“Let us dare to, read, think, speak and write.” - John Adams, 1765 December 1, 2011
e h T Weekly Reporter
WillingTo Say The Truth.
Protecting Liberty Through Freedom of Speech VIEW IN FLIP PAGES - GO TO PAGE TWELVE
Joliet Mourns Death of Former Mayor Art Schultz angioplasty and a bout with pneumonia added to his medical difficulties. He loved Joliet; it was his city, much like a father watching over a child. Whether it was throwing out the first pitch at the last Joliet JackHammers game or visiting the Taste of Joliet he was happy being a part of the city. The former Mayor served Joliet as a Police Officer for 30 years prior to running for office. He held a rank of Lieutenant and was a past president of the Joliet Police Officers Association. During the Korean War he served in the U.S. Navy. Art Schultz was 78 when he entered the hospital two weeks ago. One week later he was transferred to Joliet Area Community Hospice
Former Joliet Mayor Arthur “Art” Schultz and his wife Frances at the taste of Joliet in June 2009. The former Mayor and Mrs. Schultz celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary on November 6th.
where he passed away on Saturday November 26th. Those who knew him respected him for his ability to “get things done” and for his persuasiveness. Probably his biggest fans were those to worked with him and had close contact with him. The City of Joliet has lost a fine man and a great citizen. He is survived by his wife of 57 years Frances; sister Clara; daughters Nancy Voots and Debbie Fonck; three sons Arthur Jr. who serves on the Joliet Park District Board, Danny and Mike; and seven grandchildren.
One of the Mayor’s gems home of the Joliet minor league ball club. It is located at One Mayor Art Schultz Drive, Joliet, IL
He was Joliet’s Mayor for 20 years when he chose to not to run again. He was Mr. Joliet, Arthur “Art” Schultz a man who loved the city and its people with a reverence. Nancy Schultz Voots, Will County Clerk and of his two daughters confided that Mayor Schultz was so attached to Joliet he chose not to vacation anywhere else; Joliet was his home, Joliet was his piece of heaven. Art Schultz endured illness for years battling throat cancer that cost him his voice box during his first term as mayor, surgery for a triple bi-pass and finally his bout with congestive heart failure which took his life. Stints in his legs after an
The Wexford Story Continues
The Weekly Reporter
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of American desperation into office. Americans, frightened because the George Bush economy came crashing down upon us blamed, like Americans always do, the President for the troubles caused by greedy corporations who have no souls, no conscience and an appetite for profit than will J ohn G abriel - Award winning writer- j gabriel@theweeklyreporter.com never be satisfied. The Tea Party likes to use the word BUSINESS to Twisted ideas, morons, greedy idiots who can never have enough of anything are who caused America’s current encompass the local dry cleaners, the liquor store, the card shop, and pizzerias along with the crooked, lying, cheating economic problems. This wack-job Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) defends the bankers, the liars, the speculators, corporations who have no loyalty to the United States. Small business did not cause the economic failures we the greedy traders with insatiable lusts for money who lied and cheated us into this economic mess that has put millions are experiencing. Liars who sold ARM mortgages to unsuspecting people who could never under any of Americans out of work. He praises big business whose drooling for profits has circumstances afford them are the ones who did this to us. They reaped in billions of dollars thru deception and taken millions of American jobs across the sea to the other Walsh says don’t blame them. He must be stupid, a moron, side of the world. Joe Walsh and other Tea Party members rode a wave or just doesn’t know anything about anything to say that.
Did You Vote This Guy Into Congress?
The Weekly Reporter
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FATHER AGONIZES OVER SON’S NEED FOR MEDICATION The Weekly Reporter began a series last week relating to issues concerning the healthcare of inmates imprisoned in Illinois. A firm known as Wexford Health Sources, Incorporated of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania was given a $204 million dollar contract to render healthcare to Illinois prisoners. Wexford was given that contract after it donated $10,000 to former Governor Rod Blagojevich’s election campaign. Richard Strom became extremely concerned over the health and well-being of his son Richard “Ricky” Strom after an individual who is practicing medicine as a licensed medical doctor in Illinois decided to discontinue some Richard Strom Sr. medication that Ricky Strom needs to function normally each day. The elder Strom was concerned immediately and began calling medical personnel at Shawnee Correctional Center where his son is confined. Strom said no one would give him any satisfactory explanation as to why the “doctor” had discontinued some of his son’s medications. He became so desperate he called the Governor’s office. He filed a formal complaint regarding his son’s need for the medicine. Some people within the corrections system did not like that Strom is making waves. Shortly, Ricky was locked up in segregation, a unit reserved for disciplinary cases. Strom was on the telephone again. No one would give him a reason why his son was in segregation. After a couple of days he was told it was for his son’s protection. No one could say what he needed to be protected from. Consider why Wexford exists. Wexford is in the money making business. The healthcare part is
By John Gabriel Award winning writer
A necessary evil, a tool needed to land a contract that can be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Wexford like any other large corporation is in business to make money. They do it by convincing authorities in charge of various prisons to contract with them to provide medical care for prisoners. Much of society views prisoners not with compassion but through vengeful eyes. They broke the law, some did terrible things, and so society seems to have little concern for how they are treated. So, companies who provide any services to prisoners are likely to do very much just what they wish because few if any people will complain when prisoners are abused. The people who complain will be the prisoners, the ones who will listen are the courts. Based upon legal actions brought against Wexford and legal actions that are pending it appears from the records that Wexford is interested in making money and will allegedly withhold medication or treatment from prisoners who can get no other medical attention. In a pending lawsuit in Federal Court, Don Lippert versus a long list of defendants including the Illinois Department of Corrections and Wexford Health Sources, Inc. Attorney Alan Mills docket number 10-CV-4603, before Judge Ruben Castillo and Magistrate Judge Morton Denlow, Federal court, Attorney Alan Mills said in the Lippert complaint:
Continued on Page 13
The Weekly Reporter Ralph LaPorte rlaporte@theweeklyreporter,.com
Fall Out For
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Congressman Attacks Veterans For Exercising Their Right to Speak Their Minds Veterans, above all realize that American Veterans, America’s greatest heroes, come in all shapes sizes and colors. They know why they fought for this nation. They are the true believers in the Constitution of the United States and the rights and principles upon which it was founded. America’s veterans understand that the Constitution guarantees every person the right to speak out for what he believes, and, that means even when what he is saying may not coincide with out own beliefs.
He Should Not Be a Congressman Still, to use a famous quote of uncertain origins, "I disagree strongly with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That is the credo of most American Veterans. We are Americans with many believes, many disbeliefs, many points upon which we may agree and, yet, many others upon which we do not see eye-eye. But, we above all realize the importance of allowing other people to be different and to view things in different perspectives. The video shows a loudmouthed, uncouth member of Congress who swore to support and to defend the Constitution of the United States, condemning American Veterans for voicing their frustration over the current economic situation, especially unemployment. Congressman Walsh happens to be a Tea Party politician. The Tea Party above all ought to be very cognizant of the First Amendment since the Boston Tea Party from which it took its name was a violent protest against a new tax and an expression of freedom of speech.Go toL http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/teaparty.htm.
The current oath was written in 1884: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office.” The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects your right, my right, and the right of every American to say what he thinks. But Congressman Walsh condemns American Veterans, men and women who defended his right to be a bonehead with his foot in his mouth, for speaking out against the fat-cats on Wall Street who are truly the ones at fault for not only our economic difficulties but much of the world’s economic tragedies as well. Every American Veteran who thinks anything of this great nation, who strongly believes that the foundation of our rights is the Constitution of the United States should be sending him a letter or an email protesting his idiocy.
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Will Thinking Become a Thing of the Past? By John Gabriel Award Winning Writer
Ed u
io n cat te t Ma
Mankind has always striven to find ways to make his work easier and more productive. We often refer to the explosion of machinery onto the scene as The Industrial Revolution. It was, according to historians, a period that began early in the 18th century, a period when more and more machinery was invented and produced to make work easier, faster, and more profitable. Humans have been endowed with an incomparable mind, a mind capable of great ideas, profound thoughts, and greed, it, however, must be used or like idle machinery it too will become useless. The industrial revolution was probably seeded more by greed and man’s lust for money more than by any noble motivation. Sadly, capitalism, the mother of the American economy, is, and can only be, fueled by greed. Corporations have no souls, they do not seek out success for the sake of success or for the sake of accomplishment they seek growth for profit. They are owned by people who risk their own money for the purpose of realizing a profit from their willingness to provide cash to a company so that it may exist. Their interest is in the bottom line. During the 18th century few people were wealthy but the image of other people of power and wealth gave incentive to others to want more. Today the educational world is driven to a large degree by the demands of business. Businesses are attracted to states whose educational systems are able to produce graduates with educations consistent with the demands of businesses unique needs.That, in some respects, has diluted education so that its quest to satisfy the business world tends to concentrate not on brain development but rather on manipulative skills that enable workers to use tools, time, and equipment more efficiently. One example might be in an office where someone is needed to do billing and to enter information into a client’s
Replacing Brains With Robots
file. A person probably needs to know how to utilize a computer that someone else invented, how to turn it on and off, how to press keys, and to move around in the program to enter or to retrieve information. Not a great deal of imagination is needed for the task. Consequently, an employer will probably seek a worker who can do those things but not necessarily be a profound thinker. Have you ever noticed when you check out at a store that the checkout person only has to know how to operate the cash register that someone else designed and programmed; it is not necessary to know any arithmetic because the machine does all the thinking to get the job done. Schools seem to be drifting further from mind development and more toward teaching how to use computers that will replace the human brain while producing greater profits for businesses. Business prefers people who can operate a calculator to people who can add or subtract mentally. Mental acuity is no longer important but knowing how to use Microsoft Word or Excel is. Sadly, the only brains involved are those of Bill Gates’ brainy employees who developed and wrote those programs. Microsoft, of course, is one place where intelligence is demanded but outside of such institutions business wants people who can operate machines and programs. Thinking is secondary. Of course I am old fashioned, I am old, but I am grateful for that because I can do math in my head. I do enjoy reading, I do appreciate good literature. I am intelligent enough to distinguish between racism and a description of the times and events Mark Twain recorded when he wrote Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn. My school teachers were dignified, demanding, and knowledgeable, they accepted no excuses for failure and – they knew and understood well the subjects they taught. It may be inevitable that if you wish to earn a living today thinking may not be your most valuable asset when it comes to getting a job; but that is a sad commentary on the state of man’s intelligence.
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Buying online? How to find reliable product reviews
HEADS UP ON FINANCE Courtesy of ARAContent
(ARA) - More of us than ever before will do at least part of our holiday shopping online this year, foregoing the hassles of in-store purchasing. In fact, in 2010, online shoppers spent more than $1 billion on Cyber Monday (the Monday immediately following Thanksgiving), according to one study. While the benefits of online shopping are many, it does have its perils too. It can be difficult to determine the quality of what you're buying, and many consumers need to rely on customer reviews for help when evaluating products. But how do you know you can trust the reviews you're reading? The online experts at Yahoo! Shine Get It Guide offer some tips:
* Consider the source. Online product reviews can come from many sources, including compensated bloggers, independent bloggers, manufacturers, marketers, consumer advocacy groups and actual customers. Many consumers feel the most valuable, unbiased reviews are the ones generated by those who have actual experience with the product they're reviewing. For example, the Get It Guide relies on reviewers who are everyday people who review products they've actually purchased and used. * Compensation. Has the reviewer been paid for or compensated in some other way for the review? This can be difficult to determine, but knowing the reviewer's motivation and influences can help you better assess the validity of a review. * Location. Where the review appears can help you determine if the reviewer was likely compensated. For example, reviews on a company or product website may have been posted by people who received monetary or product compensation, although that's not always the case. Independent sites like the Get It Guide and consumer organization websites are more likely to offer uncompensated reviews. * How did the site select the products being reviewed? Some bloggers will review any product as long as the manufacturer or marketer sends it to them for free. Consumer groups may base their decision of what products to review based on whether or not they've received consumer complaints about those products. Products featured on the Get It Guide are selected based on search ranking, meaning the site shows reviews of products that people are actually looking for, rather than ones a manufacturer has offered for review. * Relevance. Are the reviews about product categories that you care about? For example, during the holiday season, consumers are searching for information on popular categories such as technology, appliances and fragrances (the Get It Guide's first offering was on celebrity fragrances). During summer months, travel items, sportswear and swimming items gain popularity. Product reviews can be a great way to learn more before you buy, and can help ensure your money is well spent. To learn more and to see product reviews, visit www.shine.yahoo.com/blogs/getitguide.
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Choosing the right Medicare plan: Look beyond premiums
For Seniors Only Kennyholmes@theweeklyreporter.com
(ARA) - Each year, millions of seniors are able to enroll into a new Medicare prescription drug plan (PDP), and the vast number of available options can make this a daunting task. Choosing a Medicare prescription plan can seem confusing, so the more you know, the easier it will be to find one that makes the most sense for you. (ARA) - Each year, millions of seniors are able to enroll into a new Medicare prescription drug plan (PDP), and the vast number of available options can make this a daunting task. Choosing a Medicare prescription plan can seem confusing, so the more you know, the easier it will be to find one that makes the most sense for you. Two of the most important aspects to keep in mind are whether the plan can help the beneficiary save money and protect their health. When searching for the right plan, it's important to look beyond the monthly premium. To help make the process less overwhelming, ask yourself which features are most important for you. Here are a few to consider: What is the plan's CMS Star Quality Rating? Each year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) rates Medicare Part D plans to help you compare the overall quality of plans and make a more informed decision. Based on comments from plan members and other factors, CMS continually "raises the bar" in how they review each plan's performance in several categories, such as customer service, patient safety, and member experience. Star ratings range from 1 star (poor) to 5 stars (excellent). Most prescription drug plans receive an average rating of 3.1 stars. In 2011, Medco Medicare Prescription Plan(R) (PDP) earned 4 stars for its national plan and 3.5 stars for its New York plan for overall quality and service. These ratings demonstrate Medco's commitment to quality and service excellence. Does the plan tell you when there are lower-cost alternatives available, such as generics? Many brand-name drugs are scheduled to go "off patent" in 2012, which means that there may be new generic medications available. Plans should let you know when these generics are available and will recommend that you connect with your doctor to understand if the generic is appropriate for you.The total cost of a generic drug can be up to 80 percent less than a brand-name drug. By simply asking your doctor if a generic is available, you could save hundreds of dollars and significantly delay reaching the coverage gap - the dollar amount where your coverage runs out until you reach the designated catastrophic level where it kicks back in.
Does the plan offer coverage gap alerts? In 2012, in a standard Medicare prescription plan, once your drug costs (what you pay plus what your plan pays) reach $2,930, you will enter the coverage gap. Choose a plan that gives
members the opportunity to learn how close they are to the gap - whether through written materials, phone calls or email alerts - and provides solutions for lowering overall prescription costs that will help to delay entry into it. Does the plan have online tools? Check into plans that have a suite of online tools for cost comparisons and to ensure safety. Some plans offer tools that alert members when they are taking two medications that don't work well together and could be potentially harmful to their health. Does the plan provide access to clinical specialists? Look for a plan that not only provides 24-hour access to inhouse Medicare advisors, but also to clinical specialists. They will be best suited to advise beneficiaries on prescription therapies as well as discuss lower-cost options. Finding a plan that includes both Medicare and clinical specialists provides greater value for your healthcare dollar. Continued on page 10
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Customize your coffee: Create personalized beverages Choose to brew your way. To make great coffee, start with the right coffeemaker. Look for one that fills easily and lets you create large or small batches and different brew strengths. For instance, Calphalon's Quick Brew 12-cup Coffee Maker offers both regular or bold custom brew settings - plus the flexibility to brew up to 12 cups at a time when you have a crowd, or just one to four cups for smaller groups. Brewing up to 25 percent faster than comparable standard coffee makers, the Calphalon Quick Brew 12-cup Coffee Maker won't keep your guests waiting either. Add cream to your cup. Once you've brewed your coffee, personalize it further with coffee creamers. They're available in everything from traditional vanilla, almond or hazelnut to enticing new combinations like honey-vanilla cream and (ARA) - Home personalization has extended to new white chocolate caramel latte. heights, going beyond the trend of creating customized Make it special. kitchens to creating customized beverages. Consumers are Many specialty coffee drinks are also easy to make at brewing up personalized specialty coffee drinks on par with those in high-end restaurants and coffee shops. In home, such as mocha coffee, gingerbread coffee, almond fact, "do-it-yourself flavor" is among the top 10 beverage coffee and Irish coffee. They can often be made with just a trends of the year, according to The Food Channel, a few simple ingredients from recipes on websites such as allrecipes.com and others, providing a fun way to top off a leading online source for food industry trends. This trend is due, in part, to the uncertain economy. dinner party or savor alone by the fireplace. Recent research from the International Food Information Create a new blend. Council found that 79 percent of consumers cite price as a Research shows more coffee lovers are buying whole key factor in deciding which drink items to purchase in a store. With equipment and recipes readily available today, beans and grinding them at home for a fresher, richer flavor. consumers are embracing this DIY trend and cutting costs Take your coffee grinds one step further and become a true "Roastmaster" by creating a whole new blend of your own. by making their own custom drinks at home. Whatever your taste preference, it's easy to create Mix and match flavored beans or beans from different coffeepersonalized beverages for yourself, your family and growing countries to develop new tastes and sensations you won't find in your average cup of coffee. For peak flavor and guests to enjoy all winter long. the ultimate freshness, package your blend in an airtight container and store it in a dark, room-temperature location. Hot-coffee indulgence. So go ahead and turn yourself loose in the kitchen. It's According to the National Coffee Association, easier than ever to customize your cup. gourmet coffee continues to be a significant portion (37 percent) of total coffee consumed. If hot coffee is your way to pamper yourself, endless varieties are available, from classic French roast to Hawaiian Kona and New Orleans chicory.
Among those who drink coffee -- they consume about 3.1 cups each day. Per capita men drink 1.9 cups per day and women 1.4 cups per day.
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Include your pets in your evacuation planning Mark Goodson - mgoodson@theweeklyreporter.com
(ARA) - All too often when a disaster strikes, our four-legged friends are left to fend for themselves and sometimes end up lost, injured or killed. The best way to avoid this tragic scenario is to have a well-thought-out disaster plan that includes Fido, so you know where to go and what to take. "Many public shelters that are set up for disaster victims don't accept pets so you need to find out in advance which shelters or hotels along your evacuation route will accept animals," says Lyman Munson, vice president of risk services for Fireman's Fund Insurance Company. "It is tragic, but people Courtesy ARA Content have actually died because they were ordered to evacuate a disaster area but because they did not want to leave their pets."With so many different potential disasters, advance planning is the best way for everyone to survive a catastrophe and get their lives back to normal as soon as possible. Fireman's Fund offers the following tips to protect your pets in the event of a disaster: 1. Have a disaster plan Put together a list of boarding facilities and veterinarians along your evacuation route and outside your area that might be able to shelter your pets in an emergency. Talk to your vet, the local humane society or the local emergency management agency for information regarding community evacuation plans that include pets. Make advance arrangements to have a friend or neighbor pick up your pets in the event you are not at home when a disaster strikes. And, plan where you will meet or how you will reach each other. 2. Make a grab-and-go disaster kit for your pets Just as you should have a disaster kit for your family, containing important papers and other key items, you should prepare a similar kit for your pets. It should contain the following: * Medication and medical records (including proof of rabies vaccination) in a waterproof container. *Leashes, harnesses, crates and carriers for transporting your pet. * A muzzle, if your pet requires one. * Food and water for at least three days. * Cat litter and litter box. * Comfort toys. *Recent photo of your pet in case you become separated. * Name and phone number of your veterinarian.3. If you must evacuate, take your pets Be prepared to leave early; do not wait for an official evacuation as you might be ordered to leave your pets behind. Make sure your pet is wearing up-to-date identification. Include the phone number of a friend or relative outside your area in case your pet gets lost and you cannot be reached. And mark the crate or carrier with similar information. Birds should be transported in a secure travel cage or carrier.
Birds should be transported in a secure travel cage or carrier. 4. After the disaster Once you return to your home, do not allow your pets to roam loose right away. While you assess the damage, keep dogs on a leash and other animals in their carriers. Familiar landmarks and smells might be gone, and your pet may become disoriented. Pets can easily get lost in such situations, so give them some time to get used to their "new" surroundings. Be patient. Try to get your pets back into their normal routines as soon as possible, and be on the lookout for stress-related behavioral problems; if these persist, talk to your veterinarian. "Planning for your pets ahead of time will relieve stress and help you and your family to focus on safety during and after a disaster," says Munson. "Safety should be your primary consideration."
The Weekly Reporter Continued from page 7
Does the plan offer money-saving options? Some plans feature a $0 co-payment for a 90-day supply of generic medications by mail while in the coverage gap, a great way to lower costs during this benefit stage. Access to a mail-order pharmacy allows for the convenience of medications to be delivered directly to the home. Mail order can often provide a three-month supply of medications for nearly 30 percent less than buying a one-month supply three separate times at retail. Rated 4 stars in 49 states and 3.5 stars in New York for overall quality and service in 2011. Plan performance summary star ratings are assessed each year and may change from one year to the next. A Medicare-approved Part D sponsor For more information, visit www.Medicare.gov or www.MedcoMedicare.com.
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TCF Bank Robbed The FBI has reported a bank robbery of the TCF Bank located at 9400 South Ashland Avenue in Chicago on November 23rd. The robber was reportedly an AfricanAmerican male approximately 5 ‘10” to 6’1” tall. He was wearing an orange jacket and a black wig but did not display a weapon during the holdup.
Sometimes It’s Okay To be A Sex Abuser J ohn G abriel - Award winning writer
There are some hypocrites running around loose with little inside their thin little craniums other than space. If one looks back to 1998 we will see Bill Clinton sexually involved with Monica Lewinsky. That was an extra-marital affair that involved consensual sex. How the right wing went after him. How his own party went after him; criticism was rampant. The hypocritical right wing brought down their axes of condemnation on Clinton. Of course he should have been publicly exposed and yes he deserved whatever happened to him. But the holier-than-thou hypocrites have quickly forgotten how offended they were over what Clinton did. Now those same brainless followers of right wing radio are willing to support Herman Cain as a presidential nominee. They support him despite the fact that he settled cases of unwanted sexual advances with a number of women. The man seems to have an unquenchable thirst for sex and allegedly had a 13 year affair with another woman. Are these supporters just stupid or are they so brainwashed they cannot think for themselves? When then Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin revealed that Levi Johnston had gotten Palin’s underage daughter Bristol pregnant, Levi was not arrested and tried for having sex with a minor – no! He was praised and flown to meet Presidential candidate John McCain. That sex offender was given a hero’s welcome by McCain and the Republican right wing!
There is a reward. If you have any information that might be helpful to the FBI in capturing this thief you are urged to contact the FBI in Chicago 312-421-6700. A bank photograph has been distributed and you are asked to look closely at it to determine if this may be someone you know or whom you recognize. What sort of people are so brainwashed that anything their party tells them, even if it is illegal, is 100% okay with them? Are they simply nuts? When Bill Clinton fell from grace he was nationally chastised by his own Democratic party as well as by the Republicans. No wonder the country is in such straits! The same people who cheered for sex offender Levi Johnston elected the brainless riff-raff who currently dominate Congress and who are preventing the nation from recovering from the economic wounds left behind by George Bush! It’s time for some people to stop being followers. It’s time for some people to stop allowing themselves to be led around by the nose and to start voting for America not for some idiotic handful of conservative zealots whose chief goal is to force all of us to practice their religion. It’s time to get rid of the fence hangers with their bellies resting on the backyard fence and find some voters who are equipped with brains not allegiance to whatever big business tells them to do.
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Solutions Page 12
1 Ship initials 4 Grain storage bin 9 Teaspoon (abbr.) 12 Short-term memory 13 Cowboy show 14 The other half of Jima 15 Two 16 Philippine dish with marinated chicken or pork 17 North by east 18 Anxiety 20 Having most length 22 Brand of dispensable candy 24 Pod vegetable 25 Loves 29 Shred (2 wds.) 33 Reserve Officers Training Corps. 34 Pinch 36 Space administration 37 Rock and Roll "King" 39 Revel noisily 41 Negative 43 Deoxyribonucleic acid (abbr.) 44 Teenager gathering place 48 Household cleaner brand 52 Anger 53 Cut of beef 55 Miner's goal 56 Check 57 What a ghost does 58 Jurisprudence 59 Compass point 60 Painter Richard 61 Aged
Down 1 U.S. Department of Agriculture 2 Floor 3 Air pollution 4 Volcanic depression 5 Pole 6 False god graven image 7 Music type 8 Earlier 9 Prong 10 Southwest by south 11 Bard 19 Adding zest
21 23 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 35 38 40 42 44 45 46 47 49 50 51
Oppose Type of Buddhism Be Pain unit I want my ___ Mr. Dab Wield Average work performance Spacecraft detachment Solace Recesses Large brass instruments Slaps Middle East dweller Northeast by east Boast Fly alone Spoken Ribald
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Ask y e s d Lin
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h a smile Love b egin s wit iss Grows with a k a teardrop. A n d en ds with
Dear Lindsey: Mike and I have been going out for about 7 months. He is polite and treats me nice but he is never on time. Anytime we are supposed to go some place he is late. I don’t want to break up with him but I do wish he would be on time when we have plans. Sign me Late Again. Dear Late Again: You are not alone. Many girls would see your story and believe it’s their own. It’s obvious you want to continue dating Mike because other than being late you seem happy with him. People who are consistently late show disrespect for the person they arranged to see or meet up with. Eventually such disrespect can blossom into something worse. I suggest that you have a chat with Mike and explain to him that he is being disrespectful and inconsiderate when he is repeatedly late. If he continues to be late they the next step is to not be there to meet him when he arrives. Tell him you expect him to be there promptly at the arranged time unless there is an emergency and that if he is not you will leave five minutes afterward. Good luck.
Dear Lindsey: I’ve got a boyfriend who really acts like a kid. He has a habit of lighting matches and watching the match burn till it goes out. I don’t know how he stands it because sometimes it burns right to his finger. When I tell him it annoys me he laughs and tells me to grow-up already. What can I do? Burned Up. Dear Burned Up: People who play with fire or who are obsessed with it are often pyromaniacs. Like everything it has gradual beginnings. Your boyfriend should consult a doctor who is qualified to deal with such a psychological matter. I hope he goes.
Monkey see Monkey do
Crossword solution
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Wexford - Continued from 3 “These cases illustrate the recurring issues in the Illinois prison system which are having a detrimental effect on inmates in need of medical attention. These inmates have no ability to choose a healthcare provider or otherwise exercise any choice in healthcare decisions. Instead,the inmates are forced to accept the care provided by Wexford, IDOC, and those entities’ employees, which is wholly inadequate and substandard, and left to grieve to a skeptical and unabashedly unsympathetic audience.” Lippert Receives Inadequate medical care for his diabetes on May 1, 2010
their duty and obligation to assist, Defendants Norman and Maldonado refused to help. 57. An unreasonable amount of time later, two nurses came to Lippert’s cell to check his blood sugar levels, finding it at a dangerous level of 451.5 Based on the reading, Lippert was rushed to the emergency unit, where he immediately received a shot of insulin. Id. 58. After receiving the insulin, Lippert was interviewed by Defendant Zhang, who prescribed another dose of insulin after dinner. See Grievance 3 filed May 12, 2010 (Exhibit J).
59. However, after dinner, despite his requests, Defendants Breske and Rossiter Excerpted Counts beginning with #53 refused to provide Lippert with the insulin shot prescribed 53. On May 1, 2010, while issuing insulin shots to F-House by Defendant Zhang. Id. diabetic inmates, defendant Bacot, knowing that Lippert was an insulin dependent diabetic, refused to provide 60. Defendant Breske told Lippert Dr. Zhang’s medical Lippert with his insulin shot. See Grievance 1 filed May 12, orders were that if Lippert’s 2010 (Exhibit H). blood sugar level was normal, he was to receive no insulin. Lippert was sent back to F-House 54. As a result, Lippert suffered severe diabetic without receiving any insulin. Id. complications of hypoglycemia,causing Lippert to become extremely weak and dizzy. See Grievance 2 filed May 12, 61. Later than night, Lippert asked Defendant Rossiter, who 2010 was distributing medication in F-House, to test his blood sugar levels 55. Lippert informed Defendant Palmer that he needed because he felt very sick and weak. medical attention because Bacot refused to administer his Defendant Rossiter stated that she would return to test his insulin shot. Palmer purportedly called the infirmary for blood sugar levels and give him assistance, but when no nurse or certified medical insulin once she completed her duties in F-House. Id. technician responded to the call, Palmer failed to follow up with the infirmary in a reasonable manner to 62. Defendant Rossiter never returned. Lippert again began safeguard Lippert’s health. Palmer to suffer from also refused to have Lippert escorted to the healthcare unit complications of hypoglycemia, causing him to collapse to for assistance. Palmer’s actions the floor and vomit. Id. exhibit a deliberate indifference to Lippert’s medical health. Id. 63. With respect to the incident on May 1, 2011, Lippert has exhausted all his 56. As a result of his hyperglycemia complications, Lippert administrative remedies through adherence to the proper collapsed on the floor in grievance procedure. severe pain. Defendants Norman and Maldonado, both aware that Lippert suffered from Type I 64. Defendants’ continued failure to provide Lippert Diabetes, observed Lippert in this condition but despite adequate medical treatment Continued on 14
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Richard Strom Speaks Out On You Tube
Wexford - Continued from 13 This recent court action is only one of a long line of Wexford legal difficulties. Wexford Health Sources, Inc., has had legal problems across the country and has been consistently been accused of understaffing, and failure to provide needed medications or medical attention. The Wexford firm has been paid many hundreds of millions of dollars by 10 states and can afford litigation and the cost of defending itself. The cases range from Florida to New Mexico. The firm employs a legal staff to wage a battle to win contracts when others are selected over it. When they have been denied a contract it was for good reasons such as in Alabama where its bid was $300,000 less than others but it would have cut 8 employees from the staff that were deemed essential. The history of Wexford is much too lengthy to outline in a single article but more will be published next week. There will be a follow up on what the prison personnel have done if anything to Ricky Strom. The senior Strom strongly believes they are punishing his son because of his willingness to tell the world that his son is being deprived of medication he needs to function normally.
Another Chicago Bank Robbery Photos taken by bank security camera at The North Community Bank in Chicago The FBI is searching for a man who held up The North Community Bank, 2335 N Clark Street, Chicago, IL. The robbery took place Tuesday November 29th and was described as a “non-takeover robbery” by a lone thief. The FB I said there is a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the man. The robber has been described as a Black male about 6’ 0” to 6’ 1” tall. He has black hair and a beard and was wearing a black leather jacket and a knit cap at the time of the robbery. The FBI believes he is about 35 years old. The thief did not display a weapon during the robbery but if you believe you have seen him or see him you should consider him dangerous and contact the FBI immediately at (312) 421-6700. You are reminded there is a reward being offered.