Produced for the community, by the community

Produced for the community, by the community
Tēnā koutou
This month I wanted to focus on highlighting the fact that we need and would love to have more volunteers join our lovely group on The Woodpecker Community Trust. We are in need of deliverers and distributor support. On page 55 there are further details about this, however, if you are interested or know of someone who might be, then please ask them to contact either of our two current distributors for further information on what the roles entail and the time commitment.Part of the reason for this need is that some of our deliverers are no longer able to deliver for various reasons leaving us with some vacancies on the team. Just so you know, for those who do and have volunteered with us, have stayed and helped for a lot of years and thoroughly enjoyed their role and meeting residents in their local community as they hand out all our lovely publications.
The other area I wanted to mention was the noticeable increase in community groups and clubs we’ve had promoting themselves, which is great, however, I equally know there are loads more out there who don’t promote themselves. Not for profits, voluntary groups, charities etc are able to have space either free or at a charity discount depending on the size of the
notice. Often I have space in which case I can offer free larger space to them on those occasions. Lastly, another reminder that
The Woodpecker Community Trust is a charity and the intention is for our publication to be 50% community and 50% advertising and that is what we pride ourselves in keeping to. It also helps us ‘balance the books’ of course by ensuring we have sufficient advertising income to cover the printing costs. You likely will have noticed that more and more often we are having a larger number of pages, with more 64 page publications, which just proves how many people want to promote their group or business. I do hear back from you what you enjoy in terms of the ‘read’ itself, however, there is an opportunity to write a ‘letter to the editor’ and share some good news, interesting fact or ask a questions, so feel free to contribute should you want to.
The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’
Ngā mihi nui
Debs Taylor-Hayhurst
The Editor – Woodpecker debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
DISLCAIMER: All efforts are made to verify the correctness of information contained within this publication; however, The Woodpecker Community Trust accept no liability for the correctness or accuracy of any information contained within these pages. Any views, information or opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily the opinions or views of The Woodpecker Community Trust or any of its providers.
e admin@chrisdelurybuilders.com www.chrisdelurybuilders.com Renovations.
Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, along with your name, age and location and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
We would love to hear our readers’ stories.
If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers.
Young or old, local or from afar.
Personal story
Funny story
Send us a photo too!
We are excited to announce the confirmed time for our Pegasus Community Emergency Hub Opening at the Pegasus Community Centre. Join us on Sunday, October 20th, from 1 pm to 3 pm. Enjoy a free sausage sizzle, explore our Community Emergency Hub and learn how it will support our community in the event of an emergency. Plus meet other local emergency service agencies. Bring the whole family for a fun day out!
Thank you to everyone who attended the Pegasus Matariki Seniors/Kaumātua Morning Tea, hosted by Pegasus Bay School and the Pegasus Residents' Group (PRGI)
We had an impressive turnout of 93 attendees who enjoyed the morning tea, performances by the junior and senior Kapa Haka Groups, and the tamariki's Matariki displays.
Thanks to the Woodend-Sefton Community Board for funding the morning tea. We served delicious scones from Andy and the team at Good Home Pegasus.
Website: pegasusresidentsgroup.com
E: prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com
Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc
Thank you to our PRGI Committee members, volunteers and parent helpers.
Monday's 2 - 4pm, Wednesday's and Saturday's 10.00 am - 12noon.
August JP sessions are on Saturday 3rd & 17th at 10:30am – 11.30am.
Please remember to bring a copy of your I.D and the original if you require it for your documentation.
Who found Mr Woody Woodpecker last month?
Akira 10yrs and Miku 6yrs Lino-Curd, Woodend. Sent in by Yuka. (photo next right)
Rhea Kaur Rattan 7yrs old Woodend Sent in by Simran Giddie (photo bottom right)
Layne McManus 4yrs and Mikey McManus 8yrs, Woodend. Sent in by Nicole Gentleman (photo bottom left)
Vinnie Mason 9yrs old Woodend.
Vinnie Mason my oldest boy found the Woodpecker, here’s his story!
On Sunday morning I was reading the Woodpecker with my dog Luna and my brother Luke. The dog jumped on me, I dropped the Woodpecker and it opened to the page where it was! Sent in by Kerry Mason. (photo next page top left)
Back at our fave coffee shop, 3 Llamas, Woodend Beau Katae 8yrs Woodend found Mr Woody
Woodpecker, now to complete the colouring comp. Claire Katae (photo next page bottom left)
Isabelle Selway aged 8 from Woodend found Mr Woody Woodpecker. Sent in by Matt Selway
(photo top right)
Charis Deane, age 10, from Woodend, found Woody Woodpecker amazingly! He’s so tiny!
At the July meeting the Board approved three funding grants:
• Woodend Spring Flower Show - $500 toward insurance and printing
• Hope Community Trust - $705 toward the cost of a projector and screen for their new premises in Woodend
• North Canterbury Pony Club - $200 toward the cost of St John ambulance services for the Springston Trophy event.
If your group is interested in applying for a grant there is more information at the ‘Contact Us’ link near the bottom of the page or email com.board@wmk.govt.nz
There has been a delay with the opening of the new Woodend town centre toilets whilst an electrical supply issue is resolved, but they will be open soon.
We’ve been getting some great feedback about what the platforms mean to people and their families. There is gratitude and excitement from those that can use the paths to get to the beach easier and from others that can sit on the platform and experience the beach environment For those that love the beach that is priceless. A big thank you to all involved.
This is a fantastic addition to the area. With a ‘road’ marked out complete with signs, a castle with slides and a shop, a table tennis table, a variety of swings and seats and toilets. Take the bikes, the scooter and your table tennis bats and ball and have some fun
Our next meeting – all are welcome Monday 12 August starting at 5.30pm at Woodend Community Centre. Contact us – more information about the Board and our contact details are at waimakariri.govt.nz/council/council,-boards-and-committees/woodend-seftoncommunity-board
If you would like to see what will be discussed at each meeting check out the Board Facebook page or the agenda at waimakariri.govt.nz/council/meetings/minutes-andagendas/woodend-sefton-community-board around Thursday of the prior week WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Email: shona.powell@wmk.govt.nz
Are you considering selling your property?
We're seeking new properties to meet the needs of qualified buyers in the North Canterbury area.
Whether you're selling a family home, an investment property, or a rural lifestyle property, we have motivated buyers ready to make offers.
Our church building has had some well-needed love this month. We are grateful to all the fantastic professionals at Carpet Now, Wright Builders, Nice Painting Company and R Grant Electrical who have lovingly helped make the building beautiful. We hope the backto-school journey has gone okay at your place. A big shout-out to all the people who work in our schools – you all do a truly amazing job!
We continue to enjoy meeting together to encourage one another as we do life here at St Barnabas. Some newcomers remarked, “We have never belonged in a community – and had no idea what we were missing!” We were made for this way of living – to care for each other, pray for one another and serve one another. Join in at our various gatherings to meet people who would love to help you get to know the God who has loved you since before you were born! What’s happening this month? Mondays: Eldercare 1.30pm
Wednesdays: 10am Music and Play, multiple home groups (men’s bonfire and beverages, women sharing life stories, morning Bible study)
Fridays: 10am Music and Play, Free Food on Friday @ Four Every weekday – 5 pm Prayer Sunday Services – 9.30am and 4pm Blessings on your household. St Barnabas Church 147 Main North Rd, Woodend
……. “Seasonal Affective Disorder” (SAD) is a condition where people develop symptoms of depression during the darker
don’t hesitate to dial 111
– to look after your needs appropriately, please note a doctor’s cover one or… if time is favourable two
– We get sick too… coming into winter our staff
see you on the day if triaged clinically urgent and can’t wait till the following day. We do apologise
Winter continues giving us more dull days than beautiful sunny ones and colds and bugs still seem to be rampant. Roll on spring although some blossoms and spring flowers are in bloom already. Don’t think the ground knows what is going on.
This month the Church was delighted to receive a piano from two parishioners who are downsizing. It has such a different sound being a lot more modern that the one we have had for years.
Our church is well known for the variety of jams they have on sale. Great value at $3 and $4 per jar and they are delicious. Any enquiries to Ruth Vaughan 312 2094.
propaganda films joins the cast and crew of a major production while the Blitz rages around them. $5 admission and afternoon tea will be served.
Services for month of August
Sunday August 4 – Pentecost 11 - Holy Communion
9.00am Woodend - Rev Darryn R Hickling
Sunday August 11 – Pentecost 12
9.00am Woodend – Team Service
Sunday August 18 – Pentecost 13
9.00am Woodend – Losana & Vereimi Korovulavula
Sunday August 25 – Pentecost 14
9.00am Woodend – Rev Dr Tim Pratt Booking of our complex: You can hold small or large gatherings e.g. classes, tutoring, concerts, interviews, conferences, clubs etc. – for any enquiries please contact Kaye at the Rangiora Trinity Office, 176 King Street, Rangiora, 313 3448 or email
The August movie will be on Wednesday 7th at 1pm at Woodend Methodist Hall. The movie will be ‘Their Finest’ which is a War Romance where a former secretary, newly appointed as a scriptwriter for
rangioramethodist@gmail.com. Rangiora Trinity office hours are Tuesday 10am to 1pm, Wednesday 9.45am to 1.45pm, Thursday 10am to 1pm.
3rd August
Junior games at home and away
Senior Teens
10th August
Junior Finals
Year 1-6 in Amberley
11th August
Senior Teens Finals at Southbrook
All Year 7/8 teams
final game at Southbrook
18th August
Golden Oldies at home
The 2024 season started with the bulk of the squad returning for another year Our first preseason games were held in March with solid performances against Belfast (Draw) and Hornby (Win) followed by a team building day
Country Combined Competition we started slowly due to injuries and player availability but finished the competition powerfully with close 1 point losses against 3 of the competitions top sides The Div 1 team finished in 17th place with two strong playoff wins against Springston and Saracens.
North Canterbury Competition started with a competitive away loss against Glenmark in April. Before close losses to Hurunui and Oxford in June followed by another win against Saracens. Div 1 finished in 7th place overall. The team is looking forward to building on a successful season in 2025.
This year we welcomed a number of new and international players to our club. New additions this year were Andrew Retallick coach, players Danyon Nicholas, Manson Samuelu, Josh Burton, Brett Fitzgerald, Preston Leaf and international players Tom Guest (England), Aubrey Aird (USA), Daryl Johnson (USA), Riley Elliot (USA), Yusaku Kihara (Japan), Takaya Saito(Japan).
The final rugby day for Year 1-6 this season is on August 10th in Amberley, promising a fun family outing with all teams at one venue. On August 11th, Year 7/8 teams will compete at Southbrook, featuring junior and senior teen finals. North Canterbury has announced its U16 & U18 rep teams, which include seven members from our NC Dragons team: Adam Bell, Flynn Bainbridge, Jamie Stolz, Caleb Spark, Jaxon Barrett, Michael Summerfield, and Zeke McCullough. Additionally, Woodend's Jack Bangma joins Zeke in the U18s. Congratulations, boys! We look forward to your representative season ahead.
As you may be aware, our club is actively pursuing a project to install floodlights on our number 3 field. This effort is crucial for our club's advancement and benefits the wider community by enabling us to host events and activities under illuminated conditions. To make this project a reality, we seek your support. We've established a fundraising page to gather the remaining funds needed Every donation, regardless of size, greatly aids us in reaching our target https://givealittle co nz/cause/woodend-rugby-club-field-3-lightingproject
We welcome everyone from our district, Woodend, Ravenswood, Pegasus and Waikuku.
At our July meeting our guest speaker was Mark Glanville, Manager and Funeral Director from John Rhind Kaiapoi. Mark gave and interesting talk about funerals, options and prices, available to people. He talked about the importance of pre-planning so that your family and loved ones are aware of your wishes and find it easier when the time comes for organising your funeral. Having your preferences written down and kept with important documents such as your will, in a safe place that family can access when the time comes is important. Mark was happy to answer the many questions that were put to him .
Our next meeting will be Tuesday 6 August, 10am –St Barnabas Church Hall, Woodend.
Miranda Laney, Sales Manager Ravenswood Developments. Miranda will answer questions about what is happening in Ravenswood.
Cuppa in the Community thank their sponsors: The Coffee Club Ravenswood
Joes Garage Ravenswood St Barnabas Church
The Woodpecker Community Trust is a non-profit community publication relying on advertising to meet costs. We appreciate your support and the contributions we receive.
The Woodpecker has been going for over 40 years starting as a 1-page sheet printed on a Gestetner!
Our publication ensures an equal contribution of advertising and community contributions – so a great way for groups to promote what they do and for businesses to be able to promote themselves locally.
The areas The Woodpecker Community Trust delivers to are:
Pegasus, Ravenswood, Tuahiwi, Woodend, Waikuku and beach areas – we are currently printing 4,400 copies delivered to your doors!
AND this excludes the digital copy which is uploaded monthly on Issuu.com which includes all the past copies too!
This link is also posted widely onto North Canterbury Facebook groups as well as being shared around local community groups.
If you would like to have a small quantity of Woodpeckers in your café or business, please do let us know. Let’s share the love!
Where can you get The Woodpecker if you’re not in the delivery area?
Check local Facebook pages and groups.
Request to be on the mailing list for the digital copy.
Check out the digital copies, past and present: ISSUU: https://issuu.com/ thewoodpecker4
What does it cost to advertise in The Woodpecker?
Full Page - $235 + GST
Half Page - $125 + GST
Quarter Page - $65 + GST
1/8TH Page - $30 + GST
Premium Front Page Banner - $200 + GST
*Banners booked for 2024; invitations to book banners for 2025 open in November 2024.
Classified Advertisements
For advertisements relating to a business or economic activity with a profit motive will be placed amongst other adverts.
Details: Words only (no logos) to be sent as a word docx - up to 30 words
Charge: $30 + GST
Size: 1/8-page size maximum
Over 50 people from Woodend, Ravenswood, Waikuku, and Pegasus attended the July community cuppa. Our guest speaker Karla Olorenshaw delivered an interesting and informative presentation on the advantages of having an Advance Care Plan (ACP). Karla and some of the guests gave some thoughtprovoking examples about scenarios in one’s life where the benefit of having an up-to -date ACP has been evident. We wish to thank Karla for joining us at the cuppa and invite anyone who wants to know more about the topic to be in touch via our email address, we can help you get your plan going by linking you up with either Karla or other professionals working in the health care industry.
Mark will also talk to us about the benefits of having discussions with friends and family about our wants and wishes when we can no longer speak for ourselves. For anyone who missed Karla’s talk, please try and be at the September cuppa to learn from Mark about the various options that the funeral industry has available, how all of us can be involved with the planning of our funeral, and how we can make it a bit easier for those who we leave behind.
We have Mark Glanville as our September guest speaker. Mark is a funeral director at John Rhind in Kaiapoi.
You will note that I have said our next event is in September. We will NOT have a cuppa in August due to most of us going on overseas trips. We are however coming back in September with a few surprises. Please keep an eye out for notifications of new events and activities coming to you in Spring. We want to thank our amazing sponsors for all their help in bringing the cuppa to our community. We would not be able to do all of this if it wasn’t for Ray White Pegasus, New World Ravenswood, Ravenswood North Canterbury, and The Good Home, Pegasus.
Looking forward to a very exciting Spring and Summer
Email: waioralinks@gmail.com
Optimise your existing outdoor area with integrated blinds Mesh or PVC Manual or motorised
you to your health appointments
North Canterbury Waka Ora Health Shuttle Service
A Hato Hone St John Waka Ora Health Shuttle service is available to your community to provide transport for health related appointment’s in Christchurch.
The service operates Monday to Friday, with stops at: Amberley – Leithfield – Pegasus Town –Woodend – Rangiora – Kaiapoi
Medical appointments need to be made after 10.00am and be completed by 3.00pm. Bookings are required by 3.00pm the day prior to transport.
This service is run by volunteers. We accept donations for Waka Ora Health Shuttle transport to help cover costs as we do not charge a fee.
For more information or to make a booking, please contact 0800 103 046
Would you like your club or community group to be listed in Community Contacts?
We know there are loads more community groups and clubs out there who don’t promote themselves in The Woodpecker.
If you know of any please do encourage them to tell us about what they do.
If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts page, please would you contact the Editor via email providing the appropriate details and these can be included.
Thank you!
Email our Editor Debs on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
I had the honour of attending the recent Pegasus Residents Group Inc. AGM.
I’d like to acknowledge all the fantastic work done by the members of the Pegasus Residents’ Group over the past year. Their passion and dedication to the Pegasus Community does not go unnoticed.
I was also delighted to be able to make an announcement at the meeting that night that the ink is dry on the purchase agreement for land on Pegasus Main Street. This land will be the home of the new Pegasus Community Centre.
and this new community facility will be needed to accommodate the increase in population.
I thank you all for your support of this project and all your involvement in getting us to this point.
I recently hosted the Minister for Transport and Local Government Hon. Simeon Brown for a meeting at my office where were joined by Waimakariri District MP Hon Matt Doocey and my North Canterbury mayoral colleagues Mayor Marie Black from Hurunui and Mayor Craig Mackle from Kaikoura.
Approximately 2,700m2 of land has been purchased from the Templeton Group and we have done this following strong community support for the lakeside location.
Now that the land purchase is finalised, we will be able to move on with the design plan. What is being proposed is a 400m2 multi-use facility which will include provisions for a car park, a future building extension, as well as a potential passive youth space. This is on track for completion in 2026. The Woodend / Pegasus area is expected to grow to a community of more than 12,000 residents by 2048,
The meeting followed the great news earlier that day that the Woodend Bypass would be one of the seven Roads of National Significance to start work in the next three years. This is fantastic news, and it has come from years of lobbying from this community, and your neighbouring communities.
It will make a huge difference and I am delighted that this government is committed to it.
I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you might want to discuss.
Email me at dan.gordon@wmk.govt.nz or phone 021 906 437.
I’m here to help.
Providin g an enviro nment for the health and well -bein g of men. MENZSHED OF KAIAPOI TRUST
Doug: 021 662 486 Bob: 327 7044 Bert: 021 145 3393
Email: menzshedkaiapoi@outlook.com
Website: www.menzshedkaiapoi.weebly.com
With winter well and truly upon us, we thought it was a timely reminder about Smoke Alarms:
1. Make sure there is at least one working smoke alarm within 3 metres of each bedroom door, on each storey or level and in any caravan, sleep-out or similar
2. Check Smoke Alarms have not expired and are not past the replacement date and ensure they are all working.
This month, I would like to introduce you to one of our Qualified Fire Fighters Ryan Haines, who has recently transferred from New Brighton to Woodend. He has been with New Brighton for close on 5 years and still turns out for them during the day if he is able. Ryan has 2 boys, ages 10 and 16 and owns the
Bridgestone Shirley Business in Christchurch, a business which has been in the family for 13 years, so as you can imagine, this keeps him very busy.
While at New Brighton Fire Brigade, he went from a recruit fire fighter to a fire fighter, which, after study and training involved a 7-day course; then went on to become a qualified fire fighter. This step up basically consolidates what he has already learnt but adds extra skills. He is now hoping to again spend some time studying and training before going onto the next course, which is that of a senior fire fighter, along with a couple of
other Members in the Brigade. He has recently completed his Class 2 Emergency Response Drivers Course and is now able to drive our big red Fire Engine. Keen to not let the grass grow under his feet, he has also done a rescue or cutting course to safely extract people from vehicles that have sustained damage due to a collision.
Together with a neighbour being in the Brigade and the Fire Appliance parked outside his home one day, this gave him the impetus to go along and check out what was involved. He’d always thought he would like to join and once an invitation was extended, there was no stopping him. He loves the work and giving back to his community and regards the Brigade as an extended family.
We all support and help each other out as best we can. Thank you for coming to live in Woodend and joining our family, Ryan – we are pleased to have you.
Lions serve. It’s that simple, and it has been since we first began in 1917. Our clubs are
Hello friends of Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust!
The quiet of winter has given us time to prepare for the hustle and bustle of the upcoming spring and summer. Trees That Count have been great friends of ours and we have been working together for the last three years on a coastal forest. Their recent visit has inspired some great new spots
for our upcoming planting days. This project has us planting all the way from the beach, up and over the dunes, and down the other side towards our wetlands. Checking to see how well the plants are doing over time gives us an idea of what is working well and what isn’t and allows us to pass on that knowledge to other people trying to do the same thing. These coastal forests
we plant will create great homes for birds who are visiting and birds who call the area home. You may have heard a loud call from one of our native residents of the coastal area, the spur-winged plover. These birds are easily recognised by their distinct call, yellow bill and yellow eye ring. They are particularly common in open areas and are currently in the middle of their breeding and egg laying
period which is likely causing them to be so loud. (Picture 1 left - Spurwinged plover).
Our native plants in harsh areas along the coast have been getting help from unlikely friends. Gorse! These introduced ‘rivals’ can tolerate tricky conditions and are too prickly for rabbits to eat. This has meant that many plants grown alongside gorse grow better, particularly with small plants where their soft, tasty leaves and stems get completely eaten by rabbits before they can get large enough to get away. These gorse shrubs also reduce the wind, frost and drought in open areas and make the conditions kinder for growth of native trees we plant. Once our plants get up enough on their own feet, the introduced nurse crop of gorse can be
removed to free up space so that our native plants can have more sunlight and water that they need. Bigger native species will then be able to shelter more sensitive species added to the forest. Below you can see a section that has had gorse removed and has freed up space for plants of Carex secta, Coprosma robusta (karamu), harakeke, as well as many types of native ferns and sprawling groundcover species. Cut gorse has even been used to protect smaller plants in open areas. (Picture 2 above - Gorse used surrounding small plants to protect them from being eaten by rabbits).
Website: www.tuhaitarapark.org.nz
Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Instagram: tkot_friendsoftuhaitarapark
• August is the eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
• August is named after the Roman emperor Augustus.
• August is National Wellness Month in the United States.
• The zodiac signs for August are Leo (July 23 – August 22) and Virgo (August 23 – September 22).
• August 1, 1818: Maria Mitchell.
• August 4, 1901: Louis Armstrong.
• August 5, 1930: Neil Armstrong.
• August 6, 1881: Alexander Fleming.
• August 6, 1911: Lucille Ball.
• August 8, 1866: Matthew Henson.
• August 13, 1899: Alfred Hitchcock.
• August 13, 1860: Annie Oakley.
August comes from the Latin word augustus, meaning “consecrated” or “venerable,” which in turn is related to the Latin augur, meaning “consecrated by augury” or “auspicious.”
In 8 B.C. the Roman Senate honored Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor, by changing the name of their month Sextilis to Augustus.
The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January). Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5pm of deadline sent out to all advertisers, and community contributors as a reminder. To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out.
From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the publication ready to go to the printers for them to deliver them to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your doors. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker!
Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, along with your name, age and location and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
Hosted by Community Capacity Accounting facilitator
Harald Breiding-Buss, this workshop will help you deepen your understanding of your committee’s role and responsibilities, financial reports, financial goal setting, and fraud prevention. —
Financial Governance Workshop
Thursday 29 August, 6 – 8.30pm or Friday 30 August, 9.30am – 12pm
Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre
To register, visit bit.ly/HumanitixCommunityTeam or contact Aimee Claassens 03 311 8963
$20 per society (two participants) | Registration essential
Our office is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30am to 3.30pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 4.30pm.
Recently CABNZ released The Māori Engagement with Citizens Advice Bureau: A Spotlight Report into the Issues Faced by Māori Clients of the CAB.
It brings together insights from analysis of one year of enquiries to the CAB from Māori clients and looks at the key issues for which Māori clients seek help from the CAB. The findings of this report are confronting. Through our analysis, we can see the significant and disproportionate hardship experienced by Māori in our communities. These situations of inequity and hardship for our Māori clients expose failures in social systems and structures, both historic and current, and provide opportunities for CAB to advocate for change.
For us as CAB, this report is significant because it shows the ways that we, as a service, are engaging with Māori in our communities and are providing meaningful assistance in areas where people are facing significant hardship. It demonstrates that through the CAB
service, Māori clients can experience manaakitanga and kindness and have their mana upheld.
You can read the report here: https:// www.cab.org.nz/assets/Documents/ Maori-Engagement-Report/FINALREPORT_Maori-engagement-withCAB_public-release.pdf
Our 2024 AGM will be held on Monday, 26 August at the Mainpower Oval, Corner Coldstream Road and East Belt, Rangiora at 10.30am. Our guest speaker is Glenda Martin, Outreach Manager for Volunteering Canterbury. All welcome. If you’d like to attend, please get in touch before 16 August to let us know that you’ll be coming.
If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support on any matter, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. We’ll even provide a listening ear if that’s what you need. All our services are free and confidential.
You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz
Communicate your community organisation’s purpose well! This workshop will cover knowing your audience, content creation, what makes a successful news article and more!
Marketing 101 Workshop Friday 20 September, 9.30am – 3pm Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre
To register, visit bit.ly/HumanitixCommunityTeam or contact Aimee Claassens 03 311 8963
$20 per society (two participants) | Registration essential
Rangiora Promotions event tickets available now!
Rangiora Promotions Event: Harry Potter & The Quiz of Champions – Saturday 21 September at 7pm at Rangiora RSA – tickets available now via Humanitix. See link below. https://events.humanitix.com/harry-potter-and-the-quiz-of...
Don’t miss this event!! Limited spaces. https://www.rangiorapromotions.co.nz/events.html
Historic NZ events in August
Aug. 1987 - Te reo Māori recognised as official language.
1992 - Lorraine Moller wins Olympic bronze. 1983. Protest as USS Texas visits Auckland.
1872 - Anthony Trollope begins New Zealand tour.
1965 - Cook Islands achieves self-government.
Are you part of a group which you would like to promote?
Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves?
Do you have any community stories you would like to share?
Have you any information or notices you would like to share?
YES? We would love to hear from you!
Are you wanting to start a new event in Waimakariri? Are you trying to grow an existing event in Waimakariri?
Applicants are now invited to apply for up to $5,000 towards promotion or coordination of events that clearly demonstrate economic and/or community benefit to the Waimakariri District.
The next funding round is open 1st - 31st August 2024.
Check out the criteria and apply online at https://enterprisenorthcanterbury.co.nz/eventfunding/waimakariri-event-fund/ or E: events@visitwaimakariri.co.nz
The Waimakariri Event Fund is WDC funding administered by ENC.
The colder winter weather has not deterred the yarn warriors of Pegasus Town Knitting Group from continuing to meet and do battle with assorted yarns and needles to churn out a sizeable number of winter warmer and novelty items in support of the many different local charities and organisations working to help people through various life challenges. The group, founded by long term Pegasus resident Lynne Stewart, has been operating since 2018 and since covid lockdowns ended, has been meeting at the Good Home in Pegasus on Friday mornings from 10am -12 noon, to knit and natter. The core focus of the group is to knit (or crochet) garments in 100% wool for babies in the Neonatal Unit and Maternity Wards of Christchurch Women’s and Rangiora Hospitals. Woollen hats, singlets, blankets and first size cardigans or jumpers are always in demand year-round. We aim to utilise donated yarns but also fundraise to buy additional wools suitable for baby garments.
Since not all yarns are created equal and some of our donated materials cannot be used for babies, we have diversified, added other items to our projects list and now provide a range of items to some 30 different charities. These might include twiddle muffs for distracting and calming the agitated or anxious minds sometimes found in dementia units, neurodiverse groups, and head injury wards; or boobs to help Plunket nurses teach breast feeding to new mums; prosthesis breasts for women to wear post mastectomy (with a choice of models suitable for everyday use or as swimmers); sensory toys such as worry worms, octopi or stress balls which food bank charities have welcomed to include with food parcels as added treats – especially if going to families; hot water bottles with knitted covers for families in emergency housing at nearby camp grounds as well as beanies, fingerless mitts, slippers and teddies for various child focused agencies such as Cholmondely Children’s Home, Tiaki Whanau, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Rachel’s House and the Chaplaincy Service at Christchurch Hospital. We also support the Men’s Night Shelter with beanies packaged with socks in the lead up to winter, and a variety of similar winter warmers for the Women’s Night Shelter and Women’s Refuge. In the year ended June 30th 2024, the group which now numbers 25 members, achieved a record number of 2000 items donated to our various charities. Since inception, we have sent out over 5000 items - numbers we feel very proud of.
Our fund-raising efforts to date have included knitted dog jackets and larger child garments on commission, and Barbie doll outfits knitted from left over short ends of yarn - these can be purchased through the Pegasus General Store.
Members with a display of their week’s work
New members and more creative hands are warmly welcomed – come along to the Good Home at Pegasus on Fridays from 10am till noon. There is always wool, knitting needles and patterns available on site to get anyone started.
Donations of yarn are always gratefully received - be it wool or acrylic, so if anyone is down-sizing, decluttering or estate clearing, or if you know of somebody that is, please think of the Pegasus Town Knitting Group. Pick up is arrangeable.
For further details contact Chris 027 3131931 or Denise 021 1663587
We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling. Full training given. If interested, please contact Owen 027 442 4436 All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.
Held every Monday Morning starting at 9.30am.
Meet outside The Good Home Pegasus, in the car park. Contact details Christine Johnston 021 179 7330.
Held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment.
Woodend Tennis Club
Tennis is a great game for all the family. We currently have a Wednesday evening social session (7pm to 9pm) and that runs through winter, but of course is subject to weather. Phone Jim on 021 806 366 to check if it is on. There is a $3 fee for nonmembers and casual players. Tennis season starts in September. We will hold an Open Day in early September - check in next month’s Woodpecker for details or look on our Woodend Tennis Club Facebook page Open Day will be for juniors and seniors. Competitions start early October, but we also welcome social and casual players.
For any other info contact Jim on 021 806 366
SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class
1.30 Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main Street. All welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility, and strength. A fun social group, join us for a cuppa after class!
For more information: Kay 021 022 64682.
Classes also available at Waikuku community centre, Park Terrace, Waikuku. Wednesdays 10.00am followed by a cuppa. All welcome. $2 donation. For more information: Mavis 03 312 7839 or Lorraine 027 332 9298.
Kaiapoi Toy Library, 9 Cass Street Kaiapoi, open 11.00am - 1.00pm Saturdays. Access to a range of toys for a small annual fee, no toy rental charges. Check us out www. kaiapoitoylibrary.org
Wednesday 10am – 12pm and the last Saturday of every month 10-12pm. Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KaiapoiCommunity-Garden kaiapoicg@gmail.com
At the heart of every home are the cherished items that tell the story of a lifetime. We recognise the profound attachment to these personal treasures and the stress than can accompany a move. That’s why our approach begins with a complimentary, no-obligation home inspection. This crucial step allows us to tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each individual.
Quality service at a price that puts you first
• Sorting & packing belongings
• Unpack at new home
• Put belongings away
• Remove empty boxes
• FREE no-obligation inspection
We’re your trusted partners in transition.
Relocating to a new living environment, such as a retirement village, nursing home, or aged care facility, can be a profound emotional journey, particularly when faced with reduced mobility or the absence of family support. The transition requires not only physical but also psychological adaptation, making it a deeply personal and often complex process to embrace.
Every Saturday at 8:00am, a diverse group of runners, joggers, walkers, and volunteers gather at Lake Pegasus, ready to tackle the scenic course. But as the winter chill sets in, the number of participants has taken
a slight dip. Fear not, for the spirit of Pegasus parkrun remains as warm as ever, and there’s a big milestone on the horizon to look forward to!
Let’s face it, winter in Canterbury can be a bit of a challenge. The frosty mornings, the chilly wind, and the occasional precipitation make it tempting to hit the snooze button and stay cozy under the covers. But those who brave the elements are rewarded with a unique experience. There’s something magical about running alongside the lake in the crisp morning with a heap of likeminded folks.
One of the most remarkable things about Pegasus parkrun is the sense of community it fosters. It’s not just about the run; it’s about the people you meet and the friendships you form. From the speedy front-runners to the leisurely walkers, everyone is welcome, and everyone is cheered on.
In July we had well over 450 finishers, and we have been averaging over 130 participants for the past few months.
Also in July we had a few themed events, including a visit by national sponsors The Athletes Foot, mid-winter Christmas and Matariki at the end of June. The themed events are a hit, and a hoot! Mark your calendars, folks! October will see Pegasus parkrun celebrating its 400th event. That’s 400 Saturdays of community, camaraderie, and countless Ks covered. Pegasus parkrun was started
by Geoff McMillan in June 2016, and its longevity is a testament to the dedication of the volunteers and participants who make this event possible week after week. It’s a milestone that speaks volumes about the dedication and passion of the local community. Plans are already underway to make this a memorable occasion, with special activities, guest appearances, and perhaps even a few surprises.
Whether you’re chasing a personal best, looking to make new friends, or just want an excuse to enjoy the beautiful scenery, Pegasus parkrun has something for you. And who knows? You might even find yourself looking forward to those chilly winter mornings, knowing that a warm welcome and a great run await you at Pegasus parkrun.
Check us out on Facebook (search for ‘Pegasus parkrun’), visit the web site at parkrun.co.nz/pegasus or be at Motu Quay at 8am on Saturday morning to see what it’s all about!
Still available from $10kg for Manuka, clover,honeydew, $15kg wild honey liquid – these honeys are great for cooking or on your toast, ph 027 673 3330.
Do you have a busted zip or pants that are too long? Or maybe a dress or skirt that needs an alteration? Call or text Paula 027 627 7212.
Now open daily 9 – 4pm, Wool to Spin, & knit. We have lots of wool, buttons and handknitted jumpers, work jumpers. Babies to adults. Ph 027 673 3330.
Airport pick up or drop off, Medical & Hospital appointments Shopping, outings. Helping you to get places. PH: 021 2899 256 Email dtooby.nz@gmail.com
If you are interested in sea fishing, chasing Trout or Salmon then come and join our club.
Monthly meetings are held at the Fish and Game building at 595 Johns Road on the last Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm.
Fishing trips are organised catering for all types of fishing, from targeting Grouper, Bluenose, Blue Cod etc to fishing in the Lakes and the canals at Twizel.
Doesn’t matter if you own a boat or not, all fishermen are catered for and welcome.
The Club also owns a Bach at Oaro near Kaikoura for the use of its members.
New members welcome
For more information contact Shayne 027 664 0016.
We are in need of TWO adult deliverers for the new part of Ravenswood to join our dynamic team of volunteers at The Woodpecker. The commitment is ONLY one hour a month approximately and would ideally suit someone who loves walking, meeting people and giving back to the community.
If you think this might be you, please contact our Editor Debs at debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz OR call or text Ger, Woodend & Ravenswood Distributor on 022 124 4752.
We are in need of an adult deliverer in Woodend, Hewitt’s Road area to join our dynamic team of volunteers at The Woodpecker. The commitment is ONLY one hour a month approximately and would ideally suit someone who loves walking, meeting people and giving back to the community.
If you think this might be you, please contact our Editor Debs at debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz OR call or text Ger, Woodend & Ravenswood Distributor on 022 124 4752.
We are in need of an adult deliverer in Woodend, Hewitt’s Road area to join our dynamic team of volunteers at The Woodpecker. The commitment is ONLY one hour a month approximately and would ideally suit someone who loves walking, meeting people and giving back to the community.
If you think this might be you, please contact our Editor Debs at debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz OR call or text Jeff, Pegasus & Waikuku Distributor on 021 865 877.
We are on the lookout for someone who might be available to work alongside our Woodend Distributor Ger to help distribute the publications to the deliverers each month. This would need to be someone who holds a full and clean drivers’ licence and has availability on / around 27th of each month to assist the Distributor with this. The role would also be a back-up for the Distributor during illness / holiday etc. The commitment for this is around 1-2 hours a month and needs to be able to lift small but fairly heavy boxes.
143 Percival Street, Rangiora 0800 226 695 northcanty@cancercwc.org.nz
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ CancerSocietyNC
New Members Welcome
Shayne Riwaka - 027 664 0016
Paul - 028 434 9928
Liz - 027618-4891 liza-w@outlook.com
Chairperson: Mark Paterson - 312 7439
5 Solander Road, Pegasus 7612 03 379 8463
Rachel Emmitt - 021 203 6085
Chris Ponniah - 021 528821
Adrienne Lamb 021 265 7857
9 Cass Street, Kaiapoi
10.30-12.30 Saturdays www.kaiapoitoylibrary.org
President Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst 021 865 877
Treasurer John Canton - 021 171 9175
03 662 9060 cm.pegasus@littlewonders.nz https://www.littlewonders.nz/ locations/pegasus/
MAIRUSU KAI JUDO CLUB INC 021 052 0791 Contact@mairusukaijudo.co.nz
Clive Jones - 027 245 5770
John Burns - 021 347 805 menzshedpegasuswoodend@gmail. com
Meaghan - 027 392 6409
Merv Laws - 021 237 7105
Noel Graham, President - 027 240 8112
Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council
Freephone: 0800 965 468 www.waimakariri.govt.nz
Email: pcc@pegasusresidentsgroup. com
Christine Johnston - 021 179 7330
PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com www.pegasusresidentsgroup.com FB: https://www.facebook.com/ PegasusResidentsGroupInc
Kay Mills - 021 022 64682 kaymillsnz@gmail.com
Knit & Natter, The Good Home, Fridays 10am-noon
Chris - 027 313 1931 or Denise 021 166 3587
Helen Power 313 5749
Pam Cleeve - 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895
Krystel Arboleda - Plunket Nurse Plunketline 0800 933 922 Admin: 0800 184 803
Ian McGregor - 027 595 9000
Chris Koskela - 027 228 7177
RANGIORA BRIDGE CLUB www.rangiorabridgeclub.co.nz rangiorabridge@xtra.co.nz 03 313 7941
RANGIORA STROKE CLUB (covers North Canterbury)
Barbara Matthew’s - 03 327 2219
Alanah Mason 03 310 6166
RANGIORA TOY LIBRARY rangioratoylibrary@gmail.com
Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730
Women’s Group: Amy - 021 234 4253
Hall Hire: Elizabeth - 313 4612
Norme Shore - Secretary ashley.lodge@ymail.com http://www.ashley28.net.nz
Email: tbwaimakariri@gmail.com 021 0265 4071
Website: waimakariri.timebanks.org Facebook: facebook.com/ timebankwaimakariri
tuahiwipreschool@xtra.co.nz https://www.facebook.com/tuahiwi. preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool
John Forster - 027 444 3427
Danelle Asher wbslsc@wbslsc.com
WAIMAK DISCIPLESHIP COMMUNITY collaboration4hope@gmail.com or: Liz (Kaiapoi) - 021 491 444
Michael (Pegasus) - 021 786 488
Chris (Ravenswood) - 021 528821
Woodend, Pegasus, Waikuku waioralinks@gmail.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ Waioralinks
Paul Henderson - 0274 925 936
President Phil Harris 027 222 5764
Secretary Sheryl Atkins - 021 225 5778
John Harris - 313 7832
President Mark Paterson
Secretary Kris Stacey kris@stacey.kiwi. nz
Andy Childs - 027 512 2681
Meets Sunday’s at 10 am at 38 Rangiora Woodend Road www.woodendcommunity.church
Co-ordinator: Andy Childs - 027 512 2681 andyandsuechilds@xtra.co.nz
President: Shirley Wheeler - 03 327 3414
Treasurer: Pam Cleeve - 313 8120
President Maxeen Dzenis 310 6164
Secretary Lyn Petrie Phone 022 159 2676
President: Shirely Rogers 027 275 3027
Secretary: Glenda Rich 027 272 8090
Treasurer: Leone Campagnolo 027 220 6223
President Tony Hurley - 312 7311
Simone Templeton - 027 514 8363
Club President Andrew Petrie - 022 592 8389
Club Captain Linda Hayes - 027 906 7300
Amy Hallmark woodend.cricket@ gmail.com
Minister: Darryn Hickling - 022 675 7391
minister.rangioramethodist@gmail. com
President Caitlin Loose - 027 787 5365 caitlinloose@gmail.com
Secretary Fiona Bisphan - 027 890 3445
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ woodendplaycenter
Jen Hall - 312 7654 office@woodendpreschool.co.nz www.woodendpreschool.co.nz
Club Secretary - Darren Watts secretary@woodendrugby.co.nz
Treasurer - Scott Murray-treasurer@ woodendrugby.co.nz
Chairperson Shona Powell - 021 0231 6152 shona.powell@wmk.govt.nz
Deputy Chair Mark Paterson - 027 534 9112 mark.paterson@wmk.govt.nz
Robert Davey - 021 762 963
Jim Bucknell 021 806 366
Eric van de Wiel 021 292 7004
CFO Shayne Robinson - 021 286 6574 www.fireandemergency.nz
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT & OPPORTUNITIES TRUST (YDOT) info@ydot.co.nz www.ydot.co.nz
Is your Club or Group listed correctly in our Community Contacts page?
Email our Editor Debs on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Want to promote your business?
This space could have been yours.
We require a print ready file from you to have your advert in The Woodpecker.
We can arrange someone to design your advert for you at a very reasonable cost if you can’t arrange this for yourself.
Contact The Editor for details, costs and specifications.
Email: debs.thewoodpecker@ outlook.co.nz
events@visitwaimakariri.co.nz visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 9am–12.30pm.
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka.
Every Friday, 9am-12pm.
Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 8am – 4pm
Check website for dates and locations.
141 Percival Street, Rangiora
72 Main Street, Oxford
Aotearoa’s nationwide Dying Matters Week (5-9 August and beyond) is raising awareness of how to talk about death and dying. For North Canterbury talks and events: https://waimakaririlibraries.com/ https://gowithgrace.nz/ dyingmatters/canterbury-events/ Or contact Liz 0276184891 or liza-w@outlook.com
That’s this size! Up to 30 words available - no logos. Interested?
Email Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. co.nz
Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services? The Woodpecker is delivered to 4,400 households! Uploaded to a number of Facebook pages and groups as well as a digital copy being permanently available via Issuu.com
If you are interested, please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates where you will be added to our mailing list. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. co.nz
This club, which covers the wider Waimakariri district, is a support group for those who have survived a stroke, and their families and carers. We are a friendly, helpful social group and welcome new members. We also provide professional help with speech and language, as well as a physiotherapy programme.
Sessions are at Mainpower Cricket Oval, 291 Coldstream Road, Rangiora
1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
11.00am-12.00 - Speech and communication therapy
12.00 -1.00pm - Lunch (BYO – tea and coffee provided)
1.00pm-2.00pm - Physiotherapy
3rd Tuesday of the month
FAST Way to tell if it could be a stroke:
FACE – Smile – Is one side dropping?
ARMS – Raise arms – Is one side weak?
SPEECH – Words slurred, or can’t speak?
TIME – Act fast – call 111 – Time makes a difference
Seven steps to reducing your risk of stroke:
1. Get your blood pressure checked, and if necessary, treated
2. Stop smoking
3. Exercise regularly
4. Limit alcohol intake
5. Eat healthily and control weight
6. Lower cholesterol
7. Find out if you have rapid or irregular contraction of the heart (atrial fibrillation)
Barbara Matthews 03 327 2219
Alanah Mason 03 310 6166
Over the past month we have seen an increase in pet poisonings. Some, like antifreeze and rat bait can be irresistibly tasty while others, such as human medicines in foil wrappers, are a lot of fun to tear apart. As owners it is especially important to be aware what we leave around, just as it is for younger children.
Should the unthinkable happen, please call us as soon as possible for advice and treatment.
New clinic, same great service, friendly staff and plenty of parking.
PHONE: 03 312 2669
EMAIL: pawsvets@gmail.com
ADDRESS: 8 Hinge Lane, Ravenswood
HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 12 Saturday, 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays
For 24 hours emergency care during this time please phone 033122669 for contact details.