux, Saltwater, Keen, Richter, Teva & McKinlay. Free shipping for orders over $50, with customer friendly 30 day returns period. Visit us online at www.futurefeet.co.nz HAWEA SECTION WANTED - Sentinel Park, Timsfield or similar for private cash buyer. Would also consider existing house. (no agents please). 021 2979 558. WANAKA ARTS SOCIETY AGM. You are warmly invited to attend the Wanaka Arts Society AGM at 7.00pm on Thursday 15th March in the Wanaka Arts Centre. Supper will be provided. LIZ MALUSCHNIG COUNSELLING - for confidential and experienced counselling and parenting support please email Liz: lizmaluschnig@gmail.com REMOTE CONTROLLED THERAPEUTIC easy chair. Never used. Antique dresser. Double bed. Three seater white leather couch. Phone 443 6562. ‘EAT, DRINK, LAUGH’ IS HAVING ITS FIRST evening for 2018. “Summertime, and the Living is Easy�. February 28th at 6.30pm $65 per person and seats are limited. Phone Cathrine 0272 900 693. FOR SALE: ROWING MACHINE Elite R70 plus set of weights. Minimal use. $400 the lot. Phone 443 7317.

We require a Grounds Person for our Property Team who will make the Mount Aspiring College campus the best it can be. The primary focus of this role is in developing a student friendly and safe outside area, which includes sun smart areas and sustainable practices. The successful applicant will also work as part of the Property Team. Applicants need to be fit, friendly and show initiative. Having knowledge of gardening, tree planting and turf management would be an advantage. This is a permanent position.

Applications close at 4.00pm Wednesday 7 March 2018 For a job description ring the school office on 443 0499, or email learn@mtaspiring.school.nz or download from http://www.mountaspiringcollege.nz/mac-vacancies.html

!;1;rাom -m-];u ņ !;1;rাombv| Ĺ? †ѴѴ $bl;Ĺ‘ ); -u; Ń´oohbm] =ou - m;‰ u;1;rাom v†r;uv|-u |o |-h; |_; Ń´;-7 -| o†u =ub;m7Ѵ‹ġ lo7;umġ 7‹m-lb1 ru-1া1;Äş = ‹o†Ě Ĺ– u; r;uvom-0Ń´;ġ =ub;m7Ѵ‹ -m7 o†|]obm] Ĺ– -ˆ; ]u;-| bm|;ur;uvom-Ń´ -m7 1oll†mb1-াom vhbŃ´Ń´v Ĺ– -ˆ; ;Šr;ub;m1; bm l-m-]bm] - vl-Ń´Ń´ |;-l Ĺ– u; -m ;L1b;m| lÂ†Ń´ŕŚžĹŠ|-vh;u Ĺ– -ˆ; ]oo7 $ hmo‰Ѵ;7]; -m7 vhbŃ´Ń´v Ĺ– -ˆ; , u;vb7;m1‹ ); ‰o†Ѵ7 Ń´oˆ; |o _;-u =uol ‹o†ĺ Šr;ub;m1; ‰b|_ ;7|;1_ Ć’Ć‘ 7;vbu-0Ń´; 0†| mo| ;vv;mা-Ń´Äş ou -m -rrŃ´b1-াom r-1h-]; rŃ´;-v; ;l-bŃ´ |_; u-1া1; -m-];u v-ѴѴ‹0Ĺ -vrbubm]l;7b1-Ń´Äş1oÄşmÂŒ rrŃ´b1-াomv 1Ń´ov; Ć?Ć‘ÄşĆ?Ć?rl ub7-‹ Ć‘Ć’ ;0u†-u‹ĺ

READY FOR LANDSCAPING? Bargain price native plants for sale, grown locally. They are very tall, healthy and bushy. Call 443 7581 or 027 4452 032 for viewing/selecting. Will deliver for larger orders. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. HAIR ART WORKSHOP & MOBILE. For art, creativity and simplicity. Natural - based/organic products. Weddings, hair ups, colour work, creative techniques, body waves, texture waves, scalp massage and moisture treatments. Keratherapy straightening system. Hair extensions and dreadlocks. www.hairartnz.com Ph 443 9545. GAS FITTER LICENSED. LPG installs. Call Richard 027 2204 675.

21st February 2018


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz

Applications for specialist roles for the 2018 winter season are now open!

Hospitality Staff Looking for a summer job in Wanaka? Edgewater’s lake front café/restaurant is on the hunt for staff to join their fantastic team. If you thrive from the buzz of a busy restaurant and would love to work with the best view in Wanaka then look no further

Roles include... F&B Chefs & Cooks F&B Outlet & Duty Managers

Full & part time positions available for bar and wait staff. Experience not essential, but a friendly can-do attitude and ÁH[LELOLW\ WR ZRUN ZHHNHQGV DQG HYHQLQJV LV D PXVW

Ski Patrol Groomer Operators

Please email your CV to Toby Hague: Restaurant@edgewater.co.nz

Mountain Administration People & Performance Assistant Retail & Reservations Videographer & Photographer Freight & Shuttle Drivers

.... and more

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WANTED TO BUY - 20ft shipping container in good condition. Phone/text 027 6990 568. TONGUE-TIED AND TERRIFIED when speaking to a group? Public speaking one of your biggest fears or do you just want to improve on skills you already have? Supportive, fun, constructive, Speak with Confidence course runs for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings 7-9pm: February 27th, March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th. For more details contact Lee Ball 027 3334 909, leeball40@gmail.com or www. leeballcommunications.nz SEEKING A LONGTERM RURAL/FARM rental. Tidy couple seeking a rural home to rent. Long term locals. Please phone 027 5671 156. NISSAN SENTRA ZX-E. 5 door hatchback. Low kms 107,400. Registered to Jan 2019, WOF July 2018. Serviced regularly. $3,150 negotiable. Ph 021 1235 951. TRAILER HIRE AVAILABLE AT CALTEX. We have single and tandem trailers, with cages. Available for 2 hours, half or full day. WANAKA CONCERT SOCIETY AGM will be held 4.30 Tuesday 20th March at 11 Infinity Drive, Wanaka. All interested most welcome to attend. SITUATIONS VACANT - Elmslie & Aspiring. More information www.psotago.org.nz/jobs or call Jacqui 03 555 3011.

ARE YOUR GARDENS FEELING THE HEAT? Suffering in the dry weather? Automatic irrigation is the most effective way of watering your gardens. Call Dave Spedding Landscaping to discuss how you can better water your garden - 021 707 481. www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. OAKRIDGE RESORT IS LOOKING FOR a Receptionist to join our team. The position requires morning and evening work both during the week and weekends. Please send C.V. to seth@williamshotels.co.nz “RUSTICATION” - FURNITURE from the English auction rooms. 66 Anderson Road. Wed-Sat, 10.30am-3.30pm. COMPLETELY CHEMICAL FREE HOUSEKEEPING! The Honest Cleaning Company provides a healthy and sustainable solution to your housekeeping, holiday home or commercial cleaning needs. Visit www. thehonestcleaningcompany.com for more info. To be in Harmony, To be in Health, To be Honest. SPA & POOL CHEMICALS. PH increase 1kg, pH decrease 1kg, spa buffer 1kg, bromine tablets 1kg, AquaCheck bromine and chlorine testing strips. All $11.50 each. Super cheap, must go because we need the space. Available at the Central Store, 40 Reece Crescent next to Hirepool. 2 4 1 ON APPETIZERS AND STARTERS at the Albert Town Fish company from 4-5pm every day. DINING TABLE: 2M X 1M handcrafted by local craftsman for sale. Solid rimu with character preserved plus 6 chairs (table will seat 8). In excellent condition. $1950. Contact 027 2454 407. BLUETOOTH SPEAKERS & GUITARS: Get in quick for incredible deals on bluetooth speakers and headphones from Jamoji, Marley & B&W. Great guitar and ukes as well. Selectrix, Wanaka.

21st February 2018


LINK Connec on Café Community Fund Launch

FRIDAY MARCH 2 10:30am-12:00pm Cinema Paradiso

At our first gathering of 2018, LINK is launching our new Community Fund, established to financially support collabora ve projects that benefit our community this year. As always this is a drop-in networking session where you can meet others, tap into our community database, and ask the LINK team about turning ideas into ac on. Morning tea nibbles provided, free coffees for the first 10 people to respond! RSVP to info@link.org.nz

EXPERT HOMEKILL BUTCHERS at The Butcher’s Block and Smokehouse. Let us turn your cattle, sheep, deer, goats and pigs into prime meat cuts and hand-made smallgoods. We can complete the humane on-farm slaughter for you in Wanaka, Hawea, Makarora, Tarras, Cromwell or Alexandra. Call us on 443 5017 or email shop@butchersblockwanaka. co.nz for more information and bookings. ASPIRING POOLS & SPAS - From March 1st our opening hours will change to Monday - Friday 8.30 - 3.30pm. Come in and see us at 56 Anderson Road for all your pool and spa needs. Phone 03 443 2994. RESONANCE ASPIRING PODIATRY - Keeping Wanaka on its feet. For treatment of heel cracks callous and corns. Foot pain diagnosis and managament, injury treatment and prevention, gait analysis and retraining. Call Raewyn 428 4220: Body and Sole, 24 Dungarvon Street, Wanaka CBD. FITTER/WELDER FABRICATOR WANTED: Due to company growth Select Engineering is looking for an engineer with general experience to join the team in Wanaka. Excellent rates of pay, great working conditions. Please email CV with covering letter to info@selectengineering.nz Valid work visa required. 2018 XERO TRAINING DATES! The team at Launch Office Solutions are offering seven different training sessions to help you with your Xero needs starting 20th February 2018. Visit findco.co.nz for full training information and prices or call Anna on 021 0398 903. Registration is now open! FLIES? SPIDERS? WASPS? Full pest control services provided by experienced, fully qualified PMANZ registered technician. Call John at A & J Services 0274 331 482. TREE AND SHRUB PRUNING, hedge trimming. Specialising in these areas. For professional advice and quality service please call Joe 027 4785 913. UKULELE LESSONS - love to sing and play your favourite songs? Small group or individual, your place or mine. Ph The Ukulele Lady 021 562 508. WANAKA HOLIDAY HOMES needs part-time cleaners! Immediate start. Experience and a vehicle advantageous but not required. Great team and great work atmosphere and we offer competitive pay for Wanaka locals. Call Heather 0212 800 912. CRAZY SALE AT SOUTH BEACH 50% off all women’s bikinis!

ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE for 8 weeks August to October 2018. Four bedroom family home in Albert Town. Ph 021 949 670 to discuss. NEED SLEEPERS FOR THE GARDEN? Wanaka Mitre10 has what you need to get that garden or landscaping project looking a million bucks. For more info and details come and chat to our trade team. While stocks last. FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). MILK & BREAD SPECIALS AT CALTEX Wanaka - today and every day. Pams milk 2 x 2L only $7.50. Golden Bake bread 2 loaves only $3.50. Caltex open 6am - 11pm daily. ED SHEERAN TICKETS WANTED! Looking to buy 2 tickets to Ed Sheeran for the Thursday night concert. Please phone 0204 0189 688. PAINTING? CUTTING EDGE DECORATING WANAKA taking bookings for 2018. High quality professional finishes for your new build or alteration. Call Kylie today to discuss your requirements. Phone 021 920 502. Email: cuttingedgewanaka@gmail.com VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS APPRECIATED at the new Hospice Warehouse and Shop at 9a Gordon Road. If you can chat and sort simultaneously we would love to see you! Call in and see Tracey or Ronalda 9am - 1pm Monday - Friday. WANAKA RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION AGM - due to unforeseen circumstances the AGM previously advertised for 5.30pm on Sunday 25 February has been postponed. It will now be held Sunday 11 March at 5.30pm at the old Fish Hatchery site on Stone St. Apologies for any inconvenience. WANT A BUILDER? Have renovation needs? Or do you need a new house built? Contact 2020 Homes Ltd for those big jobs to the trickly little ones. With over 30 years experience there is no such thing as can’t. Phone Kevin 021 752 124 or Lesly 027 5665 449 or email: wantbuilder@ gmail.com HOUSE AVAILABLE TO RENT IN WANAKA over Easter / Warbirds over Wanaka. Three bedrooms/two bathrooms plus sleepout with ensuite if required. Well equipped, sunny with a lovely aspect with mountain views. Minimum stay 3 nights. Contact Annie 027 6472 970.

21st February 2018


TOSHIBA Heatpumps Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 11/12 Frederick St, Wanaka

FOR SALE: FENDER CD-60 acoustic guitar. Coleman petrol BBQ, 9kg gas bottle (full) plus circular BBQ. Women’s clothing size 12 - 14. Phone 022 3119 113. HOSPICE WAREHOUSE SHOP Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm. Furniture, homewares, curtains, art, bric-a-brac, craft, linen, clothing and more. Shop, donate, volunteer. Supporting the Wanaka Community 9a Gordon Road. GALLERY 33: Janette Cervin’s solo exhibition ‘What Lies Beneath’ has been receiving rave reviews since opening earlier this month. Have you been in to view this painterly show of introduced and native flora and fauna? Don’t miss out! IN2LEARNING OFFERS after school support with your Maths, English, the Sciences and Economics. Friendly, qualified tutors. To enrol call Tom 03 443 1547. ASPIRING POOLS & SPAS - From March 1st our opening hours will change to Monday - Friday 8.30 - 3.30pm. Come in and see us at 56 Anderson Road for all your pool and spa needs. Phone 03 443 2994. SILK ROAD ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES are bringing a time capsule of vintage treasures to the upcoming Wanaka A&P Show! Take a trip down memory lane and receive 20% off your highest purchase. “At Silk Road we believe old treasures deserve new homes”. WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. HEDGE TRIMMING ALL SHAPES AND SIZES. For professional advice and quality service please call qualified arborist Joe on 027 4785 913. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@ printit.co.nz

PAINTERS & DECORATORS For all your interior/exterior house painting requirements, call Ben and receive a FREE QUOTE.

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LUGGATE HOTEL HAS ALL SUPER RUGBY on. Come in and support your team and enjoy the atmosphere. Happy hour prices while the Highlanders are playing on Friday at 7.30. Picking comp is on. Make sure you get your picks on before first game starts. $2500 in prize money to be won. CRAZY SALE AT SOUTH BEACH 30% off all wetsuits! EVER WONDERED ABOUT THE BRAIN and its development? The Wanaka Alcohol Group are hosting 2 Brainwave Trust Seminars with national presenter Sarah Best. “Early Years Last Forever”, 19th March and “Unravelling the Mystery of the Adolescent Brain”, 20th March. Each evening is 7-9pm at Lake Wanaka Centre. Totally ‘not to be missed’ nights. Further details and RSVP on Wanaka Alcohol Group Facebook. (Koha and refreshments). LOOKING FOR LONGTERM HOUSE to rent from March/ April 18 to March 19. Local Kiwi, fully employed with references. Looking ideally for either a nice 1 bedroom place for myself and partner or a 2-3 bedroom house. Please call Toby on 027 8509 953. WHEELS TO DUNSTAN links with the Cromwell Dunedin hospital transport. For bookings, please contact Community Networks on 443 7799.

Three Chairs Hair 03 443 5898 · threechairshair@gmail.com Unit 3, Spencer House Mall, 31 Dunmore St, Wanaka

21st February 2018


ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT SKIN CANCER? "-=; "hbm o@ ;uv -7 -m1;7 ; b7;m1; 0-v;7 vhbm 1-m1;u 7;|;1ঞ om |;1_mbt ;vĺ ;ulov1or -m7 $o|-Ѵ o7 _o|o]u-r_ mo - -bѴ-0Ѵ;ĺ Call now to book 443 0725 Ph: (03) 443 0725 23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka

BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. 2018 XERO TRAINING DATES! The team at Launch Office Solutions are offering seven different training sessions to help you with your Xero needs starting 20th February 2018. Visit findco.co.nz for full training information and prices or call Anna on 021 0398 903. Registration is now open! NEW OSTEOPATHS AT METAMED treating musculoskeletal injuries with a hands on and holistic approach. Osteopaths can get your joints moving, ease muscle tension and rehabilitate you back to full health. Get to the root of your pain. ACC providers. Call 03 443 2628 or book online www. MetaMed.co.nz 25a Russell St. BLUETOOTH SPEAKERS & GUITARS: Get in quick for incredible deals on bluetooth speakers and headphones from Jamoji, Marley & B&W. Great guitar and ukes as well. Selectrix, Wanaka. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. NEW 6 WEEK BLOCK OF MAT Pilates and core classes at Central Lakes Physio starting next week. New Thursday 10.30 beginners class with Bree. Find our full timetable at www.physiowanaka.co.nz and call 443 1711 to book. Your body will thank you! NISSAN SENTRA ZX-E. 5 door hatchback. Low kms 107,400. Registered to Jan 2019, WOF July 2018. Serviced regularly. $3,150 negotiable. Ph 021 1235 951. CRAZY SALE AT SOUTH BEACH 50% off all women’s bikinis! ALBERT TOWN TAKEAWAY TRADESMAN SPECIAL: Fish, chips and curry sauce or gravy $10 from 11.30am - 2pm Monday to Friday.

‘EAT, DRINK, LAUGH’ IS HAVING ITS FIRST evening for 2018. “Summertime, and the Living is Easy”. February 28th at 6.30pm $65 per person and seats are limited. Phone Cathrine 0272 900 693. 2 X RAMS FOR SALE. Pure Bred Dorper rams born October 2017 - ready for this season. $300 each ono. Phone 021 2491 791. ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA! EST 2005! Trevor Bailey. Full time massage since 1994. USA/NZ. Deep tissue relaxation. Available 7 days - home studio. Appointments 027 4222 455, 443 2993. WANT TO BE CHALLENGED AND HAVE FUN? Speak with Confidence public speaking course begins February 27th. Contact Lee Ball 027 3334 909, leeball40@gmail.com or www.leeballcommunications.nz CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR VISA? Need residency help and advice? Need a new work visa? Contact your local licensed Immigration adviser 03 443 8386 info@easyvisa.co.nz Ph 0210 2441 380. TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. DOG CLIPPING - experienced dog groomer working in Wanaka for the next week. Phone Glenys 0272 849 238. ADVANCED CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY: Virtual gastric band, smoke-free, trauma release, depression/anxiety, sexual dysfunction, weight-loss, sporting success, childhood issues, personal & lifestyle transformation. www. hypnotherapy4U.co.nz Phone 021 947 056. WINDSURFER WANTED to borrow or purchase in exchange for work or money. Please call Joe on 0274 785 913. SPA & POOL CHEMICALS. PH increase 1kg, pH decrease 1kg, spa buffer 1kg, bromine tablets 1kg, AquaCheck bromine and chlorine testing strips. All $11.50 each. Super cheap, must go because we need the space. Available at the Central Store, 40 Reece Crescent next to Hirepool. RITUAL ESPRESSO CAFE IS LOOKING for a full time experienced local barista. Must have experience. Contact Chris at Ritual Cafe. ritualcafeltd@gmail.com HANDYMAN SERVICE. Fencing and gates. Engineering. You name it, we do it. Handy Solutions. Phone 027 2080 175.

It’s the thrill of the search since 1978. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • E: messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

21st February 2018


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UPPER CLUTHA TRANSPORT Ballantyne Rd, Wanaka Branch:


LANDSCAPING - WE DESIGN, build and maintain gardens. Please call us for quotes and references. Phone 022 1635 807. BATHROOM FIXTURES FOR SALE. Vanity, shower dome, shower door, mixer, rose, toilet, heated towel rail, extractor fan, mirror, towel rails. All good order. All offers considered. Phone 021 359 980. WANAKA’S ONLY TOUCHFREE CARWASH is at Caltex. From $9, options available incl underbody, wheels, double wash, protectant, wax. Caltex Wanaka. CREATIVE SMALL HOMES. Check out our new modern, functional, sustainable designs. Change the cladding, roof line and more, or add passive solar features. Book a complimentary design consultation with our builder and architect. Suit singles, families and retirees. Floor areas from 75m2 - 160m2. “Less House More Home.” seamlessconstruction.co.nz IT MAKES YOU WONDER about our world, our health, our environment, about writing, history and how music makes memories. Tickets on sale from 8.30am on Friday, February 23 for Aspiring Conversations, Wanaka’s very own ideas festival (April 6-8). www.aspiringconversations.co.nz ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE EASTER/Warbirds period. Fully contained upmarket one bedroom apartment. Hawea. Phone 021 1474 398. Three nights minimum. TINT-A-WINDOW/SOLAR PROTECTIVE FILMS. Fade, UV block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Ph 0800 368 468 or view our website www. tintawindow.co.nz AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. METALWORKS WANAKA COVERS LOTS OF BASES... in style! Caravan design, fabrication, repair, stunning bespoke sculpture, unique furniture and fireplaces (outdoor and indoor), home and garden embellishments of all sorts: mirrors, gates, balustrades, fireplaces outdoor and indoor, firepokers, candle holders, house numbers, any repair via welding & so much more. From imagination into metal. Let’s collaborate on the ideas you would like crafted into reality! 54 Ballantyne Rd, www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz CRAZY SALE AT SOUTH BEACH 30% off all kids clothing! FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required).


OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS 8.30AM - 12PM PHONE (03) 443 7833 A/H : Sam McLeod 027 8865 604 www.uppercluthatransport.co.nz

Luggate Branch: • • • •


PHONE (03) 443 8221 A/H : Neville (Stock) 0274 431 958 or Tony 022 1826 605 MAJOR SPONSOR OF: THE UPPER CLUTHA RUGBY CLUB AND OF: THE WHEELS TO DUNSTAN TRUST

THE CENTRAL STORE - Kitchen Aid, Cuisinart, Bialetti, Bodum, Cafelat, Ascaso, Duralex, Schott Zweisel, Nachtmann, Riedel, Govino, Robert Gordon, Maxwell & Williams, SC, Scanpan, Le Creuset, Chef Inox, Lodge Cast Iron, Weck, Agee, Wusthof, Global, Wiltshire, Victorinox, 24 Bottles. It’s all here at the Central Store, 40 Reece Crescent next to Hirepool. CARDRONA LUXURY APARTMENT FOR RENT: $290 per week plus bills. 4 months minimum. Self contained with a super king bed, kitchenette and laundry. Some outside storage available. Use of outdoor swimming pool, heated outdoor jacuzzi included in rent. Super close to the Cardrona Hotel and ski-field. More info: http://rentaroom. org.nz/unit-33-benbrea-resort-cardrona/ available from 19/02. Text Wanaka to 027 5324 093. FREE LINE ADS IN THE MESSENGER for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. MASSAGE FOR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. Remedial, effective, therapeutic. Mobile available. Lee Ball ph: 027 3334 909. www.leeballmassage.co.nz CRAFT MARKET THIS SUNDAY. Pembroke Park from 10am. Handmade NZ art, craft and design direct from the artists to you.

21st February 2018


Mon – Fri 9am -5:30pm Sat & Sun 10am – 4pm 19 Reece Crescent, Wanaka Ph (03) 443 7032 wanaka@smithscity.co.nz Everything for Your Home

FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM furnished house. Good log burner/heat pump, covered patio, sheltered, private. $449 per week. Text/ph 0210 2521 009. URBAN GRIND IS LOOKING for full time wait staff. Must have a genuine passion for food and great customer service skills. This is a long term position. Must have waitressing experience and excellent presentation skills. Please pop in for a chat with Aleishia. FOR SALE - Toyota Corolla Runx hatchback 2004. Medium kms. Genuine reason for sale. $5,990. Phone 021 881 942. COMPLETELY CHEMICAL FREE HOUSEKEEPING! The Honest Cleaning Company provides a healthy and sustainable solution to your housekeeping, holiday home or commercial cleaning needs. Visit www. thehonestcleaningcompany.com for more info. To be in Harmony, To be in Health, To be Honest. WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. WANAKA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT 8PM. Come along to hear four different people talking about the Spiritual Disciplines that they practice. 91 Tenby St. www.wpccc. org.nz WE SUPPLY QUALITY COMPOST, topsoil, bark, mulch, schist, pebbles, a great range of garden tools, lawn seed, fertilisers, predator traps, firewood, sleepers, native plants, to designing and installing your dream garden. Come on in to 14 Reece Crescent. Ph 443 5069. www.theyardcentral. co.nz GLEAMTEAM WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE. Professional, experienced, thorough and careful. Residential, commercial and builders cleans. Let more light into your life! 027 6148 728.

FINISHED WITH YOUR HOUSE FOR SUMMER? ,Žǁ ĂďŽƵƚ ƌĞŶƟŶŐ ŝƚ ŽƵƚ ũƵƐƚ ĨŽƌ ǁŝŶƚĞƌ͍ MARGO GOODSELL 021 70 50 40 www.managemyhouse.co.nz Property Management Long term and holiday house management

DRIVER, WITH CLASS 2 LICENCE required for rubbish collection 1 to 2 weekends a month and casual relief driving as required. Some lifting involved. Competitive pay rates. Please email wanakawasteltd@gmail.com FEBRUARY FOOTWEAR SALE - All shoes, boots, sandals etc $5 or less the whole month at the Upper Clutha Hospice Shop on Brownston Street and the Warehouse Shop at 9a Godon Road. Get your feet a neat treat! FITTER/WELDER FABRICATOR WANTED: Due to company growth Select Engineering is looking for an engineer with general experience to join the team in Wanaka. Excellent rates of pay, great working conditions. Please email CV with covering letter to info@selectengineering.nz Valid work visa required. PENNY’S HOME CARE - DO YOU REQUIRE HELP with housework, personal care, shopping, meal preparation, medications, outings, transportation, gardening etc? If so, call Penny Fisher R.N. on 0273 434 776. ARE YOUR GARDENS FEELING THE HEAT? Suffering in the dry weather? Automatic irrigation is the most effective way of watering your gardens. Call Dave Spedding Landscaping to discuss how you can better water your garden - 021 707 481. www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz MINI BEATS MUSIC CLASSES for 2 - 5 year olds. Tuesday 11am at the Wanaka Art Centre. $8 per class. Phone AnnMarie on 021 1197 811. ann_marie@classicallymusic.co.nz or www.classicallymusic.co.nz LAKE WANAKA LODGE is looking for part time staff. Duties including housekeeping and reception. Long or short term position considered. Must be available for weekdays and weekends. Please drop your CV into The Lake Wanaka Lodge, 24 Tenby Street. IT TAKES ONLY 22 MINUTES... to dry your washing at Caltex’s Wifi Laundromat, 9 superfast, oversized dryers available. Caltex Laundromat. GARAGE SALE SAT 24TH 0900. Solid core doors brand new, F & P dryer brand new, queen mattress KingKoil, bedside table, king single brass bed head, diesel pump, mountain bike fuel suspension. X country skis, large speakers, 14m2 ceramic “wood” tiles, dehumidifier, used one winter, 59 Matheson Crescent, Albert Town. By containers. Call Rosa 021 992 068. PLASTERER AVAILABLE. All aspects. Renos and new builds. Call now for a quote. Ph. 027 9607 731. GAS FITTER LICENSED. LPG installs. Call Richard 027 2204 675. CARDRONA DISTILLERY IS SEEKING A Distillery Hand. This is a full-time position that includes working as part of our Front of House Team, bottling, labelling, and giving tours of the distillery. A Duty Manager’s Certificate is preferred, but not essential. Please email kenny@thecardrona.com to apply. GARAGE FOR RENT on a monthly basis, in the centre of town. Suit a car enthusiast or person wanting extra space. 10m L x 3m W x 2m H. Phone 021 305 865. SEWING - For all dressmaking, alterations. Jeans hemmed. Home consultations. Phone Zelda on 021 0733 184.

21st February 2018

P: 021 868 245 E: johnburkebuilder@gmail.com

CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE RESTORATIONS for all your motorcycle servicing. Oils, chains, tyres, batteries. Top brands, top service. Pickup and delivery. Phone John Holgate 0274 322 917. INDULGE - LUXURY FEATHER CUSHION INNERS 2 sizes Euros 65 x 65cm $40 and 50 x 50cm $35 straight from the factory in Christchurch. Strong cotton casing, soft plush comfy feel. Heritage Linen covers available plus a variety of fabrics and Turkish cotton towels/throws. Phone 021 338 904. WOULD A WEEKLY VISITOR AND A bit of companionship enhance your life? We have volunteers who would like to meet a senior to share stories or take you for an outing. If you are interested please contact Community Networks 03 443 7799 or contact project coordinator Barbara Jungen, championforolderpeople@gmail.com BEEF SAUSAGES ON SPECIAL at The Butcher’s Block and Smokehouse this week! Our popular 100% beef sausages are $12.99/kg this week only. Visit Wanaka’s only dedicated butcher at 33 Reece Crescent. Open Monday - Friday 8am6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. Phone 443 5017. MISSING CAT STONEY CREEK: small tan Abyssinian cat missing from McFarlane Terrace. Last seen Saturday evening 17/2. Answers to “Kitty”. If you have seen her, or seen a cat on the side of the road, please call 021 780 070. Thank you. LOST SILVER RING ON THE LAKE FRONT at the start of the Challenge swim on Thursday morning. If anyone has found it we’d love you to call 021 766 910. CAMPERVAN FOR SALE. Mitsubishi L300. new WOF and rego, new tyres, new starter. Petrol, manual, 320,000km. $5000. Contact Camille Nozahic via Facebook or 027 5321 553. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - contact your local operator of JAE Cleaning and Pest Control. For quality steam or dry cleaning and the best in stain removal, phone 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150.

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0800 CALL Fly, Spider & Rodent Control Specialists in Stain Removal, Carpets & Upholstery P: 03 443 1150

E: wanaka@jae.co.nz

LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable.” Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. WARBIRDS ACCOMMODATION - Near new, self contained, self serviced unit, located in Hawea Flat, 10 minutes from Wanaka Airport. Very quiet with grand mountain and rural views. Available from 29th March to 3rd April. Minimum 4 night stay. Maximum 3 guests. $300 per night. Contact 021 686 545 for pictures and more information. Get in quick before it’s gone. PROFESSIONAL HOUSESITTER/AIR BNB MANAGER: Hi, I’m Andy. I specialise in animal care, cleaning, landscaping, gardening, and most all house maintenance. I consider myself trustworthy, neat, clean, and respectful of the homes I look after. I also manage rentals. I have multiple references in and around Wanaka, Albert Town, and Lake Hawea. Call or email anytime for consultation: andyck7@ yahoo.com 0204 1094 965. WANTED TO BUY - Two matching bed bases. Single size 1800 x 900. (We have the mattresses). Please phone 443 6199. HAWEA SECTION WANTED. Sentinel Park, Timsfield or similar for private cash buyer. Would also consider existing house. (No agents please). Phone 021 2979 558. ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more. One off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital 443 5138. HAVE YOU BEEN MEANING TO DE-CLUTTER and organise your outdoor equipment, cupboards or tools but just never have the time? Sort and Store is a Wanakabased decluttering, sorting and storage service. Solutions for the home, garage, shed, storage units and more! www. sortandstore.co.nz getsorted@sortandstore.co.nz 021 2506 434.

including over 340 new homes. NO standard plans, your home for your site.

dŚĞ ƐĂĨĞƐƚ ǁĂLJ ƚŽ ĐůĞĂƌ LJŽƵƌ ĞĂƌ ĐĂŶĂůƐ ŽĨ ƵŶǁĂŶƚĞĚ ĚĞďƌŝƐ ŝƐ ŵŝĐƌŽƐƵĐƟŽŶ͘ ůŝŶŝĐƐ ŝŶ tĂŶĂŬĂ ŽŶĐĞ ƉĞƌ ĨŽƌƚŶŝŐŚƚ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ tĂŶĂŬĂ >ĂŬĞƐ ,ĞĂůƚŚ ĞŶƚƌĞ͘ For appointments please book online at www.earhealth.co.nz or phone or text 027 339 5043

21st February 2018


Dynz Designz Ltd Specialising in curtains and blinds including all repairs. Based in Wanaka Phone Helen: 0224134622 • E: helen@dynzdesignz.co.nz www.dynzdesignz.co.nz

BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. TRYING TO BEAT THE HEAT this summer? Fans are back in stock at Wanaka Mitre10. With those warm summer nights still hanging around beat the heat with Wanaka Mitre10. While stocks last. T’s and C’s apply. NEED SLEEPERS FOR THE GARDEN? Wanaka Mitre10 has what you need to get that garden or landscaping project looking a million bucks. For more info and details come and chat to our trade team. While stocks last. COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017. MINI-EXCAVATION, LANDSCAPE AND TRAIL SERVICES by Crankingfine. Small digger to get into the hard to reach spaces, tipper truck to cart stuff away, digger hammer to break up concrete and rock, compactor and whole lot of elbow grease. We do small site scrapes, lawn prep, garden edging, berms, holes, trenches, driveways, pathways and tracks for biking and walking. Precise, timely and tidy work. Phone 021 422 295 or crankingfine@gmail.com LADIES NEW (AND NEWISH) TO WANAKA - Come join us for lunch, to meet new friends... next Thursday 1st March. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP. Phone 443 7442. Looking forward to hearing from you!

MT IRON TRENCHING & EXCAVATION LTD Large & Small Diggers • Landscaping • Hole Boring • Truck Hire MURRAY GARRICK Ph 03 443 5489 M 027 443 5400 F 03 443 6836 E mngarrick@xtra.co.nz

WASTEBUSTERS JOB OPPORTUNITY: Reuse Customer Service Sales Assistant wanted. Full-time job in our Wanaka store; receiving, sorting and selling stuff in our busy shop and yard. Must be able to work weekends. Are you enthusiastic, friendly and hard-working, with experience in customer service and selling second-hand goods? Applications from Wastebusters shop or www. wastebusters.co.nz. Closes 25th February 2018. WEEDY WEEDY WEEDS? Call Fiona for a competitive quote to tame your garden. Phone 021 686 134. WANAKA HOLIDAY HOMES needs part-time cleaners! Immediate start. Experience and a vehicle advantageous but not required. Great team and great work atmosphere and we offer competitive pay for Wanaka locals. Call Heather 0212 800 912. WANAKA SKI AND SNOWSPORTS CLUB AGM. Sunday 1st April 4.00 pm at Edgewater Resort. TREES NEED A WOF/SERVICE? Local, reliable, affordable, professional arborists - Tree Tamers. Fully insured and qualified, since 2003. Free quotes. Call 03 443 6454 or www.treetamers.co.nz WANTED TO BUY - 20ft shipping container in good condition. Phone/text 027 6990 568. REFILL, DON’T SWAP 9KG LPG gas bottles, you’ll save $$$ when refilling. Fast, efficient service at Caltex from 6am 11pm daily. WANAKA A&P SHOW - 9th and 10th March. Go online at www.wanakashow.co.nz to enter the Home Industry Sections and be in the draw to win a night for 2 at the Mercure Leisure Lodge Dunedin. PLASTERER. All aspects. Reno’s and new builds. Call now for a quote: 027 9607 731. SORT AND STORE. A decluttering, sorting, planning and storing service. Solutions for the: Home, garage, shed and storage units. Sortandstore.co.nz getsorted@sortandstore. co.nz 021 2506 434.

This Week’s Special

Corned beef silverside $12.99/kg Traditional, tasty corned beef made right here in Wanaka from fresh South Island beef.

From lawn mowing, hedge & tree trimming, weed control, autumn clear up of your property or garden, water blasting, gutter clear out and section clearing to monthly maintenance. Call Eldon Laird | 021 616 014

33 Reece Crescent, Wanaka 443 5017 | www.butchersblockwanaka.co.nz

21st February 2018

BAR AVAILABLE FOR HIRE: View at www.therusticrabbit. co.nz BOAT STORAGE WANTED. Do you have a large garage or space in your workshop or factory to store our boat? Needs to be 7m long x 3m wide and 2.4m high including, door height is the key, must be at least 2.3 or won’t fit under. Happy to pay good money weekly for use of the space, short or long term. Call Denzil 027 5550 049 or email kyberproperties@gmail.com BISTRO GENTIL ARE LOOKING FOR full time Waitstaff and Kitchen Hand. If this is something you would be interested in, we would love to hear from you! Stop by and hand your CV to Mario or Jessica (located at 76a Golf Course Road), call us on 03 443 2299 or email on bistrogentilwanaka@ gmail.com LOCAL GARDENER has availability for additional clients in the Wanaka area. Qualified horticulturalist, professional and experienced, carrying out all seasonal, and one off, garden tasks: weeding, pruning, mowing, shrubs & tree care, hedges, veggie gardens, orchards, weed and disease control. Spray-free, organic solution focused. Call ‘Doug the Gardener’ on 022 0685 257. MISSING CAT STONEY CREEK: small tan Abyssinian cat missing from McFarlane Terrace. Last seen Saturday evening 17/2. Answers to “Kitty”. If you have seen her, or seen a cat on the side of the road, please call 021 780 070. Thank you. HEDGE TRIMMING AND SHAPING. From high hedges to specialist topiary. Please call qualified arborist Joe on 027 4785 913 for professional service. AMAZING TRAVEL EXPO DEALS at Wanaka Flight Centre this weekend. In store at 38 Helwick Street. Book on the day to lock in your 2018 travel at the best possible price. We’ll have flights to hundreds of destinations on sale. Discounts on touring, hotels, travel insurance, car hire and more. Don’t miss out, book your appointment today as we expect to be busy. Phone 03 443 4101. wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz. WANAKA A&P SHOW. Take advantage of our discounted Early Bird special now! Buy your tickets online at www. wanakashow.co.nz and go in the draw to win a $10,000 spa pool! GARAGE SALE - Queen bed, dressers, household things, tools. Things for everyone. Saturday 24th February, 31 Finch Street. 9am onwards. BLUETOOTH SPEAKERS & GUITARS: Get in quick for incredible deals on bluetooth speakers and headphones from Jamoji, Marley & B&W. Great guitar and ukes as well. Selectrix, Wanaka. SILK ROAD ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES are bringing a time capsule of vintage treasures to the upcoming Wanaka A&P Show! Take a trip down memory lane and receive 20% off your highest purchase. “At Silk Road we believe old treasures deserve new homes”. ‘EAT, DRINK, LAUGH’ IS HAVING ITS FIRST evening for 2018. “Summertime, and the Living is Easy”. February 28th at 6.30pm $65 per person and seats are limited. Phone Cathrine 0272 900 693.


Canvas Prints



Labels & Stickers

Brochures, Flyers, Booklets & more...

Your local print professionals. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz

21st February 2018


Nobody knows the local Wanaka market better


• • • • •

Colleen Topping & team Only South Island Finalist Property Manager of the Year 2017 13+ years local property management experience Independent property management company Free, No-obligation rent appraisals

TO RENT 4A Roto Place

5 Bed, 3 Bath, Garage, Furnished


55 Mt Iron Drive

3 Bed, 2 Bath, Garage, Furnished


28 Flora Dora Parade

3 Bed, 1 Bath, Garage, Part Furnished


14 Rata Street

3 Bed, 1 Bath, Unfurnished


021 225 RENT (021 225 7368) | (03) 443 2273 rent@homeandco.co.nz | www.homeandco.co.nz COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017. MEDAL ENGRAVING. Participated in Challenge Wanaka? Bring your medal instore and get it engraved with your personal details and times. Make it one to remember at Wanaka Mitre10. THE SOGGY DAWG PET BOUTIQUE & SPA, I’m needing an experienced part-time groomer for small & large dogs plus anything in between... if this is you I want to hear from you. Please send me your C.V. plus a cover letter to sherylstratford@xtra.co.nz A-SIDES (UK) SAFIRE (AUS) Allure-All Launch Party Friday 23rd. Tickets Onpoint.co.nz limited door sales. Mint Bar, Drum ‘n Bass. Local support Omnist Civil Oin. FOR SALE:- PINECONES $5 per sack. Horse manure $7 per sack plus $2 delivery. Collected by two local girls. Contact 0210 514 872. FULL TIME SALES ASSISTANTS WANTED for our busy bakery and cafes. Must have barista experience, friendly personality and cash handling experience. Please call (03) 443 2253 or email: info@thebakerynz.co.nz POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. PLASTERER. All aspects. Reno’s and new builds. Call now for a quote: 027 9607 731. BEEF SAUSAGES ON SPECIAL at The Butcher’s Block and Smokehouse this week! Our popular 100% beef sausages are $12.99/kg this week only. Visit Wanaka’s only dedicated butcher at 33 Reece Crescent. Open Monday - Friday 8am6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. Phone 443 5017. GARDENING SERVICE - planting, pruning, hedge trimming, green waste removing, any other general work. Phone 022 1635 807. HOSPICE WAREHOUSE SHOP Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm. Furniture, homewares, curtains, art, bric-a-brac, craft, linen, clothing and more. Shop, donate, volunteer. Supporting the Wanaka Community 9a Gordon Road.

GLASS BALUSTRADES. Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. 2 X RAMS FOR SALE. Pure Bred Dorper rams born October 2017 - ready for this season. $300 each ono. Phone 021 2491 791. LEARN TO GIVE PRESENTATIONS with ease, inspire an audience with your stories, control nervousness and be your authentic self in front of a group. Speak with Confidence course runs for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings 7-9pm: February 27th, March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th. For more details contact Lee Ball ph: 027 3334 909, leeball40@ gmail.com or www.leeballcommunications.nz HAVE YOU BEEN MEANING TO DE-CLUTTER and organise your outdoor equipment, cupboards or tools but just never have the time? Sort and Store is a Wanakabased decluttering, sorting and storage service. Solutions for the home, garage, shed, storage units and more! www. sortandstore.co.nz getsorted@sortandstore.co.nz 021 2506 434. MOBILE PHONE ACCESSORIES AT CALTEX: Lightning, Type C, AUX & HDMI cables; USB car chargers; Micro SD cards; earbuds & headphones; travel adaptors - all available at Caltex Wanaka. LOCAL EXPERIENCED BUILDER AVAILABLE for immediate start for your next project. We offer flexible contract options, fair rates and excellent service backed up by references. Give us a call to discuss! Gordy 0274 144 509. FREE - 16 RAILWAY SLEEPERS plus 4 half length. At present a vege garden but need dismantled and removed, plus the garden soil. Phone 443 9488. COBBLER GLENN REPAIRS ZIPS, patching and stitching. Drop your boots and bags into Simply New Zealand, 3 Helwick St, Wanaka. FEBRUARY FOOTWEAR SALE - All shoes, boots, sandals etc $5 or less the whole month at the Upper Clutha Hospice Shop on Brownston Street and the Warehouse Shop at 9a Godon Road. Get your feet a neat treat!

21st February 2018 1


21st February - 27th February PRIME

Wed 21st Feb From $280,000

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

12.00 - 12.45pm Sat 24th Feb


18 Little Oak Common, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Wed 21st Feb Auction 01/03


8 Collins Street, Wanaka

5.00 - 5.30pm

Wed 21st Feb Deadline PT 16/3

6 Wilkin Road, Wanaka

10.00 - 10.30am Wed 21st Feb

Deadline Sale 23/2

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Thu 22nd Feb From $280,000

58 Totara Terrace, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Wed 21st Feb

Auction 23/2

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Fri 23rd Feb

From $280,000

13 Meadowbrook Place, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Wed 21st Feb

Auction 23/2

2 Poppy Lane, Albert Town

10.00 - 10.30am Sat 24th Feb


22 Bills Way, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Wed 21st Feb

Auction 23/2

26 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka

10.00 - 10.30am Sat 24th Feb

Deadline PT 15/3

22 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Wed 21st Feb

Auction 23/2

28 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka

10.30 - 11.00am Sat 24th Feb

Deadline PT 15/3

19A Old Station Avenue, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Wed 21st Feb

Deadline Sale 9/3

19 Wren Street, Albert Town

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 24th Feb


22 Mountain View Terrace, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Wed 21st Feb

Auction 23/3

18 Little Oak Common, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 24th Feb

Auction 01/03

76 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Wed 21st Feb

Auction 23/2

44 Hedditch Street, Wanaka

11.15 - 11.45am Sat 24th Feb

Deadline PT 22/3

17 Noema Terrace, Lake Hawea

1.30 - 2.00pm

Wed 21st Feb

Deadline Sale 8/3

71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

11.30 - 12.00pm Sat 24th Feb


14 Paradise Place, Lake Hawea

2.30 - 3.00pm

Wed 21st Feb

Auction 23/3

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

From $280,000

24 Matai Road, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Wed 21st Feb

Auction 23/2

66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 24th Feb


179 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea

3.00 - 3.30pm

Wed 21st Feb

Auction 23/2

8 Collins Street, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 24th Feb

Deadline PT 16/3

16 Hyland Street, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Wed 21st Feb

By Negotiation

6 Hogan Lane, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 24th Feb


10 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

1.30 - 2.00pm

Thu 22nd Feb


536 Camphill Road, Hawea Flat

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 24th Feb

By Negotiation

9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

9.00 - 9.30am

Sat 24th Feb

By Negotiation

9 Scaife Place, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 24th Feb


71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

9.00 - 9.30am

Sat 24th Feb


3 Mills Road, Wanaka

12.45 - 1.15pm

Sat 24th Feb


66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

9.00 - 9.30am

Sat 24th Feb


40 Kings Drive, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 24th Feb

By Negotiation

The Heights, Aubrey Road, Wanaka

10.00 - 12.00pm Sat 24th Feb

From $349,000

65 Kanuka Rise, Wanaka

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sat 24th Feb

Deadline PT 23/2

6 Jack Young Place, Albert Town

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 24th Feb

Deadline Sale 16/3

3 Wren Street, Wanaka

11.15 - 11.45am Sun 25th Feb


24 Stackbrae Avenue, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 24th Feb


Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Sun 25th Feb

From $280,000

25 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 24th Feb

Auction 23/3

Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Mon 26th Feb From $280,000

33 Minaret Ridge, Wanaka

11.00 - 12.00pm Sat 24th Feb


Northlake, Wanaka

12.00 - 1.00pm

Tue 27th Feb

19A Old Station Avenue, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 24th Feb

Deadline Sale 9/3

22 Mountain View Terrace, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 24th Feb

Auction 23/3

Sat 24th Feb

From $280,000


10 Allenby Place, Wanaka

48 Nook Road, Hawea

10.00 - 10.30am Thu 22nd Feb Auction 2/3

10 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

12.30 - 1.00pm

Sat 24th Feb


11 Bob Lee Place, Wanaka

10.00 - 11.00am Sat 24th Feb

Deadline Sale 28/2

48 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 24th Feb

Auction 23/3

The Heights, Aubrey Road, Wanaka

12.30 - 1.30pm

From $329,000

43B Hewson Crescent, Lake Hawea

1.00 - 2.00pm

Sat 24th Feb


48 Nook Road, Hawea

10.00 - 10.30am Sun 25th Feb

Auction 2/3

17 Noema Terrace, Lake Hawea

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sat 24th Feb

Deadline Sale 8/3

The Heights, Aubrey Road, Wanaka

12.30 - 1.30pm

From $329,000

14 Paradise Place, Lake Hawea

2.30 - 3.00pm

Sat 24th Feb

Auction 23/3

16 Hyland Street, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Sat 24th Feb

By Negotiation

1.00 - 4.00pm

Wed - Sun

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Fri - Sun

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Thu, Fri, Sun

Show Home

Sat 24th Feb

Sun 25th Feb

HARCOURTS 7 Kingfisher Crescent, Albert Town

4.30 - 5.00pm

Wed 21st Feb Auction 28/2


114 Anderson Road, Wanaka

2.30 - 3.00pm

Thu 22nd Feb $575,000

Mt Linton Drive, North Lake

11 Centre Crescent, Wanaka

10.30 - 11.00am Sat 24th Feb

For Sale


2 Little Oak Common, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 24th Feb


56 West Meadows Drive, Wanaka

13 Balneaves Lane, Albert Town

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 24th Feb

By Negotiation


1 Harris Place, Luggate

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 24th Feb


8 Stowell Place, Summerfields, Cromwell

7 Harris Place, Luggate

11.30 - 12.00pm Sat 24th Feb

For Sale


7 Kingfisher Crescent, Albert Town

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 24th Feb

Auction 28/2

Off Orchard Rd, into Mountainview, Wanaka

596 Lake Hawea - Albert Town Highway

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sat 24th Feb

Deadline Sale 22/3


86 Kaituki Ridge Lane, Queensberry

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sat 24th Feb

For Sale

64 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

12.00 - 3.00pm

Sat - Sun

Show Home

114 Anderson Road, Wanaka

2.30 - 3.00pm

Sat 24th Feb


8 Ethereal Crescent, Pisa Moorings

12.00 - 3.00pm

Sat - Sun

Show Home

40 Kings Drive, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Sat 24th Feb

By Negotiation


7 Kingfisher Crescent, Albert Town

12.00 - 12.30pm Sun 25th Feb

Auction 28/2

11 Matipo Street, Kirimoko, Wanaka

1.00 - 3.00pm

Tue - Fri

Show Home

40 Kings Drive, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

By Negotiation

11 Matipo Street, Kirimoko, Wanaka

By Appointment Sat

Show Home

10.00 - 4.00pm

Show Home

Sun 25th Feb

NZ SOTHEBY’S INT’L REALTY Lot 36, Nevis Road, Cromwell

11.00 - 12.30pm Sat (See signs) Show Home

JENNIAN HOMES 12.00 - 3.00pm

Sat 24th Feb

Deadline PT 2/3


114 Francis Lane, Timsfield, Lake Hawea

Tue - Sat

21st February 2018




$25 for a ticket to ANY OSCAR NOMINATED FILM and a glass of wine for adults ($21 for seniors). *Valid for any ямБlm with a 2018 Oscar nomination. House white or house red only.



WEDNESDAY 21 '&#36"3: 1:00 1:00 3:30 3:30 5:30

g g The Post M Offensive Language Call Me by Your Name RP13 Sex scenes Loving Vincent M Adult Themes The Greatest Showman PG Molly's Game R13 Violence, drug use & offensive language g R16 6 Domestic violence, sexual violence, sex scenes & offensive language Darkest Hour PG G Coarse language

6:00 I, Tonya


1 2 2 1 2 1

2 8:00 1 8:15 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri R166 Violence, rape themes, suicide & offensive language


A Ticket & A Martini

1:00 1:15 3:00 3:45

Loving Vincent The Post Darkest Hour Finding Your Feet

1 2 1 2

5:45 6:00 8:00 8:15

Finding Your Feet Three Billboards Molly's Game I, Tonya

1 2 1 2

M Offensive language, sexual references & drug use

FRIDAY 23 FEBRUARY 1:00 1:15 3:15 3:30 5:30 6:00 8:00 8:15

The Post Finding Your Feet Finding Your Feet Darkest Hour Molly's Game I, Tonya The Greatest Showman Three Billboards

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

SATURDAY 24 FEBRUARY 1:00 1:30 3:15 3:45 5:30 6:00 8:00 8:15

Paddington 2 Finding Your Feet The Post Darkest Hour Finding Your Feet Three Billboards Molly's Game I, Tonya

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Finding Your Feet Loving Vincent Darkest Hour Finding Your Feet The Greatest Showman Molly's Game I, Tonya Three Billboards

MONDAY 26 FEBRUARY 1:00 1:00 3:00 3:30 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15

Loving Vincent Molly's Game Darkest Hour Finding Your Feet Finding Your Feet I, Tonya The Greatest Showman Three Billboards

Super p


1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

ADULT $14.50 CHILD $8.50 SENIOR/STUDENT $10.50

TUESDAY 27 FEBRUARY 1:00 1:15 3:15 3:45 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15

The Post Call Me by Your Name Finding Your Feet Loving Vincent Darkest Hour Finding Your Feet Three Billboards I, Tonya

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2


SUNDAY 25 FEBRUARY 1:00 1:15 3:00 3:15 5:20 5:30 7:45 8:00

monday Just $25.50!

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

1:00 1:00 3:00 3:30 5:30 5:45 7:45 8:00

FOODIES www.rubyscinema.co.nz

Loving Vincent Call Me by Your Name Darkest Hour Finding Your Feet Finding Your Feet Three Billboards Molly's Game I, Tonya

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Book your tickets online for FREE!

Upper Clutha Messenger

21st February 2018


Available for Rent:


t n e m e g a n a M ty r e p o Pr

Bayleys Wanaka are proud to now be able to offer a Property Management service to all homeowners and tenants. Our service is superior and personalised and we ensure with our wealth of experience your property will be in the hands of people who know the business well.

345 Aubrey Road, Wanaka 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, single carport, unfurnished, pets negotiable, long term, $565 per week

Speak with us to find out the benefits to you in letting us manage your rental property because you shouldn’t hand your keys to just anyone.

Bayleys Wanaka Property Management Elaine Katene (Property Manager) P 03 443 0267 M 020 414 34978

E elaine.katene@bayleys.co.nz


Hawea 536 Camp Hill Road

Wanaka 8 Collins Street 1


Affordable family home


This classic 1950’s weatherboard home, with an open plan kitchen/dining, large family lounge, three good sized bedrooms and one bathroom. It has great potential to plan your own upgrade and take to the next level. With an extra-large shed, the 1821m² (approx) section is perfect for the kids, keen gardeners, and pets. Close to the Hawea Flat Primary School and kindergarten and just a 15-minute drive to Wanaka. A short 8kms to Lake Hawea, boat ramp, dairy, café and two restaurants. Nestle into a place you can make uniquely your own, while soaking up the stunning mountain ranges.

For Sale Price by Negotiation


View Sat 12-12.30pm or by appointment Lane McSkimming 027 477 6355 lane.mcskimming@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008



Grand designs - an opportunity here


Seldom does an established property become available in this most desirable area of established Wanaka. Enjoying north facing all day sun and great lake views, this property is offered for genuine sale in an ‘as is - where is’ condition. The site is very private, sunny and sheltered and offers the opportunity to renovate or demolish and start again. To be so close to Bremner Bay, Eely Point and all bike and walking tracks is an opportunity not to be overlooked. To be sold as is - where is.

For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (will not be sold prior) 4pm, Fri 16 Mar 2018 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka


View Sat 12-12.30pm, Wed 5-5.30pm or by appointment Robert Anderson AREINZ 027 443 8039 robert.anderson@bayleys.co.nz Janet Anderson 027 229 3125 janet.anderson@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008


Upper Clutha Messenger


SA E V LE Ac E S O ce RY F ss D F fro A IC m Y E O 12 O ut - P le 1 E tR P N o M

21st February 2018

COMMUNITY MAKE YOUR HOME AT NORTHLAKE. A short bike ride to schools, walk to the vibrant village centre, with local shopping, dining, gym and childcare facilities at its heart. A range of living options are available. Prices from $280,000. Continuing to deliver titles through 2018.

Call 0800 NORTHLAKE or visit www.northlake.co.nz Contact selling agents: Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235 E sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz

Scott McGoun M 021 201 9029 E scott.mcgoun@bayleys.co.nz



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