“Let us dare to, read, think, and write.” John Adams 1765
Weekly Reporter Editor@theweeklyreporter.com
We Dare To Speak The Truth
Protecting Liberty Through Freedom of Speech
Koch Brothers Run For Everything Koch Bros Want to Be President Run Congress - Dominate Senate Be Governors - Run School Boards http://youtu.be/UTwqkl8BqSc
Dreams of Being America’s First Dictators And they expect the American voters to be dumb enough to allow them to buy each and every one of those political offices so they can be America’s First Twin Kings! The Koch brothers are assuming you are so dumb, so vulnerable, so stupid, you will elect the candidates they handpick and buy with their vast wealth. The Koch brothers come across as very sick individuals who were starved for love in their youth. [As children, the brothers
incapable of doing themselves, they expect you to elect mirror images of themselves that can run the United States of America in a way that will hurt all but the very wealthiest Americans. They will not harm the wealthiest because they can identify with those people. The Koch brothers spend huge sums of money to have their way, to buy politicians, to buy political parties, and to dismantle the individual freedoms of the citizens of the United States. You can HELP THEM DO THAT! You can help them destroy were in a rivalry so intense that Mary finally sent them away free elections, liberty, justice, education, healthcare, a clean to different schools, starting with Charles at age 11. But the environment. All you must do is vote for someone they have two of them, along with David, ended up together at the supported with their money and you will be voting for them Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late 1950's. personally. You can vote to end American democracy. Father Fred, an outdoorsman, tried to help with trips: safaris to Africa, polar bear expeditions to the Arctic and hunting at his ranch in Kansas.]
That yearning to be loved may have made them greedy beyond belief, treacherous, and power hungry. In other words: If you won’t give me love I will make you give it to me. These seemingly poor idiotic simpletons, love starved and hateful because of it, seem to want to hurt everyone they can in retribution for the love they were perhaps denied in their lives. Apparently they do not understand that whatsoever you sow you will reap. These Threats to democracy? Threats to liberty? You be the judge. You consider their histories, you men expect you to do what they cannot do, that which they are decide if they are the faces of evil, men intent upon the total domination of the people or not. http://www.nytimes.com/1994/11/20/business/pulling-
Joe Walsh Tired of Her Iraq Injuries Walsh: Blacks Depend on Government Hispanics on their way to Join Them
She’s A Woman She’s A Hero!
So What! Tammy Duckworth is a Hero who lost her legs and part of her right arm while piloting a helicopter in Iraq; JOE WALSH does not want to hear it. To him her heroism deserves not little more than tsk tsk
That Representative Joe Walsh managed to be elected at all is amazing in on its own. Walsh, who impresses me as a loudmouth, uninformed and ignorant and uncaring has criticized Tammy Duckworth for discussing the loss of both of her legs and a part of her right arm, all of which was suffered during her duty in Iraq as a helicopter pilot.
Walsh, who has a history of having a short temper, screaming, and voting against Medicare on which seniors depend, said he is tired of hearing her discuss her injuries. Tammy Duckworth lost both of her legs in Iraq, there is no hiding that. She is proud of her service to the United States and there is no reason to hide that.
There is a very strong likelihood that Walsh who was elected during the wave of voter discontent after former President Bush left office will lose his seat in the House when the last vote is counted. Bullies are no fashionable, and although his loud shouting and Nazi-like screaming has found favor with his Tea Party friends most people are turned off by such ignorance. Walsh is a hypocrite! He attacks opponents, people who have different views than he or his radical Tea Party have, and is on top of his intolerance A DEADBEAT DAD who owes child support money that some say could be as high as $150,000. It seems Walsh cannot be content with the idea that as an elected member of the U.S. House he is supposed to represent all the voters in his district. That means Americans of all colors, all faiths, and of all political affiliations. He has not done that he votes to win the favor of the radical, extremely radical, Tea
Walsh who has as history of being a loudmouth, ranting, shouting people down to prevent them from speaking out, has been so obnoxious he has become a poster boy for the Tea Party the most radical political group of the modern era. Joe Walsh is a public disgrace to any party not only the radical Tea Party.
Party that has blocked any progress in the Congress since the last election and who refuse to compromise on any issue. They want government run their way and to hell with veterans, women, seniors, those who depend upon Medicare and Social Security and anyone else who has not signed on board their insane belief platform. Standup in November and show Joe Walsh that real Americans do care about our war heroes, that we do care care about the elderly, about women, and the needs of our children. Show Joe Walsh and the Tea Party that America is still the land of the free with liberty and justice for all - not only for the Tea Party.
My, my. Walsh has a bigger mouth by far!
Foster/Biggert Debate: opening Segment Candidates Closing Statements
Congresswoman Judy Biggert Voted with Tea Party to Risk Government Default Naperville, IL – As the Tea Party Congress adjourns today after establishing a record as the least productive and most unpopular Congress in modern history, it is worth recalling Congresswoman Biggert’s history of party-line votes with the Tea Party instead of standing up for jobs and middle class families. After 30 years in politics, Congresswoman Biggert no longer understands how our economy works and is not on the side of the middle class. In 2011, Congresswoman Biggert joined the Tea Party in Washington to vote against raising the debt ceiling, risking government default and leading to a downgrade in the AAA credit rating of the United States. This came despite her eight votes to repeatedly raise the debt ceiling that were necessary because of
her party-line votes for all of the Bush policies that drove us into debt and wrecked our economy. Prior to her votes, our government was running a surplus and the debt was scheduled to be paid down to zero by 2008. Flashback 2011: In 2011, Biggert voted against raising the statutory debt limit, sometimes referred to the debt ceiling, to $16.7 trillion dollars, which led to Standard & Poor’s downgrading the U.S.’s AAA credit rating. Flashback 2002: Congresswoman Biggert cast the first of her eight votes to raise the debt limit. “Congresswoman Biggert’s vote to risk government default was irresponsible, damaging to our economic recovery and failed to consider the implications for middle class families,” said Bill Foster. “It
was disappointing that Congresswoman Biggert continued to vote with the Tea Party faction in Congress right up to the bitter end even when it puts our economy at risk. Congress needs to be able to work together to find solutions that will move our economy
Judy Biggert chose to side with the Tea Party to shut down Congress and block any legislation favored by the Democrats - good or bad
ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE? While American citizens have the right to vote, some don’t simply because they don’t know where to go, how to register or have other basic questions that must be answered before voting. USA.gov has the information you need to know before you cast your ballot: You must be 18 years old to vote in the United States. To register, contact your state board of elections. Most states also accept the National Mail Voter Registration Form, which allows you to register from anywhere in the United States. And most state departments of motor vehicles also allow voter registration. It’s important that you register to vote before your state’s deadline. Most state deadlines are about 25-30 days before the election, but check your state’s deadline well before that to make sure you register in time. If you are living away from your permanent address, are working or studying abroad, or are a member of the armed services, you can vote absentee. Absentee voting allows you to place your vote in advance and to mail it to your local election center by the election date, which this year is Tuesday, November 6th. On Election Day, you must vote at your designated polling place. Be sure you know ahead of time where it is, its hours and which congressional district you’re in. Congressional districts and polling place locations can change when new lines are drawn based on a change in the population. You can check your local election office or use the League of Women Voters’ online search tool to find out where to vote and when.
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UFOs - So Many Sightings Space Travel - Time Travel - What Do Scientists Say? It is possible to go to You Tube and find countless videos of or relating to UFOs. One of those videos shows what are purported to be photos from NASA Archives. See http://youtu.be/WlLN_Jcg1pc. The viewer count at this writing is about 11,300,000; a very impressive number. Although figures vary according to their sources it is safe to say that about 70% of Americans do believe UFOs exist and most of those people believe they come from places beyond earth. The idea that other civilizations may exist far out in space, that those civilizations may be technologically far more advanced than earth’s scientific community is, can be exciting. The possibility that some manner of humanoid exists in the vastness of space that is capable of traveling across space unimpeded by the great distances that exist between bodies of the universe can not only be exciting but intriguing, even captivating for many of us. Some scientists such as theoretical physicist Michio Kaku are studying Quantum Physics to learn if space travel, even time travel, may actually be possible. Some such scientists make it sound as if there are many dimensions to the universe about us of which we have been unaware. Theories known as the “string theory” and “parallel universes” can stimulate our imaginations in ways that were never before thought of as even remotely possible’ yet, these learned people are willing to risk their reputations to tell us that Quantum Physics makes many incredible things possible regardless of how farfetched they can sound. Perhaps the problem is not that there is little evidence to support the existence of UFOs; on the contrary, there may simply be much too much. Even in the video whose link is given above you see multiple UFOs flying all about. It is the multiplicity of these objects that can eventually make it difficult for even a true believer to continue to accept their presence. The large numbers of sightings can, at times, make space seem to be a gigantic super highway alive with traffic. Some have supposed that we are being studied by superior beings and that they may come from not one but from many different places in space. Of course, if such beings do exist, it is possible there could be multiple expeditions to earth by multiple “people” simultaneously. After all, as mankind develops his own capacity to reach out into space and to learn more and more of it other nations join the United States in exploring space on their own with their own crafts.
The large number of sightings, of singular and multiple objects tend to disprove rather than to prove the existence of such objects. Those reports raise many questions. For example if beings from elsewhere were studying our habits and mankind the creature in particular, why Photo of deep space taken by the Hubble would it be necessary to send fleets of UFOs on such a mission? Even if there were UFOs from many places in deep space each with its own agenda, each having its own research program, the number of sightings would still be staggering. Obviously all sightings cannot be discredited and certainly all cannot be confirmed as genuine if they are. We are, however, restricted to dealing with possibilities that fit into current science as we know it. Quantum physics tells us that space travel might in truth be as simple as a trip to a nearby store. We are told there may be universes that exist beside us that we are not aware of and that cannot be seen. The Quantum theory supposes that it could actually be possible not only to travel across vast regions of space in a short time but that it might be possible to leave the present and travel to a time in the past. Is it just crazy conjecture? The scientists, such as Mr. Kaku, tell us the theories continue to withstand strict scrutiny by the scientific community, but for many it is going to be very difficult to accept such propositions without some substantial proof of them.
Will You Vote to Hurt Yourself? Your Family? On November 6, 2012 many Americans will go to the polls with good intentions. They want to perform the highest duty an American is called upon to do – they will VOTE! Many of those voters will pull a ballot and simply cast their vote for people who are running under the banner of the party the voter feels a kinship with. That is dangerous for American!
Not all those who run for political office are capable, not all are qualified, and not all are honest. They are people who often are running for office because they see it as an opportunity to enrich themselves or others. They may view it as a way to assure that at least their own vote is cast to favor a particular group of people of a certain financial stratum.
Some people will run for office who have strong beliefs; that does not make them bad but their beliefs might be bad for the nation as a whole. There are some who hear that our Constitution is not being followed and they will want to protect it – perhaps without knowing what if any genuine threats exist to it. They will not have actually read the Constitution itself they will basing such conclusions on the words of others. Often the words of those others are distortions or lies promulgated to accomplish a sinister or greedy end; perhaps contrary to the public good. Casting one’s vote should not be an exercise similar to cheering for the local high school football team. The mere fact that someone is running for office under the banner of a particular party does not mean he truly believes what that party believes or what you believe. He or she may have chosen to run as a member of your party simply because someone else is running for the same office that is in and supported by the party where his true loyalty lies. That happens more frequently than you might realize. Read, then read some more and learn about the people you plan to vote for. If there is substantial evidence enough to make you question the person’s integrity, their beliefs, or their sincerity of service look at an opposing candidate and compare the two, Determine for yourself who may be the best party to serve in that office. Don’t cast your vote merely out of party loyalty. That is wrong. That is a waste of that valuable right that has been defended and fought for through the years by brave men an women who fought not for a particular political party but for the rights of a nation, for all Americans; people of many persuasions. Your vote is wanted by good people, bad people, those who want to feed the hungry, help the unemployed find work. . It is wanted by those who have no concerns for the less fortunate, but rather those who are rich and simply wish to be richer, who want to help people like themselves who are also rich. Don’t vote to help those who will harm your family or to give unneeded help to those who need none. Vote with sound reason.
Think before you vote Don’t vote out of blind Party Loyalty
VOTE November 6
Of Interest
Ann Romney is sick of you people not understanding how hard it is to be Ann Romney by Kaili Joy GrayFollow
Ann Romney sure despises the unpedicured, unwashed masses—you people, as she likes to call them—who can't afford to keep their feet perfectly groomed and styled. Maybe if they got the $70,000 tax break Ann gets for her horse, they could afford that kind of class and style too.
Ann Romney is once again up on her gold-plated cross, and she's got another message for the ingrates out there who don't appreciate how hard it is to be her: During an interview early this evening with Radio Iowa, Mrs. Romney directly addressed her fellow Republicans who’ve criticized her husband. “Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring,” she said. “This is hard and, you know, it’s an important thing that we’re doing right now and it’s an important election and it is time for all Americans to realize how significant this election is and how lucky we are to have someone with Mitt’s qualifications and experience and know-how to be able to have the opportunity to run this country.” Ann has told "you people" time and time again to leave Mitt alone, stop asking questions, and just be grateful that he's willing to run for president. Shut up and show a little appreciation for the Romneys and their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice— passing up constant $30 million-a-year job offers, even though "poor guy, he took no pay when he did the Olympics for three years and no pay when he was governor for four years." She's tried to make women get it:
"Women, you need to wake up," she urged them. "Women have to ask themselves who's going to have and be there for you. I can promise you, I know, that Mitt will be there for you. He will stand up for you, he will hear your voices." She's tried to make Latinos get it: You’d better really look at your future and figure out who’s going to be the guy that’s going to make it better for you and your children, and there is only one answer. [...] It really is a message that would resonate well if they could just get past some of their biases that have been there from the Democratic machines that have made us look like we don’t care about this community. But no. You people just won't let up, with the mockery of the Romneys' car elevator; with the questions about all those millions stashed away in secret bank accounts; with the outright disgust at Ann's tales of woe about struggling to survive on Mitt's inherited stock portfolio. But you people—you women, you Latinos, you Democrats and now you Republicans—just don't get it. You're so mean and classless with all your questions and doubt and disgust. Heck, that's why Ann so astutely noted: My horse has more style and more class in its hoof than they do in their whole deal. Ugh. You people. You just have no idea how hard it is to be Ann. Just stop it.
Don’t Vote Dumb!
Courtesy of ARA Content editor@theweeklyreporter.com
Don't let return charges on your leased car put a dent in your wallet (ARA) - The allure of a new car and low monthly payment options draw many people to lease a car, even though they could face serious fines and extra charges when they return the vehicle at the end of the lease term. If you're leasing a car, however, you can take steps to avoid getting dinged by lease return charges. Sweat the small stuff Just about every vehicle on the road has some scratches, nicks, chips and dents; parking lots and garages can't protect a vehicle clear coat to ensure an exact manufacturerapproved match. Scratch Fix costs a small fraction of what the dealership will charge for a professional repair, and is an easy way to restore the appearance of any vehicle leased or owned. Tire check Like a pair of shoes, constant use will cause tires to wear down quickly. Tires are often one of the first places a dealer will look when inspecting a vehicle, and besides being a safety concern, bald or damaged tires can cost you big when your lease is up. Tires with less than one-eighth of an inch of tread need to be replaced before the dealership's inspection. An easy trick to get an idea of whether your car needs new tires is the “penny test.� Simply place a penny in the tread of each tire with Lincoln's head upside down and facing you. If the top of Lincoln's head shows, it's time for new tires. To get the most life out of your leased car's tires from the get-go, check tire pressure regularly and rotate your tires about every six months. When your lease end date
completely. Inevitably, doors get dinged and bumpers scuffed. And even if the blemishes on your leased car are small, don't think the dealership won't notice. Even small flaws can quickly rust and grow into large headaches, so fixing the problem as soon as possible is always the best solution. Fortunately, you can avoid marked-up repair costs by using Scratch Fix touch-up paint products from Dupli-Color. The innovative solution can be used for nearly any surface paint damage,
draws near, do a full check on all tires and
replace any that show cuts, cracks or bulges in the sidewalls or treads. Purchasing new tires may seem expensive, but paying for them to be replaced by the dealership will likely cost you even more.
It's in the details Before you hand over the keys for inspection, make an effort to get the vehicle looking and working exactly as it did when you drove it off the lot. Check that all features, including the sound system, keyless entry, windows and any other components, work properly and that all extras, from luggage racks to the spare tire cover, are accounted for. Though these extras may seem insignificant compared to the vehicle itself, the leasing company will check every single aspect of the vehicle when you return it. To give your lease a good-as-new appearance, consider having the vehicle detailed before inspection. Turning over a vehicle that has already been thoroughly cleaned will make for an easier and less costly trade-in. By taking advantage of the tips above, you'll skip the headaches when it comes to turning in a leased car.
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Social Security recipients embrace electronic payments, give high marks to Treasury-recommended prepaid card (ARA) - If you receive one of the 6 million paper checks for your monthly Social Security or other federal benefit, the time has come to switch to the safety and convenience of electronic payments. With less than one year until the March 1, 2013, deadline for all federal benefit recipients to switch from paper checks to electronic payments, a new U.S. Department of the Treasury study has found overwhelming support for its recommended Direct Express(R) Debit MasterCard(R) card. According to a cardholder survey, 95 percent of individuals who use the Direct Express(R) card to receive monthly Social Security payments are satisfied with the card, and 93 percent also report they are likely to recommend the card to others. "We hope that hearing about the extremely high satisfaction with the Direct Express(R) card will encourage check recipients to make the switch to the card or direct deposit as soon as possible," says David Lebryk, commissioner of the Treasury Department's Financial Managem ent Service. "This card helps senior citizens, people with disabilities and others who lack access to traditional banking services to pay bills, withdraw cash and make purchases without worrying about their paper checks being lost or stolen or paying check-cashing fees." Easy and safe to use Introduced in June 2008, the Direct Express(R) card has helped more than 3 million Americans to safely and easily access their federal benefit payments. The card, which can be used with no or low fees, provides a more convenient way for all Americans to access their federal benefits, while also improving government efficiency and delivering more than $1 billion in savings. Federal benefit recipients also can choose to have their benefit payments deposited directly into their bank or credit union account. The Treasury Department published a final rule in December 2010 to gradually eliminate paper checks for federal benefit payments.
Since May 1, 2011, anyone applying for new federal benefits, including Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Veterans Affairs, Railroad Retirement Board, Office of Personnel Management benefits and other non-tax payments, have had to choose direct deposit or a Direct Express(R) card when they sign up for the benefit. For those who began receiving benefits earlier, March 1, 2013 is the final deadline, and all remaining federal benefit check recipients must start receiving their money electronically. Learn more about electronic payments The Treasury Department's Go Direct(R) public education campaign is working with more than 1,800 partner organizations nationwide to spread the message about the electronic payment rule and to educate federal benefit recipients about their options. The campaign recently introduced a new public service announcement as well as a series of educational videos and print materials that explain how electronic payments work and how to use the Direct Express(R) card. The videos and materials are available on the Go Direct campaign website at www.GoDirect.org. Make the switch today Federal benefit recipients can switch to electronic payments online at www.GoDirect.org or through the U.S. Treasury Electronic Payment Solution Center toll-free at 1-800-333-1795. It's free to switch and takes less than 10 minutes. Go paperless today and enjoy electronic benefits for many years to come. The preceding information has been provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service. The cardholder survey was conducted by KRC Research and commissioned by MasterCard Worldwide on behalf of the Treasury Department's Financial Management Service. The Go Direct(R) campaign is sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Direct Express(R) logo, Go Direct(R) and Direct Express(R) are registered service marks, and the Go Direct(SM) logo is a service mark, of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service. The Direct Express(R) Debit MasterCard(R) card is issued by Comerica Bank, pursuant to a license by MasterCard International Incorporated. MasterCard(R) and the MasterCard(R) Brand Mark are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated.
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Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 45min
Banana Nut Snack
Makes 8 Servings
Ingredients: • Pillsbury Baking Spray with Flour • 1 1/2 cups White Lily® Enriched Bleached All Purpose Flour • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 cup sugar • 3/4 cup Crisco® Pure Vegetable Oil • 2 large eggs, lightly beaten • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Instructions: 1. HEAT oven to 350ºF. Coat an 8 x 8 x 2-inch baking pan with flour nostick cooking spray. 2. COMBINE flour, baking soda and salt in small bowl; set aside. 3. BEAT sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla in large bowl. Mix in bananas and pecans. Add flour mixture gradually, stirring until just mixed. 4. POUR into prepared pan. Bake 40 to 45 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely on wire rack or serve warm.
• 1 1/2 cups mashed ripe banana • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
Nutritional Information Per Serving: Serving Size (1/8), Calories 450 (Calories from Fat 240), Total Fat 27g (Saturated Fat 2.5g, Trans Fat 0g), Cholesterol 50mg, Sodium 230mg, Total Carbohydrate 53g (Dietary Fiber 2g, Sugars 30g), Protein 4g; Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 2%, Vitamin C 6%, Calcium 2%, Iron 8%.
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Weekly REPORTER Courtesy of ARAcontent
(ARA) - Back-to-school season can be a stressful time for families. Homework requirements, packed schedules, extracurricular activities and even shorter hours of daylight are only a few things that make this time of year a transitional time for families. In fact, research shows that 85 percent of teens report their stress levels are affecting their school performance. “There are simple habits that parents can adopt to help reduce stress, both for themselves and for their children during the school year,” says education and parenting expert Dr. Michele Borba, who is the bestselling author of 22 parenting books and a frequent TODAY show contributor. “Follow these easy tips to ensure the school year is a success for all members of the family.” * Promote the positive: Children take cues from their parents on how to handle and react to stress. Help promote positive feelings within the family by discussing what's happening each day while around the dinner table, and by posting handwritten notes of encouragement around the house or in your children's lunchboxes. Research also shows that praising your child's hard work and
efforts rather than the desired outcome enhances their achievement. For example, aim to give more words of encouragement commending your children on time spent studying for a big test rather than the actual score they receive on that test. * Develop a shared calendar: The school year means sporting events, music lessons, after-school activities and PTA meetings all at once. “One central calendar is crucial to keeping everyone on track and remembering appointments,” says Dr. Borba. Try creating a color-coded family command center to keep everyone organized. Include a family calendar for tracking schedules, family note boards for sharing messages and a storage area for saving important documents that will be needed at a later date. Post-it Full Adhesive Notes in different colors are a great way to represent each family member. These notes have a full adhesive backing that holds notes on the calendar longer, but can be removed cleanly and reposted if needed. Keeping track of all the activities will help all family members feel more at ease, reducing stress. * Get enough sleep: Waking up early in the morning for school, combined with
maintaining late hours for sporting practices, after-school activities or homework quickly translates into exhaustion. “Sleep is fundamental to your entire well-being,” says Dr. Borba. Keeping children on consistent sleep schedule on weekends and school vacations also promotes healthy long-term sleep habits. * Become familiar with specific stress-reduction techniques: Every person handles stress in different ways, especially when it comes to kids and teenagers. Dr. Borba recommends helping your children pinpoint habits and activities that help them reduce stress, and set aside time to do these activities with them. Your teenage daughter may respond positively to yoga classes as a form of stress relief, while the long, deep breaths required to blow bubbles can be calming for many young children. By helping your family properly prepare and manage full schedules and other stress factors throughout this school year, you'll notice all members of your family showing success in their endeavors and enjoying the activities they're involved in. Put these tips from Dr. Borba to use for an organized and stress-free school year.
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Four Things You Might Not Know About Fall Allergies (ARA) - As most allergy sufferers will tell you, allergy symptoms can always be bothersome, turning any time of year into sneezing season. A runny nose, itchy eyes and scratchy throat can arise as the days get shorter and the leaves begin to change.
The fall can be especially difficult for people who are sensitive to mold and ragweed pollen. But these seasonal elements aren't the only triggers that can make symptoms worse this time of year. There are also a few lesser known triggers. Here are four things you might not know about fall allergies, courtesy of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: * Hay fever - Hay fever, a term from a bygone era, actually has nothing to do with hay. Instead, it's a general term used to describe the symptoms of late summer allergies. Ragweed is a common cause of hay fever, which is also known as allergic rhinitis. The plant usually begins to pollinate in mid-August and may continue to be a problem until a hard freeze, depending on where you live. See an allergist for prescription medications to
Courtesy of AraContent
control symptoms or to see if allergy shots may be your best option. * Lingering warm weather - While most people enjoy Indian summer, unseasonably warm temperatures can make rhinitis symptoms last longer. Mold spores can also be released when humidity is high, or the weather is dry and windy. Be sure to begin taking medications before your symptoms start. Track your allergy symptoms with MyNasalAllergyJournal.org and visit with your allergist to find relief. * Pesky leaves - Some folks might find it difficult to keep up with raking leaves throughout the autumn. But for allergy sufferers, raking presents its own problem. It can stir agitating pollen and mold into the air, causing allergy and asthma symptoms. Those with allergies should wear an NIOSH-rated N95 mask when raking leaves, mowing the lawn and gardening. * School allergens - It's not only seasonal pollen and mold that triggers allergies this time of year. Kids are often exposed to classroom irritants and allergy triggers. These can include chalk dust and classroom pets. Students with food allergies may also be exposed to allergens in the lunch room.Kids with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) may experience attacks during recess or gym class. Help your child understand what can trigger their allergies and asthma, and how they can avoid symptoms. Be sure to notify teachers and the school nurse of any emergency medications, such as quick relief inhalers and epinephrine. No matter the season, it's important for those who think they may be suffering from allergies or asthma to see a board-certified allergist. An allergist can help you develop a treatment plan, which can include both medication and avoidance techniques. Having your allergies properly identified and treated will help you and your family enjoy the season. To find an allergist and learn more about allergies and asthma, visit www.AllergyandAsthmaRelief.org.
Weekly REPORTER ACROSS 1 Not as much 5 British apartments 10 Extremity 14 A spinning toy (2 wds.) 15 Sign of the zodiac 16 Elliptic 17 Unmannerly 18 Treed (2 wds.) 19 Flavor of sherbet 20 Fiascos 22 Cadet 23 Decompose 24 Shade 26 Deplete 27 Ship initials 30 Settee 33 Oolong 35 Thick carpet 37 Dried pepper berry 42 Painful 43 Cause of sickness 44 Three 45 Recoups 49 Drains energy 50 Mr. 51 Nimbus 53 Downwind 54 Hubbub 57 Genetic code 59 Frosty 61 Cranny 63 Future tense opp. (2 wds.) 69 Reverberate 70 Ms. Winfrey 71 Country in SE Asia 72 Roman emperor 73 Simple 74 Stale 75 Star __ 76 Senior 77 Murder
DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Shortening Decorative needle case Turfs Pointed weapon 80’s hairstyle for men Diet Reduce (abbr.) Scrap State Lounge Crawling vines Small wrapped candies
DOWN continued 13 Sound 21 Distress call 22 Look 25 North American Indian 27 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 28 Loafer 29 Frock 31 Be afraid 32 Imitative 34 Fifth book in the New Testament 36 Jewels 38 Supplication 39 Voiced 40 Aged 41 Honker
46 47 48 52 54 55 56 58 60 62 64 65 66 67 68 70
Wait Pot Slide Fall mo. Concerning Chopper Orange yellow Shock Shouts Gaff Dry Salvage Finger part Bod See Less than two
SNJX JRNT FUBFT Friedrich Nietzsche
Are Super PACs Hurting Themselves? The Supreme Court, is thought to be a neutral, objective body that examines cases on the basis of law alone. In 2010 the court in a 5-4 decision sent waves of chaos into the election place with its controversial decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 50 (2010) that favors rich conservatives. That decision made it possible for corporations and unions to pour any amount of money into political campaigns anonymously. That opened wide the doors of corruption in the election place making it possible for such organizations to pour enough money into a campaign to buy the outcome. Such tactics, of course, make it possible for such organizations to actually buy an election. What was the court Chief Justice Roberts thinking? The fact of the matter is that Chief Justice John Kennedy and four yes-men seem to have decided the case not on merits but on the basis of the ultra right base in the country who have worked hard to prevent the Democratic administration from doing anything worthwhile that might help the president be re-elected. \ Perhaps those who put greed ahead of patriotism are shooting themselves in the foot. While flip-flopper Mitt Romney harps about how bad the economy is that George Bush left behind the Super PACs are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the economy. As those dollars help put people to work and strength the economy they are actually helping the man they want to defeat.
Don’t Vote To Feed Someone’s Need To Feed his Greed
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Monday - Closed Tuesday thru Thursday 4 PM - 9:30 PM Friday and Saturday Sunday
4 PM - 11 PM 3 PM - 9 PM
7174 Caton Farm Road Plainfield, IL 60586 Phone (815) 230-3241
*10% OFF Next Purchase
*10% OFF Next Purchase
October 31, 2012 * Not valid with any other offer Only valid for Catering orders Of $150 or More.
County Line Road