The Woodpecker - February 2025

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Produced for the community, by the community



Pegasus Lions BOOK FAIR 22 March 2025

The Lions of Woodend Pegasus are running a fundraising event; a Book Fair on 22 March in Woodend at the Youth Centre 38 Rangiora Woodend Road.

If you have any books that you wish to donate Lions will have a bin at the Ravenswood New World that you can place them in or if you have a large number, you can contact John Harris on 03 313 7832 to arrange a collection.

Editor’s Note - February 2025

Happy New Year to you all and hope you all had a fabulous time over the festive season. I’m sure like me you are also feeling somewhat disappointed with the summer this year, however, do hope there is time for this to pick up in the last official two months of our ‘summer’ season.

I enjoyed a month’s break from Woodpecker as well as five weeks’ summer break from my own business which has been most welcome. Here we are, February already with the year steaming ahead, and The Woodpecker is doing just that with already having to increase our print numbers by another 100. What this means is that we now deliver to 4,600 households. Great news for our advertisers and community contributors.

This month’s edition was a joy as usual to put together. I particularly enjoy receiving new advertisers wanting to promote their businesses, so a huge welcome to them, also to be able to promote the awesome work of so many community clubs, groups, organisations and charities who work tirelessly to help support the community. You will see there are a number of pages highlighting this superb work and hope some of you were able to be involved in some of

them. We have sadly lost a couple of deliverers who have either moved away or now unable to commit each month, and so are now in need of help with deliveries for each of our delivery areas, Woodend, Ravenswood and Pegasus. If you are an adult and have a spare hour a month to help us out delivering, would you please email me on the email address below. Also please refer to the Deliverers Required notice on page 26. Thanking you in advance.

As usual, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make The Woodpecker the success it is today. Your feedback and contributions continue to help produce an amazing read each month and keep us informed and updated with all the awesome work that’s being done in our area. The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’

The Editor – Woodpecker

DISCLAIMER: All efforts are made to verify the correctness of information contained within this publication; however, The Woodpecker Community Trust accept no liability for the correctness or accuracy of any information contained within these pages. Any views, information or opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily the opinions or views of The Woodpecker Community Trust or any of its providers.



Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi.

Every Saturday, 9am–12.30pm.


Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka.

Every Friday, 9am-12pm.


Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.


Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.



St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora.

First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.


179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 8am – 4pm




“Jessica Tierney – Natures Palette” 13 February – 19 March 2025,

Kaiapoi Library, 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi


“The One Tree Exhibition – David Laird” 26 January – 13 March 2025 Rangiora Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora


“Victoria McIntosh: Sitting Pretty – The Desserts of Discontent”

7 February – 9 March 2025

72 Main Street, Oxford

Health is wealth……

clinic at PMC for ‘No Scalpel Vasectomies’.

offered to anyone (you don’t need to be enrolled). For one or few moles to check, please

– to look after your needs appropriately, please note a doctor’s appointments is 15 minutes, this is enough time to cover one or… if time is favourable

In a medical emergency, and if acutely unwell don’t hesitate to dial 111 anytime.

Living Well - North Canterbury

A exercise and peer support group for people living with heart failure.

Join us weekly for a 45-minute excercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.

Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.

When: Every Tuesday

Where: Main Power Stadium (conference rooms), 289 Coldstream Rd, Rangiora

Time: 10am

Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email or refer via ERMS community programs.

Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.



We’ve changed the date for our event to Sunday 23rd February, 12pm – 3pm.

The PRGI Old School Family Fun Day is a celebration of summer, community, and connection.

It’s a chance for locals to come together, enjoy a nostalgic day of classic family fun, and create memories.

This is not just a Pegasus event, Woodend, Ravenswood, Waikuku, Kaiapoi communities and beyond are welcome.

Event volunteers needed: Can you spare a few hours to help make this event awesome? We need people to give us a hand on the day - please get in touch via our email above if you can. Visit our website to learn more about the event.



Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc


We’re looking for more volunteers to join our team of dedicated locals who give their time to help keep our neighbourhood safe.

With your support, we can continue to ensure our patrols run smoothly and cover other key times, such as school holidays, in our community. Interested? Visit our website or get in touch via our email (see above).


Visit the Community Book Cave for free books and puzzles.

Find information on cycle tracks, local groups, and community services.


Mondays 2 - 4pm, Wednesdays and Saturdays 10.00 am – 12 noon.


The February JP sessions are on:

• Saturday’s 01 and 15 February

• 10:30am – 11.30am.

There is no photocopier at the centre, so please remember to bring a copy of your I.D AND the original if you require it for your documentation.

Getting you to your health appointments

North Canterbury Waka Ora Health Shuttle Service

A Hato Hone St John Waka Ora Health Shuttle service is available to your community to provide transport for health related appointment’s in Christchurch.

The service operates Monday to Friday, with stops at: Amberley – Leithfield – Pegasus Town –Woodend – Rangiora – Kaiapoi

Medical appointments need to be made after 10.00am and be completed by 3.00pm. Bookings are required by 3.00pm the day prior to transport.

This service is run by volunteers. We accept donations for Waka Ora Health Shuttle transport to help cover costs as we do not charge a fee.

For more information or to make a booking, please contact 0800 103 046.


Doug: 021 662 486 Bob: 327 7044 .Bert: 021 145 3393



Can we guess what your New Year resolutions were?

Get a Mum’s Little Helper safe stool?

Was it to get the garden seat rebuilt?

Perhaps it was to get a new BBQ table?

Was it to get one of the popular wooden toys?

Was it to get that kitchen chair repaired?

Was it to get a new garden seat- maybe as a memorial garden seat?

Was it to tackle the minor repair of a pergola or decking on the house?

Was it to join the Kaiapoi MenzShed?

Talk to the guys at the Shed. Help the Shed to help the Community.

Providing an environment for the health and wellbeing of men.

Mayor Dan Gordon’s Update

It’s great to be back for 2025 and I am really looking forward to what the year has in store for us.

I had a lovely Christmas with family and friends and have enjoyed ‘staycationing’ around the Waimakariri District. While it has been a slow start to the summer season, I am heartened by the forecast for this week and next. It looks like the sun might finally have found us!

of Lake Pegasus. There were some fabulous cars thanks to Canterbury Vintage Car Club. As well as some great model yacht sailing from Pegasus Radio Sailing Club members.

The event was also supported by Waikuku Beach Surf Lifesaving Club and Pegasus Woodend Menzshed and the live music added something special.

At council we have certainly hit the ground running.

Last week I enjoyed getting around the district as part of the work we are doing for the Annual Plan. This week we will begin our council deliberations on the Annual Plan getting it finalised before it goes out for public consultation in March. As with as with the Long-Term Plan last year, we will be taking a prudent approach. Our focus will be on keeping any rate increases as low as possible while still maintaining the high level of service our residents expect from us.

I recently attended the launch the current Art on the Quay exhibition commemorating 10 years of the Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Centre in Kaiapoi. I would encourage everyone to head along and view the exhibition. It is such a wonderful art gallery and a lovely way to acknowledge 10 years of the fantastic Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre in Kaiapoi.

Earlier this month Cr Brent Cairns and I attended and helped judge at the community fun day on the shores

Another great event organised by Wairoa Links Community Trust who do such positive things in our community. I also wanted to acknowledge the sad passing of Andrew Dickinson who was taken far too soon. I attended Andrew’s celebration last Friday - he was a wonderful community man and always supportive of our council. He was especially skilled in his advocacy on health issues given his extensive career and as a former elected Board Member of the Canterbury District Health Board. Andrew made a difference to our community, to Canterbury and our Country. He will be greatly missed, and his contribution won’t be forgotten. Andrew’s partner Shona Powell is the Chair of the Woodend-Sefton Community Board, and my thoughts and those of our community and colleagues are with her and their family and friends at this sad time. I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you might want to discuss.

Email me at or phone 021 906 437.

I’m here to help.

e Renovations.

St Barnabas Church Update

food as they learn through play. There is no charge, but feel free to bring something edible to share if you would like.

Playgrounds will be quieter; roads will be busier. 2025 is properly happening now. Blessings to you and the people you love as you return to the routines of school terms and full work weeks. If you share your day with pre-schoolers – hooray for midweek groups finally returning!

Our Friday Music and Play group reconvenes on Friday 14 February, at 10am. Come with your young ones as they delight in learning through music. Then, enjoy good company and yummy

We all thrive when we spend time together, which is why we have created space for fun this summer. We have our Summer Sunday Series happening at the Pegasus Playground, right beside The Good Home, on Sundays at 4pm on 9, 16, 23 February and 2 March. Bring a picnic, there’ll be sausages and some good old-fashioned fun. If the weather is unsuitable, then join us at the church – 147 Main North Road, Woodend. Check the St. Barnabas Church Facebook page for up-to-date info on the day if things look iffy.

We loved being with you over the Advent season. Highlights included the raw realness of our ‘Blue Christmas’ where those with heavier hearts joined together to commemorate the season. We dedicated a plaque in our cemetery for all the stillborn and miscarried babies. If you crave space to remember a wee one not with us, you are welcome to come and rest

here for a while. The multiple nativity plays were as ridiculously cute and delightful as always. Our Midnight Mass was pumping with the hardcore fans seeing Christmas in with style. Due to the generosity of locals, we were able to have ten free food giveaways at various times over the month – this was much appreciated for this potentially very lean season. Our 9.30am Sunday service continued through January, and we enjoyed hearing from new people who shared what God was talking to them about through the Bible. We all have something to offer, as God has given us all beautiful gifts to benefit humanity as a whole. May you also flourish in

the area you have been gifted in this year.

Weekday 5pm Prayer continues to be a quiet and safe space to hang with God. Thursday prayer now includes communion (taking bread and wine together to remember what Jesus did to restore our relationship with Him). All the different groups will be returning in February – Eldercare, Friday night youth, Men’s and Women’s groups, and Bible Studies. Contact us through the church website if you’d like to know more about anything that goes on here at St. Barnabas.

Much aroha to you and yours.

St. Barnabas, Woodend.

Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust

Meri Kirihemete and ngā mihi o te tau hou – Merry Christmas and happy

see! This was particularly exciting for our Ranger, Emily, who advised

New Year!

We at Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust have been celebrating our efforts alongside volunteers over the spring with the planting of 7,400 trees and shrubs. Christ’s College volunteers have also been recently contributing to our mahi for the environment and getting some on the ground experience with our Rangers, Murray and Josh.

Additionally, checks of our most recent planting at Huria Reserve showed a survival rate of approximately 95% or more with most of the plants looking very healthy, which was exciting to

species selection and placement to ensure they would be suited to the environment. If you took part in the planting on the 28 September, ka pai! We hope to be holding another planting event in the Autumn of 2025 at Huria Reserve in Kaiapoi, so keep an eye out on our Facebook page (image above). The weather has been heating up, putting the pressure on our plants, and increasing the fire risk in the park. Thank you for helping us keep our community safe this summer by avoiding the use of fireworks to reduce fire risks!

Recent botanical surveys in our park’s

wetlands have revealed the impressive plant diversity that is flourishing in our rehabilitated areas. Make sure to check out our Facebook for a recent post on some of the cool ferns and fungi found in the understorey of Tūtaepatu Lagoon. Additionally, an unlikely gem was found, native musk (Thyridia repens)! This ‘At Risk -Declining’ species was found in some saltmarsh habitat near Waikuku. The botanist who found this species also noted that this site was the only place he had seen the white flower morph (image above). With the New Year just around the corner, we’re giving our office a fresh start too - get ready for a new pop of colour! If you’re heading down to Woodend Beach, make sure you check out our funky new hue. We hope you all are having a fantastic

time over summer and are enjoying the park’s environment and wildlife. Spotted any native birds, mammals, lizards, or creepy crawlies in the park? Let us know on our Facebook page—and don’t forget to share your snapshots if you were lucky enough to catch one in action!

Ensure you’re staying safe on the beach by following the direction and guidance of Surf Life Saving NZ, who will be patrolling at Pegasus Beach throughout January 2025 as people celebrate the warmth of the New Year.


Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park

Instagram: tkot_ friendsoftuhaitarapark

Woodend Bowling Club Presents

Summertime of Community Bowls

Sponsored By Summerset on Rangiora

The Woodend Bowling Club invite community and Business teams to be part of our Summertime of Bowls evenings to be held over a three Friday night period.

Teams of three playing two games per night culminating in a finals night when all points are combined to find our overall winner/s. Cash prizes for winner/s and weekly spot prizes. A complimentary bar- b- Q will be on each night and refreshments will be available.

Make a Team and join the fun.

When: February 14th - 21st - 28th (All Fridays)

Where: Woodend Bowling Club

Time: 5.30pm start

Who: Open to All ( Only one bowler per team )** ** Club able to supply asssistance if required

Cost: $75.00 per team (Cost covers All three nights)

Contact: Daryl Neate 02102322213 Jimmy Gifford 021832230

Open to the first sixteen team to register.

Dragon Stone Paving Ltd

Professional paving specialists based in Woodend with over 30 years of combined industry experience

Patios, pathways, driveways, doorways, pool surroundings, stone landscaping ... anywhere you could need paving

We are a quick, reliable, friendly, and tidy professional team

Check out our facebook page for examples of our work and contact Lee for a quote!

Woodend Methodist Church Update

Time flies. Christmas and New Year have been and gone and into February already. We didn’t have much of a summer over the holidays as far as sun goes and not many days without any cool breeze.

Quite a bit has happened as far the church front goes since the beginning of December. On the 19 January we bid farewell to our Methodist Minister Rev. Darryn Hickling who has commenced a position at Rolleston to begin a Methodist group in the area. On Tuesday 4 February at 7pm at Rangiora Trinity Church in King Street, Rangiora Rev Hun Hoe Sung will be inducted into our Parish. He and his wife and three young children are moving to the South Island so new and exciting times ahead for the family. This will be a halftime position for Sung and the other half he will share with an Oxford Parish and a District position with youth so will be a challenge for them and the parish to negotiate.

The February movie will be on Wednesday 5 February 1pm at Woodend Methodist Hall. The movie will be ‘The Notebook’ which is a

romantic drama where an elderly man tells a tale to a fellow nursing home resident. $5 admission and afternoon tea will be served. Services in February Sunday 2 February – Epiphany 4 and Holy Communion 9am Woodend 11 am Rangiora Rev Norman West The next three Sundays have not been organised until Rev Sung commences with the Parish. Usual services – 9am Woodend probably but if not, there will be a notice on the door of the church advising what is happening. On Saturday 15 February at 9am there will be a plant sale at Rangiora Trinity Church where you can get plants for bargain prices. Booking of our Woodend complex. You can hold small or large gatherings e.g. classes, tutoring, concerts, interviews, conferences, clubs etc. –for any enquiries please contact Kaye at the Rangiora Trinity Office, 176 King Street, Rangiora, 313 3448 or email Rangiora Trinity office hours - Tuesday 10-1 Wednesday 9.45-1.45 Thursday 10-1.

Would you like your club or community group to be listed in Community Contacts?

If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts page, please would you contact the Editor via email providing the appropriate details and these can be included. Thank you!

Email our Editor Debs on

Want to be added to our mailing list?

Want to receive our digital version of The Woodpecker?

Email Debs, Editor on:


Chamber Gallery Rangiora, Rangiora Library

One Tree Exhibition, David Laird

This has been a 3-year project to celebrate the life & value of a single fallen Elm tree, transforming a single life of wood into a new material life that is timeless and sustainably carbonfree. Chamber Gallery Rangiora, Rangiora Library. Exhibition runs until 15 March, FREE ADMISSION.

Community Foot Care Clinic

Held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment.

Kaiapoi Community Patrol

We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling. Full training given. If interested, please contact Owen 027 442 4436

All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.

Canterbury Sportfishing Club

If you are interested in sea fishing, chasing Trout or Salmon then come and join our club.

Monthly meetings are held at the Fish and Game building at 595 Johns Road on the last Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm.

Fishing trips are organised catering for all types of fishing, from targeting Grouper, Bluenose, Blue Cod etc to fishing in the Lakes and the canals at Twizel.

Doesn’t matter if you own a boat or not, all fishermen are catered for and welcome.

The Club also owns a Bach at Oaro near Kaikoura for the use of its members.

New members welcome

For more information contact Shayne 027 664 0016.


Pegasus Community Patrol

We are now recruiting volunteers for Patrolling.

Full training given, if interested, please contact Pete 021 191 1776

Only requirement Full Drivers licence.

Kaiapoi Toy Library

Kaiapoi Toy Library, 9 Cass Street Kaiapoi, open 11.00am - 1.00pm Saturdays. Access to a range of toys for a small annual fee, no toy rental charges. Check us out www.

Kaiapoi Community Garden

Volunteer days

Wednesday 10am – 12pm and the last Saturday of every month 10-12pm.

Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook


SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main Street.

All welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group, join us for a cuppa after class.

For more information: Kay 021 022 64682.

Classes also available at Waikuku Community Centre, Park Terrace, Waikuku. Wednesdays 10.00am followed by a cuppa. All welcome $2 donation.

For more information: Mavis 03 312 7839 or Lorraine 027 332 9298.


Woodend Tennis Club

Tennis is a great game for all the family. We currently have a Wednesday evening social session (7pm to 9pm) very enjoyable on these spring evenings. It is subject to weather, so please go to our Facebook page or phone Jim on 021 806 366 to check if it is on. There is a $3 fee for nonmembers and casual players. Tennis season starts in September. If you missed our Open Day and want to know more, phone Jim on 021 806 366.

We welcome social and casual players, and there may be spots available for fill ins for our Presidents (over 30) Grade team.

For any other info contact Jim on 021 806 366. Support your local club.

Cancer Society Relay for Life

North Canterbury

Cancer Society Relay for Life North Canterbury, 5 April, Kaiapoi Rugby Football Club. Signup at www. Contact Tiff 021 1394909, email: ncrelay@ for more info. Let’s do something remarkable together!

Deliverer Wanted for Ravenswood, Woodend & Pegasus

We need THREE adult deliverers, one each for our three delivery areas of Woodend, Ravenswood and Pegasus to join our dynamic team of volunteers at The Woodpecker. The commitment is ONLY one hour a month approximately and would ideally suit someone who loves walking, meeting people and giving back to the community. If you think this might be you, please contact our Editor Debs at debs.thewoodpecker@

Do you want to help create change?

Ngā mihi o te tau hou! Greetings of the new year! Come join us at our meetings every month. At the WCA our aim is to promote and support any initiative which advances safety, wellbeing and community spirit.

Community garden: There is heaps to do over Summer and we are always looking for additional help Remember it’s yours to visit, use and enjoy! Located next to the school. Call Andy if you want to get stuck in 027 512 2681.

Food Pantry: located in the WASP carpark on the main road If you’re groaning from too much fruit or vegetables in your garden Please! Put them here for your neighbours in need. Baked or tinned goods also welcome.

Book exchange: Our New Year’s Resolution for 2025! Have you sorted your books yet? Get readyWCA will be hatching a plan at its first meeting

We have a new Secretary Treasurer for the Woodend Community Association. Prudence Stone was elected at our AGM last October Prudence moved to Woodend Beach in April 2024 with her husband Malo Both are keen to make new friends and contribute to the community.

“Joining the local community association is a good way for me to volunteer my skills and experience,” says Stone. “But it’s also where I know I’ll find good people and learn what’s going on”.

Her first task was organizing an end of year celebration for members and farewell for outgoing Secretary / Treasurer Kris Stacey at Woodend Tavern just before Christmas Prudence got her wish, meeting around a dozen members who came to toast Community Spirit.

Meetings first Monday of the Month 6pm at the Woodend Community Centre

If you’ve moved to the area recently, or even if you’ve been here ages and just want to get more involved, please come meet us and bring your ideas for how we make Woodend an even greater community.

Membership is just $10 for individuals or $100 for local businesses. Visit to learn more or email

New Secretary / Treasurer Prudence Stone

We look forward to helping you in 2025 with free, confidential, independent information and advice about your rights and the services available in our community.


Our office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm.


The CAB service is not-for-profit and delivered by trained volunteers. We’re available face-to-face, by phone and by email.

No question is too big or too small to bring to us. We’ll listen, research and assist you in any way we can. There’s no time limit on how long you can spend with one of our volunteers.

Even if you’ve taken some steps already, we’re happy to discuss options with you and perhaps find even more information to support you. It can be very helpful to talk things over before taking action.

We offer additional services for clients


• free Justice of the Peace service (please check for days/times)

• free Beneficiary, Budgeting, Employment, Immigration, Legal and Legal Information clinics (please check for days/times)

• free CV preparation and cover letter service (by appointment only)

• an information service for newcomers and migrants

If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help.

You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email

Then please contact the Editor to request your community notice at

Keeping our community informed

The Woodpecker Community Trust is a non-profit community publication relying on advertising to meet costs. We appreciate your support and the contributions we receive.

The Woodpecker has been going for over 40 years starting as a 1-page sheet printed on a Gestetner!

Our publication ensures an equal contribution of advertising and community contributions – so a great way for groups to promote what they do and for businesses to be able to promote themselves locally.

The areas The Woodpecker Community Trust delivers to are:

Pegasus, Ravenswood, Tuahiwi, Woodend, Waikuku and beach areas – we are currently printing 4,600 copies delivered to your doors!

AND this excludes the digital copy which is uploaded monthly on which includes all the past copies too!

This link is also posted widely onto North Canterbury Facebook groups as well as being shared around local community groups.

If you would like to have a small quantity of Woodpeckers in your café or business, please do let us know. Let’s share the love!

Where can you get The Woodpecker if you’re not in the delivery area?

Check local Facebook pages and groups.

Request to be on the mailing list for the digital copy.

Check out the digital copies, past and present: ISSUU: thewoodpecker4

What does it cost to advertise in The Woodpecker?

Full Page - $235 + GST

Half Page - $125 + GST

Quarter Page - $65 + GST

1/8TH Page - $30 + GST

Premium Front Page Banner - $200 + GST

*Banners booked for 2024; invitations to book banners for 2025 open in November 2024.

Classified Advertisements

For advertisements relating to a business or economic activity with a profit motive will be placed amongst other adverts.

Details: Words only (no logos) to be sent as a word docx - up to 30 words

Charge: $30 + GST

Size: 1/8-page size maximum

DEADLINE: 21st of each month preceding each month’s issue.

SUNDAY from 10am

A R E Y O U i n o u r

l o y a l t y C L U B ?

It’s free to join and you can do all the below plus more….

Scan your app to e a r n & re d e e m p o i n t s

Receive a special gift on your b i r t h d ay

View our eve n t s & w h a t ’ s o n guide

Browse our food & drink m e n u s

Make b o o k i n g s via the app

Waiora Links Community Trust –Picnic on the lake 5 Jan 2025

Waiora Links Community Trust – Toot for Tucker 3 December 24’2024


Ravenswood ~ Woodend ~ Pegasus ~ Waikuku

We want to start 2025 with a THANK YOU, we want to acknowledge every person who has volunteered their time in the past to make every event WLCT has organised an enormous success. We are not in a position to deliver events and activities to our community without the help of your willing hands and your free time – Thank you with sincerity. On the 3rd of Dec. 2024, WLCT facilitated T4T, we wish to mention our collaborators: Woodend School, The Woodend Fire Brigade, Waikuku Rural Fire, and St Barnabas Church. We also had help from Driving Miss Daisy, Pegasus Woodend Lions, Compass FM, and you the public. It was the biggest collection ever received in this area, and we want to thank every household who donated, your kindness will help many in need.

The WLCT Christmas morning tea in Woodend was another well-supported end-of-year event, and we appreciate Mayor Dan Gordon

for attending and delivering a Christmas message to our 70-plus guests.

We hope everyone had a good start to 2025, WLCT kicked the year off with a picnic on the shores of Pegasus Lake. This picnic was an event that was organised between the VCC group, The Pegasus Sailing Club, and WLCT.

The Woodend/Sefton Community Board partially funded this event. The weather wasn’t great but it was still a fun day, the steamboat was a big attraction, and the cars, bikes, vendors, and live music offered the public a variety of things to enjoy. Thank you to Andy at The Good Home Pegasus for his generous donation of 4 vouchers to each of the “best” category winners

As we enter February we are continuing to bring free or affordable events and activities to the community. On the 1 st of February, we are going to the Hurunui Races in the community van for a picnic. Our first Community Cuppa is on the 12th of February - Sue Alsop, St John’s, is the speaker and will talk to us about the variety of community services St John’s has. Please join us and learn more about this great organisation and how it can help you and your family in your time of need.

Our first trip in 2025 to the Ohoka market starts on Friday, January 31st. For information about events and activities, please keep an eye on our Facebook page, or text us at 027526-8697.

Thank you to our sponsors, New World Ravenswood, Ravenswood Developers, Ray White Pegasus, and The Good Home Pegasus.

Ronel’s Community Cuppa – Pegasus Community Centre 10.00 am, Wednesday 12 Feb 2025



Ravenswood morning tea Tuesday 4 February starting at 10am held at St Barnabas church hall main north road, Woodend all residents of Ravenswood, Woodend, and Pegasus are invited. This event is an opportunity to discuss potential guest speakers. Attendees can share their suggestions for guests they would like to hear from, and efforts will be made to invite those individuals. Looking forward to your attendance on the 4 February.

Cancer Society Relay for Life North Canterbury

Cancer Society Relay for Life North Canterbury, 5 April, Kaiapoi Rugby Football Club. Signup at www. Contact Tiff 021 1394909, email: ncrelay@ for more info. Let’s do something remarkable together!

Woodend Netball Club

Woodend Netball Club welcomes all netball players from Grade, Social, High School and Junior levels to register for the 2025 season.

Grade, Social and High School Trial Dates to be as follows:

Sunday 2 March 2025 10-12pm

Thursday 6 March 2025 6-8pm

Sunday 9 March TBC if required

Players MUST attend all trials and a non-refundable $50 registration fee to be paid at time of registration.

Year 7 & 8 Trial Dates to be as follows:

Tuesday 11 March 2025 3.30 -5.30pm

Thursday 13 March 2025 3.30 -5.30pm

Additional Trial date TBC if required.

Players MUST attend all trials.

Future Ferns Year 5 & 6 Team Placements to be as follows:

Monday 10 March 2025 3.30 – 5.30pm

Wednesday 12 March 2025 3.30 –5.30pm

Additional Placement date TBC if required

Players MUST attend all trials.

Registrations for Years 1 to 4.

Registrations for Years 1 to 4 to register via our website.

All trials will be held at Gladstone Netball Courts.

Please register at https://www.sporty.

Should you have any questions or queries, please contact the club at

The Woodend Netball Club is currently on the lookout for a Treasurer for the 2025 season. If you are keen to be involved in our community organisation, we would love to hear from you. Please contact to learn more.

Sunday 16 February 2025 9:00am – 1:00pm Park & Ride Carpark beside Kaiapoi New World To book your spot & to receive an information pack Phone or text: Suze on 021 024 55033 or Tony on 021 024 73267 $25.00 per car

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Woodend - Sefton Community Board

New Pegasus Community Centre

Public consultation on the initial internal and external design was held from midDecember through to 24th January Two drop-in sessions were held, one in the afternoon and one in the evening to make it easier for people to come along and find out more and ask questions The next stage is to review feedback then a report will come to the Board, before progress to the next developed design phase. Thanks to all those that have put in feedback and suggestions.

Local Elections 2025

Elections will be held in October this year for Waimakariri District Council, with nominations opening in early July. If you have ever thought about standing, including for our local Woodend-Sefton Community Board then this is good time to start looking into it. Come along to a Board meeting, look at the agendas and minutes and if you have any questions, Shona our Chair is happy to talk with you – Ph 021 0231 6152. Links to agendas and minutes and meeting details are in the section below

Our next meeting – all are welcome

Monday 10 February starting at 5.30pm at the Woodend Community Centre

Contact us – more information about the Board and our contact details are at,-boards-and-committees/woodend-seftoncommunity-board

If you would like to see what will be discussed at each meeting check out the Board Facebook page or the agenda at around Thursday of the week prior. WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Email:

Initial external designs

Pegasus parkrun

2024 has been an exciting year at Pegasus parkrun, for parkrun in Canterbury and around New Zealand. It’s getting much more popular, and we are so happy to see walking, jogging, and running being embraced in our district as an easy means to become more fit and healthy.

set by centenarian Colin Thorne in June, achieving an impressive 125.93% for the VM100+ age category. In October, we set a new course attendance record of 716, and in December, Alex Witt set a new male course record of 15 minutes and 17 seconds.

Here are some achievements from Pegasus in the last 12 months. A total of 9,296 parkruns were recorded at Pegasus in 2024, which is 46,480 kilometres around Lake Pegasus. We had 1,991 different participants who were supported by 158 volunteers filling 847 volunteer roles. Additionally, 908 new parkrunners signed up and listed Pegasus as their home parkrun. A new overall Age Category Record was

It’s been a busy year, and 2025 promises to be even more remarkable for parkrun. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our whānau to make it happen! We are immensely thankful for the support from our district, the volunteers, Pegasus residents, and everyone else who helped us get to where we are.

You are welcome to join us to check out what the phenomenon is all about. Pegasus parkrun happens every Saturday at 8am in Pegasus Town. We

have a first timer’s welcome at 7:50am, where one of our friendly volunteers explains how it works. Basically, all you need to do is sign up for a free barcode, print out a copy or save a screenshot on your phone. You can walk, jog, or run at any speed you like. We even have a tail walker who comes last, so you don’t have to worry about that!

Once you have attended the first timer welcome, we do a general run briefing, then our timekeeper sets off the group at 8am. When you finish the 2-lap course around the lake (5K), you will be handed a token at the finish which will be scanned along with your parkrun barcode. Afterwards, you will receive an email with your results, and your parkrun profile page will be updated with your results too. Registering is quick

and free – you can use your parkrun barcode at any parkrun events around the world.

And, if you are not confident taking part, you can even volunteer. We have a variety of roles on the day at the event or in the background support. Have a chat with any of the volunteers who can help explain more. Check out our website at for more info or to sign up, or search for ‘Pegasus parkrun’ on Facebook or Instagram. All are welcome!

Want 1/8th advertising space?

That’s this size! Up to 30 words available - no logos. Interested? Email Debs on:

Who found the naughty Xmas Elves in Dec / Jan issue?

Dan has found the elves! And he adds “after searching for the whole morning”

Danil Mitrofanov, aged 8, Ravenswood. Sent in by Galina Polyakova. (right)

Emmalei Lagumbay, 8 yrs & Isabelle Lagumbay, 5 yrs, Pegasus. Sent in by Maira Adlaon. (below right)

Kaira-Leigh, aged 6, Woodend. Sent in by Kevi Koren Brown. (below)

We would like to wish our community a happy New Year and hope you all were able to have a bit of a break from life’s busyness. The weather has been a bit unpredictable with some very cool / wet days. Although not what you expect at this time of the year and probably quite disappointing for holiday makers, it has meant a quieter time for us regarding scrub / forest / grass fires. Please note, however, we are in a restricted season (at the time of writing this article) and you must apply for a permit to light most types of open-air fires which include campfires, bonfires, burn piles and land management burns.

Please use caution when cooking a BBQ or hangi, mowing lawns and using power tools. Go to www. before any lighting, because despite the inclement weather, everything is still very dry. We’ve included something for you to think seriously about below in image left. We’ve unfortunately had to attend a few motor vehicle accidents over the last few weeks, and we would ask that you be vigilant and safe when driving. If you should come upon an accident where emergency services are in attendance, be mindful and slow down, be patient and keep your eyes on road safety personnel directing you. We are aiming to get you through as fast and as safe as we can for you all, but so often some drivers are fixated on the accident and almost cause another one. We really do want to get you to your destination, and we just ask that you please follow directions. Refer to image above.

Woodend Garden Club Wraps Up the Year with Festive Cheer

The Woodend Garden Club concluded its vibrant year with a delightful Christmas lunch, bringing together over 40 members who share a love for gardening. The festive gathering provided an opportunity for members to unwind, connect, and enjoy fun activities, all in a warm and welcoming environment. For many, it was a chance to momentarily set aside the holiday season’s stress and focus on the joy of community and shared passions. The event was especially meaningful for newer members, who had the chance to forge connections with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Conversations blossomed as attendees discussed their favourite plants, exchanged tips, and celebrated their shared interest in nurturing beautiful gardens.

To kick off the new year, the January meeting took members on a tour of three stunning gardens located in Rangiora. Despite their modest size, these gardens left a lasting impression. Each one maximised its available space with creativity and care, featuring a harmonious blend of small trees, shrubs, flowers, fruit, and vegetables. These gardens were a true inspiration, showcasing how even compact spaces can be transformed into lush, inviting retreats.

If you’re passionate about plants and looking for a way to

Woodend Indoor Bowling Club

Hi, this is just a reminder that we are holding another ‘have a go night’ for any persons that may be interested in giving the game of indoor bowls ago. This will be held on the 24 February at 6.30pm -8.30pm in the Woodend Community Centre. School Road Woodend. There is no pressure to join the club, just bring yourself along and have some fun with some seasoned players who will be happy to show you how it’s played. And if you are returning to the sport and haven’t played for a while we would love to see you too. To all our returning members, our season will start, with our first club night being held on the 3 March starting at 6.40pm in the Woodend Community Centre. And every Monday night following. For more information, please contact Andrew ph. 022 592 8389 or Linda ph. 027 906 7300.

connect with like-minded individuals, the Woodend Garden Club invites you to join them. The club meets on the third Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the Woodend Community Centre. It’s a fantastic way to build a support network, share knowledge, and deepen your appreciation for gardening.

For more information, contact Shirley at 027 275 3027. Come along and let your love of gardening grow!


Therapeutic Massage in Woodend

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Phone Nicola 027 4181 336



Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker?

Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages.

For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, along with your name, age and location and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.

Clothing Alterations & Repairs

Do you have a busted zip or pants that are too long? Or maybe a dress or skirt that needs an alteration? Call or text

Paula 027 627 7212.

Debs Private Transport

Airport pick up or drop off, Medical & Hospital appointments

Shopping, outings. Helping you to get places.


PH: 021 289 9256

Want CLASSIFIED advertising space?

That’s this size!

Up to 30 words available - no logos. Interested?

Email Debs on:

Upcoming Events

27th January 2025

Pre-season starts 6.15pm for all Senior Teams

8th March 2025

Pre-season games for Senior teams at Gladstone Park

15th March 2025

Pre-season games for Senior teams at Gladstone Park

Woodend Rugby Football Club

Senior Update

Well well well, 2025 season is fast approaching and the senior club are all getting geared up and getting back into pre-season trainings! The senior teams got amongst some early pre-season gym sessions with Thistle Fit, Ravenswood late last year and fly into full pre-season training Monday 27th January at Gladstone Park! 2025 season promises to be an exciting one for our senior club and we look forward to seeing everyone again down supporting and cheering on our teams!

We are currently on the lookout for assistant coaching roles to support our Div 1 Head coach Andrew Retallick, if you would like to enquire or are interested in these positions please reach out to me!

- 1 Assistant Coach/Forwards - Senior Division 1

- 2. Assistant Coach/Backs - Senior Division 1

Please contact Warren (Wazza) on 0274 970 213 or email with your interest.

Junior & Teenage Update

Hi, my name is Marliese Stewart and I am the new Junior Club Captain. Our previous long-standing Junior Club Captain Michelle is taking a well deserved step back from this role but has kindly offered to help me transition into this role I have also taken on the role of Treasurer for the club

A little about me - I have been in the area for around 15 years with my husband Nathan We have two kids, Harley and Brynley whom play rugby for Woodend and they are 4th generation on my husband's side to play for Woodend I have been enjoying getting to know the people in this great rugby community and look forward to meeting more of you!

We are seeking expressions of interest coaches and managers of all year levels for the upcoming junior season

All junior registrations will open in late March/early April and we are looking forward to seeing all our juniors returning for another exciting season. We are also excited for any new players interested in joining our club

Please contact me at: or 0274247659

Marliese Stewart

Junior Club Captain



War Memorial Hall

1 Albert Street, Rangiora. 03 313 3505

FB: BudgetingServicesNorthCanterbury


143 Percival Street, Rangiora 0800 226 695

FB: CancerSocietyNC


New Members Welcome

Shayne Riwaka - 027 664 0016


Paul - 028 434 9928


Liz - 027618-4891


Chairperson: Mark Paterson - 312 7439


5 Solander Road, Pegasus 7612 03 379 8463


Rachel Emmitt - 021 203 6085

Chris Ponniah - 021 528821


Adrienne Lamb 021 265 7857


9 Cass Street, Kaiapoi 10.30-12.30 Saturdays


President Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst 021 865 877

Treasurer John Canton - 021 171 9175


03 662 9060 locations/pegasus/



Clive Jones - 027 245 5770

John Burns - 021 347 805 menzshedpegasuswoodend@gmail. com


Meaghan - 027 392 6409


Merv Laws - 021 237 7105

Noel Graham, President - 027 240 8112


72 Main Street, Oxford 03 312 1639


PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468

PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE TEAM Email: pcc@pegasusresidentsgroup. com


Christine Johnston - 021 179 7330


Ian McGregor - 027 595 9000

Rod McKenzie 021 830 080



FB: PegasusResidentsGroupInc


Kay Mills - 021 022 64682


Knit & Natter, The Good Home, Fridays 10am-noon

Chris - 027 313 1931 or Denise 021 166 3587


Helen Power 313 5749

Pam Cleeve - 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895


Krystel Arboleda - Plunket Nurse

Plunketline 0800 933 922 Admin: 0800 184 803



President Anne Thorne 0293744141 nz

Secretary Rachel Bloomfield

RANGIORA STROKE CLUB (covers North Canterbury)

Barbara Matthew’s - 03 327 2219

Alanah Mason 03 310 6166



Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730

Women’s Group: Amy - 021 234 4253

Hall Hire: Elizabeth - 313 4612


Norme Shore - Secretary


Email: 021 0265 4071

Website: Facebook: timebankwaimakariri

TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL 313 2141 preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool


John Forster - 027 444 3427


Danelle Asher

WAIMAK DISCIPLESHIP COMMUNITY or: Liz (Kaiapoi) - 021 491 444

Michael (Pegasus) - 021 786 488

Chris (Ravenswood) - 021 528821


Woodend, Pegasus, Waikuku

FB: Waioralinks


Paul Henderson - 0274 925 936



President Phil Harris 027 222 5764

Secretary Sheryl Atkins - 021 225 5778



John Harris - 313 7832


President Mark Paterson

Secretary Kris Stacey nz


Andy Childs - 027 512 2681

Meets Sunday’s at 10 am at 38

Rangiora Woodend Road


Co-ordinator: Andy Childs - 027 512 2681


President: Shirley Wheeler - 03 327 3414

Treasurer: Pam Cleeve - 313 8120


President Maxeen Dzenis 310 6164

Secretary Lyn Petrie Phone 022 159 2676


President: Shirely Rogers 027 275 3027

Secretary: Glenda Rich 027 272 8090

Treasurer: Leone Campagnolo 027 220 6223


President Tony Hurley - 312 7311


Simone Templeton - 027 514 8363


Club President Andrew Petrie - 022 592 8389

Club Captain Linda Hayes - 027 906 7300


Amy Hallmark


Minister: Darryn Hickling - 022 675 7391

minister.rangioramethodist@gmail. com


Katrina McKay - President 021 250 3513

Charmaine McGregor- Administrator 027 287 4760


Facebook: woodendplaycenter


Jen Hall - 312 7654


Club Secretary - Darren Watts

Treasurer - Scott Murray-treasurer@


Chairperson Shona Powell - 021 0231 6152

Deputy Chair Mark Paterson - 027 534 9112


Robert Davey - 021 762 963


Jim Bucknell 021 806 366

Eric van de Wiel 021 292 7004


CFO Shayne Robinson - 021 286 6574


This Month with Harry

This month we revisit Ravenswood, the northern suburb of Woodend to talk about the origins of the street names. And for those who may be unaware of the origin of the name Ravenswood we will start at the start. ‘Ravenswood’ was the name given to his holding by the Reverend John Raven, considered to be the first farmer in the district. Born in Croydon, educated at Shrewsbury and Cambridge, he became the vicar of Broughton Ashley. It is said that he acquired a keen business sense from his successful stockbroker father.

Raven arrived in Lyttelton on the ‘Minerva’ on the 2 February 1853, along with fellow passenger Captain Francis Fuller. They had been commissioned at the behest of the Canterbury Association to organise the ‘stocking’ of a new settlement to be named Gladstone, after the then English prime minister, near Kaiapoi. However also on the ‘Minerva’ was Henry Sewell, who apparently unknown to Raven and Fuller, had been sent out to wind up the affairs of the Canterbury Association as it had not acquired the support from the landed gentry in England. It is recorded that on learning this there were some fairly heated rows between the three which resulted in Raven and Fuller racing out to near the designated area and grabbing some land for themselves. Fuller selected a block on what is now the beach road near the present village whilst Raven went further north. His acquirement included the land near the Kaiapohia pa, it is reputed he had to clear the area of human bones, the aftermath of

the sacking of the settlement, before he planted the first crops of wheat and oats.

Raven chose a site near today’s Harvey Norman, bringing a prefab shed from England. He purchased Rangiora bush timber for his house, while his wife Elizabeth and children stayed in Lyttelton. Sir Thomas Tancred described the home as a ‘roofless shed’ surrounded by mud, with scarce provisions—a challenging start for the determined settler.

After their bitter quarrels over the ill-fated Gladstone scheme Henry Sewell and John Raven settled their differences and became good friends. Sewell was to become New Zealand’s first premier. During his short stay in the country, he kept extensive journals on his travels and people he met. And he pulled no punches with some of his comments and descriptions. Sewell described Governor Sir George Grey ‘his manner at first was like that of a cat pawing hot chestnuts’. He willed that these journals are not made public until after his death and the 1920s they ended up in the Canterbury university library.

Henry Sewell admired Ravens tenacity as a settler, describing him as ‘the perfection of a colonist’. However, he wrote that the only good things about Ravens chosen house site was ‘a magnificent view of the hills and a small clear stream that flowed past the house’. At that time the ‘Waiora’ creek (incorrectly spelt Waihora on the bridge) flowed past in its entirety.


Who found Mr Woody Woodpecker in Dec / Jan issue?

This is Darci Leigh, aged 9, Woodend. Every time The Woodpecker arrives in our letterbox Darci hunts for Mr Woody Woodpecker and asks for a photo to send in. Mum often forgets to email the photo though. Sent in by Sel Leigh. (right)

Niamh Perry, aged 7, Woodend. Very happy to find Mr Woody Woodpecker! Sent in by Rachael Duffy. (below right)

Kaira-Leigh, aged 6, Woodend. Sent in by Koren Brown. (below)

We took The Woodpecker magazine on our long drive to Franz Josef Glaciers. Dhru Mithrun, aged, 11yrs, Woodend was happy to find Mr Woodpecker and pose by the Glacier backdrop. Ashvini Hebbar -Mum (far right)

Lions can stand tall after Starship Children’s Hospital Paediatric Care Unit (PICU) success. She is a mighty big job! That was the thought when Warkworth Lions set out in June 2021 to coordinate a $406,700 fundraiser for a fully fitted PICU room as part of the Starship PICU appeal.

Club of Woodend Pegasus

But we are Lions! Though a bit daunting, we had a job to help future generations, and the task at hand was achievable. Unfortunately, the target took a bit longer to reach than hoped as Covid curtailed the plans of many fundraising activities. But we did it. The appeal gave clubs the opportunity to have a conversation point and a focus that gathered many donations through donors past experiences with Starship and personal circumstances. Warkworth Lions thanks clubs all over the country for taking the initiative with bold fundraising ideas during tough times. Fundraising ventures were traditional street appeals and sausage sizzles but also included movie nights, selling Christmas trees and the auction of a donated MG Sports car!

was scaled down to NZD$70,061 as additional funds came in from clubs. The $406,700 was surpassed and the District 202K Trust topped up the additional funds to$25,000, so the final total passed to the Starship Foundation was $431,700.

The Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus looks forward to 2025 and the projects we aim to complete. Remember the Lions motto is WE SERVE. To do this we need new members, and we are pleased to announce we have attracted new members that want to serve our community. We also need

to fundraise and to do this we will be running a Book Fair on 22 March in Woodend at the Youth Centre 38 Rangiora Woodend Road.

Grants were applied for – and the grant from Lions Clubs International

If you have any books that you wish to donate Lions will have a bin at the Ravenswood New World that you can place them in or if you have a large number, you can contact John Harris on 03 313 7832 to arrange a collection. If you are interested in making a difference contact Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst on 021 865 877 or email president.


Welcome to 2025 everyone!

Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year

We vets are noticing the changeable early summer weather has produced a bumper crop of grass seeds. These pesky seeds can burrow their way into the skin, ears, mouth and nose of our pets in very quick time.

So, this is a timely reminder to avoid long grass on walks.

Take care and enjoy the rest of summer!


PHONE: 03 312 2669


ADDRESS: 8 Hinge Lane, Ravenswood

HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 12 Saturday, 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays

For 24 hours emergency care during this time please phone 033122669 for contact details.

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