The Weekly Reporter - October 04, 2012

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“Let us dare to, read, think, and write.” John Adams 1765

Weekly Reporter

We Dare To Speak The Truth

Protecting Liberty Through Freedom of Speech

ROMNEY CONTINUES TO FLIP FLOP - HAS NO DIRECTION Says He Has Plans But Offers No Hint of What They Are Mitt Romney came to the Presidential Debate with spunk and arrogance and his George Bush-like willingness not to be truthful. One must wonder why the President failed to strike out at Romney when Romney pounded the drums saying he will create jobs Romney said if he is elected president he will reach across the aisle to work with members of both parties. He emphasized that he did that in Massachusetts when he was its Governor. He pointed out that he did just

President Barak Obama

that to get his healthcare bill passed in Massachusetts, a plan from which President Obama said the commonly called Obamacare was fashioned. The president did raise that point but Romney retaliated that he thought his plan for Massachusetts was good for his state but not for the nation as a whole. The President has said he wants to repeal the George Bush tax breaks for those earning more than $250,000 per year. That additional revenue would be used to help

and put people out of work. One must wonder why the President failed to point out that Romney’s wheeling and dealing and questionable business practices contributed to the unemployment rate while putting countless Americans out of work.

reduce the national debt. Former Governor Romney said repeatedly he would not reduce what those people are now paying. He has said over and over again he will not repeal the tax breaks for the wealthy and in fact wants to make them permanent. President Obama has repeatedly said the country cannot afford those massive tax breaks. Governor Romney hammered on the point that those tax breaks create jobs. The truth of the matter is that the tax breaks have not created jobs and that in some cases the extra money was spent overseas on fat-cat toys. Most of the extra money the wealthy realized by the rich as a result of those breaks was not spent but was simply saved or invested. The tax breaks did not create jobs or reduce unemployment. The President went after Romney when he said he would cut taxes across the board. President Obama said those tax reductions would cost the country 4.8 trillion dollars the nation cannot afford. Romney denied that but could not explain where the additional revenue would come from to replace those 4.8 trillion dollars in lost national revenue. Romney made it clear that he will play dirty to convince people. He went after President Obama saying that the President had taken $760 million dollars from Medicare. The President explained that the

$760 million was not cuts in Medicare but was money that was saved by reducing what the government will pay hospitals and other medical institutions. Although the President repeated that the money was reductions to payment to the hospitals, etc. Romney continued to Mitt Romney untruthfully say the President had cut Medicare benefits. Romney may have impressed some of his base with his aggressiveness and distortions but for those who were listening to what was being said it was very obvious that he is little more than a reflection of George Bush who lied the country into the financial mess President Obama inherited when he took office. The President did try to force Romney into giving details of all the things he was promising to do but Romney never offered any specifics as to how he would do anything he suggested he would do if he were elected.

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The Weekly Reporter - October 04, 2012 by John Gabriel - Issuu