Produced for the community,
the community

As you may already know, our club has been diligently working on a project to install floodlighting on our number 3 field This initiative is not only vital for our club's growth and development but also for the broader community, allowing us to host a variety of events and activities under illuminated skies To bring this project to fruition, we need your support
We have launched a fundraising page to help raise the remaining funds required to complete the installation.
Every contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a significant difference in achieving our goal.
For further details contact Mark on 027 534 9112 https://givealittle co nz/cause/woodend-rugby-club-field-3-lighting-project
Tēnā koutou
Welcome to the first day of spring! Winter seems to have gone by so quickly, although the recent cold snap, with some ‘white’ weather (snow), whilst chilly was lovely to see, wasn’t it?
Most of you know The Woodpecker Community Trust is a charity which has been going for more than forty years, completely run by volunteers, starting as a one-page newsletter only for Woodend printed on a gestetner printer!
Here we are, all this time later, enjoying an A5 publication with up to 64 pages and all in colour! It’s so wonderful to see a community entity growing into something that people love.
The contributions of community and advertising is always balanced at 50 / 50 so it’s an enjoyable and interesting read and can pay for itself through advertising costs.
We therefore are always grateful for all contributions from groups and clubs and the continued support of advertisers who enable us to print these colourful publications for you to read.
The team is made of up a board of trustees, two distributors and a team of approximately 40 deliverers. It’s the latter we are still in need of. We have been lucky to have received some
responses from last month’s advert, however, we are still short of one in each of our delivery areas, particularly, Tuahiwi, Pegasus, Woodend and Ravenswood. If you are able to assist, please do let one of our distributors know; details are on Page 50. Finally, it is always great to receive feedback, which has always been positive, which we thank you for, however, if anyone has any ideas on anything you’d like to have included in the publication, please let us know. There is also an opportunity to write a ‘Letter to the Editor’ if you have something of local and community interest you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you.
The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’
Ngā mihi nui Debs Taylor-Hayhurst
The Editor – Woodpecker debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
DISLCAIMER: All efforts are made to verify the correctness of information contained within this publication; however, The Woodpecker Community Trust accept no liability for the correctness or accuracy of any information contained within these pages. Any views, information or opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily the opinions or views of The Woodpecker Community Trust or any of its providers.
Over the last couple of months, I have written articles for the Woodpecker on our new recruits, and last month, an article on a member who has transferred from ANZAC Station.
This month, I’d like to tell you about a new recruit cadet, 17-year-old Aaliyah Raja.
We haven’t taken on a cadet in a long time, as there is such a big commitment, both from the cadet and from the Brigade.
(We don’t do this lightly, as being volunteers, this takes up extra time and effort for the members, and as you will have seen, we have been very busy lately).
However, we are very happy to have Aaliyah on board – she is proving to be very committed and able, and never shies away at trying anything new.
She is in her final year at Kaiapoi High School and has been deep in exams.
She tells me she is hoping to go to Canterbury University next year to study Communications, majoring in Journalism.
She became interested in joining our Brigade after attending the ‘Youth in Emergency Services’ (YES) Camp, run by the Hurunui Youth Programme in July last year.
Just briefly, the principle outcomes for YES participants are increased connection to the Community, acquisition of skills and knowledge and increased emergency preparedness. They also gain increased personal and social skills (which I’m sure Aaliyah had these in spades before attending the course) and an intention to participate in Voluntary activity – hence her decision in applying to join us.
In any spare time that Aaliyah has, she enjoys the company of friends and family, travelling, spending time at the beach, tramping and playing the piano. She lives at home with her parents and has four younger siblings.
She tells me she has really enjoyed
what she has seen of the Brigade so far and is really excited to be involved. She says it feels great to know that she is part of such an incredible group of people who are working so hard to look after our community.
Aaliyah, we are also excited that you are keen to be part of the Brigade. Your commitment and enthusiasm are exactly what we are looking for and with your youth, you will soon learn all the skills required to become a valuable member.
Saturday 5th October 2024
1.00 – 4.00 pm
Woodend Community Centre School Road, Woodend
Admission $5.00 - Children Free Sorry, no Eftpos will be available
Daffodils and Spring Flowers
Floral Art Exhibition
Handcrafts and Blokes Creations
Preserves, Produce and Baking
Devonshire Teas and Market Stalls
Colouring Competition for all ages
New Competitors Welcome – No charge to enter in the competition
OUR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS AND COMPETITIONS IS AVAILABLE ON The internet – woodendspringflowershow.weebly.com or the Facebook page and Local businesses and the Libraries
Woodend Garden Club and the Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus A combined Community Project
Airport pick up or drop off, Medical & Hospital appointments
Shopping, outings. Helping you to get places.
Email dtooby.nz@gmail.com
PH: 021 2899 256
Do you have a busted zip or pants that are too long? Or maybe a dress or skirt that needs an alteration?
Call or text Paula 027 627 7212.
Mowing, weed and moss spraying, scarifying and fertilising.
Phone Hamish 027 349 7986
Whether you would like manicured lawns, trimming done or your gutters cleaned I can help.
Quotes provided incl. WINZ
Contact Ron - 027 319 6013
KEEP IN TOUCH events@visitwaimakariri.co.nz visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 9am–12.30pm.
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.
Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church
Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 8am – 4pm
Check website for dates and locations.
Here at Pegasus parkrun, we can’t wait for spring and summer to come around!
The novelty of walking, jogging, and running around Lake Pegasus in the colder months tends to wear off by mid-August, and we welcome the warmer temperatures. We have seen quite a few new faces joining us this winter despite the cold, and the majority of our new participants have been walkers.
This is great because walking is the easiest path to good health.
Walking is a fantastic form of exercise that offers numerous health benefits. It can help improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, boost mental well-being, and aid in weight management. Plus, walking at parkrun adds the bonus of being outdoors, which can enhance your mood and reduce stress.
parkrun is a global movement that organizes free, weekly, 5-kilometer timed events in local parks and open spaces. Originating in the UK in 2004, parkrun has grown exponentially and now takes place in over 20 countries, including New Zealand. The events are open to everyone, regardless of age or fitness level, and are entirely volunteer-run. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or someone who prefers a leisurely stroll, parkrun welcomes everyone with open arms.
One of the best things about parkrun is that there’s no pressure to perform. You can walk at your own pace, enjoy the scenery, and take in the fresh air. It’s a relaxed and enjoyable way to get moving without the competitive edge that some might find intimidating. There are six parkruns in Canterbury that all operate on a Saturday morning, with a seventh starting in the Hurunui District very soon. The Hanmer Forest parkrun starts on September 7 and promises to be very popular with visitors to the town. And, let’s face it, what beats a soak in the hot pools afterward?
Over 100 parkrunners attend our event in Pegasus Town, and we have been around since June 2016. We are celebrating our 400th event on October 19, and we are planning heaps of additional activities on the day to make it extra special, including a ton of spot prizes donated by kind members of our community.
Visit parkrun.co.nz and register for free. You’ll receive a personal barcode that you can print out and bring to
each event. This barcode is used to record your time and track your progress.
Just show up on a Saturday, bring your barcode, and join the pre-event briefing at 7:50am. Then, set off at
your own pace and enjoy the walk. Volunteers will be there to guide you and ensure everything runs smoothly. After completing the 5-kilometre course, you’ll receive your time via email. parkrun is more than just a weekly event; it’s a community of like-minded individuals who support and inspire each other. By participating as a walker, you’ll be contributing to this positive and inclusive environment. You’ll also have the opportunity to volunteer and give back to the community, further enriching your parkrun experience.
Check out parkrun.co.nz/Pegasus online, or search for ‘Pegasus parkrun’ on Facebook or Insta.
As you may already know, our club has been diligently working on a project to install floodlighting on our number 3 field. This initiative is not only vital for our club's growth and development but also for the broader community, allowing us to host a variety of events and activities under illuminated skies.To bring this project to fruition, we need your support.
We have launched a fundraising page to help raise the remaining funds required to complete the installation
Every contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a significant difference in achieving our goal.
For further details contact Mark on 027 534 9112
Professional paving specialists based in Woodend with over 30 years of combined industry experience
How exciting on Sunday afternoon to have our first snow for many years in Rangiora and Woodend. The September movie will be on Wednesday 4th at 1pm at Woodend Methodist Hall. The movie will be ‘Nurse Betty’ who works as a waitress in a Kansas neighbourhood and becomes delusional after she witnesses her husband’s death at the hands of two criminals, Wesley and Charlie. $5 admission and afternoon tea will be served.
Services for month of September
Sunday September 1 – Pentecost 15 - Holy Communion
9.00am Woodend - Rev Darryn R Hickling
Sunday September 8 – Pentecost 16 – Spring Festival – This is a special service where we all bring our beautiful spring flowers
9.00am Woodend – Rev Darryn R Hickling
Sunday September 15 – Pentecost 17
9.00am Woodend – Rev Darryn R Hickling
Sunday September 22 – Pentecost 18
9.00am Woodend – Margaret Woodcock
Sunday September 29 – Pentecost 19
On Sunday 15 September there will be an OPERATION REFUGEE WALK starting at 1pm. Walk venue still to be decided. If interested contact
Margaret Woodcock on 313 8413. The Faure ‘Requiem’ is being performed at the Christchurch Town Hall on Saturday 7 September at 7.30 by the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra and a choir. Book through the Symphony Orchestra website. Booking of our complex. You can hold small or large gatherings e.g. classes, tutoring, concerts, interviews, conferences, clubs etc. – for any enquiries please contact Kaye at the Rangiora Trinity Office, 176 King Street, Rangiora, 313 3448 or email rangioramethodist@gmail.com. Rangiora Trinity office hours are Tuesday 10am to 1pm, Wednesday 9.45am to 1.45pm, Thursday 10am to 1pm.
Want to promote your business?
This space could have been yours.
We require a print ready file from you to have your advert in The Woodpecker.
We can arrange someone to design your advert for you at a very reasonable cost if you can’t arrange this for yourself.
Contact The Editor for details, costs and specifications.
Email: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. co.nz
Thank you to our members and residents who attended our recent AGM. A summary of the event is available on our website.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Civil Defence exercise at the Pegasus Community Centre, our local Community Emergency Hub. Special thanks to Adrian and the Civil Defence volunteers from NZRT-12 and the Emergency Support Team, Dean Eades and Councillor Brent Cairns from Waimakariri District Council.
Thanks also to Woodend Sefton Community Board Chair, Shona Powell, and our PRGI committee and volunteers who attended. Don’t forget! We have a special Pegasus Community Centre Emergency Hub Official Opening
Website: pegasusresidentsgroup.com E: prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com
Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc
Event on Sunday 20th of October from 1 pm to 3 pm which will be a fun family day out.
Did you know the PRGI is run by volunteers dedicated to fostering a vibrant, connected community? We advocate for our members and the Pegasus community on key issues like the lake, road safety, and the new community centre, ensuring their voices are heard. Support our work and become a member for only $20 per year (or part-year) per household. Head to our website to join online.
The centre is open to all. Pop into our Community Book Cave and grab a free book or puzzle. Access information on cycle tracks, local groups, community services & support and much more!
CENTRE OPENING TIMES: Mondays 2 - 4pm, Wednesdays and Saturdays 10.00 am – 12 noon.
SEPT sessions are on Saturday 07 & 21 September, 10:30am – 11.30am.
Please remember to bring a copy of your I.D and the original if you require it for your documentation.
This club, which covers the wider Waimakariri district, is a support group for those who have survived a stroke, and their families and carers. We are a friendly, helpful social group and welcome new members. We also provide professional help with speech and language, as well as a physiotherapy programme.
Sessions are at Mainpower Cricket Oval, 291 Coldstream Road, Rangiora 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
11.00am-12.00 - Speech and communication therapy 12.00 -1.00pm - Lunch (BYO – tea and coffee provided)
1.00pm-2.00pm - Physiotherapy 3rd Tuesday of the month Outing
FAST Way to tell if it could be a stroke:
FACE – Smile – Is one side dropping?
ARMS – Raise arms – Is one side weak?
SPEECH – Words slurred, or can’t speak?
TIME – Act fast – call 111 – Time makes a difference
Seven steps to reducing your risk of stroke:
1. Get your blood pressure checked, and if necessary, treated
2. Stop smoking
3. Exercise regularly
4. Limit alcohol intake
5. Eat healthily and control weight
6. Lower cholesterol
7. Find out if you have rapid or irregular contraction of the heart (atrial fibrillation)
Barbara Matthews 03 327 2219
Alanah Mason 03 310 6166
New Hours
We are happy to advise that from 2 September 2024 our office will be open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm.
New Clinic
We are collaborating with Beneficiary Advisory Service to offer a clinic at our office at 209 High Street, Rangiora providing free advice and advocacy services for beneficiaries and low-income individuals in North Canterbury. The first clinic will run on Monday, 7 October from 1pm to 3pm. Thereafter, it will run monthly on the first Monday of the month. Bookings will be via the BAS website. Outside of bookings, the clinic will facilitate drop ins. Reminder about our other clinics
In addition to this new clinic, we offer a range of free clinics to CAB clients on Wednesdays, rotating on a fortnightly basis. They are all by
appointment only except for Budgeting which is an appointment and drop-in clinic:
• Budgeting
• Employment • Immigration
• Legal
We also offer a free clinic run by Community Law Canterbury weekly on Monday mornings. Bookings are essential.
Please contact us for more information about the times and dates of any of the clinics, and to make a booking.
General Support
If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support on any matter, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. We’ll even provide a listening ear if that’s what you need. All our services are free and confidential.
You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222 or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz
I had the privilege of laying a wreath and speaking at the Vietnam Veterans Day commemorations held at Rangiora RSA recently.
I know from meeting a number of returned servicemen and women, that every veteran has a defining memory of their time at war a particular firefight, a near miss, a comrade killed in action.
The Tet Offensive has largely been regarded as a turning point in the Vietnam War, when it started to become apparent that America was not going to get a victory, and the antiVietnam war rhetoric amped up. This is in my opinion one of the greatest tragedies of the war. Where politics and bureaucracy took precedence over people. When our veterans returned home, they did not receive the welcome they deserved.
It’s a shame we still carry as a nation. However, Veterans Day was about honouring and remembering. Ensuring that those stories of bravery and camaraderie are not only properly acknowledged, but that they live on for our future generations.
We reflected on the service of more than 3,000 New Zealand military personnel, and 300 civilian medical and aid workers who served in Vietnam from 1964 to 1972.
We also honoured the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, those who returned home with wounds, both visible and hidden, and
those who lost their lives later due to war-related health issues.
It was a wonderful and moving event. Following requests from dog park users, Council is currently looking at options to further enhance Gladstone Dog Park.
The Woodend Sefton Community Board have already approved a realigned entrance path and the addition of more trees in order to improve accessibility and provide future shade and shelter. These projects are nearing completion. Current projects being considered are a shelter and agility equipment. Agility equipment are commonly requested items for dog parks and Gladstone Dog Park is no exception.
In the past, tree logs have been placed in the park for dogs to climb on and jump over, however more permanent and fit for purpose equipment could be considered if desired.
We’re also open to any further suggestions that you might have go to letstalk.waimakariri.govt.nz for more information or to fill in the online survey.
I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you might want to discuss.
Email me at dan.gordon@wmk.govt.nz or phone 021 906 437.
I’m here to help.
Hello! It’s not just by chance that you are taking the time to read this. Whatever is going on in your life right
now, may you feel wholly loved and securely held this day. May you find deep hope in the truth that no season
lasts forever, and you are never alone. Some people who are interested in knowing Jesus hung out doing some random things together this month at St Barnabas. A definite highlight was having church in the snow – how beautiful was that moment for our community!
Our fabulous Rev. Steven is currently serving across the world with a small community in Tanzania, and we look forward to hearing about all the good work God is up to over there when he returns in early September. If your fridge needs replenishing, then
don’t forget to pop in on a Friday at 4pm for Free Food – though you might want to get there early as it goes quick!
Bring your favourite pre-schoolers for a musical jam and a jam sandwich at Music and Play on Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am.
And of course, on Sundays at 9.30am and 4pm, come, hear and experience the God who created you and calls you by name.
Our fantastic Youth Pastor, Nadia is gathering our youth together to form a youth group.
If that sounds interesting to you then please contact the church via our website or Facebook page.
Also – have you heard of the movie MANA ATUA: THE POWER OF GOD?
People from our community have been involved in the making of this and we have been given permission to screen it outside the cinemas!
The movie takes a behind-the-scenes look into amazingly good things that are happening deep within the gang scene of Aotearoa. Saturday, 7 September at 7pm.
Contact us if you are interested in being at the screening.
Blessings on your household and all those you love.
St. Barnabas Church
Is your Club or Group listed correctly in our Community Contacts page?
Email our Editor Debs on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
The following natural events occur in spring:
• The Earth’s axis starts to tilt towards the sun.
• Days start to get longer.
• Snow begins to melt as the weather gets warmer.
• Plants begin to grow and flowers to bloom.
• Animals awaken from hibernation.
• Babies - not just human babies - are often born in spring.
• Spring Fever is a real thing. It may sound like the stuff of fiction, but spring fever actually exists!
• Spring used to be called lent.
• Spring is filled with beloved holidays.
• Bees are more likely to swarm in spring.
• Persephone, the goddess of spring, was also the queen of the Underworld.
September (from Latin septem, ‘seven’) or mensis September was originally the seventh of ten months on the ancient Roman calendar that began with March (mensis Martius, “Mars’ month”). It had 29 days.
After the reforms that resulted in a 12-month year, September became the ninth month, but retained its name.
North Canterbury’s Local and Trusted Cat Rescue Since 2006
“It’s great fun to have kittens in your home until they find their forever families!” - Ali, Foster Parent
Fostering cats or kittens with Cat Care is a joyful and rewarding experience All you need is time, patience, and a love for cats
Felines needing foster homes come from various backgrounds - some are friendly and healthy, while others are stray, abandoned, or neglected Most range in age from four to 10 weeks, though we take in cats of all ages.
As a foster parent, your primary responsibilities include feeding, cleaning, and socialising your fosters This means exposing them to everyday household experiences and other pets if you have them. Long-haired cats require daily grooming You’ll also need to keep their health records up to date and
administer regular flea and worm treatments
Since we don’t have a shelter, rehomings are done directly between foster parents and adopting families Potential adopters will visit your home to meet the cats/kittens, and you’ll help ensure they’re a good match
Foster parents are vital to our mission, and we always need more help We provide everything you need to foster - even Safe4 NZ disinfectant and odour killer!
“I love cats but already have a home full. Fostering enables us to enjoy the cuteness of the tiniest felines while helping them find the perfect home after a rough start”Jeanine, Foster Parent
Join the team! Call 03 313 3851, email office@catcare org nz or visit facebook com/catcareinc today!
There is quite a bit of work happening in the background which we will share with you in coming months, including around the Pegasus Community Centre, youth space, interactive signage for Owen Stalker Park, Woodend Pegasus Area Strategy and more
Council wants to know how users of the Gladstone dog park would prioritise the projects currently included within a proposed Master Plan and if there is anything that is missing
The Board has very limited funding to spread across the whole area and this year have put in place a realigned entrance path and more trees for shelter in the future.
There may be people or groups that can provide some assistance to help projects happen and/or if you are interested in supporting/being involved in a Friends of Gladstone Dog Park let us know using the survey. Feedback closes Friday 20 September. https://letstalk.waimakariri.govt.nz/gladstone-dog-park
Does your community group need funding for an event, a project, or something specific. We may be able to help - find out more at waimakariri.govt.nz/community/funding-and-grants/board-funding
Our next meeting – all are welcome Monday 12 September starting at 5.30pm at Woodend Community Centre. Contact us – more information about the Board and our contact details are at waimakariri.govt.nz/council/council,-boards-and-committees/woodend-seftoncommunity-board
If you would like to see what will be discussed at each meeting check out the Board Facebook page or the agenda at waimakariri.govt.nz/council/meetings/minutes-andagendas/woodend-sefton-community-board around Thursday of the prior week WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Email: shona.powell@wmk.govt.nz
Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer days
Wednesday 10am – 12pm and the last Saturday of every month 10-12pm. Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KaiapoiCommunity-Garden kaiapoicg@gmail.com
Held every Monday Morning starting at 9.30am.
Meet outside The Good Home Pegasus, in the car park. Contact details Christine Johnston 021 179 7330.
Held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment.
We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling. Full training given. If interested, please contact Owen 027 442 4436
All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.
Kaiapoi Toy Library, 9 Cass Street
Kaiapoi, open 11.00am - 1.00pm Saturdays. Access to a range of toys for a small annual fee, no toy rental charges. Check us out www. kaiapoitoylibrary.org
SUNDAY from 10am
A R E Y O U i n o u r
l o y a l t y C L U B ?
It’s free to join and you can do all the below plus more….
Scan your app to e a r n & re d e e m p o i n t s
Receive a special gift on your b i r t h d ay
View our eve n t s & w h a t ’ s o n guide
Browse our food & drink m e n u s
Make b o o k i n g s via the app
Laura Gauld, aged 11 from Woodend –Sent in by Sam Gauld. (right).
George McLachlan, aged 7 from Pegasus, got very excited when he finally found Woody. Sent in by Stefanie McLachlan. (below).
Ashton Jory, aged 9 from Woodend school. Sent in by Brett Jory. (bottom right).
Jack Birkbeck, aged 8, from Pegasus said “I finally found him!!” Sent in by Amber Thomas. (left).
Georgia Sue, aged 8yrs old. At Nana’s house, Pegasus. Sent in by Julie Walker. (left page bottom right).
Robyn Herod aged 8, Pegasus. Sent in by Sarah Herod. (left page below right).
Amber Clements, aged 9yrs and Oscar Clements, aged 7yrs, Suffolk. England. Sent in by Debs Taylor-Hayhurst (Nanna) whilst in UK! (below)
Every Thursday Night
6pm Combined Dinner 7pm Meeting
Salvation Army Church 12 Ashley Street, Rangiora
Celebrate Recovery is for anyone struggling with hurt, hang-ups, and habits of any kind.
SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls
Prevention Exercise Class
1.30 Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main Street. All welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility, and strength. A fun social group, join us for a cuppa after class!
For more information: Kay 021 022 64682.
Classes also available at Waikuku community centre, Park Terrace, Waikuku. Wednesdays 10.00am followed by a cuppa. All welcome. $2 donation.
For more information: Mavis 03 312 7839 or Lorraine 027 332 9298.
Tennis is a great game for all the family. We currently have a Wednesday evening social session (7pm to 9pm) very enjoyable on these spring evenings. It is subject to weather, so please go to our Facebook page or phone Jim on 021 806 366 to check if it is on. There is a $3 fee for nonmembers and casual players. Tennis season starts in September. Come to our Open Day on Sunday 8 September from 11am to around 2pm. If weather is an issue, check our Woodend Tennis Club Facebook page or phone Jim on 021 806 366 Open Day will be for juniors and seniors. Competitions start early October, but we also welcome social and casual players. or any other info contact Jim on 021 806 366. Support your local club
At the heart of every home are the cherished items that tell the story of a lifetime. We recognise the profound attachment to these personal treasures and the stress than can accompany a move. That’s why our approach begins with a complimentary, no-obligation home inspection. This crucial step allows us to tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each individual.
Quality service at a price that puts you first
• Sorting & packing belongings
• Unpack at new home
• Put belongings away
• Remove empty boxes
• FREE no-obligation inspection
Embarking on a New Chapter?
We’re your trusted partners in transition.
Relocating to a new living environment, such as a retirement village, nursing home, or aged care facility, can be a profound emotional journey, particularly when faced with reduced mobility or the absence of family support. The transition requires not only physical but also psychological adaptation, making it a deeply personal and often complex process to embrace.
Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker! Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, along with your name, age and location and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
Sunday 22 September 2024 10am - 3pm
Stall holders. Car Boot. Entertainment and more!
Canterbury Sportfishing Club
If you are interested in sea fishing, chasing Trout or Salmon then come and join our club.
Monthly meetings are held at the Fish and Game building at 595 Johns Road on the last Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm.
Fishing trips are organised catering for all types of fishing, from targeting Grouper, Bluenose, Blue Cod etc to fishing in the Lakes and the canals at Twizel.
Doesn’t matter if you own a boat or not, all fishermen are catered for and welcome.
The Club also owns a Bach at Oaro near Kaikoura for the use of its members.
New members welcome
For more information contact Shayne 027 664 0016. Want to be added to our
Free morning tea for people from Woodend, Ravenswood, Pegasus and surrounding areas. 10am first Tuesday monthly at St Barnabas Church Hall, Woodend.
We had a great turn out to our morning cuppa on 6 August and were delighted to have Shona Powell, Woodend-Sefton Community Board, in attendance.
Miranda Laney, Sales Manager for Ravenswood North Canterbury was out guest speaker, and she came to talk about the latest developments in Ravenswood. We have reached a milestone with 1000 residential buildings either completed or under construction. Building has begun in Stage 6A, and it is hoped that ground will be broken, before the end of the year, on the new block of shops that will be built adjacent to New World. A few more sections need to be sold in stage 6A before the next stage begins. Miranda said that the land between Gull and the Harvey Norman building is under offer which is exciting news.
Thanks to our sponsors Joe's Garage, The Coffee Club and St Barnabas Church.
What can you hear nearby? What bird’s
don’t hesitate to dial 111
– to look after your needs appropriately, please note a doctor’s cover one or… if time is favourable two
– We get sick too… coming into winter our staff
see you on the day if triaged clinically urgent and can’t wait till the following day. We do apologise
Kia ora koutou katoa e hoa o Tūhaitara Coastal Park – Hello to you all, friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park.
A litter survey on Woodend Beach with a group of Rangiora Borough School
students found multiple pieces of evidence of burned wood and newspaper which was very concerning given the coastline’s recent history with beach fires. Please remember that there is a total fire ban on the Beach and in the park. The group also found lots of different types of rubbish that had either washed ashore or been littered by visitors of the beach.
Woodend Beach litter survey items
Fish and Game North Canterbury visited the park for their annual shoveler duck survey at Tūtaepatu Lagoon and counted 800 native kuruwhengushovelor ducks. We are so
happy that these beautiful ducks call the taonga of Tūtaepatu Lagoon their home. The kuruwhengu is named because of its long, broad scoop-shaped bill with spiky, filtering hairs called lamellae – ideal for sieving small plants, bugs and seeds close to the surface of water or mud. With its bill under water, the shoveler sieves as it swims – giving rise to the Māori name kuruwhengu, meaning to snuffle. Had you heard about this bird?
Kuruwhengu – Shovelor duck survey
Kuruwhengu female (left) and male (right)
Website: www.tuhaitarapark.org.nz
Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Instagram: tkot_friendsoftuhaitarapark
Do you have a story to tell?
We would love to hear our readers’ stories.
If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers. Young or old, local or from afar.
Personal story
Funny story
Send us a photo too!
Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services? The Woodpecker is delivered to 4,400 households! Uploaded to a number of Facebook pages and groups as well as a digital copy being permanently available via Issuu.com
If you are interested, please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates where you will be added to our mailing list. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Tena Koutou Katoa
North Canterbury Cantamaths
Well done to our year 6,7, and 8 teams that participated in the North Canterbury Cantamaths competition at Ohoka Hall on Wednesday 7 August. We had 5 teams competing in the tournament - 20 questions, 30 minutes, extreme pressure. Well done to all our teams especially our year 8 teams who came in an impressive 5th equal out of 30 teams competing. We look forward to sending a year 7 and year 8 team to the Christchurch tournament.
them enrolled. Early enrolment helps us ensure we have the right resources and support in place for all our students. Please go to our school website, click the enrolment tab, and fill out the online form. We can’t wait to
meet our future students!
Calling all 4-year-olds - Enrol now for 2025
It’s that time of year again when we start planning for the upcoming school year! With our growing community and new subdivisions, we’re excited to welcome new faces to our school whanau. If your child is 4 or turns 4 this year and will be starting school anytime in 2025, now is the time to get
From the start of the 2025 school year, we have adopted a ‘Cohort Entry’ process for all of our new entrant students. Starting 2025 new entrants will join the school at the next cohort entry date after they turn 5. There will be two cohort entry points per school term in Week 1 and Week 6. We know starting school can be daunting for a new entrant, so we aim to reduce anxiety by scheduling around 3 transition visits prior to your child starting school. This will be organised once you have completed the enrolment paperwork and attended one of our new entrant transition days.
North Canterbury One Day Winter
On Tuesday 6 August many of our senior school students took part in the North Canterbury One Day Winter Tournament. The students competed in four different sports - netball, rugby, hockey, and football. We were so proud of all our students for giving new sports a go, showing courage, team playing skills, and their manners.
Celebrations - Registrations now open8th & 9th November 2024. Register online - www. woodendschool150th.co.nz
Please see the timetable of events below.
A massive thank you to the Kaiapoi High School refs, the parents / families who supported / coached / managed teams, our Woodend School Staff, and the North Canterbury Sports Trust Team.
It was a fantastic day, and we couldn’t have done it without all of their support.
A special shout out to the year 5 & 6 football team, and the year 7 & 8 A netball team for both making it through to Canterbury Winter Tournament on September 5th at Hagley Park. We wish you both the best of luck.
150 Celebrations
Woodend School - 150 Year
Friday 8 November 12:30 - 1:30pm - Official Welcome1:30pm - 2:30pm - Sc hool open for attendees to look through 2:30pm - Planting of memorial tree and unveiling of a bench. 3-4pm - Afternoon tea
Saturday 9 November
11am - Registration open and welcome 11:30am - Decade Photos presentation12pm - Tree Planting & Time Capsule12:30pm - 2pm - Lunch 6pm - 11pm - Dinner & Entertainment at Kaiapoi Working Men’s Club
Woodend School Fair
A reminder our annual school fair is on Sunday the 22nd of September 202410.00am - 3.00pm Lots of fun for all. We still have a number of stalls available. For further information please email fairreply@woodend.school.nz
Andrew & Woodend School Team
We are in need of TWO adult deliverers for the new part of Ravenswood to join our dynamic team of volunteers at The Woodpecker. The commitment is ONLY one hour a month approximately and would ideally suit someone who loves walking, meeting people and giving back to the community. If you think this might be you, please contact our Editor Debs at debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz OR call or text Ger, Woodend & Ravenswood Distributor on 022 124 4752.
We are in need of an adult deliverer in Woodend, Hewitt’s Road area to join our dynamic team of volunteers at The Woodpecker. The commitment is ONLY one hour a month approximately and would ideally suit someone who loves walking, meeting people and giving back to the community. If you think this might be you, please contact our Editor Debs at debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz OR call or text Ger, Woodend & Ravenswood Distributor on 022 124 4752.
We are in need of an adult deliverer in Woodend, Hewitt’s Road area to join our dynamic team of volunteers at The Woodpecker. The commitment is ONLY one hour a month approximately and would ideally suit someone who loves walking, meeting people and giving back to the community. If you think this might be you, please contact our Editor Debs at debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz OR call or text Jeff, Pegasus & Waikuku Distributor on 021 865 877.
We are on the lookout for someone who might be available to work alongside our Woodend Distributor Mark to help distribute the publications to the deliverers each month. This would need to be someone who holds a full and clean drivers’ licence and has availability on / around 27th of each month to assist the Distributor with this. The role would also be a back-up for the Distributor during illness / holiday etc. The commitment for this is around 1-2 hours a month and needs to be able to lift small but fairly heavy boxes.
Doug: 021 662 486 Bob: 327 7044
Bert: 021 145 3393
Email: menzshedkaiapoi@outlook.com
Website: www.menzshedkaiapoi.weebly.com
The Woodpecker Community Trust is a non-profit community publication relying on advertising to meet costs. We appreciate your support and the contributions we receive.
The Woodpecker has been going for over 40 years starting as a 1-page sheet printed on a Gestetner!
Our publication ensures an equal contribution of advertising and community contributions – so a great way for groups to promote what they do and for businesses to be able to promote themselves locally.
The areas The Woodpecker Community Trust delivers to are:
Pegasus, Ravenswood, Tuahiwi, Woodend, Waikuku and beach areas – we are currently printing 4,400 copies delivered to your doors!
AND this excludes the digital copy which is uploaded monthly on Issuu.com which includes all the past copies too!
This link is also posted widely onto North Canterbury Facebook groups as well as being shared around local community groups.
If you would like to have a small quantity of Woodpeckers in your café or business, please do let us know. Let’s share the love!
Where can you get The Woodpecker if you’re not in the delivery area?
Check local Facebook pages and groups.
Request to be on the mailing list for the digital copy.
Check out the digital copies, past and present: ISSUU: https://issuu.com/ thewoodpecker4
What does it cost to advertise in The Woodpecker?
Full Page - $235 + GST
Half Page - $125 + GST
Quarter Page - $65 + GST
1/8TH Page - $30 + GST
Premium Front Page Banner - $200 + GST
*Banners booked for 2024; invitations to book banners for 2025 open in November 2024.
Classified Advertisements
For advertisements relating to a business or economic activity with a profit motive will be placed amongst other adverts.
Details: Words only (no logos) to be sent as a word docx - up to 30 words
Charge: $30 + GST
Size: 1/8-page size maximum
143 Percival Street, Rangiora 0800 226 695 northcanty@cancercwc.org.nz
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ CancerSocietyNC
New Members Welcome
Shayne Riwaka - 027 664 0016
Paul - 028 434 9928
Liz - 027618-4891 liza-w@outlook.com
Chairperson: Mark Paterson - 312 7439
5 Solander Road, Pegasus 7612 03 379 8463
Rachel Emmitt - 021 203 6085
Chris Ponniah - 021 528821
Adrienne Lamb 021 265 7857
9 Cass Street, Kaiapoi
10.30-12.30 Saturdays www.kaiapoitoylibrary.org
President Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst 021 865 877
Treasurer John Canton - 021 171 9175
03 662 9060 cm.pegasus@littlewonders.nz https://www.littlewonders.nz/ locations/pegasus/
Clive Jones - 027 245 5770
John Burns - 021 347 805 menzshedpegasuswoodend@gmail. com
Meaghan - 027 392 6409
Merv Laws - 021 237 7105
Noel Graham, President - 027 240 8112
72 Main Street, Oxford oxfordgallery.org.nz 03 312 1639 Artsinoxfordgallery@gmail.com
PEGASUS BROWNIES pegasusbrownies@gmail.com
PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 www.waimakariri.govt.nz
PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE TEAM Email: pcc@pegasusresidentsgroup. com
Christine Johnston - 021 179 7330
PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com www.pegasusresidentsgroup.com FB: https://www.facebook.com/ PegasusResidentsGroupInc
Kay Mills - 021 022 64682 kaymillsnz@gmail.com
Knit & Natter, The Good Home, Fridays 10am-noon
Chris - 027 313 1931 or Denise 021 166 3587
Helen Power 313 5749
Pam Cleeve - 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895
Krystel Arboleda - Plunket Nurse
Plunketline 0800 933 922 Admin: 0800 184 803
Ian McGregor - 027 595 9000
Chris Koskela - 027 228 7177
www.rangiorabridgeclub.co.nz rangiorabridge@xtra.co.nz 03 313 7941
(covers North Canterbury)
Barbara Matthew’s - 03 327 2219
Alanah Mason 03 310 6166
RANGIORA TOY LIBRARY rangioratoylibrary@gmail.com
Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730
Women’s Group: Amy - 021 234 4253
Hall Hire: Elizabeth - 313 4612
Norme Shore - Secretary ashley.lodge@ymail.com http://www.ashley28.net.nz
Email: tbwaimakariri@gmail.com 021 0265 4071
Website: waimakariri.timebanks.org Facebook: facebook.com/ timebankwaimakariri
tuahiwipreschool@xtra.co.nz https://www.facebook.com/tuahiwi. preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool
John Forster - 027 444 3427
Danelle Asher wbslsc@wbslsc.com
WAIMAK DISCIPLESHIP COMMUNITY collaboration4hope@gmail.com or: Liz (Kaiapoi) - 021 491 444
Michael (Pegasus) - 021 786 488
Chris (Ravenswood) - 021 528821
Woodend, Pegasus, Waikuku waioralinks@gmail.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ Waioralinks
Paul Henderson - 0274 925 936
WOODEND BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMME 021 0464 243 woodend.wasp@wasp.org.nz https://www.facebook.com/ WoodendOSCAR
President Phil Harris 027 222 5764
Secretary Sheryl Atkins - 021 225 5778
John Harris - 313 7832
President Mark Paterson
Secretary Kris Stacey kris@stacey.kiwi. nz
Andy Childs - 027 512 2681
Meets Sunday’s at 10 am at 38 Rangiora Woodend Road www.woodendcommunity.church
Co-ordinator: Andy Childs - 027 512 2681 andyandsuechilds@xtra.co.nz
President: Shirley Wheeler - 03 327 3414
Treasurer: Pam Cleeve - 313 8120
President Maxeen Dzenis 310 6164
Secretary Lyn Petrie Phone 022 159 2676
President: Shirely Rogers 027 275 3027
Secretary: Glenda Rich 027 272 8090
Treasurer: Leone Campagnolo 027 220 6223
President Tony Hurley - 312 7311
Simone Templeton - 027 514 8363
Club President Andrew Petrie - 022 592 8389
Club Captain Linda Hayes - 027 906 7300
Amy Hallmark woodend.cricket@ gmail.com
Minister: Darryn Hickling - 022 675 7391
minister.rangioramethodist@gmail. com
President Caitlin Loose - 027 787 5365 caitlinloose@gmail.com
Secretary Fiona Bisphan - 027 890 3445
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ woodendplaycenter
Jen Hall - 312 7654
office@woodendpreschool.co.nz www.woodendpreschool.co.nz
Club Secretary - Darren Watts secretary@woodendrugby.co.nz
Treasurer - Scott Murray-treasurer@ woodendrugby.co.nz
Chairperson Shona Powell - 021 0231 6152 shona.powell@wmk.govt.nz
Deputy Chair Mark Paterson - 027 534 9112 mark.paterson@wmk.govt.nz
Robert Davey - 021 762 963
Jim Bucknell 021 806 366
Eric van de Wiel 021 292 7004
WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE CFO Shayne Robinson - 021 286 6574 www.fireandemergency.nz
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT & OPPORTUNITIES TRUST (YDOT) info@ydot.co.nz www.ydot.co.nz
Would you like your club or community group to be listed in Community Contacts?
If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts page, please would you contact the Editor via email providing the appropriate details and these can be included. Thank you!
Email our Editor Debs on debs.thewoodpecker@ outlook.co.nz
Join us weekly for a 45-minute excercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.
Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.
When: Every Tuesday
Where: McAlpines Pipe Band Hall, 8a Ashley St (in the Rangiora New World carpark)
Time: 10.30am
Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email Sadie.Ross2@cdhb.health.nz or refer via ERMS community programs.
Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.
Are you part of a group which you would like to promote?
Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves?
Do you have any community stories you would like to share?
Have you any information or notices you would like to share?
YES? We would love to hear from you!
The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January).
Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5pm of deadline sent out to all advertisers, and community contributors as a reminder. To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out.
From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the publication ready to go to the printers for them to deliver them to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your doors. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Many clients come in to me observing their cat has lost a lot of weight thinking it is just old age. Sometimes it is a gradual process, and for others more sudden. Fortunately there is quite a lot we can do to find out the cause and return them to good health.
Early treatment, which can be as simple as a diet change before they lose lots of muscle, gives us the best chance to get them back to good health. And if you haven’t seen our cat friendly waiting and treatment room, now might be a great time!
New clinic, same great service, friendly staff and plenty of parking.
PHONE: 03 312 2669
EMAIL: pawsvets@gmail.com
ADDRESS: 8 Hinge Lane, Ravenswood
HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 12 Saturday, 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays
For 24 hours emergency care during this time please phone 033122669 for contact details.