September 2019
Produced for the community, by the community
Woodend Pegasus SH1 Corridor – the Woodend Bypass shouldn’t be Bypassed Invitation to a Public Meeting – Thursday 5 September at 6.30 pm at Woodend Rugby Clubrooms You’re all invited to a public meeting to hear from local residents that are demanding a faster response from NZTA in addressing the community’s safety concerns on SH1 between Kaiapoi and the Ashley bridge, including sharing their concerns and experiences. We’ve invited NZTA along and have received confirmation that an NZTA Manager will be there. Members of the committee will be present so please join us at 6.30pm on Thursday 5 September at the Woodend Rugby Club rooms (Gladstone Park off Gladstone Road, or walk over from Hakatere Road in Pegasus). This meeting has been organised by local MP Matt Doocey. We would also like to hear your views on the Woodend Bypass.
SH1 Safety Improvement and Safer Speed Community Consultations The community consultation by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) on the proposed safety improvements on SH1 from the Ashley-Rakahuri River to Belfast and on safer speeds is drawing to a close with feedback closing on 6 September. Many came along to the two drop-in sessions that NZTA held in August and gave a lot of valuable feedback but there is still time for you to have your say. The committee would like to highlight a few issues around the proposed speed limits changes which have been raised by locals that you might not be aware of: • No reduction in speed on the Ashley bridge which many believe is too narrow for 100 km/h • No speed reduction at the Pegasus roundabout, even with the number of accidents and near misses there, particularly with vehicles travelling
Church Notices, Classifieds & Community Contacts from Page 48
south, and no safe place for pedestrians or cyclists to cross SH1. • It is not proposed to move the 50 km/h limit further south from Woodend in the interim, until safety improvements like a roundabout or traffic lights are in place. Please remember to get your feedback into NZTA by the closing date of 6 September. You can do this online at have-your-say. We will be encouraging NZTA to put in place the highest priority improvements as quickly as possible, particularly a signalised crossing at the Woodend School, along with the easier fixes like speed limit reductions.
QUIZ NIGHT LIVE MUSIC Kids entertainer
Our reasoning is that there is no need to hold up these improvements while design work and funding is sought for things like roundabouts and median barriers. Woodend Pegasus SH1 Corridor subcommittee - Mark Paterson - Ph 027 534 9112 - Adrienne Simpson - Andrea Rigby - Roger Rule - Rhonda Mather - Shona Powell - Ph 021 0231 6152
Monday’s – 7pm Fri & SAT 7pm, SUN 1pm
Sunday’s – 4pm
62 Pegasus main st, Pegasus – 03 967 6891 Page 2 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019
Located overlooking Lake Pegasus, The Good Home is positioned perfectly to capture all day sun with views across the lake and the hills beyond, it is simply a stunning and unique setting that you will never wont toleave. Our all day dining menu, fresh baking, and cafĂŠ setting has something for everyone.
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- WOODEND Authorised by J.T. Redmond. 14 Leyland Crescent, Mandeville 327 6374
David Ayers - Mayor - It’s that time again... Well, it’s that time again. The election billboards and signs are going up and he leaflets are starting to appear in our letterboxes. For me, having gone through this ten times, it’s something of a relief to be not doing it again. Having said that, while I have always had a leaflet, I didn’t put any signs up at all until 2007, and then only one – on my own fence. So in a few weeks’ time people in the Woodpecker area will be voting for a mayor, four councillors for the KaiapoiWoodend ward of the council, five members of either the Woodend-Sefton Community Board or the KaiapoiTuahiwi Community Board, two regional councillors to represent the North Canterbury-Ōpukepuke constituency of ECan, and a number of Canterbury District Health Board members. Quite a swag! Voting is an important task, and a responsibility, in our democracy. Many people say they don’t vote because they “don’t know the candidates”. I regard this as somewhat feeble – how can any candidate know everyone? – and therefore how can every voter know every candidate? Now is a chance to find out more about them, whether through their candidate statements that come with the voting papers, or what they say in social media, their leaflets, or by asking other people who do know one or more of the candidates, and so on. One thing is for sure – a billboard doesn’t give you much more than a name! Be cautious of the candidate who Page 6 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019
promises the world. If elected, they are only one vote around the table – even the mayor. Look for people who can work with others as a team and help build that team, who have the ability to persuade their fellow councillors or board members, who can think deeply and logically, who can express themselves, who are good at getting out in the community – maybe even write Woodpecker columns! All the best for your voting. It can be demanding – even I, who knows almost all the candidates, haven’t made my mind up about all the positions for which I will be casting a vote. We live in what is called a representative democracy – and for that we need good representatives.
Woodend Friendship Club Our mini speaker spoke of his seven years as a fulltime firefighter. He started with two points for safety in your home : 1) if you have a fire get out as soon as possible, as there are only three minutes from ignition to it being unsurvivable, and 2) If you have deadlocks in your home, make sure you have working fire alarms and the keys to the doors are easily accessible. He mentioned how shift work is hard on your body clock, working 2 x 10 hour day shifts, 2 x 14 hr night shifts and then four days off. The Fire Service not only covers fires but also fire alarm building compliance, medical call-outs, ambulance assistance and motor vehicle accidents. The Fire Service has control of a site until rescues are achieved or the fire extinguished (though they defer to St Johns for patient treatment), then Police take over. He then gave a few examples of the wide range of day to day duties. The Guest Speaker was Aaron who received a heart transplant in 2011. In December 2000 he was a very fit 37 year old and was playing senior tennis when he experienced chest tightening “like a bag of cement” on his chest. He also had shortness of breath and felt hot and clammy. Later that day he was taken to Christchurch Hospital where it was thought he had had a heart attack, but an angiogram was normal. Over the next 12 months he experienced the same symptoms and eventually had a defibrillator inserted.
After five years a diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart) was made. In 2008 his defibrillator ‘went off’ and he ended up in Auckland Hospital being worked up for a heart transplant. This involved a week of physical and mental testing and he was placed on the active list, which meant he was in line for the next suitable heart (matched blood group, tissue type and weight and size). He was sent back to Christchurch Hospital where he spent the next 18 months waiting for the call. He spoke eloquently about the support of his wife and family and the care he received from staff. Over this time his health deteriorated and he became bedbound. He then had to return to Auckland Hospital for assessment of his health. While there the 2010 earthquake struck and he was grateful that the CDHB flew his wife and children up to see him. At that time he was given a couple of weeks to live. However, a LDAV (left ventricular assist device), a kind of mechanical heart pump, was inserted by a team from Melbourne. He returned home in February 2011 to continue his wait. In May he had a call but unfortunately the heart was not suitable for him. In June 2011 he became extremely unwell when the LDAV propeller became entangled in his lung membranes, necessitating another admission to Auckland Hospital. Cont’d on next page...
Cont’d from previous page... It was suggested he have replacement LDAV inserted but that would mean he would be taken off the active list for three months. This was a very low point for him and his wife but he decided he did not want a new LDAV and planned his funeral (which he said was the best thing he had ever done!). As it happened a new heart was offered on one of his children’s 7 th birthday and the next morning he woke feeling warm for the first time in years. Another memorable day was the 23 July when he had his first shower in years. Since his transplant he has lived life to the full. He shared three special achievements: 1) His heart valves were transplanted into two babies under 2 weeks of age; 2) he has successfully represented New Zealand at the Transplant Games; and 3) he has met his donor’s family, who are now an integral part of their family. His first gold medal is with his donor’s ashes. Aaron takes 32 anti-rejection drugs a day and must be careful not to get stomach bugs as if the drug taking is disrupted his body will start rejecting the heart in a couple of days. Aaron then discussed the importance of being an organ donor. This decision is taken when a patient is Page 10 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019
on life support and next of kin give permission, so it is important to let your family know your wishes. He then finished his inspiring talk by passing around his old heart, a unique experience. Community news and articles wanted for The Woodpecker We would love to receive any news stories OR community information you may have or come across from the Woodend, Pegasus, Tuahiwi and Waikuku or Woodend beach areas you would like to share and which can be placed FREE in The Woodpecker. Email:
Smart Heat Pump Bundle 09/2019 Healthy Homes Program
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Phone 0800 161 163 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019 Page 11
Tūhaitara Coastal Park Warmer days and fewer frosts are signs that Spring is not far away, and we are certainly seeing more people (and birds) out and about around Tūhaitara Coastal Park lately. Keep an eye on our new restoration areas planted with New Zealand natives- they’ll soon be putting through their Spring growth. We’re pleased how our plantings are looking and we’ve had excellent turnout at our recent volunteer days. If you’d like to join us for a volunteer daymark your calendars for Friday 27 September for a planting at Kaitiritiri Ridge in Pegasus Town. This event celebrates Ngai Tahu settlement Day and will be a great opportunity for new volunteers to come along and help us establish a robust and biodiverse ecosystem of native trees and shrubs for current and future generations to enjoy. We’ll have more details about this in the coming month so please check our Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park Facebook page for updates about this planting day. Other upcoming events at the park include two fun walks that we will
be hosting as part of the 2019 Breeze Walking Festival. We have chosen a sci-fi theme for our walks this year which will both be happening during the Spring school holidays. The first walk is on Saturday 5 October and the theme is “Forest Awakens”. The second tamariki-friendly ‘Wookie Wal’ will be held on Wednesday 8 October and we highly encourage sci-fi or Star Wars themed dress for those attending -ranger staff will be dressed up too! Both walks leave from Woodend Beach Domain at 10 am; for more details check out the Breeze Walking Festival Website. We hope to see you there! Lastly, by the time you read thisforestry operations at the park should be completed and tracks will be due to re-open when they have been checked and necessary maintenance has been completed. Thank you for your patience during the forestry harvest and we welcome any feedback or suggestions regarding the newly opened tracks. Photo captions: 1. Students from St Bede’s College visited the park and planted Totora trees around Woodend Beach Domain 2. Dog walkers enjoying a sunny morning on Pegasus Ridge
Woodend Primary School Term 3 is flying by with many activities for our students as well as core business – LEARNING. We have had students participating in the North Canterbury Cantamaths. Our Year 5/6 team gained 2nd place overall in their level, with our Year 7/8 placing 4th. Our junior students had a day out at the Airforce Museum recently. This was a wonderful opportunity to experience and explore aircraft as part of their flight unit. Our senior students are going skiing today at Porters Heights. They have been looking forward to this event for some time now and the report back from the ski field has been that it has been an awesome experience for all. Thanks to our local Gaming Trust: Recently we applied to CERT and were
successful with an application for funding of our Little Readers Programme. We are most appreciative to CERT as this funding will enable the teachers to fully integrate and extend this programme in the junior area of the school. The new school bell which was replacing the one taken has been engraved and is looking good. It will only be put out when events necessitate its use. This way we can be assured of having the bell for many more years to come! Thanks again to the Woodend Lions Club for funding this bell and also to Boots N All in Rangiora who kindly did the engraving for us.
Circuits for Senior’s Class
Welcoming New Attendees!
Stay fit, strong and mobile for working in the garden, lifting, carrying and keeping up with the grandchildren!
Every Monday 9am Woodend Community Hall First class free, $10 after
This ACC approved class works on strength, balance, coordination and mobility. Grab a coffee and a natter after class in the Grub Hall.
Other classes and services include:
BoxFit, 1:1 and Partner Training Sessions Get in touch with Laura for more info!
Ph: 0221 345 275
Email: Website: THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019 Page 13
Spring Flower Report School Holidays Children’s Craft Morning. Pre-school to year 8. Wednesday 2 October 10am to 12noon at the Woodend Community Centre School Rd Woodend.
Woodend Indoor Bowling Club We are nearing the end of the indoor bowling season with MONDAY 23 September the last club night for the year.
Children can enter their craft in the Woodend spring Flower Show, only $2 per child. Bookings are essential as numbers are limited.
The Club has had a successful season both in North Canterbury competitions and Inter club social games. Our AGM will be held on the last club night 23 September at the Woodend Community Centre - 7pm.
Please Register now. Ring Val Cotton Phone 313 8410 or email
The new playing season will start in March 2020 and new members of all ages will be very welcome.
Looking forward to seeing you on craft day.
For further information please contact: President: Gillian Small - 310 6772 Club Captain: Rex Macauley - 313 3627 or 021 126 3344
JOHN ARCHER Kia ora, my name is John Archer and I am re-standing for the Woodend / Sefton Community Board.
Make an Informed Choice for Mayor! The local body elections are coming up. Find out what the mayoral candidates think is best for our district and hear them outline their vision that will shape our future.
Your support would be appreciated.
Got a question for candidates? Send it in to by 9th Sept and come to the forum to hear your answer.
This advert has been authorised by John Archer18 Sandhill Road, Woodend
Thurs 19th September, 7.30pm at the Waikuku Beach Hall.
Phone 027 433 2558 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019 Page 15
Mark Paterson Seeking Election My name is Mark Paterson and I am seeking election to the Woodend / Sefton Community Board. I am married to Rachael and we have 3 daughters – Ella, Molly and Lucy. I work as a Business Development Manager and have vast experience in many aspects of management. Brought up in Waikuku, and going to that primary school, I was one of the original members of the Waikuku Surf Lifesaving Club as an eight-year old. This and tennis was my summer sport with rugby being played in the winter from age 7 until 27. I have been on the committee for most of my adult life and was a very young President between 1994 and 2003. I still help out with running touch and sevens and was very honoured to have been made a Life Member and also Patron. During my time as President of the Club, the clubrooms were extended making them more usable by the wider community. It was all paid for by fund-raising, as with a later smaller extension, although that was also helped by a small loan. My interest in rugby led me on to the Council’s Gladstone Park Advisory Group, succeeding my father Hugh as chair in 2004. Gladstone Park is an important sporting and recreational facility for Woodend, and now Pegasus, and the role of the Advisory Group has made an essential contribution to the development of the park. I am enjoying the fact that a lot is happening in the development of the park at the present time. From 1998 to 2001, I was on the Council’s Ashley-Eyre Advisory Group and am now chairing the Woodend Community Association, which does important work in promoting the interests and community of Woodend. I chaired the Association’s sub-committee that brought to a successful conclusion the Woodend to Woodend Beach pathway (now the Jill Creamer Trail). I have also been a parents’ representative on the Woodend School Board of Trustee since 2012. My wife, Rachael and I both feel that it is important to give back to the community in which we love living. The only way to get things done is if like-minded people come together and work towards common goals which benefit all. Our area has many challenges but also great opportunities as we experience significant growth and I would be privileged to be your representative on the community board. Authorised by: Mark Paterson, 250 Woodend Beach Rd, Woodend Ph: 0275349112
Woodend-Sefton Community
August meeting update A busy meeting with some great outcomes. After some minor layout changes as a result of the public consultations, the Board approved the Hurunui Reserve Master Plan. This is a small neighbourhood reserve in the north-western part of Pegasus. The design will include a small football goal so that families can meet, play and kick a ball around. It will also have a picnic area, shade trees and a nature play area where young children can explore. The Board are hoping to secure funding for the next stage of the wider development of the area in the future. Four funding applications to its Discretionary Grants Fund were considered from a wide range of community groups. Three were approved and the Board are seeking more information on a fourth that will come to next month’s meeting. Support was given as: • A grant of $485 to the Woodend Play Centre to purchase a new vacuum cleaner to help with clean up from the sandpit, as well as three vices for their carpentry table enhancing the children’s learning environment • Funding of $500 to the Pegasus Bay School PTA to help with local advertising of the Pegasus Bay Art show • $230 for advertising to the Reflections Community Trust for the Waimakariri Light Party.
A workshop was held with Greenspace to look at possible options for the Board’s landscaping budget moving forward. This is always an interesting discussion and after looking at photos from some of the projects approved over the last few years the Board came up with some ideas that staff will explore further. Consultations Two additional workshops were held as part of the August meeting for the Board to start work on their submissions relating to current consultations. Members attended two public drop-in sessions held and listened to what residents were saying on the following consultations: • On safety improvements and speed limit reductions on SH1 proposed by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) with the Board starting work on their submission. • The Council is currently consulting on proposed speed reductions on a variety of roads including around Tuahiwi, Pegasus Boulevard, and also Wards, Kaiapoi Pa, Preeces, Tulls, and Smarts Roads. The Board encourages everybody to have their say on these important consultations as they affect the roads we drive, walk and cycle along every day. The NZTA consultation closes on Friday 6 September, and Council’s closes on Monday 9 September. Cont’d on next page... THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019 Page 17
Cont’d from previous page...
Keep informed
Community grants If your group, small or large, has a project or need in mind, we have money available for grants to non-profit community-based organisations, registered charities or incorporated societies. Full information on the Woodend-Sefton Community Board Discretionary Grant Fund is available by e-mailing Com.Board@wmk.govt. nz or at community/funding-and-grants/ board-funding,
Facebook: @ WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Check the Council website for more information at:
https://www.waimakariri.govt. nz/your-council/council-boardsand-committees/woodend-seftoncommunity-board From the Woodend-Sefton Community Board. Our next meeting is at the Woodend Community Centre on Monday 9 September starting at 7pm, all are welcome.
Andrew Thompson stands for Community Board again I have been Deputy Chair of the Woodend-Sefton Community Board for the last three years. In that time, we have advocated for the local community on issues such as the bus service (ECan), Woodend road safety (NZTA) plus many other subjects. We have supported local groups and events with funding across Sefton, Pegasus, Woodend and Waikuku Beach.
the sense of community that it provides. I would like to continue to work with and for you on the Community Board. Feel free to contact me if you have any issues to discuss 027 235 7140 or
I’m pleased to have been involved with the Taranaki Stream Reserve since the first plantings and to be protecting the Ashley Rakahuri Estuary and our beaches under the bylaw. A Chartered Accountant by profession I have worked in senior financial roles for a variety of organisations during my career. Living at Waikuku Beach allows me to enjoy what North Canterbury offers and
KORE: Kiwi Outdoor Resilience Education
some previous experience or an introductory session.
Making a splash on Lake Pegasus!
All activities require bookings and need at least an hours’ notice. Meet us at the KORE trailer on Matamata Quay by the playground for your paddleboards, kayaks or sailboats.
KORE hire is coming back to Lake Pegasus with kayaks, paddle boards and sailing options. We are taking bookings for weekends and holidays from late September and are happy to discuss your requirements for other times. If you need help, we can give you some pointers on how to get paddling; sailboat hire requires
Do you want an after-school group for your children and their friends? Contact us if you do and we will see if we can get a group going. We can also put together water based multiCont’d on Page 46
STORAGE / WORKSHOP UNITS FOR LEASE Roller door one side, door and window the other side. Has power, automatic gate, part of yard area. Eastern side of Main North Road (between Pineacres and Woodend). 2km to Woodened, 2km to Kaiapoi. Long term parking also available. Perfect for trucks, boats, caravans. Price by negotiation.
Ph 027 248 4507 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019 Page 21
I was born and grew up in Kaiapoi and did my electrical apprenticeship at the Kaiapoi borough council, before running a successful electrical business for many years. I have employed many people over the years, from owning seven gift retail shops to a motor workshop and I have always pushed to succeed in business. Local council has been in my family with my dad representing Kaiapoi council. After being on Waimakariri council I believe there are a lot of cost saving efficiency’s that can be achieved by my local knowledge and business attributes. If elected I will work for the ratepayers and strive for lowering our debt level without hindering growth. I am not afraid to speak out and stand up for what is right and be accountable for my actions. I understand we need improvement in our council performances and I realise that there are ratepayers struggling to pay their rates, which I will work hard to keep affordable. I am ready to listen and ready to act. Leadership requires the courage to make decisions that will benefit the next generation.
This month with Harry..... This month we conclude a bit about the Burnham children, their association with Woodend and what happened to them. In April 1883, 8-year-old Frank Pegler and his sister Kate age 6, arrived in Woodend and were fostered by Mrs Thomas Parker the local storekeeper. According to a report in the Lyttleton Times they had ended up in Burnham as “the mother was in the lunatic asylum and the father was a habitual drunkard.” It also appears from his marriage records that Frank was born in Croydon in UK. By all accounts that from the very start young Frank showed extreme prowess in the academic field and was to receive several school prizes for achievements. This was recognised by Nina Gresson and her family who fostered him along with extra tuition, allowances and later with suits of clothes. For a time before going into Rangiora High he was a pupil teacher at Woodend. Pupil teachers were older brighter students who assisted with teaching the younger children. Frank Pegler went on to become a secondary school teacher retiring after a stint as headmaster of New Plymouth High. In the 1934 Woodend School Diamond Jubilee booklet under the heading “news of some of the old school scholars” it said “Frank Pegler- greatly helped by the misses Greeson, then of Waiora, went to the top of the teaching profession and is now retired in Wellington.” In April 1885 Emma and Norman Sloane arrived from Burnham and
were fostered by the Holten family in Woodend. Both children had been born at Lyell in the Buller districtEmma was 9, and Norman was 10 when they arrived in Woodend. Their father James was a mines inspector and later the publican of the “Alhambra” hotel in Lyell. It is thought he may also have had an interest in a hotel in Westport that washed out to sea. However, things were to turn to custard for him. In 1877 his wife Mary, the children’s mother died. Shortly after he got into financial difficulty and raffled the hotel off before clearing out to Australia leaving the children in the Burnham Industrial School. Emma left Woodend School and went into domestic service whilst Norman became a farm worker. In March 1891, Robert Petrie Snr took in Joseph 9 years, Thomas 6 ½, Samuel 4 and Daniel 2 ½ Hannam. They were sent to Burnham under the negle3cted children’s Act. Their mother had deserted them and the father was judged as habitually drunk and living with another woman. “The house was a resort for drunkards and bad characters.” And to finish off a couple of court reports that doesn’t really do anything else but remind us we just don’t know how lucky we are!! Lyttleton Times 6-3-1882 INDECENT ASSAULT- three charges of indecent assault were brought against a boy of about 10 years of age, the parties assaulted being girls of about accused age. Cont’d on Page 25
KEYS CUT Instore, While You Wait
Automotive Key Specialists Computer Chipped/Cloned Keys Broken Keys Cut Keys Cut to Code Spare Keys Cut & Programed We love the challenge that keys present to us. Bring in your Key and try us out. New, Old or Worn, We will do our best for you!
Cont’d from Page 23 The Court was cleared while evidence was being given, after which the Bench severely reprimanded the boy saying the case was a very bad one. The young culprit was sent to Burnham fore five years and to be well birched before he went; his parents to contribute 5 shillings weekly to his support. Lyttleton Times 29-5-1883 NEGLECTED CHILDREN- “BROWN B, A, M, M and W. W H Parker, bailiff, described condition of children when he took possession of father’s whare at Lincoln. Children and mother living in whare- no windows or chimney with a hole in the roof to carry off the smoke. No furniture, no bedding except sacks- empty jam tins for drinking cups. Appeared to be neither food or drink in place. Children filthy and almost destitute of clothing. Father spent every penny on drink” The case was dismissed when the grandmother agreed to take the children. The Local Body elections must be with us again!! And once again we are assaulted with billboards featuring ‘wannab’ mayoral candidates grinning at us like Cheshire cats, on every corner. I will vote again this time and will probably be in the voter minority as history has it only about 30% of those eligible will do so. Mindful of the old saying “it is not the hen that cackles the most that lays the bonniest egg”, my choice will receive some thought. I will go for a person with proven business acumen and questions council spending.
However once again it is postal voting and I don’t like postal voting as in my opinion it has a bit of scope for hanky-panky. Several years ago, it was rumoured that a successful candidate got themselves a few votes out of a rubbish tin at a post office box room. Or how would one go advertising a free service to collect and destroy unwanted voting papers? It would probably be against the law but who would be able to prove it if it was carefully done? After all history has it that 2 out of 3 people don’t want them. And if it was so good why doesn’t central government do it? Bring back the ballot box I say!! John Harris
w e lco m e to
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Marine supplies store on site offering a wide range of boating/RV parts and accessories. Electronics supplied and installed by accredited installers.
We can offer Alloy boat/trailer manufacturing, repairs and modifications by our team of talented tradespeople at our adjacent factory.
M 027 665 5894 • P 03 313 3560 305 Flaxton Road, Rangiora Page 26 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019
Vote Shona Powell It’s time for a Local Voice on Council to: Engage with our community to represent you and keep you informed Work with NZTA to ensure safety improvements on SH1 are completed
and the Woodend Bypass is kick-started
Take action to ensure the water quality of our rivers, streams, beaches,
wetlands and Pegasus Lake are protected for the future
Encourage business activity and self employment to allow people to
work closer to home
Plan for the growth happening in our area, including community facilities Get the cycleways and walkways completed linking our communities
Together let’s make this a great place to live, work and play. As current Chair of the Community Board I believe we achieved a lot but there is still so much more to do.
Vote Shona Powell for Council and re-elect to the Community Board Ph 021 0231 6152 Authorised by Shona Powell, 34 Arahura Road, Pegasus
PRGI – Pegasus Info Page – SEPTEMBER 2019 LOCAL BODY ELECTION TIME The Pegasus Residents’ Group has noted over the past 3 years the lack of a local representative around the Council table. This makes it harder to get local issues to the forefront in discussions and decisions. We encourage residents to vote for a local candidate. By that we mean, someone who lives in the Pegasus/Woodend area, who knows that area and who has a proven record of working for and with the residents of that area. YOUR VOTE COUNTS! COMMUNITY CONSULTATIONS There are currently numerous opportunities to learn more and have your say about what is happening in and around your community. Your voice DOES count, so don’t’ just sit there saying it won’t make any difference. It sure as heck won’t make any difference if you don’t bother! • 10.45am Wed 4th Sept at the Pegasus Community Centre - PRGI are hosting a special community cuppa to ‘Meet the Mayoral Candidates’. We will put your questions to the candidates and you will get the opportunity to make a more informed vote. • 6.30pm Thurs 5th Sept, at the Woodend Rugby Club, Gladstone Park; NZTA Public meeting. Have your say and learn more about the current road safety projects and what is happening with the Woodend bypass. • WDC Speed consultation closes 6th Sept. Go online to make your submission on proposed speed changes to numerous rural roads in our area. Of particular interest to Pegasus residents is the proposal to lower the speed limit on Pegasus Blvd past the golf club.
say/lets-talk/consultations/lets-talkabout-speed-limits • NZTA Speed Consultation closes 6 Sept. This relates to speeds on SH1 from Saltwater Creek to Belfast. Of particular concern to Pegasus residents are the proposals to leave the speed limit at the Pegasus/Ravenswood roundabout at 70km/h and the speed limit on the Ashley River SH1 bridge at 100km/h. Please have your say at; • NZTA Safe Roads Woodend Corridor Project closes 6 Sept. Have your say on this long overdue and much needed project to improve safety for cars, cyclists and pedestrians from Saltwater Creek to Belfast, but especially through our neighbouring communities of Woodend and Waikuku. Submissions can be done online at Find out more about the above events and consultations by visiting our website;, or visit our Facebook page; Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc (note, this is not a group page and is separate from the independently run ‘Pegasus Residents’ page – confusing, we know!) PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE EXPANSION AT LAST! The lease is signed, the fitout budget is approved and the builders have made a start on the fitout of the community centre expansion. Exciting times ahead! Watch this space for further updates. PRGI will continue to be involved with the community centre, but please note that from 30 August, all booking enquiries for the PCC are to be directed to the Waimakariri District Council on 0800 965 468 or 03 311 8900 Pegasus – Living it – Loving it!
PRGI – Pegasus Info Page – SEPTEMBER 2019 PEGASUS WOODEND & WAIKUKU COMMUNITY DIRECTORY The revision of the community directory is well underway and we are super-excited to have so many new advertisers this year. We now have around 190 businesses, clubs, groups and organisations to share with you. The directory is expected to be printed and delivered to all Woodend and Pegasus households early in October. When you get your copy, make sure you keep it handy and tell the advertisers where you found them. PEGASUS COMMUNITY WATCH
Pegasus Lions Club present cheque to PRGI
The Pegasus Community Watch volunteers have been in action since mid-2011. In December 2015 Todd Property Pegasus Town gifted the CRV community watch vehicle to the Pegasus Residents’ Group. This means PRGI are fully responsible for maintenance, insurance and fuel costs. Thanks to the generosity of AMI Insurance, the insurance costs are covered. Funding for maintenance and fuel comes from the generosity of organisations such as CERT, Pegasus Town Lions Club, Woodend Automotive and Van de Geest Building. While they can’t be in all places at all times, the existence of the Pegasus Community Watch team has proved to be quite a deterrent over the years with some useful information being passed to police
on occasion and local businesses and residents benefiting from their presence. There are currently around 60 volunteers on the team, but John is always ready to welcome newcomers. If you are interested in knowing more about what is involved in joining this community-minded team, please contact John on 0272 642 519 or email PEGASUS MENZ SHED A group of interested people is being formed to progress the idea of having a Menz Shed club located at the Pegasus Bay School. A Menz Shed brings people together in one community space to share their skills, have a laugh, and work on practical tasks individually (personal projects) or as a group (for the shed or community). Most sheds around NZ take on some community projects, examples of which include building playgrounds for pre-school centres, repairing toy library stock, repairing old bikes for distribution to poorer communities, building planter boxes for community locations, and the list goes on. If you would like to know more or are interested in joining the ‘start-up’ group for the Pegasus Menz Shed, please contact Allan Evans on 920 0066 or Clive Jones on 920 0156. You don’t have to live in Pegasus to take part. RONEL’S COMMUNITY CUPPA All Pegasus residents are welcome to come along to Ronel’s Community Cuppa on Wednesday 18th Sept from 10.45am at the Pegasus Community Centre. This month we say a fond ‘farewell’ to our Mayor David Ayers. This is a fun, free, opportunity to meet some new people while enjoying a cuppa and some yummy treats!! ☺ For more info phone 021 1080 634
Change is good. Contact your local real estate team who guarantee to make this move the best ONE.
03 390 0220
WAIMAKARIRI PROPERTIES LTD Licensed Agent REAA 2008 Each office is independently owned and operated under licence from One Agency
Cricket Registration.
Does your child dream of being the next Black Cap? Or as an adult do still want a hit? Come play for Woodend Cricket!
Register at the Woodend School Fair. 15/09/2017. 10-1pm The cricket season runs in term 4 and some of term 1. $70 registration for children and $90 for adults. Great sport to learn and an awesome summer activity. Kids games are quick! Approx. - 9am to 11am.
Register by phone or if you would like to coach- call Amy 0211276711
PEGASUS Bringing Dental Services to North Canterbury General Dentistry Family Dentistry Facial Pain Minor Oral Surgery Tooth Whitening Hygienist Oral Medicine Specialist Super Gold Card Welcome Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm Late Night Tuesday 54 Pegasus Main Street Pegasus Phone 03 920 4003 Email:
Waimakariri’s population is projected to grow from 60,000 to 75,000 within 10 years. Preparing for an estimated 25 percent population increase requires experienced leadership. The years ahead require a ‘steady as you go’ approach. We must continue planning for growth, while managing costs and minimising rate rises. We must concentrate on doing the basics well, ensure that work proposed is needed now, and the Council obtains best value for money. The Woodend Bypass is an important issue for your community. I fully support the stand of our local MP and the community-led Bypass Corridor Subcommittee on this issue. If I am elected Mayor, this is a matter I’ll be taking a strong position on. Waimakariri needs an enthusiastic leader who knows our district intimately and understands our needs. I have 15 years of local council experience and I’m committed to serving our community. Having lived in Waimakariri for over 30 years, I possess an in-depth understanding of current issues, along with strong working relationships with Council which will ensure a smooth transition to a new mayor. I enjoy working with communities to help create change. I am on the board of Rangiora Promotions Association, and chair of Friends of Rangiora Town Hall. Sixteen years ago, I helped establish the Kaiapoi Art Expo and have been its chair ever since. Healthy communities are thriving communities and I am a strong supporter of community wellbeing. I am deputy chair of Rural Canterbury Primary Health Organisation, past chair of Wellbeing North Canterbury, and a trustee of the North Canterbury Sport and Recreation Trust. I want to create closer connections between community and Council, and if elected mayor, I’ll hold regular drop-in sessions around the community, so people can share their views on issues. My experience, energy, approachable nature and commitment to community organisations, combined with my long-term Council experience, makes me ‘the best choice for mayor’.
Authorised by: Dan Gordon, 578 Carrs Road, Loburn
03 310 3156 / 021 906 437 Page 34 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019
Check out our other designs on our website!
w w w. l i l p u n k i n s . c o . n z THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019 Page 35
MAKE THE MOST OF LAKE PEGASUS THIS SUMMER Hire: Stand-up paddle boards, kayaks, sailboats. No paddling experience necessary, some experience required for sailboats, but we can help with that, either on the day or in a course.
Learn to Sail courses: October holidays and through the season. Booking:
Bookings essential, same day ok with at least one hour’s notice please. Book online at Email us on Phone 021 669 474
Follow KORE hire on Facebook for up-to-date info.
You could have
extra in your pocket Be one of the first ten to buy a Ravenswood residential section in Stage 2 by 7 October 2019 and you will receive a $5,000 rebate on your section on settlement.* Stage 2 construction scheduled to start in November. Over 250 Ravenswood sections already sold.
CALL US TODAY *Conditions apply - see
Jenny Lake 03 375 0010
Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade 8 Eders Road Woodend Phone 033127794
EMPLOYER RECOGNITION-NETWORKING EVENING - Wednesday 14 August North Canterbury Businesses officially recognised for volunteer efforts Hosted by the Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade, Businesses and their Staff in the immediate area were invited to a business networking evening to find out more information about the important work Fire and Emergency New Zealand Volunteers do for our community. This was not only an information evening, but a great opportunity to come and network with likeminded Businesses in our community. At the event Employers of Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade Volunteers were officially recognised by Fire and Emergency New Zealand for the invaluable contribution they make to their community. The partnership between Fire and Emergency New Zealand, Volunteers and their Employers is based on mutual benefit, and the Employer Recognition Programme aims to assist in the acknowledgement of this contribution. The Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade services the towns of Woodend and Pegasus Town with response deployments including Sefton, Waikuku, Waikuku Beach, Woodend Beach & Tuahiwi. The Brigade is staffed entirely by volunteers, currently 27 Firefighters and 5 Operational Support. The programme is based on building partnerships with Employers and the Self-employed who share similar values, and a commitment to building strong, safe and caring communities. At the function Employers of Volunteers, along with Brigade Members who are self-employed, received a certificate of appreciation awarded by Assistant Regional Commander Mike Johns who represented Fire and Emergency New Zealand National office. Woodend Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Lew Grant says that the willingness of local Businesses to allow their staff to respond as Members of the Volunteer Fire Brigade means they give their own time and effort to the Brigade while gaining benefits in return.
Deputy Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant (Left) and Assistant Area Commander Mike Johns presenting Fire Emergency New Zealand Certificates of Appreciation
Volunteers bring a range of skills and experience back to their Employers as a result of their work with the Brigade, including team building, leadership, and a sense of belonging and achievement. This helps to strengthen local businesses, enhance staff morale, and build organisational culture and pride for all Employees. Fire and Emergency New Zealand are very appreciative of all Employers along with Businesspeople who help, encourage and support our Volunteer Firefighters. The contribution that these local Businesses make, is helping to build the overall health and resilience of the Woodend community, which in turn will lead to a better business climate. The good corporate citizenship demonstrated by local businesses who support Employees in their voluntary activities sends a strong message to North Canterbury communities that business is concerned about local issues and are willing to support volunteerism for the greater good.
Local business owners are shown through Fire Emergency New Zealand Woodend Station
Septembers Fire Safety Tip Follow the ‘heater metre rule’: Keep anything that can catch fire at least one metre away from heaters and fireplaces. This includes people, furniture, curtains, bedding and washing. Keep your family fire safe this Spring
Woodend Garden Club Monthly Meeting 19 August 2019 at 1.30pm Community Rooms
Spike 1st Trish deHann 2nd Brenda Batchelor 3rd Jeanie Robinson
The raffle winners were Ruth Vaughan, Pat Ellis, Val Cotton and Julie Barrington.
One Stem of Camellia 1st Helen Power 2nd Brenda Batchelor 3rd Lynn Oliff
Our Theme was ‘Anything Goes’
A Flower arranging Demonstration was held by Shirley ‘Making Do’ Shirley is a very experienced Floral arranger and showed us how we could arrange imaginative and attractive displays with little plant matter. Shirley Has also organised an interesting Competition Growing a potato in a bucket Competition Results Decorative Open theme (Anything Goes) 1st Jennie Robinson 2nd Val Cotton 3rd Helen Power
Flower not in schedule 1st Pam Mason 2nd Pam Cleeve 3rd Jeanie Robinson Produce Three different vegetables 1st Brenda Batchelor 2nd Helen Power 3rd Jeanie Robinson Baking (2 x Muffins Savoury) 1st Glenis Everts 2nd Jeanie Robinson 3rd Brend Batchelor
Decorative Novice (Anything Goes) 1st Ruth Vaughan 2nd Pam Cleeve 3rd Andrea Clinic
Baking (2 x Muffins Sweet) 1st Brenda Batchelor 2nd Jeanie Robinson 3rd Ruth Vaughan
Large Bloom Cut Flowers 1st Brend Batchelor 2nd Pam Mason 3rd Trish deHann
Most points of the day 1st Brenda Batchelor 28 Points 2nd Jeanie Robinson 18 Points 3rd Helen Power 15 Points
Small Bloom 1st Pam Cleeve 2nd Brenda Batchelor 3rd Helen Power
Best in Show (Jenny Leadbetter Trophy) Helen Power
Cluster 1st Glenis Everts 2nd Brenda Batchelor 3rd Trish deHann
Novice (Elaine Searell Cup) Decorative Ruth Vaughan
LAWN MOWING, GARDENING, TRIMMING, WEED EATING, PRUNING, CHAINSAWING, SPRAYING, FERTILISING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL (Quotes provided incl. WINZ) Whether you would like manicured lawns /gardens, a quick tidy up or on going lawn/garden maintenance we can help Ph Ron or Annette Ph: 03 310 0604 Mob: 027 271 7187
The Consequences of Workplace Bullying
Write to the following: The Secretary of the Human Research Ethics Committee Southern Institute of Technology 133 Tay Street INVERCARGILL 9840 Tel: 03 211 2699
Carolyn Marlowe, researcher and Master of Applied Management student at Southern Institute of Technology is completing her Research Thesis and looking for participants to partake in a confidential one-on-one KORE - Cont’d from Page 20 interview focused on the long-term activity sessions for birthday parties, effects of workplace bullying on the or adult, corporate and family target’s health and wellbeing. groups - talk to us about your needs. Carolyn believes by uncovering and assimilating personal stories on workplace bullying, New Zealand society will be in a better place to understand and eliminate it. Giving targets the ability to be heard, participants must be willing and able to volunteer one hour of their time between the months of August through to November 2019. Anonymity and confidentiality are guaranteed. If you can help or would like to be involved in any way, please contact Carolyn on cell 021 279 5555 or on email For more information contact: Carolyn Marlowe, On behalf of Southern Institute of Technology Phone: 021 279 5555; Email: This research has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at SIT. If you have concerns about the ethical conduct of this research or the researchers, the following procedure should occur. Page 46 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019
Alongside KORE hire, KORE sailing will run up to four sailing courses during the October school holidays and more throughout the season. Keep in touch with both KORE hire and KORE sailing on Facebook. Book online at Email us now
Woodend Community Association ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday 9 September 2019 at 7.00pm Woodend Community Centre, School Road, Woodend Guest Speaker - David Ayers The Woodend Community Association are holding our 2019 Annual General Meeting on Monday 9th September, 7pm at the Woodend Community Centre. We are fortunate to have David Ayers our retiring Mayor for Waimakariri as our guest speaker. Nominations can be made for Woodend Community Association Committee and office bearer roles. The closing date for these nominations is Friday 30th August and can be emailed to: or post to WCA Secretary, c/o 24 Panckhurst Drive, Woodend. If you would like to discuss and further, please call Mark Paterson 027 534 9112. The Woodend Community Association (WCA) was set up to support the community and make the Woodend area a great place to live in. We welcome all new and existing Woodend residents to become members of the WCA. By becoming a member, you and your household will gain a deeper connection to the community we live in. It’s a small annual subscription of $10.00 per household to join the WCA. You can complete membership forms at the AGM or email us with
your household contact details, name, address and phone. Payment can be made online to Woodend Community Association, a/c 02-08760198138-00 with your name as the reference, or you can pay with cash at the AGM. For existing members, your renewal will be due as of 1 September 2019. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM. We welcome all residents to join us after the meeting for drinks and nibbles at Woodend Tavern.
Employment - You now have been
offered employment. Are you aware that it is a legal requirement for an employer to provide a written copy of the employment agreement prior to work commencing? Do you know what the minimum employment conditions are? If you have questions about your employment rights or contract, contact us for free, confidential and independent information and advice. Contact us with any question, big or small. You are welcome to call in at the Trevor Inch Memorial Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora, Monday to Friday from 9am until 4.30pm, Saturday 10am-1pm or you can phone us on 03 313 8822-free phone 0800 367 222 or email us at
The Woodpecker needs your help!
The Woodpecker Urgently Needs Two Distributers
The Woodpecker urgently needs two distributers Volunteers are needed for two runs for delivery of The Woodpecker.
About 30 of us enjoyed a couple of hours of fellowship at our Sing-a-long of 40’s music in the Church recently. A few people were hoarse after the first 15 minutes but was great to go back to the days of singing round the piano.
Run 1 is Main Nth Rd, both sides, houses only total 60 and Run 2 is Rangiora / Woodend Rd from Main Nth to Chinnerys, total 73. This person also delivers 80 to another distributor. The Woodpecker is only delivered once a month and not in January, so you only have to go for a walk 11 times a year. This will be effective from September. Tyree is happy to do the first run with you. Please contact Tyree Woodham 027 902 5611 if you can help.
Woodend Movie - The September movie is on Wednesday 4th at 1.30pm and is an historical drama starring Helen Mirren and Michael Sheen. The October movie is on Wednesday 2nd and is a 2009 American drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes and starring Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vassilieva, Jason Patric, and Alec Baldwin. Everyone welcome. Any queries phone Ruth 3122094 or Evelyn 3127740. Free entry. Gold coin donation for afternoon tea.
Spring Flower Sunday will be held on 8 September at 9am. In the Woodend Church.
Expressions of Interest So far there are three of us and possibly another three showing interest. Expressions of intertest sought from anyone wishing to join the newly formed Pegasus MenzShed, please contact Alan on 920 0066 or Clive on 027 245 5770 = email
‘FF’ Friendly Friday - This is a new venture to be held on the second Friday of each month at Trinity Methodist, King Street, Rangiora from 9-11 a.m. It is an opportunity for the community to visit our facilities, have free morning tea and a chat, and purchase reasonably priced goods. QUIZ AFTERNOON AT TRINITY, RANGIORA - Do come and join us for a Fun Afternoon of quizzes, prizes and afternoon tea. 1.30 p.m. Wednesday 11 September in the Church Hall. Play
in teams of four. $5 each entrant. A chance to play your Joker! Bring a friend or neighbour. For more information contact Margaret Woodcock 3138413 or Jean Bruce 3130070. Garage Sale - Saturday 5 October at Trinity Methodist, King Street, Rangiora. Enquiries phone the Church Office 3133448 Woodend Church / Hall bookings – contact Evelyn 3127740. ******************************
Woodend Netball Club The Woodend Netball Club has had a great season of netball with many teams playing in the semis and hopefully finals at the end of Aug and beginning of September. This year we fielded 12 teams of which we had 3 years 3 and 4 teams playing on a Fri night, 5 primary teams and 4 grade teams - the highest of which was the Senior grade. It has been really awesome seeing an increased number of teams playing for Woodend this year with an age range from 7 to 50ish!! This year we have upgraded all of our gear bags and we would like to acknowledge our sponsor CIB who have enabled us to have these bags available also for our junior teams next year.
CHURCH NOTICE ST BARNABAS At the end of August, we said farewell to our Archdeacon, Mandy Neil. Mandy has only been taking our services for the past two months, but she fitted in so well it has seemed much longer - for the best possible reasons! As of September, our temporary vicar will be Reverend Jeff Cotton and we look forward to meeting him. There have been a few changes at St Barnabas lately, however our weekly services continue as normal, at 9.30am and 4.30pm. We have had several different speakers lately; these have included a couple from Christians Against Poverty and a lady telling us about Thomas and Jane Kendall, who established the first school in New Zealand. At the 4.32 service, the adults are studying Andy Stanley’s ‘Starting Point’ series and the young people have been learning about characters of the Old Testament. For the older young folk (aged 12 and up) we also have The Tribe youth group – the next meeting is on September 14. No doubt we’re all looking forward to the first month of spring – let’s hope the icy weather threatened by NIWA doesn’t happen! In the meantime, take care of yourselves.
Rachael Paterson
Judsons Road Early Learning Centre Sue Childs 312 2179 Email: Website: Gladstone Park Advisory Group Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 Lions Club of Pegasus President - Amanda Smith 027 422 2648 Secretary - Sue Mehrtens 021 077 7580 Lions Club of Woodend President Ian Lennie 920 1576 Youth Centre Co-ordinator, John Harris 313 7832 Nature’s Play Preschool - Pegasus 943 4935 Email: Website: Pegasus Community Centre Bookings and enquiries: 021 1080 634 Pegasus Residents Group Inc Email: Website: Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute Elaine 312 7963 Kathryn 327 6621 or 027 335 5771 Radio Sailing Club Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 St Barnabas Church, Woodend Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus Home Groups: Andrew Clark (men’s group) 021 073 5730 Amy Clark (women’s group) 021 234 4253 Mainly Music – Litia Maclean 313 8678 or email: 022 052 2674 Toy Library Tuahiwi Community Pre-School 313 2141 Email: Facebook: Tuahiwi Community Preschool Website: www.TuahiwiCommunityPreschool Woodend Sefton Community Board Chairperson, Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson, Andrew Thompson Waikuku Beach Surf Life Saving Club Danelle Asher Woodend Badminton Club Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 Woodend Bowling Club President, Alan Pegley 310 6772 Page 50 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019
Secretary, Phil Harris 327 6553 Woodend Boys’ Club John Harris 313 7832 Woodend Friendship Club President, Doug Tatterson 423 3879 Secretary, Lynn Muir 312 2027 Woodend Community Association Inc President, Mark Paterson Secretary, Andrea Rigby Email: Woodend Community Centre Advisory Group Chairperson, Simon Kong 310 8900 Woodend Country Music Club President - Kevin Taylor 03 327 8920 Vice President - Roger Wedlake 027 588 6062 Woodend Cricket Club Robert Davey 021 762 963 Woodend Garden Club Shirley Wheeler, President 327 3416 Lynn Oliff, Secretary 310 0575 Pam Cleeve, Treasurer 313 8120 Woodend Golden Oldies Rugby & Netball President, Tony Hurley 312 7311 Woodend Gym Club Stephanie 312 2993 Woodend Indoor Bowling Club Gillian Small - Club President 313 0957 Rex Macauley, Club Captain 313 3627 Woodend Junior Cricket Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 Woodend Methodist Church Minister, Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 Woodend Netball Club Caitlin Loose, President 312 2237 Rachael Paterson, Secretary 312 7439 Woodend Play Centre Phone: 027 353 2131 Email: Facebook: Woodend Preschool / Nursery Jana Thorn 312 7654 email: website: Woodend Rugby Club President, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Secretary, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Senior Club Captain, Phil Kennett 027 717 2569 Junior Club Captain, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Club Room Bookings, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Woodend Tennis Club Jim Bucknell 313 9405 Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Fire Officer, Murray Lamb 312 7487 Woodend/Waikuku Plunket Clare Hewett 312 2640
CLASSIFIEDS AND COMMUNITY NOTICES Community Foot Care Clinics held monthly at the Pegasus Medical Centre, the Kaiapoi Working Men’s Club, and the Rangiora RSA. Come and get your toenails, corns, and calluses attended to for $30. Experienced Foot Care Specialist Heather will be happy to help. Phone 021 288 9618 for an appointment.
PEGASUS PLUS A social group for Pegasus residents plus surrounding areas. Our aim is for semi-retired and retired people to socialise, meet new people in a friendly atmosphere while enjoying a variety of activities. Join us at the Pegasus Community Centre from 1.00-3.00pm every FOURTH Wednesday of each month February through to November. Entry $2 to cover expenses. For further information contact Kay or David Mills on 03 9200126 or see you at the next get together.
STEADY AS YOU GO (SAYGo) Exercise Classes Exercise Classes - Thursdays at 1.30pm at the Pegasus Community Centre. This class works to improve your balance, strength, general fitness and wellbeing. A mixture of seated and standing stretches and exercises. A fun, casual need to book...just come along. $2 - ALL WELCOME!
Massage Therapy Do you suffer with neck/shoulder pain, muscle tension, stress? Carolyn Marlowe (Certified Massage Therapist) is available for therapeutic massage (relaxation, deep tissue, sports, reflexology) in Woodend. Benefits of regular massage include reduced pain/discomfort, treatment of injuries, enhanced performance and decreased stress levels. Phone 021 279 5555
NEXT ISSUE OCTOBER 2019 Deadline for advertising & community articles is 25 September 2019 is 5.00pm at the latest Email: Cell: 021 863 877 Post / Cheques: Graham Wood - Woodpecker Chair - PO Box 78147, Pegasus THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019 Page 51
We don’t like needles much but we REALLY don’t like getting sick either! So, please make sure out shots are up to date!!!
Looking into the eyes of a puppy with Parvovirus or a cat gasping for breath with cat flu can be one of my most upsetting moments as a vet. These diseases are completely preventable.
The guidelines for how often and when to vaccinate are based on the best Hi everyone, information we have on immunity. When How time flies, we have been open for these over are let slip, just as with Nick Deane. measles in the human population at present, an outbreak can occur. a month already! Thanks so much for May I introduce A vet since ’92 I have making us feel so welcome and taking myself. a Please help us keep these horrible diseases out of our area by keeping had a dream of one day setting up a small look around our clinic. your pets vaccinations up to date. family owned veterinary clinic.
M ha fa
O Fantastic news. For the month of March Opening in January Pl we are going to give one lucky customer a 2016. lo Bakerstone barbecue top pizza oven box, as PAWS Vets is family owned Please pop in and say Hi to Jayne and have a be pictured below. PAWS Vets have full medical and surgical care onsite look around our new clinic. We would love to * Family owned One entry with every consultation, health •clients Family owned be24 of hour service to your furry family members. PAWS Vets provides emergency care for check/vaccination or operation for the * Experienced Veterinarian month of March. So come on in and see us • Locally employed Nurse while the hot summer continues, and you CONTACTS: * Friendly professional care mily owned • Friendly professional ca could be the owner PHONE: 03 312 2669 of this great prize. * Locally employed nurse (Sorry Pizza and spatula not included!). EMAIL: ally employed Nurse • Experienced Veterinaria
ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend
ndly professional care
* Veterinary care in your
HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays local town
erienced Veterinarian Page 52 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2019
Phone: 03 3