Christmas Greetings and New Year wishes to all our readers
Editor’s Note
Tēnā koutou
Hasn’t the year gone fast? The beginning of December, the start of summer, holidays and the festive season! This is also the last publication for the year with the next one being February.
I have three things I wanted to mention this month, the first being the ‘Letter to the Editor’ which is such a wonderful story. It seemed hard to believe The Woodpecker was part of possibly someone being connected with their families from a few generations ago. I wanted to also make mention of our first ever 72-page issue!!! We’ve had a 64-page issue now for the last five months, and a total of six months this year! And our December – January edition is 8 pages more with 72 pages! What an amazing achievement for something that started over 40 years ago as a one-page newssheet printed on a Gestetner!! It took me lots longer to input this month and our poor deliverers will be struggling with the additional weight! However, I know that they will also share this huge achievement with us regardless. We’ve had over six new advertisers this month, and lots more contributions from groups and clubs as well as our usual festive events coming up. Lastly, I wanted to let mainly our contributors and advertisers know that
I am moving the deadline date from 25th to 21st. When I started, I chose the 25th 5pm as it was then easy for me to input, send to the printers and for them to courier the publications to us, however, the change of printer makes this harder as they need more time for turnaround. The other obstacle has been that shorter months and statutory days also create more of a delay in being able to have the magazines delivered to you by or on the 1st of each month.
As this is a two-month issue, it gives me a welcome ‘month off’ over the summer, however, I look forward to working on The Woodpecker next year and welcome all your stories and updates as well as new advertisers who may be interested in promoting their businesses with us.
That leaves me to wish you all a very happy, healthy and fun time over the summer / festive season and hope you all have a wonderful time with friends and family. See you in 2025.
The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’
Ngā mihi nui
Debs Taylor-Hayhurst
The Editor – Woodpecker
DISCLAIMER: All efforts are made to verify the correctness of information contained within this publication; however, The Woodpecker Community Trust accept no liability for the correctness or accuracy of any information contained within these pages. Any views, information or opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily the opinions or views of The Woodpecker Community Trust or any of its providers.
Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus
So what can we achieve?
Lions can stand tall after Starship Children’s Hospital Paediatric Care Unit (PICU) success.
‘She is a mighty big job!’ That was the thought when Warkworth Lions set out in June 2021 to coordinate a $406,700 fundraiser for a fully fitted PICU room as part of the Starship PICU appeal.
But we are Lions! We had a job to do to help future generations and the task at hand, though a bit daunting, was achievable. Unfortunately, the target took a bit longer to reach than hoped as Covid curtailed the plans of many fundraising activities.
focus that gathered many donations through donors past experiences with Starship and personal circumstances. Warkworth Lions thanks clubs all over the country for taking the initiative with bold fundraising ideas during tough times.
Fundraising ventures were traditional street appeals and sausage sizzles but also included movie nights, selling Christmas trees and the auction of a donated MG Sports car!
But we did it! Clubs across the country from Kaitaia to Riverton appreciated the need and that it would help their communities, and the momentum started. We launched on the TV One breakfast show and the goodwill began. Warkworth New World immediately offered an opportunity for customers to add a donation at their checkouts for two weeks, and a Warkworth resident dropped off $1,000 cash before the TV camera operator had packed up.
The appeal gave clubs the opportunity to have a conversation point and a
Grants were applied for –and the grant from Lions Clubs International was scaled down to NZD$70,061 as additional funds came in from clubs. The $406,700 was surpassed and the District 202K Trust topped up the additional funds to $25,000, so the final total passed to the Starship Foundation was $431,700. She was a mighty big job, but we did it and we can stand tall and proud. We have served our communities, and we have made a difference today and for the future.
Remember the Lions motto is We Serve and we are here to serve all our community, Kaiapoi, Woodend, Pegasus, Ravenswood, and Waikuku If you would like to make a difference.
Please Phone: President Jeff TaylorHayhurst at 021 865 877 email president.woodendpegasus@ or Marketing Director Gay Walker 027 436 1364.
yThe wonderful people that make up our committee - Recently we held the Woodend Community Association AGM where we said farewell to Kris Stacey for the amazing contribution he has given our committee as secretary and treasurer, and welcomed in his place Prudence Stone. Continuing as chairman will be Mark Patterson, dept chairman is Andy Child and continuing on the committee is Tom Forrester, Dan Rosewarne, Jocelyn Adams, Doug Wethey, Jim Stringleman, Andrew Retalick and Anna Scott.
Woodend clean up - Every year we take part in the "Keep New Zealand Beautiful" week. Just to follow on from last weeks thankyou to our volunteers, the total amount of rubbish collected was a staggering 90kg. Well done everyone.
Community garden - We are looking for additional help from the community with the garden, located next to the school. For those that have helped, we are very grateful for your support. Please contact Andy if you can give any assistance on 0275122681.
Woodend Community Association Christmas Drinks - Dec 12th - Our yearly drinks will be held at the Woodend Tavern, 6pm. All are welcome to attend as we farewell Kris and to discuss our big dreams for the WCA and our 2025 projects.
Book exchange - We will soon have a community book exchange. Start sorting out your books as it will be ready for early 2025.
Food pantry - The food pantry is situated in the WASP car park just before the school on the main road. If you have spare fruit and vegetables you want to donate to our local community, put these into the pantry. The pantry is designed for food like fruit and veg, baked goods and tinned goods Please no frozen, dairy or past best before dated goods thankyou
Do you want to help create change? Come join our committee. At the Woodend Community Association, our aim is to promote and support any initiative which advances safety, wellbeing and community spirit in Woodend. If you are interested in joining our committee, please email, woodend community association@gmail com
Nau mae haere mai from the rangers at Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust!
Over the spring, we have been working hard to get thousands of plants into the ground before the dry stress of summer. We have been extending the edges of our existing biotanodes, adding more sensitive plants to mature biotanodes and planting new areas in the park.
shade in some areas and good soil moisture throughout the year despite being so close to the beach. Many species were chosen for this site and placed depending on their preference for available light, water, and sun. Some species include horoeka, kānuka, kōhūhū, tōtara, ti kouka, hārakeke, puahou and more.
(Photo 1- Planting area extension of Nikhil’s Node - below)
Recent plantings with school students and other volunteers have shone a beautiful spotlight on Nikhil’s Node in the park. The most recent planting was of a low lying, moist area behind the sand dunes next to the biotanode. This area was once filled with willow and burned pine, however, recent forestry operations to remove damaged trees opened the area. This opportunity has created a fantastic new space for plants in a sheltered spot with dappled
In this location we also found evidence of a resident in one of our insect hotels beside Nikhil’s node, however, this resident is far from ‘crawly’. We are unsure of what kind of bird has lived here, however we are glad that our insect hotel made a good home for raising their babies.
(Photo 2- Bird nest found in on of our insect hotels - top right)
I have always admired the determination of plants to adapt
and survive. This can be seen with puahou (five finger) trees within Nikhil’s node. These trees, grew and adapted to the sheltered conditions provided by the surrounding pine forest. However, with the removal of the surrounding pine, these trees suddenly had far more sun and wind than they were used to. The shock of this sudden change caused some dieback of these plants, however after a short time, they have put new leaves out that are better suited to the new amount of sun and wind they are experiencing.
(Photo 3- pauhou tree adapting to change - below)
We are aiming to further establish native forests that are less
flammable and can support native animals for many generations to come. Therefore, it is important, now more than ever for our native coastal forests and wetlands with the summer season upon us to keep our fire risk to a minimum in nearby communities.
Website: nz
Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Instagram: tkot_ friendsoftuhaitarapark
Don’t leave it to the you’re – clinic at PMC for ‘No Scalpel Vasectomies’.
checks are offered to anyone (you don’t need to be enrolled). For one or few moles to – to look after your needs appropriately, please note a doctor’s
In a medical emergency, and if acutely unwell don’t hesitate to dial 111 anytime.
See us instore for DIY pool and spa chemicals We come to you - call for a quote or
Wow, where has this year gone? I’m sure many of you are thinking the same thing. Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade at the time of writing this article (midNovember) were over the 205 call mark for the year…..
there. Finally, we have been called to some rather unusual events, like the dog that got stuck in a hedge earlier in the year. Dog and owner were very grateful to be rescued.
Of course, because of the very dry season we experienced (and this is a continuing issue), the top of our calls have been to vegetation fires. Please think twice before lighting any fires –go to for the latest information.
However, this is closely followed by motor vehicle accidents with most happening on the State Highway. Alarm activations have been high too, followed by Structure fires and Medical Calls. On that note, don’t be alarmed if you see the fire engine arrive outside your place, if you have dialed 111 for a medical event and are expecting an Ambulance to arrive. The ambulance will still be coming, but because we have fire fighters who are trained in First Response, we can provide assistance and help until St John get
Throughout the year, it has been pleasing to see recruits trained up and passing their 7-day course and going on to become valuable Members of the Brigade. We have two eager recruits currently who you will have read about in previous issues of The Woodpecker who are learning all the skills required. Members train every Monday Night, although we will take a well-deserved short break over Christmas / New Year. We will, however, still be responding to calls throughout that period. A big thank you to all our fire fighters for all you have done throughout the year –your time and effort is very much appreciated.
From all at the Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade, we would like to take this opportunity to wish our community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Keeping our community informed
The Woodpecker Community Trust is a non-profit community publication relying on advertising to meet costs. We appreciate your support and the contributions we receive.
The Woodpecker has been going for over 40 years starting as a 1-page sheet printed on a Gestetner!
Our publication ensures an equal contribution of advertising and community contributions – so a great way for groups to promote what they do and for businesses to be able to promote themselves locally.
The areas The Woodpecker Community Trust delivers to are:
Pegasus, Ravenswood, Tuahiwi, Woodend, Waikuku and beach areas – we are currently printing 4,500 copies delivered to your doors!
AND this excludes the digital copy which is uploaded monthly on which includes all the past copies too!
This link is also posted widely onto North Canterbury Facebook groups as well as being shared around local community groups.
If you would like to have a small quantity of Woodpeckers in your café or business, please do let us know. Let’s share the love!
Where can you get The Woodpecker if you’re not in the delivery area?
Check local Facebook pages and groups.
Request to be on the mailing list for the digital copy.
Check out the digital copies, past and present: ISSUU: thewoodpecker4
What does it cost to advertise in The Woodpecker?
Full Page - $235 + GST
Half Page - $125 + GST
Quarter Page - $65 + GST
1/8TH Page - $30 + GST
Premium Front Page Banner - $200 + GST
*Banners booked for 2024; invitations to book banners for 2025 open in November 2024.
Classified Advertisements
For advertisements relating to a business or economic activity with a profit motive will be placed amongst other adverts.
Details: Words only (no logos) to be sent as a word docx - up to 30 words
Charge: $30 + GST
Size: 1/8-page size maximum
Christmas Concert
Come and enjoy Rangiora Community Choir on Sunday 15 December at 2pm in Rossburn Reception’s Chapel, Sparks Lane, Rangiora. $10 pp (school children free) Includes afternoon tea. Christmas joy.
Kaiapoi Toy Library
Kaiapoi Toy Library, 9 Cass Street
Kaiapoi, open 11.00am - 1.00pm Saturdays. Access to a range of toys for a small annual fee, no toy rental charges. Check us out www.
Community Foot Care Clinic
Held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment.
Southern Cancer Society
Longest Day Golf Challenge https:// tees off 1 December, putt yourself to the test for a great cause! Thank you to everyone who has supported us this year, we are extremely grateful.
Kaiapoi Community Patrol
We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling.
Full training given. If interested, please contact Owen 027 442 4436 All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.
Canterbury Sportfishing Club
If you are interested in sea fishing, chasing Trout or Salmon then come and join our club.
Monthly meetings are held at the Fish and Game building at 595 Johns Road on the last Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm.
Fishing trips are organised catering for all types of fishing, from targeting Grouper, Bluenose, Blue Cod etc to fishing in the Lakes and the canals at Twizel.
Doesn’t matter if you own a boat or not, all fishermen are catered for and welcome.
The Club also owns a Bach at Oaro near Kaikoura for the use of its members.
New members welcome
For more information contact Shayne 027 664 0016.
Woodend Tennis Club
Tennis is a great game for all the family. We currently have a Wednesday evening social session (7pm to 9pm) very enjoyable on these spring evenings. It is subject to weather, so please go to our Facebook page or phone Jim on 021 806 366 to check if it is on. There is a $3 fee for nonmembers and casual players.
Tennis season starts in September. If you missed our Open Day and want to know more, phone Jim on 021 806 366.
We welcome social and casual players, and there may be spots available for fill ins for our Presidents (over 30) Grade team.
For any other info contact Jim on 021 806 366.
Support your local club.
Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer days
Wednesday 10am – 12pm and the last Saturday of every month 10-12pm. Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook
Would you like your club or community group to be listed in Community Contacts?
Please contact the Editor providing the appropriate details and these can be included. Thank you!
SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class
1.30 Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main Street. All welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group, join us for a cuppa after class.
For more information: Kay 021 022 64682.
Classes also available at Waikuku Community Centre, Park Terrace, Waikuku. Wednesdays 10.00am followed by a cuppa. All welcome $2 donation.
For more information: Mavis 03 312 7839 or Lorraine 027 332 9298.
Please note:
Last class of the year for Pegasus
SAYGo is Thursday 19 December. Classes start back in the New Year on Thursday 16 January. Last class of the year for Waikuku SAYGo is 11 December. Classes start back in the New Year on Wednesday 15 February. Thank you to all who have supported Pegasus and Waikuku SAYGo classes throughout the year. A big thank you to Debs for her ongoing support in The Woodpecker. We wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and every good wish for the New Year.
Mayor Dan Gordon Update
It is hard to believe that this will be my last column of the year.
I feel like 2024 has raced by. But what a wonderful year it has been.
We delivered our Long-Term Plan 2024 to 2034 – which is our budget for the next 10 years. We set out what we plan to achieve over the next decade, and how it will be funded.
I’m really proud of what were able to achieve there. We pushed out all non-essential projects to outlying years and focused on our most important services and projects. Getting the balancing act right is always difficult but I believe we got the balance right.
I was joined by my good friend Mayor Marie Black from Hurunui and a 30 strong delegation from both districts, which included my fellow Councillors Robbie Brine, Tim Fulton, and Philip Redmond, as well as members from Amberley, Rangiora and Kaiapoi RSAs. We made the entirely self-funded trip to honour the soldiers who fought and died in the battle.
It was a deeply meaningful experience.
Zonnebeke, Belgium is a place that is dear to my heart, and it was fantastic to share the experience with Mayor Marie, my Council colleagues, our RSAs and the rest of the delegation.
I have also loved sharing all the events, milestones, productions, prize giving and pivotal moments with you all around our District over the past 12 months.
We have the very best communities, and they are so well supported by our outstanding volunteers.
It was an honour to celebrate some of these volunteers with our Community Service Awards this year. Always a highlight for me and my council colleagues.
I recently travelled to Belgium to mark the 107th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele and participate in Armistice Day observances.
I would like to thank The Woodpecker Editor Debs, the trustees and the team of volunteers who deliver and make this community publication possible. I feel very privileged to be included in this wonderful publication each month.
To you all, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I look forward to catching up again in 2025!
As always, I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you might want to discuss.
Email me at or phone 021 906 437.
I’m here to help.
Chloe Lloyd age 7 from Woodend managed to find Woody. Sent in by Emma. (right).
My daughter, Amyra Saryanu, who is 6 years old from Woodend, finally found Mr. Woodpecker after spending the entire Sunday searching for him. It was quite a challenge as Mr Woody Woodpecker was very tiny, and at times, Amyra almost lost hope. However, her determination and perseverance paid off, and she was able to find him at the very end of her search.
Amyra is extremely happy and proud of her achievement, and I wanted to share this joyous moment with you all. Sent in by Riya Saryanu. (below right).
Evelyn Hoyer, age 8 from Ravenswood, found Woody Woodpecker again. Sent in by Catriona Hoyer. (top left next page).
Here is a photo of my daughter having found Mr Woody Woodpecker. Maddison Campbell, Age 7, Ravenswood. Sent in by Jessica Griffin. (bottom left next page).
William Riddler aged 12 from Avonhead. My grandson and daughter were up recently from Avonhead and my daughter was going through The Woodpecker then started looking for the Mr Woody Woodpecker but couldn’t find him at all. So our grandson William took the Woodpecker found Mr Woody Woodpecker in seconds. Sent in by grandparents Kay & David Mills at Pegasus. (top right next page).
Can you believe it?
November is here, and Christmas is just around the corner! What better way to get into the festive spirit than by joining us at
Pegasus parkrun for some fitness fun?
Pegasus parkrun is a fantastic way to kickstart your weekend. It’s a free, weekly, timed 5K walk, jog, or run that welcomes everyone, from beginners to professional athletes. Where else can you rub shoulders with the fastest runners in the area without spending a cent? Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just looking to enjoy a leisurely walk, this 5K event is perfect for everyone.
Did you know there are eight parkruns in Canterbury alone? Plus, there’s one
in Blenheim, and by the time this article is published, Nelson will have started its own parkrun! It’s not just a local event; it’s a global phenomenon happening in 23 countries around the world.
Parkrun takes place every Saturday. We kick things off with a first timer briefing at 7:50 am, followed by a run briefing at 7:55am. The event starts promptly after that. So, set your alarms and get ready to join the fun!
If you aren’t a walker, jogger, or runner, volunteering is a fantastic way to participate, and it’s just as important as running or walking. Even spectating and cheering on the participants is a form of participation. So, a big thank you to all the residents who watch and wave as we pass by – you’re part of the parkrun family too!
Here in Pegasus Town, we have hosted 403 events, with 4209 finishers completing a total of 35410 finishes. Our community has seen 4799
personal bests, and the average finish time is 32 minutes and 15 seconds. We are supported by 363 amazing volunteers who make each event possible. These impressive stats show just how vibrant and active our parkrun community is. Every participant, whether running, walking, or volunteering, contributes to these amazing numbers.
search ‘Pegasus parkrun’ on Instagram or Facebook.
This year, Pegasus parkrun is hosting special events on Christmas Day (Dec 25) and New Year’s Day (Jan 01). These runs will take place at the same time and place as our regular Saturday events. What a fantastic way to celebrate the holidays and start the new year on a healthy note!
One of the coolest things about signing up is the free barcode you receive. This barcode can be used at any parkrun event worldwide. Plus, you get a profile page to track your progress and see your stats. It’s a great way to stay motivated and see how far you’ve come.
So, lace up your running shoes, grab your friends and family, and join us at Pegasus parkrun. It’s a wonderful way to stay active, meet new people, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. We can’t wait to see you there!
Check out or
find Mr Woody Woodpecker!
Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages.
For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, along with your name, age and location and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
Want 1/8th advertising space?
That’s this size! Up to 30 words available - no logos. Interested?
Email Debs on:
With summer fast approaching, now is the perfect time to enquire about Admire’s extensive range of outdoor shades, awnings, and Ziptraks.
Contact James (022 034 5090) and mention this ad, to get 10% off exterior Ziptrak blinds and free motorisation on awnings!*
We’re planning a fun family event for the afternoon of Saturday, 16 February. Details are still coming together but make a note of the date - it’s shaping up to be a great day for all ages!
Get in the festive spirit with our Pegasus Christmas Lights Map and explore all the wonderful decorations people have put up in our community. Download a copy via our website.
We’d like to extend a warm thank you to all our Pegasus Community Centre (PCC) and Community Patrol volunteers, as well as our PRGI committee members, for the time and effort they’ve dedicated to supporting our community this year. We cannot do it without them.
A special thanks also to our PRGI members for your continued support, it’s greatly appreciated. If you’re not a member and want to join visit our website.
Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc
The Community Centre will be closed for the holidays giving our hardworking volunteers a well-deserved rest. The last day we are open is Saturday, 21 December. We reopen Monday, 6 January 2025, Before the break, stop by during the hours below to pick up summer reads, puzzles, or local information
A big thank you to our wonderful Justices of the Peace (JPs) for giving their time and expertise to support our community throughout the year.
December JP Dates: Saturday, 7th and 21st December Time: 10:30–11:30 am
These free JP sessions don’t require appointments Remember: bring a photocopy AND the original of your identification if you needed.
The PRGI Committee and all our volunteers wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year
$12,500 +GST Flat Fee No Sale, No Fee No Upfront Costs
Wendy Parker 029 771 2667
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Buying your first home, investing, building, or refinancing can feel daunting. As a passionate Mortgage Adviser, I’m here to guide you and help
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Not only do I help secure financing, I also provide Risk Insurance to protect you and your loved ones with options like Life, Trauma, Disability, Mortgage/Income Protection, and Health Insurance.
Woodend - Sefton Community Board
Merry Christmas from your Community Board
- Shona, Mark, Andrew, Brent, Ian, Philip and Rhonda Stay safe, have fun and we look forward to working with you in 2025
Looking back at 2024
Accessible viewing platforms built at Pegasus and Waikuku Beaches
Pegasus Community Centre –progress on the concept design, and getting close to going out to the community for feedback
New Woodend Town Centre toilets in School Road
Opening of Woodland Estate Playground in Parsonage Road
Several new bus shelters
Seats installed along Bob Robertson Drive, in conjunction with Ravenswood Developments
Paid surf lifesaving patrol dates will be extended during January 2025 at Woodend and Pegasus Beaches
Project to enhance Waikuku Beach pond including removing weeds and planting native plants. This work will continue in stages.
Safer entrance into Gladstone Dog park and trees planted
Continued to advocate for funding for the Woodend Bypass and safety improvements for people crossing at Pegasus/Ravenswood roundabout and a path between Ravenswood and the north end of Woodend.
2025 and what projects are ahead
Woodend Beach new playground and toilets project continues
Youth space in Pegasus – let’s progress this
Pegasus Community Centre – looking forward to seeing building start
Woodend Pegasus Area Strategy – start developing a plan for the future
Continue advocating for this area and liaising with Council and agencies
Next meeting: Tuesday 3 December starting at 5.30pm at Waikuku Beach Hall. All welcome
Contact us – details at,-boards-andcommittees/woodend-sefton-community-board
It’s free to join and you can do all the below plus more….
Scan your app to e a r n & re d e e m p o i n t s
Receive a special gift on your b i r t h d ay
View our eve n t s & w h a t ’ s o n guide
Browse our food & drink m e n u s
Make b o o k i n g s via the app
Our office will close for the Christmas / New Year break on Thursday, 19 December at 4.30pm and reopen on Wednesday, 8 January 2025 at 9am.
We’re all connected
That’s why the CAB service is so important. We act as a critical community hub, connecting people with the information and services they need. We provide the warmth and welcome of a place where anyone can come to talk and get help with any issue.
The CAB service includes in-depth interviewing of a client to identify what is happening for them or what information they seek, and to find out what they’ve done so far. The trained volunteer researches options specific to each client’s situation and then explains these to the client in a way that helps them understand and work out what they want to do next. We have lots of information available
electronically and in printed form and our website has lots of questions and answers and is easy to navigate. Why not try it?
Get in touch
We know that cost is a big barrier for people accessing the services they need. That’s why it’s important to us that our service is free and freely available.
Do get in touch with us. We’re trained to listen and to research. We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help.
Our opening hours are 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email
Dragon Stone Paving Ltd
Professional paving specialists based in Woodend with over 30 years of combined industry experience
Patios, pathways, driveways, doorways, pool surroundings, stone landscaping ... anywhere you could need paving We are a quick, reliable, friendly, and tidy professional team
With Sarah Morley joining our vet team, our books are now open to new client enrolments.
We are so pleased to announce that Sarah has joined our team. Sarah is a very welcome addition, bringing a wealth of experience that is delivered by a friendly, warm, and compassionate veterinarian.
Sarah has been a friend of Ben and Sam’s since university. After working as a companion animal vet for 8 years in Vancouver, Canada, Sarah and her husband returned to New Zealand in 2019, bringing with them their little rescue dog Paisley. In 2021 she completed her Masters in Veterinary Medicine (companion animal medicine), while also working as a clinical vet, and starting her human family.
We feel so lucky to have attracted such a good person, who’s considered approach to medicine aligns so well with our own values. We know you will love meeting
If you are interested in learning more about Pegasus Bay Vets, or want to enquire or by calling
find Mr Woody Woodpecker!
Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs. with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, along with your name, age and location and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
Attention Advertisers and Community Groups
Are you part of a group which you would like to promote?
Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves?
Do you have any community stories you would like to share?
Have you any information or notices you would like to share?
YES? We would love to hear from you!
Ever thought of advertising in
The Woodpecker?
Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services?
The Woodpecker is delivered to 4,500 households and uploaded to 12 plus Facebook pages and groups. A digital copy is also available via
If you are interested, please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates where you will be added to our mailing list.
Cuppa in the Community
We welcome everyone from our district, Woodend, Ravenswood, Pegasus and Waikuku.
The guest speaker at our November meeting was Margaret Steel from Citizens Advice Bureau, North Canterbury. Margaret gave an excellent presentation and overview of what the Citizens Advice Bureau does and how helpful they can be to all. Citizens Advice Bureau was established in war time in England and in 1978 it opened in New Zealand. There are offices all around New Zealand, except the West Coast, however with an 0800-phone number they can be contacted from anywhere. Each office has volunteers who work as a team, with two in the office at any time.
Citizens Advice Bureau gives free, independent information and support to people. Their knowledge helps people help themselves and listed below are some of the things they can assist with.
• Writing letters
Filling in forms / contracts
Phoning on behalf of people
Help with writing CVs
updated regularly and a special website for youth has been established.
The volunteers undergo training and mentoring and have access to a database to assist them.
They do not give legal advice however once a fortnight there is a lawyer present who can point people in the direction they need to go. Bookings are essential for this service.
An immigration clinic is provided.
Their website is informative and
Our final meeting for the year will be on 3 December and the Lions will be our guests. Christmas cakes will be available for purchase, $25.
Thanks to our sponsors: Joe’s Garage, The Coffee Club and St Barnabas Church.
Upcoming Events
7th December 2024
• Pre-season get together 5pm at the Woodend Rugby Clubrooms
1 13th December 2024
• Final Pre-season Thistle Fit training session
Woodend Rugby Football Club
In the month of October our club held our 2024 Annual General Meeting at our Clubrooms in which with it brought some changes within the Executive. We would like to thank both Michelle Tocker for her amazing 11 years as Junior Club Captain and Scott Murray as our Treasurer for his outstanding input into our club. Although they are both still involved with our club as members we thank them for the dedication and commitment given to the club executive.
Our 2024/25 Excecutive Board was decided and is as follows;
• President - Mark Paterson (027 534 9112)
• Vice President's - Scott Beckingsale and Michael Clegg
• Senior Club Captain - Warren Fail (0274 970 213)
• Junior Club Captain - Marlisse Stewart (Treasurer)
• Executive Member - Stacey Beetham
Our senior coaching teams for the 2024/25 season have been appointed and are as follows;
Head Coach: Andrew Retallick Managers: Terrance Langlands & Phil Henry
Head Coach: Wendy Giles
Victim Support Services
- Call 0800 842 846
Skylight Trust www skylight org nz
National Helpline 1737 - text or call
Assistant Coaches: Joel Stockwell & Phil Kennett Managers: Karen Giles & Denise Kennett Strapper: Nyla Tamati
Head Coaches: Ash Campbell & Nick Boyd
Manager's: Mike Beckingsale & Estelle Taylor Strapper: Courtney Bell
This month, sadly we farwelled Brook Wilson one of our members whom tragically passed away whilst playing touch rugby at our club
We would like to extend the clubs condolences, love and thoughts to all of Brook's family and friends in this difficult time.
Gidday there to all the Woodpeckers in North Canterbury!
Similar to The Woodpecker, North Canterbury’s local radio station, Compass FM, has had a seriously fun year in 2024.
The engagement we enjoy with all north Canterbury locals is growing stronger every day and we are so grateful for your ears with what we’re trying to do for our region.
I’d like to thank our advertisers and sponsors for your trust with your advertising budget and we hope you’ve had as much fun in ’24 as we have.
As we head into 2025, we go with an amazing wave of support from all of our listeners and clients.
I, along with the staff and board of trustees, wish you all a merry Christmas and a truly wonderful and prosperous new year.
Kerry & the team from Compass FM
Clothing Alterations & Repairs
Do you have a busted zip or pants that are too long? Or maybe a dress or skirt that needs an alteration? Call or text
Paula 027 627 7212.
Debs Private Transport
Airport pick up or drop off, Medical & Hospital appointments
Shopping, outings. Helping you to get places.
PH: 021 289 9256
House Cleaner available
$40ph. 20+ years’ experience. Honest, reliable and hardworking. I am very thorough. Ph 022 064 9334
Kaiapoi and surrounds
The best start for your puppy. Spaces available now to complete before Xmas. January class open for enrolments. Call Karen 021 124 0174 or email
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.
Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford.
First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora.
First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 8am – 4pm
Check website for dates and locations.
“Biosphere by Genavieve Amyes”
29 November 2024 – 8 January 2025
Kaiapoi Library, 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi
“The Brilliance of Men by Sharon Earl” 8 December – 20 January 2025
Rangiora Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora
“Summer Show #10: ARTS EVERYDAY!”
28 November – 26 January 2025
72 Main Street, Oxford
Meri Kirihimete
Merry Christmas, Meri Kirihimete!
As the festive season draws near, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday, surrounded by those who matter most.
Christmas is a time to celebrate the simple joys of being together with family and friends.
In the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle, take a moment to pause, reflect, and soak in the precious memories you’re making with those around you. Be kind to yourself — this season is as much about self-care and taking a break as it is about giving and sharing.
If you’re looking to spread some holiday cheer, consider supporting local businesses. Your choice to shop locally helps our Waimakariri community thrive and ensures the spirit of connection stays strong right here at home.
Thank you to our emergency services, medical teams and all those working to keep us safe over the holiday period.
On behalf of the Council, I hope this season is filled with love, celebrations, and togetherness for you all.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Dan Gordon Mayor
Ravenswood ~ Woodend ~ Pegasus ~ Waikuku
As we near the end of 2024 we reflect on the many things we have achieved in the months that were. On the 7th of Jan 2024, we co-hosted our first picnic on the shores of Lake Pegasus. It was a great event and we are delighted that we can have the same event again next year. Please come and join us on the 5th of January. In April we gave morning tea to over 75 people after the ANZAC commemorations, this was just after 6 am on a cold autumn morning. Everyone is invited to come for morning tea again on the 25th of April 2025. In May we hosted our first Pink Ribbon morning tea. This event was well supported by the public and we are very excited to let you know that a morning tea will be happening again on the 17th of May 2025. Tickets will be sold at $15pp. The Trust had to reshape and rethink its purpose after an unsuccessful operational fund application still some luck did come our way and we received a small grant from GOGS that enabled us to start a bimonthly trip to the Ohoka market in a hired minibus. Our trips are great fun and although we ask for a
small donation in the form of a gold coin it still gets you picked up and dropped off at your house.
We have continued our monthly cuppas and they are still as well attended as they were when we started them in June 2017. Our speakers are mostly local people offering services in North Canterbury. We will continue to bring these events to our community and we look forward to a jam-packed and wonderful 2025.
Before the year ends we still have two significant events. First, we have Toot for Tucker on the 3rd of December. We are collaborating with the Peg/Wood Lions, The Woodend Fire Brigade, Waikuku Rural Fire & Driving Miss Daisy. We have volunteers of all ages and from across the area. We are very thankful for the help and all the donations our residents will be giving. Our Christmas event is on the 11 th of December, this is a free morning tea at the Woodend Community Centre starting at 10 am. Please bring a plate to share. More information about all our events and activities will be on our Facebook page. For any other information please text or phone us at 027-526-8697.
Community Christmas Cuppa 10.00 am, Wednesday 11 December 2024
Woodend Community Centre
Waiora Links Community Trust
St Barnabas Church
Things can get a little full this time of year. May you be able to take time to be still and rest amidst your many obligations and joys. Did you drive past the cemetery and see the candlelight vigil on All Souls Day? This was a beautiful sight to behold. It is good to remember with gladness those we love and are no longer with us.
Revd. Steven’s ‘fun house’ on Halloween was as popular as ever this year. With a ‘Wicked’ theme, a team from our church served 120 candy apples (apologies to those who missed out!) and offered fun games for the long line of gorgeous kids and their parents out on that night. It was great to take to the streets and mingle with our neighbours. We were privileged to have two Bishops visit St Barnabas this month (a Bishop is an overseer for the Anglican churches within large geographical areas). It was super encouraging to learn from these wise and loving humans who give their lives to care for others. The Bishop of Hull in the UK, Eleanor Sanderson, was the keynote speaker at the Canterbury Anglican Conference, and we were stoked to have her stop in at our 4 pm service on her way home to encourage us in North Canterbury. The Bishop of Canterbury, NZ, Peter Carrell, was present to ‘confirm’ five people who had decided they wanted their lives to be about following the way of Jesus, loving God and loving their neighbour. We were excited to host a Woodend couple’s wedding this month in our lovely building and we are praying for a long, selfless, fruitful, loving and fun
marriage for the newlyweds. Feel invited to contact the church’s Facebook page or website if you are interested in Baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals, house blessings or prayer in general. If you are looking for a different way to do life. If you know there is more to it than what you are currently experiencing, please pop in and meet other people on the journey. Unfortunately, you won’t find anyone who hangs out at St Barnabas who has it all together, but we can point you to the One who does – that’s God BTW. Free Food on Friday at Four (4 pm), Daily Prayer at 5 pm Weekdays, Music and Play at 10 am Fridays, Eldercare Mondays at 1 pm, Youth (year 11+) Friday evenings and heaps of other small groups to be a part of – you belong here!
St Barnabas Church
147 Main North Rd, Woodend
Hey Children???
Can you find the two little and naughty Xmas Elves? They are hidden somewhere in The Woodpecker as well as Mr Woody Woodpecker. If you do find the two little and naughty Xmas Elves please ask your mummy or daddy to take a photo of you pointing to them and send to Debs, and you can have your photo in the February magazine.
Children?? Can you find the two little and naughty Xmas Elves?
Retire in Style in 2025
Ready for retirement living in 2025?
Secure yourself this architecturally-designed two-bedroom villa for just $755,000, and start your retirement in style in the new year.
Located in the heart of the Silverstream community, The Sterling, Kaiapoi is a thriving village with walks, cycle trails, activities and amenities on your doorstep, all located right here in beautiful North Canterbury.
Give our friendly sales team a call to arrange a no-obligation, private viewing of this sought-after villa before Christmas.
*Availability is subject to change.
Letter to the Editor
Hi Debs
I am writing to ask if you can pass this email to Harry. He wrote about the Burnham Industrial School and its connection to Woodend in his column in the August 2021 issue. He talked about the Pascoe children: Billy, Bessie and Tommy who were boarded with the Morris family. They are my husband’s great uncles and aunt, and I have been searching for them on and off since the 90s.
I hope you don’t mind if I give you a brief history of this family.
Thomas and Frances Pascoe emigrated from Cornwall in 1878 arriving in Blenheim. Billy was born a month after they arrived. Thomas was a labourer, and the family travelled constantly looking for work. Bessie b 1880 in Wellington, Thomas (Tommy) b 1882 Hawera, and Robert b 1884 d1885 Wellington. Sadly, Robert died from errors of diet and neglect. I believe that Frances left the family shortly after Robert was born and Thomas put the children in various boarding houses, only paying one weeks rent and then disappearing. He was up before the courts 3 times for neglect and not paying his bills. He told the magistrate he was away looking for work, but each time he was found by the police drunk in the pub. Before anything could be done for the children, he took them to Christchurch where he repeated what he had done in Wellington. They were admitted to the Burnham Industrial School. Sadly, the father continued his drunken ways and in Dunedin threatened to kill himself by placing a noose around his neck when he was
drunk in a pub. He was committed to the Seacliff Asylum and died there in 1889. Frances went on to marry 3 more times and have 4 more children. Her second husband was killed in a mine accident in Denniston and the child she had a few months later did not live long. She started drinking and was physically abused by husband no 3. Sadly, she was also up before the courts with being drunk, swearing at the police, prostitution and running a brothel. She did jail time. Another child was taken from her and admitted to the Industrial School in Wellington. She outlived 4 husbands, and one can’t help but feel sad for this strong woman who just kept on going no matter what happened to her or her family. Billy married and lived in Hamilton; Bessie died in 1905 in Christchurch aged 25 from TB. I had nothing to confirm that Thomas (Tommy) in Woodend was our Thomas. I cannot express enough the elation when I read Harry’s article. His information on these children is priceless and I can now refocus my research on the Woodend area.
Is there any possibility that there may be any photos of Billy, Bessie and Tommy?
My friend Marika, who has inspired me to continue my research of my families has opened my eyes to the wealth of information now on the net. Thank goodness for The Woodpecker and Harry’s column!!!
You produce a great local magazine, much more informative and interesting that the local Dooral Roundup here in Sydney!
Kind regards Kerry
Facebook: Kaiapoi Men’s Shed
Access through 7 Dale Street, Kaiapoi
The MenzShed of Kaiapoi has a variety of wooden toys. You can see them at the Kaiapoi Mill in “The Kaiapoi Arts & Crafts Co-operative” shop.
You can’t beat a wooden toy! So- don’t forget Donna’s Arts Shop when you are looking for gifts and other items.
There is easy access through the entrance by the main office- and the shop is on the left.
Whether it is a model service station, a fire truck, a tip truck, a model train or the very popular Mother’s little helper stool.
Detailed Old Waggon Tip Trucks Fire Engine
Sevice Station Tables Mum’s Helper Repair Chair
Garden Seat Bird Feeder Stepper Tiny Cars
This Indian restaurant has huge potential, not only because of its location, but the potential to turn it around and make it very profitable. The current owners only open 5.5hrs a day, 6 days a week so lots of opportunity here.
• Fully licensed
• Near new assets & wonderful fit out
• Captured community market & placed well for tourists
• Good size kitchen & ample parking
• 4.9 Google rating
• Low operating costs
Woodend Methodist Report
It is hard to believe we are approaching the end of 2024 and that this is the last Woodpecker report for the year. Our calendars start filling up very quickly as we head to the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
On Sunday 1 December 1.30pm there is a ‘Christmas Hymn / Carol Singalong’ at the Trinity Methodist Church, King Street, Rangiora. $10 entry fee. The December movie will be on Wednesday 4 December at 1pm at Woodend Methodist Hall. The movie will be ‘Brides Maids’ about a woman who experiences a series of misfortunes after being asked to serve as maid of honour for her best friend. $5 admission and afternoon tea will be served.
Christchurch City Choir will be performing the ‘Messiah’ at the Christchurch Town Hall on Saturday 7 December at 7.30pm. Book through Ticketek.
Rangiora Community Choir will be presenting their Christmas Concert at Rossburn Centre, Northbrook Road, Rangiora on Sunday 15 December at 2pm. $10 entry fee which includes afternoon tea. Children free. Services in December:
Sunday 8 December – Advent 2 9am Woodend 11 am Rangiora Rev Darryn Hickling
Sunday 15 December – Advent 3
No service at Woodend Parish Service at Rangiora in the Hall at 10.30am – Margaret Woodcock
Sunday 22 December – Advent 4
9am Woodend 11am Rangiora – Rev Darryn Hickling
Tuesday 24 December Christmas Eve 7pm Combined with John Knox. Venue to be confirmed.
Wednesday 25 December Christmas Day
No service at Woodend
9am at Rangiora – Rev Darryn Hickling
Sunday 29 December and onwards through January 2025
Usual services – 9am Woodend
10.30am Rangiora
Booking of our complex
You can hold small or large gatherings e.g. classes, tutoring, concerts, interviews, conferences, clubs etc. – for any enquiries please contact Kaye at the Rangiora Trinity Office, 176 King Street, Rangiora, 313 3448 or email rangioramethodist@gmail. com. Rangiora Trinity office hours are Tuesday 10am to 1pm, Wednesday 9.45am to 1.45 pm, Thursday 10am to 1pm
Would you like your club or community group to be listed in Community
If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts page, please would you contact the Editor via email providing the appropriate details and these can be included. Thank you!
Email our Editor Debs on debs.
As we approach the holiday season, Big Brothers Big Sisters extends a heartfelt thank you to all who have supported us throughout the year. Thanks to the generosity and commitment of the North Canterbury community, we welcomed 31 more children into our programme in 2024, proudly supporting more young people than ever before! We’re especially thrilled that our call for male volunteers was met with enthusiasm, helping us close the gender gap, with male mentors now representing 42% of all 'Bigs'!
This Christmas, why not spread the joy of giving by supporting young people in your community? Instead of a traditional gift, consider making a donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters in honor of your loved ones. We’ll make it special by sending them a personalised card to let them know a donation has been made in their name. Simply email us the recipient’s details and deposit your donation into our account; 02-0876-0258444-00. Ngā mihi o te wā!
Woodpecker Deadline
The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January).
From February 2025 the NEW deadline is 21st of the month at 5pm. The twice monthly information notice is sent out to all advertisers, and community contributors as a reminder.
To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out. From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the publication ready to go to the printers for them to deliver them to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your doors.
Attention Advertisers and Community Contributors!
Starting next year, 2025, there will be a NEW DEADLINE for The Woodpecker adverts and community contributions.
The reason for this is the need for a longer turnaround for our printers and to take into account short months and statutory days.
The NEW DEADLINE is now 21st of each month at 5pm.
The publication has become larger with more inputting with more print time required. We’ve become a victim of our success!
As you can see this month we have FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER got 72 pages! This is thanks to you, the advertisers and the community contributors.
Thank you for your patience and understanding and hope the new deadline doesn’t create too much inconvenience for you.
War Memorial Hall
1 Albert Street, Rangiora. 03 313 3505
Tena Koutou Katoa
What a busy term it has been, and it is quickly coming to an end. A big welcome to all the new students and families joining us for the final term of the year. We wish the community and our school families a very safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
defined Woodend School for a century and a half. From the opening Mihi whakatau, which welcomed everyone with warmth and respect to the displays of historical photos, the weekend was a blend of nostalgia and celebration. Highlights of the Jubilee
Celebrating 150 Years of Woodend School
What an incredible weekend of celebration! Our 150th Celebrations was a resounding success, bringing together past and present students, staff, and members of the wider community to reflect on the rich history of Woodend School and its journey over the years.
The festivities showcased the spirit of connection, pride, and community that has
• The Mihi whakatau opening welcome was a heartfelt occasion, with our kapa haka performing waiata, Anton Cooper a former pupil, Olympian and guest speaker shared about his time at Woodend and current student leader Indi Retallick sharing reflections on what it means to be a current Woodend School student.
• Attendees enjoyed the tours through the school and classrooms, led by our Year 7-8 students.
• Saturday’s 150th decade photos, cutting of the 150th cake and luncheon was a standout moment in our weekend celebrations.
• The Saturday evening event was a wonderful chance for former students and staff to reconnect and share stories, laughter, and fond memories.
• The unveiling of our 150th Memorial bench seat serves as a lasting reminder of this milestone and our commitment to shaping bright futures for our tamariki.
A huge thank you to everyone
who made this event possible. The organising committee, staff, and students, who worked tirelessly to ensure the celebrations were memorable. We are also grateful for the support of local businesses and families who contributed to the event’s success.
To those who travelled from afar to join us, thank you for your effort and dedication to celebrating this significant milestone with us.
Continuing the Legacy
As we look back on 150 years of learning, growth, and community, we also look ahead to the future with excitement. Woodend School has always been a place where students thrive, families connect, and values are upheld. We remain committed to honouring this legacy as we journey into the years ahead.
Woodend Jump Jam Winners
National Champions, 2nd Place Adult Team & Coach of the Year!
Congratulations to our ‘Once Upon a Woodend’ Jump Jam team for becoming National Champs in the Extreme Year 7/8 Category! They scored the highest across both islands—a phenomenal achievement! Special thanks to Town and Country Auto Glass for supporting our team
with costume funding.
Our Parent / Staff team also earned second place nationally in the adult category—a fantastic result!
A special shout-out to Pip Haigh, awarded 2024 Jump Jam Coach of the Year! Since 2018, Pip has led our teams to 12 National Championships, and this year’s success is the perfect capstone to her dedication and expertise.
Book Week Highlights
Book Week was a hit, with students dressing up as their favourite characters on Tuesday 19 November. Teachers added to the fun by swapping classrooms to share their favourite stories. The day was full of excitement, creativity, and a love for reading!
Senior Prizegiving
• Monday 9 December - Kaiapoi High School Auditorium. Please be seated by 6pm Friday 13 December - Team assemblies
• Te Peka End of Year Celebration 9:15-9:50am
• Te Hapua End of Year Celebration 9:50 - 10.20am
• Te Awa End of Year Celebration 11 - 11.40am
• Te Ngahere End of Year Celebration 11:40 - 12:10pm Bell Ringing Assembly
● Tuesday 17 December Bell Ringing Assembly 10.45am - 12 noon. School closes for the year.
2025 Start Date
• The start date for 2025 is Monday
3 February. The office will be open from Thursday the 30 January.
Looking Ahead
As we reflect on a successful year, we look forward to continuing this positive momentum into 2025. Thank you for your ongoing support of our school community.
Ngā mihi nui, Andrew & the Woodend School Team
Merry Christmas
fromPaws Vet Clinic
Enjoy the festive season with your family.
Should your furry friends need help over Christmas and New Year, don’t panic, just call the clinic for our after hours contact information.
The clinic will be open as usual outside of statutory holidays.