Registration begins at 11 a.m. Thursday, March 14, for all social and athletic classes except for Aquatics and Tennis. It begins at 11:30 a.m. that day for Aquatics, and at noon for Tennis.
Register at themac.com/registration. Detailed instructions are below.
• Phone registration is available by calling 503-517-7575.
• Members may register in person through At Your Service, located on the first floor.
For class-specific information and questions, contact the staff listed in the appropriate section.
SPECIAL NEEDS: At the time of registration, please make MAC aware of any special needs that are valuable for employees or instructors to know about so that they can make the experience more enjoyable.
Register quickly and easily at themac.com by visiting the Program Guide & Registration page, located in the Families and Athletics & Wellness sections of the website: themac.com/registration.
• Use the search filters at the top of the page to find the desired camps, classes, or clinics. Know the registration code? Simply type that into the search field and click “Search.” The results appear on a list below.
• Those who don’t know the exact camp, class, or clinic for which they’re looking, or just want to browse to see what’s available, can use the filters to find offerings by age, category, day of the week, and availability.
For more information about any classes, camps, or MAC services, visit At Your Service, which is located in the club’s Main Lobby, or contact them by phone or text at 503-517-7235 or atyourservice@themac.com.
This class guide is alphabetized by program name and is meant to be a quick reference for seasonal and registerable camps, classes, and clinics. Please use the table of contents to cross-reference each department’s offerings.
Check themac.com for the most comprehensive listing of the club’s current programs, including complimentary drop-in fitness classes and wellness packages. Information listed in the guide after the class title and description is displayed in the following format:
Member/ Date(s) Day(s) Time Location Guest Fee QRN
6/16-7/14 TU 4:30-5 p.m. West Pool $40/$50 AQJ100 CATEGORIES
Early Childhood: Classes for children ages 5 and younger.
Junior Recreational: Geared toward beginning and intermediate participants developing skills. Focus is placed on being active in an encouraging environment.
Junior Pre-Competitive: These classes are for children who have an interest in progressing toward joining a competitive team. Enrollment requires approval from instructor.
Adults: Recreational classes for adults. Check here for league information.
Family: Classes designed for participation by the whole family.
Free Classes & Open Play: Free opportunities to be active and meet new members.
All camps, classes and clinics in this guide are canceled on Memorial Day (Monday, May 27) unless stated otherwise. For program-specific class cancellations during the Spring session, refer to the notes provided in individual program sections within this guide.
MAC camps and classes require the MAC Agreement Release & Waiver of Liability form to be completed by parents/guardians to give permission to treat children in the event of a medical emergency.
To update a child’s profile, log in as the child on the website and click “My Profile” from any screen. Participants may not begin camps or classes until this information is complete.
Unless otherwise stated for a specific program, general policy regarding class withdrawal is as follows:
• Withdrawals made 14 days prior to class start date: No charge
• Withdrawals within 13 days of the first day of class: 100% of fee charged
• All withdrawal requests subject to a penalty fee must be submitted in writing. The date used for the purpose of assessing the amount of fee charged is the date the club receives written notification.
Due to the nature of these outings, which includes working with professional guiding vendors and federal land management permits, there is a different cancellation policy than other programs at MAC. Please read carefully prior to registration.
• Cancellations made up to 30 days prior to the event: No charge
• Cancellations made 29 days or less before the event: 100% of fee charged
Courses that do not meet the minimum threshold of participants by approximately seven days before the first class are cancelled without charge. Registered attendees are notified via email if the course is to be cancelled.
Members are waitlisted for a class that has reached maximum enrollment. Waitlisted members receive enrollment priority based on the order in which they waitlisted for the class.
Members are notified via email if a spot has opened, and they are enrolled. Updates to registration status also may be viewed online at themac.com.
In an effort to eliminate confusion for members about the availability of club services and facilities when severe weather is forecasted, the general manager shall determine club hours and service based on availability of staff and severity of weather as reported by the National Weather Service. Club closure, delayed opening, or opening with limited services is announced to members at least four hours in advance, and by 9 p.m. for the following day. Weather alerts are posted on themac.com homepage and at all entrances as soon as they are announced.
When Portland Public Schools announces closure, early dismissal, or delayed opening due to weather, MAC Child Care, Playschool, and youth classes are canceled or delayed. Coaches determine if specific sport team practices are canceled and use TeamSnap or Team Unify to notify the teams directly.
All junior members and guests participating in classes are expected to follow Club Rules. Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior while participating in club activities. To view the entire agreement, which includes expectations and behavior-management techniques that are employed by MAC staff, visit themac.com.
Aquatics, pages 3-5
Basketball, page 5
Camps, page 6
Climbing, pages 6-8
Connect & Create, pages 8-9
Court Sports, page 10
Dance, page 10
Gymnastics, pages 11-12
Health & Safety Certifications, page 3
Karate, page 12
My MAC Playschool, page 13
Outdoor, pages 13
Pickleball, pages 14
Racquetball, page 15
Specialty Fitness, page 15
Squash, page 16
Tennis, page 17
Volleyball, page 20
Youth Programs, pages 20-21
Aquatics, page 3-5
Basketball, page 5
Climbing, pages 7-8
Connect & Create, pages 8-9
Dance, page 10
Gymnastics, page 12
Health & Safety Certifications, page 3
Karate, page 12
Outdoor, page 13-14
Pickleball, page 14
Racquetball, page 15
Specialty Fitness, page 15
Squash, page 16
Tennis, pages 18-19
Volleyball, page 20
Wellness, page 20
Competitive Athletics, page 25
503-517-7505 themac.com/group/pages/aquatics-swim school
Court Sports courtsports@themac.com | 503-517-7550 themac.com/group/pages/basketball
MAC Aquatics hosts safety classes and certifications for members and guests that can lead to lifelong skills. Courses are taught by Red Cross-certified instructors in an engaging format. For more information, call 503-5177511 or email aquatics@themac.com.
For more information, please reach out to the contact listed for each department below.
The American Red Cross Lifeguard Training course gives participants the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to emergencies, and to care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries, and sudden illnesses. Successful completion certifies participants in American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED. Attendance the entire time is required.
Capacity: 10
For more information on the course, contact safetycert@themac.com.
4/5 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Conf. Room M $95/$110 AQA113
5/4 SA 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Conf. Room M $95/$110 AQA114
6/7 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Conf. Room M $95/$110 AQA115
503-517-7591 themac.com/group/pages/climbing
memberevents@themac.com 503-517-6602 themac.com/group/pages/events
The American Red Cross Lifeguard Training course gives participants the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to aquatics emergencies, and to care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries, and sudden illnesses. In order to take the course, participants must successfully demonstrate the required prerequisite skills and, prior to the course, enroll in and complete all of the online learning modules, assignments, and tests. The online portion of the class takes approximately 7.5 hours to complete. Completion of all parts is mandatory prior to the first day of class. Anyone who arrives for class without the course completion certificate is turned away without a refund. Successful completion certifies participants in Red Cross Lifeguarding, CPR/AED, and First Aid. Attendance at all days and times is required. Capacity: 10
503-517-7550 themac.com/group/pages/gym-calendar
For more information on the course or prerequisites, contact safetycert@themac.com.
4/12-4/14 F 4-8 p.m. Pool TBD $225/$295 AQA110
SA/SU 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
4/26-4/28 F 4-8 p.m. Pool TBD $225/$295 AQA116
SA/SU 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Molly Gill dance@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/dance
5/10-5/12 F 4-8 p.m. Pool TBD $225/$295 AQA111
SA/SU 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
5/24-5/26 F 4-8 p.m. Pool TBD $225/$295 AQA117
SA/SU 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
5/31-6/2 F 4-8 p.m. Pool TBD $225/$295 AQA112
SA/SU 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Lynn McCaffrey lmccaffrey@themac.com | 503-517-7516 themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
6/14-6/16 F 4-8 p.m. Pool TBD $225/$295 AQA118
SA/SU 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sensei Bill Plappinger karate@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/karate
The American Red Cross Babysitter Training course aims to equip young individuals with the essential knowledge and skills required for the safe and responsible care of children and infants. This comprehensive training program imparts caregiving skills, fosters leadership, teaches participants how to establish a babysitting business, emphasizes safety for themselves and others, provides strategies for managing children’s behavior, and offers instruction on childcare and first aid basics. This training is tailored for youths between the ages of 11 and 15. Upon successful completion of all course requirements, participants receive a certification. To be eligible for this certificate, students must be at least 11 years old by the course date. Capacity: 10
Kristin Bielecki playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217 themac.com/group/pages/playschool
4/6 SA 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Conf. Room M $95/$110 AQJ900 CONTINUED
outdoor@themac.com 503-517-7580 themac.com/group/pages/outdoor
pickleball@themac.com 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/pickleball
MAC Swim School offers classes for members of all abilities, ages 6 months and older. The goal of MAC Swim School is to provide a fun environment where members of all ages learn safety and continually improve their techniques. This educational program develops a foundation for lifelong enjoyment of aquatics, health, and fitness.
There are no classes May 3, 17-18, or 29. There are no classes from 6-7 p.m. on May 27.
These classes are parent-child swimming lessons. At least one parent must accompany each child in the water. The focus is on getting young children to love being in the pool through games, songs, and skills, all while learning water safety. Capacity: 10
4/1-5/6 M 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ102
4/2-5/7 TU 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ103
4/3-5/8 W 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ104
4/4-5/9 TH 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ105
4/6-5/11 SA 10-10:30 a.m. West Pool $96 AQJ106
4/6-5/11 SA 10:40-11:10 a.m. West Pool $96 AQJ107
4/7-5/12 SU 10-10:30 a.m. Sun Deck $96 AQJ108
4/7-5/12 SU 10:30-11 a.m. Sun Deck $96 AQJ109
5/13-6/10 M 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ202
5/14-6/11 TU 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ203
5/15-6/12 W 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ204
5/16-6/13 TH 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ205
5/25-6/15 SA 10-10:30 a.m. West Pool $64 AQJ206
5/25-6/15 SA 10:40-11:10 a.m. West Pool $64 AQJ207
5/19-6/16 SU 10-10:30 a.m. Sun Deck $80 AQJ208
5/19-6/16 SU 10:30-11 a.m. Sun Deck $90 AQJ209
Founded in 1966, the Infant Swimming Resource’s (ISR) Self-Rescue program is recognized nationally as the safest provider of survival swimming lessons for infants and children ages 6 months to 6 years. With more than 45 years of research and development, highly trained certified Instructors are committed to safety with a proven history of success. Customized, one-on-one lessons by certified ISR instructors deliver some of the most effective and safest results in the industry, emphasizing health, evaluations, and parent education.
Ages 6-12 months: Focuses on teaching children to roll onto their backs to float, rest, and breathe, and maintain this life-saving position until help arrives.
Ages 1-6 years: Focuses on teaching the swim-float-swim survival sequence. Children learn to swim with their heads down, roll onto their backs to float, rest, and breathe; and roll back over to resume swimming until they reach the side of the pool, where they can either crawl out or be rescued. These private lessons are scheduled five days a week for 10 minutes each. Lessons are scheduled at the same time every day within the 2:40-5:10 p.m. timeframe for six weeks. An additional two weeks of class may be arranged if further instruction is needed. Capacity is one child for each 10-minute timeslot.
The registration fee for new ISR participants is $105; the returning cost is $35, paid to ISR directly. The cost of the class is $130 per week. Please contact swimschool@themac.com with questions and to register.
4/1-5/10 M-F 2:40-5:10 p.m. Sun Deck Pool $728 AQJ300
These classes follow a progression-based curriculum in which students master each level at their own pace. Swimmers learn breath control, floating, proper body position, independent propulsion, the basics of each of the four swimming strokes, and water safety. There are no swim lessons on May 3 and May 17-19. Capacity: 12-16
4/1-5/6 M 2:30-3 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ116
4/1-5/6 M 3-3:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ110
4/1-5/6 M 3:30-4 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ111
4/1-5/6 M 4-4:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ112
4/1-5/6 M 4:30-5 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ113
4/1-5/6 M 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ114
4/1-5/6 M 6:30-7 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ115
4/2-5/7 TU 3-3:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ120
4/2-5/7 TU 3:30-4 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ121
4/2-5/7 TU 4-4:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ122
4/2-5/7 TU 4:30-5 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ123
4/2-5/7 TU 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ124
4/2-5/7 TU 6:30-7 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ125
4/3-5/8 W 2:30-3 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ136
4/3-5/8 W 3-3:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ130
4/3-5/8 W 3:30-4 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ131
4/3-5/8 W 4-4:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ132
4/3-5/8 W 4:30-5 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ133
4/3-5/8 W 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ134
4/3-5/8 W 6:30-7 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ135
4/4-5/9 TH 3-3:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ140
4/4-5/9 TH 3:30-4 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ141
4/4-5/9 TH 4-4:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ142
4/4-5/9 TH 4:30-5 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ143
4/4-5/9 TH 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ144
4/4-5/9 TH 6:30-7 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ145
4/5-5/10 F 2-2:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ187
4/5-5/10 F 2:30-3 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ186
4/5-5/10 F 3-3:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ180
4/5-5/10 F 3:30-4 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ181
4/5-5/10 F 4-4:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ182
4/5-5/10 F 4:30-5 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ183
4/6-5/11 SA 9-9:30 a.m. West Pool $96 AQJ150
4/6-5/11 SA 9:30-10 a.m. West Pool $96 AQJ151
4/6-5/11 SA 10-10:30 a.m. West Pool $96 AQJ152
4/6-5/11 SA 10:40-11:10 a.m. West Pool $96 AQJ153
4/6-5/11 SA 11:10-11:40 a.m. West Pool $96 AQJ154
4/6-5/11 SA 11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. West Pool $96 AQJ155
5/13-6/10 M 2:30-3 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ216
5/13-6/10 M 3-3:30 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ210
5/13-6/10 M 3:30-4 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ211
5/13-6/10 M 4-4:30 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ212
TU 4-4:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ222
5/14-6/11 TU 4:30-5 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ223
5/14-6/11 TU 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ224
5/14-6/11 TU 6:30-7 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ225
5/15-6/12 W 2:30-3 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ236
5/15-6/12 W 3-3:30 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ230
5/15-6/12 W 3:30-4 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ231
5/15-6/12 W 4-4:30 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ232
5/15-6/12 W 4:30-5 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ233
5/15-6/12 W 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ234
5/15-6/12 W 6:30-7 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ235
5/16-6/13 TH 3-3:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ240
5/16-6/13 TH 3:30-4 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ241
5/16-6/13 TH 4-4:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ242
5/16-6/13 TH 4:30-5 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ243
5/16-6/13 TH 6-6:30 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ244
5/16-6/13 TH 6:30-7 p.m. West Pool $80 AQJ245
5/24-6/14 F 2-2:30 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ287
5/24-6/14 F 2:30-3 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ286
5/24-6/14 F 3-3:30 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ280
5/24-6/14 F 3:30-4 p.m. West Pool $64 AQJ281
Swimmers in Flying M’s have graduated Level 5 in the MAC lessons program, are able to swim 25 meters of freestyle with bi-lateral side breathing and 25 meters of backstroke, have a basic understanding of breaststroke and dolphin kick, and are able to do a somersault. Flying M’s practice 4-4:45 p.m. Monday-Friday. Swimmers work on building endurance to improve their freestyle and backstroke techniques. They learn how to swim breaststroke and butterfly, as well as execute flip turns and open turns. Athletes begin to learn the introductory swimming “language.”
Flying M’s are encouraged to attend meets, but it is not required. Swimmers are billed $67 per month and a boosters assessment of $10 three times per year. The boosters account funds team activities, gifts, and expenses. Swimmers also are required to be registered with USA Swimming, which has an annual fee of $80. Parents are expected to volunteer 10 hours. Any hours short of the requirement is billed at a rate of $20 per hour for every hour missed. Capacity: 25 To register or for more information, contact Oscar Tippol at otippol@themac.com or Madison Day at mday@themac.com.
4/1-6/14 M-F 4-4:45 p.m. 50-meter Pool $67/month
MAC offers plenty of opportunities for everyone to swim at their own speed.
Ongoing M-SU Various Times Pools No Charge Drop-In
There are no fees for regularly scheduled classes, which are 45 minutes long. Some classes recommend referral by a physician.
These clinics are designed to help competitive athletes working toward their next level of game play during the off-season. Participants develop a range of skills designed to prepare them for the upcoming MAC Basketball season. Capacity: 30
Requirement: Kids must have played on an organized basketball team previously (this does not apply to 8-year-olds).
AGES 8-11
4/3-4/24 M/W 4:30-5:30 p.m. Main Gym $193 BBJ150
4/29-5/22 M/W 4:30-5:30 p.m. Main Gym $216 BBJ250
AGES 12-18
4/3-4/24 M/W 5:45-6:45 p.m. Main Gym $193 BBJ151
4/29-5/22 M/W 5:45-6:45 p.m. Main Gym $216 BBJ251
MAC Basketball Skills Clinics prepare children and teens for an exciting season of hoops. Players are divided into groups and rotated through stations that develop specific skills. Clinics are instructed by MAC coaches and Basketball staff. Capacity: 25
4/13 SA 10:30 a.m.-noon West Gym $40 BBJ230
5/4 SA 10:30 a.m.-noon West Gym $40 BBJ130
Ongoing M-SU Various Times Pools No Charge Drop-In
swim-school@themac.com 503-517-7505
Ongoing M-SU Various Times Pools No Charge Drop-In
themac.com/group/pages/aquatics-swim school
Court Sports courtsports@themac.com | 503-517-7550 themac.com/group/pages/basketball
MAC Basketball offers a variety of competitive, developmental, and recreational programs. The goal of the Basketball program is to provide opportunities for adult and junior members to learn new skills, compete, and have fun.
For more information, please reach out to the contact listed for each department below.
This class is designed for newcomers, returning beginners, and intermediate players, who work on fundamentals such as defense, passing, dribbling, rebounding, and shooting. Capacity : 20
AGES 5-7
CONNECT & CREATE memberevents@themac.com
West Gym $62 BBJ202
5/5-5/26 SU Noon-12:45 p.m. West Gym $62 BBJ203
6/4-6/11 TU 3:45-4:30 p.m. Main Gym-East $31 BBJ300
Players hoping to make an Elite summer basketball team are required to attend both days of tryouts. Capacity: 50
AGES 12-14
3/11 & 3/13 M/W 5-7 p.m. Main Gym No Charge BBT0311
AGES 15-18
3/11 & 3/13 M/W 5-7 p.m. Main Gym No Charge BBT0312
This class offers basketball skill work and conditioning specifically for women. These workouts incorporate great cardio and strength training while focusing on basketball fundamentals. All skill levels are welcome. Capacity: 20
4/1-4/22 M 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $80 BBA100
4/29-5/27 M 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $80 BBA200
This class is designed for men and women who love the game and want to get back into playing! Newcomers, returning beginners, and intermediate players are welcome to get an amazing workout while developing basic basketball principles. Capacity: 20
4/3-4/24 W 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $100 BBA101
5/1-5/29 W 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $100 BBA201
House League offers adults the opportunity to play with buddies. There is a draft one week prior to the start of games. Only captains are required to attend the draft. Capacity: 64
4/11-6/6 TH 6-9:30 p.m. Main Gym $140 BBL100
6/6-6/13 TH 3:45-4:30 p.m. Main Gym-East $31 BBJ301
AGES 8-11
4/2-4/30 TU 4:45-5:30 p.m. Main Gym-East $78 BBJ110
4/4-4/25 TH 4:45-5:30 p.m. Main Gym-East $62 BBJ111
4/6-4/27 SA 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $62 BBJ112
Early morning basketball games on Tuesdays and Thursdays before the rush of the day begins.
Ongoing TU/TH 5-8 a.m. West Gym No Charge Drop-in
4/7-4/28 SU 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $62 BBJ113
5/7-5/28 TU 4:45-5:30 p.m. Main Gym-East $62 BBJ210
Molly Gill
5/2-5/30 TH 4:45-5:30 p.m. Main Gym-East $78 BBJ211
5/4-5/25 SA 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $62 BBJ212
dance@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/dance
5/5-5/26 SU 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $62 BBJ213
6/4-6/11 TU 4:45-5:30 p.m. Main Gym-East $31 BBJ310
Reversible pennies are provided, and games are played to 22 points on an 11-minute running clock. The winning team stays to play the next five signed up, with a two-game win max.
Ongoing M/W/F 4-6 p.m. West Gym No Charge Drop-in
6/6-6/13 TH 4:45-5:30 p.m. Main Gym-East $31 BBJ311
6/1-6/15 SA 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $47 BBJ312
Lynn McCaffrey
lmccaffrey@themac.com | 503-517-7516 themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
6/2-6/9 SU 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $31 BBJ313
courtsports@themac.com | 503-517-7550
For more information, please reach out to the contact listed for each department below.
MAC offers camps during holiday weeks and the summer. Non-member guests are allowed at camps, unless otherwise noted.
climbing@themac.com 503-517-7591 themac.com/group/pages/climbing
The Climbing department offers a variety of opportunities for all ages and skill levels. Camps and classes are held in the Climbing Gym, where members can take advantage of offerings, from beginner to advanced, by signing up online.
Children have fun making art projects, reading books, and engaging in active play. An optional lunch hour is available from 11 a.m.-noon for an additional $9. Lunch is not provided, and members are asked to bring a premade meal from home. Capacity: 20
memberevents@themac.com 503-517-6602 themac.com/group/pages/events
This five-week class introduces MAC children to a new sport, helps build motor skills, and instills self-confidence. Kids learn the basics of climbing in a structured atmosphere with qualified instructors. Capacity: 10
For more information, contact youthprograms@themac.com.
AGES 2.5-4
3/25-3/29 M-F 9-11 a.m. Middle MAC $125/$156.25 YPC104
AGES 2.5-6
3/25-3/29 M-F Noon-2 p.m. Middle MAC $125/$156.25 YPC124
AGES 3.5-6
3/25-3/29 M-F 9-11 a.m. Activities Classroom $125/$156.25 YPC114
This camp focuses on skill development, structured play, and open swimming. First, students improve swimming and water safety skills based on ability. Then, in structured play, students develop teamwork through water games. The remaining time is dedicated to open swim. Capacity: 16
Molly Gill
dance@themac.com | 503-517-7558
3/25-3/29 M-F Noon-2 p.m. West Pool $140/$185 AQC101
Holiday Day Camp offers activities such as swimming, bounce houses, organized sports, relay races, arts and crafts, board games, and movie time. Lunch is provided, and swimming is offered if there are enough participants.
Capacity: 15
Lynn McCaffrey lmccaffrey@themac.com | 503-517-7516
For more information, contact courtsports@themac.com.
3/25 M 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Private Dining Room $105/$124 CSC105
3/26 TU 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Private Dining Room $105/$124 CSC106
3/27 W 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Private Dining Room $105/$124 CSC107
3/28 TH 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Private Dining Room $105/$124 CSC108
Sensei Bill Plappinger karate@themac.com | 503-517-7558
3/29 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Private Dining Room $105/$124 CSC109
5/27 M 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Private Dining Room $105/$124 CSC101
Kristin Bielecki playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217
Hank Marcus
racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
4/1-4/29 M 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ108
4/2-4/30 TU 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ100
4/3-5/1 W 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ101
courtsports@themac.com 503-517-7550 themac.com/group/pages/gym-calendar
4/4-5/2 TH 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ102
4/5-5/3 F 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ103
4/6-5/4 SA 9-9:45 a.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ104
4/6-5/4 SA 10-10:45 a.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ105
5/6-6/10 M 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $76 CLJ208
Molly Gill dance@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/dance
5/7-6/4 TU 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ200
5/8-6/5 W 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ201
5/9-6/6 TH 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ202
5/10-6/7 F 4-4:45 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ203
Lynn McCaffrey
5/11-6/8 SA 9-9:45 a.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ204
5/11-6/8 SA 10-10:45 a.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ205
lmccaffrey@themac.com | 503-517-7516 themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
This five-week class is designed for parents and children to climb together. Participants learn basic to advanced skills depending on the needs of the family, including belaying, basic knot-tying, route-reading, and climbing movement. Instructors focus on climbing terminology, safety, basic equipment, and the skills necessary to navigate an indoor facility. Capacity: 12
Sensei Bill Plappinger karate@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/karate
4/6-5/4 SA Noon-1:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ160
4/7-5/5 SU 9-10:30 a.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ161
4/7-5/5 SU 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ162
5/11-6/8 SA Noon-1:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ260
5/12-6/9 SU 9-10:30 a.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ261
Kristin Bielecki playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217 themac.com/group/pages/playschool
5/12-6/9 SU 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLJ262
This five-week class introduces climbing to juniors who are not old enough to belay. It provides a great workout, instills self-confidence, and encourages team building in a safe and fun environment. Capacity: 12
4/1-4/29 M 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ118
outdoor@themac.com 503-517-7580 themac.com/group/pages/outdoor
4/2-4/30 TU 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ110
4/3-5/1 W 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ111
4/4-5/2 TH 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ112
4/5-5/3 F 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ113
4/6-5/4 SA 9-10:15 a.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ114
4/6-5/4 SA 10:30-11:45 a.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ115
pickleball@themac.com 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/pickleball
5/6-6/10 M 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $112 CLJ218
5/7-6/4 TU 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ210
5/8-6/5 W 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ211
5/9-6/6 TH 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ212
5/10-6/7 F 4-5:15 p.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ213
Hank Marcus racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
5/11-6/8 SA 9-10:15 a.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ214
5/11-6/8 SA 10:30-11:45 a.m. Climbing Gym $140 CLJ215
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
This 11-week class is for experienced, focused, and driven climbers who are looking to advance their skills further than MAC’s Pebble Pushers class. Participants learn advanced techniques and skillsets with qualified instructors who know what it takes to climb at a high level. Capacity: 8
Entry into this class requires approval from the Climbing Gym supervisor. Contact climbing@themac.com for approval.
4/3-6/12 W 5-6:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $250 CLJ120
4/5-6/14 F 5-6:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $250 CLJ121
This five-week class introduces climbing to juniors who are not old enough to belay. It provides a great workout, instills self-confidence, and encourages team building in a safe and fun environment. Capacity: 12
4/4-5/2 TH 5:30-6:45
5/9-6/6 TH 5:30-6:45 p.m. Climbing Gym
5/10-6/7 F 5:30-6:45 p.m. Climbing Gym
5/11-6/8 SA 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Climbing Gym
This 11-week class is for experienced, focused, and driven climbers who are looking to advance their skills further than the Crimpers class. Participants learn advanced techniques and skillsets with qualified instructors who know what it takes to climb at a high level. Capacity: 10 Entry into this class requires approval from the Climbing Gym supervisor. Contact climbing@themac.com for approval.
4/2-6/11 TU 5-6:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $250 CLJ140
4/4-6/13 TH 5-6:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $250 CLJ141
This five-week class offers teens the skills they need to begin and progress in climbing. Participants learn basic and advanced skills, including belaying, basic knot-tying, route-reading, lead climbing, and movement. Capacity: 12
4/2-4/30 TU 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $145 CLJ150
4/4-5/2 TH 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $145 CLJ151
5/7-6/4 TU 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $145 CLJ250
5/9-6/6 TH 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $145 CLJ251
Learning to lead climb can be fun, exciting, and challenging. MAC is here to help! Experienced Climbing staff walks participants through each step, helping them to feel self-assured as they learn all the skills necessary to lead climb in the gym. Participants must demonstrate proficiency in toprope belaying and feel confident climbing a 5.9. Capacity: 4
4/18 & 4/25 TH 6:30-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLA102
5/23 & 5/30 TH 6:30-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $95 CLA202
Interested in bouldering but don’t know where to start? This two-week beginner class is the perfect place! Participants work with experienced MAC Climbing staff to learn the basics of bouldering. The instructor covers etiquette, bouldering terms, movement, and many other techniques. No previous climbing experience is required. Capacity: 6
4/16 & 4/23 TU 6:30-8 p.m. Climbing Gym $70 CLA105
5/14 & 5/21 TU 6:30-8 p.m. Climbing Gym $70 CLA205
This 11-week beginner class brings members together to meet new friends and climbing partners. It can be incorporated into a morning workout and provides a great community. Participants learn everything necessary to fully use and feel comfortable in the MAC Climbing Gym. There are no prerequisites. Capacity: 12
4/3-6/12 W 9:30-11:30 a.m. Climbing Gym $150 CLA100
This intermediate class is designed for those who want to advance their climbing skills in a fun and challenging environment. Participants follow special training programs designed to increase strength, power, and endurance. Expect to train two days per week with the option of competing in local adult climbing competitions during this semester-long class, which is billed monthly. Participants must be proficient in top-rope belaying.
Capacity: 12
4/2-6/14 TU/F 9:30-11:30 a.m. Climbing Gym $150/month CLA101
These sessions are for members who want to try top-rope climbing but don’t have a belay partner. Climbing instructors provide belay service to junior and adult members at designated times during the week. This is a drop-in session; there is no registration. The cost listed is per-person for the duration of the time specified. Capacity: 15
Ongoing SA/SU 1-4 p.m. Climbing Gym $20 Drop-In
Members learn to belay in MAC’s Climbing Gym. This one-session class covers knot-tying, equipment, Climbing Gym rules, and proper belay technique. Upon class completion, members are prepared to become top-rope belay certified and use every area of MAC’s Climbing Gym. Capacity: 4
4/3 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA110
4/6 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA111
4/10 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA112
4/13 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA113
4/17 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA114
4/20 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA115
4/24 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA116
4/27 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA117
5/1 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA118
5/4 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA119
5/8 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA120
5/11 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA121
5/15 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA122
5/18 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA123
5/22 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA124
5/25 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA125
5/29 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA126
6/1 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA127
6/5 W 7-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA128
6/8 SA 2-3:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $40 CLA129
What goes up must come down. Learning to rappel is a fun and essential climbing skill. This class is designed to teach techniques and good habits to new climbers and those looking for a refresher. Capacity: 6
5/8 W 6-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $65 CLA170
6/5 W 6-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym $65 CLA270
Join other members to enjoy an evening of climbing at MAC. This growing community offers a great opportunity to get in a workout while learning new skills and building friendships. No prior climbing experience is necessary.
Capacity: 50
4/26 F 6:00-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA104
5/24 F 6:00-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA204
6/14 F 6:00-8:30 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA304
This lunchtime class is the perfect way to improve climbing skills and general fitness. Members get a full-body workout as they experience all that the Climbing Gym has to offer. Daily workouts, equipment, and coaching are provided. Just come stoked! Registration is required. Capacity: 4 4/2
4/18 TH Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA135
4/23 TU Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA136
4/25 TH Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA137
4/30 TU Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA138
5/2 TH Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA139
5/7 TU Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA140
5/9 TH Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA141
5/14 TU Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA142
5/16 TH Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA143
5/21 TU Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA144
5/23 TH Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA145
5/28 TU Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA146
5/30 TH Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA147
6/4 TU Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA148
6/6 TH Noon-1 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge CLA149
The Climbing Gym is open seven days a week at no cost to all members ages 4 and older. Open Climb allows members to work out, have fun, or take part in training sessions. Bouldering is available for climbers ages 6 and older. Climbers ages 13 and older who demonstrate their belay skills to staff with proficiency are approved to belay during the gym’s open hours. Climbers 13 and older who are looking for belay training can sign up for a belay class.
Climbing shoes are required. Rental gear is available for the following fees: Shoes, $4; harness, $4; chalk bag, $1; or all three for $6.
Open Climb hours: Monday: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Tuesday-Friday: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. & 6-9 p.m.; and Saturday & Sunday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Yoga for Climbers includes a combination of stretches that focus on increasing range of motion in the hips, shoulders, ankles, wrists, and spine. Mobility is one of the most important assets for a climber. Not only does mobility translate directly to climbing, but it also complements other types of movement (lifting, running, cycling, hiking, etc.). Come learn ways to move and stretch that can help with your range of motion! Brittany Rhoden has been climbing since 2010 and teaching yoga to climbers since 2015. There is an option to stay for a second hour to climb.
Ongoing W/F 6-7 a.m. Studio Three No Charge Drop-In
Climbers of all abilities are welcome to hone their skills, meet other athletes, and build their community.
4/5-6/14 F 7-9 p.m. Climbing Gym No Charge Drop-In
MAC offers private lessons to members of all ages! For those unable to take advantage of club offerings during normal class or gym hours, private lessons are available. Whether participants are new to climbing and want to learn basic movement, returning to refresh belay technique, or advanced and want to get stronger or learn to lead climb, MAC has staff to help them achieve their goals. Contact climbing@themac.com to schedule a lesson and pricing information. Lessons need to be scheduled a minimum of one week in advance.
Interested in climbing outside one on one or in a group? MAC Outdoor offers members the opportunity to get out onto real rock. Experienced climbing guides can help members gain access to some of Oregon’s best rocks in a single- or multi-pitch environment. Guides also can be hired to teach specific skills such as anchor building, rappelling, or rope-rescue techniques. Get an introduction to sport or traditional climbing, or just enjoy a day outside. For more information or to schedule an outing, email outdoor@themac.com.
503-517-7591 themac.com/group/pages/climbing
503-517-6602 themac.com/group/pages/events
MAC Events offers educational opportunities and activities to members and their guests. Classes and workshops allow participants to explore creative arts, music and dance, personal development, and game play. They can learn new skills, brush up on forgotten ones, or meet new people with similar interests.
courtsports@themac.com 503-517-7550 themac.com/group/pages/gym-calendar
Molly Gill dance@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/dance
Tutor Portland offers its services to MAC elementary, middle, and high school-aged members every Tuesday after school. The small-group sessions are conducted by math tutors who specialize in teaching Oregon-based elementary, middle, and high school students. Tutor Portland is a local and MAC member-founded company focused on helping students raise their grades and master math and science. Registrations can be made by the day. Capacity: 5
4/9 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Chapman $50 SOJ120
4/16 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Chapman $50 SOJ121
Lynn McCaffrey lmccaffrey@themac.com | 503-517-7516 themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
4/23 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Chapman $50 SOJ122
4/30 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Chapman $50 SOJ123
5/7 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Chapman $50 SOJ124
5/14 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Chapman $50 SOJ125
5/21 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Chapman $50 SOJ126
Sensei Bill Plappinger karate@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/karate
5/28 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Chapman $50 SOJ127
6/4 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Chapman $50 SOJ128
Kristin Bielecki playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217 themac.com/group/pages/playschool
North Avenue Education provides a personalized tutoring experience enhanced by shared motivation and peer support to prep students for the digital SAT. Led by professional tutors, this class accommodates up to 12 students and offers a total of 16 instruction hours. It includes two full-length practice tests and comprehensive coverage of every SAT section. Additionally, participants receive a personalized action plan for ongoing study. This setup fosters an intimate, peer-driven learning environment while allowing ample time for one-on-one engagement. This class is instructed by Judy Lee.
Capacity: 12
Any questions may be directed to info@northaveeducation.com.
outdoor@themac.com 503-517-7580 themac.com/group/pages/outdoor
4/6-5/25 SA 9-11 a.m. Kamm $1,400/$1,600 SOJ150
pickleball@themac.com 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/pickleball
In this workshop led by Chef Brian Quinn, formerly of Ivy House Restaurant, children learn proper placement and usage of table items, appropriate conversations, and other dining etiquette. Class includes a light lunch. Capacity: 30
*Children who are 6 years of age also may attend if they are accompanied by an older sibling.
4/20 SA 10-11:30 a.m. Duniway/Couch $70/$80 SOJ111
5/18 SA 10-11:30 a.m. Duniway/Couch $70/$80 SOJ112
Hank Marcus racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
Knitters gather to work on their ongoing projects with the guidance of an instructor. Bring an in-process project or work with the instructor to obtain ideas for a new project. This small-group setting allows time for individualized attention, as well as the opportunity to observe and learn from other knitters. This class is taught by Lisa Carney-Fenton, owner of the Handworks Knitting Studio. Capacity: 8
4/5-5/24 F 12:30-2:30 p.m. Pettygrove $200/$215 SOA100
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
This intermediate-level class encourages those who have taken the Tell Your Story course to return to improve their skills. Guests are limited to one per member, and the class is recommended for repeat students. This class is instructed by Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Tom Hallman, Jr. A Zoom link and details are provided by the instructor before the first class. Capacity: 25 4/10-6/12 W 7-9 p.m. Virtual $160/$185 SOA112
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
This class is designed to dramatize a subject using strong light and shadow, resulting in punched-up color and depth within any composition. Students use an array of painting surfaces, textures, and fun tools of the trade. All skill levels are encouraged to sign up. A supply list is provided before the first class. The instructor is Susan Hinton; see susanhinton.com to learn more about her. Capacity: 16
4/9-6/11 TU 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Kamm $160/$185 SOA121
This is an intermediate-level class for students who have taken multiple bridge classes at MAC in the past and are experienced players. It includes 10 minutes of Q&A and 110 minutes of supervised play. This class is instructed by Flo Whitten. Capacity: 12; Minimum: 4
4/2-5/21 TU 10 a.m.-noon Pettygrove $150/$170 SOA162
This is an eight-week course for junior and adult students who have little or no experience playing the guitar. It covers the fundamentals of music reading, tablature, and chord playing. Music ranges from classical to contemporary rock. Students must bring their own guitar to class. When playing a six-string guitar, a capo is required. This class is instructed by Tim Uecker. Capacity: 12
4/10-5/29 W 5-6 p.m.
Chapman $240/$275 SOA150
This is an eight-week course for junior and adult students who have little or no experience playing the ukulele. It covers basic techniques involving chording, strumming patterns, finger picking, playing melodies, and learning songs. Students must bring their own ukulele to class. This class is instructed by Tim Uecker. Capacity: 12
4/10-5/29 W 4-5 p.m.
Chapman $240/$275 SOA140
This class is for students who have ukulele experience. Participants learn new chording, finger-style picking, strum techniques, and tablature. Songs and lesson materials are provided, but students are responsible for their own instrument. This class is instructed by Tim Uecker. Capacity: 12
4/10-5/29 W 6-7 p.m.
Chapman $240/$275 SOA141
This is an eight-week class. Designed for the true beginner, it teaches the staples of ballroom dance, focusing on the Foxtrot and Cha Cha Cha. The instructors are Bob and Nancy Laughland. Partners are required. Capacity: 40
If you do not have a partner but are interested in taking classes, contact kreid@themac.com to be added to an interest list.
4/7-5/26 SU 6-7 p.m. Studio One $65/$75 SOA130
This is an eight-week, intermediate-level class that encourages those who have learned the basics to improve their skills and put steps together into simple routines using the easy Ed Cheney way. The instructors are Bob and Nancy Laughland. Partners are required. Capacity: 40 If you do not have a partner but are interested in taking classes, contact kreid@themac.com to be added to an interest list.
4/7-5/26 SU 7-8 p.m. Studio One $65/75 SOA131
This is a level-one bridge class where students learn the basics of the game and fundamental card play. It is meant for beginners, whether they’re coming back to the game after a long absence or starting from scratch. Class is instructed by Flo Whitten. Capacity: 8
4/2-5/21 TU 1-2:30 p.m. Pettygrove $150/$170 SOA160
This is a level-two bridge class that covers the basics with an introduction to widely used conventions. It includes 30 minutes of lecture and 90 minutes of play each week. This class is instructed by Flo Whitten. Capacity: 8
4/3-5/22 W 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Pettygrove $150/$170 SOA164
This no-scoring class is designed for bridge students who are comfortable sitting down to shuffle, deal, and play prior to class. Students are introduced to strategies, such as beginning hand evaluation and declare play. This class is instructed by Flo Whitten. Capacity: 8
4/3-5/22 W 2-4 p.m. Pettygrove $150/$170 SOA163
Brush up on your game, grab your friends, and explore the strategic and skillful world of duplicate bridge, a variant designed to eliminate the luck factor in card distribution. The tournaments are led by David Brower, and coffee is provided. Prior Bridge experience is recommended. For more information, email dave@portlandbridgeclub.com.
4/10 W 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lownsdale $15/$18 SOA165
5/21 TU 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lownsdale $15/$18 SOA265
6/5 W 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lownsdale $15/$18 SOA365
Learn to play or brush up on skills in this beginner course. Canasta is the pickleball of card games! This Rummy-style game usually is played by four people in two teams. Each game has its own set of strategies, rules, and competitive nuances. Students play with the instructor’s guidance by week four. There is no class on May 27. This class is instructed by Iris Polatsch.
Capacity: 16
5/13-6/17 M 1-3 p.m. Pettygrove $90/$100 SOA122
In this introductory class, there is no fixed syllabus; the instructor adapts the teaching based on students’ interests. The focus is on American Mah Jongg, using a card displaying winning hands. Cards, tiles, and equipment are provided at no additional cost. The goal is for students to engage in gameplay by the second class, with a teaching approach that encourages mutual instruction. This class is instructed by Bill Faust. Capacity: 16
4/4-5/30 TH 11 a.m.-noon Pettygrove $140/$155 SOA171
In this intermediate Mah Jongg class, there is a flexible curriculum tailored to the participants’ skill levels. The instructor customizes the lessons based on the students’ preferences and builds on their existing knowledge. The focus remains on American Mah Jongg, using a winning-hands card as a reference. All necessary materials — including cards, tiles, and equipment — are provided at no additional cost. This class is instructed by Bill Faust.
Capacity: 16
4/4-5/30 TH Noon-1 p.m. Pettygrove $140/$155 SOA172
PlayBook founder Leslie Mullens leads this series of highly interactive workshops to members and guests ready to sharpen their skills and grow their businesses and nonprofits.
Existing organizations with 10-500 employees will get the most out of these seminars that energize leaders who want a high-performing team and thriving enterprise. Each of the four sessions is offered independently of the others and highlights a new topic. Registration is required for each session separately. Capacity: 30
4/25 TH 5:30-7:30 p.m. Pettygrove $20/$30 SOA190
5/16 TH 5:30-7:30 p.m. Pettygrove $20/$30 SOA290
5/30 TH 5:30-7:30 p.m. Pettygrove $20/$30 SOA390
6/20 TH 5:30-7:30 p.m. Pettygrove $20/$30 SOA490
Court Sports offers physical and social activities to help develop physical, cognitive, and emotional strengths. Members can be creative and learn new behaviors. For a complete list of class descriptions, visit themac.com. Rates vary each session due to the number of weeks per season.
Molly Gill dance@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/dance
Lynn McCaffrey
Children learn the fundamentals of sports such as basketball, baseball, soccer, and track and field. They also learn sportsmanship, teamwork, and fitness. Gymnasium and playground games and relays are included. Capacity: 10
503-517-7550 themac.com/group/pages/gym-calendar
Molly Gill dance@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/dance
Lynn McCaffrey lmccaffrey@themac.com | 503-517-7516 themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
MAC Dance has something to offer members of all ages and levels. Staff provides members with the best education possible in a fun and supportive environment. When an age range is listed for a class, minimum ages are enforced. All class placements are at the discretion of the instructors. MAC Dance reserves the right to move students to classes that are appropriate for their skill levels.
lmccaffrey@themac.com | 503-517-7516 themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
4/1-4/24 M/W 10-10:45 a.m. West Gym $76 CSJ110
4/1-4/24 M/W 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $76 CSJ112
4/2-4/25 TU/TH 10-10:45 a.m. West Gym $86 CSJ111
Individuals who sign up for three or more Dance classes receive a discount on their total fee for all Dance classes: 10% off for three classes, 15% off for four to five, and 20% off for six or more. To receive this discount, contact Molly Gill at dance@themac.com once registration is complete. There are no classes May 25-27.
Sensei Bill Plappinger karate@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/karate
4/2-4/25 TU/TH 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $86 CSJ113
4/5-4/26 F 10-10:45 a.m. West Gym $43 CSJ114
4/5-4/26 F 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $43 CSJ115
4/6-4/27 SA 10-10:45 a.m. West Gym $33 CSJ116
Sensei Bill Plappinger karate@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/karate
4/7-4/28 SU 10-10:45 a.m. West Gym $33 CSJ117
4/29-5/29 M/W 10-10:45 a.m. West Gym $76 CSJ210
Kristin Bielecki
playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217
5/4-5/25 SA 10-10:45 a.m. West Gym $43 CSJ216
outdoor@themac.com 503-517-7580
Introduce kids to the fun world of competition and challenges in sports! Participants play Olympic-themed sports/games and compete in challenges. It’s a great way to test and develop their fundamental skills while learning sportsmanship. Capacity: 10
4/5-4/26 F 2-2:45 p.m. West Gym $43 CSJ141
4/29-5/29 M/W 2-2:45 p.m. West Gym $76 CSJ240
This class is for little ones who have started walking. It is an exploration of movement and music using props of all shapes and sizes. The parent/caregiver must participate with their child. Capacity: 12
4/5-6/14 F 9-:15 -10 a.m. Gymnastics Arena $198 DAJ100
Kristin Bielecki playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217 themac.com/group/pages/playschool
This class focuses on ballet barre and technique. Capacity: 18
4/1-6/10 M 10:45-11:45 a.m. Studio Three No Charge DAA110
4/3-6/12 W 10:15-11:15 a.m. Studio Two No Charge DAA111
OUTDOOR outdoor@themac.com 503-517-7580 themac.com/group/pages/outdoor
This is a contemporary dance class focusing on basics, fitness, and conditioning. Capacity: 18
4/2-6/11 TU 10:15-11:15 a.m. Studio Two No Charge DAA150
pickleball@themac.com 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/pickleball
This class focuses on hip-hop basics and choreography for family groups. It does not participate in the recital in June. Capacity: 16
4/5-6/14 F 6-7 p.m. Studio One $198 DAJ146
This class focuses on hip-hop basics and choreography. Capacity: 18
4/4-6/13 TH 10:15-11:15 a.m. Studio Two No Charge DAA140
Hank Marcus racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
This class focuses on tap basics and choreography. Capacity: 18 4/4-6/13 TH 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Studio Two $198 DAA130
6/3-6/12 M/W 2-2:45 p.m. West Gym $66 CSJ340
Hank Marcus racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
Children learn the art of creativity through physical activity. The class allows kids to use their imaginations and express themselves through artistic movement, games, and activities. Capacity: 10
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
This class focuses on advanced tap technique and choreography. Capacity: 18 4/2-6/11 TU 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Studio Two $198 DAA131
4/2-4/25 TU/TH 2-2:45 p.m. West Gym $86 CSJ150
4/30-5/30 TU/TH 2-2:45 p.m. West Gym $76 CSJ250
6/4-6/13 TU/TH 2-2:45 p.m. West Gym $66 CSJ350
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
The Table Tennis program returns to Studio One. All are welcome, from beginners to experienced pros. Balls and racquets are provided, or bring your own if you have one. An experienced player is on hand to provide coaching and instruction.
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
Ongoing TU 7:15-9:15 p.m. Studio One No Charge Drop-In
Paul Reber
tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Lynn McCaffrey
lmccaffrey@themac.com | 503-517-7516 themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
Sensei Bill Plappinger
MAC Gymnastics offers recreational classes for members ages 18 months to adult. Through MAC’s safe, fun, and progressive classes, gymnasts develop and continually improve their strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and self-esteem. Instruction takes place throughout the entire Gymnastics Arena. Participants work out on the bars, beam, floor, vault, trampoline, and foam-filled pit!
karate@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/karate
If you are new to MAC or unsure of which level your child should register, please email Lynn McCaffrey at lmccaffrey@themac.com to set up an evaluation for your child.
Kristin Bielecki
There are no classes May 25-27 and after noon on June 1.
playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217 themac.com/group/pages/playschool
GYMNASTICS ATTIRE: A leotard with or without shorts; a unitard (leotard with shorts built in); or a T-shirt tucked into shorts is required. Jeans and dresses are not allowed, and everyone goes barefoot. No jewelry except stud earrings, and hair MUST be pulled up and away from the face with clips and ponytail binders.
The goal of this coed, kindergarten-aged class is to introduce the students to the basic body positions and foundational skills of the beginning levels. Instructors introduce a variety of rolls, handstands, cartwheels, balancing on the beams, swinging and strength moves on the bars, and trampoline activities. Capacity: 6
4/1-6/10 M 3:45-4:30 p.m. Arena $183 GYJ141
4/1-6/10 M 5-5:45 p.m. Arena $183 GYJ193
4/2-6/11 TU 3:45-4:30 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ189
4/2-6/11 TU 5-5:45 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ130
4/3-6/12 W 3:45-4:30 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ131
4/3-6/12 W 5-5:45 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ132
4/4-6/13 TH 3:45-4:30 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ190
4/4-6/13 TH 5-5:45 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ133
4/5-6/14 F 3:45-4:30 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ134
4/5-6/14 F 5-5:45 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ135
4/6-6/15 SA 10:15-11 a.m. Arena $183 GYJ136
4/6-6/15 SA 11:15 a.m.-noon Arena $183 GYJ137
4/7-6/9 SU 1:15-2 p.m. Arena $165 GYJ192
There are USA Gymnastics competitive teams for both boys and girls, levels 3 through 10, and Xcel. Tryouts for competitive teams are in May.
outdoor@themac.com 503-517-7580
Parents and tots participate together. Classes start with a movement song, and then attendees warm up with stretching and body positions. Participants rotate weekly through different obstacle courses that incorporate strength, swinging, jumping, and balancing. A parent/adult interacts oneon-one with their child as the teacher guides everyone through activities. Adults wear socks or go barefoot during this class. Capacity: 10
pickleball@themac.com 503-517-7561
4/3-6/12 W 10:15-11 a.m.
4/4-6/13 TH 10:15-11 a.m.
4/6-6/15 SA 9:15-10 a.m.
Arena $201 GYJ101
Arena $201 GYJ102
Hank Marcus
4/6-6/15 SA 10:15-11 a.m.
4/7-6/9 SU 10:15-11 a.m.
Arena $183 GYJ103
Arena $183 GYJ104
racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
Arena $165 GYJ105
The goal of this coed class is to teach physical development; confidence; cognitive skills such as focus and following directions; and social skills such as taking turns, listening, and cooperation. Participants have fun working on mini-handstands and mini-cartwheels, swinging on bars, balancing on beams, and jumping on trampolines. Pit playtime is filled with leaping and crawling. Children must be potty trained to enroll in this class. Capacity:
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
This coed class is by invitation only for preschoolers with exceptional physical abilities, strength, and flexibility. It can be a steppingstone into MAC’s competitive team program. Tynamites focus on shapes, strength, and form, which are the foundations of great gymnastics.
4/1-6/12 M/W 3:45-4:45 p.m.
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
The goal of this class is to introduce the men’s Olympic events: floor exercise, vault, pommel horse, bars, and trampoline. Skills include rolls, handstands, cartwheels, and strength training. Capacity: 6
4/1-6/10 M 5-6 p.m. Arena $183 GYJ147
4/2-6/11 TU 3:45-4:45 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ144
4/2-6/11 TU 5-6 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ177
4/3-6/12 W 5-6 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ145
The goal of this class is to continue skill development and to prepare gymnasts to try out for the competitive teams if they wish. Some of the skills learned include round-offs on the floor, pullovers, back hip circles on the bar, and circles on the mushrooms/pommel horse. To enroll in this class, your child needs to have been recommended by their Beginning Boys’ instructor to move up. Capacity: 6
4/1-6/10 M 6-7 p.m. Arena $183 GYJ161
The goal of this class, for first-grade students and older, is to introduce women’s Olympic events: floor exercise, beam, bars, vault, and trampoline. Skills taught include cartwheels, handstands, bridges, pullovers on the bar, and jumps on the beams. Strength and flexibility are incorporated with more emphasis. Please make sure your gymnast understands and follows the program’s attire policy as listed above. Capacity: 8
4/1-6/10 M 6-7 p.m. Arena $183 GYJ183
4/2-6/11 TU 3:45-4:45 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ151
4/3-6/12 W 3:45-4:45 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ152
4/3-6/12 W 5-6 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ178
4/3-6/12 W 6-7 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ153
4/4-6/13 TH 3:45-4:45 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ154
4/5-6/14 F 5-6 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ317
4/5-6/14 F 6-7 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ316
4/6-6/15 SA 12:15-1:15 p.m. Arena $165 GYJ155
4/7-6/9 SU 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Arena $165 GYJ180
4/7-6/9 SU 12:15-1:15 p.m. Arena $165 GYJ181
This level’s goal is to improve on the skills, strength, and flexibility moves covered in the beginner class. New skills are introduced, such as round-offs, back bends, kick-overs, back hip circles on the bars, and handstands on the higher beams. Attending two days a week is highly encouraged for skill development and strength. To enroll in this class, your child needs to have been recommended by their beginner girls’ instructor to move up. Capacity: 8
This is a teacher-placement class lasting 1.25 hours. It is highly recommended that your child participates two days a week. The goal of this class is to continue to master the skills needed for the club’s competitive teams, such as back handsprings, front handsprings, front hip circles, and tap swings on the bars. Capacity: 9
4/2-6/11 TU 6-7:15 p.m.
Arena $201 GYJ165
4/4-6/13 TH 6-7:15 p.m. Arena $201 GYJ276
This class uses all the women’s Olympic events and is for beginner through intermediate levels. The skills taught are based on each child’s level and include cartwheels, roundoffs, back bends, back hip circles on bars, and handstands on the beams. Capacity: 8
4/2-6/11 TU 6-7 p.m.
4/4-6/13 TH 6-7 p.m.
Arena $201 GYJ172
Arena $201 GYJ173
This is a coed class for students to learn basic parkour techniques while developing body awareness, movement skill, and strength. Each class focuses on repetition of a specific technique, such as rolls, jumps, and basic vaults. Classes consist of a warm-up, techniques of the day, obstacle course, and a strong focus on safety. Capacity: 8
4/6-6/15 SA 2:15-3:15 p.m. Arena $165 GYJ206
In this next-level, parkour class, students continue to develop body awareness, learn intermediate movements and flipping basics, and begin working on strength and flexibility. To register for this level, your child needs to have passed the beginning-level parkour skills progress report and be recommended to enroll by the instructor. Capacity: 8
4/6-6/15 SA 1:15-2:15 p.m. Arena $165 GYJ307
In this invitation-only parkour level, the students continue to build on their body awareness moves and flipping skills. Capacity: 8
4/6-6/15 SA 12:15-1:15 p.m.
Arena $165 GYJ208
This fun-filled end of the year program is for our Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Preteen and Tynamite students. To enroll, your child MUST be currently enrolled in the Spring Term classes. The gymnasts perform routines on four different apparatuses, which their instructors teach them in their weekly classes. Everyone receives a medal. Parents are encouraged to come and cheer their child on! Capacity:30
6/1 SA 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Arena $15 GYE121
Adults and teens learn and practice techniques to do back flips safely. Registration is required. Capacity: 18
4/17 W 7-8:30 p.m.
Arena No Charge GYA174
The goal of this class is to provide a fun opportunity for adults to use gymnastics to pursue physical fitness and social interaction. The class is open to all ability levels. Preregistration is not required but highly recommended. Capacity: 10
4/3 W 7-8 p.m.
4/10 W 7-8 p.m.
4/24 W 7-8 p.m.
5/1 W 7-8 p.m.
5/8 W 7-8 p.m.
5/15 W 7-8 p.m.
5/22 W 7-8 p.m.
5/29 W 7-8 p.m.
6/5 W 7-8 p.m.
6/12 W 7-8 p.m.
Arena $5 GYA105
Arena $5 GYA107
Arena $5 GYA109
Arena $5 GYA111
Arena $5 GYA113
Arena $5 GYA115
Arena $5 GYA117
Arena $5 GYA119
Arena $5 GYA121
Arena $5 GYA123
MAC offers private lessons to members of all ages! For those unable to take advantage of club offerings during normal class or gym hours, private lessons are available for children new to gymnastics or who want to focus on a skill or a certain event to master.
For more information, contact Lynn McCaffrey at 503-517-7516 or lmccaffrey@themac.com.
lmccaffrey@themac.com | 503-517-7516 themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
Sensei Bill Plappinger karate@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/karate
The MAC Karate Program offers a beginner/novice class for ages 7 through adult, and an intermediate/advanced class. The program is presented in conjunction with the Japan Karate Federation, Ryobukai NW, located in Hillsboro, and welcomes individuals and families with all levels of experience to train in a safe environment.
Kristin Bielecki playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217 themac.com/group/pages/playschool
Class is taught by a retired special education teacher, with more than 40 years of experience, who understands how to break down tasks so all students can participate.
OUTDOOR outdoor@themac.com 503-517-7580 themac.com/group/pages/outdoor
This is a noncompetitive program, although opportunities to compete are available for individuals at local, state, and national levels. MAC has had members compete at the Pan-American and World Championships. Members also are invited to observe classes.
PICKLEBALL pickleball@themac.com 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/pickleball
This class teaches traditional karate techniques to prepare students for their first belt test, as well as Japanese terminology. Participants are expected to practice at home at least five minutes per day and maintain consistent attendance. Karate gis are ordered prior to the first day of the session. This class is required for beginning students of all ages. It is common for younger students to repeat the beginner’s class. Students must be able to focus for 25 minutes. Capacity: 18
4/2-6/14 TU 5:15-5:45 p.m. Studio Two $168 KAJ100
F 5:45-6:15 p.m.
Hank Marcus racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
The Friday class is dedicated to the study of kata (forms). This is the only class in which students of all levels train together. Participants must have completed Beginning Karate prior to enrolling and receive instructor permission. This group is associated with the Japan Karate Federation, Ryobukai NW. Capacity: 18
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
4/5-6/28 F 6:30-8 p.m. Studio Two $83 KAJ110
This class is for the more serious student who is on track to test for belt promotions. Prior completion of Beginning Karate is required to enroll. Students also must have passed their first belt test for orange belt or have received permission from the instructor. Sparring techniques are introduced through prearranged sparring; participants then progress to free sparring. Students in this class can take part in the Friday night Kata class. A mouthguard is required. Capacity: 18
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
4/2-6/13 TU/TH 5:45-6:30 p.m.
Studio Two $168 KAJ120
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
This class is designed for the serious student of Japanese karate, willing to train two to three times per week. Participants must have completed Beginning Karate prior to enrolling. All ages can participate, but students ages 11 and younger must have instructor permission. This class continues to emphasize the study of karate basics, various levels of prearranged sparring, jiyu kumite (free sparring), and kata (forms). Applied self-defense techniques are taught in their relationship to kata. Capacity: 18
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
4/2-6/27 TU/TH 6:30-8 p.m. Studio Two $165 KAJ130
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
Kristin Bielecki
playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217
My MAC Playschool offers a safe, high-quality program for the club’s youngest members. The play-based curriculum helps children achieve goals while having fun in a small-group setting.
Members and their children have a chance to meet the teachers, see the classrooms, and ask any questions they might have about the program. There is no cost to attend. When registering for this event, please include all members who are expected to be in attendance. Capacity: 100
playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217 themac.com/group/pages/playschool
outdoor@themac.com 503-517-7580 themac.com/group/pages/outdoor
The Outdoor department offers a variety of adventure opportunities for all ages and skill levels. Classes and camps are held in the Climbing Gym or outdoors near the Portland metro area. Members can take advantage of options ranging from beginner to advanced by signing up online. Please see Outdoor cancellation policy on page 2.
pickleball@themac.com 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/pickleball
5/10 F 5-6 p.m. Middle MAC No Charge YPE510
Hank Marcus racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
5/10 F 5-6 p.m. Activities Classroom No Charge YPE511
Hank Marcus
racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
5/10 F 5-6 p.m. Junior Lounge No Charge YPE512
MY MAC PLAYSCHOOL 2024-2025 (AGES 2.5-5)
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
Daily activities focus on each child’s cognitive, physical, and social development. Kids participate in story time, arts and crafts, snack, 40 minutes of active play, and occasional field trips. There is an option for early drop-off, which starts at 8 a.m., and an optional lunch hour offered directly following class for an additional fee. For ages 3 years and older, parents can extend their child’s day after lunch by enrolling in after-school classes or signing up for Playschool’s After Care option, which runs until 4:30 p.m. every day for an additional flat rate fee. There is a $125 nonrefundable fee, which is billed upon registration. Prices listed below are per month with half payments in December and June.
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
• Please make sure your children who are enrolling in the program have their own member numbers. To register your child on your account, please email membership@themac.com.
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open now.
This class is an incredible opportunity to get any new diver started on their open water certification. Once registered, students receive self-study materials to complete prior to the two-day weekend training and assessment. Participants spend a portion of Saturday in the classroom learning techniques in free diving and scuba before applying their new knowledge in the pool. At the end of the classroom session, students take a test before heading into the pool sessions. These are held on both Saturday and Sunday to complete the necessary training. During the pool sessions, participants learn to set up their scuba gear, practice techniques from the class session, and gain confidence with the equipment provided. MAC has one of the best dive pools in the country, and it is an easy place to learn this unique skill set. This class is operated by MSDT PADI 49170 certified Master Scuba Diver Trainer Javier Acevedo. Please note: Once registered, contact Acevedo to review course details, receive study materials, and arrange a weekend session for classroom and pool instruction within 90 days. No refunds are given. For more information, contact Javier Acevedo at 503-962-9919 or javier.acevedo.pdx@gmail.com.
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
April SA/SU Classroom/Pool TBD $490/$575 ODA800
May SA/SU Classroom/Pool TBD $490/$575 ODA801
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
* Families who register for the three-day option for the Strawberry class are waitlisted upon registering until the end of May, when class numbers for the Monday-Friday option are finalized.
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
Katarina Simko
wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531
Kristin Bielecki
youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
This one-day refresher class is an option for any experienced diver who is up to date on their open water certification and has not been diving for a year or longer. It is operated by MSDT PADI 49170 certified Master Scuba Diver Trainer Javier Acevedo. Participants must provide a mask, snorkel, and fins. MAC provides a BCD (jacket) regulator, tanks, and weights. Please note: Once registered, members need to arrange a pool session within 90 days. No refunds are given.
For more information, contact Javier Acevedo at 503-962-9919 or javier.acevedo.pdx@gmail.com.
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
April SA, SU 10:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Pool TBD $230/$345 ODA900
May SA, SU 10:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Pool TBD $230/$345 ODA901
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Looking to build your kayaking skills over the colder months? This class gets you feeling confident and stoked for warmer weather and white water. Each class covers wet exits, stroke progression, bracing, T-rescues, and rolling. It is recommended to sign up for more than one clinic. These skills are never mastered on the first try. Kayaks and equipment are included. Capacity: 6
5/6 M 8-9:30 p.m. West Pool $90 ODA100
6/3 M 8-9:30 p.m. West Pool $90 ODA101
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
Learn the game from the inside out, and develop skills and success while doing so. This program puts players out on the course right away. Play starts from 25 yards and once a score of 36 or better is accomplished for 9 holes, the player levels up to 50 yards and so forth. Includes eight weeks of hour-long instruction and four 9-hole events at Ghost Creek Golf Course. Deadline to register is April 1. Capacity: 6
5/7-6/4 TU 11 a.m.-noon
5/25 & 6/8 SA 4-7 p.m.
Offsite $225 GOA110
This class is open to any beginner or intermediate golfer. Enjoy 1.5 hours of instruction followed by 9 holes on the golf course. Includes instruction with Chuck DaSilva, PGA; Greens Fees; and Power Cart at Ghost Creek Golf Course. Capacity: 8
6/20 TH 4-8 p.m. Offsite $125 GOA300 SU24
Deadline to register by 6/6.
7/25 TH 4-8 p.m. Offsite $125 GOA301
Deadline to register by 7/11.
8/15 TH 4-8 p.m. Offsite $125 GOA302
Deadline to register by 8/1.
9/26 TH 4-8 p.m. Offsite $125 GOA300 FA24
Deadline to register by 9/12.
Learn the game from the inside out and develop skills and success while doing so. This program puts players out on the course right away. Play starts from 25 yards and once a score of 36 or better is accomplished for 9 holes, the player levels up to 50 yards and so forth. Includes eight weeks of hourlong instruction and four 9-hole events with instructor is Chuck DaSilva, PGA. Deadline to register is May 1. Capacity: 6
6/18-8/13 TU 11 a.m.-noon
6/29, 7/13 & 8/17 SA 4-7:30 p.m. Offsite $425 GOA210
This class is for those who have been climbing for a while and want to prepare to take their practice outside with confidence. Participants learn from MAC staff how to lead belay, build and clean anchors, lower off a toprope anchor, plan a trip, and much more. Belay approval and prior climbing experience are required. All equipment is provided. Capacity: 6 4/8-4/29 M 6-8 p.m. Climbing Gym $155 ODA110
MAC offers weekly rides from April through October. There is something for every type of rider, from performance outings on Wednesdays to a leisurely fun ride on Thursdays and a longer Saturday trip once a month. MAC Outdoor also hosts events featuring bike-maintenance instruction, local vendors, training, and social outings.
Register for all events and rides on the Cycling calendar. themac.com/group/pages/cycling-calendar
Join other members who are excited to go out and explore on weekly hikes and walks year-round. Walks include visits to museums and wildlife preserves from Astoria to Hood River and everywhere in between. Hikes explore the coast, gorge, and mountains near and far. Check the Walking & Hiking calendar to register and for more information. themac.com/group/pages/outdoor-walkinghiking-calendar
Interested in climbing outside one-on-one or in a group? MAC Outdoor offers members a unique opportunity to get out onto real rock. Experienced climbing guides can help members gain access to some of Oregon’s best rocks in a single- or multi-pitch environment. Guides also can be hired to teach specific skills such as anchor building, rappelling, or rope-rescue techniques. Get an introduction to sport or traditional climbing, or just enjoy a day outside.
For more information and to schedule an outing, contact the Outdoor Supervisor at 503-517-7580 or outdoor@themac.com.
MAC can set up private lessons for rock climbing, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, cycling training, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing. Contact the Outdoor supervisor at 503-517-7580 or outdoor@themac.com
503-517-7580 themac.com/group/pages/outdoor
503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/pickleball
MAC offers a variety of opportunities to learn and grow the sport. The program’s goal is for members to learn new skills, compete, and have fun. Indoor Pickleball Courts 1-3 are located in the Main Gym.
Hank Marcus racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
These classes are designed for newcomers and returning beginner players, who work on fundamentals such as serving, dinking, and rules. Capacity:12
4/3-4/24 W 3:45-4:30 p.m. PB Courts 1-3 $62 PBJ120
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
4/6-4/27 SA 11-11:45 a.m. PB Courts 1-3 $62 PBJ121
5/1-5/29 W 3:45-4:30 p.m. PB Courts 1-3 $62 PBJ220
5/4-5/25 SA 11-11:45 a.m. PB Courts 1-3 $62 PBJ221
6/5-6/12 W 3:45-4:30 p.m. PB Courts 1-3 $47 PBJ320
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
These beginner clinics are geared toward people learning to play the sport of pickleball. They touch on the basic rules and fundamentals of pickleball such as dinking, ground strokes, volleys, and serving. These hour-long clinics include instruction and basics of pickleball, as well as open play. Equipment is provided if needed. Capacity: 12
4/8 M Noon-1 p.m.
Courts 1-3 No Charge PBA100 5/6 M Noon-1 p.m.
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
Courts 1-3 No Charge PBA102
Courts 1-3 No Charge PBA101 6/3 M Noon-1 p.m.
This class helps players of all levels to improve pickleball skills through a combination of facilitator-led and self-led drills. It’s a perfect way to work on skills without the pressure of competitive play and a must for all those looking to move up in skill levels. An experienced pickleball player is in attendance to help all levels with skills. Capacity: 12
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
Outdoor Pickleball Open Play and reservations schedule is still being determined. Check the Pickleball page for more information to come. No registration is required for Open Play in the Main Gym. PICKLEBALL
into Pickleball Open Play in the Main Gym.
503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/pickleball
Hank Marcus
racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
The goal of the Racquetball program is to provide opportunities for members to learn new skills, compete, and enjoy playing with others.
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
These clinics are offered to juniors of all abilities and instructed by Head Coach Charlie Pratt. MAC Junior Racquetball is a fast, fun way for kids to learn a new sport and develop hand-eye coordination. Pratt previously led the USA Junior Team. Racquets and eyewear are provided. Players are encouraged to register for both Monday and Wednesday sessions. Capacity: 8
AGES 6-8
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
Paul Reber
AGES 9-12
tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
Have fun in the fast-paced doubles game of racquetball with intermediate and advanced players.
racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
MAC Fitness & Wellness provides a variety of specialty workshops and training options for those looking to take a deeper dive into specific types of training. These small-group workshops and classes guide members through sessions focusing on technique with emphasis on personalized instruction.
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
For more information, contact the Fitness & Training supervisor at 503517-7539 or fitness@themac.com.
Fitness Room, Ledge, Stadium Studio, Strength Room, and Recovery Room hours of operation:
Monday-Friday: 5 a.m.-10:30 p.m.
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
Saturdays: 6 a.m.-10:30 p.m.
Sundays: 6 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Non-Registerable Group Exercise Classes: Group Fitness Calendar: themac.com/group/pages/fitness-groupexercise-calendar
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
MAC offers high-quality private instruction and personal training in all programs. From fitness coaching to training for a specific sport, MAC’s certified trainers can help members of all ages achieve their personal goals. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 503-517-7548 or email personaltraining@themac.com.
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Stay tuned for more information about weekly group runs beginning and ending at MAC! Triathlon & Running includes support for and promotion of a variety of events and activities, including triathlons, duathlons, marathons, and running.
Ongoing SA 7:30-10:30 a.m. RB Courts 7-10 No Charge Drop-In
4-7 p.m. RB Courts 7-10 No Charge Drop-In
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Beginners are invited to develop fundamentals, work on technique, and socialize in a supportive environment. Racquets and eye guards are available at events. Women especially are welcome!
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
This series is made for beginning to advanced boxers looking to improve their skills while getting a great workout. Stay up to date on when the next Boxing PRO series is being held by checking out MAC’s website or the Fitness & Wellness Instagram account.
Website: themac.com/group/pages/boxing
Email: fitness@themac.com
Ongoing SU 8:30-11 a.m. RB Courts 7-10 No Charge Drop-In
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
Playing singles gets more challenging with age, so this is the ideal group for 65-and-older players, who get together to practice doubles three days a week.
Ongoing M/W/F 10 a.m.-noon RB Courts 7-10 No Charge Drop-In
Intramurals are the cornerstone of MAC’s Racquetball program. The season starts in fall, and there are three sessions: fall intramurals run September through November; the winter session is January through March; and spring lasts from March through May. Participants automatically are drafted from the previous season unless they opt out by notifying the Racquetball commissioner. A draft party helps the Racquetball commissioner place more than 100 participants into one of more than 10 teams.
Please email racquetball@themac.com to sign up!
Phone: 503-517-7545
Location: Team Training Room in subbasement
MAC Boxing offers high-intensity workouts for all levels. The drop-in smallgroup personal training class incorporates cardio, strength, endurance, balance, and core stability. Fees apply to all classes. The pay structure is based on a weekly cycle from Sunday to Saturday: $25 for your first session of the week, $15 for your second, and complimentary for the remainder of the week. Minimum: 2
Tuesday: 6-6:55 a.m.; 7:30-8:25 a.m.; 9:30-10:25 a.m.
Wednesday: 5:30-6:25 a.m.
Thursday: 6-6:55 a.m.; 7:30-8:25 a.m.; 9:30-10:25 a.m.
Friday: No class
Saturday: 9-9:55 a.m.; 10-10:55 a.m.
MAC Junior Strength & Conditioning provides a diverse set of workshops, classes, and camps that are tailored to the needs of young members to promote physical, mental, and social development. This multifaceted, program-based system provides youths and junior members opportunities to work with MAC’s expert Strength & Conditioning coaches on various themes ranging from foundational movements to advanced skills and strength training.
Stay up to date on current programming by visiting the MAC website or inquiring via the email listed below.
Website: themac.com/group/pages/strength
Email: strengthandconditioning@themac.com
Phone: 503-517-7539
Sensei Bill Plappinger karate@themac.com | 503-517-7558 themac.com/group/pages/karate
MAC PRO Series is a collection of Pilates and other fitness classes that cater toward a small-group training model, with more specialized programming and/or equipment. The PRO Series classes are cost based due to the limited capacity, increased attention, and highly trained coaches/instructors. PRO Series sessions are available for all members looking for a fitness option that offers the dynamic of group exercise and the focused attention of personal training.
Kristin Bielecki
playschool@themac.com | 503-517-7217 themac.com/group/pages/playschool
MAC Pilates offers low-impact mat and reformer classes to help members improve strength and flexibility. Pilates focuses on posture alignment, core strength, and developing muscle balance. Pilates PRO classes are small-group trainings open to all members and fitness levels with beginner, intermediate, and advanced offerings. Each Pilates PRO class is $30.
outdoor@themac.com 503-517-7580
Visit MAC’s website to register for your next Pilates PRO class. Web: themac.com/group/pages/pilates
Email: pilates@themac.com
Phone: 503-517-7859
pickleball@themac.com 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/pickleball
TRX suspension training is a total-body-resistance modality that allows you to use your own weight to control the level of movement intensity. Whether you are new to suspension training or want to add some variety to your current routine, TRX PRO focuses on improving mobility, stability, and strength. Classes are led by a certified TRX coach, and you leave each session feeling stronger and better equipped to add suspension training to your repertoire. MAC offers TRX PRO in a series format ranging from four to six weeks. Stay up to date on when the next TRX PRO series is held by checking out MAC’s website or the Fitness & Wellness Instagram account.
Hank Marcus racquetball@themac.com | 503-517-7561 themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
Website: themac.com/group/pages/pro-series-classes#
Email: fitness@themac.com
Phone: 503-517-7545
Location: Fitness Room Alcove
For more information, please reach out to the class specific contact listed below.
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
MAC Squash offers a comprehensive program for all levels. From complete beginners to elite players, the goal is to provide world-class training in a fun and competitive environment.
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
This is an entry-level class for junior squash players wanting to have fun. All basic elements, including rules and safety, are introduced. Registration is required, and there are only 12 spots weekly. Equipment is supplied, but please bring your own superhero powers! Capacity: 12
5/4 SA 9-9:45 a.m. Squash Courts 1-4 No
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
5/11 SA 9-9:45 a.m. Squash Courts 1-4 No
5/18 SA 9-9:45 a.m. Squash Courts 1-4 No
5/25 SA 9-9:45 a.m. Squash Courts 1-4 No
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
This class is for those who have progressed through the Junior Recreational program and want to compete in tournaments. Participants complete basic drills and play long rallies during strategic-condition games. Capacity: 12 4/1-6/10 M 4:30-5:30 p.m. Squash Courts 3-6 $250 SQJ120
4/3-6/12 W 4:30-5:30 p.m. Squash Courts 3-6 $275 SQJ121
These are weekly sessions for women squash players. All levels are welcome. Capacity: 12
4/6 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA100
4/13 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA101
4/20 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA102
4/27 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA103
5/4 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA104
5/11 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA105
5/18 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA106
5/25 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA107
6/1 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA108
6/8 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA109
6/15 SA 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Squash Courts 1-6 $8 SQA110
Join fellow members for a drop-in squash round robin hosted by staff and athletic members. All levels are welcome to these competitive and social sessions.
4/1-6/10 M 6:15-8 p.m. Squash Courts 1-6 No Charge Drop-In
Join MAC Squash on Saturdays for singles and doubles play. This class is designed for new and beginner squash players looking to improve their games and meet other new players. All levels are welcome, and equipment is supplied. Capacity: 50
To get involved, contact squash@themac.com.
4/6-6/15 SA 10-11 a.m. Squash Courts 1-6 No Charge
These are weekly doubles games set up by pro staff.
To join the registration list, please email squash@themac.com.
4/4-6/13 TH 4-7 p.m. Doubles Squash Courts 1-2 No Charge
Members compete in weekly box-league matches against others in their skill division.
To sign up, email squash@themac.com to join the singles and/or doubles mailing list.
Rules, safety, and fundamentals are introduced, and participants improve ball control and learn basic strategies through games and matches. Players are encouraged to register for at least two days a week. Capacity: 12
4/1-6/10 M 3:45-4:30 p.m. Squash Courts 3-6 $230 SQJ102
4/2-6/11 TU 3:45-4:30 p.m. Squash Courts 3-6 $253 SQJ100
4/3-6/12 W 3:45-4:30 p.m. Squash Courts 3-6 $253 SQJ103
4/4-6/13 TH 3:45-4:30 p.m. Squash Courts 3-6 $253 SQJ101
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
Rules, safety, and fundamentals are introduced, and participants improve ball control and learn basic strategies through games and matches. Players are encouraged to register for both Tuesday and Thursday sessions. Capacity: 12 4/2-6/11 TU 4:30-5:30 p.m. Squash Courts 3-6 $275 SQJ110
4/4-6/13 TH 4:30-5:30 p.m. Squash Courts 3-6 $275 SQJ111
squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
MAC Tennis offers classes and lessons for all ages. Members improve their stroke, develop new point strategies, and get a great workout. Children are introduced to the game and given an opportunity to grow enthusiasm and basic skills. MAC Tennis coaches reserve the right to place participants in the proper class. For drop-ins, contact the coach.
For safety reasons, all players must come to class with proper tennis shoes. Flip-flops, Crocs, boots, and dress shoes are not allowed on the tennis courts. In addition, players are encouraged to wear comfortable athletic clothing. There are no classes May 26-27.
Katarina Simko
wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Players are introduced to the proper grips, preparation, and swing shapes. A variety of games and activities are used to develop hand-eye coordination and movement. Participants acquire the necessary skills for consistency and directional control as they learn to rally. The 36-foot court is used for this class. Capacity: 12
Kristin Bielecki
This class is designed specifically for club juniors who currently play on a MAC JTT Yellow Ball team. If the player is not playing on a MAC JTT team and the Junior Ladder, they are not eligible for this class. Capacity: 6
4/3-5/1 W 5-6 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $150 TEJ170
5/8-6/12 W 5-6 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $180 TEJ270
Play is on the 78-foot court using both the green and yellow balls. Stroke production continues, and more advanced techniques and strategies are used to continue developing a well-rounded game. As players progress, they advance within the performance group. Capacity: 24
4/1-4/29 M 4-5 p.m. Tennis Courts 2-4 $110 TEJ120
4/4-5/2 TH 4-5 p.m. Tennis Courts 2-4 $110 TEJ121
5/6-6/10 M 4-5 p.m. Tennis Courts 2-4 $110 TEJ220
5/9-6/13 TH 4-5 p.m. Tennis Courts 2-4 $132 TEJ221
This class combines middle and high school students and is for those looking to play tennis in a social, low-competition atmosphere. The fundamentals are emphasized, and simple point strategies are introduced. Classes are limited to eight players per court. Capacity: 16
4/3-5/1 W 5-6 p.m. Tennis Courts 2-3 $110 TEJ130
4/1-4/29 M 3:30-4:15 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $83 TEJ101
youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
4/3-5/1 W 3:30-4:15 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $83 TEJ100
5/6-6/10 M 3:30-4:15 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $67 TEJ201
5/8-6/12 W 3:30-4:15 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $83 TEJ200
Combining those with little or no experience, this junior tennis offering is for the player who is busy during the week and needs a weekend option. Players are broken into two groups where they are able to focus on the skills from the Red Ball I and II programs. Capacity: 12
4/7-5/5 SU 8:15-9 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $83 TEJ104
5/12-6/9 SU 8:15-9 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $66 TEJ204
Building on the fundamentals from Red Ball I, players continue to develop strokes and movements. Red Ball III is reserved for players who are ready to start serving and can hold a two- to three-ball rally with a coach. This class is for students who have been in at least three sessions of Red Ball I or who have instructor approval. Capacity: 12
4/1-4/29 M 4:15-5 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $83 TEJ103
4/3-5/1 W 4:15-5 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $83 TEJ102
5/6-6/10 M 4:15-5 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $ 83 TEJ203
5/8-6/12 W 4:15-5 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $99 TEJ202
This class is designed specifically for club juniors who currently play on a MAC JTT Orange Ball team. If the player is not on a MAC JTT team and the Junior Ladder, they are not eligible for this class. Capacity: 6
4/2-4/30 TU 4-5 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $150 TEJ150
5/7-6/11 TU 4-5 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $180 TEJ250
Using the 60-foot court and the low-compression orange tennis ball, players are broken into groups based on level. Each group works on specific techniques to enhance their game. From basic stroke production to the development of spin and angles, this class puts young tennis players on the right path forward. As players develop, they advance within the Orange Ball group. Capacity: 24 4/2-4/30
This class is designed specifically for club juniors who currently play on a MAC JTT Green Ball team. If the player is not on a MAC JTT team and the Junior Ladder, they are not eligible for this class. Capacity: 6
4/4-5/2 TH 4-5 p.m.
5/9-6/13 TH 4-5 p.m.
5/8-6/12 W 5-6 p.m. Tennis Courts 2-3 $132 TEJ230
This is MAC Tennis’s highest-level junior class. The advanced training prepares players for elevated competition. Participants must meet a minimum of three of the following criteria to be considered:
• Play on a high school varsity team.
• Previously have been involved in Tournament Competition class.
• Have a UTR rating of 3.5 or higher.
• Have participated in a minimum of eight tournaments in the past 12 months.
• Obtained approval from one of the MAC Tennis staff. Players meeting the higher number of criteria get the first opportunity to participate in class. For example, a player meeting five criteria is placed ahead of a player meeting four criteria.
If you have any questions, please contact Coach Idriss Radja at iradja@themac.com a minimum of one week prior to registration. Capacity: 10
4/2-4/30 TU 5-6:15 p.m. Tennis Courts 1-2 $188 TEJ180
4/4-5/2 TH 5-6:15 p.m. Tennis Courts 1-2 $188 TEJ181
5/7-6/11 TU 5-6:15 p.m. Tennis Courts 1-2 $225 TEJ280
5/9-6/13 TH 5-6:15 p.m. Tennis Courts 1-2 $225 TEJ281 HIGH SCHOOL & EIGHTH GRADE BEGINNING TENNIS (AGES 13-17)
This class is designed for players who have little or no experience. Participants learn the basic strokes of the game, as well as simple strategies to help them gain confidence to play with friends and family. Capacity: 8
4/2-4/30 TU 5-6:15 p.m. Tennis Court 3 $ 138 TEJ141
5/7-6/11 TU 5-6:15 p.m. Tennis Court 3 $165 TEJ241
Please read: Competition for MAC Tennis classes is at an all-time high. For the benefit of all classes and to help ensure players are at a suitable level for each class, registration is limited to a player’s NTRP rating. Players with no NTRP rating are not eligible for 3.5 or higher-level classes. To acquire an NTRP rating, please visit the USTA League page at tennislink.usta.com/leagues/common/ Default.aspx. Registering out of level causes a player to be withdrawn from the class without notice. Please note, this policy is strictly followed. Below-level players only get into higher-level classes if there are no at-level players waiting and with a coach’s permission.
NTRP 2.0: Player is a beginner to the game of tennis. Grip and stroke production knowledge is very limited, as are basic strategies for competition.
NTRP 2.5: Player has taken some lessons but needs on-court experience and has obvious stroke weakness but is developing in singles and doubles.
NTRP 3.0: Player can place shots with moderate success and sustain a rally at a slow pace but lacks control when trying for power.
NTRP 3.5: Player has achieved stroke dependability and direction on shots within reach, including forehand and backhand volleys, but still lacks depth and variety, seldom double faults, and occasionally forces errors on the serve. All tennis instructors are subject to change without notice. Refunds are not issued if an instructor change occurs.
Get the day started right and improve fitness with this early morning tennis class set to music. High energy is a must-have as low-compression Orange Balls are used to extend the points and level the playing field. Capacity: 16
4/3-5/1 W 6-7 a.m. Tennis Courts
5/8-6/12 W 6-7 a.m.
Courts 1-2
4/4-5/9 TH 7-8
5/16-6/13 TH 7-8 a.m.
Courts 1-2
4/4-5/2 TH
TENNIS 100 (AGES 18+)
4/3 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA150
4/3 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA151
5/1 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA152
5/29 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA153
This class is for players who are brand new to tennis and looking to get started with proper technique and instruction. Participants may have hit tennis balls in the past but have received no formal instruction. Tennis 100 students do not have the ability to serve overhand with consistency, and they struggle to rally with control. Players who possess the ability to serve and rally with a peer are better suited to Tennis 101. Players only may register for Tennis 100 a maximum of two sessions. Capacity: 8
TENNIS 101 (AGES 18+)
This class is for those who have very little experience playing tennis. However, participants have played tennis before and have no problem maintaining a rally with a peer for four to six shots in a row. Attendees get comfortable with the correct technique for all strokes and areas of the court, as well as learning basic strategies. Players may register for Tennis 101 a maximum of three sessions. Capacity: 8
TENNIS 102 (AGES 18+)
This class is for those with some experience on the court who have gained confidence and are ready to consider taking on others and entering league play. Participants should have the ability to rally in a match situation. Time is spent refining strokes and developing strategies. Capacity: 8
5/8-6/12 W 9:30-10:45
5/9-6/13 TH 9:30-10:45
To help members looking for technical help on individual strokes, MAC Tennis has designed this class to allow six players to work on an individual stroke for 30 minutes. Three lines of two players each take turns receiving balls from the machine while the coach remains on the same side, demonstrating correct technique, giving feedback, and allowing each participant to develop within their own style and limitations. There must be a minimum of three players for the class to run. Capacity: 6
4/10 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA155
4/10 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA156
5/8 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA157
6/5 W 8:05-8:35 p.m.
6/5 W 8:35-9:05 p.m.
5/29 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA154
4/24 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA163
4/24 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA164
5/22 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA165
4/17 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA160
4/17 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA161
5/15 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA162
6/12 W 8:05-8:35 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA260
6/12 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA261
5/8 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA167
5/1 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA166
5/22 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA169
5/15 W 8:35-9:05 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $11 TEA168
This class is designed to get players moving for a great workout while developing singles and doubles strategies. There is less attention to technique and form, and more focus on conditioning and court coverage. Capacity: 6 for 60-minute class; 8 for 75-minute class
(This class is perfect for those graduating Tennis 102.)
4/1-4/29 M 10-11 a.m. Tennis Court 2 $110 TEA101
5/6-6/10 M 10-11 a.m. Tennis Court 2 $110 TEA201
4/3-5/1 W 9:30-10:45 a.m. Tennis Court 3 $137 TEA100
5/8-6/12 W 9:30-10:45 a.m. Tennis Court 3 $165 TEA200
4/5-5/3 F 9:30-10:45 a.m. Tennis Court 3 $137 TEA102
5/10-6/14 F 9:30-10:45 a.m. Tennis Court 3 $165 TEA202
4/1-4/29 M 9-10 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $110 TEA103
5/6-6/10 M 9-10 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $110 TEA203
4/1-4/29 M 10-11 a.m. Tennis Court 3 $110 TEA106
5/6-6/10 M 10-11 a.m. Tennis Court 3 $110 TEA206
TH 10:45 a.m.-noon Tennis Court 3 $165 TEA105
TH 10:45 a.m.-noon Tennis Court 3 $137 TEA205
NTRP 3.0+ — COACH TATO ZEDGINIDZE 4/3-5/1 W 6-7 p.m. Tennis Court 3 $110
This is a doubles-specific class. Emphasis is placed on different aspects of doubles play, from basic formations to poaching to creating openings on the tennis court. Capacity: 6 for 60-minute class; 8 for 75-minute class
NTRP 3.5 —
NTRP 3.5-4.0 —
This fast-paced drill group gets players moving and thinking at the same time. Drills work on individual shots and strategies. Capacity: 8
NTRP 2.5+ —
Tennis Hit & Fit is an instruction-based class designed to enhance court fitness and develop strategic awareness through drills, conditioning, point play, and fitness elements to improve your game and prevent injury. Capacity: 8
4/4-5/9 TH 10:45 a.m.-noon Tennis Court 1 $165 TEA301
5/16-6/13 TH 10:45 a.m.-noon Tennis Court 1 $137 TEA401
This class is designed for higher-level play. Drills focus on high-intensity, aggressive singles and doubles play designed to make participants move more, position correctly, and anticipate an opponent’s next opportunity. Included in this class are conditioning exercises and drills intended to exhaust players and simulate third-set action in a long match. For players who do not like the ball hit at them with pace, this is not the class for you. Capacity: 8
4/3-5/1 W 6-7 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $110 TEA184
5/8-6/12 W 6-7 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $132 TEA284
Get on the tennis court and play some points based on how coaches are feeling that day. Players don’t know the theme of the day until they arrive. All that is known is that feet will move, and points will be played. No matter how the day went, trust the coaches to end it on a high note. Capacity: 16
4/3-5/1 W 7-8 p.m. Tennis Courts 1-2 $110 TEA193
5/8-6/12 W 7-8 p.m. Tennis Courts 1-2 $132 TEA293
This is a singles-specific class. Emphasis is placed on different aspects of singles play, such as attacking the net, playing high-percentage tennis, and the art of defending the court. Capacity: 6
NTRP 2.5 — COACH IDRISS RADJA (Classes run every other week.)
4/5, 4/19, 5/3 F 9:30-10:45 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $108 TEA183
5/17,5/31, 6/14F 9:30-10:45 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $108 TEA283
4/1-4/29 M 10-11 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $145 TEA180
5/6-6/10 M 10-11 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $145 TEA280
NTRP 3.0 — COACH MACALL ANDREAS (Classes run every other week.)
4/12, 4/26, 5/10F 9:30-10:45 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $108 TEA380
5/24, 6/7 F 9:30-10:45 a.m. Tennis Court 1 $72 TEA480
4/4-5/9 TH 6:15-7:15 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $174 TEA182
5/16-6/13 TH 6:15-7:15 p.m. Tennis Court 1 $145 TEA282
4/1-4/29 M 11 a.m.-noon Tennis Court 1 $145 TEA181
5/6-6/10 M 11 a.m.-noon Tennis Court 1 $145 TEA281
Play doubles! This is a fast-paced, three-court, three-coach class. Participants rotate through drills and doubles situations, as well as some competitive games. There is upbeat music playing to keep everyone going at the end of the night. No one knows what the coaches might throw out next when it comes to drills or music! Capacity: 24
4/2-4/30 TU 7:15-8:15 p.m. Tennis Courts 1-3 $110 TEA190
5/7-6/11 TU 7:15-8:15 p.m. Tennis Courts 1-3 $132 TEA290
The format is to get two mixed-doubles teams competing against each other. Players need to communicate with each other to determine the best matchups possible given the participants attending that evening.
Ongoing SA 6:15-8:45 p.m. Courts TBD No Charge Drop-In
Men’s Open Play options are available for all skill levels and occur on Monday evenings and Saturday mornings. Please see the Tennis homepage for more information and to view the time that suits your skill level.
Ongoing M 5-8:45 p.m. Tennis Courts 1-7 No Charge Drop-In SA 8:15 a.m.-noon Tennis Courts 1-7 No Charge Drop-In
Women’s Open Play options are available for all skill levels and occur on Tuesday mornings. Please see the Tennis homepage for more information and to select the time that suits your skill level.
Ongoing TU 8:15 a.m.-noon Tennis Courts 1-7 No Charge Drop-In
Jump into a doubles game at MAC without reserving a court. This is a great opportunity to play competitive matches with fellow members. Tennis staff arranges the first round of play, but all following pairings are determined by the previous round’s results. No court reservation is needed, but players must sign up by noon the Tuesday before.
Ongoing TH 5-8:45 p.m. Tennis Courts 5-7 No Charge Drop-In
Members 70 and older are invited to Super Senior Open Play. All levels are welcome, and players facilitate their own matchups.
Ongoing TH 2:30-3:45 p.m. Tennis Courts 5-6 No Charge Drop-In
| 503-517-7594
MAC Volleyball offers a variety of competitive, recreational, and developmental classes. The goal of the Volleyball program is to provide opportunities for junior members to learn new skills, compete, and have fun with others.
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
This class covers basic volleyball fundamentals, including passing, hitting, serving, receiving, footwork, and defensive techniques. It also teaches team-building techniques and instills a personal work ethic. Capacity:24
4/2-4/23 TU 3:45-4:30 p.m. West Gym $68 VBJ100
Werner Hergeth squash@themac.com | 508-517-7585 themac.com/group/pages/squash
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Paul Reber tennis@themac.com | 503-517-7594 themac.com/group/pages/tennis
MAC Wellness helps members create a resilient mind, body, and community. Wellness isn’t just a goal, but a way of life. The program can help implement daily healthy habits so surviving becomes thriving, and there are both group and personalized services to help any member on their journey.
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
volleyball@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball
4/4-4/25 TH 3:45-4:30 p.m. West Gym $68 VBJ101
4/7-4/28 SU 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $68 VBJ104
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
5/7-5/28 TU 3:45-4:30 p.m. West Gym $68 VBJ200
5/9-5/30 TH 3:45-4:30 p.m. West Gym $68 VBJ201
5/5-6/2 SU 1-1:45 p.m. West Gym $85 VBJ204
6/4-6/11 TU 3:45-4:30 p.m. West Gym $34 VBJ300
6/6-6/13 TH 3:45-4:30 p.m. West Gym $34 VBJ301
This class allows kids to work on the fundamental skills of volleyball during the offseason. The middle schoolers will focus on advancing their skills to be ready for competitive play in the fall. Capacity: 18
5/21-6/11 TU 4:45-5:30 p.m. West Gym
5/23-6/13 TH 4:45-5:30 p.m. West Gym $68 VBJ122
These clinics cover individual skill training, such as passing defense, hitting, and serving. Athletes learn proper footwork and timing, efficiency of movement, and general gameplay. Capacity: 30
4/13 SA 2 -4 p.m. West Gym $45 VBJ110
5/11 SA 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. West Gym $45 VBJ111
Join Head Coach Taylor Canoso as she teaches all the fundamental skills of volleyball. All levels are welcome. Capacity: 16
4/3-4/24 W 10-10:45 a.m. West Gym $75 VBA100
5/1-5/22 W 10-10:45 a.m. West Gym $75 VBA200
This class is designed for men and women who love the game and want to get back into playing! Newcomers, returning beginners, and intermediate players are welcomed to get an amazing workout while developing basic volleyball principles. Capacity: 20
5/21-6/11 TU 6-6:45 p.m. West Gym $75 VBA101
Enjoy playing volleyball with other juniors during this open time. All skill and experience levels welcome; no registration is required. Capacity: 30
5/19-6/9 SU Noon-2 p.m. West Gym No Charge Drop-In
Enjoy playing volleyball with other adults during this time. Also, look out for MAC’s free monthly clinics, where adults can learn about the game and participate in drills. All skill and experience levels are welcome; no registration is required. Capacity: 30
Ongoing SA Noon-2 p.m. West Gym No Charge Drop-In
Combine favorite activities into a one- or two-hour session with the experienced MAC Wellness team! Enjoy a relax-and-recovery session with a massage followed by cupping, or take a lunch break for a private yoga experience combined with soothing massage or dry-needling courtesy of MAC’s naturopath.
Wellness provides numerous services, individually and cooperatively. For more information or to book a package, email wellness@themac.com.
Katarina Simko wellness@themac.com | 503-517-7531 themac.com/group/pages/wellness
Kristin Bielecki youthprograms@themac.com | 503-517-7217 facebook.com/groups/youthprogramsmac/
Follow the MAC Youth Programs Facebook page to stay up to date with all the fun happenings in these areas!
Each class time is made up of activities based on a popular children’s book and includes cooking, arts and crafts, music, movement, group games, and more. Capacity: 15
3/9 SA 9-10:30 a.m. Activities Classroom $26 YPJ505
3/23 SA 9-10:30 a.m. Activities Classroom $26 YPJ605
Does your child love playing make-believe and being creative? This class encourages kids to explore their imaginiation through guided play, mysteries, and free-spirited activities each week. Children drive the class, make the rules, and tell their teachers who they want to be! Imaginitive play helps encourage kids’ cognitive and social development and have lots of fun while doing it! Capacity: 15
4/1-4/29 M 2-2:45 p.m. Activities Classroom $80 YPJ140
4/2-4/30 TU 3:30-4:15 p.m. Activities Classroom $80 YPJ141
4/4-4/25 TH 1-1:45 p.m. Activities Classroom $64 YPJ142
5/6-5/20 M 2-2:45 p.m. Activities Classroom $48 YPJ240
5/7-5/28 TU 3:30-4:15 p.m. Activities Classroom $64 YPJ241
5/2-5/30 TH 1-1:45 p.m. Activities Classroom $80 YPJ242
6/3-6/10 M 2-2:45 p.m. Activities Classroom $32 YPJ340
6/4-6/11 TU 3:30-4:15 p.m. Activities Classroom $32 YPJ341
6/6-6/13 TH 1-1:45 p.m. Activities Classroom $32 YPJ342
This class is designed for parents who have children that love to play, be creative, and get messy! Kids complete a different craft or group activity during each class. Materials used include but are not limited to paint, glue, glitter, shaving cream, and clay. Aprons are provided. Capacity: 15
Spend some time with your little one and help them express their creativity in a parent-assisted painting class! Have fun exploring different techniques enjoyed by adults and children alike. Work together to create projects to take home. Capacity: 12
3/7 TH 5:30-6:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $65 YPJ390
4/16 TU 5:30-6:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $65 YPJ490
5/18 SA 5:30-6:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $65 YPJ590
In Little Builders, children get creative learning how to build bridges, buildings, boats, and more! Each week, the children use different materials such as Legos, cardboard, paper, or wood to develop their hands-on building skills! Capacity: 15
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math! Projects develop thinkers, problem solvers, doers, and creators! Kids explore the world of STEM through hands-on projects and activities. Capacity: 15 4/1-4/29
4/4-4/25 TH 3:30-4:15 p.m.
Do you have a budding artist at home who loves to draw, paint, and create? Creative Juniors offers a supportive environment for participants to paint on canvases and make jewelry, paper mâché, and much more. Capacity: 10
4/7-4/28 SU 1-2 p.m.
4/3-4/24 W 4:45-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $60 YPJ181
5/5-5/26 SU 1-2 p.m. Activities Classroom $80 YPJ280
5/1-5/29 W 4:45-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $75 YPJ281
6/2-6/9 SU 1-2 p.m. Activities Classroom $30 YPJ380
6/5-6/12 W 4:45-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $30 YPJ381
These science activities are fun, creative, and sometimes messy! Experiments include making a rain cloud in a jar, elephant toothpaste, homemade slime, and more. Capacity: 10
4/2-4/30 TU 4:45-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $75 YPJ175
4/4-4/25 TH 4:45-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $60 YPJ176
5/7-5/28 TU 4:45-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $60 YPJ275
5/2-5/30 TH 4:45-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $75 YPJ276
6/4-6/11 TU 4:45-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $30 YPJ375
6/6-6/13 TH 4:45-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $30 YPJ376
Enjoy a night out on the town while the kids have fun participating in recess games, jumping in bounce houses, doing crafts, swimming, and much more. They finish the fun-filled evening by hanging out in the Junior Lounge and watching a movie. Pizza is provided for dinner. Guests are welcome to join the fun! Drop-off is located in the Main Gym, and parents or guardians must be present for drop-off and pickup. Capacity: 30
4/27 SA 4-9 p.m. Main Gym $40 YPE102
5/18 SA 4-9 p.m. Main Gym $40 YPE202
6/15 SA 4-9 p.m. Main Gym $40 YPE302
This class incorporates science, technology, engineering, arts, and math for weekly activities and experiments for juniors! Capacity: 10
4/1-4/29 M 4:30-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $100 YPJ135
4/5-4/26 F 4:30-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $80 YPJ136
4/6-4/27 SA 8:30-9:30 a.m. Activities Classroom $80 YPJ137
5/6-5/20 M 4:30-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $60 YPJ235
5/3-5/31 F 4:30-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $100 YPJ236
5/4-5/25 SA 8:30-9:30 a.m. Activities Classroom $80 YPJ237
6/3-6/10 M 4:30-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $40 YPJ335
6/7-6/14 F 4:30-5:30 p.m. Activities Classroom $40 YPJ336
6/1-6/15 SA 8:30-9:30 a.m. Activities Classroom $60 YPJ337
Indoor Playground is designed for children to exercise and have fun! Bounce houses, mini-soccer goals, basketball hoops, and climbing structures are just some of the equipment provided for them. Parents must remain on club premises while using Indoor Playground. This service is free of charge if a parent or guardian stays with their child. Kids ages 3-6 years may be dropped off for an hourly rate of $9 per child. Children can hang out with the staff for up to three hours. Parents or guardians who are dropping off must check in with staff before leaving so that their child can receive an orange wristband.
Closed March 25-29 and May 27.
Ongoing M-F 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Main Gym No Charge Drop-In
Children ages 6 weeks to 6 years of age have fun making crafts, playing with toys, and reading books with MAC staff. Parents must remain on club premises while using Child Care. Reservations can be made for a maximum of three hours and are charged based on the times the children are signed in and out. To learn more or make a reservation, please contact Child Care at 503-517-7215 or childcare@themac.com.
Closed March 31 and May 27.
Infants (ages 6 weeks-1 year): $10 per hour
Children (ages 1-6): $9 per hour
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.; 3-6 p.m.
Thursdays: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.; 3-9 p.m. Closed at 6 p.m. if no reservations.
Saturdays: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.; 5-9 p.m. Open for 1891 & Sunset Bistro dinner reservations only.
Sundays: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
On Thursday and Saturday evenings, MAC offers free Child Care for members who are dining in 1891 or the Sunset Bistro starting at 5 p.m. Reservations with the restaurant must be made before making a Child Care reservation, and parents are asked to bring back their dinner receipt upon pickup to qualify for the promo.
Every second Friday of the month, MAC offers a promotion where families can drop off their children for up to 4.5 hours, from 4:30-9 p.m. The fee for the promo is $45 for children younger than 1 year old and $40 for children who are 1-6 years. Parents are allowed to go offsite for this event.
Night Out event dates are March 8 , April 12, and May 10.
To learn more or make a reservation, contact Child Care at 503-517-7215 or childcare@themac.com.
Interested in joining one of MAC’s nationally ranked, competitive athletic teams? Contact the coach listed below to sign up and see themac.com for more information on each sport.
ARTISTIC SWIMMING Lucie Svrcinova 503-517-7513 lsvrcinova@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/aquatics-synchro
BASKETBALL Brandon Walter 503-517-7571 bwalter@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/basketball
CLIMBING Justin Rom 503-517-7591 jrom@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/climbing-team
DANCE Maria Albaugh 503-517-7544 malbaugh@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/dance-maccompany
GYMNASTICS (Boys) Rob Saliski 503-517-7564 rsaliski@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
GYMNASTICS (Girls) Brin Cavallero 503-517-7559 bcavallero@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/gymnastics
HANDBALL Hank Marcus 503-517-7561 hmarcus@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/handball
KARATE Molly Gill 503-517-7558 mgill@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/karate
RACQUETBALL Hank Marcus 503-517-7561 hmarcus@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/racquetball
SKI RACING Justin Rackley 503-517-7581 jrackley@themac.com themac.com/web/pages/ski-alpineskiteam
SQUASH Werner Hergeth 503-517-7585 whergeth@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/squash
SWIM TEAM Tim Larkin 503-517-7501 tlarkin@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/aquatics-juniorswimteam
TENNIS Paul Reber 503-517-7594 preber@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/tennis
VOLLEYBALL Taylor Canoso 503-517-7566 tcanoso@themac.com themac.com/group/pages/volleyball-juniorleague
• Junior members are required to conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner while using the club facilities. If any rule is violated, a junior’s membership privileges may be suspended.
• During the school year, juniors ages 11-13 are allowed in the clubhouse without an accompanying adult 2-9 p.m. Monday-Friday, and from opening to closing on weekends and legal holidays. During summer break, they are allowed in the clubhouse without an accompanying adult from opening to 9 p.m. Monday-Friday, and from opening to closing on weekends and legal holidays.
• Juniors ages 14 and older are allowed in the clubhouse without an accompanying adult from opening to closing throughout the year.
• Juniors must check in when entering the club at the Front Desk or Fourth Floor Entrance. Juniors ages 7-17 must scan their current photo membership credential.
• Juniors ages 15-17 may host guests in the club. The program has specific rules and policies. For more information, contact At Your Service by phone or text at 503-517-7235 or email atyourservice@themac.com.
• The Junior Lounge and Fitness Gallery are available for use by juniors during the appropriate hours.
• Proper attire is required in the social areas of the club, including the Main Entrance, lobbies, and first-floor restaurants. See Club Rules or Dress Code brochure for details.
• Basement-level senior locker rooms, saunas, steam room, and whirlpool are off limits to juniors except on Family Days when accompanied by an adult member.
COURTS: Dress shoes or marking-soled shoes are prohibited on courts, in gyms, and in all studios.
HANDBALL: Juniors may use Handball Courts 1-6, except during primetime, 3:30-7:30 p.m., or when in use by senior or intermediate members. Juniors must vacate the court if senior or intermediate members wish to use it.
• Junior members are expected to adhere to all Handball court rules and regulations. Reserve courts online or by calling 503-517- 7235.
SQUASH: Juniors ages 14 and younger may use Squash Courts 1-6. Reserve courts online or by calling 503-517-7235.
RACQUETBALL: Juniors may use Racquetball Courts 5-10 except during primetime hours, 5:30-7:30 p.m., or when in use by senior or intermediate members. Juniors must vacate the court if senior or intermediate members wish to use it. Junior members are expected to adhere to all court rules and regulations. Reserve courts online or by calling 503-517-7235.
TENNIS: Juniors are allowed to reserve two courts per week but may participate on as many day-of-play courts as are available. Tennis court attire: No cutoffs, swimsuits, jeans, or exercise outfits. Shirts must be worn. All tennis court reservations must be made or canceled online or by calling the reservation line at 503-517-7235.
ADULT WEIGHT AREAS: Juniors must be 14 years of age or older to use the Fitness and Strength Rooms.
FIT ZONE: The Fit Zone is the perfect spot for an after-school workout with friends. It is a bright and airy space that includes exercise equipment, an interactive light wall, machines, suspension bands, and plenty of room to roam. The Fit Zone is open to juniors ages 7-13 from 2:30 to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Visit themac.com/group/pages/fit-zone-and-junior-lounge, for more information.
THE CAGE: Located off the east end of the Main Gym, the room is intended for practicing baseball, softball, golf, and lacrosse. Members ages 13 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Equipment is available from the gym attendant. Strict rules apply, and a five-minute safety tutorial for new users is required. The Cage is open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. Reservations are required. For more information, email thecage@themac.com.
JUNIOR LOUNGE: The Junior Lounge is a space where children ages 7-14 can hang out with friends. There are board games, Nintendo Switch, art supplies, books, an air hockey table, and a ping pong table, as well as an attendant in the area to make sure the kids stay safe and have fun!
• Junior Lounge hours are Monday-Friday: 2:30-6:30 p.m., Saturdays: 8 a.m.1 p.m., and PPS No-School Days: 9 a.m-5 p.m. For more information, please see themac.com/group/pages/fit-zone-and-junior-lounge.
SWIMMING POOLS: Schedules are available in the Aquatics Office and at themac.com/group/pages/aquatics.