Madison & Ryan Hiemstra High School Sweethearts WEDDING DATE: July 27th, 2019
conversation. A few snacks later, I unintentionally
LOCATION: Brescia University
won Ryan over when I wiped my mouth with the
(, London, ON
napkin that was holding my powdered donut,
PHOTOGRAPHY: Shawn Van Daele
asking, "Did I get it all?" Nope, I had covered my
Photography (
face in icing powder. After that, I'm pretty sure
London, ON
Ryan was won over, and he ended up convincing
GUEST #: 125
me that it was a good idea to send him my phone
COLOUR PALETTE: Neutrals, navy and
number. We made good use of this method of
communication (when Ryan could decipher my
CAKE: Heidi Ho Cakes (@heidihocakes)
poorly typed texts) over the next few months.
London, ON
On a mission trip, Ryan discreetly tried to sit
beside me at every opportunity (without trying to
Bridal ( London, ON
give away his little crush). A few games of pool, a
GROOM ATTIRE: Moores Clothing for Men
wooden roller coaster, and some flirty eye smiles
(♥) ( London, ON
later, Ryan and my friend Caitie devised a plan to
HAIR: Hair by Moira (@hairbymoira) London, ON
give Ryan moment alone with me. Turns out it
MAKEUP: Makeup by Camryn Varga
took several moments of humming and hawing
(@camvargamakeup) Strathroy, ON
before I decided it would be worth it to give this
DJ: AK Productions Wedding & Event DJ
cutie a shot when he asked me out. So on Friday,
( London, ON
July 27th, 2012 we officially began dating.
TELL US YOUR STORY: "Ryan and I first met
Six years later, on Friday, July 27th, 2018, Ryan
on a warm spring day at my high school. I was
asked another life altering question, but this time
reffing a badminton tournament, while Ryan
on one knee with a ring in his hand. Exactly one
was working the concession stand. When I heard
year later, on July 27th, 2019 we were married
there was free food available at the concession
at Brescia University and headed out on our
stand, I quickly ran over...only to find a cute
honeymoon on the east coast of Spain. Two years
boy sitting at the register. Sitting down beside
later, we are loving married life and look forward
him, I worked up the courage to strike up a
to many more years to come!!" - M •