Members from varying cultural and religious tradi tions share their perspectives on celebrating at MAC and beyond.
Behind the scenes at the cover photo shoot with Emily Strat man, James Lindgren, Marcus Fong, Andrew Gehred, and Craig Mitchelldyer. Cover design by Katie Larson; photo by Craig Mitchelldyer.
at 503-517-7223
Audit Kyle Goulard
Athletic Jim Laird
Budget and Finance Kyle Goulard
Communications Amanda Harvey
Diversity Admissions Maryam Boulori
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Debbie Bensching
House Emily Yensen
Member Events Mary DiOrio
Membership Allison Lee
Property Marc Monaghan
Food & Beverage Rich Director
Human Resources Mike Mathews
Land Use Kia Selley
Technology Eric Miller
Arts Susan Kerr
Community Involvement Sheri Anderson
Investments Doug Post
Artistic Swimming Marni Davis
Basketball Jon MacDonald
Climbing Reniera Eddy
Cycling Bryan Leslie Dance Ulrike Devoto
Early Birds Bill Zander
Fitness & Decathlon Steve Brown
Golf Larry Vanlaningham
Group Exercise Jacqueline Depasse
Gymnastics Sara Vanderhoff
Handball Conor Casey
Karate Mark Twietmeyer
Outdoor Activities Program
Laura Johnson-Graham
Pickleball Mark Jansa
Pilates Lisanne Butterfield
Racquetball Sanjay Bedi
Ski Ken Park
Squash Byron Gaddis
Swim Brad Fennell
Tennis Martin Bleeck
Triathlon & Running Dave Hanna
Volleyball Darcy Henderson
Walking & Hiking Ann Blume
Water Fitness Linda Hering
Water Volleyball Steve Watson
Yoga Miki Chown
20s/30s Tori Buck
Balladeers Jon Lee
Culture and Style Kelly Director
Family Events Lindsey Hern
Holiday Decorating Bridget Connolly
MelloMacs Natalie Willes
Social Activities Shaunmarie Gutbezahl
Welcome to December!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It’s been said before and I’ll say it again: MAC is a magical place during the holidays. It truly is a special time of year, and it warms my heart to be a part of this community, which comes together to celebrate, enjoy each other’s company, and share in the spirit of the season.
2021 during the pandemic. Our 2022 dues revenue is forecasted at $300,000 above 2019 levels, yet doesn’t account for the increase in operational expenses experienced over the past two years.
Mary Turina PRESIDENTThe Holiday Decorating Committee once again did an outstanding job transforming MAC into a winter wonderland, and I am looking forward to all of the holiday cele brations at the club. From the return of the Holiday Fashion Show to Holiday Tea in 1891, and everything in between and beyond, it’s going to be an amazing month.
While I am so sad to see her go, I want to say thank you to Valerie Johnson for her tremendous contributions to our athletic community during her time as MAC’s Athletic Director. Val is such an incredible person, and I know she will do great things as Deputy Athletic Director for the University of Oregon. Good luck, Val, and go Ducks!
With 2022 coming to a close, the Board of Trustees, Budget & Finance Committee, and club leadership have been focused on setting the 2023 budget, which is never an easy task. During 2022, we made significant strides in ramping up club operations as we contin ued to climb out of the pandemic. Today, our member participation levels are nearing 2019 metrics, with some key areas of the club already exceeding historical usage.
You may recall in 2022, we restored monthly dues to the level that went into effect in January 2020 — just two months before the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Dues and staff were reduced for 2020 and
It’s always our goal to maintain high levels of service, safety, and quality with minimal cost increases. So, after considerable discus sion between the board, B&F Committee, and club leadership, it’s been determined that an increase in dues is needed. The board has voted to approve the new dues, with updated rates going into effect on Jan. 1, 2023, and appearing on members’ Dec. 25 billing statements.
It’s important to note, this is the first legiti mate dues increase since before the pandemic began. Based on a three‐year rolling average covering 2020-22, the 2023 dues repre sent a 2.92% yearly increase, which is less than MAC’s average yearly dues increase of 4.31% from 2014-20. The decision was based on increased costs associated with the return of traditional club operating levels, which included the return of a substantial number of in-person member events, significant nationwide inflation, efforts to manage future expenses, and increasingly higher mandatory minimum wage rates, along with other neces sary wage increases.
Club policy states that future campus plan ning costs are secured via our property fund and therefore do not directly impact dues. I am grateful for our member-led committees and loyal staff who have diligently partnered to manage our operating expenses.
It’s dues that fund our club experiences, ensure we hire and retain exceptional staff, and make certain that our beloved club remains exactly that. There’s more informa tion, including the dues structure for different accounts and a chart showing specifically what dues fund at MAC, on page 15.
I hope you have an opportunity to unplug this holiday season and are able to spend quality time with your family and friends. As another year comes to a close, I look forward to 2023 and everything it has to offer. Enjoy the holidays, and I wish you and your loved ones a very happy new year.
President Mary Turina
Vice President Marilyn Whitaker
Secretary Mike Mathews
Treasurer Kyle Goulard
Ryan Chiotti
Jenny Kim
Richard Maxwell
Andrew Randles
Alison Rosenblum
Jennifer Strait
Katherine O. VanZanten
General Manager
Charles Leverton
Executive Leadership Team
Tech & Portfolio Director
Matt Abraham
Finance & Accounting Director
Mary Averette
Chief of Staff
Laura Boley Communications Director
Stephanie Cameron Athletic Director
Valerie Johnson HR Director
Amy Mattson Engagement Director Derek Pratt Club Operations Senior Director John Sterbis
Senior Leadership Team
Portfolio Manager
Patrick Martin
Food & Beverage Director Erik Anderson Fitness & Wellness Manager
Maddy Sweeney Assistant Athletic Director
Chad Failla Retail Manager
Conrad Hulen Strategy & Special Projects Manager
Nathan Loomis Technology Senior Manager Mark Marcelline
Facilities Director Daniel Newell
Member Experience & Services Director Kevin Pollack
A s our commu nity celebrates its way into the new year, I always enjoy reflecting back on lives well lived. In the club house and beyond, we have revived our community and restored its vibrance and wonder. Don’t just take my word for it — this year, hundreds of peer club GMs and Presidents voted MAC once again a top 10 platinum club nationally. This is reinforced by our steadily growing waitlist, which is currently approaching a year before eligible members are invited into our community. MAC remains a premium private club nationally.
Charles Leverton GENERAL MANAGERof our club, and the future of sport resides with our juniors. This year, our summer camps exceeded pre-COVID participation levels indicating that the future of MAC, as represented by the thousands of children learning and playing in our extensive summer programming, is stronger than ever.
I wish Valerie all the best as she heads to Eugene to lead one of the nation’s top women’s collegiate athletic programs at the University of Oregon and thank her for her selfless service to our community. We are excited about having an ally within a top-tier Division I program and, more importantly, wish her and her family well as she begins her new adventure.
On the social side of our house, we also witnessed a strong resurgence.
This has been a banner year for MAC’s Athletics department. However, I am sad to have to wish farewell to a close friend and an amazing leader, Athletic Director Valerie Johnson. I am inspired by the impressive organization she has created in her brief but impactful time at MAC. She has reconsti tuted a world-class athletics program that has already seen many successes. She co-led a much-needed improvement of our seasonal program registration procedure that elim inated critical system and process failures. The Athletics team, under her guidance, partnered with the Facilities department to repair our 50-meter Pool bulkhead, allowing the Aquatics teams to have more flexibil ity in programming and returning the ability for MAC to host competitive swim meets. Speaking of aquatics, our artistic swimming teams took home a silver and a gold medal at this year’s Pan American Games.
The Fitness and Group Exercise programs also improved this year. Under the leader ship of Maddy Sweeney, we brought in five new Pilates Reformers, updated the group ex programming to match pre-pandemic levels (125 free weekly classes), and saw the contin ued evolution of our popular Recovery Room.
Our excellence in sport was club-wide as our Men’s Masters Basketball team took first in the nation, while our climbing juniors ranked fourth nationally. Sport is at the heart
A large part of our social success is the drastic increase in member-centric events. Our second annual Halloween Trunk or Treat quickly reached capacity, with more than 800 children participating. Next year should easily surpass those numbers as we hope to possibly add a haunted house and some adult-friendly activities and libations.
Speaking of adult-friendly activities, we continue to grow the opportunities for you to come visit us often. Our wine and Brown Bottle Society dinners are in high demand, and they have resulted in MAC-exclusive partnerships, such as our own exclusive coffee blend, several MAC-only wine labels, a MAC/Blanton’s whiskey collaboration, and a MACrobrew that was entered into the Great American Beer Festival. This year, we also piloted the VIP skybox experience at the OSU game at Providence Park and the Timbers versus Sounders grudge match. We will continue to grow that experience as member demand increases.
As you can see, MAC has something for everyone. We are excited about the year to come and know that the future of the club is strong. See you this month at all the festiv ities, and please remember to share your appreciation with staff via Sounding Boards. We are honored to serve you and grateful to be entrusted with the stewardship of our community. From my family to yours, happy holidays!
atyourservice@themac.com Text or call 503-517-7235 themac.com/group/pages/contact-us
Additional Points of Contact
Accounting 503-517-7200
Athletics & Wellness 503-517-7525
Events & Catering 503-517-6600
Child Care 503-517-7215
Facilities 503-517-6656
Food & Beverage 503-517-6600
Lost & Found 503-517-7235
MAF 503-517-2350 Maintenance 503-517-6665
Membership 503-517-7280
Mporium 503-517-7290
It is with a heavy heart that I write my farewell message to this amazing community.
A little over a year ago, I was welcomed with open arms as I began my role as Athletic Director. It was a time of excitement and uncertainty as the club returned to full operations after the pandemic closures.
While longtime members and staff returned to the place they referred to as their second home, we also welcomed many new faces to MAC. As with many transitions, the club experienced highs and lows.
The highs were captured in the smiles of our youngest members returning to their classrooms, teams, and programs. MAC became one of the first places to return to some sense of normalcy. Adults were able to get back to their routines of morning work outs with friends, competitive sporting events, and their weekly lunch at their favorite table in the Sports Pub. We were able to host large events that felt like intimate gatherings filled with familiar faces and new energy.
Conversely, we also experienced challenges that quickly became opportunities. Due to members’ overwhelming excitement to partic ipate in the robust programming, we tested the limits of our registration system. From this experience, we were able to engage with members and staff to develop a new approach to registration — testing out a lottery system, registration days based upon programs, and general changes to the time of registration.
As a new member to the community, I often found myself amazed by the level of dedication from individuals volunteering on committees to ensure MAC programs met the needs and desires of the general member ship. Each and every day, I was grateful to be on a team of dedicated, passionate, and intelligent staff and coaches. The Athletics, Fitness, and Wellness teams are hands down the best in the industry.
I am a true believer that everything in life happens for a reason. Additionally, every chapter of our life teaches us new lessons. My MAC chapter has been, by far, one of the best, with some of the best characters I will trea sure for a lifetime.
I want to thank GM Charles Leverton for providing me with this opportunity to learn a new arena of athletics, fitness, and well ness. He took a chance on recruiting me away from a great career in college athletics to teach me about what it means to be a lifelong athlete. I will forever be grateful for his inno vative spirit, his ability to motivate staff to be their best, and his conviction that Multnomah Athletic Club is THE premier club in the world.
I am grateful to the Board of Trustees, specifically former President Rob Torch and current President Mary Turina, for their unwavering trust in and support of the Athletics, Fitness, and Wellness team.
To the team and all MAC staff, I thank you from the deepest part of my heart for trusting me and embracing my unique leadership style. Over the past year, we have built an all-star team and strong foundation for programming. I have all the confidence in the world you will continue to develop and implement programs that meet the needs of all MAC members.
Lastly, to MAC members, I am humbled by your dedication to creating a community centered on health, wellness, and competitive excellence. While I did not have a chance to meet all 20,000+ members, I tried my hard est to genuinely connect with each and every person I met. You are the reason I, and our staff, come to work every day.
For one last time, hands in, and give me a “GO MAC” on three!
What does an aspiring young renaissance man do when he’s already learned to unicycle and juggle, not to mention memorized pi to 323 digits? Evidently, he folds 1,111 origami swans!
Or maybe that’s just Teddy Kelleher. Son of David and Kysa Kelleher, the latter the author of Say It Once, a no-nonsense guide to parenting, Teddy is the proof in the pudding, so to speak. The 13-year-old wunderkind, who is now a student at Oregon Episcopal School, and four of his five siblings were homeschooled during the pandemic. He used the quarantine to take some online origami classes, and along with a little light reading, it inspired a new project to take flight.
“I was reading the Guinness Book of World Records for 2022, and I saw a listing for the
largest display of origami dogs. It looked kind of cool, and I wondered, ‘How do you make one of those?’ I like dogs, but I wanted to do something of my own,” Teddy recalls. “I looked to see if anyone had done that with swans, and it didn’t look like it, so I decided to go for it. I have always wanted to try to set a world record!”
Wanting to hold a world record and actually holding one are birds of different feathers, and right up until the time of this writing, Kelleher was waiting to hear back from Guinness whether his record attempt had been accepted. Then, in mid-November, he got the wonderful news that it had, and he is now going through the Guinness Book of World Records validation process. He’s also sharing his passion proj ect with the MAC community in an attempt
to inspire others to make ambitious goals and strive to meet them.
“I would love for other families and kids to know that you can do anything that you want. It’s so amazing,” says proud mama Kysa. She reports sometimes hearing the fold ing of paper coming from Teddy’s room later at night than she might have liked, but she nevertheless supported him throughout his endeavor. “He did the math to see how many he should do each night because he wanted to finish by his birthday, on May 9. He just peeled away a little bit at a time, and sure enough, he could totally do it.”
MAC’s Arts Committee caught wind of the project and encouraged Teddy as well.
Continued from page 11
Outgoing chair Catherine Blanksby planted the seed that the club should showcase Teddy’s art, and new chair Susan Kerr grew the concept into the display that now adorns one wall of the Reading Lounge. A recep tion is planned for 6-7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15, and attendees are invited to enjoy light apps and a no-host bar while taking in the flock of many folds.
Teddy explains that he accomplished his objective by making the most of his free time, even folding swans on plane rides, making sure he got through at least 20 or 30 per flight before allowing himself to relax and watch a movie. He says that he doesn’t necessarily consider himself an artist, but rather someone who made a plan and followed through on it.
“It was kind of relaxing, but I’m glad it’s done. As exciting as it is, it was also pretty tedious,” Teddy says, smiling. Legend has it that pots of gold can be found at the end of rainbows, but for this paper swan whisperer, the colorful spectrum of birds was the treasure itself. “This was a long time in the making, but I’m really happy with how it turned out. I thought it would be cool because I don’t know anyone who’s done something like this, and it was.”
The title of “Engagement Director” seems fitting for Derek Pratt. He’s outgo ing and dynamic, analytical and full of ideas — all qualities you’d hope to see in someone whose job is to partner with operational staff and guide MAC in developing top-notch programming, facilities, and services that meet the needs of its nuanced membership.
Pratt came on board in October as the newest member of the club’s Executive Leadership Team. He brings to the table
valuable and extensive experience in deliv ering and analyzing member surveys and building engagement programs, most recently at Nike’s world headquarters in Beaverton. As Nike’s America Sport Engagement and Access Manager, he led efforts to enhance engagement in sport for the company’s North and South America-based employees.
“We took some amazing steps toward making it easier and more enjoyable for employees to live a healthy lifestyle,” Pratt says. “I left behind a robust feedback loop and engagement data analysis process that will allow their organization to continue to be agile toward the needs of employees.”
Moving to MAC presents a new setting and new challenges for Pratt, though he has worked with another community-based nonprofit organization, the YMCA, before. He sees the move as an exciting opportunity to apply what he’s learned and have a positive impact on the member experience.
“The best way to build community engage ment is by creating a system that lets the community be involved in shaping it, and MAC is the gold standard of a memberdriven community,” he says. “In this way, MAC is an unparalleled community ripe for
building out an engagement capability to let the community better shape itself.”
In his new role, Pratt is keeping a finger on the pulse of the membership and work ing to adapt the club experience as members’ needs change. That involves establishing new processes to listen and better understand MAC members’ needs and work through nuances when parts of the community have differing opinions. He’s also building an Engagement team to serve as the club’s eyes and ears that continuously measure how members use the club and identify opportuni ties to serve them better.
“All people have different journeys. Their interests and needs are different as well, and if you want to increase engagement, then you need to listen and understand them,” he explains.
To help him get acclimated, Pratt, a selfproclaimed “wellness hobbyist,” has been throwing himself into experiencing all that the club has to offer. Taking group exercise classes and bringing his children to the club to swim, climb, or eat lunch allows him to get to know the club on as many levels as possible.
“I’m putting myself in a position to truly understand the nuances of any feedback I’m being given because I’ve taken the time to get to know the club firsthand,” he explains. “For that reason, it’s also important I leverage my family’s experience as well because so many of our offerings are meant to support families and members of all ages.”
So far, he’s been impressed by how one place can be so much to so many different people. “It’s been striking to see that the club really has the potential to meet athletic, social, and wellness needs of individuals and fami lies at every stage in their life. That is beyond special, and I’m thrilled to get to see it every day,” he continues. “I want to create a system that can continue the traditions of excel lence that MAC was built on while allowing our current members to continue reshaping the daily experiences here that will keep the community engaged for the next 130 years.”
Submit information for Faces of MAC to wingedm@themac.com.
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Saturday, Dec. 24: 6 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 25: Closed Saturday, Dec. 31: 6 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 1: 6 a.m.-2 p.m.
Please note: All holiday hours are subject to change due to club events or activities
After considerable discussion between the Board of Trustees, Budget & Finance Committee, and club leadership, it’s been determined that the 2023 monthly family dues rate will be $338.40. The updated rates go into effect on Jan. 1 and will appear on members’ Dec. 25 billing statements.
The new rates follow last year’s restora tion of monthly dues that were in effect in January of 2020 — prior to the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent decision to reduce dues for 2020 and 2021 once the pandemic hit. Additionally, based on a three‐year rolling average from 2020-23, the 2023 dues represent a 2.92% annual yearly increase, which is less than MAC’s average yearly dues increase of 4.31% from 2014-20.
Setting a budget is never an easy task, and much thought and discussion went into our final determination. The decision was made after considering the increased costs asso ciated with the return of traditional club
operational levels, which included the return of a substantial number of in-person member events, significant nationwide inflation, efforts to manage future expenses, and increas ingly higher mandatory minimum wage rates along with other necessary wage increases. Club policy states that future campus plan ning costs are secured via our property fund and therefore do not directly impact dues. I am grateful for our member-led committees and loyal staff who have diligently partnered to manage our operating expenses.
It’s always our goal to maintain our high levels of service, safety, and quality with mini mal cost increases, and we believe we’ve accomplished this. It’s dues that fund our club experiences, ensure we hire and retain excep tional staff, and make certain that our beloved club remains exactly that.
— Mary Turina, PresidentThese membership dues go into effect on Jan. 1, 2023.
Dues Category New Monthly Fee*
Resident Family Age 30 & Older $338.40 Under 30 $186.17
Resident Individual Age 30 & Older $236.91 Under 30 $130.31
Preferred Tier 1 Individual $197.34 Family $281.98 Tier 2 Individual $179.31 Family $251.90 Tier 3 Individual $157.89 Family $225.58 Tier 4 Individual $105.29 Family $150.37
Nonresident Family Age 35 & Older $135.38 Under 30-40 $118.48 Under 30 $65.13
Nonresident Individual Age 35 & Older $94.78 Under 30-40 $82.89 Under 30 $45.62
Semi-annually $169.26
Individual preferred membership shall be granted to an elected, resident member who meets the criteria for both age and membership tenure described below.
Family preferred status is granted to a family when one spouse/partner meets the preferred membership criteria as defined below:
Individual Preferred Tier 1: 70 years old, 30 years membership
Individual Preferred Tier 2: 75 years old, 35 years membership
Individual Preferred Tier 3: 80 years old, 40 years membership
Individual Preferred Tier 4: 90 years old, 50 years membership
Honorary Life: 100 years old, 30 years membership
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Pickleball as a sport committee. The decorations for the holiday season. Decorum and behavior at the club. Planning for the future of the club. Auditing financials. Growing our membership.
These are all examples of the various topics that club members are involved in through our committee system. With everything from food and beverage to sports to communications to social events, committee members help shape and strengthen MAC.
The new Fitness Room and the front entry were driven by member committees. Member input and involvement have a long history at MAC and drive decisions for our future. Collaboration between staff and committees ensures that your input is heard.
Love to exercise and socialize early? Join the Early Birds. Like to plan family-focused events? Join Family Events. Like to review and suggest financial policy? Join Budget & Finance. Like real estate? Join Land Use. Your input is what makes our club grow and thrive!
Meeting new members, having fun, and contribut ing to the overall health of our club are important goals of committees.
Each year, the Board of Trustees appoints members into the committee system based on their interest and exper tise. Expressing your interest through a Committee Interest Form on themac.com is the first step toward joining our governance system. Forms are available on the website and are due by 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 31. If you would like more information, please contact committees@themac.com.
In the last few years, important shifts in philan thropy have occurred. Redistribution of wealth and resources in a traditional top-down way is evolving into a more equitable and collaborative approach. People involved in nonprofits are no longer just collaborating peer-to-peer but directly with the members of the communities they serve.
The way the work gets done is also shifting: The older model, which relies on charitable orga nizations to provide quick solutions to problems, is being replaced with a model where nonprofits engage in sustained and long-term involvement in the community.
How these bigger shifts play out in local nonprofits is important because that is where the real change happens — change that affects kids, their quality of life, and their access to opportuni ties. The Multnomah Athletic Foundation (MAF) is committed to these shifts and to creating an accessible and inclusive space where donors, volun teers, and friends of the foundation exchange ideas and forge relationships that help these important changes gain traction.
Working in tandem with local nonprofits, MAF focuses on creating positive change that serves youth.
Talented, motivated, and enthusiastic kids from under-represented and under-resourced commu nities challenge the foundation to create new possibilities through academics and athletic partic ipation — and the foundation is grateful for the opportunity.
The grant-making approach at the foundation brings together nonprofits that take a collaborative and community-based approach to creating possi bilities for youth. MAF partners with three such organizations: Greater Than, Portland Tennis and Education (PT&E), and Portland Community Football Club (PCFC), all of whose leadership has first-hand knowledge of and actively connects with the communities they serve. Each one has a committed executive director who is listening with open ears and an open heart, constantly learning, and adapting their approach and programs to serve kids and their families in the best way possible.
“As a society, we can’t afford to have students not reach their potential.”
Greater Than addresses inequities in the educa tional system. The nonprofit supports students who begin their academic journeys at two elementary schools in historically underserved communities: Alder Elementary School in Rockwood and Lincoln Elementary School in downtown Hillsboro.
The organization serves over 1,000 children each year, applying a “whole child” model that supports students and families through a combination of programs, resources, and partnerships from pre-K to college and career.
Greater Than understands that many factors that impact a child’s ability to learn fall outside a school’s control, including basic food inse curity, housing insecurity, systemic racism, and racial disparities. They apply a flexible model that harnesses the power of partnerships to provide support across the educational spectrum.
Portland Tennis & Education (PT&E) Campbell Glenn Garonzik, Executive Director
“Listening first is so important. Not just listen ing, but truly listening well, which, in turn, builds trust with your community.”
This year, Portland Tennis & Education (PT&E) celebrated 25 years of service to more than 16,000 K-12 students and their families in North Portland.
Through after-school and summer programs, PT&E provides 1,000 hours of enriching out-ofschool time to students, enabling St. Johns youth to thrive through academic tutoring, high-qual ity tennis instruction, mental health support, nutritious snacks, character development, and counseling. Along with supporting youth directly, PT&E emphasizes building strong relation ships with parents, families, and the surrounding community. Program participants’ hardwork ing families are able to provide for their children while they are at PT&E engaged in healthy, posi tive activities, providing a positive ripple effect that impacts not only youth but their families and communities.
PT&E is also working to change the face of tennis and create greater access to a sport long associated with wealth and privilege. Beyond bringing the sport to youth participants (91% of whom identify as BIPOC), PT&E’s indoor tennis facility is a community hub in St. Johns, offering low-cost, non-membership tennis to the culturally rich, diverse residents of North Portland.
Portland Community Football Club (PCFC)
Kaig Lightner, Executive Director
“It’s important to bring love and humor to the work.”
Portland Community Football Club (PCFC) makes soccer played at a competitive, elite level acces sible to athletes and families from low-income communities. The nonprofit models first-rate soccer clubs and provides quality coach ing, equipment, and support.
Playing soccer at an elite level can cost thou sands. Due to the high costs, many talented and athletic kids from lower-income households are Continued on page 20
Continued from page 19
automatically excluded from the opportu nity to play, develop, and excel at an elite level.
PCFC addresses this systemic inequity by reducing the financial barriers and providing a safe space for youth to gain skills, confidence, educational, and emotional support, and by taking a whole child/whole athlete approach.
PCFC also welcomes members of the LQBTQ+ community and is the first youth soccer club in Portland to have an open acceptance policy for LGBTQ+ players, coaches, and families.
Executive Director Kaig Lightner is a transgender person and shared the follow ing: “In 2017, I decided to take a bold step and come out to a group of kids I coach at Portland Community Football Club. I felt if I was asking others around me (volun teers, students, and families) to show up in an authentic way, then I needed to also. That was a transformative moment and initiated a deeper level of trust with the people we serve.”
Although the three organizations have different missions and operational scale, their approach shares common threads toward long-term and sustained involvement: letting parents take the lead and empowering parents and families to create and initiate change; taking cues from and engaging with the broader community; and forging partnerships with like-minded organizations.
When it comes to parent leadership, Langseth provides a powerful example: “I know of parents working two or three jobs with long shifts, and they are still highly motivated to provide the best opportunities for their children, and they know best what the barriers are to their children’s educational success.” Lightner from PCFC agrees. “The parents we work with are informed, involved, and engaged — and many just need good information to help their kids.”
When it comes to taking cues from the community they serve, Glenn Garonzik offers an insightful observation. “It’s not uncommon for those from well-resourced communi ties to paint a bleak picture of underserved communities, which is simply not true. That is not how people show up in under-resourced communities. They are brilliant, highly moti vated, and eager to serve. It’s true there are gaps — and we need to help fill the gaps. But it is important to recognize the power and potential of under-represented communities.”
All three executive directors agree that forging smart partnerships with like-minded organizations provides a greater network for kids and their families, and ultimately allows their organization to focus on what it does best. A vital component of these partnerships is the willingness of donors and funders to trust the organizations’ leadership to lead.
All the executive directors agree that authentic and deep collaboration is key. “To partner with parents and families with chil dren in underserved communities, we must listen closely, then adapt and respond to their needs,” said Langseth. “People are much greater than barriers they are confronted with every day.”
The Multnomah Athletic Foundation works with local organizations like these each day as they strive to provide youth with greater access to athletics and education in the Portland metro area. Using its platform and voice to elevate first-hand experience and committed community action, the foundation creates a space for others to share their aspi rations. MAC members can actively engage in these partnerships by supporting the Multnomah Athletic Foundation’s efforts.
Learn more here.
Honor someone special or memo rialize someone who has passed away by making a tribute gift to the Multnomah Athletic Foundation. Tributes are typically noted as memorial, anniversary, get well, birthday, or recognition.
December tributes are listed below, with the honored individuals’ names in bold.
Terry PancoastMultnomah Athletic Foundation provides community grants and postsecondary scholarships focused on increasing access in sports and education in the Portland metro politan area. Contributions made to the foundation are tax-deductible. A written acknowledgment and tax receipt will be mailed following the contribution.
For more information, contact MAF Executive Director Lisa Bendt 503-517-2350
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House Committee enforces rules of conduct for members and guests by inves tigating infractions and recommending sanctions to the Board of Trustees. Recent board actions are listed below, along with reminders about the applicable Club Rules.
Parking violations result in either a warn ing ticket or a fine to the member’s account. Each violation in a rolling 12-month period counts towards progressive sanctioning as shown below.
Parking violation:
• First violation - Member receives a warning
• Second violation - Member is fined $100
• Third violation - Member is fined $150 and receives a final warning letter
Unauthorized ADA:
• First violation - Member is fined $250
• Second violation - Member is fined $350
• Third violation - Member is fined $450 and receives a final warning letter
Unauthorized wheelchair parking with a Disabled Persons Parking Permit displayed:
• First violation - Member receives a warning
• Second violation - Member is fined $250
• Third violation - Member is fined $350 and receives a final warning letter
Parking violations include but are not limited to speeding; blocking exits, other vehicles, or walkways; leaving club premises while parked in a club parking area; unau thorized overnight parking; parking in a designated “no space” spot; taking two park ing spaces; and failure to stop at a stop sign.
Fine amounts are based on all violations issued to a member account in a rolling 12 months, regardless of the vehicle or driver. Three or more violations of any sort in a roll ing 12-month period are the responsibility of the primary account holder and are grounds for House Committee review and possible disciplinary action.
All members are expected to understand and follow Club Rules, which are updated periodically. See themac.com for updates.
Share the timeless gift of MAC style with someone special on your holiday shopping list.
Philip J. Reiter
Sept. 13, 1922-Aug. 17, 2022
Dr. Philip J. Reiter passed away on Aug. 17, 2022, at the age of 99 — he was four weeks shy of his 100th birthday. Philip was alert and in good humor until his final day.
Philip was born in Toledo, Ohio, on Sept. 13, 1922, to parents Hyman and Sarah Reiter. Philip was the second of four children.
Hyman Reiter was a designer of women’s coats, and his employment neces sitated family moves to the Bronx, New York, where Philip grew up playing stickball on the streets of NYC, and then to Portland, Oregon, in 1939.
At the age of 17, Philip enrolled at Grant High School in Portland as a junior, where he met his future wife, Dorothy Roth.
Philip attended the University of Oregon, studying pre-dentistry for two years and subsequently three years at University of Oregon School of Dentistry, graduating with his DMD in 1945. While in dental school, Philip enlisted in the U.S. Army. In 1945 he was transferred to the U.S. Navy, which stationed him in Korea for a year as a dentist serving the troops during the U.S. occupation.
Between losing his father, Hyman, at a young age, the military service, and his good fortune in life, Philip cherished two things: his family and his community. He cherished his beloved wife, Dorothy, during their 76 years of marriage (Dorothy always consid ered Philip’s birthday date, the 13th, as being a lucky number). He cherished his three chil dren, Gregg Reiter, Barbara Rosenbaum, and Scott Reiter, and their spouses, Eleonore Reiter, Thomas Rosenbaum, and Judy Reiter,
and he cherished his seven grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. Philip’s commu nity involvement included being chairman of the local United Good Neighbors chapter, a Mason, a member of Rotary Club, presi dent of Temple Beth Israel, president of the Multnomah County Dental Society, on the executive committee of the Anti-Defamation League, a board member of the Oregon Jewish Welfare Association, and on the Mayor’s Committee on Dental Health.
Philip and Dorothy had a very active life; they loved to be with their friends, they loved to travel, and they loved their beach condominium at Gearhart, Oregon. Philip loved fishing on the Deschutes and Trask rivers, playing golf at Astoria and Columbia Edgewater, squash at the MAC, and he played a seriously competitive game of tennis with his friends at the MAC or in Gearhart. Philip was a 50-year-plus member of the Multnomah Athletic Club. Philip and Dorothy moved from Vista Hills to the Westover Condominiums in 1980 to enjoy the city and to be closer to Philip’s busy dental practice in Northwest Portland, practic ing a total of 47 years. Philip was very proud of becoming a Bar Mitzvah at the age of 60, jointly with his son Scott.
At the age of 92, Philip became blind due to a stroke-like event to his optic nerves, but his blindness could not dismantle his joy for life, his joy of friends, and his joy of family. He continued to have a joie de vivre (he took French lessons), living at the Rose Schnitzer Manor with his wife Dorothy in the later years, partaking in all the activities, going to lunch at restaurants with friends, having a daily cigar, avidly listening to books on tape, discussing politics with a passion, and visiting with his children and grandchildren.
Head of his large family, Philip Reiter was in many ways the classic Renaissance man, and will be sorely missed by all who had an oppor tunity to interact with this remarkable man.
Get Your Brand the Prestige Placement it Deserves.
Advertise in the Winged M, the magazine of MAC life.
To advertise, contact Marketing Manager Kelly Robb at krobb@themac.com.
Woodblock Chocolate is everything foodies love about small-batch culture, handwrapped in designer colors by actual people in Northeast Portland. For MAC Executive Chef Philip Oswalt, owners Charley and Jessica Wheelock are the perfect partners to help him define his new Craft Portland Dinner concept.
“We are super excited about Woodblock Chocolate because it is a premium prod uct that is produced by a husband-and-wife team who are ridiculously passionate about what they make. That’s really what the Craft Portland Dinners are trying to promote
— local, passionate artisans,” Oswalt explains. So far, this ingredient-focused approach has yielded a wild game feast featuring Nicky USA and guest chef Andrew Biggs of lauded Hunt & Gather Catering, as well as a fivecourse love letter to foraged mushrooms courtesy of Vancouver, Washington, purvey ors Fresh & Wild. Each event also spotlights a local winery, showcasing the way distinctive regional flavors play nicely together.
Members who consider wine and choc olate to be two of the five food groups can count on the Woodblock dinner to both fulfill their expectations and surprise them with
the versatility of its key ingredient. A differ ent wine pairs with each course, sometimes reinforcing the chocolate’s sweeter qualities, and other times contrasting with its savory aspects.
It all begins with a cocktail — a chocolateespresso martini from MAC mixologist Roni Pervizi to awaken the senses for what’s to come — followed by a warm duck confit salad in which 70% cacao crumbles complement tart dried red currants, black walnut, and esca role. From there, a luxurious cocoa butter sauce swims with swordfish and smoked paprika, and venison loin sports a winter coat of cacao nibs and cracked pepper. Dessert brings attendees back to the sweet spot with a chocolate and tahini caramel tart.
Lest the chocolate in question be consid ered monolithic, with variation supplied only by the other ingredients, Charley Wheelock points out that each of Woodblock’s creations possesses a flavor profile true to its source cacao.
“Big chocolate is all about homogeniz ing to create consistency across bars made from varying types and qualities of beans,” he says of companies like Hershey’s and Nestle. “Woodblock Chocolate is about keeping those distinctive flavors intact.”
This commitment to conveying purity of flavor from farm to consumer dates back to 2010, when the Wheelocks began making bars and more in their home kitchen. Jessica had previously worked as an editorial assistant for Martha Stewart, while Charley’s back ground was in industrial design. They met while undertaking antique furniture restora tions and soon discovered that their shared passion for quality materials extended to the world of artisan chocolate. After having a kid and moving to Vermont for a while, the Wheelocks relocated to Oregon, where Charley initially worked a couple of seasons at Rex Hill Vineyards and A to Z Wineworks, planting the similarities between wine and chocolate deep in the fertile soil of his mind.
“It helped me figure out things that were going on in my mouth,” Charley says, refer encing his understanding of the science behind taste and the terroir, or specific envi ronmental factors that shape each wine’s unique flavor profile. He began consulting with a Eugene-based “chocolate alchemist” named John Nancy and next decided to take a course at UC Davis to deepen his knowledge of all things cacao.
Soon, there was travel to Costa Rica and Trinidad for further study, which also helped Charley to meet the farmers and
other connections that would allow him to make single-source chocolate at Woodblock. Powell’s Books was one of the company’s first big accounts, and Charley still remem bers getting the call that the iconic Portland retailer was ordering 5,000 bars.
“I was on the rollercoaster at Oaks Park! What could be more symbolic of owning a small Portland business than that?” he recalls.
Unfortunately, Wheelock says the pandemic eventually sent Woodblock Chocolate barreling down the other side of
the incline, with business shrinking from 10-11 tons per year to roughly 3-4. Still, with its uber-analog production techniques, small staff, and new, lower-overhead location, the company survived. Despite ongoing supply chain shortage, business has picked up, and Woodblock’s reputation continues to grow.
Charley says that’s at least partly because Woodblock makes its own chocolate, as opposed to being a chocolatier, one who simply sells the product. His company was the first bean-to-bar manufacturer in Portland, and likely among the first 20 in the whole of the United States.
Currently, Woodblock Chocolate augments its income by selling cacao nibs to brew eries such as Newburg’s Wolves & People, which puts them to use in stouts and other beers. The Wheelocks also continue to try new things, in the process adding the most successful of these experiments to their offer ings at Woodblock’s storefront, otherwise known as the Manufactory Retail Shop & Bons Amis Wine Bar. From enfleurage, in which high-fat chocolate absorbs the flavors of Steven Smith teas through physical prox imity, to gianduja, a velvety, Nutella-esque mixture of hazelnuts and cacao, there’s always something new coming out of the lab.
“We recently joined forces with Brooks Wine and have created a wine bar in the chocolate factory! We are offering a very thoughtful and dynamic set of pairings that blow people’s minds,” Charley says. “Included
are flights, as well as single glass pairings. Brooks and Woodblock Chocolate are aligned in our vision to create an experience that elevates and educates.”
This combination of fostering appreci ation and altering perceptions is a big part of the plans for the chocolate maker’s Craft Portland Dinner, at which Oswalt and reps from Woodblock Chocolate will be on hand to help attendees dive deeper into the flavor combinations they’re experiencing.
Walking into the Manufactory, as Oswalt recently did in preparation for the forthcom ing feast, the smell of roasting cacao greets you at the door. You might catch an employee wheeling giant bags of beans, just in from Madagascar, through the store. In the back, chocolate churns and bubbles, and crystal formations create psychedelic patterns on lids
and other equipment. If Willy Wonka had been born and raised in Portland, he couldn’t have created a greater testament to the love of his signature ingredient.
Like a kid in a candy store, Oswalt flits about, asking expert questions, and occasion ally popping a sample into his mouth. Charley is all too happy to share what he knows and explain his craft to a fellow gourmet.
One hardly has to be named Augustus Gloop to get sucked into this whirlpool of enthusiasm. Those present at the Craft Portland Dinner on Thursday, Dec. 15, can look forward to a similar exchange of ideas and flavors, and no golden ticket is required.
“I’m not only honored, but completely inspired, by the interest and thoughtful explo ration that have gone into every interaction with Phil,” Charley says. “I feel proud to be part of this event, and I am hungry thinking about it! This isn’t just about chocolate. It is about cacao.”
1891 & MACtinis Tuesday-Saturday 4-9 p.m.
Sports Pub
Monday-Friday 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. & Sunday 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Monday-Friday 7 a.m-7 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Reservations are still recommended, but not required, for 1891. Visit the Dining page at themac.com to make a reservation and for the most up-to-date hours.
Thursday, Jan. 19 6-9 p.m.
Experience a delicious fivecourse meal crafted by Executive Chef Philip Oswalt and paired with wine from Caymus Vineyards. Winery representatives speak to the wines and answer questions throughout the evening. This is a 21+, members-only event. There is no assigned seat ing. Cost is $115 per person. WINE0119
Thursday, Feb. 2 6-9 p.m.
A five-course meal is accom panied by a selection of wines from Trimbach Winery. Representatives are on hand to speak to the wines and answer questions. This is a 21+, members-only event. There is no assigned seating. Cost is $115 per person.
Registration opens Jan. 1. WINE0202
Thursday, Feb. 23 6-9 p.m.
Executive Chef Philip Oswalt creates a specialty menu paired with wine from Jordan Winery. Winery representatives speak to the wines and answer ques tions throughout the evening. This is a 21+, members-only event. There is no assigned seating. Cost is $115 per person.
Registration opens Jan. 1. WINE0223
10 a.m.-7 p.m. Sundays
The Sports Pub is open 10 a.m.-7 p.m. every Sunday. These new hours are sched uled to be in place throughout the football season, allowing members to enjoy Sunday’s early slate of NFL games.
Next year, MAC brings back special opportunities for members to travel internationally with guided wine tastings and tours aboard a luxury riverboat making daily stops in various European cities.
MAC members get special pricing for three cruises with departure dates in March, July, and November through AMAWaterways.
Enjoy fine dining and unlimited hand-selected wine, beer, and soft drinks with meals aboard these seven-night cruises. Guided, small-group shore excursions and wine tastings are included, plus wellness activities and live local entertainment.
and Kölsch beer — and to touch history up close with guided hikes and bike rides. From Amsterdam’s colorful canals to the majes tic Swiss Alps, journey into the heart of the destinations you visit.
Taste of Bordeaux
July 13-20, 2023
Starts: Bordeaux, France Ends: Bordeaux, France
March 16-23, 2023
Starts: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ends: Basel, Switzerland
Contoured by vineyard-clad hills and castles from yesteryear, the legendary Rhine captivates. Experience the allure of France’s Alsace region. Discover Breisach, rising above the vineyards of the Rhine, and Freiburg, one of Germany’s sunniest cities and a gate way to the Black Forest. Fabled towns lost in time present you with the chance to taste local flavors — Rüdesheimer coffee
Travel to France’s legendary wine capital, Bordeaux. Iconic châteaux, timeless vineyards and delicious wine tastings are plentiful as you visit Libourne, Blaye, Bourg,Pauillac and Cadillac. This trip is a must for anyone inter ested in the best of French culture, lifestyle, wine, and food.
Colors of Provence Nov. 2-9, 2023
Starts: Arles, France Ends: Lyon, France
From romantic cities to foodie havens and artistic epicenters, this itinerary enlivens all your senses. Embark in Arles and trace the steps of famous artists in Arles and onward to Avignon, where you’ll find yourself in a sprawling commune with an overwhelming array of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, intriguing art museums, and historic charm.
Captivating Rhine and Taste of Bordeaux tours are hosted by Reggie Daigneault, who has lived and worked in every facet of the wine industry for nearly 40 years. Her certifications include the Court of Master Sommeliers, a diploma from the Wine and Spirits Education Trust, the designation of French Wine Scholar from the Wine Scholar Guild, and a Bordeaux Tutor certification with L’Ecole du Vin de Bordeaux. But her real superpower is her passion for sharing what she knows in a fun and experiential way.
Want to learn more? Attend one of the following informational sessions:
3-6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 5 in Ainsworth/Lownsdale AMA125
7-10 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6 Virtual presentation AMA126
11 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9 in Duniway/Couch AMA129
11 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12 in Duniway/Couch AMA1212
Savor the beauty of legendary vine yards and imbibe in local vintages like Beaujolais and Côtes du Rhône. You can even become an expert in all things culinary, go in search of the highly prized “Black Diamond” truffles, and learn how to pair chocolate with wine.
Tour host to be announced.
Saturdays, Dec. 3 and 17, and Sundays, Dec. 11 and 18
Holiday Tea in 1891 11 a.m.
Festive holiday teas return to 1891. Executive Chef Philip Oswalt collaborates with the experts at Portland’s Steven Smith Teamaker to select tea blends perfect for the occasion. Teas include a three-level tower packed with tasty house-made sweet and savory treats. The cost is $28 for adults and $15 for children, with a hot chocolate option. Seating starts at 11 a.m. Register now at OpenTable via themac.com or call 503-517-6630 for more information. Dec. 11, 17, and 18 sold out
Sunday, Dec. 4
Mother-Daughter Tea
11 a.m.
This special festive holiday tea features carol ers and an appearance from Mrs. Claus. The cost is $28 for adults and $15 for children, with a hot chocolate option. Sold out
Monday, Dec. 5
Big Picture Book Group 7-8 p.m.
The Big Picture Book Group reads nonfiction, covering a wide range of subjects. This month’s book is River of Gods: Genius, Courage, and Betrayal in the Search for the Source of the Nile by Candice Millard. Please email Virginia Terhaar at tvirginia@gmail.com with any questions.
Wednesday, Dec. 7 and Thursday, Dec. 8
Holiday Fashion Show 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Prepare to be dazzled! The Holiday Fashion Show is back — and it’s bigger, brighter, and more colorful than ever. This highly soughtafter signature event, put on by the Culture & Style Committee, features one luncheon and one dinner each day with a glass of bubbly. Six vendors showcase local and luxury brands, with the chance to purchase items after the show from pop-up boutiques! This year’s
theme is “Color Us Festive.” HFSL128 –waitlist only for 6 p.m. shows and 11 a.m. show on Dec. 7
Friday, Dec. 9
Family Fridays – Holiday Party 6-9 p.m.
Bring the whole family for a night of free fun and games around the club! Food concessions are available for purchase. Registration is required. There is no cost to attend. FAM109 – waitlist only
Saturday, Dec. 10
MAC Dance Company
Holiday Tea
9:30 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4 p.m.
The MAC Dance Company is excited to pres ent a Holiday Tea featuring variations from The Nutcracker and other holiday-inspired performances. There are three separate seat ings for this event, and the catering staff has put together a delectable assortment of
Select December and January events and classes are presented here. Additional experiences are listed on the Events and MAC@Home pages at themac.com. Event availability is not guaranteed, and some events may be waitlist-only by the time this issue of The Winged M has been received. Please check themac.com to confirm availability and make a reservation. Member understanding is appreciated!
goodies! Invite family and friends as guests, dress in your most celebratory attire, and make wonderful memories with some of the club’s most graceful members. HDP2022 –waitlist only for 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. shows
to connect with fellow yoga enthusiasts. YOGA1211 - waitlist only
5-6 p.m.
Learn from a strength and conditioning coach how to avoid common injuries in skiing and winter sports through foam rolling, stretching, warm-up, and strength training. This work shop in Studio 3 is open to all members who have an interest in learning ways to get stron ger and mitigate injury risk in winter sports.
8 a.m.-1 p.m.
This annual exchange for handball play ers of all levels is sponsored by the Irv Alten Foundation and the MAC Handball Committee. Tacos and beer are provided.
Roger Illingworth Holiday Squash Tournament
Noon-3 p.m.
MAC Squash hosts its annual holiday tour nament for members. This year, it will follow a lightning-round format, with teams of three players and 10-minute rounds of play. Get as many points as you can in 10 minutes for your team. To register, email squash@themac.com.
Sunday, Dec. 11
Children’s Holiday Party 9, 10, and 11 a.m.
The Family Events Committee welcomes families to the Children’s Holiday Party with train rides in the Turnaround, crafts, games, and cookie decorating. The MAC Dance Company and MelloMacs add to the festive cheer. Don’t miss a photo-op with Santa for an additional cost. Parents can enjoy a no-host bar with mimosas and bloody marys. CHP2022 - waitlist only
Yoga Holidaze Class and Reception
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Destress from the holidays with this 75-minute yoga class with Sheila Schmid. It includes meditation, yoga poses for mobil ity and processing stress, and focused inner work on the central nervous system. A recep tion will follow with nutritious snacks, sweet treats, festive drinks, and an opportunity
Holiday Ornament Exchange 9-11 a.m.
MAC seniors are invited to gather by the fireplace in the Reading Lounge to enjoy a holiday ornament exchange along with coffee and pastries. Each attendee is asked to bring a new, wrapped ornament in the $5-$15 price range. JOLLY1213
Jingle Bell 5K Run 9-11 a.m.
The Triathlon & Running Committee invites members to this festive 5K race that starts and ends at the MAC Turnaround and winds through the streets of Northwest Portland. At the end of the route, be sure to capture memories at the photo booth and enjoy hot chocolate, coffee, and Pip’s Original donuts. All ages are welcome. JBR1217
MAC Swim IMX Invitational
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Come cheer on the MAC Swim team as they take on other local teams at the IMX Invitational! The meet will be held in the 50-meter Pool. Registration is not required.
20s/30s Winter Ball
7:30-9:45 p.m.
Dust off your formalwear and revel in a night out with friends! MAC’s social event of the season returns as the 20s/30s Committee hosts the highly anticipated Winter Ball. Members and nonmember guests in their 20s and 30s are invited to dress to the nines and enjoy fabulous entertainment alongside tasty appetizers and bubbly cocktails. Register at themac.com by Friday, Dec. 9. BALL2023
Sunday, Dec. 18
Grinch Movie Night
Thursday, Dec. 15
Third Thursdays at Mporium 4-7 p.m.
Shop this pop-up market highlighting local artists and vendors who set up near the Main Lobby.
Friday, Dec. 16
Family Fridays – Court Sports 6-8 p.m.
Bring the whole family for a night of free fun and games around the club. From bounce houses to themed activities, there’s a little something for everyone. Registration is required, but there is no cost to attend.
FAM109 - waitlist only
3-5 p.m.
Grab some camping chairs and blankets and come catch a special showing of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Snacks and hot cocoa are provided for kids, and a no-host bar is available for parents. Registration is required. Tickets are $13. HME005
History Book Club
6:30-8 p.m.
This month’s book is A New World Begins: The History of the French Revolution by Jeremy Popkin. It’s about the revolution that shocked France and much of the rest of the world. The questioner is Craig Llewellyn.
6-9:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 31
Enjoy a delicious buffet, DJ, and dancing, plus the East Coast balloon drop at 9 p.m. The party will take place in the Main Gym with dinner and dancing. The cost is $50 for adult members, $55 for adult guests, $35 for child members, and $40 for child guests. MEV590
8 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 31
Join fellow members for a far-out 21-and-over New Year’s Eve party hosted by the Social Activities Committee. The evening features live music by throw back band Big Night Out, late-night snacks, a disco ball, dancing, and more. Dress up in your funkiest ‘70s attire and enjoy specialty cocktails. The cost is $50 for members and $55 for nonmembers. NYE002
Wednesday, Dec. 21
Solstice Yoga Celebration 5:30 and 6 p.m.
To honor the shift from fall to winter, join in one of two special yoga classes: Solstice Yoga Flow with sun salutations and other postures celebrat ing the winter solstice at 6 pm. (no registration required), or relaxing and renewing restorative yoga at 5:30 p.m. (register at themac.com).
Thursday-Friday, Dec. 29-30
Holiday Undecorating 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
As the holidays wind down, join the fun of undecorating MAC. Volunteer shifts are from 9 a.m.-noon, 1-4 p.m., or 9 a.m-4 p.m., but even volunteers who only have an hour or two available are encouraged to sign up.
Volunteers ages 10 and older are welcome, but juniors under age 13 must be accompa nied by an adult. Continental breakfast and lunch buffet are provided each day. STAR009 & STAR010
Friday, Dec. 30
Dive-In Movie – Abominable 6-8:30 p.m.
Enjoy family movie night with a special showing of Abominable. Families can watch on the large screen at the Sun Deck Pool while lounging on an inner tube or from the pool deck. Pool noodles, life preservers, and inflatable inner tubes will be provided. This event is exclusively for club members, but it may open to guests on Dec. 15 if space allows. DIVEIN900
Monday, Jan. 2
Big Picture Book Group
7-8 p.m.
The Big Picture Book Group reads nonfiction, covering a wide range of subjects. This month’s
book is The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move by Sonia Shah. Please email Virginia Terhaar at tvirginia@ gmail.com with any questions.
Friday, Jan. 6
Family Fridays – Family Game Night 6-9 p.m.
Bring the whole family for a night of free fun and games around the club. From bounce houses to themed activities, there’s a little something for everyone. All events take place in the Main Gym, and food and concessions are available for purchase. Registration is required for this members-only event. There is no cost to attend. FAM201
Wednesday, Jan. 11
MAC Professional Business Networking Group 7:30-9 a.m.
Members meet monthly to discuss challenges, successes, and hurdles facing professionals and their enterprises. The group is moderated by Dave Hanna, an organizational develop ment professional and MAC member. The cost to attend is $5.
Monday-Sunday, Jan. 16-Feb. 19
Winter Blitz
Earn prizes for working out at the MAC or remotely during this five-week program. Prizes are awarded to the highest point earn ers in different categories. WNBLTZ22
Friday, Jan. 20
Enjoy wine-tasting flights with a local DJ spinning hip-hop tracks. More details to come. WHH2030 - registration opens Dec. 20
Family Fridays – Karate 6-9 p.m.
Bring the whole family for a night of free fun and games around the club. From bounce houses to themed activities, there’s a little something for everyone. All events take place in the Main Gym, and food and concessions are available for purchase. Registration is required for this members-only event. There is no cost to attend. FAM202
The Title IX Listen & Learn series is presented by the Multnomah Athletic Foundation in partnership with Sport Oregon and its She Flies initiative.
Saturday, Jan. 21
Lunar New Year 2023 6-9:30 p.m.
The Culture & Style Committee hosts a celebration of the Lunar New Year with Portland Chinatown Museum programming to welcome in luck and good fortune for the Year of the Rabbit. Come celebrate with club friends and enjoy gastronomic treats, liba tions, and traditional entertainment including a lion dance and live music. LNY23registration opens Dec. 21
Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 21-22
Parent/Grandparent & Child Tennis Tournament 9:30 a.m.
This tournament teams a child with either a parent or grandparent to help young play ers become more motivated to play the sport in a fun environment. TEN123 - registration opens Dec. 20
Sunday, Jan. 22
Title IX Listen & Learn 3-5 p.m.
In the second of this four-part speaker series, student-athletes and coaches discuss what it means to be a student-athlete. This is an interactive discussion geared toward youth interested in learning about being student-athletes and taking the next steps into college sports. Register at MultnomahAthleticFoundation.com.
Evening Literary Group 7-8 p.m.
Join the Evening Literary Group for a lively discussion on An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro. Members and their guests are always welcome. Email Martha Dixon at jollyology@aol.com with any questions.
My MAC Playschool Open House 5-7 p.m.
Members and their children have a chance to meet the teachers, see the classrooms, and ask questions before registration opens for Fall 2023-2024. There is no cost to attend. When registering, please include all members attend ing. RAS123, STR123, BLU123, HUC123
Pacific Coast is an annual doubles squash event held between three clubs on the West Coast: Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver, BC. This is the event’s 50th anniversary, and it’s MAC’s turn to host. The time of the tourna ment depends on the draw.
Junior Night – Laser Tag 6-8 p.m.
Come enjoy a thrilling night of laser tag at the Ballroom. A vendor will be on site to set up the game, and registration includes laser tag, beverages, and pizza! This event is for members ages 8-12. If space allows, it will open to junior guest on Jan. 9. LZR126
It’s a platitude to be sure, and one based on subjective definitions of what constitutes “great.” On the other hand, like most overused sayings, it occasionally is proven relevant. Like when Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair Debbie Bensching and MAC General Manager Charles Leverton come up with similar concepts for a holiday story designed to represent a range of member experiences.
Leverton wanted to know more about how members celebrate the holidays, as well as to understand the forms such festivities take across a swath of different points of view. Bensching wondered if some members who don’t observe Christmas, or observe it in ways unfamiliar to the majority of the MAC community, experience feelings of being outsiders around this time of year. Despite the club’s efforts to create a nondenominational holiday experience, it’s easy to see how seasonal decorations might skew toward Christian symbolism.
With the assistance of some brave members who shared their family traditions, personal perspectives, and suggestions for how MAC could evolve its celebrations to be more inclusive — a portrait of club
Members share traditions and opinions related to seasonal celebrations
“Great minds think alike.”
life emerged in response to their curiosity. While members of Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, and Indigenous cultural and religious heritages speak to their differing experiences in November, December, and through out the year in the following responses, what stands out more clearly are the similarities between MAC members. Perhaps the takeaway is that, despite those beliefs and customs that make each individual unique, the commonalities in what brings joy and reflection to human beings should unite more than it divides.
Great minds might not always think exactly alike, but they’re not nearly as disparate in their practices as it can sometimes be tempting to believe.
What holiday(s), religious or cultural, do you celebrate around the month of December? Tell readers just a bit about the holiday(s), and what makes it/them special or significant to you.
Radhika Desai Turner: The holiday season for my family is really a year-long party. Joking aside, my parents have done the most incredible job incorporating our Hindu holidays and traditions into our American lives. They came to this country in 1974 and have really demonstrated what grace, tact, love, and tolerance one must have to appreciate and thrive in a new culture/environment while honoring the ones they were raised with and hold dear. If you were to look at a Hindu calen dar, you would see that at least once a month, there is something to be celebrated or blessed. Full moon ceremonies are done monthly in some households.
While one weekend, Mom and Dad — now Ajji and Ajju — led us in Hindu Sunday school songs and prayer, the next they took us to witness what interesting and inspiring people the Quakers (a very welcoming community in rural Ohio) could be. For our family, it’s about new traditions, honoring old and sacred ones, and being able to appreciate and respect others’ beliefs. Like my grandmother used to say, “If someone believes in something, it exists somewhere, doesn’t it?”
Christine Mercier: My family celebrates the Christmas holiday like Western culture, yet inter twining Navajo traditions. We prepare traditional foods, such as blue cornmeal mush, Navajo tea, and mutton stew. We also play string games, a traditional game where one makes an array of designs from woven cotton string. The winner is the person who can make the most designs. Integrating Navajo practices allows me to teach my children about their culture. The food provides a connection to our roots in Arizona, and the games allow us to bond as a family.
Becca Schindler: Around the month of December, my family and I celebrate Hanukkah, which celebrates the miracle of oil after the Second Temple was liberated. Oil that was supposed to last only a day lasted for eight nights. This oil may represent many things to Jews. Maybe the most common interpretation is that the miracle of oil repre sents the hope that the Maccabees had for a better future. One could
also see this miracle of light as a sign of hope during the longer nights of winter. I like this holiday because we get together as a large group of friends and family in order to have a big dinner. These are really fun. I see many old friends and meet friends of friends who also celebrate Hanukkah. Sometimes we give gifts, but mostly we just enjoy our time together.
Bashar Wali: I am of the Muslim faith. Similar to the Jewish faith, we follow the Lunar Calendar. Our holidays shift from year to year. Usually, we don’t have any holidays during December. On rare occa sions (once a decade), our holidays may coincide with December, but it is rare.
What forms do your observations or celebrations take around this time of year? Do you join in any celebrations not directly related to your cultural or religious background? Do participants make you feel welcome?
CM: The month of December is typically a month of reflection. We give thanks and prepare for the new year, particularly during the winter solstice. Traditionally, winter is a time for storytelling and playing string games.
My husband is Irish, so we also practice some Gaelic traditions. We typically eat soda bread and Irish pudding. Our family is fortunate to have my husband’s 100-year-old grandpa with us. Grandpa George immigrated from Ireland in the 1960s, and he always blesses the dinner with a prayer in Gaelic.
BS: I go to an Episcopalian school, and I participate in a number of Christian holiday traditions. These include chapel services, choir concerts, and service projects to support local churches. I feel very welcome at these events, and my school does a good job allowing me to feel included.
BW: Although we do not officially celebrate Christmas, our faith recognizes and respects Jesus Christ as the son of Virgin Mary, and he is considered a prophet and held in high regard. Suffice it to say, given the all-but-gone reference to the birth of Christ in the American Christmas tradition, we have come to think of it as a secular holiday like Thanksgiving. Additionally, with so many of our friends and family
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being of the Christian faith, enviably we end up with more than our fair share of invites to celebrate with others. We also do the same with Jewish holidays and many others as well. Our family rule is that if it involves food and gifts, we are there. Count us in.
What club events do you participate in around the holidays? What other types of events would you like to see the club offer?
RDT: This year will hold many firsts for our family and the club. Our little one is 2 years old now and is really enjoying the club with his cousins. We’ve been to the inaugu ral Diwali celebration, which was divine, and plan to go to as many holiday events as we can squeeze in! We’ll definitely pick up some prepared holiday food at Thanksgiving like we did last year. Oh, what yummy food that is. Thank you, chefs and culinary team!
CM: We love to visit the club during Christmas. We appreciate the décor, activ ities, and carolers. We have enrolled our children in holiday camps and participated
in a few Christmas events. We typically bring extended family to the club to enjoy the festivities. Depending on our plans, we often travel elsewhere during the week of Christmas to celebrate with family.
BS: I like the Holiday Tea. It’s fun to dress up a bit and to eat festive desserts. These events help make the holiday season spring into action!
Two Jewish events that could be fun would be making and braiding challah and a latkemaking party. Challah is traditionally served on shabbat, which is every Friday night. Making challah is a fun activity with friends. Latkes are traditional around Hanukkah. These are delicious.
BW: We may on occasion attend a Christmas event at the club. I would, however, think it would be super interesting to attend an actual religious holiday celebrating other faiths and enjoying their foods and traditions. You would not have to work hard on convinc ing me to come to a Diwali celebration, for example, and enjoy some fabulous Indian cuisine with Indian members and friends.
How included do you feel by Multnomah Athletic Club in its holiday celebrations? What makes you feel that way?
RDT: I joined the club in 2018 through the “spouse” path. I never imagined myself a member of an exclusive private club. MAC has been warm and inviting since the begin ning. I feel so grateful to have been part of its very first Diwali celebration, a wonder ful event celebrating the Hindu culture’s epic story of light’s triumph over the dark.
I really love to see the efforts of the club to include and represent the many differ ent groups of people who comprise it. It can feel and look monochromatic upon entry, but when one goes deeper, they can see the colors are emerging, vibrant and proudly represent ing. My husband says something that used to bother me, but that I feel proud of now: “We bring color to this club.”
CM: We have always felt welcomed at the club during the holidays. It’s a beautiful time of year when the club is always perfectly decorated, and the joy of the holiday is in the air. I feel fortunate to be a part of the MAC community. It’s our second home.
BS: I have not felt excluded around the holidays at MAC, but I do notice that events seem to favor Christian themes. While I like going to MAC, I have not considered cele brating some of the Jewish traditions that I have around this time of year with friends there. It could be really fun to do so if some other events were offered. I would also enjoy sharing some Jewish traditions with non-Jews at MAC.
BW: I belong to the camp of “the major ity rules.” I do not think it is feasible to expect the club to recognize or celebrate every holi day. I do not feel included, but I also do not feel excluded. I simply get it.
How might the club or greater Portland community make a wider range of individuals feel included around the holiday season?
RDT: Christmas and Christmas culture are so deeply woven into America’s winter season that they seem synonymous with each other, and it’s a wonderful thing really. My family and I love going to the Old Church to see the incredible musical performances by Michael Allen Harrison. And we know that we are appreciating Christmas, the culture of it, and respecting those who celebrate it and hold it as a sacred day and time of year. If every community in this beautifully diverse
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city could feel that represented in their own holidays and share the wonders of their cele brations, what an awesome feeling!
CM: I think MAC could do more to cele brate Native American Heritage Month in November. Scheduling an event such as a traditional dance/powwow, reading by a Native American author, or Native American speaker/performer would be educational and bring awareness.
BS: I don’t feel uncomfortable or discrim inated against by decorations or Christian holiday events at MAC. I do think that adding other cultural events would be a great means to help others feel more included around the holidays. I would be excited to attend such events.
BW: Again, it is about mathematics. For example, I do not expect the school system to observe a holiday for a population that represents 2% of its student body. At 10%, you might get my attention. Besides, if we subscribe to the separation of church and state theory, then all this is a moot point. But if Christmas is a holiday, then should Hanukkah or Eid al Fitr be, as well? I think statistics should answer that question objectively.
What else would you like readers to know about your experience related to the holidays you observe or the traditional celebrations and decorations here at the club?
BW: Similar to how the UN flies the flags of its member nations outside its doors, I think the club could ask its members what holidays they celebrate on what dates and have a simple sign at the entrance during said times wishing them a “Happy “fill in the blank.” That simple gesture alone would make me feel seen. And do it for every member equally given its simplicity of execution.
Want to assist the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee with future events, and have the cultural background or perspective to do so? Email dei.chair@themac.com to discuss the possibility of becoming a cultural activities adviser!
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MAC golfers enjoyed an afternoon on the course followed by a seafood dinner celebration on Oct. 8 at Salishan Golf Links.
1. The winning team of Zach Eimon, Mark Eimon, Eric Blake, and Josh Caldwell
Member Nisha Desai and Outdoor Supervisor Jonathan Morell traveled to Smith Rock State Park for an outdoor climbing trip on Oct. 22. Class began in the morning and included a full afternoon at the birthplace of sport climbing in North America.
2. Desai climbs a 60-foot route called “5 Gallon Buckets” 3. Morell and Desai after climbing at The Peanut alongside the Crooked River
Intermediate and advanced players faced off in singles and doubles categories on Oct. 8.
4. Sofia Bell 5 Bailey Gross 6 Neisa Dokken and Kathleen Healy
The Multnomah Athletic Foundation and Sport Oregon’s She Flies program hosted a dis cussion focused on the 50th anniversary of Title IX and the current state of girls and women in sports.
PHOTOS BY BRANDON DAVIS11. The panel guests shared real-life experi ences 12. Jenny Nguyen, Christi Smith-Ryan, Rachael Rapinoe, Alex Jee, and Valerie John son 13. Dozens of attendees joined for the discussion 14 Megan Burton, Jenny Nguyen, Stephanie Salomone, and Karen Peters
As we grow older, fitness and how we train become more important. Being fit increases one’s quality of life. Even for active older adults, it is important to incorporate work on one’s core, shoulders, and legs in a regular routine to minimize wear on the back and joints. The work you do now will carry over into later retirement when lack of fitness can turn into to a safety issue. It is even more important for women than men.
As part of an active lifestyle, it turns out the best method to increase our functional fitness as we age is resistance training (Lima et al, 2018), and the method you choose is just as important. Many older members already partake in the use of the machines in the middle of the room — the leg press, knee extension, and hamstring curl. They are easy to use, with no fears of dropping weights, and are away from serious lifters. However, it turns out, your hard work and diligence on these types of machines may be not as beneficial as you think.
A recent article in the Journal of Exercise and Rehabilitation, “Functional resistance training can increase strength, knee torque ratio, and functional performance in elderly women” (Lima et al, 2018), shows it is important to do exercises that closely mimic the actual movements we perform in our everyday life. As the authors summarize, their findings “suggest that the use of the deadlift and squat as func tional exercises with constant load can improve muscular strength, knee conventional ratios, and functional capacity in elderly women. These
results have relevant practical applications regarding exercise and train ing intensity prescription in this population.”
In conjunction with these results, the article references a study in the Frontiers of Physiology which showed no statistical improvement in stair ascent after 12 weeks of moderate nonfunctional exercises such as leg press, knee extensions, and knee curls. This information shows that not only do you need to do the right exercises, but to increase your intensity to 60-80% of your current capacity.
The functional fitness area in our newly updated Fitness Room is a great area to start applying the principles of the research. Working with a MAC personal trainer is a great way to start your new program and gain direction in your training. Trainers can help you with your form, develop a plan that gets you the results you need, and provide the encouragement everyone needs to keep going. Once you get going and feel comfortable and self-motivated, you may find that an occasional check-in with your trainer is all you need.
In summary, choosing functional exercises that more closely resem ble movements in your daily life, such as the squat or deadlift, can result in improvements in functional capacity beyond strength. Our new open format in the Fitness Room gives you the personal space and the func tional fitness area gives you the best view in the room.
Be the best you, you can be.
The Fitness team would like to share helpful tips and reminders for all members to keep themselves, each other, and the gym both clean and safe! You can find the rules and etiquette tips on the sign right in front of the Fitness desk. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of the Fit staff.
Looking for a good time to get your workout in with little interruption? Right now, the busiest times to work out in the Fitness Room are 6-9 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. There has been a decent gap in time during the fall season where there are less members working out.
Upcoming January PRO Series:
• Boxing PRO: 201 Intermediate Boxing
• Pilates PRO: Pilates for Winter Athletes
• TRX PRO: Back to Basics
• PRO Series: Olympic Lifting
• PRO Series: Weight Management
• Intro to Strength and Conditioning (ages 11-13)
• High School Strength and Conditioning (ages 14-18)
• High School Women’s Strength and Conditioning (ages 14-18)
Class Reviews for Group Exercise
• Family Yoga (ages 8-13 plus parents!)
• Family Fitness (ages 8-13 plus parents!)
Group Exercise is now offering 128 classes a week! Find a class by visiting the Group Exercise Calendar page on themac.com.
October’s Friday Focus, Your Fantastic Feet - The Roots of your Support, was with Jennifer Hanson. Due to its popularity, more registration spaces were opened for members to attend.
Anita Stark taught a workshop on Sept. 18 called Unpack your Somatic Suitcase with the NIA 5 Stages, and it had great attendance! Here is a sample of the positive feedback from members on her workshop:
“I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the Somatic workshop this last Sunday. It wasn’t asana yoga, but certainly touched on and exercised other yogic ideas. To drop into the body and its messages without the interpretation of the mind, just be in the moment with what is… mindful meditation in motion. Anita is great. I enjoy her as a human being and teacher. I think everyone enjoyed themselves!”
-Miki Chown (Yoga Committee Chair)“The workshop this past Sunday, The Five Stages of Nia, was excellent! It was so well done by Anita Stark. She had us moving through the stages smoothly and with understanding in no time. It is a great addition to the fitness offerings at the beginning of the season. Perhaps the workshop should be an annual event.” -Joan Gross
During September, MAC’s Massage team gave a total of 270 massages! Even with a weeklong closure of the Wellness/Massage suite while the spaces got a new paint job, the team gave a total of 242 massages in October. Book a massage today at themac.com/group/pages/massage.
MAC Physical Therapy also welcomed a new physical therapist, Doug Sarver, in September. He has much to offer from his experience fostering a collaborative relationship between physi cal therapy services, the Wellness department, coaches, team sports, and personal trainers. He is a previous private practice owner of Peak Performance Sports & Spine Physical Therapy in Yakima, Washington, and has an extensive background in biomechanics, functional treatment techniques, and manual therapy.
Early on a Thursday morning in October, MAC member Emily Arcuri amped herself up to jump into Kailua Bay off the western shores of the Big Island of Hawaii for a 2.4-mile ocean swim. After returning to land, she hopped on a bike and pedaled 112 hot, humid miles up the coast before finishing out the morning with a marathon run.
Arcuri was in Hawaii to compete in the Ironman World Championship Kona — a coveted and prestigious event for endur ance athletes around the world — where she finished among the top 20% of female athletes.
“Traditionally, Kona has been difficult to qualify for, especially for women,” she said. “You need to win your age group or be on the podium at a full Ironman race to qualify. I feel so lucky to have qualified and finished the race.”
But it wasn’t luck that got her there. Over the last four years, Arcuri has completed five full Ironman races — which each cover 140.6 miles of swim ming, biking, and running — and eight
half Ironman races, which cover 70.3 miles. A few weeks after Kona, she went on to finish in the top 10% of the women’s field at the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in St. George, Utah.
What’s inspired her to take on this grueling test of both physical and mental endurance, and keep doing it over again? “It’s very hard for me to have a perfect day — there’s always something to work on and improve, which is challenging but also exciting and keeps me coming back to find the best version of myself,” she said.
A lifelong athlete, Arcuri grew up swim ming at MAC and went on to swim in college at the University of San Diego. After a year of collegiate competitive swimming, she traded in her swimsuit for running shoes and qual ified for the Boston Marathon — one of the most prestigious road races among runners — on her first try. With some nudging by a friend and mentor, she took the plunge and made her Ironman debut in 2018.
During peak triath lon training, she puts in 17-20 hours of exer cise a week, focusing her weekends on longer workouts and squeez ing in shorter sessions before and after her workdays. “Training for an Ironman triathlon is a huge time commitment, and it impacts not just the athlete but their family,” she explained. “I’m thankful my husband, Conor, is very supportive and enables me to follow my dreams.”
While she doesn’t have any more Ironman races in her near future, Arcuri plans to continue endurance racing in different ways. “Next year, I want to try an off-road triathlon and gravel/road bike racing,” she said. “I’ll also join the MAC masters swim team at as many meets as we can make.”
Over my career of working with recreational and professional athletes, there has been a significant contrast in preparing for working out and competition. I am referring to static stretching versus dynamic warm-up. Static stretching is prolonged hold in a lengthened position, while dynamic warm-up involves repetitive functional movements that can be sports-specific for activation and preparation of the neuromus cular and joint systems. Dynamic warm-up has research encouraging us to emulate this form of sport preparation.
Research in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research reports static stretching lengthens the muscle, which decreases excitability of the muscle leading to decreased response time and efficiency. These effects do not set us up for success. In fact, not only do they not decrease injury risk, but they also decrease performance. Static stretching should not be abandoned, as there is benefit shown post-exercise to increase flexibility and assist with muscle recovery.
For dynamic warm-up, a 2022 published meta-analysis concludes that dynamic warm-up decreases injury risk. Additional 2022 research shows the same benefit for children and adolescents with decreased injury risk by 36%. Possible ways this warm-up decreases risk is by stimulating joint sense and position and muscle activation.
Performance benefits include increased oxygen delivery, rate of force development, and strength and power. A 2010 article in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research reported a 79% increase in sports performance. Other research shows the benefit of increased sprint time. And for further benefit of running sports, a 2020 study shows improved
economy by increasing leg stiffness which increases stored energy. Another study in 2015 from Yamaguchi reports increased endurance and running distance.
With all this data, where do you turn for guidance for how to incorporate dynamic warm-up and what it should include? If you are healthy, reach out to one of the MAC personal trainers. If you are dealing with an injury, contact the physical therapists at Physical Therapy at MAC at 503.272.8785.
I n the squash solar system, Portland might as well be Pluto. It exists roughly as far from the centers of the game’s culture — the East Coast of the United States, England, and countries such as Egypt, Pakistan, Australia, Canada, and others that were once under the sway of the British Empire.
While competing at the Nationals in Philadelphia, Dennis Cusack was reminded yet again of this perception that Portland squash exists on the periphery.
“Somebody in the audience said, ‘Wow! You’re from Portland, Oregon? Where’d you learn to play squash? You obviously didn’t learn it in Oregon.’ And I said, ‘Actually, I did.’”
When Cusack recently learned that he’s now ranked No. 1 in the United States in the 70+ category, he thought to himself, “There must be a lot of people who looked at that and said, ‘There’s got to be a mistake. It must be Portland, Maine.’”
It’s no mistake, and despite Cusack’s insistence that such rankings have to be taken with a grain of salt, it appears he might be help ing to put Portland on the map of the doubles squash solar system. If so, it didn’t start with a big bang, but rather a slow awakening of consciousness.
“I had hardly played any squash. I had taken a PE class at the University of Oregon, and they first offered squash in the 70s. Played for a few months, said, ‘Gee, it’s a game I’d like to play,’” Cusack recalls. He next moved to Phoenix, Arizona, where they didn’t have squash, and it wasn’t until he moved to Portland and applied for the club’s first lottery in 1977 that he got another crack at the game.
“I think it was just about a month before the Blazers won the NBA Championship. I listed my interest on my application, which at that time was filled out by hand. A week later, I get a call from the squash chair, Sandy Koski. He says, ‘Hey, I was looking at your application, and it says you play squash.’ Of course, he thought I was a collegiate squash player from the East Coast, but I said, ‘Yeah, but I don’t even have a racket.’ He said, ‘Okay, here’s what you do, and here’s who you call.’ I did, and suddenly started playing a lot!”
Cusack, who worked as a partner for a Portland/Seattle architectural firm for many years before recently retiring, not to mention served as President of MAC’s Board of Trustees in 1995-96, says it was a combi nation of attributes that attracted him to the game that’s come to be a key facet of his life.
“One of the things about squash is that it’s very physical. It requires a combination of a lot of fitness, but also very strategic play. If you’re
going to be a successful player, you not only have to be extremely fit, but you have to understand the game,” he explains. Cusack started out playing singles but found that, during the height of his career, it was difficult to commit to the sometimes five days per week of practice it takes to maintain your game. His time for the game ebbed and flowed throughout the ‘80s, but when he returned to it in the early ‘90s, it was as a doubles player.
“In doubles, you can play two or three times a week if you are stay ing fit in other ways. You can be a very competitive doubles player on a regional or national basis,” he says. “The more doubles you play, the more you understand the whole flow of the game. There’s a sort of dance that you do with your opponent, a rotation. If I hit the ball, I know I rotate clockwise, and he or she rotates clockwise behind me, and so you avoid hitting them. But you have to give them a shot at the ball.” In a refereed match, if a player doesn’t give their opponent a path to the ball, it’s known as a let point, and it goes to the other player. Cusack says that, in addition to a keen spatial awareness, communication and shared responsibilities all are crucial to squash.
“In doubles squash, a lot of it is about communication. Is it your ball? Is it my ball? Because the court’s small enough that I could go in the back and cover, or he could go in the front and cover, but what are you going to do? There’s a real advantage to having a partner that you play with over and over again. One person can be thinking about the weak nesses of the other team, leaving his partner to focus on being a great shooter.”
One of Cusack’s first allies was Mike Davis, who had already won numerous club and Pacific Coast Championships with another part ner. “When he called, as good as he was — way better than I was — I said, ‘Well, of course I’ll play!’ I think either that year or the year after, we made it to the finals of the Pac Coast Championships in Vancouver, which I’d never done before. Some of it’s just the serendipity; is some body going to call and say, ‘Hey, would you be my partner?’”
As squash players get older, the number of potential partners tends to decrease, and Cusack says he’s been lucky to continue to find gifted teammates to share the court with. One such player, Clark Amos from St. Louis, was the one who broke the news to Cusack that he’d been ranked number one in his age group.
Cusack says Amos has won a dozen or more national doubles cham pionships in the U.S. and Canada, and recalls once saying to him, “I guess the only way I’m not going to lose to you is to play with you. He called me last year and he said, ‘Do you want to play the California State Championships?’ I didn’t care where they were, but the answer was yes, and we won easily. It was great.”
When Amos was in Portland for the Indy Car Grand Prix of Portland in September, Cusack invited him to dinner. Amos said, “Well, I’m no longer ranked No. 1.” Cusack responded, “Oh, I feel for you. Who is? He said, ‘You are.’ ‘Oh, come on, Clark, that’s a joke,’ I replied, because I knew I’d been three, four, or five or something. He pulls up his phone, goes onto the US Squash page, and shows it to me. It was hilari ous, and he paid for dinner.”
More serious to Cusack is the support he’s received from MAC that’s enabled him to stay in competitive shape for so long, as well as the growth of his beloved sport under the leadership of Head Squash Coach Werner Hergeth and Squash Pro Julian Illingworth. “When you watch Julian and Werner, you can see that they’re not doing it just because they’re getting paid to do it. They love doing it. Werner is a graphic designer, a really good manager, and a great singles player and teacher. Then, you team him with arguably the best singles player that the U.S. has ever produced in Julian, a teacher and great doubles player.
I would argue that there are very few clubs in the U.S. that have the talent and compatibility of that pair.”
Beyond his respect for MAC’s facilitation of the game of squash and its players’ growth, it’s clear that Cusack has also found his commu nity here in a way perhaps only a transplant can truly appreciate. “I grew up in California, went to architecture school at UO, and then lived in Arizona before moving to Portland with my wife, who also isn’t from here. When we joined MAC and started playing squash, our group of friends just exploded. Around 45 years later, we look at our circle, and they came largely from two sources. A lot of them came from our work , but two thirds of them came from MAC, and most of those came from squash. For better or worse, and I think it’s better, so much of our social structure was founded right here, literally.”
Cusack pauses and gestures around at the courts, where he’s discuss ing his longtime love for the game. He takes great pride in the way the club has fueled squash’s continued viability as a sport in Portland. Given that Reed College, Lewis & Clark, and Portland State all repur posed their doubles squash courts, MAC having two of them, one with the capacity to hold more than 100 spectators, is singlehandedly what allows Portland to continue to host leagues, and club, regional, and national tournaments.
“Anybody who is in Portland and wants to play doubles, they’re going to play here. They’re either going to join MAC or they’re going to play in the league at MAC. Along with Vancouver, MAC is the premier doubles club west of Denver.” Cusack emphasizes what a different sport doubles is from singles. “It is very strategic and less physical. That means athletes often play into their 80s. Also, tournaments are much more common in doubles since they are very social and less physically draining. A big percentage of the MAC doubles players participate in tournaments. And mixed doubles is fantastic; some of the best matches to watch are those with men and women, or father/daughter or mother/ son teams. Doubles squash comes in every flavor.”
Portland might be on the fringes of squash’s known territories, but thanks to MAC and players such as Cusack, its gravitational pull continues to grow. Cusack says he hopes there will come a day when the surprise at seeing Oregon’s biggest city represented on leader boards and in rankings diminishes further. “I didn’t even know what squash was until I was 20. Some of the kids Werner and Julian are working with will be playing their whole lives. We’ve probably got five top-level players at the club right now all in their teens, 20s and 30s. What makes the MAC special is its diversity of programs, and despite some of them not being huge, they’re operating at a national level. I don’t think there’s anything else like it.”
From Oct. 20-23, the MAC Synchro Masters team competed at the 2022 Masters Championships in Waterville, Maine.
Jennifer Sterrett and Michele Bennett finished second overall in the 30-39 age group duet category, bringing home a silver medal. Julie Vigeland and Lynn Pettitt placed third overall in the 70-79 age group duet category, earning bronze.
The 50-64 age group team placed seventh in the Technical Team event and third in Free Team event, with a final sixth-place finish. The 35-49 age group team placed third in both the Technical and Free Team events, earning an overall third place podium finish and winning bronze!
The MAC Synchro program is so proud of these masters athletes and congratulates them for achieving these awesome results and for performing their best!
— Bethany Baber, Artistic Swimming Assistant CoachThe 2022-23 dance season is off to a fabulous start! The Dance department is coming back from the pandemic in full swing. The department has expanded its talented faculty, adding additional ballet, contemporary, jazz, tap, hip hop, and tiny tots instructors. All these additions make this program vibrant, welcoming, and well rounded. We cannot wait for the members to see what we have been up to!
The recreational department is at its highest number of participants. The variety of genres and instructors makes for a full and thriving recreational program. The department is looking forward to the annual mini recital in May and the annual recital in June. Be on the lookout for more details.
The competitive Dance department is also in full swing! They are currently working on their annual Holiday Tea fund raiser. This year, the company members, under the direction of Lisa DillingerStickelman and Head Coach Maria Albaugh, will perform variations from The Nutcracker. The company will also compete locally and nationally this season. They will be traveling to New York this summer to compete nationally.
As always, the Dance department strives to create a safe and welcoming environment for these young artists. Watching these young humans grow and develop their love for dance is a constant joy for all the members of this program.
MAC member Jerald (Jerry) Powell trav eled to Los Angeles, California, in September to compete in the 2022 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships, and he came home a world champion!
Powell took part in four races during the meet. In his first event on Sept. 24, his threeman team placed second in the 75+ Men’s Team Sprint, competing against a team consisting of all former world champions, one of them a current world record holder.
In the next race, the 80+ 500-meter Time Trial, he finished third after two sprinters, both of whom had won multiple world cham pionships. In the 75+ Men’s Scratch Race, he came in seventh.
On the last day of the competition, the organizers had scheduled two endurance events on the same day — a Points Race in the morning and a 2,000-meter Pursuit Final in the afternoon.
“I scratched from the Points Race, reason ing that it was unnecessary to take the risk of catastrophe in the Points Race, with a Pursuit that I was the odds-on favorite to win in the afternoon,” Powell said.
He did win the 80+ Men’s Pursuit Final, and a World Championship, in the afternoon!
The UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships, an annual event, are held in a different country every two years. Next year, they will return to Manchester, England, where the event was first held in the 1990s.
The Multnomah Athletic Club and the World Players of Handball co-sponsored the fourth Portland Classic, along with a WPH Pro Tour stop. This tournament was held Oct. 14-16 at MAC and attracted top players from the Pacific Northwest and around the country. “We are aiming to continue to build a great tradition each fall with the Portland Classic,” stated tournament director Conor Casey.
Congratulations to the following MAC handball players and former MAC athletic members for winning their respective divi sions: Conor Casey, Jennifer Hinman, Steve Stenberg, Mike Steele, and Tony Heiting.
Tournaments of this magnitude require months of planning. Once the planning and fundraising is completed, then the tourna ment itself needs to be put into effect. Thanks to Steve Grow, Mike Casey, and Graig Trull for heading the fundraising efforts. Special recognition goes to the Casey family (Conor, Mike, and Mary) for the endless hours they and Kathy Adelman spent at the front desk running the tournament and making it successful. You are truly appreciated by the MAC handball community and all the players that participated in the Portland Classic.
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors
Dean Duncan
Ron Emmerson
Bob Evenson
Bill Flowers
Ed Grossenbacher
Tony Heiting
JD McLandrich
Jonathon Polonsky
Roger Swanson
Otto Van Walstijn
Todd Zilbert
Kathy Adelman
Sean Carney
Mary & Mike Casey
CJ Conrad
Allen Culver
Dave Delaney
Chris Hollabaugh
Hussey Properties, Inc.
Jeff Jasperson
Jean and Jeff Kastner
Steve Lippman
Jay Maxwell
Snow is on the mountaintops, and it won’t be long before MAC members are making memories on the slopes. Because MAC is a member of both the Northwest Ski Club Council and the Far West Ski Association, MAC members can take advantage of many wonderful ski trips organized by these groups. The Outdoor Activities Committee has gathered details of several trips taking place in the Western U.S. between January and March 2023.
Jan. 6-8:
Altair Ski and Sports Club presents its annual Snowchasers’ Trip at Mount Bachelor Jan. 6-8, 2023. See nwskiers.org for more information.
Jan. 28-Feb.
The Mt. Hood Gang heads to Sun Valley, Idaho, for an annual trip that was started by B. Mary Inkster and continues with the leadership of her son, Jim Inkster. It’s sure to be a fun time meeting new and old friends in the hot tubs and pool and at social gatherings. There is highly discounted lodging on Sun Valley proper ties and lift tickets. For complete details, go to mthoodgang.com.
Feb. 12-18:
This trip provides three hours of coached skiing with ski legends Phil or Steve Mahre each day. Included are six nights of lodging at the Riverhouse Hotel in Bend, a welcome reception, hot breakfast served daily, and a five-day lift ticket. This is for intermediate and advanced skiers. A memory to be made skiing with gold and silver medal winners! Learn more at mahretrainingcenter.com.
This trip to Brundage Mountain and Tamarack provides great access to two ski areas known for fantastic powder. There is a Mt. High group rate at the Best Western Plus in McCall, Idaho. Make your own reservation at 208-634-2230. Lift tickets are your responsibility. Visit to mthigh.org for specific information.
For more information and other great adventures in Taos, New Mexico; Zermatt, Switzerland; and more, reach out to Northwest Ski Club Council (nwski ers.org).and the Far West Ski Association (fwsa.org) or the MAC Outdoor Activity Committee.
Holiday Ski and Ride Camp 2022 gets underway later this month and kicks off the start of the season for many MAC Ski & Snowboard Team athletes. New athletes in the YSL Prep Team and the Freeride Team all start their season-long programs on the first day of Holiday Camp on Dec. 27. Experienced Team athletes in the YSL 2/3 Day Team, US Ski & Snowboard Team, and FIS Team all start training just as soon as Mt. Hood Meadows opens for the season, and many will have already competed in an early season Evergreen Cup event at Mount Bachelor prior to the Holiday Camp train ing block.
The 2022-2023 MAC Ski & Snowboard Team will be the largest in team history. Since 2020, YSL Prep Team has grown 400-450%. This season, anticipated program capacity is around 85 athletes in YSL Prep Team, and 130 athletes in all team programs! That’s up from 59 total in 2020-21, and 89 total athletes in 2021-22.
MAC Ski & Snowboard Team is full for the 2022-23 season, but don’t count it a lost season if you’re an eager family looking to get your children into the team for 202324. Ensuring that your child is prepared and ready to join the team next season starts now! Here are some helpful tips to prepare for team registration 2023-24:
1. Buy your Unlimited Pass now! This ensures you will commit to getting the kids up to the mountain this season, and they will bank those important days on snow.
skiing/riding this winter! That will reinforce their “muscle memory” as well as the routine of going to the mountain on the weekend. Just one day per weekend from January to mid-March will do wonders for their devel opment, and it mirrors the YSL Prep Team schedule.
3. Private lessons throughout the season will help a lot! If you are interested in inquir ing about private lessons with MAC Ski & Snowboard coaches, contact jrackley@ themac.com. If we can arrange a series of lessons with our own staff, we will ensure they are hitting the skill benchmarks to meet the standard to join next season.
4. Be ready to jump on registration as soon as it opens following Labor Day in September 2023! Registration will be on the Ski & Snowboard Team page on the MAC website and communicated via the MACtivities email newsletter.
— Justin Rackley, Ski & Snowboard Program Director and Head CoachHalf of the MAC Tennis Championships are now in the record books, with only the Mixed Doubles and the Parent and Child Championships (Jan. 7-8, 2023) remaining. Congratulations to all the champions and finalists listed below!
3.0 Women: Edwardeen Hilts defeated Kayla Casebeer 6-3, 4-6 (15-13)
3.5 Women: Jessica Meyer defeated Tammy Cofield 6-2, 6-1
4.0 Women: Libby North defeated Megan Meager 7-5, 3-6 (10-1)
3.0 Men: John Vinh defeated Skip Potter 6-4, 6-2
3.5 Men: John Oh defeated Steve Marsh 6-3, 6-3
4.0 Men: Scott Lenker defeated Doug Post 7-5, 3-6 (10-8)
4.5 Men: Frank Lippy defeated Andrew Nilsson 1-6, 7-6 (10-8)
MAC Juniors Club Championships —
All are winners!
Junior Tennis at the MAC is full of energy, action, and fun! Three cheers for each of the 30 junior tennis players who competed in the Junior Club Championships this fall.
U12 Girls: Daphne Cofield defeated Isabel Hasle 3-6, 6-3 (10-8)
U16 Girls: Kate Paine defeated Sabrina Larsen 7-5, 6-7 (12-10)
U12 Boys: Paul Mather defeated Cedar Austin 7-6, 3-6 (10-6)
U14 Boys: Charlie Torch defeated Teddy Kelleher 7-5, 6-0
U16 Boys: Quinn Stevens defeated Ryder HansenMcCoy 6-2, 6-0
6.0 Women: Dorothy Cofield/Tiffany Bowie defeated Adrienne Dedelow/Sarah Bracelin 6-4, 6-1
7.0 Women: Jeri Finn/Tove Maloco defeated Brooke Daniel/Melissa Gibson 7-5, 6-1
8.0 Women: Stephanie Campbell/Gina Wisemiller defeated Megan Meagher/Ann Martel 6-1, 7-5
9.0 Women: Shannon Bilstrom/Christy Post defeated Annie Duong/Tammy Justus 6-4, 6-3
6.0 Men: Robert Meyer/Jack Meyer defeated Jack Dempsey/Brian Parker 7-5, 5-7, 10-7
7.0 Men: Chris Hasle/Michael Lee defeated John Oh/Ernesto Bruce 4-6, 6-1, 1-0
8.0 Men: Scott Lenker/Reza Kafi defeated Brian McDonagh/Doug Post 6-2, 6-3
10.0 Men: David Yahng/Brian Ward defeated Bo Johnson/Dave Wiley 7-6, 6-1
The onset of fall in the Northwest does not mean outdoor tennis is finished for the year. OK, it brings more rain which prevents playing outside when the court is wet. But on those beautiful, dry fall days, the outdoor courts, wherever they may be, are still accessible.
The change of seasons does bring about a few things players should consider before tying up the shoes and getting ready to play in the crisp fall air.
1. Clean court surface: If the court is near large trees, be careful of leaves and other debris that may have fallen or blown onto the court. The underside of leaves main tain moisture longer and can be very slippery when trying to stop or change direction. Fortunately, MAC’s outdoor courts do not have this issue, but local area courts members play on might. If playing on a public court, it is not unusual to spot an avid tennis player with a blower beside the bench! Being prepared has its advantages.
2. Wet court: A well-leveled court will not collect puddles but will remain wet for a long time with no wind exposure or direct sunlight on the playing surface. The court may appear playable, but it is not. Even a slightly damp court is going to have some slippery spots. In addi tion to the safety hazard, playing on a wet court will cause the sand in the paint to come up, making the playing speed of the court uneven in high-traffic areas.
3. Test the lines: The lines of a tennis court tend to remain slick for a longer period of time than the rest of the court. Suddenly stopping or attempting to change direc tion on a wet line can cause slippage, falling, and worse. Be sure to check the lines of the court — even if everything else looks good.
4. Puddles: Standing water on a court does not mean it is out of commission. Players should still feel comfortable using the court; however, playing competitive points is not recommended. This court should be used for warm-up or just a light hit with limited movement to avoid puddles. Beware of balls rolling through the water, as they will get heavier the wetter they get.
5. Temperature: Whether it has rained or not, it is going to be cooler on the courts now; be sure to dress warmly in layers. It is always better to have the extra layer and not need it than need the layer and not have it! A strained or pulled muscle that could have been prevented is not what anybody wants.
Pickleball players, this is for you too. Please do not think that, due to the smaller court, it is safer to play pick leball on a damp court. It is just as dangerous for you. No one is going to be better while recovering from a blown knee or twisted ankle.
Enjoy playing outdoors, but be safe!
Zoo Lights is a holiday favorite for the family, as is viewing Christmas ships on the Willamette River (below).
Please join the Walking & Hiking program for three holiday-oriented events this month. These are great opportunities to view holiday displays as a family or in groups.
Join the Walking & Hiking group for a brunch and hike in Forest Park. Wear your most ugly or beautiful holiday sweater, sweat shirt, or hat. The group will enjoy each other’s company, vote on the best and worst holiday top, and have a small presentation reviewing the hikes and walks that were done in 2022. Bring hiking clothes and shoes for the hike, which will be approximately 4.5 miles on trails in Forest Park. Register on the Walking & Hiking calendar at themac.com. Details to be provided to registered members.
Meet in the MAC lobby for cookies and cocoa at 2:30 p.m., then walk down to the waterfront at 3:30 to view the Christmas ships. Members may continue walking with the group to Tilikum Crossing or head back to MAC on their own. This walk is suitable for families with young children.
Meet in the Gallery above the Fitness Room at 3:30 p.m., then hike up to the Oregon Zoo at Washington Park. Members are responsible for the cost of zoo admission, along with the hike back to MAC. This is a strenuous hike uphill.
Please refer to the Walking & Hiking calendar page on themac.com for additional walks and hikes through out the year.
Walk Across America is a national program that allows members to create annual mileage goals, with endof-year rewards. The idea is to set a mileage goal that is reasonable, attain able, challenging, and motivating.
MAC members may join at any time. For information about the program and to submit mileage, please contact Claire Galton at galtoncc@gmail.com.
Ann Blume: 5,941
Hal Broughton: 25,759
Sally Broughton: 19,002
Ann Durfee: 47,832
Claire Galton: 44,398
Norm Frink: 13,812
Vuong Vu: 1,744
Shannon Leonetti: 84,416
Harriet Maizels: 27,009
Tom Neilsen: 6,071
Linda Opray: 22,123
John Popplewell: 3,271
Dee Poujade: 13,634
Nancy Sergeant: 29,308
Carrie Stucky: 29,207
Barbara Wetzel: 28,740
Ellen Wax: 2,504
Dave Huffman: 1,877
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ONE BLOCK TO MAC – 1BR condo, 1 1/2 baths, top floor, city/south views, owner @ $499k. 503-254-6556
One block from MAC and one block from the MAX light rail. 1 BR, 1Bath, 688 sq ft: updated kitchen and bath. In the Legends Condo, #512; $299K. Call Yonette @ 415-596-3641
$329K | The Legends | #707 | 1/1662 sq. ft. Cozy unit w/ fireplace, balcony & views. Updated floors, HVAC/Thermostat, interior paint, lights, blinds and shades. Also includes in-unit washer/ dryer, 2 secure tandem parking spots available. Building features Concierge, Gym, Movie Theater & Hot Tub. MLS#:22639473 | Contact: Michael Kafoury - 503.490.0344 - Urban Next Realty
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Visit website to appreciate. 4 BR/2.5 BA on Big Meadow Golf #16. Sleeps up to 12. Gourmet kitchen, big screen TV, oversized hot tub, spacious deck, bikes. 503-246-2601 or Byron@AdvancedMedSystems.net
SUNRIVER – Fremont Crossing, 2,200+, 3 BR, 3.5 BA, 2 masters, slps 8, all amenities, access to The Cove, Sage Springs. Hot tub, p-pong, bikes, no smkg/pets. 503-706-8886.
SUNRIVER – Quelah 3 BR, 2 BA, private pool, spa & tennis courts. 503-892-9993. DCCA #762
SUNRIVER – 3 Bedroom Condo Sleeps 8. Tennis courts, pool, spa, and kiddie pool on the property. Close to SHARC, Nature Ctr, Marina, Stables, and Village. 503-449-5544
Stay at Black Butte Ranch! Have Certificate worth $1861 in lodging that I am willing to sell for $1300. Must make reservations through BBR and stay prior to 3/31/23. Email themackfam@comcast.net for more info
GEARHART – Beautiful and spacious 4 BR, 3 BA, sleeps 8+. Near beach, park, golf, tennis. Gourmet kitchen, TV room, Wi-Fi, great deck/yard. jim@whittgroup.com 503-804-5606, www.gearharthouse.com
For sale Kings’ Land Waikaloa Hilton timeshare Elite Status. Text 503-801-6084
KONA, HAWAII – Lovely oceanfront 1 BR condo. Tennis, oceanside pool/spa. Great view. 503-780-3139. For photos, email: nanevin@aol.com.
PARIS APARTMENT: At Notre Dame. Elegant 2 BR, 2 BA, with lift.
PROVENCE: 4 BR, 4 BA Amazing views. Owned by MAC member. 202.285.1201
PALM SPRINGS 1 level, fully furnished Twin Palms home. 4 bed/2.5 baths sleeps 8 private pool/spa. Short term rental preferred Jan-April. 503-449-4964
3D tour:www.theanzapalmsprings.com
SUN VALLEY – Elkhorn Fairway 9, 3BR plus loft, 4 bath townhome on 9th tee box of Elkhorn golf course. Nice views, pool, hot tub, golf, tennis, avail mstromme@aol.com, 503-314-4412
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