Banker & Tradesman: July 29, 2024

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Turn to page B1 for Banker & Tradesman’s monthly coverage of all things commercial real estate.



County close-up: Franklin Spotlight: Buckland



Take your pick of waterfront homes in this week’s Gossip Report: Hingham Harbor or Nantucket Sound? Both have private beach access, two tennis courts, the former is two decades newer.



An MBTA Red Line train leaves Harvard Square station. The agency is eying the line’s northern terminus at Alewife for new development.


2,000 The number of new apartments built next to the Alewife MBTA station in recent years. See Steve Adams’ story on this page. Source: City of Cambridge

MBTA Seeks to


Fix Fatal Flaw

Attleboro hopes to attract at least 610 apartments to a development site next to its MBTA train station. See Cameron Sperance’s story on page B1. Source: City of Attleboro

in Its Real Estate

8 acres The potential size of a development site the MBTA plans to offer up in Cambridge. See Steve Adams’ story on this page. Source: City of Cambridge

600,000 square feet

New TOD Model Could Reduce Market Risk BY STEVE ADAMS

34 acres The potential size of a development site the MBTA plans to offer up in Woburn. See Steve Adams’ story on this page. Source: City of Woburn

200 Developers have added over 200 units to downtown Attleboro in recent years. See Cameron Sperance’s story on page B1. Source: City of Attleboro

2,631 Woburn must zone for 2,631 apartments near its transit stops. See Steve Adams’ story on this page. Source: Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities

50 minutes The travel time on the MBTA commuter rail between Attleboro and Boston. See Cameron Sperance’s story on page B1. Source: MBTA



he MBTA owns prime locations for real estate development but efforts to build housing, offices and labs on them have a history of lengthy delays and missed opportunities. The fatal flaw in the current set-up: selecting developers based upon highpriced offers that bet on a hot real estate category such as life science, which subsequently hits a market downturn. Developers are then unable to obtain financing, and projects can languish for years. “The big dollar value that wins the [request for proposals] is the reason it doesn’t get built,” said Mark Rosenshein, a consultant who advises developers on

projects including publicly-owned property dispositions. As it prepares to offer high-profile sites in Boston, Cambridge, Quincy and Woburn to private developers, MBTA officials are

A Woburn property would be a “tremendous opportunity” for multifamily development because of the site’s location. proposing a new model that would streamline the process to remove market risk. Alewife station in Cambridge, JFK/ UMass and Andrew stations in Boston, the Anderson Regional Transportation Center in Woburn and Quincy Center are the first station properties that will be offered for


Housing a ‘Desired Use’ at Alewife Station

“They are going to have to figure out in the future: ‘What is the inherent value of the development rights?’ without putting it out to bid,” said Rosenshein, a partner at Boston-based owner project managers and development consultants Trademark Partners. “It will require some collaboration with the Legislature, but they have vetted it enough that they believe it is feasible and will be compliant.” Continued on Page 10


South Coast Expects Housing Market Boost from New Train

Madame Vice President, Look to Mass., Not California

By Jay Fitzgerald | Special to Banker & Tradesman

By Scott Van Voorhis | Banker & Tradesman Columnist

New Bedford, Fall River Agents Hope for Demand Increase Unless otherwise noted, all data is sourced from The Warren Group’s Mortgage Market Share Module, Loan Originator Module, Statistics Module and/or proprietary database. For more information please visit datasolutions.

the MBTA’s new joint development model, according to a recent presentation to the agency’s board of directors. The new development model would require changes to state procurement laws to enable the MBTA and developer to share risk and develop designs and prices in stages rather than at the very beginning of a project.

iStock photo

The potential size of a development next to Attleboro’s MBTA train station. See Cameron Sperance’s story on page B1. Source: City of Attleboro

Residential Real Estate PAGE 3

Bay State Leaders Offer Dems a Pro-Growth Template

Commercial Real Estate PAGE 5


JULY 29, 2024

The Week on the Web

Timothy M. Warren Jr., Chairman of the Board David B. Lovins, President and CEO



Published by The Warren Group



Associate Publisher: Cassidy Norton Managing Editor: James Sanna Associate Editor, Commercial Real Estate: Steve Adams Finance and Data Reporter: Sam Minton Contributing Writer: Scott Van Voorhis Senior Customer Support Specialist: Sarah Ahlgren Advertising Account Manager: Caitlin Bobe

• The worldwide CrowdStrike disruption on July 19 took down a huge range of infrastructure, and also affected some local lenders. During its earnings call that day, Rockland Trust Co. executives said desktop computers in its branches were primarily affected, for example. However, a top industry official said the impact wasn’t widespread. • “A small number of banks have indicated intermittent systems interruptions primarily impacting employees or tied to a process that utilizes a third party where the third party was impacted. All banks informed us that customers have continued to have access to their accounts and are standing by to assist should any difficulties arise,” MassBankers President and CEO Kathleen M. Murphy said in a statement.


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Software Development Manager: Michael Paul

• The Massachusetts Association of Realtors eported 5,203 singlefamily houses and 2,103 condos hit the market in June, making for 10.1 percent and 7.5 percent bumps over June 2023, respectively. Total singlefamily inventory was only 3.9 percent higher and total condo inventory was only 1.7 percent higher yearon-year, however, as the time it took for a house to sell actually dropped slightly year-on-year, to 26 days between listing and going under agreement. Among condo listings, that figure was 33 days, up from 31 last June. • That tightness is continuing to push home prices up, according to data from The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman: The median single-family sale price increased 8.1 percent on a year-over-year basis to $665,000, up from $615,000 in June 2023 – a new alltime high. Meanwhile the median condominium sale price rose 5.2 percent on a year-over-year basis to $570,000 – a new all-time high for condos. • Last month, there were 4,441 single-family home sales in Massachusetts, The Warren Group reported, an 8.9 percent decrease from June 2023. There were 1,938 condo sales in June 2024, compared to 2,324 in June 2023 – a 16.6 percent decrease.

Senior Applications Developer: Joe Chan IT Technical Assistants: Matt Paul, Joey Roundtree and Tyler North


Controller: Janeen Silvestri Assistant Controller: Olga Khalaydovsky Accounts Recievable Specialist: Valarie Wickey Human Resources Generalist: Nesima Bartlett

BANKE R & TR AD ESMA N (ISSN 0005-5409) Volume 205, Number 32 Published each Monday. ©2024 The Warren Group LLC, 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. Banker & Tradesman™ and The Warren Group™ are trademarks of The Warren Group LLC. Subscriptions to Banker & Tradesman: Premium: One year – $399 Two year – $699 Single copies are $10.00 each and are on sale at the offices of the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Banker & Tradesman The Warren Group 2 Corporation Way, Suite 250, Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 617-428-5100. Periodicals Postage paid in Boston, MA USPS #536710 and additional mail offices.

LEGISLATURE WARMS TO BOSTON’S PUSH FOR HIGHER FINES ON LANDLORDS • Boston property owners, landlords and businesses that violate the city’s sanitary code could face significantly higher fees under a home rule petition that gained House approval last week and may be on the move in the Senate. • Boston would be allowed to impose a fine of up to $2,000 for non-criminal violations of city ordinances under the Rep. Kevin Honan bill (H.4507) that the House approved on Monday without discussion. The current maximum fine is $300. • The measure aims to crack down on repeat offenders who do not improve the cleanliness of their properties, including those who aren’t disposing of trash properly amid concern about an “exploding” rat population, as well as quality-of-life and public health issues tied to the rodents.

• The Baker administration picked Leggat McCall Properties to redevelop the Brutalist-style Charles F. Hurley state office building in Boston’s West End in 2021, but the Boston-based developer has not submitted a development plan. • “Given the dramatic shift in lab demand since 2022, we agree that this new approach more appropriately addresses today’s critical housing and flexible office needs of the Commonwealth. We look forward to reviewing the new RFP when issued,” Leggat McCall Properties CoPresident Eric Sheffels said in a statement. • The new RFP issued by Gov. Maura Healey’s administration does not include space for state offices but requires the developer to rehabilitate the Lindeman Mental Health Center facilities on the site. The new offering will prioritize housing and historic preservation.

OUTGOING MADISON PARK CEO MOVES TO MHIC • Leslie Reid had been head of one of the state’s oldest and largest community development corporations, which focuses its work in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood, for the last five years before announcing her resignation recently. Reid also teaches mixed income housing policy and finance at MIT’s Center for Real Estate. • At MHIC, Reid will be chief of investment programs, a new position on the nonprofit private affordable housing lender’s executive leadership team. She “will focus on market growth and expansion, and new product and program development” and “oversee all investment, as well as MHIC’s Community Impact program,” the lender said in an announcement. Photo courtesy of MHIC



iStock illustration

Editorial Intern: Erin Delaney

CORRECTION: The sale price of the third home in last week’s Gossip Report, 38R Pond St. in Essex, was incorrectly reported. The correct sale price is $975,000. The editor thanks the alert reader who flagged the error.


Search Broadens for Solutions to Office Woes


Personnel File - No. 373


Davis Raises $1B for Largest Real Estate Fund


Not Building More Housing Is the Worst Thing You Can Do for Your Schools


$20M St. Regis Condo Sale Sets Seaport Record


Theater District Apartments Rebranded After $212M Sale


LMP Hits Pause on Somerville Lab Project


BPDA Approves $300M Fenway Development, Stadium Makeover


Boston Suburbs Drawing More Office Tenants as Downtown Wanes


Mass. Banks Among Those Hit by Global IT Outage

JULY 29, 2024



South Coast Expects Housing Market Boost from New Train New Bedford, Fall River Agents Hope for Demand Increase since 2021 – and local officials attribute that trend to a number of factors. SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN The year-to-date statewide median price eal estate agents in the New Bedford for single-family homes has increased by 21 and Fall River areas are bracing for a percent, to $609,900, since 2021, according potential surge in homebuying after the to data from the Warren Group, publisher of new South Coast Rail commuter lines finally Banker & Tradesman. Meanwhile, the year-toopens next spring, barring yet another delay. date median price for a single-family home in And agents in parts of Bristol County say Bristol County has increased by 23 percent, to they’re already seeing a moderate bump in in$485,000, since 2021. vestment purchases of single-family and multiIt’s not a big price gap, but it’s still a gap fafamily homes in the two hardscrabble cities and voring an area of the state not known for its surrounding areas. Vacant properties and unstrong real-estate market, industry figures say. derused commercial buildings More recently, market data are also being targeted. shows Bristol County keeping “People are coming down pace with the rest of the state. from Boston looking for The statewide median price deals,” said Nathan Carroll, for single-family homes was up a Realtor at The Echelon 10 percent through the first six Group at Lion Gate Realty months of 2024, to $609,900, in Fall River. “A lot of them compared to the same period – Lori Nery, co-owner, Coastal Realty are going after multifamily last year. Bristol County’s mehomes. There are also develdian single-family price duropments going up near the waterfront. The ing the same time period was up 9 percent, to commuter line is playing a role here.” $485,000, according to The Warren Group. No one is saying New Bedford, the famous In Fall River, the year-to-date median gritty fishing port, and Fall River, the former price for single-family was up 7 percent, to textile-manufacturing giant located on the $413,000, while the median price increased by eastern shore of Mount Hope Bay, are experi8 percent, to $379,000, in New Bedford. encing booms. Some Bristol County communities outside Indeed, the cities and their surrounding New Bedford and Fall River actually saw major towns are experiencing the same fundamental surges in median single-family home prices problem facing all other communities in Masduring the first two quarters of 2024, such as sachusetts: a lack of homes for sale amid strong in Dartmouth (prices up 22 percent), Raynham demand. (up 21 percent) and Westport (up 18 percent). Nicole Plante, owner of Even Keel Realty in Waiting for Impact Westport, said the coming South Coast Rail The severe supply-and-demand imbalance Line has so far had little to no effect on her is driving home prices relentlessly upward and coastal town of 16,000, located at the mouth of putting them further out of reach for many Buzzards Bay. working-class and first-time homebuyers in Instead, she said Westport is still experiencthe southeast region of the state, agents say. ing a post-pandemic influx of people moving Still, real estate market data suggests that away from cities in search of more open and Bristol County has slightly outpaced the rest affordable areas of the state. Meanwhile, some of the state in terms of home-price increases older people living on Martha’s Vineyard and


“Everyone seems to be jumping on the New Bedford bandwagon.”

Photo courtesy of the MBTA


A test train sits at the MBTA commuter rail station in Freetown during a December 2022 ribbon-cutting event. Real estate agents and brokers are hopeful the new South Coast Rail project will spur more homebuying in Bristol County.

Nantucket are also buying homes in Westport to be closer to mainland hospitals and other medical facilities, Plante said.

A 90-Minute Train Ride

While the coming commuter line won’t reach all the way south to Westport, it should eventually impact the entire region’s real estate market, Plante acknowledged. “It will attract more people,” she said. Also known as the Fall River/New Bedford Rail Line, the South Coast Rail project was set to open in 2023 – only to be delayed till 2024. Then this spring, MBTA officials announced the launch will be delayed yet again, until May 2025. No matter when it opens, the train service will have stops in Middleborough, East Taunton, Freetown and on Church Street in northern New Bedford, with terminals north

of downtown Fall River and between New Bedford’s city’s wharves and historic downtown. New Bedford and Fall River will each see three morning and three evening trains to Boston’s South Station, and a smattering of service in between the rush hours. Trains will take around 90 minutes to make each one-way trip, officials said in 2022. Lori Nery, co-owner of Coastal Realty in New Bedford, said there’s a sense of excitement with the coming launch of the new rail service. Construction is largely over and the MBTA is already performing test runs on tracks, she said. “The mood is: It’s actually going to happen soon,” said Nery. “They’re actually testing the tracks. We can see it with our own eyes.” Continued on Page 9

Image courtesy of Richard Schmidt Architects

North Shore Bank Finances Roslindale Development



oston-based N6 Properties is beginning its first ground-up construction project after receiving financing from North Shore Bank for a Roslindale development. The $16 million construction loan is for the 49-unit project at 375 Cummins Highway being built by Delphia Construction.

Founded in 2023 by Diarmaid McGregor, N6 Properties specializes in acquisitions and redevelopment of underutilized properties near public transportation including mid-rise residential projects. The nearly 50,000-square-foot Roslindale project includes all-electric heating and cooling systems and is designed to accommodate solar panels. FinanceBoston’s Brian Rooney sourced the construction loan with North Shore Bank.

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JULY 29, 2024


FHA Rehab Loan Program Gets Important Updates Two Mid-Summer Residential Real Estate Stories of Note BY LEW SICHELMAN SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


t last, Uncle Sam’s primary program for helping homeowners and buyers rehab their properties is moving into the 21st century with updates that will make repairs, whether small or major, much more feasible. The Federal Housing Administration’s 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance Program allows borrowers to add rehab and repair costs to their FHA mortgage. The resulting single loan can be used to purchase a house or refinance an existing mortgage. It covers structural repairs such as foundations and new roofs, modernization of kitchens and bathrooms, and projects to increase energy efficiency and climate resilience. The program, however, hadn’t been updated in years. Eight long months ago, the FHA asked lenders and other industry players what they thought about its proposed changes. Finally, earlier this month, the agency published new rules to modernize the program. There are two variations of the 203(k) loan: the standard version, used for financing substantial remodeling and repairs, and the limited version, for minor remodeling and nonstructural repairs. Under the new guidelines, borrowers using the limited loan can borrow up to $75,000 over and above their mortgages – a huge increase from the former limit of $35,000. Besides raising the loan limits, the FHA is giving borrowers more time to complete the work: up to 12 months for the standard loan and nine months for the limited version. Both versions had a six-month deadline, previously. For borrowers who choose to use a consultant to help them complete their 203(k) applications and supervise

the work being done, the FHA has adopted a new fee structure that allows, among other things, for the consultant’s charges to be added to the loan amount – thereby relieving borrowers of that additional out-of-pocket cost. In hopes of encouraging more consultants to participate in the program, the agency also increased the types and amounts of allowable fees consultants can charge. It had been nearly 30 years since permissible consultant fees had been updated.

The program, however, hadn’t been updated in years. While announcing the changes, FHA Commissioner Julia Gordon called them “long overdue.” The changes must be implemented by lenders no later than Nov. 4.

A Pre-Moving Checklist

Buying that first house is an exhilarating experience. But when the buying cycle ends and the place is finally yours, the homeownership journey is actually just beginning. There’s a lot to consider before you actually move in. For example, you’ll want to change the locks on all your exterior doors, including the garage. After all, you don’t know who the previous owner gave keys to. And don’t forget to change the codes on your garage door openers. Another step: Consider a deep, thorough cleaning of the place, especially the carpets and appliances. The previous owner likely cleaned the house before listing it so that it would show in its best light, but that may have been months prior to the time you’ll take occupancy.

Hiring a professional cleaning company to refresh the place is a good idea. You’ll also want to set up accounts for each of your utilities – water, gas and electric – so they’ll be operational when you arrive. Don’t forget to place a changeof-address form with the post office, and start notifying all your recurring accounts of your new location. You’ll likely miss a few, but you can play catch-up later. Another important pre-move-in step is to make sure all of the detectors – smoke, carbon monoxide and radon – are operational. Even if they are, you might want to install fresh batteries; you never know when they were last changed. And if the house lacks any of these lifesaving sensors, install them right away. You’ll want to locate the main water shut-off valve, the circuit breaker and any other critical operating systems controls. You never know when you might have to use them, so knowing where they are and how they operate is important. Once you move in, time will move slowly at first. You’ll unpack, get settled and put things where they belong. You’ll get to know your neighbors, explore your new surroundings and learn where essential services are located. And you might enroll yourself and your family members in sports, classes and other social and recreational programs. Eventually, you’ll establish a daily routine and settle into homeownership. It might not go smoothly at first, but as time moves on, the bumps in the road will feel more like mere nuisances.

Lew Sichelman has been covering real estate for more than 50 years. He is a regular contributor to numerous shelter magazines and housing and housing-finance industry publications. Readers can contact him at


The Great Renovation: Breathing New Life into America’s Aging Homes Rehabber Investors Are Key to Unlocking More Inventory BY BERNICE ROSS SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


merica is facing a significant housing shortage, especially at entry-home level. And unnoticed by most, America’s mom-and-pop investors are quietly leading the charge in upgrading America’s current housing stock as well as bringing more habitable inventory to the market. Kurt Carlton, president and co-founder of New Western, has labeled this emerging trend as “The Great Renovation.” Since 2008, New Western has built a database of over 200,000 investors that have bought and sold over $17 billion in properties. Surprisingly, this market is much stronger than anyone realizes. Corelogic’s most recent data shows that investor purchases now account for 29 percent to 30 percent of all single-family residential sales nationwide, and between 18 percent and 22 percent of sales in New Hampshire. “Today we have millions and millions of homes that no aspiring homeowner is going to purchase because someone aged in place for a long time before dying, the roof damage was never attended to and there’s black mold and other major issues,” Carlton told me when I interviewed him earlier this year. We’ve all heard about how the “lock-in-effect,” where people do not want to trade their low-interest

Banker & Tradesman Cassidy Norton

Associate Publisher c n or t on @ t h e w a r r e n gr ou p . c om

Timothy M. Warren Jr.

K e i t h F. W a r r e n


Publisher 1928-1975

Timothy M. Warren

W i l l a r d C. W a r r e n

Publisher 1975-1988

Publisher 1901-1928

mortgage on their current home to purchase a replacement home that will have a much higher interest rate and payment, is keeping many homes off the market and helping push home prices ever-higher.

Who Are Today’s Mom-and-Pop Rehabbers?

“In the meantime, there’s a substantial supply of distressed homes needing local real estate investors to rehab them, Carlton said. “These properties need to be identified, rehabilitated, and put back on the market.” Carlton’s quarterly surveys of New Western’s users show that flippers generally fall into three categories: “corporate refugees” who have left their “9-to-5 rat race jobs” to follow what started as a side hustle, Gen Z investors passionate about real estate and Baby Boomers – often husband-and-wife teams – who are following a dream to improve their community. “So, they’re finding this vacant inventory that’s in need of repair, changing what was an uninhabitable home to one that becomes habitable, and that ends up being a net plus-one housing unit. The result is a dramatic effect on supply,” Carlton said. “There are a lot of misunderstandings about what is required when there is a distressed property and that it is really going to require a real estate investor to do the work, not the homeowner.”

Legislative Efforts: Boon or Anti-Housing?

Even though these investors typically rehab houses with issues so severe that they’re not currently saleable to a typical buyer, many people mistakenly believe that rehabbers are reducing the pool of available properties rather actually adding to it. This lack of understanding often extends to the legislative level as well. Carlton is currently working with lawmakers to help them understand the positive impact wholesaling can have on supply and affordability in their communities. While several state legislatures have passed laws that support these efforts, Carlton bumped into a major issue with one set of local well-intentioned lawmak-

ers in one state who didn’t understand how the process worked. Sadly, their anti-housing legislation has resulted in blocking a tremendous amount of new rehabbed inventory from coming on the market in that state. “The way to become part of the middle class in America is to buy your own home, but these aspiring buyers cannot afford to pay $480,000 for new construction. They need something that is in the $180,000 to $200,000 price range, but that inventory is not available.” Carlton said. Unfortunately, when local lawmakers fail to understand how this works and the contribution that investors make to their communities, they shut down the process. The result is fewer affordable entry-level houses, houses that could have been listed by a Realtor and that have been brought up-to-date by today’s market standards by a rehabber. This in turn reduces the amount of inventory available which in turn drives up prices.

“We have millions and millions of homes that no aspiring homeowner is going to purchase because the roof damage was never attended to.” – Kurt Carlton, president, New Western

Carlton noted that during the Great Recession in 2008 when New Western was founded, it was the financial products that caused a property to become distressed. Many of the homes that were foreclosed upon were about five or less years old. Carlton said he is passionate about tackling this issue at the national level. “Regulation is definitely needed, but it must be well thought-out. Local, state and federal lawmakers as well as state real estate commissions, must carefully craft regulations to avoid stemming the flow of available affordable inventory,” Carlton said. The Great Renovation is already in process. If this trend continues to grow, it certainly has the potential to solve our inventory problems by breathing new life into America’s aging and vacant homes.

Bernice Ross is a nationally syndicated columnist, author, trainer and speaker on real estate topics. She can be reached at

JULY 29, 2024



Madame Vice President, Look to Mass., Not California Bay State Leaders Offer Dems Pro-Growth Template BANKER & TRADESMAN COLUMNIST


amala Harris will need all the sage political advice she can get as she takes on Donald Trump, one of most potent demagogues in American history. But the vice president would be best advised to avoid tips from her fellow Californian, Gov. Gavin Newsom, an unabashed progressive with movie star looks. Instead, she would be much better off seeking counsel from former Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, who served as President Joe Biden’s labor secretary until last year, when he left to head the National Hockey League Players’ Association. Now no one will confuse Walsh with a Hollywood celebrity, and that’s a good thing right now given the angry, anti-elite rhetoric coursing through the 2024 presidential campaign. Having been both a top labor leader and the secretary of labor, Walsh could be a major asset for Harris as she reaches out to union members and blue-collar voters in key swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

While Harris has gotten her presidential campaign off to a notably strong start – winning even some grudging praise from The Wall Street Journal – her appeal to swing-state voters is a potentially fatal weak point given her roots in progressive California.

Balance Key to Building Homes

Walsh, in turn, could also provide some insights on how to be a pro-growth Democrat, especially when it comes to the increasingly dire housing shortage that is driving up prices and rents across the country. Under Walsh, Boston underwent an historic building boom. City Hall’s development-review arm issued permits for more than 105 million square feet of new office, residential, retail and lab space during the former mayor’s seven years in office. That’s an average of 10 or 11 million square feet getting the nod every year from city planners – or enough to fill that many new Prudential towers every 12 months. Walsh was also able to strike a balance between demands by housing advocates that housing developers be required to include ever-higher numbers of money-losing, affordable units and the twin needs to turn a profit and earn the backing of investors and bankers.

Harris even held a baby shower for Walsh’s stepdaughter at the U.S. Naval Observatory, the VP’s official residence.

Make the smart and ONLY CHOICE when tackling your roof! Before Before

Photo courtesy of the Office of the Governor


From left: then-Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Gov. Maura Healey – at the time, the state attorney general – and then-Gov. Charlie Baker take part in a commemoration for law enforcement officers on Sept. 21, 2016.

It’s an important message for Harris to hear. The Democratic Party’s uber-progressive wing, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has worked, with some success, to push the Biden administration’s economic policies further to the left. Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, as well as Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, all threw their support behind Biden’s now aborted attempt to hang on as his party’s standard bearer in the wake of his disastrous debate performance last month.

Friendship with Walsh Could Help

Before he dropped his reelection bid last weekend, Biden announced he would pursue a 5 percent cap on apartment rent increases in a second term – a measure championed by party progressives.

In fact, there’s good reason to believe that Harris might just follow my advice and reach out to Walsh, if she hasn’t already. During his time in Washington, Walsh forged a close friendship with Harris, as a 2022 Washington Post piece details. The two talked every week, and Harris even held a baby shower for Walsh’s stepdaughter at the U.S. Naval Observatory, the VP’s official residence, the Post reported at the time. “In what has become one of the more unusual pairings in the Biden administration, Vice President Harris and Marty Walsh, the Secretary of Labor, have struck up a tight bond that started with policy and has evolved into a personal connection that has surprised those close to them,” the Post reported at the time. Continued on Page 9









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JULY 29, 2024





After Buckland’s famous Bridge of Flowers was closed last fall to make way for repairs, supporters dug up the perennials planted along the bridge and transferred them to private gardens. The bridge’s caretakers say it will reopen in 2025.

TOTAL AREA 19.9 square miles POPULATION 1,816 DENSITY 91 people per square mile TAX RATES Residential: Commercial:





Jan.-June 2024

Change from 2023


$ 510,000





$ 299,500





$ 320,000









$ 220,000










$ 437,239





$ 326,000








$ 300,000









$300,000 300000






$200,000 200000


$ 450,000




$100,000 100000












$ 303,750




New Salem

$ 250,000





$ 345,100





$ 276,500




350 350






325 325






300 300


$ 457,250





$ 509,000









250 250






225 225


$ 529,000




Franklin County

$ 319,500





Gill Greenfield

$17.56 $17.56

Jan.-June Change from 2024 2023

• Statistics based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group

“Anybody who has a float can put a float in, anybody who wants to decorate a bike [is] more than welcome,” Finck said. “It’s a small-town parade to celebrate the anniversary of our country.” — Steven Finck, organizer of the annual July 4th parade in Buckland’s village of Shelburne Falls, to the Greenfield Recorder

MEDIAN SALES PRICES 700000 $700,000 $600,000 600000 $500,000 500000 $400,000 400000

2015 ’15

2016 ’16

2017 ’17

2018 ’18

2019 ’19

2020 ’20

2021 ’21

2022 ’22

2023 ’23

• All sales through June YTD

2024 ’24

Franklin Massachusetts

• Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group




% of Market Share


Greenfield Savings Bank



Florence Bank



Members Advance Mortgage


Rankings and Mortgage Market Share stats include purchase and refinance mortgages for all residential properties in June 2024 Market share percentage based on number of loans • Source: The Warren Group

275 275


200 200 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 • All sales through June YTD • Graph based on single-family home sales of $1,000 and above, excluding condominiums and foreclosure deeds • Source: The Warren Group





Gary P. Talbot

Members Advance Mortgage


Caryl L. Connor

Greenfield Savings Bank


Melissa Tetrault

Greenfield Cooperative Bank

Ranked by number of loans for all property types in June 2024.• Source: The Warren Group

TOP 10 EXISTING HOME SALES Street Address Community

Buyer Seller

Date Price


Street Address Community

Buyer Seller

Date Price


3 Rumford Road Norton

Jan Eljaszuk Michael P. Gearty

6/26/2024 $4,250,000


55 Gaffney Road Dartmouth

Rachel M. Jenkins Benjamin J Gord

5/8/2024 $1,685,000


4 Captain Harris Drive Freetown

Oakland St Rt Joseph Delgado

4/19/2024 $2,700,000


9 Wedge Way Rehoboth

Monica Shah Lorimar Family Lp

4/5/2024 $1,650,000


1985-D Main Road Westport

Thomas Trainer Peter B. Kelsey

4/26/2024 $2,650,000


401 Cedar Avenue Swansea

Ryan A. Cherry Kenneth D Furtado

6/27/2024 $1,610,000


1260 Drift Road Westport

Andrew P. Andromalos P & D Rt

5/10/2024 $2,057,000


24 White Alder Way Dartmouth

Henry V. Dejesus Paul M. Milhousa

4/1/2024 $1,575,000


60-R Reservoir St. Norton

Joshua Lavoie Brian Zuzick

5/22/2024 $1,800,000


2 Wedge Way Rehoboth

Katherine Taylor Evelyn Jones

5/17/2024 $1,515,000


• Statistics from April-June 2024 • New Construction Excluded • Source: The Warren Group

JULY 29, 2024





Address: 7 Chestnut St., Boston Price: $11,250,000 Buyer: 7 Chestnut Street RT Seller: 7 Chestnut Street LLC Size: 5,327 square feet Sold: 7/10/2024

1,2 5

Take your pick of waterfront homes in this week’s Gossip Report: The one right on Hingham Harbor? Or the one set back slightly from


Nantucket Sound? Both have private beach access, and while the latter comes with a one-half interest in a neighboring lot equipped with two tennis courts, the former is two decades newer.




Address: 1 Dalton St. #5204, Boston Price: $7,500,000 Buyer: Bos Layover LLC Seller: Skydweller LLC Agent: Daniel Resop and Collin Sullivan, William Raveis Size: 2,575 square feet Sold: 7/9/2024


Address: 165 Highland St., Newton Price: $6,150,000 Buyer: 165 Highland RT Seller: Nancy C. Ferry and Thomas R. Ferry Agent: Maggie Gold Seelig and Rachel Goldman, MGS Group Size: 8,200 square feet on 0.7 acres Sold: 7/8/2024



Address: 1272-1276 Main St., Cotuit Price: $5,675,000 Buyer: Monica Roper 2022 T Seller: Swartwood 3rd Carles Est Agent: Paul E. Grover and Matthew De Groot, BHHS Robert Paul Properties Size: 4,513 square feet on 1.61 acres Sold: 7/9/2024



Address: 151 Downer Ave., Hingham Price: $5,065,000 Buyer: Eric Burnett and Sharon Burnett Seller: Jill Gisholt and Paal Gisholt Agent: Jeff Alexander, Compass Size: 4,086 square feet on 0.16 acres Sold: 7/11/2024

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JULY 29, 2024


As Potential Rate Cuts Loom, Banks’ Waiting Game Begins BY SAM MINTON BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF


n end to successive quarters of profit margin compression at Massachusetts banks could be near, thanks to an expected September Federal Reserve rate cut that opens the door to reduced de-

posit expenses. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell dropped his latest hint that the central will not wait for inflation to shrink to 2 percent before cutting rates, possibly in September, when speaking at the Economic Club of Washington, D.C. on July 15. The Fed’s benchmark interest rate has steadily climbed since 2022 and plateaued at between 5.25 percent and 5.50 percent starting in July of 2023. For financial institutions, the current rate environment has depressed net interest margins – lenders have had to pay depositors more for the privilege of holding their money, and the higher rates have made most real estate developers and some business borrowers reluctant to take out large loans. Among a select group of Massachusetts stock and mutual banks analyzed by Banker & Tradesman for this story, the peak net interest margin of any one bank sat at 3.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2022 while the lowest sat at 2.32 percent in Q1 of 2024, the most recent data available from the FDIC. The same could be said when looking at net interest income. For the majority of the banks analyzed, net interest income has been on the decline since 2023. Net interest income peaked at 3.62 percent among the group of banks while bottoming out at 2.2 percent in Q1 of 2024. Berkshire Bank saw its net interest margin peak at 3.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2022 but have since dropped to 3.15 percent according to FDIC data dating back to the start of 2020. Other Massachusetts banks, like Reading Cooperative Bank, saw their NIM hit 2.5 percent, or lower.

During this month’s second-quarter earnings calls, some Massachusetts stock banks sounded optimistic notes. Rockland Trust Co. reported a slight increase in net interest margin, from 3.23 percent in the first quarter to 3.25 percent, with the company’s earnings presentation saying it could increase to 3.3 percent in the third quarter. Berkshire Bank reported a slight increase to 3.2 percent in Q2, which executives estimated could be a stable figure. “While we expect continued funding cost pressure, the worst of the NIM compression is behind us and we’re seeing NIM tailwinds emerging such as fixed-rate assets maturing and repricing higher,” Berkshire CFO Brett Brbovic told stock analysts. Still, Brbovic said that the benefits of rate cuts won’t be felt until 2025 and beyond. Berkshire Bank CEO Nitin Mhatre said that Berkshire is “relatively agnostic” to the current rate environment although yields on its loan portfolio will likely grow faster than deposit expenses if the Fed cuts rates. “The balance sheet is neutral,” Mhatre said. “So, we’re relatively agnostic to the rate environment at the moment, but in this cycle, so far, our deposit betas have been at the 42 cumulative and that’s kind of where the peer averages are, but on loans our betas about 47 whereas the peer average is about 35. So, we believe it allows us to have better spreads if we continue down this path.”

During this month’s second-quarter earnings calls, some Massachusetts stock banks sounded optimistic notes.

Expensive Deposits to Get Cheaper

Reading Cooperative Bank President and CEO Julieann Thurlow also has a positive outlook on the effect of potential rate cuts, noting that banks will be able to start cutting the interest they pay on some of their most expensive forms of deposits. Thurlow said in an interview that both borrowers and customers will reap the rewards. “High-yield accounts are priced off the short end of the yield curve, so as the Fed lowers rates, consumers should expect the yield on their [money market deposit accounts] or high-yield savings account will be lowered in direct correlation to the Fed’s actions,” she said. “This is the

iStock illustration

Cuts Expected in September May Effect Economy for Some Time

With a 25-basis-point cut in the Federal Reserve’s benchmark interest rate expected in September, some local banks are eying improved profit margins.


4.0 4.00 3.75 3.75 3.50 3.50 3.25 3.25 3.0 3.00 2.75 2.75 2.50 2.50 2.25 2.25

Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q12021 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 Q12022 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 2022 Q12023 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q12024 2024 2020

Source: FDIC

point that consumers should look to extend into term accounts and attempt to lock in rates longer. Borrowers will see the benefit on the other side of the balance sheet with a lowered prime lending rate for variable-rate products such as home equity lines and consumer credit cards.” Aaron Jodka, capital markets research director at commercial brokerage Colliers, said while the Fed’s signaled rate cut will be welcome, many borrowers will wish it had come sooner. “The market’s been waiting anxiously for those Fed cuts,” Jodka said. “The market was expecting by this time, several rate cuts in 2024.” While any cut might seem like some relief for consumers Jodka said that a Fed rate cut

Eastern Bank Salem Five Cambridge Savings Bank Reading Cooperative Bank Berkshire Bank

this year could only be 25 basis points, which might not have a large impact. Paul P. Schaus, managing partner at bank consultancy CCG Catalyst, said that the effects of Fed rate drops lag behind the central bank’s decisions. “You’re not going to see all of a sudden the credit card company lower their interest rates,” Schaus stated. “Rates can go up and down, but the economic factors also affect how banks will pass [along] the rate decreases and who they pass [them to] because again, on the other side, you could have losses going up even with rates coming down.”


Poll: Housing, Transportation Costs Pushing People Out Of Mass. BY CHRIS LISINSKI STATE HOUSE NEWS SERVICE


ne in five Bay Staters envisions themselves leaving Massachusetts for another state within the next five years, according to a new poll that found a sizable majority of residents burdened by high housing costs. More than seven in 10 residents surveyed by the MassINC Polling Group said the amount they pay on housing each month is “somewhat of a burden” (34 percent) or a “very big burden” (37 percent). Eighteen percent of those polled answered housing when asked to name the single biggest issue facing state government, tied for the highest share with migrants and immigration. And when pollsters asked if participants saw themselves moving in the next five years, 21 percent said they could see themselves leaving Massachusetts altogether. Among residents who said both their housing and transportation costs pose a “very big” burden, 38 percent are thinking about leaving Massachusetts in the next five years, a higher share than the overall population, pollsters found. The results are unlikely to come as a surprise on Beacon Hill, where lawmakers are facing

pressure from constituents, business leaders and interest groups to boost the housing supply and deliver more affordable options. Previous efforts have done little to slow the trend of rising prices, and lawmakers hope that more state borrowing alongside some policy reforms will finally unlock much-needed production. MassINC conducted the poll on behalf of advocacy group Transportation for Massachusetts, which has long pushed for more state investment into public transit. Pollsters surveyed 1,408 Massachusetts residents between June 12 and June 30, and they oversampled 300 residents of so-called Gateway Cities and 100 residents of Boston’s Mattapan and Hyde Park neighborhoods. “The high cost of housing is the biggest crisis facing Massachusetts families – especially renters who are struggling to get by amid skyrocketing rents and high transportation costs,” Rose Webster-Smith, executive director of Springfield No One Leaves and a co-anchor of Homes for All Massachusetts, said in a statement MassINC included with its poll results. “Our state’s housing and transportation systems are failing to meet the basic needs of Massachusetts families, and status quo solutions won’t fix them.”

On the transportation front, 41 percent rated the state’s system in “fair” condition. Five percent called it “excellent,” 28 percent called it “good” and 25 percent called it “poor.” Fortyseven percent of respondents said the public transit near where they live is good enough that they can rely on it, compared with 38 percent who said it’s insufficient. Respondents were most likely to give Gov. Maura Healey and lawmakers middling grades on transportation. About a third rated Healey’s work on transportation a “C,” the highest share of any letter grade, and the same was the case for their review of how the Legislature has funded transportation infrastructure. Participants were also most likely to see a status quo at the MBTA under General Manager Phil Eng, who started on the job in April 2023. Twenty-two percent said they think the T is getting better during his tenure, 17 percent said they think it’s getting worse and 43 percent see the agency “about the same as it has been.” One major transportation reform that’s on the verge of becoming law appears to have broad appeal. The House and Senate voted as part of their compromise fiscal 2025 state budget to fund fare-free trips at all of the state’s 15 regional transit authorities (but not the

MBTA), and nearly three-quarters of the residents polled by MassINC strongly or somewhat support the idea. Pollsters found respondents were more likely to support than oppose a range of strategies to generate new funding for transportation projects, or at least to examine the options. They told participants that in London and Paris drivers pay a fee to enter central business districts, and recounted the history of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul pausing congestion pricing in New York City on the eve of its launch. Asked if Massachusetts should study “ways to use congestion pricing to reduce traffic and raise money for public transit in and around Boston,” 50 percent said yes and 36 percent said no. “This survey confirms that housing and transportation are not separate issues; they are deeply interconnected,” said Transportation for Massachusetts Executive Director Reggie Ramos. “Residents are experiencing these as combined, intersecting crises. Housing affordability and transportation connectivity to opportunities impact quality of life and can exacerbate inequality. Our public officials must take steps to solve them jointly and immediately.” The poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

JULY 29, 2024




eclining rents and shorter employee commutes are prompting eastern Massachusetts companies to favor suburban office deals while urban Boston activity wanes, according to local brokerage research. Office leasing in the Routes 128 and 495 submarkets comprised nearly 59 percent of all Greater Boston transactions in the second quarter, according to Avison Young. Boston and Cambridge’s share of leasing totaled 41.2 percent, down from nearly 50 percent in the previous quarter. Without providing specific data, JLL said the suburban office tenant demand has rebounded to 2022 levels, pointing to future stabilization of the market. The bulk of the activity is mid-sized requirements of approximately 15,000 square feet, said Matt Daniels, JLL’s New England brokerage

lead. “There’s a combination of urban and suburban tenants and organic demand that’s been in the market,” Daniels said. “We are going to see a lot of medium-size leasing to get the numbers back to where they were.” Declining rents and shorter employee commutes are prompting tenants to favor suburban properties, according to Avison Young. Across Greater Boston, office tenants signed 1.4 million square feet of leases in the second quarter, up 100,000 square feet from the previous quarter. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu’s proposal to increase the commercial property sector’s share of the city’s tax levy has prompted warnings from real estate industry groups that it would provide more incentives for suburban office leasing in the post-pandemic climate. The home rule petition, approved by the Boston City Council in June, requires ap-

The availability rate, which includes sublease listings, was 24.7 percent in Boston, the highest of all Greater Boston submarkets.

Image courtesy of Avison Young

Boston Suburbs Drawing More Office Tenants as Downtown Wanes

An office building in Marcus Partners’ Reservoir Woods development along Route 128 in Waltham.

proval of the state Legislature to exceed the maximum commercial-residential tax split allowed under Massachusetts law. Boston’s 19.4 percent office vacancy rate is now higher than the Route 128 submarket, which ended the second quarter with a 17.3 percent vacancy rate, according to Avison Young’s second-quarter report. The Route 495 submarket had a 20.4 percent vacancy rate. The availability rate, which includes sublease listings, was 24.7 percent in Boston, the

highest of all Greater Boston submarkets. According to CBRE data, suburban office leasing totaled nearly 882,000 square feet, an increase of 250,000 square feet from the previous quarter. But the 106 million-square-foot suburban market still had nearly 410,000 square feet of negative absorption, reflecting factors such as expiring leases. The vacancy rate rose 0.7 percent from the previous quarter to 19.2 percent, while availabilities rose 0.6 percent to 24 percent, according to CBRE.

No Price Bump from Train Plans – Yet Harris Should Look to Mass. Continued from Page 3 New Bedford has definitely seen its share of Boston-area buyers coming to the city in search of more affordable housing in general. “They’re discovering New Bedford for the first time. They’re just amazed at the prices,” she said. Also, New Bedford’s recently rejuvenated downtown area is attracting both developers and deal-seeking homebuyers, she said. But she hopes the coming commuter rail could be a potential game-changer for the city and the entire area, she said. “It’s really exciting what’s happening in New Bedford,” she said. “Everyone seems to be jumping on the New Bedford bandwagon.” Donna Davids, a broker associate at Coldwell Banker in Easton, said a number of towns in Bristol County, such as Taunton, have recently benefited from people outside the area

seeking more affordable homes. “All you have to do is follow the numbers – just follow the affordability numbers,” said Davids, who’s also a regional vice president for the Massachusetts Association of Realtors. But the coming commuter line will only accelerate the number of people looking for homes in the southeast region, she said. “We’re definitely seeing an uptick in interest in the area,” she said. The Echelon Group’s Carroll said the combination of Fall River’s housing affordability, at least compared to prices in the Boston area, and the coming commuter line are changing the dynamics of the market. “There’s buzz now,” he said. “It’s all creating a positive impact.”


Continued from Page 5 While she is at it, Harris might also ring up Gov. Maura Healey and former Gov. Charlie Baker. Yes, Massachusetts is considered a deep blue state. But in reality, it is a mini-California (inside the Interstate 495 beltway) grafted onto rust belt Ohio (everything beyond I-495). Both Healey and, before her, Baker crafted convincing electoral majorities with centrist political moves. Healey bucked the left wing of her own party to make tax breaks a key part of her campaign for governor. For his part, Baker took a traditionally Democratic issue – state support for affordable housing programs – and outdid the state’s legislative leaders, all Dems, in pushing for an

even bigger increase in outlays. If Harris is going to have a shot at winning this race, she’s going to have to tack towards the middle. It’s unlikely Harris will pick Walsh as her vice president and running mate, though stranger things have happened. The Irish Echo recently reported that “prominent Irish-American politicians” have been urging Harris to pick the long-time Boston pol and labor leader. But Harris could do a lot worse than to reach out to Walsh and his fellow Bay State political notables for some timely advice.

Scott Van Voorhis is Banker & Tradesman’s columnist and publisher of the Contrarian Boston newsletter; opinions expressed are his own. He may be reached at


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JULY 29, 2024


Red Line is Focus of MBTA Development Push opment in the neighborhood in response to Healthpeak’s acquisitions. A redevelopment including addition of a commuter rail station would offset the additional traffic created by housing and eventual lab development, Nolan added. According to information provided by the city of Cambridge, the existing zoning for the Alewife station property allows base building heights up to 85 feet, with maximum heights of 125 feet for residential uses.

Photo by James Sanna | Banker & Tradesman Staff

Continued from Page 1 The Alewife Red Line station and 2,700space garage sits next to a neighborhood that’s attracted Cambridge’s largest commercial real estate investment this decade outside of Kendall Square. Approximately 2,000 apartments were completed on Cambridgepark Drive in the past decade. Life science developer Healthpeak spent $1.9 billion in 2020 and 2021 to acquire properties in Alewife and the nearby Quadrangle industrial district. The station area includes five MBTAowned properties totaling over 8 acres, according to city property records. MBTA Chief of Transit-Oriented Development Scott Bosworth told MBTA board members a publicprivate partnership would enable the agency to offset a $175 million liability at the garage, which has been plagued by structural problems. The agency went so far as to shutter the garage for emergency repairs five years ago. Cambridge City Councilor Patricia Nolan said the first priority for any redevelopment should be housing production. “Given that it’s literally right next-door to a T stop, the desired use is absolutely residential with a strong affordable component and a mix of market-rate,” said Nolan, who led the charge on a 2022 moratorium on lab devel-

Anderson Part of MBTA Communities Proposal

The MBTA has notified Woburn officials of its plans to seek developers for a portion of its Anderson Regional Transportation Center, which spans approximately 34 acres including a large surface parking lot. The station includes a Lowell line commuter rail station, Amtrak service and Park and Ride shuttles to Logan International Airport and could play a key role in any potential future effort to improve nearlynonexistent local public transit along the Route 128 corridor, transit advocates say. Woburn Mayor Michael Concannon declined to be interviewed about the MBTA’s plans. In a May presentation to the Woburn City Council, Concannon said the project could align with the city’s proposal to rezone a


Photo courtesy of Capstone Communities

Each week, Banker & Tradesman commercial real estate reporter Steve Adams spotlights a commercial real estate property in Massachusetts notable for its high deal activity, unique design or one-of-a-kind special features.


• A refinancing package will enable Capstone Communities to begin an extensive renovation project at its Station Lofts property in Brockton. • In 2013, Newton-based Capstone Communities completed the renovation of the historic former Lilly Brackett Boot & Shoe Co./George Knight & Co. building to create 25 loft-style housing units. • The Property and Casualty Initiative, a statewide community loan fund, provided refinancing for the property. Capstone this month began a $150,000 reinvestment in Station Lofts including facade renovations, interior upgrades and common area improvements.

The MBTA’s huge Anderson Regional Transportation Center property could be a promising site for multifamily development given its proximity to transit, Interstate 93 and the retail and job hubs in Woburn and Burlington.

half-mile radius on the eastern side of the railroad tracks to comply with the MBTA Communities Act. Under the 2021 state law, Woburn is required to zone for by-right construction of 2,631 multifamily units within a half-mile radius of transit stops. Woburn Planning Director John Cashell told councilors the proposed overlay district spans 55 acres including the station property and commercial-industrial properties along Commerce Way. The council scheduled a public hearing on the MBTA communities overlay zoning amendment for Aug. 6. Developers have completed several major apartment projects along the Commerce Way corridor in recent years, including Toll Brothers’ 289-unit Emblem 120 complex near Anderson station and the 350-unit Avalon Woburn at the Woburn Village retail property. Michael Ogasapian, a vice president at Wayland brokerage R.W. Holmes Commercial Real Estate, said the Anderson RTC property would be a “tremendous opportunity” for multifamily development because of the site’s proximity to transit, Interstate 93 and retail centers. “I would be shocked if it weren’t [proposed for] multifamily,” Ogasapian said. A Woburn Chamber of Commerce director, Ogasapian echoed concerns of some city councilors that the MBTA Communities rezoning could result in housing displacing commercial-industrial properties along Commerce Way. “Anderson RTC could be built upon to satisfy that [multifamily] demand, as opposed to some of the industrial product that has lasted through multiple cycles and has had tremendous staying power,” he said. In recent years, state agencies including the MBTA and Massachusetts Department of Transportation have offered a series of publicly-owned parcels to private developers for redevelopment.

Despite many of the sites’ prime locations in downtown Boston, progress has been delayed by the legal requirements associated with public dispositions and shifts in real estate market demand.

A Growing List of Stalled Projects

State officials first invited private developers to bid on development rights above South Station’s rail platforms in 1989. The project went through several changes of developers before Houston-based developer Hines began construction of its $870 million office-condominium tower in 2020. Developers’ price offers weigh heavily in state agencies’ selection criteria, but market conditions can shift rapidly and delay financing. In 2020, Massport selected Lincoln Property Co. to build a 650,000-square-foot officelab tower on its 701 Congress St. property in the Seaport District. But groundbreaking has been delayed by the lab leasing slump, and Massport in January amended the $123 million ground lease terms and gave Lincoln Property a two-year extension to close on the transaction. Risks for developers tend to be higher on MBTA- and MassDOT-owned properties because of the time needed to complete complex engineering designs and work around existing road and rail infrastructure, Trademark Partners’ Rosenshein said. That leaves projects vulnerable to shifts in market demand over time. But a new procurement model that allows pricing to be negotiated closer to groundbreaking would reduce risk, Rosenshein said. “Presumably, it’s a rolling process where there would be a development agreement that would take it through engineering and permitting, and a phase for a development agreement and construction,” he said.




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“Two of the foundational elements of Brockton’s downtown ‘renaissance’ are transitoriented housing and the utilization of the City’s historic factory buildings to create attractive unique living spaces. The addition of the Station Lofts eleven years ago brought us closer to our vision of a reinvigorated, attractive, and livable downtown.” — Brockton Mayor Robert F. Sullivan

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JULY 29, 2024









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JULY 29, 2024




144 Centre St. Holbrook MA, 02343 • Tel: 617-227-6553 • MA Lic 295, N.H 2508, R.I 9246, VT 057-0002204

Mortgagee’s Sale of Real Estate at Public Auction



16 Nugent Lane Tuesday, August 6 at 11AM 2,144± sq. ft. Colonial built in 1995 set on a 17,470± sq. ft. lot. Home has 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2+ baths, a 2-car garage, fireplace and central air conditioning. Mortgage Reference: Middlesex County (South) in Book 76312, Page 70 Terms of Sale: In order to register on-site for the auction, one must be present with a BANK TREASURER’S CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000. Check should be made payable to the person attending and bidding at the auction. PERSONAL CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The winning bidder will be required to increase their deposit to 15% of the purchase price within 5 business days, and the balance is due to be paid within 30 days of the auction. Lauren A. Solar, Esq., Hackett Feinberg, P.C., 155 Federal St, 9th FL, Boston MA, Attorney for Mortgagee. Other terms announced at auction. Accuracy of info is not guaranteed.

1.61+/- acres of land improved by a 6,397+/-sf single story funeral home built in 2021/2022 with 89 parking spaces. For more information visit Terms of Sale: A deposit of $20,000 by cash, certified or bank check required at the time & place of sale & balance due within 45 days. All other terms announced at sale. Neither Auctioneer nor Mortgagee nor Attorney make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. James C. Fox, Esq., Ruberto, Israel & Weiner, P.C., Boston, MA., Attorney for the Mortgagee. SALE TO BE HELD ON THE PREMISES • 617-350-7700

Deposit by cash, certified or bank check required at time and place of sale and balance 30 days (unless otherwise specified). All other terms announced at sale. Neither Auctioneer, Mortgagee nor Attorney make any representations as to the accuracy of the information contained herein.



144 Centre St. Holbrook MA, 02343 • Tel: 617-227-6553

48231_Saperstein 144 Centre St. Holbrook MA, 02343 • Tel: 617-227-6553


PAUL E. SAPERSTEIN CO., INC. • MA Lic 295, N.H 2508, R.I 9246, VT 057-0002204

Banker & Tradesman • MA Lic 295, N.H 2508, R.I 9246, VT 057-0002204

Mortgagee’s Sale of Real Estate at Public Auction

Mortgagee’s Sale of Real Estate at Public Auction

4.875” x nec” 07/10/24 pg 1


14.25+/- acres of land improved by a 2-story 3,486+/-sf colonial style home. Home believed to have 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms & 2.5 baths w/ full basement, deck, porch & 2-car attached garage. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $20,000 by certified or bank check required at the time & place of sale & balance due within 30 days. All other terms announced at sale. Neither Auctioneer nor Mortgagee nor Attorney make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. Kevin W. Gaughen Jr., Esq., Gaughen, Gaughen, Lane & Hernando, LLP, East Weymouth, MA., Attorney for Mortgagee. SALE TO BE HELD ON THE PREMISES



2.46+/- total acres of land improved by a 2-story 22,960+/- sf commercial building currently used for fish processing for the pet food industry and storage w/ solar array on the roof and 3 solar canopies in the yard. For more information visit www.PESCO. com. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $100,000 by certified or bank check required at the time & place of sale with balance due within 30 days. All other terms announced at sale. Neither Auctioneer nor Mortgagee nor Mortgagee’s Attorney make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the property information contained herein. Murtha Cullina LLP, Boston, MA, Attorney for Mortgagee. SALE TO BE HELD ON THE PREMISES

Deposit by cash, certified or bank check required at time and place of sale and balance 30 days (unless otherwise specified). All other terms announced at sale. Neither Auctioneer, Mortgagee nor Attorney make any representations as to the accuracy of the information contained herein.

Deposit by cash, certified or bank check required at time and place of sale and balance 30 days (unless otherwise specified). All other terms announced at sale. Neither Auctioneer, Mortgagee nor Attorney make any representations as to the accuracy of the information contained herein.





Image courtesy of Utile Architecture & Planning


JULY 29, 2024

B1 Developers are tapping into Gateway Cities public financing programs to create housing in downtown Attleboro such as Lee Properties’ The Jewel.


Housing developer Scape received approval for its third project in Boston’s Fenway neighborhood, creating 400 furnished apartments in a 299,000-square-foot building at 2 Charlesgate West. The Boston Planning & Development Agency board of directors on July 18 approved the $300 million project along with plans for a public-private partnership to redevelop Roxbury’s White Stadium as the future home of a National Women’s Soccer League team. Scape’s latest Fenway project will replace three small buildings on a half-acre parcel with a 28-story apartment building overlooking the Bowker Overpass. Designed by Utile, the Fenway project will include 14,000 square feet of shared space including a lounge, co-working space, gym, communal kitchen and roof decks. The project will include 68 units reserved for households earning 70 to 120 percent of area median income. The Passive House-design, all-electric project will not include on-site parking. A $3.2 million community benefits and mitigation package includes $850,000 for construction of a public stair connecting Boylston Street with Ipswich Street. The project also will require a height variance from the Boston Zoning Board of Appeals.

Cruz Cos. sold its Taurus at Fountain Hill property in Roxbury to a partnership of Rose Companies and Schochet Companies for $22.5 million in a transaction that will extend affordability restrictions on the 73 apartments. Roxbury-based Cruz developed the complex in 1981 and has managed the building for 43 years. “As Boston continues to experience rapid gentrification, Roxbury remains one of the few areas offering affordable living options, and we are committed to preserving and enhancing this invaluable community resource,” Jonathan Rose Companies Chief Investment Officer Nathan Taft said in a statement. Cruz Companies this year completed construction of the 85,000-square-foot Michael E. Haynes Arms Apartments, a mixedincome project including 55 residences and office space in Roxbury. The firm also is in predevelopment for a 170-unit development in Nubian Square and has a total portfolio of more than 1,300 apartments.

INSIDE Spend Money to Make Money Boston Office Landlords Bet on Spec Suites Page B4 Growth and Transit A Data-Driven Approach to Creating More Homes Page B5

Attleboro Jumps Aboard


City’s Downtown Growth Strategy Accelerates BY CAMERON SPERANCE SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


ven with the post-pandemic surge in remote work, there is an appetite for transit-oriented development along the MBTA commuter rail line connecting to Boston and Providence. Attleboro officials, in partnership with the transit agency, are laying the groundwork to bring more than 600

new units of housing to the city’s downtown near the MBTA’s Attleboro station. The chosen master developer will implement the vision to bring forward a variety of market-rate and affordable housing units to the city of 46,000 hugging the Rhode Island border. Developers and officials see opportunity in Attleboro, as it presents a more affordable housing option for those who want to live closer to Boston and Providence. But there are still some standard development headaches that apply here, even if it costs less to develop in Attleboro than larger urban centers.

“We’re seeing folks moving to Attleboro who before would have lived, frankly, inside of the I-495 loop but now can’t afford it,” Attleboro Mayor Cathleen DeSimone said. “It’s a really interesting time.” Responses are due Aug. 14 for the city and MBTA’s request for qualifications to develop a 6.5-acre site next to the Attleboro station. The Attleboro Redevelopment Authority is seeking developers that are experienced in transit-oriented developments to lead a project delivering at least 610 housing units. Continued on Page B6

Photo courtesy of Lee Properties

Photo courtesy of Cruz Companies

Cruz Cos. Sells Housing Complex for $22.5M


JULY 29, 2024

Delivering Timing and Predictability in Real Estate Costs BY STEVE ADAMS BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF

Q:What are Business Development

Lynn Tokarczyk

Strategies’ core services?


If companies have corporate real estate expansion plans here in Massachusetts, we assist them by supporting state and municipal tax incentives such as the TIF [tax increment financing] program under the state’s Economic Development Incentive Program. If they are looking for expansion buildings or a land parcel, it is good for companies to lock up their project costs. I was a former regional director for the Massachusetts Office of Business Development, working out of the Worcester office. We worked with companies that were making a decision to locate in Massachusetts or out of state, and represented to them all of the tools available at the time.

President, Business Development Strategies Inc. INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE:

28 years Lynn Tokarczyk’s background in retailing helped her hone her negotiating skills, while a previous role at the Massachusetts Office of Business Development immersed her

From there I was recruited by Ernst & Young managing their state and local tax practice here in New England. Before I actually was a retailer by trade. I had my own women’s apparel shop in the Metrowest area, and to be honest, I could not be doing what I’m doing if it weren’t for my background in retail. I was on the streets of New York negotiating for goods. My retail background gave me my sales and negotiating skills.

in the Bay State’s incentive programs

Over the years, we have built a team of 10 here at Business Development Strategies, including a TIF attorney. We have a CPA and a local assessor, and all of our other team members are former state and local officials. We have the subject matter specialties to move forward these major real estate expansion projects in the timelines that companies expect. They need predictability. We brought in a local assessor because we are projecting the assessed values of all of these buildings for our clients, whether it was the TripAdvisor building in Needham or Watson-Marlow at Devens.

Strategies, recently worked with British

Over the years, we’ve worked with close to 200 companies and saved our companies over $200 million in local taxes. Our clients include publicly-traded and privately-held companies in life sciences, manufacturing, innovation technology and distribution.

Q:How have the state’s incentives changed in recent years?



Back in 2010 through 2018 there were sweeping legislative changes. They streamlined it so it’s more business-friendly, and so every community in every corner of the commonwealth has these tools available to offer businesses if they need it. They must be retaining or creating jobs in Massachusetts, and they must have some type of real estate proposed, whether it’s renovating an existing building or putting shovels in the ground. The benefits go through the job creator, whoever the end user is. The developer becomes part of the program because they are the taxpayer of record and they end up passing through any potential tax savings. Most are triple-net lease arrangements. The tenants are paying the real estate taxes. All of these programs need a municipal vote by a select board or a town meeting.

Q:Do your services include community outreach to build public support?


It’s a very engaging process: very transparent, many meetings including a meet-and-greet to make sure this is the type of company the municipality is looking to attract.

to encourage economic growth and relocation. For the past 21 years, Tokarczyk has advised companies on public programs that reduce long-term costs of doing business. Her firm, Business Development manufacturer Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions to negotiate tax A pro-business community will consider having a special town meeting if they’re really interested in a particular company. Education is essential. It’s a grassroots campaign making sure everyone understands who the company is. We are also providing the economic impact analysis: how much the employees are planning on spending in the community. Most of our clients are extremely community-involved. In probably 50 percent of the projects that we work on, the companies are looking to expand in the communities they are already located in.

Q:Devens What prompted Watson-Marlow to settle on for its North American headquarters? A:

They were looking to expand their manufacturing capabilities, so they conducted a site search all throughout Massachusetts and beyond, and they homed in on Devens. They wanted to make sure they secured some substantial tax incentives to make the project economically feasible. [The TIF agreement we negotiated] is a 10-year property tax exemption, based upon the increased assessed value of the property. Essentially, it’s a discount on future taxes. The beauty of a TIF is the city or town does not lose a dime on existing taxes. If the company decides to locate in that community, the new taxes would be look at in a particular TIF arrangement: from a minimum of five years to 20. The minimum [increment] is 1 percent and maximum is 100, so it’s very flexible. No TIF deals are alike in Massachusetts. The state Economic Assistance Coordinating Council has the final say.

Q:toWhatdoingarebusiness the major competitive disadvantages in Massachusetts? A:

This is what our clients are saying to us: access to workforce is a challenge. And this has been going on since before the pandemic. We all know housing is a challenge. Transportation is a challenge as well.

incentives with MassDevelopment for its 150,000-square-foot North American headquarters which opened in May at Devens.

Over the years, we’ve worked with close to 200 companies and saved our companies over $200 million. TOKARCZYK’S FIVE FAVORITE PASTIMES OUTSIDE WORK: 1. Spending time at home on Cape Cod 2. Following sunsets 3. Ballroom dancing 4. Piano playing 5. Pickleball

JULY 29, 2024





n a case involving the Massachusetts appeal bond statute in a summary process eviction case, the Supreme Judicial Court recently ruled against a family that had been occupying a foreclosed property for 11 years without making mortgage or rent payments. Dorothy Menzone refinanced her Webster home in 2012. Her mortgage loan required monthly payments of about $1,400. Dorothy made regular mortgage payments to her bank until she died the following year. After Dorothy’s death, her daughter Elizabeth continued to live in the house without making mortgage payments. Elizabeth’s adult son Shawn and her daughter Jennifer lived there as well. The bank did not foreclose its mortgage until 2019, after which it transferred the property to Edward Cianci, who in turn transferred it to Raymond Frechette and himself. Elizabeth and her children continued to live in the house without paying rent. In 2022, Frechette and Cianci began eviction proceedings against Elizabeth and her children in Housing Court. The court ordered them to pay $1,500 per month in interim use and occupancy payments, which they failed to pay. The court eventually rendered a judgment of possession to Frechette and Cianci in 2023, but Elizabeth appealed. Her failure to make interim use and occupancy payments continued. This delinquency totaled $16,500 at the time of her appeal. Frechette and Cianci moved for the Housing Court to require Elizabeth to pay for an appeal bond. Elizabeth filed an affidavit of indigency and asked the court to waive the appeal bond requirement, which the court agreed to do. However, the judge ordered her to make use and

occupancy payments of $1,275 per month as a condition of her appeal, as required under the appeal bond statute. In arriving at this $1,275 figure, the judge considered Elizabeth’s testimony that her household earned only $2,150 per month in Social Security, and her adult son Shawn, for unexplained reasons, had no job and earned no income. This $1,275 monthly use and occupancy payment was well below the $1,700 per month estimated fair rental value of the house. Elizabeth appealed the judge’s order setting use and occupancy payments, whereupon the Supreme Judicial Court decided to hear the case.

Monthly Payment During Appeal Deemed Fair

Elizabeth initially argued that Frechette and Cianci, who had purchased the property from the bank after the foreclosure sale, lacked standing to evict her. The SJC disagreed, ruling that they, as owners of the property, clearly had standing to evict Elizabeth and her children. Elizabeth next argued that the statute allowing courts to waive the appeal bond for indigent tenants in eviction cases, also released her from any obligation to make use and occupancy payments during her appeal. The SJC found this argument to be contrary to the appeal bond statute, and ruled that tenants in eviction actions must make use and occupancy payments, even if the court waives the appeal bond. Elizabeth next tried to convince the SJC that requiring her to make use and occupancy payments violated her rights to due process and equal protection under the U.S. Constitution and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, because she and her children lacked the ability to pay $1,275 per month to occupy the house. The SJC was unmoved. It noted that Elizabeth had not made mortgage or rent payments for 11 years, and that she and her children were not making use and occupancy payments required by court order in 2022. The SJC noted that a $1,275

This $1,275 monthly use and occupancy payment was well below the $1,700 per month estimated fair rental value of the house.



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Use and Occupancy Payments May Exceed Ability to Pay

A tenant occupied a Webster house for 11 years without paying rent before running afoul of an unfavorable Supreme Judicial Court decision.

monthly use and occupancy payment was rational and represented “a fair balancing of interests between the parties.” Given the circumstances of this case, the SJC ruled that requiring Elizabeth to make modest use and occupancy payments to maintain her appeal did not violate her constitutional rights. The SJC concluded that a trial court judge may not waive the statutory requirement that tenants make use and occupancy payments pending their appeals in eviction cases. It also ruled that when competing interests and constitutional rights of landlords and tenants are at stake, a motion judge may order use and occupancy payments that exceed the

amount a tenant can pay, as long as the judge properly weighs relevant factors when balancing the interests of the parties. The SJC’s well-reasoned decision required 32 pages of typed double-spaced text. But looking beyond the decision’s lengthy legal analysis, the most important aspect of this case is that Elizabeth resided in a house, without making any mortgage or rent payments whatsoever, for 11 years. It is difficult to pity her and her children.

Christopher R. Vaccaro is a partner at Dalton & Finegold in Andover. His email address is

For a complete list of commercial property sales that have closed in the past month, see our full monthly review, starting on page B9.

161 Medieros Way, Westfield................$62,000,000

715-795 Bridge St, Weymouth...............$23,000,000

350 Main St, Cambridge........................$53,000,000

76 Ashford St, Allston............................$19,750,000

95 N Hatfield Rd, Hatfield......................$44,000,000

942 Hyde Park Ave, Hyde Park..............$17,800,000

385 Myles Standish Blvd, Taunton.........$30,460,000

525 Bodwell St Ext, Avon.......................$11,900,000

65 Walnut St, Wellesley.........................$24,300,000

55 Burbank St, Boston...........................$10,500,000

Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other B: Nhnr Hold Co 3 LLC S: Agnl Grocery LLC Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $31,080,400 Lot Size: 5806112sf Prior Sale: $49,816,729 (04/17)

Use: Hotel B: Mit 350 Main St Fee Owner S: Firehouse Inn LLC Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $28,801,400 Lot Size: 14409sf Prior Sale: $1,350,000 (08/00)

Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other B: Nhnr Hold Co2 LLC S: Agnl Grocery LLC Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $34,041,900 Lot Size: 2507409sf Prior Sale: $35,152,271 (04/17)

Use: Industrial Building B: Exeter 385 Myles Standish S: Icbp Iv Holdings 33 LLC Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $13,086,900 Lot Size: 553648sf Prior Sale: $11,500,000 (06/19)

Use: Office Bldg-General B: Ag-Sc Walnut St Owner LLC S: Wellesley Walnut St LLC Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $25,462,000 Lot Size: 92844sf

Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other B: Fcref Riverway LLC S: Ap Riverway Plaza LLC Mtg: Rga Reinsurance Co $12,732,500 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $26,567,100 Lot Size: 947432sf Prior Sale: $21,500,000 (04/13)

Use: Manufacturing Building B: Boston University S: 76 Ashford Street Rt & Allston Dev LLC Tr TR Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,750,700 Lot Size: 35841sf Prior Sale: $6,695,000 (09/18)

Use: Retail-Service B: Af Partners LLC S: Hyde Park Partners LLC Mtg: Bank of Hope $12,460,000 Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $9,587,800 Lot Size: 228114sf Prior Sale: $5,380,000 (09/98)

Use: Industrial Warehouse B: Avon Bodwell Street LLC S: Store Master Funding Xix Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $6,849,500 Lot Size: 285754sf Prior Sale: $7,150,000 (01/21)

Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units B: 55-59 Burbank St LLC S: Wolfe LLC Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $5,851,800 Lot Size: 3950sf


JULY 29, 2024


Boston Office Landlords Bet on Spec Suites BY MARK FALLON SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN

M Mark Fallon

uch has been made of Boston’s office sector woes: increasing vacancies, dropping valuations and overall concerns about the macroeconomic climate the city and the world are

contending with. Despite the negativity, our fair city has been percolating prospective new tenants, with overall office requirements pushing past 3.5 million square feet. Many of them are on the hunt for a flexible, seamless solution in the market: spec suites. Speculative suites are spaces within buildings that are fully developed and built out by the ownership prior to securing any tenant commitment. They can be up to 20,000 square feet in size, but the majority land somewhere between 1,500 and 8,000 square feet. They are targeted at smaller organizations taking specific sections of a floorplate. This stands in contrast to a typical office suite, delivered as an empty shell, ready for tenant improvements and custom buildouts. These prebuilt spaces have exploded in popularity as of late, with landlords making great strides to implement them and cater to the active tenant base. This

is not an unfounded idea – ownership is responding to the demand from smaller office users who are looking for shorterterm leases, in smaller spaces, and with as little downtime as possible – ultimately all done to minimize their potential risk. Risk comes in many factors: Long-term commitments and excess space are all concerns as firms attempt to navigate uncertain business conditions and remote work. These niche suites are ideal for the smaller tenant, especially given they often lack the resources of a large company, and therefore do not have fully staffed real estate departments equipped to handle the full build out of shell space. They offer the occupierfriendly alternative – as close to “plug and play” as possible, with the benefit of having direct control over your workspace, in contrast to a coworking option. A cursory review of tenant requirements reveals that approximately 40 percent of those seeking office space downtown less than 7,000 square feet are targeting spec suites within their surveys.

From a landlord perspective, these suites carry higher risk.

Risks and Rewards for Landlords

This is an excellent microcosm of the “flight to quality” narrative that has been observed in the latest office market dynamics. We know that larger tenants are fleeing to highly amenitized, class A and trophy buildings. Smaller tenants are going through a similar experience, moving

Image courtesy of Gensler

Upfront Investment Can Revive Leasing Activity

Downtown Boston office towers that have recently completed spec suites include the 1.4 million-squarefoot One Post Office Square (pictured) and One Financial Center.

towards these custom-built spec suites, which by their very nature are generally brand-new, purpose-built space – offering a comparable experience that the large requirements are seeking. Landlords can charge modestly higher rents given work already completed, even further cementing the similarities for larger occupiers, where the tenants are shifting to the trophy buildings, even if it comes at a higher price. From a landlord perspective, spec suites do carry higher risk. Ownership is going out of pocket to build space without any tenant in tow, something that would not be considered advisable in a market where most buildings have a healthy occupancy rate. They also risk “guessing” what the ideal layout for a tenant is, and deploying capital into a design that is not appealing to prospective users. Furthermore, just the creation of these spaces does not guarantee tenancy – there are many that have sat on the market for months. Yet we have quantifiable data, from both smaller B class buildings, and 1 million-plus-square-foot towers that

they are seizing on this trend. On the larger side, 1 Post Office Square just completed three separate spec suites this spring on their 23rd floor, ranging from 5,000 to 8,000 square feet. One Financial Center – a 1.4 million-squarefoot tower – is offering five different suites within that same size range. Over in North Station, 101 Merrimac St., a 157,000-square-foot office building, just recently completed a 6,000-square-foot spec suite. These types of suites are being received positively in the marketplace and generating significant interest. The trend is clear. Occupiers are desirous of these simple workspace solutions, and landlords are rising to meet this demand. It is not expected that the spec suite will be able to turn the tide of office leasing on its own, but rather offers landlords – both institutional and smaller players – the opportunity to increase their buildings occupancy and drive activity to their vacant space.

Mark Fallon is director of research and strategy at brokerage Hunneman in Boston.

NMHC: Apartment Debt Financing and Deal Flow Improves BY ERIN DELANEY SPECIAL TO BANKER & TRADESMAN


partment market conditions are more favorable in terms of debt financing and sales volume, but equity financing continues to be less available than prior quarters amid continued high interest rates, according to the National Multifamily Housing Council’s Quarterly Survey of Apartment Market Conditions for July. The national-level survey showed mixed results for apartment market conditions. “Concessions have become commonplace in markets with elevated levels of deliveries, as survey respondents reported overall looser market conditions for the eighth consecutive quarter,” Chris Bruen, NMHC Economist and Senior Director of Research, said in a statement. “Yet, this has not been for a lack of demand, which is helping to absorb this new supply at a healthy pace.” The trade group’s market tightness index came in at 47 this quarter, indicating looser market conditions for the eight consecutive quarter. However, half of respondents thought market conditions were unchanged compared to three months ago while 27 percent thought markets have become looser, down from 37 percent in April. The equity financing index came in at 49, just under the breakeven level (50), making this the tenth consecutive quarter in which equity financing became less available than three months prior. Sixty percent of respondents reported availability of equity financing to be unchanged from three months ago.

The sales volume index showed a second straight quarter of increasing deal flow after seven consecutive quarters of decline with a reading of 57. 46 percent of respondents reported sales volume to be unchanged from three months ago, while 32 percent of respondents reported higher sales volume this quarter. The debt financing index reading of 63 indicated more favorable conditions for debt financing compared to three months ago. 44 percent of respondents felt debt financing conditions were unchanged, while 37 percent indicated belief that now was a better time to borrow than three months ago. “The 10-Year Treasury yield fell 25 basis points (bps) over the past three months as inflation edged closer to the Federal Reserve’s 2 percent target and the labor market began to show some signs of cooling,” Bruen said in a statement. “This has led to more favorable conditions for debt financing and a second straight quarter of increasing sales volume, even while a plurality of respondents report unchanged conditions.” Although 45 percent of respondents thought opportunities for apartment transaction were about the same as three months ago, 28 percent believed there were more properties that would fit their transaction criteria compared to three months ago. 19 percent believed there were fewer properties that would fit their transaction criteria. The July 2024 Quarterly Survey of Apartment Market Conditions was conducted from June 26 to July 16. 174 CEOs and other senior executives of apartmentrelated firms nationwide responded.

The national-level survey showed mixed results for apartment market conditions.

JULY 29, 2024





here is at least one big truth: none of us like sitting in traffic. In community preference surveys, people often express an affinity for homes in walkable places with neighborCatherine Rollins hood amenities – and a willingness to pay more for this. People value sidewalks and public transport. By and large, they like neighborhoods that promote social inclusion and easy access between the places they live, work, patronize and recreate, through various modes that enhance optionality. Overall, this type of connectedness builds community and increases the vitality of public places. Now more than ever, where people live and how they get around are interwoven making them both key determinants of opportunity and quality of life for the residents of our cities.

To ensure that we remain a place that people both want and can afford to be, we must address these challenges with urgency and intentionality. This demands an all-hands-on-deck approach from all who touch this work, with the knowledge that multi-layered and targeted solutions will best meet our needs. Understanding that mobility and housing opportunity are linked, ULI Boston has launched a data-driven Mobility-Oriented Development (MOD) Initiative to increase attainable housing and quality of life in our communities. Led by our policy committee with Arrowstreet as project consultant, we identified three critical components necessary for a community to incentivize and develop new housing: mobility, opportunity and demand. Mobility means having high-quality transit infrastructure, with multiple modes of transportation ready to support new housing. Opportunity requires local zoning regulations and permitting processes that are supportive of multifamily housing and increased density. Demand needs a strong existing housing market and desirable community amenities make the area both an attractive place to live and financially viable for new developments. Using this framework, we studied 15 communities along the North Shore, using over 60 data points ranging from transit scores, housing vacancy rates, forms of government, and more. These factors provided a data-driven glimpse into a commu-

Overall, this type of connectedness builds community and increases the vitality of public places.

Three Criteria for Housing

Our region rises to the top of many national and global lists, yet we increasingly find ourselves high in the rankings for cost of housing and level of traffic congestion. Recent surveys of our young people show that many plan to leave the state, and businesses indicate that it is increasingly challenging to compete for talent with other regions.

iStock photo

Salem, Everett and Beverly Working with ULI to Spur Growth

A clock stands in Everett Square. ULI Boston/New England is partnering with Everett and two other communities north of Boston to enhance both their urban mobility and their supply of new housing.

nity’s readiness for adding new mobilityoriented housing relative to its peers. Using this information in combination with on-the-ground intelligence, we extended invitations to selected communities and are pleased to work with the cities of Salem Everett, and Beverly.

ULI Offers Help

Municipal leaders from each MOD community have access to key ULI resources stacked in a customized way to further enhance their mobility and housing opportunity, including membership, a technical assistance panel centered on a mobility challenge, an UrbanPlan experiential learning workshop, and registration for ULI’s spring or fall meeting. Additionally, the MOD initiative provides numerous opportunities to strengthen relationships and share best practices between private and public sector members – a key piece to creating the best outcomes for our communities. Collectively, we will grapple with a wide variety of questions to shape the

built environment in our region. How can we promote the repurposing of underutilized land to unlock housing development in transit-rich areas? How can we leverage changes in land use regulations and parking policy to support the development not just of rental units, but homeownership opportunities as well? How do we move people around more easily in the near term, maximizing how people experience our vibrant places? By targeting mobility-oriented development with intentionality, we can create conditions that maximize the efficacy of existing infrastructure while supporting sustainable growth in dynamic centers. As we mitigate the concerns that sometimes arise when new housing development is proposed with enhanced transportation modalities that create options beyond cars, we can make it easier to create new homes. This is a win not only for new residents but for the entire region.

Catherine Rollins is the director of ULI Boston/ New England.

The Bath or Shower You’ve Always Wanted

Image courtesy The Davis Cos.


101 Smith Place in Cambridge's Alewife neighborhood.

Davis Raises $1B for Largest Real Estate Fund BY STEVE ADAMS BANKER & TRADESMAN STAFF


ifting a page from its strategy during the global financial crisis in 2009, The Davis Cos. has raised nearly $1 billion to invest in real estate including distressed assets. The Boston-based developer closed on its latest and largest real estate fund, raising $877.1 million for its Davis Investment Ventures Fund V along with a $100 million co-investment. Chief Investment Officer Quentin Reynolds said the company plans to invest in geographic markets driven by intellectual capital, innovation and population growth. “There is significant distress in the current market, and we intend to be nimble and opportunistic where we see a mismatch between pricing and risk,” Reynolds said in a statement. The fund already has invested in properties in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Florida and Virginia.

Davis Cos. previously raised $777.5 million in 2020 for its Davis Investment Ventures Fund IV for investments in the life science, multifamily and industrial asset categories. Davis entered the real estate fund business in 2009 and closed on its Davis Investment Ventures Value Opportunity Fund I in 2010 after raising $229 million. “We have a nearly 50-year track record of unlocking superior investment opportunities which are not widely recognized by the market, particularly at times of disruption and uncertainty,” President Stephen Davis said in a statement. Davis currently has a 15.2 millionsquare-foot real estate portfolio. The firm’s largest local development opportunity is the 100-acre former ExxonMobil fuel storage facility in Everett, acquired last year for $72.5 million. Private equity fundraising declined 10 percent from the previous year to $176.7 billion in the first quarter, Private Equity International reported.

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JULY 29, 2024


Housing Production Seen as Key to Economic Cycle

Housing Production Hoped to Curb Price

Attleboro’s TOD push comes amid the scramble to comply with the Massachusetts law requiring greater housing density in MBTA communities with transit stations or close to MBTA service. DeSimone sees the measure and ongoing multifamily housing development in downtown Attleboro as a way to usher in new economic opportunities for the Gateway City, as well as keep things affordable for longtime residents. While median rent prices – at $2,000 per month – in Attleboro are down 14 percent in the last month, they are still up 16 percent from only a year ago, according to data from Zumper. The city’s year-to-date median home sale price – at $510,000 – is up more than 9 percent from a year ago, according to The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman.




“I think this is a major reason behind the MBTA communities push and why you see so many communities moving towards a transformative model,” said Chris McDermott, Attleboro’s economic development director. “We do need to see an increase in housing, as there are these incredibly high rents across the commonwealth.”

Downtown Gains Momentum

While the city navigates the request for qualifications and proposals process for its 600-unit vision near the commuter rail station, Attleboro has seen a wave of new housing projects and proposals in recent years to fuel multifamily momentum. In recent years, developers added more than 200 units of housing downtown, according to the Attleboro TOD request for qualifications document. The housing ranged from townhomes to an adaptive reuse project at 37 Union Mills as well as the more than 130 market-rate-unit One Wall Street within the city’s Transit-Oriented Development District. Another adaptive reuse project, Lee Properties’ 45-unit, market-rate The Jewel, is slated to officially open in September. “A lot of the other Gateway Cities in Massachusetts had already received quite a bit of help and development,” said Jonathan Lee Cozzens, president and CEO of Lee Properties. “We thought that Attle-

A wave of new housing projects and proposals in recent years fuels multifamily momentum.

A suggested conceptual development plan proposes more than 600 housing units totaling over 600,000 square feet steps from the MBTA’s Attleboro commuter rail station.

boro would be a great city to start with.” But Attleboro’s overlooked-until-recently opportunity doesn’t mean developers there are immune from construction challenges found in costlier-to-build markets like Boston. It costs between $450,000 and more than $500,000 per unit to develop a multifamily project in Attleboro, Cozzens said. That points to incentives for Gateway Cities such as the state’s Housing Development Incentive Program, which provides tax exemptions and tax credits for qualified projects, and historic tax credits are crucial to making a project like The Jewel pencil. “Unfortunately, there’s no way to build in Greater Boston today unless you’re in an extremely high-income city with a very high [area median income],” Cozzens said. “There’s really no way to get the job done without subsidies like this [HDIP] program.” Subsidies and incentives fueling multifamily interest may be worth it, however. Leaders point to the housing momentum

as going together with downtown revitalization. Downtown storefront vacancies declined from nearly 40 percent to roughly 20 percent since 2019 – an impressive feat considering the pandemic wasn’t kind to brick-and-mortar retail. Given the growing pipeline in Attleboro – projects at 135 County St. and 34 Wall St. as well as the Briggs Crossing market-rate apartment project are in various stages of planning and development – DeSimone said she didn’t see signs there was any need to add further incentives beyond the existing mix of Gateway Cities offerings and historic tax credits. “What I’m trying to do is what’s in the city’s best interest, both currently and in the long term: growth by housing [and] growth by adding residents, which will then hopefully lead to more business and economic opportunity,” DeSimone said. “I’m excited to have these opportunities to finally get Attleboro a little closer to what it actually can be.”



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Image courtesy of Attleboro Redevelopment Authority

Continued from Page B1 The Attleboro station schedule delivers passengers to Boston’s South Station in approximately 50 minutes and Providence in 20 minutes. Six Boston-bound trains and two Providence-bound trains serve the station during the morning rush hour, plus six more trains that depart Boston and three that depart Providence during the evening commute window, along with a scattering of other trains during the day.


JULY 29, 2024

LEASE Roundup


Companies are constantly on the move in the Bay State’s dynamic commercial real estate market. It’s a high stakes game of musical chairs – and the landlords with the best information on who’s heading where have an inside edge. Our monthly Lease Roundup aims to provide that edge, offering a snapshot of leasing activity across the commonwealth. The following information was compiled from reports originally published on between July 12 and July 18. It is not meant to be a comprehensive accounting of all leases executed during that time. If you recently signed a new lease and want to potentially appear in future editions of the Lease Roundup, please send all relevant leasing and representation information to High resolution photos and graphics are welcomed in .jpeg and .gif formats.

Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Smith Place City/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cambridge Square-footage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,604 Tenant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samsung SDI Landlord: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Davis Cos. and Invesco Real Estate Type of Lease: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Landlord Representation: . . . . . . . . . CBRE’s Eric Smith, McKenna Teague, Tess Chandler and Jack Scribner Tenant Representation: . . . . . Montivista Real Estate Investment’s Ruyi Cai


Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Oliver St. City/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Square-footage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,662 Tenant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chaos Landlord: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NS Two Oliver LLC Type of Lease: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relocation Landlord Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A Tenant Representation: . . . . . . . . Avison Young’s Jeff Gates and Kirk Weller Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Washington St. City/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westborough Square-footage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 Tenant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bohler Engineering Landlord: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carruth Capital Type of Lease: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Landlord Representation: . . . . . . . . . JLL’s Bob McGuire and Alison Powers Tenant Representation: . . . . . . . . Colliers’ Steve Woelfel and Kevin Brawley


Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .One Federal St. City/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Square-footage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,000 Tenant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commonwealth of Massachusetts Landlord: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tishman Speyer Type of Lease: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relocation Landlord Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tishman Speyer’s Tenant Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Gill St. City/town: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woburn Square-footage: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 Tenant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ProTom International Landlord: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cummings Properties Type of Lease: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relocation Landlord Representation: . . . . . . . . . Cummings Properties’ Steve Cusano Tenant Representation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hunneman’s Jim Boudrot







? JULY 29, 2024




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JULY 29, 2024


Abington 37 Brockton Ave, Abington.......................... $530,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Abington Investment LLC S: Robert A Costantino TR, Tr for Costantino Family Law Rt Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $406,000 Lot Size: 12178sf Prior Sale: $101,500 (01/94)

165 Megunko Rd, Ashland........................... $350,000

525 Bodwell St Ext, Avon............................$11,900,000

Use:Public Utility Tanks (420) B: Megunko LLC S: No Smile LLC Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $346,700 Lot Size: 39640sf

Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Avon Bodwell Street LLC S: Store Master Funding Xix Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $6,849,500 Lot Size: 285754sf Prior Sale: $7,150,000 (01/21)

16 Union St, Ashland................................... $1,550,000

5 Robert English Ln, Abington..................... $880,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Eric Murray & Nicole R Murray S: Robert English LLC Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $180,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $289,400 Lot Size: 43977sf

Use:Commercial Potntl Dvlp Land (391) B: Ashland Town S: 58 Exchange Ashland LLC Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $997,400 Lot Size: 372438sf Prior Sale: $3,100,000 (11/15)

78 Union St U:78, Ashland........................... $1,100,000

Acushnet 121 Main St, Acushnet................................. $891,000 Use:Gas/Service Station (334) B: K&k Main St LLC S: Annaya LLC Mtg: East West Bank $1,308,700 Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $417,000 Lot Size: 9810sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (11/21)

Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Meitav LLC S: Frederick L Kaplan TR, Tr for R&b Rt Mtg: MutualOne Bk $825,000 Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $640,500 Prior Sale: $515,000 (03/16)

Athol 61 Estabrook St, Athol................................. $445,000

Agawam 916 Suffield St, Agawam............................. $1,550,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Bochasanwasi Shree Akshar S: Kapetanios Realty LLC Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,594,890 Lot Size: 183014sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (10/11)

1114 Suffield St, Agawam............................ $625,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Aster Realty LLC S: Carl C Zimmerman Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $312,500 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $356,900 Lot Size: 43560sf

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Saray R Lora S: Raquel Calderon Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $436,939 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $314,600 Lot Size: 9800sf Prior Sale: $339,000 (12/21)

Attleboro 7 Cliff St, Attleboro...................................... $500,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: M&m Investments Group LLC S: Xxl Investments LLC Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $588,000 Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $553,200 Lot Size: 5175sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (09/23)

40 Emory St, Attleboro................................. $450,000

Allston 76 Ashford St, Allston.................................$19,750,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Boston University S: 76 Ashford Street Rt & Allston Dev LLC Tr TR Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,750,700 Lot Size: 35841sf Prior Sale: $6,695,000 (09/18)

Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Herbron Food Pantrt Inc S: Roney Nakoul & Nabil Nakoul Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $326,300 Lot Size: 8100sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (12/21)

24 Evergreen Rd, Attleboro......................... $545,000

Amesbury 50 Market St, Amesbury............................. $1,025,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Vp Duni Real Estate LLC S: Stag Tribe Capital LLC Mtg: Community CU LYNN $768,750 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $612,400 Lot Size: 4430sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (10/18)

Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Agnieszka Provatakis S: North Development LLC Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $124,300 Lot Size: 7800sf

754 Newport Ave, Attleboro........................ $7,000,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Ap Aboro LLC S: Atlantic Golf Centers Ltd Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,137,200 Lot Size: 1694484sf Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (09/92)

Amherst 29 Strong St, Amherst.................................. $375,000 Use:Educational Property (940) B: 29 Strong Street LLC S: Amherst Ballet Theatre Co Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $300,000 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $378,800 Lot Size: 47916sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (01/06)

75 Bodwell St, Avon.................................... $2,500,000 Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440) B: 75 Bodwell Owner LLC S: F & V Realty Corp Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $342,400 Lot Size: 92347sf

9 Cormiers Way, Andover........................... $1,300,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Jeffrey Chartier & Judy Chartier S: Yvon Cormier TR, Tr for Ca Int Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $974,000 Lot Size: 19994sf


Ashfield 634 Bellus Rd, Ashfield................................ $335,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Michael J Schunke & Johanna Gluck S: J E Branson & Irene G Branson Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $196,900 Lot Size: 43560sf Prior Sale: $67,000 (01/97)

141 Buckland Rd, Ashfield........................... $625,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Loch Lurel LLC S: Lakeside Park LLC Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $877,500 Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $338,800 Lot Size: 24023sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (05/15)

Ashland 41 Front St, Ashland.................................... $500,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: Needham Bank S: 41 Front Street LLC Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $607,100 Lot Size: 10324sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (02/14)

100 Park St U:6, Ayer................................... $200,000 Use:Non-residential Condo (349) B: Pbs Realty LLC S: Mark Forunjian & Sarkis Forunjian Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $130,000 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $90,700 Prior Sale: $75,000 (10/99)

510 Berkley St, Berkley............................... $700,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Antonio Pires & Eufemia Pires S: Cheryl L Harper-Plogger & Dennis W Plogger Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $525,000 Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $609,600 Lot Size: 43560sf

Beverly 614 Cabot St, Beverly................................. $8,000,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Mardee Goldberg LLC S: 614 Cabot LLC Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $5,770,000 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $6,233,100 Lot Size: 95396sf Prior Sale: $6,500,000 (08/20)

7 Prospect St, Ayer...................................... $580,000


Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Simon Chen S: Eighteen & One LLC Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $380,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $394,100 Lot Size: 8276sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (04/12)

55 High St U:15, Billerica............................. $620,000 Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: David J Crescio TR, Tr for D&m Rt S: Timothy J Proia TR, Tr for Proia Paving Rt Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $219,400 Prior Sale: $150,000 (02/00)


34 Sullivan Rd U:3, Billerica....................... $5,000,000

255 Independence Dr, Barnstable............. $5,600,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Housing Assistance Corp S: Switch Gears LLC Mtg: Switch Gears Llc $5,350,000 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,750,600 Lot Size: 90169sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (11/01)

Barre 20 Mechanic St, Barre................................. $295,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Kpak Properties LLC S: Jeffrey L Simpson Mtg: Leominster CU $236,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $179,700 Lot Size: 11040sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (03/09)

Bedford 4-6 Alfred Cir, Bedford............................... $4,812,500 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Cmnty Alternative Res Env S: Quicksilva Properties LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $5,928,750 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,831,700 Lot Size: 83958sf Prior Sale: $2,700,000 (03/20)

55 Summer St, Bedford............................... $700,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Foundry South LLC S: Frances I Iovino TR, Tr for Summer Street Rt Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $617,700 Lot Size: 165502sf






131 N Main St, Bellingham.......................... $4,350,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Rsi-Bellingham LLC S: Mg Land Inc Mtg: Mg Land Inc $2,600,000 Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,209,000 Lot Size: 1084644sf

Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: The Cieri Group LLC S: David J Cooper TR, Tr for Donald M Manzelli Ft Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $5,000,000 Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $189,600

Blackstone 14 1st Ave, Blackstone................................ $475,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Mai Time Two Prosper LLC S: Jordan Dube & Hilary Dube Mtg: Charles River Bank $380,000 Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $351,700 Lot Size: 13182sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (06/17)

Boston 55 Burbank St, Boston................................$10,500,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: 55-59 Burbank St LLC S: Wolfe LLC Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $5,851,800 Lot Size: 3950sf

59 Burbank St, Boston................................ $8,500,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: 55-59 Burbank St LLC S: Riley-Merrill LLC Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $5,539,600 Lot Size: 3950sf

12 Foster St, Boston................................... $5,750,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: 12 Foster Street LLC S: Torrington Webb LLC Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,870,600 Lot Size: 1560sf Prior Sale: $5,000,000 (07/18)

464 Hanover St U:A, Boston........................ $2,175,000 Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Hanover Boston Dev LLC S: Hanover Street LLC Mtg: Capital Finance Llc $1,750,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,091,200 Lot Size: 2720sf Prior Sale: $539,249 (07/22)

About Our Commercial Sales Data

ommercial Sales Monthly Review provides a recap of commercial, industrial and other income-producing property sales that have appeared in the previous four weekly issues of Banker & Tradesman. This reference is an easy-to-use listing of these hardto-find sales, compiled by The Warren Group, B&T’s parent company. Included in these listings are residential developable land, residential properties with more than three units and many mixed-use parcels. The residential developable land properties are included in the list because they are often sources of income for developers. Similarly, multi-unit residential units are deemed to be income-producers as opposed to purely places of residence for the owner. Mixed-use parcels are included because they often have non-residential features. Because property use designations are culled from assessors’ records and not from the deed to the property, this section includes only those communities where we have the assessor’s property file – the

communities The Warren Group calls COMPreport towns, which now includes all Massachusetts communities except for Great Barrington and Hancock.

What You Will Find The records are organized alphabetically by town and street name. In addition to the property address, buyer, seller, lender, mortgage amount, lot size and prior sale data that were detailed when these sales were originally published in the Official Records section of Banker & Tradesman, the records in this recap also include the filing date, building area (when available) and total assessed value. The fiscal year of the assessment is also noted.

How the Data Is Compiled After a sale transaction is entered into the The Warren Group database, the address is compared to the addresses in the assessor’s property file. Whenever a match occurs, The Warren Group takes the details from the property record and

creates the enhanced sales records published here. If The Warren Group cannot be sure of matching the correct records, it does not match them at all. If it is unable to identify an unmatched sale’s property-use class, that sale will not be included in this recap. As The Warren Group processes the assessor’s files, it checks that propertyuse codes are used consistently across all towns. To this end, The Warren Group sometimes translates a code that one town has created for its own purpose into a code that has the same meaning in the The Warren Group system. There are some instances where The Warren Group has created its own codes to supplement the Massachusetts Department of Revenue codes. This is generally done for multi-use parcels where assessors have assigned their own supplemental codes for greater specificity. In turn, when The Warren Group processes the assessor’s files, it applies its own code to standardize the use code applied to these properties.

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


JULY 29, 2024

103 Old Harbor St U:101, Boston................. $600,000

10 Pinkham St, Brockton............................. $775,000

Use:Non-residential Condo (349) B: 334 East 8th St Rlty LLC S: Forzi Azzurri LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $480,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $384,600

Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Bernado Stima Auto Repair S: John Z Rudnicki TR, Tr for General Rt Mtg: John Z Rudnicki $775,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $531,600 Lot Size: 25700sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (05/13)

102 Revere St, Boston................................ $2,750,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 102 Revere Street LLC S: Aamd LLC Mtg: TD Bank NA $2,062,500 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,603,700 Lot Size: 700sf Prior Sale: $1,950,000 (06/16)

Brookline 1180 Beacon St U:2C, Brookline................. $940,500

661-661A Tremont St, Boston..................... $4,350,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Mar Bostremont LLC S: Jpk Properties LLC Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,747,200 Lot Size: 1760sf Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Mls 1313 Wa Street LLC S: Wilkes 115 Invs LLC Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $2,100,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,062,200 Lot Size: 5943sf

180 State Rd U:4, Bourne............................ $275,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Entrium LLC S: William P Morgan TR, Tr for Kirkwood Point Rt Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $187,200 Lot Size: 1016sf

4 Allen St, Braintree.................................... $125,000 Use:Industrial Undevlpble Land (442) B: Peabody Lh Corp S: Allen Street Lp Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $10,100 Lot Size: 6538sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (03/24)


Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Hunter Campbell S: Anne U Campbell TR, Tr for Hayward-Campbell Rt Mtg: Hayward-campbell Rlty $760,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $849,800 Lot Size: 7000sf

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Toward Independent Living S: Shirley D Eaton TR, Tr for Merle Rt Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $246,000 Lot Size: 57499sf Prior Sale: $950,000 (07/15)


Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Finish Wood Carpentry Inc S: Courthouse Sq Partners LL Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $122,500 Prior Sale: $91,000 (03/16)

Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Zana Investments Inc S: A Street Holdings Eat LLC & Christopher J Peterson Mtg: Northern Bk & Tr $1,001,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $812,700 Lot Size: 16117sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (08/05) Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Pilea Real Estate LLC S: Janine Gresla TR, Tr for Gresla Cambridge St Rt Mtg: Gresla Cambridge St R $268,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $264,200 Prior Sale: $138,000 (10/01) Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Wesey F Campos & Aline Guedes S: Burlington Town Of Mtg: Town Of Burlington $308,945 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $405,100 Lot Size: 16048sf Prior Sale: $333,529 (07/22)


1 Rex Dr, Braintree..................................... $7,800,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Rex Drive LLC S: Balmia Associates LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $5,850,000 Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,774,500 Lot Size: 217800sf Prior Sale: $3,150,000 (01/18)

355 Wood Rd, Braintree............................. $4,600,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: William Douglas TR, Tr for Thomas C Mcdonald Gst Irt S: Hrp Wood Road LLC Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $5,592,200 Lot Size: 127195sf Prior Sale: $15,500,000 (08/19)

Bridgewater 555 Bedford St U:2, Bridgewater................. $214,900 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Elizabeth P Robinson TR, Tr for Studio 28 Rt S: Cp Bridgewater Realty LLC Mtg: HarborOne Bank $160,000 Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $306,600

78-R Cambridgepark Dr, Cambridge.......... $4,000,000 Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Ls Alewife V LLC S: Ma Bay Trns Authority Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $844,500 Lot Size: 17233sf

350 Main St, Cambridge.............................$53,000,000 Use:Hotel (300) B: Mit 350 Main St Fee Owner S: Firehouse Inn LLC Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $28,801,400 Lot Size: 14409sf Prior Sale: $1,350,000 (08/00)

1920 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge........ $2,650,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: 1912-1920 Ma Avenue LLC S: Toadman LLC Mtg: Eastern Bank $1,325,000 Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,675,800 Lot Size: 3409sf Prior Sale: $1,710,000 (04/00)

16-18 Wendell St, Cambridge..................... $8,100,000

Brockton 26 Allen St, Brockton................................... $830,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Miguel Gomes S: Paul Tsarhopoulos & Jonathan J Davey Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $870,400 Lot Size: 6800sf

Use:Educational Property (940) B: Kmi Wendell Street LLC S: Lesley University Mtg: Yi An Huang $4,950,000 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $5,336,900 Lot Size: 10407sf

93 Windsor St, Cambridge.......................... $1,600,000

10 Day Ave, Brockton.................................. $760,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Elvis Dasilva S: Midnight Sun LLC Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $719,750 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $681,900 Lot Size: 4940sf Prior Sale: $364,600 (02/19)

Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 93 Windsor Street LLC S: Windsor Ninety Three LLC Mtg: Rd W SPV LLC $1,100,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $889,000 Lot Size: 3274sf Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (06/16)

Canton 80 Shawmut Rd, Canton.............................. $7,050,000

49 Intervale St, Brockton............................ $430,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 49 Intervale LLC S: Bauzys Marija Est & Regina Bauzys Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $704,500 Lot Size: 8050sf

Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Ppf Industrial 80 Shawmut S: Emergent Biodefense Opera Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $7,019,000 Lot Size: 136778sf Prior Sale: $12,900,000 (06/20)

853-865 Washington St, Canton................. $2,500,000

68 Legion Pkwy, Brockton........................... $150,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: Neighborhood Hsng Svcs Of S: Harborone Bank Mtg: HarborOne Bank $1,300,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,019,600 Lot Size: 9614sf

242 Billerica Rd, Chelmsford...................... $551,000

Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Corey Bruffee & Helene Kasper S: Pathlight Inc Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $270,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $660,200 Lot Size: 1015819sf Prior Sale: $287,385 (12/07)

119 S Bedford St, Burlington....................... $318,500

310-312 Hayward St, Braintree................... $760,000

246 Worcester Rd, Charlton........................ $175,000


120 Cambridge St U:1, Burlington............... $335,000


Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Dean R Denis & Christine P Denis S: Cornerstone General Contr Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $300,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $78,100 Lot Size: 60871sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (06/23) Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Gary Kaszowski & Paul L Boria Sr S: Melanie Plumb TR, Tr for Janet Sjoberg Lt Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $396,300 Lot Size: 204584sf Prior Sale: $29,300 (12/94)

13 A St, Burlington...................................... $1,800,000


485 Stafford St, Charlton............................. $700,000

Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Mylighthouse LLC S: Laura M Boudreau TR, Tr for Ckb Rt Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $856,400

11 Creamery Ave, Buckland........................ $543,000

1313 Washington St U:115, Boston............ $3,150,000


Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Canton 6 LLC S: Jmc LLC Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $1,600,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,789,200 Lot Size: 24002sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (03/95)

20 Meadowbrook Rd, Brockton.................. $1,400,000


Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: High Pt Treatment Ctr Inc S: Meadowbrook LLC Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $8,116,000 Lot Size: 176854sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (07/04)

249-249A Bunker Hill St, Charlestown....... $3,100,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Nicholas H Dechillo & Erica T Meninno S: Richard J Mccarthy & Deborah M Mccarthy Mtg: Community CU LYNN $1,100,000 Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,573,800 Lot Size: 1502sf

1 Courthouse Ln U:6, Chelmsford................ $160,000

20 Oak St, Chelmsford................................ $1,350,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Oak Street Customs LLC S: Lori Costa & Lisa Loranger Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $1,080,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $534,200 Lot Size: 47916sf

Chelsea 890 Broadway, Chelsea............................... $900,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Rao LLC S: David M Sullivan Mtg: David Sullivan $500,000 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,091,700 Lot Size: 2709sf

Cheshire 24-34 South St, Cheshire............................. $175,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Stoney Brk Prop Mgmt LLC S: Linda D Brown TR, Tr for 24-34 S St Nt Mtg: Adams Community Bk $140,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $167,200 Lot Size: 22651sf Prior Sale: $49,158 (10/03)

Chicopee 16 Chapman St, Chicopee.......................... $1,400,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Chapman LLC S: Robert Couture & Lilia Couture Mtg: Holyoke CU $1,062,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $801,800 Lot Size: 14016sf Prior Sale: $2,544,000 (01/19)

828 Chicopee St, Chicopee......................... $920,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Ct River View LLC S: Elliot N Scher & Geoffrey W King Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $825,000 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $684,800 Lot Size: 4900sf Prior Sale: $670,000 (04/21)

33 Haynes Cir, Chicopee............................ $4,200,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Gms Realty Llp S: C & C Mass Ventures LLC Mtg: Berkshire Bank $3,360,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,641,000 Lot Size: 316681sf Prior Sale: $867,350 (10/02)

96 Nonotuck Ave, Chicopee......................... $737,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: V & B Enterprise LLC S: Geoffrey W King & Elliot N Scher Mtg: RCN Capital LLC $459,913 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $594,600 Lot Size: 6473sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (09/19)

14 Sheridan St, Chicopee............................ $385,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: David N Plante S: Eric A Szlachetka TR, Tr for Slats Rt Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $201,500 Lot Size: 3416sf

1040 Sheridan St, Chicopee....................... $6,500,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Sheridan Industrial Pk Lp S: A3 Sheridan LLC Mtg: Digital FCU $4,631,250 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $4,037,700 Lot Size: 305356sf Prior Sale: $4,200,000 (05/18)

145 Springfield St, Chicopee....................... $220,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Sybel Gonzalez S: Albert R Mason & Maureen R Mason Mtg: Pinnacle Fncl Svc LLC $176,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $340,900 Lot Size: 11760sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (11/91)

640 Springfield St, Chicopee....................... $610,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Epoch Ambulance LLC S: Paul A Teta & Diane L Teta Mtg: Paul A Teta $457,500 Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $336,600 Lot Size: 16682sf

83 Thomas St, Chicopee.............................. $362,500 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Maxim Morozov S: Joel M Radner Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $344,375 Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $273,500 Lot Size: 11550sf Prior Sale: $133,000 (12/98)

Concord 110-112 Commonwealth Ave, Concord...... $1,225,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: G Zachary Gund Gst Articl S: Bright Angel Foods Inc Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $927,100 Lot Size: 5928sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (06/16)

Dalton 272 Hubbard Ave, Dalton............................. $600,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Berniche Realty LLC S: Tec Realty LLC Mtg: Mountain Bank $300,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $303,500 Lot Size: 104544sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (09/00)

Danvers 1 Lummus Ave, Danvers............................... $342,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: One Lummus Ave LLC S: Richard E Scogland TR, Tr for Richard E Scogland RET Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $334,800 Lot Size: 4665sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (10/98)

55 Maple St, Danvers.................................. $1,100,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: North Street Dev LLC S: Kelley A Delaney TR, Tr for K & F Rt Mtg: K&f Realty Trust $200,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $727,300 Lot Size: 5423sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (04/99)

Dartmouth 597 Dartmouth St, Dartmouth..................... $340,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 597 Dartmouth St LLC S: David Moniz & Joseph F Buckley Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $275,700 Lot Size: 3485sf Prior Sale: $300 (08/09)

789 State Rd, Dartmouth............................. $500,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Irl Industries LLC S: Palm Coast Mgmt Co LLC Mtg: Palm Coast Mgmt Co Ll $250,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $334,900 Lot Size: 150718sf Prior Sale: $307,000 (12/10)

Deerfield 5 Elm St, Deerfield....................................... $509,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: 5 Elm St LLC S: Lawrence A Golonka Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $480,000 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $274,100 Lot Size: 5663sf

Dennis 6 Cape Way, Dennis..................................... $970,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Pessini Companies LLC S: Deirdre L Burke & Stephen Burke Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $477,500 Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $530,200 Lot Size: 41382sf

423 Route 134, Dennis................................ $1,800,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: First Citizens Fcu S: Santander Bank NA Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $927,500 Lot Size: 33541sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (07/00)

Dracut 8 Berube Ln, Dracut..................................... $837,400 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Kyle Gallegos & Kelly Emerson S: Berube Lane LLC Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $600,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $196,500 Lot Size: 20104sf

28 Diana Ln, Dracut.................................... $8,700,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Othr (040) B: Sig Diana Lane LLC S: Tower Ventures Cre LLC Mtg: NBT Bank NA $5,133,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $7,179,400 Lot Size: 295772sf Prior Sale: $6,150,000 (11/16)

Dudley 8 Nelco Ave, Dudley..................................... $606,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Byrnes Inv Group LLC S: Bay Beach Realty LLC Mtg: Webster First FCU $484,800 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $382,800 Lot Size: 11660sf Prior Sale: $57,500 (03/98)

East Boston 28 Porter St, East Boston............................ $860,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Preciado 28 Porter LLC S: 28 Porter LLC Mtg: Rd Wab Spv Llc $680,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $516,200 Lot Size: 860sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (08/14)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

JULY 29, 2024



55 Prospect St, Fall River............................ $714,000

45-47 Union St, Easthampton...................... $500,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Mintbath LLC S: Walter B Mitchell TR, Tr for W B Mitchell T Mtg: Walter B Mitchell $300,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $442,100 Lot Size: 8276sf

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: John A Lemieux S: Thomas A Quintanilla Mtg: NFM Inc $523,500 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $530,100 Lot Size: 2927sf Prior Sale: $515,000 (05/21)

101 Waldron Rd, Fall River......................... $1,020,000

Essex Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 201 Western Ave LLC S: Paul J Chisholm Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $704,000 Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $553,900 Lot Size: 30000sf

Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: Mill Man Realty LLC S: George & Ben LLC Mtg: Rollstone Bk & Tr $750,000 Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,043,200 Lot Size: 64469sf Prior Sale: $1,025,000 (09/20)



201 Western Ave, Essex............................... $950,000

376 3rd St, Everett...................................... $4,718,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: 3rd Street E Realty LLC S: Andler Ltd Mtg: Everett Cp Bk $3,538,500 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,295,500 Lot Size: 68215sf

357-361 Broadway, Everett......................... $900,000

38 Culley St, Fitchburg................................ $365,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Great Day LLC S: 38 Culley Street LLC Mtg: St Marys Credit Union $292,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $180,500 Lot Size: 11230sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (02/16)

100 Day St, Fitchburg.................................. $640,000

Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Carmine Romano TR, Tr for Romano Ft S: Debra A Cooper TR, Tr for 357 Broadway Rt Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $760,100 Lot Size: 4199sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (03/07)

32-36 Ferry St, Everett................................ $450,000 Use:Fraternal Organization (353) B: Edin Custovic & Elma Custovic S: Bruce J Mackey & Lois R Mackey Mtg: Pentucket Bank $337,500 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $472,100 Lot Size: 2322sf

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Juan B Rodriguez Brito S: Altagracia V Peres & Anacleto J Reyes Sr Mtg: NE Regional Mtg Corp $608,000 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $425,100 Lot Size: 7906sf Prior Sale: $463,613 (04/22)

19 Fairmount Pl, Fitchburg......................... $175,000

19 Stuart St, Everett................................... $1,200,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Paul Barker & Michelle Barker S: Antonio Scuderi & Lorenza Scuderi Mtg: Northern Hm Loans LLC $822,500 Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,028,400 Lot Size: 3981sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (05/10)

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Dennis Bradley TR, Tr for Calvillo Lt S: Wayne R Little TR, Tr for Little Rt Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $249,000 Lot Size: 12898sf

515 Main St, Fitchburg................................ $825,000

25 Webster St, Everett................................. $700,000 Use:Religious Property (960) B: Revival Chrch For Nations S: Miracle Temple Ministries Mtg: M&T Bank NA $560,000 Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,727,300 Lot Size: 7113sf Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (11/06)

Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Southern New Eng Conferen S: Thomas J Moran TR, Tr for Main Stay T Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $692,900 Lot Size: 7022sf Prior Sale: $5,500 (12/98)

866 Main St, Fitchburg................................ $170,000

Fairhaven 46 Middle St, Fairhaven.............................. $8,400,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Rcp Realty LLC & 4 Wa Fairhaven LLC S: Olde North Wharf Fisherie Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,347,800 Lot Size: 50826sf Prior Sale: $10,000 (06/09)

20 William St, Fairhaven.............................. $630,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Jacob Ashworth & Scott J Ashworth S: Erika S Rojas Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $598,500 Date: 07/05/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $460,900 Lot Size: 3428sf Prior Sale: $339,000 (04/17)

Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Fitchburg Redevauthority S: Naim M Darazi Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $130,800 Lot Size: 15568sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (12/11)

39 Will Thompson Way, Fitchburg............... $599,999

100 Central St, Foxboro............................... $800,000

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 23-27 Ninth St LLC S: Ana Cojocaru Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $585,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $627,200 Lot Size: 11265sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (07/22)

18 Washington St, Foxboro......................... $4,100,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Loreto Real Estate LLC S: Ma Assn Of Realtors Inc Mtg: Bank of America NA $4,020,000 Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,751,300 Lot Size: 208652sf Prior Sale: $2,400,000 (05/19)

26 Pearl St, Framingham............................. $691,314

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Gabriel E Gaul S: Jean A Baptiste Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $718,611 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $531,500 Lot Size: 3920sf Prior Sale: $560,000 (11/22)

Use:Charity Property (950) B: 26 Pearl Street LLC S: Daniels Table Inc Mtg: Everett Cp Bk $7,000,000 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $825,600 Lot Size: 33018sf Prior Sale: $900,000 (08/21)

11 Pleasant St, Framingham...................... $2,925,000

141 N Main St, Fall River............................ $1,650,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: 141 North Main LLC S: Santander Bank NA Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,223,100 Lot Size: 21632sf

Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Crown Two Enterprises LLC S: 11 Pleasant St Connector Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,411,700 Lot Size: 27617sf Prior Sale: $3,200,000 (03/21)


139 Pitman St, Fall River............................. $982,500 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Penobscot Properties LLC S: Maria Rogers & Martinho Antunes Mtg: Mechanics Cp Bk $723,750 Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $639,700 Lot Size: 10903sf Prior Sale: $148,000 (05/93)

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Kousba LLC S: Foxfield Realty LLC Mtg: MA Hsng Partner Fund $500,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $410,600 Lot Size: 44867sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (10/12)


174 Montaup St, Fall River.......................... $700,000

29 Osgood St, Gardner................................. $436,000

107 Chestnut St, Haverhill.......................... $1,110,000

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Rozemeire Silva & William E Silva S: 29 Osgood LLC Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $428,102 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $276,000 Lot Size: 7166sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (12/19)

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Jeffery Wallace & Jonathan Wallace S: Ata Property Mgmt LLC Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $999,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $682,100 Lot Size: 14401sf

176 West St, Gardner................................... $230,000

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Lion Holdings LLC S: Highgate LLC Mtg: Hometown Equity Mtg $704,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $583,900 Lot Size: 8163sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (10/21)

Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Rbdb LLC S: Ovila Case Post 905 Vfw I Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $386,200 Lot Size: 9106sf

Georgetown 40 Beverly Dr, Georgetown.......................... $250,000 Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Livingstone Dev Corp S: James L Ogden Mtg: Jackson Lumb & Millwo $810,000 Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $52,300 Lot Size: 33100sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (10/23)

Gloucester 272 Main St, Gloucester............................. $1,300,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: 272 Main LLC S: Suraporn Vutcharangkul TR, Tr for Arnee T Mtg: Cape Ann Svgs Bk $880,000 Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $647,500 Lot Size: 9483sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (07/00)

Great Barrington 172 Division St, Great Barrington................ $180,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Gregg Navins & Dana Forster-Navins S: Keneth I Kupperman & Elizabeth S Kupperman Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $126,500 Lot Size: 163045sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (11/03)

Greenfield 270 Main St, Greenfield............................... $655,000

215 Wells St, Greenfield.............................. $385,000

23 9th St, Fall River.................................... $1,000,000

240 Highland Ave, Fall River....................... $1,250,000

Use:Charity Property (950) B: Temple St Haverhill Hldg S: Ziel Properties LLC Mtg: Fishing Retirement Ve $525,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $463,800 Lot Size: 5275sf Prior Sale: $408,000 (08/23)


Fall River

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 9th & Bedford LLC S: 351-357 Bedford St LLC Mtg: Mechanics Cp Bk $1,600,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $644,900 Lot Size: 6534sf

8-10 Beacon St, Haverhill............................ $550,000

Use:Industrial Building (405) B: City Hall Properties LLC S: Phyllis C Cook TR, Tr for 31 City Hall Avenue Rt Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $423,750 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $525,700 Lot Size: 12407sf Prior Sale: $162,200 (04/16)

Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Jaduke Re Holdings LLC S: 270 Main Greenfield LLC Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $1,900,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,135,300 Lot Size: 23113sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (12/22)

Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Bula Properties LLC S: Eve M Keddy Mtg: Walpole Coop Bank $412,500 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $283,800 Lot Size: 3485sf Prior Sale: $223,500 (08/05)

351-357 Bedford St, Fall River................... $1,000,000


31 City Hall Ave, Gardner............................. $565,000

Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Solveig H Schilling & Sagar Arora S: Normandin Group LLC & Brennan Industries Inc Mtg: IC Credit Union $479,999 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $98,400 Lot Size: 35636sf

2 Central St, Foxboro................................... $549,900

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 9th & Bedford LLC S: 23-27 Ninth St LLC Mtg: Mechanics Cp Bk $1,600,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $908,000 Lot Size: 4421sf Prior Sale: $1,070,000 (11/04)


21 Riverside Rd, Franklin........................... $1,050,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Pinciaro Rivside Drive Rt & Cesidio Pinciaro Jr TR S: Jason P Brennan & Carlyn M Brennan Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $815,900 Lot Size: 45607sf Prior Sale: $126,000 (04/00)

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Dsk Real Estate LLC S: Carol J Avonti TR, Tr for Judith B Stein RET Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $308,000 Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $286,600 Lot Size: 85421sf

41-43 Woodleigh Ave, Greenfield................ $430,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Lcs Realty LLC S: Robert A Depalma Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $344,000 Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $341,200 Lot Size: 10202sf

Hadley 300 Venture Way, Hadley............................ $7,153,644 Use:Industrial Office Building (402) B: Pioneer Vly Chinese Immer S: Ncs Pearson Inc Mtg: BankESB $5,722,915 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $8,148,200 Lot Size: 630854sf Prior Sale: $1,020,000 (07/01)

Hanover 273-293 Winter St, Hanover....................... $2,750,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Othr (040) B: Winter Park LLC S: Donna L Murphy TR, Tr for Murphy George Rt Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $2,062,500 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,637,900 Lot Size: 142006sf

Hanson 91 Franklin St, Hanson............................... $1,375,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: 91 Franklin St Hanson LLC S: 91 Franklin St Realty LLC Mtg: BankProv $687,500 Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $821,400 Lot Size: 174240sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (12/10)

Hatfield 95 N Hatfield Rd, Hatfield...........................$44,000,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Nhnr Hold Co2 LLC S: Agnl Grocery LLC Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $34,041,900 Lot Size: 2507409sf Prior Sale: $35,152,271 (04/17)

27-29 Fountain St, Haverhill........................ $880,000

21 Parkridge Rd, Haverhill......................... $3,250,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Cedars Realty TLLC S: Deston Company LLC Mtg: Pentucket Bank $2,520,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,201,900 Lot Size: 138085sf

61 Temple St, Haverhill................................ $550,000 Use:Charity Property (950) B: Shared Living Prop LLC S: Wolf Pack Properties LLC Mtg: Haverhill Bk $412,500 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $623,900 Lot Size: 6682sf Prior Sale: $408,000 (08/23)

Hingham 70 Research Rd, Hingham.......................... $4,050,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Tfi Hingham Ma LLC S: Higham Properties Limited Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,218,700 Lot Size: 98010sf Prior Sale: $925,000 (05/94)

Holbrook 73-77 Union St, Holbrook............................ $530,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: New View Homes Inc S: Amk Properties LLC Mtg: North Easton Svgs Bk $1,114,000 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $371,700 Lot Size: 15420sf Prior Sale: $372,650 (10/22)

Holden 100 Industrial Dr, Holden........................... $4,250,000 Use:Research & Dvlpmnt Facility (404) B: Umass Mem Health Care Inc S: Jarrell Realty LLC Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,487,800 Lot Size: 431604sf

22-24 Princeton St, Holden......................... $805,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 22-24 Princeton St LLC S: Darcey M Paldino Mtg: Citadel Servicing $644,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $562,300 Lot Size: 10001sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (04/20)

Holyoke 297 Apremont Hwy, Holyoke........................ $250,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Anchor Church Inc S: Maisha LLC Mtg: Maisha Llc $187,500 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $186,400 Lot Size: 12824sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (11/19)

223 Elm St, Holyoke..................................... $121,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Nationwide Cmnty Revitali S: Morgan Stanley M T 2006-1 & U S Bank Na Tr TR Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $332,500 Lot Size: 8799sf Prior Sale: $76,000 (10/03)

275 High St, Holyoke.................................... $287,500 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Holyoke Health Center Inc S: 275 High St Holyoke LLC Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $274,100 Lot Size: 4400sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (10/23)

35-41 James St, Holyoke............................. $450,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Austin Choquette S: John A Herbert TR, Tr for Herbert Ft Mtg: Geneva Financial LLC $337,500 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $375,300 Lot Size: 12502sf Prior Sale: $184,900 (04/03)

174-180 Lyman St, Holyoke......................... $200,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Elliot Properties LLC S: Boston Home Invest LLC Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $122,200 Lot Size: 2958sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (07/18)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


JULY 29, 2024

720 Main St, Holyoke................................... $700,000

51 Walnut St, Hyde Park...............................

Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Road Star Express Inc S: Holyoke News Co Inc Mtg: Holyoke News Co Inc $550,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $535,300 Lot Size: 37941sf

Use:Auto Repair (332) B: 143 West Sixth Street LLC S: Neriliz Llenas TR, Tr for 51 Walnut St Nomine T Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $108,000 Lot Size: 1600sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (04/05)


45 Walter St, Hyde Park............................. $1,700,000

11 Grove St, Hopkinton............................... $1,950,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: South Street Ventures LLC S: Fishman Hld Ltd Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $504,100 Lot Size: 10402sf Prior Sale: $384,200 (07/15) Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Kasuwan Inc S: Main Street C&t LLC Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $469,700 Lot Size: 12284sf Prior Sale: $455,000 (06/21)

Use:Auto Repair (332) B: 28 Wilton Street LLC S: Anthony D Amara TR, Tr for Wilton Street Rt Mtg: Wilton St Rlty T Llp $750,000 Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $361,700 Lot Size: 12350sf

28 Wilton St, Hyde Park.............................. $1,350,000

71 W Main St, Hopkinton.............................. $610,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 71 West Man LLC S: Orjit Tran, Tr for Kasuwan Inc Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $469,700 Lot Size: 12284sf Prior Sale: $455,000 (06/24)

Use:Auto Repair (332) B: 28 Wilton Street LLC S: Anthony D Amara TR, Tr for Wilton Street Rt Mtg: Wilton St Realty T $750,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $361,700 Lot Size: 12350sf Prior Sale: $1,350,000 (06/24)

Ipswich 60 Candlewood Rd, Ipswich..........................

Hubbardston 78 Old Princeton Rd, Hubbardston.............. $540,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Scott P Evangelos & Sara P Evangelos S: Sandra Oliveira Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $46,500 Lot Size: 104394sf


Use:Nature Study (803) B: Benjamin S Favazza TR, Tr for Frog Creek RET S: Magic Hat Farm LLC Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $125,198 Lot Size: 385219sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (12/12)

196 High St, Ipswich.................................... $875,000

Hudson 116 Forest Ave, Hudson............................... $460,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Dinis Silva S: Beyond Forest LLC & Kristin Lembo Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $483,200 Lot Size: 17967sf Prior Sale: $159,900 (08/99)

Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 196 High St Ipswich LLC S: Kps 196 High St Hldg LLC Mtg: BankGloucester $471,710 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $701,900 Lot Size: 65340sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (10/18)

Kingston 42 Gallen Rd, Kingston................................ $6,000,000

23 Park St, Hudson...................................... $590,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Rafael K Borges S: Richard R Ryel TR, Tr for Joann P Forance T Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $307,700 Lot Size: 14429sf

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Mhc 295 Kingston Ma LLC S: A Plus Storage Corp Mtg: Extra Space Storage L $5,280,000 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,331,700 Lot Size: 107158sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (10/98)

Lakeville 22 Main St, Lakeville.................................... $338,000

Huntington 3 E Main St, Huntington............................... $160,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Crane Holdings LLC S: B And L Bridge Store LLC Mtg: TD Bank NA $120,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $192,300 Lot Size: 10890sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (05/14)

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Karen Ladetto & Scott Ladetto S: Janet M Black Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $331,877 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $291,100 Lot Size: 11000sf Prior Sale: $152,500 (11/01)

Lawrence 35-37 Falmouth St, Lawrence.................... $1,150,000

Hyannis 291 Barnstable Rd, Hyannis....................... $1,200,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: 291 Barnstable Realty LLC S: Bank of America NA Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,367,000 Lot Size: 38333sf

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Sarah Yasmin TR, Tr for Ashraf Riaz T S: Kimball Lawrence St LLC Mtg: Eastern Bank $779,843 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $887,900 Lot Size: 5460sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (12/23)

230-234 Hampshire St, Lawrence............... $971,500

183 Iyannough Rd, Hyannis........................ $1,250,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Engine Room LLC S: Wjp Realty Partners LLC Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,233,200 Lot Size: 44867sf Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (03/20)

Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Cely Management LLC S: Jmhd LLC Mtg: Velocity Comm Cap LLC $680,050 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $697,500 Lot Size: 8480sf

9 Osgood St, Lawrence............................... $2,000,000

201 Main St, Hyannis.................................. $3,800,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Hyannis Harbor LLC S: Gcp Main LLC Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $2,625,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,841,900 Lot Size: 76230sf Prior Sale: $2,325,000 (02/22)

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Indust & Othr (040) B: Osgood St Partners LLC S: Jam Realty TLLC Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $1,500,000 Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,046,900 Lot Size: 143312sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (07/14)

152-154 Prospect St, Lawrence................. $1,100,000

5 Mark Ln, Hyannis...................................... $500,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Road Test Professionals L S: Lorraine A White TR, Tr for White Ft Mtg: UniBank for Savings $400,000 Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $716,700 Lot Size: 9583sf

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Avinash Kashyap TR, Tr for 152-154 Prospect St Rt S: 152-154 Prospect St LLC Mtg: Direct Credit Union $825,000 Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $747,400 Lot Size: 3087sf Prior Sale: $905,000 (09/22)

296-298 S Broadway, Lawrence.................. $800,000

Hyde Park 942 Hyde Park Ave, Hyde Park...................$17,800,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Af Partners LLC S: Hyde Park Partners LLC Mtg: Bank of Hope $12,460,000 Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $9,587,800 Lot Size: 228114sf Prior Sale: $5,380,000 (09/98)


Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: 143 West Sixth Street LLC S: Neriliz Llenas TR, Tr for 35 Walnut Street Nt Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $32,600 Lot Size: 2782sf Prior Sale: $39,000 (02/05)

Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: 45 Walter St Realty LLC S: Anne Geraghty Mtg: North Shore Bank $1,360,000 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $805,000 Lot Size: 26897sf

28 Wilton St, Hyde Park.............................. $1,350,000

71 W Main St, Hopkinton.............................. $455,000

35 Walnut St, Hyde Park...............................


Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Seth Investments LLC S: E&J Realty Division LLC Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $675,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $563,100 Lot Size: 4500sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (08/15)

Lee 35 Consolati Way, Lee................................. $500,000 Use:Post Office (350) B: Mass Postal Holdings LLC S: Anthony L Caropreso Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $582,500 Lot Size: 42689sf

30 Housatonic St, Lee.................................. $550,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Nestor Perez & Sandra N Sosa S: Athia Grigoropoulos Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $407,100 Lot Size: 17860sf


189 E Merrimack St, Lowell........................ $3,176,000

385 Main St, Leicester................................. $565,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Nirmala D Gupta TR, Tr for Cherry Valley Rt S: Kamdhenu LLC Mtg: Leader Bank NA $365,000 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $286,100 Lot Size: 9365sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (03/21)

666 Pleasant St, Leicester.......................... $615,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: L & E Properties LLC S: Kodes Properties LLC Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $427,800 Lot Size: 28096sf Prior Sale: $384,000 (10/21)

Lenox 12 Housatonic St, Lenox............................. $1,390,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Christian L Selke S: Usa Marshals Svc Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $856,200 Lot Size: 10323sf Prior Sale: $1,500,000 (04/21)

475 Pittsfield Rd, Lenox............................... $975,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: 475 Pittsfield Rd LLC S: Yankee Candle Com Inc Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $858,300 Lot Size: 70916sf

Leominster 272 Central St, Leominster.......................... $799,999 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Glk Investments LLC S: Labella Realty LLC Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $703,200 Lot Size: 31190sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (10/12)

62 Lakeview St, Leominster......................... $850,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: 175 Pioneer Drive LLC S: Maryann Bradford TR, Tr for Franetta Rt Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,043,700 Lot Size: 55757sf

101 Mechanic St, Leominster..................... $1,005,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Bte Investment LLC & 245 Bailey LLC S: Raj Tirur LLC Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $753,750 Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $826,400 Lot Size: 23147sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (01/17)

865 Merriam Ave, Leominster.................... $5,459,575 Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: 865 Merriam Leominster LL S: 23 Realty De LLC Mtg: Standard Insurance Co $4,125,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,480,400 Lot Size: 96268sf Prior Sale: $4,000,000 (06/14)

Lexington 7 Clematis Rd, Lexington............................ $2,000,000 Use:Religious Property (960) B: New Cvnant Chrch Ministri S: Highrock Church Inc Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,300,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,059,000 Lot Size: 187251sf

10 Muzzey St U:11, Lexington...................... $399,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Lexington-Ai LLC S: Subhash Malhotra TR, Tr for Malhotra Ft Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $400,000 Lot Size: 122sf

Littleton 441 King St, Littleton................................... $600,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Melissa Mann TR, Tr for Meka T S: Matthew P Field TR, Tr for Mems Rt Mtg: Matthew P Field $590,000 Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $642,600 Lot Size: 15655sf Prior Sale: $213,333 (04/00)

442 King St, Littleton................................... $600,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Kyle Mann TR, Tr for Mighty Small T S: Matthew P Field TR, Tr for Mems Rt Mtg: Matthew P Field $590,000 Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $616,300 Lot Size: 12868sf Prior Sale: $122,500 (04/93)

Lowell 17 Albion St, Lowell........................................


Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Living On A Prayer LLC S: Qs Lending T & Fenton Square LLC Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $4,056,000 Foreclosure Deed Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,505,300 Lot Size: 4356sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (09/20)

440 High St, Lowell...................................... $137,680 Use:Charity Property (950) B: Community Teamwork Inc S: Women In Transition Inc Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,282,500 Lot Size: 14375sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (03/98)

99 Mammoth Rd, Lowell............................... $900,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: La Belle Maison LLC S: George J Stamas TR, Tr for Mammoth Road Rt Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $735,100 Lot Size: 14810sf

14 Newell St, Lowell..................................... $629,800 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Daniel Kelly S: Madjack7 LLC Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $503,840 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $42,700 Lot Size: 4792sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (02/24)

50 Pine St, Lowell....................................... $4,500,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Dlc Phase Two LLC S: Lowell Merrimack St LLC & Patrick Ogrady Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $3,475,000 Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,160,600 Lot Size: 28750sf Prior Sale: $1,825,000 (04/05)

24 Sanders Ave, Lowell................................ $575,000 Use:Religious Property (960) B: Tami J Zannini-Rivard S: Calvary Bapt Chrch Of Low Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $375,000 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $541,800 Lot Size: 7841sf

197 White St, Lowell.................................... $705,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Alexander J Pollack & Panagiotis Meltsakos S: George J Stamas TR, Tr for J And A Rt Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $669,750 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $655,800 Lot Size: 4356sf

430 Wilder St, Lowell.................................. $4,500,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Dlc Phase One LLC S: Hillis Road LLC Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $3,475,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,928,700 Lot Size: 20909sf Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (01/04)

Lynn 367-369 Boston St, Lynn.............................. $650,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Nasser A Araujo S: Demi Dang Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $601,300 Lot Size: 3629sf Prior Sale: $320,000 (01/22)

23 Farrar St, Lynn........................................ $925,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Not Too Farrar The Tree L S: 23 Farrar St LLC Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $676,100 Lot Size: 8470sf Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (11/22)

12 Greenleaf Cir, Lynn................................ $1,050,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Greenleaf Circle LLC S: Polev LLC Mtg: TD Bank NA $500,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,043,900 Lot Size: 5567sf Prior Sale: $401,000 (06/15)

33 Lincoln St, Lynn...................................... $2,400,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Peter E Graziani TR, Tr for 33 Lincoln Rt S: Dominic Federico Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $4,318,900 Lot Size: 9853sf

33 Lincoln St, Lynn...................................... $2,400,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Peter E Graziani TR, Tr for 33 Lincoln Rt S: Querino Federico Jr Mtg: Everett Cp Bk $3,900,000 Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $4,318,900 Lot Size: 9853sf Prior Sale: $2,400,000 (06/24)

99 South St, Lynn........................................ $1,427,500

Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Alvaro L Gouveia S: Lowell City Of Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $73,800 Lot Size: 2178sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (08/89)

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Seysou LLC S: Bill Karras Mtg: Everett Bank $1,417,500 Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,515,800 Lot Size: 5827sf Prior Sale: $435,000 (11/11)

177 E Merrimack St, Lowell........................ $2,000,000

15 Spruce St, Lynn........................................

Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: 3 Js Real Estate LLC S: Z4merrimack Prop LLC Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,196,600 Lot Size: 4356sf Prior Sale: $840,000 (09/14)

Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Domingo A Mendez S: Bruce A Deluties TR, Tr for 15 Spruce Street Rt Mtg: Bruce A Deluties $55,000 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $23,500 Lot Size: 4412sf Prior Sale: $12,000 (01/16)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


JULY 29, 2024




9 Tuttle Ln, Lynnfield.................................. $1,000,000

150 Cross St, Methuen................................. $499,900

Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Orr Homes LLC S: Hpi Mass Re Dev LLC Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $2,587,500 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $840,300 Lot Size: 77798sf

Use:Charity Property (950) B: My Little Dream Learning S: Grace Dental & Medical Mi Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $350,000 Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $360,800 Lot Size: 32060sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (02/15)

Malden 475-481 Ferry St, Malden........................... $1,200,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Pace Energy Corp S: 475-481 Ferry Street LLC Mtg: Enterprise Bk & Tr Co $900,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $643,200 Lot Size: 6412sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (04/16)

Use:Medical Condo Unit (344) B: Jk Dental Consultants Pll S: Grzejka Prop Hld LLC Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $304,500 Prior Sale: $400,000 (07/06)

104-106 Railroad St, Methuen..................... $720,000

Marlborough 322 Maple St, Marlborough........................ $1,250,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: 303 Turnpike Road LLC S: Berkshire Bank Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $3,640,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,020,800 Lot Size: 36812sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (04/02)

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Mark Mccarthy & Laurie Mccarthy S: Perrault Sandra G Est & David A Perrault Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $540,000 Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $581,100 Lot Size: 9017sf


Marshfield 5 Red Gold Farm Rd, Marshfield................ $1,003,895 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: James Connors & Holly Connors S: North Duxbury LLC Mtg: TD Bank NA $788,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $190,500 Lot Size: 26648sf

80 Red Gold Farm Rd, Marshfield.............. $1,527,586 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Michael Devin S: North Duxbury LLC Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $1,222,069 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $189,000 Lot Size: 23429sf

Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: P M P Realty LLC S: Wags Realty LLC Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,518,300 Lot Size: 50530sf Prior Sale: $1,550,000 (05/21)

612 Norfolk St, Mattapan............................. $833,000

Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Claudia Investment LLC S: Stephen H Tolman & Gale E Livington Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $557,900 Lot Size: 14026sf

North Attleboro

Use:Non-Productive Land (720) B: Scott Fortier & September Fortier S: Southbrook Dev Inc Mtg: Prestige Home Mtg LLC $573,200 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $74 Lot Size: 52272sf

Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Jordao Family Realty LLC S: Rouleau Family Lp Mtg: Jon Edouard Rouleau $1,250,000 Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $989,000 Lot Size: 23374sf Use:Retail-Service (325) B: 70 Main Milford Ma LLC S: Lettie A Trottier, Tr for Russell W Trottier Sr Mtg: Velocity Comm Cap LLC $175,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $293,000 Lot Size: 8899sf Prior Sale: $443,000 (07/12)

Natick 11 Foskett Ct, Natick................................... $850,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Wssk LLC S: N & C Christie LLC Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $871,400 Lot Size: 6621sf

Medfield 5 N Meadows Rd U:GD, Medfield.................. $150,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Medfield Cmnty Cable Acce S: C R Mccullough Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $150,300

New Bedford 30 Brigham St, New Bedford....................... $480,000 Use:Office Bldg-Medical (342) B: Ashton Albernaz S: Hawes Electric Com Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $510,700 Lot Size: 8843sf

Medford 101 George P Hassett Dr, Medford............ $2,500,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Vida Real Evangelical Ctr S: Kaniya Darshan LLC Mtg: Kaniya Darshan Llc $2,000,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $709,800 Lot Size: 8398sf Prior Sale: $1,500,000 (02/17)

617-623 Brock Ave, New Bedford............... $300,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Youth Opportunities Unltd S: Francisco J Tavares Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $270,500 Lot Size: 3302sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (10/07)

226 Conduit St, New Bedford....................... $581,500

Medway 39 Alder St, Medway.................................... $550,000 Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440) B: East Hill Associates LLC S: Ets Properties LLC Mtg: MutualOne Bk $400,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $453,400 Lot Size: 335412sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (05/22)

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Christopher Dearaujo S: Eugene P Masse & Michael R Masse Mtg: MIlestone Mtg Solutio $436,125 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $440,400 Lot Size: 4948sf

826 County St, New Bedford........................ $675,000

53 Milford St, Medway................................ $2,633,000 Use:Auto Repair (332) B: Medway Grid LLC S: 53 Milford Street LLC Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $403,200 Lot Size: 37592sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (03/17)

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 77 Jouvette St LLC S: Moss Homes Solutions LLC Mtg: Taunton Federal Cr Un $540,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $398,800 Lot Size: 4404sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (02/23)

202 Dartmouth St, New Bedford.................. $213,500

Mendon 23 Cape Rd, Mendon................................... $6,000,000

Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Andrew F Haley & Maureen Haley S: Kate S Duffield & Michael P Duffield Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $766,300 Lot Size: 77101sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (06/14)

100 Tispaquin St, Middleboro...................... $716,500

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Peter Situ TR, Tr for 10 Central Ave Rt S: Nancy Oneill TR, Tr for Truste B Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $825,200 Lot Size: 6434sf

49 River St, Maynard................................... $665,000

5 Newbury Neck Rd, Newbury...................... $475,000

Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Sag Property Hld LLC S: Ernest V Loewenstein TR, Tr for Loewenstein Rt Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $577,500 Lot Size: 6018sf

10 Central Ave, Milton................................. $600,000



471 Washington St, Newton......................... $730,000


Use:Other Exempt (990) B: Stephen E Amiegbe S: Hour House Boston Inc Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $790,500 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $832,500 Lot Size: 5956sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (12/15)

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Yasmani Q Santos S: Ian M Whtie TR, Tr for 10 Salisbury St Rt Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $649,304 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $587,200 Lot Size: 5920sf

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Brianna Huard & Maurie Huard S: Christopher W Benson & Amy L Benson Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $519,920 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $553,000 Lot Size: 80102sf Prior Sale: $377,734 (06/16)

68 Main St, Milford....................................... $440,000


12 Salisbury St, New Bedford...................... $715,000


118 Congress St, Milford............................ $1,450,000

14 Wags Rd, Mashpee................................. $1,950,000

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Peter W Corr TR, Tr for Peter W Corr Lt S: Request Investments LLC Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $701,000 Lot Size: 7266sf Prior Sale: $620,000 (02/20)

189 Thomas St, Middleboro......................... $649,900



Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: 23 Cape Road Owner LLC S: Gold Medalist LLC Mtg: Bar Harbor Bk & Tr $21,630,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $288,700 Lot Size: 938938sf Prior Sale: $685,000 (02/99)

60 East St U:2500, Methuen......................... $300,000

1558 Purchase St, New Bedford.................. $500,000

Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Marco Carvalho & Mindy Carvalho S: Gary Curran Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $131,600 Lot Size: 2797sf Prior Sale: $213,500 (04/24)

187 Matthew St, New Bedford..................... $120,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: John R Daniels S: Andrea M Caruso, Ex for Caruso Rudolph M Est Date: 09/30/11 Total Assessed Value (2024): $304,000 Lot Size: 3759sf

21 East St, North Attleboro.......................... $750,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Jsip 21 East Qoz Prop Own S: East Bruce Corp Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $46,659,100 Lot Size: 241080sf Prior Sale: $20,000,000 (02/19)

Northampton 17 New South St U:301, Northampton......... $240,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Glitterbird Crumbs LLC S: Emerald City Partners LLC Mtg: BankESB $115,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $167,900

159 Pine St, Northampton.......................... $1,300,000 Use:Nursing Home (304) B: River Vly Rest Home LLC S: Reliance Holdings Corp Mtg: Reliance Hldg Corp $460,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $346,200 Lot Size: 16013sf Prior Sale: $431,000 (09/23)

8 Villone Dr, Northampton.......................... $1,400,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Kirkpatrick Realty LLC S: Dtj Properties LLC Mtg: Dtj Prpperties Llc $800,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,079,200 Lot Size: 34199sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (09/02)

Northborough 369 W Main St, Northborough..................... $2,400,000 Use:Shopping Ctr/Mall (323) B: Agora Real Estate LLC S: Thomasito LLC Mtg: UniBank for Savings $1,920,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,568,500 Lot Size: 87451sf Prior Sale: $1,375,000 (08/19)

Norton 9 Pitt Clarke Rd, Norton............................. $8,500,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Derek Mui & Rachel Mui S: 9 Pitt Clark LLC Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $510,000 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $643,100 Lot Size: 15628sf

16 Ridge Rd, Norton..................................... $160,000 Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Elyse Creeden S: Old Colony Habitat Humani Mtg: Webster Bank $136,275 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $149,700 Lot Size: 5000sf

4 Scott Dr, Norton........................................ $625,000

Otis 30 E Otis Rd, Otis......................................... $200,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: Barry R Lundgren TR, Tr for 30 East Otis Rd Rt S: Berkshire Bank Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $281,000 Lot Size: 16830sf

Oxford 245 Main St, Oxford..................................... $385,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Hasan H Prashkov & Ayshe H Prashkov S: A Building LLC Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $462,000 Lot Size: 19188sf

Palmer 4209-4215 High St, Palmer......................... $440,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Chloe Laduke S: Sergio Dacruz Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $418,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $265,200 Lot Size: 41818sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (11/21)

Paxton 66 Maple St, Paxton..................................... $450,000 Use:Day Care Center (352) B: Pillsbury Dev Group Inc S: Zabecca LLC Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $337,500 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $316,400 Lot Size: 29407sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (08/11)

672 Pleasant St, Paxton.............................. $375,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Lunalia Real Estate LLC S: 672 Pleasant Street LLC Mtg: TD Bank NA $300,000 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $323,300 Lot Size: 25187sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (02/92)

Peabody 4 Lake St, Peabody..................................... $2,700,000 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Ciampa Investments Inc & Joseph Ciampa S: Wz Properties Lp Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,342,700 Lot Size: 80586sf Prior Sale: $1,300,000 (11/12)

196 Washington St, Peabody....................... $826,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Cameron Goudreau TR, Tr for Hendrix RET S: George Smyrnios Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $619,500 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $716,200 Lot Size: 5715sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (12/97)

Pepperell 105 Main St, Pepperell................................ $850,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: 105 Main St Realty LLC S: Iawl Re Hld LLC Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $491,400 Lot Size: 19545sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (12/15)

Petersham 186 East St, Petersham............................... $250,000 Use:Charity Property (950) B: Bart R Wendall & Sandra M Whaley S: East Quabbin Land T Inc Mtg: East Quabbin Land T I $250,000 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $297,900 Lot Size: 664290sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (01/24)

Pittsfield 77 Elm St, Pittsfield..................................... $450,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Bpdsr LLC S: Comela LLC Mtg: Comela Llc $450,000 Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $334,300 Lot Size: 16858sf Prior Sale: $315,300 (01/08)

205 South St, Pittsfield................................ $300,000

Use:Day Care Center (352) B: Tla Realty LLC S: Haskins Pharmacy Inc Mtg: BankNewport $468,750 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $597,500 Lot Size: 18982sf

Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Onalee LLC S: Becknest Realty LLC Mtg: TD Bank NA $240,000 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $255,400 Lot Size: 10890sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (08/14)



89 Access Rd U:3, Norwood......................... $300,000

3 Fuller St, Plainville................................... $750,000

Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: William Theos TR, Tr for W&e Rt S: Irar TCo Mtg: Mario D Casamassima $150,000 Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $247,700 Prior Sale: $285,000 (11/21)

Use:Industrial Devlpble Land (440) B: A2 Fuller St LLC S: Robert Cole Mtg: Robert C Cole $100,000 Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $351,600 Lot Size: 319730sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (03/04)



48 E River St, Orange................................... $500,000

17-23 Cordage Ter, Plymouth.................... $1,200,000

Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Triangle Works LLC S: Orange Technology Ctr Inc Mtg: Orange Technology Ctr $465,000 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $409,000 Lot Size: 82764sf Prior Sale: $67,500 (09/19)

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Mary M Miglianccio & Michael Tierney S: Nora T Perry TR, Tr for Nora T Perry T Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $900,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,053,800 Lot Size: 24755sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (07/90)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


JULY 29, 2024

6 Main St Ext, Plymouth.............................. $3,700,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Bill Karas S: 1620 Capital LLC Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,809,200 Lot Size: 12981sf Prior Sale: $690,000 (09/13)

159 Samoset St U:6, Plymouth.................... $295,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Lk Plymouth Realty LLC S: Joseph J Grant TR, Tr for 159 Samoset St Unit 6 RET Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $240,300



42 Harbor St, Salem.................................... $1,040,000

99 Cross St, Southbridge............................. $583,461

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Hannah Brosnan & Phillip Dixon S: Michael Ofir Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $936,000 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $877,400 Lot Size: 3350sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (07/09)

193 Jefferson Ave, Salem............................ $675,000

32 Talcott Pnes, Plymouth........................... $495,000 Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Jeffrey S Anderson & Lani Riley S: Os Golf Homes LLC Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $1,683,516 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $343,100 Lot Size: 35179sf

Provincetown 43 Race Point Rd U:E1, Provincetown........ $264,500 Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Jhrs Realty LLC S: Chr Rpr LLC Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $307,250 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $226,400 Lot Size: 68800sf

43 Race Point Rd U:E2, Provincetown........ $350,000 Use:Retail Condo (345) B: Jhrs Realty LLC S: Marj Re Holdings LLC Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $307,250 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $218,400 Lot Size: 68800sf Prior Sale: $202,300 (02/18)

Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Granese-Colonial LLC S: Fieldbrook Assoc Mtg: Steven A Granese Revo $1,000,000 Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $456,700 Lot Size: 30705sf

21 Symonds St, Salem................................. $945,450 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Vinh Nguyen S: Plan C Properties LLC Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $567,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $710,000 Lot Size: 2949sf Prior Sale: $561,000 (11/18)

296 Washington St, Salem.......................... $5,325,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Tbsb LLC S: Mardee Goldberg LLC Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $3,113,400 Lot Size: 7693sf Prior Sale: $3,800,000 (04/21)

Salisbury 32 Railroad Ave, Salisbury........................... $475,000

Quincy 87-89 Copeland St, Quincy......................... $1,100,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: 87 Copeland Street LLC S: Copeland Street LLC Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $880,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $538,100 Lot Size: 7318sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (05/98)

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Tom Patenaude Homes Inc S: Wojcicki Holdings LLC Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $241,000 Lot Size: 6778sf Prior Sale: $259,900 (11/16)

Sandwich 165 Main St, Sandwich................................ $1,427,500

32 Papile Ln U:4, Quincy.............................. $650,000 Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: Utpvision Re Of Ma Inc S: Phil Better Re LLC Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $292,600

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Luippold Family Vent Inc S: Ff Trooper Dev LLC Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $897,000 Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,277,600 Lot Size: 30492sf Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (10/22)

Seekonk 363 Taunton Ave, Seekonk......................... $1,300,000

570-580 South St, Quincy........................... $1,700,000 Use:Car Wash Facility (335) B: Quincy City Of S: 570 South Street LLC Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $684,400 Lot Size: 23200sf Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (10/19)

Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Mch Properties LLC S: J&l Landscaping Co Inc Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $574,600 Lot Size: 48526sf

Sharon 144 Old Post Rd, Sharon............................. $7,000,000

27 Vassall St, Quincy.................................. $1,200,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Nai Y Xu & Shuangying Zhang S: Patricia M Lenehan TR, Tr for Lenehan Nt Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $880,100 Lot Size: 4902sf

345 Washington St, Quincy......................... $1,180,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Z & G Lin LLC S: J & J Rt Partnership LLC Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $911,100 Lot Size: 10100sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (10/02)

Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: Costco Wholesale Corp S: Ninety Five LLC Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $9,154,400 Lot Size: 2605324sf Prior Sale: $3,000,000 (10/13)

Sheffield Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Berkshire Nursery & Lands S: Stephen K Ullrich Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $342,400 Lot Size: 657756sf Prior Sale: $51,000 (07/01)

252 Main St, Reading................................... $930,000


Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Gsc Management LLC S: Joyce M Kehoe Mtg: Reading Cp Bk $2,380,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $646,400 Lot Size: 10184sf

453 Somerville Ave, Somerville.................. $1,800,000

Rockland 190 VFW Dr, Rockland................................. $475,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Magoos Rlty Partners Inc S: Albany Rd-Rockland 190 LL Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $380,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $571,100 Lot Size: 32500sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (03/23)

970 Haverhill St, Rowley.............................. $925,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Reyestone LLC S: 970 Haverhill Street LLC Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $650,400 Lot Size: 120226sf

64 Winslow Ave, Somerville........................ $1,820,000

South Boston 60 Newmarket Sq, South Boston................ $1,450,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: Newmarket 60 Re LLC S: Kic 60 Newmarket LLC Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,353,900 Lot Size: 7373sf Prior Sale: $2,000,000 (04/19)

Roxbury 9-15 Ruggles St, Roxbury........................... $4,725,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Standard Dorchester LLC S: Gbm Portfolio Owner LLC Mtg: Digital FCU $3,840,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,073,600 Lot Size: 8158sf Prior Sale: $1,558,700 (08/12)

Southampton 23 College Hwy, Southampton..................... $975,000 Use:Car Wash Facility (335) B: Yellowbrick Property LLC & Gillikin LLC S: Truehart Inc Mtg: Paul E Truehart $500,000 Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $504,400 Lot Size: 55757sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (04/98)

Rutland 96 Intervale Rd, Rutland.............................. $400,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: William D Elbag S: Capa Corp Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $420,700 Lot Size: 78408sf

Use:Auto Repair (332) B: 453 Somerville Nt LLC S: Jack Saade Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $4,410,000 Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $609,200 Lot Size: 4912sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (07/15) Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Steven Lieu & Deborah Lieu S: James J Buccelli TR, Tr for Buccelli Rt Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,260,000 Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,159,500 Lot Size: 3740sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (09/09)


19 Cottage Ave, Southampton.......................

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 89 Southbridge LLC S: Wheeler LLC Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $7,463,000 Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $318,100 Lot Size: 13504sf Prior Sale: $246,000 (02/19)

36 Main St, Southbridge.............................. $431,500 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: James Coulombe & Crystal Coulombe S: Jordan M Edmonds Mtg: UniBank for Savings $323,625 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $329,800 Lot Size: 9583sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (05/22)

Southwick 351 N Loomis St, Southwick........................ $100,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Berry Const Group LLC S: Kellogg Bros Inc Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $252,600 Lot Size: 139392sf Prior Sale: $6,500 (01/22)

Spencer 141 Main St, Spencer....................................


Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Michael A Perro Jr & Jason M Perro S: Phyllis F Ekleberry & William D Ekleberry Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $181,300 Lot Size: 1890sf

401 Main St, Spencer................................... $375,000 Use:Commercial Building (347) B: Habit Opco LLC S: Jennifer A Davis TR, Tr for Jad Rt Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $296,400 Lot Size: 87120sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (11/06)

Springfield 97 Alderman St, Springfield......................... $540,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Katherine C Toledo S: Archimede L Jerome Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $502,645 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $386,100 Lot Size: 5001sf Prior Sale: $431,000 (03/22)

331-335 Allen St, Springfield...................... $1,030,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units (112) B: Mallary Village LLC S: Ginkgo Holdings LLC Mtg: BankProv $25,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,138,500 Lot Size: 17755sf Prior Sale: $940,000 (11/21)

Boston Rd (SS), Springfield........................ $4,722,707 Use:Commercial Undevlpble Land (392) B: Bar Cw Springfield LLC S: Store Master Funding Xii Date: 05/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $47,300 Lot Size: 130462sf Prior Sale: $3,085,443 (05/18)

41 Brookdale Dr, Springfield...................... $1,150,000

602 S Main St, Sheffield............................... $200,000


415-417 Wilbraham Rd, Springfield............ $415,000


Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Foxy Properties LLC S: Southampton Town Of Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $127,200 Lot Size: 3920sf Prior Sale: $20,000 (09/00)

Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: 41 Brookdale Drive LLC S: Npn Realty LLC Mtg: Florence Bank $880,000 Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $810,800 Lot Size: 92783sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (11/23)

566-568 Main St, Springfield....................... $350,000 Use:Retail-Equipment (321) B: Bh Prop-Springfield LLC S: Ronald W Chechile & Debra Chechile Mtg: Ronald W Chechile $340,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $316,500 Lot Size: 6961sf

227 Mill St, Springfield................................ $450,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 227 Mill St T T S: 227 Mill Street LLC Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $420,500 Lot Size: 120661sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (10/96)

110 Pasadena St, Springfield...................... $470,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Kaynu Mgmt Group LLC S: Luybang Trinh, Tr for Viet Tran Mtg: Nqm Funding Llc $352,500 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $346,500 Lot Size: 7588sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (08/21)

83 Progress Ave, Springfield....................... $800,000 Use:Auto Other (338) B: Dubrey Springfield LLC S: Marie G Dubrey Mtg: Marie G Dubrey $660,693 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $783,100 Lot Size: 149846sf

184-186 Stafford St, Springfield................. $340,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Grit & Gratitude Wrestlin S: Crocker Building Co Inc Mtg: Rockland Inc $340,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $311,900 Lot Size: 21776sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (07/99)

447-451 State St, Springfield...................... $615,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Soun E Chheou & Sophay Chheou S: 447 State Street LLC Mtg: Foundation Mtg Corp $461,250 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $434,800 Lot Size: 3319sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (02/20)

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Oluwatimilehin Fagade S: Mabel D Guicho & Jose J Guicho Jr Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $311,250 Date: 06/25/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $330,000 Lot Size: 4970sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (07/22)

Stoneham 271 Main St U:204, Stoneham...................... $140,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Dpk Realty LLC S: Lisa M Jordan TR, Tr for Gold Key Rt Mtg: John E Kurdzionak $130,000 Date: 06/17/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $121,700

Stoughton 1 Cabot Pl U:3, Stoughton.............................


Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Hang T Linh S: Van M Tran Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $87,200 Prior Sale: $110,000 (01/24)

Sturbridge 40 Hamilton Rd, Sturbridge..........................


Use:Hiking Trails (801) B: Ryan Latour & Sarah Latour S: Nguyen Ky Est & Tuoi Nguyen Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $20,700 Lot Size: 43560sf

Taunton 15 Agawam St, Taunton............................... $739,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Rubem Gomes S: Francelina T Resende Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $526,500 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $533,800 Lot Size: 7405sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (07/21)

8 Bow St, Taunton........................................ $575,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Michael W Thomas & Katie F Thomas S: Michael J Scully TR, Tr for Scully Ft Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $536,300 Lot Size: 5663sf

295 Constitution Dr, Taunton...................... $6,890,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Exeter 295 Constitution L S: Bpvif V Holdings 4 LLC Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $4,164,900 Lot Size: 162479sf Prior Sale: $4,875,000 (01/21)

175 Dean St, Taunton.................................. $2,200,000 Use:Retail-Department Store (322) B: Boston Cap Inv Group LLC S: Walgreen Eastern Co Inc Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $4,197,900 Lot Size: 74923sf Prior Sale: $3,330,000 (10/18)

130 High St, Taunton................................... $1,000,000 Use:Bank Building (341) B: St Annes Cu S: Bank of America NA Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $877,400 Lot Size: 70567sf

32 Mason St, Taunton.................................. $669,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Eldemire Jackson & Christene B Jackson S: Aesha Akther Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $656,882 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $294,300 Lot Size: 3485sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (12/03)

385 Myles Standish Blvd, Taunton..............$30,460,000 Use:Industrial Building (405) B: Exeter 385 Myles Standish S: Icbp Iv Holdings 33 LLC Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $13,086,900 Lot Size: 553648sf Prior Sale: $11,500,000 (06/19)

78 Somerset Ave, Taunton........................... $700,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Paul A Curran & Michael E Mcginty S: Ann M Hebert TR, Tr for 78 Somerset Ave Rt Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $525,000 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $557,800 Lot Size: 11326sf

Templeton 5 Central St, Templeton............................... $100,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Da Z Zheng S: Golden Empire Prop LLC Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $167,000 Lot Size: 6500sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (06/13)

197 Patriots Rd, Templeton......................... $550,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd (031) B: Sant LLC S: Makhan S Longia & Surinder Kaur Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $440,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $311,000 Lot Size: 52272sf

Topsfield 422 Boston St U:B, Topsfield....................... $920,000 Use:Industrial Condominum (450) B: Cullen Properties LLC S: Gdk 7 Realty LLC Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $619,700 Prior Sale: $465,000 (11/06)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

JULY 29, 2024



West Springfield


404 Middlesex Rd U:1, Tyngsboro................ $110,000

70 Doty Cir, West Springfield...................... $760,000

3 Baldwin Green Cmn U:301, Woburn......... $270,000

Use:Retail Condo (345) B: First404 LLC S: David G Degan TR, Tr for Lgd Rt Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $90,200 Prior Sale: $26,000 (08/95)

404 Middlesex Rd U:2, Tyngsboro.................


Use:Retail Condo (345) B: First404 LLC S: Peter D Marlowe TR, Tr for Mtm Rt Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $48,900 Prior Sale: $35,000 (07/98)

Westborough 176 E Main St U:4, Westborough................. $575,000 Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Nair Holdings LLC S: Linhares LLC Mtg: Avidia Bank $287,500 Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $388,900 Prior Sale: $425,000 (09/19)

Waltham 332 2nd Ave, Waltham................................ $1,500,000 Use:Industrial Office Building (402) B: 1345 Main Street LLC S: Mag Re Hldg-Waltham LLC & Matthew Mcgovern Mtg: Brookline Bank $800,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,149,900 Lot Size: 26280sf Prior Sale: $6,900,000 (05/23)

31 Bradford St, Waltham...............................

Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: 70 Doty Circle LLC S: Sandra M Santinello & Diane M Magnani Mtg: Mass Growth Cap Corp $700,000 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $401,900 Lot Size: 28967sf

Use:Res Potentially Dvlpble Land (131) B: Patricia Cononi S: Paul Hopkins Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $79,500 Lot Size: 6800sf

198 High St, Waltham................................. $1,200,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm (013) B: Ottoniel Vasquez & Jhennifer M Montenegro S: John R Boudreau TR, Tr for Cedarhigh Rt Mtg: Paul Foti $900,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $681,200 Lot Size: 5650sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (01/21)

649 Main St, Waltham.................................. $620,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Charles Maksou S: Fayza Y Soryal TR, Tr for Fayza Y Soryal Rt Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $385,900 Lot Size: 1751sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (08/99)

Westfield 11 Howard St, Westfield.............................. $450,000

139 Meadow St, Westfield........................... $100,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Alan W Perzanowski & Sandra L Perzanowski S: David A Perzanowski Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $237,700 Lot Size: 12462sf

61 Medieros Way, Westfield.......................$62,000,000 Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Nhnr Hold Co 3 LLC S: Agnl Grocery LLC Date: 06/24/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $31,080,400 Lot Size: 5806112sf Prior Sale: $49,816,729 (04/17)

125 Medieros Way, Westfield...................... $605,000

815 North Rd, Westfield............................... $595,000

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Mag Re-Main St Waltham Hl S: 1345 Main Street LLC & Arthur Rossi Mtg: Steven A Ross $3,500,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,777,700 Lot Size: 37888sf

Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: 815 North Road LLC S: Onsite Mammography LLC Mtg: John S Mesheau $580,000 Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $323,100 Lot Size: 65340sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (09/20)



47 Sandwich Rd, Wareham.......................... $550,000 Use:Commercial Building (347) B: Xiaoyan Fang & Woonryong Heo S: Matt Smith Mtg: Texana Bank NA $430,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $322,000 Lot Size: 9370sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (10/23)

Use:Parking Lot (337) B: Lisa Holdings LLC S: Nancy M Trotto TR, Tr for Nancy M Trotto RET Mtg: Leader Bank NA $600,000 Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $564,100 Lot Size: 38142sf Prior Sale: $95,355 (08/91)

73 Fairfax Rd, Worcester........................... $1,320,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Kismet Investments LLC S: Rei Group LLC Mtg: Southbridge CU $1,040,000 Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $605,200 Lot Size: 8032sf Prior Sale: $800,000 (05/22)

139 Green St, Worcester............................. $680,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Lameima LLC S: 139 Grn St Worcester LLC Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $519,000 Lot Size: 5670sf Prior Sale: $460,000 (11/15)

522 American Legion Hwy, Westport.......... $1,000,000 Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Capeway Rs LLC S: Glenn S Viveiros TR, Tr for G&t Rt Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $517,000 Lot Size: 209088sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (06/04)

Use:Charity Property (950) B: Yaritza M Torres S: Habitat For Humanity Metr Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $713,500 Lot Size: 11931sf Prior Sale: $184,700 (06/24)

81 Harrison St, Worcester........................... $184,700 Use:Charity Property (950) B: Folly Kouevi S: Habitat For Humanity Metr Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $713,500 Lot Size: 11931sf

81 Harrison St, Worcester........................... $118,000 Use:Charity Property (950) B: Angelica P Jiminez S: Habitat For Humanity Metr Mtg: Berkshire Bank $172,694 Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $713,500 Lot Size: 11931sf Prior Sale: $167,000 (06/24)

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Vasilika Pavli & Mario Pavli S: Albana Gurguri Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $712,500 Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $579,100 Lot Size: 5847sf Prior Sale: $665,000 (04/23)

269 Mill St, Worcester................................. $430,000 Use:Religious Property (960) B: Colton Land LLC S: Maranatha Chrsitian Chrch Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $605,500 Lot Size: 35711sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (02/02)

349 Park Ave, Worcester............................. $377,000 Use:Parking Lot (337) B: Juan Mendez TR, Tr for Alfa Capital Rt S: Carla B Burin TR, Tr for Mirub Nt Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $117,600 Lot Size: 4210sf

124 Piedmont St, Worcester........................


Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Worcester Common Ground I S: Worcester City Of Date: 07/05/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $22,400 Lot Size: 5436sf

6 Ruthven Ave, Worcester........................... $760,000 Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: 6 Ruthven Fsr Goup LLC S: D & A Associates LLC Mtg: BankNewport $570,000 Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $622,100 Lot Size: 6325sf Prior Sale: $107,000 (11/91)

Yarmouth 11 Corporation Rd, Yarmouth...................... $470,000 Use:Commercial Devlpble Land (390) B: 11 Harvest LLC S: Meera Siddharth TR, Tr for Cloud Five T Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $1,150,000 Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $301,100 Lot Size: 47045sf

80 Route 28, Yarmouth................................ $266,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Papantoniadis Prop LLC S: 80 Rte 28 West Yarmouth L Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $570,200 Lot Size: 22651sf Prior Sale: $615,000 (01/17)

241 Willow St, Yarmouth............................. $3,022,500 Use:Commercial Building (347) B: Jdb 241 Willow Street LLC S: Okada Yarmouth Port LLC Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $772,400 Lot Size: 20909sf Prior Sale: $3,300,000 (11/18)



Warren 764 Main St, Warren.................................... $500,000

715-795 Bridge St, Weymouth....................$23,000,000

Use:Auto Sales (330) B: Nextgen Prop Holdings LLC S: Edward H Spencer Inc Mtg: Edward H Spencer Inc $350,000 Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $623,700 Lot Size: 31363sf

Use:Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other (030) B: Fcref Riverway LLC S: Ap Riverway Plaza LLC Mtg: Rga Reinsurance Co $12,732,500 Date: 06/27/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $26,567,100 Lot Size: 947432sf Prior Sale: $21,500,000 (04/13)


936 Main St, Weymouth.............................. $1,237,000

104 Main St, Watertown.............................. $3,356,091 Use:Retail-Service (325) B: Ews Res Prop Owner LLC S: Kendall Rt & Joseph Salusti Jr TR Date: 06/28/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $842,800 Lot Size: 6403sf

Use:Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units (111) B: Matthew R Partridge S: 936 Main Street Dev LLC Mtg: Quincy Credit Union $1,008,000 Date: 06/11/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,102,000 Lot Size: 18018sf Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (05/21)

775 Pleasant St U:11, Weymouth................ $280,000

Wellesley 65 Walnut St, Wellesley..............................$24,300,000 Use:Office Bldg-General (340) B: Ag-Sc Walnut St Owner LLC S: Wellesley Walnut St LLC Date: 06/21/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $25,462,000 Lot Size: 92844sf

Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: John Bonome S: Mrt Properties LLC Date: 06/10/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $199,300 Prior Sale: $205,000 (11/21)

70 Pleasant St, West Bridgewater.............. $3,800,000 Use:Manufacturing Building (400) B: Sig Pleasant St LLC S: 78 Pleasant St LLC Mtg: Montauk Pleasant St L $2,500,000 Date: 06/14/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $1,935,400 Lot Size: 143530sf Prior Sale: $3,025,000 (05/22)

279 Pleasant St, West Bridgewater............ $3,750,000 Use:Industrial Warehouse (401) B: 279 Holdings LLC S: 279 Pleasant St Hldg LLC Date: 06/12/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $2,436,600 Lot Size: 138085sf Prior Sale: $2,450,000 (12/20)

West Roxbury 5272 Washington St, West Roxbury............. $405,000

A Powerful Platform

Wilbraham 181 Manchonis Rd, Wilbraham.....................

West Bridgewater

Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Ribsket Realty Mgmt LLC S: Gina C David TR, Tr for Daivd Ft Mtg: Direct Credit Union $303,750 Date: 06/18/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $232,000 Lot Size: 935sf


81 Harrison St, Worcester........................... $167,000

Use:Commercial Warehouse (316) B: Forest Family Re LLC S: Cygnus Properties LLC Date: 06/13/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $333,400 Lot Size: 65340sf

1345 Main St, Waltham............................... $4,100,000

Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Green Baldwin LLC S: Gary M Sullivan TR, Tr for 301- 3 Baldwin Green Rt Date: 06/20/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $183,600 Prior Sale: $157,814 (03/03)

43 Crescent St, Worcester......................... $1,200,000

Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Atash Novruzov & Irina Kovrizhnykh S: Salim Abdoo Mtg: American Fncl Resrcs $441,849 Date: 07/02/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $162,750 Lot Size: 9020sf Prior Sale: $162,750 (04/23)


119 May St, Worcester................................ $750,000


Use:County/Municipality Property (930) B: Christopher Nascembeni S: Kevin Trigo Date: 06/26/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $16,500 Lot Size: 54886sf Prior Sale: $21,586 (07/23)

Wilmington 314 Main St U:102, Wilmington.....................


Use:Office Condo Unit (343) B: Jmv Holdings LLC S: Guy Angiuoni Jr Date: 07/03/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $67,600 Prior Sale: $52,500 (03/17)

With Massachusetts’s Premier Real Estate and Financial News Source Celebrating 150 years, Banker Tradesman is a flagship with Banker & Tradesman has been a&flagship publication for morenewspaper than 140 years, making it an unparalleled editorialinauthority the real andindustries. banking industries. unparalleled editorial authority the real in estate andestate banking Banker Banker & Tradesman is atool vitaltotool to a regional audience of 10,000 individuals & Tradesman is a vital a regional audience of 6,000 individuals demanding demanding breaking news,analysis, in-depthand analysis, and the latest products and services breaking news, in-depth the latest products and services revolutionizing their industries. revolutionizing their industries. heavily-trafficked Also boasting a heavily trafficked website and a popular daily e-news alert with with more 7,000 readers, Banker & Tradesmanserves servesasasaadirect direct route to more thanthan 9,000 readers, Banker & Tradesman to position position your brand’s of of an an audience of key decision makers. your brand’smessaging messagingininfront front audience of key decision makers.

Winchendon 302 Spring St, Winchendon......................... $290,000 Use:Restaurant/Bar (326) B: Shy Properties LLC S: Q & R Services LLC Date: 07/01/24 Total Assessed Value (2024): $303,100 Lot Size: 26572sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (09/21)

To learn more about Banker & Tradesman or to customize a marketing program unique to your business needs, call 617-896-5307 or email

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


JULY 29, 2024





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Official Records INDEX



Number of Condo Sales 2,400 2400 2,200 2200 2,000 2000 1,800 1800 1,600 1600 1,400 1400 1,200 1200 1,000 1000

800 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June

June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June ’23


Number 3500 of 3,500 Sales 3000 3,000 2500 2,500 2000 2,000 1500 1,500

June June June June ’19 ’20

June June ’21

June June

June June



June June ’24


Number of Sales

Change Prior Year

June 2019 June 2020 June 2021 June 2022 June 2023 June 2024

2,620 1,818 3,189 2,765 2,324 1,938

-11.75% -30.61% 75.41% -13.3% -15.95% -16.61%

q Statistics based on condo sales of more than $1,000 q Source: The Warren Group



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C11 Franklin. . . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C11 Hampden. . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C13 Hampshire . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C13 Middlesex North. . . 07/12/24 C14 Middlesex South. . . 07/12/24 C18 Nantucket. . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C18 Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C21 Plymouth. . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C22 Worcester. . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C25 Worcester North. . . 07/12/24




C26 Voluntary Bankruptcies C26 Chapter 13 Bankruptcies C26 Federal Tax Liens C26 State Tax Liens



C27 Attachments C27 Petitions to Foreclose C28 Foreclosure Sales



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C2 $425.00 Suffolk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C11 Franklin. . . . . . . . . .$665.00 . . 07/12/24 6 MONTHS 1 YEAR C5 FORBarnstable . . . . . 617-896-5307 . . . . . 07/12/24 C11 Hampden . . . . . . . . . FOR . . 07/12/24 C6 Berkshire Middle . . . . . 07/12/24 C13 Hampshire. . . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C6 Berkshire North . . . . . 07/12/24 C13 Middlesex North . . . . . 07/12/24 C7 Berkshire South . . . . . 07/12/24 C14 Middlesex South . . . . . 07/12/24 C7 Bristol Fall River . . . . 07/12/24 C18 Nantucket . . . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C7 Bristol North. . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C18 Norfolk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C8 Bristol South. . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C21 Plymouth. . . . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C8 Dukes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 C22 Worcester . . . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 Property Management Well Drilling Contractor C9 Essex North. . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 B Worcester North. . . . . 07/12/24 Artesian- Well, LLC Commercial C9 Essex South. . . . . . . . . 07/12/24 VieraResidential

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BANKER & TRADESMAN 20 PENNIMAN RD U:103....................... B: Benjamin Zeng S: Bin An Book/Page: 70385/169, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $729,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

Suffolk Registry


Stephen J. Murphy, Register 24 New Chardon St., Court House Boston, MA. 02144-9660 Telephone: (617) 788-8575

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $2,850,000


▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 64 ALLSTON ST U:3.............................. B: Boulder LLC S: Steven Ritter Book/Page: 70375/113, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 593sf Prior Sale: $92,000 (01/87) 85 BRAINERD RD U:305........................ B: Masciulli Ft & Frank J Masciulli Jr S: Jennifer Pollock Book/Page: 70384/70, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1240sf Prior Sale: $356,000 (03/07) 1415 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:503...... B: Peilan Wang S: Mark Blotner & Matthew Kesner Book/Page: 70370/222, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $408,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1009sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (06/17) 1423 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:501...... B: Roger R Cruz S: Christopher Youlden & Qing Wan Book/Page: 70381/275, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Hanscom FCU $412,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.0% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 703sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (08/11)

YTD 2024 28 $3,075,000


Allston YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $875,000






27 ARMANDINE ST U:2......................... $535,000 B: Christine Slaughter S: Alexandra Alessi & Julian Arthur Book/Page: 70367/114, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $481,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 150-152 BAYSWATER ST U:2............... $740,000 B: John Pelletier S: Michelle L Lentz Book/Page: 70366/30, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $592,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 171 BEACON ST U:4-3.......................... $516,000 B: Francisco W Coito-Braga S: Karen Fagan Book/Page: 70370/260, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo 247 BEACON ST U:2.............................. $655,000 B: Mark W Alibrandi & Martina N Alibrandi S: Angus Smith Book/Page: 70369/308, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: UBS Bank USA $655,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 650sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (03/90) 295 BEACON ST U:2............................. $1,648,000 B: Andrea Correia & Kristin L Pelling S: Asklepios LLC Book/Page: 70372/267, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Morgan Stanley Privat $1,318,400 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 220 BOYLSTON ST U:8018................... $2,400,000 B: Ksenia Goggins & Tekomah Goggins S: Deborah L Raboy, Tr for Deborah L Raboy 1997 RET Book/Page: 70373/115, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,920,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1661sf Prior Sale: $667,500 (02/94)

188 BROOKLINE AVE U:21H................. $1,485,000 B: Margaret Chen S: Liang Han Book/Page: 70378/300, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,366,000 (10/21) 234 CAUSEWAY ST U:906.................... $1,099,000 B: Carolyn Pratt S: Putnam 234 Associates LLC Book/Page: 70385/202, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1257sf 234 CAUSEWAY ST U:922..................... $700,000 B: Matthew Soep S: Putnam 234 Associates LLC Book/Page: 70377/75, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 824sf 105 CHARLES ST.................................. $9,250,000 B: 105-109 Charles LLC S: Charles & Joy St Owner LL Book/Page: 70373/229, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm, Lot: 1610sf Prior Sale: $9,340,000 (07/21) 107 CHARLES ST.................................. $9,250,000 B: 105-109 Charles LLC S: Charles & Joy St Owner LL Book/Page: 70373/229, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm, Lot: 1610sf 109 CHARLES ST.................................. $9,250,000 B: 105-109 Charles LLC S: Charles & Joy St Owner LL Book/Page: 70373/229, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm, Lot: 1610sf Prior Sale: $9,340,000 (07/21) 7 CHESTNUT ST................................... $11,250,000 B: Stephen W Kidder, Tr for 7 Chestnut Street Rt S: 7 Chestnut Street LLC Book/Page: 70374/233, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 6 Bdrm Row-Middle, Lot: 1665sf Prior Sale: $4,250,000 (04/22) 34 CLARK ST U:2.................................. $755,300 B: Margaret Binda S: Jenny N Vo & Elwin Lian Book/Page: 70383/310, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 712sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (11/22) 416 COLUMBUS AVE U:3....................... $677,500 B: Bridget R Potdevin S: Sheehan Michael Est & Gerard Sheehan Book/Page: 70372/182, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $305,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 637sf Prior Sale: $113,500 (09/87) 125 COMMONWEALTH AVE................ $21,000,000 B: 125 Commonwealth Ave LLC S: Madeline L Musco, Tr for Commonwealth Rt-Special Book/Page: 70366/91, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $29,250,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 3237sf

T O W N / R E G I S T R Y Town Name Registry Abington . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Acton . . . . . . Middlesex South Acushnet . . . . . . Bristol South Adams . . . . . . Berkshire North Agawam . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Alford . . . . . . Berkshire South Allston . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Amesbury . . . . . . . Essex South Amherst . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Andover . . . . . . . Essex North Aqinnah . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Arlington . . . . Middlesex South Ashburnham . Worcester North Ashby . . . . . . Middlesex South Ashfield . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Ashland . . . . . Middlesex South Athol . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Attleboro . . . . . . Bristol North Auburn . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Avon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Ayer . . . . . . . Middlesex South Barnstable . . . . . . . Barnstable Barre . . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Becket . . . . . Berkshire Middle Bedford . . . . . Middlesex South Belchertown . . . . . . Hampshire Bellingham . . . . . . . . Norfolk Belmont . . . . . Middlesex South Berkley . . . . . . . Bristol North Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Bernardston . . . . . . . . Franklin Beverly . . . . . . . . Essex South Billerica . . . . . Middlesex North Blackstone . . . . . . . . Worcester Blandford . . . . . . . . . Hampden Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Bourne . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Boxboro . . . . . Middlesex South Boxford . . . . . . . . Essex South Boylston . . . . . . . . . Worcester Braintree . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Brewster . . . . . . . . Barnstable Bridgewater . . . . . . . Plymouth Brighton . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Brimfield . . . . . . . . . Hampden Brockton . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Brookfield . . . . . . . . Worcester Brookline . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Buckland . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Burlington . . . Middlesex South Cambridge . . . Middlesex South Canton . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Carlisle . . . . . Middlesex North Carver . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Centerville . . . . . . . Barnstable Charlemont . . . . . . . . Franklin Charlestown . . . . . . . . Suffolk Charlton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Chatham . . . . . . . . Barnstable Chelmsford . . Middlesex North Chelsea . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Cheshire . . . . Berkshire North Chester . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Chesterfield . . . . . . Hampshire Chicopee . . . . . . . . . Hampden Chilmark . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Clarksburg . . . Berkshire North Clinton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Cohasset . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Colrain . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Concord . . . . . Middlesex South Conway . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin

Cotuit . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Cummington . . . . . Hampshire Dalton . . . . . Berkshire Middle Danvers . . . . . . . . Essex South Dartmouth . . . . . Bristol South Dedham . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Deerfield . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Dennis . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Dighton . . . . . . . Bristol North Dorchester . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Douglas . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Dover . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Dracut . . . . . . Middlesex North Dudley . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Dunstable . . . Middlesex North Duxbury . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth East Boston . . . . . . . . Suffolk East Bridgewater . . . Plymouth East Brookfield . . . . . Worcester East Longmeadow . . . Hampden Eastham . . . . . . . . Barnstable Easthampton . . . . . Hampshire Easton . . . . . . . . Bristol North Egremont . . . . Berkshire South Erving . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Essex . . . . . . . . . . Essex South Everett . . . . . . Middlesex South Fairhaven . . . . . Bristol South Fall River . . . Bristol Fall River Falmouth . . . . . . . . Barnstable Fitchburg . . . . Worcester North Florida . . . . . . Berkshire North Foxboro . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Framingham . . Middlesex South Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Freetown . . . Bristol Fall River Gardner . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Georgetown . . . . . Essex South Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Gloucester . . . . . . Essex South Goshen . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Grafton . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Gosnold . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Granby . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Granville . . . . . . . . . Hampden Great Barrington . . . . Berkshire South Greenfield . . . . . . . . . Franklin Greenwich . . . . . . . Hampshire Groton . . . . . . Middlesex South Groveland . . . . . . Essex South Hadley . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Halifax . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hamilton . . . . . . . Essex South Hampden . . . . . . . . . Hampden Hancock . . . . Berkshire North Hanover . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hanson . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hardwick . . . . . . . . . Worcester Harvard . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Harwich . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Hatfield . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Haverhill . . . . . . . Essex South Hawley . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Heath . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Hingham . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Hinsdale . . . Berkshire Middle Holbrook . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Holden . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Holland . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Holliston . . . . Middlesex South Holyoke . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Hopedale . . . . . . . . . Worcester

Hopkinton . . . Middlesex South Hubbardston . . . . . . Worcester Hudson . . . . . Middlesex South Hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Huntington . . . . . . Hampshire Hyannis . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Hyde Park . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Ipswich . . . . . . . . Essex South Jamaica Plain . . . . . . Suffolk Kingston . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Lakeville . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Lancaster . . . . . . . . . Worcester Lanesboro . . . Berkshire North Lawrence . . . . . . . Essex North Lee . . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Leicester . . . . . . . . . Worcester Lenox . . . . . Berkshire Middle Leominster . . . Worcester North Leverett . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Lexington . . . . Middlesex South Leyden . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Lincoln . . . . . Middlesex South Littleton . . . . . Middlesex South Longmeadow . . . . . . Hampden Lowell . . . . . . Middlesex North Ludlow . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Lunenburg . . . Worcester North Lynn . . . . . . . . . . Essex South Lynnfield . . . . . . . Essex South Malden . . . . . Middlesex South Manchester . . . . . Essex South Mansfield . . . . . . Bristol North Marblehead . . . . . Essex South Marion . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Marlborough . . Middlesex South Marshfield . . . . . . . . Plymouth Marstons Mills . . . . Barnstable Mashpee . . . . . . . . Barnstable Mattapan . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Mattapoisett . . . . . . . Plymouth Maynard . . . . Middlesex South Medfield . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Medford . . . . . Middlesex South Medway . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Melrose . . . . . Middlesex South Mendon . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Merrimac . . . . . . . Essex South Methuen . . . . . . . Essex North Middleboro . . . . . . . Plymouth Middlefield . . . . . . Hampshire Middleton . . . . . . Essex South Milford . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Millbury . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Millis . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Millville . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Milton . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Monroe . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Monson . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Montague . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Monterey . . . . Berkshire South Montgomery . . . . . . . Hampden Mt Washington Berkshire South Nahant . . . . . . . . Essex South Nantucket . . . . . . . Nantucket Natick . . . . . . Middlesex South Needham . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk New Ashford . Berkshire North New Bedford . . . Bristol South New Braintree . . . . . Worcester New Marlboro . Berkshire South New Salem . . . . . . . . Franklin Newbury . . . . . . . Essex South Newburyport . . . . Essex South

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

127 COMMONWEALTH AVE................ $21,000,000 B: 125 Commonwealth Ave LLC S: Madeline L Musco, Tr for Commonwealth Rt-Special Book/Page: 70366/91, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 3237sf 160 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:315........ $550,000 B: Renette K Squires-Pilla S: Rune Rechenbach Book/Page: 70377/255, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Watertown Svgs Bk $440,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 438sf Prior Sale: $519,000 (05/22) 160 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:618....... $2,150,000 B: Ali Shaji S: David N Cordo & Ellen M Cordo Book/Page: 70375/209, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1437sf Prior Sale: $1,700,000 (06/20) 390 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:301....... $1,129,999 B: Yaoan Leng S: Kevin Lau & Karen Tan Book/Page: 70385/280, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 954sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (07/21) 1 DALTON ST U:5204........................... $7,500,000 B: Bos Layover LLC S: Skydweller LLC Book/Page: 70369/174, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $8,240,000 (12/19) 11 EXETER ST U:7................................ $1,750,000 B: 1345 Main Street LLC S: Svafa Gronfeldt, Tr for Svafa Gronfeldt T Book/Page: 70379/214, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 17 HEREFORD ST U:17......................... $2,300,000 B: Andrew Lee & Catherine Osullivan S: Patrick Lucey & Kathryn Lucey Book/Page: 70376/327, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $1,840,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.0% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1767sf Prior Sale: $1,299,000 (07/13) 270 HUNTINGTON AVE U:606................ $350,000 B: Asif M Paker & Esra Paker S: Paul E Harsha & James J Jordan Jr Book/Page: 70367/322, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo, Lot: 325sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (12/14) 55 LAGRANGE ST U:906....................... $615,000 B: Catherine K Zheng S: Fpg Lagrange Owner One LL Book/Page: 70368/298, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo

65 LEWIS ST U:303............................... $715,000 B: Alison M Leblanc S: Monique V Ribeiro Book/Page: 70380/271, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $364,650 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 39 LEXINGTON ST U:6........................... $719,000 B: Cie Peterson S: Lauren Coulombe Doc#: 000000000953538, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $575,200 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 210-216 LINCOLN ST U:301................. $1,050,000 B: Kyle E Dempsey & Sharyu A Dempsey S: Christopher W Jones Book/Page: 70371/280, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $750,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.0% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1508sf Prior Sale: $1,025,000 (04/18) 133 MARLBOROUGH ST U:4................. $1,006,000 B: Boston 02116 LLC S: Peter Lee Book/Page: 70373/216, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 746sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (06/11) 407 MARLBOROUGH ST U:5B.............. $1,089,000 B: Samuel Roth S: Lida J Souza, Tr for Souza Lt Book/Page: 70365/15, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Citibank Na $739,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.1% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 970sf Prior Sale: $670,000 (05/14) 16 MINER ST U:407............................... $595,000 B: Franklin W La S: Andrzej Nosek & Angelika Nosek Book/Page: 70369/247, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $463,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1031sf 5 MYRTLE ST U:2.................................. $308,000 B: Dmitry Yakimchuk S: Theodore J Stephens 3rd Book/Page: 70378/204, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 958sf Prior Sale: $840,000 (09/13) 284 NEWBURY ST............................... $20,000,000 B: Tmec Newbury Inc S: Thomas V Wilder, Tr for Newbury 284 Nt Book/Page: 70379/248, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Retail-Service, Lot: 5635sf Prior Sale: $101,000 (11/96) 425 NEWBURY ST U:5B....................... $1,089,000 B: Samuel Roth S: Lida J Souza, Tr for Souza Lt Book/Page: 70365/15, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Condo


Newton . . . . . Middlesex South Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk North Adams . Berkshire North North Andover . . . Essex North North Attleboro . . Bristol North North Brookfield . . . . Worcester North Reading Middlesex South Northampton . . . . . Hampshire Norhborough . . . . . . Worcester Northbridge . . . . . . . Worcester Northfield . . . . . . . . . Franklin Norton . . . . . . . . Bristol North Norwell . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Norwood . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Oak Bluffs . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Oakham . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Orleans . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Osterville . . . . . . . . Barnstable Otis . . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Palmer . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Paxton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Peabody . . . . . . . . Essex South Pelham . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Pembroke . . . . . . . . Plymouth Pepperell . . . . Middlesex South Peru . . . . . . Berkshire Middle Petersham . . . . . . . . Worcester Phillipston . . . . . . . . Worcester Pittsfield . . . Berkshire Middle Plainfield . . . . . . . . Hampshire Plainville . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Plymouth . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Plympton . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Princeton . . . . . . . . . Worcester Provincetown . . . . . Barnstable Quincy . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Randolph . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Raynham . . . . . . Bristol North Reading . . . . . Middlesex South Rehoboth . . . . . . Bristol North Revere . . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Richmond . . Berkshire Middle Rochester . . . . . . . . Plymouth Rockland . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Rockport . . . . . . . Essex South Roslindale . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Rowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Rowley . . . . . . . . . Essex South Roxbury . . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk Royalston . . . . . . . . . Worcester Russell . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Rutland . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Salem . . . . . . . . . Essex South Salisbury . . . . . . . Essex South Sandisfield . . .Berkshire South Sandwich . . . . . . . . Barnstable Saugus . . . . . . . . Essex South Savoy . . . . . . Berkshire North Scituate . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Seekonk . . . . . . . Bristol North Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Sheffield . . . . Berkshire South Shelburne . . . . . . . . . Franklin Sherborn . . . . Middlesex South Shirley . . . . . . Middlesex South Shrewsbury . . . . . . . Worcester Shutesbury . . . . . . . . . Franklin Somerset . . . Bristol Fall River Somerville . . . Middlesex South South Boston . . . . . . . Suffolk South Hadley . . . . . Hampshire

Southampton . . . . . Hampshire Southborough . . . . . . Worcester Southbridge . . . . . . . Worcester Southwick . . . . . . . . Hampden Spencer . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Springfield . . . . . . . . Hampden Sterling . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Stockbridge . Berkshire Middle Stoneham . . . Middlesex South Stoughton . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Stow . . . . . . . Middlesex South Sturbridge . . . . . . . . Worcester Sudbury . . . . . Middlesex South Sunderland . . . . . . . . Franklin Sutton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Swampscott . . . . . Essex South Swansea . . . Bristol Fall River Taunton . . . . . . . Bristol North Templeton . . . . . . . . Worcester Tewksbury . . . Middlesex North Thorndike . . . . . . . . Hampden Tisbury . . . . . . . . . . . . Dukes Tolland . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Topsfield . . . . . . . Essex South Townsend . . . Middlesex South Truro . . . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Tyngsboro . . . Middlesex North Tyringham . . Berkshire Middle Upton . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Uxbridge . . . . . . . . . Worcester Wakefield . . . Middlesex South Wales . . . . . . . . . . . Hampden Walpole . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Waltham . . . . Middlesex South Ware . . . . . . . . . . . Hampshire Wareham . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Warren . . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Warwick . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Washington . Berkshire Middle Watertown . . . Middlesex South Wayland . . . . . Middlesex South Webster . . . . . . . . . . Worcester Wellesley . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Wellfleet . . . . . . . . Barnstable Wendell . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Wenham . . . . . . . Essex South West Boylston . . . . . Worcester West Bridgewater . . . Plymouth West Brookfield . . . . Worcester West Newbury . . . Essex South West Roxbury . . . . . . . Suffolk West Springfield . . . . Hampden West Stockbridge . . . Berkshire South West Tisbury . . . . . . . . Dukes Westborough . . . . . . Worcester Westfield . . . . . . . . . Hampden Westford . . . . Middlesex North Westhampton . . . . . Hampshire Westminster . . Worcester North Weston . . . . . Middlesex South Westport . . . . . . Bristol South Westwood . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Weymouth . . . . . . . . . Norfolk Whately . . . . . . . . . . . Franklin Whitman . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Wilbraham . . . . . . . . Hampden Williamsburg . . . . . Hampshire Williamstown . Berkshire North Wilmington . . Middlesex North Winchendon . . . . . . . Worcester Winchester . . . Middlesex South Windsor . . . . . Berkshire North Winthrop . . . . . . . . . . Suffolk

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Woburn . . . . . Middlesex South Worcester . . . . . . . . . Worcester Worthington . . . . . . Hampshire Wrentham . . . . . . . . . Norfolk

Yarmouth . . . . . . . Barnstable Village


Annisquam . . . . . . Gloucester Assabet . . . . . . . . . . Maynard Assonet . . . . . . . . . . Freetown Auburndale . . . . . . . . Newton Bass River . . . . . . . . Yarmouth Bradford . . . . . . . . . Haverhill Brant Rock . . . . . . Marshfield Bryantville . . . . . . . Pembroke Buzzards Bay . . . . . . . Bourne Byfield . . . . . . . . . . . Newbury. Cataumet . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Cedarville . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Chestnut Hill . . . . . . . Newton Cochituate . . . . . . . . . . Natick Feeding Hills . . . . . . . Agawam Fiskdale . . . . . . . . . Sturbridge Florence . . . . . . Northampton Fort Devens . . . . . . . . . . Ayer Forestdale . . . . . . . . Sandwich Gilbertville . . . . . . . . Hardwick Glendale . . . . . . . Stockbridge Gosnold . . . . . . . . . Edgartown Green Harbor . . . . . Marshfield Haydenville . . . . Northampton Humarock . . . . . . . . . Scituate Indian Orchard . . . . Springfield Islington . . . . . . . . Westwood Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . Holden Leeds . . . . . . . . Northampton Linwood . . . . . . . . Northbridge Magnolia . . . . . . . . Gloucester Manomet . . . . . . . . . Plymouth Mill River . . . . . . New Marlboro Millers Falls . . . . . . Greenfield Monponsett . . . . . . . . . Halifax New Seabury . . . . . . Mashpee Nutting Lake . . . . . . . Billerica Ocean Bluff . . . . . . Marshfield Onset . . . . . . . . . . . Wareham Pinehurst . . . . . . . . . . Billerica Pocasset . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Prides Crossing . . . . . . Beverly Sagamore . . . . . . . . . . Bourne Saxonville . . . . . . Framingham Shattuckvile . . . . . . . . . Colrain Sheldonville . . . . . . Wrentham Siasconset . . . . . . . Nantucket Teaticket . . . . . . . . . Falmouth Three Rivers . . . . . . . . . Palmer Turners Falls . . . . . Greenfield Waban . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton Waquoit . . . . . . . . . Barnstable Waverly . . . . . . . . . . . Belmont Wellington . . . . . . . . . Medford Whitinsville . . . . . Northbridge Woods Hole . . . . . . . Falmouth Woronoco . . . . . . . . . Westfield

How to Read The Real Estate Records

The information appearing in this newspaper is taken from deed and mortgage documents filed at each of the twenty-one registries of deeds in the state. All property transfers with a sales price of at least $100 and all term-mortgage documents are collected. Whenever possible, we combine the separate deed and mortgage documents so that we can present one complete record of the street address, purchase price, lender and mortgage amount. When we cannot link a deed with a mortgage (and vice versa) each transaction appears individually. Real estate records are organized alphabetically by registry, then town, then by street name within a subhead (Real Estate Sales, Foreclosure Deeds, or Mortgages.) The exception is Suffolk Registry and the City of Boston which appear first. L The statistics at the beginning of each town are for all single-family home sales with a purchase price of $100 and above from January through the most recent complete calendar month.

L The amount appearing on the same line as the street address is the purchase price from the deed. We print “No Amt Given” when the amount did not appear on the document we review. “No Street Given” appears in place of the street address when it was not available. The volume, page of the deed and filing date appear for all sales. The mortgage lender and the amount of the mortgage used to purchase the property are shown. Any second mortgage (Mtg2) filed at the same time as the deed will also appear here.

L In communities where we have a file of all properties from the assessor’s office, we provide additional property details when available. This is done by exactly matching the address and seller name from the new sales record with the address and owner name found in the property file. No descriptive data appears whenever there is any doubt that the two records are the same property. The “Use” is based on the code the assessor assigns to each building on a parcel. Whenever there is more than one use code or more than one building on a parcel, we flag these as “Multi-use” and “Multibldg” respectively.

L These deeds transfer title to the lender after the mortgage is foreclosed (unless there is a higher bidder at the auction.) The amount in these transactions is usually the amount of the outstanding mortgage that was foreclosed.


YTD 1993 17 $47,000

YTD 1994 23 $85,000

••Year-to-Date (YTD) statistics for all single-

family home transactions within our price range criteria.

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 315 MAIN ST U:15.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98,000 Pleasant Towers Condo B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Bank $70,000 Mtg2:Seller $8,400 Prior Sale:$93,000 (11/90)

• The first two buyer (B) names and seller (S) names listed on the deed are shown. • Prior sale data (back to 1982) appears only when the address of the new sale matches exactly with the address of the older sale in our database.

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 32 ELM ST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,000 B:John Doe & Mary Smith S:Jane Jones & Thomas Jones Mtg:Main Street Mtg Co $140,000 Use:3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot:6459sf Prior Sale:$170,000 (9/89)

• “Use” distinguishes residential homes from land sales and commercial sales. • For residential homes, the number of bedrooms and house style appear when available. • The lot size (Lot) is shown in square feet.

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 43 MAIN ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $142,200 B:Main St Bank S:John Smith & Main St Bank Prior Sale:$190,000 (11/85)

• The prior sale shows the original price paid for the property.

Please note: The information contained in this newspaper is taken from public records. While every precaution is taken, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Readers should confirm any information before taking action.




J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

B = Buyer S = Seller Mtg = Mortgage lender and amount Mtg2 = Second Mortgage Use = Building use Bdrm = bedrooms Lot = lot size in square feet YTD = year-to-date

KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS LP = Limited Partnership Tr = Trustee T = Trust IRT = Irrevocable Trust ReT = Revocable Trust RT = Realty Trust FT = Family Trust NT = Nominee Trust Est = Estate Ex = Executor

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42 PARAGON RD U:1............................. $475,000 B: Matthew Goisman S: Julie Szegda Doc#: 000000000953433, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Harvard FCU $405,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 105 PEMBROKE ST U:1......................... $675,000 B: Susan Bloch S: Christopher R King & Caryn E King Book/Page: 70368/114, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $586,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 523sf Prior Sale: $303,000 (04/04) 72 PINCKNEY ST U:1............................ $1,685,000 B: Anna H Lee S: Anand R Dharan & Divya Jayaraman Book/Page: 70365/136, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $800,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.0% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1545sf Prior Sale: $1,250,000 (05/15) 60 QUEENSBERRY ST U:12................... $397,000 B: Zhixing Fei S: 60qbu12 LLC Book/Page: 70387/135, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $297,750 Term: 2054 Use: Condo, Lot: 331sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (03/16) 72 RUTLAND ST U:1............................. $1,860,000 B: Lisa Caselden & William Caselden S: Patrick Houston Book/Page: 70369/192, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1401sf Prior Sale: $729,000 (05/09) 133 SEAPORT BLVD U:2203................ $2,175,000 B: Tetler & Co A Street LLC S: Boston Seaport M1 & M2 La Book/Page: 70372/250, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 135 SEAPORT BLVD U:608................... $999,000 B: Kristina Sidiropoulos S: Boston Seaport M1 & M2 La Book/Page: 70370/14, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $799,200 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 322 SHAWMUT AVE U:1........................ $899,000 B: Katherine Aubuchon-Jones & Haley Aubuchon-Jones S: Ashleigh Goff Book/Page: 70384/3, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $349,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 916sf Prior Sale: $895,000 (08/21) 324 SHAWMUT AVE U:1....................... $2,195,000 B: Joshua Stavis S: James M Whiten, Tr for James M Whiten Lt Book/Page: 70384/160, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1177sf Prior Sale: $1,980,000 (10/21) 210 SOUTH ST U:10-5........................... $748,000 B: Andrea Raynor & Charles Gauthier S: Fenton J Burke Book/Page: 70365/288, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Condo 43 STILLMAN ST U:2............................ $2,600,000 B: Brian Serino & Sheila Serino S: 43 Stillman Street LLC Book/Page: 70382/266, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 12 STONEHOLM ST U:507..................... $461,500 B: Gregg Carpene & Melissa Carpene S: Patricia Epperly & James Rusche Book/Page: 70376/156, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 355sf Prior Sale: $256,000 (10/06) 99 SUMNER ST U:601........................... $655,000 B: Eric Zhao, Tr for Zhao Ft S: William Howell Book/Page: 70365/325, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 635 TREMONT ST U:3.......................... $1,160,000 B: Maeve Cleary S: Connor N Currier & Emily A Currier Book/Page: 70375/274, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $696,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1008sf Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (06/19) 153 W BROOKLINE ST U:2................... $3,600,000 B: Jeremy P Springhorn S: Martha D Vorlicek, Tr for 153 West Brkline Unit 2 T Doc#: 000000000953566, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $3,000,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2630sf Prior Sale: $3,025,000 (09/17) 8 WHITTIER PL U:23B8......................... $579,000 B: Teerachai Srisirikul, Tr for Srisirikul Bigham Lt S: Kelly Wen Book/Page: 70377/140, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 17 WORCESTER ST U:8........................ $1,675,000 B: C Reardon-Lochbaum & Rebecca Reardon-Lochbaum S: Paul A Fugazzotto, Tr for Paul A Fugazzotto RET Book/Page: 70365/121, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1540sf Prior Sale: $1,750,000 (04/21)

Brighton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $909,000

YTD 2024 10 $1,040,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 CHISWICK RD U:42............................ $479,000 B: Robin Mamon S: Andres Hoffman Book/Page: 70387/10, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: BankESB $335,300 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.5% Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 698sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (07/20) 1564 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:5.......... $510,000 B: Xiaoyu Wang & Shunlian Liao S: Sarah Cho Doc#: 000000000953505, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $382,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 700sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (08/16) 1666 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:26........ $443,000 B: Stephan A Ahern & Kathleen A Ahern S: Elise Bolski Book/Page: 70368/34, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 609sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (07/15)

1758 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:2.......... $525,000 B: Carlos Vazquez & Patricia Chu S: Sarah M Cho Book/Page: 70371/154, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $325,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 673sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (05/17) 125 LAKE SHORE RD U:3...................... $495,000 B: Alexandra Shneur S: Henry F King Book/Page: 70386/185, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 828sf Prior Sale: $137,000 (08/88) 148-152 LAKE ST................................. $1,450,000 B: Trs Of Boston College S: Nuhad Matar & Madona Andary Book/Page: 70367/173, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5308sf Prior Sale: $695,000 (06/06) 1 NEVINS HILL WAY U:405................... $990,000 B: West Village LLC S: 143 Washington LLC Book/Page: 70381/142, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo 1 NEVINS HILL WAY U:408................... $990,000 B: Zhanyang Yu & Chunru Liu S: 143 Washington LLC Book/Page: 70378/40, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $495,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.6% Type: Adj Use: Condo 1 NEVINS HILL WAY U:508.................. $1,012,500 B: Yiru Jini S: 143 Washington LLC Book/Page: 70371/146, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo 1 NEVINS HILL WAY U:707................... $368,500 B: Joyce Q Pang & Guang T Shi S: 143 Washington LLC Book/Page: 70365/179, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Condo 21 SUTHERLAND RD U:17..................... $462,000 B: Lei Wu & Weidong Zhang S: Immei Wong Book/Page: 70364/331, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 640sf Prior Sale: $391,000 (12/17) 180 TELFORD ST U:517......................... $640,000 B: Hui Yang & Sheng Cao S: Bin Li Book/Page: 70365/72, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 99 TREMONT ST U:516......................... $615,000 B: Chanyan Piao & Changquan Li S: Yiyu Wang & Hui Liu Book/Page: 70371/186, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo

Charlestown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $1,580,500

YTD 2024 20 $1,637,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 42 8TH ST U:4410................................. $580,000 B: Glen J Rahilly & Robin B Colombosian S: Richard K Deyermond, Tr for Deyermond Ft Book/Page: 70381/158, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $380,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $510,000 (09/17) 197 8TH ST U:PH219............................ $1,775,000 B: Sally J Bowen, Tr for Ph219 Nt S: Bernard Lupien Book/Page: 70371/51, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,850,000 (03/24) 104 BALDWIN ST................................. $1,068,000 B: Huw R Newton-Hill & Alexandra J Newton-Hill S: Barbara Quinn Book/Page: 70377/327, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $854,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Row-End, Lot: 1754sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (12/99) 374-398 BUNKER HILL ST U:213......... $1,180,000 B: Andrew C Watson-Hogan & Marlana M Manzotti S: J A Correia LLC Book/Page: 70369/81, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Windermere Mgmt Llc $900,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $944,295 (09/16) 10 HANCOCK ST U:5............................. $760,000 B: Joshua R Reynolds & Katharine A Reynolds S: David W Zaas & Aimee K Zaas Book/Page: 70365/338, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $380,000 Term: 2044 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $665,000 (07/21) 14 MONUMENT CT............................... $1,835,000 B: Matthew E Walker & Blair E Walker S: Sharon Kennedy & Robert Kennedy Book/Page: 70386/307, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $1,468,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 1210sf Prior Sale: $1,700,000 (03/23) 126 SALEM ST U:5................................ $675,000 B: John N Anastasi & Lisa R Witham S: Brian Serino & Sheila J Serino Book/Page: 70384/250, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: First Colony Mtg Corp $455,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo

Chelsea MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 11 Median Price $555,000

YTD 2024 11 $484,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 50 BOATSWAINS WAY U:302................ $599,000 B: Tong Zhao S: Jean Powers, Tr for Powers Rt Book/Page: 70371/4, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $429,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $125,000 (11/92) 58 CARY AVE......................................... $700,000 B: Mohamed Areslan S: Nnpl TSeries 2012-1 & Wilmington Svgs Fund Soc Doc#: 000000000953541, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $435,000 (12/06) 32 DIVISION ST..................................... $327,750 B: 34 Division Street LLC S: Guilmette Jean Est & Edward Lenkiewicz Book/Page: 70364/274, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 1405sf Prior Sale: $143,750 (01/22)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

32 DIVISION ST..................................... $327,750 B: 34 Division Street LLC S: Edward Lenkiewicz, Tr for Stephanie Lenkiewicz T Book/Page: 70364/277, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 1405sf Prior Sale: $327,750 (07/24) 34 DIVISION ST..................................... $327,750 B: 34 Division Street LLC S: Guilmette Jean Est & Edward Lenkiewicz Book/Page: 70364/274, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 1250sf Prior Sale: $143,750 (01/22) 34 DIVISION ST..................................... $327,750 B: 34 Division Street LLC S: Edward Lenkiewicz, Tr for Stephanie Lenkiewicz T Book/Page: 70364/277, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 1250sf Prior Sale: $327,750 (07/24) 12 JONES AVE U:3................................ $320,000 B: Iris D De Miranda S: Len H Nguyen & Nguyen J Huynh Book/Page: 70381/25, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Evolve B&T $260,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $220,000 (12/18) 220 SPENCER AVE U:104...................... $420,000 B: James Mitchell & Melissa Mitchell S: John J Miller Book/Page: 70386/96, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $220,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $185,000 (08/10)

Dorchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $750,000

YTD 2024 51 $680,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 ADAMS ST U:4................................. $465,000 B: Annie Epstein & N L Hogue S: Janet L Galecki & Raymond J Galecki Book/Page: 70375/346, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $434,775 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 878sf Prior Sale: $359,900 (04/19) 31 ALEXANDER ST................................ $880,000 B: Phuoc M Ngo S: Maison Rouge LLC Book/Page: 70384/309, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $704,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 1164sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (04/24) 33 ALEXANDER ST................................ $880,000 B: Phuoc M Ngo S: Maison Rouge LLC Book/Page: 70384/309, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $704,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 1164sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (04/24) 297 ASHMONT ST................................ $1,000,000 B: Joseph W Larkin & Kristi Scriven S: Mark J Dietlin & Kathy M Dietlin Book/Page: 70387/86, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $671,860 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 6781sf Prior Sale: $495,000 (05/04) 61 BALLOU AVE U:2.............................. $550,000 B: Errol Mitchell & Widalis L Rosado S: Kisha R Wilson & Kevin S Wilson Book/Page: 70367/186, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $480,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 25 BARRY ST....................................... $1,275,000 B: Taylor D Ottesen & Christian F Fonseca S: Devon Properties LLC Book/Page: 70388/224, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: EMM Loans LLC $1,185,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 6807sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (09/11) 87 DIX ST U:6........................................ $697,000 B: Renee Martin S: Joseph W Larkin & Vera A Larkin Book/Page: 70379/257, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Gregory M Martin $480,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1279sf Prior Sale: $277,500 (04/10) 19 HECLA ST........................................ $1,350,000 B: Xuan T La S: Cameron Hanlon Book/Page: 70385/97, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,012,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 4020sf Prior Sale: $1,181,000 (03/22) 123 INTERVALE ST................................ $550,000 B: Intervale Street LLC S: Janel J Sapp Book/Page: 70385/85, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3-Family Row-End, Lot: 2540sf Prior Sale: $8,000 (01/13) 135 NEPONSET AVE U:5........................ $310,000 B: Nguyen L Vann & Thany V Le S: Rafael Landkof & Eila Arich-Landkof Book/Page: 70384/33, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $190,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo, Lot: 475sf Prior Sale: $183,500 (01/19) 244 NEPONSET AVE.............................. $790,000 B: Ti Mezon LLC S: Shirui Lin Book/Page: 69895/104, Date: 02/16/24 Mtg: Boston T Financial $761,500 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4048sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (07/22) 311 NORFOLK AVE................................ $549,000 B: Unifirst Corp S: James J Costello, Tr for Joan D Costello Irt Book/Page: 70367/70, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6000sf 412-414 NORFOLK ST........................... $870,000 B: Home Reconstruction LLC S: Peter LLC Book/Page: 70379/50, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2967sf Prior Sale: $830,000 (02/24) 23 RADFORD LN U:2............................ $1,080,000 B: Lauren Goren & Sam Goren S: Nathan Richi & Emily B Richi Book/Page: 70386/214, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo




97 SOUTHERN AVE................................ B: Quang Le & Tuyen P Nguyen S: Gls Re Solutions LLC Book/Page: 70379/79, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $440,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Semi Detachd, Lot: 3357sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (08/23) 34 SUDAN ST U:2.................................. B: Francesca Bruno & Francesco Cavalieri S: Meredith K Berman Book/Page: 70369/39, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Sirva Mortgage $508,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1026sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (11/20) 192 SYDNEY ST U:C.............................. B: Scott Chandler & Melissa N Chandler S: Donato Rivas Jr & Sarah J Lessard Book/Page: 70383/186, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $686,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2331sf Prior Sale: $545,000 (07/15)



Jamaica Plain $915,000


YTD 2024 10 $865,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 126 BORDER ST.................................. $85,250,000 B: Boston East Owner LLC S: Trinity Border St Res LLC Book/Page: 70380/248, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Apartment Building, Lot: 311428sf 301 BORDER ST U:311.......................... $723,500 B: Priyanka B Chhapia & Smit Desai S: Border Development LLC Book/Page: 70376/254, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 99 EVERETT ST U:1A............................. $715,000 B: Kevin A Lux & Brittany Lane S: Adam P Winthrop, Tr for St Felicity T Book/Page: 70383/321, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $572,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 437 FRANKFORT ST U:2........................ $649,000 B: Robert E Rosa & Jennifer Euamorado S: 437 Frankfort Street LLC Book/Page: 70377/86, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 225 HAVRE ST U:6................................ $779,000 B: Jamie Wang & Gabrielle Somadelis S: Fbc Havre LLC Book/Page: 70385/52, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $623,200 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 288 LEXINGTON ST............................... $621,000 B: Andre Phillips & Jennifer Ware-Phillips S: Alex R Vipond Book/Page: 70371/112, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Harvard FCU $602,370 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Row-End, Lot: 1386sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (06/16) 205 MAVERICK ST................................ $65,000 B: Krista Daley S: Samuel Christensen & Vivian Gama Book/Page: 70374/87, Date: 07/10/24 205 MAVERICK ST U:312...................... $620,000 B: Eleanor Hough S: Samuel Christensen & Vivian Gama Book/Page: 70371/70, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $403,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 464 SUMNER ST................................... $2,435,000 B: Eric Montplaisir S: Aijack LLC Book/Page: 70377/49, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $1,461,000 Term: 2054 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 2500sf Prior Sale: $830,000 (09/18) 184 WEBSTER ST U:2........................... $615,000 B: Paul Blomerth & Rachel Blomerth S: Nicolas Christin & Frederique C Christin Book/Page: 70386/141, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $415,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1010sf Prior Sale: $482,500 (06/16)

Hyde Park MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 66 Median Price $575,000

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $1,251,000

YTD 2024 29 $1,150,000


East Boston YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $649,950

3 NORTON ST........................................ $648,000 B: Cleides Bernardes & Marguerite G Morrin S: Joseph M Curley Jr & Karen M Curley Doc#: 000000000953473, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $575,600 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6666sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (09/01) 30 RUFFING ST...................................... $640,000 B: Patrick Turley & Brittany Turley S: Hilda Munoz-Smith Doc#: 000000000953521, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Onto Mortgage LLC $640,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4456sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (07/15)

YTD 2024 44 $638,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 138 BEACON ST.................................... $650,000 B: Jared Sims & Amy Alvarez S: Caitlin M Mcclain Book/Page: 70380/155, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $617,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6300sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (07/12) 79 BIRCHCROFT RD.............................. $475,000 B: Valencia Haley S: Alexandre Jerry Est & Joan Pinnock-Souroy Book/Page: 70388/312, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $380,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4446sf Prior Sale: $98,000 (01/93) 116 BRADLEE ST U:8............................ $351,888 B: Alisa Lee S: Joseph J Lama Book/Page: 70383/229, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $281,510 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 954sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (07/20) 175 DANA AVE...................................... $765,000 B: Julian Arthur & Alexandra Alessi S: Caleb D Lathrop Book/Page: 70367/334, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $612,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 8750sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (10/19) 36 DIETZ RD.......................................... $815,000 B: Modestina Martinez S: 143 Summer Management LLC Book/Page: 70388/84, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Jmac Lending Inc $766,550 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 7592sf

248 CHEST AVE U:1.............................. $720,000 B: Malus Properties LLC S: Daniel S Nakamoto, Tr for 244 Chestnut Avenue Rt Book/Page: 70387/53, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 243 CHESTNUT AVE U:2........................ $400,000 B: Vilas Sridharan S: Phyllis K Newby Doc#: 000000000953490, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2334sf Prior Sale: $1,158,000 (08/20) 105 FORBES ST.................................... $1,200,000 B: Jennifer Gray S: Kara L Carew & Nolan T Carew Book/Page: 70371/208, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $960,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2800sf Prior Sale: $840,000 (03/22) 32 GARTLAND ST................................. $1,500,000 B: Jessica Later S: Gartland Street 32 LLC Book/Page: 70376/115, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $1,125,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 4193sf Prior Sale: $1,220,000 (04/22) 42 GOLDSMITH ST U:1.......................... $750,000 B: Rachel Wyon S: Daniel Metzger-Traber & Michelle Haimowitz Book/Page: 70378/285, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1088sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (05/19) 5-7 HAMPSTEAD RD U:2....................... $959,000 B: Eva Harris & Kalman Glantz S: Marina Turlakova & Richard Sweeney Doc#: 000000000953495, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1485sf Prior Sale: $657,500 (06/15) 55 IFFLEY RD....................................... $1,940,000 B: Animesh Jain S: Leovofs LLC Book/Page: 70380/306, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,455,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.6% Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 5250sf Prior Sale: $975,000 (03/17) 60 IFFLEY RD U:3.................................. $640,000 B: Peter Teixeira S: Shane P Joseph Book/Page: 70376/166, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $250,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1236sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (04/20) 23 MARTINWOOD RD........................... $1,310,000 B: Christopher F Law S: Shilpa V Reddy & Michael Baron Book/Page: 70372/120, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6301sf Prior Sale: $801,000 (07/15) 39 MOSS HILL RD................................ $1,250,000 B: Anna Devor S: Ruth I Bowes Book/Page: 70369/124, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Tudor, Lot: 8023sf 55 PARKTON RD U:1............................. $717,800 B: Ishani Saraf & William F Stafford Jr S: John Stamoulis & Theaphano Stamoulis Book/Page: 70368/66, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $417,800 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.0% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1224sf 4 ROBINWOOD AVE U:2........................ $372,500 B: Fnu A Kumar S: Arabella Lyon Book/Page: 70379/177, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $279,375 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 525sf Prior Sale: $62,000 (04/87) 14-16 ROCKVIEW ST U:14................... $1,550,000 B: Daniel Chaprut & Rita Chaprut S: Justin M Moore & Darcy L Moore Book/Page: 70372/306, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,240,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 51 ROCKVIEW ST................................. $1,000,000 B: Joseph Burgess & Kristine Burgess S: Richard E Appleman & Jane M Appleman Book/Page: 70374/25, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5660sf 8 SAINT PETER ST U:2.......................... $700,000 B: Erica Fawell S: Laura M Sprauer & Jean Sprauer Book/Page: 70386/343, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 931sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (11/05) 38 SHERIDAN ST.................................. $1,300,000 B: Benjamin Carlin & Yvonne Lei S: Nicholas Harris & Kristin Galetta Doc#: 000000000953446, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: TD Bank NA $1,235,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Row-Middle, Lot: 2016sf Prior Sale: $1,130,000 (07/20) 6-8 THOMAS ST................................... $1,425,000 B: Pass Development LLC S: Carlos B Vaquerano, Tr for Toribio Rt Book/Page: 70378/89, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3186sf Prior Sale: $540,000 (07/03) 20 WACHUSETT ST U:2......................... $737,000 B: John Tyler S: Roland Fuoco & Mary Faughnan Book/Page: 70368/253, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: John P Tyler Gst T $500,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1117sf Prior Sale: $603,000 (07/19)

235 WACHUSETT ST U:2....................... $715,000 B: Vincent Stephens S: Lauren Greene & Michael J Greene Book/Page: 70375/169, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $615,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1085sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (01/20) 89 WALK HILL ST U:2........................... $975,000 B: Timothy Farrell & Henia Dar S: Jukka-Pekka Onnela & Mary H Johnson Book/Page: 70377/299, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $760,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2148sf 453 WASHINGTON ST U:10A................. $930,000 B: Yanliang Gu & Weiping Zuo S: Evan Lang & Donna Lang Book/Page: 70381/79, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Nations Direct Mtg $680,000 Term: 2039 Use: Condo 99 WILLIAMS ST U:6............................ $1,015,000 B: Jesse Cambon & Sarah Chaney S: 97 Williams Street LLC Book/Page: 70374/315, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 8 BROOKSIDE AVE............................... $2,300,000 B: Cc Taxable Reit Sub I LLC S: 8 Brookside Dev LLC & Crowd Lending Fund One LL Book/Page: 70366/124, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 3180sf Prior Sale: $1,550,000 (04/22)

Mattapan MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $500,000

YTD 2024 23 $600,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1218 BLUE HILL AVE............................. B: Pearl Cmnty Ent LLC S: Greater Victory Temple Of Book/Page: 70373/164, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Latitude Capital LLC $710,000 Use: Other Exempt, Lot: 4090sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (06/96) 595 RIVER ST........................................ B: Gg Pleasant Street LLC S: Jean A Verrier Book/Page: 70369/154, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 5925sf Prior Sale: $24,000 (04/88)



Revere MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 63 Median Price $570,000

YTD 2024 77 $625,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 238 BEACH ST...................................... $1,150,000 B: Gabriel Duluc S: Charles P Murray, Tr for Murray Ft Book/Page: 70370/188, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $862,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 4225sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (11/20) 116 DALE ST......................................... $470,000 B: Thuy Bui S: Albano Joseph A Est & Paula Farese Doc#: 000000000953484, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Luxury Mtg Corp $352,500 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 2570sf 280 ENDICOTT AVE............................... $800,000 B: Youssef Aboutaleb & Steven Moutinho S: Verna Depalo & Jean Rossetti Book/Page: 70372/134, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $1,123,472 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 1394sf 10 OCEAN AVE U:410............................ $699,900 B: Lark Logan S: Laura Libby Book/Page: 70366/147, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $299,900 Term: 2054 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $419,500 (06/16) 382 OCEAN AVE U:807.......................... $426,300 B: Staa Realty LLC S: Marcy P Mucci & Nicholas C Mucci Book/Page: 70387/60, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $129,000 (08/87) 148 PROSPECT AVE.............................. $840,000 B: Gentjan Marishta & Brunilda Marishta S: Paulo Goncalves & Vanessa Goncalves Book/Page: 70380/103, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $672,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 11413sf Prior Sale: $442,799 (06/10) 480 PROSPECT AVE.............................. $650,000 B: Pedro P Reyes & Yanira Reyes-Depena S: 10-14 Lafayette Ave LLC Book/Page: 70374/174, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $628,306 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3223sf Prior Sale: $462,500 (09/20) 350 REVERE BEACH BLVD U:P2-11K.... $590,000 B: Anthony J Lobl S: Walter Bennett Book/Page: 70380/31, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo 43 ROSE ST........................................... $800,000 B: Jennifer L Guevara & Jaime A Guevara S: Walter T Pena & Judith P Aleman Book/Page: 70387/163, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Prime Lending Inc $785,510 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4095sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (12/22) 292 RUMNEY RD................................... $690,000 B: Melvin P Melgar & Jose Mata S: Thomas Petrulavage Doc#: 000000000953574, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $677,298 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4661sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (03/24) 10 WADLEIGH AVE................................ $715,000 B: Oscar M Navedo & Shereen J Kajouee S: Julian Aguirre & Martiza Aguirre Book/Page: 70376/228, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $670,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4661sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (12/20)

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

Roslindale MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 41 Median Price $754,500

YTD 2024 45 $714,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 480 BEECH ST....................................... $750,000 B: Richard S Isaac & Lynda Bachman S: Haley Aubuchon-Jones & Katherine Aubuchon-Jones Doc#: 000000000953465, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4820sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (03/18) 79 MAYNARD ST................................... $755,000 B: Paul Quain S: Dan L Perlman & Eleonora B Abrahamer Book/Page: 70381/247, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7361sf Prior Sale: $730,000 (12/21) 4061 WASHINGTON ST U:1................... $510,000 B: Mete Aslan S: Kristy M Bonetti Book/Page: 70379/335, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $155,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 960sf Prior Sale: $388,000 (01/21)

Roxbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $718,750

YTD 2024 11 $668,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 285 COLUMBUS AVE U:709................. $1,600,000 B: Do I Lee & Ilhae Lee S: Rhea James T Est & Stephen J Bobrinitz Book/Page: 70388/263, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 14 DORR ST.......................................... $1,256,000 B: Benjamin Tuck, Tr for 14 Dorr Street Rt S: Kyle I Johnson & James L Lightbourne Book/Page: 70375/201, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2582sf Prior Sale: $399,000 (04/02) 119 FISHER AVE U:B............................. $945,000 B: Stephen Pratt S: Tatyana Berovin, Tr for Berovin Ft Book/Page: 70376/287, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $654,500 Term: 2039 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1457sf Prior Sale: $451,000 (09/12) 8-14 NEWCOMB ST U:6........................ $692,500 B: Luca Boillat & Pascal Boillat S: Linda Shipton & Nathan Felt Book/Page: 70370/65, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1266sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (03/04) 16 TABER ST U:203............................... $520,000 B: Tien Tran S: 1135 Harrison Ave LLC Book/Page: 70387/256, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: AmWest Funding Corp $390,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 16 TABER ST U:505............................... $843,700 B: Torrence Jennette & Margaret L Harvey S: 1135 Harrison Ave LLC Book/Page: 70386/332, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 993 TREMONT ST U:1........................... $352,966 B: Mindy L Tran S: Kha Ta Book/Page: 70376/52, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $291,378 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1137sf Prior Sale: $156,608 (01/09) 993 TREMONT ST U:55......................... $352,966 B: Mindy L Tran S: Kha Ta Book/Page: 70376/52, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 176-180 QUINCY ST.............................. B: 176-180 Quincy Street LLC S: Mamie N Jones & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 70382/22, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rd Wab Spv Llc $856,000 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 2281sf


South Boston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 Median Price $982,500

YTD 2024 27 $969,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 A ST U:6B......................................... $715,000 B: Kahn 36a LLC S: Joseph C Mahoney Jr Book/Page: 70377/221, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Nqm Funding Llc $340,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 982sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (11/11) 111 BOLTON ST U:2............................. $1,330,000 B: Victoria Lazarova S: Carolyn S Burbach, Tr for 2017 Carolyn Burbach Sepa Book/Page: 70368/211, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $730,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1438sf Prior Sale: $589,000 (04/10) 519 E 2ND ST U:207.............................. $745,000 B: Mia Kasper & Gregory P Shine Jr S: 519 East 2nd Street LLC Book/Page: 70385/293, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 519 E 2ND ST U:403............................. $1,180,000 B: John S Piantedosi & Emily F Driscoll S: 519 East 2nd Street LLC Book/Page: 70385/216, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 476 E 3RD ST U:1................................. $1,135,000 B: Gregory Karpacz & Kayla Farren S: Timothy A Wickham & Shannon Deedy Book/Page: 70366/200, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $735,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1742sf Prior Sale: $830,000 (09/16) 653 E 3RD ST U:2.................................. $540,000 B: Khuong A Nguyen & Anh D Nguyen S: Lynne Toland & Edward Toland Book/Page: 70388/135, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $200,000 Term: 2039 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 461sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (03/23)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

391 E 5TH ST........................................ $1,200,000 B: 391 East 5th Street LLC S: Krc Holdings LLC Book/Page: 70375/74, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Semi Detachd, Lot: 1386sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (11/09) 421 E 6TH ST........................................ $2,600,000 B: 421 East 6th LLC S: Geraldine Conley & Maureen Conley Book/Page: 70386/261, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $5,850,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5673sf 459 E 6TH ST......................................... $975,000 B: South Boston Assoc LLC S: Suzanne M Walsh Book/Page: 70382/279, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $575,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Semi Detachd, Lot: 990sf Prior Sale: $137,000 (07/98) 524 E BROADWAY U:6.......................... $850,000 B: Peter Murphy & Simone Shapiro S: Samuel Schlitzer Book/Page: 70367/272, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $595,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1135sf Prior Sale: $631,000 (09/16) 44 ELLERY ST U:204............................. $744,500 B: James R Vafiades & Thuy P Uong S: 44 Ellery LLC Book/Page: 70370/297, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Coastal Heritage Bank $534,500 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 9 GATES ST U:3..................................... $785,000 B: Taylor Maniatty S: Jared Laptas & Dylan Whiting Book/Page: 70375/217, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $370,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1342sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (07/16) 68-70 L ST........................................... $2,900,000 B: 68-70 L St Prop Mgmt LLC S: 68-70 L Street LLC Book/Page: 70383/91, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 1785sf Prior Sale: $1,690,000 (05/23) 8-10 MERCER ST U:2........................... $1,173,000 B: Lukas J Turchetta S: 8 Mercer LLC Book/Page: 70372/346, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo 8-10 MERCER ST U:3........................... $1,150,000 B: Chauncey Spooner S: 8 Mercer LLC Book/Page: 70382/79, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $920,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: Condo 8-10 MERCER ST U:4........................... $1,575,000 B: Sandra M Gordillo S: 8 Mercer LLC Book/Page: 70373/246, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo 161 O ST U:2......................................... $690,000 B: Matthew Calitri S: Stacey A Mcmahon, Tr for Margaret K Langohr RET Book/Page: 70365/236, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Sharon & Crescent Uni $655,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 705sf Prior Sale: $391,000 (10/13) 1 SCOTT PL U:6..................................... $617,500 B: Kristina M Reynolds S: Lindsey Sagon, Tr for Lindsey Sagon RET Book/Page: 70384/345, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $427,500 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 700sf Prior Sale: $460,000 (09/16) 165 W 2ND ST...................................... $2,520,000 B: Cottage Farm Holdings LLC S: Maurizio A Fabbo, Tr for Fabbo Rt Book/Page: 70380/43, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3-Family Row-Middle, Lot: 974sf Prior Sale: $2,450,000 (03/19) 167 W 2ND ST...................................... $2,520,000 B: Cottage Farm Holdings LLC S: Maurizio A Fabbo, Tr for Fabbo Rt Book/Page: 70380/43, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3-Family Row-Middle, Lot: 972sf Prior Sale: $2,450,000 (03/19) 45 W 3RD ST U:204............................... $835,000 B: Jacob Esecson & Natalie Saxton S: Hsw Investments LLC Book/Page: 70380/70, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $835,000 (09/21) 211 W 5TH ST U:2................................. $825,000 B: Jatinder Mattu & Surjit Mattu S: Benjamin R Johnston & Nicole W Johnston Book/Page: 70365/274, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1060sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (09/15) 134-136 W 9TH ST U:6......................... $660,000 B: Andrew Picard S: Derek Coyne & Sabine Coyne Book/Page: 70384/172, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $460,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 707sf Prior Sale: $321,000 (05/14) 21 WORMWOOD ST U:614................... $1,278,000 B: Carl M Blom & Rhianna Lindop S: Heberden W Ryan Book/Page: 70367/80, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $1,022,400 Term: 2054 Use: Condo, Lot: 1535sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (07/06)

West Roxbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 101 Median Price $745,000

YTD 2024 117 $850,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 169 COREY ST...................................... $1,200,000 B: Tariq Siddiqi & Nuba Siddiqi S: Micah Myers & Sara Myers Book/Page: 70371/249, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: UIF Corp $900,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 8.6% Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13793sf Prior Sale: $1,135,000 (07/23) 32 COTUIT ST........................................ $640,000 B: Lydia D Sanchez & Malik K Demby S: Jackquelyn Mascher & Tamara Alie Book/Page: 70384/78, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $310,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 4000sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (06/19)

27 CRICKET LN...................................... B: Golnaz Namazi & Seyed Parsa-Ravanfar S: Diana Y Lee Doc#: 000000000953426, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: First Priority CU $807,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6025sf Prior Sale: $447,500 (03/15) 425 LAGRANGE ST U:313..................... B: Curtis Gomez, Tr for Gomez Lagrange T S: Jeffrey M Feuerman, Tr for Lagrange Rt Book/Page: 70383/50, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 5 ORIOLE ST.......................................... B: Kerri J Bisaga & Edward J Bisaga S: William J Durken Jr Book/Page: 70379/227, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 3417sf 158 PERHAM ST.................................... B: Russell T Lloyd S: Maria K Zlody & Ryan A Schain Book/Page: 70365/89, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $568,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6375sf Prior Sale: $520,000 (04/18)






YTD 2024 31 $739,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 81 HERMON ST..................................... $777,000 B: Justin Goodwin & Amanda Goodwin S: Sarah Dauria & Anthony Dauria Book/Page: 70385/128, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $602,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6756sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (06/22) 8-10 SEAFOAM AVE............................. $1,060,000 B: Daniel Havkins S: John S Niakaros, Tr for 8-10 Seafoam Avenue T Doc#: 000000000953517, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cooperative Bank $875,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 3977sf Prior Sale: $48,000 (02/96) 14 TEMPLE AVE.................................... $650,000 B: Paul Leonard S: Mary R Lane & Thomas G Mccarthy Jr Book/Page: 70371/35, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 8245sf Prior Sale: $43,800 (03/04) 18 TEMPLE AVE.................................... $650,000 B: Paul Leonard S: Mary R Lane & Thomas G Mccarthy Jr Book/Page: 70371/35, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 11307sf

Barnstable Registry John F. Meade, Esq. Register P.O. Box 368, Barnstable, MA 02630 Telephone: (508) 362-7733 Fax: (508) 362-5065


YTD 2024 43 $950,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 53 CRANBERRY LN............................... $600,000 B: Leonardo M Cavecchia & Luiz A Estalianon S: Daniel J Salvucci Book/Page: 36456/39, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18731sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (10/09)

Bourne MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 92 Median Price $575,938

YTD 2024 93 $630,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 COHASSET AVE................................ B: Craig M Coe & Adam S Figlioli S: Carla J Forlivesi & Tammy F Staiger Book/Page: 36456/222, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Amerant Mortgage $409,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Conventional, Lot: 7144sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (08/02) 8 HOLLAND RD...................................... B: Sally Reinwald S: William F Flanagan, Tr for Flanagan Rt Book/Page: 36466/175, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: First Federal Bank $684,112 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9453sf 29 MIRASOL DR.................................... B: Christine E Hollosi S: Susan L Simmons Book/Page: 36459/338, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $110,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20005sf Prior Sale: $346,000 (10/14) 21 SAVERY AVE.................................... B: Melinda E Mccarron S: Robert W Lubold & Patricia A Lubold Book/Page: 36456/171, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $340,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6186sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (05/07)

Brewster YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 59 Median Price $700,000

YTD 2024 46 $847,500


69-71 BAKER ST.................................. $1,076,539 B: Structured Asset T 2006-A & Bk Of Ny Mellon Tr S: Mary Bonomo & Bk Of Ny Mellon Tr Book/Page: 70369/204, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 5164sf

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $790,000

10 THOM AVE........................................ $520,000 B: Tori E Mcmahon & Jordan A Schemenaur S: Daniel Mccarthy Book/Page: 36466/209, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Keystone Funding $510,581 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11500sf Prior Sale: $436,000 (02/23)



YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 Median Price $680,250



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4



37 BATES LN........................................ $1,895,000 B: David B Bassett & Debra I Resnick S: Elizabeth A Jayes, Tr for Elizabeth A Jayes RET Doc#: 000000001505557, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 24829sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (06/93) 232 GRIFFITHS POND RD..................... $1,200,000 B: Dawn Walnut & Edward Parke S: Leonard H Freiman & Marjorie R Freiman Book/Page: 36461/74, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $960,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30606sf Prior Sale: $800,000 (03/19) 55 HAZEL LN......................................... $910,000 B: Ellen Oleary & Thomas Murphy S: John Ruhwedel Book/Page: 36462/149, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $710,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 28461sf Prior Sale: $297,000 (10/00) 102 HOWLAND CIR U:102..................... $490,000 B: Kathleen Davis S: Mary A Ciccarone & Thomas Ciccarone Book/Page: 36463/24, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $290,000 (03/05) 687 LONG POND RD.............................. $545,000 B: Alj Realty Corp S: Robert H Reynolds & Heather Reynolds Book/Page: 36459/197, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: RFLF 7 LLC $657,344 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18700sf Prior Sale: $379,000 (07/04) 153 STONEHENGE DR........................... $880,000 B: Zachary Sears & Chelsea Corson S: Elizabeth R Lane, Tr for Irene Hogan Decamp Lt Book/Page: 36464/5, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18280sf

Centerville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $600,000

YTD 2024 54 $618,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 126 LUMBERT MILL RD........................ $579,000 B: Kenroy A Williams S: Patrick Rondeau, Tr for Shirley J Shevlin T Book/Page: 36466/336, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Amerant Mortgage $521,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $112,000 (06/93) 12 POND ST........................................... $275,000 B: Pilgrim Hill Holdings LLC S: Scott R Babbitt, Tr for M O M Ft Book/Page: 36458/303, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf 12 POND ST........................................... $350,000 B: Alj Realty Corp S: Pilgrim Hill Holdings LLC Book/Page: 36459/94, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (07/24) 163 POND VIEW DR.............................. $950,000 B: Craig Hawkins & Megan B Hawkins S: Charles M Castellani & Margaret N Castellani Book/Page: 36456/143, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $350,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23087sf Prior Sale: $825,000 (12/21)

Chatham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 49 Median Price $875,000

YTD 2024 56 $1,172,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 37 CHATHARBOR LN............................ $1,170,000 B: Lisa H Rooney, Tr for Lisa H Rooney RET S: Frans Cramer & Maryjane Cramer Book/Page: 36465/105, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11225sf Prior Sale: $517,500 (03/08) 50 MONOMOIT LN................................. $850,000 B: David A Waldron & Kimberly A Waldron S: Christopher J Bordiuk & Kelly C Bordiuk Book/Page: 36461/254, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $765,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14100sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (04/96) 51 OYSTER BAY LN.............................. $2,300,000 B: Noble M Hansen 3rd & Jacquelynn L Hansen S: Louisa M Peterson, Tr for John H Peterson 2015 Lt Book/Page: 36463/206, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 29583sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (01/94)

Cotuit MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 28 Median Price $707,000

YTD 2024 22 $860,500



1272 MAIN ST...................................... $5,675,000 B: Monica Roper, Tr for Monica Roper 2022 T S: Swartwood 3rd Carles Est & Francis J Russell Book/Page: 36459/178, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 33977sf 1276 MAIN ST...................................... $5,675,000 B: Monica Roper, Tr for Monica Roper 2022 T S: Swartwood 3rd Carles Est & Francis J Russell Book/Page: 36459/178, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (05/93) 235 OCEAN VIEW AVE.......................... $5,675,000 B: Monica Roper, Tr for Monica Roper 2022 T S: Swartwood 3rd Carles Est & Francis J Russell Book/Page: 36459/178, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 3485sf

237 OCEAN VIEW AVE........................... $325,000 B: Monica Roper, Tr for Paul Burgess 2022 T S: Thayer F Swartwood & Alexander Swartwood Book/Page: 36459/171, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 4792sf 11 SEA ST............................................ $5,675,000 B: Monica Roper, Tr for Monica Roper 2022 T S: Swartwood 3rd Carles Est & Francis J Russell Book/Page: 36459/178, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 16117sf

Dennis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 94 Median Price $655,000

YTD 2024 140 $672,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 78 CENTER ST U:1-1............................. $287,000 B: Una Stojkovic S: Ruth L Mccarthy, Tr for R & Ruth Mccarthy Ft Book/Page: 36461/140, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $195,000 (04/23) 59 LONGFELLOW DR............................. $250,000 B: Daniel P Cummings S: Elizabeth C Clarke Book/Page: 36455/134, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $148,000 (08/99) 337 LOWER COUNTY RD...................... $1,006,900 B: Thomas E Mccrorey & Catherine M Mccrorey S: Joseph G Mulcahy Sr Book/Page: 36465/108, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $41,000 (06/00) 433 LOWER COUNTY RD U:16............... $150,000 B: Christine A Abany S: Deborah A Mcelroy, Tr for Barbara L Schppers Irt Book/Page: 36458/55, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $35,000 (10/00) 112 OLD WHARF RD U:W5.................... $448,000 B: Marjorie C Kelaher S: Douglas W Hatfield, Tr for Hatfield Irt Doc#: 000000001505512, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $119,500 (09/96) 26 TAUNTON AVE.................................. $640,000 B: Paul J Malnati & Luann P Malnati S: John A Malnati & Linda S Malnati Book/Page: 36461/320, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $680,000 (07/10) 37-B UNCLE STEPHENS RD................. $1,400,000 B: Peter J Mcfarland & Anne M Mcgrath S: Barbara T Scanlon Doc#: 000000001505631, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $462,500 (03/21) 37-B UNCLE STEPHENS RD................. $1,400,000 B: Peter J Mcfarland & Anne M Mcgrath S: Barbara T Scanlon Book/Page: 36463/295, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $1,400,000 (07/24) 41 UNCLE STEPHENS RD..................... $1,400,000 B: Peter J Mcfarland & Anne M Mcgrath S: Barbara T Scanlon Book/Page: 36463/295, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4792sf

Eastham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $762,000

YTD 2024 37 $725,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 65 BOREEN RD..................................... $1,840,000 B: Lollipop Jones LLC S: Michael W Sears & Patrick Sweeney Book/Page: 36456/102, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (06/17) 85 BOREEN RD..................................... $1,840,000 B: Lollipop Jones LLC S: Michael W Sears & Patrick Sweeney Book/Page: 36456/102, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 40946sf 315-R NAUSET LIGHT BEACH RD......... $849,900 B: Ronald E Brees & Gale C Brees S: David E Gardner & Dayna B Gardner Book/Page: 36460/95, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (01/22)

Falmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 193 Median Price $660,000

YTD 2024 194 $737,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 BONITO AVE..................................... $560,000 B: Hopkinton Drug Realty LLC S: Barbara A Newell, Tr for Barbara A Newell Rt Book/Page: 36464/348, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13098sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (06/16) 85 BRICK KILN RD................................ $500,000 B: 85 Brick Kiln LLC S: Michael C Noe Book/Page: 36465/38, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: William Fender $350,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 187234sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (03/24) 277 CAIRN RIDGE RD............................ $920,000 B: Hannah Callahan S: Timothy J Callahan, Tr for 277 Cairn Ridge Road Rt Book/Page: 36464/28, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Tjc Investments Llc $920,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 34861sf Prior Sale: $147,000 (10/99) CHESTER ST L:2.................................... $550,000 B: Gallagher Homes LLC S: Richard A Gill & Linda P Gill Book/Page: 36460/63, Date: 07/10/24 33 ELAIN AVE........................................ $207,000 B: Brian Reyenger, Tr for Sout Cape RET S: James E Murphy Jr Book/Page: 36458/40, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 15002sf Prior Sale: $144,000 (07/23) 61 FREDERICK RD................................. $433,333 B: Carl F Dierker S: Adam F Dierker, Tr for V A & B & O Ted Dierker T Book/Page: 36460/32, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 111875sf 61 FREDERICK RD................................. $433,333 B: Carl F Dierker S: Peter D Dierker Book/Page: 36460/57, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 111875sf Prior Sale: $433,333 (07/24)

11 JUDY ANN DR.................................. $335,000 B: Alj Realty Corp S: Eric J Spain & Michelle F Spain Book/Page: 36460/251, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: RFLF 4 LLC $390,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10999sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (07/11) 37 LAWRENCE ST................................ $1,500,000 B: John A Carcieri, Tr for John A Carcieri 2007 RET S: Diane M Burke, Tr for Joelee Nt Doc#: 000000001505732, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 4025sf Prior Sale: $601,481 (06/01) 34 MARLIN DR...................................... $685,000 B: Donald W Sheck, Tr for Sheck Ft S: Daniel Hackett & Rachel Hackett Book/Page: 36465/131, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15564sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (09/16) 17 MEREDITH DR.................................. $350,000 B: Casey Reed & Jillian Jewett S: Lisa A Garrison Book/Page: 36465/291, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $315,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 11143sf Prior Sale: $127,000 (01/89) 16 NANTUCKET AVE............................. $2,315,000 B: Kevin M Schelenski & Julie Menendez S: 16 Nantucket Ave LLC Book/Page: 36457/166, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $2,315,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3598sf Prior Sale: $1,950,000 (05/21) 58 OAK ST............................................. $550,000 B: Francis K Brevik & James E Brevik S: Anthony J Annotti, Tr for Anthony J Annotti RET Doc#: 000000001505666, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $428,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4800sf 21 PINE HOLLOW RD............................. $540,000 B: Laudiceia Amaral S: Theresa M Rapoza Book/Page: 36466/62, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $405,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 36599sf 1 PUNCH BOWL DR.............................. $1,360,000 B: C D Echeverri & Karen Echeverri S: Larry Simpson, Tr for Simpson Lt Doc#: 000000001505717, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $688,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 31864sf Prior Sale: $885,000 (11/20) 17 RANDOLPH ST.................................. $652,000 B: Nancy S Lord & Jeffrey W Lord S: Ellen B Cashman Doc#: 000000001505517, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4800sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (05/91) 57 SHOREWOOD DR.............................. $800,000 B: Christian J Meyer & Stacey M Meyer S: Louis A Maglio Jr & Bette I Maglio Book/Page: 36463/223, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $399,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9352sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (08/14) 597 W FALMOUTH HWY U:11.............. $1,275,000 B: Mason James LLC S: Joanne B Koch Book/Page: 36462/144, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 500 WAQUOIT HWY............................... $500,000 B: 500 Waquoit Highway LLC S: Lawrence Oneill & Anne Oneill Book/Page: 36465/113, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Lawrence Oneill $469,000 Term: 2039 Use: Restaurant/Bar, Lot: 12149sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (10/03) 65 WILLOW FIELD DR........................... $995,000 B: Daniel K Cobb Jr & Wendie A Cobb S: David E Bird, Tr for Sarah B Joslin Lt Book/Page: 36461/2, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $595,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 56158sf Prior Sale: $8,065 (12/96)

Harwich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $665,000

YTD 2024 80 $826,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 79 AZALEA DR...................................... $725,000 B: Robert S Teahan & Maureen Teahan S: Birdsong LLC Book/Page: 36465/344, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15776sf Prior Sale: $469,000 (10/20) 176 SOUTH ST....................................... $505,000 B: Rory Nickerson & Kate Nickerson S: Marcia J Monbleau Book/Page: 36463/98, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $498,750 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf 8 TEABERRY AVE................................. $1,125,000 B: Kathleen A Yorio, Tr for Yorio Ft S: Edward L Deleonardis, Tr for Deleonardis Lt Book/Page: 36466/116, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40010sf Prior Sale: $512,500 (01/05)

Hyannis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 57 Median Price $499,900

YTD 2024 50 $540,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 62 BAXTER RD...................................... $600,000 B: Fredi A Hernandez & Lizbeth A Quijada S: Real Dream Hm Improvement Doc#: 000000001505634, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Newrez LLC $480,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20909sf Prior Sale: $292,000 (11/22) 77 DUNNS POND RD............................. $510,000 B: Jose R Da Silva & Marilene Da Silva S: Thomas J Ruhan Doc#: 000000001505660, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $458,490 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 28750sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (07/14)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

247 MAIN ST U:4................................... B: Jefferson A Macedo S: 247 Hyannis Holdings LLC Book/Page: 36455/314, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $380,000 (07/24) 69 PINE GROVE AVE.............................. B: Adriel Klein S: Deal Team Six LLC Book/Page: 36466/137, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $428,400 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (08/23) 15 PLANT RD U:1.................................. B: All Cape Properties LLC S: T & M Holdings LLC Book/Page: 36457/58, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $640,000 Use: Condo 78 PONTIAC ST..................................... B: Tiana Lessa S: Freerk R Jilderda, Tr for Cc Nt Book/Page: 36456/85, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Freerk R Jilderda $337,500 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (07/09)





Marstons Mills MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 Median Price $652,500

YTD 2024 44 $632,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 179 CONCORD LN................................. $675,000 B: Mary E Franck & Cris B Sakalauskas S: Douglas Stringer & Louisa Stringer Book/Page: 36456/297, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Cp Bk $524,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.9% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $259,000 (03/03) 37 WILLINGTON AVE............................. $468,000 B: Rafaela C Vieira Aquino S: Dietrick Joanne M Est & David W Dietrick Book/Page: 36463/128, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: First Natl Bk $374,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20909sf

Mashpee MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 113 Median Price $668,367

YTD 2024 96 $716,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 60 BAYSHORE DR................................ $1,100,000 B: Matthew Long & Lynn Long S: Diane Wentzel-Carrier, Tr for Wentzel Ft Book/Page: 36466/31, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 18165sf 5 CLASSIC CIR U:5................................ $569,000 B: Rebecca Stevens, Tr for Rebecca Stevens 2024 RET S: Benjamin Tobins Doc#: 000000001505626, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 174 LOWELL RD U:55............................ $389,900 B: John Schumer & Karen Schumer S: Heather L Harne Book/Page: 36466/293, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Lakeview Loan Servic $292,425 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $247,000 (10/20) 83 POND CIR......................................... $805,000 B: Maciej P Zieminski & Ekatarina P Korchagina S: Robert S Hayes, Tr for Hayes Ft Book/Page: 36455/234, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12589sf Prior Sale: $625,000 (03/24) 11 SHORE DR....................................... $1,600,000 B: M K Rickards & John S Rickards S: James P Cavanaugh, Tr for Cavanaugh Rt Doc#: 000000001505751, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Morgan Stanley Privat $750,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.0% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (12/02) 41 SHORE DR........................................ $534,009 B: Popponesset Cape House LL S: Maureen A Mahoney & John P Hogan Jr Doc#: 000000001505703, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6229sf 1 SNEAD DR......................................... $1,080,000 B: John J Trudnak Jr, Tr for Maureen A Trudnak S: Michael R Hannan & Jill M Hannan Book/Page: 36464/343, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18426sf Prior Sale: $639,000 (12/19) 19 WILLOW CIR.................................... $2,395,000 B: Michael Tantillo, Tr for Gribbel Tantillo T S: Silva Development LLC Book/Page: 36460/142, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $1,676,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.8% Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 17478sf

Orleans MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 41 Median Price $1,105,000

YTD 2024 33 $785,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 BARLEY NECK RD............................. $5,039,000 B: Aw Nauset Realty LLC S: Nauset Marine Rt LLC Book/Page: 36461/207, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: BankProv $10,300,000 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 102008sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (12/99) 14 GREYMOOR WAY............................ $1,250,000 B: Elaine Smith & Benjamin Smith S: James T Silvestri & Lisa C Silvestri Book/Page: 36465/151, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $850,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 29185sf Prior Sale: $467,500 (09/07) 37 HIGH TIDE LN.................................. $5,039,000 B: Aw Nauset Realty LLC S: Nauset Marine Rt LLC Book/Page: 36461/207, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: BankProv $10,300,000 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 18731sf 39 HIGH TIDE LN.................................. $5,039,000 B: Aw Nauset Realty LLC S: Nauset Marine Rt LLC Book/Page: 36461/207, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: BankProv $10,300,000 Use: Commercial Undevlpble Land, Lot: 1900sf




209 MAIN ST........................................ $1,695,000 B: Edward M Greitzer & Helen M Greitzer S: Diane L Galazzo & Brian W Mcgurk Book/Page: 36462/41, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $847,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $795,000 (09/15) 235 MAIN ST........................................ $5,039,000 B: Aw Nauset Realty LLC S: Nauset Marine Rt LLC Book/Page: 36461/207, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: BankProv $10,300,000 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other, Lot: 29463sf 48 NAMEQUOIT RD............................... $2,700,000 B: Dead Low LLC S: Augusta F Mckusick, Tr for K & Augusta Mckusick RET Book/Page: 36463/193, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 72745sf 40 ROUTE 6A......................................... $461,000 B: Aw Nauset Realty LLC S: Nauset Marine Rt LLC Doc#: 000000001505562, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: BankProv $10,300,000 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 22651sf 45 ROUTE 6A......................................... $983,500 B: Aw Nauset Realty LLC S: Nauset Marine Inc Book/Page: 36461/181, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: BankProv $10,300,000 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 17860sf 47 ROUTE 6A........................................ $1,432,000 B: Aw Nauset Realty LLC S: Nauset Marine Inc Book/Page: 36461/187, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: BankProv $10,300,000 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 54232sf 51 ROUTE 6A........................................ $1,036,000 B: Aw Nauset Realty LLC S: Nauset Marine Inc Book/Page: 36461/193, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: BankProv $10,300,000 Use: Retail-Service, Lot: 54450sf 54 ROUTE 6A......................................... $448,500 B: Aw Nauset Realty LLC S: Nauset Marine Inc Book/Page: 36461/199, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: BankProv $10,300,000 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 13939sf Prior Sale: $185,001 (06/21)

Osterville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 Median Price $1,132,750

YTD 2024 29 $1,009,125

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 OAKDALE RD................................... $4,100,000 B: Caroline L Marple, Tr for Royce A C Yeater RET S: B & B Craig LLC Book/Page: 36459/331, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 61855sf

Provincetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $2,075,000

YTD 2024 6 $3,374,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 286 BRADFORD ST U:A1...................... $1,250,000 B: Shawn B Rimer & Jack L Shira S: Johan Vastiau Book/Page: 36460/303, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 40813sf 77 COMMERCIAL ST U:1...................... $1,284,000 B: Felipe Moreno S: Ericsson Flyers LLC Book/Page: 36466/249, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Seamens Savings Bank $960,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1917sf Prior Sale: $825,000 (09/18) 481 COMMERCIAL ST U:5..................... $935,250 B: Ronald C Berry, Tr for Ronald C Berry Lt S: Joyce Coleman & Deborah Haynor Book/Page: 36458/64, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $748,200 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 7860sf Prior Sale: $539,000 (06/15) 30 W VINE ST U:A4.............................. $1,850,000 B: Claire M Oneill & Jeffrey C Oneill S: Edmond R Macri, Tr for Erm T2014 Book/Page: 36461/101, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $1,295,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 9348sf Prior Sale: $605,000 (07/12)

Sandwich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 148 Median Price $636,000

YTD 2024 139 $685,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 CHIPMAN RD.................................... $850,000 B: Luigi M Corapi & Maureen A Corapi S: Christopher Fiala & Emilia Baginski-Fiala Doc#: 000000001505573, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15682sf Prior Sale: $775,000 (01/24) 38 KENSINGTON DR.............................. $605,000 B: Caitlin Fogarty S: June Bowser -Barrett Doc#: 000000001505423, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $405,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 47916sf Prior Sale: $304,000 (12/15) 1 LOOK OUT LN.................................... $2,100,000 B: Barry D Lemieux, Tr for Lemieux Lt S: Matthew White & Alisha Ludwig Book/Page: 36464/88, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 40511sf 4 LOOK OUT LN.................................... $2,100,000 B: Barry D Lemieux, Tr for Lemieux Lt S: Matthew White & Alisha Ludwig Book/Page: 36464/88, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 40075sf Prior Sale: $1,439,800 (03/21) 14 MOODY DR....................................... $705,000 B: Gabrielle Strahl & Abram A Faria S: Gregory Torok & Dieu T Torok Book/Page: 36457/140, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $564,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $302,000 (08/03)

308 PHILLIPS RD.................................. $1,441,000 B: Eric Lutz & June Duarte S: Julie A Tousignant, Tr for Julie A Tousignant T Doc#: 000000001505595, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: LendSure Mtg $250,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $560,000 (08/18) 6 RICHARDS WAY................................. $715,000 B: Zoltan Priplata & Jennifer Priplata S: Elizabeth A Stevens Book/Page: 36465/57, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Liberty Bay CU $525,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (12/18) 10 SARAH LAWRENCE RD.................... $765,000 B: Scott A Castro & Brigitt A Castro S: Brian J Turgeon & Susan A Turgeon Doc#: 000000001505649, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 24829sf Prior Sale: $159,000 (09/95)

Truro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 13 Median Price $910,000

YTD 2024 17 $1,300,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 BAY VIEW RD.................................. $2,140,000 B: Richard Laberge & Kerry Laberge S: Ronald C Boyles, Tr for Boyles Lt Book/Page: 36457/96, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $770,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.1% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 34848sf Prior Sale: $730,000 (11/14) 19 S HIGHLAND RD............................... $950,000 B: Tuckaway LLC S: Nancy M Bloom, Tr for John H Bloom RET Book/Page: 36466/55, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 22500sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (12/17) 491 SHORE RD...................................... $180,000 B: Jennifer E Cabral & Ian S Leahy S: Christopher J Snow, Tr for Nearen & Cubberley Nt Book/Page: 36464/226, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 20038sf

Wellfleet MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $1,072,500

YTD 2024 27 $750,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 BRIAR LN........................................... $875,000 B: Patricia E Caton & John W Caton S: Maurice Grunberg Book/Page: 36465/193, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $612,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $549,000 (08/06) 115 COMMERCIAL ST U:A.................... $675,700 B: One Duck Creek Gdns LLC S: Scott A Castro & Brigitt A Castro Book/Page: 36463/265, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $423,000 (10/20) 95 DANIELS DR..................................... $330,000 B: Sibel Asantugrul, Tr for Sibel Asantugrul Ests RET S: Wayne Daniels Book/Page: 36458/329, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $247,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 8.0% Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 23087sf 80 HAMBLEN FARM RD........................ $815,000 B: Michael J Sloan & Alexandra Sloan S: Timothy W Keohan, Tr for Hamblen Farm Rt Book/Page: 36464/128, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Bank of Millbrook $295,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 15987sf

Yarmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 212 Median Price $550,000

YTD 2024 154 $600,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 BASS RIVER RD............................... $885,000 B: Huy Tran, Tr for Duyen Nguyen S: Rosetto M Pazakis Doc#: 000000001505744, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $708,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13068sf 151 BAYVIEW ST................................... $945,000 B: Paulo Rodrigues Jr & Reginaldo M Dasilva S: William J Kaczowka & Noreen A Kaczowka Book/Page: 36465/322, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: William J Kaczowka $645,000 Term: 2025 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 13939sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (04/03) 29 BEAVER BROOK RD......................... $500,000 B: Brenda J Fowler & Marlene Fowler S: Janes Joan E Est & Linda A Gagnon Doc#: 000000001505439, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12197sf 31 CLIFFORD ST.................................... $600,000 B: Alistair W Mcfarlane & Mellissa T Bowen S: Sullivan Robert K Est & Robert K Sullivan Jr Doc#: 000000001505483, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $589,132 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf 31 CLIFFORD ST.................................... $600,000 B: Alistair W Mcfarlane & Mellissa T Bowen S: Sullivan Robert K Est & Robert K Sullivan Jr Book/Page: 36458/256, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (07/24) 52 COLLINGWOOD DR........................... $765,000 B: David P Whitworth & Doris M Whitworth S: Gail A Tarantino, Tr for Tarantino T Book/Page: 36455/225, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (05/05) 19 CROWELL RD................................... $380,000 B: Joseph Champagne Jr & Denise Champagne S: Jonathan M Sharon & Christi Sharon Book/Page: 36463/259, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 21344sf 6-8 GILBERT RD.................................... $40,500 B: Stephen S Zaimes & Ruth A Zaimes S: Patricia D Amaducci, Tr for Diane H Amaducci RET Doc#: 000000001467066, Date: 09/12/22 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 6098sf

250 HIGGINS CROWELL RD.................. $665,000 B: Dynel Petit-Homme & Sonel Ernest S: Buy It All LLC Doc#: 000000001505637, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $652,955 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $460,000 (01/24) 6 MERRYMOUNT RD............................ $1,320,000 B: David J Laroche & Catherine Laroche S: Merrymount LLC Doc#: 000000001505698, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $259,000 (02/23) 17 MONROE LN..................................... $480,000 B: Christopher Nolan, Tr for Cape Escape Monroe Rt S: Mary M Cheever, Tr for James Martin Meehan Ft Doc#: 000000001505581, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9583sf 79 STATION AVE................................... $649,000 B: Jacob Moore & Paige Moore S: Shawn A Bent Book/Page: 36462/172, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $454,300 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19166sf Prior Sale: $332,500 (05/21) 106 TRADERS LN.................................. $337,250 B: Jray Realty LLC S: Steven C Rayment, Tr for Elva M Rayment RET Book/Page: 36458/157, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Tailor Rdg REIT LLC $437,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25700sf

Berkshire Registry Middle District


YTD 2024 16 $329,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES DEER RUN.............................................. $40,000 B: Mark J Cerilli S: Crystal Miller Book/Page: 7653/166, Date: 07/12/24 LEONHARDT RD.................................... $377,000 B: Melissa R Bauman S: W Frederick Timme Iii T & W F Timme 3rd Doc#: 000000000043527, Date: 09/21/22 112 TRAIL CIR....................................... $380,000 B: Nathan Singer & Sarah Singer S: Bruce M Walton & Anne M Walton Book/Page: 7651/263, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Lee Bank $280,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 149411sf Prior Sale: $197,000 (09/06)

Dalton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $334,000

YTD 2024 19 $275,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 111 RIVER BIRCH LN U:111.................. $790,000 B: Hal M Lewis & Mary L Lewis S: Thomas G Mesquita & Valerie J Conte-Mesquita Book/Page: 7652/71, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $380,000 (11/17)

Lee MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 Median Price $295,000

YTD 2024 25 $415,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 295 MARBLE ST.................................... $292,500 B: Nancy B Mazut, Tr for Nancy B Mazut RET S: William C Davis, Tr for W & Christine Davis RET Book/Page: 7650/316, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 1393920sf 50 MARGERIE ST.................................. $221,750 B: Anne R Nieland & John L Nieland S: Alan B Wilcox & Lynn M Bertelli Book/Page: 7650/249, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $60,500 (08/19) 30 SAINT MARYS AVE.......................... $391,000 B: Cindy A Buck S: Jason Free & Colleen Free Book/Page: 7653/244, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Lee Bank $185,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $179,900 (11/00)

Lenox MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $680,250

YTD 2024 17 $470,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 EDGEWOOD DR................................ B: Barry Hurewitz & Alison Hurewitz S: Allan M Forman & Linda R Forman Book/Page: 7654/99, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 146240sf 92 HUBBARD ST.................................... B: Edward A Michel & M Alvarado-Michel S: Christopher Tyler & Jesse Tyler Book/Page: 7651/194, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Mortgagepros Llc $549,100 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 64512sf Prior Sale: $535,000 (08/23)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $500,000

YTD 2024 16 $395,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 131 DEWOLFE DR.................................. B: Joseph C Fan & Laiduien G Fan S: Leonard Sabia Jr & Suzanne Sabia Book/Page: 7651/163, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 9000sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (10/16) 14 HIGHLAND WAY............................... B: Joseph S Sosnoff & Mareshia D Donald S: Jeffrey Long & Debora Long Book/Page: 7650/259, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 45738sf Prior Sale: $524,900 (07/24) 14 HIGHLAND WAY............................... B: Joseph S Sosnoff & Mareshia D Donald S: Jeffrey Long & Deborah Long Book/Page: 2904/221, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Lee Bank $446,165 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 45738sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (06/21) 2184 MONTEREY RD............................. B: John Sugrue & Jacqueline Sugrue S: Avi Laub Book/Page: 7653/27, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $375,250 Term: 2054






23 ELBERON AVE.................................. B: Tmr Realy LLC S: Scott Baker & Rocket Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 7652/263, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9888sf Prior Sale: $227,500 (09/19) 4 WOODSTREAM DR U:4....................... B: Bke Services LLC S: Christian Behne Jr & HSBC Bank USA Book/Page: 7652/176, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $96,000 (03/98)





YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 13 Median Price $565,000

YTD 2024 8 $580,000



Pittsfield YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 170 Median Price $260,500

41 WILLIAMS ST................................... B: Joan M Wilkinson & Christine A Bailey S: Margaret M Obrien Book/Page: 7650/109, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8407sf Prior Sale: $224,000 (05/17)




Patricia M. Harris, Register Court House, 44 Bank Row Pittsfield, MA 01201 Telephone: (413) 443-7438 Fax: (413) 448-6025

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $412,500

31 PINECREST DR................................. B: Jesse W Tyler & Christopher M Tyler S: Arthur J Blum Book/Page: 7651/345, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $575,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43821sf

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

YTD 2024 149 $282,600

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 45 AIR AVE............................................. $6,000 B: Stefanie L Weber & John T Gault S: Susan M Beucler Book/Page: 7650/290, Date: 07/08/24 100 BOYLSTON ST EXT......................... $137,500 B: Taylor Bartlett S: Katarzyna H Frankurter & Raul P Saldana Book/Page: 7653/188, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7536sf Prior Sale: $19,000 (10/16) 31 BROWN ST....................................... $245,000 B: Hurricane Properties LLC S: Mary Dinicola Book/Page: 7653/147, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $196,000 Term: 2029 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 11151sf 26 CARATINA DR.................................. $75,000 B: Brandi L Scalise S: Mark F Mason Book/Page: 7651/48, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $295,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15507sf Prior Sale: $282,000 (07/16) 157 CHESHIRE RD................................. $180,000 B: Ellies Holdings LLC S: David P Edwards & Donna L Edwards Book/Page: 7652/288, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Kiavi Funding Inc $198,700 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10237sf Prior Sale: $141,950 (10/18) 86 COMMONWEALTH AVE.................... $314,000 B: Brittany S Noto & Robert R Noto S: Jane L Lawless Book/Page: 7653/274, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Navy FCU $298,300 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8712sf 262 DAWES AVE................................... $370,000 B: Jessica Rufo S: Richard D Sands Doc#: 000000000044312, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12981sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (03/22) 585 ELM ST........................................... $322,000 B: Zaw Z Aung & Thet H Oo S: Jessica Duplin Book/Page: 7654/61, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Greylock FCU $122,000 Term: 2039 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10803sf Prior Sale: $249,900 (09/22) 79 GREYLOCK TER................................ $250,000 B: Diana R Pabon S: Naomi Cortez Book/Page: 7653/341, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Greylock FCU $182,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 10846sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (07/04) 25 HAMLIN ST....................................... $296,000 B: Christobal E Monsalve S: Claudio N Siguencia & Jonny F Siguencia Book/Page: 7651/1, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Greylock FCU $236,800 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5619sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (01/23) 88 HUNGERFORD ST............................. $275,000 B: Jessica M Perrault S: Morgan T Williams Book/Page: 7653/306, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $239,194 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 19210sf Prior Sale: $8,212 (02/09) 48 NEW RD............................................ $189,000 B: Lynn M Osaki S: Melissa A Groat Book/Page: 7653/194, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Greylock FCU $151,200 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4269sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (05/04) 492 PECKS RD....................................... $270,000 B: Sava Svirskiy, Tr for St Petersburg Nt S: Edward J Ladouceur Jr & Constance A Ladouceur Book/Page: 7650/331, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 21824sf 48 SEYMOUR ST.................................... $172,500 B: Sarah L Miles & Robert T Lowell 3rd S: Smith Sr Robert J Est & Melinda S Pierce Book/Page: 7652/107, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $151,110 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5837sf Prior Sale: $71,500 (09/01)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

23 CHURCH ST...................................... B: Hayles Shinerock S: Maureen F Mclaighlin Book/Page: 7651/108, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $420,750 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 23087sf 14 WHEATLEY DR................................. B: Theodore J Stephens 3rd S: Dmitry Yakimchuk Book/Page: 7652/216, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Camp/Cabin, Lot: 46479sf Prior Sale: $430,250 (12/19)



Tyringham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 0 Median Price

YTD 2024 3 $770,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 29 LAKESIDE DR................................... B: David A Berg, Tr for Berg Layne Ft S: Bo Y Hwang, Tr for Bo Youp Hwang T Book/Page: 7654/54, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 62552sf


Washington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1 Median Price $500,000

YTD 2024 2 $382,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BEACH RD............................................. B: Pugzees Farm LLC S: Eli Real Estate LLC Book/Page: 7653/239, Date: 07/12/24


Berkshire Registry Northern District

Maria T. Ziemba, Register 65 Park Street, Adams, MA 01220 Telephone: (413) 743-0035 Fax: (413) 743-1003

Adams MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $204,500

YTD 2024 19 $210,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 GRANDVIEW TER............................. $312,000 B: Sara L Feth S: Karen J Landry, Tr for Walter M Asdikian Jr T Book/Page: 1860/775, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: TD Bank NA $312,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (12/90) 37-39 GROVE ST................................... $130,000 B: D&d Re Ventures LLC S: Francis S Szpak T & Berkshre Bank Tr Book/Page: 1860/196, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Mako International $150,000 Use: 2-Family Decker, Lot: 9583sf 27 HIGHLAND AVE................................ $303,500 B: Karl A Sims & Stephanie Jimenez S: Dennis Lynch & Kelly Lynch Book/Page: 1860/109, Date: 07/08/24

Cheshire MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $240,000

YTD 2024 10 $295,500

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 6 ARNOLD CT........................................ $148,100 B: Aero Wave LLC S: Nicholas A Michalski & Pennymac Loan Svcs LLC Book/Page: 1860/482, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $152,000 (02/21) 57 CHURCH ST...................................... $71,075 B: Rocket Mortgage LLC S: Judy L Lyons & Rocket Mortgage LLC Book/Page: 1860/523, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4704sf







25 MILLARD AVE.................................. B: Ralph Morrison & Ksenia Ruuska S: Danmark LLC Book/Page: 1860/566, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Adams Community Bk $197,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9583sf Prior Sale: $27,000 (09/23) 44 WHEELER AVE.................................. B: Matthew C Denno S: Amdan L Mazza Book/Page: 1860/399, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Allanach&Mortgage Grp $160,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3049sf Prior Sale: $109,000 (01/14)

14 HIGHLAND WAY............................... B: Joseph S Sosnoff & Mareshia D Donald S: Jeffrey Long & Deborah Long Book/Page: 2904/221, Date: 07/08/24

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 8 Median Price $340,000

YTD 2024 8 $240,000 $297,000

YTD 2024 40 $242,500


YTD 2024 20 $351,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 389 HENDERSON RD............................ $1,046,000 B: Bancroft 389h LLC S: Chi Zhang & Honghui Qiu Book/Page: 1860/603, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 113256sf Prior Sale: $645,000 (03/05) 45 NORTH ST........................................ $1,800,000 B: Williams College S: Vipulkumar V Patel & Niketa Patel Book/Page: 1860/270, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other, Lot: 40162sf Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (10/04)

Berkshire Registry Southern District

Michelle Laramee-Jenny, Register 334 Main Street, Suite 2 Great Barrington, MA 01230 Telephone: (413) 528-0146 Fax: (413) 528-6878


YTD 2024 35 $502,500



New Marlboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $513,287

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $495,000

YTD 2024 19 $436,000

12 DOGWOOD ST.................................... B: Margaret B Davis S: Jesse S Osenthal Book/Page: 2905/253, Date: 07/11/24

18-20 BEACON ST................................. $122,000 B: Jerry Arsenault & Elizabeth S Arsenault S: Susan M Wolk Book/Page: 1860/244, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $119,790 Term: 2054 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 5576sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (04/06) 21-23 HIGH ST U:4................................ $250,000 B: Daniel J Bergevin S: Joe P Beasley Jr & Stephanie M Beasley Book/Page: 1860/438, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $150,000 Term: 2039 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $167,500 (10/19) 1033 MASSACHUSETTS AVE................ $256,705 B: Nicole M Carter S: Nicole B Rand Book/Page: 1860/694, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Greylock FCU $205,364 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10934sf Prior Sale: $112,000 (03/17)

25 AVERY LN......................................... B: Amalia Feld S: Brian S Hazelton & Mariana Cicerchia Book/Page: 2905/91, Date: 07/09/24 5 PLEASANT VIEW DR.......................... B: Cmg Stuido LLC S: Ronald P Moriarty & Judith M Moriarty Book/Page: 2905/258, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Logan Finance Corp $501,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 64904sf




YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $477,500

YTD 2024 6 $327,000



YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $419,000

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 6 Median Price $439,950


North Adams YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 42 Median Price $212,500



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

YTD 2024 9 $429,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 416 ADSIT CROSBY RD......................... $450,000 B: Olen S Dick & Lauren D Rosen S: Scott S Mackenzie & Kathleen Loring Book/Page: 2905/135, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $441,849 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $90,000 (08/19) HARTSVILLE NEW MARLBORO R.......... $115,000 B: Judith W Polisar, Tr for Judith W Polisar RET S: David Madow & Patricia L Madow Book/Page: 2905/290, Date: 07/12/24


Bristol Registry

Fall River District

Bernard J. McDonald III, Register 441 North Main Street Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone: (508) 673-1651 Fax: (508) 673-7633

Fall River MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 140 Median Price $384,250

YTD 2024 122 $413,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 222 ALBION ST...................................... $297,000 B: Henry Degrace S: Around The Clock Svcs Inc Book/Page: 11558/182, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: MIlestone Mtg Solutio $303,385 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2165sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (02/24) CEDAR ST.............................................. $450,000 B: Jessica Rowland S: Michael A Mello & Marian Fitzsimmons-Mello Book/Page: 11557/345, Date: 07/11/24 233 E MAIN ST...................................... $800,000 B: 233 E Main LLC S: Maria N Rodrigues Book/Page: 11556/214, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $570,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5445sf 15 HAMBLY ST...................................... $439,000 B: Jeffrey G Darrigo & Caitlyn B Lowney S: Glenn Darrigo Book/Page: 11557/166, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: St Anne’s Credit Unio $417,050 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.2% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3968sf HEMLOCK ST......................................... $450,000 B: Jessica Rowland S: Michael A Mello & Marian Fitzsimmons-Mello Book/Page: 11557/345, Date: 07/11/24 115 HIGHCREST RD............................... $574,000 B: Peter D Lucas & Karen J Lucas S: Alan E Pontes, Tr for A&j Pontes Ft Doc#: 000000000055317, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 23832sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (07/04) 902 LOCUST ST..................................... $67,000 B: Adilson Rodriguez & Maria Barros S: Talbot Barbara Est & Paul R Perreira Book/Page: 11555/162, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 5001sf 1824 LOCUST ST................................... $183,750 B: Valerie C Bain S: Lesley C Keene Book/Page: 11556/273, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8011sf Prior Sale: $126,500 (12/96) 495 LUDLOW ST.................................... $550,000 B: Brandon Sousa & Celina Sousa S: Fht Realty Investors Inc Book/Page: 11559/117, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: MIlestone Mtg Solutio $360,000 Term: 2054 115 MONTGOMERY ST.......................... $330,000 B: Ronald Oliveira S: James Cummings & Cheryl Cummings Book/Page: 11555/250, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Tailor Rdg REIT LLC $330,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6003sf 3687 N MAIN ST.................................... $450,000 B: Brenda Ferguson & Cylee Ferguson S: Brandon Sousa & Celina Sousa Book/Page: 11559/37, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Corstone First Mtg Ll $441,849 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 27090sf Prior Sale: $107,500 (11/20) 4700 N MAIN ST U:2G........................... $305,000 B: Neil Feldman & Mary E Feldman S: Jane M Goldberg Book/Page: 11555/83, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $140,000 (05/13) 5300 N MAIN ST U:1............................. $250,000 B: William D Tourinho S: Richard Brum Book/Page: 11555/189, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $242,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $170,000 (07/21) 974 PLYMOUTH AVE............................. $680,000 B: Xinlu Zhang S: Maria Rodrigues Book/Page: 11559/183, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Nations Direct Mtg $400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 8006sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (10/15)

606 POKROSS ST.................................. $306,000 B: Hentley Holden LLC S: First Landing Invs LLC Book/Page: 11558/104, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Wildcat Lending Fund $268,500 Term: 2025 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5828sf Prior Sale: $276,000 (08/20) 606 POKROSS ST.................................. $265,000 B: First Landings Invs LLC S: Philip J Michaud & Elizabeth V Michaud Book/Page: 11558/99, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5828sf Prior Sale: $306,000 (07/24) 321 RHODE ISLAND AVE...................... $1,312,500 B: 321 Rhode Island Ave LLC S: Island Associaes Inc Book/Page: 11557/21, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Island Associates Inc $918,750 Use: Commercial Building, Lot: 14797sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (01/98) 498 RIDGE ST........................................ $570,000 B: Catarina A Ramos S: Rodman Oman LLC Book/Page: 11556/310, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: T & A Realty T Inc $528,390 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 4299sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (05/22) 270 WILBUR ST..................................... $540,000 B: Justimiano G Miranda S: Amy Letendre Book/Page: 11556/344, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $530,219 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6399sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (01/23)

Freetown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $475,000

YTD 2024 26 $502,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES ALMAY WOODLOT.................................. $4,000 B: Nicolas J Velozo S: Rezendes Family Lp No 1 Book/Page: 11556/168, Date: 07/09/24 8 BOXBERRY LN.................................... $249,900 B: Sin Luk S: Scott Silva & Tracy Luk Book/Page: 11555/136, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $149,900 Term: 2039 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 70132sf Prior Sale: $249,000 (06/23) 3 LOCUST ST......................................... $839,000 B: Michael J Whalin & Alison Whalin S: Deterra Development LLC Book/Page: 11559/146, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $671,200 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 102802sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (12/23) 108 PROPRIETORS WAY........................ $6,000 B: Nicolas J Velozo & Brynne E Velozo S: Rezendes Family Lp No 1 Book/Page: 11556/165, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 740520sf

Somerset MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 76 Median Price $418,500

YTD 2024 81 $449,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 231 BRAYTON AVE................................ $430,000 B: Robin Johnson S: Peter S Furtado Book/Page: 11555/346, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $255,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7841sf 824 BRAYTON AVE................................ $600,000 B: Muhammad A Chudhary & Irfan U Hassan S: David J Silva, Tr for J C Silva Supplemental T Book/Page: 11558/281, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $450,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $110,000 (01/96) 144 DENHAM AVE................................. $475,000 B: Luis Aguiar & Anna M Aguiar S: Lisa M Pontes Book/Page: 11555/97, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $225,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf HARBOR VIEW BLVD............................. $520,000 B: Joao Benjamin & Mario Benjamin S: Araujo Kevin M Est & Alexa Araujo Book/Page: 11557/260, Date: 07/11/24 68 HEMLOCK ST.................................... $365,000 B: Ashley C Lawrernce & Travis W Winters S: Donna L Mellen & Katherine L Boulanger Book/Page: 11558/7, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $358,388 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7841sf 11 WAMSUTTA RD................................ $340,000 B: Matthew P Burke & Particia H Burke S: Peter Silvestre, Tr for Silvestre Irt Book/Page: 11557/63, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Peter Silvestre $1 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10890sf WINDWARD DR..................................... $875,000 B: Nicole R Patrizio S: Charlene Cabral, Tr for Fatima Cabral Lt Book/Page: 11558/230, Date: 07/12/24

Swansea MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 78 Median Price $424,000

YTD 2024 70 $439,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 31 COLE ST........................................... B: Majid Dudha & Nilofar Dudha S: Daniel A Sotera Sr Book/Page: 11556/183, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $435,536 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2614sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (12/19) 140 COOLIDGE ST................................. B: Pedro J Cunha & Carla F Cunha S: Derek G Paiva & Darcy E Paiva Book/Page: 11557/290, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $350,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 53143sf Prior Sale: $231,000 (02/10)



2452 GAR HWY..................................... $575,000 B: Joshua Dejesus S: Marco P Silva Corp Book/Page: 11559/93, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Marco P Silva Corp $460,000 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Other, Lot: 33106sf Prior Sale: $509,000 (01/08) 1096 GARDNERS NECK RD................... $489,000 B: Alexander Howes & Zeal Raval-Howes S: Donna A Twaits & Scott T Circosta Book/Page: 11559/63, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $469,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (04/22) 124 REGENT CT..................................... $834,500 B: Alan E Pontes, Tr for A&j Pontes Ft S: Philip R Martelly, Tr for Martley Ft Book/Page: 11555/298, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $792,775 Term: 2054 Rate: 8.5% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30928sf

Bristol Registry

Northern District Barry J. Amaral, Register of Deeds 11 Court Street, Taunton, MA 02780 Telephone: (508) 822-0502 Fax: (508) 880-4975

Attleboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 132 Median Price $466,000

YTD 2024 127 $510,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 CHESTER ST..................................... $450,000 B: Eric Machowski S: Patricia Heywood RET & Arthur Lambi Jr Book/Page: 28930/220, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $335,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8000sf Prior Sale: $254,500 (01/17) 76 DEANVILLE RD................................. $350,001 B: All Day Real Estate LLC S: Paul Carberry Book/Page: 28928/67, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Commercial Lender LLC $330,001 Term: 2025 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 87954sf Prior Sale: $192,500 (08/11) 15 DUMONT WAY.................................. $800,000 B: Juanfang Lei & Xiaodong Tian S: Michael A Riccardi & Lauren E Riccardi Book/Page: 28923/329, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: General Mortgage Corp $300,000 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19646sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (02/18) 73 FLORENCE AVE................................ $369,000 B: John Afonso Propertes LLC S: James E Evans Jr Book/Page: 28931/16, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Tailor Rdg REIT LLC $460,000 Use: 3-Family Duplex, Lot: 12800sf Prior Sale: $196,000 (04/97) LOCUS ST............................................. $5,000,000 B: Newberry Estates Dev LLC S: 80 Ridgewood LLC & Newberry Woods LLC Book/Page: 28931/142, Date: 07/12/24 140 N MAIN ST U:8D............................. $335,000 B: Debra Peah S: Ruiz Roberto Est & Antonia I Ruiz Book/Page: 28925/295, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: NFM Inc $318,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $99,900 (05/91) 583 PARK ST......................................... $475,000 B: Brendan Sullivan S: Stephan Botzki & Terra R Botzki Book/Page: 28923/289, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $380,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (05/21) 40 PATTERSON ST................................ $295,000 B: Roberta Carter S: Innovative Prop Solutins Book/Page: 28923/139, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16730sf Prior Sale: $262,000 (06/22) 230 PINE ST.......................................... $525,000 B: Esperando Fleurine S: Christopher Dubois & Nicole Lindor Book/Page: 28927/63, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $445,725 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $348,000 (01/20) 30 PLAIN ST.......................................... $656,000 B: Ethan J Fontaine & Samantha Yin S: Blake Lemons & Crystal Lemons Book/Page: 28928/16, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $524,800 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 106249sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (06/22) 80 RIDGEWOOD RD.............................. $5,000,000 B: Newberry Estates Dev LLC S: 80 Ridgewood LLC & Newberry Woods LLC Book/Page: 28931/142, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Steven S Kaitz $5,000,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 331018sf Prior Sale: $3,507,500 (12/21) 61 ROCKLAWN AVE............................... $645,000 B: Sharmilla V Budhram & Gloria Budhram S: Michael P Graber Book/Page: 28923/167, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Bay Equity LLC $295,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 22614sf Prior Sale: $399,900 (05/05)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

429 S MAIN ST U:9............................... $302,000 B: Glaucio S Da Rocha S: Courtney D Cummings Book/Page: 28931/216, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $286,900 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $130,000 (09/13) 29 SHERWOOD RD................................ $470,000 B: Samuel Frohlinger & Megan H Frohlinger S: Clifford E Dieterle Jr Book/Page: 28925/176, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $414,900 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19250sf 6 SHORT ST........................................... $225,000 B: Paz Re Investments LLC S: Amphaiwan Hathaway & Charles R Hathaway Book/Page: 28924/73, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Flip & Hold Funding L $288,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 3800sf 281 SLATER ST..................................... $420,000 B: Isabela Pereira S: Erica M Santos Book/Page: 28928/204, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $399,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 34810sf Prior Sale: $249,000 (12/17) 24 SOUTH AVE....................................... $347,000 B: Kimberly Merca & Sergiu Merca S: Roger A St Laurent, Tr for R A & C E St Laurent Irt Book/Page: 28925/269, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2-Family Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 12030sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (04/08) 520 THACHER ST.................................. $480,000 B: Allison J Thibault & Alexander J Thibault S: Francis J Pollock Jr Book/Page: 28928/210, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $471,306 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15549sf Prior Sale: $194,900 (05/12) 17 VALERIE DR...................................... $350,000 B: Matthew J Holbrook & Kristen Holbrook S: Rhonda J Dunn, Tr for Paul R Trepanier Irt Book/Page: 28930/246, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $332,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18990sf

Berkley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $547,000

YTD 2024 20 $607,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 225 BAYVIEW AVE................................ $503,000 B: Robert Davidson S: Amaral Judith Ann Est & Robert D Amaral Jr Book/Page: 28923/268, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $402,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14375sf 59 SEYMOUR ST.................................... $690,000 B: Paul A Hardy & Shelbie A Hardy S: Craig W Gendreau Book/Page: 28928/340, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $490,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 291852sf Prior Sale: $317,500 (10/12)

Dighton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $492,500

YTD 2024 26 $497,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1920 ELM ST......................................... $800,000 B: Deborah Angelo S: Andra Guenard & Heather Guenard Book/Page: 28926/259, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm, Lot: 375923sf Prior Sale: $459,000 (06/18) 1020 SOMERSET AVE U:10................... $415,000 B: John J Cirelli & Marie A Cirelli S: David J Oliveira Book/Page: 28926/320, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Paramount Res Mtg Gp $185,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $101,900 (07/95)

Easton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $650,000

YTD 2024 79 $695,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 ISLAND CT U:214............................... $675,000 B: M E Garrity-Sullivan, Tr for Sullivan Ap Ft S: Water Pointe LLC Book/Page: 28926/307, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 254 PURCHASE ST................................ $710,000 B: Binh Ton S: Opendoor Property J LLC Doc#: 000000000120255, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: AmWest Funding Corp $497,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52272sf Prior Sale: $668,900 (11/23) 5 WENLOCK CIR................................... $1,050,000 B: Taylor E Famiglietti & Elizabeth H Famiglietti S: Laura W Kelley & John W Kelley Book/Page: 28929/57, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $787,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40100sf Prior Sale: $108,000 (07/92) 7 WILLIAMS ST..................................... $735,000 B: Mary Fothergill & Andrew Brown S: Taylor Famiglietti & Elizabeth Famiglietti Book/Page: 28928/89, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $698,250 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7587sf Prior Sale: $407,000 (12/15)




Mansfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $701,750

YTD 2024 44 $635,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 AVON ST........................................... $595,000 B: 15 Avon LLC S: Thomas Flaherty Book/Page: 28929/281, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20450sf Prior Sale: $361,500 (12/19) 70 BRANCH ST...................................... $690,000 B: Shannon Moore & Shane Doherty S: Gregg Kennedy & Kelsey Kennedy Book/Page: 28930/191, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $621,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17595sf Prior Sale: $442,500 (01/20) 115 ESSEX ST....................................... $665,000 B: Julie Veilleux S: L&r Properties LLC Book/Page: 28924/154, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $565,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 35550sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (02/24) 881 MAPLE ST...................................... $998,900 B: Michael Lydon & Christin L Lydon S: Frank & Keith Signoriello Book/Page: 28927/143, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $998,900 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 59677sf 116 S MAIN ST...................................... $905,000 B: Roger W House & Julie House S: Edward F Chadwick & Linda M Chadwick Book/Page: 28930/136, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Northeast Home Loan $724,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 21222sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (11/93) 33 YORK RD......................................... $1,100,000 B: John P Judge & Caroline Judge S: Adrienne A Huckaby & Michael D Wyzga Book/Page: 28928/264, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41974sf Prior Sale: $652,500 (07/18)

North Attleboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 91 Median Price $535,000

YTD 2024 86 $564,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 61 COLBURN ST.................................... $516,000 B: Natasha Spears S: Kayla Keenan & David Keenan Book/Page: 28926/219, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Stonewater Mtg Corp $490,200 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 7739sf Prior Sale: $272,500 (04/18) 149 DEPOT ST....................................... $278,904 B: Ave Realty Group LLC S: United Wholesale Mtg LLC Book/Page: 28929/134, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Boston T Loans $294,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20048sf Prior Sale: $281,372 (03/23) 99 KENNETH KOSTKA DR..................... $580,000 B: Dana Sutcliffe & Michael Damigella S: Flamand Gerald O Est & Diane Chase Book/Page: 28927/229, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $522,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 18300sf 35 LAURIE LN........................................ $705,000 B: Erin R Clancy & Nicholas T Falcone S: Marlon T Wesh & Jillian S Wesh Doc#: 000000000120249, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $605,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15000sf 18 LISA DR............................................ $702,000 B: David Keenan & Kayla Keenan S: Kristen B Yngve Doc#: 000000000120260, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $477,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15729sf 157 WESTSIDE AVE............................... $530,000 B: Damus Adeclat & Marlon Adeclat S: 9 Tiffany LLC Book/Page: 28923/238, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $424,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 10240sf Prior Sale: $264,000 (11/23) 35-R WHITING ST.................................. $121,000 B: Wil Companies S: N Attleborough Town Of Book/Page: 28930/313, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Carey Realty Llc $225,000 Use: County/Municipality Property, Lot: 12478sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 19 MENDON RD..................................... B: 19 Mendon Rd LLC S: Darnell J Lay & Newrez LLC Book/Page: 28928/41, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cutter Hill Capital $485,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 22216sf Prior Sale: $278,000 (03/16)


Norton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 Median Price $557,500

YTD 2024 63 $620,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 ANGELINA ST..................................... B: Leo Kowalik 3rd & Eryn Bass S: James C Melendy & Karen M Melendy Book/Page: 28930/162, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Centreville Bank $479,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23868sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (06/95) 22 FORDHAM DR................................... B: Catherine R Howland S: Matthew J Howland Book/Page: 28925/105, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 33655sf Prior Sale: $147,500 (06/92) 266 OLD TAUNTON AVE........................ B: Tmg Carpentry Inc S: Guillermo Ricaurte & Sara M Ricaurte Book/Page: 28930/98, Date: 07/12/24




13 SPRING LN U:13............................... B: Donna M Bliss S: Joseph P Donnelly & Carol A Donnelly Book/Page: 28929/257, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $365,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $156,500 (06/97)


Raynham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 45 Median Price $485,000

YTD 2024 57 $585,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 599 CHURCH ST.................................... $685,000 B: Hichame Boujnane & Stephanie Boujnane S: Steven Chaves & Andrea R Chaves Book/Page: 28931/87, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: American Fin Network $478,285 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40001sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (04/10)

Rehoboth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $560,000

YTD 2024 58 $590,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 108 BAY STATE RD............................... $580,000 B: James C Williams S: Margaret L Martel Book/Page: 28926/71, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $347,725 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 139279sf Prior Sale: $577,000 (12/03) 236 COUNTY ST..................................... $187,500 B: Johnny Suarez S: Earl B Nichols Realty LLC Book/Page: 28927/174, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Lv Capital $184,000 Term: 2025 248 COUNTY ST..................................... $187,500 B: Wendy Delarosa & Raul Delarosa S: Earl B Nichols Realty LLC Book/Page: 28927/86, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Lv Capital $182,500 Term: 2025 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 958207sf

Seekonk MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $460,000

YTD 2024 59 $510,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 528 BROWN AVE................................... $580,000 B: Kimberly Sroka S: Elizabeth J Erna & Richard Erna Book/Page: 28931/58, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 22477sf 47 HILLER DR........................................ $730,000 B: Michelle Chan & Wei K Ng S: Karina Salego & Joel Salego Book/Page: 28925/336, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $468,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 21911sf Prior Sale: $660,000 (03/23) 625 NEWMAN AVE................................ $475,000 B: Brendon Fragola & Nicholas Erban S: Diana D Despradel Book/Page: 28926/263, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $466,396 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10280sf Prior Sale: $251,000 (05/16) 15 PINE MEADOW RD........................... $800,000 B: Kin S Ko S: Christopher J Manion & Jennifer P Manion Book/Page: 28931/63, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of Rhode Island $560,000 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23217sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (06/16) 21 TALL PINES LN................................ $1,275,000 B: Christopher J Manion & Jennifer Manion S: David Rodgers & Jacqueline Rodgers Book/Page: 28931/163, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $580,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30013sf

Taunton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 149 Median Price $430,000

YTD 2024 149 $470,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 ALEGI AVE.......................................... $425,000 B: Paula Pires S: No Limit Assets LLC Book/Page: 28924/237, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: First Home Mtg $382,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (06/24) 303 BAY ST........................................... $690,000 B: Nathan M Darosa S: Phyllis J Almeida Book/Page: 28928/166, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Sharon & Crescent Uni $517,500 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 7841sf 57 CLIFFORD ST.................................... $480,000 B: Ryan D Peterson & Caitlin E Peterson S: John R Fedele & Kaitlyn Fedele Book/Page: 28930/112, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $430,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 26572sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (07/21) 91 CRANE AVE S................................... $570,000 B: Nahomie Prien & Leon Balaam S: Eric Anderson & Sharon A Anderson Book/Page: 28931/244, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mega Cap Funding Inc $513,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60113sf Prior Sale: $435,000 (12/20) 110 DEAN ST U:86................................ $337,000 B: Kristen Glasgow & Nathanial Alarcon S: Jane E Doherty, Tr for One Ten Dean St Rt Book/Page: 28928/113, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $330,896 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $190,000 (10/17)

350 KING JAMES BLVD........................ B: Lindsay Soares & Nicholas Soares S: Donald A Cave & Michelle J Cave Book/Page: 28931/112, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: LoanUnited Com LLC $485,212 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $119,900 (10/90) 50 LACEY RD......................................... B: Drake Settlers S: Teresa A Heim Book/Page: 28925/229, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: First Home Mtg $498,750 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 26572sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (04/94) 14 MYRTLE ST....................................... B: Allison Cleary & Steven Cleary S: Allison Cleary & Vincent Oliveira Book/Page: 28929/240, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $202,000 (12/09) 96 OLD COLONY AVE U:307.................. B: Claudia Santos S: Isadora Gousby Book/Page: 28924/106, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $262,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (10/20) 248 SOMERSET AVE............................. B: Kobe Lomba S: Owen Osullivan Book/Page: 28931/192, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $541,310 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5663sf Prior Sale: $463,500 (01/23) 259 TREMONT ST.................................. B: Nicole Brindley & Cameron Gill S: Roman Catholic Bishop Of Book/Page: 28928/237, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $305,000 Term: 2054 74 WINTER ST....................................... B: Raul Carr S: Michael Kasza Book/Page: 28925/109, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $525,309 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2614sf Prior Sale: $232,000 (04/19)






1174 SASSAQUIN AVE.......................... $215,000 B: New Coast Property LLC S: Nancy A Hammond & Catherine A Oritiz Book/Page: 15034/106, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Newport Holdings Llc $272,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3812sf 637 UNION ST....................................... $480,000 B: Jose G Lopic & Telma Tzoc-Santay S: Natash L Silva Book/Page: 15036/341, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $471,306 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3141sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (04/21) 85 WALDEN ST...................................... $485,000 B: Isaura C Lima & Flavia Silva S: Kathy L Alves & Nelson Alves Doc#: 000000000136732, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $436,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3607sf


YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 45 Median Price $540,000

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 Median Price $430,000

YTD 2024 51 $459,900


230 SCONTICUT NECK RD..................... B: Nicholas R David & Kaitlyn M Rego S: Tyler Wild & Shelby Wild Book/Page: 15036/298, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $470,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14253sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (05/23) 481 SCONTICUT NECK RD..................... B: Bradley Johnson & Rosemarie Johnson S: Antone Arruda Book/Page: 15035/20, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 74296sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (09/21)



New Bedford

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 219 Median Price $350,000

Southern District Sherrilynn M. Mello, Register 25 North Sixth Street New Bedford, MA 02740 Telephone: (508) 993-2603 Fax: (508) 997-4250


YTD 2024 25 $478,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 CHERSHIRE AVE............................... $800,000 B: Jordan K Menard & Sarah N Belliveau S: Lynn Y Monte Book/Page: 15036/182, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $550,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 44492sf 189 LEONARD ST.................................. $599,900 B: Neil A Regis & Holly Regis S: John K Deterra & Suzanne M Deterra Book/Page: 15037/26, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: EMM Loans LLC $437,248 Term: 2054 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 49449sf 24 OLIVEIRA AVE.................................. $462,000 B: Brian Brites S: Manuel Perreira Jr Book/Page: 15038/205, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8499sf Prior Sale: $187,000 (06/23) 147 S MAIN ST...................................... $475,000 B: Alexander J Francis & Kyncis Francis S: Maria S Cordeiro Book/Page: 15034/142, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $451,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 10759sf 74 WAMSUTTA AVE.............................. $300,000 B: New Bedford Inc S: Jeane Pimental Book/Page: 15038/45, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9914sf 39 WATERFALL RD............................... $715,000 B: Carlos H Salazar & Teresa A Salazar S: Marcia C Mackinnon & Colin F Mackinnon Book/Page: 15036/258, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1-Family Ranch, Lot: 31219sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (10/17)

Dartmouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 105 Median Price $440,000

87 MCCABE ST...................................... $570,000 B: Monique Deliveira & Joshua Deliveira S: Bill E Williams & Karen M Williams Book/Page: 15038/312, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $456,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17424sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (11/20) 1342 N HIXVILLE RD............................. $700,000 B: Derek J Reis S: Wilfred R Croteau Book/Page: 15036/226, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 192100sf 108 RUSSELLS MILLS RD..................... $607,000 B: Paul D Adam & Gaelen P Adam S: Michael A Almeida Book/Page: 15038/220, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $546,300 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14810sf 229 SHARP ST....................................... $450,000 B: Olivian N Thompson S: Eileen R Girouard & Jean R Lider Doc#: 000000000136748, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Provident Funding $414,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9148sf 27 TERRY DR......................................... $570,000 B: Eugune G Bergson & Lisa Bergson S: Nancy A Howland, Tr for Agnes M Fernandes Nt Book/Page: 15034/215, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $399,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16988sf


Bristol Registry

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 Median Price $410,000

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

YTD 2024 85 $535,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BAKERVILLE RD.................................... $80,000 B: Nathaniel Watson & Elenora Watson S: Gail Davidson Book/Page: 15037/75, Date: 07/11/24 31 KEVIN DR.......................................... $560,167 B: Charles D Margis S: Linda Ross Doc#: 000000000136720, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8712sf 42 MCCABE ST...................................... $310,000 B: Peter Baron S: Mary L Kelly Book/Page: 15035/310, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $294,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (07/10)

YTD 2024 205 $379,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 76 ACUSHNET AVE................................ $460,000 B: A S Alves S: Ana C Pacheco & Benjamin Pacheco Book/Page: 15037/82, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Amerant Mortgage $451,668 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 2182sf 2603 ACUSHNET AVE............................ $50,000 B: Kelly A Thomasset S: Ryan J Gasela Book/Page: 15034/326, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Alltrust CU $265,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 3411sf Prior Sale: $146,260 (11/10) 1167-1177 ASHLEY BLVD.................... $2,000,000 B: Elsie C Araujo, Tr for Stallison Rt S: Southcoast Redevllc Book/Page: 15038/257, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Office Bldg-Medical, Lot: 31302sf Prior Sale: $725,000 (05/21) 1193 ASHLEY BLVD............................. $2,000,000 B: Elsie C Araujo, Tr for Stallison Rt S: Southcoast Redevllc Book/Page: 15038/257, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Retail-Service, Lot: 10446sf 1203 ASHLEY BLVD............................. $2,000,000 B: Elsie C Araujo, Tr for Stallison Rt S: Southcoast Redevllc Book/Page: 15038/257, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11835sf 213 BOLTON ST..................................... $158,333 B: Jose E Soares S: Manuel F Soarres Book/Page: 15036/43, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 13011sf 55 CENTRAL AVE.................................. $220,000 B: Robert R Chase Jr & Michael Mcnally S: Rita Souza & Joann Aubut Book/Page: 15034/258, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 2840sf 590 COGGESHALL ST............................ $550,000 B: Estelvin G Peralta S: Manuel Coba Book/Page: 15034/297, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $531,643 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 4813sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (08/06) 224 COURT ST U:2................................ $299,000 B: Brendan Ahern & Pamela C Ahern S: Jessica M Rowland Book/Page: 15037/161, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo DEWEY ST............................................ $2,000,000 B: Elsie C Araujo, Tr for Stallison Rt S: Southcoast Redevllc Book/Page: 15038/257, Date: 07/12/24 44-46 FAIR ST....................................... $630,000 B: Jhims Pascal & Daphney Simon-Pascal S: 44-46 Fair St LLC Book/Page: 15036/317, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $504,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 4299sf Prior Sale: $288,500 (03/20) 968 GERALDINE ST U:1C...................... $325,000 B: Kelley Mendell S: Carol S Oconnor Book/Page: 15034/174, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $185,000 (02/14) 915 HATHAWAY RD U:105.................... $325,000 B: Michael A Almeida S: Carl Battaglia, Tr for Gifford Ft Book/Page: 15039/60, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $162,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $165,000 (06/13) 66 NORTH ST......................................... $475,000 B: Armis Arias S: Donna J Motta Book/Page: 15038/272, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $451,250 Term: 2054 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4948sf

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 65 WOODLAWN ST................................ B: Walter Manning S: Afr Investment Prop LLC Book/Page: 15035/248, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 5929sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (03/23)



YTD 2024 56 $637,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 5TH AVE........................................... $450,000 B: Jorge Ghazal-Akhras S: Huskins Charles P Est & Gregory C Huskins Book/Page: 15038/97, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $352,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 58370sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (01/06) 425 FISHER RD...................................... $275,000 B: Mary L Mesquita S: Djn Properties LLC Book/Page: 15034/348, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 61065sf 1050 MAIN RD...................................... $210,000 B: Eupatorium LLC S: Sharon L Raposa, Tr for Anthony P Raposa T Book/Page: 15038/302, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 22996sf 44 OLD HARBOR RD.............................. $672,500 B: Edward S Pegram & Beth Hopkins S: Rebecca S Turne, Tr for Rebecca S Turner T Book/Page: 15035/220, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $538,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.3% Type: Adj Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 85800sf 81-A SYLVIA LN.................................... $510,000 B: Leonard J Boyce, Tr for 99 Wilson St Rt S: Christine S Munro & Russell Paul Book/Page: 15038/213, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11711sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (09/23)

Dukes Registry Paulo C. DeOliveira, Register Box 5231, Edgartown, MA 02539 Telephone: (508) 627-4025 Fax: (508) 627-7821

Edgartown MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 Median Price $1,582,500

YTD 2024 20 $1,837,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 ANTHIERS WAY............................... $1,300,000 B: Marcio G Periera & Maira A Periera S: Boyd Margaret E Est & Richard Boyd Book/Page: 1684/1031, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Jmac Lending Inc $650,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 47916sf 3 MAGNOLIA WAY U:A......................... $2,050,000 B: Mark Kelly S: Paul C Capodilupo & Jessica A Capodilupo Book/Page: 1684/1010, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,960,000 (03/23) 151 N WATER ST U:24......................... $3,250,000 B: Bevhamm 59 LLC S: Eugein Revson, Tr for Eugenia Revson T Book/Page: 1685/175, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo

Tisbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $1,050,000

YTD 2024 17 $1,030,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 DAGGETT AVE................................. $1,232,500 B: Kendal Mcteigue S: Jamie N Atkins, Tr for Jamie N Atkins RET Book/Page: 1684/738, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $960,000 (03/22)

West Tisbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 17 Median Price $1,500,000

YTD 2024 10 $2,203,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 163 CHARLES NECK WAY.................... $1,635,000 B: Richard Campion & Shannon Campion S: Brian P Bilsback, Tr for 2019 Hallbilsback Ft Book/Page: 1684/861, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $817,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 74052sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (06/01)

670 STATE RD...................................... $1,150,000 B: Mark A Preston & Olga P Preston S: Cynthia Lapier Book/Page: 1684/782, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $920,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 36000sf Prior Sale: $757,000 (03/14)

Essex Registry

Northern District M. Paul Iannuccillo, Register 1 Union Street, Suite 402 Lawrence, MA 01843 Telephone: (978) 557-1900 Fax: (978) 688-4679

Andover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 95 Median Price $999,000

YTD 2024 114 $1,000,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 BALMORAL ST U:104....................... $370,000 B: Nazar Almuthafar & Zainab Alhakeem S: Eric Daddario & Jacqueline S Lawless Book/Page: 18035/156, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: 2015 12 LLC $296,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $305,000 (12/20) 20 COLONIAL DR U:20-5....................... $270,000 B: Robert J Palmisano, Tr for Robert J Palmisano RET S: Todd M Mcgrain Book/Page: 18040/58, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $163,000 (08/03) 201 HIGHLAND RD................................ $850,000 B: Keegan J Ashley & Courtney S Leous S: Amy C Jackson Book/Page: 18036/212, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $680,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5619sf Prior Sale: $680,000 (07/23) 30 LINCOLN CIR W................................ $915,000 B: Brian J Walsh & Caroline M Margolis S: David W Bromberg, Tr for Elinor J Bromberg Irt Book/Page: 18038/200, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Ally Bank $400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19471sf 386 LOWELL ST.................................... $1,138,000 B: Naman K Soni & Monica N Soni S: Diefei Yan & Connor Waskiewicz Doc#: 000000000130270, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Eastern Bank $944,540 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24089sf Prior Sale: $927,000 (08/22) 6 MAPLE AVE U:1.................................. $382,000 B: Kimberly Burk S: William A Bates & Irene T Bates Book/Page: 18036/68, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $200,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (01/18) 47 MARTINGALE LN U:47.................... $1,000,000 B: Valerie J Duffield, Tr for Valerie J Duffield T S: Lynda M Palermo, Tr for Jmp Nt RET Book/Page: 18040/9, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $600,000 (12/03) 65 OSGOOD ST..................................... $1,070,000 B: Jie Chen & Xiaozhou Li S: Ruei-Hsin Hsiao & Ru-Chiu Hsiao Book/Page: 18037/158, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Nations Direct Mtg $856,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52969sf Prior Sale: $356,900 (08/93) 29 PROSPECT RD.................................. $705,000 B: Remond Jacquet & Kati Jacquet S: 29 Prospect Rd Rt & Edward A Ratyna Jr Book/Page: 18038/131, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $669,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 148104sf 41 SCHOOL ST...................................... $2,100,000 B: Marie E Reilly, Tr for Marie E Reilly RET S: Roger E Linnemann Jr & Patricia M Linnemann Book/Page: 18037/191, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 28793sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (07/92) 4 TEMPLE PL U:4.................................. $535,000 B: Nancy Shepherd S: Richard W Whitney Book/Page: 18036/209, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $279,900 (04/14) 10 WORTHEN PL.................................. $1,408,000 B: Joseph Ahdoot & Pamela Anderson S: Scott W Duncan & Patricia L Davy Book/Page: 18038/328, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,126,400 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26092sf Prior Sale: $786,900 (11/13)

Lawrence MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 55 Median Price $435,000



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

YTD 2024 55 $491,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 40-42 BOWDOIN ST.............................. $500,000 B: Raymond J Boutin & Jamie Gendreau S: Claire Cook Book/Page: 18037/116, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Claire Cook $250,000 Term: 2027 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 2500sf Prior Sale: $109,000 (01/99) 16 EXETER ST...................................... $1,100,000 B: Arrowpoint Exeter LLC S: Robert H Minasian, Tr for Haigel Rt Book/Page: 18036/26, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: NorthEast Comm BK $880,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 10000sf

176 FERRY ST....................................... $460,000 B: Margaret W Mugo S: Naomy T Rodriguez & Ivan Almarante Book/Page: 18037/302, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $437,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3500sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (06/22) 49-51 FULTON ST................................. $786,000 B: Mercedes B Anziani & Lidia M Anziani-Baez S: Felix A Acevedo Book/Page: 18037/229, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $746,700 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4837sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (08/10) 61 HIGH ST............................................ $810,000 B: Emelin Sanchez & Yamil Sanchez S: Lizardo Marino D Est & Juana M De Lizardo Book/Page: 18040/148, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $758,037 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 7200sf Prior Sale: $138,000 (12/98) 86 LEXINGTON ST................................. $460,000 B: Nehemie Jones-Swaby & Patrick Swaby S: Luis A Esmurria-Vega & Sonia N Flores Book/Page: 18040/169, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $451,668 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3200sf Prior Sale: $67,500 (07/98) 246 PROSPECT ST................................ $385,000 B: Manuel A Brito S: Magda S Isaac & Jean A Isaac Book/Page: 18037/258, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $355,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7245sf Prior Sale: $152,900 (11/02) 16 SARATOGA ST.................................. $735,000 B: Richard Arias & Dulce J Arias S: George M Deglaoui, Tr for George M Deglaoui RET Book/Page: 18039/219, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $686,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 3200sf 161-163 SPRUCE ST............................. $860,000 B: Francisco A Caceres-Parra & Clara E Caceres S: Jorge A Flores & Daria Lebron Book/Page: 18037/196, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $645,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4560sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (11/18)

Methuen MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 143 Median Price $501,000

YTD 2024 138 $562,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 AGNES TER....................................... $620,000 B: Tebei R Nombu Acha S: William F Malley, Tr for Mary M Mcgrath Lt Book/Page: 18039/256, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $589,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12502sf 33 HERRICK DR U:33............................ $670,000 B: Janice S Tatarka S: Karen E Henderson, Tr for Karen E Henderson Ft Book/Page: 18039/172, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 2 HOLLOW TREE LN.............................. $710,000 B: Ronald H Mask & Melaine T Mask S: Melissa Belbusti, Tr for Dennis Ft Book/Page: 18039/121, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 18252sf Prior Sale: $372,000 (10/07) 389 HOWE ST........................................ $650,000 B: Nancy A Carey & Thomas F Carey S: Matthew A Murach Book/Page: 18039/296, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $300,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20125sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (07/03) 15 LINWOOD AVE.................................. $220,000 B: Louis R Messina S: Frank Messina Book/Page: 18034/303, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Ark-La-Tex Fin Svcs $268,620 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7579sf 73-A MILK ST........................................ $700,000 B: Jean J Jimenez S: Valdez Enterprises LLC Book/Page: 18040/116, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $700,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 31276sf 156-158 OAKLAND AVE........................ $798,500 B: B T Languasco-Benitez & Abigail A Languasco-Cruz S: Wilson A Geronimo & Noemi J Geronimo Book/Page: 18038/277, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $767,836 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 5009sf Prior Sale: $221,500 (08/11) 38 OLYMPIC VILLAGE DR..................... $565,000 B: Hector Morales & Rosanna Morales S: Peter Mandeville & Tammy Mandeville Book/Page: 18039/321, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $474,600 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 20517sf Prior Sale: $373,000 (09/06) 175 PELHAM ST................................... $9,000,000 B: Mdr Fl Realty LLC S: 175 Pelham Realty LLC Book/Page: 18040/25, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $7,200,000 Use: Auto Sales, Lot: 279655sf Prior Sale: $4,600,000 (08/19) 93 PILGRIM CIR U:93............................ $335,000 B: Catherine W Kamande S: Armen G Derderian, Tr for Madcind T Book/Page: 18037/62, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Eastern Bank $314,900 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $66,250 (10/92) 58 RIVERDALE ST................................. $427,500 B: Beau L Campbell & Kelsey E Campbell S: Elizabeth Stantial Doc#: 000000000130281, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $357,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5009sf Prior Sale: $241,000 (08/03)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 3 DERRY RD.......................................... $309,100 B: Jmf Realty LLC S: Edna M Moschetto & Wilmington Saving Fund So Book/Page: 18039/80, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 2657sf

North Andover

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 85 Median Price $755,000

YTD 2024 83 $800,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 BIXBY AVE U:6................................... $385,000 B: Kayla Howland S: Mark Atwater Book/Page: 18037/133, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $308,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 2 HARVEST DR U:301............................ $476,400 B: Patricia M Connolly & Stephen C Byrne S: Hollan John F Est & Philip W Holland Book/Page: 18035/44, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $299,900 (03/06) 11 MAIN ST........................................... $330,000 B: Jose M Escobar Vargas S: Castelmar Properties LLC Doc#: 000000000130258, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Retail-Service, Lot: 1634sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (12/20) 148 MAIN ST U:C239............................ $390,000 B: Mishell A Alberto, Tr for Isabelle M Fortes RET S: Eric M Miller & Ariel L York Book/Page: 18037/42, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $335,000 (06/22) 54 OLD VILLAGE LN.............................. $926,000 B: Jason Kershner & Nicole Costello S: Valerie J Duffield, Tr for Valerie J Duffield T Book/Page: 18039/179, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $426,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31119sf Prior Sale: $447,500 (07/01) 83 SANDRA LN..................................... $1,105,000 B: Anna Humphrey & Nathaniel Doyle S: Christopher T Lord, Tr for C & G RET Book/Page: 18035/63, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: TD Bank NA $400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 76666sf Prior Sale: $682,000 (07/12) 64 SAUNDERS ST.................................. $770,000 B: Alexander Flores S: Kevin J Langlois, Tr for Langlois 2013 Ft Book/Page: 18036/147, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $616,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 7789sf 25 STACY DR U:25................................ $506,000 B: Ritika Sengupta S: Stacie Lemerise Book/Page: 18038/232, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $455,400 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 6 WALKER RD U:3................................. $272,000 B: John H Kimball 3rd S: Mouhanad Almhna Book/Page: 18038/102, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $146,000 (03/20) 166 WATER ST U:166............................ $450,000 B: Jacqueline Cronan S: Cusack Ft & John F Cusack Jr Book/Page: 18035/186, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $420,750 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $425,000 (06/24) 217 WAVERLEY RD U:217..................... $760,000 B: Holly C Lyles S: Phillip N Russo & Adrian Russo Book/Page: 18040/68, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Stonewater Mtg Corp $532,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $580,000 (12/22)

Essex Registry

John L. O’Brien, Jr., Register 45 Congress St, Suite 4100 Salem, MA 01970 Telephone: (978) 742-1700 Fax: (978) 744-5865

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 95 Median Price $675,000

YTD 2024 99 $700,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 AMHERST RD................................... B: Allison J Dettorre & Anthony S Dettorre S: Kenneth P Pitts Book/Page: 42207/200, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $325,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13094sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (04/20) 91 DODGE ST........................................ B: William Enright & Rosanne Wetmore S: Keith Littlefield Book/Page: 42210/112, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $438,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6652sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (12/23) 30 LONGWOOD DR................................ B: Courtney Green S: Peter D Green & Elizabeth A Green Doc#: 000000000652409, Date: 07/12/24 26 MASON ST........................................ B: Albert Turner S: Steven C Monteiro & Janelle N Monteiro Book/Page: 42211/407, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $682,411 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 3999sf Prior Sale: $369,900 (01/04) 10 POWERS ST...................................... B: Nicole Merteneit S: Melissa Santiago & Miguel Santiago Book/Page: 42206/169, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $531,250 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10023sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (06/18) 6 WALNUT AVE..................................... B: Alexandra Cimaglia & Louis Cimaglia S: Michael P Carroll & Tina L Carroll Book/Page: 42207/356, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $691,812 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6499sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (07/08)









YTD 2024 38 $935,000


YTD 2024 70 $651,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 BRIARWOOD DR............................... B: David S Obrien & Sharon C Obrien S: Cheryl M Mcintosh, Tr for Irwin Ft Book/Page: 42205/542, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: EMM Loans LLC $422,262 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 20020sf



YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $552,500

YTD 2024 54 $600,000


40 HERRICK RD..................................... $922,000 B: Daniel M Guimaraes & Sarah C Hesch S: Marsha Conroy, Tr for Conroy Ft Book/Page: 42214/451, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $737,600 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 118048sf 74 INGALLS VILLAGE WAY U:33........... $984,987 B: Mary-Margaret Evans S: Toll Northeast V Corp Book/Page: 42205/118, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Condo 76 INGALLS VILLAGE WAY U:34.......... $1,069,995 B: Nancy M Tagerman S: Toll Northeast V Corp Book/Page: 42205/266, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Condo 12 TITUS LN.......................................... $322,000 B: Deborah A Wan & Samuel H Wan S: Nancy L Eldred & Roger P Friend Book/Page: 42215/196, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $650,000

YTD 2024 34 $772,500


Danvers $917,891

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $680,000


▶ REAL ESTATE SALES YTD 2024 45 $630,000







25 CHASE ST......................................... $448,000 B: Orellana Investment LLC S: Eugene J Bettencourt & Us Bank TNa Tr Book/Page: 42215/486, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Loan Funder LLC $464,100 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 1851sf

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 Median Price $1,005,000

22 BURLEY AVE..................................... $980,000 B: Christopher Drake & Alisha Panariti S: Brian S Faria & Elizabeth R Faria Book/Page: 42206/258, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $766,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6800sf Prior Sale: $416,000 (06/16) 16 GRANDVIEW RD.............................. $1,200,000 B: Emily Hatchouel & Laurie Hatchouel S: Nancy J Guanci-Pontbriand & Dennis B Pontbriand Book/Page: 42215/29, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: MIT Federal CU $766,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 31546sf Prior Sale: $765,000 (09/17) 180 MAPLE ST U:B................................ $425,000 B: Brendan C Corrigan & Eleni Qirjazo S: Misty Kelleher & Patrick Kelleher Book/Page: 42208/124, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $403,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $209,999 (02/11) 1 ORRANTIA CIR................................... $660,000 B: Mark Patrie & Sarah Patrie S: Arthur J Deschene, Tr for Bellarose T Book/Page: 42214/264, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $285,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19323sf 29 PRINCETON ST................................. $184,000 B: Casey Crowley S: Daryle Crowley Book/Page: 42206/189, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: North Shore Bank $160,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18748sf Prior Sale: $472,500 (12/16)

222 E MAIN ST...................................... B: East Coast Lux Limousine S: Asaram Realty LLC Book/Page: 42213/141, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rfb F4 Nb Llc $492,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 65265sf Prior Sale: $288,000 (07/03) 71 W MAIN ST....................................... B: Fja Real Estate LLC S: Robert G Alderman, Tr for Bobs Auto Nt Book/Page: 42212/178, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Salem FiveCts Svgs Bk $460,000 Use: Auto Repair, Lot: 10890sf



11 1ST ST.............................................. B: Robert G Osgood S: Maureen A Chaffee Book/Page: 42214/286, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Blue Water Mortgage $276,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17330sf Prior Sale: $123,000 (07/97) 13 ACADIA KIMBALL RD U:13.............. B: Katrina L Salka S: Marcia Miller Book/Page: 42214/565, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $189,000 (06/16) 94 FERN AVE......................................... B: Charlotte Dwyer RET & John D Dwyer Jr S: Teresa M Amato Book/Page: 42211/556, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $290,500 (06/09) 12 GRANVILLE LN U:95......................... B: Geoffrey R Plume & Lisa C Plume S: Brendon Prop Baileys Pond Book/Page: 42215/521, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 16 HILLSIDE CT..................................... B: Hillary L Klutsch & Brian Zona S: Erin Bouthiette & Scott Bouthiette Book/Page: 42212/149, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $607,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5300sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (05/14)



Southern District

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 Median Price $622,500

13 LAKESHORE DR............................... $1,050,000 B: Mark C Anderson, Tr for Mark A Depiero 2017 Irt S: Starved Rock D LLC Book/Page: 42210/469, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 13815sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (02/13) 13 LOCKE HILL LN................................. $815,000 B: Richard C Akins & Samantha K Akins S: Karen S Haynes Book/Page: 42214/11, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $652,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21247sf Prior Sale: $535,000 (10/18) 204 MAIN ST U:204............................... $690,000 B: Ryan Gormley & Amber Lamarca S: Peter Doig Book/Page: 42212/424, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $517,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $530,000 (06/21) 13 S HAMPTON RD U:A......................... $799,000 B: Sandra F Paradiso S: Wojcicki Holdings LLC Book/Page: 42215/410, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 53 S HAMPTON RD............................... $955,000 B: Cory R Eaton & Kayla D Eaton S: Mary E Flanagan, Tr for Mary Ellen Flanagan RET Book/Page: 42214/528, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Keystone Funding $716,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36590sf Prior Sale: $50,000 (04/94)


©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

4 BEAUPORT AVE.................................. $680,000 B: John Randazzo S: Catherine M Ciolino, Tr for Salvatore Ciolino RET Book/Page: 42214/493, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $310,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5550sf 58 CASTLE VIEW DR............................ $2,265,000 B: Anne Burget & Clark Burget S: Judith A Shields Book/Page: 42213/405, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 67518sf Prior Sale: $1,300,000 (09/12) 30 CHAPEL ST U:A................................ $625,000 B: Jeanine L Spina S: Christopher J Caputo Book/Page: 42206/65, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Condo 600 ESSEX AVE..................................... $475,000 B: Michael Oliver S: Anthony Marino Book/Page: 42213/490, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cape Ann Svgs Bk $380,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18200sf 4 POPLAR CT......................................... $530,000 B: William Colby S: Mary Hasse, Tr for Mary Hasse T Book/Page: 42208/255, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 1980sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (08/17) 15 RAVEN LN U:15............................... $1,175,000 B: Charles H Sallah S: Donna L Brown Book/Page: 42205/598, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $780,000 (03/21) 4 SEA RULE LN...................................... $50,000 B: Elizabet A Miller, Tr for John F Miller 1998 RET S: John D Borgman, Tr for Dolliver Neck Rt Doc#: 000000000652320, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 10568sf 18 STARKNAUGHT HTS U:A................. $1,695,000 B: William P Prout & Karen Zurita-Prout S: Starknaught LLC Book/Page: 42208/150, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo 457 WASHINGTON ST U:2..................... $550,000 B: Michael L Igoe Iii Gst T & Fiduciary Partners T Co T S: Levy Olive Est & Steven Levy Book/Page: 42209/589, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $211,000 (05/09) 19 YOUNGS RD...................................... $712,000 B: Delores M Sherman & Douglas J Sherman S: Mara Cornetta & Philip Cornetta Book/Page: 42210/478, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $612,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 13180sf Prior Sale: $401,000 (07/17)

Hamilton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 Median Price $729,000

YTD 2024 31 $870,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 DAY AVE............................................. $620,000 B: Christopher B Doyon & Katherine V Doyon S: Deneen K Habarta Book/Page: 42213/574, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $330,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10001sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (07/13)




Haverhill MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 143 Median Price $500,000

YTD 2024 143 $535,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 11TH AVE........................................... $600,000 B: Edith G Moncion & Yosiris Vasquez S: Eric J Blanchet Book/Page: 42206/522, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Primelending $589,132 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 7161sf Prior Sale: $172,000 (02/09) 46 ALLEN ST......................................... $695,000 B: Jenissa Pomales S: Richard Tuson Book/Page: 42209/165, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 6817sf Prior Sale: $431,000 (03/17) 26 ASHWORTH TER U:26...................... $465,000 B: Anaclediene Franco S: Evin Ramirez Book/Page: 42213/260, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Nations Direct Mtg $441,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $365,000 (03/21) 44 BENNINGTON ST U:44...................... $545,000 B: Judith N Senfleben S: Angelica B Gentile & Phanna Phoeng Book/Page: 42210/580, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $380,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $415,000 (11/20) 79-81 BLOSSOM ST.............................. $727,000 B: Emily A Barlow & Patrick T Geirin S: Danielle Smith & Thomas Smith Book/Page: 42208/265, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $727,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 7906sf Prior Sale: $229,900 (09/13) 414 KENOZA AVE.................................. $540,000 B: Francis M Welch & Rachael Welch S: Kim D Mccullough Book/Page: 42209/277, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $513,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6852sf Prior Sale: $345,900 (05/17) 532 MAIN ST U:1................................... $540,000 B: Jennifer R Burke & Matthew Burke S: Jordan B Jaffe & Robin L Jaffe Book/Page: 42205/455, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $513,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $498,000 (06/22) 68 MERRIMAC RD................................. $570,000 B: Maureen A Cormier, Tr for M Simmons T S: Roam Realty LLC Book/Page: 42215/1, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 48452sf 1178 N BROADWAY.............................. $743,000 B: Joann Lane & Leewood L Lane Jr S: Marcus A Ciardiello & Maryellen C Ciardiello Book/Page: 42215/450, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $594,400 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 167706sf Prior Sale: $524,900 (06/20) 16 NIAGARA ST..................................... $695,000 B: Enjong-Fri Ndama S: New England Hm Buyers LLC Book/Page: 42206/459, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $682,411 Term: 2044 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 7501sf 7 OVERLOOK AVE.................................. $557,000 B: Anita B Maharjan & Gaurav S Maharjan S: Kayleigh Papa & Casey Savoie Book/Page: 42214/397, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $519,648 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12001sf Prior Sale: $317,000 (10/18) 7 PAULA LN........................................... $600,000 B: Paul Alba & Lily Matthews S: Ashley Moore & Matthew Moore Book/Page: 42211/535, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $480,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10071sf Prior Sale: $332,000 (02/17) 635 RIVERSIDE AVE U:9........................ $435,000 B: George Dimopoulos & Juanita Pardo S: Michael J Connolly Book/Page: 42215/52, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $413,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $300,000 (12/19) 30 SARAH J CIR.................................... $765,000 B: Jennifer Bujnowski & Jordana R Solis S: Allacin Morimizu & Robert K Morimizu Book/Page: 42211/312, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $765,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15276sf Prior Sale: $399,900 (07/02) 5 W PARISH CT U:5............................... $420,000 B: Katie J Brown & Sean P Brown S: Tammy Merritt, Tr for Tracy Ft Book/Page: 42206/287, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Pentucket Bank $399,000 Term: 2064 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $370,000 (12/21) 77 WASHINGTON ST............................ $1,200,000 B: 77 Wa St Group LLC S: 77 Wa St Ale House LLC Book/Page: 42210/522, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Haverhill Bk $675,000 Use: Restaurant/Bar, Lot: 5197sf Prior Sale: $900,000 (09/12)

Ipswich MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $777,000

YTD 2024 35 $812,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10-12 CLEVELAND AVE U:2.................. B: Ethan M Mignard & Hannah M Mignard S: Meirwyn I Walters, Tr for Red Kite Rt Book/Page: 42210/273, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $384,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo


3 LIBERTY ST........................................ $240,000 B: Nicholas E Sotiridy S: Sotiridy Thomas E Est & Carly M Hurlbut Book/Page: 42207/570, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $239,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6621sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (05/06) 77 TOWN FARM RD.............................. $1,266,000 B: Carol A Avard-Hicks, Tr for 77 Town Farm Nt S: Sandra F Paradiso Doc#: 000000000652384, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 94090sf Prior Sale: $637,000 (05/15)

Lynn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 177 Median Price $520,000

YTD 2024 165 $562,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 525 BOSTON ST.................................... $750,000 B: Richard F Benoit Jr S: Carlos J Cardona Book/Page: 42214/145, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: First Community Mtg $562,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 4084sf Prior Sale: $302,000 (10/13) 64 BROADWAY...................................... $573,365 B: Marck Cortorreal & Alexandra B De Leon-Diaz S: 427 Lowell LLC Book/Page: 42211/429, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $562,979 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $289,000 (04/23) 6 CATALINA RD..................................... $643,000 B: Brian F Lafave & Jennifer Lafave S: Cindy Murray & Cynthia Murray Book/Page: 42207/329, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: New American Funding $610,850 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (08/19) 3 CHASE LN U:3.................................... $375,000 B: Leena M Laitinen & James M Power Jr S: Diane S Mohney & John Vago Book/Page: 42205/235, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 67250sf Prior Sale: $314,755 (07/18) 171 CHATHAM ST................................. $625,000 B: Amandine Benaoui & Mustapha Benaoui S: East-West Ent Co Ltd Book/Page: 42214/232, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $500,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 2000sf Prior Sale: $99,900 (08/11) 47 CLOVELLY ST................................... $565,000 B: Blanca E Cap & Rivera Lara S: Robert P Hatch, Tr for 47 Clovelly Street Rt Book/Page: 42212/329, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $536,750 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3984sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (06/08) 14 CURRIER RD..................................... $935,000 B: Erin Faccone & Leslie Lupien S: Nilgun Akdag, Tr for Rosenthal Currier Rt Book/Page: 42215/118, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $748,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5185sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (04/99) 11 GLEN TER U:11................................. $610,000 B: Edgar O Lopez & Rosa O Rivera S: Three Bro Realty Mgmt LLC Book/Page: 42212/283, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo 24 JENNESS ST..................................... $770,000 B: Jm Palomino-Jauregui S: Emil Sepulveda Book/Page: 42211/23, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $539,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6250sf Prior Sale: $348,000 (11/16) 170-A JENNESS ST............................... $510,000 B: Richard Thomas Sr & Shannon Thomas S: Sublime Construction Corp Book/Page: 42209/68, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $492,978 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2000sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (04/22) 17 KENSINGTON PARK U:3................... $350,000 B: Ricardo A Santamaria-Sosa & Hilda J Sosa-Escobar S: Rene A Figueroa Jr Book/Page: 42205/273, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $332,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 5624sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (10/23) 41 LAMBERT AVE.................................. $631,000 B: Edwin F Aguirrez & Francisco E Rodriguez S: Leonardo Arcotta Book/Page: 42215/140, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $619,571 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3558sf Prior Sale: $412,000 (09/17) 196 LOCUST ST U:2-605....................... $415,000 B: Marie Fleurantin S: Nick Smith Book/Page: 42212/256, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 207848sf Prior Sale: $306,000 (12/20) 129 LYNNFIELD ST................................ $700,000 B: Adam Burch S: Melissa A Drumm, Tr for 129 Lynnfield St Lynn Nt Book/Page: 42213/454, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $715,050 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2068sf Prior Sale: $30,000 (02/93) 11 MACE PL.......................................... $680,000 B: Alexandra Cannata & Daniel Cannata S: Blanca Niz-Mendez Book/Page: 42210/396, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $667,683 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3293sf Prior Sale: $362,000 (10/23) 19 MILLARD AVE.................................. $415,000 B: Lynnwood Development Inc S: Dwight E Brothers Book/Page: 42210/72, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 9603sf Prior Sale: $187,000 (07/08) 44 MYRTLE ST...................................... $940,000 B: Yeison Rodriguez S: Eduardo L Dagama & Lidiany N Dagama Book/Page: 42210/217, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $893,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 9802sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (11/15)

137-141 OXFORD ST............................ $1,175,000 B: Oxford Lot LLC S: Olympia Square LLC Book/Page: 42213/429, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Lynn, City of $1,175,000 170 OXFORD ST U:301.......................... $400,000 B: Kristine Movalli S: Julie A Boudreaux Book/Page: 42208/189, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: North Shore Bank $380,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 16848sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (06/05) 80 QUINN RD......................................... $685,000 B: Corinne N Kane S: Scott A Bucek Book/Page: 42213/221, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Better Mortgage Corp $541,150 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $620,000 (03/22) 12 RIVER ST U:12.................................. $600,000 B: Rebecca Pieroth & Sean Pieroth S: Nicholas A Henderson & Emily N Wilson Book/Page: 42209/534, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 30650sf SANDERSON AVE................................. $1,250,000 B: Kbt Ii Lp S: Sanderson Associates LLC Book/Page: 42212/465, Date: 07/11/24 26 W BALTIMORE ST........................... $2,156,525 B: Querino Federico Jr S: Dominic Federico Book/Page: 42213/310, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 8645sf 16 YORK TER......................................... $650,000 B: Tracey Marley S: Sean N Murphy & Peter Rombult Book/Page: 42215/569, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Savings Bank (The) $576,700 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8882sf

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 13 PORTLAND ST U:4............................ $272,000 B: Long Bch Mtg Loan T 2001- & Deutsche Bk Na T Co Tr S: Regina L Flores & Deutsche Bk Na T Co Tr Book/Page: 42205/340, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 6267sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (07/01)

Lynnfield YTD 2024 40 $1,007,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 ALEXANDRA RD................................. $800,000 B: Taulant Hibroj S: Susan C Keene, Tr for Mitchell Ft Book/Page: 42207/404, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $720,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30322sf 99 CREST RD......................................... $902,222 B: Ellen E Crawford, Tr for Crawford Rt S: Mary J Milano & Robert Milano Book/Page: 42209/525, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20922sf Prior Sale: $362,500 (12/00) 8 GRANT RD......................................... $1,000,000 B: Jeffrey W Cox & Michaela C Johnson S: David J Caswell & Jennifer N Caswell Book/Page: 42207/561, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12785sf Prior Sale: $487,000 (09/06)

Manchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $1,138,000

YTD 2024 15 $1,120,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 113 OLD ESSEX RD............................... B: Jill Kiemele & Kyle Kiemele S: Briggs Ft & John S Briggs Jr Book/Page: 42212/317, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 15612sf 21 PINE ST U:7...................................... B: Jonathon D Bennett & Katie R Bennett S: Staci Jackson Book/Page: 42208/426, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $714,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: Condo Prior Sale: $795,000 (05/21) 90 SUMMER ST..................................... B: Peilu Zhang S: Kathleen J Cook Book/Page: 42213/547, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $576,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4099sf




YTD 2024 88 $1,105,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 35 BRADLEE RD................................... $2,950,000 B: Deborah L Tatleman S: Mark W Pocharski, Tr for Louis A Pocharski RET Book/Page: 42206/424, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 24240sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (11/93) 10 FORT BEACH LN.............................. $1,200,000 B: 10 Fort Beach Lane LLC S: Emily Spell Book/Page: 42215/242, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 1834sf Prior Sale: $765,000 (09/20) 4 PRINCE ST.......................................... $808,000 B: Caitlin Cummins & Ryan Cummins S: Amy S Ladd, Tr for Stanton Ft Book/Page: 42210/421, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $727,200 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4500sf


YTD 2024 26 $1,072,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 VILLAGE RD U:309........................... B: Lucia Basile & Paolo Basile S: Caroline Siebert Book/Page: 42208/388, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $331,000 (11/21)



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 19 Median Price $850,000

YTD 2024 10 $1,195,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 WHITE WAY........................................ B: Vivian Andreeva & Zachary Hall S: Mark Pillsbury & Susan S Pillsbury Book/Page: 42211/347, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $700,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11456sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (08/88)


Newbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 19 Median Price $835,000

YTD 2024 31 $975,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 BIRCH LN.......................................... $930,000 B: Kelly Doucette & Richard Doucette S: Paula A Majocha, Tr for Paula A Majocha Lt Book/Page: 42212/121, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $744,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40437sf

Newburyport MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $802,500

YTD 2024 64 $1,000,000

19 CHRISTIE DR U:2.............................. $590,000 B: Donna Hall S: Nicole S Kinne Book/Page: 42207/465, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $291,200 Term: 2039 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $400,000 (10/21) 14 DUFFY DR........................................ $1,389,000 B: Brooke M Perkins & Joey A Perkins S: Phyllis Ryan, Tr for Phyllis Ryan 2022 RET Book/Page: 42212/27, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $939,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10750sf Prior Sale: $790,775 (01/19) 8 I ST U:8............................................... $639,000 B: Megan K Biddle & Kendall L Sommers S: Charles F Lutz & Patricia A Lutz Book/Page: 42209/364, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Blue Water Mortgage $511,200 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $121,000 (01/94) 18 RAWSON AVE.................................. $1,200,000 B: Heather C Silvero & Winston D Silvero S: Wojcicki Holdings LLC Book/Page: 42214/203, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $800,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6420sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (10/22)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 114 Median Price $585,250

YTD 2024 130 $661,509



YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $1,000,000



Marblehead YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $950,000

40 VILLAGE RD U:1506......................... $526,000 B: Denise M Britton, Tr for Wayne & Denise Britton T S: Michael Jasse, Tr for Jasse Ferncroft T Book/Page: 42210/450, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $330,000 (09/06)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 Median Price $925,000

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4


91 LAKE ST........................................... $750,000 B: Josue A Garmendia & Aura D Amezquita S: Beth E Mckenna, Tr for Macgillivary Ft Doc#: 000000000652402, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $675,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 21824sf 117 LYNN ST......................................... $640,000 B: 52 Valley Properties LLC S: Phyllis G Eidelman, Tr for Ram Rt Book/Page: 42215/218, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $640,000 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm, Lot: 7789sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (10/94) 14 PENN RD.......................................... $820,000 B: Renee Zayas S: John J Derosa, Tr for John J Derosa T Book/Page: 42205/393, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $467,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 20700sf Prior Sale: $366,000 (01/14) 4 PJ CAMPBELL WAY.......................... $1,345,790 B: Rahul Bhaskaran & Sweta T Mandrekar S: Peabody Living LLC Book/Page: 42214/164, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $1,126,250 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj 68 PROSPECT ST U:24.......................... $835,000 B: Matthew Buckley S: Hoyle Construction Inc Book/Page: 42214/374, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $435,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 68 PROSPECT ST U:25.......................... $835,000 B: Nidia Castillo-Buckley S: Hoyle Construction Inc Book/Page: 42214/343, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $435,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 1 STUART RD........................................ $810,000 B: One Stuart Road Rt & Joseph E White 3rd S: David W Hult Book/Page: 42213/484, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15799sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (11/21)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 21 Median Price $680,000

YTD 2024 18 $742,500

144 GRANITE ST.................................. $1,000,000 B: Landing Group Inc S: Pigeon Cove LLC Book/Page: 42206/480, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Pigeon Cove Llc $900,000 Use: Industrial Office Building, Lot: 5702sf Prior Sale: $900,000 (10/05) 16 HIGH ST............................................ $762,500 B: Celee Hall & Christopher Hall S: Nathaniel S Johnson Book/Page: 42215/191, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13660sf Prior Sale: $449,000 (03/09) 8 LANDMARK LN.................................. $1,311,000 B: Julie A Predun, Tr for Julie A Predun RET S: David M Teeven, Tr for E H Spaulding Rockport T Book/Page: 42210/256, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 13835sf

Rowley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 21 Median Price $750,000

YTD 2024 18 $845,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 25 DANIELS RD..................................... $50,000 B: Ricker Farms LLC S: John J Carey Jr & Leslie Carey Book/Page: 42207/529, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 38346sf 39 ELLSWORTH RD............................... $40,000 B: Sarah Winderlin S: Kenneth Gregory, Tr for 39 Ellsworth Road Rt Book/Page: 42213/187, Date: 07/12/24 793 HAVERHILL ST............................... $325,000 B: Susan Stone S: Richard A Morse & Dorine R Odonnell Book/Page: 42209/345, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 18500sf 172 MAIN ST U:11................................. $375,000 B: Ian P Sweeney & Emma Turgeon S: Shea M Dooley Book/Page: 42210/370, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $300,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $239,900 (12/16)

Salem MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 81 Median Price $570,000

YTD 2024 54 $655,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 BURKE ST........................................... $712,000 B: James Goljan & Nicole K Nguyen S: Katherine Mullen & Courtney Mullen Book/Page: 42215/161, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $727,308 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6368sf Prior Sale: $522,000 (08/20) 18 CAVENDISH CIR U:18....................... $727,500 B: Shreya Mallya & Siddhyesh Warkhedkar S: Scott Guidi & Kimberly Prior Book/Page: 42205/414, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: MIlestone Mtg Solutio $632,925 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $430,000 (06/17) 66 CAVENDISH CIR U:66....................... $734,000 B: Justin Divall & Margarita Divall S: Sherryl J Rosen Book/Page: 42213/366, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $550,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $362,605 (03/01) 24 ENDICOTT ST................................... $800,000 B: Salem Mission Inc S: Italian Socie Christoforo Book/Page: 42211/375, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Fraternal Organization, Lot: 5976sf 19 FRANCIS RD..................................... $695,000 B: Richard Nastasi & Sarah Nastasi S: Vozzella Prop Mgmt LLC Book/Page: 42209/504, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $500,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5785sf Prior Sale: $440,000 (02/24) 530 LORING AVE U:101......................... $150,000 B: Michael S Finer, Tr for Michael S Finer T S: Leonard Fafel, Tr for Leonard Fafel T Book/Page: 42211/209, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Office Condo Unit, Lot: 22732sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (04/22) 21 MALL ST U:2.................................... $480,000 B: Megan Gardner & Drew Paz S: Alexandra R Grippo & Michael J Mcguire Book/Page: 42211/458, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $384,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2662sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (06/19) 13 MARCH ST U:8................................. $430,000 B: Gregory A Romagna S: Carlos E Pichuante Book/Page: 42211/222, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $344,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3920sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (05/22) 181 NORTH ST U:106............................ $455,000 B: Amy Brooks S: Jodie A Fenton, Tr for Stephen C Ingemi RET Book/Page: 42214/424, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $432,250 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $333,000 (02/21) 19 PICKMAN RD.................................... $749,900 B: Andrew Horner & Sarah Horner S: Jessica N Page Book/Page: 42206/2, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $674,910 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 6451sf Prior Sale: $587,500 (11/20) 19 PICKMAN ST U:3.............................. $605,000 B: Kathleen M Carroll S: Kathleen Powell, Tr for Kathleen Powell T Book/Page: 42208/86, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $355,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 3528sf

13 SPRING ST U:3................................. $718,250 B: Pamela R Hart & Paul J Hart S: William N Stevens, Tr for Stevens Ft Of 2015 Book/Page: 42215/417, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $438,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 7593sf Prior Sale: $540,000 (06/19) 10 STATION RD..................................... $760,000 B: Ayodele O Ajose S: Eliza Castellanos & Yeri J Castellanos Book/Page: 42208/300, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $608,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 24411sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (06/16) 8 WYMAN AVE...................................... $410,000 B: Norht East Const Svcs Inc S: Ayg Investment LLC Doc#: 000000000652388, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: RFLF 4 LLC $455,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6508sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (06/23)

Salisbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $425,000

YTD 2024 15 $560,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 EMERALD WAY U:1............................ B: Deborah Sweeney S: Kevin Hulse, Tr for 55 Chevy T Book/Page: 42212/16, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $407,000 (08/15)


Scott A. Cote. Register 43 Hope Street, Greenfield, MA 01301 Telephone: (413) 772-0239 Fax: (413) 774-7150 or

Ashfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 Median Price $274,000

YTD 2024 9 $510,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 612 JOHN FORD RD.............................. $459,000 B: Tracy Bombard S: Mark E Rachmaciej & Christine S Rachmaciej Book/Page: 8340/338, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: K Helliker Rd Llc $360,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 637718sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (07/98)

Buckland YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $260,000

YTD 2024 5 $320,000



▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 BISBEE RD.......................................... $928,000 B: Jacqueline A Demirdjian & Peter V Demirdjian S: Corey Keene & Lisa Keene Book/Page: 42205/566, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $835,200 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11495sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (04/15) 59 DENVER ST U:6................................ $385,000 B: Goldwetha Investments LLC S: Denise Gosnell & William F Gosnell Jr Book/Page: 42215/535, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (04/08) 39 HOUSTON AVE.................................. $777,770 B: Erica Diep S: Matthew J Buckley & Nidia Buckley Book/Page: 42209/249, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $737,770 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 11252sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (07/09) 35 MOUNT VERNON ST......................... $520,000 B: Giuseppe Barletta & Melanie J Barletta S: Sharon H Walkey Book/Page: 42206/95, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $442,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5807sf Prior Sale: $1,000 (01/10) 200 WALNUT ST U:1............................. $599,000 B: Southern New Eng Conferen S: Cdpa LLC Book/Page: 42211/150, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $425,000 (08/17) 200 WALNUT ST U:1A........................... $599,000 B: Southern New Eng Conferen S: Cdpa LLC Book/Page: 42211/150, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $425,000 (08/17) 10 YALE AVE......................................... $283,000 B: Anthony R George S: Anthony R George & Rena K George Book/Page: 42211/76, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Federal Savings Bank $413,200 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (01/96)

24 CONWAY ST..................................... $525,000 B: Annie J Rubel & Susan K Rubel S: Kimberly Guzewicz Book/Page: 8343/301, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10195sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (08/15) 145 E BUCKLAND RD............................ $80,000 B: Rebecca V Nedeynen & Maira Weisz S: June E Ovitt Book/Page: 8340/214, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Accessory Land Improved, Lot: 386051sf 48 STATE ST U:A................................... $329,000 B: John S Ohara Jr S: Shelburne Falls Ent Ctr L Book/Page: 8341/267, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo

Colrain MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $250,000

YTD 2024 6 $220,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 68 VAN NUYS RD.................................. $800,000 B: Taylor Berry S: Rebecca A Tippens Book/Page: 8342/239, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $720,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 400752sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (04/06)

Conway MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 Median Price $306,000

YTD 2024 2 $480,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 350 REEDS BRIDGE RD......................... B: Mica Agate-Mays S: Peter B Farber Book/Page: 8341/273, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 65776sf Prior Sale: $239,500 (12/17)


Deerfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 12 Median Price $430,000

YTD 2024 15 $437,239

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 44 KING PHILIP AVE.............................. $470,000 B: Jennifer Chuks-Crabill & Thomas Crabill S: Wells Roger D Est & Justin Wells Book/Page: 8341/23, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Homestead Fund Corp $399,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20735sf


Swampscott MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 Median Price $792,000

Franklin Registry


Saugus YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 92 Median Price $600,000



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

YTD 2024 45 $805,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 79 FULLER AVE..................................... $765,000 B: Alexander W Macnair & Victoria A Polunina S: 79 Fuller Ave LLC Book/Page: 42208/27, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: NBKC Bank $612,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $720,000 (06/24) 304 PARADISE RD................................. $604,000 B: Mark Donatelli & Shelby Johnson S: Raimon Henderson & Tiffany Henderson Book/Page: 42206/76, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $554,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $439,000 (07/20) 12 PRISCILLA RD.................................. $850,000 B: Edison Diaz & Yura A Tique S: Vadim Fridman & Alexander Fridman Doc#: 000000000652307, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $807,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 8625sf Prior Sale: $226,000 (10/93)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $337,500

YTD 2024 11 $326,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 E MAIN ST........................................ $85,000 B: Christopher Mason S: Joy M Macbay, Tr for Joy M Macbay RET Book/Page: 8341/123, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (01/12)

Greenfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 56 Median Price $279,750

YTD 2024 49 $300,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 CHERRY ST......................................... B: Soham Dhakpa & Tsepak Choedon S: Sak Jr Peter J Est & Bran Sak Book/Page: 8342/216, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20286sf 28 KENWOOD ST................................... B: Justin B Nichols & Catherine E Nichols S: Joann P Allan Book/Page: 8342/265, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Allanach&Mortgage Grp $320,183 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19576sf Prior Sale: $219,000 (12/20)



393 MAIN ST U:3C................................ $88,000 B: New Eng Learning Ctr Fr W S: Macnicol & Tombs Llp Book/Page: 8342/233, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Office Condo Unit 393 MAIN ST U:3D................................ $88,000 B: New Eng Learning Ctr Fr W S: Macnicol & Tombs Llp Book/Page: 8342/233, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Office Condo Unit 106-108 STONE FARM LN.................... $995,000 B: Valley Cmnty Land T Inc S: M W Cohn Development LLC Book/Page: 8342/39, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Coop Fund Of The Nort $164,250 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 1419546sf 106-108 STONE FARM LN.................... $328,500 B: Valley Housing Coop Inc S: Valley Cmnty Land T Book/Page: 8342/47, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Equity Trust Co $164,250 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 1419546sf Prior Sale: $995,000 (07/24) 110-112 STONE FARM LN.................... $328,500 B: Valley Housing Coop Inc S: Valley Cmnty Land T Book/Page: 8342/47, Date: 07/10/24


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1 Median Price $205,000

YTD 2024 2 $325,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 48 W HAWLEY RD................................. $350,000 B: Roy Lewis & Maggie Speie S: Henry J Eggert, Tr for Mkl Rt Book/Page: 8340/303, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $150,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.6% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 304920sf


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $455,000

YTD 2024 6 $450,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 AMHERST RD................................... $670,000 B: Eric S Haffey & Jessie A Haffey S: Richard W Ferro & Hillary Wilbur-Ferro Book/Page: 8343/265, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $420,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $340,000 (06/12) 15 BULL HILL RD................................... $485,000 B: Thomas C Levy & Haley J Priest S: Graves Douglas L Est & Steven D Graves Book/Page: 8340/290, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 95849sf Prior Sale: $287,500 (08/08) 1 DEPOT RD........................................... $272,500 B: Molly R Clark, Tr for Max E Traunstein S: Peter Laznicka Book/Page: 8344/52, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $258,875 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.6% Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $167,000 (08/14) 125 DUDLEYVILLE RD........................... $635,000 B: Sarah H Lukens & Galen Wettering S: Shirley Idelson Book/Page: 8342/168, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $476,250 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 191377sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (11/15)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 23 Median Price $240,000

YTD 2024 26 $303,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 149 MILLERS FALLS RD....................... $250,000 B: James D Gexler & Samantha E Stafford S: St Germain Jr Fracis Est & Pamela Tierney Book/Page: 8343/220, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $242,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14418sf


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 Median Price $286,000

YTD 2024 9 $345,100

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 291 BIRNAM RD.................................... B: Thomas Aquinas College S: Brett W Smith & Melissa Smith Book/Page: 8341/207, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (08/22) 81 HIGHLAND AVE................................ B: Brett W Smith & Melisa Smith S: Joshua Lim & Mary Lim Book/Page: 8341/333, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $392,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 27443sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (01/22) 12 LEDGE WAY...................................... B: Kevin M Sullivan & Linda J Sullivan S: Donald K Nelson & Patricia A Nelson Book/Page: 8344/42, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Camp/Cabin, Lot: 16335sf Prior Sale: $27,200 (10/10) 25 MEADOW ST..................................... B: Peter E Paugh & Sarah Paugh S: Lawrence E Parker & Carig E Parker Book/Page: 8341/230, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $210,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 21780sf






YTD 2024 38 $276,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 41 BURRILL AVE................................... $260,000 B: Eric J Lafountain & Annastasia M Vescovi S: John J Vescovi & Kena L Vescovi Book/Page: 8341/179, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Keystone Funding $208,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12790sf Prior Sale: $171,750 (08/05)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 1 Median Price $258,700

YTD 2024 3 $280,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 127 COUNTY RD.................................... B: Edward J Silva & Lori Ledger S: Rachael Holbrook Book/Page: 8342/309, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $224,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 50878sf Prior Sale: $99,000 (10/15)


Shelburne MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $472,913

YTD 2024 1 $375,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 56 MAPLE ST........................................ B: Sarah E Cohen & James M Kessle S: Karen K Pekins Book/Page: 8340/169, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $340,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 18295sf Prior Sale: $432,000 (09/22)


Shutesbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 Median Price $362,000

YTD 2024 8 $457,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 118 LEONARD RD.................................. B: Mattew R Jacobson S: Andrea C Dallas & Juan Diaz Book/Page: 8341/90, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $365,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 115434sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (08/18)


Warwick MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 Median Price $340,000

YTD 2024 1 $290,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 293 ATHOL RD...................................... $310,000 B: Michaelle L Desrosiers S: Stephen M Ruggiero & Maria R Ruggiero Book/Page: 8343/179, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Newrez LLC $304,385 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 558831sf Prior Sale: $46,000 (10/07) 840 ORANGE RD.................................... $130,000 B: Mandy L Mallen & Lance E Mallen S: Jay S Field & Jennifer C Field Book/Page: 8340/329, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Chapter 61 Forest, Lot: 832780sf

Whately MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 Median Price $400,000

YTD 2024 3 $529,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 FRANCES WAY................................... $155,000 B: Roland Mandler & Melissa French S: Jeffery Henderson & Elizabeth L Rose Book/Page: 8342/195, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 42253sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (08/20)

Hampden Registry Cheryl A. Coakley Rivera, Esq., Register 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 Telephone: (413) 755-1722 Fax: (413) 731-8190

Westfield Satellite Office

Westfield City Hall 59 Court Street Westfield, MA 01085 Telephone: (413) 568-2290 Fax: (413) 568-4869

Agawam MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 98 Median Price $316,500


YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $281,000


YTD 2024 91 $330,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 BEEKMAN PL U:10........................... B: Jeffrey B Rondeau & Debra R Rondeau S: Elizabeth Philip Book/Page: 25486/48, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $147,000 (09/21) 54 KENSINGTON ST............................... B: Kevin Budiyono & Taylor Budiyono S: Cennet M Kilic Book/Page: 25484/457, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: New American Funding $334,650 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (10/20) 304 SOUTHWICK ST.............................. B: Patrick W Regan S: William J Malone & Elizabeth G Malone Book/Page: 25488/131, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Polish National CU $178,600 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 37397sf Prior Sale: $127,000 (07/92)




©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 164 Median Price $275,000

YTD 2024 155 $280,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 77 8TH AVE........................................... $385,000 B: Luke M Parker & Sarah Parker S: Joseph D Coffey & Marilyn Coffey Book/Page: 25489/579, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: New American Funding $308,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6000sf Prior Sale: $224,999 (08/16) 93 COLLINS ST U:93............................. $175,000 B: Ozkan Yagan S: Mccoubrey Christine A Est & James B Mccoubrey Book/Page: 25486/174, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $95,000 (12/19) 44 CRESTWOOD ST............................... $549,900 B: Jose M Lopez & Jessica Lopez S: Bretta Construction LLC Book/Page: 25486/370, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $363,690 Term: 2054 64 FELIX ST........................................... $320,000 B: Maria Velazquez & Fernando Rebollar S: David A Bodman Book/Page: 25485/71, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: MA Housing Fin Auth $303,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10200sf Prior Sale: $167,000 (11/16) HAMBURG ST........................................ $10,000 B: Brian Brisbois & Janice Brisbois S: Nancy Roy Book/Page: 25486/13, Date: 07/10/24 37 HARVEY ST....................................... $270,000 B: John Brault & Lisabeth Brault S: Charles R Boutilier & Sandra L Boutilier Book/Page: 25489/391, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $216,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9600sf 104 LEO DR........................................... $151,000 B: Cioccolate Rt & Dominic Kirchner 2nd S: Catherine A Sears Book/Page: 25484/598, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12418sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (10/87) 11 MOUNTAINVIEW ST.......................... $294,000 B: Good Diggin Re LLC S: Paul J Abad, Tr for Abad Ft Book/Page: 25486/40, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8996sf Prior Sale: $18,900 (08/16) 196 NONOTUCK AVE............................. $360,000 B: Anil Prathipati S: Griffin Burke & Stephen P Burke Book/Page: 25487/380, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $342,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8122sf Prior Sale: $294,000 (08/21) 314 SPRINGFIELD ST............................ $461,000 B: Agnieszka Sulkowska S: Philip A Laflamme & Alyssa E Laflamme Book/Page: 25488/195, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Polish National CU $368,800 Term: 2039 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9998sf Prior Sale: $229,000 (08/15) 64 STEWART ST.................................... $278,000 B: Ericka G Carrillo S: Gail A Carrier, Tr for Jeanne E Capistrant Ft Book/Page: 25489/312, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $264,100 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10769sf 69 WANDA ST....................................... $310,000 B: Nathaniel Lepage & Kaylee Lepage S: Nicole M August Doc#: 000000000237019, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Westfield Bank $300,700 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (05/21)

East Longmeadow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 81 Median Price $370,000

YTD 2024 79 $375,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 46 CHESTNUT ST.................................. $170,000 B: Mj Real Estate LLC S: Michael A Panico Book/Page: 25484/293, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Commercial Lender LLC $228,400 Term: 2025 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (07/99) 419 CHESTNUT ST................................ $300,000 B: Cory A Batista S: Alexander Provoda Doc#: 000000000237086, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $150,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (02/21) 32 STURBRIDGE LN............................... $689,900 B: Philip N Hunt & Tiffany L Hunt S: Jeffrey B Rondeau & Debra R Rondeau Book/Page: 25484/311, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $551,920 Term: 2039 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28295sf Prior Sale: $549,000 (10/05) 147 TANGLEWOOD DR.......................... $485,000 B: Katlyn E Obrien & Patrick S Obrien S: Ryan M Dunn, Tr for Anne Marie Dunn Irt Doc#: 000000000237077, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $389,812 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26715sf Prior Sale: $337,000 (06/13) 20 WESTERNVIEW CIR.......................... $275,000 B: Jack Obrien S: Jon D Maxwell & Stephanie A Maxwell Book/Page: 25488/457, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $270,019 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8536sf Prior Sale: $223,000 (06/12)




Hampden MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 Median Price $367,500

YTD 2024 20 $372,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 556 MAIN ST......................................... $400,000 B: Kyle M Stearns S: Michael Sienkiewicz & Haley A Sienkiewicz Doc#: 000000000237023, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $290,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $276,000 (02/20) 711 MAIN ST......................................... $340,000 B: Ryan Leal & Brittney Allen S: Omari H Murray & Lisa K Murray Book/Page: 25486/557, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Members Mtg Co Inc $323,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (06/15)

Holyoke MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 70 Median Price $258,500

YTD 2024 77 $280,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 60 CHAPIN ST U:R................................. $200,000 B: Bethany A Mulligan S: Daryle L Swatzie Book/Page: 25487/41, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $170,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $130,000 (02/24) 31 ERIE AVE.......................................... $340,000 B: Roberta Carlon & Tyler L Lucia S: Sara L Zahler & William C Bryan Book/Page: 25489/173, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $323,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9505sf Prior Sale: $310,000 (03/22) 1039 HOMESTEAD AVE......................... $475,000 B: Linda Huynh & Anh Bui S: Ronald P Theriault Book/Page: 25486/99, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Semper Home Loans $380,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 21702sf Prior Sale: $337,500 (07/16) 125 JARVIS AVE.................................... $220,000 B: Roberto Camacho S: Cheryl L Galazka Book/Page: 25485/406, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 48787sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (07/07) 911 MAIN ST......................................... $175,000 B: Scott Family Props S: Michael Krassler & Paul Krassler Book/Page: 25483/41, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Res & Comm, Lot: 25152sf 492 MAPLE ST U:492............................ $202,000 B: Elvin G Cancel S: Margaro Crespo Book/Page: 25485/201, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $195,940 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $164,700 (09/23) 1895 NORTHAMPTON ST...................... $615,000 B: Jackeline Torres S: Andrew J Black Book/Page: 25485/394, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 46174sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (10/21) 17 PHEASANT DR.................................. $165,000 B: Denise Sarcharczyk & Joseph Wiener S: Kenneth W Sarcharczyk, Tr for Sacharczyk 2006 Irt Book/Page: 25488/555, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 44462sf Prior Sale: $182,000 (04/92) 524 PLEASANT ST U:D.......................... $150,000 B: Kevin C Oconnor S: Lianne Lareau Book/Page: 25487/591, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $93,000 (02/06) 47 SAINT KOLBE DR U:C....................... $150,000 B: Crystal J Miller S: Kevin C Oconnor Book/Page: 25487/285, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: New American Funding $145,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $88,000 (09/17) 34 SHERWOOD AVE.............................. $255,000 B: Paula E Rice S: Thomas E Baush, Tr for Thomas & Jill Baush Lt Book/Page: 25484/435, Date: 07/09/24 31 SHERWOOD TER............................... $177,000 B: Weary Travelers LLC S: Paula E Rice Book/Page: 25482/498, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6107sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (09/97) 32 VALLEY HTS..................................... $315,000 B: Kim Quach S: Melissa S Stearns Book/Page: 25483/22, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Mtg Markets CUSO LLC $252,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6268sf Prior Sale: $142,800 (01/15)

Longmeadow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 81 Median Price $459,000

YTD 2024 103 $436,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 127 ASHFORD RD................................. $1,190,000 B: David J Bryson & Lucy Bryson S: Edward S Ballis & Debora L Green Book/Page: 25483/4, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41761sf Prior Sale: $665,000 (10/92) 53 BROOKWOOD DR.............................. $445,000 B: Vincenzo Faienza & Kristi J Atheneos S: Anthony E Heim Book/Page: 25485/369, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $320,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15201sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (04/23)

21 S PARK AVE..................................... $620,000 B: Keith S Raho & Joycelin M Raho S: Mark W Laskowski & Catherine E Twohill Book/Page: 25486/440, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Freedom Credit Union $496,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 7881sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (07/11)

21 RUGGLES CT..................................... B: Nathaniel Hengy & Lauren Perry S: Michael A Cust Book/Page: 25487/560, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $285,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $161,000 (01/15)



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $304,500

YTD 2024 98 $320,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES CADY ST L:A.......................................... $90,000 B: Jose F Santos & Karen Morrissey-Santos S: Anabela Cruz Book/Page: 25487/508, Date: 07/11/24 275 CENTER ST..................................... $330,500 B: Konrad A Pekala S: Dorota Aldag Book/Page: 25486/593, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $248,000 Term: 2039 Use: 2-Family, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $208,500 (08/05) 665 CENTER ST U:206.......................... $310,000 B: Kaitlin E Jordan S: Kristen N Bonsall Book/Page: 25489/19, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Polish National CU $279,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $195,000 (10/20) 1 CHARLES ST....................................... $325,000 B: Jeffrey D Hickerson S: Kyle C Sorensen & Brian J Sorensen Book/Page: 25485/590, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $331,987 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21609sf Prior Sale: $116,000 (11/00) 46 CISLAK DR....................................... $717,000 B: Michael A Cust & Stefanie A Cust S: Robert J Gagnon & Carolyn Gagnon Doc#: 000000000237080, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Westfield Bank $530,550 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40434sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (12/20) 99 E AKARD ST..................................... $240,000 B: Antonio Vital & Anna D Vital S: Michelle A Carner Book/Page: 25488/563, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $177,000 (07/13) GRANDVIEW AVE L:432-50................... $501,500 B: Moltenbrey Builders LLC S: Ludlow Housing Authority Doc#: 000000000237044, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $1,152,000 35 MCKINLEY AVE................................ $330,000 B: Jonluc R Lavoie & Meghan Lavoie S: S & C Investors LLC Book/Page: 25487/473, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $313,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22500sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (11/23) 79 SHAWINIGAN DR.............................. $285,000 B: John Currier S: Fumi Realty Inc Book/Page: 25483/176, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12750sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (07/23) WILLARD AVE L:432-50........................ $501,500 B: Moltenbrey Builders LLC S: Ludlow Housing Authority Doc#: 000000000237044, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $1,152,000


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 41 Median Price $304,000

YTD 2024 26 $377,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 46 PALMER RD U:8............................... B: Carole J Putz S: Bukowski Construction LLC Book/Page: 25486/120, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $214,000 Term: 2054 Use: Possible New Construction 230 PALMER RD................................... B: Earl F Loranger S: Roland R Table & Barbara G Table Book/Page: 25485/162, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Luso FCU $204,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18730sf Prior Sale: $101,500 (07/99)




MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 54 Median Price $280,000

YTD 2024 59 $310,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4052 HIGH ST........................................ $97,500 B: Bp LLC S: Aaron J Corsi, Tr for 4052 High Street Rt Doc#: 000000000237064, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3485sf Prior Sale: $49,900 (11/01) 3020-3026 MAIN ST............................. $439,900 B: Lba Properties LLC S: Jnb Property Inv Inc Book/Page: 25489/332, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $85,000 (02/03) 43 MOUNT DUMPLIN RD....................... $580,000 B: Kevin P Quirk & Pamela A Quirk S: Carole J Putz Book/Page: 25483/299, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 811523sf 1411 N MAIN ST.................................... $500,000 B: Ss Enterprises Inc S: 1411 Nmain LLC Book/Page: 25486/189, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Eastman CU $400,000 Term: 2034 Use: Retail-Service, Lot: 25700sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (11/22) 41-59 NORTH ST................................... $335,000 B: Benjamin L Lawlor S: Benjamin S Duby Book/Page: 25489/423, Date: 07/12/24 3020 PINE ST........................................ $290,000 B: Milan Piva & Jessica Wright S: Daniel Foster Book/Page: 25489/195, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $232,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.9% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9148sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (02/22)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 7 Median Price $245,000

YTD 2024 10 $375,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 140 HIGHLAND AVE.............................. $105,000 B: Deepon Realty LLC S: Sarah A Castro Book/Page: 25489/357, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23500sf 48 TIMBERIDGE DR............................... $420,000 B: Christopher R Ferrari & Molly A Ferrari S: Thomas N Obrien Book/Page: 25485/325, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Florence Bank $320,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 109336sf Prior Sale: $2,250 (11/09)

Southwick MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 26 Median Price $314,950

YTD 2024 40 $422,550

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 TALL PINES TRL................................. $170,000 B: Burt H Fahy & Safha M Fahy S: Hamelin Framing Inc Book/Page: 25485/31, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Westfield Bank $350,000 Term: 2055 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 31494sf 219 VINING HILL RD.............................. $436,000 B: Jeffrey C Ouellette S: Daniel T Veale & Anne M Veale Book/Page: 25482/420, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Westfield Bank $406,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 63958sf

Springfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 522 Median Price $250,000

YTD 2024 481 $272,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 53-55 ALLENDALE ST........................... $380,000 B: Ursula De Gracia & Yenit De Gracia S: Johanne T Theodat Book/Page: 25485/438, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $285,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 4874sf Prior Sale: $110,250 (02/19) 62 ARDEN ST........................................ $285,000 B: Juan C Cotto Jr S: Jason Braica & Tatiana Velez Doc#: 000000000237028, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Homestead Fund Corp $264,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6329sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (12/21) 29 BLANDING ST................................... $50,000 B: Donna M Garcia S: Melissa M Belanger Book/Page: 25489/541, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5101sf Prior Sale: $68,000 (09/11) 140 CHESTNUT ST U:C9........................ $100,000 B: Guardian Assets LLC S: Bsc Realty Inc Book/Page: 25488/177, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo Parking-Commercial 19-21 DANIEL ST.................................. $380,000 B: Jonathan Abreu S: Jose M Lopez & Jessica Lopez Book/Page: 25485/2, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $323,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $184,900 (01/07) 265-271 DWIGHT ST............................. $250,000 B: Svl LLC S: Bsc Realty Inc Book/Page: 25488/158, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Restaurant/Bar, Lot: 1564sf Prior Sale: $198,223 (06/13) 45 ETON ST........................................... $289,900 B: Jennifer A Couture S: Reina Y Landaverde Book/Page: 25483/112, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Homestead Fund Corp $275,405 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5502sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (08/23) 20 FLORIDA ST...................................... $350,000 B: Katharine C Dias S: Springfield Ventures Rt & James B Morrissey Jr Book/Page: 25489/455, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $332,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 8433sf Prior Sale: $55,000 (07/15) 31 FREEMAN TER.................................. $298,700 B: Ronald Jeanty & Samite Myrtil S: Beacon Cornerstone LLC Book/Page: 25488/485, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $293,289 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (10/23) 195 GARLAND ST.................................. $215,000 B: Amelya Williamson & Vernon B Garcia S: Lucas Giusto, Tr for Naples Home Buyers T Book/Page: 25488/573, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $195,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (06/24) 23 GATEWOOD RD................................ $285,000 B: Carmela R Hodgdon S: Renee D Lewis Book/Page: 25489/70, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $273,707 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10616sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (05/10) 78 HILLMAN ST..................................... $200,000 B: Svl LLC S: B S C Realty Inc Book/Page: 25488/156, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Restaurant/Bar, Lot: 3511sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (06/03)

73 KENSINGTON AVE............................ $465,000 B: Xiumei Ye S: Emtay Inc Book/Page: 25488/597, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: General Mortgage Corp $348,750 Term: 2054 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6447sf Prior Sale: $885,000 (05/24) 152 KENSINGTON AVE.......................... $375,000 B: Onstar Properties Aa LLC S: Emtay Inc Book/Page: 25490/82, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Greenfield Cp Bk $345,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5493sf Prior Sale: $885,000 (05/24) 86 MALDEN ST...................................... $120,000 B: Pah Properties LLC S: Maria Laureano, Tr for 86 Malden Street Rt Book/Page: 25487/206, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 5005sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (12/15) 130 MANCHESTER TER......................... $385,000 B: Makieu F Rhida & Ahmed T Bah S: Mhi Properties LLC Doc#: 000000000237052, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: New American Funding $372,150 Term: 2044 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6974sf Prior Sale: $152,500 (07/23) 130 MANCHESTER TER......................... $385,000 B: Makieu F Rhida & Ahmed T Bah S: Mhi Properties LLC Book/Page: 25486/342, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: New American Funding $372,150 Term: 2044 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6974sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (07/24) 76 MARBLE ST...................................... $258,000 B: Keturah R Lockett S: Real Est Invs Northeast L Book/Page: 25485/292, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $258,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5114sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (03/23) 110 MELHA AVE.................................... $420,000 B: Maria T Castro S: Jose J Salas-Delgado Book/Page: 25489/545, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $336,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5754sf Prior Sale: $135,000 (11/15) 26-28 NARRAGANSETT ST................... $295,000 B: Rolando Pagan S: Rafael Carrasquillo Book/Page: 25489/600, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $289,656 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6874sf Prior Sale: $25,000 (01/98) 24 NELSON AVE.................................... $240,000 B: Ashley Wiggins S: C Capital LLC Book/Page: 25485/537, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: MA Housing Fin Auth $215,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6129sf Prior Sale: $36,500 (04/19) 54 PORTER ST....................................... $276,000 B: Diana Velez S: Shigen Zhu Book/Page: 25484/480, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $269,427 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7501sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (12/19) 22 SARGON ST...................................... $107,400 B: Dennis Mullen S: Citigroup Mtg Loan T 2018 & U S Bank TNa Tr Book/Page: 25484/365, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 4996sf Prior Sale: $174,142 (09/22) 59-61 SORRENTO ST............................ $265,000 B: Emtay Inc S: Horowitz Samuel Est & Shirley Graziani Book/Page: 25485/105, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Pinnacle Fncl Svc LLC $200,000 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 6251sf 35 SPRUCELAND AVE........................... $435,000 B: Emily Le S: Paul A Jacobs & Ann M Haggerty-Jacobs Book/Page: 25482/402, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 8 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8703sf 408 TIFFANY ST.................................... $225,000 B: Dreampath Homebuyers LLC S: Goucher Grace W Est & Hyman G Darling Book/Page: 25484/338, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9740sf 57-59 TYLER ST.................................... $295,000 B: 74 Alder Street LLC S: Ching-Chi Lee Book/Page: 25486/272, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Commercial Lender LLC $221,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3167sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (12/19) 73 VILLA PKWY..................................... $235,000 B: Andrea L Pires Martins S: Julia Polanco Book/Page: 25486/17, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $230,743 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3751sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (05/04) 293-295 WATER ST.............................. $110,000 B: Sapataria Coelho LLC S: Theresa Karam Book/Page: 25483/418, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Pinnacle Fncl Svc LLC $192,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 9500sf 142-144 YALE ST.................................. $80,000 B: Anthony Matthews, Tr for Yale Rt S: Othniel Brown & Beverly G Brown Book/Page: 25488/566, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3886sf Prior Sale: $92,000 (05/91) 142-144 YALE ST.................................. $160,000 B: Nres LLC S: Anthony Matthews, Tr for Yale Rt Book/Page: 25490/148, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Tailor Rdg REIT LLC $250,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3886sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (07/24)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 827 BERKSHIRE AVE............................. $170,000 B: Muhammad Akbar S: Sarah C Thomas & Deutsche Bk Natl TCo Book/Page: 25486/164, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14623sf Prior Sale: $148,000 (09/06) 65 CHEROKEE DR.................................. $203,000 B: Wesley Blask S: Wendell F Justice Jr & Wells Fargo Bank Book/Page: 25486/549, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8499sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (07/03) 8 PUTNAM ST........................................ $200,000 B: Doug Dichard S: Yogi Kynard Sr & Lakeview Loan Servicing L Book/Page: 25487/17, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9165sf Prior Sale: $270,500 (07/21)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

15 WELLINGTON ST.............................. $240,000 B: Cwabs Inc Series 2007-8 & Bank Of New Yoek Mellon T S: Ivin Rennix & Bank Of New York Mellon Book/Page: 25483/240, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 5044sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (04/23)

West Springfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 84 Median Price $318,000

YTD 2024 93 $300,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 166 ASHLEY AVE.................................. $1,000,000 B: Ashley Investments LLC S: Sypek Mary F Est & Emily Murawski Book/Page: 25489/46, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 60002sf 186 ASHLEY AVE.................................. $1,000,000 B: Ashley Investments LLC S: Sypek Mary F Est & Emily Murawski Book/Page: 25489/46, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 60001sf 258 ASHLEY ST..................................... $330,000 B: Sarah R Lapolice S: Labinot Preniqi & Moryn Mendoza Book/Page: 25482/457, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Monson Svgs Bk $297,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5143sf Prior Sale: $137,000 (02/13) 63 BLISS ST.......................................... $300,000 B: Geoffrey P Galvin & Brittany Vasil S: Koda Penny Realty LLC Book/Page: 25484/216, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Plaza Home Mtg $294,566 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4500sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (07/23) 6 COLONY RD U:6.................................. $161,000 B: Peter Torres Jr S: Vincenzo Rettura Book/Page: 25488/51, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $156,170 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $60,125 (10/10) 42 EXETER ST....................................... $200,000 B: Larkspur LLC S: Anthony M Savino & Virginia M Savino Book/Page: 25484/558, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Florence Bank $260,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12500sf Prior Sale: $121,000 (12/90) 72 LENNYS WAY................................... $659,500 B: Labinot Preniqi & Moryn Mendoza S: Kevin M White & Shamis A White Book/Page: 25482/577, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $120,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23489sf Prior Sale: $392,900 (12/16) 121 LINCOLN ST.................................... $232,000 B: Daniel G Tenggren S: Patricia A Brown Book/Page: 25487/338, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $208,800 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8381sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (01/04) 294 MAIN ST......................................... $190,000 B: Aga Brothers LLC S: Gregory Palanjian Book/Page: 25488/451, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4914sf 1608 MEMORIAL AVE U:1608............... $95,000 B: Nick M Zaporozhchenko S: Phh Mortgage Corp Book/Page: 25483/250, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $59,860 (03/20) 166 RIVER ST........................................ $210,000 B: Koch Real Estate Corp S: Helen M Bonneau Book/Page: 25486/460, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Retail-Department Store, Lot: 31307sf

Westfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 115 Median Price $294,000

YTD 2024 122 $357,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 11 FAWN LN.......................................... $460,000 B: Erik R Towle & Elizabeth M Towle S: David H Bird & Taralyn Bird Book/Page: 25484/267, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Evolve B&T $368,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 24186sf Prior Sale: $302,000 (09/07) 28 GLORIA DR....................................... $660,000 B: Corey J Fournier & Melissa C Fournier S: Donnell F Humber & Heather I Humber Book/Page: 25489/360, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $524,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25608sf Prior Sale: $384,500 (08/12) 16 HOLLAND AVE.................................. $230,000 B: Vantage Home Buyers LLC S: Sophia Bousquet Book/Page: 25490/128, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Commercial Lender LLC $300,000 Term: 2025 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 7524sf 191 JOSEPH AVE................................... $371,000 B: Kyle Lapolice & Destiny Myette S: Corey J Fournier & Melissa C Fournier Book/Page: 25489/288, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $352,450 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21988sf Prior Sale: $225,000 (03/07) 13 RUSSELL RD..................................... $350,000 B: Caio Santiago S: Tm Properties Inc Book/Page: 25487/225, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $343,660 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4750sf Prior Sale: $87,000 (09/08) 147 TANNERY RD.................................. $775,000 B: Donna Janerico & Luke Leszczynski S: Richard H Stanton Iii Lt & Richard H Stanton 3rd Book/Page: 25484/519, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 135036sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (01/09) 997 WESTERN AVE............................... $225,000 B: Vantage Home Buyers LLC S: Mary E Oleksak Book/Page: 25489/510, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Commercial Lender LLC $303,750 Term: 2025 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 60548sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (01/00)

16 WILLOW BROOK LN......................... $576,000 B: Kolleen Jandaczek & Krzysztof Pilichowski S: Richard S Gawron Jr & Sharon M Gawron Book/Page: 25488/425, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36315sf Prior Sale: $257,000 (11/01)

Wilbraham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 75 Median Price $400,000

YTD 2024 67 $433,088

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 CEDAR OAK DR................................ $480,000 B: Joseph Coffey & Marilyn Coffey S: Bettye J Frederic & Michael Frederic Book/Page: 25490/48, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Evolve B&T $384,000 Term: 2054 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30000sf 807 GLENDALE RD................................ $50,000 B: Richard L Shults S: Spectrum Northeast LLC Book/Page: 25483/391, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Cable Television Transmssn, Lot: 117630sf 416 SOULE RD....................................... $403,000 B: Melih Elcin S: Patrick S Obrien Book/Page: 25488/28, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $353,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $258,000 (01/18)

Hampshire Registry Mary Olberding, Register 60 Railroad Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: (413) 584-3637 Fax: (413) 584-4136 or

463 BAY RD........................................... $535,000 B: Daniel J Babineau & Nutcha Wattanachit S: Annie E Nelson & Nathaniel Smith Book/Page: 15182/90, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Florence Bank $401,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 31798sf Prior Sale: $475,000 (06/22) 11 PINE GRV U:11................................. $398,750 B: Mary A Royle S: Mark A Mcdonald & Sharon S Mcdonald Book/Page: 15178/204, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 8453sf Prior Sale: $100,500 (08/95) 71 SAND HILL RD.................................. $784,200 B: Catlin L Cnverse, Tr for Catlin L Converse Int S: Anne M Messmer & Michael Messmer Book/Page: 15179/290, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 39844sf Prior Sale: $679,000 (11/22)


YTD 2024 44 $444,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES ALDRICH ST L:F.................................... $70,000 B: David J Knapp & Michelle D Knapp S: Michael J Obrien & Vicki L Obrien Book/Page: 15179/323, Date: 07/11/24 10 COBB LN........................................... $417,500 B: Emily J Dannen & Michale J Dannen S: Allison E Dunn Book/Page: 15177/37, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $297,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11025sf Prior Sale: $230,000 (08/09) 23 SEGUR LN......................................... $480,000 B: John Pyne & Joyce E Pyne S: Randall W Prescott & Carol B Prescott Book/Page: 15182/210, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Digital FCU $150,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40001sf Prior Sale: $37,000 (07/94) 39 SEGUR LN......................................... $665,000 B: Marcus Davis & Amanda N Cass S: Bernd F Schliemann & Bianca Schliemann Book/Page: 15182/58, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Members Advantage Mtg $598,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40019sf Prior Sale: $249,900 (06/02)


YTD 2024 7 $420,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 FARMHOUSE RD............................... B: Matthew St Louis S: Linda A Udall & Jeffrey P Udall Book/Page: 15181/130, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 5445sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (09/21) 583 MAIN RD........................................ B: Noel N Morris 2nd S: Jason Soukup Book/Page: 15177/293, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Navy FCU $355,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 411468sf Prior Sale: $223,000 (06/08)

YTD 2024 51 $399,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 EMILY LN.......................................... $548,100 B: Mitchell Hubbard & Natalia Pisklak S: Gregory C Tudryn, Tr for Gregory C Tudryn Lt Book/Page: 15180/72, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Florence Bank $438,100 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 18731sf Prior Sale: $145,000 (10/92) 31 FLORENCE RD.................................. $370,000 B: Dorina Bajrami S: Carrie F Bither Book/Page: 15178/4, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $351,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 31799sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (07/15) 51 PHELPS ST....................................... $384,000 B: Elin A Ohara S: Magali Schoulguine & Andrew J Skelly Book/Page: 15181/137, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Polish National CU $259,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.1% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $207,000 (07/17) 14 POMEROY ST................................... $325,000 B: Marcus Tenesaca & Amelia Tenesaca S: Jared C Lent, Tr for Russell & Deborah Lent Lt Book/Page: 15177/76, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 26136sf

YTD 2024 2 $225,000


YTD 2024 59 $600,000


1 HEMLOCK ST...................................... $480,000 B: Adrianne Wurzl S: Deborah M Leonas Book/Page: 15179/332, Date: 07/11/24 27 POND HILL RD.................................. $495,000 B: David Fradkin & Joan Fradkin S: Richard D Chiminello, Tr for Chiminello RET Book/Page: 15182/53, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 12197sf Prior Sale: $203,456 (10/07) 16 WASHINGTON RD S......................... $635,000 B: Alisa Wagman & Lynn Wagman S: James Pesuit, Tr for Penny Moore T Book/Page: 15177/213, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $425,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $167,500 (08/06)

Granby MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $285,500

YTD 2024 20 $350,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 562 E STATE ST.................................... B: Targayen Rt & Dominic Kirchner 2nd S: Andrea D Marceay & Jason D Marceay Book/Page: 15177/88, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 60473sf 2 GRANBY HTS U:2............................... B: Donna M Brogle S: Catherine R Nally Book/Page: 15178/234, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $141,500 (12/20) 114 MAXIMILIAN DR............................. B: Daniel A Haynes S: Radu Vlas & Cristna Vlas Book/Page: 15176/197, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $780,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.8% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 41307sf Prior Sale: $574,326 (12/20)



YTD 2024 16 $541,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BAY RD................................................. $1,150,000 B: Bradley Kobylarz & Stephaie Kobylarz S: David E Krock & Sharon Stanton Book/Page: 15177/184, Date: 07/09/24 1 CEMETERY RD................................... $560,000 B: Arthur W Dahowski S: Novak Brenda L Est & Raymond Conway Book/Page: 15178/39, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20962sf 100 CHMURA RD.................................. $1,150,000 B: Bradley Kobylarz & Stephaie Kobylarz S: David E Krock & Sharon Stanton Book/Page: 15177/184, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: North American SB $766,550 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 63541sf Prior Sale: $787,500 (06/19)


YTD 2024 11 $440,000



YTD 2024 60 $451,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 CAHILLANE TER............................... $245,000 B: Steven Luzi S: Matthew Motamed Book/Page: 15181/118, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10550sf Prior Sale: $154,000 (01/19) 705 FAIRWAY VLG U:705...................... $385,000 B: Benjamin T Brodie & Claudia M Wharton S: Pil-Won On Book/Page: 15181/219, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $308,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $212,000 (03/20) 68 HILLCREST DR................................. $739,000 B: Melinda M Mason & Randolph S Yanoshak Jr S: Lydia Sarro & Joseph F Bartolomeo Book/Page: 15178/252, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Florence Bank $369,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 31938sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (01/93) 68 N MAIN ST........................................ $525,000 B: Catherine Hodes S: Gordon R Luce & Kathleen Luce Book/Page: 15176/313, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $295,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 15329sf 25 NEW SOUTH ST U:A203................... $510,000 B: Eelin Reily S: Colin D Chickles & Shelda T Chickles Book/Page: 15177/345, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $443,900 (11/21) 70 PROSPECT ST.................................. $561,000 B: Emma Bresnan & Reid S Herreid S: Johnsn Willard M Est & Gary Sienkiewicz Book/Page: 15180/35, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6499sf 281 PROSPECT ST................................ $725,470 B: Wmass Prospect LLC S: Vijay Prashad & Elizabeth B Armstrong Book/Page: 15182/23, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10616sf Prior Sale: $309,000 (06/01) 957 RYAN RD........................................ $400,000 B: Francis J Ladouceur & Margaret A Ladouceur S: Michael D Brooks & Marilyn L Brooks Book/Page: 15177/20, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19859sf Prior Sale: $94,000 (01/91) 1089 WESTHAMPTON RD.................... $1,850,000 B: Brent Richter & Pamela Joshi S: Jeffrey M Siegel, Tr for Mineral Hills Nt Book/Page: 15180/292, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Morgan Stanley Privat $1,480,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 273557sf Prior Sale: $1,850,000 (05/24) 41 WILLIAMS ST.................................. $1,675,000 B: Ampersand Sprout LLC S: Williams St Land T & Essex Corp Tr Book/Page: 15178/107, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Greenfield Svgs $1,575,000 Term: 2029 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 6730sf

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 70 Median Price $343,000

YTD 2024 50 $354,000



YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $337,500

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $530,000

South Hadley

Hadley YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 22 Median Price $535,000



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 42 Median Price $360,500

73 PLAIN RD.......................................... B: Peter Fazekas & Victoria Damant S: Pushkin Barbarra A Est & Susan M Burt Book/Page: 15177/29, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 61555sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (06/03)



YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 Median Price $302,500


YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 5 Median Price $180,000




YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $440,000

189 SUGAR HILL RD.............................. B: Collin Preftakes & Dayne A Reis S: Raymond Lequin Jr & Krislyn T Lequin Book/Page: 15178/312, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $369,600 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 103673sf Prior Sale: $21,000 (10/94)


Amherst YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 58 Median Price $500,000



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

55 ELM ST............................................. $295,000 B: Thomas J Wickles & Brenda J Wickles S: Lyle Labarge, Tr for Leslie & K Labarge Ft Book/Page: 15181/184, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Brenda J Wickles $444,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 67217sf 186 N HATFIELD RD.............................. $450,000 B: John S Henderson-Adams & Mariel Lima S: Martin W Holich Jr & Sharyn A Holich Book/Page: 15178/244, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 132993sf

48 HILLSIDE AVE................................... $463,500 B: Lesli Oconnell & David Swiezewski S: Lisa M Morrin Book/Page: 15178/345, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 17414sf Prior Sale: $317,500 (12/20) 273 PEARL ST....................................... $570,000 B: Diana K Rogers S: Neal Teague & Mary M Teague Book/Page: 15178/350, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22641sf Prior Sale: $409,000 (06/18) 106 PINE GROVE DR U:106................... $430,000 B: Martin E Kearney & Diane M Kearney S: Richard R Berard & Karen A Kosior Book/Page: 15180/224, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Polish National CU $100,000 Term: 2039 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $174,500 (11/97) 151 PINE GROVE DR U:151................... $360,000 B: Jose L Hernandez & Annmarie Hernandez S: Martin E Kerney & Diane M Kerney Book/Page: 15180/204, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $255,000 (11/06) 8 PROMENADE WAY U:8....................... $600,000 B: John J Berltramo & Patricia A Berltramo S: Meir Weinstein & Cynthia Weinstein Book/Page: 15179/6, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (08/19) 63 SHADOW BROOK EST U:63.............. $579,000 B: Karen R Bogdanovich & Edmond P Lonergan S: Pyne Nt & John P Pyne Jr Book/Page: 15181/302, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $395,000 (12/19) 14 W SUMMIT ST.................................. $355,000 B: John C Pietroniro & Sally M Pietroniro S: Antonio Turner Book/Page: 15179/58, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Holyoke CU $284,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13670sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (04/21) 39 W SUMMIT ST U:14.......................... $299,900 B: Sean P Kane S: Harry L Candler Book/Page: 15181/350, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: BankESB $224,925 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

41 W SUMMIT ST U:75.......................... $210,000 B: William F Jerome & Brenda J Jerome S: Williams Kenneth J Est & Laura Meuselbach Book/Page: 15179/27, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: PeoplesBank (Holyoke) $150,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $133,500 (07/08)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 19 PRIESTLY FARMS RD...................... $482,000 B: Pah Properties LLC S: Michael Schaeffer & Freedom Mortgage Corp Book/Page: 15180/138, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Kiavi Funding Inc $512,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 34232sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (08/18)

Southampton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $405,000

YTD 2024 22 $415,650

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 118 MIDDLE RD.................................... $555,000 B: Nikhil B Meshram & Jayna Meshram S: Brian D Slezek & Lori A Slezek Book/Page: 15181/313, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Polish National CU $282,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 40288sf Prior Sale: $354,900 (01/17) 64 WHITE LOAF RD............................... $365,000 B: Cregg Miller S: Lemire Helga A Est & Robert J Lemire Jr Book/Page: 15182/126, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Evolve B&T $310,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 39640sf

Ware MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 41 Median Price $276,000

YTD 2024 39 $282,044

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 37 GREENWICH RD............................... B: Kalin E Deere S: Mia Gurule Book/Page: 15177/135, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 49541sf Prior Sale: $267,400 (07/23) 58 OLD BELCHERTOWN RD.................. B: Travis Stanger & Nathassja Stanger S: John P Hanley & Linda L Hanley Book/Page: 15181/57, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $361,550 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 60000sf




YTD 2024 6 $359,300

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 67 CHESTERFIELD RD........................... $130,000 B: Samuel R Prickett & Erin Prickett S: Allison Jones Book/Page: 15177/1, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 481338sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (06/22)

Middlesex Registry Northern District Richard Howe, Jr., Register 370 Jackson Street Lowell, MA 01852 Telephone: (978) 322-9000 Fax: (978) 322-9001

Billerica MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 120 Median Price $649,500

Chelmsford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 82 Median Price $600,500

YTD 2024 118 $681,250


Williamsburg YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 3 Median Price $171,500

11 KENMAR DR U:4............................... $200,000 B: Yu A Gao S: Jmt Condo Holdings LLC Book/Page: 38608/1, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $167,074 (06/24) 26 KENMAR DR U:259........................... $276,000 B: Anitha Ravi & Vidya S Bandlamudi S: John E Hughes 3rd Book/Page: 38613/175, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bar Harbor Bk & Tr $193,200 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $62,500 (02/00) 18 LINNELL CIR..................................... $600,000 B: Ronald J Topping Jr & Lisa M Topping S: Samuel H Wan, Tr for Samuel & Deborah Wan RET Book/Page: 38606/175, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $480,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 59677sf Prior Sale: $229,750 (05/98) 10 REARDON RD................................... $650,000 B: Gerard B Passy & Joarcelle M Kibamba S: Brien Gary Est & Darryl Brien Book/Page: 38603/271, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $552,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5001sf 3 SPRAGUE ST...................................... $400,000 B: Igor F Jorge, Tr for Hanh Truong S: Linda S Cossette, Tr for Lawrence T Cossette Irt Book/Page: 38609/110, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5310sf 19 STAG DR........................................... $805,000 B: Sujan Thapa & Pawan Pradham S: William R Toner & Kathleen M Toner Book/Page: 38610/198, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $644,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30000sf Prior Sale: $254,000 (12/99)

YTD 2024 106 $690,450

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 BEDFORD ST...................................... $855,000 B: Jinsoo Kim & Elizabeth Enlow S: David P Sporleder, Tr for 5 Bedford Billerica Rt Book/Page: 38608/157, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Onto Mortgage LLC $615,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 13386sf Prior Sale: $387,000 (02/13) 898 BOSTON RD.................................... $495,000 B: Fahamida Akter & Mohammed S Hossain S: Michelle Torrice & Samuel Torrice Book/Page: 38604/72, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5275sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (07/18) 114 FRIENDSHIP ST.............................. $280,000 B: Goldwetha Investments LLC S: Herminia Vega Book/Page: 38605/242, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $131,000 (07/87) 4 GOVERNOR SALTONSTALL RD.......... $650,000 B: Vivian H Tran-Vo, Tr for Jason Truong S: Ryan Doak & Erica Doak Doc#: 000000000323551, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $520,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 32792sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (10/17) 6 KENMAR DR U:23............................... $346,000 B: Panduranga R Varada & Amruthavalli Raja S: Nandishkumar Desai & Namita S Dodwadkar Book/Page: 38605/44, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $262,500 (11/20)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

27 AMBLE RD........................................ $955,000 B: Nick Yang & Christine Yang S: Troy D Humphreys & Clare T Humphreys Book/Page: 38601/263, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $764,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43996sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (12/18) 19 BELMONT DR................................... $850,000 B: Gregory Napoli & Kathleen Napoli S: Jeanne A Hayes & Mitchell L Hayes Book/Page: 38611/127, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 40511sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (10/00) 80 BRICK KILN RD............................... $1,500,000 B: 80 Bk Road LLC S: 80 Brick Kiln LLC Book/Page: 38610/159, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Middlesex FSLA $1,200,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 60984sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (10/14) 29 HIGHLAND AVE U:29........................ $495,000 B: Leonardo Defreitas & Bradley S Muse S: Zachary J Desrochers Book/Page: 38602/215, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $371,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $335,000 (01/19) 224 LITTLETON RD................................ $737,500 B: Richard Macinnis & Alexa Macinnis S: Hemanth Akkiraju & Indira A Akkiraju Doc#: 000000000323521, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $590,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40075sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (01/21) 299 LITTLETON RD............................... $2,100,000 B: Dean Drinkwater, Tr for 299 Littleton Road Rt S: Vanbergen Rt LLC Book/Page: 38606/209, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Hingham Inst for Svgs $1,000,000 Use: Manufacturing Building, Lot: 40075sf Prior Sale: $930,000 (02/18) 221 MILL RD......................................... $800,000 B: Jennifer Sorensen & Jeremy Mielens S: Joseph E Snyder & Jennifer A Snyder Book/Page: 38611/283, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bay Equity LLC $500,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 27443sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (10/18) 5 NORTHGATE RD................................. $600,000 B: Mohammad Azadani S: Paul T Rosell, Tr for Diana C Leblanc 2018 Lt Book/Page: 38608/237, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $540,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (12/94) 3 PEACHTREE LN.................................. $900,000 B: Nasim M Ghazi & Fakhara N Ghazi S: Mohinder S Gandhi & Jasbir K Gandhi Book/Page: 38609/117, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $700,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45302sf Prior Sale: $281,000 (06/98) 56 RIVERNECK RD................................. $556,345 B: Mattew W Gallant & Stephanie A Rezendes S: James R Sharkey Book/Page: 38599/120, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Prestige Home Mtg LLC $546,267 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13939sf 130 TURNPIKE RD U:18........................ $645,000 B: Varun Nigam & Danielle S Nigam S: Ying Li Book/Page: 38609/62, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $516,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $385,900 (05/06)




Dracut MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $489,450

YTD 2024 75 $530,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 BLACKHAWK CIR U:24..................... $630,000 B: Lori A Orlando, Tr for Orlando 2016 Funding T S: Deedee Pappas & Richard Leduc Book/Page: 38603/154, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 15367sf Prior Sale: $409,900 (07/17) 172 DAVIS RD....................................... $585,000 B: Jessica Renzi & Hailey Johnson S: Scott Capraro & Jessica Capraro Book/Page: 38605/185, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $468,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15320sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (02/20) 92 FOX AVE........................................... $675,000 B: Joseph Mcmanus & Megan Roberts S: Maja A Lewandowska-Anbar Book/Page: 38601/208, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Provident Funding $500,000 Term: 2044 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14062sf Prior Sale: $276,100 (09/16) 55 LEONARD AVE.................................. $540,000 B: Yiriarqui Rodriguez & Jose V Torres-Chavez S: Robert Dufour, Tr for M Dufour Renquin Nt Book/Page: 38612/24, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $510,300 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13272sf 106 LEONARD AVE................................ $640,000 B: Frank Agyeman & Juliet Addo S: Jordan Cancela & Domenique Cancela Book/Page: 38612/278, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9045sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (11/19) 154 NEW BOSTON RD........................... $471,000 B: Jovan Cabrera S: Khadijah T Howard & Chase B Howard Book/Page: 38605/211, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $471,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11662sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (08/17) 144 THISSELL AVE U:6.......................... $257,770 B: Tatiana Medina & Dante Fogle S: Theresa Falzone Book/Page: 38613/141, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Northern Hm Loans LLC $239,770 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $139,700 (08/19) 124 VALLEY RD..................................... $500,000 B: Brian R Patterson & Jessica H Patterson S: Richard E Patterson Jr & Karen E Patterson Book/Page: 38612/159, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18768sf Prior Sale: $153,000 (09/96) 134 WIMBLEDON XING......................... $665,000 B: Felix A Raminrez & Yasmel Raminrez S: Lori A Orlando, Tr for Orlando 2016 Funding T Book/Page: 38603/6, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $575,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9932sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (12/99) 32 WYMAN RD...................................... $560,000 B: Monicah Kihungi S: Carolyn M Ohalloran & Michael D Ohalloran Book/Page: 38611/218, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: MLD Mortgage Inc $532,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5584sf Prior Sale: $269,900 (04/04)

Dunstable MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 9 Median Price $900,000

YTD 2024 14 $922,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 376 GROTON ST.................................... B: Zeinab Chaichi & Daniel Fereidouni S: Cullen H Schultz & Kayla M Mckenna Book/Page: 38608/283, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $736,200 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 91258sf Prior Sale: $695,000 (07/21)


Lowell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 172 Median Price $432,500

YTD 2024 183 $470,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 107 ADAMS ST...................................... $750,000 B: Vincent Nguyen S: Zena T Hoang Book/Page: 38605/276, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Emporium TPO LLC $562,500 Term: 2054 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 4356sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (07/04) 306 AIKEN AVE U:11............................. $315,000 B: Daniel K Gordon S: Amanda C Vu Book/Page: 38600/38, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $75,000 (09/00) 369 AIKEN AVE U:6............................... $325,000 B: Ashika Regmi & Parash M Pokharel S: Giuseppe Solari Book/Page: 38600/192, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Amerant Mortgage $243,750 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $285,000 (05/22) 369 AIKEN AVE U:7............................... $332,000 B: Andrew Karpowicz & Eimhear Canavan-Martin S: Lynn Ayotte Book/Page: 38599/259, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Digital FCU $265,600 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $149,900 (06/17)

85 ARLENE RD...................................... $530,000 B: Channara Sar & William Bun S: Anthony Yan & Cynthia Yan Book/Page: 38611/170, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $520,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 9148sf Prior Sale: $495,000 (12/22) 529 BOYLSTON ST................................ $653,000 B: Seth M Adams & Hannah B Zangwill S: Tim Desmarais & Karen Couillard Book/Page: 38604/211, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Provident Funding $457,100 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (02/24) 3 BROOKSIDE ST................................... $530,000 B: Cuong D Lang & Chi V Lang S: Vrmtg Asset T & Us Bank TNa Tr Book/Page: 38601/122, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $424,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $441,755 (03/24) 30 CIRCUIT AVE U:30............................ $449,000 B: Patricia Antoine & Patrice Antoine S: Stephanie D Mondelus & Vladimyr Mondelus Book/Page: 38607/96, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 54 CORBETT ST..................................... $497,000 B: Patrice Olivar S: Progresso LLC Book/Page: 38605/51, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $472,150 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3049sf Prior Sale: $265,680 (10/23) 52 CORK ST........................................... $310,000 B: The Rise Up Fund LLC S: Luz M Martinez Book/Page: 38606/104, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Kiavi Funding Inc $301,800 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 1307sf Prior Sale: $56,000 (09/95) 86 EPPING ST........................................ $460,000 B: Yen Long & Lily Loeung S: Karen Garrigan, Tr for J J & Joanne C Bond Irt Book/Page: 38603/51, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Nations Reliable Lndg $451,668 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4792sf 122 FAIRFIELD ST................................. $705,000 B: Helen Tran, Tr for Jean-Louis Nguyen S: Kerry M Martin & Kathleen F Keenan Book/Page: 38601/240, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $536,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $438,000 (09/19) 416 HIGH ST.......................................... $750,000 B: Thais V Silva & Washington N Depaula S: Dominic X Rodriguez & Irais Rodriguez Book/Page: 38606/274, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $703,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $640,000 (06/22) 192 HILDRETH ST................................. $370,000 B: Top-Tier Investments LLC S: Cdl Property Const LLC Book/Page: 38613/256, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (10/22) 61 MARKET ST U:2D............................. $389,900 B: Dunia Salgado S: Lauren Stummer Book/Page: 38613/47, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $370,405 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $330,000 (10/20) 200-A MARKET ST U:604...................... $360,000 B: Sahil Mohanty & Satyabrata Mohanty S: Kassie M Rubico Book/Page: 38603/86, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $324,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $196,000 (05/16) 53 MELROSE AVE.................................. $434,375 B: Vikki P Foley S: Jeffrey Hitchcock Jr Book/Page: 38601/157, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $347,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 13504sf Prior Sale: $255,750 (09/08) 61 NOB WAY......................................... $630,000 B: Elizabeth M Smith S: David M Casey Jr & Scott D Ouellet Book/Page: 38608/185, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $567,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $370,000 (03/05) 25 OSGOOD ST...................................... $670,000 B: Ideline F Jean & Watson Jean S: Mary L Michaud, Tr for M Michaud RET 2019 Book/Page: 38604/243, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $623,100 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 6970sf 28 PATRICIA AVE.................................. $451,000 B: Louis Galligani & Kyra Devoe S: Steven Shepherd & Kimberly Shepherd Book/Page: 38600/73, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $428,450 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5663sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (06/17) 105 REMINGTON ST.............................. $685,000 B: Peter Stohn S: David J Cavossa & Frances L Cavossa Book/Page: 38605/80, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $239,900 (05/11) 14 TIFFANY DR...................................... $670,000 B: Elias Saad S: Jason P Carota, Tr for P L & Marylou Carota Irt Book/Page: 38609/150, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $270,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10454sf

Tewksbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 90 Median Price $639,500

YTD 2024 94 $650,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 BONNIE LN......................................... $785,000 B: Corey Hogan & Karen Hogan S: Ferrelli Francis J Est & Matthew F Ferrelli Book/Page: 38612/61, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $610,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 43560sf

71 EAGLE DR U:71................................ $575,000 B: Denise Toppin S: Sami W Lytle & Lisa M Lytle Book/Page: 38600/1, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $175,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (07/16) 1127 EMERALD CT U:1127................... $475,000 B: Susan A Guardino S: Cohen Liliana M Est & Andrew Romano Book/Page: 38610/238, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $460,000 (07/22) 21 FOX RUN DR..................................... $830,000 B: Adriana M Castrillon & Sara Sequeira S: David J Chandonnet, Tr for Penny E Chandonnet Ft Book/Page: 38605/111, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $732,600 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (03/14) 32 HENRY J DR..................................... $735,000 B: Patrick Hashem & Catherine Lamacchia S: Balakrishnan R Bathey, Tr for Bathey Ft Book/Page: 38612/177, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Allanach&Mortgage Grp $385,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 17722sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (07/98) 34 JILLS WAY U:34............................... $765,000 B: Yuanyaun Gao S: Gary L Lanoie, Tr for Lanoie Ft Book/Page: 38602/136, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $255,000 Term: 2044 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $419,900 (11/14) 11 KEVIN ST.......................................... $472,500 B: William D Campos S: Cathleen E Gorman, Tr for Gorman Ft Book/Page: 38607/14, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: QS Lending T $510,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12152sf 1501 MAIN ST U:19............................... $75,000 B: 1501 Main Street LLC S: Alan A Sherburne Book/Page: 38612/93, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Office Condo Unit, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $27,000 (03/95) 2131 MAIN ST U:310............................. $714,999 B: Olugbenga A Dada S: 2131 Main Street LLC Book/Page: 38611/31, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $679,249 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 53 MERRIMACK MEADOWS LN U:53.... $430,000 B: Adreena Arzu & Zayne Ali S: Tina M Schuurman Book/Page: 38600/146, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $378,001 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $177,500 (09/12) 81 QUAIL RUN U:81............................... $441,000 B: Nishitbhai Shah & Megha H Shah S: Maria J Barry Book/Page: 38609/236, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $271,000 Term: 2039 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 100sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (11/18) 31 SECOR WAY..................................... $701,000 B: Dolores Anoli S: Gabriel C Donadio, Tr for Donadio Ft Book/Page: 38608/59, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $560,800 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5250sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (02/20)

Tyngsboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $600,000

YTD 2024 35 $612,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 MERRIMAC WAY U:H....................... $456,000 B: Ann-Elizabeth Le & Anh Q Huynh S: Julie Looney Book/Page: 38603/295, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $364,800 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $225,000 (10/14) 203 PONDVIEW PL U:203...................... $315,000 B: Thi T Tran, Tr for Bachvan T Nguyen S: Laura E Barton & Michael R Barton Book/Page: 38612/133, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $115,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $123,000 (03/00) 401 PONDVIEW VILLAGE RD U:401...... $360,000 B: Gerardo Y Villapando & Lorelyn M Villapando S: Sandra B Alves Book/Page: 38602/243, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Mega Cap Funding Inc $325,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo

Westford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 76 Median Price $716,000

YTD 2024 75 $875,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 COMMODORE WAY U:1...................... $769,000 B: Emily Mackey S: Yuling Tong Book/Page: 38602/99, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $692,100 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $650,000 (12/21) 11 CUTTER LN...................................... $1,000,000 B: Mahendra S Rajput & Anshu S Rajput S: Marcia A Prestia Book/Page: 38604/170, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $800,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25439sf Prior Sale: $369,350 (02/00) 6 DEPOT ST.......................................... $1,265,000 B: Otis Carter S: Erik T Nilsson & Ingrid M Nilsson Book/Page: 38600/232, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 21998sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (10/00)

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

7 DIANE LN........................................... $1,900,000 B: Skander Kechaou & Iman Djarraya S: Carlisle Road Homes Inc Book/Page: 38613/223, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,480,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 34848sf 10 GROTON RD U:A5............................. $172,800 B: Laurie A Landess S: Kathleen A Dion & Harvey A Dion Book/Page: 38613/81, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $146,880 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $188,600 (01/07) 11 NEWPORT DR................................... $475,000 B: Dawog Hld & Invs LLC S: Arruda Delores L Est & Catherine Arruda Book/Page: 38608/92, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Express Cap Hldg Llc $847,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33149sf 2 PAGEANT WAY.................................. $1,925,000 B: Nicholas Cox & Ellen Loshbough S: Hans C Bottger & Johanna L Bottger Book/Page: 38605/250, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Bank of Canton $925,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 57456sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (09/11) 43 WHISPERING PINES RD U:43........... $304,000 B: Brian S Marie & Brittany Carey S: Charles W Hughes & Kristina E Hughes Book/Page: 38602/192, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $169,000 (11/14)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 12 BROOKSIDE RD U:20........................ B: Federal Natl Mtg Assn S: Norma R Lajoie & Ma Hsng Fin Agency Book/Page: 38610/92, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $158,100 (04/14)


Wilmington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 94 Median Price $645,250

YTD 2024 80 $731,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 18 BOUTWELL ST................................. $1,280,000 B: Gujie Mi & Di Shi S: Victor N Bisson & Ellen J Bisson Book/Page: 38602/10, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $941,250 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $744,900 (07/16) 283 CHESTNUT ST................................ $800,000 B: Steven Green & Jenna Stone S: Sarah Dutra Book/Page: 38601/72, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $722,425 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $35,000 (02/19) 118 FEDERAL ST................................... $730,000 B: Dieu K Truong S: Ann M Mcgilvreay Book/Page: 38606/58, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $630,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $142,900 (05/95) 30 KING ST............................................ $750,000 B: Thomas Petrulavage & Joan Dinush S: Wanda P Maimaron Book/Page: 38611/245, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $508,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17860sf 168 LOWELL ST U:25............................ $709,900 B: Neda Sorornejad & Hamid Sorornejad S: 168 Lowell Street LLC Book/Page: 38612/242, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 642 WOBURN ST................................... $832,500 B: Matthew G Snyder & Megha Jandhyala S: Robert S Gregory & Christina Gregory Book/Page: 38605/148, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Citibank Na $749,166 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 30492sf Prior Sale: $128,000 (01/92)

Middlesex Registry Southern District Maria C. Curtatone, Register 208 Cambridge Street East Cambridge, MA 02141 Telephone: (617) 679-6310 Fax: (617) 617-577-1289 or

Acton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $886,500

YTD 2024 65 $972,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 DAVIS RD U:A13............................... $256,000 B: Telma G Braz S: Carol H Vanderlippe, Tr for C H Vanderlippe T Book/Page: 82979/438, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $204,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $123,000 (04/08) 384 GREAT RD U:B203.......................... $250,000 B: Deniz C Corbaci & Mert Corbaci S: Moises Viera & Gabriela G Vitorino Book/Page: 82975/564, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $170,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (10/23)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

3 HAYNES CT........................................ $991,519 B: Ethan Wortzman & Alona Andrushak S: Carolyn D Dicristina Book/Page: 82987/364, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Mutual Of Omaha Mtg $743,639 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 14000sf 5 HAYNES CT........................................ $991,519 B: Ethan Wortzman & Alona Andrushak S: Carolyn D Dicristina Book/Page: 82987/364, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Mutual Of Omaha Mtg $743,639 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15300sf Prior Sale: $262,000 (07/99) 553 MASSACHUSETTS AVE.................. $975,000 B: Global Companies LLC S: West Acton Amer Svc Ctr I Book/Page: 82977/53, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Bottled/Propane Gas Tanks, Lot: 14566sf 244 PINECONE STRAND U:156............. $500,000 B: Marcelle Bastianello S: Alexander Yershov & Irina Yershov Book/Page: 82996/549, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 16 SIMON WILLARD RD........................ $910,000 B: Lakshmi P Burra & Uday S Ravi S: Jacquelyn S Snodgrass Book/Page: 82985/534, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Digital FCU $728,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 22235sf Prior Sale: $277,700 (11/98) 10 TRIANGLE FARM LN....................... $4,350,000 B: Elizabeth Melampy & Molly Mcguigan S: Kenneth S Ansin, Tr for Stones Throw T Book/Page: 82986/413, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Patrick Melampy $750,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 516471sf 20 TRIANGLE FARM LN....................... $4,350,000 B: Elizabeth Melampy & Molly Mcguigan S: Kenneth S Ansin, Tr for Stones Throw T Book/Page: 82986/413, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 1274415sf 21 TRIANGLE FARM LN....................... $4,350,000 B: Elizabeth Melampy & Molly Mcguigan S: Kenneth S Ansin, Tr for Stones Throw T Book/Page: 82986/413, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 526926sf

Arlington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $1,110,000

YTD 2024 110 $1,143,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 151 APPLETON ST................................ $1,635,000 B: Rajani George & Nishan Joseph S: Philip Drapeau & Tracy V Dorpe Book/Page: 82996/472, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Merrimack Valley CU $1,330,250 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.1% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10376sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (02/14) 83 BARTLETT AVE................................ $1,116,000 B: John A Fahey & Elizabeth B Fahey S: Karabastas Clio Est & Constantine Karbastas Book/Page: 82974/391, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $837,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5022sf 83 GLENBURN RD................................ $1,312,500 B: Subramanian Sundaram & Samantha B Sundaram S: Stephanie M Trinkle, Tr for William J Trinkle Jr Book/Page: 82984/342, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Merrimack Valley CU $1,115,625 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.1% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (12/11) 26 HEARD RD....................................... $1,100,000 B: Meghan Shanahan S: Matthew Sbrogna & Abigail Sbrogna Doc#: 000000001959896, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11073sf Prior Sale: $627,445 (10/18) 81 HILLSIDE AVE.................................. $2,417,000 B: Stephen C Pothier & Alexa K Pothier S: David J Levy & Persis B Levy Book/Page: 82996/102, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $650,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10968sf Prior Sale: $1,225,000 (05/18) 15 MONADNOCK RD............................. $1,475,000 B: Molly Power S: Alexandre Gross & Clemence M Taillandier Book/Page: 82975/116, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6521sf Prior Sale: $608,000 (06/11) 6 OLD COLONY RD............................... $1,310,000 B: Michael Griffin & Rebecca Griffin S: Ida M Kolligian RET & John Kolligian Jr Book/Page: 82990/373, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $766,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10999sf 92 OVERLOOK RD.................................. $500,000 B: 92 Overlook Road LLC S: A R Caprio, Tr for Caprio Ft Book/Page: 82995/4, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: 92 Overlook Road Llc $500,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5541sf 90 RIDGE ST.......................................... $976,000 B: Amy L Guillaumet & Eduard C Solsona S: Maryanne Kirkbride & Bonnie L Weeks Book/Page: 82996/232, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Originpoint Llc $476,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14183sf Prior Sale: $157,000 (04/91) 74 RONALD RD...................................... $970,000 B: Jesse R Mattleman & David P Opp S: Pamela C Mckee Book/Page: 82985/236, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4147sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (06/00) 93 WARREN ST.................................... $1,065,000 B: Nicolas Amlot & Tiffany Amlot S: Phyllis V Mahoney, Tr for Teresa M Vaughan RET Book/Page: 82990/224, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Amerisave Mtg Corp $700,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6639sf

Ashland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $682,500

YTD 2024 50 $643,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 34 ALGONQUIN TRL U:34...................... $660,000 B: Zhiyi Yang & Yuchen Zou S: Puja Patel & Pankil Patel Book/Page: 82997/23, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $495,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $359,900 (05/16) 4 BURNHAM CIR.................................. $1,145,000 B: Ayush Jain & Shweta Jain S: Edinelson Santos Book/Page: 82978/407, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $973,250 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 55757sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (11/22) 30 QUEEN ISABELLA WAY U:30............ $670,000 B: Hemal Tanna & Hemali Tanna S: Raja P Vuppala & Kalpana Vetcha Book/Page: 82996/338, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $569,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $475,200 (03/20)

Ayer MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $557,500

YTD 2024 33 $575,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 BLIGH ST.......................................... $464,000 B: Jennifer L Cockshaw & Cameron P Maillet S: Miroslav Majernik Book/Page: 82989/399, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $424,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6098sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (07/20) 139 CENTRAL AVE................................ $460,000 B: Julya T Desouza S: Flavio L Souza Book/Page: 82985/428, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $446,200 Term: 2054 Use: Industrial Undevlpble Land, Lot: 10454sf Prior Sale: $209,500 (08/16) 29 LOON HILL RD.................................. $780,000 B: Ivonei D Cescon Sr & Elisangela C Cescon S: Swanbon Donald J Est & Sandra L Swanbon-Smith Book/Page: 82989/520, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Novus Home Mtg $733,200 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (07/12) 4 MCDOWELL ST................................... $355,000 B: Bailey R Royer S: Young 3rd John S Est & Nicholas J Young Book/Page: 82977/307, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Homestead Fund Corp $284,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $116,000 (03/88) 18 PINE RIDGE DR................................ $488,000 B: Matthew D Brown & Deanna M Swift S: Tilcia D Stutler Book/Page: 82998/399, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $463,600 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf 96 PLEASANT ST................................... $688,000 B: Ashley E Perssico & Alexander E Waszczuk S: Douglas R Becker & Ellen M Becker Book/Page: 82986/164, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Amerant Mortgage $550,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $157,000 (06/97) 18 WESTFORD RD U:31......................... $313,000 B: Raman Kumar S: Deborah M Joyce, Tr for Pink Sands Irt Of 2021 Book/Page: 82987/165, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $30,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $62,500 (09/91)

Bedford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 49 Median Price $975,000

YTD 2024 50 $1,045,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 53 ROBINSON DR.................................. $850,000 B: Gdm LLC S: J Cormier-Riddle, Tr for Shandel Int Book/Page: 82998/442, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 41600sf 55 ROBINSON DR.................................. $680,000 B: Robert S Burge, Tr for Lexington Development Rt S: J Cormier-Riddle, Tr for Shandel Int Book/Page: 82998/260, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 43181sf 169 SOUTH RD...................................... $382,500 B: Gregory L Sharpless S: Lindskog Nancy R Est & Anita J Campanella Doc#: 000000001960190, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 20251sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (01/03) 10 SWEETWATER AVE.......................... $755,300 B: Opendoor Property J LLC S: Benjamin Bennett & Christine J Bennett Book/Page: 82985/528, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 34212sf Prior Sale: $410,500 (03/01)

Belmont MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 59 Median Price $1,475,000

YTD 2024 63 $1,500,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 159 BEECH ST U:159............................. B: Rebecca Bartolick & Aidan Goldman S: Stephanie Smith Book/Page: 82994/46, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $526,106 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $415,000 (03/16)



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4


89 HULL ST U:89.................................. $1,120,000 B: Kaiyuan Li & Qian Li S: Garrett Lee & Katie Powell-Lee Book/Page: 82985/418, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $691,000 (12/14) 68 LONGMEADOW RD.......................... $3,550,000 B: Xuengang Wang & Jing Li S: 68 Longmeadow Rd Rlty LLC Doc#: 000000001959899, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 23913sf Prior Sale: $1,350,000 (09/21) 73 MARLBORO ST................................ $1,575,000 B: Lu Gan S: Wei Guo Book/Page: 82975/530, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Merrimack Valley CU $1,102,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 3-Family Old Style, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $920,000 (04/14) 121 OLIVER RD..................................... $2,725,000 B: Thomas Jarmolowski, Tr for Thomas Jarmolowski T S: 121 Oliver Road Rlty LLC Book/Page: 82989/291, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13512sf Prior Sale: $1,400,000 (06/22) 483 PLEASANT ST U:8......................... $1,300,000 B: Donald J Leone S: Jeffrey D Keener & Annette K Keener Book/Page: 82975/32, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $840,000 (09/15) 483 PLEASANT ST U:9......................... $1,315,000 B: Donald J Leone S: Wei Duan & Weizhi Shi Book/Page: 82975/560, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,150,000 (11/21)

Boxboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $795,000

YTD 2024 8 $845,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 CHESTER RD...................................... $895,000 B: Andrei Doohovskoy & Mary Doohovskoy S: Derek C Wylie & Marilyn A Toomey Doc#: 000000001960125, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $498,706 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 95832sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (03/96) 294 CODMAN HILL RD U:33F................ $207,000 B: Aishwarya V Menon S: Simon Springs & Paul Hilcoff Book/Page: 82996/400, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $196,650 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $142,000 (06/22) 773 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:B2......... $255,000 B: Monica Ricci S: Richard J Sullivan, Tr for Richard J Sullivan RET Book/Page: 82996/71, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $155,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $112,500 (11/15) 202 SWANSON RD U:517...................... $260,000 B: Saurabh Tiwari, Tr for Tiwari Ft S: Nadeau Realty Corp Book/Page: 82985/146, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $253,000 (04/23) 90 WHEELER DR U:90........................... $960,000 B: Gloria A Roe S: Chang H Jun & Mihye Jun Book/Page: 82991/342, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

Burlington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $770,000

YTD 2024 88 $817,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 245 CAMBRIDGE ST U:104................... B: Ann L Coombs S: Paul D Pierce, Tr for Pierce Irt Book/Page: 82985/350, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $350,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 1 HIGH PINE AVE................................... B: Glad Valley LLC S: Martin J Pentony Book/Page: 82974/539, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21148sf Prior Sale: $512,000 (08/17)



Cambridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 Median Price $1,810,000

YTD 2024 48 $2,100,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 2ND ST U:H527............................... $1,280,000 B: Denise E Chou S: Shuhan He Book/Page: 82986/42, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 8 5TH ST U:1......................................... $950,000 B: Joseph Hallal & Kayla Yee S: Wenjia Xu & George W Ni Book/Page: 82985/156, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 8 5TH ST U:2......................................... $954,000 B: Jackson Kringel & Caitlyn E Gardiner S: Wenjia Xu & George W Ni Book/Page: 82984/120, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $763,200 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 59 7TH ST............................................. $1,775,000 B: Jesse Flynn & Christopher Zakak S: Dominic Divito, Tr for James A Divito 1993 Ft Book/Page: 82976/220, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3-Family Decker, Lot: 1799sf 7 ARLINGTON ST U:37.......................... $650,000 B: Alps LLC S: Franklin Spitzer Doc#: 000000001960113, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 170 GORE ST U:317............................... $960,000 B: Tony Y Ye S: Junzi Dong & Shoko Ryu Book/Page: 82995/294, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $740,000 (03/18)

7 HASKELL ST U:B............................... $1,185,000 B: Tasneem Chipty & Aleksander Franz S: Ira Hochman Book/Page: 82975/368, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $531,000 (01/05) 17 HEALEY ST U:303............................. $610,000 B: Cheryl S Smith S: Janowska Stanislawa E Est & Gail Zacharias Book/Page: 82987/329, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Jeff S Kerr $225,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $192,500 (05/95) 9 HEWS ST........................................... $3,171,000 B: Albina Itskhoki & Oleg Itskhoki S: Treetop Investments LLC Book/Page: 82987/208, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Harvard College $1,500,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3399sf Prior Sale: $1,425,000 (07/21) 78 HOLWORTHY ST U:78...................... $2,725,000 B: Max Denning & Tessa Denning S: Harry Lili LLC Book/Page: 82980/24, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 28 INMAN ST U:6................................. $1,310,000 B: Katherine E Signell, Tr for Buckley Signell 2022 T S: John Brazilian, Tr for Zee T Book/Page: 82978/440, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $710,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.0% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 9 KENWOOD ST..................................... $900,000 B: Ryan E England & Judith England S: Kathleen Norton, Tr for 9 Kenwood Street Rt Book/Page: 82986/4, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $492,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2219sf 196 LAKE VIEW AVE............................ $2,050,000 B: Dornelas Luxury Prop LLC S: Sheila R Kennedy, Tr for Sheila Rauch Kennedy RET Book/Page: 82997/155, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Needham Bk $2,387,500 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7343sf 91 LARCH RD........................................ $875,000 B: Lincoln T Taggart, Tr for 91-93 Larch Rd Nt S: John H Turner Jr & Harriett T Taggart Book/Page: 82987/74, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 6 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 6129sf 190 LEXINGTON AVE............................ $1,730,000 B: Esc Group LLC S: Marilyn H Mellowes, Tr for Mellowes 190 Lexington Av Book/Page: 82989/81, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3607sf 40 LINNAEAN ST U:4............................. $620,000 B: Yu W Wong S: Mary A Trulli Doc#: 000000001959881, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: HSBC Bank $434,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.5% Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 9 MAGNOLIA AVE U:2.......................... $1,575,000 B: Joel Miller S: Hannah Brennan & David Rangaviz Book/Page: 82983/287, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Morgan Stanley Privat $1,181,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,325,000 (07/17) 63 MAGNOLIA AVE U:2......................... $803,903 B: Megan J Dee S: Kathryn S Moffett & Ingeborg M Hoesterey Book/Page: 82991/250, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $643,100 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $364,000 (05/03) 20 MAPLE AVE U:2................................ $665,000 B: Susan L Rose, Tr for Susan Rose Lt S: Mary J Schmuhl Book/Page: 82992/521, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $425,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $585,000 (09/19) 852 MASSACHUSETTS AVE U:11.......... $678,000 B: Austen Hypher S: Ronald R Arfin & Paula H Arfin Book/Page: 82990/107, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $355,000 (06/06) 988 MEMORIAL DR U:385..................... $608,000 B: Riverbend Partners LLC S: Wyman Evelyn S Est & Jean W Beebe Book/Page: 82998/3, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 993 MEMORIAL DR U:203.................... $1,700,000 B: David Cuetos, Tr for J G Wechsler Cambridge Ir S: Hugh L Warren, Tr for Benson R Snyder Qtip T Book/Page: 82992/179, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo 993 MEMORIAL DR U:303.................... $1,700,000 B: Hugh L Warren, Tr for Benson R Snyder Qtip T S: David Cuetos, Tr for J G Wechsler Cambridge Ir Book/Page: 82992/190, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $475,000 (07/97) 66 MIDDLESEX ST................................ $3,300,000 B: Matthew Wolfe & Dawn Wolfe S: 66 Middlesex St Re LLC Book/Page: 82986/505, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $1,980,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.1% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4049sf Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (08/23) 8-12 MUSEUM WAY U:705................... $950,000 B: Dushyant Jhamb & Lopamudra Jhamb S: Frances Smith Book/Page: 82980/537, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $839,000 (07/18) 29 OTIS ST U:106................................. $1,080,000 B: Maria L Cortes S: Changjie Guo & Wenqi Zhang Book/Page: 82989/255, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $648,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $790,000 (08/15) 41 PLEASANT ST.................................. $4,276,000 B: Amy L Wang & Andrew L Morales S: Patrick W Barrett 3rd & Norma J Barrett Doc#: 000000001960206, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Citibank Na $2,676,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 4407sf Prior Sale: $915,000 (12/13) 165 PLEASANT ST U:309...................... $775,000 B: Maria L Parra S: President & Fellows Of Ha Doc#: 000000001959959, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $150,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $807,500 (07/23)

8 POPLAR RD U:8B.............................. $1,260,000 B: Carolyn Cuff S: 8 Poplar Road LLC Book/Page: 82980/281, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,008,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: Condo 70 PRINCE ST U:70.............................. $1,385,000 B: Serguei S Sanchez & Martha Delavega S: Kutner Re LLC Book/Page: 82995/593, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mass Inst of Tech $550,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,225,000 (03/19) 129-205 RICHDALE AVE U:A15............. $901,000 B: Dwaipayan Banerjee S: Himadraya Ashar & Shalini Gautam Book/Page: 82998/148, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $387,000 (10/10) 25 RINDGEFIELD ST U:25...................... $910,000 B: Marie-Elizabeth Keil S: Peter A Gloor Book/Page: 82990/399, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Eastern Bank $340,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 283-285 SIDNEY ST U:2........................ $775,000 B: Susannah G Flynn S: Rachel M Wyon, Tr for Rachel Wyon Legacy T Book/Page: 82984/307, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $620,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 93 SPRING ST....................................... $925,000 B: 93 Spring Street LLC S: Steven J Pacheco, Tr for Pacheco Rt Book/Page: 82989/121, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $1,415,750 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 1874sf 85 TROWBRIDGE ST U:1...................... $1,575,000 B: Matthew H Hayes S: Susan Adams-Taylor Book/Page: 82980/553, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Peter K Stevenson $1,575,000 Term: 2033 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,342,500 (01/18) 305 WEBSTER AVE U:107..................... $749,800 B: Sajan Saini & Elizabeth N Saini S: Xiaopan Li & Gongbo Huang Book/Page: 82976/171, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $561,800 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 31 WHEELER ST U:302.......................... $967,500 B: Audrey-Anne Couillard & Mathieu Dufour S: Michael D Ledoux, Tr for Michael D Ledoux RET Book/Page: 82984/526, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $725,625 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $470,000 (11/12)

Concord MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 68 Median Price $1,464,000

YTD 2024 84 $1,489,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 52 BRADFORD ST U:1........................... $925,000 B: 52 Bradford LLC S: Rwi & Dhi LLC Book/Page: 82997/293, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 67 BUTTERNUT CIR............................... $907,000 B: Butternut Circle LLC S: Bruce J Harvey Book/Page: 82981/216, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Eagle Bank $1,610,250 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20000sf 111 FINIGAN WAY................................ $1,915,000 B: David K Bruenner & Kate O Kumler-Bruenner S: Jason B Spanier & Robyn S Spanier Book/Page: 82998/313, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $750,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22386sf Prior Sale: $975,925 (09/11) 69 GIFFORD LN.................................... $1,400,000 B: Gregory A Wyant & Rachel L Wolfson S: Cathryn Clary & Edward Schweizer Book/Page: 82992/1, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $1,120,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 20000sf Prior Sale: $1,300,000 (07/22) 460 POWDER MILL RD......................... $1,420,000 B: Luisa M Uruena & Gavin M Tate S: Robert E Zinck & Shelia K Zinck Book/Page: 82978/191, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 41742sf Prior Sale: $749,000 (09/15) 782 STRAWBERRY HILL RD................. $2,651,000 B: Michael C Nivens & Katrin Nivens S: Stephanie Rivas & Joseph Rivas Book/Page: 82993/379, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $1,545,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 131401sf Prior Sale: $2,225,000 (03/22) 56 WINTHROP ST U:1........................... $1,002,500 B: 56 Winthrop Street LLC S: Charles D Malis, Tr for Malis Ft Book/Page: 82980/243, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Medical Condo Unit, Lot: 199940sf

Everett MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 33 Median Price $590,000

YTD 2024 34 $616,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 BLAKE CT......................................... $425,000 B: Daniel S Nigatu S: Rosemary Connolly Doc#: 000000001960214, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $295,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 1599sf 14 CLARENCE ST.................................. $535,000 B: Sunjana Maharjan & Sanam Tamang S: Titus Jr Victor J Est & Erin Infantino Book/Page: 82994/252, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $481,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 3681sf Prior Sale: $397,000 (08/17)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Framingham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 152 Median Price $625,000

YTD 2024 191 $682,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 BARE HILL RD.................................. $540,000 B: Alissa Newman & David Newman S: Andrew Crawford & Catherine Crawford Book/Page: 82995/243, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $200,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7362sf Prior Sale: $293,000 (07/17) 240 BEACON ST.................................... $745,000 B: Emma Pittore & Daniel Pittore S: Harris Joan Ethel Est & Kimberly Brown Book/Page: 82983/41, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $545,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 8320sf 126 BEAVER ST U:127.......................... $160,000 B: Marcos C Desouza & Ana M Morais S: Catarina V Faria Book/Page: 82978/393, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $37,900 (08/01) 66 BETHANY RD.................................... $525,000 B: Deirdre Heggie & Elisabeth Heggie S: Jeremie Willoughby & Nicole Willoughby Book/Page: 82983/133, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11761sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (03/21) 12 CARLING RD..................................... $580,000 B: Cheryl Davie & John L Davie S: Carolyn J Bartlett Doc#: 000000001959890, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Eastern Bank $280,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10062sf Prior Sale: $281,250 (09/15) 83 COTTAGE ST.................................... $1,100,000 B: May Yen & Boris M Spokoyny S: Adam C Stone & Annette L Stone Book/Page: 82989/545, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $810,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8320sf Prior Sale: $699,900 (02/18) 25 DEBRA LN........................................ $675,000 B: Joseph P Oconnor S: John A Tardiff, Tr for Tardiff Ft Book/Page: 82995/50, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $365,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 9845sf Prior Sale: $192,500 (10/88) 7 GOODNOW LN.................................... $995,000 B: Eric Wenzel & Melissa A Wenzel S: Arkady Kamenetsky & Kathleen Kamenetsky Book/Page: 82975/133, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Citibank Na $796,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 93523sf Prior Sale: $890,000 (08/21) 77 LEIGH ST.......................................... $601,000 B: Fnu L Sharma & Kumaraswamy Mahadev S: Ahmed Kherati & Nida F Kherati Book/Page: 82995/424, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: American Fed Mtg Corp $381,000 Term: 2039 Use: 5 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14244sf Prior Sale: $277,000 (06/11) 29 LIVOLI RD......................................... $648,000 B: Eric D Segen & Gabriella M Sullivan S: Paula Macdonald, Tr for Sandra Macdonald T Doc#: 000000001960274, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 20125sf 7 LYMAN WAY EXT............................... $975,000 B: Arya Shariat & Tamar Garcia S: Paul C Kamens & Barbara A Kamens Book/Page: 82991/124, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 43604sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (08/96) 93 STEARNS ST..................................... $556,500 B: Michelle E Nelson S: Kevin J Pruyn Book/Page: 82991/210, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $417,375 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 44562sf Prior Sale: $149,900 (07/94) 202 WINDSOR DR U:202....................... $465,000 B: Alara Gurler S: Vanessa A Carter-Witt & Megan E Carter-Witt Book/Page: 82980/108, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $372,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $392,000 (03/20) 1500 WORCESTER RD U:201................ $399,900 B: Manahel A Alnawas S: Clark E Broden, Tr for Broden Joint RET Book/Page: 82983/161, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $246,000 (03/14)

Groton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $800,000

YTD 2024 39 $665,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 38 DEERFIELD DR................................ $1,050,000 B: Eric B Feirouz & Emma Feirouz S: Ilene A Rodman Book/Page: 82991/381, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Lowell Five Cent Svgs $840,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40075sf Prior Sale: $659,900 (11/05) 15 MOOSE TRL...................................... $398,000 B: Benjamin A Harris S: Joyce A Haywood, Tr for William P Tremblay Book/Page: 82993/552, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Richard Gordon $378,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23958sf TOWNSEND RD...................................... $635,000 B: Groton Town Of S: Lyman Marcus Est & Lauren E Bynum Book/Page: 82998/588, Date: 07/12/24





Holliston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 70 Median Price $692,500

YTD 2024 56 $730,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 736 ADAMS ST..................................... $1,200,000 B: Dean G Sioras & Stephanie J Sioras S: Dennis Ferreira Jr & Yvonne Ferreira Book/Page: 82980/45, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Charles River Bank $700,000 Term: 2044 31 JARBROOK RD................................. $540,000 B: Madeline Warlan & Joshua Such S: Angelick Stella F Est & Donald Sohaskey Doc#: 000000001959991, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $500,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26572sf UNION ST............................................... $200,000 B: Oleary Builders Inc S: Thomas E Pomfred & Karen T Hubbard Doc#: 000000001960166, Date: 07/11/24 908 WASHINGTON ST........................... $750,000 B: Todd Daigneault & Meridith Daigneault S: Richard F Cole, Tr for Frederick F Cole Ft Book/Page: 82986/207, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Sofi Bank Na $703,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Colonial, Lot: 14810sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (10/88)

Hopkinton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 64 Median Price $832,450

YTD 2024 68 $1,148,750

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 DOWNEY ST...................................... $1,175,000 B: Johanna Blanco & Keith Bazinet S: Jon S Macconnell & Christine A Macconnell Book/Page: 82975/44, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8999sf Prior Sale: $138,000 (06/90) 18 JUNIPER TRL U:18........................... $885,000 B: Nidhi Jaiswal & Suraj Saraswat S: Mahesh S Samant & Alka M Samant Book/Page: 82984/80, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 23 PRISCILLA RD.................................. $492,000 B: Corin D Dolan & Maxine Dolan S: Donna Woody, Tr for Priscilla Road 2017 Rt Doc#: 000000001960080, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Savers Coop Bank $422,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 19171sf Prior Sale: $179,900 (08/99) 1 ROBBERN RD..................................... $750,000 B: Min D Shi & Yan P Zheng S: Patricia J Viveiros & Mark S Viveiros Doc#: 000000001960070, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 15486sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (05/99) 9 STONEGATE RD................................. $1,710,000 B: Alan Millar & Laura Millar S: Gary Jaye, Tr for Jaye Ft Book/Page: 82994/206, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45032sf Prior Sale: $940,000 (07/10) 80 WINTER ST...................................... $1,225,000 B: Paula Mcdonald & Bruce Brubaker S: Robert B Marquedant, Tr for Marquedant Joint RET Book/Page: 82981/252, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16335sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (08/02)

Hudson MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $578,250

YTD 2024 58 $578,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 AVON DR............................................ $540,000 B: Julia Matthews-Bellinger & David Bellinger S: Flanigan Jean A Est & Deborah J Ahearn Book/Page: 82976/62, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cardinal Fncl Co LP $314,000 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15768sf 46 DEER PATH U:46.............................. $632,500 B: Jan C Wissmuller, Tr for Wissmuller T S: Jane Janeczek Book/Page: 82995/235, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $418,720 (04/02) 52 HIGH ST............................................ $440,000 B: Eliedson S Dos Santos S: Padraig C Mccobb & Emily C Mccobb Book/Page: 82980/165, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: First Natl Bk $352,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7351sf Prior Sale: $249,900 (06/03) 425 MAIN ST U:20C.............................. $315,000 B: Alan Pullman S: Ying Chen Book/Page: 82974/474, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $275,000 (07/22) 2 MEADOWBROOK RD.......................... $425,000 B: Antonio Vicente S: Paul Clark & Michael Clark Book/Page: 82976/436, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12643sf 3 PIERCE ST.......................................... $672,500 B: Andrew Becker & Kirsten Johnson S: John Muse & Amanda Muse Book/Page: 82976/31, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $504,375 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $395,000 (06/17) WASHINGTON ST.................................. $25,000 B: Km R2 Realty LLC S: Lloyd L Parker Book/Page: 82975/432, Date: 07/08/24






10 BARNES PL...................................... $912,000 B: Cliff W Chan & Minghua Zhuo-Chan S: Monica T Schulman, Tr for Monica T Schulman Lt Doc#: 000000001960185, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $729,600 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7261sf Prior Sale: $187,000 (11/91) 10 BARNES PL...................................... $912,000 B: Cliff W Chan & Minghua Zhuo-Chan S: Monica T Schulman, Tr for Monica T Schulman Lt Book/Page: 82991/562, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $729,600 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7261sf Prior Sale: $912,000 (07/24) 16 BATTLE GREEN RD.......................... $1,400,000 B: Jesse Levin & Casey Makovich S: Herbert T Ang & Varin Ang Book/Page: 82994/221, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 22470sf Prior Sale: $276,000 (12/94) 85 BLAKE RD........................................ $1,590,000 B: Evan Hunt & Emma Rubenstein S: Jun Han, Tr for J W T Book/Page: 82991/530, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Bank of NY Mellon $810,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9200sf Prior Sale: $1,075,000 (11/16) 34 CARY AVE........................................ $1,320,000 B: 34 Cary Avenue LLC S: Thomas Q Bartee Doc#: 000000001959965, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Dutch Colonl, Lot: 30000sf 71 GRASSLAND ST.............................. $1,498,000 B: 71 Grassland Street LLC S: Shuk Y Chan Book/Page: 82979/416, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27972sf Prior Sale: $1,010,000 (10/14) 76 HILL ST............................................ $1,285,000 B: Stephen G Martin & Maria F Martin S: Rajesh S Prasad, Tr for Prasad Ft Book/Page: 82975/199, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,028,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14700sf Prior Sale: $667,500 (05/09) 92 LACONIA ST.................................... $3,650,000 B: Peter Battaglia & Stefani Battaglia S: Paulina F Moad Doc#: 000000001960175, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: LendSure Mtg $2,555,000 Term: 2054 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 32613sf Prior Sale: $2,075,000 (07/16) 15 LOCKWOOD RD............................... $1,141,875 B: Henry Lyon & Erica Lyon S: Wendy Russman-Halperin, Tr for Robert R Halperin RET Doc#: 000000001960253, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $541,875 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5673sf 30 OXBOW RD...................................... $1,690,000 B: Michelle Vo & Cavay Ip S: Yury Mashkovich, Tr for Feisty Underdog Ft Book/Page: 82981/92, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: TD Bank NA $1,520,831 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 46117sf Prior Sale: $949,000 (06/14) 129 SHADE ST...................................... $3,384,025 B: Jennifer L Griffin, Tr for Griffin Lt S: Hbc LLC Doc#: 000000001960105, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,600,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 29875sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (07/23) 40 VINE ST........................................... $1,235,000 B: Sujatha Kuppuraju & Nagamuralee Anandakrisnan S: Carol L Blanchard, Tr for Carol Lee TOf 2014 Doc#: 000000001959954, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $400,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23900sf Prior Sale: $368,000 (08/99) 217 WALTHAM ST................................ $3,625,000 B: Bala Balachander & Srividya Balachander S: Susan C Skelley, Tr for 217 Waltham Street Nt Book/Page: 82981/282, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: TD Bank NA $2,537,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 7 Bdrm Mansion, Lot: 28568sf Prior Sale: $3,100,000 (07/08) 17 WYMAN RD..................................... $1,180,000 B: Design Oriented Kitchen & S: Marie P Clark, Tr for Sc Fec Rt Doc#: 000000001960289, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Steven A Ross $2,084,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21598sf

84 NEW ESTATE RD.............................. $730,001 B: Suman Jangid & Suresh Paldia S: Andrei A Doohovskoy & Mary E Doohovskoy Book/Page: 82984/430, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $558,450 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 19998sf Prior Sale: $314,400 (11/14) 51 TAYLOR ST....................................... $657,000 B: Otis K Williams & Pamela W Williams S: Heath J Racela & Seema Racela Book/Page: 82979/537, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Harvard FCU $525,600 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 39204sf Prior Sale: $304,000 (09/08)

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 139 Median Price $1,688,000

YTD 2024 137 $1,625,000

Lincoln MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 21 Median Price $1,515,000

YTD 2024 14 $1,508,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 OLD CAMBRIDGE TPKE.................... $715,000 B: Blue Oak Development LLC S: First Landing Invs LLC Book/Page: 82994/388, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Kiavi Funding Inc $868,200 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 46200sf Prior Sale: $685,000 (07/24) 16 OLD CAMBRIDGE TPKE.................... $685,000 B: First Landing Invs LLC S: Germano Dimambro Book/Page: 82992/407, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 46200sf Prior Sale: $511,000 (09/05) 19 S COMMONS U:C.............................. $642,000 B: Sharon Walker S: Jessica Bolker, Tr for Constance A Lewis RET Book/Page: 82992/302, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $242,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $222,655 (04/97)

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 41 Median Price $700,000

YTD 2024 35 $800,000

Malden MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 65 Median Price $655,000

YTD 2024 60 $685,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 90 ASHLAND ST................................... $1,352,000 B: Wendy W Tian, Tr for Wendy Wentong Tian RET S: David A Hammersley, Tr for Hammersley Ft Book/Page: 82998/348, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $902,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 4169sf 555 FELLSWAY E.................................. $814,000 B: Tianmin Niu & Andrew Clough S: Zuwei Shi & Chengyin Wang Book/Page: 82976/138, Date: 07/08/24 189 FERRY ST U:2................................. $320,000 B: Berhan Daniel & Silas Tekle S: Karla L Celata Book/Page: 82987/546, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $265,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $47,700 (06/95) 21 GREYSTONE RD................................ $780,000 B: Nu Group LLC S: Ephesus LLC Book/Page: 82998/45, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rfb Customers Llc $985,000 Use: 2-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 6303sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (05/24) 19 HUNTLEY ST..................................... $687,500 B: Jane Joo & Matthew Holbrook S: Dianne M Wixon Book/Page: 82977/246, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $487,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 5998sf Prior Sale: $295,000 (07/08) 131 PIERCE ST U:204............................ $390,000 B: Julia Louro & Joshua Louro S: Kapil Vora & Mugdha Joglekar Book/Page: 82994/309, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $230,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $338,000 (09/18)

Marlborough MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 97 Median Price $550,000

YTD 2024 95 $580,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 49 CORTLAND ST.................................. $565,000 B: Timothy C Manhardt S: Mary Foley Book/Page: 82992/250, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $410,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10914sf Prior Sale: $131,000 (06/97) 336 E MAIN ST U:3................................ $190,000 B: Peterson Joseph S: Bryan S Lima Book/Page: 82998/266, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $180,500 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $130,960 (02/21) 42 LABELLE ST..................................... $710,000 B: Hamid Mashayekhi S: Michael R Stella Jr & Linda L Stella Book/Page: 82978/200, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $410,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12936sf Prior Sale: $334,000 (04/16) 143 LIBERTY ST.................................... $530,000 B: Christian A Cremeans & Margaret H Cobb S: Richard H Aseltine, Tr for Richard L Aseltine Irt Book/Page: 82995/373, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $460,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15549sf 16 LONGLEY ST..................................... $550,000 B: Paul Lubinga & Josephine N Lubinga S: Antonio C Desa & Maria A Docarmosa Book/Page: 82980/452, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Navy FCU $561,825 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6129sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (08/19) 460 PARMENTER RD............................. $608,280 B: Willian M Silverio S: Amy L Gordon Book/Page: 82991/59, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Nations Direct Mtg $577,850 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20453sf Prior Sale: $431,000 (10/20) 191 PROSPECT ST................................ $520,000 B: Siddhant Shenoy S: Jo A Rayner, Tr for Rayner Int Book/Page: 82979/257, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $494,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26004sf 47 QUEENSVIEW RD.............................. $650,000 B: Julie Sandoval & Marvin Sandoval S: Leveillee Leopold G Est & Joanne L Hayes Book/Page: 82996/192, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $617,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 18163sf

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

26 RAFFAELE RD................................... $562,000 B: Anael P Couto S: Jeffrey P Blanchard & Suzanne W Blanchard Book/Page: 82992/210, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $518,900 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 22936sf 93 RIPLEY AVE...................................... $532,000 B: Tyler Robison S: Michael G Hennessey Doc#: 000000001959907, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Plaza Home Mtg $425,600 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12936sf 22 SILVER ST U:22................................ $368,000 B: Elaine D Mosgofian S: Mark Lehman & Dawn M Summers Book/Page: 82987/24, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $288,800 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 273 W MAIN ST U:A2............................ $80,000 B: Stanislav Burdan, Tr for 273a West Main Street Rt S: Paul Wright & Claire Wright Book/Page: 82996/436, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $55,000 (01/14)

72 SHERWOOD RD................................ $675,000 B: Eric Franzen S: Keshian Angele Est & James Keshian Book/Page: 82978/336, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $540,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6180sf 59 TERRACE RD................................... $1,475,600 B: Elizabeth A Maccaughey, Tr for E A Maccaughey RET S: David R Drucker & Roberta L Norin Book/Page: 82995/362, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5760sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (11/89) 587 WINTHROP ST............................... $1,564,000 B: Ritu Juneja S: Rjj Properties LLC Book/Page: 82995/220, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7010sf Prior Sale: $557,000 (03/23)


65 COCHRANE ST................................. $1,100,000 B: Sean Mckenna & Amanda Mckenna S: David B Kelley, Tr for Kelley Nt Book/Page: 82976/402, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Members Plus CU $840,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 6111sf 47 W WYOMING AVE U:8...................... $430,000 B: Evan Deane S: John Hachem & Mona G El-Hachem Book/Page: 82981/404, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: MIlestone Mtg Solutio $356,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 33 Median Price $575,000

YTD 2024 31 $555,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23 ELM ST............................................. $540,000 B: Karl Freehling & Sara Bakken S: William F Wiswell Book/Page: 82978/129, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $183,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4574sf Prior Sale: $279,250 (06/11) 4 JETHRO ST......................................... $375,000 B: Eric Laforest S: Robert M Mccourt Jr Book/Page: 82996/505, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11195sf 59 OLD MARLBORO RD......................... $550,000 B: James E Michaels S: Henry M Murillo Book/Page: 82985/319, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Nations FCU $250,000 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8276sf Prior Sale: $485,000 (07/22) 166 PARKER ST U:5.............................. $350,000 B: Celeste Morin S: Nana A Amankwah & Katherine Amankwah Book/Page: 82974/440, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $300,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo

Medford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 113 Median Price $765,000

YTD 2024 85 $911,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 173 BROOKSIDE PKWY......................... $730,000 B: Jiayi Lei & Jianfang Huang S: Blanca Diaz-Rohrer & Cara A Diaz-Rohrer Book/Page: 82997/508, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $430,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3070sf Prior Sale: $685,000 (07/21) 43 DEARBORN ST................................. $952,500 B: Daniel T Murdock S: Eugene A Pierce Book/Page: 82997/118, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Citibank Na $857,154 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4963sf 667 FELLSWAY..................................... $1,142,500 B: Mohammad Fanaei S: Maria Moran & Salvator Poli Book/Page: 82976/465, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $914,000 Term: 2064 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6010sf 33 HAMILTON ST................................. $1,150,000 B: Kta Construction LLC S: H&v RET & John J Howard Jr Book/Page: 82984/383, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Everett Cp Bk $1,507,500 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3300sf Prior Sale: $60,000 (10/91) 17 HIGGINS AVE.................................... $815,000 B: Mark Bemister & Erin Fleischer S: David B Pinckney & Alethea D Pinckney Book/Page: 82975/504, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $615,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2730sf Prior Sale: $114,000 (05/94) 177 LINCOLN RD................................... $887,500 B: Gregory J Tonello & Rachael E Fenton S: Joseph J Tonello & Ellen Tonello Book/Page: 82987/262, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Morgan Stanley Privat $700,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.2% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11880sf 39 MEDFORD ST.................................. $1,175,000 B: Bibhusha Dangol & Prashanta Kharel S: Kara Flynn Book/Page: 82985/463, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $881,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3136sf Prior Sale: $441,000 (08/12) 143 PLAYSTEAD RD............................. $1,030,000 B: Kevin S Otoole & Kelsey K Schilperoort S: Donald A Mckeown & Elizabeth J Mckeown Book/Page: 82995/452, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $530,000 Term: 2044 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6318sf 407 SALEM ST...................................... $920,000 B: 407-409 Salem Steet Cbc L S: Gallant Robert Fidele Est & Robert J Gallant Book/Page: 82978/489, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Newburyport Five Cent $1,150,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3804sf 16 SHERIDAN AVE U:2.......................... $950,000 B: Maria M Berube & Steven R Berube S: Sixteen Sheridan LLC Book/Page: 82990/530, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Melrose MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 85 Median Price $830,000

YTD 2024 91 $870,000


Natick MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 113 Median Price $837,000

YTD 2024 134 $912,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 ARLINGTON RD................................ $705,000 B: William A Depietri, Tr for Cgp2 Rt S: Burke Mary E Est & Patrick S Burke Doc#: 000000001960271, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10058sf Prior Sale: $183,200 (06/91) 5 AUSTIN WAY..................................... $1,400,000 B: Angelica Sanchez & Jaron Dubinsky S: Petr Kocis & Helena Kocis Doc#: 000000001960299, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Needham Bk $1,050,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22311sf Prior Sale: $535,900 (10/00) 2 CARLISLE TER................................... $1,150,000 B: Maria K Zlody & Ryan Schain S: Marisa Mendel & Joshua Abraham Book/Page: 82980/351, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $300,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15442sf Prior Sale: $780,000 (08/19) 76 EVERETT ST..................................... $995,000 B: Mckayla Forbes & Brian Forbes S: Mariano X Haro, Tr for Mariano X Haro T Book/Page: 82992/435, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $796,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 40933sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (07/88) 2 FRANCONIA AVE U:4.......................... $885,000 B: Andrew Cheung & Diana Y Lee S: Timothy J Collins & Shoshana S Collins Book/Page: 82983/4, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 22 GARDEN RD U:22............................. $590,000 B: Xiaochuan Zhang & Zhihong Zhang S: Jiawei Zhong Book/Page: 82975/496, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $421,000 (09/19) 18 HAMMOND RD................................. $530,000 B: 18a Hammond LLC S: Mchale Natick Hldg LLC Doc#: 000000001960058, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 8002sf Prior Sale: $535,000 (10/21) 8 JEFFERSON ST................................... $979,000 B: Edward Shea S: Martha Ross, Tr for Ross Murray 2021 Ft Book/Page: 82976/233, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5201sf Prior Sale: $674,900 (12/18) 12 WAYSIDE RD U:12........................... $1,725,000 B: Mark Markell & Lori Capone S: Trask Inc Book/Page: 82984/562, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 14 CREST RD......................................... $505,000 B: 14 Crest LLC S: Lincoln J Gaudet & Wells Fargo Bank NA Book/Page: 82995/524, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 34674sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (08/04)

Newton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 233 Median Price $1,660,000

YTD 2024 230 $1,735,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 60 AMHERST RD.................................. $1,750,000 B: Amaresha P Sahoo & Priyanka Juneja S: Lauren Wiseman Book/Page: 82988/444, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7068sf Prior Sale: $622,000 (07/12) 60 AUDUBON DR.................................. $1,260,000 B: Mete Tuzcu & Vera Bondarenko S: Arnold Jocelyn M Est & David B Wheinstone Book/Page: 82983/148, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 7650sf 18 BURNSIDE RD................................. $1,375,000 B: Julia L Rice S: Clermont Margaret R Est & Stephen Clermont Book/Page: 82987/409, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Prosperity Home Mtg $775,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Tudor, Lot: 5350sf

287 CHESTNUT ST............................... $2,762,500 B: Jacqueline M Doe S: Bruce A Miller Book/Page: 82980/79, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 8 Bdrm Victorian, Lot: 22833sf Prior Sale: $1,045,000 (01/97) 1092-1098 CHESTNUT ST U:1094....... $1,775,000 B: Fei Du S: Richard Sewall, Tr for 1092-1094 Chestnut St Rt Book/Page: 82981/547, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 1766 COMMONWEALTH AVE U:1768... $1,585,000 B: Randy D Miller & Shana C Miller S: New Color Prop 005 LLC Book/Page: 82989/213, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo 54 COURT ST........................................ $1,490,000 B: Kevin R Cecala & Eugenia S Cecala S: Jacob Hesterman Book/Page: 82986/466, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Citibank Na $1,192,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6649sf Prior Sale: $922,000 (12/14) 4 CRAGMORE RD U:A............................ $299,300 B: Oladipupo J Awogboro & Adekemi Adeleye S: Samiullah Ansari & Rizwana Ansari Book/Page: 82982/82, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 39 DOLPHIN RD.................................... $1,750,000 B: Patricia M Vayda & Douglas W Vayda S: Amalie I Brown Book/Page: 82980/71, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Tudor, Lot: 8000sf Prior Sale: $95,000 (06/98) 251 ELLIOT ST U:251........................... $1,250,000 B: Budhaditya Banerjee & Mandovi Chatterjee S: Adheesh Sharma & Pallavi Chauhan Book/Page: 82986/353, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,000,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 13590sf Prior Sale: $920,000 (06/16) 54 GAMMONS RD................................. $2,100,000 B: Steven A Leese, Tr for Mary-Sheila D Myers T S: Daniel C Bierbrauer & Ewa S Bierbrauer Book/Page: 82997/574, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20538sf Prior Sale: $1,105,000 (05/06) 12 GRAYDALE CIR................................ $2,300,000 B: Vignesh Jayanth & Anu M Jayanth S: Kenneth J Parsigian & Susan Mayer Book/Page: 82988/128, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,590,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10900sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (04/95) 250 HAMMOND POND PKWY U:1607N..................... $1,150,000 B: Laura I Cohen & David B Cohen S: Richard Liu & Joanna Liu Book/Page: 82977/100, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 761642sf Prior Sale: $1,025,000 (05/21) 68-70 HARTFORD ST U:68................... $1,675,000 B: Siyuan Zhu & Christopher Foy S: Aspinwall Dev Group LLC Book/Page: 82998/186, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 31 HIGHLAND AVE U:7.......................... $371,000 B: Kayla K Chan S: Jaime D Clarke & Mary E Cotton Book/Page: 82990/20, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $271,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 13200sf Prior Sale: $249,750 (07/14) 165 HIGHLAND ST................................ $6,150,000 B: 165 Highland Rt & Richmond Y Holden 3rd S: Thomas R Ferry & Nancy C Ferry Book/Page: 82976/275, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30334sf Prior Sale: $3,585,000 (06/12) 9 JOSSELYN PL..................................... $510,000 B: Zheng Q Zhou & Yi L Wu S: Correa Patricia Est & Michael Votto Book/Page: 82990/519, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 3355sf 10 KINGSWOOD RD.............................. $1,590,000 B: Lana G Elhalabi S: Michael P Macdonald, Tr for Cross River T Book/Page: 82993/598, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $250,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7750sf 26 LINDBERGH AVE............................. $2,000,000 B: Arlo Mcginn & Megan Melosi S: David G Dalleva & Sheila M Dalleva Book/Page: 82975/395, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $1,000,001 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7750sf 44 LOVETT RD...................................... $1,500,000 B: 44 Lovett Rd LLC S: Alexander Rabin & Marina Rabin Book/Page: 82981/506, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $3,351,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15715sf Prior Sale: $435,000 (04/96) 51-53 NOBLE ST U:1............................. $699,000 B: Kevinnphi N Hoang & Jessica W Szeto S: Yuanhua Wei Book/Page: 82985/1, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $524,250 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.0% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 6278sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (11/13) 33 OWATONNA ST................................ $1,450,000 B: Evan Zhang & Diana Wiesnoski S: Anu M Jayanath & Vignesh Jayanath Book/Page: 82978/288, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: TD Bank NA $1,377,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $952,000 (06/14) 294-298 TREMONT ST......................... $1,400,000 B: Mak Properties LLC S: Norman N Wu, Tr for Ashton Rt Book/Page: 82990/299, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $1,000,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 5604sf 44 TROY LN U:44.................................. $1,365,000 B: A C Decastro-Rodrigues & Jorge Sakon S: Ayman S Ashour & Fiona M Penman Book/Page: 82981/321, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Sierra Pacific Mtg $700,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 12674sf Prior Sale: $317,000 (01/94) 2000 WASHINGTON ST U:3A2............... $510,000 B: Newton-Wellesley Hospital S: R J Klingenstein Book/Page: 82985/488, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Office Condo Unit, Lot: 78144sf Prior Sale: $108,500 (01/06)



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

595 WATERTOWN ST U:2...................... $575,000 B: Mark L Moylan & Dorice L Moylan S: Jana Sax Book/Page: 82978/259, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $375,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 27620sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (06/15) 444 WOODWARD ST............................ $2,799,000 B: Maly Bernstein S: Juan E Macias & Theresa L Macias Book/Page: 82985/60, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: E Cambridge Svgs Bk $2,239,200 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8428sf Prior Sale: $2,600,000 (04/19)

North Reading MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 66 Median Price $755,000

YTD 2024 38 $950,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 DIX RD................................................ $855,000 B: Reda M Ibrahim S: Jacquelyn O Stringfield & Daniel Stringfield Book/Page: 82994/129, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: BankESB $684,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $736,000 (10/21) 3 GREENBRIAR DR U:204..................... $355,000 B: Judith M Bettano S: Kim A Scher Doc#: 000000001959997, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $325,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $109,000 (08/88) 11 JILL CIR........................................... $1,850,000 B: Elizabeth A Hopeman, Tr for Dovetree Rt S: Cheryl A Iby & Eric Iby Book/Page: 82987/17, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 127239sf Prior Sale: $996,000 (07/18) 24 LAKESIDE BLVD............................... $695,000 B: Anthony Preziosi & Johanna C Preziosi S: Kristin Abrams Book/Page: 82986/76, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Nations Direct Mtg $590,750 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 1002sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (10/20) 26 LAKESIDE BLVD............................... $695,000 B: Anthony Preziosi & Johanna C Preziosi S: Kristin Abrams Book/Page: 82986/76, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Nations Direct Mtg $590,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 6534sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (10/20) 170 MAIN ST........................................ $1,300,000 B: Dcl Realty LLC S: Francis Valente, Tr for Valente Ft Book/Page: 82989/383, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Office Bldg-General, Lot: 5750sf 172 MAIN ST........................................ $1,300,000 B: Dcl Realty LLC S: Francis Valente, Tr for Valente Ft Book/Page: 82989/383, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Retail-Service, Lot: 10019sf 280 MARTINS LNDG U:8201................. $750,000 B: Karen Bonitatibus & Daniel Bonitatibus S: Roberta J Aufranc Book/Page: 82984/61, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 280 MARTINS LNDG U:8210................. $561,499 B: Kathleen M Melanson S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC Book/Page: 82991/514, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo 432 PARK ST........................................ $1,300,000 B: Todd Brisbois S: Carolyn B Mottolo, Tr for Lynnfield Melch Rt Book/Page: 82994/563, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $1,016,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40206sf Prior Sale: $725,000 (10/07)

Pepperell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 42 Median Price $506,250

YTD 2024 31 $512,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 29 CANAL ST......................................... $539,000 B: Than K Chen S: Diana Philip Est & G J Dutile Book/Page: 82974/284, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $504,557 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 40001sf Prior Sale: $189,000 (12/12) 14 COTTAGE ST U:D.............................. $475,000 B: Robert E Simard Jr & Kristin N Chirichiello S: Matthew Furtado Book/Page: 82981/31, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $451,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $295,000 (03/17) 22 EAST ST........................................... $545,000 B: Shaun A Barnett & Joanna L Barnett S: Alan O Leao RET & Alan O Leao Jr Book/Page: 82994/445, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $490,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 40001sf 5 MAPLE ST.......................................... $796,000 B: Matthew Carrier & Ashley Carrier S: John F Roush & Andrea L Roush Book/Page: 82996/133, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $636,800 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 101129sf Prior Sale: $497,500 (06/10) 18 TUCKER AVE..................................... $689,000 B: Don Thach & Son Pum S: Molly J Wilson, Tr for Molly Johnson Wilson RET Book/Page: 82993/430, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mega Cap Funding Inc $551,200 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 32670sf Prior Sale: $480,000 (03/19)


33-R CENTER RD.................................. $155,000 B: Yan Wu S: Heather L Bell, Tr for Carole A Steele Int Book/Page: 82981/66, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 113256sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (08/06)



YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $800,000

YTD 2024 92 $855,000

9 ABIGAIL WAY U:2004......................... $495,000 B: Lihong Kang S: Julie E Diminico Book/Page: 82976/308, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo FOREST ST............................................ $550,000 B: Mt Zion Road LLC S: Young Mens Christian Assn Book/Page: 82983/95, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: First Boston Cnst Hld $1,445,000 223 FOREST ST..................................... $680,000 B: Benjamin Webb & Catherine Burnett S: Wayne L Sampson & Robin M Sampson Book/Page: 82989/306, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $544,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12497sf Prior Sale: $169,900 (01/98) 19 HARVEST RD.................................... $861,000 B: Alanna Marcus & Miguel Gonzalez S: Liling Huang & Ge Chen Book/Page: 82992/285, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 9344sf Prior Sale: $765,000 (01/22) 217 LOWELL ST..................................... $489,000 B: Elegante Ventures LLC S: David Y Chase Doc#: 000000001960264, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Lima One Capital LLC $462,000 Term: 2026 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9392sf Prior Sale: $214,325 (02/10) 61 RED GATE LN.................................. $1,079,000 B: Oscar M Cervera & Maria A Anaya S: Peter G Newhall & Barbara B Newhall Doc#: 000000001960072, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $755,300 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 24150sf Prior Sale: $292,500 (06/88) 61 RED GATE LN.................................. $1,079,000 B: Oscar M Cervera & Maria A Anaya S: Peter G Newhall & Barbara B Newhall Book/Page: 82985/565, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $755,300 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 24150sf Prior Sale: $1,079,000 (07/24) 43 VILLAGE ST...................................... $860,000 B: Jacqueline A Nazzaro & Paula C Fisher S: Jason D Carr & Kristin K Carr Book/Page: 82976/239, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: New Fed Mtg Corp $430,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12515sf Prior Sale: $362,500 (09/10) 100 WEST ST......................................... $750,000 B: Jeffrey E Shute & Kathryn W Mellor S: Thomas G Fratto, Tr for Jean D Cignetti Irt Book/Page: 82991/481, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Superior Funding Corp $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 10010sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (02/88)

Sherborn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $1,049,550

YTD 2024 30 $1,249,375

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 21 IVY LN............................................. $1,265,000 B: Kara Carew & Nolan Carew S: Marie T Kelfer Book/Page: 82983/412, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Alliant Credit Union $1,138,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 78408sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (01/98) 155 MAPLE ST...................................... $590,000 B: Mauricio B Pereira S: Jeanne A Given Book/Page: 82997/546, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $560,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 94090sf 15 PECKHAM HILL RD.......................... $1,275,000 B: Nathan Will & Marie Will S: Roger Stern & Andrea Stern Book/Page: 82990/125, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Merck EFCU $1,020,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.0% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 57499sf Prior Sale: $773,000 (06/19) 91 WESTERN AVE................................ $1,600,000 B: Jason Murray & Martha Ross S: William J Mintzer & Jennifer F Mintzer Book/Page: 82989/331, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Avidia Bank $1,050,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.0% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 187308sf Prior Sale: $840,000 (12/09) 10 WOOD RD........................................ $1,525,000 B: Dominic B Walsh, Tr for E J & Susan M Robb RET S: Dominic B Walsh & Janet P Walsh Doc#: 000000001960086, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87991sf Prior Sale: $732,250 (08/03)

Shirley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 21 Median Price $432,000

YTD 2024 20 $487,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 138 AYER RD......................................... $299,900 B: Thomas E Mcallister S: Charles G Hemenway & Joseph J Howlett 2nd Book/Page: 82981/553, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Mobile Home, Lot: 20909sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (01/24) BENJAMIN RD....................................... $620,000 B: Yan Wu S: Heather L Bell, Tr for Gould Ft Book/Page: 82981/24, Date: 07/10/24 33 CENTER RD...................................... $355,000 B: Yan Wu S: Heather L Bell, Tr for Carole A Steele Int Book/Page: 82982/420, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: East West Bank $213,000 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 67954sf

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 34 Median Price $1,140,000

YTD 2024 42 $1,267,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 105 BEACON ST U:1............................. $1,600,000 B: Anthony J Mayo & Denise M Mayo S: Dah Beacon Street LLC Book/Page: 82986/239, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 105 BEACON ST U:2............................. $1,415,000 B: Joanna Feldman S: Dah Beacon Street LLC Book/Page: 82995/288, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 916 BROADWAY U:1............................ $1,200,000 B: Mark Isola & Greg Ciaglo S: 916 Broadway LLC Book/Page: 82997/430, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $960,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 16 COTTAGE AVE................................. $1,505,000 B: Anna R Pasternak & Nathaniel G Macdonald S: Mark A Kramer, Tr for Kramer Chu Ft Book/Page: 82997/193, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,005,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2240sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (02/04) 59 CRAIGIE ST U:3................................ $920,000 B: Brian Henesey & Caroline Henesey S: Jerome Steinwagner & Rebecca Carrier Doc#: 000000001960237, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $690,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $473,000 (12/07) 15 CUTTER ST U:1................................. $615,000 B: Luke A Schkeryantz & Lesley Gabriel S: Mark Goodman & Allison Goodman Book/Page: 82988/521, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $492,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $370,000 (04/14) 5-7 DICKSON ST................................... $1,400,000 B: Cherry Street LLC S: Yingjie Wei, Tr for Y Wei & Jane X Chen T Book/Page: 82995/82, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Digital FCU $950,000 47 ELECTRIC AVE U:1.......................... $1,305,000 B: Alice Elguindy, Tr for Alice Elguindy Lt S: Jamie E Taluto & Daniel J Clenzi Book/Page: 82981/166, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo 77 FREMONT ST U:3............................. $501,000 B: Christopher Powers S: Lauren F Alexander Book/Page: 82978/68, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $450,900 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo 6 HIGHLAND AVE U:1............................ $927,000 B: Hana R Snow S: Tonya M Gilbert & Valentin M Sluch Book/Page: 82995/309, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $695,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $790,000 (07/20) 340 HIGHLAND AVE U:1........................ $807,000 B: Guillermo V Vargas-Diaz & Jayne M Goethe S: Cheryl L Schwartz, Tr for Schwartz-Moscato RET Book/Page: 82998/456, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $645,600 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 99 KIDDER AVE.................................... $1,560,900 B: Christopher Scott & Jenna Romeo S: Ronald Rosenberg, Tr for Mifflin T Book/Page: 82997/227, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $1,326,765 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3500sf Prior Sale: $745,000 (08/04) 457 MEDFORD ST U:2.......................... $1,175,000 B: Gwendolyn A Hoffmann & Aditya T Patel S: Nicholas J Termyn & Sophie B Termyn Book/Page: 82981/129, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $835,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 49 OAK ST U:B..................................... $1,349,000 B: Kelsey Barolak S: Rjm Development LLC Book/Page: 82998/34, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 24 PINCKNEY ST U:3............................. $535,000 B: Shaked Zimmermann & Roy Goren S: Aileen L Miller Doc#: 000000001960240, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $215,000 (03/11) 46 PRICHARD AVE............................... $1,250,000 B: Xu Li & Yun Zou S: Daniel R Welch & Janice I Welch Book/Page: 82983/175, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Nations FCU $875,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3225sf Prior Sale: $283,000 (05/98) 241 SCHOOL ST U:2.............................. $992,500 B: Thomas X Cotter Jr & Jennifer Cotter S: Nicholas A Sever & Katherine B Nickley Book/Page: 82984/177, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $740,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 11 SIMPSON AVE................................. $1,900,000 B: Carmen M Perez-Masuelli & Carina R Masuelli S: Yingjie Wei, Tr for Y Wei & Jane X Chen T Book/Page: 82998/546, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3600sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (03/96) 33 VINAL AVE....................................... $1,025,000 B: Vinal Rei LLC S: Thomas E Mcallister Book/Page: 82978/93, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $768,750 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6200sf Prior Sale: $291,250 (01/13)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

33 WESTON AVE U:33.......................... $1,375,000 B: Doroty A Bowers S: Donna L Tesiero Book/Page: 82975/74, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $770,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $675,000 (08/12)

Stoneham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 55 Median Price $680,000

YTD 2024 66 $785,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 57 FOREST ST....................................... $660,000 B: Sally J Akiki-Nasr & Elias Nasr S: Elinor A Rivera, Tr for Elinor A Rivera 2022 RET Book/Page: 82977/588, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Stoneham Cp Bk $528,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10202sf 137 FRANKLIN ST U:305....................... $418,000 B: Edward Nelson & Yuhua Zhang S: Speranza Investments LLC Book/Page: 82983/454, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $307,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $160,000 (09/00) 41 GOVERNOR RD................................. $660,000 B: Alexandra M Dodge & Jed B Dodge S: Naney A Surette Book/Page: 82975/1, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $434,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6800sf 100 LEDGEWOOD DR U:314.................. $515,500 B: Christopher J Sewell S: Maureen Fitzgerald, Tr for Florentino Nt Book/Page: 82987/132, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: NFM Inc $250,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $259,900 (05/03) 3 VICTORIA LN...................................... $723,000 B: Catherine Headrick & Robert Headrick S: Deborah A Sweeney Book/Page: 82977/409, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $503,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7858sf

Stow MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $716,500

YTD 2024 24 $840,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 BLUEBERRY CT................................. $1,220,000 B: Matthew Rubino & Nancy Rubino S: Mark P Donovan & Kristen M Donovan Book/Page: 82980/394, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $670,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23522sf Prior Sale: $719,900 (10/05) 428 GLEASONDALE RD......................... $840,000 B: Amanda Kurban & Brian Lisowski S: William C Sieverts & Jill E Sieverts Book/Page: 82983/586, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $672,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 41818sf Prior Sale: $495,000 (08/16) 501 GREAT RD...................................... $829,000 B: Matthew R Burman & Kathleen R Burman S: John C Mpelkas & Maria M Mpelkas Book/Page: 82990/334, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $621,750 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52708sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (10/98) 301 TAYLOR RD.................................... $740,000 B: Maryann T Buttler, Tr for Buttler-Pearce RET S: Etana R Mataria, Tr for Micahel R Matatia Ft Book/Page: 82975/186, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 60984sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (02/99)

Sudbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 89 Median Price $1,195,000

YTD 2024 88 $1,215,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 47 BREWSTER RD................................ $2,100,000 B: Jing Zhu & Yile Sun S: Thomas A Kenney & Carrie L Kenney Doc#: 000000001959983, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $1,620,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm, Lot: 111874sf Prior Sale: $1,380,000 (11/17) 67 HAYNES RD..................................... $1,250,000 B: Emiliano Dallanese & Nicole Dallanese S: Richard D Gadbois & Anna D Gadbois Book/Page: 82995/538, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $635,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40210sf Prior Sale: $388,650 (08/92) 22 LAUREL CIR..................................... $1,460,000 B: David I Kim & Breeny H Kim S: James A Mcgeady, Tr for Mcgeady Ft Book/Page: 82975/444, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Nationstar Mtg $660,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 40005sf Prior Sale: $845,000 (01/17) 150 NORTH RD U:16.............................. $621,000 B: Frank J Potter & Kathryn W Potter S: Mcgraw Ft & William G Mcgraw Sr Doc#: 000000001959976, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 150 NORTH RD U:18.............................. $640,750 B: Ariane Goodman-Belkadi & Nacer-Eddine Belkadi S: Lynn S Arenella, Tr for Lynn S Arenella 2016 T Doc#: 000000001960100, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $635,750 (05/23) 32 OLD FRAMINGHAM RD U:35............ $950,000 B: Ivy W Ho & Lee W Ho S: Tsai Stephen C Est & Wai K Tsai Book/Page: 82975/311, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $300,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $519,900 (05/08)




27 PONDVIEW RD................................. $1,200,000 B: Christopher Park & Danielle Israel S: John Brusger & Eileen C Brusger Book/Page: 82984/88, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40871sf Prior Sale: $345,000 (06/95) 12 STUBTOE LN..................................... $925,000 B: Sarah Araya & Benjamin Araya S: Madeline E Davies & Christopher J Davies Book/Page: 82980/584, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $300,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30056sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (12/23)

Townsend MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 21 Median Price $467,000

YTD 2024 47 $490,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 BRIAR WAY........................................ B: Zachary Thomson & Molly K Thomson S: James Bedard & Ali R Bedard Book/Page: 82998/121, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $428,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43442sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (09/16)


Wakefield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 74 Median Price $742,450

YTD 2024 84 $825,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 CHARLES ST..................................... $920,000 B: Charles Cederberg & Lindsay Cederberg S: Pinecrest Realty Vent LLC Book/Page: 82990/273, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $800,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6599sf Prior Sale: $610,000 (01/24) 26 QUANNAPOWITT AVE...................... $1,015,000 B: Matthew Deoliveira & Brittany Deoliveira S: Suzanne H York & Jeffrey F York Doc#: 000000001959887, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $812,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9553sf Prior Sale: $641,000 (01/15) 7 RANDALL TER.................................... $465,000 B: Don Q Re Development LLC & Saturn Realty Group LLC S: Thomas M Deveau Book/Page: 82988/475, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Saturn Rlty Group Llc $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40829sf Prior Sale: $249,500 (10/04) 38 VALE VIEW RD................................. $840,000 B: Elliot Dix & Meghan Urso S: Kathleen M Melanson Book/Page: 82990/49, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $756,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8529sf Prior Sale: $369,900 (08/02)

Waltham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 125 Median Price $779,000

YTD 2024 114 $796,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 110 BISHOPS FOREST DR U:110.......... $900,000 B: Mary Callahan S: Karen I Dresner, Tr for Karen I Dresner T Book/Page: 82975/268, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $175,000 (02/90) 90-92 FULLER ST.................................. $910,000 B: William J Durkin & Ramina Ghods S: Andrew T Larracey & Nichole Larracey Book/Page: 82978/226, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $635,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5083sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (11/10) 38 HELEN ST......................................... $750,000 B: Provin Pariyar & Suku L Tamang S: Bruce Goodchild Book/Page: 82988/97, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $685,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (06/20) 501 LEXINGTON ST U:17....................... $601,000 B: Dependable Hm Soln LLC S: James Condon, Tr for Condon Ft Book/Page: 82983/402, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 10 MOUNT IDA TER............................... $599,000 B: William Dahlbeck Jr S: Pan Yong & Qu Beihua Book/Page: 82987/485, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 3999sf Prior Sale: $575,000 (06/23) 55 ROSEMONT AVE............................... $650,000 B: Erica Sheck & Zachary Thomas S: Donald W Sheck & Anne E Sheck Book/Page: 82985/387, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $520,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4482sf 59 TEMPLE RD..................................... $1,875,000 B: Michael W Shea & Cassie Shea S: Imperial Home Dev LLC Book/Page: 82991/13, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $1,423,125 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9039sf Prior Sale: $599,000 (11/22) 41 WARREN ST U:B2............................. $413,000 B: Jorge E Pietrogiovanna & Gabrielle Pietrogiovanna S: Amit Kumar & Ashwita Shah Doc#: 000000001960280, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $373,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $300,000 (06/17) 16 WINTER ST U:11B............................ $420,000 B: Yingzhen Tan & Xueyan Leng S: Christina M Graf, Tr for Eileen T Duff T Book/Page: 82987/515, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $92,500 (04/92)

16 WINTER ST U:46C............................ B: Nicholas Barberio S: Shirley Chan Book/Page: 82977/550, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $288,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: Condo Prior Sale: $395,000 (05/21)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 63 Median Price $1,987,500


YTD 2024 40 $842,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 BEECHWOOD AVE........................... $1,200,000 B: Matthew Westbury & Ricardo Souza S: Lucia L Veneziale, Tr for Veneziale Ft Book/Page: 82984/37, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $500,000 Term: 2054 45 BUICK ST.......................................... $803,000 B: Vicken Halwadjian & Elizabeth Halwadjian S: Rory Allan & Alana Allan Book/Page: 82984/208, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Amerant Mortgage $642,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5271sf Prior Sale: $592,000 (09/19) 34 COTTAGE ST..................................... $765,000 B: James Maloney S: Brett A Auerbach Book/Page: 82991/178, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $726,750 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Townhouse, Lot: 4400sf 88 DUFF ST U:88................................... $551,250 B: Brandon Kalashian S: N A Duval-Couetil, Tr for M-Francoise L Duval Irt Book/Page: 82996/295, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $401,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 60-62 GILBERT ST............................... $1,170,000 B: Constantinos Magimbi S: Gilbert Street Dev LLC Book/Page: 82990/175, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Logan Finance Corp $877,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4008sf Prior Sale: $980,000 (03/20) 162-164 LANGDON AVE....................... $1,135,000 B: Heinrich Lutjens & Ute C Klockmann-Lutjens S: Aram Shrestinian & Ani G Shrestinian Book/Page: 82985/454, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 4051sf Prior Sale: $1,075,000 (03/23) 161 LEXINGTON ST............................... $815,000 B: Stephanie Kane S: Michael Brangwynne & Emily Dodd Book/Page: 82996/368, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $652,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 3964sf Prior Sale: $555,000 (05/17) 20 LINCOLN ST..................................... $1,320,000 B: Andrew D Holden & Colleen M Holden S: David B Doolittle & Susan E Doolittle Book/Page: 82976/1, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $1,056,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8756sf Prior Sale: $547,500 (06/02) 11 LOOMIS AVE U:11........................... $1,045,000 B: Ruth Schulman S: Shilpi Banerjee Book/Page: 82997/376, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $766,550 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo 5 REPTON CIR U:5408........................... $557,000 B: Luljeta Isedisha S: Nikhil Dutta-Roy Book/Page: 82995/178, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $501,300 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $499,000 (06/22)

Wayland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $1,085,000

YTD 2024 53 $2,350,000


Watertown YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $900,000


YTD 2024 47 $1,260,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 204 BOSTON POST RD.......................... $965,000 B: Natalia Doxopoulas & Nikolaos Doxopoulas S: Jiaquan Wu & Jing Zhang Book/Page: 82994/355, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $766,550 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50530sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (03/07) 5 BRANDYWYNE U:5............................. $780,000 B: Lois R Bruss & Kenneth A Bruss S: Barbara P Hart Doc#: 000000001959914, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $450,000 (07/11) 136 COMMONWEALTH RD................... $1,200,000 B: Eagle Re Ventures LLC S: Margaret R Ferguson Book/Page: 82975/231, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Southbridge CU $720,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 21780sf 14 FRENCH AVE.................................... $700,000 B: Bostonkax LLC S: Aung Si & Fei Chen Book/Page: 82991/592, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5663sf Prior Sale: $690,000 (04/22) 20 HARRISON ST.................................. $1,365,000 B: Paul Bukowiec & Kimberly Bukowiec S: Janell M Anderson, Tr for N P Dodge Jr T Book/Page: 82981/481, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 19602sf Prior Sale: $1,365,000 (07/24) 20 HARRISON ST.................................. $1,365,000 B: Janell M Anderson, Tr for N P Dodge Jr T S: George M Tsiaras, Tr for Tsiaras 2021 Ft Book/Page: 82981/472, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $955,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 19602sf Prior Sale: $790,000 (02/13) 38 HASTINGS WAY U:38....................... $996,000 B: Ali Almaawi & Reem Ali S: Marcia M Cormay & Charles T Cormay Book/Page: 82984/459, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $793,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.0% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $776,000 (04/18)

107 BOGLE ST...................................... $1,890,000 B: Rachel Lee & Russell T Otten S: Charles C Freeman & Laura A Coyne Doc#: 000000001960064, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $1,512,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 48267sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (11/95) 7 CLIFFORD LN..................................... $2,750,000 B: Lan Wu S: Litchfield Company Inc Book/Page: 82982/513, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 39309sf 440 CONANT RD................................... $3,225,000 B: Kevin F Yetman & Heather B Yetman S: Thomas H Nicholson & Catharine F Nicholson Book/Page: 82984/110, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 279542sf 21 GAIL RD........................................... $2,220,000 B: Dongmei Li S: Jonathan D Wecker & Allison C Wecker Doc#: 000000001960051, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: East West Bank $1,110,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.4% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 40000sf

Winchester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 77 Median Price $1,455,000

YTD 2024 97 $1,490,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 17 CROSS ST........................................ $1,160,000 B: Boyd Green & Michelle Ajodah S: Zachary Bolian & Kathryn Resnevic Book/Page: 82997/76, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $610,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 4874sf Prior Sale: $1,050,000 (03/23) 124 FOREST ST.................................... $1,425,000 B: Craig Rovito S: Elizabeth Merrill & Shaun Merrill Book/Page: 82991/420, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $997,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12001sf Prior Sale: $840,000 (08/15) 7 RUSSETT LN...................................... $2,070,000 B: Gang Wang & Xiaorong Hou S: Geraldine A Manganaro Book/Page: 82991/136, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $1,656,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23792sf 350 S BORDER RD............................... $1,148,000 B: Haychoi Taing & Lauryn Morita S: Paula Riccio Book/Page: 82980/321, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Premia Mortgage LLC $750,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15298sf Prior Sale: $314,000 (08/94) 26 STOWELL RD................................... $1,900,000 B: Matthew D Steinschneider & Shuzi Meng S: Marc Brissette & Jennifer Brissette Book/Page: 82985/208, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6521sf Prior Sale: $745,000 (06/15)

Woburn MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 100 Median Price $650,000

YTD 2024 105 $735,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 BRANDT DR........................................ $603,000 B: 3 Brandt Rd LLC S: Amanda L Macgee, Tr for Bettina K Fredrick RET Book/Page: 82982/174, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: H1h2 Capital $958,400 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 14810sf 165 BURLINGTON ST............................ $991,000 B: Maldenchelsea 1 LLC S: Michael T Kalivas & Christina Yon Book/Page: 82997/319, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9148sf Prior Sale: $850,000 (04/23) 99 PROSPECT ST.................................. $322,500 B: Don Q Re Development LLC S: Decandia Prop Invs LLC Book/Page: 82974/343, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Main Street Lndng LLC $400,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3485sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (06/24) 20 RICH RD........................................... $827,000 B: Matteo Gentili & Nilushi Desilva S: Derek J Elliot & Amy M Elliot Book/Page: 82990/251, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: MIT Federal CU $661,600 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 29185sf Prior Sale: $225,500 (03/98) 7 VALLEY RD......................................... $850,000 B: Stephen M Walsh & Lauren Tassone S: Victoria F Bucci & Eric M Bucci Book/Page: 82978/364, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $680,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10890sf Prior Sale: $605,000 (05/19) 169 WINN ST......................................... $855,000 B: Joseph H Miller & Kendra Wozniak S: Susan M Deteso Book/Page: 82992/63, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Northern Hm Loans LLC $513,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23958sf

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

Nantucket Registry Jennifer H. Ferreira, Register 16 Broad Street Nantucket, MA 02554 Telephone: (508) 228-7250 Fax: (508) 325-5331

Nantucket MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $2,265,000

YTD 2024 37 $2,950,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 30-A EVERGREEN WAY........................ $3,435,000 B: Sean T Johnson & Ruta D Johnson S: Pp Inv Opportinity LLC Doc#: 000000000179970, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Evolve B&T $300,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (06/22) 2 INDIGO DR.......................................... $306,500 B: Brie M Carr S: Nantucket Prop Owner LLC Doc#: 000000000179948, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Executive Office Of H $275,540 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4356sf 1 LOWELL PL........................................ $1,485,000 B: Gregory J Coffey & Amy E Coffey S: Ack One Lowell LLC Book/Page: 1981/69, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 2178sf Prior Sale: $1,400,000 (05/21)


Norfolk Registry

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $2,450,000


YTD 2024 63 $485,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 HIGH ST............................................ $699,000 B: Yoan Raimondo & Laura M Andrieu S: Courtney B Messer, Tr for C&m Messer RET Book/Page: 41881/462, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $659,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40149sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (05/18) 5 IRIS LN............................................... $320,300 B: Uri Pierre S: Fargon LLC Book/Page: 41879/404, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Hsng & Livable Commun $296,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15760sf 1 PEBBLE CIR U:1................................. $726,636 B: Richard Lind & Beth Lind S: Bungay Brook LLC Book/Page: 41880/319, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $212,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: Possible New Construction PROSPECT ST........................................ $340,000 B: 365 Prospect Street LLC S: Wall Street Dev Corp Book/Page: 41872/545, Date: 07/08/24

Braintree MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 111 Median Price $660,000

YTD 2024 50 $2,390,022


William P. O’Donnell, Esq, Register 649 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Telephone: (781) 461-6122 Fax: (781) 326-4742

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 79 Median Price $465,000

85 MARGARET DR................................ $1,022,680 B: Michael D Keegan & Marcia G Keegan S: John F Fitzgerald 3rd & Sharon L Fitzgerald Book/Page: 41879/518, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Nations Direct Mtg $491,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20099sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (05/97) 17 ORCHARD ST.................................... $549,900 B: Minh Van S: Roberts Constance M Est & Barry C Roberts Book/Page: 41872/441, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9130sf 10 ROYAL LAKE DR U:6........................ $424,000 B: Henry Li & Biqin Li S: Clifford Ft & Daniel P Clifford Jr Book/Page: 41875/144, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $298,000 (08/04) 25 SHEPPARD AVE................................ $725,000 B: Joel Attardo & Marianne Mcelwee S: Brian T Donaghue, Tr for Donaghue Rt Book/Page: 41882/364, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $616,250 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8638sf Prior Sale: $301,500 (08/01) 1359 WASHINGTON ST......................... $660,000 B: Erik G Adames & Seraina Adames S: Kevin Oconnor & June Oconnor Doc#: 000000001538740, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $410,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5741sf Prior Sale: $455,000 (07/06) 71 WINTHROP AVE................................ $770,000 B: Nicholas F Rancourt & Meghan N Flaherty S: Vincent T Matteucci 3rd & Brittany E Matteucci Doc#: 000000001538577, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: First Community Mtg $492,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8250sf Prior Sale: $675,000 (04/21) 105 WINTHROP RD................................ $668,000 B: Canwei Li S: Paul J Fanning, Tr for P Rr & M Va Fanning RET Doc#: 000000001538524, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $418,000 Term: 2054

YTD 2024 97 $715,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 139 ARNOLD ST.................................... $605,000 B: Albert Llanaj & Gjiovefa Llanaj S: Mary C Prendergast, Tr for Julia N Locke RET Book/Page: 41879/194, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $544,871 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8564sf 302 COMMERCIAL ST U:34................... $330,000 B: Mohamed F Hossain S: Bok L Seto, Tr for Seto Ft Book/Page: 41881/519, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $264,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $122,000 (01/09) 305 FRANKLIN ST................................. $650,000 B: Venkatrao Jupudi & Swathi Ganesuni S: Salman Hasan & Jumana S Hamdi Book/Page: 41883/80, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: NBKC Bank $630,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 15080sf Prior Sale: $510,000 (06/18) 33 JOHN PAUL CIR................................ $820,000 B: Zu J Chen & Cynthia Yu S: Marco Sandonato, Tr for Sandonato Ft Doc#: 000000001538640, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $570,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28793sf

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

1495 BEACON ST U:3............................ $605,000 B: 1495 Three Beacon LLC S: Apartment 2m LLC Book/Page: 41879/356, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $50,000 (12/99) 130 BELLINGHAM RD........................... $2,010,000 B: Shelby Herrington S: Francesca A Infantine & Meredith Leary Doc#: 000000001538439, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $1,608,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 17921sf Prior Sale: $605,000 (12/07) 130 BEVERLY RD................................. $1,500,000 B: Sean Holbrook & Lia Marino S: Rodney S Dennis, Tr for R Dennis & D Shannon RET Book/Page: 41881/415, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $1,195,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13952sf Prior Sale: $735,000 (06/13) 20 CHAPEL ST U:B607......................... $1,050,000 B: Beth Fraser & Malcolm Fraser S: Uma Mallikharjuna Fndtn I Book/Page: 41873/13, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $875,000 (04/22) 19 ELIOT CRES U:1............................... $1,280,000 B: Robert Graham & Analia Graham S: Sean N Holbrook & Lia N Marino Book/Page: 41878/428, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $1,024,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $1,255,000 (05/22) 45 LONGWOOD AVE U:804.................... $910,000 B: Manickam Krishnamurthy & Thaiya Krishnamurthy S: Nelly Kamen & Steven M Dionisi Book/Page: 41877/236, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $760,000 (11/17) 41 PARK ST U:411................................ $599,000 B: Joann Z Gu S: Jingyu Zhou & Lu Wang Book/Page: 41877/228, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $552,000 (08/17) 33 POND AVE U:607.............................. $525,000 B: Chengjie Zhou & Yanhua Dong S: 33 Pond Ave LLC Book/Page: 41880/414, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Jeanne DArc CU $420,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $160,000 (02/89) 77 POND AVE U:906.............................. $740,000 B: Veronica T Kao & Yahua J Chen S: Susan B Berman, Tr for Howard I Berman Lt Book/Page: 41880/172, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Brookline Bank $490,000 Term: 2039 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $200,000 (08/97) 31 SUMNER RD.................................... $2,150,000 B: Danielle Rabina & Jeremy S Fischer S: Gary K Wong & Melissa Wong Book/Page: 41882/321, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8037sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (07/96) 10 TABOR PL........................................ $1,020,000 B: Kenton J Hetrick & Amanda I Hetrick S: Aminadav Shavit, Tr for D Steiner Van Rooyen RET Book/Page: 41879/370, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $816,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 1141sf Prior Sale: $142,500 (04/90) 40 UNIVERSITY RD U:2........................ $2,050,000 B: Jillian Gruber & Eric Morrissey S: Jacob E Berchuck & Caroline M Berchuck Book/Page: 41877/361, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: TD Bank NA $1,844,795 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $2,100,000 (12/20)

429 WASHINGTON ST U:2..................... B: Patrick J Wong & Sunny J Wong S: Junying Cui, Tr for Wood Dragon T Book/Page: 41876/381, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $535,000 (07/15) 19 WINCHESTER ST U:507.................... B: Sally Baines S: Horst C Weber & Haesook T Kim Book/Page: 41882/199, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $533,000 (07/16)



Canton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 69 Median Price $775,000

YTD 2024 80 $840,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 147 HIGH ST.......................................... $725,000 B: Lindsey M Fitzgerald & Rachel M Lynch S: Daniel Polnar & Bethany Polnar Book/Page: 41876/157, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $568,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 27160sf Prior Sale: $329,000 (03/10) 4 SEMINOLE RD................................... $1,262,500 B: Michael Casal & Elizabeth Wroblewski S: Brian M Mcgowan & Kelly A Mcgowan Doc#: 000000001538706, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $500,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 32844sf Prior Sale: $715,000 (07/17) 208 TURNPIKE ST................................. $380,000 B: Ellen L Gemba & Ross M Gemba S: Julianne Pimentel Book/Page: 41879/326, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $373,117 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 9531sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (10/16) 1121 WASHINGTON ST......................... $750,000 B: Alexandra A Briggs & Andrew H Briggs S: Maxmillian A Holt Book/Page: 41876/600, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15200sf Prior Sale: $472,000 (07/18) 39 WILL DR U:16................................... $340,000 B: Yeomin Yun S: Debra Winters Doc#: 000000001538645, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $272,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $270,500 (03/21)

Cohasset MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $1,535,000

YTD 2024 31 $1,400,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 ASH ST............................................ $1,210,000 B: Matt Oconnell & Erin Lyden S: Aaron Gilbert & Mary T Duggan-Gilbert Doc#: 000000001538516, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $907,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Conventional, Lot: 20042sf Prior Sale: $630,000 (05/16) 91 DOANE ST........................................ $915,000 B: Emma Marjollet & Zachary Gillen S: Michael J Flaherty & Erin N Flaherty Book/Page: 41852/343, Date: 06/26/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $823,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 44867sf Prior Sale: $915,000 (06/24) 128 DOANE ST...................................... $798,000 B: James Hauser & Marina Hauser S: Elaine M Curran Book/Page: 41882/459, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 24002sf 2 JAMES LN U:2................................... $1,128,000 B: Jennifer L Tam S: Michael S Griffin & Carol A Griffin Book/Page: 41883/160, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: C&c Florida Vent Llc $900,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $985,000 (01/22) 2 STRATFORD TER............................... $2,600,000 B: Adam Lister & Lauren Lister S: John Williams & Kathryn Williams Book/Page: 41876/338, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,300,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1-Family Gambrel, Lot: 40075sf Prior Sale: $2,450,000 (04/24)

Dedham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 102 Median Price $678,000

YTD 2024 105 $759,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 61 CRANE ST......................................... B: Jack R Strollo & Courtney A Barrett S: Clark M Humphreys Doc#: 000000001538711, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $603,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11913sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (07/04) 12 LEWIS FARM RD U:12...................... B: Sneha Salian S: Robert Dichiro Book/Page: 41880/77, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $318,750 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (01/21) 24 MILLS ST.......................................... B: William Relle & Kelly A Miller S: Thomas J Johnson & Hope M Johnson Book/Page: 41879/109, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $672,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9000sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (09/93) 6 NINA CT U:6....................................... B: Wendy Schreider S: Anthony Goins 2nd & Stephanie Goins Book/Page: 41873/373, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4



88 OAKDALE AVE.................................. B: Jordan Bronstein S: Antonio Barberio & Julia M Barberio Book/Page: 41882/296, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $408,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7650sf Prior Sale: $739,900 (10/21) 506 WASHINGTON ST........................... B: John N Misasi & Julie E Misasi S: Daniel J Mott & Stephanie Y Mott Book/Page: 41871/378, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Sharon & Crescent Uni $425,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11287sf Prior Sale: $532,000 (09/17)



▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 8 BOOTH RD.......................................... $120,000 B: 8 Booth Road LLC S: Mbah LLC & Endeavor Capital East LLC Doc#: 000000001538598, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 12672sf Prior Sale: $825,000 (08/18)

Dover MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $1,750,000

YTD 2024 35 $1,650,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 48 MILLER HILL RD.............................. $1,975,000 B: Joanne Van Nest & John Van Nest S: Thomas J Bashwiner & Christina A Bashwiner Book/Page: 41872/370, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 189050sf Prior Sale: $1,700,000 (11/22)

Foxboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $620,000

YTD 2024 54 $674,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 12 BILLINGS RD.................................... B: Kevin Scopa S: Kathleen M Bisazza, Tr for Bisazza Nt Book/Page: 41873/541, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: OneLocal Bank $334,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 21162sf 22 FOXHILL RD...................................... B: Ryan J Saunders & Melissa K Saunders S: Matthew Riportella & Mary E Riportella Book/Page: 41874/311, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Wrentham Cp Bk $600,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 35149sf Prior Sale: $464,000 (04/18) 17 GLENWOOD AVE U:D........................ B: Dawn Nelson S: Omaira Alicca Book/Page: 41874/115, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: First Citizen B&T Co $500,000 Term: 2039 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $644,900 (09/22) 10 IDLEWILD ST.................................... B: Carly M Imbriani S: Robert E Saegh Book/Page: 41878/243, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $328,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15680sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (05/24) 9 SULLIVAN WAY.................................. B: Ralph Valente S: Daniel G Puopolo & Karen M Puopolo Book/Page: 41875/279, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20002sf Prior Sale: $579,000 (08/08)



YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $623,000 $780,000




YTD 2024 99 $710,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1 BOGAN WAY...................................... $1,100,000 B: James M Rodio Sr & Ashley E Rodio S: Anthony Lorusso Book/Page: 41878/458, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Dean Cp Bk $450,000 Term: 2044 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 59982sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (03/23) 131 BROOKVIEW RD U:131................... $780,000 B: Sivi S Raman & M Chandrasekaran S: Ravi C Ragampeta & Divya Mahavadi Book/Page: 41880/9, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $624,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $585,900 (11/19) 35 INDIAN LN........................................ $789,000 B: Scott R Mesite & Jessica Chapman S: Richard S Reeve Jr & Maureen A Reeve Book/Page: 41877/179, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $631,200 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20238sf Prior Sale: $231,000 (08/96) 95 MILL ST............................................ $610,000 B: Joseph Meuse S: Gizelle Mccarthy & Neil Mccarthy Book/Page: 41872/556, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $510,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15002sf Prior Sale: $359,000 (06/18)


YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $842,000

YTD 2024 51 $1,175,000




Franklin YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 106 Median Price $605,000

27 CHENEY POND RD........................... $1,165,000 B: Antonio Barberio & Julia Barberio S: James B Kirk & Laura G Kirk Book/Page: 41883/316, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $865,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20221sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (11/14) 9 ERIK RD............................................. $1,700,000 B: Christopher Klein & Jennifer Duke S: Michael N Regan & Lisa K Regan Book/Page: 41883/188, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $1,360,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20155sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (07/09) 38 FLINT LOCKE LN............................... $863,000 B: Peter S Mongelli & Jessica A Koval S: Jeffrey J Hanson & Catherine M Hanson Book/Page: 41879/4, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Metro Credit Union $690,400 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20016sf Prior Sale: $514,000 (06/08) 21 GRANITE ST.................................... $2,050,000 B: Sean M Mckenna & Heather A Mckenna S: Matthew P Long & Lynn K Long Book/Page: 41875/84, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Winchester Svgs Bk $1,640,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 104034sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (07/02) 4 PLAIN ST............................................ $885,000 B: Jason K Graham & Nicole P Graham S: Moamen Gabr & Doaa Ali Book/Page: 41872/582, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $708,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 23043sf Prior Sale: $775,000 (05/22) 17 STUART ST...................................... $1,512,000 B: Barry Costello & Kara Costello S: Bradford W Godfrey & Susan M Godfrey Book/Page: 41874/188, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $632,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 46535sf Prior Sale: $790,000 (05/13) 3 TALLWOOD DR.................................. $1,220,000 B: Matthew L Newberg & Jill B Newberg S: Elena Tragellis, Tr for Stavros Tragellis Book/Page: 41876/469, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $915,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40206sf Prior Sale: $790,000 (07/06)

90 ADAMS ST........................................ $655,000 B: Chia-Hui Tu & Christopher A Leacu S: John J Harrington Jr & Lauren M Harrington Book/Page: 41880/287, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $524,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20042sf Prior Sale: $192,000 (06/87)

YTD 2024 39 $690,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 23-B FAIRWAY LN................................ $1,220,000 B: Clark P Murphy & Eliza S Kaplan S: Brandon S Currul Book/Page: 41875/285, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Morgan Stanley Privat $660,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.0% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 78277sf Prior Sale: $635,000 (10/15) 1 FARM ST............................................ $640,000 B: Andrew Cross & June Coelho S: Stephen J Norton & Kristin M Norton Book/Page: 41877/322, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $173,000 (09/96) 16 HERITAGE DR U:16........................... $430,000 B: Meghan Cassidy S: Brynn A Cassidy Book/Page: 41883/245, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $344,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (11/19) 11 LIBERTY RD...................................... $925,000 B: Thomas E Milani & Jacqueline A Milani S: H P Laverdiere & Kerri L Laverdiere Book/Page: 41878/161, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $740,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44431sf Prior Sale: $269,900 (04/98) 101 OAKLAND ST.................................. $665,000 B: Michael Burrell & Stephanie Queenan S: Harmony Village LLC Book/Page: 41874/480, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $265,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 39248sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (03/24) 143 VILLAGE ST U:A............................. $274,400 B: William Kenney, Tr for Prospect Rt S: Kimberly E Lawson Book/Page: 41872/109, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $202,050 (04/18) 20 WATERSIDE RUN U:20..................... $731,450 B: Gary E Hoppe & Cathleen M Hoppe S: Black Brook Realty LLC Book/Page: 41874/371, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $100,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 6 WINTHROP ST.................................... $695,000 B: Connor Tobin & Abby Jacoski S: Brian Beaudoin & Leah Beaudoin Book/Page: 41872/153, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $615,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $438,000 (06/17)

Millis MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $617,500

YTD 2024 41 $647,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 CHARLES WAY U:33......................... B: Susan Moore S: Marc Levine & Elizabeth Levine Book/Page: 41875/586, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 18 HATTIE LN U:18................................ B: Barbara A English & James P English S: Anthony Marra & Joseph Marra Book/Page: 41876/519, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $769,995 (05/22)



138 ISLAND RD..................................... B: Adam Braza & Angelina M Damiano S: Jason Graham & Nicole Graham Book/Page: 41872/183, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $179,900 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 75794sf Prior Sale: $501,000 (01/17) 50 MORSE AVE...................................... B: Joshua Gottlieb S: James M Rodio & Ashley E Rodio Book/Page: 41878/196, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $630,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21780sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (08/17) 375 ORCHARD ST.................................. B: Rachel Maillet S: Garcia Contractor Inc Book/Page: 41873/309, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $220,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13939sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (09/22) 10 ROSENFELD RD................................ B: Claudia Dossantos S: Michael J Ahl & Maryann Ahl Book/Page: 41880/239, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Keystone Funding $510,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 27443sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (11/97)





Milton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 82 Median Price $921,500

YTD 2024 83 $1,000,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 8 ANTWERP ST..................................... $1,231,500 B: Yisheng Wang & Jing Lin S: David E Wood & Anne M Marchetta Book/Page: 41874/457, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $923,625 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 5001sf 410 ATHERTON ST............................... $1,750,000 B: Xia Jia & Qisong Su S: David C Howse & Charisse C Howse Doc#: 000000001538492, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 54014sf Prior Sale: $1,115,000 (11/19) 220-222 BLUE HILLS PKWY U:1........... $775,000 B: Jerry M Whitmore Jr & Candice R Whitmore S: 220 Blue Hill Ave Pky LLC Book/Page: 41880/381, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $736,250 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 18 DECKER ST U:1................................ $510,000 B: Kimberly D Noerager S: Erin M Hynes Book/Page: 41873/509, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $408,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 4396sf Prior Sale: $421,000 (03/21) 70 GULLIVER ST................................... $1,027,000 B: Molly Campbell & Brian Campbell S: Leo H Bonarrigo & Fatima Bonarrigo Book/Page: 41872/276, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $924,300 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6551sf 75 HOWE ST.......................................... $890,000 B: Brian Young & Katharine Young S: Andrew M Dunphy, Tr for 75 Howe St Rt Book/Page: 41881/77, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $765,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 5676sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (07/11) 30 PARK ST........................................... $890,000 B: Bradley M Runowicz & Kelly M Runowicz S: Robert E Fallon & Eileen M Fallon Book/Page: 41882/596, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of NY Mellon $461,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.9% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9701sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (04/98) 588 RANDOLPH AVE............................ $1,600,000 B: 588-590 Randolph Ave Milt S: 588-90 Randolph Ave LLC Book/Page: 41878/54, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Bluestone Bank $970,000 Use: Retail-Service, Lot: 28514sf 71 SILVER BROOK RD........................... $850,000 B: Tucker Contracting LLC S: Edward H Fidrocki, Tr for Mary V Fidrocki RET Book/Page: 41876/569, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: F2 Finance Llc $790,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13599sf 56 WALNUT ST..................................... $1,320,000 B: Molly K Schmidbaur & Martin H Schmidbaur S: Terrence C Tedeschi & Ann W Tedeschi Book/Page: 41875/488, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Morgan Stanley Privat $870,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.1% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5602sf Prior Sale: $874,000 (07/18) 37 WOLCOTT WOODS LN U:37............. $1,575,000 B: Robert S Armstrong & Phoebe H Armstrong S: Wolcott Residential LLC Book/Page: 41879/131, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $900,000 Term: 2054 Use: Possible New Construction

Needham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 124 Median Price $1,299,500

YTD 2024 120 $1,702,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 108 GARDEN ST................................... $1,361,000 B: Jayaprabha Shankar & Qingzhong Peng S: Brian Mathes & Vasso E Mathes Book/Page: 41881/389, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $261,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 10672sf Prior Sale: $585,000 (06/09) 1313 GREAT PLAIN AVE...................... $1,799,000 B: Marie R Muir & Jonathan A Orton S: William F Schoeneck & Kelly A Schoeneck Book/Page: 41872/394, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $949,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 19689sf Prior Sale: $1,395,000 (06/18)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

31 HAMLIN LN U:B22............................ $406,000 B: Nianyu Jiang & Guo Li S: Mara Mowers, Tr for Yelena Meyer Irt Book/Page: 41871/578, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $251,800 (03/02) 98 HUNNEWELL ST............................... $910,000 B: Mleo Realty LLC S: Kimberley L Carroll & Joseph M Carroll Book/Page: 41879/25, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 13373sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (02/94) 109 LINDBERGH AVE........................... $1,260,000 B: Cristian Jitianu & Paula E Voinescu S: Wen Xi Doc#: 000000001538421, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11761sf Prior Sale: $725,000 (11/13) 23 PINEWOOD RD................................ $1,455,000 B: Jane P Kourtis & Nicholas Kourtis S: Duhig Elizabeth Est & Amelia R Rands Book/Page: 41881/286, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $1,091,250 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9148sf 39 PRINCE ST....................................... $1,725,000 B: John P Doherty & Kathryn M Doherty S: Anne M Murphy Book/Page: 41882/128, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7841sf Prior Sale: $798,500 (07/03) 100 ROSEMARY WAY U:313................. $680,000 B: Alice Galley, Tr for Alison P Galley Irt S: John P Connelly, Tr for Janet P Connelly RET Book/Page: 41872/264, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $525,000 (09/05)

Norfolk MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 37 Median Price $735,000

YTD 2024 43 $815,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 APPLEWOOD RD............................. $1,300,000 B: Michael Sarmanian & Caitlin Sarmanian S: Alec D Bobroff & Randa M Bobroff Book/Page: 41880/95, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,040,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 52665sf Prior Sale: $615,000 (07/03) 2 NEEDHAM ST..................................... $775,000 B: Zack H Shultz & Sarah M Shultz S: Jamie A Weiner Book/Page: 41873/334, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $575,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11055sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (07/20) 43 PARK ST........................................... $885,000 B: Kristina Embree & Jon T Embree S: Richard T Dinobile & Kristen A Dinobile Doc#: 000000001538423, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Onto Mortgage LLC $840,750 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 31333sf Prior Sale: $199,900 (01/96) 12 PHEASANTHILL RD.......................... $950,000 B: Lee Margolis & Susan E Margolis S: Joseph F Noonan & Mary B Noonan Doc#: 000000001538722, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $712,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 36529sf 3 QUAIL RUN RD................................... $932,000 B: Lindsey A Allen & Richard A Allen S: Joey J Sada & Denise E Sada Doc#: 000000001538583, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $507,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 37978sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (08/13) 11 SHIRE DR.......................................... $300,000 B: 11 Shire Dr LLC S: Ilp Realty LLC Book/Page: 41878/345, Date: 07/11/24

Norwood MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 89 Median Price $650,000

YTD 2024 67 $650,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 70 ENDICOTT ST U:905......................... $658,000 B: David Triggs S: Rezart Pulaha & Evisa Pulaha Book/Page: 41874/43, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $258,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $447,000 (07/19) 12 NOTTINGHAM DR............................ $1,000,000 B: Alexi Pappas & Dylan Levine S: Anthony D Fruci & Diane C Fruci Book/Page: 41876/384, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Bank of Canton $320,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15050sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (10/91) 78 PLEASANT ST U:C............................ $490,000 B: Xindi Chen S: Hakar Linda S Est & Teresa L Hakar Book/Page: 41882/467, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $260,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 215 ROCK ST U:J7................................ $367,000 B: Grace Aldyoub S: M P Hanbury Book/Page: 41882/267, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 34 SAINT JOSEPH AVE.......................... $400,000 B: Edward Mourad & Lauren A Mourad S: Ann C Turner Doc#: 000000001538480, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3-Family Family Flat, Lot: 5720sf Prior Sale: $367,500 (03/13)




Plainville MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $522,000

YTD 2024 21 $560,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 89 HAWKINS ST.................................... B: Lisa S Dimarino S: Paul Matz & Jeanne Matz Book/Page: 41882/89, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Boston FireFightrs CU $660,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 162914sf


▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 127 SOUTH ST....................................... $465,000 B: 127 South Street Rt & Marissa Dipietrantonio S: Denise Eddy & Homefiled Cu Book/Page: 41882/112, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Post Office, Lot: 19998sf

Quincy MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 164 Median Price $623,500

YTD 2024 158 $683,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 26 ABERDEEN RD.................................. $710,000 B: Kara R Omalley & Christian J Colvard S: Deborah A Mcdonnell, Tr for Dailey Ft Doc#: 000000001538717, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $568,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8888sf 46 ALTON RD........................................ $869,000 B: Rebecca A Howell S: Michael Keegan & Marcia Keegan Book/Page: 41874/237, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $469,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 4591sf Prior Sale: $385,500 (12/15) 74 ARTHUR ST U:1................................ $599,000 B: Jiantian Huang S: Andrea Protti Doc#: 000000001538663, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: AmWest Funding Corp $479,200 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $475,000 (09/19) 199-201 COPELAND ST U:1.................. $767,500 B: Shane Hayes S: Jfcd1 LLC Book/Page: 41876/276, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 199-201 COPELAND ST U:4.................. $739,000 B: Gabriel Vieira S: Jfcd1 LLC Book/Page: 41882/396, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Needham Bk $554,250 Term: 2054 Use: Condo 87 FRANKLIN ST U:106......................... $566,000 B: Rachel Tran S: Khue Nguyen Book/Page: 41877/108, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Mtg Connection Llc $405,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $270,000 (10/13) 1132 FURNACE BROOK PKWY.............. $520,000 B: Gregory Seymourian & Deanna S Niles S: Joanne Palhete, Tr for Palhete Ft Doc#: 000000001538654, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5946sf 16 GLENVIEW RD.................................. $740,000 B: Xuejuan Li & Xihong Lei S: Hong Yang & Ming L Wu Book/Page: 41872/522, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $500,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4645sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (07/23) 511 HANCOCK ST U:505....................... $803,000 B: Linming Huang S: Nq3 Development LLC Book/Page: 41883/72, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 999 HANCOCK ST U:301....................... $749,000 B: Mon Eng & Mary-Chen Eng S: Filippo Beretta Book/Page: 41876/530, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $679,000 (06/21) 1147 HANCOCK ST U:214..................... $120,000 B: Uplift With Maria LLC S: Hillary Birch Book/Page: 41878/513, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Quincy Credit Union $80,000 Term: 2039 Use: Office Condo Unit Prior Sale: $80,000 (02/23) 47 MILL ST U:47.................................... $389,900 B: Li Y Wang S: Scott Davis & Ora Davis Book/Page: 41875/185, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: River Works CU $311,920 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $224,900 (05/14) 29 NORTHFIELD AVE............................. $635,000 B: William Goddard & Megan Shaughnessy S: Halle M Mccomber & Edward T Mccomber Jr Book/Page: 41882/68, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $508,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7346sf Prior Sale: $387,000 (11/16) 144 OXENBRIDGE RD............................ $625,000 B: Colin C Shea S: Charles L Shea 3rd & Susan J Shea Book/Page: 41876/536, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Colonial Fed Svgs Bk $300,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 3636sf Prior Sale: $152,500 (03/90) 15 PRAY ST........................................... $533,000 B: Chumm LLC S: Rowell Stephen L Est & Wendy M Corkery Book/Page: 41879/164, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Investor Mtg Fin Llc $373,100 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 3410sf 10 SEAPORT DR U:2203........................ $513,000 B: Marco Sandonato, Tr for Sandonato Ft S: Johnson Sarah H Est & Robin F Menke Book/Page: 41880/370, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $285,000 (10/06)

38 SUMMER ST..................................... B: Shirui Lin S: See Y Wong Book/Page: 41880/408, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6300sf Prior Sale: $600,000 (05/24) 31 VILLAGE DR U:31............................. B: Hao Q Nguyen & Hao N Huynh S: Ryan Hadfield Book/Page: 41881/244, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Primelending $608,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $430,000 (01/18) 49 WESSON AVE................................... B: Joseph Reggiannini & Dana Reggiannini S: William W Chase Jr & Mary T Chase Book/Page: 41882/234, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $570,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9000sf Prior Sale: $151,500 (09/91) 45 WEYMOUTH ST................................. B: 6 Swan LLC S: Elizabeth A Delorey Book/Page: 41881/16, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Kiavi Funding Inc $386,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 7143sf





YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 127 Median Price $1,875,000

YTD 2024 97 $565,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 263 CHESTNUT ST................................ $500,000 B: Tho D Vu & Hoang O Vu S: Md S Salehin Book/Page: 41881/326, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $490,943 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12440sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (05/18) 36 CRAWFORD ST................................. $650,000 B: Guy-Robert Bajeux & Alicia R Figueroa S: Robert J Bajeux, Tr for 36 Crawford St Rt Doc#: 000000001538736, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Inst Svgs Newburyport $520,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $155,500 (02/97) 7 HILLS ST............................................. $609,000 B: Ngoc H Tran S: Nancy E Donovan & Thomas E Donovan Doc#: 000000001538416, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10000sf 10 ISABEL CIR....................................... $605,000 B: Marie Joseph & Jean Joseph S: James Thomas Doc#: 000000001538695, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Primary Residentl Mtg $484,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12164sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (06/18) 16 KIMBERLY LN................................... $762,000 B: Aaron Fischer S: Dawn Oneill & John Oneill Book/Page: 41882/35, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Members Advantage Mtg $609,600 Term: 2044 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15196sf Prior Sale: $635,000 (06/21) 180 S MAIN ST U:3............................... $308,000 B: Kevin Matthews & Kiely Matthews S: Carla Greco Book/Page: 41879/220, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1sf Prior Sale: $65,000 (08/12) 18 STOUGHTON ST................................ $560,000 B: Catia M Donascimento S: Berg Dorothy C Est & Lee Bardin Book/Page: 41875/252, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $532,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 12092sf 15 VINE LN............................................ $859,800 B: Michael Bonilla & Carolyn Massiah-Bonilla S: Jdg Development LLC Book/Page: 41880/126, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $776,131 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 42007sf


YTD 2024 90 $610,000


YTD 2024 72 $800,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 135 AMES ST........................................ $585,000 B: Douglas E Moore & Christine A Moore S: Frederick J Jones Jr & Theresa A Jones Book/Page: 41873/463, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Frederick J Jones Jr $235,000 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 81742sf 40 BAYBERRY DR U:4........................... $335,000 B: Xiao Chen & Binhui Chen S: Brenda G Turet, Tr for Brenda G Turet 2008 RET Book/Page: 41873/55, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: East West Bank $180,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.4% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $155,000 (05/15) 16 BLACK ELK RD................................ $1,600,000 B: Stephen Benoit & Alice Guh S: Eric Rosengren & Teruni Rosengren Book/Page: 41874/84, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 73704sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (06/98) 16 BRADFORD AVE............................... $795,000 B: Benjamin D Miller & Shoshana R Chazen S: Yishai A Statter & Erin R Statter Book/Page: 41874/214, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $711,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13402sf Prior Sale: $530,000 (07/18) 8 COTTAGE ST....................................... $815,000 B: Dalya G Hakimi & Farokh S Hakimi S: Timothy H Williams, Tr for 8 Cottage St Rt Book/Page: 41878/391, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 21705sf 161 HAMPTON RD................................ $1,030,000 B: Sheetal Aggarwal & Anuj Gupta S: Wei Wang & Linlin Wang Book/Page: 41875/112, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Middlesex FSLA $875,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 40969sf Prior Sale: $852,500 (08/21)

35 BREWSTER RD U:35......................... $545,000 B: Gerald M Cohen, Tr for Copperwood Drive Nt S: Colette M Corrigan, Tr for Corrigan Protection Ft Book/Page: 41871/279, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $326,000 (08/15) 54 COPPERWOOD DR U:54................... $495,000 B: Tanesia E Morris & Aleshia A Green S: Deborah T Harris, Tr for Deborah T Harris T Book/Page: 41875/331, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $470,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $79,250 (11/01) 413 ERIN RD U:A413............................. $435,000 B: Frederica M Williams, Tr for Frederica M Williams Lt S: Wesley A Chused & Patricia M Cicalese Book/Page: 41882/329, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 120 GREENBROOK DR U:120................ $385,000 B: Myriam G Nicolas S: Enyinnia E Emesih Doc#: 000000001538748, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $308,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $262,000 (12/05) 16 JESSICA DR U:F............................... $410,000 B: Mark Snyder S: Kathleen Crosby-Bell, Tr for Mr Robert Rt Book/Page: 41874/452, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $285,000 (03/22) 49 MERRILL ST..................................... $606,251 B: Lauren M Texter & Michael P Low S: Lauren M Estvanik & Matthew Cross Doc#: 000000001538569, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $485,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 15438sf Prior Sale: $244,500 (04/01) 111 SOUTH ST....................................... $561,000 B: Samuel M Wat S: Amanda P Culhane & Derek P Culhane Book/Page: 41872/486, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Bank of Canton $448,800 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 18700sf Prior Sale: $215,000 (06/10) 59 WINFISKY DR................................... $575,000 B: Matthew Rotondo S: Timothy Curry Book/Page: 41878/324, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $460,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 21026sf Prior Sale: $274,000 (06/14)

Walpole MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 74 Median Price $690,300

YTD 2024 138 $2,287,500


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 80 Median Price $532,500




YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 70 Median Price $780,000



Randolph YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $502,500

47 HIGH ST............................................ B: Junjie Li & Lian Xue S: Jiaqi Liu Book/Page: 41882/426, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: General Mortgage Corp $470,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16846sf Prior Sale: $448,000 (05/16) 635 OLD POST RD U:108...................... B: David P Soloperto S: Kenneth S Fiorelli & Deborah J Fiorelli Book/Page: 41883/286, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo S MAIN ST............................................. B: John H Greene Jr S: Karen D Epps, Tr for Greene Ft Book/Page: 41882/391, Date: 07/12/24

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

YTD 2024 74 $782,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 55 CARL RD........................................... $850,000 B: Joseph V Todd & Haley Todd S: Joseph B Weinacht, Tr for Weinachat RET Book/Page: 41879/256, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $590,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50530sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (06/97) 58 CASCADE TER.................................. $550,000 B: Renata I Schindler S: Desmond A Quinn & Catherine B Quinn Book/Page: 41881/166, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: BankESB $440,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.5% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7711sf Prior Sale: $389,900 (08/16) 1537 MAIN ST....................................... $560,000 B: Hash Browns Holdings LLC S: Carl H Grysell Book/Page: 41883/107, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (05/03) 24 PEMBERTON ST U:B........................ $535,000 B: John Coyne, Tr for Richard J Coyne 2009 RET S: Deborah A Fryxell Book/Page: 41874/564, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $380,000 (11/17) 36 PINNACLE DR.................................. $1,145,000 B: Young O Kwon & Jung A Kim S: Antonios Fidanos & Anastasia Fidanos Book/Page: 41874/528, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $300,001 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15001sf Prior Sale: $780,000 (05/21) 23 PLAIN ST.......................................... $660,000 B: Colman J Lydon & Amy E Lydon S: Joseph P Fenton & Diane M Fenton Book/Page: 41876/429, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $528,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 24268sf Prior Sale: $179,900 (01/96)

52 DENTON RD..................................... $1,850,000 B: Matthew H Souba & Giulia Cambieri S: David Homa & Elizabeth Homa Book/Page: 41875/150, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $350,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 10848sf Prior Sale: $660,000 (06/01) 100 LINDEN ST U:105.......................... $2,038,900 B: Michael J Higer, Tr for Michael J Higer Lt S: Delanson Rlty Partners LL Book/Page: 41873/423, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo 100 LINDEN ST U:112.......................... $2,261,900 B: Michael Kelfer S: Delanson Rlty Partners LL Book/Page: 41877/40, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 100 LINDEN ST U:204.......................... $1,800,000 B: Susan Chiappisi S: Delanson Rlty Partners LL Book/Page: 41883/238, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Condo 100 LINDEN ST U:205.......................... $1,741,900 B: May F Chiu & Julia H Chiu S: Delanson Rlty Partners LL Book/Page: 41876/26, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 100 LINDEN ST U:207.......................... $2,971,650 B: James Patton & Ellen G Patton S: Delanson Rlty Partners LL Book/Page: 41874/440, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo 100 LINDEN ST U:209.......................... $2,478,900 B: Martin C Moore-Ede, Tr for Donna S Moore-Ede Ft S: Delanson Rlty Partners LL Book/Page: 41878/274, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo 100 LINDEN ST U:213.......................... $1,612,900 B: Tracey Yardley & Robert Mckay S: Delanson Rlty Partners LL Book/Page: 41876/374, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 15 LONGMEADOW RD.......................... $3,425,000 B: Meredith Stein & Benjamin H Stein S: Jonathan M Hantler & Kristin Hantler Book/Page: 41878/485, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: First Citizen B&T Co $1,825,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20299sf Prior Sale: $2,825,000 (06/21) 22 PRISCILLA CIR................................ $1,455,000 B: 22 Priscilla Circle LLC S: Kenneth J Kornreich & Marcy L Kornreich Book/Page: 41873/143, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: RFLF 7 LLC $2,426,750 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 15300sf Prior Sale: $518,000 (10/97) 91 PROSPECT ST................................. $1,060,000 B: Kane Built Inc S: Ali P Mehr & Maryam S Najafabadi Book/Page: 41882/495, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Walpole Coop Bank $1,498,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10223sf Prior Sale: $646,500 (03/14) 32 S WOODSIDE AVE........................... $1,225,000 B: Woodside South LLC S: Myer Dana, Tr for South Woodside Avenue Nt Doc#: 000000001538542, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cambridge Tr Co $1,841,100 Use: 2 Bdrm Cottage, Lot: 13600sf 41 WILLOW ST..................................... $1,276,000 B: Joseph Khoory & Ghassan Khoory S: Corbin Petro Book/Page: 41883/351, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Merrimack Valley CU $876,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.0% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12635sf Prior Sale: $1,000,000 (02/22) 373 WORCESTER ST............................ $1,100,000 B: Tina A Tambiah S: Allison D Parker Doc#: 000000001538511, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $475,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8930sf Prior Sale: $735,000 (11/18)

Westwood MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 64 Median Price $1,247,500

YTD 2024 62 $1,225,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 63 HAWTHORNE ST............................... $910,000 B: Peter F Tyree & Kristin E Tyree S: Robert M Masiello Jr & Diletta M Masiello Doc#: 000000001538670, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Paramount Res Mtg Gp $819,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11250sf 145 NAHATAN ST.................................. $835,000 B: Jeffrey M Davis & Yoko Davis S: Vladislav Elgart & Lotus J Elgart Doc#: 000000001538506, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $685,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12272sf Prior Sale: $693,000 (07/19)

Weymouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 168 Median Price $569,000

YTD 2024 201 $615,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 130 BROAD REACH U:608..................... $925,000 B: John P Reardon & Jane K Reardon S: Christopher J Murrey & Heather E Murrey Book/Page: 41876/34, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $775,000 (10/21) 60 CLINTON RD..................................... $609,000 B: Philip A Fortnam S: Michael G Fiske & Caroline C Fiske Book/Page: 41876/264, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 14800sf Prior Sale: $289,500 (09/04) 77 COOLIDGE AVE................................. $585,000 B: Richard Hakala & Kathleen Clifford S: Kathleen A Strong, Tr for S & T Rt Book/Page: 41879/89, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $526,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7500sf

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

11 ERICSON RD..................................... $675,000 B: Shayla Coughlin & Patrick Casey S: Vanessa G Roggenbuck & Peter D Roggenbuck Book/Page: 41878/353, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $540,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 11855sf Prior Sale: $390,000 (07/16) 12 FOYE AVE......................................... $562,500 B: Jeanne M Hogan S: Constitution Prop LLC Book/Page: 41874/259, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 4258sf Prior Sale: $357,900 (02/24) 385 FRONT ST....................................... $670,000 B: Ineida Barros S: Stephanie D Pineau & Diane M Pineau Book/Page: 41879/544, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $603,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 17532sf 26 GREENTREE LN U:31........................ $268,000 B: Rauno Peets S: Martha E Martinez Book/Page: 41877/288, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $187,600 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $64,000 (02/00) 30 KETCHAM LN................................... $855,000 B: Victor Wong & Ka Y Yung S: Adam Szymanski & Minsung L Szymanski Book/Page: 41882/340, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: The Money Store $765,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23542sf Prior Sale: $651,000 (06/21) 275 NECK ST U:A3................................ $186,000 B: Gregory Harrington & Ashley Harrington S: Borrelli Sharon Est & Susan M Salvaggio Doc#: 000000001538591, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $158,100 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $79,900 (08/01) 74 NELSON RD...................................... $717,000 B: Joseph Connolly & Shaylyn Connolly S: Stephen G Zopatti & Ruth K Zopatti Book/Page: 41872/210, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Bank of Canton $573,600 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 10000sf 31 PINE ST............................................ $570,000 B: Namgyal W Rinpung & Lobsang D Rinpung S: Adel Acosta & Dora M Acosta Book/Page: 41874/137, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $500,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12300sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (03/20) 419 PINE ST.......................................... $640,000 B: Jingxuan Lin & Yingyi Du S: Michael Greene & Shauna Greene Doc#: 000000001538635, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: General Mortgage Corp $490,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 68300sf Prior Sale: $374,500 (12/15) 661 PLEASANT ST U:4.......................... $455,000 B: Mildred Lohnes S: Susan V Lawler Book/Page: 41882/165, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: South Shore Bank $355,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 25 SANDPIPER GRN.............................. $678,000 B: Tak-Chee S Chan & Vivian Ng S: Sarah P Gannon Book/Page: 41874/169, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Bank of Canton $338,000 Term: 2025 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2352sf 18 SQUANTO RD.................................... $420,000 B: Jinlong Tan S: Gruszka Mary E Est & Linda Sullivan Book/Page: 41872/308, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2740sf 39 SQUANTO RD.................................... $700,000 B: James W Palmer & Meaghan J Ackerman S: Maria Mainini, Tr for 39 Squanto Rd Rt Book/Page: 41882/558, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $630,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11771sf Prior Sale: $700,000 (05/24) 105 THICKET ST.................................... $630,000 B: Cole Mccarthy & Kerri Mccann S: Nancy A Lockard Doc#: 000000001538617, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $611,100 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 37500sf Prior Sale: $149,900 (11/94) 70 TROTTER RD U:4404........................ $440,000 B: Kara E Sullivan S: Fred M Studley & Sandy W Studley Book/Page: 41883/30, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $342,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $417,400 (06/19)

Wrentham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 Median Price $634,000

YTD 2024 45 $730,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 45 COBB RD U:45.................................. B: 45 Cobb Road LLC S: Angela E Clancy Book/Page: 41876/199, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $260,000 (04/17) 375 MADISON ST.................................. B: Michael Luciano & Alexa Crugnale S: Edward C Bettencourt Book/Page: 41878/587, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $528,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Cape, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $165,000 (01/99) 425 MADISON ST.................................. B: Jonathan P Boduch & Celine L Boduch S: Diane C Boucher Book/Page: 41877/267, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Evolve B&T $497,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $182,500 (11/94)




Plymouth Registry John R. Buckley Jr., Esq., Register 50 Obery St, Plymouth, MA 02360 Telephone: (508) 830-9200 Fax: (508) 830-9280

Brockton Satellite Office

For recordings and rundowns of unregistered land: 32 Belmont St. Brockton, MA 02301 Telephone: (508) 586-6998 Fax: (508) 588-0240

Rockland Satellite Office

900 Hingham Street – Suite 920 Rockland, MA 02370 Telephone: (781) 792-2800 Fax: (781) 792-2424

Abington MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 61 Median Price $520,000

YTD 2024 46 $577,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 109 WASHINGTON ST........................... B: Associate Solutions LLC S: Robert L Toomey Jr Book/Page: 59062/115, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Stonington Capital $520,000 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 55302sf Prior Sale: $175,900 (01/97)


Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 74 Median Price $627,000

YTD 2024 78 $608,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 75 BAYBERRY CIR................................ B: Dina Lantimo & Jerry Charles-Pierre S: Ann-Sybill Emmanuel Doc#: 000000000853117, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $579,313 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 22500sf Prior Sale: $345,100 (09/20) 519 HIGH ST.......................................... B: Samuel Abreau & Cresencio Abreau S: Paula J Collins & Kerri-Ann Saurette Book/Page: 59063/68, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $465,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 8725sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (07/02) 180 MAIN ST U:1105............................. B: Timothy J Mclaughlin S: Opal Kramer Ent LLC Book/Page: 59060/85, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $216,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $720,000 (03/12) 40 OLD FORGE RD U:40........................ B: Jason Connell S: Christine Bettuchy Book/Page: 59045/243, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $247,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $70,000 (04/99)




11 HOLMES ST...................................... $680,000 B: Shelo Baptiste S: Dwight S Allen-Washington Book/Page: 59049/8, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Hometown Equity Mtg $544,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 5297sf Prior Sale: $392,000 (10/18) 423 MORAINE ST.................................. $720,000 B: Edna Paul & Relinse Paul S: Justin Kaliva Book/Page: 59046/218, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $612,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5702sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (06/94) 429 N QUINCY ST.................................. $440,000 B: Steven J Poreca S: Barry M Hogan Book/Page: 59057/260, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $340,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21231sf 635 PLAIN ST........................................ $537,000 B: Cheyenne Brown & Antonio Centeo S: Robert H Buehler, Tr for K & Robert Buehler RET Book/Page: 59052/338, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $510,150 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 25147sf Prior Sale: $355,600 (05/19) 232 PLEASANT ST................................. $750,100 B: Kenna C Amadi S: Marlene L Trescher, Tr for Osvaldo Trescher Book/Page: 59063/24, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: MSA Mortgage LLC $736,513 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 13312sf Prior Sale: $133,500 (11/00) 40 SHERMAN ST................................... $490,000 B: Anuoluwapo Bolaji & Temidayo Balogun S: Kenneth M Seay Jr & Diane M Seay Book/Page: 59061/257, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Plaza Home Mtg $481,124 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 7200sf Prior Sale: $80,000 (02/93) 212 W CHESTNUT ST............................ $417,750 B: Terrolande Durozel & Pierre W Durozel S: Leanne E Pieres Book/Page: 59060/247, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: NFM Inc $396,863 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5184sf Prior Sale: $91,000 (12/09) 494 WARREN AVE................................. $730,000 B: Cdw Properties LLC S: Carlos P Correia Book/Page: 59047/103, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Stge Point Fund Llc $750,000 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 6072sf Prior Sale: $419,000 (12/17)

East Bridgewater







17 CUSHING ST.................................... $1,775,000 B: Francis J Gorman 4th & Kaitlin H Gorman S: John J Mcsheffrey & Michaela J Mcsheffrey Doc#: 000000000853243, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: BankESB $1,420,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 56117sf 151 DOWNER AVE................................ $5,065,000 B: Eric Burnett & Sharon Burnett S: Paal Gisholt & Jill Gisholt Book/Page: 59056/290, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6875sf Prior Sale: $4,100,000 (10/20) 1801 HOCKLEY DR U:1801.................... $607,500 B: Kathy S Dellapa S: Dolores Evin Book/Page: 59052/174, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $337,000 (01/14) 17 LEAVITT ST...................................... $575,000 B: Richard Orr & Mary Orr S: Ray Mary A Est & Carolyn Ray Book/Page: 59046/41, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: JPMorgan Chase Bank $400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 15875sf 100 MAIN ST........................................ $2,899,000 B: Ian N Dunn & Karen E Obrien S: Bruce M Coughlin & Cherie L Coughlin Book/Page: 59058/271, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Affin $766,600 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 26300sf Prior Sale: $2,625,000 (04/22) 178 OTIS ST......................................... $4,000,000 B: Paal Gisholt & Jill Gisholt S: Stephen G Rokoszewski & Christina D Loreto Book/Page: 59059/72, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 13871sf Prior Sale: $1,257,500 (10/17)

175 COUNTY ST..................................... $825,000 B: Robert J Stockwell 4th & Charlie J Stockwell S: Bradley Q Johnson & Rosemarie S Johnson Book/Page: 59045/205, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $618,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Gambrel, Lot: 496452sf Prior Sale: $226,000 (04/98) 4 COURT CIR........................................ $1,500,000 B: Richard Hanson & Deborah Hanson S: Niles E Carter & Brenda L Carter Book/Page: 59061/48, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 30300sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (12/09) 100 LEBARON BLVD U:100-5................ $609,000 B: Isadora Gousby S: Residences At Lebaron Hls Book/Page: 59058/316, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 20 MAIN ST........................................... $300,000 B: Theodore Williams Jr S: Kimberley A Thomas Book/Page: 59060/54, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 56628sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (12/19) 86 PIERCE AVE...................................... $725,000 B: Jake B De Medeiros & Erica C De Medeiros S: Karen M Fisher Book/Page: 59063/187, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $475,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 108768sf


20 DWIGHT ST....................................... B: Rdf2 Acquistion T & Us Bank TNa Tr S: Judith E Mitchell & US Bank NA Book/Page: 59055/141, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 21600sf Prior Sale: $124,900 (02/99)

33 DIVISION ST..................................... B: T&m Investments LLC S: Sabrina Pittman & US Bank NA Book/Page: 59054/138, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Maria O Docouto $525,000 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 5523sf Prior Sale: $371,900 (06/06)



YTD 2024 229 $480,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 54 COLLEGE DR..................................... $540,000 B: Leslie Depina S: Thomas White & Edmonda White Book/Page: 59062/206, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $508,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 13386sf Prior Sale: $269,900 (08/14) 462 COURT ST U:7................................ $425,000 B: Tatiana N Tepi S: Alexander Teremkov Book/Page: 59061/93, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $382,936 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $160,000 (01/16) DARBY RD............................................. $360,000 B: Frist Landing Invs LLC S: Maliski Rebecca J Est & Wayne T Maliski Book/Page: 59062/180, Date: 07/12/24 28 DARBY RD........................................ $369,000 B: Jessica Anderson & Donna Petronelli S: First Landing Invs LLC Book/Page: 59063/141, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10006sf Prior Sale: $115,000 (03/99) 352 EAST ST......................................... $630,000 B: Dionne Jones-Booker & Tyrone Smith S: Linda C Costa Book/Page: 59050/319, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Amerant Mortgage $598,500 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 77101sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (05/92) 28 EMORY ST........................................ $500,000 B: Genaro Castro & Maria Gomez S: Jeffrey P Benoit, Tr for Margaret E Benoit Nt Book/Page: 59046/327, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cardinal Fncl Co LP $465,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 11016sf Prior Sale: $129,900 (11/87) 10 FELTON ST....................................... $300,000 B: Jeanne B Riordan S: Joseph D Fave, Tr for 10 Felton St Land T Book/Page: 59047/231, Date: 07/08/24


14 FOREST ST....................................... $446,550 B: Andrew J Sanabria & Kristin A Dawson S: Robert Beliveau Book/Page: 59058/35, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $396,550 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22571sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (08/04) 185 HIGH ST......................................... $1,392,000 B: Frank Stryjewski & Kim B Stryjewski S: C E Development LLC Book/Page: 59050/281, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 65863sf Prior Sale: $2,350,000 (04/21) 21 OLD CENTER ST............................... $719,000 B: Matthew D Miller & Kimberly E Miller S: Jlk Realty & Dev LLC Book/Page: 59048/256, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $719,000 Term: 2054 278 TREMONT ST.................................. $770,000 B: Next Gen Builders LLC S: Douglas Johnson & Paula J Johnson Book/Page: 59056/235, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 378972sf Prior Sale: $755,250 (01/05) 85 WENHAM RD.................................... $500,000 B: Elizabeth Brown, Tr for Zero Rt S: Brown Richard A Est & Marjorie M Brown Book/Page: 59053/208, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Robert J Barrett $900,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 322344sf

Duxbury MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 63 Median Price $1,025,000

YTD 2024 32 $525,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 60 CRESCENT ST.................................. $475,000 B: Colleen J Leblanc & Nicholas P Vallas S: William J Berrigan, Tr for Berrigan Crescent St Rt Book/Page: 59049/297, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $380,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 49658sf Prior Sale: $151,760 (10/94) 82 CROSS ST......................................... $265,000 B: Ada Transportation LLC S: Elisa Blanchard Book/Page: 59054/64, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $185,500 Use: 1 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 20778sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (10/23) 572 HARVARD ST.................................. $240,000 B: Ce Development LLC S: Danecca Development LLC Book/Page: 59056/117, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Allen Reardon $765,000 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 35086sf 505 N CENTRAL ST............................... $260,000 B: 505 N Central LLC S: Teresa R Superior Book/Page: 59060/312, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Crowd Lending Fund $553,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 76230sf 333 SUMMER ST................................... $735,000 B: Deborah A Mcdonnell, Tr for Dailey Real Ft S: James T Watson Jr & Patrick J Watson Book/Page: 59063/242, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 34282sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (09/18)

Halifax MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $508,000

YTD 2024 30 $514,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 62 FURNACE ST.................................... $815,000 B: Douglas B Mcaloney Jr & Jennifer M Mcaloney S: David W Vose, Tr for David W Vose T Book/Page: 59049/100, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $200,000 Term: 2054 Use: 8 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 159363sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (09/22) 352 THOMPSON ST............................... $625,000 B: Justin Parker & Rene Leonard S: Scott Leonard & Ellyn Leonard Book/Page: 59056/132, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $468,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (11/21)




YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $485,000


Carver YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 Median Price $525,000

Brockton YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 274 Median Price $435,000



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

YTD 2024 66 $1,112,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 24 CARESWELL ST................................ $130,000 B: Colette M Holmes & Michael W Holmes S: Robert V Holmes Book/Page: 59050/150, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 69185sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (10/90) 36 WASHINGTON ST............................ $1,700,000 B: Ian R Macleod & Robin M Macleod S: Kevin P Macdermott & Kerri M Macdermott Book/Page: 59061/250, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 54275sf Prior Sale: $1,174,000 (06/21) 57 WESTERN WAY............................... $1,650,000 B: Willam R Heines, Tr for 57 Western Way Nt S: Peter W Frame, Tr for Peter W Frame RET Book/Page: 59062/285, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 87045sf Prior Sale: $1,125,000 (11/06)

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 Median Price $725,000

YTD 2024 65 $740,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 38 CHESTNUT ST.................................. B: Nidal Moussallem S: Ann C Laflamme Book/Page: 59054/313, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $509,925 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 56628sf Prior Sale: $432,000 (10/07) 96 SUMMER ST..................................... B: Caroline Hunter & David J Parson S: James P Harrington Book/Page: 59046/246, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Liberty Bay CU $652,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 47045sf Prior Sale: $150,500 (07/97)



YTD 2024 106 $1,300,000

Hull MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $626,000

YTD 2024 46 $654,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 72 B ST................................................. $2,500,000 B: Lance M Mcinerney & Patricia J Mcinerney S: William J Piersiak, Tr for 72 B St T Book/Page: 59049/169, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 6 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10951sf Prior Sale: $2,002,000 (05/22) 13 G ST.................................................. $600,000 B: Valerie Mather & David Mather S: Sara C Beck & Mark A Beck Book/Page: 59055/213, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Northrop Grumman Fcu $480,000 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4069sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (05/20) 121 NANTASKET AVE U:101................. $414,900 B: Robert Dichiro S: Joann W Scott, Tr for Natasket-Wright Rt Book/Page: 59059/131, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Dedham Inst for Svgs $254,900 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $272,000 (05/14) 166 SAMOSET AVE............................... $955,000 B: Molly H Williams, Tr for Tatu Rt S: Daryl I Collier, Tr for Daryl Collier Lt Book/Page: 59046/196, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Brian A Williams $410,000 Term: 2044 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 7200sf Prior Sale: $332,500 (04/00)

Kingston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 52 Median Price $591,000

Hanson MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $440,000

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $1,260,000


YTD 2024 34 $579,950

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 161 ADAMS CIR.................................... $670,000 B: Robert J Paterno S: Vytautas Ambrazas, Tr for Irene Kennerdell 2022 T Book/Page: 59058/250, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 30536sf Prior Sale: $188,000 (09/88) 430 BROOK ST...................................... $545,000 B: Brenda Pienkos S: Christopher P Cooke & Lisa A Cooke Book/Page: 59046/300, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 31668sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (04/98) 76 CARRIAGE RD.................................. $580,000 B: Deklan Vanset & Lauren Banville S: Lee Sentnor, Tr for James E Bryne Bypass T Book/Page: 59047/199, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $522,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 32234sf 280 INDIAN HEAD ST............................ $610,000 B: Joshua Savoy & Amy E Abbott S: Blake A Chaffins & Jennifer L Chaffins Book/Page: 59057/334, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: William Raveis Mtg Co $488,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11940sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (03/19) 171 ROSEWOOD DR.............................. $885,000 B: Blake A Chaffins & Jennife L Chaffins S: John W Donato & Tammy A Donato Book/Page: 59059/101, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: UBS Bank USA $770,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 98010sf Prior Sale: $512,500 (05/15) 922 WINTER ST..................................... $739,900 B: Darell P Rhodes & Digna R Nonez S: Christopher L Coclough & Concetta A Coclough Book/Page: 59055/241, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: TD Bank NA $517,930 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 121968sf Prior Sale: $420,000 (11/02)

YTD 2024 53 $675,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 257 COUNTRY CLUB WAY.................... $1,650,000 B: Jay T Noonan & Bonnie P Noonan S: Luc Djousse & Sylvia Djousse Book/Page: 59048/79, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Finance America LLC $2,475,000 Term: 2094 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 42366sf Prior Sale: $1,637,770 (02/07) 18 ELDER AVE....................................... $460,000 B: Greggory W Quill S: George J Swallow Book/Page: 59053/344, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $444,647 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9805sf Prior Sale: $262,850 (08/16) 138 ELM ST U:17................................... $470,000 B: Jeremy L Bodington & Jennifer N Cameriengo S: Kelly Riggins Book/Page: 59060/281, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $446,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 38 MARSH RD...................................... $1,550,999 B: Karen Pleasant & Ted Pleasant S: Richard Polcari & Carol F Polcari Book/Page: 59052/124, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 25900sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (12/18) 12 NELSON ST....................................... $545,000 B: Danielle M Floeck S: Charles F Sears Book/Page: 59049/145, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $150,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 26136sf 105 WAPPING RD.................................. $742,000 B: Michel Dasilva & Susan-Lee Dasilva S: Heath R Howell & Alyssa M Howell Book/Page: 59059/48, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: New American Funding $467,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 100188sf Prior Sale: $580,000 (03/21)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 71 Median Price $550,000

YTD 2024 44 $560,000

Marshfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 106 Median Price $700,000

YTD 2024 97 $760,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1170 FOREST ST................................... $554,000 B: Nichole Godinho, Tr for 1170 Forest St Rt S: Elise Desmond, Tr for Kearney Nt Book/Page: 59048/323, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Jete Realty Trust $350,000 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 43560sf 88 JEDEDIAHS PATH............................ $1,510,000 B: Timothy A Scheetz & Ashley M Scheetz S: Michael Bolze & Catherine Bolze Book/Page: 59045/300, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $1,208,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43627sf Prior Sale: $1,200,000 (11/21) 24 MEADOWVIEW ST............................ $675,000 B: Charles Souza & Allison Davidson S: Sean D Riley, Tr for Deanna Riley 2021 T Doc#: 000000000853269, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of Canton $472,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf Prior Sale: $152,900 (07/96) 848 PLAIN ST U:3.................................. $440,000 B: David Pistorio & Marlana R Johnson S: Alexander R Driscoll Book/Page: 59057/98, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $418,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $230,000 (08/18) 114 REVERE ST..................................... $659,000 B: Kyle Mangone & Michael Diruzza S: Heidi Walker Book/Page: 59045/271, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $494,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 16000sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (07/19) 28 TORY LN.......................................... $1,135,000 B: Michael Joyce & Ashlee Feldman S: James C Macdonald 3rd & Jacquelynne B Muma Doc#: 000000000853149, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Freedom Mortgage Corp $1,135,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 21303sf Prior Sale: $679,500 (08/20) 11 WHITES FERRY LNDG..................... $2,270,000 B: Kenneth J Williams & Lisa S Williams S: Michael K Macdonald Book/Page: 59050/161, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $1,070,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.9% Type: Adj Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 10010sf Prior Sale: $925,000 (11/13) 39 WOODLAWN CIR.............................. $615,000 B: Molly Madden & Sam Madden S: Marsha L Geronaitis, Tr for Sartori Rt Book/Page: 59058/74, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $522,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12100sf

Middleboro MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 69 Median Price $490,000

YTD 2024 67 $496,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 231 EVERETT ST................................... $619,000 B: Mark A Petitt & Karen Petitt S: Diana L Yohe Book/Page: 59061/166, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Primelending $619,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 98295sf 30 HARVESTWOOD LN.......................... $835,000 B: Nicholas J Demarco & Suzanna D Demarco S: Brian E Bartosek & Alicia L Ladue Book/Page: 59046/162, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $725,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 60204sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (12/21) MARION RD........................................... $155,000 B: Middleborough Town Of S: Elkin David Est & Robin Elkin Book/Page: 59054/94, Date: 07/10/24 63 PLAIN ST.......................................... $555,000 B: Anthony J Keaney Jr & Kristen Keaney S: Jake B Demedeiros Book/Page: 59058/169, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $498,945 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 112670sf Prior Sale: $357,500 (12/18)




41 SHARON RD..................................... B: Evan Jennings & Kaitlyn Mainhart S: Mary F Brady Book/Page: 59049/77, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $486,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 30900sf Prior Sale: $489,900 (08/22) 14 WASHBURN ST................................. B: James S Barry & Stephanie A Barry S: Alison M St Laurent Book/Page: 59056/341, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $410,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23523sf Prior Sale: $144,000 (10/12)



Norwell MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 49 Median Price $880,000

YTD 2024 36 $982,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 355 GROVE ST...................................... $1,300,000 B: Sean Kenny S: Margaret Etzel Book/Page: 59048/234, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $900,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $328,000 (12/89) 156 NORWELL AVE.............................. $1,287,500 B: Vanessa Rogenbuck & Peter Rogenbuck S: Richard Gray, Tr for 156 Norwell Ave Rt Book/Page: 59061/31, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 44867sf Prior Sale: $725,000 (06/15) SHRINE RD L:22.................................... $640,000 B: Greenstar Builders LLC S: John W Vogus, Tr for John W Vogus RET Book/Page: 59063/109, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $243,750

Pembroke MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 66 Median Price $548,000

YTD 2024 58 $599,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 10 BELLE RD......................................... $391,000 B: Jennifer Grady S: Opendoor Property J LLC Book/Page: 59063/154, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $250,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $388,700 (11/23) 3 CHAMPION WAY................................ $644,900 B: Jason J Trombetta, Tr for Courtney F Palmer S: Mark A Monet & Sharon A Monet Book/Page: 59061/129, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: TJC Mortgage Inc $585,062 Term: 2054 Use: 1-Family Garrison, Lot: 54375sf 269 MATTAKEESETT ST........................ $570,000 B: Kathleen A Temponi & Ariel B Temponi S: Kennedy F Silva & Carolina Fonseca Book/Page: 59050/227, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: LoanDepot.Com $541,500 Term: 2054 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 10145sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (04/20) 15 N BOUNDARY RD............................. $400,000 B: Danielle Murphy S: Geoffrey M Peterson & Maria G Eizaga Book/Page: 59060/110, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $340,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $267,000 (10/19) 72 OLDHAM ST...................................... $650,000 B: David K Manning & Devon Manning S: Daniel Mcrorie & Jenna Mcrorie Book/Page: 59059/13, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $535,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential-Multiple Bldgs, Lot: 80712sf Prior Sale: $650,000 (06/23)

Plymouth MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 247 Median Price $555,000

YTD 2024 270 $600,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 71 BAY SHORE DR................................ $770,000 B: Gregory Battles S: Karen A Broderick & Lewis M Grabhorn 3rd Book/Page: 59061/202, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $450,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14375sf Prior Sale: $250,000 (08/02) 58 BLUEBERRY RD............................... $1,205,400 B: Steven M Downey, Tr for Smjd Rt S: John A Marotta & Heidi K Marotta Doc#: 000000000853238, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $190,000 (02/15) 159 CARVER RD.................................... $485,000 B: Michael Borghesani & Christa M Borghesani S: Jtaylor LLC Book/Page: 59052/191, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $468,813 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 28710sf Prior Sale: $330,000 (02/24) 47 CRANBERRY FARM RD.................... $789,900 B: Deborah L Patterson, Tr for Opatterson Lt S: Ejp Redbrook LLC Book/Page: 59050/266, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 9932sf Prior Sale: $1,700,000 (09/23) 80 FAIRWAY DR U:80............................ $650,000 B: Richard Polcari & Carol F Polcari S: Cheryl A Ball Book/Page: 59052/293, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $280,000 (01/18) 196 HERRING POND RD........................ $707,000 B: James Bailey & Nora Blum S: Rosario Beverly T Est & Michael A Rosario Book/Page: 59060/274, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm, Lot: 90566sf Prior Sale: $82,500 (07/99) 25 HOWLAND ST U:2............................. $560,000 B: Donna Memoli-Varland & Gerald Varland S: Nicholas Carter & Amanda Carter Book/Page: 59053/40, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $444,000 (10/21)

132 LAKE DR......................................... $530,000 B: John Brabazon & Vaughan Brabazon S: Michael F Curran & Karen L Curran Book/Page: 59061/310, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $424,000 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 6970sf Prior Sale: $322,400 (10/18) 309 LONG POND RD.............................. $504,900 B: Amanda Staskiewicz & Sean Wade S: Appleton Grove LLC Book/Page: 59062/227, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: MIlestone Mtg Solutio $489,753 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 20870sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (01/24) 4 MARC DR U:4B5................................. $325,000 B: Joseph Obrien S: Michael T Cantwell, Tr for Cantwell Rt Book/Page: 59047/66, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $260,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $218,505 (08/10) 7 MULBERRY......................................... $710,900 B: Christine Murray S: Whitman Homes Inc Book/Page: 59049/184, Date: 07/09/24 112 ROXY CAHOON RD........................ $1,750,000 B: Lauren N Morera & Matthew Chriokas S: Molinari T & Anthony Molinari Jr Book/Page: 59050/106, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Rockland Tr Co $1,300,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 6 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 137001sf Prior Sale: $1,560,000 (10/20) 16 SHINGLEWOOD................................. $730,000 B: Kathleen Winter S: Paul J Mccarthy & M Surette -Mccarthy Book/Page: 59045/172, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 6151sf Prior Sale: $449,000 (06/16) 15 SKYLARK AVE.................................. $449,000 B: Krysta Lubold & Emily Daly S: Matthew D Miller & Kimberly E Miller Book/Page: 59048/100, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $440,867 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15002sf Prior Sale: $305,000 (06/18) 32 SOUTHCLIFF DR U:32....................... $480,000 B: Julie A Tousignant, Tr for Julie A Tousiganant T S: Paul D Canderozzi, Tr for Foresteire Ft Book/Page: 59057/251, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $240,000 (07/02) 127 STANDISH AVE............................... $480,000 B: Robert M Collins S: Barton R Stratton Doc#: 000000000853124, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cambridge Svgs Bk $384,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 7065sf 62 TINKERS BLF U:62........................... $930,439 B: Nancy J Coleman S: Ridge Development LLC Book/Page: 59051/18, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo

Rochester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 31 Median Price $560,000

YTD 2024 25 $570,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 370 HIGH ST.......................................... $240,000 B: Potential Properties LLC S: Pierce James Est & Frederick E Lacomb Book/Page: 59049/53, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (12/23) 370 HIGH ST.......................................... $575,000 B: 370 Rt & Charles E Evirs Jr S: Potential Properties LLC Book/Page: 59063/282, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 24394sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (07/24)

Rockland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 43 Median Price $450,000

YTD 2024 46 $505,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 41 FRANKLIN AVE................................. $615,000 B: Timothy Mcdermott & Allison Mcdermott S: Frederick Kaczowska Book/Page: 59050/67, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: MIlestone Mtg Solutio $504,300 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 11400sf Prior Sale: $385,000 (09/23) 84 HARTSUFF ST................................... $585,000 B: Mareese Wideman S: Constitution Prop LLC Book/Page: 59047/175, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Natons Reliable Lendi $571,021 Term: 2054 Use: 1-Family Conventional, Lot: 21875sf Prior Sale: $341,000 (10/23) 25 ROBIN LN U:25................................. $449,000 B: Aloisio B Pereira & Sabrna L Ribeiro S: Darrell P Rhodes Book/Page: 59053/309, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Nqm Funding Llc $381,650 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 2306938sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (12/13)

Scituate MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 99 Median Price $860,000

YTD 2024 80 $875,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 39 ARROWWOOD DR............................ $1,450,000 B: Desmond J Fitzgerald & Katy A Fitzgerald S: Scott Mcgavin & Tara Mcgavin Book/Page: 59053/46, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $850,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 55757sf Prior Sale: $1,199,000 (07/21) 98 CENTRAL AVE................................. $1,650,000 B: Carl R Reetz & Karen M Toole S: Kenneth J Williams & Lisa S Williams Book/Page: 59049/339, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $650,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.6% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 2600sf Prior Sale: $1,215,000 (08/21)

525 COUNTRY WAY.............................. $2,270,000 B: Andrew Dagostino & Angela Barker S: Jonathan A Marsh & Carly Marsh Book/Page: 59045/343, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $1,790,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 5.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 40729sf Prior Sale: $1,800,000 (11/21) 803 COUNTRY WAY............................... $819,000 B: Andagill LLC S: Option C Properties LLC Book/Page: 59058/29, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 32068sf Prior Sale: $800,000 (05/24) 4 EVANGELINE DR................................ $1,600,000 B: Jonathan Marsha & Carly Marsha S: Robert L Carroll, Tr for Punta Mita Rt Book/Page: 59063/265, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20020sf Prior Sale: $870,000 (04/15) 10 FRANKLIN ST................................... $853,000 B: 10 Franklin St LLC S: Jennifer Cazeault Doc#: 000000000853110, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 3180sf Prior Sale: $430,000 (05/19) 236 GANNETT RD................................. $1,825,000 B: Kyle J Ewanouski & Danielle G Ewanouski S: William F Pender, Tr for Pender Ft Book/Page: 59052/263, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,460,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 56486sf Prior Sale: $289,000 (01/11) 49 HAWLEY RD..................................... $743,000 B: Colleen Lima & Mary Glennon S: Desmond J Fitzgerald & Katy A Fitzgerald Doc#: 000000000853113, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Mortgage Corp EastIII $729,542 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4008sf Prior Sale: $405,000 (02/19) 79 LAWSON TER.................................. $1,175,000 B: Kevin P Joyce & Emily M Joyce S: Kevin J Cimo & Kaity Cimo Book/Page: 59052/210, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $940,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20717sf Prior Sale: $665,000 (12/18) 98 OLD FORGE RD................................. $630,000 B: Keach Development LLC S: Conlon Michael J Est & Kevin J Conlon Book/Page: 59059/81, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Bank of Canton $693,700 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 43299sf 122 OLD OAKEN BUCKET RD................ $650,000 B: Stephen G Chin & Laura E Lovett S: Allan C Greenberg, Tr for Allan C Grnburg 2007 RET Book/Page: 59049/223, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: First Community Mtg $520,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 16896sf 56 WALNUT HILL DR............................ $1,800,000 B: James C Macdonald 3rd & Jacquelynne B Muma S: Raul F Tejada & Ana M Tejada Book/Page: 59051/111, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Navy FCU $1,620,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40206sf Prior Sale: $1,100,000 (03/17)

Wareham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 126 Median Price $379,950

YTD 2024 124 $427,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 19 BAYVIEW ST..................................... $424,000 B: Erin Caravana S: Cynthia L Dickerson & Justin M Dickerson Book/Page: 59060/222, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cape Cod Five Cent Bk $339,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 4500sf Prior Sale: $220,000 (10/18) 289 CHARGE POND RD......................... $565,000 B: Amy B Null, Tr for Potocsnak Irt S: David M Mitchell & Gloria Mitchell Book/Page: 59053/179, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $287,000 (09/16) 8 DOGWOOD LN.................................... $402,500 B: Kara Shannon S: Christine E Hollosi Book/Page: 59048/306, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 1492sf Prior Sale: $233,000 (04/19) 31 LINCOLN HWY.................................. $290,000 B: John R Getchell & Kathleen A Getchell S: 31 Lincoln Hwy Rt & Richard E Hertzberg Jr Book/Page: 59058/299, Date: 07/11/24 5 TARPAULIN WAY................................ $730,000 B: Joshua A Desousa & Simone H Desousa S: Susan M Rosso, Tr for Grosso Ft Book/Page: 59062/153, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $716,777 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 30000sf Prior Sale: $45,000 (07/96) 29 WENONAH RD.................................. $440,000 B: Sarah Mcmanis S: John R Roy & Nancy E Roy Doc#: 000000000853256, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 5000sf Prior Sale: $222,000 (05/15) 24 WHITE PINE AVE.............................. $630,000 B: Michael Kelleher & Lindsey Mcgrath S: Neil A Regis & Holly L Regis Book/Page: 59054/253, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $490,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11176sf Prior Sale: $319,000 (05/15)

West Bridgewater MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 38 Median Price $536,500

YTD 2024 24 $520,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 266 MATFIELD ST U:266....................... $540,000 B: Edmonda Vera-White S: Grady Oneil Book/Page: 59062/290, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rockland Fed CU $405,000 Term: 2054 Use: Condo Prior Sale: $445,000 (06/21) 8 NARRAGANSETT DR.......................... $980,872 B: Matthew Taylor & Sarah Gannon S: Cochesett Developers LLC Book/Page: 59050/42, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $725,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 10446sf

215 W CENTER ST................................. B: Cory Burns & Isabella Fernandez S: Charis Consttruction LLC Book/Page: 59062/186, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Network Funding Corp $450,243 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 9148sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (06/23)

J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4


▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 32 PINEHURST AVE............................... $202,561 B: Embrace Home Loans Inc S: Arthur Marcotte & Embrace Home Loans Inc Book/Page: 70734/226, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 22312sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (09/01)







YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $480,000

YTD 2024 55 $489,000

180 FRANKLIN ST................................. $650,000 B: John Powers & Nina Mendes S: Michelle Cousineau & Michael Cousineau Book/Page: 59057/300, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $638,226 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 11326sf 74 HARVEY LN...................................... $728,000 B: M D Salehin S: Ann M Young, Tr for Ann Mariie Young RET Book/Page: 59063/346, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mtg Connection Llc $478,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 13626sf Prior Sale: $146,500 (09/91) 558 HOGG MEMORIAL DR..................... $502,000 B: Chester H Aittaniemi S: Jolomi I Love Book/Page: 59063/1, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $127,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12611sf Prior Sale: $265,000 (09/18) 376 PLYMOUTH ST................................ $495,000 B: Pauline Vitello & Matthew C Vitello S: Thomas Carter Book/Page: 59062/252, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $396,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 31119sf Prior Sale: $249,000 (10/15) 199 SOUTH AVE..................................... $475,000 B: 199 S Ave LLC S: John L Carabello, Tr for John L Carabello T Book/Page: 59061/163, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 12750sf

Worcester Registry Kathryn A. Toomey, Esq., Register 90 Front St., Worcester, MA 01608 Telephone: (508) 798-7717 Fax: (508) 798-7746


YTD 2024 57 $308,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 91 CASS CIR.......................................... $285,000 B: Janlyn F Neri S: Evan Young & Harli Young Book/Page: 70730/200, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Navy FCU $213,750 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9600sf Prior Sale: $154,000 (10/18) 650 SILVER LAKE ST............................. $375,000 B: Michael F St Pierre & Patricia A St Pierre S: Domenic Sergio Book/Page: 70746/240, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $359,000 (10/23) 462 TWICHELL ST................................. $345,000 B: Jessica J Jacques S: Neil A Smith Book/Page: 70732/296, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $303,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7500sf Prior Sale: $127,500 (06/03)


YTD 2024 81 $428,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 143 BOYCE ST....................................... B: Kim M Colbert S: Ronald A Rice & Michelle Rice Book/Page: 70746/295, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: MIlestone Mtg Solutio $225,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15255sf 20 EATON AVE....................................... B: Gabriel D Leal & Leticia M Leal S: Tom Ho & Christine Ho Book/Page: 70735/295, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $506,715 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 19623sf Prior Sale: $342,000 (11/05) 152 HAMPTON ST................................. B: Scott Mcalarney & Jennifer Mcalarney S: Matthew D Litwa Book/Page: 70742/68, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Amerant Mortgage $455,900 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 15362sf Prior Sale: $435,000 (12/22) 12 LINDA AVE....................................... B: Benjamin D Aho & Raymundo S Souza S: Jill S Mayo & Joy M Leclaire Book/Page: 70729/211, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Northpoint Mortgage $394,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10000sf 351 PAKACHOAG ST............................. B: Scott Cargill & Gabriela Camerotto S: Carol L Stenman Book/Page: 70736/68, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $271,430 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 14812sf Prior Sale: $105,000 (04/94)

YTD 2024 21 $401,000 $444,000

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 63 PINE TREE TER................................. B: Vrmtg Asset T & Us Bank TNa Tr S: James E Tyler & Us Bank TNa Tr Book/Page: 70738/96, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10440sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (10/95)


Berlin MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 15 Median Price $476,000

YTD 2024 14 $719,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 126 LYMAN RD..................................... B: Anthony J Cometa & Payton Cometa S: Osman Lucera & Jacqueline A Lucera Book/Page: 70729/317, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Mtg Equity Partners $679,200 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 313482sf Prior Sale: $477,500 (04/19)


Blackstone MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $424,000

YTD 2024 31 $440,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 260 MAIN ST U:10................................. B: Dennis Zagaglia & Claire Zagaglia S: Cb2 Builders LLC Book/Page: 70738/246, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $282,400 Term: 2054 Use: Condo



YTD 2024 19 $925,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 161 BERLIN RD..................................... $900,000 B: Leonid Bafitos & Angie L Calderon-Madrid S: Justin Burkhart & Jennifer Burkhart Book/Page: 70739/182, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $765,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 204296sf Prior Sale: $500,000 (11/13) 118 VAUGHN HILL RD........................... $600,000 B: Kenneth R Amici & Ashley Diaz S: John J Jugovich & Regina L Jugovich Book/Page: 70740/133, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $570,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 44867sf Prior Sale: $221,000 (06/98) 545 WATTAQUADOCK HILL RD............. $700,000 B: Robert W Ebert Jr S: Danielle M Doucot & Connor W Jordan Book/Page: 70745/307, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $655,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 31799sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (05/21)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 82 Median Price $376,000

328 OLD DANA RD................................ B: Robert Elbert & Jeanette Elbert S: Virginia Realty Inc Book/Page: 70732/97, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Drew Mortgage AssnInc $444,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Antique, Lot: 80010sf Prior Sale: $229,000 (03/24)

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $870,000


YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 70 Median Price $285,000

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $290,000




YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 14 Median Price $754,500

YTD 2024 12 $625,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 612 EDGEBROOK DR U:612................... $410,000 B: Judy Yee S: Heather M Guaranga & James P Guaranga Book/Page: 70743/256, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $220,000 (05/18) 631 EDGEBROOK DR U:631................... $419,900 B: Mary Foley S: Stephanie Yuen Book/Page: 70737/199, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $205,000 (09/18) 19 MAPLE WAY.................................... $1,040,000 B: Adel Abdelmasih & Engy Abdelmasih S: Erin E Trigilio, Tr for Eric M Trigilio Book/Page: 70751/289, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Prestige Home Mtg LLC $766,550 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45227sf Prior Sale: $602,735 (01/04)

Brookfield $415,000

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 16 Median Price $334,500

YTD 2024 16 $362,500


©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

47 LAKE RD........................................... $437,000 B: Billy Baker S: Eric Greenstein & Beverly Smith Book/Page: 70737/93, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $437,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 114998sf Prior Sale: $400,000 (11/21)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 50 Median Price $453,400

YTD 2024 47 $489,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 166 BERRY CORNER RD....................... $485,000 B: Yanira L Alvarado & Kyle R Pelkey S: Janice M Gordon & Esther M Delbuono Book/Page: 70732/239, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Prestige Home Mtg LLC $476,215 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 60113sf 51 BLOOD RD........................................ $759,999 B: Danielle Jordan & Connor Jordan S: Robert F Lemansky, Tr for Lare Rt Book/Page: 70749/263, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $607,999 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 60000sf 9 CRANBERRY MEADOW SHORE RD.... $380,000 B: Paul M Paladino S: Amelia S Lamountain & Chandler Beaudoin Book/Page: 70748/158, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/Cabin, Lot: 6835sf Prior Sale: $315,000 (06/21) 35 J DAVIS RD...................................... $599,000 B: Trang Nguyen & Thai Vuong S: Dylan Hanley & Kathryn Obrien Book/Page: 70742/157, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $402,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 60858sf Prior Sale: $565,000 (10/23) 271 N STURBRIDGE RD......................... $405,000 B: Andrew Lafleche & Amanda Lafleche S: Kimberly L Brown & Lloyd R Brown Book/Page: 70750/1, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leominster CU $335,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 92818sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (09/21) 54 OSGOOD RD..................................... $225,000 B: Jessi Merchant S: Threshold Const Corp Book/Page: 70737/35, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Camp/Cabin, Lot: 9927sf Prior Sale: $142,500 (05/24) 14 STAFFORD ST.................................. $320,000 B: Amanda L Watson S: Cherco Properties LLC Book/Page: 70750/35, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Baycoast Mortgage Co $293,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 9936sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (01/20)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 32 Median Price $437,500

YTD 2024 28 $430,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 101 ACORN ST...................................... $600,000 B: Brian Johnson & Allison Johnson S: David M Lowe & Tracey M Lowe Book/Page: 70744/342, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $450,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 13049sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (07/21) 841 LEDGEWOOD WAY U:841............... $627,000 B: Lauren J Costantino, Tr for Constantino Ft S: Sherry L Steele Book/Page: 70729/262, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $474,705 (07/21) 503 LINWOOD CT U:503........................ $575,000 B: Mahesh S Samant & Alka M Samant S: Nancy J Cellini & Glenn R Kretkowski Book/Page: 70741/166, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $325,000 (07/15) 540 MAIN ST U:308............................... $266,900 B: Carter Melick S: C&j 1977 LLC Book/Page: 70737/260, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Country Bank $213,520 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $260,000 (06/23) 33 PRESCOTT ST.................................. $1,100,000 B: Juma Multiservices LLC S: Elaine M Brillhart Book/Page: 70753/271, Date: 07/12/24 7 SCHOBERT ST.................................... $245,000 B: James A Tomolo Jr S: Evelyn A Seuss & Amber M Mcevoy Book/Page: 70753/63, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 29326sf


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 30 Median Price $525,000



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

YTD 2024 29 $470,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 29 CROSS ST......................................... $155,000 B: Steven J Pedretti S: Stephen S Bek, Tr for Bek Ft Book/Page: 70735/138, Date: 07/10/24 7 JOSEPH RD........................................ $85,000 B: Lobisser Building Corp S: Jmt Sleepy Hollow LLC Book/Page: 70744/182, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $335,500 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 17890sf 24 JOSEPH RD...................................... $579,790 B: Kenny Dafonte & Taylor Dafonte S: Lobisser Building Corp Book/Page: 70745/198, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 24302sf Prior Sale: $545,010 (12/23) 179 MAPLE ST...................................... $569,000 B: Howard Hill Jr & Sharon T Hill S: John P Thibodeau & Jeanette A Thibodeau Book/Page: 70751/364, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $369,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 174240sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (01/11) 128 MARTIN RD.................................... $735,000 B: Robert T Milkowski Jr & Sherri G Milkowski S: Paul E Baca & Elizabeth Baca Book/Page: 70748/305, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Main Street Bank (MA) $578,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 131508sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (04/05) 24 NAUTICAL WAY U:24....................... $248,400 B: Tracy M Ventura S: Northbrown LLC Book/Page: 70741/288, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $220,700 Term: 2054 Use: Possible New Construction

SW MAIN ST.......................................... $150,000 B: Rsr Invs & Const LLC S: Goco Services LLC Book/Page: 70737/305, Date: 07/10/24 65 YEW ST............................................. $792,156 B: Maeve K Foley S: Nightview LLC Book/Page: 70746/101, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: New American Funding $624,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 90169sf

Dudley MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 63 Median Price $375,000

YTD 2024 43 $407,400

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 332 MASON RD EXT.............................. B: Juan C Portalatin S: Michal Rucinski & Jolanta Rucinski Book/Page: 70747/190, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $388,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15000sf Prior Sale: $119,000 (08/90)



YTD 2024 11 $415,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 379 E MAIN ST...................................... B: Sarah Hesselton S: Aaron D Valley & Justin J Valley Book/Page: 70739/379, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $304,100 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 35520sf Prior Sale: $140,000 (11/09)


Gardner MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 75 Median Price $330,000

YTD 2024 78 $360,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BRANCH ST L:5..................................... $25,000 B: C M Chartier Contracting S: Paul R Sundstrom Book/Page: 70750/280, Date: 07/12/24 80 CRESTWOOD DR.............................. $520,000 B: Simeon J Parsons & Marleni A Parsons S: Susan E Markow, Tr for 80 Crestwood Drive Rt Book/Page: 70735/246, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Envoy Mtg LTD $494,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 19812sf Prior Sale: $168,000 (09/96) 29 OLDE COLONIAL DR U:2................... $273,900 B: Angelica Souza & Isabella Kilinski S: Rebecca Amaral & Florence Porn Book/Page: 70754/1, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $44,800 (10/97) 256 PEARL ST....................................... $465,000 B: Shania C Cassey & Alfred D Murray S: Kenneth R Leger & Michelle A Leger Book/Page: 70751/387, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14300sf Prior Sale: $129,000 (06/01) 460 PLEASANT ST................................. $170,000 B: Connermcdj LLC S: Adam C Zoldak Book/Page: 70750/232, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 10890sf 27 RICH ST............................................ $360,000 B: Dillon M Brotosky S: Michael I Bartlett & Annelese Bartlett Book/Page: 70738/5, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $342,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6845sf Prior Sale: $255,000 (08/20) 191 WASHINGTON ST........................... $295,000 B: Carllenia Cuff-Ugles S: Zachary T Thomson & Molly Thomson Book/Page: 70751/238, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: IC Credit Union $30,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6440sf Prior Sale: $134,500 (11/18) 48 WINSLOW ST.................................... $420,000 B: Laurel Ronan & John Ronan S: Ashley Toomey Book/Page: 70734/189, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $399,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7516sf Prior Sale: $349,900 (07/22)



25 AVERY HEIGHTS DR......................... $580,000 B: Justin P Cyganiewicz S: Chad F Graham & Crystal L Graham Book/Page: 70748/268, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $464,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 16988sf Prior Sale: $260,000 (11/09) 29 GLENWOOD ST................................. $415,000 B: Adam J Bullock S: Michael B Dunlea Book/Page: 70745/78, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $394,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 23522sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (05/17) 4 INDIAN CIR U:4.................................. $554,490 B: Winston W Wiley & Catherine Maddox-Wiley S: Garden Village Realty LLC Book/Page: 70729/345, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Possible New Construction 904 OAKWOOD ST EXT U:904............... $405,000 B: Kristina Himmer S: Rory Flinn & Elliet Fisher Book/Page: 70740/74, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $364,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $250,000 (11/17) 41 SHERWOOD HILL DR........................ $550,000 B: Katherine Mahoney & Sean Mahoney S: Robert J Pollitt & Kristin L Pollitt Book/Page: 70745/10, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Webster FiveCent Svgs $440,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 15682sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (06/07) 10 SUMAC CIR...................................... $620,000 B: Mark A Meola S: John P Nordborg, Tr for Nordborg Ft Book/Page: 70751/164, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23387sf Prior Sale: $219,000 (11/11)

Hopedale MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 20 Median Price $470,000

YTD 2024 19 $558,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 36 INMAN ST U:36................................ B: Nikolaos Korderas & Chrisoula Nohos S: Anna Staniszewski Book/Page: 70753/331, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $397,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $243,900 (04/18)


Hubbardston MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 13 Median Price $385,000


YTD 2024 62 $620,500

YTD 2024 20 $440,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 48 MADISON WAY U:48........................ $385,000 B: Sharon M Small, Tr for Sharon M Small T S: Shawn M Smith & Derek T Smith Book/Page: 70752/335, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $163,500 (09/11)

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 COVENTRY RD U:6............................. $369,900 B: Heather Vaillancourt S: Anthony Signoracci & Maria Signoracci Book/Page: 70736/383, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $295,920 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 446926sf Prior Sale: $240,000 (05/18) 8 NOTTINGHAM RD U:8......................... $375,000 B: Angeles Senorans S: Thomas J Binienda & Patricia B Binienda Book/Page: 70748/355, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Charles River Bank $300,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 1048054sf Prior Sale: $254,000 (06/05) 13 POWERLINE DR................................ $678,000 B: Beth S Cohan S: Jeanne L Le Book/Page: 70748/259, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 20038sf Prior Sale: $410,000 (12/18) 70 TULIP CIR U:70................................. $554,000 B: Anirudh Punganur & Harini S Krishnan S: Len B Taing, Tr for Taing Lt Book/Page: 70752/355, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Andrews FCU $443,200 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $318,000 (08/17) 2 WINSLOW LN U:2412......................... $592,855 B: Kevin G Myers & Molly A Myers S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC Book/Page: 70734/70, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $469,000

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 47 Median Price $371,000

YTD 2024 47 $405,000


Holden YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 58 Median Price $525,000




Grafton YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 57 Median Price $625,000



East Brookfield YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 11 Median Price $300,000

2 WINSLOW LN U:406........................... B: Ronald J Judd & Francine S Judd S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC Book/Page: 70737/233, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo 3 WOODSIDE DR................................... B: Jeremy R Fay & Erika E Fay S: Turning Pt Hm Buyers LLC Book/Page: 70751/128, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $452,200 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13068sf Prior Sale: $316,875 (04/24)

YTD 2024 26 $637,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 20 HUNTER LN..................................... $1,300,000 B: Gary S Schwend & Deborah L Schwend S: Philip Schoenig & Mary-Lee Mattei Book/Page: 70734/284, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Presidential Bank FSB $1,105,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 7.4% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 108900sf Prior Sale: $792,000 (10/17) 112 OLD COUNTY RD............................ $730,000 B: Brian W Valanzola & Monica L Faiella S: Eric A Wilder & Mary E Wilder Book/Page: 70729/291, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $657,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Garrison, Lot: 27007sf Prior Sale: $399,000 (11/05) 327 PONAKIN RD.................................. $601,000 B: Michael J Fucci & Emily A Dahlstrom S: Patrick Byrne & Melissa Byrne Book/Page: 70739/332, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: UniBank for Savings $471,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 16553sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (03/23) 141 SYLVAN RD.................................... $507,000 B: Lucas Evangelous & Holly Evangelous S: Cessford James D Est & Steven J Cessford Book/Page: 70732/335, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $490,078 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 21780sf

12 KING ST............................................ $280,000 B: Andrew Malpass S: Paul A Collins & Stephen R Collins Book/Page: 70749/27, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $274,928 Term: 2054 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 25439sf Prior Sale: $35,000 (11/98) 121 PAXTON ST.................................... $350,000 B: Sharmese Gunn S: Joseph J Goparian & Chelsea Goparian Book/Page: 70741/173, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Bay State Savings Bk $280,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 11282sf Prior Sale: $152,500 (08/13) 326 RIVER ST........................................ $410,000 B: Susan Garrison S: Lauren M Flores-Avery & Christy Flores Book/Page: 70753/151, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $210,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 50094sf Prior Sale: $238,000 (12/17) 39 SPRING ST....................................... $350,000 B: Staisha Chavis S: 324 Group LLC Book/Page: 70747/221, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $343,660 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9627sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (09/23) 7 STONE RIDGE DR............................... $40,000 B: Eric Barrett S: Augustus L Pingeton, Tr for Pingeton Ft Book/Page: 70731/33, Date: 07/08/24 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 81893sf Prior Sale: $78,000 (11/97)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 86 Median Price $501,500

YTD 2024 68 $560,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 143 BEAVER ST..................................... $650,000 B: Brandon Steff & Kayla M Lang S: Mark Coppola & Samantha Coppola Book/Page: 70741/36, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $552,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45054sf Prior Sale: $550,000 (08/21) 219 CONGRESS ST................................ $617,000 B: Alexander Z Phlynn & Diana L Phlynn S: Opendoor Property J LLC Book/Page: 70753/77, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $367,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 16636sf Prior Sale: $559,800 (04/24) 4 COUNTRY CLUB LN U:A..................... $390,000 B: James Diamond S: Ronald A Piselli & Yvonne I Piselli Book/Page: 70750/140, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $292,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.5% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $210,000 (09/13) 5 FELLS AVE.......................................... $213,000 B: Krenar Kalemi S: Ray C Thompson Book/Page: 70735/135, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6900sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (10/04) 5 GENESEO CIR..................................... $720,000 B: Madison Neri & Benjamin Reiffarth S: Allison E Whalin & Michael Whalin Book/Page: 70751/318, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $660,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 48103sf Prior Sale: $465,000 (06/20) 18 LENA LN U:18................................... $410,000 B: Ibg LLC S: Kenny D Dafonte Book/Page: 70735/123, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $180,000 (12/13) 8 MAYHEW SLIP.................................... $449,900 B: Bridget Kenny S: Karen A Park Book/Page: 70749/130, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Elizabeth Chadwick $450,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 8359sf Prior Sale: $238,900 (10/15) 94 SCHOOL ST....................................... $658,000 B: Pablo M Granda & Zoila M Mizhirumbay S: Harry H Ohannesian Book/Page: 70731/234, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Prestige Home Mtg LLC $646,081 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 8999sf 7 TOMASO RD....................................... $457,000 B: James D Redd Jr & Jennifer A Redd S: Elaine A Dalessandro Book/Page: 70735/221, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Bay Equity LLC $365,600 Term: 2052 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 10999sf 10 W PINE ST........................................ $590,000 B: Chelsea E Feinstein & Christopher J Gambon S: Francis E Bositis & Christine A Bositis Book/Page: 70746/380, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $490,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 13599sf 11 WOODLAND AVE U:B........................ $325,000 B: Raquel Commander S: Christopher M Milani, Tr for Loretta C Milani Irt Book/Page: 70750/319, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $260,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $285,000 (07/21)


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 Median Price $435,500

YTD 2024 54 $447,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 7 ALSTEAD PATH.................................. B: Jorgimar Henrique S: Premier Rc Properties LLC Book/Page: 70732/192, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $392,755 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10019sf Prior Sale: $245,000 (04/24)


©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

60 CLEARVIEW TER U:60...................... $724,243 B: Sean F Dumphy & Karen A Lamoureux S: Czervik Properties LLC Book/Page: 70732/65, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $325,493 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 370-B GREENWOOD ST......................... $410,000 B: Carly Finegan S: Silver Homes LLC Book/Page: 70744/129, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8712sf Prior Sale: $290,000 (11/23) 399 GREENWOOD ST............................. $525,000 B: Stephen Smedberg & Rachel Stafford S: Tracy Richert Book/Page: 70750/377, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $472,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 62291sf Prior Sale: $375,000 (10/20) 23 GROVE ST......................................... $530,000 B: Werlen H Martins & Larissa L Diamantino S: We Enterprise LLC Book/Page: 70740/30, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: American Fin Network $506,976 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5227sf Prior Sale: $205,000 (05/23) 10 HERRICKS LN................................... $325,000 B: Michael E Murphy S: Linda J Gully Book/Page: 70740/22, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $184,500 (11/03) 136 PARK HILL AVE.............................. $582,500 B: Philip D Duquette S: Ray Peare Book/Page: 70745/150, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Navy FCU $460,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 8276sf Prior Sale: $150,000 (11/22) 141 PARK HILL AVE............................. $1,225,000 B: Twin Tigers LLC S: Lema Realty LLC Book/Page: 70739/236, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Lema Realty Llc $425,000 Term: 2025 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 21344sf Prior Sale: $72,000 (12/98) 143 PARK HILL AVE............................. $1,225,000 B: Twin Tigers LLC S: Lema Realty LLC Book/Page: 70739/236, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Lema Realty Llc $425,000 Term: 2025 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 15246sf Prior Sale: $72,000 (12/98) 145 PARK HILL AVE............................. $1,225,000 B: Twin Tigers LLC S: Lema Realty LLC Book/Page: 70739/236, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Lema Realty Llc $425,000 Term: 2025 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 16117sf Prior Sale: $72,000 (12/98) 147 PARK HILL AVE............................. $1,225,000 B: Twin Tigers LLC S: Lema Realty LLC Book/Page: 70739/236, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Lema Realty Llc $425,000 Term: 2025 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 17860sf Prior Sale: $72,000 (12/98) 149 PARK HILL AVE............................. $1,225,000 B: Twin Tigers LLC S: Lema Realty LLC Book/Page: 70739/236, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Lema Realty Llc $425,000 Term: 2025 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 15682sf Prior Sale: $72,000 (12/98)

New Braintree MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 2 Median Price $296,000

YTD 2024 1 $135,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 379 ADAMS RD..................................... $25,000 B: I Buy Land LLC S: Christopher Fay Book/Page: 70735/370, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 147677sf Prior Sale: $16,000 (02/06) MOORE RD............................................ $40,000 B: John D Thomasian & Belinda Thomasian S: Richard A Chaffee & James A Sielis Book/Page: 70744/334, Date: 07/11/24

North Brookfield MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 19 Median Price $319,900

YTD 2024 19 $315,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 BELL ST............................................ B: Jennifer Degray S: Stephanie Boucher Book/Page: 70734/378, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Mortgage Research Ctr $240,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 32670sf Prior Sale: $148,000 (10/17)


Northborough MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 Median Price $650,000

YTD 2024 48 $767,500

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 16 CHESTNUT HILL RD.......................... $512,000 B: Henry W Priess 3rd S: Sean A Kenney, Tr for Grace M Kenney Irt Book/Page: 70746/340, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Embrace Home Loans $486,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14776sf Prior Sale: $272,500 (09/09) 308 HOWARD ST................................... $678,000 B: Trevor Shearer & Hannah Careway S: Mark J Dellarciprete & Jennifer A Dellarciprete Book/Page: 70752/67, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Evolve B&T $657,660 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 21706sf Prior Sale: $380,000 (06/07) 123 PLEASANT ST................................. $420,000 B: Margaret Eldredge & Andres I Amaya S: Debra L Stanton, Tr for Stanton Irt Book/Page: 70749/89, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 17502sf




Northbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 48 Median Price $530,000

YTD 2024 47 $485,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 151 HEIGHTS OF HILL ST...................... $802,000 B: Alex Lagas S: Richard T Lind & Beth C Lind Book/Page: 70744/282, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Province Mtg Assoc $641,600 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 51836sf Prior Sale: $470,000 (08/05) 230 HIGHLAND ST................................. $406,000 B: 230 Highland St Northbrid S: Marlene Bernard, Tr for Marlene Bernard T - 2022 Book/Page: 70745/381, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Roger Malouin $500,000 Use: 5 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 43996sf 253 SHINING ROCK DR......................... $905,000 B: Narendrakumar Barvaliya & Urvashi Barvaliya S: Joanne Marchi Book/Page: 70731/64, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: T2 Financial LLC $633,500 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 23958sf Prior Sale: $676,915 (11/04) 35 VALERIE RUN................................... $799,900 B: Stephen P Caya & Lynda A Caya S: D & F Afonso Builders Inc Book/Page: 70748/331, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 46174sf

Oakham YTD 2024 5 $523,123

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 1776-A OLD TURNPIKE RD................... $160,000 B: Andrea Bohdiewicz S: Michael D Caruso & Irene M Caruso Book/Page: 70751/179, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 307534sf SPENCER RD......................................... $310,000 B: Brett M Russ S: Ralph E Mann, Tr for Mann Rt Book/Page: 70738/193, Date: 07/10/24

Oxford MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $369,000

YTD 2024 57 $400,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 FOREST ST......................................... $430,000 B: Van C Wyatt & Tammy A Wyatt S: James Dufresne & Tammy L Dufresne Book/Page: 70740/170, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $338,000 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 23485sf Prior Sale: $170,000 (11/02) 27 MAIN ST........................................... $435,000 B: Kevin Conover Jr & Sherry Mcmichael S: Randall Morin & Tiffany Morin Book/Page: 70728/347, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $421,950 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14694sf Prior Sale: $208,000 (02/17) 120 MAIN ST......................................... $116,400 B: 120 & 122 Main Street LLC S: Bennie Sisto Book/Page: 70751/61, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: OceanFirst Bank $3,000,000 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 43561sf Prior Sale: $116,400 (07/24) 120 MAIN ST......................................... $116,400 B: 120 & 122 Main Street LLC S: Guerra Antonio Est & Thomas F Guerra Book/Page: 70751/55, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 43561sf 122 MAIN ST......................................... $37,672 B: 120 & 122 Main St LLC S: Bennie Sisto Book/Page: 70751/52, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 174241sf Prior Sale: $1,845,928 (07/24) 122 MAIN ST........................................ $1,845,928 B: Filomena M Sisto, Tr for 120 & 122 Main St LLC S: Filomena M Sisto, Tr for Bennie Sisto T Book/Page: 70751/45, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 174241sf Prior Sale: $1,883,600 (07/24) 122 MAIN ST........................................ $1,883,600 B: 120 & 122 Main St LLC S: Virginia Thomas & Anthony J Thomas Jr Book/Page: 70751/33, Date: 07/12/24 Use: Industrial Warehouse, Lot: 174241sf 15 THAYER POND DR U:4..................... $227,500 B: Christina Flanagan S: Chelsea Jette Book/Page: 70731/304, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Digital FCU $182,000 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $116,500 (08/19) 4 TURK HOLLOW RD............................. $603,336 B: Nijole L Lopez & Gilbert Lopez S: Debra A Kortecamp-Wallace & Richard Wallace Book/Page: 70746/167, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Wells Fargo Bank $482,669 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 95719sf Prior Sale: $570,000 (01/21)

Paxton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 18 Median Price $484,950

27 MEETING HOUSE LN U:27................ $204,948 B: Jessica Hagberg S: Maria E Gordon Book/Page: 70734/98, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $185,948 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $173,000 (06/10) 55 PRESIDENTIAL DR.......................... $1,805,000 B: Brian Ferguson & Gillian Ferguson S: Charles A Stewart & Tara B Stewart Book/Page: 70748/298, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 69260sf Prior Sale: $1,380,000 (07/21)



MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 11 Median Price $600,000

YTD 2024 18 $515,000

YTD 2024 22 $558,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES BROOKS RD........................................... $575,000 B: Wilson Pena & Francia Nunez S: Michelle A Dears-Donohue & Patrick J Donohue Book/Page: 70729/176, Date: 07/08/24 17 RED OAK ST..................................... $620,000 B: Theodore L Jeffcoat 3rd & Carole A Jeffcoat S: Todd D Eddy & Jenna J Eddy Book/Page: 70737/163, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 46098sf Prior Sale: $316,000 (05/16)

MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 62 Median Price $333,000

YTD 2024 45 $335,000



121 HOBBS RD...................................... $680,000 B: Winton Pitcoff & Mia C Lumsden S: Patrick J Mcgowan & Sharon S Mcgowan Book/Page: 70740/247, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Sage Home Loans Corp $300,000 Term: 2039 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 187308sf Prior Sale: $425,000 (11/02)

50 CHAPIN ST....................................... $420,000 B: Oluwatobiloba Ajayi S: Danny Baez & Nelly Maldonado Book/Page: 70730/381, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $399,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 6534sf Prior Sale: $97,000 (10/96) 19 EVERETT ST..................................... $450,000 B: 19 Everett Street LLC S: Western Worcester Rlty LL Book/Page: 70737/167, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 30928sf Prior Sale: $355,000 (07/18) 86 HARWOOD FARM RD....................... $450,000 B: Ishmail Amunzu S: Seth Lacour & Quincy Lacour Book/Page: 70744/206, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Avidia Bank $436,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26572sf Prior Sale: $299,000 (01/21) 124 HIGH ST.......................................... $560,000 B: 124 High Street LLC S: Mem Enterprises LLC Book/Page: 70735/321, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Southbridge CU $200,000 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 16988sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (04/21) 687 SOUTH ST....................................... $250,000 B: Courtney Silveira & Luiz Silveira S: Arlene Z Hutchinson Book/Page: 70735/179, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $250,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 64033sf 6 STONY BROOK DR.............................. $362,000 B: Rebecca Nuno S: Teresa Izzo Book/Page: 70750/358, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: USDept of Agriculture $362,000 Term: 2057 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16553sf Prior Sale: $67,900 (06/16)

Rutland MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 33 Median Price $540,256

YTD 2024 50 $576,726


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 4 Median Price $415,000

17 TANGLEWOOD RD............................ $450,000 B: Dannielle Obuckley S: Lsf9 Master Part T & U S Bank TTr Book/Page: 70731/133, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12289sf Prior Sale: $263,991 (11/16) 26 WEST ST........................................... $525,000 B: Todd Eddy & Jenna Eddy S: Jeffrey M Stevens & Meghan G Stevens Book/Page: 70738/38, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $420,000 Term: 2044 Use: 3 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 87064sf Prior Sale: $227,500 (06/05)

176 MAPLE AVE U:1-1.......................... $185,000 B: Rohan LLC S: Michael A Aspden & Tanya L Aspden Book/Page: 70744/324, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Condo POMMOGUSSETT RD............................. $5,500 B: Bp Properties LLC S: Roman Catholic Bishop Of Book/Page: 70748/380, Date: 07/12/24 43 POMMOGUSSETT RD....................... $435,000 B: Samuel E Konicczny S: Joseph R Warrington & Donna L Warrington Book/Page: 70730/168, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Country Bank $391,500 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 21780sf 261 POMMOGUSSETT RD..................... $605,000 B: Gene T Chaisson & Kaylee S Chaisson S: Davis K Asare & Stephanie A Asare Book/Page: 70739/356, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $514,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $350,000 (07/20) 14 SYCAMORE DR................................. $520,000 B: Jim Cenko & Katerina Cenko S: Robert J Scoble 2nd & Linda P Scoble Book/Page: 70728/272, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 15682sf Prior Sale: $227,900 (07/11)


YTD 2024 147 $705,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 65 COMMONS DR U:102....................... $384,000 B: Srinivasa S Yadlapalli S: Heather L Vaillancourt Book/Page: 70745/39, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $345,600 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $275,000 (06/21) 20 CRESCENT ST.................................. $650,000 B: Thaisllynne Magalhaes & Pedro C Desouza-Paulo S: Martucci Peter Est & Vincent A Martucci Book/Page: 70735/25, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $638,226 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 13939sf Prior Sale: $4,500 (09/96) 16 DALTON DR U:16.............................. $490,000 B: Robert J Girard & Katherine H Girard S: Quaiel Patricia Mary Est & Patricia A Archambault Book/Page: 70734/3, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $171,650 (09/94) 79 EDGEWOOD RD................................ $560,000 B: James Smith & Sophia Binici S: Tracy R Hage Book/Page: 70750/72, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $415,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12632sf Prior Sale: $433,000 (10/21) 101 HILL ST........................................... $915,000 B: Christopher Peris S: Kenneth P Maynard Book/Page: 70750/264, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 26136sf Prior Sale: $186,000 (08/96) 50 SHREWSBURY GREEN DR U:F......... $130,000 B: Ftrl Properties LLC S: Harold G Hills Book/Page: 70739/35, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Kms Financial Llc $150,000 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $109,500 (11/04) 24 WILLIAMSBURG CT U:11................. $300,000 B: Maciej Korycki S: Kevin Mcsweeney & Cynthia Mcsweeney Book/Page: 70743/355, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $152,000 (05/03)

Southborough MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $929,300

YTD 2024 36 $1,100,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 FOLEY DR.......................................... $1,290,000 B: Peter Dupis & Kathleen Dupis S: Jason Henson & Brandi S Henson Book/Page: 70728/296, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Union Home Mortgage $400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 26136sf Prior Sale: $314,823 (07/15)

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 53 Median Price $415,000

YTD 2024 38 $449,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES GRANT ST L:2........................................ $50,000 B: Zachary Zisk S: Kevin Huard Book/Page: 70752/152, Date: 07/12/24 33 LAKE VIEW DR................................. $850,000 B: Michael P Antanavica S: Stephan A Antanavica & Dana M Antanavica Book/Page: 70735/57, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $558,400 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 11272sf Prior Sale: $169,000 (09/04) 12 N BROOKFIELD RD........................... $150,000 B: James Evers & Rachel Rugo S: Dwelling Prop Iv LLC Book/Page: 70733/135, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 278236sf Prior Sale: $203,495 (05/22) 22 NORCROSS RD................................. $615,400 B: Jeffrey M Stevens & Meghan G Stevens S: Gaucher Carol A Est & Bernard Nowak Jr Book/Page: 70740/325, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Farm Credit East ACA $492,000 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Res & Non-Com, Lot: 3789607sf 49 TEMPLE ST....................................... $245,000 B: Mark W Hayden S: Ralph E St Germain & Judith A St Germain Book/Page: 70744/49, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: HarborOne Mortgage $220,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7050sf Prior Sale: $55,000 (03/01)

Sterling MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 27 Median Price $575,000

7 PATRIOTS WAY U:D........................... $480,000 B: Robert W Heckman & Mary C Heckman S: Dorothy D Brideau Book/Page: 70744/273, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo, Lot: 43560sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (10/19) 3 REDSTONE HILL RD........................... $160,000 B: Kimberly Roth & Stephen Roth S: Lori A Parks Book/Page: 70734/252, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Res Potentially Dvlpble Land, Lot: 296208sf 58 REDSTONE HILL RD......................... $645,000 B: Parsuree Vatanasirisuk & Timothy Obrien S: John J Nyberg Book/Page: 70738/285, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 25172sf Prior Sale: $469,900 (04/05) STILLWATER MEADOWS CONDO U:L1. $375,000 B: Heather J Sedani S: Cedrine J Bell, Tr for Cheryl Lower RET Book/Page: 70738/324, Date: 07/10/24 Use: Condo

Sturbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 40 Median Price $427,000

YTD 2024 41 $500,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 5 CHARLTON ST.................................... $305,000 B: Gregory Morissette & Jacqueline Morissette S: Kevin Hughes Book/Page: 70732/263, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $244,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 7405sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (08/13) 21 COLLETTE RD................................... $490,000 B: Shailesh Hedge S: Bruce C Sutter Book/Page: 70731/112, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Fall River Five Cents $473,646 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 23087sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (10/20) 560 HAYNES ST..................................... $475,000 B: Nicholas R Wetherbee & Sarah R Mcmenemy S: Jr Siding Inc Book/Page: 70749/214, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $380,000 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 44431sf 8 LADD RD............................................ $552,000 B: Thomas Knight & Lynn Knight S: Andrew E Mchugh & Laura B Mchugh Book/Page: 70731/352, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cibm Bank $496,800 Term: 2054 Use: 5 Bdrm Antique, Lot: 117612sf Prior Sale: $300,000 (12/12) 126 LANE 10......................................... $575,000 B: Rory Mccarthy & Jennifer Mccarthy S: F P Goodwin & Sheila C Goodwin Book/Page: 70753/145, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Camp/Cabin, Lot: 59242sf Prior Sale: $226,000 (09/12)



Shrewsbury YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 105 Median Price $603,000


J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

YTD 2024 25 $510,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 JILL LN U:A...................................... $375,000 B: Heather J Sedani S: Cedrine J Bell, Tr for Cheryl Lower RET Book/Page: 70738/324, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: EMM Loans LLC $200,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $214,000 (12/16) 33 KILBURN RD..................................... $822,500 B: Brian M Duplessis S: Steven P Flagg & Julie A Flagg Book/Page: 70730/74, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: MIlestone Mtg Solutio $325,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87120sf Prior Sale: $490,000 (12/12) 10 LEOMINSTER RD.............................. $575,000 B: David Kelly & Sharyn Kelly S: Stephen J Emery & Corinne Miller Book/Page: 70731/343, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 331927sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (10/99) 12 LEOMINSTER RD.............................. $575,000 B: David Kelly & Sharyn Kelly S: Stephen J Emery & Corinne Miller Book/Page: 70731/343, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Residential Undvlpble Land, Lot: 10019sf

36 FINLAY RD........................................ $242,100 B: V&j LLC S: Nancy P Gallant & Longbridge Financial LLC Book/Page: 70749/371, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 60548sf Prior Sale: $101,900 (01/98)

Sutton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 29 Median Price $580,000

YTD 2024 33 $675,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 33 BOUNDARY STONE RD..................... $750,000 B: M N Mcwilliams-Brousseau & Hilary M Brousseau S: David G Barry 4th & Karen A Barry Book/Page: 70746/125, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $403,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 28754sf Prior Sale: $340,450 (12/01)


YTD 2024 37 $349,900

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 123 CARRUTH RD.................................. $460,000 B: Donald R Reardon S: Joshua M Vautour & Stacey H Kazinskas Book/Page: 70749/150, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: EMM Loans LLC $250,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 87556sf Prior Sale: $185,000 (04/12) 2 WARE DR............................................ $531,000 B: Justin R Gould S: Tamara Amenta Book/Page: 70729/106, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $538,193 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 45302sf Prior Sale: $372,000 (09/23)

Upton MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 25 Median Price $674,999

Uxbridge MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 36 Median Price $520,500

YTD 2024 31 $510,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 15 GARDEN ST...................................... B: Rfgm Investing LLC S: Kimberly A Newell Book/Page: 70729/53, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Flip And Hold Funding $324,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8451sf Prior Sale: $217,000 (07/08) 107 ROGERSON XING U:107................. B: Laura Nguyen S: Thomas W Hagspiel, Tr for Hagspiel Rt Book/Page: 70744/390, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo



Warren MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 13 Median Price $275,000

YTD 2024 15 $325,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 269 COY HILL RD.................................. $395,000 B: Joesph C Skladzien Sr & Lynn J Skladzien S: Emily K White & Kyle E White Book/Page: 70729/235, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Fairway Ind Mtg $295,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Level, Lot: 52712sf Prior Sale: $200,000 (05/17)

Webster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $352,950

YTD 2024 59 $389,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 3 DESLAURIERS AVE............................. $490,000 B: Christopher Reynolds S: Stephanie M Marko, Tr for Barrington TOf 2022 Book/Page: 70745/223, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Amerant Mortgage $310,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 12610sf Prior Sale: $70,000 (10/91) 41 ELM ST............................................. $520,000 B: Edwin Quintanilla & Gloria Cabrera S: Keith J Doyle, Tr for K J Doyle & Cynthia Nt Book/Page: 70741/247, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cross Country Mtg Inc $510,581 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Family Flat, Lot: 9963sf 11 MAYNARD AVE................................ $305,000 B: Byrnes Capital LLC S: John K Carter, Tr for 7 Wonders Lt Book/Page: 70738/113, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $236,512 Use: 2-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 7050sf Prior Sale: $122,500 (07/15) 1 MCKAYS WAY..................................... $2,000 B: Arbo LLC S: Maxta LLC Book/Page: 70743/286, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Apartment Bldg - 9 + Units, Lot: 62291sf Prior Sale: $525,000 (12/19) 11 SPRING ST....................................... $330,000 B: Olga F Dealonzo & Juan C Alonzo S: David Garcia & Jeidy I Hernandez Book/Page: 70741/374, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $313,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 17227sf Prior Sale: $285,000 (07/22)


Templeton YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 Median Price $383,400

19 SHOEMAKER LN U:9........................ $769,050 B: Jon S Macconnell & Christine A Macconnell S: Black Brook Rlty Prop LLC Book/Page: 70731/144, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Condo

YTD 2024 19 $618,888

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 CHAPIN RD......................................... $680,000 B: Denise Brady & Matthew C Messer S: Denise Brady Book/Page: 70752/157, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 351094sf 105 CROCKETT RD................................ $575,000 B: Douglas Chabot S: William D Montenegro & Lauren M Montenegro Book/Page: 70744/310, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 20909sf 85 HARTFORD AVE S............................ $625,000 B: Matellian Hall S: G A Carey Book/Page: 70730/135, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Milford Fed Svgs Bk $455,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 40816sf Prior Sale: $365,000 (04/02)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 21 Median Price $440,000

YTD 2024 30 $523,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 140 MAPLE ST...................................... $450,000 B: Michael Aspden & Tanya Aspden S: Rawson Gladys Ruth Est & Steven E Rawson Book/Page: 70746/37, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $366,300 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 36610sf 239 WOODLAND ST U:2........................ $511,000 B: Darlene H Parseghian S: Thomas D Creeden & Sophia G Creeden Book/Page: 70733/169, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $359,900 (06/20)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 56 MALDEN ST...................................... B: Hossein Khalili S: Steven D Grey & Santander Bank NA Book/Page: 70749/183, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 40000sf Prior Sale: $75,000 (06/95)


Westborough MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 51 Median Price $740,000

YTD 2024 58 $790,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 6 APPLESEED DR................................. $1,415,000 B: Carl Benander & Sophie Benander S: Ronald J Judd & Francine S Judd Book/Page: 70729/373, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $1,132,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 50377sf Prior Sale: $409,000 (03/98) 16 BARRED OWL DR............................ $1,433,100 B: Dharam V Singh & Kanti K Singh S: Jos LLC Book/Page: 70746/254, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: M&T Bank NA $1,033,100 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.1% Type: Adj Use: 1-Family Colonial, Lot: 15002sf

71 CHESTNUT ST.................................. $662,500 B: Iryna Sidelkovski & Michael Sidelkovski S: Antony G Thomas & Catherine S Antony Book/Page: 70740/215, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $530,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 32343sf Prior Sale: $358,000 (06/14) DENNY ST............................................... $6,500 B: Ellen Milne, Tr for E&r Milne RET S: Joanne H Huyler Book/Page: 70753/48, Date: 07/12/24 DENNY ST.............................................. $16,000 B: John J Mcgourty Jr & Suzanne L Mcgourty S: Joanne H Huyler Book/Page: 70753/51, Date: 07/12/24 6 DENNY ST........................................... $480,000 B: Garry Kyle, Tr for Jem Rt S: Joanne H Huyler Book/Page: 70746/334, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 117612sf Prior Sale: $415,000 (05/21) 16 ONEIL DR.......................................... $716,000 B: Meghan Dulac S: Andrew Rosenshine Book/Page: 70753/120, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9522sf Prior Sale: $418,500 (07/18) 6105 PETERS FARM WAY U:6105........ $412,350 B: Michael J Castellana & Ann L Castellana S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC Book/Page: 70750/184, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Pulte Mortgage Corp $137,350 Term: 2054 Use: Possible New Construction 6207 PETERS FARM WAY U:6207........ $595,275 B: Jacquelyn S Snodgrass S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC Book/Page: 70743/275, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Possible New Construction 6305 PETERS FARM WAY U:6305........ $475,000 B: Galen D Peterson & Shelley L Peterson S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC Book/Page: 70744/197, Date: 07/11/24 Use: Possible New Construction 11408 PETERS FARM WAY U:11408.... $585,805 B: Doina Antonescu & Gheorghe Antonescu S: Pulte Hm Of New Eng LLC Book/Page: 70747/368, Date: 07/12/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 6 POWDER HILL WAY U:6..................... $580,000 B: Divya Mahajan & Vivekanand Sharma S: Charlotte E Siegal & Alan Fox Book/Page: 70743/120, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo 25 ROBIN RD......................................... $580,000 B: Ervin Caushi & Laura Caushi S: Keith M Kasprzak Book/Page: 70750/114, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Middlesex Svgs Bk $551,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15202sf Prior Sale: $235,000 (09/01) 11 SPRING ST....................................... $740,000 B: Robert Moskowitz & Tamie Roberts S: Marina Vornle & Matthew Hoar Book/Page: 70729/136, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Washington Trust Mtg $665,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 11016sf Prior Sale: $492,500 (08/18) 2 STONE HILL RD................................. $1,330,000 B: Siva K Nutulapathi & Udaya Talasila S: Nathan L Dulac & Meghan J Dulac Book/Page: 70752/215, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $1,064,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 27377sf Prior Sale: $1,131,000 (09/21)

Winchendon MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 60 Median Price $350,000

YTD 2024 50 $381,250

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 200 ELM ST........................................... $310,000 B: Jade Tavares S: Dellasanta Glenn J Est & Louis Dellasanta Book/Page: 70732/160, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $291,199 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Old Style, Lot: 6578sf Prior Sale: $87,500 (07/04) 38-42 FRONT ST................................... $410,000 B: Maria C Vicente S: Kimberley S Morin Book/Page: 70733/35, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $402,573 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 10707sf Prior Sale: $193,600 (06/16) 80 LINCOLN ST...................................... $399,000 B: Mackenson Adescar S: Jaime L Sepulveda Book/Page: 70732/39, Date: 07/09/24 53 ROYALSTON RD N............................ $186,000 B: Samuel Black S: Joseph P Bulger 3rd Book/Page: 70735/87, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Clinton Svgs Bk $180,420 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 33541sf Prior Sale: $40,000 (05/19) 36 TOLMAN RD..................................... $390,000 B: Christopher Tibbetts & Melissa Tibbetts S: Jose S Lopez & Johanna Dipre-Rojas Book/Page: 70732/130, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Citizens Bank $370,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Split Entry, Lot: 104980sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (08/22)

Worcester MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 405 Median Price $380,000

YTD 2024 385 $408,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 59 APTHORP ST.................................... B: Dominic R Faiola S: Apthorp Realty LLC Book/Page: 70745/360, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Bank of Canton $167,900 Term: 2054 Use: 1 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 4001sf 74 BAY EDGE DR................................... B: Joseph Fontecchio & Jodi Fontecchio S: Sunita Puri & Ashok Puri Book/Page: 70742/108, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: T2 Financial LLC $506,250 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 12800sf Prior Sale: $583,500 (07/22)



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4



154 BEAVERBROOK PKWY................... $370,000 B: Ruth E Martinez & Jeovanny D Lantigua-Gil S: Zachariah T Beshai Book/Page: 70735/389, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: CMG Mortgage Inc $351,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 13020sf Prior Sale: $100,000 (12/13) 21 BITTERSWEET BLVD........................ $455,000 B: Gage Steigelman & Christina Diaz S: Bruna S Loja & Edison X Minchalo Book/Page: 70730/327, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $426,800 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 5871sf Prior Sale: $407,000 (09/23) 248 BURNCOAT ST................................ $460,000 B: Manes Derice & Vignoble Sylvestre S: Thomas P Mccarthy Jr & Lea K Mccarthy Book/Page: 70752/104, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $277,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 7150sf Prior Sale: $325,000 (07/20) 81 CARTER RD...................................... $555,000 B: Franc Kulla & Elseid Kulla S: David P Soloperto Book/Page: 70738/372, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $444,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 16000sf 57 CASTINE ST...................................... $538,900 B: Sith Riantawan & Patricia S Riantawan S: Whippoor LLC Book/Page: 70745/108, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Leader Bank NA $268,900 Term: 2054 Use: Residential Developable Land, Lot: 4188sf 27 COUNTY ST....................................... $263,055 B: M Homes LLC S: Freedom Mortgage Corp Book/Page: 70731/200, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 5026sf Prior Sale: $253,521 (05/23) 34 ELECTRIC ST.................................... $370,000 B: Stephen Reddy & Kristin Shorey S: Agnieszka I Kaszper & Aleksander J Kaszper Book/Page: 70737/370, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $363,298 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 9600sf Prior Sale: $210,000 (05/05) 160 FREMONT ST U:307....................... $320,000 B: Young Cho & Collinn Cho S: Ferdinand S Ladia Book/Page: 70743/143, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: General Mortgage Corp $220,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $237,900 (03/06) 11 GIBBS ST U:C35............................... $215,000 B: Yupeng Tu & Xi Lu S: Loo M Cheah Book/Page: 70728/121, Date: 07/08/24 Use: 1 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $60,000 (08/00) 86 GRANITE ST..................................... $825,100 B: Gurvinder Arora & Jyoti Arora S: T&k Re Holdings LLC Book/Page: 70738/212, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Berkshire Bank $618,825 Term: 2054 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 11044sf Prior Sale: $245,200 (04/08) 21 HADWEN LN..................................... $510,000 B: Clare L Cady S: Joesph P Okeefe Book/Page: 70730/53, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: New American Funding $400,000 Term: 2054 Use: 6 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 4502sf Prior Sale: $147,500 (11/89) 89 HADWEN RD..................................... $490,000 B: Gafur Xhemollari & Ditirie Xhemollari S: Denise A Osborn & Jodi T Osborn Book/Page: 70741/79, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: New American Funding $380,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Bngl/Cottage, Lot: 8208sf 23 HAROLD ST...................................... $330,000 B: Sandra L Davis & Charles M Davis S: Adam Yanez & Jessica Yanez Book/Page: 70751/198, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Evolve B&T $295,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 4900sf Prior Sale: $281,500 (05/21) 6 KENYON AVE...................................... $380,000 B: Maria L Santos S: Cristian M Mejias Book/Page: 70751/394, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $315,425 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5128sf Prior Sale: $136,500 (07/14) 5 LEBANON ST U:1................................ $260,000 B: Lavinia V Valentim & Gilmar T Defaria S: David Markey Book/Page: 70752/293, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $247,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $115,000 (01/17) 1 MARIE ST........................................... $645,000 B: Veronique Gourene & Christian D Galwey S: Karen Morrissey, Tr for Kehoe Lt Book/Page: 70738/141, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $483,750 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Duplex, Lot: 9324sf 3 MARIE ST........................................... $645,000 B: Veronique Gourene & Christian D Galwey S: Karen Morrissey, Tr for Kehoe Lt Book/Page: 70738/141, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $483,750 Term: 2054 465 MASSASOIT RD.............................. $689,000 B: Daniel Addy & Hilda Asante S: Hung T Vuong Book/Page: 70744/245, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: New American Funding $593,750 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 9750sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (06/21) 422 MILL ST.......................................... $440,000 B: Joshua Mcrae & Alexandria Nuccio S: Vincent J Palumbo & Kathleen A Palumbo Doc#: 000000000123353, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Sofi Bank Na $426,800 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 8594sf 495 MILL ST U:495............................... $300,000 B: Joan D Mahoney S: Laura M Hadley & Christopher A Hadley Book/Page: 70731/389, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Cornerstone Bank $255,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $218,000 (09/21)

38 MODOC ST........................................ $550,000 B: Elena Shestopalova & Matvei Shestopalov S: St Anthony Realty LLC Book/Page: 70741/161, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Duplex, Lot: 4012sf 36 MONTAGUE ST................................. $410,000 B: Oscar A Fuentes & Adolfo M Hernandez S: Robervan S Santos Book/Page: 70752/165, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $402,573 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 10341sf Prior Sale: $281,333 (03/24) 84 NEWTON AVE N................................ $475,000 B: Waled Bayumi & Ahlam A Ali S: Sophia M Campbell, Tr for Kosta Milio Irt Book/Page: 70737/124, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: New American Funding $350,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 14949sf 20 OLEAN ST......................................... $369,900 B: Alvin Rodriguez & Samvannah Blow S: Dale Pasino Book/Page: 70730/107, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $295,920 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 6576sf Prior Sale: $159,900 (08/14) 38 PARADOX DR................................... $424,000 B: Daniel D Schnoebelen & Sarah Lucie S: Michael D Flanagan & Elizabeth A Flanagan Book/Page: 70749/45, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Bank of America NA $381,600 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 8059sf 5 S WARD ST........................................ $460,000 B: Marlon G Desouza S: Trang Nguyen Book/Page: 70739/149, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $451,668 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3878sf Prior Sale: $41,000 (06/12) 7 SAINT MARKS RD.............................. $590,000 B: Anthony K Owusu & Ambar C Garcia S: Robin M Read Book/Page: 70743/180, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: US Bank NA $531,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 9476sf Prior Sale: $270,000 (10/12) 278 SAINT NICHOLAS AVE.................... $389,900 B: Torey Niles S: Ryan Anger & Stephanie Anger Book/Page: 70738/67, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Paramount Res Mtg Gp $382,837 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 5700sf Prior Sale: $271,000 (06/20) 5 STATE ST U:R4................................... $260,000 B: Ronald F Premo 3rd S: Gregory E Swank, Tr for Bolger Reve Edual T Book/Page: 70737/252, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $48,500 (06/12) 8 TIHONET ST........................................ $770,000 B: Kofi Asare & Alice Asare S: Maria G Michas Book/Page: 70740/273, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Bristol Cnty Svgs Bk $693,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.4% Type: Adj Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 12000sf Prior Sale: $450,000 (11/17) 43 WEATHERSTONE DR U:43................ $410,000 B: Moses S Dixon S: Brown James E Est & Carol A Nabors Book/Page: 70741/1, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: St Marys Credit Union $389,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $259,000 (06/08) 142 WINIFRED AVE............................... $650,000 B: William F Bourbeau & Lauren E Bourbeau S: Steven J Tankanow Doc#: 000000000123342, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Milbury Fcu $520,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.3% Type: Adj Use: 3 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 24280sf Prior Sale: $281,000 (10/99)

▶ FORECLOSURE DEEDS 3 GRANVILLE AVE................................. B: 28 Kitchen Cabinet LLC S: Antonio Ramos & Wilmington TNa Tr Book/Page: 70739/2, Date: 07/10/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 6420sf Prior Sale: $125,000 (02/03)


Worcester Registry Northern District Kathleen R. Daigneault, Esq. 166 Boulder Drive, Suite 202 Fitchburg, MA 01420 Telephone: (978) 342-2637 Fax: (978) 345-2865

Ashburnham MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 35 Median Price $360,000

YTD 2024 37 $400,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 14 JUNIPER RD..................................... $430,000 B: Crystal J Regan S: Jenna Smolko-Jaser & Nicole Smolk-Jaser Book/Page: 10796/80, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $422,211 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 48382sf Prior Sale: $294,000 (10/17) 12 MISTLETOE DR................................. $517,500 B: Benjamin L Waddell S: Christina Peura Book/Page: 10795/323, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Better Mtg Corp Isaoa $465,750 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Contemporary, Lot: 17680sf Prior Sale: $453,900 (05/21)

41 MURRAY RD..................................... B: Patrick J Wood S: Ann M Bryant Book/Page: 10798/125, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $308,750 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 73939sf


MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 93 Median Price $425,000

YTD 2024 106 $450,500


Fitchburg MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 149 Median Price $345,000


YTD 2024 137 $372,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 4 BEVERLY PL U:B................................ $250,000 B: Ruby Y James S: Vishal Madan & Chitra Arora Book/Page: 10798/8, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $225,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $50,000 (01/14) 208 BLOSSOM ST.................................. $425,000 B: Marleny Ravelo S: Ludwin Properties LLC Book/Page: 10799/24, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $361,250 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 3563sf Prior Sale: $113,900 (09/90) 236 BLOSSOM ST.................................. $500,000 B: Rebeca Burdeinick-Kerr & Ian T Kerr S: Gerado Sanchez Book/Page: 10797/319, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Eastern Bank $200,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 18936sf Prior Sale: $175,100 (01/21) 44 CONSTITUTION DR U:44................... $330,000 B: Talezsha Brown S: Heather J Sedani Book/Page: 10796/145, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Eastern Bank $313,500 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $275,000 (04/23) 4 DWIGHT ST......................................... $423,230 B: Samnan Long & Tuong Nguyen S: Adam A Annable Book/Page: 10799/77, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Pennymac Loan Service $415,562 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5001sf Prior Sale: $360,000 (03/23) 165 FAIRMOUNT ST.............................. $65,000 B: Scott P Morrisey, Tr for 155 Hamilton Street Rt S: Ohr LLC Book/Page: 10796/255, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Office Bldg-General, Lot: 5998sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (08/02) 177-179 FAIRMOUNT ST....................... $65,000 B: Scott P Morrisey, Tr for 155 Hamilton Street Rt S: Ohr LLC Book/Page: 10796/255, Date: 07/09/24 Use: Commercial Devlpble Land, Lot: 5998sf Prior Sale: $4,000 (06/09) 1 HALE ST............................................. $312,000 B: Luis Almonte S: Francheska Velez Book/Page: 10796/26, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: MLD Mortgage Inc $456,827 Term: 2054 Use: 3-Family Mlti-Unt Blg, Lot: 3859sf Prior Sale: $318,000 (12/22) 14 JOHNSON ST.................................... $343,000 B: Thomas Creamer & Jeffrey Montville S: Michael Higgins & Donna Higgins Book/Page: 10796/259, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Guild Mortgage Co $302,500 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 3838sf Prior Sale: $224,000 (10/20) 9 MARTEL ST........................................ $400,000 B: Guilbert Baez S: Make Invs Great Again LLC Book/Page: 10798/312, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Primelending $392,755 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 4844sf Prior Sale: $130,000 (09/23) 459 OAK HILL RD.................................. $600,000 B: Cesar A Filh & Lindsey M Borges S: Josiahs Ultimate Hm LLC Book/Page: 10797/215, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Movement Mtg LLC $551,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2-Family Two Family, Lot: 12001sf Prior Sale: $275,000 (11/23) 65 OVERLAND ST.................................. $450,000 B: Juan A Fernandez & Vivian A Fernandez S: Luis Rivera & Melissa V Acosta-Correa Book/Page: 10795/256, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $441,849 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 14218sf Prior Sale: $177,000 (08/07) 8 PARK ST............................................. $216,000 B: New England Hm Buyers LLC S: Ronald J Ekstrom & Carol L Ekstrom Book/Page: 10797/281, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 5563sf Prior Sale: $160,000 (09/04) 15 REDMAN PL..................................... $180,000 B: Thomas Xiong S: Patricia M Seguin Book/Page: 10798/227, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Rocket Mortgage LLC $171,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 9252sf Prior Sale: $87,900 (10/12) 320 RIVER ST........................................ $520,000 B: Fitchburg Self-Storage LL S: Dorothy Rouleau Book/Page: 10795/138, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Bank Five Nine $1,998,000 Use: Commercial Warehouse, Lot: 13116sf 21 UNION ST.......................................... $490,000 B: Leah Daniel & Charles Daniel S: Ceve Property Invest LLC Book/Page: 10798/148, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: American Ngbd Mtg Acc $481,124 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 2444sf Prior Sale: $155,000 (05/23)

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

227 DAY ST........................................... $330,000 B: Sebastian C Rios S: Michael P Dameri & Kristine Dameri Book/Page: 10797/165, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $320,100 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12680sf Prior Sale: $195,000 (04/24) 33 LANCASTER ST................................ $690,000 B: Frances W Deoliveira & Lorrainy Oliveira S: Travis D Fafard & Whitney P Fafard Book/Page: 10799/56, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Radius Financial Grp $561,660 Term: 2054 Use: Apartment Bldg - 4-8 Units, Lot: 6923sf Prior Sale: $180,000 (12/12) 33 MALBURN ST................................... $470,000 B: Henry De La Cruz S: Regina Cormier & Abel J Savoie Book/Page: 10796/189, Date: 07/09/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $454,313 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 12537sf 149 N MAIN ST...................................... $320,000 B: Maria A Giorello S: David Vicari Book/Page: 10798/331, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $256,000 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 5794sf Prior Sale: $175,000 (05/18) 158 PLEASANT ST................................ $1,450,000 B: 158 Pleasant LLC S: 152 Pleasant Ave LLC Book/Page: 10799/96, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: Leominster CU $2,160,000 Use: Mixed Use-Prim Comm & Resd, Lot: 68389sf Prior Sale: $750,000 (12/22) 9 PROSPECT HTS.................................. $265,000 B: Roberto Ciccarelli S: Defelice Thomas C Est & Barbara L Defelice Book/Page: 10795/351, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Latitude Capital LLC $200,000 Use: 2 Bdrm Raised Ranch, Lot: 12671sf 28 SYCAMORE DR U:28........................ $299,900 B: Lynda Baliunas S: Deborah A Truax, Tr for Robert L Truax Book/Page: 10798/278, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: NFM Inc $86,900 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $145,500 (05/09) 31 SYCAMORE DR U:31........................ $300,000 B: Suzanne Hubschwerlin S: Tiffany Zayas & Xsabiel Zayas Book/Page: 10795/284, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Salem Five Mtg Co $240,000 Term: 2054 Rate: 6.8% Type: Adj Use: 2 Bdrm Condo Prior Sale: $165,000 (07/18) 90 SYLVAN AVE.................................... $365,000 B: Thomas Grady & Caitlin Miller S: Federal Natl Mtg Assn Book/Page: 10798/58, Date: 07/11/24 Mtg: Total Mtg Svcs $346,750 Term: 2054 Use: 2 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 7000sf Prior Sale: $160,100 (11/02) 150 WILLOW ST.................................... $476,000 B: Phillip Regan & Ashley Brochu S: Toby A Rhoades & Victoria A Rhoades Book/Page: 10796/226, Date: 07/09/24 Use: 5 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 65340sf Prior Sale: $280,000 (06/23)

Lunenburg MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 46 Median Price $472,500

YTD 2024 68 $530,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 92 LAUREL LN....................................... $621,500 B: Ryan P Mccann & Alysse N Mccann S: Carol M Casson & Bruce A Casson Book/Page: 10798/46, Date: 07/11/24 Use: 3 Bdrm Ranch, Lot: 15290sf 60 NORTHFIELD RD............................... $680,000 B: John P Zalaket & Jaime G Crowley-Zalaket S: Joanne Mctiernan Book/Page: 10798/364, Date: 07/12/24 Mtg: United Wholesale Mtg $612,000 Term: 2054 Use: 4 Bdrm Colonial, Lot: 64904sf Prior Sale: $396,900 (08/15) 10 SANDY COVE RD.............................. $627,000 B: Matthew Furtado & Christine Furtado S: Jessica Ayer Book/Page: 10796/358, Date: 07/10/24 Mtg: Geneva Financial LLC $399,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Cape Cod, Lot: 22216sf Prior Sale: $307,000 (02/08)

Westminster MARKET STATISTICS THROUGH JUNE YTD 2023 Number of 1-Fam Sales 39 Median Price $530,000

YTD 2024 43 $500,000

▶ REAL ESTATE SALES 2 BAKERS DR........................................ $550,000 B: Michael Mcnamara & Shelby Mcnamara S: Jeffrey J Pelletier & Karen E Pelletier Book/Page: 10795/311, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Jeffrey J Pelletier $495,000 Term: 2044 Use: 2 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 29185sf Prior Sale: $287,400 (07/05) 188 STATE RD W................................... $380,000 B: Matthew R Hennessey S: Charity T Sunrise Book/Page: 10795/174, Date: 07/08/24 Mtg: Guaranteed Rate Inc $361,000 Term: 2054 Use: 3 Bdrm Conventional, Lot: 31363sf Prior Sale: $120,000 (02/17)



J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

Credit Records Voluntary Bankruptcies Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.

These are Chapter 7 Liquidations in which a debtor turns over all property owned to be converted into money which is used to pay administration costs and creditors to the extent possible. Honest debtors receive a discharge relieving them from legal liability for the payment of provable debts listed in the petition with some specific exemptions, most notably taxes and support payments. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#). BARNSTABLE

Falmouth GARRISON, Ann B, 100 Teaticket Hwy U:2208, Falmouth, 02536-5615 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11416

Provincetown NIKOLENKO, Sergey, 73 Howland St, Provincetown, 02657-1600 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11426


Great Barrington RIVENSON, Alan P, 5 Highland Dr, Great Barrington, 01230-1536 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-30351


Fall River DESROSIERS, Sherry L, 612 Tucker St U:2, Fall River, 02721-3342 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11417 SOUSA, Ann, 47 Barrett St, Fall River, 02724 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-11410


Oak Bluffs

REED, Judith A, 91 Colonial Vlg, Amherst, 010022639 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-30345

Federal Tax Liens

GODEK, Melanie, 14 Sunset Rd, Oak Bluffs, 02557 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11425

Filed: Clerk’s Office, US District Court, Boston.

Easthampton GROCHOWSKI, Charles E, 22 Nashawannuck St, Easthampton, 01027-2432 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-30341


Lowell CHIN, Danny, 833 Stevens St, Lowell, 01851 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-40739 DELEHANTY, Carolyn M, 305 Dutton St U:504, Lowell, 01854-4263 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-40742


Saugus DUSABLON, Richard Henry, 7 Naples Ave, Saugus, 01906 D:07/14/24 Case#: 24-11388

Somerville AGUIAR, Sarah Jean, 11 Grand View Ave U:1, Somerville, 02143-1811 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-11412

Watertown ARAYA, Margarita, 332 Belmont St U:1, Watertown, 02472-1303 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-11413


GIUNTA, Diana M, 40 Delano Ave, Quincy, 02169 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-11391 LY, Dieu Cam, 100 W Squantum St U:403, Quincy, 02171-2132 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11406



DARCY, Katherine Rose, 757-759 Washington St, Whitman, 02382 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11414

WORCESTER BARRON, Joanne, 34 Doe Valley Rd, Athol, 01331 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-40750

Dudley ARCURI, Lorenza D, 30 Oxford Ave U:3, Dudley, 01571-3220 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-40736 BISHOP, John R Jr , 168 W Main St, Dudley, 015713818 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-40741

Upton AYCOCK, Dorothy D, 134 Main St U:502, Upton, 01568-1648 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-40732

Worcester VUONG, Quay N, 151 Olean St, Worcester, 01602 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-40748


Fitchburg GUALDARRAMA, Melvin R, 373 Water St U:1, Fitchburg, 01420-5601 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-40746


Peabody MACK, Theodore P, 20 Central St U:513, Peabody, 01960-4341 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-11433

Rowley DICICCO, Eleanor A, 190 Main St, Rowley, 01969 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11427

Saugus KEITH VATER, Robert Jr , 14 Springdale Ave, Saugus, 01906 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-11409


Hampden HERNANDEZ-MUNIZ, Marco A, 292 Allen St, Hampden, 01036 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-30346


PHAN, Vuong M, 102 Garden St, West Springfield, 01089 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-30343

MCDONALD, Daniel, 70 Canavan Dr, Braintree, 02184 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-11431

Brookline CLARK, Amy E, 33 Oakland Rd, Brookline, 02445 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11397



RAMOS, Michael D, 339 Lawton St, Fall River, 02721 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11415


PIRES FINCL SERVICES LLC, 38 S Main St, Acushnet, 02743-2847 D:07/12/24 Tax:1120 Amt: $50,558


Lawrence MEJIAS, Maria S, 37 Falmouth St, Lawrence, 018432201 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $10,146

Methuen FORD, Ann M, 19 Somerset St, Methuen, 01844-5408 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $26,131


WILLOUGHBY, Gerald M, 3 Surrey Ln, Milton, 02186 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11401

Norwood JEFFERY, Ricquelle, 239 Washington St, Norwood, 02062 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-11395

Sharon ASLAM, Naveed, 63 Forge Rd, Sharon, 02067 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11404


Brockton HAYLES, Wesley M, 274 Green St, Brockton, 02301 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-11435

Duxbury CAMPBELL, Katherine M, 90 Stagecoach Rd, Duxbury, 02332-4746 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-11390

Dorchester POINDEXTER, Theresa, 8 Michigan Ave, Dorchester, 02121 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-11389


YOUNG, John K, 11 Bopete Ln, Tewksbury, 01876 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $30,996 CAMS DISPOSAL INC, 3 Jewel Dr, Wilmington, 018873368 D:07/09/24 Tax:941 Amt: $19,732


Framingham D L C CORP, 30 Livoli Rd, Framingham, 01701-3852 D:07/09/24 Tax:1120 Amt: $8,146 SUMBUL Z NAQVI DMD INC, 223 Walnut St, Framingham, 01702-7543 D:07/09/24 Tax:941 Amt: $140,441

Medford BUKHARI, Omar, 100 Station Lndg U:302, Medford, 02155 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $291,295

Newton LINDMARK, Pamela, 43 Hobart Rd, Newton, 02459 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $141,178

Waltham STAR, Marriah, 104 College Farm Rd, Waltham, 02451-3106 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $5,541 MEJIA, Francisco L, 149 Grove St, Waltham, 024538323 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $3,704

Winchester SALVIETTI, David R & SALVIETTI, Tara M, 9 Squire Rd, Winchester, 01890 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $64,223




FEVRIER, Marlaine, 21 Brahms St, Roslindale, 02131 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11396

MALLICK, Robert J & BOYCE, Camilla, 21 Sterling Rd, Wellesley, 02482 D:07/08/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $558,080


HILL, Marcus A, 18 Arrowhead Way, Rutland, 01543 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-40735

Webster WARD, Peter L, 66 Old Douglas Rd, Webster, 015703206 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-40747


Bridgewater LEHNER, Jason R, 351 South St, Bridgewater, 02324 D:07/08/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $75,785

Marshfield WOODS, Stephen E & WOODS, Patricia A, 4 Lilac Way, Marshfield, 02050 D:07/08/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $78,540


Blackstone QUIJANO, Castano R & OBANDO, Mendez A, 12 Saint Paul St, Blackstone, 01504-2211 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $6,688

Charlton LATOURS TWISTED SPOKE LLC, 6 Depot Rd, Charlton, 01540-1208 D:07/08/24 Tax:940 Amt: $172,697

Douglas EMX CONTROLS INC, 100 Davis St, Douglas, 015162310 D:07/09/24 Tax:6721 Amt: $94,206

Leicester CARPENTER, Brian & CARPENTER, Juliana, 8 Conway St, Leicester, 01607-1737 D:07/08/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $103,654

Northborough NORTHBORO OIL CO INC, 247 W Main St, Northborough, 01532-1847 D:07/08/24 Amt: $100,718

Shrewsbury SILVA, Ronildo, 16 Upland Ave, Shrewsbury, 015453022 D:07/08/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $26,759 B INSPIRED PROPERTIES LLC, 39 Phillips Ave, Shrewsbury, 01545-2154 D:07/08/24 Tax:940 Amt: $33,690 ROCHA, Jesus F, 237 South St, Shrewsbury, 015455400 D:07/08/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $31,596

Sturbridge SANCHEZ, Dominic & SANCHEZ, Kimberly, 5 Apple Hill Rd, Sturbridge, 01566-1223 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $34,974 SANCHEZ, Kimberly, 5 Apple Hill Rd, Sturbridge, 01566-1223 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $16,759

Uxbridge CHAGNON, Theresa, 6 William Ward St, Uxbridge, 01569 D:07/08/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $22,987

REDEMPTION ROCK BREWERY C, 333 Shrewsbury St, Worcester, 01604-4614 D:07/08/24 Tax:941 Amt: $6,640


Westminster MORAN, Marcus 3rd & MORAN, Jennifer, 32 Bartherick Rd, Westminster, 01473 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $179,656

State Tax Liens Filed: Registry of Deeds

Liens are placed by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue on the property of the taxpayer deemed to be in default on taxes. If the lien is not fully satisfied, the property may be sold at public auction. Releases are not published. The name and address of the taxpayer and the filing date (D) is listed followed by the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) which includes penalties and interest as of the filing date. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed.


Dennis LARKOWSKI, Jeffrey, 91 Hokum Rock Rd, Dennis, 02638-2538 D:07/12/24 Amt:$26,776

Hyannis DJUVIK, Patrick, 53 Norris St, Hyannis, 02601-4416 D:07/12/24 Amt:$5,337

Mashpee KERRIGAN, Richard G, 28 N Way, Mashpee, 026493528 D:07/12/24 Amt:$25,777




HANNAN, Michelle A, 56 Paradox Dr, Worcester, 01602-1321 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-40744

WINN, Andre, 1395 Commonwealth Ave, Allston, 02134-5008 D:07/11/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $56,208


SMITH, Rickey E, 235 Moss Hill Rd, Jamaica Plain, 02130 D:07/11/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $157,167

FERREIRA, Adelino A & ROCHA, Daniela, 66 Vincent Cir, Worcester, 01604-3462 D:07/08/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $28,681



Jamaica Plain


COSTELLO CLIMATE CONTROL, 10 Bretts Farm Rd, Norfolk, 02056-1924 D:07/08/24 Tax:941 Amt: $707

DONAIS, Jordan Ronayne, 41 Dudley Rd, Oxford, 01540-2217 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-40737

FERNANDEZ, Leury, 127 Spencer St, Dorchester, 02124-1947 D:07/11/24 Tax:941 Amt: $41,689

HUN, Sovanna, 35 Maude St, Lowell, 01851-1827 D:07/09/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $18,758

SADIK, Hamza, 230 Revere St, Revere, 02151-4603 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-11430










HOOLEY, Leah M, 3 Gable Way, Medway, 02053 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-40751

Filed: Office of the Clerk, US Bankruptcy Court, O’Neill Federal Office Building, Boston.

Fall River

DANG, Mai H, 160 Macarthur Blvd, Bourne, 025323902 D:07/08/24 Tax:6721 Amt: $23,929


BINGHAM, Christopher L, 1296 Pond St, Franklin, 02038 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-40740

RODERICK, Melanie F, 116 Fearing Hill Rd, Wareham, 02576 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11420

Springfield West Springfield


Chapter 13 Bankruptcies

KENNEDY, John A 3rd , 85 Eastern Promenade St, Holyoke, 01040 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-30350 STROUT, Kristie L, 271 Pheland St, Springfield, 01109-1319 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-30344



These allow for an adjustment of debt. An individual with a regular income proposes a plan to pay off debts from future earnings over a period of time between three to five years. Usually these payments are in full satisfaction of the debt, but may be a percentage of them. Upon completion, the debtor receives a discharge of all debts covered by the plan except child support and alimony, if applicable. The name and mailing address of the person or entity filing the petition is followed by the filing date (D) and the case number (Case#)


MIDDLESEX SOUTH BURNS, Robert Wingfield, 17 Bedford Ln, Lincoln, 01773 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11398

FIGUEIRA, Nelson, 154 Forsythe Cir, Seekonk, 027715651 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11421

BOWDEN, Joan H, 204 Fayette St, Lynn, 01902-2242 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11403

SMITH, Stacey Nicole, 43-45 Pasco Rd, Springfield, 01151 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-30340

JOHNSON, Debra A, 65 Webster St U:103, Weymouth, 02190-2005 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11422



LAVENDER, Jestine, 114 Lucerne Rd, Springfield, 01119 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-30349



NOYES, Laurie Lynn, 6 Summit Ave, Haverhill, 018305911 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-40738



BARTHEL, James M, 7 Amber Way, Raynham, 027675101 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-11432





Liens are placed by the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, on the property, real or personal, of any taxpaying entity deemed to be in default on taxes. Releases are not published. The name and address of the taxpayer and filing date (D) of the lien is listed; the type(s) of tax for which the lien is made (Tax) and the dollar amount assessed (Amt) follows. If more than one tax is owed, the amount shown is the total of all amounts assessed. Types of tax include 941 FICA and Withholding Tax; 940 Federal Unemployment Tax; 1040 Individual Income Tax; 2290 Highway Use Tax; 1120 Corporate Tax; 720 Excise Tax.


JOHNSON, Tara Marie, 19 Gorwin Dr, Medway, 02053 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-40734


ANGELARI, Kristine Helen, 28 Pamela Ln U:28, Amesbury, 01913 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11402

BIGELOW, Mark E, 390 W Hawley Rd, Hawley, 01339 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-30348

COLON, Aurelio, 66 Sherwood Ter, Holyoke, 01040 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-30342

HAKEEM, Samuel, 15 Reed Ave, North Attleboro, 02760 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11423





BROWN, James Christopher, 143 Plymouth St, Pembroke, 02359 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-11434

KFB&ASSOCIATES CONSULTING, PO Box 1447, Tisbury, 02575 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11419


GHARZOULI, Larbi Cherif, 38 Stearns St, Malden, 02148-7119 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11399

North Attleboro


LANOUETTE, Joseph H, 4 Jasper St, Methuen, 01844 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-40749


LAPLANTE, Nadia, 456 Summer St, Brockton, 02302 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-11392



VALENTE, Ilidio F S Jr , 4 Princeton St, Peabody, 01960 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-11428


BARLOW, Robert S, 227 Church St, New Bedford, 02745 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11405 MELLO, Pauline M, 27 Vernon St, New Bedford, 02745-5614 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-11394 RODRIGUEZ, Rafael, 3300 Acushnet Ave U:106, New Bedford, 02745-3926 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-11393 ROSA, Encarnacion, 13 New Plainville Rd, New Bedford, 02745-4922 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-11408

BAQUERO, Luis E, 47 Hallenan Ave, Lawrence, 01841 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-40752


ASHWORTH, David G, 462 Thacher St, Attleboro, 02703 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11418 CHANDLER, Cathy Lee, 79 Hemlock Dr, Attleboro, 02703 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11400

New Bedford



LARSEN, Rikk I, 11 Follen St U:11, Cambridge, 02138-3502 D:07/19/24 Case#: 24-11429



WHITE, Stephanie, PO Box 2231, Oak Bluffs, 02557 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-11411









BISHOP, Jennifer, 89 Highland Ave, Pittsfield, 012012416 D:07/08/24 Amt:$33,753

DELANEY, Daniel J, 46 Cooper St, Boston, 021131620 D:07/11/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $44,027

BISHOP, Terry, 89 Highland Ave, Pittsfield, 012012416 D:07/08/24 Amt:$33,753


North Attleboro


LAPLANTE, Roberta J, 169 Bates Rd, Westfield, 01085 D:07/17/24 Case#: 24-30347

REARDON, William J, 401 Mount Hope St, North Attleboro, 02760 D:07/16/24 Case#: 24-11407

WARD-WALSH, Heather Ann, 107 2nd St, Leominster, 01453 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-40733




DONOVAN, Maryellen, 17 Cook St, Charlestown, 02129-1909 D:07/11/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $19,964


CORMIER, Andrew M, 972 Tinkham Rd, Wilbraham, 01095 D:07/15/24 Case#: 24-30339

CATTON, James M, 7 Village Rd, Raynham, 02767 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-11424

FORTUNEL, Wilbens, 164 N Common Rd, Westminster, 01473 D:07/18/24 Case#: 24-40745

FLYNN, Kenneth G, 30 Park St, Charlestown, 021293814 D:07/11/24 Tax:1040 Amt: $2,976

MARONEY 2nd, Timothy, 201 Cole Ave, Williamstown, 01267-2501 D:07/12/24 Amt:$49,456


©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.



Fall River DACOSTA, Pamela, 57 Carter St, Fall River, 027213507 D:07/12/24 Amt:$8,251 DACOSTA, Shawn, 57 Carter St, Fall River, 027213507 D:07/12/24 Amt:$8,251



PAVAO, Sandra, 55 Maple St, Wenham, 01984-1938 D:07/08/24 Amt:$347,383

M-B EXCAVATING INC, 9 Edgewood Rd, Scituate, 02066-4021 D:07/10/24 Amt:$25,994

ROMAN, Matthew, 55 Maple St, Wenham, 019841938 D:07/08/24 Amt:$347,383




DEMELLO, Jarid, 163 Haffards St, Fall River, 027232211 D:07/08/24 Amt:$45,574


CHEN, Ruoyu, 335 Huntington Rd, Boston, 02205 D:07/10/24 Amt:$10,815

MERCER, John, 1628 Highland Rd, Fall River, 02722 D:07/08/24 Amt:$17,828

UPTON, Mark, 5 E Buckland Rd, Buckland, 013709764 D:07/08/24 Amt:$23,174

LONGWOOD SECUR SVCS INC, 429 Newbury St, Boston, 02115-1801 D:07/10/24 Amt:$79,677



REBELLO, Thomas, 40 Hornet Rd, Swansea, 027771018 D:07/08/24 Amt:$18,500

STEWARD, Corrina, 331 Adamsville Rd, Colrain, 01340-9739 D:07/08/24 Amt:$16,141

PEACH FARM INC, 4 Tyler St, Boston, 02111-1904 D:07/10/24 Amt:$343,714


Attleboro PERRY, Wilfred, 125 Slater St, Attleboro, 02703-5400 D:07/12/24 Amt:$15,133

Orange DONNELLY, Robert, 756 S Main St, Orange, 013649505 D:07/08/24 Amt:$16,030


Charlestown HILL, Gregory, 46 Pleasant St, Charlestown, 021293341 D:07/10/24 Amt:$234,384

Dorchester ARIAS, Daurin O, 69 Stanwood St, Dorchester, 021212740 D:07/10/24 Amt:$335,988


Hyde Park


FITZELL, Ernest, 106 Chapin St, Holyoke, 01040-3550 D:07/11/24 Amt:$43,972

MILLS, Ana, 1406 River St, Hyde Park, 02136-2129 D:07/10/24 Amt:$946

SMITH & SONS CONTRACTING, 1063 Tucker Rd, Dartmouth, 02747-3119 D:07/12/24 Amt:$12,424


Jamaica Plain

ALLEN, Catherine C, 122 Dunn Rd, Longmeadow, 01106-1810 D:07/11/24 Amt:$127,395

THOMAS, Gregory, 6 Southbourne Rd, Jamaica Plain, 02130-4232 D:07/10/24 Amt:$13,113



DAVE WHITING CONST LLC, 177 Rocus St, Springfield, 01104-3236 D:07/11/24 Amt:$31,274

ROSLINDALE GROCERY STORE, 4140 Washington St, Roslindale, 02131-1734 D:07/10/24 Amt:$143,229

MARTINEZ, Bienvenido, 36 Commonwealth Ave, Springfield, 01108-2775 D:07/11/24 Amt:$11,730



TXEIXEIRA, Leila, 738 Smith Neck Rd, Dartmouth, 02748-1505 D:07/08/24 Amt:$3,588

New Bedford BETTENCOURT, Jose, 92 Tallman St, New Bedford, 02746-2038 D:07/12/24 Amt:$3,488 BETTENCOURT, Maria, 92 Tallman St, New Bedford, 02746-2038 D:07/12/24 Amt:$3,488 SEAL-A-MILL LLC, 55 Wamsutta St, New Bedford, 02740-7335 D:07/08/24 Amt:$18,118

POWER ENTERTAINMENT LLC, 232 Worthington St, Springfield, 01103-2302 D:07/11/24 Amt:$266,136


Westport MENEZES, Peter, 144 Davis Rd, Westport, 027903400 D:07/12/24 Amt:$20,449


Northampton ATA & EFE CORP, 18 Green St, Northampton, 010603708 D:07/12/24 Amt:$62,741


Oak Bluffs SOFFRON, Charles, 8 Potato Farm Rd, Oak Bluffs, 02557 D:07/08/24 Amt:$13,819


Lowell FILHO, Jose D, 6 Lenox St, Lowell, 01852-4737 D:07/10/24 Amt:$11,176


J&R GROCERY STORES INC, 165 High St, Lowell, 01852-2322 D:07/10/24 Amt:$4,222

M & R AUTOSALES LLC, 4 Galloupe Ave, Beverly, 01915-3353 D:07/11/24 Amt:$10,469

THOMAS, Robert, 227 Gorham St, Lowell, 018523351 D:07/10/24 Amt:$16,433


BROWN, Peter, 61 Quincy St, Roxbury, 02121-1333 D:07/10/24 Amt:$37,002



SUBWAY 29126 INC, 7 Sheryl Dr, Shrewsbury, 01545-3911 D:07/10/24 Amt:$5,397

Worcester JOHNSON, Juan, 15 Albany St, Worcester, 016043601 D:07/10/24 Amt:$26,320 NEW DIRECTION INC, 136 Millbury St, Worcester, 01610-2823 D:07/10/24 Amt:$7,799



CHANG, Danny, 9 Great Pond Rd, Boxford, 018453022 D:07/08/24 Amt:$81,265

PETERSON, Robert, 4 Yankee Division Rd, Bedford, 01730-2833 D:07/10/24 Amt:$23,035

CHANG, Joddi, 9 Great Pond Rd, Boxford, 018453022 D:07/08/24 Amt:$81,265


MARSHMALLOW, Cherry, 2 Ashby State Rd, Fitchburg, 01420-2002 D:07/08/24 Amt:$10,511

Essex VITA, Bella R, 109 Eastern Ave, Essex, 01929-1331 D:07/11/24 Amt:$33,219

Groveland DIAZ, Benancio, 1 Cranton Ave, Groveland, 018341407 D:07/11/24 Amt:$21,505

Cambridge OUHADI, Mounir, 175 Hancock St, Cambridge, 021391718 D:07/10/24 Amt:$92,185 BERGANZA, Jeidi I, 41 Tappan St, Everett, 021491307 D:07/10/24 Amt:$18,310

Attachments are liens on real property of defendant(s) to satisfy any potential judgement for damages and costs that may be awarded to the plaintiff(s). Prior notice to the defendant is required except in unusual circumstances when the court may allow an ex parte attachment without prior notice. The filing of an attachment does not mean that the plaintiff will win the lawsuit and by the time it appears here, it may have been released. We report only that an attachment was recorded; the registry of deeds must be checked for discharges or releases. The name and address of the defendant is followed by the Plaintiff making the claim. The filing date (D) at the registry of deeds and the potential award (Amt) is shown. If an address does not appear here, it was not available on the document we review.

MAZATLAN LLC, 1656 Worcester Rd, Framingham, 01702-5407 D:07/10/24 Amt:$8,746

SANTOS, Julio, 225 Golden Hill Ave, Haverhill, 018306548 D:07/11/24 Amt:$27,098

VIANA, Afonso, 1610 Worcester Rd, Framingham, 01702-5402 D:07/10/24 Amt:$10,703



GAUTHIER, Joseph, 12 Island Park Rd, Ipswich, 01938-2404 D:07/11/24 Amt:$4,518

BLANDINO, Manuel, 500 Broadway, Malden, 021482059 D:07/10/24 Amt:$4,295



ERNESTO AUTO SALES & REPA, 429 Eastern Ave, Lynn, 01902-1631 D:07/08/24 Amt:$51,436

FERREIRA, Shawn, 45 Madison Rd, Newton, 024815414 D:07/10/24 Amt:$61,810

PIMENTEL, Madison, 530 Eastern Ave, Lynn, 019021539 D:07/08/24 Amt:$30,983

HIMMELSTEIN, John, 1011 Washington St, Newton, 02460-1542 D:07/10/24 Amt:$4,174

PIMENTEL, Madison, 528 Eastern Ave, Lynn, 019021539 D:07/08/24 Amt:$37,187


Marblehead AUERBACH, Michael, 102 Front St, Marblehead, 01945-3547 D:07/08/24 Amt:$35,153 SEQUOIA BUILDERS INC, 10 Ames Rd, Marblehead, 01945-2702 D:07/11/24 Amt:$5,884 TULAMEX INC, 33 Smith St, Marblehead, 01945-2051 D:07/08/24 Amt:$28,124

CONWAY, Madeline, 26 Crescent St, Wakefield, 01880-2453 D:07/10/24 Amt:$12,900

Waltham NUNES, Nelson, 15 Lawrence Rd, Waltham, 024931142 D:07/10/24 Amt:$16,832

Watertown MECHERKY, Joseph, 144 Fayette St, Watertown, 02472-3708 D:07/10/24 Amt:$10,742




GALINDO, Paula, 126 Maple St, Middleton, 019492228 D:07/11/24 Amt:$17,963

AMERICAN BRAGA CONST INC, 45 Ruthellen Rd, Bellingham, 02019-1332 D:07/10/24 Amt:$14,391



DEANGELO, Mon, 115 High St, Newbury, 01950-3963 D:07/08/24 Amt:$452,024

PAPDOPOULOS, George, 692 Washington St, Braintree, 02184-5716 D:07/10/24 Amt:$10,959

LYONS, Mark, 37 Central St, Newbury, 01922-1526 D:07/08/24 Amt:$14,073


Newburyport JOHNSON, Brendon, 65 Curzon Mill Rd, Newburyport, 01950-6251 D:07/11/24 Amt:$8,253

Peabody 31 LYNNFIELD CORP INC, 31 Lynnfield St, Peabody, 01960-5731 D:07/08/24 Amt:$14,529 YOUNAN, Ehab, 9 Sutton St, Peabody, 01960-6063 D:07/11/24 Amt:$224

Salem BLUE FEZ INC, 118 Washington St, Salem, 019703507 D:07/08/24 Amt:$31,477 DENTREMONT, Debra, 4 Boston St, Salem, 019702104 D:07/08/24 Amt:$14,451 KILBRIDE, Jacqueline, 74 Bridge St, Salem, 019704149 D:07/08/24 Amt:$21,092

Saugus BERRY PIZZA INC, 465 Essex St, Saugus, 01906-4144 D:07/11/24 Amt:$4,099 MY BROTHERS CAB INC, 484 Central St, Saugus, 01906-3745 D:07/11/24 Amt:$36,826

Topsfield MASIZ, John, 26 High St, Topsfield, 01983-1404 D:07/11/24 Amt:$9,353 OSTERIA PEPPINO PIZZERIA, 414 Boston St, Topsfield, 01983-1544 D:07/08/24 Amt:$7,984

Attachments Filed: Registry of Deeds.


PIMENTEL, Wesley, 45 Linwood Rd, Lynn, 019051612 D:07/08/24 Amt:$37,187

SALGADO, Luis, 1 Northman Passway, Fitchburg, 01420-2311 D:07/08/24 Amt:$14,357




Boxford CONROY FAMILY RET & Lois Conroy Tr, 40 Herrick Rd, Boxford Plaintiff: Robert Carnaroli D:07/09/24 Amt:$35,000


CRUISE, Timothy, 177 Indian Ln, Canton, 02021-3513 D:07/10/24 Amt:$25,545



BOUCHARD, Marcus, 26 Sherwood Rd, Longmeadow Plaintiff: Danielle Shrair D:07/09/24 Amt:$20,000

MICHELANGELO, Anthony, 1087 Front St, Weymouth, 02190-1719 D:07/10/24 Amt:$12,678



Bridgewater MURPHY, Charles, 1105 South St, Bridgewater, 02324-2953 D:07/10/24 Amt:$20,603

Brockton ESTRELLA INC, 600 Oak St, Brockton, 02301-1346 D:07/10/24 Amt:$16,870 FLAVA JAMAICA RESTAURANT, 21 Torrey St, Brockton, 02301-4857 D:07/10/24 Amt:$22,011

Duxbury GOODRICH, Emily, 31 Cove St, Duxbury, 02332-3841 D:07/10/24 Amt:$37,436

MIDDLESEX NORTH SEM, Moeun, 82 Dover St, Lowell Plaintiff: Wokers Fcu D:07/11/24 Amt:$12,000


Acton HOUSE, Holland, 15 Blueberry Path, Acton Plaintiff: Hackney Hm Furnishings In D:07/11/24 Amt:$20,494

Woburn PATEL, Niles, 17 Granny Smith Ln, Woburn Plaintiff: Shital Fatel D:07/11/24 Amt:$3,730,000 PATEL, Niles, 17 Granny Smith Ln, Woburn Plaintiff: Shital Fatel D:07/11/24 Amt:$3,730,000


GOODRICH, Robin, 31 Cove St, Duxbury, 02332-3841 D:07/10/24 Amt:$37,436

Plymouth County


BAY POINTE CLUB INC, Plymouth County Plaintiff: Qjm Const Mgmt Co Inc D:07/10/24 Amt:$12,500

GUINEY, Tamra, 239 Mount Blue St, Norwell, 020611011 D:07/10/24 Amt:$18,222



HYACINTHE, Gerard, 12 Lake St, Shrewsbury, 015455924 D:07/10/24 Amt:$7,792




LARAMEE, Steven, 28 Craig St, Plymouth, 023602193 D:07/10/24 Amt:$28,062

LOPES, Antonio, 159 Cherry St, Brockton Plaintiff: Thomas Bonnenfant D:07/08/24 Amt:$40,593

511 Essex St Owner:John Lembidakis L:Amos Financial LLC Case#:24 SM 002557 Filing Date:07/17/24

Topsfield 80 Parsonage Ln Owner:Leslie H Quigley L:Santander Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002517 Filing Date:07/15/24


Hampden 54 Genevieve Dr Owner:Susan Crowley L:Rocket Mtg LLC Case#:24 SM 002504 Filing Date:07/12/24

Holyoke 2006 Northampton St Owner:Phillip D Labonte L:Santander Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002474 Filing Date:07/10/24

Longmeadow 237 Concord Rd Owner:Brian S Weinberg L:Vrmtg Asset Tr Case#:24 SM 002539 Filing Date:07/16/24 1241 Williams St Owner:Fred R Vanderhoof L:Arvest Bk Case#:24 SM 002484 Filing Date:07/11/24

Ludlow 225 Irla Dr Owner:Michael W Bowler L:Cmlti Asset Tr Case#:24 SM 002505 Filing Date:07/12/24

Southwick 236 Vining Hill Rd Owner:Amy V Sfakios L:Bk Of America Na Case#:24 SM 002502 Filing Date:07/12/24 301 Granville Rd Owner:Andrew J White L:Nationstar Mtg LLC Case#:24 SM 002512 Filing Date:07/12/24

Springfield BARNSTABLE



LUCKY DING INC, 435 Newbury St, Danvers, 019231041 D:07/11/24 Amt:$23,492

The information here has been abstracted from initial filings at the Massachusetts Land Court where a lender has asked the court for authority to foreclose the mortgage it holds on the property mentioned. The Land Court has the responsibility of notifying interested parties of the foreclosure proceedings through the publication of legal notices in newspapers throughout the state. Only parties who are protected under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 may register objections to the proceedings. If no legitimate objections are filed with the court, the lender is granted permission to proceed with the foreclosure sale of the property. The property address appears on the first line. The current owner of the property is followed by the lender (L). The third line begins with the Massachusetts Land Court case number and is followed by the date that the foreclosure petition was filed with the court.

32 Pitch Pine Ln Owner:Maria L Hall L:Bk Of America Na Case#:24 SM 002514 Filing Date:07/15/24


BERTHIAUME, Nicole, 8 Kimball Ct, Burlington, 01803-3856 D:07/10/24 Amt:$7,009

Petitions to Foreclose

GRANT, Robert, 29 Rigby St, Clinton, 01510 D:07/10/24 Amt:$7,330

CARMO, William B, 10 Stantion St, Boxford, 01921 D:07/08/24 Amt:$13,956




J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

558 Route Owner:Ellen K Carr L:Bungalow Series Iv Tr Case#:24 SM 002533 Filing Date:07/16/24

Hyannis 78 Mulberry St Owner:Shannon C Dunlop L:Structured Asset Investme Case#:24 SM 002528 Filing Date:07/15/24

Yarmouth 21 Adams Rd Owner:Machele Watkins L:Lakeview Ln Servicing LLC Case#:24 SM 002509 Filing Date:07/12/24


Pittsfield 49 Mcarthur St Owner:Ryan W Winters L:Rocket Mtg LLC Case#:24 SM 002489 Filing Date:07/11/24


24 Wands St Owner:Margaret A Deniso L:Citigroup Mtg Ln Tr 2022Case#:24 SM 002523 Filing Date:07/15/24 82 Stuart St Owner:Luis A Figueroa L:Movement Mtg LLC Case#:24 SM 002531 Filing Date:07/15/24 89 Bristol St Owner:Kamai Norman L:Newrez LLC Case#:24 SM 002538 Filing Date:07/16/24 89 Teakwood Rd Owner:Edna Rodgriguez L:Yurt Series Iv Tr Case#:24 SM 002521 Filing Date:07/15/24 93 Cooper St Owner:Christopher A Kuhn L:Carrington Mtg Services L Case#:24 SM 002534 Filing Date:07/15/24 124 Littleton St Owner:Steve M Brown L:Cabana Series Iii Tr Case#:24 SM 002525 Filing Date:07/15/24 686 Alden St Owner:Leila E Habib L:Midfirst Bk Case#:24 SM 002518 Filing Date:07/15/24

West Springfield 42 Gregory Ln Owner:Richard A Clark L:The Bungalow Series Iv Tr Case#:24 SM 002522 Filing Date:07/15/24



600 River Rd Owner:Jessica R Lescarbeau L:Freedom Mtg Corp Case#:24 SM 002491 Filing Date:07/11/24


Norton 217 Dean St Owner:Keith Devine L:Lb-Cabana Series Iv Tr Case#:24 SM 002526 Filing Date:07/15/24

Northampton 120 W Farms Rd Owner:Kelly Lastowski L:Tiki Series V Tr Case#:24 SM 002542 Filing Date:07/16/24

Ware 76 Aspen St Owner:Lily M Lunani L:Csmc 2021-Jr2 Tr Case#:24 SM 002511 Filing Date:07/12/24

Raynham 59 Edward Rd Owner:John J Pryor L:Lodge Series Iii Tr Case#:24 SM 002527 Filing Date:07/15/24



Dracut 219 Crosby Rd Owner:David M French L:Securitized Asset Backed Case#:24 SM 002546 Filing Date:07/16/24

New Bedford


1 Tilton St Owner:Richard M Garcelon L:Newrez LLC Case#:24 SM 002475 Filing Date:07/10/24

2 Hamel Pl Owner:John J Downs Jr L:Lb-Igloo Series Iv Tr Case#:24 SM 002499 Filing Date:07/12/24 83 Adams St Owner:Wanda Y Casanova L:Phh Mtg Corp Case#:24 SM 002571 Filing Date:07/17/24 118 Bellevue St Owner:Siyun Ou L:Lakeview Ln Servicing LLC Case#:24 SM 002553 Filing Date:07/17/24

Westport 418 Drift Rd Owner:Carol A Borges L:Santander Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002497 Filing Date:07/11/24


Andover 18 Upland Rd Owner:Steven C Bucci L:Flagstar Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002543 Filing Date:07/16/24

Lawrence 25 Hale St Owner:Domingo A Lopez Jr L:Real Time Resolutions Inc Case#:24 SM 002541 Filing Date:07/16/24


Amesbury 25 Whittier Meadows Dr U:25 Owner:Robin N Welch-Fawcett L:Nationstar Mtg LLC Case#:24 SM 002500 Filing Date:07/12/24

Gloucester 11 Tolman Ave Owner:Angeline Crivello L:Lsrmf Mh Master Participa Case#:24 SM 002516 Filing Date:07/15/24

Lynn 29 Hawthorne St Owner:Elizabeth Figueroa L:Freedom Mtg Corp Case#:24 SM 002492 Filing Date:07/11/24 33 Murray St Owner:Frederick M Croake L:Santander Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002549 Filing Date:07/16/24 Lis Penden - Foreclosure

TRAWALLEY, Sarjo, 140 S Common St, Lynn, 01902-4556 D:07/11/24 Case#: 00000000000 Petition to Frcl-Court Filing

Marblehead 25 Gallison Ave Owner:Farida Peters-Abbadi L:USALLIANCE FCU Case#:24 SM 002486 Filing Date:07/11/24

Newbury 4 Brock Ave Owner:Eric C Steeves L:Amerihome Mtg Co LLC Case#:24 SM 002524 Filing Date:07/15/24 23 Pearson Dr Owner:Reynee Carrillo L:Freedom Mtg Corp Case#:24 SM 002554 Filing Date:07/17/24

Saugus 8 Jewett St Owner:Denise Kermelewicz L:Wa Mutual Mtg Wmalt Serie Case#:24 SM 002508 Filing Date:07/12/24 9 Thomas St Owner:Paul J Sullivan L:Phh Mtg Corp Case#:24 SM 002490 Filing Date:07/11/24 273 Walnut St Owner:Patricia A Felt L:Eastern Bk Case#:24 SM 002494 Filing Date:07/11/24 511 Essex St Owner:John Lembidakis L:Amos Financial LLC Case#:24 SM 002513 Filing Date:07/12/24

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.


Arlington 44 Coolidge Rd Owner:Elizabeth C Swan L:MTG ASSETS MGMT LLC Case#:24 SM 002477 Filing Date:07/11/24

Ashby 1020 Richardson Rd Owner:Gerald N Adkins L:Freddie Mac Seasoned Loan Case#:24 SM 002487 Filing Date:07/11/24

Burlington 8 Wilmington Rd Owner:Joseph P Hynes L:East Cambridge Savings Bk Case#:24 SM 002555 Filing Date:07/17/24

Everett 15 Staples Ave U:48 Owner:Carlos Ferreira L:Fw-Bkpl Series I Tr Case#:24 SM 002520 Filing Date:07/15/24

Framingham 555 Winter St Owner:Sorn Richardson L:Eastern Bk Case#:24 SM 002567 Filing Date:07/17/24 643 Edgell Rd Owner:Brian Cox L:Newrez LLC Case#:24 SM 002501 Filing Date:07/12/24

Holliston 170 Locust St Owner:James E Harrington L:Csmc 2018-Rpl3 Tr Case#:24 SM 002515 Filing Date:07/15/24 229 High St Owner:Andrew Wills L:Nationstar Mtg LLC Case#:24 SM 002496 Filing Date:07/11/24

Hudson 248 Main St U:214 Owner:Maureen Boyle L:Santander Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002478 Filing Date:07/11/24

Malden 25 Cliff St Owner:Jean Mcauliffe L:Eastern Bk Case#:24 SM 002565 Filing Date:07/17/24 31 West St Owner:Stephen J Fogarty L:Newrez LLC Case#:24 SM 002558 Filing Date:07/17/24 137 Green St Owner:Majid Sheikh L:Nomura Asset Acceptance C Case#:24 SM 002483 Filing Date:07/11/24

Medford 134 Grant Ave Owner:Eudes C Dealmeida L:Santander Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002570 Filing Date:07/17/24





30 Timson Path Owner:Marsha Penhaker L:Carrington Mtg Services L Case#:24 SM 002529 Filing Date:07/15/24

6 Hacker St Owner:Alyn Nguyen L:Qs Lending Three Tr Case#:24 SM 002537 Filing Date:07/16/24 25 Falmouth St Owner:Lismel Estrella L:Berkshire Bk Case#:24 SM 002498 Filing Date:07/12/24 48 N Worcester Ave Owner:Bernadette M Hurley L:Residential Asset Securit Case#:24 SM 002476 Filing Date:07/11/24

Somerville 205 Cedar St Owner:William A Lewis L:Structured Asset Securiti Case#:24 SM 002510 Filing Date:07/12/24

Townsend 450 Main St Owner:Keyana Brown L:Bk Of America Na Case#:24 SM 002503 Filing Date:07/12/24

Waltham 33 Bishops Forest Dr U:33 Owner:Hepburn Gail T Est L:Argent Securities Inc Ser Case#:24 SM 002547 Filing Date:07/16/24



Fitchburg 58 Columbus St Owner:Diane B Bourque L:Mtg Assets Mgmt Series I Case#:24 SM 002506 Filing Date:07/12/24



135 Grant Ave Owner:Justina E Cidado L:Phh Mtg Corp Case#:24 SM 002488 Filing Date:07/11/24

170-R Lancaster St Owner:Lidia M Nin L:Santander Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002530 Filing Date:07/15/24



384 Salem St Owner:Hector M Torres L:Csmc 2021-Rpl4 Tr Case#:24 SM 002519 Filing Date:07/15/24

30 Graham St Owner:Scott C Muth L:Newrez LLC Case#:24 SM 002480 Filing Date:07/11/24

NORFOLK 0 Zzz Owner:Majid Sheikh L:Nomura Asset Acceptance C Case#:24 SM 002479 Filing Date:07/11/24

Foreclosure Sales


These notices of the public sale of mortgaged property are compiled from legal notices published in newspapers throughout the state. The proceeds from the sale usually are used to satisfy the mortgage in default. The time and place of the sale must be published for three consecutive weeks in a local newspaper prior to the sale. The sale may be postponed; or the sale may not occur at all if the debt is satisfied before the sale. The property address, date and time of the sale appears on the first line followed by the current owner (O) of the property. The lender (L) and the cash deposit (Deposit) required at the time of sale are found on the third line. The book and page number (Bk/Pg) of the mortgage document and the filing date (D) at the registry of deeds comprise the fourth line. The newspaper (Source) and issue date (in parenthesis) can be checked for additional details. The attorney’s name (Atty) and phone number appear on the last line for interested parties to contact.

84 Walpole St U:1A Owner:Joan E Vernaglia L:Newrez LLC Case#:24 SM 002556 Filing Date:07/17/24

Holbrook 37 W Shore Rd Owner:Yvette L Buehler L:Fremont Home Ln Tr 2006-E Case#:24 SM 002560 Filing Date:07/17/24

Milton 5-7 Laurel Rd Owner:Joy D Reid-Morgan L:Rra Cp Opportunity Tr 1 Case#:24 SM 002540 Filing Date:07/16/24

Plainville 418 South St Owner:Janice Troiano L:Phh Mtg Corp Case#:24 SM 002485 Filing Date:07/11/24

Quincy 488 Beale St Owner:Carole A Corkery L:Eastern Bk Case#:24 SM 002562 Filing Date:07/17/24

Wellesley 66 Fiske Rd Owner:Elizabeth S Halloran L:Pentagon Fcu Case#:24 SM 002507 Filing Date:07/12/24

Weymouth 5 Robert Post Rd Owner:Hicham Gouriche L:Crosscountry Mtg LLC Case#:24 SM 002564 Filing Date:07/17/24


Bridgewater 100 Goodwater Way Owner:Glen Horsman L:DATA MTG INC Case#:24 SM 002482 Filing Date:07/11/24

Brockton 39 Prospect St Owner:Thompson Theresa Est L:Cwabs Inc Series 2005-12 Case#:24 SM 002495 Filing Date:07/11/24 57 Ardsley Cir Owner:Kokouvi J Koffi L:Ma Housing Finance Agency Case#:24 SM 002572 Filing Date:07/17/24 75 Debbie Rd Owner:Marion W Wangai L:Lakeview Ln Servicing LLC Case#:24 SM 002559 Filing Date:07/17/24 155 Ashfield Dr Owner:Sharon Gray-Brewster L:Bkpl-Eg Basket Tr Case#:24 SM 002566 Filing Date:07/17/24 685 Oak St Owner:Farid Dessources L:Pennymac Ln Services LLC Case#:24 SM 002535 Filing Date:07/16/24

Halifax 43 Buttonwood Rd Owner:Gloria Sampson L:Wells Fargo Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002544 Filing Date:07/16/24

Hanover 345 Plain St Owner:Isis Tara L:Loandepotcom LLC Case#:24 SM 002493 Filing Date:07/11/24

Marshfield 32 Hanley Ct Owner:Nicholas R Lang L:Newrez LLC Case#:24 SM 002551 Filing Date:07/16/24 49-R Marshall Ave Owner:Kenneth J Doyle L:Fw-Bkpl Series I Tr Case#:24 SM 002532 Filing Date:07/15/24

Middleboro 201 Plymouth St Owner:Francis A Tees 3rd L:Citigroup Mtg Ln Tr 2022Case#:24 SM 002545 Filing Date:07/16/24

Plymouth 24 Brigantine Cir Owner:Casey Marsh L:Citigroup Mtg Ln Tr 2020Case#:24 SM 002548 Filing Date:07/16/24



Centerville 07/31/24 12:00 PM 8 Taramac Rd Owner:Robert S Gladstein Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:05/08/06 Source:Cape Cod Times (07/17/24) Atty:Demerle & Associates Pc 617-337-4444

Eastham 08/14/24 11:00 AM 1890 Bridge Rd Owner:Phillip Forman & Alison A Forman Lender:Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:10/03/03 Source:Cape Codder (07/12/24) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701

Sandwich 08/02/24 11:00 AM 13 Wolf Hill Rd Owner:D D Cutler & Susan M Pierson Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:06/30/05 Source:Boston Herald (07/12/24) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200 08/23/24 11:00 AM 5 Captain Kidd Rd Owner:Peter B Vermynck Lender:Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:03/15/17 Source:Cape Cod Times (07/17/24) Atty:Bradley J Bailey Esq Pc 508-771-4644

26 High Rock Way Owner:Raymond K Montoya L:Richard T Heiden Case#:24 SM 002568 Filing Date:07/17/24

Boston 42-44 Beach St U:3A Owner:Jianyang Huang L:Onslow Bay Financial LLC Case#:24 SM 002481 Filing Date:07/11/24 130 Emerson St Owner:Edward N Mills L:Jp Morgan Chase Bk Na Case#:24 SM 002552 Filing Date:07/17/24

Attleboro 08/13/24 10:00 AM 35 Orr Ave Owner:Carlton F Powers & Barbara A Powers Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:07/17/03 Source:Sun Chronicle (the) (07/16/24) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701


Barre 334 Wheelwright Rd Owner:Diane M Hedstrom L:Cwalt Inc Alternative Ln Case#:24 SM 002536 Filing Date:07/16/24

Uxbridge 14 Gentry Ln U:14 Owner:Daniel L Guilbert L:Newrez LLC Case#:24 SM 002550 Filing Date:07/16/24


08/12/24 04:00 PM 3 Colonial St Owner:Beverly Harloff Lender:Carrington Mortgage Services LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:04/12/07 Source:Gloucester Daily Times (07/15/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

07/30/24 11:00 AM 17 Johnson Ave Owner:Sandy B Sagastume Lender:St Marys Credit Union Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:12/23/21 Source:Metro West (07/12/24) Atty:Silverman & Esposito 508-987-2707



08/13/24 10:00 AM 38 10th Ave U:38 Owner:Angela A Thornhill Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:02/21/07 Source:Haverhill Gazette (07/18/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

08/06/24 11:00 AM 25 Howard Rd Owner:Scott J Thompson & Jennifer R Jones Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:06/30/03 Source:Boston Herald (07/16/24) Atty:Demerle & Associates Pc 617-337-4444

08/13/24 11:00 AM 93 Merrill Ave Owner:Jodi J Holmes Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:06/29/05 Source:Haverhill Gazette (07/18/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

Ipswich 08/07/24 04:00 PM 16 Topsfield Rd Owner:Christopher M Butler Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:12/03/19 Source:Boston Globe (07/16/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

Lynnfield 08/12/24 03:00 PM 505 Lowell St Owner:Wilfredo Jimenez & Ada M Jimenez Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:12/29/00 Source:Daily Item (07/15/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500


Chicopee 08/05/24 10:00 AM 106 Medford St Owner:Ali Y Alatea Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:10/22/14 Source:Republican (the) (07/15/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500 08/13/24 11:00 AM 22 Wells Ave Owner:Tina M Greene & Rusell W Greene Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:02/23/06 Source:Republican (the) (07/16/24) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800

Holyoke 08/06/24 10:00 AM 186 Suffolk St Owner:Joel Rojas Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:05/20/21 Source:Republican (the) (07/16/24) Atty:Friedman Vartolo Llp 08/14/24 10:00 AM 40 Chapin St Owner:Santa Agron & Andres Agron Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:04/10/08 Source:Republican (the) (07/17/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

Southwick 08/13/24 10:00 AM 128 N Lake Ave Owner:Donna J Miranda-Berneche Lender:Lakeview Loan Servicing LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:09/28/18 Source:Republican (the) (07/16/24) Atty:Marinosci Law Group Pc 401-234-9200

Springfield 08/07/24 02:00 PM 38-40 Forest Park Ave Owner:Okey Ikewibe Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:10/12/04 Source:Boston Globe (07/16/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 08/15/24 11:00 AM 117 Suffolk St Owner:Claudia Thomas Lender:Deutsche Bank Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:12/21/99 Source:Boston Herald (07/17/24) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670


Northampton 08/13/24 03:00 PM 60 Emerson Way Owner:Scott M Haselkorn & Megan E Haselkorn Lender:Newrez LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:07/14/20 Source:Daily Hampshire Gazette (07/16/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

BRISTOL SOUTH 08/14/24 01:00 PM 233 Rivet St Owner:Cuthbert M Castillo Lender:DATA MTG INC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:09/28/21 Source:Standard Times (the) (07/17/24) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701

21 Schiller Rd Owner:Kathleen C Sebo L:Eastern Bk Case#:24 SM 002563 Filing Date:07/17/24



69 Garland St Owner:Antonio Bittencourt L:Residential Asset Mtg Pro Case#:24 SM 002569 Filing Date:07/17/24

West Roxbury

08/12/24 11:00 AM 220 Water St Owner:Carol J Hagins Lender:PHH United States Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:01/21/14 Source:Metro West (07/17/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

08/22/24 11:00 AM 47 Colton St Owner:Eliezer Garcia LLC Lender:Westfield Bank Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:09/30/15 Source:Republican (the) (07/18/24) Atty:Sapirstein Sapirstein Pc 413-827-7500

New Bedford

100 Harrishof St Owner:Sylvia Gardner L:Deutsche Alt-A Securities Case#:24 SM 002561 Filing Date:07/17/24

08/14/24 11:00 AM 1 Senee Ct U:1 Owner:Brian P Mcmenimen & Brian P Mcmenimen Jr Lender:Workers Credit Union Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:02/17/17 Source:Newburyport News (07/17/24) Atty:Gelinas & Ward Llp 978-537-2200

08/07/24 11:00 AM 175 Main St Owner:Leslie Sylvan Lender:PHH United States Mortgage Corp Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:04/20/15 Source:Berkshire Eagle (07/12/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500






08/15/24 02:00 PM 1116 Beverly St Owner:Elizabeth A Cottuli & Raymond C Cottuli Lender:Gitsit Solutions LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:02/10/06 Source:Standard Times (the) (07/18/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500



08/15/24 01:00 PM 164-166 Northampton Ave Owner:Tamara N Barnett Lender:Pennymac Loan Services LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:02/14/24 Source:Republican (the) (07/18/24) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701


J U LY 2 9 , 2 0 2 4


Billerica 08/12/24 03:00 PM 12 Priscilla Ln Owner:Norman R Clark & Mary Clark Lender:MTG ASSETS MGMT LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:05/14/07 Source:Boston Herald (07/17/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

Chelmsford 08/13/24 12:00 PM 29 Regina Dr Owner:Margaret A Mcphee & Timothy P Russell Lender:USALLIANCE FCU Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:12/10/08 Source:Boston Herald (07/16/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

Medford 08/14/24 12:00 PM 26 Rockwell Ave Owner:Ronald Oreto Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:02/28/05 Source:Medford Transcript (07/18/24) Atty:Barham & Maucere Llp 844-227-4261

Newton 08/15/24 10:00 AM 201 Adams St Owner:Susan A Mastromattei Lender:Village Bank Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:12/27/19 Source:Boston Herald (07/18/24) Atty:Barsh And Cohen PC 617-332-4700

Reading 08/06/24 11:00 AM 16 Nugent Ln Owner:David Nugent & Michelle R Nugent Lender:Newtek Small Business Finance Inc Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:11/30/20 Source:Reading Chronicle (07/16/24) Atty:Hackett Feinberg Pc

Shirley 08/05/24 02:00 PM 121 Clark Rd Owner:Mark H Bird & Pamela Welsh-Bird Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:03/18/03 Source:Voice (the) (07/12/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

Somerville 08/06/24 10:00 AM 9 Cross St Owner:Any Property Rehab LLC Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:05/04/23 Source:Boston Herald (07/13/24) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670 08/15/24 11:00 AM 6 Richardson Ter Owner:Maria J Flores & Jose P Cruz Lender:Real Time Resolutions Inc Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:02/23/07 Source:Boston Herald (07/18/24) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701

Winchester 08/08/24 11:00 AM 200 Swanton St U:640 Owner:Mark Menezes Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:11/22/13 Source:Arlington Advocate (07/18/24) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800

Woburn 08/06/24 11:00 AM 14 Gatta Cir Owner:Lori B Ratchin Lender:Fidelity Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:09/25/15 Source:Publication Unknown (07/15/24) Atty:Brennan Scungio & Kresge 401-453-2300 08/14/24 01:00 PM 133 Montvale Ave Owner:Scott A Ross Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$15,000 Doc#:*D:01/05/18 Source:Publication Unknown (07/17/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500



08/09/24 10:00 AM 191 Hovenden Ave Owner:Mark J Nicol Lender:Rockland Trust Co Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:10/06/10 Source:Brockton Enterprise (07/17/24) Atty:Kline & Sanders Llp 617-964-2200

East Bridgewater 08/08/24 11:00 AM 11 Willow Ave Owner:Gerald F Leahy & Barbara A Leahy Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:06/22/04 Source:Brockton Enterprise (07/18/24) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc

Plymouth 08/15/24 01:00 PM 212 Bournehurst Dr Owner:Matthew Cobb & Shannon M Cobb Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:08/21/03 Source:Old Colony Memorial (07/18/24) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701

Wareham 08/01/24 10:00 AM 3 Woodbridge Ave Owner:Mardiette E Deboyes & Danny Sherman Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:09/22/05 Source:Publication Unknown (07/18/24) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800 08/14/24 10:00 AM 32 Bay Pointe Dr U:32 Owner:Cynthia A Mccarthy Lender:MTG ASSETS MGMT LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:12/03/09 Source:Publication Unknown (07/18/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500 08/21/24 12:00 PM 6 Donald St Owner:Paula A Curry Lender:Citizens Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:08/02/18 Source:Publication Unknown (07/18/24) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701


Dorchester 08/15/24 10:00 AM 8 Charles St Owner:Aaron T Do Lender:MCLP ASSET CO INC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:08/14/09 Source:Boston Herald (07/18/24) Atty:Doonan Graves & Longoria 978-921-2670

Mattapan 08/05/24 04:00 PM 55 Wildwood St Owner:Ethal President & Willie President Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:09/21/07 Source:Boston Globe (07/16/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

Roxbury 08/09/24 11:00 AM 11 Robin Hood St Owner:Trelles U Randall Lender:Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:11/03/98 Source:Boston Herald (07/12/24) Atty:Law Offices Of Michael J 508-650-9252

West Roxbury 08/07/24 05:00 PM 47 Keystone St Owner:Charles J Connon Lender:Pennymac Loan Services LLC Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:06/17/22 Source:Boston Globe (07/16/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500


Clinton 08/02/24 12:00 PM 986 Main St Owner:Patti L Szretter Lender:Newrez LLC Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:06/29/16 Source:Telegram Gazette (07/12/24) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc


08/02/24 11:00 AM 56 Lake St Owner:John J Liburdi & Michelle A Liburdi Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:10/06/04 Source:Boston Herald (07/12/24) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc

07/30/24 10:00 AM 229 Parker St Owner:Judith Smith Lender:GFA Federal Credit Union Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:08/30/04 Source:Telegram Gazette (07/12/24) Atty:Gelinas & Ward Llp 978-537-2200



08/07/24 10:00 AM 60 Longwood Ave U:503 Owner:Levent R Sever Lender:Brookline Bank Deposit:$15,000 Doc#:*D:01/08/13 Source:Boston Globe (07/16/24) Atty:Pelote Law Group Pc 508-301-4200

08/08/24 10:00 AM 2 Stillwater Ln Owner:Bradley W Wright Lender:MutualOne Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:06/10/21 Source:Telegram Gazette (07/17/24) Atty:Mayer & Haranas Llp



08/12/24 02:00 PM 31 Littlefield St Owner:Leeann Vieira & Sean Mcdonough Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:11/22/05 Source:Patriot Ledger (07/16/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

08/06/24 12:00 PM 8 Maple Ln Owner:Raymond R Richford 3rd & Janice L Richford Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:07/17/06 Source:Telegram Gazette (07/15/24) Atty:Demerle & Associates Pc 617-337-4444


Abington 08/14/24 04:00 PM 115 Thicket St Owner:Patrick Geary Lender:Citizens Bank Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:02/07/06 Source:Publication Unknown (07/17/24) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701 08/15/24 03:00 PM 871 Plymouth St Owner:George I Weir Lender:CAG NATIONAL FUND I Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:12/18/06 Source:Brockton Enterprise (07/18/24) Atty:Brock & Scott Pllc 401-217-8701


North Andover


08/06/24 11:00 AM 16 Lynn Rd Owner:William L Mackinnon & Carol A Mackinnon Lender:PHH United States Mortgage Corp Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:03/05/15 Source:Brockton Enterprise (07/12/24) Atty:Korde & Associates Pc 978-256-1500

09/16/24 01:00 PM 54 Compass Pt U:54 Owner:Nicole M Allard Lender:Wells Fargo Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:07/17/15 Source:Lawrence Eagle Tribune (07/17/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

08/06/24 11:00 AM 5 Glen Ave Owner:Michelle R Coutermarsh Lender:PNC Bank Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:07/01/14 Source:Sun (the) (07/16/24) Atty:Orlans Pc 781-790-7800

08/07/24 12:00 PM 76 Ardsley Cir Owner:Marie A Viard Lender:RRA CP OPPORTUNI TR 1 Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:10/13/05 Source:Brockton Enterprise (07/17/24) Atty:Demerle & Associates Pc 617-337-4444


08/07/24 12:00 PM 172 Forest Ave Owner:Paul Tsarhopoulos & Tina Tsarhopoulos Lender:Bank Of New York Mellon Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:03/09/07 Source:Brockton Enterprise (07/17/24) Atty:Guaetta And Benson Llc

©2024 The Warren Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher.

Northbridge 08/06/24 01:00 PM 34 Chipper Hill Rd Owner:Dylan Cross & Joyce Cross Lender:EVO ORIGIN FUNDING LL Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:10/05/23 Source:Blackstone Valley Tribune Advertiser (07/12/24) Atty:Demerle & Associates Pc 617-337-4444

Oxford 08/05/24 05:00 PM 23 Comins Rd U:23 Owner:Barbara W Mccoy Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$5,000 Doc#:*D:01/03/07 Source:Webster Times (07/12/24) Atty:Harmon Law Offices Pc 617-558-0500

Webster 08/07/24 11:00 AM 42 Bates Point Rd Owner:Exchange Authority Llp Lender:AVY M MORSE Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:12/23/05 Source:Telegram Gazette (07/12/24) Atty:Alexandrov Metzger & Flan 08/12/24 01:00 PM 52 Harris St Owner:Henry P Lebel Jr Lender:US Bank NA Deposit:$10,000 Doc#:*D:05/21/05 Source:Webster Times (07/12/24) Atty:Cunningham Machanic Cetli 508-651-7524

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