The Weekly Reporter - September 06, 2012

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“Let us dare to, read, think, and write.” John Adams 1765

Weekly Reporter

We Dare To Speak The Truth

Protecting Liberty Through Freedom of Speech

First Lady Michelle Obama A Hit! First Lady Michelle Obama walked to the podium at the

First Lady Michelle Obama charmed nation at the DNC

and was an instant hit as she sent home some striking facts to remind voters of exactly who the President is. Drifting back through time The First Lady recalled the childhoods of President Obama and that of her own family. She emphasized the family struggles that were a part of her youth as her family endured to hardships of having little in the way of money or assets. She recounted how the President passed up offers of employment with firms at which he might have earned large salaries and chose instead to become a community activist helping those who most needed his assistance. The First Lady was misty eyed as she spoke of her husband of 23 years, Barack Obama. She made him real, alive, and caring. She recalled how she and he dated. He picked her up in an old car that was so rusted out she was able to see through a hole in the passenger’s side door and see the pavement outside.

Democratic National convention in Charlotte, NC on Tuesday night The First Lady came across as sincere, the most likely place on earth where their devoted, and patriotic with genuine concerns dreams can become reality presented his for every American who seeks happiness for own families history to the crowd in their family and him or herself. affirmation of the First Lady’s talk. Many could relate to her message as she The messages presented to the nation by stood before the nation as a reminder to the The First Lady and by the Mayor brought entire world that the American Dream is still the crowd to life and seemed to arouse attainable despite the many obstacles that Democrats and to stir them to action as the continue to hinder those who are not part of election creeps ever closer. the wealthy elitist class. The country was reminded that President The First Lady was followed by the very Obama inherited a nation steeped in debt, articulate Mayor of San Antonio, Texas, The with a collapsed economy, and dangerously Honorable Julian Castro who was introduced high unemployment, from former President by his twin brother Joaquin who is himself Bush. The people were reminded that during seeking election to the U.S. House of the President’s term in office over 4 million Representatives. American jobs have been created, more than Mayor Castro, clearly a man who loves were created in the previous 8 years during his country, a man who is very conscious of the Bush years. how precious our American liberty is to Those jobs were created in the face of those who continue to seek this nation out as an effort by the Tea Party and Melissa

Brookstone to prevent small businesses from hiring anyone while Barack Obama is the President. Brookstone and the Tea Party actually circulated pledges to the business community asking them not to do any hiring so unemployment would remain high.

San Antonio Mayor Joaquin Castro

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