Produced for the community, by the community
Woodend - Rangiora Cycleway Pg 20 • Woodend School Report Pg 22 • Church & Community Notices From Pg 29
Creativity is in the air
The Pegasus Bay PTA has teamed with members of the Waikuku Artists incorporated (WAI) to bring the arts to Pegasus with the inaugural Pegasus Bay Art Show on the 7th and 8th of October. With 60+ artists from Christchurch and North Canterbury exhibiting in a wide range of mediums, alongside guest artist Raymond Herber from Iron Ridge Quarry, you can be sure there will be something there to appeal to everyone. The aim of the Art Show is to raise funds to go towards a continuing arts program at the school, and to provide a new event for artists to exhibit in North Canterbury.
The Art Show is also a culmination of the collaboration between the school and artists from the WAI who have been providing art workshops on Wednesday afternoons at the school throughout term 3. Having the artists come in to share their talent, passion and skill has been incredibly valuable and inspiring for all of the children and staff at Pegasus Bay. From this each learning community has been inspired to create some collaborative artworks that will be proudly displayed at the Art Show. The opening night on the 7th of October is
a ticketed event. Tickets can be purchased from a number of outlets for $20 pp which gets you entry into the show, first drink, nibbles and music provided by local musician Charlie Williams. Well known Waikuku artist Quilliam Collister will be doing a live painting, which will be available to purchase via silent auction. Also on the night there will be a “Mystery Mini Masterpieces Auction”. These masterpieces have been created by some well known locals such as Sir Richard Hadlee, Jendy Harper, Wyatt Crockett, Ruud (The Bug Man) Kleinpaste, Jason Kerrison, David Ayers, Matt Doocey and a few others “Famous in Pegasus Bay” including principal Roger Hornblow. The mystery is the not knowing who created which masterpiece until after the auctions have closed. Saturday the 8th of October the show is open from 10-4pm and is just a gold coin donation on entry. During the hours of 10am-1pm More Fm will be onsite offering face-painting and other activities to occupy the children while mum and dad have a browse at the art. CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
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ANIMAL FEED & PET STORE Come and visit us and see the animals We have food for all types of animals such as: Cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, birds, rats and mice and all other farmyard animals. We stock most leading brands of pet foods, such as
“For all your pet and animal feed and supplies” ***STOCKIST OF FROZEN PET FOODS*** North Canterbury Stockfeed Supplies Chinnery’s Road, Woodend Open Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm Saturday - 9am to 1pm 03 3100 444 THE WOODPECKER OCTOBER 2016
Page 3
Woodend Community Association Inc REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2016
Great turn out of people to hear Jenny Lake speak about the Ravenswood Development – there was a lot of interest from those present and questions mostly regarding transport around the new village and transport connections to Woodend Village, drainage, timelines and progress to date. For more information go to www. or pop into their sales office on Rangiora Woodend Road. New Members always welcome We had interest from some potential new committee members at the AGM and we welcome these folks as well as anyone else to come along to a meeting at any point during the year to learn more about us. We meet on the first Monday of the month from 7.30-9.30pm from February to November at the Woodend Community Centre. The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 3rd October. Thank you’s Two committee members not restanding are Kirstyn Barnett and Pam Smith. Kirstyn used to be a local resident but now lives in Cust. Kirstyn had been on the Committee for a number of years giving many hours of her time towards projects such as the Woodend Art and Craft Expo, the Woodend Mural Project, the Woodend Market and is still involved with the Woodend Spring Flower show. Pam had been on the Committee for a couple of years in the role of treasurer, thank you Pam for your dedication towards this role. Page 6 THE WOODPECKER OCTOBER 2016
The Woodend School Fair – Sunday 11th September The WCA held the second Wacky Woodend bike obstacle course for children of all ages to have a go and test their skills. Best time on the skills course was achieved by 13 year old Brayden McKenzie. He had to work hard to beat Gary Sword’s time in the 50+ age group. We were blown away by Gary’s skills! Everyone who participated in the course went in the draw for a family pass to Ferrymead Heritage Park which went to 3 year old Harrison Knight. All participants were asked to make a donation and all funds received are going towards the Woodend shared cycle/ walkway track from Woodend town to Woodend beach. This is a Woodend Community Association project for the local community with support from the Council and Community Board. We have completed stage 1 and are half way through stage two of the project. We have recently applied to Rata Foundation and Lotteries Grant Funding, if financial support is received from either of these funders it will kick start the stage three part of the project. We are aiming to complete the first bend at Sandhills Road corner this spring once funding is received to cover the gabion basket retaining wall. We have received great support from the local community for this project so far (see the list of donors below) but we still need help so if you want to donate via the project Give a Little page go to www. If you can offer your time, skills or expertise we are keen for additional hands
on this project to make it come to fruition sooner. Thanks to all those listed below who are donated to the project to date: Barnett Family, $100, John Archer, $10, Anonymous, $50, S Robertson, $20, David Mansel, $50, Michael McIlhone, $50, David & Catherine Butt, $100, David Ayers, $50, McClaren Drainage, $100, Woodend Beach Holiday Park, $200, Vanessa Forsyth, $50, Anonymous, $50, Claire Wilson, $50, (Deceased) Pegasus Residents Group, $55 Rotary Club of Rangiora, $500
Woodend Lions Club, $100 Paterson Family, $100 Gayleen & Steve Clegg, $100 2 Fat Ladies - Tim Holland, $50 Woodend Landscape Supplies, $600 Hugh & Helen Paterson, $100 Brian Simonsen, $50 John Archer, $230 Woodend School, $100 Tim Holland, $50 Laura Organ, $50 Julie Van Meer, $50 Rangiora Country Music Club, $250 Huge thanks also to larger amounts of grant funding received from: Aoraki Trust $9,000, New Zealand Community Trust $9,000, the Woodend/ Ashley Community Board $12,480 and the Waimakariri District Council $5,000.
Above: 3 year old Harrison Knight was the winner of a family pass to Ferrymead Heritage Park. Right: Best time on the Wacky Woodend bike obstacle course was achieved by 13 year old Brayden McKenzie. THE WOODPECKER OCTOBER 2016
Page 7
PRGI - Pegasus Info Page - October 2016
Wow, Its been a busy time for the Pegasus Residents’ Group lately! For me, as Secretary, I am delighted to be able to present our updated directory to the local communities. It is a team effort and comes after months of hard work. I can’t thank Rebecca Harris enough for her expertise and patience while assisting to put it all together. •
We’ve also had 2 student projects on the go and our thanks to those residents who took the time to complete our community survey. The results will be compiled by our team of students and presented to the PRGI. We will then use the information collected to assist us with future planning and projects.
All Pegasus households will have received a flyer with information about the community defibrillator. We hope you will read and keep this information handy and that you will never need it.
We have been liaising with the Corrections Dept to have a work party come and clear the track that runs along the western edge of Gladstone Park and hopefully this will be complete by the time you read this.
Community Directory The 2016/17 edition of the Pegasus, Woodend & Waikuku community directory has been delivered free to all Pegasus homes. Waikuku Beach residents can pick up a copy from the Waikuku Beach Store. Email: Page 10
Woodend, you can get a copy from the BP garage or Vege‘n Out. An online version is also available on the PRGI website: http://www.pegasusresidentsgroup. com/contacts/ This excellent publication contains info for over 150 businesses, organisations and clubs in the Woodend, Pegasus and Waikuku areas. Christmas on the Lake
Mark the date on your calendar – Saturday 10 December 1 – 4pm by Lake Pegasus. Planning for this event is well underway and we have got some great entertainment lined up. This is a great opportunity to bring a picnic and the family to this community event. Rumour has it Santa will put in an appearance again this year (I don’t know how he fits us into his busy schedule!). Gladstone Park We receive regular email updates on the upgrade taking place at Gladstone Park. If anyone wants to receive these, please contact us. Questions & Feedback: If you have any questions or feedback for the PRGI, please email us at:
WELCOME BAGS – if you are new to Pegasus, contact us for a FREE Welcome Bag. Contains, maps, local info, community directory and more… Pegasus - Living It - Loving It!
138 Main North Road, Woodend (On the right heading North)
Phone: 312 8387 Open Monday - Friday till 6pm
FORD FIESTA REMOTE CONTROL CAR TO BE WON EVERY WEEK FOR 12 WEEKS - ONLY AT RVC Purchase any 3 or 6 pack of FRONTLINE Plus, 3 pack of NEXGARD Chewables or NEXGARD SPECTRA or 2 x BROADLINE at any RVC clinic and go into the draw to WIN!*
WEEK 1 WINNER John Mellish - Pegasus
Sonia Phillipson - Woodend
WEEK 3 + WINNER Could be you!
Extensive range of consultation services Pet and working dog food and treats Quality petware and accessories FREE kitten and puppy packs Regular promotions including gift with purchase
C AT T E R Y Come in and check out the plans for the cattery under construction soon. Rangiora Vet Centre - Pets
* Conditions apply, see instore for details.
Page 11
Woodend Combined Club For legal reasons we and over 200 other NZ Clubs have had to relinquish the Probus name.
Our September Mini-Speaker was a club member who spoke about her life. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1938 she has early memories of sirens and air-raid shelters. After the war she remembers the happier times including holidays at her Auntie and Uncle’s. At 15 her first job was in a carpet factory. Growing up she went dancing 4 nights a week, which she loved and where she met her future husband. Her ambition was to be a ship’s stewardess but had to be 18 to apply. Meanwhile her boyfriend decided to go to New Zealand and asked her to join him. She said no, because she still wanted to be a stewardess – but they kept writing to each other and became engaged by proxy on her 17th birthday. The following year she sailed for NZ on the Captain Cook with her wedding dress – but as a passenger, not a stewardess! They married in 1956 and she took a job at Feltex Carpets, which lasted 34 years with breaks to raise 2 daughters. After her first husband died she later remarried someone befriended through dancing, but after 12 years he too sadly passed. She considers that she has a really good life in NZ, having sung with the Scottish Singers, played golf and acted in a few stage shows. Although she didn’t become a stewardess, she has travelled widely and continues to do so. She recounted a very interesting tale about seeing her Kilgour tartan while on holiday in Norfolk Island! Our main speaker in September was Colin Mackay, Project Delivery Manager for the Southern Region of the NZ Transport Agency. Seven years ago the government announced the “Roads of National Significance” initiative and this produced about $1.4 billion for the roads, Page 12 THE WOODPECKER OCTOBER 2016
motorways and infrastructure around Christchurch. Colin’s talk to us covered the “Western Belfast Bypass” (WBB -under construction at the moment) and the “Northern Corridor” (construction to start soon). At a cost of about $113M, the WBB was started 18 months ago and is due for completion in January 2018. It essentially comprises a 4 lane motorway connecting Johns Road to the Northern Motorway south of the Waimakariri bridge. There was huge activity upfront but all the embankments have had to be loaded and left to settle (probably about a metre) so currently it might appear that there is not a lot happening. Colin played a video from a recent drone overfly which showed the extent to which the work has been completed “behind the scenes” (google: Western Belfast Bypass video). Colin then talked about the work to be undertaken on the “Northern Corridor” (NC). This is a $240M project commencing November 2016 which will provide 4 new lanes from the Northern Motorway to QE II Drive where it will couple onto a Christchurch City Council initiative to link to Cranford Street. Colin showed us the WBB and NC routes on some large maps which helped illustrate his very interesting talk. Our coach outing last month took 50 of us for a private visit to the Lady Isaac Heritage Village where we enjoyed looking over the beautifully restored buildings. This was followed by an excellent lunch at Caesar’s in Belfast. 16 of our members enjoyed coffee and goodies at our monthly coffee morning at the ”John Roy” in Rangiora.
LAWN MOWING, GARDENING, TRIMMING, WEED EATING, PRUNING, CHAINSAWING, SPRAYING, FERTILISING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL (Quotes provided incl. WINZ) Whether you would like manicured lawns /gardens, a quick tidy up or on going lawn/garden maintenance we can help Ph Ron or Annette Ph: 03 310 0604 Mob: 027 271 7187
• Domestic & Commercial • Leaking Taps & Pipes
Very Flexible Hours Eftpos Available 5 Bowie Drive, Woodend Ph 021 027 66720
• Water Cylinders • Alterations & New
Page 13
Russelectrical Domestic
No job too small
Local and reliable 40 years’ experience Prompt and efficient All work guaranteed
Russell Thompson - Phone: 027-943 4096 A/H: 03-312 7562 Page 14
Woodend Tennis
SOCIAL TENNIS Wednesday evenings from 7pm commencing 5th October
Teams formed on the night All levels catered for
$5 for non members $2 for members (to cover lights)
TUAHIWI RESIDENTS Do you want the Woodpecker?
After many years of proudly supplying the Woodpecker to the surrounding settlements, Tuahiwi is likely to be dropped from the distribution run as multiple calls for a volunteer distributor in the area have garnered no response. There are options for residents who still want to receive the Woodpecker, firstly someone can come forward to help distribute the 75 copies to letterboxes, or in the event no one does before the next print edition, November, they can subscribe to the digital edition by emailing the Editor, there are also extra copies available at businesses in Woodend.
Enquiries to Eric on 03 3122 380 If you are able to help distribute please contact Tyree on 312 2256 or if you would or Jim on 03 313 9405 like to subscribe to the digital edition email;
Christine's Beauty Services Fully qualiďŹ ed beauty therapist and makeup artist offering waxing, massage, makeup and styling at affordable prices. Call or text to make an appointment 0274 746 681 • PEGASUS THE WOODPECKER OCTOBER 2016
Page 15
ISBT-Bowen Therapy “A good move for every body” - Do you suffer from low, middle or upper back pain or stiffness? - Frozen shoulder or arm pain, including Carpal Tunnel syndrome (pain, numbness or tingling in hands and fingers)? - Headaches, migraines, dizziness - Thigh, hamstring or knee pain - Sciatica, pain in groin, hip or buttocks? - Lymph and circulatory problems - Joint injuries and restriction - Fibromyalgia - RSI - Arthritic symptoms ISBT - Bowen Therapy is gentle yet powerful for treating a broad range of physical ailments. It uses a series of soft tissue moves performed over specific points on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. These moves initiate relaxation of the muscles, flexibility of the fascia, reducing nerve pressure and increasing circulation of blood, lymph and energy. Gentle, fast pain relief, long lasting, safe painless treatment of the whole body. ISBT-Bowen Therapist
Alexandra Foerstmann Treatments available in Pegasus Please call to make an appointment 03 9200 800 or 021 044 3208
Blue Gum 6mtrs = $540.00 Old Man Pine 6mtrs = $420.00 Pine 8mtrs = $440.00
We need a new librarian for Wed 3.30pm to 5.00pm, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. This is a paid position. We also need a volunteer secretary and a volunteer treasurer. If you have some spare time and would like to support your local community please contact us. There will be a fundraising raffle in November. If you want to donate some food and/or toiletry items we would appreciate them. New members are also very welcome. For $45 per annum, you could hire a variety of toys for a fortnight which would cost you to by between $50 and $400 to buy. You can find us on Facebook or email
MIX Pine 4mtr and Blue Gum 4mtr = $580.00 Mina load 4mtrs
FREE DELIVERY: Woodend, Rangiora, Tuahiwi, Kaiapoi Phone Sue or Peter 312 7161 or 027 312 7179 Page 16 THE WOODPECKER OCTOBER 2016
PEGASUS BAY AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES Special Offer Heat Pump & Installation from ONLY $1,999 Mitsubishi, Daikin or Lennox
Energy health check, make sure your Air Conditioning is working efficiently with a maintenance & health check
Heating, cooling & refrigeration specialists
Why not talk to a member of our dedicated team for a free no obligation consultation to discuss your heating and cooling requirements, from heat pumps not operating at their best to system designs in your new home or office we can help guide you through the best options that meet your budget. We work with all the leading brands and have access to the latest energy efficient technologies available.
24/7 call out for all heating and cooling requirements
Talk to a member of the team today!! PEGASUS BAY AIR CONDITIONING 16 Hakatere Road, Pegasus North Canterbury 027 607 1074 or 027 508 6484 Pegasus Bay Air Conditioning Services Ltd
Page 17
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17 new members join Woodend Bowling Club for the new season
The Woodend Bowling Club has been a hive of activity during the winter months. A new kitchen was installed and is a pleasure to work in. The team of club members who were involved did a fantastic job, and our thanks go to one and all for all your hard work. The club will benefit for many years.
The President ‘s woman’s fours were held on September 20th with 6 teams playing on a bitterly cold day. Joan McFarlane’s team of Mary O’Brien, Marie Cameron, and new bowler Peggy Hey were the winners narrowly beating Ngareta Orchards team by 2 ends.
Although under difficulties, not having an operating kitchen, Rae Miller & Helen Power provided scrumptious meals on Friday evenings with around 30 members attending the social hour. On the last night Rae cooked a fantastic mid winters dinner which 50 plus members enjoyed.
The club runs 2 open Triples tournaments monthly, the first was held on 22nd September, 16 teams took part, Craig Allan’s team from Kaiapoi club were the winners.
Our green keeping staff were also very busy, headed by Stuart Jenkins, and all their hard work has resulted in the green playing beautifully. Norm did a great job remaking all the rink numbers, no more tripping over markers, thanks Norm. Our season opened on Saturday September the 10th, although with having had so much rain the days prior, the green was unplayable, members had a social time followed by afternoon tea. We are delighted to welcome 17 new members all whom have slotted in so easily and are enjoying the game and friendship. On club days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, the green is a ringing with chatter and laughter. Championship games got under way on Saturday and will continue through out the season. THE WOODPECKER OCTOBER 2016 Page 19
Go ahead for Rangiora-Woodend Cycleway Project The design phase for the Districts Urban Cycleways Projects can now begin in earnest following the confirmation that funding from the National Land Transport Fund has been approved for both the Rangiora to Woodend and the Rangiora to Kaiapoi Urban Cycleways projects. This means all funding sources, including the Waimakariri District Council and Urban Cycleway Programme share, are now confirmed. Both routes will be off-road and sealed. It is anticipated that riders of all ages and abilities will use the cycleways. Construction is scheduled to commence in late 2017. The Rangiora-Woodend cycleway will
follow Rangiora-Woodend Road between Devlin Avenue and Chinnerys Road. It will connect into on-road facilities along Kippenberger Av extending to East Belt. At Woodend, the path will connect into on-road facilities extending to School Road. The Rangiora to Kaiapoi route will begin at the Mafeking Footbridge near Smith Street in Kaiapoi and will follow the Kaiapoi River stop-bank before passing beneath the rail bridge. The path will follow Lineside Road on the western side of the rail bridge. The path will follow Lineside Road on the western side of the railway line and finish by connecting into existing on-road facilities in Southbrook. This route will enable people to ride between the Districts two largest centres.
Located in Woodend Very reasonable rates Specialising in Westie clips Contact Shelly today for further information Mobile: 021 02336676 Email:
Page 20
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selected for 2017, so please mark Sunday 10 September on your calendar. Graeme Barber
ENROLLMENTS FOR 2017: We urgently require any known enrollments now and up to the end of the year to enable us to work on our staffing organisation for 2017. So if you know of any families in the community with preschoolers or other students due to start, please encourage them to call the office on 312 7808. TEACHER ONLY DAY We will be holding a Teachers Only Day on 14 November which is the Monday after Show Day on Friday 11 to redevelop our appraisal systems. Please start making plans for your children as school will be closed for instruction on this day. THE NEW TEACHING BLOCK Tenders closed on Friday 26 August for the new 8 space block . Following the tender evaluation process a contractor has been selected with the removal of rooms 12,13 and 14 planned for the end of the holidays. Construction of the new block will commence early term 4. This is exciting news. COMMUNITY SUPPORT We really appreciate all your support throughout the term - it all helps to make our school a fantastic place to be a part of. WSSPA are yet to confirm the final takings from the fair but in our next newsletter we will be able to report on this. Wasn’t it a wonderful community day contributed to by so many students, parents, staff (and their families) and the community. Many thanks to you all for your ongoing support for this annual event. A date has been Page 22
THUMBS UP PROGRAMME The Thumbs Up Programme is returning to Woodend School - 10th and 11th October. The wonderful Thumbs Up programme is again being provided to our school by CWS. All students will have the opportunity to find out more about wind blast, turning vehicles and blind spots with Constable Ken Terry as well as the opportunity to have a look inside and out of one of the CWS trucks. These trucks travel daily backwards and forwards past our school to Kate Valley. Thanks again to the Waste Management NZ Limited and Ken Terry for this opportunity. STUDENT LEADER NEWS By the 2016 Student Leadership Team: Last week 40 Rimu students went to Koru games in Christchurch. This event went for three days. The reason that they hold the games is to encourage fair play .There were schools from all around the South Island. This was a great event and all the teams did amazing. The Basketball team came 4th, Netball came 24th, Rugby came 18th and Football came 25th. A huge well done to all who participated !! Last Thursday Kapa Haka performed at the North Canterbury Cultural Festival at Ohoka School Hall. This was a huge event with many other North Canterbury schools participating as well. They did incredibly and have done the school proud. SCIENCE ALIVE COMES TO WOODEND! A great finish to our term on space. We had so much fun with science alive and showed John and his team how much we had learnt.
Science Alive consisted of 2 sessions. The first one was in the Space dome where we got to see the stars and planets up close. We zoomed in on different planets and looked at different constellations. The second was a workshop with lots of different activities, reinforcing lots of things we had already learnt about plus learning lots more!
were recorded, but the main focus was displaying the IBS.
Thank you Science Alive! We hope you come back soon!
2017 School Terms & Holidays
MATAI OLYMPICS The Matai Olympics - It’s not about who wins or loses, but who plays fair and true. On Friday the 16th of September, Matai had an Olympics day celebrating the intelligent behaviours - Logical Thinking, Creating, Self managing and Team Playing. Four sports were played - Netball, Rippa Rugby, Hockey and Soccer. Scores
The weather cleared up in the afternoon allowing for some dance, choir, and rap. It all culminated in Harakeke winning the coveted Team Playing award and celebrating with a lolly scramble. What a great day!
At our August Board of Trustees meeting the following dates were ratified as our start and finish dates for 2017. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
31st January - 13th April 1st May - 7th July 24th July - 29th September 16th October - 15th December
Note: 1 day Teacher Only Day if required (if taken will mean a finish date one day later).
Come in and meet the team @
Dry Cuts
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Full Head Foil SPECIAL Includes cut & toner $90
Monday closed • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9-8 • Friday 9-4 • Saturday 9-2
PH 312 7778 4 9 a M a i n N o rt h R o a d , Wood end
*Extra charges apply to long hair
Tax Calendar - 28th October
GST returns due (2 monthly & 6 monthly) 1st 2016-17 Provisional Tax payment (for 6 monthly payers)
Call Geoff Todd 312-7023 or 021 359-003
Brilliant Deductions Servicing all areas in North Canterbury
Page 24
6 Grades of Bark Mulch Pea Straw Plant straight into our veggie mix or purchase Mushroom Compost or Pig Manure and boost your existing vegetable garden.
Dry Screened Soil & Top Dressing Mix available We now stock, from down South Shotover Stone Blackmountain Chip Garden: Composts, soil, barks, pea straw, mulch etc Landscape: Premix, feature rocks, sleepers, irrigation & more Stump grinding service available Open 7 days * Ph 03 3122003 * 48 Chinnerys Road
Page 25
9 Topito Road Tuahiwi
Friday + Saturday 10am – 2pm
after hours sales 0272291126
Book in for your Spring & Summer paint & papering! NO JOB TO SMALL Contact us for a FREE QUOTE and ADVICE
Email: Phone: 03 313 3309 Mobile: 0274302938 We do both town and country work
Welcome to PT on Panckhurst! Personal training programmes specifically designed to help with injuries and medical conditions. Whether you would like to be able to run a half marathon without sore knees, exercise safely with a medical problem or simply just be able to do the household chores without hurting your back then home run PT on Panckhurst is just what you are looking for. A service offering: · Postural analysis – stiff neck and shoulders? Headaches? Postural correction available here! · One to one training - help achieve your goals whether you have an injury, would like to tone up, get in shape and become more active. Partner training available – a cost effective way to train with a friend and achieve your goals together. · Exercise classes in Woodend and Pegasus – circuit training, gentle exercise for seniors, Bootcamps and BoxFit also running. Qualified and experienced trainer with competitive prices! Contact Laura for more info on: Ph: 0221 345 275 Email: Website: Page 26
For latest info and offers search “PT on Panckhurst” on facebook
Page 27
Also entertainer Adam Allsorts will be there between 11am-2pm, Ponycycles, Stone Carving and “DIY mini picture framing”. Devonshire tea will be available between 11-2pm which is being run by the Pegasus Bay School PTA, and the Ristretto coffee cart will be onsite. Head to facebook, like “Pegasus Bay Art Show”, answer a simple question to be in
S E W W H AT Clothing Alterations 30 years trade experience
Prompt Efficient Service 021 175 5682 • 03 312 7234 WOODEND
Page 28
to win 2 tickets to the opening. Thanks must go to Platinum sponsor Regenerate Electrical, Gold sponsors Mike Greer North Canterbury, PAG Pegasus Dental and Todd Property. Also Visit Waimakariri, Mainpower, Pub Charity and The Rata Foundation who all provided grants, which ensures this is a fantastic event not to be missed.
CHURCH NOTICES Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus - St. Barnabas Church Vicar, Rev Gerard Jacobs Phone: 027 858 9595 A community of believers, serving the wider community in love.
As well as our normal Communion services this month, we also held a Taize service on 11 September, a time of music, quiet reflection and prayer. It was a beautiful, peaceful time, as Taize services always are. The two study groups we have been holding have gone very well. In fact, they have been so successful that they have evolved into a Home Group, still meeting on Wed nights. The Mainly Music people are currently taking a well-deserved break for the school holidays. They will return, fully refreshed, from 12 October, 10 am until midday on Wednesdays. They always miss the caregivers and children during the holidays and will be delighted to see you all again. And if you haven’t been before, or are thinking of coming back after a break, they would love to welcome you. We will be holding a Packing Party to prepare the boxes for Operation Christmas Child on 13 October, from 10 am with a shared lunch to follow. We have 70 boxes this year which we are intending to fill, so it will be a busy session! We gave our church and grounds a good tidy up this month; somehow the arrival of Spring has that effect on people doesn’t it. We also held a car boot sale on 24th September, which was very popular. It was great to see so many of you there, we hope you all found a good bargain.
We would love to welcome you at one of our services this month, if you are interested in coming along. In the meantime, enjoy the Spring – even if the weather isn’t always very Springlike!
Woodend Methodist Church 86 Main Road, Woodend. State Highway One. Rev. Philomeno Kinera Office (03) 313 3448, Home (03) 313 1912, Mob 021 521 118
The movie afternoon on Wed 5 October, 1pm sharp will be a romantic comedy. The following month Wed 2 November will be a musical. Any queries phone Ruth 3122094 or Evelyn 3127740. Free entry and a gold coin donation for the afternoon tea. For any bookings of the Church Hall can you please contact Evelyn on 3127740. Just a reminder – if you have any drapes that you no longer require and are in good condition, there is a Curtain Bank bin outside the Church Hall. If you wish to acquire some drapes contact Andrea at the Rangiora Office on 3133448. Sun 30 October 9am we are holding a candle lighting service to remember those who have passed on in the last year. All invited. The Community Carol Service will be held on Fri 23 December 7pm Supper will follow. WATCH THIS SPACE – Fine China & Linen Sale to be held in March, date to be confirmed.
Pegasus Bay Home Maintenance Services Ltd • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning (Home & Car) • Window Cleaning • Water Blasting THE WOODPECKER OCTOBER 2016
Page 29
COMMUNITY NOTICES ‘FLOWERS WITH PANACHE’ Floral Art North Canterbury invites you to attend an evening of ‘FLOWERS WITH PANACHE’ with leading NZ Floral Artist Vanita Patel on Wednesday 23 November 2016 at the Rangiora Methodist Church Hall, King St, at 7pm. Doors Open 6.30pm. Vanita Patel is an accomplished Auckland designer who will inspire you with her passion for colour and nature. Tickets $10 & supper to follow at conclusion of demonstration. Tickets can be purchased from Heather Sibley 03 313 6671 or Helen Power 03 313 5749 FRIENDS GROUP Next meeting Wed. 26 Oct. at 12 noon. Shared finger food lunch followed by Barbara Hill’s talk on the fascinating life of bees. All welcome. St Barnabas Church Lounge, 147 Main Rd, Woodend. Enquiries: Beverley, 312 7777
PegasusArt Children’s Art Classes Contact Joanne for term 4 Ph: 312 2940 or
We can help with Employment. Contact us to find out about employment agreements, and the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers. We can help with such issues as work place problems health and safety, pay and leave entitlement. We can also help with writing a CV – appointment required. Trevor Inch Memorial Library 141 Percival St, Rangiora, Mon to Fri from 9 am until 4.30pm, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 – free phone 0800 367 222 or email us at
COMMUNITY CONTACTS Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Fire Officer, Murray Lamb
312 7487
Community Emergency Response Team Rick Cable. Email:
312 2667
Woodend Play Centre Claire Cameron 022 122 0452 Woodend Toy Library Stephanie Email:
312 2993
Woodend/Waikuku Plunket Clare Hewett 312 2640 Woodend Preschool/Nursery Sheryl Rule 312 7654 email website Acorn Early Childcare 03 312 2179 Email; Website: Nature’s Play Preschool -Pegasus 9434935 Email: Website: Tuahiwi Community Pre-School
313 2141
Editor & Advertising Rebecca Harris Phone: 312 5458 Email: Drop Box: The Grub Hub, Main Rd, Woodend. NEXT ISSUE NOVEMBER 2016. Deadline 28/10 Woodend Boys’ Club John Harris
313 7832
St Barnabas Church, Woodend Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus Vicar: Rev. Gerard Jacobs 027 858 9595 Hall Hire Bookings – Audrey 313 6034 Home Groups - Anne Graham 313 4457 Mainly Music – Keith Heyworth 03 745 9181 or email cell 027 688 5597 Woodend Methodist Church Minister, Rev. Philomeno Kinera Hall Bookings, Evelyn Woodend Bowling Club President, Mike Carpenter Secretary, Doreen Williams
313 1912 312 7740 312 7463 (03) 327 9519
Woodend Community Association Inc President, John Archer 0274 332 558 Secretary, Jacqui Miller 021 890 358
Woodend Indoor Bowling Club Helen Power Pat
Pegasus Residents Group Inc Email: pegasus Website:
Woodend Netball Club Jenny Loffhagen, President Rachael Paterson, Secretary
Lions Club of Woodend President David Marks Youth Centre Co-ordinator, Lois Inch
03 352 1016 312 7732
Woodend Golden Oldies Rugby & Netball President, Tony Hurley 312 7311
Woodend Combined Club President, Sandra Benson Secretary, Rae Miller
03 327 9050 310 0202
Woodend Community Centre Advisory Group Chairperson, John Batistic 310 0654 Woodend Garden Club Rae Miller, President June Bryson, Secretary Gladstone Park Advisory Group Chairperson, Mark Paterson
310 0202 313 3254 312 7439
Woodend Ashley Ward Community Board Chairperson, Chris Prickett 310 7308 Deputy Chairperson, Karen Eastwood 027 600 794 Waikuku Beach Surf Life Saving Club Richard Marsom Woodend Gymnastics Club Astrid Breach 310 0212
313 5749 312 2335 027 882 4605 312 7439
Woodend Rugby Club President, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Secretary, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Senior Club Captain, Phil Kennett 027 717 2569 Junior Club Captain, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Club Room Bookings, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Woodend Cricket Club Bruce Davey
312 2413
Woodend Junior Cricket Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 Woodend Tennis Club Jim Bucknell
313 9405
Woodend Country Music Club Robert Jongenburger (President) 0274 885297 Marilyn Johnston (VPres) 312 7589 or 0211 362929 Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute Elaine 312 7963 Kathryn 03 327 6621 or 027 335 5771 Lions Club of Pegasus President Ian McGregor Secretary Sharon Divall THE WOODPECKER OCTOBER 2016
920 1955 920 0102 Page 31
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