Volume XXXlX | No 37 | 27th September 2017
11 Brownston St, Wanaka | (03) 443 7804 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz
Local Food Wanaka Seed Swap
What Drives You?
Caltex Wanaka is proud to announce Brand New New Carwash Wanaka’sAonly is nowCarwash open. Acarwash Brand
Caltex Wanaka annouce that it has Caltex Wanaka isproud proud to announce Caltex is Wanaka istoproud to annouce that it has Wanaka’s first carwash, socan you cancan keep a brand new carwash, so you your car your car a brand new carwash, so keep you keep *FATHERS DAY SPECIALS* your car sparkling sparkling clean. sparkling clean. clean. $15 For76am 2days Speed Open: to 11pm, 7 11pm, days 7 days Open Open: 6amWashes to Caltex 19 Ardmore St, Wanaka. $30 ForWanaka 2Caltex Deluxe &Ardmore 119Speed Wanaka Ardmore St, Wanaka. Caltex Wanaka 19 St,Wash Wanaka. Phone 7868443 7868 $45 For443 4Phone Executive Washes Phone 443 7868
19 Ardmore Street Ph 443 7868
All are welcome to come along to the Local Food Wanaka Seed Swap, on Friday 29th September, 4.30pm – 7.30pm, at the Lake Wanaka Centre (Faulks room). Koha donation on the door. This is an opportunity to meet fellow gardeners and swap your favourite vegetable seeds and seedlings with each other. It’s also an opportunity for experienced gardeners to share knowledge and tips with those starting out, as there is always more to learn when it comes to growing your own! Last year vegetable seeds of all types were swapped along with tomato seedlings and young fruit and nut trees. You don’t need to have your own seeds to come along as there will be plenty to share amongst everyone, including free seeds on the door! Locally grown seeds are the best adapted for our challenging climate and soils, and enable selection for taste and beauty.
Local Food Wanaka is a group of local volunteers who are passionate about promoting the use and consumption of locally grown food, reducing our environmental impact and increasing resilience. Events are run throughout the year, including the autumn apple drive where locally foraged apples are turned en-mass into chutneys, fresh apple juice and cider! If you are passionate about local food and keen to volunteer, or have ideas for future events please get in touch. Contact details and more information about Local Food Wanaka can be found on their facebook and wordpress page, search for ‘Local Food Wanaka’. For more information about the Seed Swap please give Doug a call on: 022 068 5257 Room hire costs have been partially funded by the Queenstown Lake District Council, thanks to them for their support for this event.
Wanaka 6
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7+856'$< 6(37(0%(5
Ć&#x2022; (PEURLGHU\ *URXS :RUNVKRS day. 10.30am Arts Centre Building. Ć&#x2022; .QLW &OXE :DQDND A social, fun, free club meeting every week from 5.30pm, Alchemy Cafe. Come along, make new friends, knit, learn to knit and enjoy a drink and/or something to eat. All ages and skills welcome, come at a time that suits until at least 8pm. For info email shop@thewoven.co.nz Ć&#x2022; 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć&#x2022; 7RDVWPDVWHUV :DQDND &RPPXQLFDWRUV &OXE meets 7.15pm, St Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rooms, Link Way. Come along and improve your public speaking skills! Ć&#x2022; :DQDND $UWLVDQ 0DUNHW VKRZFDVLQJ WKH ÂżQHVW ORFDO cart and produce 3 - 6pm, at Bullock Creek. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND 3OD\JURXS 9.30-11.30am 0-5 year old. Squash Club, Stone St. Indoor activities and large IHQFHG RXWGRRU DUHD IDPLO\ ÂżUVW YLVLW IUHH 9LVLWRUV welcome. Enquiries to Kelli 021 776 853. Ć&#x2022; +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year ROGV :H KDYH D KHDWSXPS DQG XQGHUĂ&#x20AC;RRU LQVXODWLRQ Come for a play and a cuppa. Find us on Facebook for updates. Ć&#x2022; /DGLHV 1LQH +ROH *ROI Stableford. Discs in by 9am for 9.30 tee off. Visitors welcome. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE Warren St. Golf and Association Croquet, 1:30pm to 4pm. Visitors welcome. Ć&#x2022; 0HQ¡V +ROH *ROI - change to early start now. Cards in by 9.15am for 9.30am start. Ć&#x2022; 3ULPH7LPHUV Bus departs from Showgrounds at 10.30am for Clyde, lunch and movies. Ph Helen 021 043 1054. Ć&#x2022; /DGLHV 1HZ 1HZLVK WR :DQDND Luncheon. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP. Ph 443 7442. Ć&#x2022; 6SULQJ )ORZHU 6KRZ Wanaka Presbyterian Church Rooms on Tenby St. Entries taken 9.30-11.30am. Open for Public viewing 2.30-4.30pm, $2 entry. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND *DUGHQ &OXE Meeting at Presbyterian Church Rooms on Tenby St, 7.30pm. Sales Table, 5DIĂ&#x20AC;HV 6KRZ 3UHVHQWDWLRQV 9LVLWRUV PRVW ZHOFRPH LQFO HQWU\ DQG UDIĂ&#x20AC;H
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Ć&#x2022; :DQDND %RZOLQJ &OXE Progressive Tournament. Names in by 1pm, start 1.15pm. Visitors welcome. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Friday Bridge, 12.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St, visitors welcome. Ć&#x2022; $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV Steps & Traditions Meeting. 7.30pm, Wanaka Plunket Rooms. Open meeting. Ć&#x2022; 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. Visitors welcome. Ć&#x2022; *HQHDORJ\ *URXS PHHWLQJ Research at 2pm, Wanaka Library. Do you have anything you need to VHDUFK KXQW DVN ÂżQG" %ULQJ D TXHU\ WR VKDUH DQG someone else may be able to help. Bring your own device if you wish. All welcome. Ć&#x2022; 0HGLWDWLRQ 12midday St Columbaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. All welcome. Contact Damon Plimmer ucang@calledsouth.org.nz
6$785'$< 6(37(0%(5
Ć&#x2022; :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE Warren St. Golf and Association Croquet, 1:30 am to 4 pm. Visitors welcome.
Ć&#x2022; 6LU 0RXVH 7R WKH 5HVFXH a locally created play which is sure to delight young audiences. Hawea Library 10:30am. Free event. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND *XQ &OXE Central Otago Sporting Championships 100tgt. 9am. Ć&#x2022; 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am-3pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 1-4pm. Visitors welcome. Ć&#x2022; +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ 3ODQWLQJ with Te Kakano at our Weka Block site which is about 400 metres beyond our Norman (Fossil) Creek site on the Millenium Track. Park at Waterfall Creek, cross the bridge and ZDON PHWUHV RU VR \RX ZLOO ÂżQG XV 6FKHGXOHG start 10am. All welcome - tools and morning tea provided. Queries: Andrew 021 342 187, our Facebook page or website www.tekakano.org.nz Ć&#x2022; %RRN /DXQFK /DNH +DZHD /LEUDU\ 1:00pm. Lake +DZHD DXWKRU 'HUHN /LOO\ ZLOO LQWURGXFH KLV ÂżUVW novel â&#x20AC;&#x153;Invasion A1â&#x20AC;?. Find out about the book and LWV FRQWHQWV JHW \RXU FRS\ VLJQHG DQG ÂżQG RXW ZKDW comes next! Ć&#x2022; 6LU 0RXVH WR WKH 5HVFXH - Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Play at Wanaka Library - Sure to delight young audiences, this locally created play is a tale of dragons, friendship and bold adventures. 2pm / free event / all welcome.
681'$< 2&72%(5
Ć&#x2022; +RO\ )DPLO\ &DWKROLF &KXUFK 152 Aubrey Rd. Holy Mass 9am. All welcome. Shared morning tea to follow. See notice at Church for week day Mass times. Ć&#x2022; 3HWUROKHDG %UHDNIDVW from 8.30am at Warbirds & Wheels, Wanaka Airport. Bring your vintage or classic car for a drive. Everyone welcome. Ć&#x2022; 3UHVE\WHULDQ &RPPXQLW\ &KXUFK 10am, Family Service with great kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s programme 5-14yrs. All welcome at 91 Tenby St. wpccc.org.nz Facebook wanakapresbyteriancommunitychurch Ć&#x2022; 1LJKW &KXUFK 7pm. Contemporary worship, inspiring message. All welcome. Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, 91 Tenby St. wpccc.org.nz Ć&#x2022; &RPPXQLW\ :RUVKLS DW 6W 1LQLDQ¡V Hawea Flat 11.30am. All welcome. Ć&#x2022; /DNH +DZHD *ROI &OXE Sunday Golf 11.30am tee off. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND %DSWLVW &KXUFK meets at 5.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre, 89 Ardmore St. Come as you are! 021 2805 817. Ć&#x2022; 'LVF *ROI :DQDND Incorporated. Casual/social Sunday competition. Doubles & singles. 12.30pm, Beaumont St end of Lismore Park. Look out for FOXE Ă&#x20AC;DJV 1HZ SOD\HUV YHU\ ZHOFRPH 7KH SHUIHFW complement for a walk in the park. Ć&#x2022; )UHH &RPPXQLW\ <RJD Class at Rhyme and Reason Brewery 11am. BYO mat and extra layers. Donations accepted for the teacherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard work. 17 Gordon Road. Ć&#x2022; 6W &ROXPED¡V $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Family Eucharist at 9.30am. All welcome.
021'$< 2&72%(5
Ć&#x2022; $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV 7.30pm Plunket Rooms, Ardmore St. All welcome. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Aspiring Stakes, 6.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Ć&#x2022; %UHDVWIHHGLQJ &DIH 1.30-2.30pm, Wanaka Plunket rooms. Stop by for a cuppa. One on one support available as well as group discussions. Check our Facebook @Breastfeedingwanaka for monthly topics. Ć&#x2022; 1R +DZHD 3OD\JURXS today, happy holidays!
Ć&#x2022; :DQDND :DONHUV Meet on lakefront opposite McDougall St at 9.30am. Bring a jacket and packed lunch. Contact Ruth 021 474 904. Ć&#x2022; 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS. Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND /LEUDU\ +ROLGD\ programme for 5-9 year olds. 2.00 - 3.00pm Story Time and Physics Fun. 0DNH D ]DSS\ ]RRPHU DQG Ă&#x20AC;RDW D EDOO RQ DLU Ć&#x2022; +DZHD /LEUDU\ 10-11:30am Story Time and Physics Fun. Use balloon power to make things go.
78(6'$< 2&72%(5
Ć&#x2022; 6D\ *R )DOOV SUHYHQWLRQ exercises for over 65s. Otago Age Concern - St Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Link Rd. 2 - 3pm $2. All welcome. Enquiries to Judy 443 4121. Ć&#x2022; *HQWOH <RJD for good health & calmness. 9.30 - 10.45am. St John Rooms, Link Way. Vouchers available for Cancer Society members. Open session for the community. Contact Carmen 0223 265 019. Ć&#x2022; 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć&#x2022; 7KH 5RWDU\ &OXE RI :DQDND 6pm, Wanaka Golf Club. Visitors welcome. Ć&#x2022; 1R +DZHD 3OD\JURXS today, happy holidays! Ć&#x2022; %1, :DQDND BNI is a business referral networking group. Meeting weekly for breakfast from 7am to 8:30am at Alchemy. If you would like more information or to join a meeting, call the Chapter President, Vicki Donoghue 0272 089 462. Ć&#x2022; /DNH +DZHD .QLWWLQJ *URXS For those who love to knit or would like to learn, come along to the Lake Hawea Library Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s from 12.30pm.Bring your projects new or old and share your knowledge, and have a chat with like-minded people as we are still learning our craft. Meet new people and old friends in the warmth of the Library. Enquiries Denise 0210 378 347. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND /LEUDU\ +ROLGD\ 3URJUDPPH for 5-9 year olds. 2.00 - 3.00pm Story Time and Physics Fun. Construct a balloon rocket car. Ć&#x2022; 0DNDURUD +ROLGD\ SURJUDPPH 11:00am -12:00noon. Come into the library for story telling fun. Ć&#x2022; 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakanoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community-based native plant nursery. 9 - noon. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org. nz Ć&#x2022; 3OD\ DQG /HDUQLQJ 'HYHORSPHQW IRU \RXU %DE\ 11am-12 noon, Wanaka Plunket Rooms, 51 Ardmore Street.
:('1(6'$< 2&72%(5
Ć&#x2022; :DQDND /LEUDU\ 3UHVFKRRO 6WRU\WLPH 10 - 11am, story reading followed by an activity for 3-5 year olds. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Tarras Stakes, 6.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Ć&#x2022; 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć&#x2022; $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV St Ninianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Presbyterian Church Hall, Hawea Flat. 7.30pm. All welcome. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND &URTXHW &OXE Warren St. Golf croquet only, 9:30 am to 12 noon. Names to be in by 9:20 am. Ć&#x2022; :DQDND /LEUDU\ +ROLGD\ SURJUDPPH for ages 3-5. 10-11am. Story Time and Physics Fun. Make your own dancing snake. Ć&#x2022; 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakanoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community-based native plant nursery. 9 - noon. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org. nz
For Urgent Medical Care in the weekend of Saturday 30 Sept & Sunday 1 Oct the duty practice is
Aspiring Medical Centre
Wanaka Lakes Health Centre
Ph (03) 443 0725
23 Cardrona Valley Rd. Urgent Clinics 9am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6pm daily and After Hours Doctor on Call 24/7
27th September 2017
Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 Address: 11 Brownston St, Wanaka Email: messenger@printit.co.nz
THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAY NOTICES 3rd October - Ian Gosling
MESSENGER DEADLINES DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS (15 minutes design time included) - Monday 12 noon. LINE ADVERTISEMENTS Tuesday 12 noon, preferably Monday. COMMUNITY FEATURE Request an application form. COMMUNITY DIARY Monday 12 noon.
Check out the Messenger online at: www.mymessenger.co.nz
SILVER SPONSORS OF THE FESTIVAL OF SPORT and Recreation. Thank you for your generous support. Working together to create a healthy community: Custom Digital, Framework Marketing, Fusion, Health 2000, Mike Pero, Silk Road Antiques, MA Builders, Wanaka Marquee and Party Hire, Central Vision, Nexus Business, Multi Peak Fitness, Wanaka Rotary and Warbirds over Wanaka. GRASS SEED AT THE YARD on Reece Crescent. Specifically formulated for Wanaka, and match up with a superior fertilizer and your grass will definitely be greener than the other side. 14 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5069. www.theyardcentral.co.nz LIGHT-FORCE SPOT LIGHT 120mm dia 100W Hallogen bulb. 2 x quick release scope mount clamps $60. Grant 0210 8347 063. PEPPERMINT KITCHEN BIRTHDAY CAKES - bright, luscious birthday cakes in sassy flavour combinations; decorated with flowers, fruit, caramel drips and edible deliciousness! Call 022 1543 202 or visit peppermintkitchen.com for the menu. QS PAINTING & PLASTERING take off measures, qualified QS’s - rates starting at 450m2 house $260 plus GST. Residential/ commercial, affordable 100% accurate measures! Full itemised take off measure interior & exterior. For more details call 021 942 646 or info@onlinemeasures.com We can send you an example layout of our finished spreadsheet. W A N A K A
Auto Repairs We will be closed for a short break Oct 2nd - 6th Reopening 8am Oct 9th Please book early if your WOF or ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ŝƐ ĚƵĞ ĂƌŽƵŶĚ ƚŚŝƐ Ɵ ŵĞ Many thanks, Grant & team Ph 443 7393
Come into Print It to collect your voucher for a FREE coffee at Kai.
If you would like us to include a birthday phone on 03 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz
WANAKA TENNIS CLUB Opening Day - October 7th. Our fun opening day tournament starts at 1pm. To register for the tournament please arrive by 12.30pm. Afternoon tea will follow with presentation of the George Morris Trophy for the winners. Newcomers welcome. SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window Cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: wilsonservices.co.nz SECTION FOR SALE! UNDER $245K. North facing, flat, 815sqm approx. Ready to build early 2018 Lake Hawea, Timsfield Stage 6 Lot 162. Motivated seller. Text 022 1653 508. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. PENNY’S HOME CARE - DO YOU REQUIRE HELP with housework, personal care, shopping, meal preparation, medications, outings, transportation, gardening etc? If so, call Penny Fisher R.N. on 0273 434 776. GLASS BALUSTRADES. Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. 03 443 4172 www.festivalofcolour.co.nz
Notice of Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of
Southern Lakes Arts Festival Trust will be held on Friday 6th October at 12 noon at the Wanaka Hotel. All welcome to attend. Copies of the Annual Report will be available at the meeting.
27th September 2017
MY COMMUNITY NEWS America’s Cup set to visit the Wanaka Yacht Club The Wanaka Yacht Club is inviting the local community to have lunch with one of the world’s most coveted trophies – the America’s Cup – when it travels to Wanaka next month. The Auld Mug will visit Wanaka for the first time ever on Monday, October 16, accompanied by members of Team NZ and the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron. To celebrate the visit, the Wanaka Yacht Club is hosting a free event for the general public to come and view the Cup, take a selfie and have lunch with some of the Kiwi sailing team inlcuding platform coordinator and sailor Richard Meacham, performance engineer Nick Hutchins, on-water operations manager Chris Salthouse, Sean Regan (shore team coordination/boatbuilding team) and team chef Harry Lynskey. RNZYS committee member Richard Wingfield will also attend.
11.30am–midday before heading to the Wanaka Yacht Club on Lakeside Road from 12.00–2.00pm. From 12.00–1.30pm at the club, food and coffee will be available to purchase from Federal Diner and Raspberry Creek’s mobile food stall, for an alfresco community lunch beside the Cup.
sailing programme and getting the America’s Cup here is extremely important to our young sailors and our sponsors,” Mercer says. “It’s a fantastic opportunity for them to see the Cup up close and have a photo with it – it really shows that if you dream big, you can get there.”
“We feel very privileged that Team NZ and the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron are bringing the Cup to a small town like Wanaka,” he says. “It’s hugely important for the local community to see it – the America’s Cup is one of the oldest trophies in world sporting history and it’s extremely difficult to get your hands on it. We may never get it back here again.”
A VIP table will be set up outside the facility for the members of Team NZ, the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron and supporters of the Wanaka Yacht Club. Mercer says the event provides an ideal opportunity to appreciate the club’s six Wanaka sponsors and donors – Ray White, Kai Whakapai, Fiordland Expeditions, Hard-Case Construction, Paterson Pitts Group and an anonymous individual, as well as the Lion Foundation – who helped fund the O’pen BIC boats for the Club’s nationally respected youth sailing programme.
Only three sponsorship positions are now available for the Wanaka Yacht Club’s youth sailing programme and interested business or individuals can contact the Wanaka Yacht Club for more information:
The Cup will visit Mount Aspiring College from
“We put a lot of consideration into our youth
Wanaka Yacht Club commodore Jeff Mercer says the event provides a rare opportunity to view the distinguished America’s Cup in person.
ORGANIC AVOCADOS: ready to eat and $1.50 each at Wholefood Haven, 24 Dungarvon Street, behind Pembroke Wines. Phone 443 8801. BLOKES STRENGTH & CORE TRAINING with Physio Katharine Eustice. Tues and Thurs 6.30am. Designed to increase your core strength, strength and range to keep you in the game of life, on your bike and in the mountains. Kat personalises training for those with niggling pain or injuries. For information: kat@ valburke.com Peak Endurance Wanaka. HOUSEKEEPING MANAGER position available at Base Backpackers. Must have experience be hard working and have great attention to detail. Must be flexible and available to work weekends. To apply please send your CV to wanakagm@ stayatbase.com WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix.
Jeff Mercer, Wanaka Yacht Club commodore 027 453 3240 Craig Fahey, Wanaka Yacht Club youth sailing coordinator - 021 0833 5771
PHOTO: Jeff Mercer outside the Wanaka Yacht Club
HOME AND PET MINDING COUPLE offering professional service in Wanaka area early November until 12th December. Daily charge $20.00. Excellent local references. Contact Aldyth 0211 058 821 email chandlers@maxnet.co.nz SKI GOGGLES SALE: $34.95 - adults and childrens sizes, various colours, shades and styles. Distributors clearance stock, at Caltex Wanaka. BRING YOUR RE-USABLE CUP into The Good Spot Caravan and get 30c off any coffee, hot drink, juice or smoothie. Help us to help you save the environment, and your pennies. Open 7 days, 34 Anderson Road. Pre-order on 021 466 301. BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea – just call us on 03 443 7148. CHIMNEY SWEEPING: Keep your fire burning efficiently, local sweep with 32 yrs experience, call John at A & J Services, 0274 331 482 or a/h 443 6255.
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz
27th September 2017
Covers & Upholstery We supply Wanaka businesses and individuals with upholstery and covers Canvas, Auto, Aviation, Marine and Residential Upholstery Check us out online for information and reviews www.optimumtrim.co.nz Contact James: 021 0865 5631 | info@optimumtrim.co.nz Unit 4, 80 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka, behind Upper Clutha Transport.
+ + + + + +
IS YOUR INTERNET SLOWING YOU DOWN? Call Pete Cartlidge Elecnet 443 2026. Elecnet.co.nz GENERAL CARTAGE AND CRANE HIRE, call Glenn at Lakeland Contracting to discuss your needs today 443 5049. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lifting your expectationsâ&#x20AC;?. CHAPTER5... Betty Basic just arrived. Pants, shorts, dresses, Tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Great colours and prices! TINT-A-WINDOW/SOLAR PROTECTIVE FILMS. Fade, UV block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Ph 0800 368 468 or view our website www.tintawindow. co.nz HOUSE HELP REQUIRED. Hours and days very flexible. Good hourly rate. Phone 03 443 7581 or 027 4452 032. WANAKA OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC - Treating Wanaka locals since 2005. Offering new techniques specifically designed for the needs of Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s active population; to get you back out there asap, with long term relief. Whole body approach to musculoskeletal and organ system problems. From toes to tinnitus, newborn to ninety, we assess and treat the entire body. ACC registered, call 443 OSTE (6783) or visit www. wanakaosteopathic.co.nz WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out.
The Annual General Meeting of
WHEELS TO DUNSTAN will be held on Wednesday, 4th October 2017 at 10am in the Community Networks meeting room. â&#x20AC;˘ ALL WELCOME â&#x20AC;˘
THREE OFFICES FOR RENT - single or multiple - upstairs. Short/long term by negotiation. Shared kitchen/lounge area - bathroom facilities. Location: Frederick Street. Other option could be used as worker accomodation. Phone Stuart 029 2008 221. ORGANIC AVOCADOS: ready to eat and $1.50 each at Wholefood Haven, 24 Dungarvon Street, behind Pembroke Wines. Phone 443 8801. EVENT AND SALES COORDINATER wanted for Instaprints social printer. Queenstown based. See http://bit.ly/ instaprintsjob for more information. PRISTINE STEAMING - Professional garment steaming. Specialising in bridal, bridesmaids dresses, suits, ball and evening gowns. Contact Neda 0211 612 885. pristinesteaming@ gmail.com HAWEA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION AGM 7th October, Hawea Community Centre. Doors open 9.30am. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Wanaka Search and Rescue Society Incorporated AGM will be held at The Venue on Tuesday 10th October 2017 at 6.00pm. All interested parties are invited to attend. IF YOU VALUE YOUR TREES, you can trust Tree Tamers professional arborists. Fully qualified, fully insured, and experienced! Operating locally since 2003. Phone 03 443 6454. www.treetamers.co.nz PLANTER - gardener/landscaper. Phone 022 1635 807. FREE LINE ADS IN THE MESSENGER for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply.
CENTRAL FOR ALL YOUR ASPHALTING REQUIREMENTS Also specialising in kerbing, driveways, tennis courts, concrete, cobblestoning and chipsealing, throughout Central Otago.
Call Tony 0274 404 516 or 03 442 3212 P.O Box 906, Queenstown Email: tony.a1asphalt@hotmail.co.nz
27th September 2017
oѴѴ-0ou-ঞomĹ l-hbm] vl-ѴѴ 0 vbm;vv;v lb]_| I want to make it simpler, faster and cheaper for local businesses to get it right; I want to give them a better chance at success so they can contribute to the wonderful, diverse community we have in Wanaka.”
Jan McPhedran’s new enterprise, ‘Collaboration’, aims to make local business owners’ lives easier. Over the last 24 years, she’s set up and sold a wide range of successful businesses in the Wanaka area; amongst them an award winning design and marketing studio and an accounting practice. Now, she wants to help other local businesses by sharing the knowledge she’s gained with the benefit of hindsight. Of her motivation to start the business, Jan says: “I’m all too familiar with the sleepless nights that can come from starting and running a business.
In keeping with Wanaka’s diverse community, Jan’s assembled a team of professionals from around the world to help clients with business planning, marketing strategies and HR advice. The team’s marketing specialist Lara, hails from London, while Jan’s son John, who takes care of all things digital, is based in Berlin. “It’s worked out really well”, says Jan. “Our clients can go to bed one night and wake up with changes to their websites the next morning!” As well as organisational help, Collaboration can also manage the production of print and online marketing materials, including websites. The benefit of offering this service is very straightforward, Jan says. “It’s simple, really. The less time you spend on managing the production of content, the more time you can spend on developing your business. And that’s what it’s all about!”
27th September 2017
KITCHEN HAND POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Several long term and summer positions are available in our fast paced high quality hotel kitchen. Roles require some experience in a commercial kitchen along with a willingness to learn and follow written and verbal procedures. Please contact Executive Chef Bryan Alley chef@edgewater.co.nz TRAILER - 2.2 x 1.3. Ply deck tipping.14in wheels. $600. Ph 021 308 019.
CHEFS WANTED: The Wanaka Speights Ale House is looking for a Sous Chef, Grill Chef and Larder Chef. If you can cook you have a job! Text or call Bexs 021 2890 624.
+ + + +
DRIVER TRAINING. Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Endorsements, F/T, T.W.R., DG, vehicle recovery, passenger service, defensive driving courses. Phone Neville 03 443 2345 or 0276 465 386.
TRADESMAN - PAINTER available for interior and exterior. Bathrooms and kitchens etc. Phone Mike 021 0778 636. PONY GRAZING AVAILABLE - Albert Town suit pony or horse, shelter and shade, room to store tack, feed, hay, electric tape internal fencing, 3 friendly others for company, 5 mins bike ride from Albert Town. Ph 021 323 341 evenings or weekend best. LARGE RED TUSSOCKS at The Yard. Come on in and have a look. Suitable for splitting. Fabulously priced at $25 each. 14 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5069. www.theyardcentral.co.nz TINYHOUSES, SLEEPOUTS, offices, toilet blocks, kitchens etc. Now available in Wanaka. Lots of designs. Finance available. Can ship anywhere in NZ. Phone 0211 788 589. LUGGATE HOTEL INVITE YOU to support the All Blackâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s with us taking on Argentina live at 11am this Sunday. $6 big bot. $20 buffet brunch. Sweepstake on game and first try scorer. Courtesy coach available. Ph 443 8523. See ya at Luggate. WANAKLEAN DOG GROOMING your local experienced sensitive dog groomer. Here in the heart of Wanaka. Unit 13b Frederick Street. Call Suzie 027 5110 282 or visit my Wanaklean dog FB page to make an appointment. LUCERNE MULCH. Small bales $10, medium squares (seven bale equivalents) $40. Free delivery. Straw also available. Phone 0276 819 966.
KITCHEN DESIGN - Want a new kitchen? Qualified and experienced kitchen designer Hannah Withy of Pimp My Flatpack combines clever design ideas and materials with cost effective flat pack kitchen cabinets to create a champagne look on a beer budget. Visit www.pimpmyflatpack.co.nz or phone Hannah on 021 717 404. FRESH, LIVING, TASTY MICRO-GREENS! Spring special only $5/tray. Available at the Farmers Market or contact for direct sales. Info@MayJerMicrogreens.co.nz Phone 021 942 447.
+ + + + + +
Wheels to Dunstan
27th September 2017
Free Door to Door Transport For Medical/Specialist Appointments at Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra
Crime Line ‘Crime Line‘ by Senior Constable Bruce McLean
Wheels To Dunstan
Appointments 10am to 3pm if possible Bookings: Community Networks 443 7799 by 3pm the previous day Major sponsor Upper Clutha Transport Donations Gratefully Accepted
ZUMBA DANCE FITNESS CLASSES - Get your spring dancing and fitness fix with a bit of salsa, hip hop and cha cha each Monday and Wednesday night! Fun and excercise in disguise! Classes held 7 - 8pm Monday and Wednesday at Dance Wanaka Studios, 19 Cliff Wilson Street. All welcome, for all levels and $10 per class! Casual drop in basis so no need to book. For more information get in touch with Yaeh 0210 2795 639 and follow ‘Zumba Wanaka’ on Facebook for class updates. BUSY CAMP REQUIRES cleaners over December and January. Must be able to work weekend hours and public holidays if required. Email manager@glendhubaymotorcamp.co.nz SPUDS - POTATOES either word! Plant them for Christmas dinner now! Lots of varieties at The Garden Store - 555 Aubrey Road, Wanaka. WANAKA LAKE SWIMMERS AGM: Meet the Club, learn about its science project and elect a new committee. Thursday September 28, Be Sure Insurance boardroom, Unit 7, 12 Frederick Street, Wanaka, 7pm. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138. FLAT FOR RENT AT MATAI RD. Two bedroomed. Furnished. Sunny. WiFi station.15 minutes walk to town. Off street parking. No smokers or pets. $450 p/w negotiable, power included. Available from Sept 25. Phone Bill 021 473 943. WANAKA SKIN CANCER CLINIC at Wanaka Medical Centre: for a full and comprehensive skin check with biopsy and liquid nitrogen. Phone 443 0710.
Albion Junior Cricket 2017/18 Register now for the upcoming season for all ƉůĂLJĞƌƐ ĨƌŽŵ zĞĂƌ ϭ ƚŽ zĞĂƌ ϭϬ͘ ZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶƐ close 28th September, with an open day to ďĞ ŚĞůĚ Ăƚ D ŽŶ ƚŚĂƚ ĚĂƚĞ͘ WƌĂĐƟĐĞƐ ĂŶĚ ŐĂŵĞƐ ƚŽ ĐŽŵŵĞŶĐĞ ŝŶ dĞƌŵ ϰ͕ ĮƌƐƚ ŐĂŵĞƐ late October. Visit www.albioncc.co.nz ĨŽƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘
Hello, it’s been an interesting week. The Blossom Festival, youth parties and drink drivers were amongst some of the work that kept us busy this past week. Here is a snippet of the jobs attended by us this week… Well we had 4 drink drivers this week - three of them over 990mgml when the limit is 250mgml. One was in the middle of the day! One involved a crash and one stated Police were ruining his life by catching him… It’s a personal choice when you decide to get behind the wheel intoxicated and we make no apologies for catching those who do, while trying to keep our roads safe. A male became angry at a taxi because it was not going in the direction he wanted to be taken, so he hit the taxi with his hand denting it. A costly mistake when there is always another taxi around the corner. We had four thefts reported this week. One was while a Real Estate agent was showing someone around a house, two were from New World and one from a car. If it’s not yours leave it alone!! Remember, if you try some of the produce at New World in pick and mix bins, it is theft. Theft is theft and some seem to feel they have the right to simply take from others. No you don’t! It is a criminal offence. There was a party at the Scout Den at Eely Point where police were called to attend on a number of occasions. If you are going to host a party for young ones, you need to be in control of their behaviour or they should leave. Remember, if you have children attending parties with alcohol and you are the host, you need written consent from the child parents to say they are allowed to have alcohol with them. The hosts are responsible for the people attending and there are penalties under the Sale of Liquor Act if you fail to follow the rules. There were quite a number of intoxicated 16 year olds at the party and I sometimes wonder if parents know what their children are up to and if they would in fact let them attend such functions if they knew the state of intoxication of many of them. Saturday night started with the run off from Blossom Festival. We had D GR]HQ ROG PRGL¿HG FDUV UROO LQWR WRZQ 7KLV EXQFK GLGQ¶W FDXVH XV any trouble and were actually a pretty good spirited lot overall. Sober drivers and seatbelts are a good place to start with us and they had that stuff well sorted. We had a successful SAR operation in the mountains and one on the lake also this week. For those wishing to contact NZ Police for any reason, dial 111 if the matter is urgent. Otherwise, phone the local Police Station on 443-7272. Have a safe week boys and girls and make sure to dust off the warmer weather toys and get amongst it with these spring temperatures. Challenge Wanaka training starts this week…
27th September 2017
OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS 8.30AM - 12PM PHONE (03) 443 7833 A/H : Sam McLeod 027 8865 604 www.uppercluthatransport.co.nz
Luggate Branch: • • • •
PHONE (03) 443 8221 A/H : Neville (Stock) 0274 431 958 or Tony 022 1826 605 MAJOR SPONSOR OF: THE UPPER CLUTHA RUGBY CLUB AND OF: THE WHEELS TO DUNSTAN TRUST
25% OFF BAGS AND WALLETS at Orbis on the Lakefront. Making way for new stock. Roll on summer! GARAGE CARPET SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION Auckland prices through till end of October $975 plus GST for 36sqm. Phone 0274 331 482. FOODIES AND WINE LOVERS UNITE! Do you love delicious, honest food, great wine and good times? If you answered yes to any of this get ready for an exciting summer collaboration coming to Archangel soon. Follow Archangel Wines on Facebook for more clues or call 03 443 4347 to find out more. THE GARDEN STORE has a new Loyalty Programme! Come and see whats on offer at The Garden Store, 555 Aubrey Road, Wanaka. 03 443 7846. ARE YOU LOOKING for quality electricians. Call Pete Cartlidge, Elecnet 443 2026. Elecnet.co.nz
For professional help with anxiety, depression and other mental health challenges contact mm;l; ; "ou;mv;m, Registered Clinical Psychologist.
T: +64 (0) 21 910 440 E: annemette.s@xtra.co.nz www.annemettesorensen.co.nz
LATITUDE 44 INTRODUCTION PROGRAM! If you would like to come and join our tailored strength and conditioning classes, we will be running an Introduction program starting Saturday 7 October. The sessions will run from 9.30am - 12.30pm for two consecutive weekends. For more information or to reserve a place contact Simon on 0210 8441 022. CHEFS WANTED: The Wanaka Speights Ale House is looking for a Sous Chef, Grill Chef and Larder Chef. If you can cook you have a job! Text or call Bexs 021 2890 624. CARAVAN FOR SALE. Jayco White Hawk 31ft. 1 slide out. Ideal for permanent living or holidaying. Excellent condition. Top of the range model. $82,000. Phone 0274 431 725. FOR SALE - Great first boat in time for summer. Refurbished Figlass Fireball with Mercury 50hp motor (low hours), Enquiries call 027 5448 800. ALL BLACKS live this Sunday from 11.40am at Water Bar. We have the largest screen in town, in-door/out-door TVs and a 2 course roast for $20. DVD’S & CD’S : DVD’S & CD’S - now available again for purchase in Wanaka, huge selection at Caltex Wanaka. BLAST INTO SOME WINTER BARGAINS at Rocket Rentals now! All winter accessories 25 - 50% off. HEN-HOUSE WANTED with outside laying box. Hen run not essential. Phone 443 7880. GOLF TOURS OF INDIA AND SRI LANKA. Private car and tailor-made tours. Tee off in the oldest and best golf courses in the world. Departs daily. Call World Travellers 03 443 7414. THE ACUPUNCTURE ROOM in Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. If you’re going to use Acupuncture get it done properly by NZ registered & fully qualified Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist, Rana Boerman BHSc Acu, 443 0742. www. theacupunctureroomwanaka.com STAFF FUNCTIONS - 40 % OFF normal charter rates in October. Party on the lake with Dual Image. Phone 0800 800 090. www.wanakacruises.co.nz
GARAGE SALE - Genuine bargains. Huge assortment of items from small kitchen appliances, toys, new children’s books, camping gear, crockery, cutlery, large array kitchenware, cat travel cage, decoy ducks, bike, storage units for garage/shed and lots more. Saturday 30th September 9am - 1pm at 97 Warren Street. Can’t make that time, phone 027 2454 407 to arrange time to suit but closes 5pm Sunday.
cleaning and pest control
0800 CALL Fly, Spider & Rodent Control Specialists in Stain Removal, Carpets & Upholstery P: 03 443 1150
E: wanaka@jae.co.nz
27th September 2017
;Â&#x2030; r-࢟ ;m|v -m7 Â&#x2C6;bvb|ouv Â&#x2030;;Ѳ1ol; 23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka | 03 443 0725 | www.aspiringmedical.co.nz
SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPORT. Keep the kids active with two separate programmes at Wanaka Recreation Centre off Ballantyne Road. Kelly Sports is hosting fun-packed activities for Years 0-8 on Thursday 5th & Friday 6th October. Half day $25, school day $35, full day $45. Email sharelle@kellysports. co.nz Then Coaching Solutions is running a cricket programme for all levels (aged 6-12) from 10am - 3pm on Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th October. $40 per day. Email emma@coachingsolutions.co.nz. Bookings essential for both programmes. VINTAGE WHEELED GRUBBER suitable for garden ornament. Approx 2.7mtrs long x 2.8mtrs wide. $500. Phone 022 5022 533. ADULT ART CLASSES 9 week course starting Oct 16. Techniques in acrylic, pastel, charcoal and watercolour suitable for beginner to intermediate levels. Email your interest to kymbeaton@gmail.com or www.facebook.com/ KymBeatonMixedMediaArtist BREASTS HEALTHY? Check and monitor safely with thermal imaging. Clinical Thermography, no harmful radiation or squeezing. In Wanaka 11-14 October. Phone 0800 102 888. DOMESTIC HELP required for family: cooking, cleaning etc. 3.30 - 6.30pm, Thursday to Sunday fortnightly basis ongoing. Ph/text 021 996 211.
TOP TIP: Vodafone Email Shutdown Vodafone Have Announced they are closing down their Email service on 30th November If you have an email address that ends in:
â&#x20AC;˘ vodafone.co.nz â&#x20AC;˘ pcconnect.co.nz â&#x20AC;˘ vodafone.net.nz â&#x20AC;˘ paradise.net.nz â&#x20AC;˘ ihug.co.nz â&#x20AC;˘ clear.net.nz â&#x20AC;˘ wave.co.nz â&#x20AC;˘ es.co.nz â&#x20AC;˘ quik.co.nz It will stop working on 30th November. There are both free and paid for alternatives. Call us to discuss which best suits your requirements, how to make the change, what needs to be done to save your existing emails, contacts, etc. and what other things you need to consider when making this change.
Call us on 443 5499
Pet Corner BUY ANY HILLS SCIENCE DIET... and get a free storage bin. $20 off Hills Prescription Z/D, 7.98kg.
Vet Ent Aspiring Ph 443 7262 SPONSORED BY
Sponsored by:
VETS Vet ASPIRING Ent Aspiring (Aspiring Vets)
$ "OEFSTPO 3PBE r 1I r &NBJM BTQJSJOH WFU!YUSB DP O[ 42C ANDERSON ROAD PH 443 7262 E : aspiring-vet@xtra.co.nz
FREE â&#x20AC;&#x153;GARAGE SALEâ&#x20AC;? SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). LIVE MUSIC: Sunday 8th October singer-songwriters Mel Parsons & Liz Stringer (AUS) play Gin & Raspberry 8:30pm. Tickets melparsons.com CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE RESTORATIONS for all your motorcycle servicing. Oils, chains, tyres, batteries. Top brands, top service. Pickup and delivery. Phone John Holgate 0274 322 917. HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING this Saturday 30 September with Te Kakano. Park at Waterfall Creek, cross the bridge and walk 800 metres or so - keep walking, you will find us. Scheduled start 10am. All welcome - tools and morning tea provided. Queries: Andrew 021 342 187, our facebook page or website www.tekakano.org.nz LANDLORDS! GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS are changing to require all rental homes to be adequately insulated. Shear Comfort loose wool insulation is the perfect choice to top up ceiling insulation. Call 021 0629 212 or info@shearcomfort. co.nz Your tenants will love you! FUTURE CREATIVE FOR DESIGN, advertising, print, web, video that cuts through. Call Dan Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Regan on 0210 8403 852. www.thefuture.co.nz BEAUTIFUL BROW SPECIAL at Emma for Beauty! Every lunchtime Tuesday - Friday 12pm-1pm and Fridays 4pm-6pm. $10 eyebrow tidy. $20 eyebrow tidy and tint. Phone 443 6392 or book online www.emmaforbeauty.co.nz WE ARE LOOKING FOR A passionate Chef de Partie to come join our team at Bistro Gentil. Ready to start from the beginning of October. Send your resume to bistrogentilwanaka@gmail. com, call 03 443 2299 or pop into the restaurant on 76A Golf course road and ask for Mario.
BUSINESS CARDS 3 DAY TURN AROUND 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka P 03 443 7804 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz
27th September 2017
Mon – Fri 9am -5:30pm Sat & Sun 10am – 4pm 19 Reece Cresent, Wanaka Ph (03) 443 7032 wanaka@smithscity.co.nz Everything for Your Home
MILK & BREAD SPECIALS AT CALTEX Wanaka - today and every day. Pams milk 2 x 2L only $7.50. Golden Bake bread 2 loaves only $3.50. Caltex open 6am - 11pm daily. WASTEBUSTERS RECYCLING TRUCK DRIVER. Are you fit, self-motivated, hardworking and friendly with a Class 2 license or driving experience? Come work for Wastebusters – full-time or part-time. Applications from www.wanakawastebusters. co.nz or Wasties shop (corner Riverbank & Ballantyne Rd, open 9am-5pm). RENTAL HOME NEEDED BY LOCAL professional couple. No children. 2 cats. Term of 12 months or more. Min 2 bedroom, with garage or storage. We have our own furniture. Simon and Su Hoskin. Phone 021 1646 421 simon@gibeze.co.nz SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window Cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: wilsonservices.co.nz SPITTING WEED IS ABOUT TO SPIT! For spring weeding and gardening call Lynette, your local experienced gardener 022 0773 859 or 443 2946a/h. HOT WATER CYLINDER FOR SALE. Mains pressure. 180 litres. 1730H x 430mm dia. $80. Phone 027 8244 099. STRIKE GOLD AT BASE2! 30 - 50% super discounts on all winter accessories... that’s goggles, gloves, neck warmers, socks and all things snow. ZONES LANDSCAPING SPECIALISTS are now available in Wanaka to design and build your ideal outdoor living space. To create that perfect place to enjoy summer or sort your next landscaping project, contact us for a free on-site consultation 0800 30 10 20 or visit www.zones.co.nz LUGGATE GENERAL STORE OPENING Sunday 1st October. Come in and check out Luggate’s newest asset. Local’s are invited 3pm onwards on Sat 30th for a BBQ and drinks to look around and make suggestions for your favourite requirements.
Three Chairs Hair
03 443 5898 · threechairshair@gmail.com Unit 3, Spencer House Mall, 31 Dunmore St, Wanaka
EDGEWATER IS LOOKING FOR a dedicated Night Porter to join our team. The role will consist of 2 night shifts and the possibility of day porter shifts. This role will be predominantly cleaning of the Hotel public areas and Hotel grounds with some guest services interaction. The applicant must be reliable, hard-working, take pride in their work and legally entitled to work in New Zealand (current work visa). Please apply at the Hotel Reception or email your C.V and cover letter to guestservices@edgewater.co.nz Stephen O’Donnell, Front Office Manager GEE WIZZ - Impulse buy? Moving house? Don’t have a trailer? Have no fear Gee Wizz is here! Delivery truck available. Hassle free, no fuss, on demand anytime. Call 027 3191 630. CAKES OF WANAKA - best cakes in town, now easy to order online. www.cakesofwanaka.co.nz Christmas menu online very soon APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. HOUSEKEEPER/CLEANER WANTED for Wanaka Haven lodge. 3-4 days/wk, minimum 4hrs/day.Please call Anne-Mie 021 500 507 for more info or email stay@wanakahaven.co.nz GLASSWARE FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee and Party Hire on 443 8966. LOCAL GARDENER HAS AVAILABILITY for additional clients in the Wanaka area. Qualified horticulturalist, professional & experienced, carrying out all seasonal, and one off, garden tasks: weeding, pruning, shrubs & tree care, lawns, hedges, veggie gardens, orchards. Spray-free organic solution focused. Call/text ‘Doug the Gardener’ on 022 0685 257. TREE AMIGOS - all aspects of tree work carried out by local arborists, fully qualified and insured. Call 0226 199 033 to arrange a quote. FREE LEGAL ADVICE available at Community Networks delivered by the Dunedin Community Law Centre on Wednesday 4 October. Please call Community Networks on 443 7799 to book your appointment. AWARD WINNING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TO RENT 23 Rata St, Wanaka 2 1 1 Unfurnished Long term tenants preferred.
Have a vacant property in Wanaka? Let the Housemart team earn you some income. NOW THAT’S SMART!
p. 03-443-6921 |
e. rent@housemart.co.nz | w. www.housemart.co.nz
27th September 2017
NEW DENTURES All denture services | Relining | Partial Dentures RAPID REPAIRS
Gerald Byrne: Clinical Dent. Techn Experienced and affordable Appointment necessary Ph: (03) 443 9433 | 0276 348 793 4 Bovett Place, Wanaka | House calls available
HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED to join our small team at a local motel. Saturday & Sunday mornings shifts increasing going into the summer. Experience preferred. Training given. Please call or text Andrea 0275 993 007. DIRTY CAR? NEED A CARWASH? Caltexâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s touchfree carwash, from $9. Options available: foambath, underbody, wheelwash, doublewash, protectant wax. Caltex Wanaka. GARAGE SALE - Massive move after 25 years. From furniture to tools. All must go. Cheap prices. 11 Waimana Place. 9am. Saturday 30th September. VISCOUNT CABIN BOAT 225HP Evinrude, tandem trailer. Good condition. $15,000. Phone 021 396 858. TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. CHERRY TREES! CHERRY TREES! Small and large varieties available! Come in and see what we have at The Garden Store, 555 Aubrey Road Wanaka. SILK ROAD ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES has four highly sought after vintage â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;poster artâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ski posters which are box mounted, a grandfather armchair, wall mounted porcelain flying ducks and a Mah Jong set new in this week. Located at 249 Riverbank Road. We are open daily 11am - 4pm. Phone 021 495 569. Web: antiquesandcollectables.guru COBBLER GLENN WILL HEEL YOU, save your sole and even dye for you. Drop your repairs into Simply New Zealand, 3 Helwick St, Wanaka. PARTY ON THE LAKE ON DUAL IMAGE, Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unique venue for all occasions. Celebrations, work parties & get togethers. 0800 800 090. PRESTON PEST CONTROL will be carrying out night shooting for rabbit control in the Halliday Road area over the next few weeks. Phone Peter 022 1955 339 for more info. LUGGATE HOTEL REQUIRE STAFF for upcoming busy season. Staff required for Bar, Cafe and Store. Must be prepared to work weekends and nights. Phone 443 8523 or info@luggatehotel. co.nz
Elsie & Ray Armstrong Charitable Trust APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED Applications are invited from individuals or organisations within Queenstown Lakes District (Wanaka Ward) for grants from the above trust
Applications close 5pm Tuesday 31st October 2017 $SSOLFDWLRQ IRUPV FDQ EH REWDLQHG IURP WKH RIÃ&#x20AC;FHV RI 0HDG 6WDUN $UGPRUH 6WUHHW :DQDND
Any enquiries can be made to: Chris Waugh (Chairman) phone 443 8717
ROBERT GORDON, Steelite and Aspen tableware on sale at the Central Store. 20-40% off these quality ceramic plates and bowls. Come and see us at 40 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5439. NEED HR OR HUMAN RESOURCES ADVICE or support? Aspiring HR can provide a full range of services from job descriptions, recruitment, employment agreements, policies and procedures, health and safety, support for performance or employment relations issues and much more. For more info www.aspiringhr.co.nz or contact Vicki Donoghue on 027 2089 462. CLEANER REQUIRED. We are a small cleaning company established in Wanaka since 2005. We require a reliable person to help with cleaning a few businesses. Must have own transport. Training will be given to the right person. Hours are from 4pm, 3 days a week to start (around 16 hours total.) This is a permanent position so we are looking for long term local only. Email: T.C.services@xtra.co.nz with your details or call 0210 2778 252. ROB ROY GLACIER TRACK TRANSPORT. Door to door transport to Raspberry Creek from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate & Hawea. From $50 p/person return (min 3 persons). Call 0800 458 744 or go to ktsightseeing.co.nz ROOF PAINTING, CLEANING AND WINDOW CLEANING! Does your roof need any help? Are your gutters full of dirt? Are your windows dirty? Inspection for free! Contact: Mail: roofsnewzealand@gmail.com, phone: 0211 480 472. BEEN HUNTING? HOMEKILLED AN ANIMAL? Turn your quality animals into prime meat cuts and hand-made smallgoods with The Butcherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Block and Smokehouse. Pop into 33 Reece Cres, call us on 443 5017 or email shop@ butchersblockwanaka.co.nz for more information. WPS SECURITY ARE LOOKING FOR part-time guards for night-time hosting on local bars. Great way to supplement regular income. Training given. Must be prepared to get Security License. Text-phone Claire 0273 585 426. Pest Co on n st
o tr l
. . .
SPRING IS COMING ...and so are the rabbits. Get a head start on them now. Night shooting, fumigation & fencing. Local operator with 35 years experience. Phone Peter on 022 195 5339
27th September 2017
HOUSEKEEPERS REQUIRED: We are looking for energetic people to join our wonderful team of part time staff at The Pines Resort. Days of work are Fridays and/or Saturdays from 9.20am – approx. 2.30pm. Ideal for parents with school age children or for those who just want a few extra hours. Please phone Lynley 443 8350. BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. THE WANAKA SUNDAY CRAFT MARKETS start Labour Weekend. Stall holder application forms available from the Library, QLDC office or sundaymarkets@hotmail.com NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? Call Mitch from MRG Electrical, for all your electrical needs. No job to small. Free quotes. Phone 027 3285 550. PEPPERMINT KITCHEN BIRTHDAY CAKES - bright, luscious birthday cakes in sassy flavour combinations; decorated with flowers, fruit, caramel drips and edible deliciousness! Call 022 1543 202 or visit peppermintkitchen.com for the menu. ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138. TRAILER HIRE AVAILABLE AT CALTEX. We have single and tandem trailers, with cages. Available for 2 hours/half or full day. FURNITURE TRUCK TRAVELLING EMPTY Wanaka to Nelson, via West Coast, October 15th. Available for backload. Interested? Call Vicki 0274 359 556. FOR RENT: Mexican styled studio, fully furnished. Lake Hawea. $280 p/wk couple. 250 p/wk single, includes power. Non smokers with no pets welcome. Limited storage so suit travellers needing a base for a few months. Available mid Oct. For enquiries please email: kowhaiden8@gmail.com Tel 0210 2865 195.
K9mana Sit Happens
Group Classes starting October 16th Level 1 Wednesdays 6-7pm Level 2 Wednesdays 7.15-8.15pm Foundation Agility Mondays 6-7pm enquiries/reg www.k9mana.co.nz k9mana@gmail.com Mary 0212880881
IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW, has rented out your Wanaka house/holiday home and you have some unused food, please remember your local foodbank at Community Networks, 73 Brownston St. THE GARDEN STORE has a new Loyalty Programme! Come and see whats on offer at The Garden Store, 555 Aubrey Road, Wanaka. 03 443 7846. NEED A VENUE for your next meeting, community group activity, pop up shop or training workshop? Wanaka Yacht Club is a great choice. Good rates. Lakefront location, kitchen facilities, tables & chairs. Contact Andy 021 1075 520. GOGGLES ALL 30% OFF at Rocket Rentals now. Some cheap as $69. Boom! TWIN HAND BASINS with taps and plumbing set into 2 metre white top bench with copper backing. As new. Call 0210 2116 230. 15’’ MACBOOK PRO MAC OSX version 10.6.8 in excellent condition $400. Panasonic TV 55’’ Plasma plus Zea-Tek. Free view box. Very good condition $250. Call 0274 369 477. BOAT TECHNICIAN WANTED at The Boat Shed Wanaka. Applicants must be of mechanical mind. Experience an advantage but not essential. Must be able to work as part of a team and use your own initiative. Please forward your application including CV to tim@theboatshedwanaka. co.nz
27th September 2017
Spider & Fly Treatments. Window Cleaning & Pest Control.
CAKES OF WANAKA - best cakes in town, now easy to order online. www.cakesofwanaka.co.nz Christmas menu online very soon LATITUDE 44 INTRODUCTION PROGRAM! If you would like to come and join our tailored strength and conditioning classes, we will be running an Introduction program starting Saturday 7 October. The sessions will run from 9.30am - 12.30pm for two consecutive weekends. For more information or to reserve a place contact Simon on 0210 8441 022. BBQ STEAK ON SPECIAL – Bruce wants to know if you’ve prepped the BBQ now that evenings are longer with daylight saving? We’re ready with our delicious fresh beef BBQ steak on special this week! Plain or marinated, it’s great buying at only $14.99/kg, saving you $4/kg. Great value eating from Wanaka’s only dedicated butcher, 33 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5017. Open Monday-Friday 8am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. HORSE FLOAT FOR SALE. $7000. Call/text 021 0318 288. FLAT FOR RENT. 10 mins walk to town,1 bedroom. Fully furnished and self contained. No smokers or pets. Available from 14th October. $360 p/w includes power & WiFi. Text or phone - 021 2206 558. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable”. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. CHILLER TRAILER FOR HIRE. Also large outdoor games including Giant Jenga, Giant Connect 4, Petanque, Quoits and Croquet. Call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. NATIVE PLANTS AT THE YARD on Reece Crescent. Locally sourced and hardy to Wanaka conditions, come and have a look. 14 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5069. www.theyardcentral. co.nz FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS contact Dave Spedding, the full service landscaping professionals. Design, paving, lawns, planting plans and irrigation. Like us on Facebook or check out www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz Phone 021 707 481 or 443 2721.
Locally made Solid Cedar Entrance and internal Doors and all types of internal prehung door services.
Do it once, do it well. Licensed, Accredited, Insured. Call anytime: 03 443 6652 Web: wilsonservices.co.nz
GET YOUR HOME SUMMER READY! Got a building project you’ve been planning over winter? Reliable and experienced team of builders available now to bring your plans to life! Contact Mark 027 4641 641 or www.mabuilding.co.nz APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. TIME FOR THE LAWNS AGAIN. Moraine Mowing is available for new clients this season. Free quotes available - larger lawns a specialty. Call Alwyn on 0275 226 963. MASSAGE FOR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. Remedial, effective, therapeutic. Discounted spring packages. Mobile available. Lee Ball ph: 027 3334 909. www.leeballmassage. co.nz SOCIAL VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE. Monday evenings at Wanaka Recreation Centre from 9 October to 18 December. Mixed teams essential. $400 per team. Spaces limited. Google ‘QLDC Sport & Rec’ for more info or drop by the Rec Centre at Three Parks off Ballantyne Road. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. BARISTA REQUIRED: Our special Barista, Sarah, is moving on to another career, so we are looking for a full time Barista. Must have a few hundred hours experience! Must be here until end January and have relevant visa. Send a resume of that experience to info@florencesfoodstore.co.nz EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. TREE CARE PROFESSIONALS: prune, shape, thin, remove damage risk, improve your view, crown reduction, tree removal, stump grinding, firewooding! Free quotes from fully qualified and fully insured Tree Tamers 03 443 6454 or www. treetamers.co.nz
View our doors at www.cedardoors.co.nz Call 027 526 3695
Email knock@cedardoors.co.nz
dŚĞ ƐĂĨĞƐƚ ǁĂLJ ƚŽ ĐůĞĂƌ LJŽƵƌ ĞĂƌ ĐĂŶĂůƐ ŽĨ ƵŶǁĂŶƚĞĚ ĚĞďƌŝƐ ŝƐ ŵŝĐƌŽƐƵĐƟŽŶ͘ ůŝŶŝĐƐ ŝŶ tĂŶĂŬĂ ŽŶĐĞ ƉĞƌ ĨŽƌƚŶŝŐŚƚ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ tĂŶĂŬĂ >ĂŬĞƐ ,ĞĂůƚŚ ĞŶƚƌĞ͘ For appointments please book online at www.earhealth.co.nz or phone or text 027 339 5043
27th September 2017
WILMA SMITH AND FRIENDS "Â&#x2020;rrou|;7 0Â&#x2039;
-v_ ŕŚ&#x17E;1h;| v-Ń´;v -| b[;7 ;vb]mġ Ć?Ć&#x2013; ;Ń´Â&#x2030;b1h "|u;;|ġ )-m-h mŃ´bm; v-Ń´;v om Â&#x2C6;;m|Cm7-ġ 0oohbm] =;; -rrŃ´b;vÄş -v_ 7oouĹ&#x160;v-Ń´;v -| -h; )-m-h- ;m|u; =uol ѾĺĆ&#x2019;Ć?rlÄş WANAKA CONCERT SOCIETY MEMBERS: $30 Ň&#x192; !"Äš ĹŞĆ&#x2019;Ć&#x201D; SCHOOL CHILDREN: FREE
JOHN DENVER and other well known songs performed by Bevan Gardiner (of John Denver Tribute Tours fame) joined by the Wanaka Ukulele Group. Concert - Saturday 4th November at Lake Wanaka Centre. Tickets - Wanaka Recreation Centre & www.eventfinda.co.nz Contact Shirley 021 0798 836. Wanaka Upper Clutha Lions Fundraiser. SAVE $$$. Get next winters firewood sorted early. Knarly Old Man pine cut to length and chunkiness to suit your specific fire. $60 per cube delivered. Call text or email Baz - thewoodfella@ gmail.com. Do you have trees you need tidied up? Bluegum, Old Man pines, tree lanes, forests, Oregon etc. All types considered, and could be done for firewood value only. RHYME & REASON BREWERY just got a fresh shipment of board games, and continues to have one of the best tap lineups in town with our signature brews, specialty beers, and a guest tap takeover by Sawmill Brewery! Get here for Hoppy Hour, food truck freakin weekends, or a brewery tour! (Book in advance for tours) see ya at 17 Gordon Road SAUNA - what better way to warm up and rest after a big day up the mountain! Casual visits available - Proactive24 Health and Fitness Studios, 17 Plantation Road. WANAKA TENNIS CLUB Wednesday night social teams tennis. Starts on October 25th at 6pm and runs for 6-7 weeks. Entries open on 9th October on a first come first served basis. This is a competition for teams of 4-6 people. Entry forms are on the Wanaka Tennis Club website. Cost is $100 per team (plus $30 for every non-club member). Sausages on the barbecue can be purchased after the tennis each night. Any queries please contact Jeanette Hatten on 021 2986 229. ALL BLACKS live this Sunday from 11.40am at Water Bar. We have the largest screen in town, in-door/out-door TVs and a 2 course roast for $20. BTP - PAINTERS AND DECORATORS available for any size job. Very experienced and professional. Please phone Ben for a quote 0204 0133 350. BEAUTIFUL BROW SPECIAL at Emma for Beauty! Every lunchtime Tuesday - Friday 12pm-1pm and Fridays 4pm-6pm. $10 eyebrow tidy. $20 eyebrow tidy and tint. Phone 443 6392 or book online www.emmaforbeauty.co.nz IS YOUR INTERNET SLOWING YOU DOWN? Call Pete Cartlidge Elecnet 443 2026. Elecnet.co.nz
SHEEP MANURE 25KG BAGS DELIVERED $10 each. Lawn fertiliser 2kg bags delivered $10 each. Fundraising for Central Otago Hatch Cup Hockey Team. Ph 021 447 268. SINGER-SONGWRITER LIZ STRINGER â&#x20AC;&#x153;recalls a Chrissie Hynde-like balance of unsettling lyrical directness and pop composureâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rolling Stone. Gin & Raspberry, Sunday 8th October 8.30pm. Tickets: melparsons.com BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea â&#x20AC;&#x201C; just call us on 03 443 7148. GOLF CLUBS: 11 plus bag and trundler for sale. Includes 4 left hand clubs (Spalding) $100 ono. Phone 443 7337 or 027 7677 003. WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. WANTED: CARPET in tidy condition in plain colour, about 6 metres. Phone 027 2247 548. BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. FOR SALE: Wooden bunks; two mattresses, steel bunks; two mattresses, 2 cane chairs, ladies bicycle, mens bicycle. Offer considered. Contact between 5pm and 9am. Telephone 443 7776 or 021 2499 666. GARAGE SALE - Massive move after 25 years. From furniture to tools. All must go. Cheap prices. 11 Waimana Place. 9am. Saturday 30th September. CANCER REHAB AND LYMPHOEDEMA THERAPY available one-on-one at Central Lakes Physio. Funding available. Call 443 1711. BMW 318i 1995. 135,000kms. New WOF/rego. Very tidy. Automatic. Fully serviced. $3,900. Phone 021 436 050. WHITEBAIT SET NET/POT NET WANTED. Got one lying around and not using any more? Phone 0274 372 391. AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE with exotic,essential oils... A Luxurious 1 hour treatment to enhance wellbeing and relaxation. Special price only $50 at Divine Day Spa. Phone 022 0235 330. Email: divinedayspawanaka@gmail.com Gift vouchers available.
Upper Clutha Messenger
27th September 2017
labour weekend exhibition
Chiro Connect
c-section delivery can disrupt cranial and spinal function. Spinal and Cranial movement problems could contribute to:
Call Chiro Connect
· Colic and/or reflux · Poor sleep · · Unsettled babies
23rd OCT 10am- 2pm
spinal assessment for YOUR baby.
Chiropractic Care may help your baby to be more comfortable.
Unsettled babies can make for tired and worried parents… Sound familiar?
ACC Provider
Visit us at www.chiroconnect.co.nz or phone 03 443 2538
MON 23rd OCT 10am-2pm
Theme: Shades of Black Exhibition Opening: Sat 10am-12.30pm with bubbles & bites & solo ballet performance Guest artists/judges: Ro Bradshaw, Robert Franklin, Anna Reid Proudly sponsored by: Shona Johnstone • Wanaka Luxury Apartments • Jude Meehl • Annabel and Adam Speirs • The 45th Degree • John Charrington and Pam McBride • Dee and Peter Gordon • Milford Asset Management Ltd • Yvonne McMurray and John Sheet • Wanaka New World • Cardrona Distillery and Museum • Matt Gunn In Light Lighting • Print It • Cleugh family • Lisa and Kelvin Reid
T: 021 1479 482
E: ask@wanakacarpetcleaning.co.nz
Lake Hawea 31 Hewson Crescent Top Ten Things To Do
When Selling Your Home #1 Call us (we'll handle the other 9) If you have been thinking of selling or buying there's no better time to get things moving! View www.harcourts.co.nz Terry & Aimee Griffin M 021 997 122 (T) 021 997 124 (A) P 03 443 7829 thegriffins@harcourts.co.nz
• • • •
YOUR LOCAL AWARD WINNING KITCHEN EXPERTS WANT YOUR NEXT KITCHEN PROJECT Increased capacity, great team of joiners and installers, client focus and quality driven Free, accurate and complete quotes with initial 1.5hr consultation. Full design service available for small investment. Commitment to firm timeframes (currently 6 - 8 weeks*) *Production Schedule is subject to change at short notice
Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Wanaka 13 Anderson Road Top Ten Things To Do When Selling Your Home #1 Call us (we'll handle the other 9) If you have been thinking of selling or buying there's no better time to get things moving! View www.harcourts.co.nz Terry & Aimee Griffin M 021 997 122 (T) 021 997 124 (A) P 03 443 7829 thegriffins@harcourts.co.nz
• Paper hanging • Water blasting • Spray painting • Pa • Interior • Exterior • Domestic • Commeric
• Paper hanging • Water blasting • Spray painting • Painting effects www.mij.co.nz | 03 443 8075 | 7 Frederick St. Ballantyne Rd. Industrial Estate • Interior • Exterior • Domestic • Commerical
Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Brett Stanley Tuff-Hide Applicator
Brett Stanley Ph 027 288 4428 • Paper hanging • Water blasting • Spray painting • Painting effects • Interior • ExteriorA/H • Domestic • Commercial 443 5336
Ph 027 288 4428 A/H 443 5336
Upper Clutha Messenger
27th September 2017 Professional Property Management
Property Owners:
• We provide all aspects of marketing, maintenance and tenant management. • We take care of your home. • We maximise your investment. • We provide 24 hour tenant emergency service. • Communication is our key.
To Rent:
13 Willowridge
Furnished house available for the school year Jan-Dec 2018
Unit 16, Wanaka Edge
Furnished Apartment available from November to February
Unit 26 Studholme Road
Furnished apartment available from November
Level 1 Spencer Mall, 31 Dunmore Street, Wanaka T: +64 3 443 0045 E: rentals@accommodationwanaka.com 4
+ +
General Cartage
+ +
Crane Hire
Locally owned and operated
Glenn Templeton
Infinity First National Wanaka Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Life. Growth. Movement.
• Consultant Chiropractic Neurologist • Chiropractic • Koru Brain Centre • Functional Neurology - Post Concussion Syndrome • Functional Medicine The lab tests we commonly use are: • Organic Acid (Urine test) Products:
NZ Made.
Shade Sail Specialists Screens & Windbreaks Sandpit Covers Umbrellas
Up to 10 year Warranty Full Design & Install Quality & Value All Work Guaranteed
P: 443 7288 M: 027 420 6250 E: scott@shadeplus.co.nz
Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning * Truck mounted hot water extraction * Kills 99% of germs
• Stool analysis with parasitology • Saliva Hormone test • Blood Spot IgG/IgA Food Allergy Dr. Stefan Billing Koru Clinic | 69 Dale Street, Albert Town p: +64 (0) 3 443 7055 | m: +64 (0) 21 689 770 www.koruchiropractic.co.nz
P: 4434162 E: info@advancedcarpet.co.nz W: www.advancedcarpet.co.nz
Upper Clutha Messenger
27th September 2017
DISTRICTS CLUB AGM 27th September 2017 7pm HAPPY HOUR EVERY DAY! 6-7pm $1 POOL
HAPPY HOUR 5.00-6.00pm
Open 4.00pm
Get in touch to book Bistro open 6.00pm your function now!
HAPPY HOUR 6-7pm SALSA 9.00pm
LIVE MUSIC: JADE HOWE 8.00-10.00pm
QUIZ NIGHT Hosted by Ben 7.00pm
Open 3.00pm, Bistro open 5.30pm
Sign up at the bar. $20 includes fry-up, photo & a pint!
POOL COMP FREE entry and a slice of pizza 7.00pm
Open 4.00pm
7.00pm EMMA G
APRES SKI Platter & two wines for $40 every day! Ask our staff!
OPEN FOR DINNER EVERY NIGHT Tapas, local drinks & more
OPEN MIC NIGHT with Tai 9.00pm
LIVE MUSIC SUNDAYS: ON TOUR! Amiria Grenell: New and Indie folk! 5.00-7.00pm
KIWI FREE LAST QUIZ ALL BLACKS PONG COURTESY Single Use Only Please TONIGHT VS COACH TOURNA- ARGENTINA Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out available all LIONS MEAT MENT 11:30am 7.00pm week RAFFLE 7.00pm
2 FOR 1 TUESDAY Two for one on all mains! After 4.00pm
POKER NIGHT Be in to win a $500 travel voucher!
LIVE: Hair of the Dog - Live Irish Band
LIVE: Truth - D&B
QUIZ NIGHT! FREE wedges for every team! 7.00pm
Prizes & 50c chicken wings! 8.30pm
Huge prizes to be won! $12 pizza & pint deal!
FRY-YAY Karaoke every Friday!
CRANKIN' LET'S GET TACO KARAOKE QUIZZICAL! TUESDAY! Music & no actual Like the shower working out! More prizes than a Pool competition but with prizes & $5 cocktail jars, Sunday service with $50 prize! clothing! $5 pints & $12 pizzas!
Upper Clutha Messenger
27th September 2017
DP 27842 Lot 2 DP 27842
Lot 8 DP 385288
Lot 4 DP 17967
Lot 1 DP 24855 Lot 1 DP 425428
Lot 2 DP 24855
Lot 7 DP 385288
When development thrives, there is often a lack of infrastructure to support the development. Now is the opportunity to ensure this doesn’t happen in Wanaka. Businesses will expand and new ones will arrive.
Lot 2 DP 323536
Lot 6 DP 385288
3100m² 3000m² Net
.7 73 .6
23 .6 .7
18 .7
.4 50
12 3900m²
20 .0
Lot 1 DP 372157
21000m² 2200m² net
29.4 59.8
Fixed Open Space Area
Lot 32 DP 332078
ll T
20 2500m² 53 .3
Tussock Rise is a premium industrial development close to the heart of Wanaka and this is your opportunity to be a part of it. Sites at Tussock Rise vary in size from 1500m2 and are priced from $450,000. Leasing options are also available. Act now if you want to be a part of Wanaka’s infrastructure future and secure your site on a low 10% deposit, whether it be for your business growth or as an investment for your portfolio.
5.1 137.2
Area B
Lot 2 DP 26235
.2 28
18 2000m²
.8 26
9 6. 11
Lot 1 DP 26235
11 8400m² 3700m² Net Area A
n nty
15 2900m² 3.8
Fixed Open Space Area
2 20
Lot 1 DP 21912
10 2000m²
16 .6 48
.7 16
Lot 1 DP 19885
Lot 2 DP 19885
59 .4
26 10.4
25 .3
Lot 5 DP 18076
Lot 6 DP 19168
25 Lot 4 DP 385288
Lot 2 DP 385288
Lot 7 DP 19168
Lot 3 DP 385288
Lot 3 DP 24855
Lot 1 DP 385288
Lot 5 DP 385288
Lot 5 DP 337233 Lot 4 DP 337233
Lot 35 DP 332078 Lot 2 DP 355532
Lot 1 DP 355532
Lot 3 DP 337233
Lot 1 DP 477622
Contact the developer direct:
Lot 2 DP 337233
Lot 33 DP 332078 Lot 23 DP 332078
Lot 1 DP 337233
Lot 1 DP 402977
Lot 2 DP 402977 Lot 2 DP 341415
Lot 1 DP 368381
WANAKA BRANCH 19 Reece Crescent or P.O. Box 283 Wanaka 9343 T 03 443 0110 E wanaka@ppgroup.co.nz
Client & Location:
Purpose & Drawing Title:
Tussock Rise Ltd Wanaka
Scheme Plan Layout Lot 2 DP 477622
© COPYRIGHT. This drawing, content and design remains the property of Paterson Pitts Group Limited and may not be reproduced in part or full or altered without the written permission of Paterson Pitts Group Limited. This drawing and its content shall only be used for the purpose for which it is intended. No liability shall be accepted by Paterson Pitts Group Limited for its unauthorized use.
Surveyed by: Designed by:
Drawn by:
Checked by:
Approved by:
Job No:
Drawing No:
Original Size: Scale:
1:2000 @ A3
Revision No:
Date Created:
27th September 2017
BP 2go Wanaka has a fantastic opportunity available for the role of full-time Bakery Manager. The ideal candidate should: • Be self-motivated, focused and responsible for the bakery department outcome • Be well-groomed, friendly, energetic and have the ability to engage with people • Be able to ensure necessary measures and actions are taken for continuous growth of the bakery department • Be conscious of food and people safety • Have good commmunication skills in English (a must) • Be able to take a proactive approach when needed, be motivated, embrace the position and drive it forward • Previous experience in a similar role is an advantage Does this sound like you? Please pop into the store and leave your CV & cover letter or email wanaka.ushergroup@xtra.co.nz by 13th October. Applicants for this position must have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa.
TRUCK DRIVER WANTED Wanaka Agricultural Contracting Ltd are looking for a truck driver for the upcoming silage season. If you have an HT licence, enjoy working in a team environment please contact Richard on 0274 374 863 or Lynne by email wanakaag@gmail.com
New Zealand Cherry Corp. is a fully integrated cherry business with orchards and packhouse based in Cromwell. We are growers, pickers, packers, & marketers, and export our fruit to Asia. This role reports to the Export Sales Manager and is based in Wanaka. Prior experience in the administrative functions associated with sales and marketing of export goods is preferred along with the following attributes: • Computer literate with experience in Microsoft Office Suite • Proactive, organised, positive, committed to achieving challenging objectives, and ability to multi task • Excellent communication and negotiation skills • Team player and friendly, dependable and reliable • University qualification in a relevant field preferred • Previous office/data entry experience preferred A job description is available on request. With our skilled team and innovative systems New Zealand Cherry Corp. aims to deliver the world’s best cherries and service to our customers. If you want to join a team who is proud of who they work for and passionate about what they do, then this is the opportunity for you. To apply, please email your covering letter & CV by 6 October 2017 to reece@nzcherrycorp.com
The successful candidate must have:
• Relevant trade qualification and experience working as Electrician, and or Security Technician and or Data Technician • Experience or knowledge of installation/connection to Internet services is a plus
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• The ability to read, understand and work from electrical drawings or plans
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• Ability to work effectively as part of a team and autonomously
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• Strong interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to relate to a wide range of people
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• A full and clean driver’s licence
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• Physically fit with the ability to perform demanding tasks, such as digging trenches, working on roofs and under floors • Fluent English and have NZ Residency • Be Wanaka-based! As well as being physically fit, you’ll be expected to speak to and inform customers of the products and services that the business offers, therefore a confident customer service focus is required. For more information, contact Vicki at Aspiring HR on 027 208 9462 or email your CV and cover letter to vickidonoghue10@gmail.com Applications close at noon on Monday 9 October.
W W W.O P T U M .CO. N Z
SILK ROAD ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES along with Ruth Thomson of ‘Fracture’ believe in giving old treasures a new life! Open daily 11am - 4pm. Come visit us at 249 Riverbank Road. We will be happy to help you bring an old treasure back to life!
OFFICE CHAIR FOR SALE. Adjust height, tilt of seat and back. As new condition. $99 (New price $229). Ph 021 1101 160. HOUSEKEEPER/CLEANER WANTED for Wanaka Haven lodge. 3-4 days/wk, minimum 4hrs/day.Please call Anne-Mie 021 500 507 for more info or email stay@wanakahaven.co.nz
27th September 2017
LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz
Travel and Sales Consultant Position A rare opportunity has come up to join Wanaka’s boutique travel agency, New Zealand Travel Organiser. We are looking for a full-time Travel & Sales Consultant with a passion for travel and customer service. As a small local company selling New Zealand holidays to the international market, we pride ourselves on our local knowledge and one-on-one customer attention. This exciting, varied role is ideal for someone with excellent sales skills and a high level of attention to detail. Some accounts payable duties will be part of this role. Online marketing and back end website knowledge is a plus. We are looking for someone to fill this position long-term; please do not apply if you will be in Wanaka less than 2 years. Rostered weekend work required.
Our ideal candidate would have: •Previous and proven sales experience •Experience within the New Zealand tourism industry •Excellent written and verbal communication skills •A high level of accuracy & attention to detail •Excellent computer skills •A high level of customer service •An affinity for working in a team environment
Additional requirements: •Tertiary qualification •Accounts payable an advantage •Website and SEO knowledge an advantage •New Zealand residency
Please apply with your Cover Letter & CV to Francine Smith: francine@nztravelorganiser.com th
Applications close 10 October 2017.
CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR G.J. Gardner Homes is NZ’s leading group housing company. We are looking for a Construc on Supervisor to join our Wanaka team. We are seeking a confident person with strong self mo va on and a keen eye for quality workmanship. You will need to be able to priori se and meet deadlines. Customer focus and meliness is impera ve as well as strong communica on skills to liaise with both contractors and customers. If you have a building or contract management background this could be an ideal opportunity. We offer a friendly and posi ve working environment and excellent remunera on including vehicle and phone. If you believe you have the necessary a ributes and can provide posi ve input in a team environment please forward your applica on now.
ApplicaƟons Close Monday 9 October 2017 (03) 443 2196 37 Reece Crescent, WANAKA
Are you looking for a new challenge at a company where you can really make your mark? We are seeking an Office Administrator to work in our Wanaka office. This diverse role will be part-time and flexible to start (20–25 hrs a week). Main duties will include the day-to-day running of the office, assisting with project management and organising staff. You’ll also: • Be driven and energetic, use initiative and strive to engage openly and honestly with everyone • Have exceptional communication and numeracy skills and a keen eye for detail • Be passionate about constantly improving systems and procedures for maximum efficiency • Be very competent in using MS Word, Excel and Outlook and be generally tech savvy • Experience in using payroll and accounting systems, i.e. Xero or similar is essential If this sounds like you, we’d love for you to get in touch. Please email your CV and a cover note to Tony at info@alpinefencing.co.nz. Applications close 20th October. *Please note, applicants must be legally entitled to work in NZ.
Minaret Station Alpine Lodge is a family owned tourism business operating as a division of The Alpine Group Limited. Based in Wanaka, we specialise in Guided Hunting, Guided Fishing, Heli-Skiing, Heli-Adventures with guests accommodated in New Zealand’s most remote Luxury Lodge. We require an experienced, well presented and hardworking Guest Service professional to join our dedicated team at Minaret Station Alpine Lodge. The role requires: • • •
an adaptable ‘all-rounder’ capable of housekeeping and kitchen duties, service of meals and beverages the hosting of high end guests and clients.
Exceptional Customer Service skills are paramount, as are the abilities to work well within a small team and to turn a hand at a varied number of tasks. This position will involve weekend shifts and after hours, as well as multi day rosters requiring overnight stays at the remotely located Minaret Station Alpine Lodge. The successful applicant will ideally be comfortable flying, hold current First Aid certification and a practical connection with New Zealand’s outdoors would be advantageous.
This is a fixed term position, however for the right person this role may be extended or become permanent. www.gjgardner.co.nz
POOL & SPA COVERS - Spring stock clearance. Come into the shop at 56 Anderson Road and have a look Monday - Friday 9am - 3pm. Pool Bubble covers: 4m x 3m $150. 2.7 x 5.68m $150. 7.2m x 4.2m with boom pocket $700. Spa cover charcoal colour 1880mm x 2120mm radius 300mm $450. If the sizes do not work we can quote you up a new one. Lets get sorted for summer. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable”. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276.
Please email your CV to recruitment@alpinegroup.co.nz
DOMESTIC HELP required for family: cooking, cleaning etc. 3.30 - 6.30pm, Thursday to Sunday fortnightly basis ongoing. Ph/text 021 996 211. JAZZ, BLUES & WORDS. Festival of Colour favourite ‘The Blue Moments Project’ is back with one show at the Wanaka Presbyterian Church - 7pm on Saturday, September 30. Tickets from eventfinda.co.nz or cash at the door.
27th September 2017
LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz
Three Chairs Hair Employment Opportunity within our Delicatessen The ideal person would have the following attributes: Creativity, versatility, enthusiasm, exceptional customer service skills and sound food knowledge. The role will provide full training and a good remuneration package for the successful applicant. If you think this is you and see yourself as a team player, like working in a fun and friendly environment please contact Cindy or Tanya on 03 443 0858 or 021 403 333 All applications will be treated with confidentiality.
GLENDHU BAY MOTOR CAMP REQUIRES a general Camp Assistant to work during December/January. HT licence and security experience an advantage. Email manager@ glendhubaymotorcamp.co.nz HOUSEKEEPER/CLEANER WANTED for Wanaka Haven lodge. Long term position. Minimum 4hrs/day. Please call Anne-Mie 021 500 507 for more info or email stay@ wanakahaven.co.nz HAAST WHITEBAIT FESTIVAL MARKET Stalls Saturday 14th October 2017, 10am - 2pm. $10.00 Stall Fee. If interested please contact Tania Frisby info@haastrivermotels.co.nz
We are looking to add to our friendly and professional team. tĞ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞ Ă ƋƵĂůŝĮĞĚ͕ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞĚ ƐĞŶŝŽƌ ƐƚLJůŝƐƚ ƚŽ ǁŽƌŬ ŽŶ Ă ĨƵůůͲƟŵĞ ďĂƐŝƐ͘ KƵƌ ŶĞǁ ƐĂůŽŶ ŝƐ ůŽĐĂƚĞĚ ŝŶ ĐĞŶƚƌĂů tĂŶĂŬĂ͘ Three Chairs Hair is looking for: • • • •
/Ŷ ƚŚŝƐ ƌŽůĞ LJŽƵ ǁŝůů ďĞ ǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ ŝŶ Ă ƉŽƐŝƟǀĞ ĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ ǁŝƚŚ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů ƐƚĂī ǁŚŽ ŚĂǀĞ ĂŶ ĞdžƉĂŶƐŝǀĞ ŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ͘ /Ŷ ƌĞƚƵƌŶ͕ LJŽƵ ǁŝůů ďĞ ŽīĞƌĞĚ ĂǁĂƌĚ ǁĂŐĞƐ ƉůƵƐ ďŽŶƵƐĞƐ ǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ ŝŶ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶƐ͘ zŽƵƌ ĚƵƟĞƐ ǁŝůů ŝŶĐůƵĚĞ Ăůů ĂƐƉĞĐƚƐ ŽĨ ŚĂŝƌĚƌĞƐƐŝŶŐ͕ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ƐƚLJůŝŶŐ͕ ĐŽůŽƵƌŝŶŐ͕ ĐƵƫŶŐ ĞƚĐ͘ /Ĩ LJŽƵ ŚĂǀĞ ƚŚĞ ĞƐƐĞŶƟĂů ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐ ĂŶĚ ǁŽƵůĚ ůŝŬĞ ƚŽ ƐĞŝnjĞ ƚŚŝƐ ŐƌĞĂƚ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ƐĞŶĚ LJŽƵƌ ĐŽǀĞƌ ůĞƩĞƌ ƚŽ ^ŚĂƌŽŶ ĂƵůƚŽŶ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ďĞůŽǁ ĞŵĂŝů ĂĚĚƌĞƐƐ͘ 03 443 5898 · threechairshair@gmail.com Unit 3, Spencer House Mall, 31 Dunmore St, Wanaka
27th September 2017
LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz
* ! * ! * * ! #* $ # * " # * * * ' # * ! !* !#$ #( * $* & * * ! % * & # * * ! #* " * " !( * *# * *#! * *"$ !#*# ! $ * * ( !* !# ) # * * # * " " * "*& * "*" $ # !* "# ! $ # * " !(* * ! !* !#$ # " * * "$ "" $ * #* & * % * ' # * ## # * # * # * (*# * ! " % * * *& *# * ! * " * # "* * (" " * "*( $*& * *# * * * $!* ! *( $*& * *# * *& ! ) " # * *# * ! % * * ' # * # #* ' ! * % * *"# ! " * ! "" " * *# *" ! # * !* ! * ! # * * *
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Recycling Truck Driver Based in Wanaka or Alexandra Full or part time positions Wastebusters is looking for ďŹ t, self-motivated, hardworking and friendly drivers to collect recycling from local businesses in Central Otago. A sense of humour and local knowledge is an advantage. You will have a Class 2 license or youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be an experienced driver dreaming of moving up to a bigger truck. Full training and support available. For more info, call Bis 027 322 9675 or email recycle@wanakawastebusters.co.nz Application form and job descriptions from www. wanakawastebusters.co.nz or the Wastebusters shops, open 9am-5pm (corner Riverbank and Ballantyne Rd in Wanaka, Boundary Rd in Alexandra)
FRESH FISH: Blue cod, salmon and greenbone, Wednesday and Saturday at Wholefood Haven, 24 Dungarvon Street, behind Pembroke Wines. Phone 443 8801. SPITTING WEED IS ABOUT TO SPIT! For spring weeding and gardening call Lynette, your local experienced gardener 022 0773 859 or 443 2946a/h. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR WORK for the summer period? We are looking to hire cleaners for a holiday park starting immediately. Must be flexible, energetic and have a good work ethic. Please contact Jo on 027 4314 689. SPUDS - POTATOES either word! Plant them for Christmas dinner now! Lots of varieties at The Garden Store - 555 Aubrey Road, Wanaka. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING this Saturday 30 September with Te Kakano. Park at Waterfall Creek, cross the bridge and walk 800 metres or so - keep walking, you will find us. Scheduled start 10am. All welcome - tools and morning tea provided. Queries: Andrew 021 342 187, our facebook page or website www.tekakano.org.nz SALE PRICED NZ RIBBONWOODS 1m+ $10 each. $8.50 for orders over 10. Also available fine leaf Pittosporums. Phone 021 302 015. WANAKA SKIN CANCER CLINIC at Wanaka Medical Centre: for a full and comprehensive skin check with biopsy and liquid nitrogen. Phone 443 0710. MARKETING/OFFICE MANAGER PART TIME. For growing construction company, see our advertisement in the Wanaka Sun or www.seamlessconstruction.co.nz/jobs
27th September 2017
Wanaka Self Storage 110 fully alarmed, all steel storage units. Ten different sizes. Secure, clean & accessible.
Ph: 0274 354 848
TABLE AND CHAIRS FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee and Party Hire on 443 8966. HAY BALES FOR SALE. Small bales $8, phone 443 8437. WEDDING + EVENT HIRE. Rustic chic - vogue - traditional. What’s your look? We can do it and design it too! Chairs - crockery - lighting - ottomans - tableware and more. (200 plus setting). Ph Sue 0274 530 974 anytime. www. wanakaweddingandeventhire.co.nz OUTERWEAR CLEARANCE 40% off at Rocket Rentals now. Get in there for super cheap snow jackets and pants. 39 Helwick St. FOODIES AND WINE LOVERS UNITE! Do you love delicious, honest food, great wine and good times? If you answered yes to any of this get ready for an exciting summer collaboration coming to Archangel soon. Follow Archangel Wines on Facebook for more clues or call 03 443 4347 to find out more. LUCERNE FOR SALE, small bales $10. Pick up Riverbank Rd. Ph 0275 747 707. PART-TIME POSITION: Are you an art enthusiast? So are we! Gallery 33 is looking for an Art Consultant to work Friday and Saturday each week. For more information, please refer to our advert on www.seek.co.nz or contact the gallery: 443 4330 or info@gallery33.co.nz REIKI TO ALLEVIATE ANXIETY and depression with Reiki Master Vanessa O’Donnell. Phone 0220 823 505. SILVER SPONSORS OF THE FESTIVAL OF SPORT and Recreation. Thank you for your generous support. Working together to create a healthy community: Custom Digital, Framework Marketing, Fusion, Health 2000, Mike Pero, Silk Road Antiques, MA Builders, Wanaka Marquee and Party Hire, Central Vision, Nexus Business, Multi Peak Fitness, Wanaka Rotary and Warbirds over Wanaka. LOCAL GARDENER HAS AVAILABILITY for additional clients in the Wanaka area. Qualified horticulturalist, professional & experienced, carrying out all seasonal, and one off, garden tasks: weeding, pruning, shrubs & tree care, lawns, hedges, veggie gardens, orchards. Spray-free organic solution focused. Call/text ‘Doug the Gardener’ on 022 0685 257.
Wed 27th September – Tue 3rd October
THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS Chicken Breast skin on Mild Sopressa Salami Zany Zeus Ricotta Conchiglioni Gigante Pasta (Delverde brand) Parmigiano Reggiano
$9.99 kg $2.39 100g $2.49 100g
Red & Green Grapes Red Capsicums Vine Prepack Tomatoes Eggplant
$6.49 kg $7.99 kg $5.49 pkt $7.99 kg
$7.95 pkt $5.50 100g
Tue–Fri: 8.00am – 6.30pm | Sat & Sun 9.00am – 4.00pm | 20 Ardmore Street ,Wanaka 443 0118
PASSPORT PHOTOS 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 | F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz | W www.printit.co.nz
AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. WPS SECURITY ARE LOOKING FOR part-time guards for night-time hosting on local bars. Great way to supplement regular income. Training given. Must be prepared to get Security License. Text-phone Claire 0273 585 426. HOUSE HELP REQUIRED. Hours and days very flexible. Good hourly rate. Phone 03 443 7581 or 027 4452 032. 2 FOR 1 : 2 FOR 1 : 2 FOR 1 at Base 2. All jackets and pants are 2 for 1 now! Get in there it’s time to strike a bargain. Helwick St. OVEN FOR SALE in Wanaka due to kitchen upgrade. 1990’s Shacklock freestanding well maintained. Phone 0274 333 037. BIKE WANAKA’S AGM will be held on Tuesday 17th October 2017 at 7pm in the Faulks Room at Lake Wanaka Centre. Hear what we have been doing for the last year and your chance to help us make decisions on the future of the club. MILK & BREAD SPECIALS AT CALTEX WANAKA - today and every day. Pams milk 2 X 2L only $7.50. Golden Bake Bread 2 loaves only $3.50. Caltex open 6am-11pm daily. PARTY ON THE LAKE ON DUAL IMAGE, Wanaka’s unique venue for all occasions. Celebrations, work parties & get togethers. 0800 800 090. CHERRY TREES! CHERRY TREES! Small and large varieties available! Come in and see what we have at The Garden Store, 555 Aubrey Road Wanaka. SASANOKI’S JAPANESE OF THE WEEK: ‘heiwa’ (hey-wah) meaning ‘peace’ which Sasanoki wants like many people in the world. Bring those leaders from the US and NK to Wanaka, and they may find a solution for ‘heiwa’ in this peaceful environment. No missiles, no nuke, please. Ph 443 6474. TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722.
TOSHIBA Heatpumps Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 11/12 Frederick St, Wanaka
27th September 2017
NEED HELP BUILDING YOUR deck, patio, fence, pathway? Call the team at Yerbackyard for a free site visit. Graeme 021 1869 142. Facebook yerbackyard. HAIR ART WORKSHOP & MOBILE. For art, creativity and simplicity. Natural - based/organic products. Weddings, hair ups, colour work, creative techniques, body waves, texture waves, scalp massage and moisture treatments. Keratherapy straightening system. Hair extensions and dreadlocks. www. hairartnz.com Ph 443 9545. SEWING - For all dressmaking, alterations. Jeans hemmed. Home consultations. Phone Zelda on 021 0733 184. DOG OWNERS - as lambing is now in progress please keep your dogs on a leash at all times on the Millennium track. Thanks! Gill Lucas. THANK YOU TO OUR WONDERFUL GOLD SPONSORS of the Festival of Sport and Recreation. Your community support was sincerely appreciated: Papworth Financial Advisors, Central Lakes Physio, Print It, Subway, Mitre 10, Radio Wanaka and QLDC. Working together to create a healthy community. 25% OFF BAGS AND WALLETS at Orbis on the Lakefront. Making way for new stock. Roll on summer! GARAGE CARPET SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION Auckland prices through till end of October $975 plus GST for 36sqm. Phone 0274 331 482. ROBERT GORDON, Steelite and Aspen tableware on sale at the Central Store. 20-40% off these quality ceramic plates and bowls. Come and see us at 40 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5439. WANAKA’S ONLY LAUNDROMAT is open from 6am-11pm daily at Caltex. Free wifi, oversized washers and 9 dryers, complimentary laundry detergent. CARPET REPAIRS, RE-STRETCHING, uplifting, re-laying, inserts, laying new and second-hand carpet. Quality service by experienced local tradesman. Call John at A & J Services 0274 331 482 or a/h 443 6255. TREEWORKS IS AVAILABLE for all aspects of tree care in the Wanaka area. Removals, thinning and shaping, fruit tree pruning. Call Bruce 021 1187 485. Dip Hort(Lincoln) Member NZ Arb. www.treeworks.net.nz GARDENS - smaller landscaping and carpentry projects. Design and realization. Phone 022 1635 807. LUGGATE GENERAL STORE OPENING Sunday 1st October. Come in and check out Luggate’s newest asset. Local’s are invited 3pm onwards on Sat 30th for a BBQ and drinks to look around and make suggestions for your favourite requirements.
SERGEANT AND MADAME MOUSE HAIRCUTTERS. Ladies $40, gents $25, kids $15. 17 Plantation Road, upstairs from Proactive Gym. Phone 021 1551 105. LOVE WINE? Come join the Wanaka Wine Club page on Facebook and hear about upcoming wine tastings and events. Alternatively email: wanakawineclub@gmail.com CHEFS WANTED: The Wanaka Speights Ale House is looking for a Sous Chef, Grill Chef and Larder Chef. If you can cook you have a job! Text or call Bexs 021 2890 624. WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. INVESTORS WANTED. $50 - 500k. Local, replicable business. Related to affordable housing. Phone 021 1788 589. HOUSEKEEPERS REQUIRED: We are looking for energetic people to join our wonderful team of part time staff at The Pines Resort. Days of work are Fridays and/or Saturdays from 9.20am – approx. 2.30pm. Ideal for parents with school age children or for those who just want a few extra hours. Please phone Lynley 443 8350. JAPANESE COOKING CLASSES IN OCTOBER: miso-zuke vegetables/salmon, synergy of umami from miso & yoghurt. Yummy picnic lunch - Inari-zushi. Choose 10th Tuesday 6pm or 19th Thursday 6pm. Vegetarians also welcome. $50pp including full dinner. More info:japanese.cuisine.wanaka@ gmail.com or 443 1232 Yumi. LINEN GARAGE SALE: Large assortment of linens from ex accommodation - king sheet sets, duvets, towels plus heirloom tablecloths. Some caterers size, some hand embroidered. Very special items but no longer required. Saturday 30th September 9am - 1pm at 97 Warren Street. Can’t make that time, phone 0272 454 407 to arrange time to suit but closes 5pm Sunday. CLEANERS AVAILABLE for you at a very affordable price. Efficient, reliable and hard working cleaners available for any type of clean. Contact now for a price and booking. Get in quick! thecleaningagency@hotmail.com Phone 0274 379 845. SHOWERDOME. For a warmer drier bathroom, stop the steam from your shower. Wanaka installer, servicing Central. Phone 0211 788 589. COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017.
Now open at 51 Brownston St. Quality Cars & Commercials from $5k to $50k
27th September 2017
Li ve For all your visa & immigration advice contact your local Wanaka adviser.
Wanaka Storage Solutions
03 443 8386 | info@easyvisa.co.nz | www.easyvisa.co.nz
TRAILER - 2.2 x 1.3. Ply deck tipping.14in wheels. $600. Ph 021 308 019. KITCHEN HAND POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Several long term and summer positions are available in our fast paced high quality hotel kitchen. Roles require some experience in a commercial kitchen along with a willingness to learn and follow written and verbal procedures. Please contact Executive Chef Bryan Alley chef@edgewater.co.nz LUGGATE HOTEL REQUIRE STAFF for upcoming busy season. Staff required for Bar, Cafe and Store. Must be prepared to work weekends and nights. Phone 443 8523 or info@luggatehotel. co.nz 1999 MITSUBISHI LEGNUM for sale. 216,000 km, new cam belt, well maintained. $3500, ono. Call or text Chris for a test drive 021 0605 927. FAMILY FUN IN INDIA & SRI LANKA. Private car and tailormade tours. Wildlife, beaches and adventure. Call World Travellers 03 443 7414. FOR SALE - Great first boat in time for summer. Refurbished Figlass Fireball with Mercury 50hp motor (low hours), Enquiries call 027 5448 800. FLY AND SPIDER SPRAYING. No mess with JAE Pest Control. Spraying warranted up to one year by local operator. Ph 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. SOCIAL VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE. Monday evenings at Wanaka Recreation Centre from 9 October to 18 December. Mixed teams essential. $400 per team. Spaces limited. Google ‘QLDC Sport & Rec’ for more info or drop by the Rec Centre at Three Parks off Ballantyne Road. WHEELS TO DUNSTAN links with the Cromwell - Dunedin hospital transport. For bookings, please contact Community Networks on 443 7799. ARE YOU LOOKING for quality electricians. Call Pete Cartlidge, Elecnet 443 2026. Elecnet.co.nz ADULT ART CLASSES 9 week course starting Oct 16. Techniques in acrylic, pastel, charcoal and watercolour suitable for beginner to intermediate levels. Email your interest to kymbeaton@gmail.com or www.facebook.com/ KymBeatonMixedMediaArtist 2 FOR 1 on Outerwear at Base2! Crazy... that’s buy one get one free! Find a friend and hook up a stingin’ deal. Base 2: 12 Helwick St.
66 BALLANTYNE ROAD PHONE: 443 2660 E-MAIL: richard@wanakastoragesolutions.co.nz www.wanakastoragesolutions.co.nz FRESH, LIVING, TASTY MICRO-GREENS! Spring special only $5/tray. Available at the Farmers Market or contact for direct sales. Info@MayJerMicrogreens.co.nz Phone 021 942 447. CHERRY TREES! CHERRY TREES! Small and large varieties available! Come in and see what we have at The Garden Store, 555 Aubrey Road Wanaka. MERCEDES 300SL 1992. 104,000kms. Fully serviced. New WOF/rego. Soft top. Hard top. Pristine. $8,500. Phone 021 436 050. FREE LINE ADS IN THE MESSENGER for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. HOUSEKEEPER/CLEANER WANTED for Wanaka Haven lodge. 3-4 days/wk, minimum 4hrs/day.Please call Anne-Mie 021 500 507 for more info or email stay@wanakahaven.co.nz TIRED OF MOWING YOUR OWN LAWNS? Do you need your holiday home grounds maintained, lawns, and or gardens? Contact Wanaka Mowing Services 0272 449 004 or visit www. wanakamowingservices.co.nz Fantastic, reliable service. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. VINTAGE WHEELED GRUBBER suitable for garden ornament. Approx 2.7mtrs long x 2.8mtrs wide. $500. Phone 022 5022 533. HAWEA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION AGM 7th October, Hawea Community Centre. Doors open 9.30am. STRONG WOMEN! A class designed to help active women develop core, strength, range and balance to keep you in the mountains, on your bike and running our Wanaka trails. This friendly hard working group trains Tues 9.15 am. Come join us! val@valburke.com Peak Endurance Wanaka. SALE PRICED NZ RIBBONWOODS 1m+ $10 each. $8.50 for orders over 10. Also available fine leaf Pittosporums. Phone 021 302 015.
It’s the thrill of the search, since 1978. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • E: messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz
27th September 2017
Property Management Wanaka 58 Rata Street (Flat) 1 bed, 1 bathroom, furnished
Unit 3, 13 Plantation Road 2 bed, 1 bathroom, furnished apartment
Unit 7, 13 Plantation Road 2 bed, 1 bathroom, furnished apartment
32 Main Road, Luggate 3 bed, 2 bathrooms, unfurnished
66 Manuka Crescent 3 bed, 2 bathrooms, unfurnished
58 Rata Street (house) 3 bed, 1 bathroom, part furnished
Highland Real Estate Group Ltd
Phone Curly (03) 443 9458 or 027 2866 567
• 20 years experience • Rotary power sweeping • Cleanliness guaranteed
P 03 443 1533 E rentals.wanaka@harcourts.co.nz www.harcourtswanaka.co.nz
Licensed REAA 2008
ARE YOU READY TO KICK START your health journey before summer? Taste Success offers wholefoods eating plans to naturally lose weight and improve your overall health and wellbeing. Get in touch with Jess today to find out more or to book your free initial consult. jessica@tastesuccess.co.nz MOBILE PHONE ACCESSORIES AT CALTEX: Lightning, Type C, AUX & HDMI cables; USB car chargers; Micro SD cards; earbuds & headphones; travel adaptors - all available at Caltex Wanaka. WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. PICTURE FRAMING - Framing Marvellous based in Albert Town offers a full range of services including: conservation framing of fine art, prints & posters, family & wedding photos, certificates, kids art, embroidery, canvas stretching, replacement of broken glass and re framing of old pictures. You can be assured of a friendly and professional service. Phone Rachel on 022 0298 725 to discuss your framing needs. Find us on Facebook. ROBERT GORDON, Steelite and Aspen tableware on sale at the Central Store. 20-40% off these quality ceramic plates and bowls. Come and see us at 40 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5439. JAZZ, BLUES & WORDS. Festival of Colour favourite ‘The Blue Moments Project’ is back with one show at the Wanaka Presbyterian Church - 7pm on Saturday, September 30. Tickets from eventfinda.co.nz or cash at the door. BATHROOM MOISTURE A PROBLEM? Fit a steam stopper. Stop the steam before it starts. Phone 021 1788 589. STAFF FUNCTIONS - 40% OFF normal charter rates in October. Party on the lake with Dual Image. Phone 0800 800 090. www.wanakacruises.co.nz BOAT TECHNICIAN WANTED at The Boat Shed Wanaka. Applicants must be of mechanical mind. Experience an advantage but not essential. Must be able to work as part of a team and use your own initiative. Please forward your application including CV to tim@theboatshedwanaka.co.nz. IRENA irena@danharman.co.nz 027 309 2156 | CROMWELL
Chimney Sweeping
ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA. EST 2005! Trevor Bailey. Full time massage since 1994! USA/NZ. Deep tissue - relaxation. Available 7 days. Phone 443 2993, 0274 222 455. FOR SALE - Great first boat in time for summer. Refurbished Figlass Fireball with Mercury 50hp motor (low hours), Enquiries call 027 5448 800. INTERESTED IN HAVING A STALL at the Sunday Craft Market starting October 22nd? Forms are in the Library, QLDC or sundaymarkets@hotmail.com SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPORT. Keep the kids active with two separate programmes at Wanaka Recreation Centre off Ballantyne Road. Kelly Sports is hosting fun-packed activities for Years 0-8 on Thursday 5th & Friday 6th October. Half day $25, school day $35, full day $45. Email sharelle@kellysports. co.nz Then Coaching Solutions is running a cricket programme for all levels (aged 6-12) from 10am - 3pm on Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th October. $40 per day. Email emma@coachingsolutions.co.nz. Bookings essential for both programmes. RESTAURANT MANAGER REQUIRED – at Jack Rabbit. Must have current certified Duty Managers certificate. Please send your CV to Emma, jackrabbit@jackrabbit.co.nz CHOOK HOUSE: Solid plywood construction, good condition, accommodates up to 6 chooks. Includes auto feeder. $350. Ph Philippa 443 4064. ORDER YOUR COFFEE ONLINE. Search ‘The Coffee Shack’ in the App Store or visit www.thecoffeeshack.co.nz. Life’s too short to wait! COPPER KEA individually handcrafted from recycled copper. A unique gift or feature for your home or garden. Call Martin to view on 0274 939 194. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill.
27th September 2017
LINK Connec on Café Catching up a er the growth forum Did you miss our Sept. 14th growth forum co-hosted with the Wanaka Community Board? Did you go but want to talk more about the key issues? Drop in to our next Connec on Café for a recap and conversa on about future planning. As always you can tap into our community database, meet others, and ask the LINK team about turning ideas into ac on.
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29 10:30am-12:00pm Cinema Paradiso Morning tea nibbles provided, free coffees for the first 10 people to respond! Please RSVP to sophie@link.org.nz or 0210 239 5498
OPS MANAGER POSITION - We’re looking to recruit a competent Operations Manager for our events based business. Must have excellent customer service and logistics skills. You will have a background in working at heights, rope skills a current advanced first aid certificate and have an extensive knowledge of events management and operations. Email chrisfecher@mac.com WANAKA SKIN CANCER CLINIC at Wanaka Medical Centre: for a full and comprehensive skin check with biopsy and liquid nitrogen. Phone 443 0710. NEED A VENUE for your next meeting, community group activity, pop up shop or training workshop? Wanaka Yacht Club is a great choice. Good rates. Lakefront location, kitchen facilities, tables & chairs. Contact Andy 021 1075 520. PARTY ON THE LAKE ON DUAL IMAGE, Wanaka’s unique venue for all occasions. Celebrations, work parties & get togethers. 0800 800 090. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE HAWEA AVAILABLE to rent short term only. Ph 027 4354 160. LUGGATE HOTEL INVITE YOU to support the All Black’s with us taking on Argentina live at 11am this Sunday. $6 big bot. $20 buffet brunch. Sweepstake on game and first try scorer. Courtesy coach available. Ph 443 8523. See ya at Luggate. SWIMMERS! Let Merryn help you develop your swimming in her “Starter Swimmer Squads”. Small friendly training groups with a cap on swim numbers to maximize coaching. Starts October 17th. For information: merryn@valburke.com Peak Endurance Wanaka.
GLENDHU BAY MOTOR CAMP is looking for a bright and bubbly Receptionist from late October until late February. Must be computer savvy, be able to work weekends and customer service experience a definite advantage. Email manager@ glendhubaymotorcamp.co.nz COBBLER GLENN FOR PATCHING, stitching, heeling and resoling your boots. Drop them into Simply New Zealand, 3 Helwick St, Wanaka. SHIPPING CONTAINERS for sale. Phone 0211 788 589. PROACTIVE24 Health and fitness studios - here for a good time, not a long time? Casual visits and concession cards available! Call 03 443 6500 or come into 17 Plantation Road. PART-TIME POSITION: Are you an art enthusiast? So are we! Gallery 33 is looking for an Art Consultant to work Friday and Saturday each week. For more information, please refer to our advert on www.seek.co.nz or contact the gallery: 443 4330 or info@gallery33.co.nz POOL & SPA COVERS - Spring stock clearance. Come into the shop at 56 Anderson Road and have a look Monday - Friday 9am - 3pm. Pool Bubble covers: 4m x 3m $150. 2.7 x 5.68m $150. 7.2m x 4.2m with boom pocket $700. Spa cover charcoal colour 1880mm x 2120mm radius 300mm $450. If the sizes do not work we can quote you up a new one. Lets get sorted for summer. ALL BLACKS live this Sunday from 11.40am at Water Bar. We have the largest screen in town, in-door/out-door TVs and a 2 course roast for $20. HAY BALES FOR SALE. Small bales $8, phone 443 8437. FLAT FOR RENT AT MATAI RD. Two bedroomed. Furnished. Sunny. WiFi station.15 minutes walk to town. Off street parking. No smokers or pets. $450 p/w negotiable, power included. Available from Sept 25. Phone Bill 021 473 943. CHAPTER5... Betty Basic just arrived. Pants, shorts, dresses, T’s. Great colours and prices! MARKETING/OFFICE MANAGER PART TIME. For growing construction company, see our advertisement in the Wanaka Sun or www.seamlessconstruction.co.nz/jobs MOBILE MASSAGE SPECIALIST! Effective deep tissue or relaxation massage in the comfort of your own surroundings. Easy! Phone: Lee Ball 027 3334 909. www.leeballmassage.co.nz
hƉƉĞƌ ůƵƚŚĂ ,ŽƐƉŝĐĞ ^ŚŽƉ ʹ WƌŝŶƚ Θ WĂŝŶƟŶŐ ^ĂůĞ | Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm & Sat 10am-3pm 73 Brownston Street | Like us on Facebook @ Upper Clutha Hospice Shop
2002 TOYOTA FIELDER. Cheap to run. Well maintained. WOF 09/18. $3,500. Call for details. Phone 0210 2758 997. Thanks. LATITUDE 44 INTRODUCTION PROGRAM! If you would like to come and join our tailored strength and conditioning classes, we will be running an Introduction program starting Saturday 7 October. The sessions will run from 9.30am - 12.30pm for two consecutive weekends. For more information or to reserve a place contact Simon on 0210 8441 022. MASSAGE THERAPY from a Physio at In Balance Therapeutics. Skilled and knowledgeable. Deep tissue massage and trigger point release, sports, therapeutic, relaxation. Phone/text Sally on 027 4875 942 for an appointment. www.wanakamassage. co.nz CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - contact your local operator of JAE Cleaning and Pest Control. For quality steam or dry cleaning and the best in stain removal, phone 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea – just call us on 03 443 7148. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. WANAKA’S ONLY TOUCHFREE CARWASH is at Caltex. From $9, options available incl underbody, wheels, double wash, protectant, wax. Caltex Wanaka. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@printit.co.nz THE GARDEN STORE has a new Loyalty Programme! Come and see whats on offer at The Garden Store, 555 Aubrey Road, Wanaka. 03 443 7846.
27th September 2017
INTERSTELLAR BARGAINS AT Rocket Rentals on all snow accessories. 25 - 50% off our already super booster prices! 39 Helwick St. WANTED 3-4 BEDROOM RENTAL. Local family of 10+ years looking for rental home for 12-18 months. Both employed permanently here in Wanaka and we are previous home owners who will look after your house. Phone 021 627 917. BARISTA REQUIRED: Our special Barista, Sarah, is moving on to another career, so we are looking for a full time Barista. Must have a few hundred hours experience! Must be here until end January and have relevant visa. Send a resume of that experience to info@florencesfoodstore.co.nz FLOWER WALL AND PERSONALISED chalk boards available for weddings and events. Phone 022 1061 933. FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? Call Mitch from MRG Electrical, for all your electrical needs. No job to small. Free quotes. Phone 027 3285 550. CYCLISTS! Join our Bike Power & Strength Training Group Tuesdays 6.30 - 8am starting Oct 17th. Technique, power and intensity sets combined with core and strength work. Think of a combination of Sufferfest and strength/core work. A great group of real people to interact with, and training tips designed to have you riding well this summer! For information: val@valburke.com Peak Endurance Wanaka. BARBECUE: 1 year old, 4 burner plus side burner. Gasmate. $250 ono. Phone 021 396 858. WANTED FOR GRANDPARENTS a wooden playpen and a fireguard. Ph Raelene 027 4354 160. HANDYMAN SERVICE. Fencing and gates. Engineering. You name it, we do it. Handy Solutions. Phone 027 2080 175.
27th September 2017
MT IRON TRENCHING & EXCAVATION LTD Large & Small Diggers • Landscaping • Hole Boring • Truck Hire MURRAY GARRICK Ph 03 443 5489 M 027 443 5400 F 03 443 6836 E mngarrick@xtra.co.nz
FOR SALE: Solid wood bookcase. Height 1800mm x width 730mm x depth 280mm. Five shelves. $80. Ph 0210 2792 487. BRING YOUR RE-USABLE CUP into The Good Spot Caravan and get 30c off any coffee, hot drink, juice or smoothie. Help us to help you save the environment, and your pennies. Open 7 days, 34 Anderson Road. Pre-order on 021 466 301. CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR VISA? Need residency help and advice? Need a new work visa? Contact your local licensed Immigration adviser 03 443 8386 info@easyvisa.co.nz Ph 0210 2441 380. BLOOMING LOVELY! Rose pruning and light gardening services. Offering a special rate for seniors in our community. Phone 021 0318 288. IS YOUR INTERNET SLOWING YOU DOWN? Call Pete Cartlidge Elecnet 443 2026. Elecnet.co.nz TRAFALGAR UK/EUROPE guided holidays! Book by 20th October and choose one of these great deals... Option one: Fly to Europe from $1199*pp. Option two: Save up to 10% on Europe summer 2018. Conditions apply. Plus lots more Early Bird deals in store. AERIAL AND GROUND VIDEO PRODUCTION. A film to promote your business online for only $350. Find my work and contact me at www.visionworkshop.co.nz. WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. GROUND CONTROL- Lawns, gardens and general property maintenance. Call us for a free quote on 022 3634 413. FERTILITY OR IVF ISSUES? Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture can help, supported by Fertility Associates NZ from current research. Pregnancy, regulating cycles and mens fertility. Both practitioners at The Acupuncture Room are trained by Debra Betts PhD & Master Acupuncture pregnancy. Phone 443 0742. www.theacupunctureroomwanaka.com THANK YOU TO OUR WONDERFUL GOLD SPONSORS of the Festival of Sport and Recreation. Your community support was sincerely appreciated: Papworth Financial Advisors, Central Lakes Physio, Print It, Subway, Mitre 10, Radio Wanaka and QLDC. Working together to create a healthy community. ADVANCED CELLULAR TESTING: Comprehensive analysis for gut issues, food/chemical intolerances, skin conditions, immune dysfunction, mood disorders, re-occurring infections, fungal persistence & sleep disorders. Certified practitioner. www.yogastudiocromwell.com. Phone 021 947 056. IT TAKES ONLY 22 MINUTES... to dry your washing at Caltex’s Wifi Laundromat, 9 superfast, oversized dryers available. Caltex Laundromat. 2 FOR 1 SALE ON OUTERWEAR at Base2! Come in and get your stoke on spring at Base2 - sic Outerwear and sic prices. Gotta love it! Helwick St. CUTLERY AND CROCKERY FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966.
Canvas Prints
Labels & Stickers
Brochures, Flyers, Booklets & more...
Your local print professionals. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz
27th September 2017
Dynz Designz Ltd Over 900 jobs completed in Central Otago including over 340 new homes. NO standard plans, your home for your site.
Specialising in curtains and blinds including all repairs. Based in Wanaka Phone Helen: 0224134622 • E: helen@dynzdesignz.co.nz www.dynzdesignz.co.nz
GARAGE SALE - Massive move after 25 years. From furniture to tools. All must go. Cheap prices. 11 Waimana Place. 9am. Saturday 30th September. FRESH FISH: Blue cod, salmon and greenbone, Wednesday and Saturday at Wholefood Haven, 24 Dungarvon Street, behind Pembroke Wines. Phone 443 8801. FOODIES AND WINE LOVERS UNITE! Do you love delicious, honest food, great wine and good times? If you answered yes to any of this get ready for an exciting summer collaboration coming to Archangel soon. Follow Archangel Wines on Facebook for more clues or call 03 443 4347 to find out more. QUEENSTOWN AIRPORT TRANSFERS. Door to door transfers from Wanaka, Luggate, Albert Town & Hawea to/from Queenstown airport traveling over the Crown Range. From $145.00 one way. Call 0800 458 744 or go to ktsightseeing.co.nz TWIN HAND BASINS with taps and plumbing set into 2 metre white top bench with copper backing. As new. Call 0210 2116 230. SPUDS - POTATOES either word! Plant them for Christmas dinner now! Lots of varieties at The Garden Store - 555 Aubrey Road, Wanaka. JUST FISH IS SELLING A SELECTION of freshly frozen free flow Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP beside Bullock Bar entrance. Tucker 0274 376 657. FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS contact Dave Spedding, the full service landscaping professionals. Design, paving, lawns, planting plans and irrigation. Like us on Facebook or check out www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz Phone 021 707 481 or 443 2721.
• Colleen Topping & team • Winner of New Zealand Property Manager of the Year 2013 and 2010 (Real Estate Institute of New Zealand) • 13+ years local property management experience • Independent property management company • Free, No-obligation rent appraisals
Nobody knows the local Wanaka market better
TO RENT 75 Hunter Cres
4 Bed, 2 Bath, Garage, Unfurnished
32 Hewson Cres
4 Bed, 2 Bath, Garage, Unfurnished
6 Redwood Lane
3 Bed, 2 Bath, Garage, Furnished
021 225 RENT (021 225 7368) rent@homeandco.co.nz | www.homeandco.co.nz
ZONES LANDSCAPING SPECIALISTS are now available in Wanaka to design and build your ideal outdoor living space. To create that perfect place to enjoy summer or sort your next landscaping project, contact us for a free on-site consultation 0800 30 10 20 or visit www.zones.co.nz CARPENTER WANTED. Want to work for a family owned business that understands Wanaka’s work-life balance? We are a progressive small business looking for an experienced carpenter to join us. Wage or contract rates available. We specialise in high-end homes and SIP panel installation. Call Justin on 021 464 656 or send CV and cover letter to justin@ hbd.co.nz COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017. BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. PEA STRAW FOR SALE. Good quality, solid, conventional sized bales. Phone 027 2247 548. NECK OR BACK SORE? Could be your pillow. For feather, wool, and fibre pillows try Kaleidoscope, Helwick St. We also stock sheets, towels, duvets, mattress and pillow protectors, feather blankets. An ounce of thought can prevent a ton of trouble.
27th September 2017
Æ&#x2018;Æ&#x2022;£Â&#x2014; ";r|;l0;u Å&#x160; Æ&#x2019;u7 1|o0;u RAY WHITE
30 Ash Avenue, Albert Town
10.30 - 11am
Sat 30th Sep
By Negotiation
10 Mallard Street, Albert Town
8 Hogan Lane, Wanaka
10.45 - 11.15am
Sat 30th Sep
Auction 5/10
45 Gunn Road, Albert Town
11.00 - 11.30am Wed 27th Sep
Deadline Sale 27/10
30 Marbleleaf Lane, Albert Town
11.15 - 11.45am
Sat 30th Sep
Deadline PT 4/10
9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka
12.00 - 12.30pm Wed 27th Sep
By Negotiation
79B Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka
11.30 - 12.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
Deadline PT 12/10
The Heights, Aubrey Road
1.00 - 2.00pm
Wed 27th Sep
From $385,000
26 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
12.00 - 1.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
Auction 3/11
66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
1.00 - 1.30pm
Wed 27th Sep
52 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
12.00 - 1.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
15 Dale Street, Albert Town
2.00 - 2.30pm
Wed 27th Sep
Auction 27/10
84 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
12.00 - 1.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
2.00 - 2.30pm
Wed 27th Sep
86 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
12.00 - 1.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
43A & B Hewson Crescent, Lake Hawea
2.00 - 3.00pm
Wed 27th Sep
9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka
12.00 - 1.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
By Negotiation
59 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka
3.00 - 3.30pm
Wed 27th Sep
Auction 27/10
5 Old Station Road, Wanaka
1.15 - 1.45pm
Sat 30th Sep
Auction 27/10
49B Hedditch Street, Wanaka
3.00 - 3.30pm
Sat 30th Sep
The Heights, Aubrey Road
3.00 - 4.00pm
Wed 27th Sep
From $385,000
The Heights, Aubrey Road
1.00 - 2.00pm
Thu 28th Sep
From $385,000
12.00 - 1.00pm
Wed 27th Sep
From $385,000
66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
2.00 - 2.30pm
Thu 28th Sep
The Heights, Aubrey Road
2.00 - 4.00pm
Thu 28th Sep
From $385,000
9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka
3.00 - 3.30pm
Thu 28th Sep
By Negotiation
5.00 - 5.30pm
Thu 28th Sep
Deadline Sale 11/10
FIRST NATIONAL The Heights, Aubrey Road, Wanaka 52 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
1.00 - 1.30pm
Wed 27th Sep
Clearview Rise, Wanaka
12.30 - 1.00pm
Thu 28th Sep
Deadline Sale 12/10
11.00 - 11.30am Wed 27th Sep
6a Galloway Terrace, Wanaka
1.30 - 2.00pm
Thu 28th Sep
By Negotiation
32 Stackbrae Avenue, Wanaka
43 Frye Crescent, Albert Town
10.00 - 10.30am
Sat 30th Sep
Deadline Sale
The Heights, Aubrey Road
12.00 - 1.30pm
Fri 29th Sep
From $385,000
52 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
11.00 - 11.30am
Sat 30th Sep
The Heights, Aubrey Road
10.00 - 12.00pm Sat 30th Sep
From $385,000
Sat 30th Sep
10 Mallard Street, Albert Town
11.00 - 11.30am Sat 30th Sep
5 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka
11.30 - 12.00pm
25 Allenby Place, Wanaka
12.00 - 12.30pm
Sat 30th Sep
4 Skylark Place, Lake Hawea
11.00 - 11.30am Sat 30th Sep
The Heights, Aubrey Road, Wanaka
12.30 - 2.30pm
Sat 30th Sep
From $385,000
45 Gunn Road, Albert Town
11.00 - 11.30am Sat 30th Sep
Deadline Sale 27/10
Clearview Rise, Wanaka
12.30 - 1.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
Deadline Sale 12/10
15 Dale Street, Albert Town
12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 30th Sep
Auction 27/10
6A Galloway Terrace, Wanaka
1.30 - 2.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
By Negotiation
84 Noema Terrace, Lake Hawea
1.00 - 2.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
Deadline Sale 26/10
5 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka
11.30 - 12.00pm
Sun 1st Oct
43A & B Hewson Crescent, Lake Hawea
1.00 - 3.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
Clearview Rise, Wanaka
11.30 - 12.15pm
Sun 1st Oct
Deadline Sale 12/10
59 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka
1.00 - 1.30pm
Sat 30th Sep
Auction 27/10
Clearview Rise, Wanaka
12.30 - 1.00pm
Sun 1st Oct
Deadline Sale 12/10
2 Ivy Lane, Wanaka
2.00 - 2.30pm
Sat 30th Sep
Auction 27/10
Hikuwai, Aubrey Road, Wanaka
12.30 - 1.15pm
Sun 1st Oct
From $335,000
66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
3.00 - 3.30pm
Sat 30th Sep
The Heights, Aubrey Road, Wanaka
12.30 - 2.30pm
Sun 1st Oct
From $385,000
71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
3.00 - 4.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
43A Hewson Crescent, Lake Hawea
12.30 - 3.30pm
Sun 1st Oct
The Heights, Aubrey Road
12.00 - 2.00pm
Mon 2nd Oct
From $385,000
43B Hewson Crescent, Lake Hawea
12.30 - 3.30pm
Sun 1st Oct
2 Ivy Lane, Wanaka
2.00 - 2.30pm
Tue 3rd Oct
Auction 27/10
52 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
1.00 - 2.00pm
Sun 1st Oct
6A Galloway Terrace, Wanaka
1.30 - 2.00pm
Sun 1st Oct
By Negotiation
HARCOURTS 208 Aubrey Road, Wanaka
11.00 - 11.30am
Sat 30th Sep
13 Balneaves Lane, Albert Town
11.00 - 11.30am
Sat 30th Sep
By Negotiation
Hikuwai Subdivision, Outlet Road , Wanaka
11.00 - 1.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
From $335,000
TURNKEY HOMES 6 Parkview Street, off Orchard Rd, Wanaka
11.00 - 12.30pm Sat
Show Home
12.00 - 3.00pm
Sat - Sun
Show Home
11 Matipo Street, Kirimoko
1.00 - 3.00pm
Tue - Fri
Show Home
By Appointment Sat
Show Home
1.00 - 4.00pm
Thu, Fri, Sun
Show Home
1.00 - 4.00pm
Wed - Sun
Show Home
1.00 - 4.00pm
Fri - Sun
Show Home
STONEWOOD HOMES 64 Infinity Drive, Wanaka
27 Marbleleaf Lane, Albert Town
2.00 - 2.30pm
Sat 30th Sep
For Sale
Hikuwai Subdivision, Outlet Road , Wanaka
2.30 - 3.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
From $335,000
11 Matipo Street, Kirimoko
The Heights Subdivision, Wanaka
12.00 - 1.00pm
Sun 1st Oct
From $389,000
27 Marbleleaf Lane, Albert Town
2.00 - 2.30pm
Sun 1st Oct
For Sale
8 Stowell Place, Summerfields, Cromwell
Hikuwai Subdivision, Outlet Road , Wanaka
2.30 - 3.30pm
Sun 1st Oct
From $335,000
The Heights Subdivision, Wanaka
1.30 - 2.30pm
Tue 3rd Oct
From $389,000
Mt Linton Drive, North Lake, Wanaka
11.30 - 12.00pm
Sat 30th Sep
Deadline PT 13/10
56 West Meadows Drive, Wanaka
NZ SOUTHEBYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S INTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;L 234 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka
PART-TIME RECEPTION POSITION available at Holiday Park. Duties include greeting guests, checking in guests, and other duties relating to the office. Must be flexible, hard-working, friendly and computer literate. Potential to be fulltime over the summer period. Contact Jo on 027 4314 689. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. WATER QUALITY A PROBLEM? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 0275 021 234.
CANCER REHAB AND LYMPHOEDEMA THERAPY available one-on-one at Central Lakes Physio. Funding available. Call 443 1711. 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MACBOOK PRO MAC OSX version 10.6.8 in excellent condition $400. Panasonic TV 55â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Plasma plus Zea-Tek. Free view box. Very good condition $250. Call 0274 369 477. WEDDING + EVENT HIRE. Rustic chic - vogue - traditional. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your look? We can do it and design it too! Chairs - crockery - lighting - ottomans - tableware and more. (200 plus setting). Ph Sue 0274 530 974 anytime. www. wanakaweddingandeventhire.co.nz
27th September 2017
$25 for a ticket to BATTLE OF THE SEXES and a glass of house wine or Heineken for adults and $21 for seniors. *Select wine only.
WEDNESDAY 27 SEPTEMBER 1:00 1:15 3:30 3:45
The Big Sick M Off lang, sexual refs The Trip to Spain M offensive lang Victoria and Abdul PG Wind River R16 Violence, sexual violence, Victoria and Abdul The Free Man PG Kingsman: The Golden Circle R16 The Hitman's Bodyguard R16
Thurs 28th: 3.30pm & 6pm Fri 29th: 5.45pm & 8.15pm Sat 30th: 6pm & 8pm Sun 1st: 5.30pm Mon 2nd: 1.15pm & 5.45pm Tues 3rd: 3.30pm & 8.15pm Wed 4th: 5.45pm
For theKids!
1 2 1 2
offensive lang & content that may disturb
5:45 6:00 7:45 8:00
Showing this week
1 2 2 1
Violence & offensive language
THURSDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 1:30 2:00 3:30 3:45 5:45 6:00 8:00 8:15
Captain Underpants G NEW My Year with Helen E Battle Of The Sexes NEW Wind River Victoria and Abdul Battle Of The Sexes Kingsman: The Golden Circle The Free Man
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
FRIDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 1:00 1:45 3:30 3:45 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15
Victoria and Abdul The Free Man Victoria and Abdul Captain Underpants Kingsman: The Golden Circle Battle Of The Sexes Wind River Battle Of The Sexes
1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
Captain Underpants Battle Of The Sexes Victoria and Abdul My Year with Helen FINAL SESSION Wind River Battle Of The Sexes Victoria and Abdul Kingsman: The Golden Circle
SATURDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 12:15 Captain Underpants 12:30 The Trip to Spain 2:00 Captain Underpants 2:30 The Free Man 3:45 Victoria and Abdul 4:00 My Year with Helen 5:45 Wind River 6:00 Battle Of The Sexes 8:00 Battle Of The Sexes 8:15 Kingsman: The Golden Circle
1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
1:00 1:00 3:00 3:30 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1:00 1:30 3:00 3:30 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15
1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
ADULT $14.50 â&#x20AC;¢ CHILD $8.50 SENIOR/STUDENT $10.50
TUESDAY 3 OCTOBER The Free Man Captain Underpants The Big Sick Battle Of The Sexes Kingsman: The Golden Circle Wind River Kingsman: The Golden Circle Battle Of The Sexes
2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
SUNDAY 1 OCTOBER 1:15 1:30 3:15 4:00 5:30 5:45 7:45 8:00
1:00 1:15 3:30 3:45 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15
Captain Underpants The Trip to Spain The Hitman's Bodyguard The Free Man Battle Of The Sexes Victoria and Abdul Kingsman: The Golden Circle Wind River FOODIES
Captain Underpants The Free Man Kingsman: The Golden Circle Dunkirk M Viol, offensive language FINAL SESSION Kingsman: The Golden Circle Battle Of The Sexes The Hitman's Bodyguard Wind River
1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2
Upper Clutha Messenger
27th September 2017
Thinking of building? Why not get a lighting designer/electrician for the same price as a normal electrician? Makes sense, ey? Give us a call.
We’ve just released the Queenstown Airport 30-year Master Plan options and we’d love to hear your views on it.
Let’s start talking about tomorrow
Pop along to one of the Fly-Ins to find out more. Wanaka Fly-Ins Thursday 12 October 2017 10am-1pm Warbirds & Wheels Cafe, Wanaka Airport 3-6pm Artisan Market,Wanaka CBD Visit the website for details of all our Fly-Ins and to read more about the Master Plan process and options.
queenstownairport .co.nz/masterplan
Wayne Pretty: 021 042 8906
Wanaka 79B Meadowstone Drive
Wanaka 8 Hogan Lane 1
Your place in the sun
Nicely tucked away in Meadowstone, this delightful home is north facing and enjoys the full force of the sun. Downstairs the open plan kitchen, dining and living areas flow out to covered patio, which overlooks the mature garden setting. An office or fourth bedroom, separate laundry and an internal access garage round out the layout downstairs. Upstairs you will be impressed by the views with two of the three bedrooms opening out to a deck with far reaching mountain views. The 593m² (approx) elevated section benefits from a private garden and the property is poised for sun.
Auction (unless sold prior) 1pm, Thu 12 Oct 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka
View Sat 11.30am-12pm or by appointment Sharon Donnelly 027 561 7235 sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz Scott McGoun 021 201 9029 scott.mcgoun@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008
Scenic, sunny and stylish
Elevated lake and mountain views, all day sun, convenient location and a spacious deck are just some of the features of this spacious home, tucked away at the end of a cul-de-sac. Handy to schools and Wanaka township, this property has open plan kitchen, dining and living which open out to a spacious sun drenched. A second lounge with a log burner provides a comfortable space in which to relax and soak up the views and the office, wine cellar/storage area and garage means there is plenty of space for the whole family. Just 1.5km (approx) to the lakefront, you must view this property.
Auction (unless sold prior) 1pm, Thu 5 Oct 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka
View Sat 10.45-11.15am or by appointment Sharon Donnelly 027 561 7235 sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz Scott McGoun 021 201 9029 scott.mcgoun@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008
Upper Clutha Messenger
27th September 2017
SPRING DEALS ON SALE NOW Spring Season Pass $499 ADULTS | $199 KIDS 3 day lift & rental $299 & more deals at cardrona.com/spring
Wanaka Surrounds Lot 2, 1322 Luggate - Tarras Road
Wanaka 29 Kirimoko Crescent
A lifestyle of opportunity, owners moving on!
Developers private pick
This stunning 5.03ha (approx) lifestyle block that borders the Clutha River creates a wonderful opportunity for the new owner as relatively flat titled blocks of land that offer further development potential are scarce. A large water allocation could fill the irrigation pipes for a productive lifestyle block to become a reality. Your eye will instantly be drawn to the extensive vistas of Central Otago’s stunning mountain ranges. With a largely flat blank canvas, your options are as expansive as the land and views.
For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (unless sold prior) 4pm, Fri 6 Oct 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka View by appointment Todd Soper 027 487 6737 todd.soper@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008
This magnificent section of near level land is located in the established Kirimoko Park and was the personal pick of the developer. This titled section is a limited opportunity for you to secure a premium 850m² (approx) lake view section. The location not only offers potential for spectacular water views but is also ideally positioned to capture panoramic views of Wanaka’s spectacular mountains. Briefing your architect will be easy, ‘design our dream home!’ This is a section that deserves your immediate attention. Offers will be presented at 4pm on Wednesday, 1 November 2017.
For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (will not be sold prior) 4pm, Wed 1 Nov 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka View by appointment Todd Soper 027 487 6737 todd.soper@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008