Upper clutha messenger 30th august 2017

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Volume XXXlX | No 33 | 30th August 2017

11 Brownston St, Wanaka | (03) 443 7804 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz


What Drives You?

Caltex Wanaka is proud to announce Brand New New Carwash Wanaka’sAonly is nowCarwash open. Acarwash Brand


Caltex Wanaka annouce that it has Caltex Wanaka isproud proud to announce Caltex is Wanaka istoproud to annouce that it has Wanaka’s first carwash, socan you cancan keep a brand new carwash, so you your car your car a brand new carwash, so keep you keep *FATHERS DAY SPECIALS* your car sparkling sparkling clean. sparkling clean. clean. $15 For76am 2days Speed Open: to 11pm, 7 11pm, days 7 days Open Open: 6amWashes to Caltex 19 Ardmore St, Wanaka. $30 ForWanaka 2Caltex Deluxe &Ardmore 119Speed Wanaka Ardmore St, Wanaka. Caltex Wanaka 19 St,Wash Wanaka. Phone 7868443 7868 $45 For443 4Phone Executive Washes Phone 443 7868

19 Ardmore Street Ph 443 7868

Everybody’s talking about growth…let’s talk about it together! Love it or hate it, growth is undeniable and shapes our experience of living here. How do we plan for a growing community? What are the options for transport, parking and lakefront development? What is anticipated in the tourism and business sectors? What support do our community groups, arts and sports teams need to thrive? How many schools does it take? Is it simply too expensive to live here? Above all, how does our supportive, friendly and close-knit community stay that way as we get bigger? All these topics and more are the focus of Connecting

As We Grow, a community-wide forum on growth hosted by the Wanaka Community Board and LINK Upper Clutha. It’s a night of two halves – information sharing to understand the current state of long term planning, tourism and existing communityled projects; and an interactive expo where you can connect with community leaders and groups, give your input, or pitch a new idea. To find out more or register, please visit www.link.org.nz


021 346 339 roofingsmiths.co.nz wanaka@roofingsmiths.co.nz

PHOTOS: Copyright of Upper Clutha Historical Records Society and credit to Finn Mueller.

Cruise Specialists And our Travel Brokers… Michelle (Alexandra), Ash (Dunedin), Sara (Balclutha) and Liana (Cromwell)





World Travellers Wanaka

Level 1, Unit 7, 4 Helwick Street, Wanaka | wanaka@worldtravellers.co.nz | Tel: 0800 967 538 | www.worldtravellers.co.nz

Boundary lines are indicative only

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Wanaka 12 West Meadows Drive

Wanaka 84 Infinity Drive

For Sale

For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty

For Sale


(unless sold prior)



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NATIONWIDE 2016 / 2017

Upper Clutha Messenger

30th August 2017

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30th August 2017



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7+856'$< $8*867

Ć• (PEURLGHU\ *URXS 5th Thursday Workshop. 10.30am Arts Centre. Ć• .QLW &OXE :DQDND A social fun free club meeting every week from 5.30pm, Alchemy Cafe. Come along, make new friends, knit, learn to knit and enjoy a drink and/or something to eat. All ages and skills welcome, come at a time that suits until at least 8pm. For info email shop@thewoven.co.nz Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Our heat pump will be cranking and the coffee hot! Dress ups, arts, crafts and cosy library nook! Come for a play and a cuppa. Find us on Facebook for updates. Ć• /DGLHV +ROH *ROI Discs in by 10am. Tee off 10.30am. New members welcome. Ć• :DQDND $UWLVDQ 0DUNHW VKRZFDVLQJ WKH ÂżQHVW ORFDO cart and produce 3 - 6pm, at Bullock Creek. Ć• :DQDND 3OD\JURXS 9.30-11.30am 0-5 year old. Squash Club, Stone St. Indoor activities and large IHQFHG RXWGRRU DUHD IDPLO\ ÂżUVW YLVLW IUHH 9LVLWRUV welcome. Enquiries to Kelli 021 776 853. Ć• :DQDND 5'$ $*0 at 7.30pm. Phone 443 2611 for information. Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year ROGV :H KDYH D KHDW SXPS DQG XQGHUĂ€RRU LQVXODWLRQ Come for a play and a cuppa. Find us on Facebook for updates. Ć• 0HQ¡V +ROH *ROI cards in by 10.15am, new members and visitors welcome. Ć• /DGLHV 1HZ Newish to Wanaka luncheon. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP. Ph 443 7442..

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ƕ :DQDND %RZOLQJ &OXE Progressive Tournament. Names in by 1pm, start 1.15pm. Visitors welcome. ƕ :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Friday Bridge, 12.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St, visitors welcome. ƕ $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV Steps & Traditions Meeting. 7.30pm, Wanaka Plunket Rooms. Open meeting. ƕ 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. ƕ :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. Visitors welcome. ƕ 0HGLWDWLRQ 12midday St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. All welcome. Contact Damon Plimmer ucang@calledsouth.org.nz

6$785'$< 6(37(0%(5

ƕ :DQDND *XQ &OXE Wanaka Intercollegiate Shoot DTL & Skeet. 10am. ƕ $VSLULQJ 4XLOWHUV Wanaka’s quilting group meeting 10am - 4pm, Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre. Visitors and new members welcome. Call Clare 443 4303 for more info. ƕ :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 1-4pm. Visitors welcome. ƕ 8SSHU &OXWKD 7UDPSLQJ &OXE Winter Walk. Meet 8.30am at lakefront, by toilets opp Showgrounds. Bring lunch, thermos, weather-wise clothing, sturdy boots, sunglasses and petrol donation. Further details www. uctcwanaka.blogspot.com ƕ ([SORULQJ :LQH &KHHVH The Gate, Cromwell. Fundraiser for Dunstan Hospital Portable Diabetic Diagnostic Machine! $45 - Call Tabatha 027 5102 840 or email tabathaandjamie@hotmail.com ƕ +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ 3ODQWLQJ with Te Kakano. At Glendhu Bay. Scheduled start 10am. All welcome tools and morning tea provided. Queries: Andrew 021 342 187, our Facebook page or www.tekakano.org.nz

Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am-3pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated.

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Ć• +RO\ )DPLO\ &DWKROLF &KXUFK 152 Aubrey Rd. Holy Mass 9am. All welcome. Shared morning tea to follow. See notice at Church for week day Mass times. Ć• 3HWUROKHDG %UHDNIDVW from 8.30am at Warbirds & Wheels, Wanaka Airport. Bring your vintage or classic car for a drive. Everyone welcome. Ć• 3UHVE\WHULDQ &RPPXQLW\ &KXUFK 10am, Family Service with great kid’s programme 5-14yrs. All welcome at 91 Tenby St. wpccc.org.nz Facebook wanakapresbyteriancommunitychurch Ć• 1LJKW &KXUFK 7pm. Contemporary worship, inspiring message. All welcome. Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, 91 Tenby St. wpccc.org.nz Ć• &RPPXQLW\ :RUVKLS DW St Ninian’s, Hawea Flat 11.30am. All welcome. Ć• /DNH +DZHD *ROI &OXE. Sunday Golf 11.30am tee off. Ć• :DQDND %DSWLVW &KXUFK meets at 5.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre, 89 Ardmore St. Come as you are! 021 2805 817. Ć• 'LVF *ROI :DQDND Incorporated. Casual/social Sunday competition. Doubles & singles. 12.30pm, Beaumont 6W HQG RI /LVPRUH 3DUN /RRN RXW IRU FOXE Ă€DJV 1HZ players very welcome. The perfect complement for a walk in the park. Ć• :DQDND 3OD\JURXS 9.30-11.30am 0-5 year old. Squash Club, Stone St. Indoor activities and large IHQFHG RXWGRRU DUHD IDPLO\ ÂżUVW YLVLW IUHH 9LVLWRUV welcome. Enquiries to Kelli 021 776 853. Ć• )UHH &RPPXQLW\ <RJD &ODVV at Rhyme and Reason Brewery 11am. BYO mat and extra layers. Donations accepted for the teacher’s hard work. 17 Gordon Road. Ć• :DQDND 1HZ /LIH &KXUFK - Multi-generational meetings with great worship and Children’s Programme and you are Welcome! We meet at 50 Reece Crest, Wanaka every Sunday at 10am & 6pm. Inquiries to 0272 927 770. Ć• 6W &ROXPED¡V $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Family Eucharist at 9.30am. All welcome.

021'$< 6(37(0%(5

Ć• $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV 7.30pm Plunket Rooms, Ardmore St. All welcome. Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Glendhu Pairs - Silver partnerships only, 6.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Ć• %UHDVWIHHGLQJ &DIH 10.30-11.30am, Wanaka Plunket rooms. Stop by for a cuppa. One on one support available as well as group discussions. Check our Facebook @Breastfeedingwanaka for monthly topics. Ć• :DQDND :DONHUV Meet on lakefront opposite McDougall St at 9.30am. Bring a jacket and packed lunch. Contact Ruth 021 474 904. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć• 6PDOOERUH 5LĂ H &OXE 6.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre. Ć• %DOOURRP DQG /DWLQ 'DQFLQJ *URXS 7.30pm Wanaka Primary School Hall. All welcome with a partner or by yourself for exercise and fun. Share hall hire charge. Enquiries text 027 3931 046. Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year ROGV :H KDYH D KHDW SXPS DQG XQGHUĂ€RRU LQVXODWLRQ Come for a play and a cuppa. Find us on Facebook for updates. Ć• :DQDND 6RFLDO 7HQQLV Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. Visitors welcome.

78(6'$< 6(37(0%(5 Ć• 6D\ *R )DOOV SUHYHQWLRQ H[HUFLVHV for over 65s. Otago Age Concern - St John’s, Link Rd. 2 - 3pm $2. All welcome. Enquiries to Judy 443 4121. Ć• *HQWOH <RJD for good health & calmness. 9.30 - 10.45am. St John Rooms, Link Way. Vouchers available for Cancer Society members. Open session for the community. Contact Carmen 0223 265 019. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć• 0DLQO\ 0XVLF Music, movement and fun for children 0-4yrs and their Caregivers. Held at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Community Centre, 91 Tenby St, Wanaka. 9.30 - 11am, $3 per family. Ć• 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. 1 - 4pm. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org.nz Ć• :DQDND 0HQ¡V 7HQQLV Upton St courts from 3pm. Visitors welcome. Ć• 7KH 5RWDU\ &OXE RI :DQDND 6pm, Wanaka Golf Club. Visitors welcome. Ć• 9ROXQWHHULQJ &HQWUDO at Community Networks. 11.30am - 2.45pm. Pop in or make an appointment to see where you can volunteer in this fabulous community. Gillian, 027 5065 705, gillian@ volunteeringcentral.org.nz or browse roles at www. volunteeringcentral.org.nz Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year ROGV :H KDYH D KHDW SXPS DQG XQGHUĂ€RRU LQVXODWLRQ Come for a play and a cuppa. Find us on Facebook for updates.

:('1(6'$< 6(37(0%(5 Ć• :DQDND /LEUDU\ 3UHVFKRRO 6WRU\WLPH 10 - 11am, story reading followed by an activity for 3-5 year olds. Ć• :DQDND %ULGJH &OXE Cloudy Peak Pairs. 6.50pm, 9 Cliff Wilson St. Ć• 8SSHU &OXWKD +RVSLFH 6KRS. Open 10am - 5pm. Wide range of items available every day. Volunteers & donations appreciated. Ć• 9ROXQWHHU IRU +DELWDW 5HVWRUDWLRQ at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. 1 - 4pm. All welcome. info@tekakano.org.nz www.tekakano.org.nz Ć• $OFRKROLFV $QRQ\PRXV 6W Ninians Presbyterian Church Hall, Hawea Flat. 7.30pm. All welcome. Ć• 0DLQO\ 0XVLF +DZHD Music, movement and fun for children 0-4yrs and their Caregivers. Held at St Ninians Church, Kane Rd, Hawea Flat. 9.30 - 11am, $3 per family, includes morning tea. Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am-12.30pm. Trial run for Term 3! Come for a coffee and a play in our special place WKH \HDU ROG 3RVW 2IÂżFH %XLOGLQJ LQ +DZHD )ODW Everyone welcome, you don’t have to live in Hawea! It’s the pink and yellow building opposite the Hawea Flat Hall. See our Facebook page for further info. Ć• +DZHD 3OD\JURXS 9am - 12.30pm. Babies to 5 year ROGV :H KDYH D KHDW SXPS DQG XQGHUĂ€RRU LQVXODWLRQ Come for a play and a cuppa. Find us on Facebook for updates. Ć• 6HQLRU 1HW WR help seniors with laptops, iPads, smart phones and other technical gadgets. Meets 10am-noon at Presbyterian Church Tenby St. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to Neil 021 2146 336. Ć• 6W &ROXPED¡V $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK, cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. Holy Communion with discussion at 10am.

For Urgent Medical Care in the weekend of Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 September the duty practice is

Aspiring Medical Centre

Wanaka Lakes Health Centre

Ph (03) 443 0725

23 Cardrona Valley Rd. Urgent Clinics 9am – 6pm daily and After Hours Doctor on Call 24/7

30th August 2017



Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 Address: 11 Brownston St, Wanaka Email: messenger@printit.co.nz

THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAY NOTICES 29th August - Jessica Penney

MESSENGER DEADLINES DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS (15 minutes design time included) - Monday 12 noon. LINE ADVERTISEMENTS Tuesday 12 noon, preferably Monday. COMMUNITY FEATURE Request an application form. COMMUNITY DIARY Monday 12 noon.

Check out the Messenger online at: www.mymessenger.co.nz

BEAUTY THERAPY, MASSAGE winter specials at Inner Beauty, Albert Town. Ph/text Lisa 0275 236 838. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. FOR SALE - TWO occasional tables with bottom shelf. 675L x 460W x 600H. Medium to dark stain. As new condition. Cost $500 each, selling for $150 or offers. Ph:443 1199. MYFORD WOOD LATHE FOR SALE, reasonable condition, reasonable offer. 10” Tanner circular saw, reasonable offer. 6” Tanner Buzz, reasonable offer. Phone 443 1043. TO RENT: LONG TERM. New self contained single unit. Handy to town. Off street parking. Quiet area. $225 p/w. Call 0210 2116 230. SELLING! TOYOTA HI-ACE Grand Cabin G, 2000, 10 seater. Diesel. 251,000kms, (Hi top), 4WD, 2,982cc. Runs fabulously always! We’re downsizing. Susi 027 2279 777. HOUSE FOR RENT IN LAKE HAWEA. 3-4 bedrooms, log burner, double glazed, fully furnished. Available 6th September to 13th December. $450 per week plus expenses. Ph 0274 665 101. CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR VISA? Need residency help and advice? Need a new work visa? Contact your local licensed Immigration adviser 03 443 8386 info@easyvisa.co.nz Ph 0210 2441 380.

Dad: “I wondered why the frisbee was getting bigger.

Come into Print It to collect your voucher for a FREE coffee at Kai.

If you would like us to include a birthday phone on 03 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz

SKILLED LABOURERS REQUIRED for construction duties. Good team, great remuneration. Call Justin Carnie of CDL Building 0275 444 154. Email: justin@cdlbuilding.co.nz COBBLER GLENN FOR PATCHING, stitching, heeling and resoling your boots. Drop them into Simply New Zealand, 3 Helwick St, Wanaka. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable”. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. ARE YOU PREGNANT? Then you need to consider life insurance. Call for a free ‘needs analysis’. Phone 443 2427 Papworth Financial. POST UK PENSION TRANSFER SERVICE. Get a free second opinion about how efficiently your funds are invested. Phone 443 2427. Papworth Financial. WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. TELL YOUR GUESTS WHERE TO GO, then show them, using a customised wall map. Come and see the options available in our Map Showroom. The 45th Degree Picture Framing Professionals. Unit 1, 148 Ballantyne Road Wanaka. Ph 443 9348. Open Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm. www.the45thdegree.com ALIVATE IS HIRING! We are looking for a Restaurant Manager and Chefs to join our team for the coming summer. If you are looking for a new challenge this could be the position you are looking for. Drop in your CV or send to info@alivate.co.nz VIDEOGRAPHER WANTED: We are seeking a part time videographer for wedding photography. Camera experience is required and further training will be given. Email your CV to: wedding@everafter.co.nz by Monday 14th September 2017.

Thanks for all the dad jokes.

...from the Then it hit me.”

30th August 2017

MY COMMUNITY NEWS $u-mv=oul-ঞomĹ - |ub lr_ o= |;-l ouh During the last nine months, the Wanaka Residents Association (WRA) has been coordinating a project to clear and restore the wetland at the source of Bullock Creek. This is being achieved by fostering a partnership which includes Fish & Game, Te Kakano Native Trust and the Department of Corrections. To date, a committed few of the association’s members have supervised over 400 hours of Community Service work, in partnership with the Department of Corrections. This has allowed Te Kakano to bring in and plant in excess of 600 native plants using volunteer labour. This is wonderful progress and the land clearance and planting is impressive. In addition to landscape improvements at the site, it is proposed to construct a boardwalk and path through the site from Stone Street to the Alpha Series subdivision. This will open up the wetlands for public enjoyment and act as a link to the growing number of path and cycle ways throughout Wanaka. The next phase of the project requires the

association to secure funding for the walkway, which is expected to cost at least $65,000. It is hoped that some of these funds can be secured through an application to the Central Lakes Trust. With this goal in mind, there is to be a Special General Meeting of the association on Thursday 7 September 5.30pm at St John Rooms, with a view to adopting an updated Constitution which meets the requirements of

the Charities Commission. Anyone who would like to get involved with this rewarding project is welcome to attend this short meeting or to make contact with the association by emailing wanakaresidentsassociation@gmail.com. New members (or helpers) are most welcome. PHOTO: Members of the WRA get involved in wetland planting at the source of Bullock Creek.

ļ ;v| o= |_; o m|-bmĽ bѴl ;vঞ -Ѵ Lake Hawea Community Centre is hosting the third ‘Best of the Mountain’ Film Festival show. This annual event brings the best of the New Zealand Mountain Film Festival films together into an action packed three hour adventure film viewing. For the first time, there will be an afternoon showing starting at 2.30pm which will be screening the same films and aimed towards families and those who appreciate early nights! Amigo’s food truck will be at the LHCC from

5.00pm serving up delicious Mexican food and Maori Point Wines will be running a tasting. Come along and socialise between sessions, grab a wine and some food and join in the fun. The evening session starts at 7.00pm. This year’s films include wingsuit flying, pack rafting, whitewater kayaking, paragliding and alpine climbing. These films are set around the world and will have you sitting on the edge of your seat and admiring the courage and commitment of the teams undertaking the adventures.

lr -l = m7u-bvbm] uo]-bm; The Jump Jam aerobic program is a ‘Kidz Aerobix’ resource kit for schools, created by 2x World Aerobic Champion Brett Fairweather, specifically for primary and intermediate students and teachers. Designed to challenge fundamental movement skills, increase fitness, develop student leadership and motivate students to move and enjoy exercise, Jump Jam is a fusion of dance and fitness disciplines along with cultural interpretations that capture the look, attitude, posture and elements of aerobics and fitness. The Orchard Fresh Cromwell College team has made the National Finals in the Jump Jam Xtreme Yr 7-10 category and the girls are working hard to raise the funds to get to the finals.

To qualify, each team performed one of Brett’s choreographed dance routines via a recording. The top teams were then chosen to progress to the live finals in Auckland on 28th October 2017. The Cromwell College team are one of only three teams that qualified in this category from the South Island. For the finals the girls have the opportunity to change up to 50% of the choreography to make it more their own, create their own chant and add costumes and makeup. It’s a fantastic ‘Performance’ platform for the girls and they are working really hard to secure sponsorship to help us fund the trip. Orchard Fresh are the naming sponsor, but the team has also received support and sponsorship from Highland Events, Guthrie

Bowron, How John Painting, Envirobark, Otago Deer Transport, Crom-Dig, Placemakers, ITM, Urquharts, Smallburn Ltd, Cara Shanks Real Estate, Goldenview Lifestyle Village, and Probus. Our big fundraising push is a three hour rogaine at Northburn Station on 2nd September. Registrations are from 12.00pm, the map hand out starts at 1.00pm, and the event begins at 2.00pm. This is a great family outing and beginner course for map reading, compass work and a fun day out in the local hills. There will be a BBQ at the end of the day for all competitors too.


30th August 2017




Covers & Upholstery

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka P 03 443 7804 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz

We supply Wanaka businesses and individuals with upholstery and covers Canvas, Auto, Aviation, Marine and Residential Upholstery Check us out online for information and reviews www.optimumtrim.co.nz Contact James: 021 0865 5631 | info@optimumtrim.co.nz Unit 4, 80 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka, behind Upper Clutha Transport.

TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. THE LANDING RESTAURANT, 2 courses for $35, 3 for $45. Tuesday to Sunday from 5pm. Upstairs at 80 Ardmore Street, 03 443 5099. LATE NIGHTS TUESDAY AND THURSDAY till 7pm at Ali Babas. Remember if we can’t make you look good, you ugly! HEY BIG SHOT – Crossfire offers claybird shooting, mini putt, rifle range, archery, golf driving range. Come and see who really is the big shot in your group. 3 Mt Barker Rd. Open 7 days 9am – 5pm. Phone 443 9559. www.crossfirewanaka. co.nz ARE YOU A WRAPPING SUPERSTAR? We are looking for a superstar to work with us at our Wanaka Factory. The main responsibility of this role is hand wrapping our products to a high standard and efficiently. This work requires attention to detail, the ability to perform repetitive tasks without getting bored and working to hourly quotas. There is some flexibility over hours and days of work. For further details please email an expression of interest to info@georgeandedi.com WATER QUALITY A PROBLEM? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 0275 021 234. XERO BUSINESS COURSE! Get in control of your business and learn how to use Xero as a tool to drive your business forward. Master business basics such as quoting, invoicing, reconciliation, GST and year end financials. 8.30am - 10.30am on 18 & 29 September, Findlay & Co offices, $375 +GST. Spaces limited to 8. Register via annamcconville@findco.co.nz WOMEN’S SKI TOURING - 5 days Invincible’s Hut, head of Lake Wakatipu. Fly in to private tow and extensive ski tour terrain. 22-26th Sept. Spring frivolity on skis. Guided by Anna Cook. Ph 021 443 686 or email hidden@xtra.co.nz

TOSHIBA Heatpumps Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 11/12 Frederick St, Wanaka

TRUCK DRIVER/DIGGER OPERATOR WANTED: Are you hard working, reliable and self motivated? Wanaka SiteWorks are looking for new team members to help with general earth cartage/earthworks. Experience essential, as are Class 2/4 & RTW licences. Call James 027 9655 066. STONEWORK BY THE YARD on Reece Crescent. Any style, over 15 year’s local experience. Large portfolio. 14 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5069. www.theyardcentral.co.nz SOUTHERN LAKES PAINTING small to medium jobs, inside and out. Efficient, affordable and a very high standard of work! Please ring Lucy Jaine on 027 7797 533. WANTED 20 FOOT SHIPPING CONTAINER. Water tight. Phone Steve 021 515 999 thanks . WANTED TO BUY, LAUNCH MOORING IN ROY’S BAY. Phone Peter on 0274 358 577. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. TREE MULCH (WEED FREE) root protection and moisture for your trees/shrubs. $50 for 3m3 or $100 per 6m3 delivered in Wanaka. Put your name on our list 03 443 6454 or easy@ treetamers.co.nz NEW BEER ALERT at Rhyme and Reason Brewery! This week we introduced the Free Rider Pale Ale, a branch-off brew of our popular Joy Rider. Dry hopped with a generous amount of Citra hops creates this utterly refreshing and citrusy yum-yum-fest for your taste buds! Don’t miss out, only 2 kegs left! Come see us at 17 Gordon Road. Open at 12pm every day! GALLERY 33: Cristina Popovici’s long-awaited solo exhibition ‘Tension-Intention’, opens this Friday, 1 September at Gallery 33. Please join us for a glass of Maude Wine from 2 - 6pm to celebrate. All welcome.


Wed 30th August – Tue 5th September

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30th August 2017

NEW DENTURES All denture services | Relining | Partial Dentures RAPID REPAIRS

Gerald Byrne: Clinical Dent. Techn Experienced and affordable Appointment necessary Ph: (03) 443 9433 | 0276 348 793 4 Bovett Place, Wanaka | House calls available

WOULD YOU LIKE TO IMPROVE YOUR SKIING or boarding before the season starts? My treatment has been proven to increase movement and enhance proprioception, giving you the strength and coordination you have lost through injury and general stiffness. Aimed at getting optimal movement and function back in the pelvis, lower back and legs this will allow you to get more out of your season and help to avoid injuries. Come in with an existing ACC claim or lodge one for a recent injury. Don’t get bored in the quiet months, get yourself sorted for the ski season! Book with Liana Poole, M.Ost on 03 443 OSTE (6783) or visit wanakaosteopathic. co.nz SHOE REPAIRS. Your agent now at 10 Helwick Street, Southern Wild. Fast turn around. Good service. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill TRAILER HIRE AVAILABLE AT CALTEX. We have single and tandem trailers, with cages. Available for 2 hours/half or full day. ART DECO COLLECTORS EVENING at Silk Road Antiques and Collectables. Thursday September 7th from 6 - 8pm. Bring along your favourite piece of art deco and your enthusiasm to share. Please register your interest by calling Kim on 021 495 569. SOUP FOR SALE. Healthy, nutritious vegetable soup, 5 litres, frozen. Feed 10 people. $25. Fundraiser for Toy Library. Contact 027 7172 430 or 443 6565. CENTRAL LAKES PHYSIO have an experienced team of professional, highly qualified physios to help you feel great. We offer clinical Pilates, manual therapy, exercise, sport injury treatment, breathing retraining, cancer rehab, lymphoedema therapy, neuro rehab and more. We love to teach people about their injuries and how to help themselves. Call on 443 1711 or book online at www.physiowanaka.co.nz.


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Spider & Fly Treatments. Window Cleaning & Pest Control.

Do it once, do it well. Licensed, Accredited, Insured. Call anytime: 03 443 6652 Web: wilsonservices.co.nz

THE GOOD SPOT CARAVAN is looking for a Barista to join our team. Previous coffee experience a must. Happy to work in a small space a bonus. 20+ hours p/w available. Call 021 349 246 or email thegoodspotcaravan@gmail. com for more info. FREE DESSERT LUNCH SPECIAL with any mains or burger, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Jack Rabbit 443 7128. CAKES OF WANAKA - yummiest in town! It’s birthday season so don’t delay in booking your special cake. Online is easy!! www.cakesofwanaka.co.nz. Check us out on FB too. LUGGATE HOTEL - FATHER’S DAY roast all day - $20 and a free pint for all Dad’s dining with family. Available midday onwards this Sunday 3rd Sept. SEA-DOO SPECIAL. Just landed at Wanaka Marine & Sport! Get geared up for Summer and receive up to $1500 rebate plus other freebies on selected Sea-Doo models. Come and chat to us now or check out www.wanakamarine.co.nz Phone 443 9062. BUILDER/S REQUIRED for up coming and existing work. High end residential good crew of guys. Phone Nigel on 027 2892 175. SKI GOGGLES SALE: $34.95 - adults and childrens sizes, various colours, shades and styles. Distributors clearance stock, at Caltex Wanaka. LUCERNE AND TIMOTHY CHAFF $25 for 20kg bag. Hay also available. Free delivery. Phone 027 6819 966. FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). INFINITY MASSAGE - THERAPEUTIC & SPORTS massage; deep tissue; trigger point therapy; myofascial release or simply relaxation! Qualified therapist. Warm, comfortable room inside Health 2000. Bookings essential via online www. infinitymassage.co.nz or call/text Lian 0210 2769 871. CHEST FREEZER FOR SALE $150. Good condition. Also, fuzz ball table, Deluxe version, mint condition $350. Phone Greg 021 2384 506. LANDLORDS! GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS are changing to require all rental homes to be adequately insulated. Shear Comfort loose wool insulation is the perfect choice to top up ceiling insulation. Call 021 0629 212 or info@shearcomfort. co.nz Your tenants will love you!

30th August 2017


Mon – Fri 9am -5:30pm Sat & Sun 10am – 4pm 19 Reece Cresent, Wanaka Ph (03) 443 7032 wanaka@smithscity.co.nz Everything for Your Home

SPRING IS IN THE AIR. Call into The Merino Story for your new season wardrobe. Winter sale continues - 50% off selected fashion. Open 6 days. EVERYBODYS TALKING ABOUT GROWTH. Let’s talk about it together. Join the conversation at the LINK Community Forum: Connecting As We Grow, Sept 14, 7pm, Lake Wanaka Centre. Hosted by the Wanaka Community Board and LINK Upper Clutha. This is your chance to celebrate what you love about this place and plan for the future. www.link.org.nz for more info. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable”. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. CARPET REPAIRS, RE-STRETCHING, uplifting, re-laying, inserts, laying new and second-hand carpet. Quality service by experienced local tradesman. Call John at A & J Services 0274 331 482 or a/h 443 6255. SRAMEK CONSTRUCTION - Thinking of earning extra cash doing Air BnB’s? We specialise in garage/room conversions. Quality building. References available. Phone 0226 793 188. DO YOU NEED AN ELECTRICIAN ASAP? We have electricians available now for any job big or small. Call Aotea Electric Wanaka on 03 443 1260. When quality and service count. WANAKA LAVENDER FARM opens for the season 1st September 2017. 9.00am - 5.00pm every day! TINT-A-WINDOW/SOLAR PROTECTIVE FILMS. Fade, UV block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Ph 0800 368 468 or view our website www. tintawindow.co.nz EDGEWATER IS ON THE LOOKOUT for a full time Barista - If you love making excellent coffee and work well in a busy café environment then we want you to join our awesome team! Previous experience preferable, ability to work weekends and plans to stay in Wanaka for the summer are a must. Please email CV to Toby Hague: Restaurant@edgewater.co.nz

FLORENCES FOODSTORE & CAFE - Winters helpers are on their way. We have a part time position for 3 days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, for a Food Prepper and Barista Assistant. Also a Baker/Caker for five days 7am - 2pm. Some experience please. Send a resume of that experience to info@ florencesfoodstore.co.nz I DIG EARTHWORKS LTD. For all of your earth moving requirements. www.idig.co.nz Ph: 027 4691 069. PEASTRAW FOR SALE. Big square bales (7 small bale equivalent). $40 each. Free delivery. Phone 0276 819 966. COUPLE WITH A 1 YEAR OLD searching for a house, apartment or sleepout for a few months from mid September. Full time workers, local 18 years. Anything considered. Tony 021 2700 717. Thanks. BUILDER/CARPENTER AVAILABLE to work in Wanaka. Licensed 30 years experienced, mostly new homes, renovations as well. NEED A DOG GROOMER? The Soggy Dawg Pet Boutique & Spa. Full pet grooming facilities, qualified veterinary nurse and experienced groomer, all grooms include: Hydro bath, blowdry, nail clip. Call/text/pm Sheryl 0274 430 053 www.thesoggydawg.co.nz or FB for our ratings & reviews. “Groomed to Paw-fection”. LEARN TO DANCE SALSA. Have fun. Meet people. Every Thursday in Wanaka. Facebook- South Lakes Salsa Wanaka for details. FREE LINE ADS IN THE MESSENGER for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. FURNITURE TRUCK TRAVELLING EMPTY Wanaka to Nelson, via West Coast, October 15th. Available for backload. Interested? Call Vicki 0274 359 556. MORE SUPER BEEF SPECIALS this week at The Butcher’s Block and Smokehouse. Beef rump steak – versatile and great value – only $15.99/kg. Our 100% beef sausages – yum – only $12.99/kg. You’ll find Wanaka’s only dedicated butcher at 33 Reece Crescent, phone 443 5017. Open Monday-Friday 8am6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. BUILDER AVAILABLE. Additions, decks, fences, bathroom renovations. Building licence number LBP105458. Phone 03 443 2127, 0272 879 734. neillsmithbuilding@hotmail.com TWO TYRES OFF LAND ROVER Freelander 2. New tread. Undamaged. We bought five new but different. Make offer. 0274 678 624.

CENTRAL FOR ALL YOUR ASPHALTING REQUIREMENTS Also specialising in kerbing, driveways, tennis courts, concrete, cobblestoning and chipsealing, throughout Central Otago.

Call Tony 0274 404 516 or 03 442 3212 P.O Box 906, Queenstown Email: tony.a1asphalt@hotmail.co.nz

Wheels to Dunstan

30th August 2017


Free Door to Door Transport For Medical/Specialist Appointments at Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra


Wheels To Dunstan

Appointments 10am to 3pm if possible Bookings: Community Networks 443 7799 by 3pm the previous day Major sponsor Upper Clutha Transport Donations Gratefully Accepted

WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@ printit.co.nz DIRTY CAR? NEED A CARWASH? Caltex’s touchfree carwash, from $9. Options available: foambath, underbody, wheelwash, doublewash, protectant wax. Caltex Wanaka. 7 WAYS TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS short seminar. If you do what you’ve always done you won’t get what you’ve always got. Customers are demanding & expecting more. This short before work seminar will help you understand the 7 keys areas of your business you can influence to achieve growth and strategies you can adopt to support this. Join us on Monday 25 September from 8am - 9.30am at Findlay & Co Wanaka. $50 + GST, only 8 places available, register via annamcconville@findco.co.nz PENNY’S HOME CARE - DO YOU REQUIRE HELP with housework, personal care, shopping, meal preparation, medications, outings, transportation, gardening etc? If so, call Penny Fisher R.N. on 0273 434 776. ANOTHER WANAKA DAFFODIL DAY SUCCESS! A huge “thank you� everyone for your awesome support and generosity. To our wonderful community, schools, businesses, amazing volunteers. Special thanks to Radio Wanaka, Wanaka App, Print It, The Vintage Car Club... Sue Saunders, Coordinator.

cleaning and pest control


0800 CALL Fly, Spider & Rodent Control Specialists in Stain Removal, Carpets & Upholstery P: 03 443 1150

E: wanaka@jae.co.nz


30th August 2017


QUALIFIED ROCK CLIMBING INSTRUCTOR WANTED. Immediate start for the summer season. Send your CV to loz@basecampwanaka.co.nz TAB OPERATOR AND GAMING ROOM attendant required. Experience not necessary as full training will be given. Please apply to Martin. Ph 021 967 774. CLEANER AVAILABLE for private houses. Experienced, efficient and enthusiastic. Feel good when you walk in to your home. Kate 027 7010 157. SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window Cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: wilsonservices.co.nz LUGGATE HOTEL - Bar & Cafe Staff required for busy upcoming summer season. Duty manager’s qualification or ability to obtain an advantage. Contact Luggate Hotel 03 443 8523 or info@luggatehotel.co.nz TWO FOR ONE TUESDAY at Alchemy Restaurant and Cafe. Awesome special on all our mains after 4.00pm on Tuesday. Come in, relax and enjoy our delicious dinners! LUCERNE FOR SALE, good quality small bales $10. Pick up Riverbank Rd. Ph 027 5747 707. SOLAR STORAGE - Take it to the next level... store it in your electric car! Contact Central Otago’s Largest EV Distributor for a test drive in Wanaka. Morgan 0225 663 736. www. evolutionenergy.co.nz SCHIST + DIGGER STACK RETAINING WALLS + paving + columns + landscaping + house cladding etc. For all your schist ph 0274 691 069. ENERGETIC, DEDICATED AND LOVE THE OUTDOORS? Join our busy property, lawns and garden maintenance team for a spring start. Servicing some of the best properties in greater Wanaka. If you are fit, enthusiastic, have a full drivers licence, residency/valid work visa and a great attitude we’ll teach you the rest. Apply now for a September start. Please email us info@acomplete.co.nz




LAKES LANDSCAPES ARE ON THE LOOKOUT for a skilled landscaper to join their team for the busy spring and summer months ahead. The preferred candidate will have their class 2 heavy traffic licence. To see what Lakes Landscapes are about check out our website lakeslandscapes.co.nz to apply send CV through to admin@lakeslandscapes.co.nz or call Chris on 027 3275 782. WANTED TO BUY, LAUNCH MOORING IN ROY’S BAY. Phone Peter on 0274 358 577. ENROL NOW! MOUNT ASPIRING COLLEGE are planning 2018 now. Enrolment forms have been emailed to parents of students at Wanaka Primary and Hawea Flat schools. Please complete and return these to the college as soon as possible. Incoming Year 9 Holy Family students also need to complete and return their enrolment/course selection forms. If you have not received an enrolment form and are intending to have a student at the college next year please contact the College now. Phone 03 443 0499 shersonm@mtaspiring.school.nz MARRIAGE MATTERS – ‘Choosing the right person’ message by Ian Hyslop at Wanaka Presbyterian, 91 Tenby St . This Sunday 10am - Great childrens programmes for 3 - 14 year olds and supervised Crèche for under 3. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix.


OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS 8.30AM - 12PM PHONE (03) 443 7833 A/H : Sam McLeod 027 8865 604 www.uppercluthatransport.co.nz

Luggate Branch: • • • •


PHONE (03) 443 8221 A/H : Neville (Stock) 0274 431 958 or Tony 022 1826 605 MAJOR SPONSOR OF: THE UPPER CLUTHA RUGBY CLUB AND OF: THE WHEELS TO DUNSTAN TRUST

30th August 2017

TILE & STONE BOUTIQUE 33 Reece Crescent, Wanaka www.casamia.co.nz



- Come and get your horse wormer today!


JOIN THE FESTIVAL OF SPORT AND RECREATION, 23rd September at WRC 9am-1pm and be challenged by: Kahu Youth’s Dye Dash colour run, Mitre10 Mighty10 Tug of War, Subway’s 12� speed eating, Bike Wanaka’s junior skills course, and more. Be Inspired. CHRISTINZ LADIES CLOTHING for all ages, shapes and sizes. Wanaka Yacht Club Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd Sept 10am - 4pm, Sunday 3rd Sept 10am - 2pm. www.christinz.co.nz PARTY ON THE LAKE ON DUAL IMAGE, Wanaka’s unique venue for all occasions. Celebrations, work parties & get togethers. 0800 800 090. FILING CABINETS (2), Europlan three drawer, stone grey. Excellent condition. Plus office chair $100 the lot. Phone 021 937 061 or 03 443 7317. RUBYS CINEMA & BAR STAFF NEEDED - Hospitality experience essential. Must have your Duty Manager’s certificate or willing to get it. Please pop in and see Jordi. HOUSEKEEPER/CLEANER WANTED - long term position available with an immediate start. Applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid work visa and a full drivers licence valid in NZ. Previous experience would be an advantage but not essential as full training will be given. Interested please email CV to info@thecleanerswanaka.co.nz or message 0210 2224 341.

range of Royal Canin food in-store to keep your pet happy and healthy.

Vet Ent Aspiring Ph 443 7262 SPONSORED BY

Sponsored by:

VETS Vet ASPIRING Ent Aspiring (Aspiring Vets)

$ "OEFSTPO 3PBE r 1I r &NBJM BTQJSJOH WFU!YUSB DP O[ 42C ANDERSON ROAD PH 443 7262 E : aspiring-vet@xtra.co.nz

FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS contact Dave Spedding, the full service landscaping professionals. Design, paving, lawns, planting plans and irrigation. Like us on Facebook or check out www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz Phone 021 707 481 or 443 2721. HIGH END DETAIL CLEANING/AIRBNB detail consulting/ holiday home management. Do you want to cut your clean times, have your property perfected or just looked after to the highest quality? Please contact Sara@ inclinepropertymanagement.co.nz Phone 027 8989 133 www. Inclinepropertymanagement.co.nz WINTER GAMES WIND DOWN at The Rabbit Hole - Jack Rabbit. Exclusive happy hour. Every day during the Winter Games from 5.30 - 6.30pm. LAST CHANCE TO GET YOUR TICKET! Wanaka Preschool Art Auction - this Friday 1st September at The Venue. Amazing art, jewellery, sculpture and ceramics. Local wines and nibbles by Tiritiri Kitchen. Tickets from Wonder Room and Wanaka Preschool. Phone 443 7090. WGK IS LOOKING FOR A KITCHEN HAND to join our team. Please send us an email at info@wgk.co.nz or pop in after 6pm. PRIVATE LAND WANTED TO RENT/LEASE short or long term for running dogs on and training a few times a week. Woodland, empty farm land, undeveloped, anything considered. Will leave it exactly as found. Call 022 1629 851. FREE LEGAL ADVICE AVAILABLE at Community Networks delivered by the Dunedin Community Law Centre on Wednesday 6th September. Please call Community Networks on 443 7799 to book your appointment. BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea – just call us on 03 443 7148. BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices. EDITING, PROOFREADING AND COPYWRITING SERVICES. Drill Press - your local editing experts. www.drillpress.nz LIQUORLAND WANAKA – Require a sales person 5 evenings per week. Please apply to Martin ph 021 967 774. SHIPPING CONTAINERS for sale. Phone 0211 788 589.

30th August 2017


it’s okay to not be okay Chamber of Commerce Invest in you and your team’s professional development Up-coming training and networking opportunities with the Ignite Wanaka Chamber. If you work in Wanaka, manage or own a business, then these events are for you.

Women’s Business Coffee Mornings Weds 20 September - Dr Helen Anderson - Professional director Weds 25 October - Sharyn Mathias - Owner Florence’s Cafe and Store

Biz Workshops Training Sessions Body language and communication in the workplace - Steph Holloway, Elemental Potential - Tuesday 12 September Building a team for the long-term - Laura Hedley, People & Performance, Cardrona Alpine Resort - Tuesday 24 October All events are open to Members and non-Members. Visit www.wanakachamber.co.nz for details or email naomi@wanakachamber.co.nz

LAST WEEKS JACK RABBIT Boss’s shout winner is Gavin Magrath from Allied Concrete. INVESTORS WANTED. $50 - 500k. Local, replicable business. Related to affordable housing. Phone 021 1788 589. DVD’S & CD’S : DVD’S & CD’S - now available again for purchase in Wanaka, huge selection at Caltex Wanaka. RUNNER REQUIRED FOR RUBBISH COLLECTION RUN. Mon to Thurs, 8am starts but finish times variable. 20-25 hours weekly. Physical fitness important and some lifting involved. For more information please email wanakawasteltd@gmail. com or text 021 448 452 evenings only. FOR SALE: Madshus skate skis, 175cm length, hard weight plus Madshus Athena women boots Euro 40. $222. Ph 021 1101 160. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. HOUSEKEEPER VACANCY. The Moorings Motels has a vacancy for a Housekeeper. Could be a permanent position or something for a shorter time. We have a great team and excellent working conditions. Please phone 03 443 8479 or call at The Moorings. QUAKEFIX WANAKA LTD. Specialising in repaints interior/ exterior. Quality workmanship with written guarantee and free quotes. Phone 0220 326 569. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - contact your local operator of JAE Cleaning and Pest Control. For quality steam or dry cleaning and the best in stain removal, phone 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150.

Chimney Sweeping Phone Curly (03) 443 9458 or 027 2866 567

• 20 years experience • Rotary power sweeping • Cleanliness guaranteed

For professional help with anxiety, depression and other mental health challenges contact mm;l; ; "ou;mv;m, Registered Clinical Psychologist.

T: +64 (0) 21 910 440 E: annemette.s@xtra.co.nz www.annemettesorensen.co.nz

COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017. BOOK YOUR FENCING NOW before the spring rush. Call Tony at Alpine Fencing on 027 4575 152 or email info@ alpinefencing.co.nz for an immediate quote. HOME AND PET MINDING COUPLE offering professional service in Wanaka area early November until 12th December. Daily charge $20.00. Excellent local references. Contact Aldyth 0211 058 821 email chandlers@maxnet.co.nz DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE - Register for the next course by calling or texting Lyal on 0274 381 443. TINYHOUSES, SLEEPOUTS, offices, toilet blocks, kitchens etc. Now available in Wanaka. Lots of designs. Finance available. Can ship anywhere in NZ. Phone 0211 788 589. ORDER YOUR COFFEE ONLINE. Search ‘The Coffee Shack’ in the App Store or visit www.thecoffeeshackwanaka.co.nz. Life’s too short to wait! GARAGE CARPET - FULLY INSTALLED 36sqm $1300 inc. GST. Check TradeMe listing 1399731088 for discount. Phone John 0274 331 482. BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea – just call us on 03 443 7148. HAVE A ONE NIGHT STAND! Community groups, would you like a free space to showcase your projects and work at the LINK Community Forum: Connecting As We Grow on Sept 14th? Connect with others who may want to get involved, or bring a new idea to share. Register your interest: sophie@ link.org.nz HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING this Saturday 2 September with Te Kakano at Glendhu Bay. Park at the signposted “Mt Aspiring viewpoint” and walk along the track towards Glendhu Bay - you will find us. Scheduled start 10am. All welcome - tools and morning tea provided. Queries: Andrew 021 342 187, our Facebook page or website www. tekakano.org.nz NIGHT CHURCH AT 7PM. Contemporary worship, teaching from the Book of James at Wanaka Presbyterian Church, 91 Tenby St. SCHIST + DIGGER STACK RETAINING WALLS + paving + columns + landscaping + house cladding etc. For all your schist ph 0274 691 069. FRANCESCA’S ITALIAN KITCHEN REQUIRE a waitress. Some experience preferred. Must have love for Italian food and wine and great customer service. Pop in with a CV outside of service hours and see Fred or Natalia. Alternatively email fikmanager@gmail.com

30th August 2017


Chamber of Commerce

2017 Business Skills Seminar Tuesday 17th October, 8am - 5.30pm :KR LQ \RXU WHDP ZRXOG EHQH¿W IURP D ZKROH GD\ RI training to grow their skills and excel in their role? Join us for this interactive and informative all day training session focusing on the latest trends in business. Cost - Members $125 + GST (Non-Members $145 + GST) Includes lunch, morning tea, post-drink, plus spot prizes from our speakers and sponsors during the day. Reserve your space now by emailing naomi@wanakachamber.co.nz Or visit www.wanakachamber.co.nz for more information.

SEEKING COUPLE for minimum of 6 months with potential for longer. Housekeeper/reception person and cleaner/ grounds assistance required. One person will be trained to work in reception in evenings during the summer. Both positions offer 15 hours minimum each per week, with the reception role increasing to full time over summer. On-site accommodation available if required. Experience preferred in housekeeping and front of line. To request an application form, email stay@wanakakiwi.nz RUBYS NEW CINEMA EXPERIENCE - we have a new projector in our intimate Snug which you simply must come and experience to believe. FOR SALE REDUCED PRICE. Hansa 4-stroke 6hp petrol Honda mulcher, wood chipper. Manufactured in Hamilton. $1000. $4000 new. Organic sustainable composting cuttings hedges. Make your own. Why pay to take green waste away. Ph 03 443 8020/021 931 076 Hawea to view. info@cardronaterrace.com DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE - Register for the next course by calling or texting Lyal on 0274 381 443. TAB OPERATOR AND GAMING ROOM attendant required. Experience not necessary as full training will be given. Please apply to Martin. Ph 021 967 774.

Locally made Solid Cedar Entrance and internal Doors and all types of internal prehung door services.

TOP TIP: Windows 10 – No longer free The one year anniversary of Windows 10 has come and gone, and the free upgrade is no longer available. Don’t worry if you didn’t upgrade. If you’re running Windows 7 or 8.1, you’re not missing out on anything spectacular. If you are in the market for a new PC, it probably makes sense to look at the software you are running and see if it will work on Windows 10. Give us a call to discuss your options, including new computers running Windows 7 Professional.

Call us on 443 5499

GENERAL CARTAGE AND CRANE HIRE, call Glenn at Lakeland Contracting to discuss your needs today 443 5049. “Lifting your expectations”. THE COBBLER IS OPEN Monday, Thursday and Saturday for you to collect repairs. 67 Brownston Street. Phone 021 2384 506. LUGGATE HOTEL - FATHER’S DAY roast all day - $20 and a free pint for all Dad’s dining with family. Available midday onwards this Sunday 3rd Sept. WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. CENTRAL LAKES PHYSIO have an experienced team of professional, highly qualified physios to help you feel great. We offer clinical Pilates, manual therapy, exercise, sport injury treatment, breathing retraining, cancer rehab, lymphoedema therapy, neuro rehab and more. We love to teach people about their injuries and how to help themselves. Call on 443 1711 or book online at www.physiowanaka.co.nz. WINTER GAMES WIND DOWN at The Rabbit Hole - Jack Rabbit. Exclusive happy hour. Every day during the Winter Games from 5.30 - 6.30pm. HAY FOR SALE. Small bales $8.00. Ph 03 443 8437.

View our doors at www.cedardoors.co.nz Call 027 526 3695

Email knock@cedardoors.co.nz


021 917 999


30th August 2017


Show your love this Father’s Day with a homecooked breakfast featuring bacon from The Butcher’s Block and Smokehouse. Handmade right here in Wanaka, it’s simply the best bacon you’ll ever eat. Check out the Father’s Day meal ideas on www. butchersblockwanaka.co.nz 33 Reece Crescent Ph: 03 443 5017 Mon-Fri 8.00am-6.00pm | Sat 9.00am-5.00pm

WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@ printit.co.nz JOIN THE FESTIVAL OF SPORT AND RECREATION, 23rd September at WRC 9am - 1pm to view displays and interactive activities e.g. football, dance, tennis, gymnastics, skiing, climbing, tramping, sailing, bridge, hockey, squash, biking, paddling, swimming, and a variety of fitness centres. Be inspired. MASSAGES & REIKI. Professional massage in private, quiet studio. For more information and prices/deals see www. healthytherapies.net or Facebook. Nela 021 1028 590. WANAKA DOG WALKING & PET SITTING for all your pet care needs! Group hikes, regular or casual walks, cat feeding, dropin visits, overnight pet sitting and more! Flexible services for all animals. Visit www.wanakadogwalking.com or call Emily 022 1629 851. ARE YOU A WRAPPING SUPERSTAR? We are looking for a superstar to work with us at our Wanaka Factory. The main responsibility of this role is hand wrapping our products to a high standard and efficiently. This work requires attention to detail, the ability to perform repetitive tasks without getting bored and working to hourly quotas. There is some flexibility over hours and days of work. For further details please email an expression of interest to info@georgeandedi.com SPRING SPECIALS AT DIVINE DAY SPA... Energising and exfoliating full body salt scrub $35, Bondi Sands full body spray tan $30, brow shape and tint $25, OPI Gel manicure or pedicure $40. Book now call 022 0235 330. TO RENT: LONG TERM. New self contained single unit. Handy to town. Off street parking. Quiet area. $225 p/w. Call 0210 2116 230.

MAC 1st XI Hockey Team would like to say a big THANK YOU to... Snow Farm Beerworks Sanctuary Day Spa, Oakridge Lake Wanaka Cruises Eco Wanaka Adventures Go Jets Wanaka Warbirds Over Wanaka Event Management Cardrona Treble Cone Learn To Fly NZ Wanaka River Journeys Aitken’s Folly Big Fig Emma for Beauty Outside Sports Peak Endurance Maori Point Winery

WildWire Wanaka Backcountry Saddle Expeditions NZ Hearing Placemakers New World Four Square The Bakery Amigos Basecamp Wanaka Skydive Wanaka Caltex Wanaka &URVVʀUH Wanaka Bowling Club George the Quiz Master Extraordinaire ...and all the people who participated in the quiz


ARE YOU PREGNANT? Then you need to consider life insurance. Call for a free ‘needs analysis’. Phone 443 2427 Papworth Financial. LOOKING TO BUILD IN 2018? Erkhart Construction have openings for new builds and renovations. Our positive and motivated team look forward to being part of your vision. Call us to discuss your build and pricing options 022 2444 426. WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. SOLAR STORAGE - Take it to the next level... store it in your electric car! Contact Central Otago’s Largest EV Distributor for a test drive in Wanaka. Morgan 0225 663 736. www. evolutionenergy.co.nz HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING this Saturday 2 September with Te Kakano at Glendhu Bay. Park at the signposted “Mt Aspiring viewpoint” and walk along the track towards Glendhu Bay - you will find us. Scheduled start 10am. All welcome - tools and morning tea provided. Queries: Andrew 021 342 187, our Facebook page or website www. tekakano.org.nz LAST CHANCE TO GET YOUR TICKET! Wanaka Preschool Art Auction - this Friday 1st September at The Venue. Amazing art, jewellery, sculpture and ceramics. Local wines and nibbles by Tiritiri Kitchen. Tickets from Wonder Room and Wanaka Preschool. Phone 443 7090. BOWEN THERAPY - Holistic healing system with rapid results. For more info: www.lakesbowentherapy.com Treatments available in Albert Town. Call/text Cathy Rodgers 0210 2201 898 or 443 7907 rodgersc71@yahoo.com

Part of your Wednesday routine, since 1978. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • E: messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

30th August 2017


It’s your boss’s shout! WE ARE LOOKING FOR LABOURERS for the summer season. Immediate start for the right people. Must be able to work in NZ, or current work visa. Must be physically fit as lifting involved & willing to work longer hours when required. Drivers licence would be helpful. Starting rate $22.00. Text only to 021 929 692 please. CRICKET: The Luggate Albion Cricket Club inc will hold its AGM on the 5 September, 7 pm at the Galloway Pavilion,150 Aubrey Rd Wanaka. Any enquiries to Club Captain Tim Dormer 0279 026 172 or President Mike O’Connor 021 499 642. WE REQUIRE A FULL TIME HOUSEKEEPER/Lodge Assistant. Must have a NZ drivers licence and at least 1 year cleaning experience, a great communicator with an eye for detail, can use initiative, availability to work Christmas/New years. If you have a can do attitude and would like to join our amazing team please email your CV to info@tewanaka.co.nz NEW! BLACK MULCH AT The Yard on Reece Crescent. Give your garden an elegant contrast that will really make your garden stand out! Loan trailers and delivery available. 14 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5069. www.theyardcentral.co.nz THAT SUGAR FILM SCREENING! Know of a community group, workplace, or school that would benefit from a screening of That Sugar Film? Registrations now open, limited screenings available. Contact Jess at jessica@tastesuccess.co.nz to apply. LAKE WANAKA LODGE is looking for part time staff. Duties including housekeeping and reception. Long or short term position considered. Must be available on Sundays. Please drop your CV into The Lake Wanaka Lodge, 24 Tenby Street. LOCAL, RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE tree care from Tree Tamers, Fully qualified arborists since 2003. Free quotes, call 03 443 6454 or www.treetamers.co.nz QUALIFIED ROCK CLIMBING INSTRUCTOR WANTED. Immediate start for the summer season. Send your CV to loz@basecampwanaka.co.nz 7 WAYS TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS short seminar. If you do what you’ve always done you won’t get what you’ve always got. Customers are demanding & expecting more. This short before work seminar will help you understand the 7 keys areas of your business you can influence to achieve growth and strategies you can adopt to support this. Join us on Monday 25 September from 8am - 9.30am at Findlay & Co Wanaka. $50 + GST, only 8 places available, register via annamcconville@findco.co.nz BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill BUILDER/S REQUIRED for up coming and existing work. High end residential good crew of guys. Phone Nigel on 027 2892 175.

Motivate your boss to shout! Jack provides the ‘Rabbit’s Foot’ (a 3ft long pizza) and your boss shouts the drinks! WHERE: ‘The Rabbit Hole’ bar @ Jack Rabbit. WHEN: Drawn every Friday morning.

Txt: ‘boss’s shout’ with name and number to 0274 366 113 to be in to WIN Winners contacted directly and posted on the Jack Rabbit Facebook page. www.facebook.com/jackrabbitwanaka

WANAKA OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC - Treating Wanaka locals since 2005. Offering new techniques specifically designed for the needs of Wanaka’s active population; to get you back out there asap, with long term relief. Whole body approach to musculoskeletal and organ system problems. From toes to tinnitus, newborn to ninety, we assess and treat the entire body. ACC registered, call 443 OSTE (6783) or visit www. wanakaosteopathic.co.nz QUALIFIED ROCK CLIMBING INSTRUCTOR WANTED. Immediate start for the summer season. Send your CV to loz@basecampwanaka.co.nz FOR EXPERTS IN FARM FENCING, rabbit proofing and stunning macrocarpa post and rail, choose Alpine Fencing. Call Tony on 027 4575 152 or visit www.alpinefencing.co.nz for more info. PRISTINE STEAMING - Professional garment steaming. Specialising in bridal, bridesmaids dresses, suits, ball and evening gowns. Contact Neda 0211 612 885. pristinesteaming@gmail.com GARAGE CARPET - FULLY INSTALLED 36sqm $1300 inc. GST. Check TradeMe listing 1399731088 for discount. Phone John 0274 331 482. DRIVING LESSONS - For affordable and effective driving lessons, call or text Lyal on 0274 381 443. TUKI 2018 LUSHZONE - Keen for fancy loos, shady retreat, indoor café/bar, garden lounge, wicked stage views and seating? 50% of these spots have now gone, so delay your dilly-dallying and head to Cork Bar, Cardrona Town Office or ticketek.co.nz R18 only. www.tukifestival.nz or email info@ tukifestival.nz HAIR ART WORKSHOP & MOBILE. For art, creativity and simplicity. Natural - based/organic products. Weddings, hair ups, colour work, creative techniques, body waves, texture waves, scalp massage and moisture treatments. Keratherapy straightening system. Hair extensions and dreadlocks. www. hairartnz.com Ph 443 9545.

30th August 2017


5b Hogan Lane, Wanaka

Target This - Vendor Has Bought Our vendor has bought elsewhere and wants this sold! First home buyers and investors - Target this stylish townhouse and lock in a lofty apartment style home with room to grow and potential to improve your asset. Set your sights on a lifestyle in the alps today, and call now for more information.

Auction 2pm, Friday 8th September (unless sold prior) View Saturday 3pm or By Appointment

www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21631 Ray White, 1 Helwick Street, Wanaka Wanaka Real Estate Limited Licenced (REAA 2008)

NEED A VENUE for your next meeting, community group activity, pop up shop or training workshop? Wanaka Yacht Club is a great choice. Good rates. Lakefront location, kitchen facilities, tables & chairs. Contact Andy 021 1075 520. JUST FISH IS SELLING A SELECTION of freshly frozen free flow Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP beside Bullock Bar entrance. Tucker 0274 376 657. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. HAVE A ONE NIGHT STAND! Community groups, would you like a free space to showcase your projects and work at the LINK Community Forum: Connecting As We Grow on Sept 14th? Connect with others who may want to get involved, or bring a new idea to share. Register your interest: sophie@ link.org.nz MYFORD WOOD LATHE FOR SALE, reasonable condition, reasonable offer. 10” Tanner circular saw, reasonable offer. 6” Tanner Buzz, reasonable offer. Phone 443 1043. FREE LINE ADS IN THE MESSENGER for private advertisers. Terms and conditions apply. ALBION JUNIOR CRICKET CLUB pre-season meeting, Monday 4th Sep, 7pm at Rugby Club rooms for all coaches / potential coaches and other interested parties. Any queries phone 027 2970 602. SNOWCHAINS All car/4WD sizes available now at Caltex. Quick fit, with ratchet tensioning. Free sizing, free test fitting and free demonstration. Caltex Wanaka - your Wanaka snowchain specialists.

Joss Harris & Jayne MacDonald 021 220 7693; 021 909 821 (03) 443 8912 joss.harris@raywhite.com jayne.macdonald@raywhite.com 1 Helwick Street, Wanaka

THE LAKE HAWEA HOLIDAY PARK is seeking a Front Desk/ Office Superstar where attitude is everything. Looking for an enthusiastic individual with a background in both tourism and office environments to join our team. The successful candidate will have a positive, friendly persona with a willingness to adapt to a range of varied tasks. Self-motivation and a “go-getter’ attitude is some of the additional qualities we are looking for. Our growing business needs exceptional staff to embrace and back our vision, mission and values. Is this you? Send your C.V and a description of your current situation to manager@haweaholidaypark.co.nz SITE RETENTION, FRUIT TREE MULCHING small bales barley straw, $7. Free delivery. Small bales pea straw also available. Phone 0276 819 966. BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. ADVANCED CELLULAR TESTING: Comprehensive analysis for gut issues, food/chemical intolerances, skin conditions, immune dysfunction, mood disorders, reoccurring infections, fungal persistence & sleep disorders. Certified practitioner. www.yogastudiocromwell.com Phone 021 947 056. SOUP FOR SALE. Healthy, nutritious vegetable soup, 5 litres, frozen. Feed 10 people. $25. Fundraiser for Toy Library. Contact 027 7172 430 or 443 6565. APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix.

Upper Clutha Messenger

30th August 2017


Lake Hawea 15 Moraine Place

803sqm A 3 B 2 C 2 I 2 K

Destination Hawea - The Goodlife Awaits Located in an established cul-de-sac of Lake Hawea village and only a short stroll to the crystal clear waters of the lake, this near new contemporary low maintenance home represents a rare opportunity to join family friendly neighbours who are already enjoying the good life. Summer is just around the corner - swim, fish, ski, bike or hike - the choice is yours. It's all so close to your doorstep!! Enjoy the extensive alpine views from the open plan living area, entertain family and friends in front of the cosy fire in winter or relax in the sun drenched private courtyard while enjoying a BBQ in summer. The lawns are established and there´s room for the boat in the double garage. We think it´s time for you to come and compare the value of what´s on offer. Having only been used as a holiday home and no longer needed, our instructions are clear to sell at or prior to Auction - call or email today to start your fresh chapter in Lake Hawea.

Auction Wednesday 27th September at 12.00pm. 21 Helwick Street, Wanaka (Unless Sold Prior) View Saturday 3pm, Sunday 11am or by appointment www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ5008

Gavin Vize M 021 025 66759 P 03 443 7829 gavin.vize@harcourts.co.nz Paul Miller M 0274 364 458 P 03 443 7979 paul.miller@harcourts.co.nz

Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008




Wanaka 20 Briar Bank Drive

3070sqm A

Ultimate Wanaka Home Or Luxurious Lodge The owners' vision was to create a home where peace and privacy, space and grandeur, design and craftsmanship - meet and showcase the absolute stunning views of Lake Wanaka and the Southern Alps. Add to this brief : Elegant spaces to entertain family and friends Accommodation with separation for guests they have or haven't met Landscaped gardens designed for privacy Garaging for all the toys required to enjoy Wanaka's unique playground The opportunity exists for this trophy Wanaka property to continue as a loved home and/or to be utilized as luxury lodge accommodation. Incomparable, Luxurious, Prestigious

Tender Closes 5pm Thursday 28th September. 21 Helwick Street, Wanaka View by appointment only www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ5005

Gavin Vize M 021 025 66759 P 03 443 7829 gavin.vize@harcourts.co.nz Paul Miller M 0274 364 458 P 03 443 7979 paul.miller@harcourts.co.nz

Highland Real Estate Group Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

We’ve got Otago covered.

Upper Clutha Messenger

30th August 2017



Wanaka 84 Infinity Drive

Wanaka Surrounds Lot 2, 1322 Luggate - Tarras Road 2

Perfectly finished in Peninsula Bay


Act now if you would like to snap up this perfectly finished 227m² (approx) property in Peninsula Bay. Crafted with consideration and attention to detail, the open plan living area has large windows flooding the space with natural light and surrounding alpine views. Ranch sliders will appeal to those with a love of rustic charm and allow the separate lounge to be part of the central space, or closed off. Alfresco dining is effortless with sliding doors connecting the living space to the deck, complete with inbuilt seating. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own this home, call now for further information.

For Sale $1,299,000



View by appointment Sharon Donnelly 027 561 7235 sharon.donnelly@bayleys.co.nz Scott McGoun 021 201 9029 scott.mcgoun@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008


Owners moo..ving on! The current owners of this stunning lifestyle block had intentions of building their dream home but job opportunities have meant a change in direction. This creates a wonderful opportunity for the new owner as relatively flat, titled blocks of land that offer further development potential are scarce. A large water allocation opens the gate for a productive lifestyle block to become a reality. Your eye will instantly be drawn to the extensive vistas of Central Otago’s stunning mountain ranges. With a blank canvas of 5.03ha (approx) your options are as expansive as the land and views.

For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (unless sold prior) 4pm, Fri 6 Oct 2017 62 Ardmore St, Wanaka View by appointment Todd Soper 027 487 6737 todd.soper@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008


Bayleys Wanaka would like to welcome Lane to the team! The team at Bayleys Wanaka are thrilled to welcome Lane McSkimming to our team. Lane is proud to be born and bred in Central Otago, and after 25 years working in the North Island, he is excited to be home. With a strong work ethic, honest approach, and friendly helpful nature, Lane has spent the last two years working in real estate, focused on providing a professional stress-free experience for his clients.

Helping clients achieve a positive outcome is what I pride myself on. Call Lane anytime for help with your journey in the property market.

Lane McSkimming M 027 477 6355 B 03 443 0266 lane.mcskimming@bayleys.co.nz bayleys.co.nz


Upper Clutha Messenger

30th August 2017












APRES SKI Platter & two wines for $40 every day! Ask our staff!





OPEN FOR DINNER EVERY NIGHT Tapas, local drinks & more

QUIZ LAUGHTON NIGHT CURLING KORA Single Hosted byUse Only Please LIVE! Prizes to be George with won every Early bird prizes to be week! tickets $20 | won every On the door 7.00pm week! tickets $25 7.00pm OFFICIAL SKI WEEK AFTERPARTY ft. TC, Mind Vortex & Rockwell WING & PONG WEDNESDAY


Huge prizes to Prizes & 50c be won! chicken wings! $12 pizza & pint 8.30pm deal! VOUCHER DRAW 6.00pm

HAPPY HOUR 5.00-6.00pm

Open 4.00pm

Open 4.00pm





OPEN MIC NIGHT with Evan 9.00pm




LIVE MUSIC SUNDAYS! Instrumental finger-picking with Glen Ottley 5.00-7.00pm

MITRE 10 CUP LIVE Otago v Manawatu 2.30pm

SUNDAY FUNDAY! Free pool, darts & giant Jenga All day











2 FOR 1 TUESDAY Two for one on all mains! After 4.00pm


POKER NIGHT Be in to win a $500 travel voucher! 6.30pm


FRY-YAY Karaoke every Friday!

$9 JUGS TRADIES HAPPY HOUR 4.30-5.30pm MEAT RAFFLE & GAME OF CHANCE Bistro open 6.00pm

LIVE MUSIC Martine Harding 8.00pm

WORKSOUT WORKOUT! Music & no actual working out! $5 cocktail jars, $5 pints & $12 pizzas!


Mussels in creamy white wine sauce $18 MONEY BOX DRAW $450

LET'S GET QUIZZICAL! More prizes than a Sunday service SUNDAY ROAST $19 Open 3.00pm, Bistro open 5.30pm


HAPPY HOUR EVERY DAY! 6-7pm James Brennan $1 POOL 8.00pm

CRANKIN' TACO KARAOKE TUESDAY! Like the shower Pool but with prizes competition & clothing! with $50 prize! FREE VENUE HIRE FOR CLUB MEMBERS!

POOL COMP FREE entry and a slice of pizza 7.00pm



QUIZ NIGHT Hosted by Ben 7.00pm Open 4.00pm


Upper Clutha Messenger

30th August 2017

www.lakelandcontracting.co.nz General Cartage Crane Hire Locally owned and operated


MARK CROSS | 021 240 4438



by glass artists Ola & Marie Höglund 1767 Luggate – Cromwell Road (between Wanaka and Cromwell) OPEN DAILY Ph 03 442 7210 www.hoglundartglass.com

CO M • • • • •


Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre Free entry Hear from Wanaka developers Get your design questions answered Speak to planners and conveyancing lawyers

To register your interest or for more details, contact 03 443 2196

OFFICE: 37 Reece Crescent, Wanaka | 03 443 2196 MAIN SHOWHOME: Corner of Mount Linton Road & Aubrey Road, Wanaka NORTHLAKE SHOWHOME: 54 Mount Linton Road, Wanaka



NZ’s most trusted brand

M: 027 240 7970 E: sean@shadenz.co.nz W: www.shadenz.co.nz

30th August 2017


MY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES PART TIME MACHINE MAINTENANCE PERSON REQUIRED. (WANAKA) 4-8 hours per week (flexible) General cleaning of exterior and interior of concrete pump trucks Includes grease and lubricate of pump & safety check of equipment, etc Phone: Paula 0272054409

Office Administrator / Receptionist Fixed term 12 months maternity leave cover We are looking for an Office Administrator to join our busy and dynamic real estate company. As the first point of contact you will meet and greet our clients and also provide admin support to our fantastic team of salespeople. If you have: • a passion for customer service and a top attitude to match • high attention to detail, flexibility and adaptable to changing priorities • a “can do” approach, initiative and great work ethic • strong computer skills and able to work in a professional manner and under pressure • previous experience in the real estate industry would be an advantage • the desire to exceed expectations and become a valuable part of our vibrant and successful team This role commences in October 2017 for a fixed 12 month period covering maternity leave. The hours are Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm. If you have the skills and initiative to thrive with Bayleys Wanaka please send your CV and a covering letter to:

Vacancy: Office Coordinator Prophet’s Rock is a small, quality-focused wine producer based in Central Otago. We have an exciting opportunity for an outstanding organiser and administrator, based in our Wanaka office. Reporting to the General Manager, the successful applicant will be responsible for the day to day running of the office including finance and payroll duties, export administration, reporting, logistics, stock control, packaging and direct sales administration. To be successful in this role you will need to demonstrate: x Previous experience working in a coordination role x Proven organisational & prioritising skills x Highly competent knowledge of MS office suite x Knowledge of Quickbooks & Ace Payroll an advantage x Excellent oral and written communication skills x Strong interpersonal skills x Initiative, drive and enthusiasm x Experience in the wine industry is an advantage as is a strong interest in wine. x Must have NZ Residency This is a full time permanent roll For more information, and to submit applications email: hr@prophetsrock.co.nz Applications close 9am Monday 4th September

Annette Johnson, Business Manager annette.johnson@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008

LIZ MALUSCHNIG COUNSELLING - for confidential and experienced counselling and parenting support please email Liz: lizmaluschnig@gmail.com SRAMEK CONSTRUCTION - Thinking of earning extra cash doing Air BnB’s? We specialise in garage/room conversions. Quality building. References available. Phone 0226 793 188. COUPLE WITH A 1 YEAR OLD searching for a house, apartment or sleepout for a few months from mid September. Full time workers, local 18 years. Anything considered. Tony 021 2700 717. Thanks.

TIMOTHY HAY medium squares. 12 bale equivalent $100. Free delivery. Chaff also available $25. Phone 0276 819 966. PICTURE FRAMING with an eye for detail and design. For professional advice and creative solutions The 45th Degree Picture Framing Professionals. Unit 1, 148 Ballantyne Road Wanaka. Ph 443 9348. Open Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm. www. the45thdegree.com BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices.

30th August 2017


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz



Positions available in the butchery and bakery departments at Wanaka New World.

We are looking for an enthusiastic, responsible person to join our Inwards Goods team.

40 - 45 hour weeks

You will need to be methodical and accurate, with great attention to detail and have great communication skills and a “can do� attitude.

+RXUV DQG GD\V WR EH FRQĘ€UPHG ZLOO LQFOXGH weekend days. Relevant ongoing training will be provided. Long term local residents preferred. You will be a person with excellent attention to detail who has an enthusiastic attitude and enjoys being SDUW RI D EXV\ PXOWLFXOWXUDO WHDP

3K\VLFDO ʀWQHVV LV QHFHVVDU\ DV WKHUH LV VRPH heavy lifting required. You also need to be a long term Wanaka resident, ideally with experience in a similar role and with a fork lift licence. Hours of work are 9am - 6pm, Monday to Friday.

To apply email your CV to: adrienne.taylor@newworld-si.co.nz

To apply email: adrienne.taylor@newworld-si.co.nz

Wilson & Dorset design & manufacture luxury sheepskin products for interior spaces. POSITION:

Part time Retail Consultant


Part time Warehouse & Logistics


Wanaka Flagship Concept Store


Wanaka Flagship Concept Store


Tuesday 12th September


Tuesday 12th September

A Wilson & Dorset Retail Consultant is an ambassador for our company, sharing our story and our product philosophy. You engage in intellectual conversations about people’s living spaces and ensure every client is treated to an exceptional service experience. You drive the promotion of sales, visual merchandising and stock management. SKILLS: • Customer service and retail experience • Sales superstar – communicate excellent brand & product knowledge • Approachable manner with excellent people & communication skills • Work successfully in a team • Strong attention to detail • Quick learner with a can-do attitude • Highly proficient in Excel & Office software, POS/Vend

We are seeking a warehouse and logistics team member to join us on a part time basis at head office in Wanaka. In this role you will be an ambassador for Wilson & Dorset and ensure that every client order is fulfilled to an exceptional service level. Responsibilities include being ‘the overseer’ of our product inventory, ensuring every individual item is accounted for and variances are managed. SKILLS: • Customer service and warehouse/logistic experience preferable • Ability to take ownership for inventory systems and processes • Strong attention to detail and good with numbers • Possess a can-do attitude and can take initiative • Highly organised, dynamic and able to manage change • Approachable manner with excellent people skills • Works successfully in a team

• Background or eye for interiors, design or styling

• Proficient IT skills, with experience using POS systems, Excel & Office 365 software

This role is long-term, 3 days per week, weekends and 1 week day. Availability over the holiday period is critical. A NZ work visa essential.

• Physically fit and able to lift! Ideally you would be available for 3-4 hrs on week days (15-20hrs/week), but this is negotiable for the right person. A NZ work visa is essential.

If you would like to be part of our team we’d love to hear from you. Please email your CV & cover letter to amanda@wilsondorset.com

30th August 2017


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz

STOP Customer Service Whiz! • •

Are you an organisational & customer service legend with the ability to juggle multiple projects? Do you have an excellent memory, time management skills and the ability to prioritise your workload? We are looking for another confident, cheery, assertive and tactful client facing administrator to join our team, lucky you! You will be a self-starter with phenomenal people and Admin/IT skills (Word, Excel, Outlook, Xero, New Software/Job Management Systems) You will need to pick up new challenges superfast and also be prepared to get to grips with the technical aspects of plumbing tasks/timings

Want to know more about us and what we have to offer? For a confidential chat call 021 453 391

Plumbers & Gas Fitters STOP & Take a Moment! • • •

Are you qualified in Plumbing or Gas Fitting? Are you a self-starter who believes in doing things better? Do interesting and challenging projects, opportunities to grow your skill set and great company culture motivate you? Will you take an opportunity to work alongside best-in-class experts in the field, for a company where your effort and success is directly rewarded? Want to know more about us and what we have to offer? For a totally confidential chat call 021 453 391

FULL TIME, PERMANENT BARISTA wanted at the Cardrona Hotel. We are looking for a talented and professional Barista willing to commit longer term. You must be willing to provide training for the rest of the staff and to assist in ensuring the quality and efficiency of this aspect of our business. This role also encompasses a number of other front of house duties that will keep your day varied and interesting, so front of house/waitressing experience will be favoured. For more information or to apply, kindly email your CV and covering letter to info@cardronahotel.co.nz IS IT ITS OR IT’S? DON’T KNOW? We do! Contact editors@ drillpress.nz for all your editing, proofreading and copywriting needs. www.drillpress.nz

Cooks wanted now at Cardrona! We are currently looking for cooks to join our Food & Beverage team for the remainder of the 2017 winter season. For more information and to apply, visit employment.cardrona.com

TIDY HOUSE offers a wide variety of services to suit all your cleaning and guest needs. Visit us at www.tidyhouse. co.nz WE’RE HIRING!! We are on the hunt for experienced builders and foreman with strong trade knowledge that are interested in working alongside a passionate team of builders who share a common interest in Wanaka’s great outdoors. Sound like you? Get in touch today for an application form, we’d love to hear from you. Contact Mark at mabuilding.otago@gmail.com TUKI FESTIVAL, Saturday 10th February. Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Marlon Williams, Arma Del Amor, Aaradhna, Maala, The Phoenix Foundation and more! Treat yourself or someone you love to Wanaka’s newest-oldest festival (fka Rippon) at Glendhu Bay this summer. www.tukifestival.nz WANAKA LAKEVIEW HOLIDAY PARK is looking for a receptionist to join their team long term. For more information please check out the Upper Clutha Trading Post Facebook page, the Wanaka App or email manager@ wanakalakeview.co.nz WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out.

30th August 2017


LOOKING FOR WORK OR NEED STAFF? With our employment section, we make it easy for you. To place your advertisement, email: messenger@printit.co.nz

NZSIP Ltd. is a manufacturing company making highly insulated panels which link together to form the walls, URRI DQG ÀRRU RI RXU FXVWRPHUV QHZ KRXVHV 7KH SURGXFW has experienced rapid adoption in the local area and increased sales means we need to increase factory capacity to meet the demand. 2XU &URPZHOO EDVHG IDFWRU\ QHHGV SURGXFWLRQ VWDႇ WR join the journey in changing the way NZ builds modern KRXVHV 9LVLW ZZZ Q]VLS FR Q] WR ¿QG RXW PRUH DERXW WKH Smart Building System we manufacture. :H RႇHU KU VXEMHFW WR VNLOO DQG H[SHULHQFH RQ D standard full time contract with a single shift production ± KUV IURP WR 6XFFHVVIXO DSSOLFDQWV ZLOO need to pass medical testing as required by the company.


Ability to read drawings and convert details to accurate assemblies. Basic carpentry skills an advantage, but training will be provided. $ JRRG OHYHO RI ¿WQHVV DV WKH MRE LQYROYHV OLIWLQJ WLPEHU VKHHW DQG SDQHOV Be able to communicate clearly and concisely. 6WURQJ WLPH PDQDJHPHQW ZLWK D VHQVH RI urgency. Team oriented.

,I \RX EHOLHYH \RX PDWFK WKH DERYH GHVFULSWLRQV please send letter and CV to Brigg Maund – Factory Manager, email brigg@nzsip.co.nz or call 021 0856 9304 to discuss.

SHOWERDOME. For a warmer drier bathroom, stop the steam from your shower. Wanaka installer, servicing Central. Phone 0211 788 589. DO YOU NEED AN ELECTRICIAN ASAP? We have electricians available now for any job big or small. Call Aotea Electric Wanaka on 03 443 1260. When quality and service count. SILK ROAD ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES has new stock arriving daily. From LPs and vintage clothing to silver and antique furniture... There is something unique for everyone! Located at 249 Riverbank Road. We are open daily from 11am - 4pm. Contact phone 021 495 569. Facebook: silkroadantiquesWanaka. Website: antiquesandcollectables.guru

GALLERY 33: Cristina Popovici’s long-awaited solo exhibition ‘Tension-Intention’, opens this Friday, 1 September at Gallery 33. Please join us for a glass of Maude Wine from 2 - 6pm to celebrate. All welcome. NOT SLEEPING SO WELL? Could be your pillow! For feather/ down, wool, and fibre pillows try Kaleidoscope, Helwick Street. We also stock sheets, towels, duvets, mattress and pillow protectors and feather blankets. Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures. VIDEOGRAPHER WANTED: We are seeking a part time videographer for wedding photography. Camera experience is required and further training will be given. Email your CV to: wedding@everafter.co.nz by Monday 14th September 2017. MOONLIGHT SKI & FEAST at the Snow Farm 5 September! Ski/snowshoe hire, trail pass and dinner at $75/person. Book now for a one of a kind experience! JAPANESE COOKING CLASSES in September! World wide trendy Japanese, Ramen and the perfect toppings of Chashupork and Hanjuku-ramen-egg. Choose from 7th Thu/6pm, 12th Tue/11.30am, 19th Tue/6pm. All welcome. $50pp (including full lunch/dinner). More info: japanese.cuisine. wanaka@gmail.com or 443 1232 Yumi. TOYOTA COROLLA FOR SALE. 1993 manual. Current WOF. New battery. Registered. 301,000km. $900 goes well. Phone 0274 432 515. MILK & BREAD SPECIALS AT CALTEX WANAKA - today and every day. Pams milk 2 X 2L only $7.50. Golden Bake Bread 2 loaves only $3.50. Caltex open 6am-11pm daily. WEDDING + EVENT HIRE. Rustic chic - vogue - traditional. What’s your look? We can do it and design it too! Chairs - crockery - lighting - ottomans - tableware and more. (200 plus setting). Ph Sue 0274 530 974 anytime. www. wanakaweddingandeventhire.co.nz LUCERNE MULCH. Small bales $10, medium squares (seven bale equivalents) $40. Free delivery. Straw also available. Phone 0276 819 966. PICTURE FRAMING - Framing Marvellous based in Albert Town offers a full range of services including: conservation framing of fine art, prints & posters, family & wedding photos, certificates, kids art, embroidery, canvas stretching, replacement of broken glass and re framing of old pictures. You can be assured of a friendly and professional service. Phone Rachel on 022 0298 725 to discuss your framing needs. Find us on Facebook. ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138. FREE GORGEOUS FRIENDLY Heritage roosters - Black and copper or silver Birchen Marans/black Orpington and others. Text Heather 021 990 169. AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix. TRUE ORGANIC, WHOLEFOOD nutrition for skin, mind and soul. Intentionally handcrafted. Small batch and local. Find us: Wanaka Markets, Thursdays. www.truemindfulbeauty.com

30th August 2017

Three Chairs Hair

03 443 5898 · threechairshair@gmail.com Unit 3, Spencer House Mall, 31 Dunmore St, Wanaka

KINGS WINDOW CLEANING: Residential, commercial, holiday homes, and new construction. For a free onsite quote please contact Nathan at 021 2354 700. MASSAGE THERAPY from a Physio at In Balance Therapeutics. Skilled and knowledgeable. Deep tissue massage and trigger point release, sports, therapeutic, relaxation. Phone/text Sally on 027 4875 942 for an appointment. www.wanakamassage.co.nz WANAKA LAVENDER FARM opens for the season 1st September 2017. 9.00am - 5.00pm every day! SELLING! TOYOTA HI-ACE Grand Cabin G, 2000, 10 seater. Diesel. 251,000kms, (Hi top), 4WD, 2,982cc. Runs fabulously always! We’re downsizing. Susi 027 2279 777. UKULELE LESSONS FOR kids and adults. Join one of our small groups for affordable and fun learning. Ph The Ukulele Lady, 022 1562 508. LIQUORLAND WANAKA – Require a sales person 5 evenings per week. Please apply to Martin ph 021 967 774. GLASS BALUSTRADES. Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719. WANAKA’S ONLY LAUNDROMAT is open from 6am-11pm daily at Caltex. Free wifi, oversized washers and 9 dryers, complimentary laundry detergent. FILING CABINETS (2), Europlan three draw, stone gray. Excellent condition. Plus office chair $100 the lot. Phone 021 937 061 or 03 443 7317. CHRISTINZ LADIES CLOTHING for all ages, shapes and sizes. Wanaka Yacht Club Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd Sept 10am - 4pm, Sunday 3rd Sept 10am - 2pm. www.christinz.co.nz LIQUORLAND WANAKA – Require a sales person 5 evenings per week. Please apply to Martin ph 021 967 774. BEAUTY THERAPY ALBERT TOWN. Inner Beauty offers waxing, tinting, shellac manicures, pedicure, massage, organic facials. Text/phone Lisa 0275 236 838. HOUSEKEEPER/CLEANER WANTED for Wanaka Haven lodge. Long term position. Minimum 4hrs/day. Please call Anne-Mie 021 500 507 for more info or email stay@wanakahaven.co.nz INFINITY MASSAGE - THERAPEUTIC & SPORTS massage; deep tissue; trigger point therapy; myofascial release or simply relaxation! Qualified therapist. Warm, comfortable room inside Health 2000. Bookings essential via online www. infinitymassage.co.nz or call/text Lian 0210 2769 871.

Li ve For all your visa & immigration advice contact your local Wanaka adviser. 03 443 8386 | info@easyvisa.co.nz | www.easyvisa.co.nz


Visitors and New Patients Welcome

ph: (03) 443 0710 23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka www.wanakamedical.co.nz

WANAKLEAN DOG GROOMING. Your local experienced sensitive groomer. Here in the heart of Wanaka. Unit 13b Wanaka Hills Business Park, Frederick Street. Phone Suzie on 027 5110 282 or visit my FB page to make an appointment. EDGEWATER IS SEEKING Room Attendants/Self-Checkers. Are you reliable, hard-working and take pride in your work? Then Edgewater is looking for you to expertly attend to our guest rooms and guest areas. Preference will be given to those who will stay for three months or more. Contact executive housekeeper Ann on housekeeping@edgewater. co.nz or via phone 03 443 0600. DO YOU HAVE A GREAT PHOTO OF WANAKA? The Wanaka Info Guide is a magazine provided free of charge to accommodation providers and we are on the hunt for photos to feature in this year’s edition. If you have an image of people enjoying all that our region has to offer, submit your photo and go in the draw to win 1 of 2 custom canvas prints to the value of $200! Please email infoguide@printit.co.nz with a high resolution image, and include your name to go into the draw. Each photo counts as a separate entry so get snapping Wanaka! Entries close 30 Aug, winner drawn 1 Sep. SENIORS – WOULD YOU LIKE a visitor once a week to share your stories or go for an outing? Community Networks has a group of Volunteers who would like to spend some time with an older person. For more information call 443 7799 or email championforolderpeople@gmail.com

PASSPORT PHOTOS 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 | F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz | W www.printit.co.nz

30th August 2017

20 AWARD WINNING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Have a vacant property in Wanaka? Let the Housemart team earn you some income. NOW THAT’S SMART!

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ROSE PRUNING AND GARDENING. Your local experienced gardener. Phone or text Lynette 022 0773 859 or 03 443 2946 A/H. COBBLER GLENN WILL heel you, save your sole and even dye for you. Drop your repairs into Simply New Zealand, 3 Helwick St, Wanaka. RUNNER REQUIRED FOR RUBBISH COLLECTION RUN. Mon to Thurs, 8am starts but finish times variable. 20-25 hours weekly. Physical fitness important and some lifting involved. For more information please email wanakawasteltd@gmail. com or text 021 448 452 evenings only. THIS SUNDAY 10AM WE HAVE Scott Brown from Celebrate Messiah. The New Testament scriptures contain many mysterious references to Israel’s ancient wedding ritual. Join us as Scott Brown unveils the mystery, encourages the Believer with the hope of our Bridegroom’s imminent return, and challenges the Bride to prepare by living a fully devoted life. All welcome. Great childrens programmes for 3 - 14 year olds and supervised Crèche for under 3. Wanaka Presbyterian Church, 91 Tenby Street. TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. BEANIES OFF - Spring is on the way! Best get hair sorted at Three Chairs Hair. Spencer Mall. Phone 443 5898. OAKRIDGE RESORT IS LOOKING FOR a full time porter position, required weekday and weekends. This position is an active position encompassing many areas and also involving guest relations. Applicant must be available long term. Please send applications to accounts@oakridge.co.nz PARTY ON THE LAKE ON DUAL IMAGE, Wanaka’s unique venue for all occasions. Celebrations, work parties & get togethers. 0800 800 090. WOOFERS WANTED - 1 or 2 people for one week. General gardening and tidying. Close to town. Good food. Phone 021 484 539.

POST UK PENSION TRANSFER SERVICE. Get a free second opinion about how efficiently your funds are invested. Phone 443 2427. Papworth Financial. WANAKA PAINTBALL: September is almost upon us! For September and September only, book with us on a Friday night for ten or more people and we’ll shout the pizzas. 885M2 (APPROX) FLAT SECTION IN HAWEA for sale. Titles expected this Dec-Jan. Change of plans from owners makes this great opportunity available. For more info please email dannybolso@gmail.com Offers over $255k. LONG TERM HOUSE FOR RENT 3.5 bedroom 2 bathroom house, large backyard, fully fenced, double garage and carport. Double glazing and log burner. Unfinished. Quiet cul de sac, walk to school and town. References required. No smoking. Call Marc 0210 322 638. ENERGETIC, DEDICATED AND LOVE THE OUTDOORS? Join our busy property, lawns and garden maintenance team for a spring start. Servicing some of the best properties in greater Wanaka. If you are fit, enthusiastic, have a full drivers licence, residency/valid work visa and a great attitude we’ll teach you the rest. Apply now for a September start. Please email us info@ acomplete.co.nz BTP - PAINTERS AND DECORATORS available for any size job. Very experienced and professional. Please phone Ben for a quote 0204 0133 350. LAKES LANDSCAPES ARE ON THE LOOKOUT for a skilled landscaper to join their team for the busy spring and summer months ahead. The preferred candidate will have their class 2 heavy traffic licence. To see what Lakes Landscapes are about check out our website lakeslandscapes.co.nz to apply send CV through to admin@lakeslandscapes.co.nz or call Chris on 027 3275 782. POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. CAKES OF WANAKA - yummiest in town! It’s birthday season so don’t delay in booking your special cake. Online is easy!! www.cakesofwanaka.co.nz. Check us out on FB too. AGM OF THE WAIORAU NORDIC SPORTS CLUB will be held Saturday 16th Sept, 2017, at the Lodge, Snow Farm, Cardrona. All welcome. Enquiries to Jan Wood 022 3156 460. BATHROOM MOISTURE A PROBLEM? Fit a steam stopper. Stop the steam before it starts. Phone 021 1788 589.

Over 900 jobs completed in Central Otago including over 340 new homes. NO standard plans, your home for your site.

; r-ࢼ ;m|v -m7 bvb|ouv ;Ѳ1ol; 23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka | 03 443 0725 | www.aspiringmedical.co.nz

30th August 2017


ParkandRide Shuttle runs every 30 Start your holiday the minutes from Brookes Rd right way with the new (behind Mitre 10 Mega). airport Park and Ride. For times and prices visit queenstownairport.co.nz

WE MAKE MIRRORS, custom to your specifications, or choose from our range on display in store. The 45th Degree Picture Framing Professionals. Unit 1 148 Ballantyne Road Wanaka. Open Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm. Ph 443 9348. www.the45thdegree. com WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz or email: messenger@printit.co.nz SHEEP MANURE - 25kg bags $10/bag, lawn fertiliser 2kg bags $10/bag fundraising for Central Otago Hockey Hatch Team to Nationals in Auckland. 021 447 268. FLORENCES FOODSTORE & CAFE - Winters helpers are on their way. We have a part time position for 3 days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, for a Food Prepper and Barista Assistant. Also a Baker/Caker for five days 7am - 2pm. Some experience please. Send a resume of that experience to info@florencesfoodstore. co.nz LAKE WANAKA LODGE is looking for part time staff. Duties including housekeeping and reception. Long or short term position considered. Must be available on Sundays. Please drop your CV into The Lake Wanaka Lodge, 24 Tenby Street. LAKES LANDSCAPES ARE ON THE LOOKOUT for a skilled landscaper to join their team for the busy spring and summer months ahead. The preferred candidate will have their class 2 heavy traffic licence. To see what Lakes Landscapes are about check out our website lakeslandscapes.co.nz to apply send CV through to admin@lakeslandscapes.co.nz or call Chris on 027 3275 782. FIT, HEALTHY OLD FART (not yet bewildered) needs a break from doom and gloom, concrete sprawl, doughnuts and the excitement of Bill English! My wish is to join (or form) a group to tramp the challenging ‘Old Ghost Road’. Wild New Zealand at its best. Interested? Then phone Brian on 022 3069 863. THREE SEATER SOFAS x 2, both identical. Very comfortable large soft fabric caramel colour, includes 14 cushions. One sofa in good condition, the other the same but has sun damage/rip on one arm with frayed material. $700 for both or nearest offer. Tel: 021 1417 608. RUNNER REQUIRED FOR RUBBISH COLLECTION RUN. Mon to Thurs, 8am starts but finish times variable. 20-25 hours weekly. Physical fitness important and some lifting involved. For more information please email wanakawasteltd@gmail. com or text 021 448 452 evenings only.

WEDDING + EVENT HIRE. Rustic chic - vogue - traditional. What’s your look? We can do it and design it too! Chairs - crockery - lighting - ottomans - tableware and more. (200 plus setting). Ph Sue 0274 530 974 anytime. www. wanakaweddingandeventhire.co.nz APPLE IPADS, IMACS, MACBOOKS and all accessories available at Selectrix. TOYOTA COROLLA FOR SALE. 1993 manual. Current WOF. New battery. Registered. 301,000km. $900 goes well. Phone 0274 432 515. WOMEN’S SKI TOURING - 5 days Invincible’s Hut, head of Lake Wakatipu. Fly in to private tow and extensive ski tour terrain. 22-26th Sept. Spring frivolity on skis. Guided by Anna Cook. Ph 021 443 686 or email hidden@xtra.co.nz GREAT COFFEE AND SHORTBREAD at 6.30pm for 7pm Night Church. Sunday nights at Wanaka Presbyterian Church Tenby Street. Andrew Lovelock speaking this Sunday. All welcome. FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS contact Dave Spedding, the full service landscaping professionals. Design, paving, lawns, planting plans and irrigation. Like us on Facebook or check out www.wanakalandscaping.co.nz Phone 021 707 481 or 443 2721. WANAKA’S ONLY TOUCHFREE CARWASH is at Caltex. From $9, options available incl underbody, wheels, double wash, protectant, wax. Caltex Wanaka. NZ NATIVE RIBBONWOODS 60cm, Pittosporum 30cm PB6.5 bags. $11 delivered. Phone 021 302 015. Phone up, you will love them! WHEELS TO DUNSTAN links with the Cromwell - Dunedin hospital transport. For bookings, please contact Community Networks on 443 7799. BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea - just call us on 03 443 7148. CHRISTINZ LADIES CLOTHING for all ages, shapes and sizes. Wanaka Yacht Club Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd Sept 10am - 4pm, Sunday 3rd Sept 10am - 2pm. www.christinz.co.nz

It’s the thrill of the search, since 1978. 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • E: messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

30th August 2017


Nobody knows the local Wanaka market better


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POST UK PENSION TRANSFER SERVICE. Get a free second opinion about how efficiently your funds are invested. Phone 443 2427. Papworth Financial. I DIG EARTHWORKS LTD. For all of your earth moving requirements. www.idig.co.nz Ph: 027 4691 069. NEED A VENUE for your next meeting, community group activity, pop up shop or training workshop? Wanaka Yacht Club is a great choice. Good rates. Lakefront location, kitchen facilities, tables & chairs. Contact Andy 021 1075 520. QUALITY DRAPES AS NEW, all with thermal backings, tapes and hooks, contemporary muted pattern design, neutral background. Can send pic on enquiry. 2 x 210 length x 1.2 width $90 / 2 x 1.80 L x 1.60 W $90 / 2 x kitchen cream linen 1.10 L x 90 W $20. T 443 4053 M 021 403 002. SKILLED LABOURERS REQUIRED for construction duties. Good team, great remuneration. Call Justin Carnie of CDL Building 0275 444 154. Email: justin@cdlbuilding.co.nz PRIVATE LAND WANTED TO RENT/LEASE short or long term for running dogs on and training a few times a week. Woodland, empty farm land, undeveloped, anything considered. Will leave it exactly as found. Call 022 1629 851. PARTY ON THE LAKE ON DUAL IMAGE, Wanaka’s unique venue for all occasions. Celebrations, work parties & get togethers. 0800 800 090. FATHER’S DAY - our Black Angel range not only looks after your blokes locks but the aroma is knee shakingly delicious! Purchase the shampoo and conditioner and receive a free Black Angel styling product. Exclusive in Wanaka at Three Chairs Hair - Spencer Mall. Phone 443 5898. BULLOCK BAR COURTESY COACH - will pick up from Wanaka, Albert Town, Luggate and Lake Hawea – just call us on 03 443 7148. FLY AND SPIDER SPRAYING. No mess with JAE Pest Control. Spraying warranted up to one year by local operator. Ph 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150.


66 BALLANTYNE ROAD PHONE: 443 2660 E-MAIL: richard@wanakastoragesolutions.co.nz www.wanakastoragesolutions.co.nz

TRUCK DRIVER/DIGGER OPERATOR WANTED: Are you hard working, reliable and self motivated? Wanaka SiteWorks are looking for new team members to help with general earth cartage/earthworks. Experience essential, as are Class 2/4 & RTW licences. Call James 027 9655 066. CASUAL HOUSEKEEPERS WANTED for motels located in Wanaka. For information please email: stay@wanakakiwi.nz ART DECO COLLECTORS EVENING at Silk Road Antiques and Collectables. Thursday September 7th from 6 - 8pm. Bring along your favourite piece of art deco and your enthusiasm to share. Please register your interest by calling Kim on 021 495 569. DUBLIN BAY POTTERY & JILL’S WOOLS made and designed in beautiful Dublin Bay - a true souvenir of Wanaka. Hand thrown pottery with local scenes as well as the latest trends in colour and design for your home. Hand knitted and hand spun products for all sizes, art and jewellery. Look for “Pottery” sign on Highway 6 between Wanaka and Hawea. Hours 10.30 - 4.30. Closed Sundays. Phone 443 1158. MOBILE PHONE ACCESSORIES AT CALTEX: Lightning, Type C, AUX & HDMI cables; USB car chargers; Micro SD cards; earbuds & headphones; travel adaptors - all available at Caltex Wanaka. GET YOUR HOME SUMMER READY! Got a building project you’ve been planning over winter? Reliable and experienced team of builders available now to bring your plans to life! Contact Mark 027 4641 641 or www.mabuilding.co.nz EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. BUILDING OR RENOVATING and need whiteware for your home? Visit Selectrix for the most comprehensive rundown on product that you will ever need. Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Electrolux, Bosch, Westinghouse, Beko. Pricing isn’t even an issue. Visit Selectrix. Best advice. Best prices.

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka • P: 03 443 7804 • messenger@printit.co.nz • www.mymessenger.co.nz

30th August 2017


BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill. XERO BUSINESS COURSE! Get in control of your business and learn how to use Xero as a tool to drive your business forward. Master business basics such as quoting, invoicing, reconciliation, GST and year end financials. 8.30am - 10.30am on 18 & 29 September, Findlay & Co offices, $375 +GST. Spaces limited to 8. Register via annamcconville@findco.co.nz NEW DENTURES natural appearance... Rapid repairs... Partial dentures... Relining. Gerald Byrne Clinical Dent.techn 443 9433 or 027 6348 793. Home calls available. SMALL JOBS - CARPENTRY, JOINERY, building repairs and maintenance. 027 2295 269. LAST WEEKS JACK RABBIT Boss’s shout winner is Gavin Magrath from Allied Concrete. JOIN THE FESTIVAL OF SPORT AND RECREATION, 23rd September at WRC 9am-1pm. Thanks to our Silver sponsors: Mike Pero Mortgages, Silk Road Trading Co Antiques Shop, MA Building Otago Ltd, Fusion Natural Health Clinic, Health 2000, Framework Marketing Group, and Custom Digital. SPECTRUM PAINTERS AND DECORATORS LTD. BCITO qualified in painting systems, including spraypainting and wallpaper professionals. New builds/redecs. Phone Trish 0210 2246 011. SERGEANT AND MADAME MOUSE HAIRCUTTERS. Ladies $40, gents $25, kids $15. 17 Plantation Road, upstairs from Proactive Gym. Phone 021 1551 105. FREE “GARAGE SALE” SIGN, with your address on it, when you advertise your garage sale in the Messenger. ($5 deposit required). COUPLE WITH A 1 YEAR OLD searching for a house, apartment or sleepout for a few months from mid September. Full time workers, local 18 years. Anything considered. Tony 021 2700 717. Thanks. LUGGATE HOTEL - Bar & Cafe Staff required for busy upcoming summer season. Duty manager’s qualification or ability to obtain an advantage. Contact Luggate Hotel 03 443 8523 or info@luggatehotel.co.nz SASANOKI’S JAPANESE OF THE WEEK: ‘oshimai’ (osh-my) meaning ‘end’. Our winter break has come to an ‘oshimai’. I’m sad but ready to rock ‘n’ roll. Arigato, Wanaka, for letting us have a break in this lovely town. Please ring 443 6474 to book your table. ALBION JUNIOR CRICKET CLUB pre-season meeting, Monday 4th Sep, 7pm at Rugby Club rooms for all coaches / potential coaches and other interested parties. Any queries phone 027 2970 602. MASSAGE: LOMILOMI. Deeply relax, warm, nurture. Also lymphatic drainage: Support immunity, reduce swelling, cleanse. Ph Maryann 021 1101 160. 50+ YOGALATES, NEW CLASS - Fridays 9.30am, starts Sept 1st, 736 Luggate-Tarras Rd, incl free coffee! Ph/text Nancy for details 022 1562 508.

ARE YOU A WRAPPING SUPERSTAR? We are looking for a superstar to work with us at our Wanaka Factory. The main responsibility of this role is hand wrapping our products to a high standard and efficiently. This work requires attention to detail, the ability to perform repetitive tasks without getting bored and working to hourly quotas. There is some flexibility over hours and days of work. For further details please email an expression of interest to info@georgeandedi.com LEARN SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING, do something, at the LINK Community Forum: Connecting As We Grow, Sept 14, 7pm, Lake Wanaka Centre. Understand the current landscape of growth and planning, and contribute to community success. www.link.org.nz for more info. IF YOU VALUE YOUR TREES, you can trust Tree Tamers professional arborists; fully qualified, fully insured, and experienced! Operating locally since 2003. 03 443 6454 - www. treetamers.co.nz SEWING - For all dressmaking, alterations. Jeans hemmed. Home consultations. Phone Zelda on 021 0733 184. ROSE PRUNING AND GARDENING. Your local experienced gardener. Phone or text Lynette 022 0773 859 or 03 443 2946 A/H. ACCOMMODATION WANTED. Active older lady requires a small house to rent Nov - March. kerr.jean@gmail.com WANAKA HOUSE AVAILABLE - holiday rental. Three bedroom, two bathroom. New, sunny home. Lake and mountain views. Close to town. 23rd Dec to 30th Dec. $250 per night or $1500 for week. Phone 027 5586 170. ALIVATE IS HIRING! We are looking for a Restaurant Manager and Chefs to join our team for the coming summer. If you are looking for a new challenge this could be the position you are looking for. Drop in your CV or send to info@alivate.co.nz THE LANDING RESTAURANT, 2 courses for $35, 3 for $45. Tuesday to Sunday from 5pm. Upstairs at 80 Ardmore Street, 03 443 5099. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka.

MT IRON TRENCHING & EXCAVATION LTD Large & Small Diggers • Landscaping • Hole Boring • Truck Hire MURRAY GARRICK Ph 03 443 5489 M 027 443 5400 F 03 443 6836 E mngarrick@xtra.co.nz


BULLOCK BAR AND GRILL RESTAURANT – come to us for the best steak in town! Open from 6pm - 7 days a week. Reserve a table on 03 443 7148. You can also buy your wine from Liquorland Wanaka next door to enjoy with your meal in the Grill WEBER BBQS - New red and black Q models now in stock at Selectrix - Wanaka’s only specialist dealer. All models and accessories in stock at Selectrix. THE GOOD SPOT CARAVAN is looking for a Barista to join our team. Previous coffee experience a must. Happy to work in a small space a bonus. 20+ hours p/w available. Call 021 349 246 or email thegoodspotcaravan@gmail.com for more info DRIVING LESSONS - For affordable and effective driving lessons, call or text Lyal on 0274 381 443. TRY REIKI AND SEE HOW YOU FEEL! Reiki increases the body’s self healing process, removes blockages, releases stress, balances your body. Experience the healing power of Reiki from Reiki Master with 12 years of practice. Nela 021 1028 590 www.healthytherapies.net TYRES! Mobile Tyres Wanaka come to your home or work 7 days a week. For new tyres or repairs on cars, 4WD and trucks. Call Jason today for a free quote 021 973 722. HAY FOR SALE. Small bales $8.00. Ph 03 443 8437. SPRING IS ON ITS WAY - Make sure your boat is ready to go! Book a service/pre-summer check to ensure you’re set and receive exclusive locals loyalty deals. As the only Mercury and Evinrude authorised service agents in Southland/Otago you can be assured of expert attention. Wanaka Marine 443 9062. www.wanakamarine.co.nz ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, 443 5138.

30th August 2017

CARPENTER WANTED. We are looking for an experienced carpenter to join our team. We have fun alternative projects on the go. A great team of guys, relaxed work environment and beers on Fridays! Call Joel at Erkhart Construction 022 4379 231. Email erkhart@gmail.com MASSAGE WITH “MAGIC HANDS”. Jason Clarke, provider to High Performance Sport New Zealand. “Magic Hands” has massaged NZ Elite Tri-athletes, winter Olympians, multi sports, the All Blacks, the Flying Fijians 15s rugby team, the Olympic gold winning Fiji 7s team and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. “Feel The Magic”. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. TWO FOR ONE TUESDAY at Alchemy Restaurant and Cafe. Awesome special on all our mains after 4.00pm on Tuesday. Come in, relax and enjoy our delicious dinners! GALLERY 33: Cristina Popovici’s long-awaited solo exhibition ‘Tension-Intention’, opens this Friday, 1 September at Gallery 33. Please join us for a glass of Maude Wine from 2 - 6pm to celebrate. All welcome. HOUSEKEEPER/CLEANER WANTED for Wanaka Haven lodge. Long term position. Minimum 4hrs/day.Please call Anne-Mie 021 500 507 for more info or email stay@wanakahaven.co.nz HAVE FUN, MEET PEOPLE. Learn to Dance Salsa. Every Thursday in Wanaka. Facebook- South Lakes Salsa Wanaka for details. THIS SUNDAY COMMUNITY WORSHIP at St Ninians Church Hawea Flat, led by Aaron Johnstone, Ministry Intern. Lunch to follow. Father’s Day Service. HANDYMAN SERVICE. Fencing and gates. Engineering. You name it, we do it. Handy Solutions. Phone 027 2080 175.

30th August 2017


30th August 2017


Dynz Designz Ltd Specialising in curtains and blinds including all repairs. Based in Wanaka Phone Helen: 0224134622 • E: helen@dynzdesignz.co.nz www.dynzdesignz.co.nz

ANOTHER WANAKA DAFFODIL DAY SUCCESS! A huge “thank you” everyone for your awesome support and generosity. To our wonderful community, schools, businesses, amazing volunteers. Special thanks to Radio Wanaka, Wanaka App, Print It, The Vintage Car Club... Sue Saunders, Coordinator. TREES,TREES,TREES. Do you have trees that need tidied up? Old man pines, bluegums, oregon, tree lanes forests/ maintenance. All types considered. Could be done for firewood value only. Call/text 021 1046 155 or email thewoodfella@ gmail.com FATHER’S DAY THIS WEEKEND! Would the special guy in your life like a truly awesome steak for dinner on Father’s Day? Bruce and Jeff have prime beef ready when you are. Check out the Father’s Day meal ideas on www.butchersblockwanaka.co.nz and pop into the shop at 33 Reece Crescent for one of the best beef steaks you’ll ever eat. Open Monday-Friday 8am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm. COMPUTER OR PHONE PROBLEMS? Not able to send or receive emails? Having trouble understanding your new iPad? I can help. Certified Apple technician with experience fixing, maintaining, and updating both Apple and Windows computers, plus Apple and Android mobile devices. Reasonable rates. No fix, no fee. Call Evan on 021 2480 017. SPIDER & FLY TREATMENTS giving 2 years of effective control. Window Cleaning using pure water and traditional squeegee. Do it once, do it well. Licensed, accredited, insured. Call anytime 03 443 6652. Web: wilsonservices.co.nz COMPOST, BARK, MULCH, TOP SOIL and decorative aggregates at The Yard on Reece Crescent. Loan trailers and delivery available. 14 Reece Crescent. Phone 443 5069. www. theyardcentral.co.nz AUDIO VISUAL FOR YOUR NEW HOME - visit Wanaka’s only specialist at Selectrix. Top brands: Panasonic, Samsung, Demon, Pioneer, Devialet, Focal, B&W, Marantz. Team them up with Apple and you have complete wireless throughout your home. Check it out with Ben at Selectrix.

Wanaka Self Storage 110 fully alarmed, all steel storage units. Ten different sizes. Secure, clean & accessible.

Ph: 0274 354 848


DOG NOT BEHAVING? Want your dog to be better mannered? Contact Mary, K9mana Behaviour Consultant and Trainer. Qualified. Experienced. 0212 880 881. k9mana@gmail.com k9mana.co.nz POKER NIGHT EVERY TUESDAY at 6.30pm at the Bullock Bar. LAST CHANCE TO GET YOUR TICKET! Wanaka Preschool Art Auction - this Friday 1st September at The Venue. Amazing art, jewellery, sculpture and ceramics. Local wines and nibbles by Tiritiri Kitchen. Tickets from Wonder Room and Wanaka Preschool. Phone 443 7090. NEED HR OR HUMAN RESOURCES ADVICE or support? Aspiring HR can provide a full range of services from job descriptions, recruitment, employment agreements, policies and procedures, health and safety, support for performance or employment relations issues and much more. For more info www.aspiringhr. co.nz or contact Vicki Donoghue on 027 2089 462. SAMSUNG WIRELESS AUDIO M3. High quality speaker to play music from phone or tablet via Bluetooth or WiFi. As new condition $140. Call Jacob 443 1229. PART TIME POOL PERSON REQUIRED. Oakridge Resort is looking for a person to join the team as part time pool assistant and porter. The position is mainly weekend shifts with the occasional shift on weekdays and morning and evenings. Must be available for 3 months but preference to longer term applicant. Please send applications to accounts@oakridge.co.nz KIK BUTT CLOTHING for your lifestyle. Up to 70% off womenswear, menswear. Sale also includes women’s boots. We support ‘Fairtrade’. www.kikbuttlife.com For viewing phone Kirstin on 0272 298 960 or email kirstin@kikbuttlife.com SECTION FOR SALE. 2nd Stage Northlake titles due anyday. 560m2 Land house package also. Dave 027 4414 227. TIRED OF MOWING YOUR OWN LAWNS? Do you need your holiday home grounds maintained, lawns, and or gardens? Contact Wanaka Mowing Services 0272 449 004 or visit www. wanakamowingservices.co.nz Fantastic, reliable service. CLEANER AVAILABLE for private houses. Experienced, efficient and enthusiastic. Feel good when you walk in to your home. Kate 027 7010 157. WGK IS LOOKING FOR A KITCHEN HAND to join our team. Please send us an email at info@wgk.co.nz or pop in after 6pm. TREEWORKS IS AVAILABLE for all aspects of tree care in the Wanaka area. Removals, thinning and shaping, fruit tree pruning. Call Bruce 021 1187 485. Dip Hort(Lincoln) Member NZ Arb. www.treeworks.net.nz CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE RESTORATIONS for all your motorcycle servicing. Oils, chains, tyres, batteries. Top brands, top service. Pickup and delivery. Phone John Holgate 0274 322 917. WINTER GAMES WIND DOWN at The Rabbit Hole - Jack Rabbit. Exclusive happy hour. Every day during the Winter Games from 5.30 - 6.30pm. EDGEWATER IS SEEKING Room Attendants/Self-Checkers. Are you reliable, hard-working and take pride in your work? Then Edgewater is looking for you to expertly attend to our guest rooms and guest areas. Preference will be given to those who will stay for three months or more. Contact executive housekeeper Ann on housekeeping@edgewater.co.nz or via phone 03 443 0600. CARPENTERS REQUIRED to join our great team, building a wide range of architectural houses. Pay negotiable depending on experience. Contact Dion 0274 671 097 or rutchbuilding@ gmail.com

30th August 2017


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FIRST NATIONAL Lots 305-342 Infinity Drive - Agent on Site


11.30 - 12.00pm

Wed 30th Aug Deadline sale

30 Ash Avenue, Albert Town

12.00 - 12.30pm Wed 30th Aug Deadline PT 15/9 10.30 - 11am

Sat 2nd Sep

Deadline PT 7/9

The Heights, Aubrey Road - Agent on site

12.00 - 1.00pm

Wed 30th Aug From $399,000

76 West Meadows Drive, Wanaka

56 Minaret Ridge, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am

Sat 2nd Sep


38 Stackbrae Avenue, Wanaka

11.15 - 11.45am Sat 2nd Sep

By Negotiation

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 2nd Sep

Deadline PT 15/9

The Heights, Aubrey Road - Agent on site

12.30 - 2.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

From $399,000

30 Ash Avenue, Albert Town

The Heights, Aubrey Road - Agent on site

12.30 - 2.30pm

Sun 3rd Sep

From $399,000

1 Northburn Road, Wanaka

1.15 - 1.45pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Deadline PT 29/8


2 Waimana Place, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Deadline PT 7/9

10 Mallard Street, Albert Town

11.00 - 11.30am

5 Old Station Avenue, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 4/10

38 Stackbrae Avenue, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Wed 30th Aug

Wed 30th Aug

$780,000 $1,249,000


80 Mount Iron Drive, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Wed 30th Aug

Deadline Sale 20/9

37A Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Wed 30th Aug Auction 20/9

26 Kings Drive, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Wed 30th Aug

Auction 22/9

37 Hyland Street, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Wed 30th Aug $1,199,000

5.00 - 5.30pm

Wed 30th Aug Auction 13/9

The Heights, Aubrey Road

1.00 - 2.00pm

Wed 30th Aug

From $399,000

13 Anderson Road, Wanaka

8 Hogan Lane, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Wed 30th Aug


25A Russell Street, Wanaka

10.00 - 10.30am Sat 2nd Sep

$650,000 + GST if any

208 Aubrey Road, Wanaka

11.00 - 11.30am Sat 2nd Sep


5 Anreca Lane, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 2nd Sep

Deadline Treaty 5/9

37 Hyland Street, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 2nd Sep


37A Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 20/9

13 Anderson Road, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 13/9

Lot 20 Kirimoko Heights, Wanaka

4 Rimu Lane, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Wed 30th Aug

Auction 22/9

136 Lismore Street, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Wed 30th Aug

Auction 22/9

5B Hogan Lane, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Wed 30th Aug

Auction 8/9

9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Wed 30th Aug


66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

3.30 - 4.00pm

Wed 30th Aug


80 Mount Iron Drive, Wanaka

4.00 - 4.30pm

Wed 30th Aug

Deadline Sale 20/9

71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

4.00 - 4.30pm

Wed 30th Aug


The Heights, Aubrey Road

1.00 - 2.00pm

Thur 31st Aug

From $399,000

66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Thur 31st Aug


10 Mallard Street, Albert Town

11.00 - 11.30am

Sat 2nd Sep


37 Dungarvon Street, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 22/9

38 Stackbrae Avenue, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sat 2nd Sep


Moraine Rise Subdivision, Lake Hawea

12.00 - 1.00pm

Sat 2nd Sep

By Negotiation

26 Kings Drive, Wanaka

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 22/9

4 Skylark Place, Lake Hawea

1.00 - 1.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

By Negotiation

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sat 2nd Sep


Hikuwai Subdivision, Outlet Road, Wanaka 2.30 - 3.00pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Priced from $335,000

8 Hogan Lane, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep


15 Moraine Place, Lake Hawea

3.00 - 3.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 27/9

15 Moraine Place, Lake Hawea

11.00 - 11.30am Sun 3rd Sep

Auction 27/9

37A Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka

12.00 - 12.30pm Sun 3rd Sep Sun 3rd Sep

Priced from $335,000

The Heights Subdivision, Wanaka

1.30 - 2.30pm

Tue 5th Sep

Priced from $389,000

19 Dale Street, Albert Town

2.00 - 3.00pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Deadline Sale 15/9

19 Dale Street, Albert Town

2.00 - 3.00pm

Sun 3rd Sep

Deadline Sale 15/9


66 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep



8 Hogan Lane, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep


6 Parkview Street, off Orchard Rd, Wanaka

4 Rimu Lane, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 22/9


40 Marbleleaf Lane, Albert Town

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep


64 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

136 Lismore Street, Wanaka

2.00 - 2.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 22/9


16 Bell Street, Lake Hawea

2.15 - 2.45pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 22/9

9 Avalanche Place, Wanaka

2.30 - 4.00pm

Sat 2nd Sep


5B Hogan Lane, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 8/9


1/22 Matai Road, Wanaka

3.00 - 3.00pm

Sat 2nd Sep

Auction 22/9

8 Stowell Place, Summerfields, Cromwell

80 Mount Iron Drive, Wanaka

4.00 - 4.30pm

Sat 2nd Aug

Deadline Sale 20/9


71 Infinity Drive, Wanaka

4.00 - 4.30pm

Sat 2nd Sep


Mt Linton Drive, North Lake

11.00 - 12.30pm Sat 2nd Sep

Show Home

12.00 - 3.00pm

Sat - Sun

Show Home

11 Matipo Street, Kirimoko

1.00 - 3.00pm

Tue - Fri

Show Home

11 Matipo Street, Kirimoko

By Appointment Sat

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Thu, Fri, Sun

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Wed - Sun

Show Home

1.00 - 4.00pm

Fri - Sun

Show Home

16 Bell Street, Lake Hawea

1.30 - 2.00pm

Sun 3rd Sep

Auction 22/9


Moraine Rise Subdivision, Lake Hawea

12.00 - 1.00pm

Sun 3rd Sep

By Negotiation

56 West Meadows Drive, Wanaka

IT TAKES ONLY 22 MINUTES... to dry your washing at Caltex’s Wifi Laundromat, 9 superfast, oversized dryers available. Caltex Laundromat. THE ACUPUNCTURE ROOM with Jenny Hayes and Kate Perriam is open 6 days a week, including a Saturday clinic to get around tricky work times. ACC providers, NZ registered and fully qualified TCM Acupuncturists. When you’re working with needles get the professionals to do it. Phone 443 0742 for more info www.theacupunctureroomwanaka.com TAB OPERATOR AND GAMING ROOM attendant required. Experience not necessary as full training will be given. Please apply to Martin. Ph 021 967 774.

Auction 20/9

Hikuwai Subdivision, Outlet Road, Wanaka 2.30 - 3.00pm

WIRELESS, BLUETOOTH, TURNTABLES, guitars, ukes, Devialet Phantom - diverse exclusive products at Selectrix. Check them out. RUBYS CINEMA & BAR STAFF NEEDED - Hospitality experience essential. Must have your Duty Manager’s certificate or willing to get it. Please pop in and see Jordi. BEDFORD HOUSEBUS FOR SALE. Izuzu powered. Self contained. Road legal. All facilities. Travel? Alternative housing? Unique AirBnB. $40,000 ono. Phone 027 3294 870. SPRING IS IN THE AIR. Call into The Merino Story for your new season wardrobe. Winter sale continues - 50% off selected fashion. Open 6 days.

30th August 2017


Wednesday 30 August




WEDNESDAY 30 AUGUST 1:00 1:30 3:30 3:45 5:45 6:00 8:00 8:15

Paris Can Wait PG Coarse lang The Big Sick M Off lang, sexual refs Hampstead PG Coarse lang, sexual refs The Trip to Spain M offensive lang Logan Lucky M offensive lang Dunkirk M Viol, offensive language The Big Sick M Off lang, sexual refs An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power PG



1 2 1 2 1 2 1

Our gorgeous Snug is now digital! We can play all your favourite films in both cinemas - So experience the luxury of The Snug - state of the art sound and technology, luxury seating in an intimate setting.


THURSDAY 31 AUGUST 12:30 Paris Can Wait 1:00 Hampstead 2:15 This Beautiful Fantastic PG Coarse lang 3:30 The Big Sick 4:00 An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power 6:00 Logan Lucky 8:15 The Hitman's Bodyguard NEW R16 Violence & offensive language

8:30 Wind River NEW

R16 Violence, sexual violence, offensive lang & content that may disturb

2 1 2 1 2 1 1

ADULTS $14.50, KIds $8.50 SENIORS & STUDENTS $10.50

2 * Due to The Snug (Cinema 2) now being digital, we are no longer running our Sunday ticket special.

FRIDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 1:00 1:30 3:30 3:45 5:45 6:00

1 Paris Can Wait 2 The Trip to Spain 1 The Big Sick 2 Dunkirk 1 Logan Lucky An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to 2 Power 8:00 Wind River 2 8:15 The Hitman's Bodyguard 1

SATURDAY 2 SEPTEMBER 12:00 This Beautiful Fantastic 12:00 Hampstead 1:45 Paris Can Wait 2:00 Dunkirk 3:30 The Trip to Spain 4:00 An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power 5:45 Wind River 6:00 The Big Sick 8:00 Logan Lucky 8:15 The Hitman's Bodyguard

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

SUNDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 12:15 Paris Can Wait 1:00 Hampstead 2:00 The Trip to Spain 3:15 The Big Sick 4:00 The Journey 5:30 Logan Lucky 5:45 Wind River 7:45 The Hitman's Bodyguard 8:00 An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power FOODIES

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

MONDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 1:00 1:45 3:30 3:45 5:45 6:00 8:00 8:15

Hampstead Paris Can Wait Wind River The Trip to Spain An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power The Big Sick Logan Lucky The Hitman's Bodyguard

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

TUESDAY 5 SEPTEMBER 1:00 1:45 3:30 3:45 5:45 6:00

The Trip to Spain Paris Can Wait Hampstead The Big Sick Wind River An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power 8:00 Logan Lucky 8:15 The Hitman's Bodyguard

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

WEDNESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER 1:00 1:30 3:30 3:45 5:30 6:00

The Trip to Spain Dunkirk The Journey Logan Lucky Wind River An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power 7:45 The Big Sick 8:00 The Hitman's Bodyguard

2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

Upper Clutha Messenger

30th August 2017

+ + + + + Land area 8 ha (subject to survey) | Web ID FNW01875

to view.


Infinity First National Wanaka Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)


Infinity First National Wanaka Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Infinity First National Wanaka Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Upper Clutha Hospice Shop – Print & Painting Sale | Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm & Sat 10am-3pm 73 Brownston Street | Like us on Facebook @ Upper Clutha Hospice Shop

Upper Clutha Messenger

30th August 2017


Benefits of Turmeric: • Potent anti-Inflammatory • Powerful antioxidant • Immune booster • Improves brain function • Improves digestion • Relieves colds & flu • Helps manage depression • Natural liver detoxifier and much more....


Now available from:

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All day sun & fantastic mountain views 3 - 5 minutes walk to the lake




21 20 19



16 15



800 - 840m


10% deposit & balance on title, expected April 2018









On Moraine Place, off Lakeview Terrace Priced from $249,000






Boundary lines are indicative only

Agent on Site: Saturday/Sunday 12 - 1pm Wednesday 4pm

Jo Sedon 0274 454 590


Ray White Wanaka 03 443 8912

Wanaka Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning * Truck mounted hot water extraction * Kills 99% of germs

P: 4434162 E: info@advancedcarpet.co.nz W: www.advancedcarpet.co.nz

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