The Weekly Reporter - September 20, 2012

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“Let us dare to, read, think, and write.” John Adams 1765

Weekly Reporter

We Dare To Speak The Truth

Protecting Liberty Through Freedom of Speech

SHOULD WE ELECT A DECEPTIVE PRESIDENT? Mitt Romney has apparently not become accustomed to the idea that when you are in the public eye each and every word you speak is heard and recorded. It seems Mr. Romney is willing to say whatever he thinks or has been told is appropriate for the audience he is standing before. Thus, if the audience tends to be very conservative Mr. Romney will most certainly voice a stance against abortion, against gay rights, against women’s rights, against gun controls, against higher minimum wages, against stem cell research, against campaign contribution limits. He says he was against the bailouts, against assisting the failing automobile manufacturers, yet when he is with a more moderate group of voters his positions are quickly reversed. Mitt Romney seems to have little or no shame when it comes to changing positions in an instance; on the other hand it might be just a poor memory or worse yet a propensity for telling lies. It seems Mr. Romney is willing to say anything that, at least for the moment, seems likely to win votes. His willingness to say what he believes the ideologues wish to hear has become a trademark for him and it is very likely to cost him many votes within his own party where there seems to be a growing dissatisfaction with his unwillingness to simply be frank and let the cards fall where they might. In the past staunch, aggressive Republicans have been quick to go on the attack for anything that resembled flip-flopping on the part

of a Democratic candidate. Recent victims of such ruthlessness have been former Vice President Al Gore and Senator John Kerry. Mitt Romney’s attempts at outright deception have been very blatant and he seems to ignore the fact that there are many voters who are hearing him speak out of two sides of his mouth. His deceptions have been noticed around the world. The Guardian of the United Kingdom said,

Birds Of A Feather Mitt Romney

President Geoge Bush

“Poor Mitt Romney suffers from both related ailments: flip-flopping on issues and a perception that he will do or say anything to get elected president. He's wooden, sometimes appears disingenuous, looks long on ambition but short on passion. As Republican polling guru Frank Luntz puts it, "Romney has all the qualities Republicans would like in a president, but none of the attributes they are looking for in a candidate." See: itt-romney-flip-flopper-2012 Regardless of their political views, most voters resent a candidate who underestimates their knowledge, or perhaps their intelligence, by telling outright lies to their face. They clearly despised a president who lied to them and that was demonstrated in the last election as well as by continuing public sentiment. Go To Page

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