The Weekly Reporter - September 27, 2012

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“Let us dare to, read, think, and write.” John Adams 1765

Weekly Reporter

We Dare To Speak The Truth

Protecting Liberty Through Freedom of Speech

Koch Brothers Run For Everything Koch Bros Want to Be President Run Congress - Dominate Senate Be Governors - Run School Boards

Dreams of Being America’s First Dictators And they expect the American voters to be dumb enough to allow them to buy each and every one of those political offices so they can be America’s First Twin Kings! The Koch brothers are assuming you are so dumb, so vulnerable, so stupid, you will elect the candidates they handpick and buy with their vast wealth. The Koch brothers come across as very sick individuals who were starved for love in their youth. [As children, the brothers

incapable of doing themselves, they expect you to elect mirror images of themselves that can run the United States of America in a way that will hurt all but the very wealthiest Americans. They will not harm the wealthiest because they can identify with those people. The Koch brothers spend huge sums of money to have their way, to buy politicians, to buy political parties, and to dismantle the individual freedoms of the citizens of the United States. You can HELP THEM DO THAT! You can help them destroy were in a rivalry so intense that Mary finally sent them away free elections, liberty, justice, education, healthcare, a clean to different schools, starting with Charles at age 11. But the environment. All you must do is vote for someone they have two of them, along with David, ended up together at the supported with their money and you will be voting for them Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late 1950's. personally. You can vote to end American democracy. Father Fred, an outdoorsman, tried to help with trips: safaris to Africa, polar bear expeditions to the Arctic and hunting at his ranch in Kansas.]


That yearning to be loved may have made them greedy beyond belief, treacherous, and power hungry. In other words: If you won’t give me love I will make you give it to me. These seemingly poor idiotic simpletons, love starved and hateful because of it, seem to want to hurt everyone they can in retribution for the love they were perhaps denied in their lives. Apparently they do not understand that whatsoever you sow you will reap. These Threats to democracy? Threats to liberty? You be the judge. You consider their histories, you men expect you to do what they cannot do, that which they are decide if they are the faces of evil, men intent upon the total domination of the people or not.


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