Produced for the community, by the community
WOODPECKER TO EXPAND IN 2016 As the editor of this little community newsletter for the past 6 & 1/2 years I am extremely excited to announce to everyone that as of the February 2016 edition we will be delivering to letterboxes in Pegasus. Close to 2000 copies will be printed each month, which is a significant increase.
what’s happening throughout the Clubs, Churches and community organisations, the Lions Club of Woodend believes their donation will help foster community relations and support growth and engagement, ensuring the futures of existing community groups and service organisations.
As the Woodpecker has a proud history of reporting community events, news, and most particularly keeping everyone informed with
Exciting times! Bring on 2016!
The increase in printed copies and the costs associated with this will covered by a generous donation from the Lions Club of Woodend for the first three issues.
This extremely generous three month sponsorship will allow time for the benefits of the increased distribution to filter into the community. An increase in advertising charges is also on the cards and ongoing sponsorship will be sought.
CELEBRATING OUR CULTURES AND COMMUNITY AT CHRISTMAS IN A CLASSIC KIWI WAY Let’s come together this Christmas to celebrate our history, welcome and connect our newcomers and migrants to the community we proudly call home. This free event is for young and old, long-time residents and newbies, as well as those with wonderful cultures and traditions they would like to share with us all.
Bring a plate (food to share with others), we’ll provide a smile plus an opportunity to connect with others and have some fun in the sun. Spot prizes can be won on the day. 11am-3pm Saturday 19th December 2015 Woodend Community Centre, School Road, Woodend We look forward to seeing you there! Supported by: Woodend Community Association, Newcomers Network, Neighbourhood Support, Waimakariri District Council, Christchurch Migrants Centre and local Churches
Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus St. Barnabas Church A community of believers, serving the wider community in love Rev. Lynnette Lightfoot 313 8726 The quiz night was a great success and a lot of fun. Our church hall was full of contestants and good humour, the team names were very inventive too. Warren thought up some really good questions which got us thinking! and the raffle prizes weren’t bad either – especially the whitebait... The money raised from this is to be donated to missions.
Now of course it is nearly the end of the year and we are getting ready for the Christmas season. The Presbyterian Support lunches, providing respite for carers, have finished for the year, but the wonderful ladies who run it are already looking forward to 2016. They will recommence in February.
So too will Mainly Music, as it runs during term time only. Keith and his team have been busy planning for the Christmas presentation, which takes place on 9th December. We will miss seeing our children and caregivers during the break, though we hope to catch up with you at the Christingle and Nativity play on the 20th. Guest actress Harriet the donkey will be taking part in the play and she’d love to see as many children as possible to be her audience!
Our 9.30 am traditional services and 4.30 pm contemporary services will continue to take place during December and January, unless replace by a special Christmas service. The Christmas services are as follows:
13th December at 9.30 am, 9 Carols and Lessons
17th December at 7 pm, Blue ChristMASS service, for those among us who find Christmas a difficult time of year due to grief, loneliness or other reasons 20th December at 4.30 pm, Christingle and Nativity play with Harriet the donkey 24th December at 11.15 pm, mulled wine and minced pies, followed by a candlelight Eucharist
25th December at 9.30 am, Family Christmas service
We would love to see you at one or more of our services this month, do come if you can. We take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
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Woodend Methodist Church 86 Main Road, Woodend. State Highway One. Rev. Philomeno Kinera Office (03) 313 3448, Home (03) 313 1912, Mob 021 521 118 WOODEND AFTERNOON MOVIE The Christmas Candle Wednesday 2 December 2015. 1.00pm
COMBINED CHRISTMAS EVE CAROL SERVICE (Combined service with John Knox Presbyterian) at Rangiora Trinity Methodist Church. Thursday 24 December 2015 7.00pm Christmas Supper provided CHRISTMAS SERVICE (Combined service with Trinity) at Rangiora Trinity Methodist church. Friday 25 December 2015 9.30am ALL SUNDAY SERVICES will be held at Trinity Methodist Church, Rangiora from 27 Dec 2015 to 31 Jan 2016 at 10.30am. Services will resume at Woodend Methodist Parish on 7 February 2016 at 9.00 AM
LOCATIONS FOR SUMMER FUN DAYS WAIMAKARIRI Trinity Methodist Church: Address: 176 King Street, Rangiora Date: Sunday 31 January 2016 Time: 11.30 AM to 2.00 PM
Woodend Methodist Church: Address: 86 Main North Road, Woodend Date: Sunday 14 February 2016 Time: 11.00 AM to 2.00 PM Christmas and New Year Blessings from the Woodend parish.
May the spirit of Christmas be with you throughout the New Year . Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year touched with wonder and filled with love.
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From our Mayor David Ayers
A Tale of Two Residents’ Associations… The Waimakariri District doesn’t have many operating residents’ associations. There is a very long-surviving association in PinesKairaki and a newish one in Ohoka, along with a project-oriented group in Cust, but, interestingly, the other two are in the Woodpecker area, in Woodend and Pegasus.
For Woodend, the existence of the Woodend Community Association probably reflects a feeling that the township has historically had trouble making itself heard. From the early years of the 20th Century it was within the rurally-dominated Rangiora County and while the later Rangiora District Council did have a Woodend Community Committee, there must have been times since when Woodend felt a little buried politically.
It isn’t easy keeping a residents’ association going because people tend to only want to use them when there is a major issue at hand, but they do serve a useful function in bringing local concerns to the other bodies such as the Council – a usefulness that works both ways. At a Community Board level, a more localised residents’ association can act
as a partner and will often find that works better than dealing straight with the Council. For Pegasus, the Residents’ Group has acted as an important conduit in that way too, but is also doing great work helping to build a sense of community in their new town. I value the contributions of both the Woodend Community Association and the Pegasus Residents’ Group for the roles they play in bringing issues to the WoodendAshley Community Board and the District Council. ________________________________
As this is the last issue of the year, Marilyn and I join with the rest of the Council in wishing you all a happy and safe Christmas and New Year period with family and friends. We also wish you all the best for the coming year.
Phone: 03 3100 444 THE WOODPECKER DECEMBER 2015/JANUARY 2016
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From the beginning of December we will have a preliminary plan of both the Rata block and the new block to replace Rooms 12, 13 and 14 available for viewing in the office. These preliminary plans are based on the old Admin block being completed on time. PRINCIPAL’S PEN Welcome to James and Grayson who have recently started at Woodend. This term is very quickly winding down. It has been a busy but very successful year for our students and staff. On behalf of the staff I wish all year 8 leavers every success as they continue their learning and life journey and Seasons Greetings to all as we approach the festive season. THE NIGHT THE BOOKS SPOKE
By the end of this year Rata team (Yrs 3/4) will be back in the old admin block and Room 9, Matai team (Years 5/6) will be in Rooms 10 and 11 and the Information Centre and Rimu (Years 7/8) will be in Rooms 15, 16, 17 and 18. During the Christmas holidays the acoustics in Rooms 17 and 18 will be upgraded along with some water tightness repairs to this and the Admin block STAFF CHANGES
With Margaret Tudehope reinventing herself as a Grandmother we are with much sadness preparing to farewell her from full time teaching at the end of this year. We know that over her 26 years as Deputy Principal and teacher Margaret has touched many families with her empathy and respect for individual learners and their families. If you have any messages and best wishes you would like us to share with her please email them to SAFE SCHOOL INITIATIVE
What an amazing production. We are so proud of our staff and students working together on this production. We know that the parents, grandparents and caregivers who attended enjoyed the show as much as we did. We also acknowledge the behind the scenes support from WSSPA and other parents. Well done to all ! BUILD PROGRAMME
Stage 1 of our build programme is underway with the old admin block now stripped out and being prepared as a Flexible Learning space for Rata team next year. We are excited with the opportunities this provides for collaborative learning and teaching.
As part of our International Safe School status we celebrate success and give back to communities, Graeme has as part of this status, recently been in Japan presenting on behalf of our school and is at present in Australia at the 12th Australasian Injury Prevention Conference where again he is presenting - this time on Student Power in road and truck safety initiatives. The presentation he is using has been coconstructed with our current student leaders and celebrates the amazing working together for safety we undertake with the WDC, CWS and other trucking companies. Graeme Barber J.P. Principal.
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Woodend Play Centre
Again there is no stopping Woodend Playcentre. We are busy busy busy yet again.
A big thank you to the Tuhaitara Trust; Greg Byrnes & the Rangers, for letting us hold a sausage sizzle fundraiser with bacon butties, at beginning November on their Open Day. We would also like to thank Woodend BP for their kind donation which allowed us to hold a BBQ stall at this event. We really appreciate all of our local support as it allows Playcentre to continue its community service.. Although the sun only tried to shine there was plenty of great things happening, especially the releasing of mud fish.
Kiwi Moon..... many of you will know the story by Gavin Bishop, about the white kiwi. ‘When he is born his mother doesn’t recognise him because he’s not brown. Little Kiwi looks to the moon as his mother instead because it is white and bright and round. In the background of this story we see the changing times of a nearby pa. On the surface this is a very simple story but it also contains themes of intertribal warfare, European colonisation of New Zealand, Maori/Pakeha relations, and conservation.’
(scented) herbs. Cooking, using our own veggies and herbs, is definately on the cards.
Are you short of a knife or two or have a young child who is wanting to help in the kitchen? We are selling the ultimate knife....a knife that will cut food but NOT YOUR FINGERS!!! Kiddikutter knives are available in various colours for $19..Please phone Kim on 0277 178754 or Sarah on 021 2455647. Not many left in stock!!!
We are getting excited about our Christmas Party, with term finishing Tuesday 12th December, with a visit from a special person. For the first time, we are also excited to be giving a book as a present to each of our children thanks to the Scholastic Bookclub support over the year.
What do you know about where you live? Do you have any information you can let us have? Have you been to Playcentre in the past and have photos you’d like to give us? WOODEND PLAYCENTRE IS 30YRS OLD NEXT YEAR Keep an eye out for celebrations next year. Lastly, thanks very much for all your support this year. It’s been a fantastic year with alot of growth, very encouraging for 2016. We look forward to meeting you all Monday 1st February.
We had an excursion to the Isaac Theatre to see this as a puppet show. It was a huge turn out from our Whanau. A great experience not only to see and experience the old Theatre but to see a live performance and the puppets, Have a great Christmas and New Year. as the children love putting on their own shows with the new puppets we have at the Whanau tupu ngatahi - families growing Centre. together. Our veggie patch is looking very good at the moment. A lot of hard work has gone into it with the planting of tomatoes, peas, strawberries, kale, beetroot...the list goes on. We also have a sensory garden with smelly
Woodend Playcentre, School Rd, Woodend (behind the Community Centre) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9:15am-12:15pm Contact: Claire 022 122 0452
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Mer�� Christ�as And A Happy New Year to all Woodend Residents Robyn Gauld Ph 327-5379 any time Mobile 027-2210171
• Domestic & Commercial • Leaking Taps & Pipes
Window cleaning Pest management Shower and glass restoration House washing / Water blasting Pieter Koekemoer Free Phone: 0508 776722 Phone: 021 040 7608 or 027 221 8078 Website: Email:
• Water Cylinders • Alterations & New
Newcomers enjoy first WI meeting
It was a successful day for the Pegasus Woodend WI at the recent Community Expo hosted by the Pegasus Welcome Ambassadors at the Pegasus Bay School hall. 10 women made contact with the club during the information session who are interested in WI, and will attend future meetings to see what they have to offer. Recently Helen Power from Woodend gave the WI a demonstration on making a table centre for Christmas, which included fresh flowers and Christmas decorations. After the demonstration members had a go at making their own table centre, all of whom thoroughly enjoyed learning the new skill.
Attending this day were 4 newcomers, these women were interested in seeing what the WI had to offer after they made contact at the Rangiora Show and also the community expo. The newcomers enjoyed the day, demonstration, and the opportunity to have a go and will be joining other club members at the Christmas luncheon at Jagz on Tuesday 8th December from 11:00am.
If you are interested in learning more about the Pegasus Woodend WI and would like more information you are welcome to contact Kathryn on 03 327 6621.
Helen Power (top centre) demonstrates making a table centre for Christmas, which included fresh flowers and Christmas decorations.
Pegasus Bay Home Maintenance Services Ltd • Oven Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning • Window Cleaning • Water Blasting • Upholstery Cleaning (Home & Car) THE WOODPECKER DECEMBER 2015/JANUARY 2016
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Woodend Combined Probus Club
Our November Mini-Speaker was a club member born in Ipswich, England in 1942. Her recollections of wartime are mainly from her Grandmother who looked after her when her Mum put on a hard hat to help where she could and Dad was away in the Navy on minesweepers.
After the war, Dad was engaged in engineering work, mostly overseas. In 1956, he plus family came to New Zealand for three years to work on a new power station at Meremere (North Island). What excitement! Dad went by air while the family travelled out on the Rangitane, a wonderful experience for a 14-year old. She got a job in the engineering office at age 15 and had 2 ½ formative years working under a very strict Dutch lady! Friends were quickly made and most Saturday nights involved a party at someone’s house or a dance or a group trip to Auckland – all very good times with no need for alcohol! At this time she met her future husband – but that’s another story. All too soon the power station was finished and it was time to return to England on a memorable 5 day air trip via Fiji, Honolulu, Goose Bay, Vancouver and Amsterdam! She got a job with a highly esteemed company in Ipswich and in that time met a lady with whom she became lifelong friends.
Eight years ago she returned to England when her friend, who had bought lovely Chandos Lodge in Suffolk, became very ill. Chandos Lodge had a significant association with the Royal Ballet Company, and we were shown photos of the beautiful house and grounds at the conclusion of the talk.
Our main speaker last month was recently retired Kaiapoi dentist Al Blackie. He spoke to us about his 2 week experience in Cambodia as a volunteer for the One2One ChristianPage 14
based Charity Trust.
After getting the necessary police clearance and appropriate “shots”, Al arrived in Phnom Penh where he was based in a hostel together with a number of Bible students, some of whom were to act as helpers at the “Happy Dental Clinic” where he would work. His patients were generally children from some of the Charity’s 26 orphanages, arriving up to 15 at a time in a mini-bus. Typically, each child needed many extractions and fillings, with explanations of treatment being virtually impossible because of the language barrier. Al also did some supervision at the dental school which was equipped with brand new gear from Japan and turned out some 60 new graduates per year. Many average Cambodians, however, can only afford to be treated by untrained street dentists. The Charity also undertakes a slum feeding programme and provision of some slum schooling for the children. Al’s wife had the opportunity to see some of this work even though access is tightly controlled.
The “school” was roughly a 4m x 4m sort of packing case, with no room for chairs. A significant problem is that some 20% of the children are HIV positive. Al also told us of his visit to the “killing fields”, a chilling place where some 17,000 people were killed.
He also shared his overall impression of Phnom Penh as being about Christchurchsized (pre-quake), still retaining some of its French colonial influence, heavily overlaid by Asia and with a gazillion motorbikes! Al illustrated his very interesting talk with many photos which showed that the Cambodia he visited was totally outside our everyday experience.
On our November bus trip 51 members went to Yaldhurst to visit “Greystones” for a “Christmas Homestead Tour”. We enjoyed wandering through the home which was decorated with many Christmas trees, wreaths, garlands etc. and many members explored the lovely gardens. Millie and her helpers provided a delicious buffet lunch at the conclusion of our tour.
We then went on to visit “Love Light Soy Candles” which is a working candle studio making beautiful hand poured soy candles and tea lights. Wendy and Anna gave us a very interesting demonstration of the processes involved. Their enthusiasm made our visit most enjoyable! Merry Christmas to all!
Greystones Grand Entrance
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This Month with Harry During November we had two trips to Waiau with the boys. All ‘newies’ and a great wee bunch of jokers. The first camp coincided with annual fireworks night put on by the Waiau community. The guys were told that if they settled down and got a good nights rest we would think about taking them to it. Which they didn’t but we still went anyway. What a marvellous event. It was held in the domain up the hill overlooking the village. Kickoff was at 7 and it appeared the entire populace of the Amuri had turned up as well as lots of outsiders including another Woodend family. There were several stalls, bouncy castles, pony rides, go-carts, sausage sizzles etc. etc. all run by local groups such as Plunket, Pony Club, Scouts and so on. About 9 p.m. the stalls were cleared from the southern section and a loud explosion signalled something was about to happen. So loud in fact it probably caused the need for a change of undies amongst some. The professionally run show was absolutely spectacular and seemed to go on forever. Just when all had thought it had finished and politely clapped their appreciation, the show re-ignited with more. These evenings at Waiau are arranged by a committee made up of all the local organisations. The fireworks are sourced and a gate charge set. This year it was $10 per head or $40 per car load, which was pretty reasonable for our mob of 6 boys and two adults. By all accounts the biggest cost for hosting this event is insurance to cover any of the stupid safety rules set down by OSH. Whatever happened to the old ‘come at your own risk’ scenario. Any surplus monies are given to a prior designated local group. On the way back to the hut one of the guys commented that it was a pity we didn’t have a similar show in Woodend. I told them that in the olden days Woodend used to have a community Guy Fawkes night, initially
arranged by the then headmaster, Malcolm Livingstone. Every household in the village contributed fuel for the bonfire, such as old furniture etc.etc. This was built on the vacant ground between the bowling green and the school. Some even contributed flammable material from other households unbeknown to the owner whilst the old tyres from both garages were very popular. The clouds of thick black smoke these gave off were a sight to behold as it swept to far off places such as Tuahiwi and Southbrook. Of course the ozone layer had never been heard of in those days and would probably have been dismissed with that ageless old phrase, “bugger it”.
It is very easy to ramble on about the past, the good old days when everyone knew everyone else and most of their business. Those halcyon days when everyone joined in and wanted to be part of the community. The churches welcomed large congregations, the sports teams enjoyed a near 100% participation whether playing or supporting, the Baden-Powell teams were strong and the newborn kept Plunket active. In fact about the only people that didn’t actively participate in village affairs were in one of the two cemeterys. At the pinnacle of the community was the school. Good leadership, teachers, governance, a simple basic curriculum and a pool where the little people were taught the basics of swimming and the opportunity to stay out of drowning statistics, all contributed to the school being to the fore. It is in my opinion, and I repeat in my opinion before 4,000 of you readers put pen to paper and flood this dear little epistle with correspondence expounding what an idiot I am and don’t forget I have already used the word opinion twice in this longwinded ungrammatical sentence and I have now forgotten what I was going to say. Oh yes, I remember. I have been lucky enough to have been associated with several Woodend
institutions over the past 60 years. However in my opinion (no.4) there has been a steady decline, daresay fragmentation in the community spirit in this town over the past 30 years. This coincides with the rapid colonisation of our village. One could be forgiven that with more people more support for our organisations would result. However it appears to be the opposite. Why? Are we becoming the classic dormitory town where people just come home to roost? Our community association needs more members, some of the sports clubs are struggling to field teams, our churches would like more followers and Plunket needs support. Bowls appear to be in good shape, Probus thrives and the garden club has a sound membership. Still in my opinion (5) we lack a true community centre. We have a council hall administered by council and used by other outside groups. It seems to be forgotten who contributed to the construction of this hall either by hard work or rating. And we had the ridiculous situation, although I believe it has changed, whereby a local girls sports team had to front with a $1000 bond before they could hire it for a function! Community centres should have small cosy lounges where the elderly could meet for a cuppa and a natter. Perhaps a small swappa library and smaller accoustically attractive meeting rooms where one doesn’t have to compete with the roar of a heat pump or take pot luck with the booking of. Finally folks our only service club, the Woodend Lions is in dire straits. Whilst we have no intention of closing down we are in desperate need of some new blood. In days of yore one was invited to join, i.e. friends, neighbours, work colleagues etc. The fact is that due to rapid growth it is difficult to establish who is out there. There must be amongst you recent and not so recent
arrivals someone who would dearly love to get involved with helping the community but may be a little shy. Like I am. When the Lions first chartered 30 years ago there were 36 regular members who took part in fund raising for the town and since many thousands of dollars have been sourced. Natural attrition, job changes, moves to other areas and old age have seen a decline in numbers. This of course puts limitations on the type of fundraising projects we can do. The more hands at these dos adds to the fun of doing them. And we do have fun. Dirty great heaps of it. We have ways and means of making our members have fun. It’s an important component of our participation. Nearly all the monies raised goes back into the community with the odd exception being such things as cancer research, heart foundation, sight first or anything that ultimately benefits everyone. We look after the Youth Centre, maintain the Plunket rooms and beautify the entrance and exit of our town. We meet on the third Thursday of the month usually at the Stillwater from 6.30 to 9p.m. After a half hour of refreshment and small talk we have a meal. This is followed by the tail twister who fines fellow members for misdemeanors, stupid things or pickles they have got into since last meeting. People like Ted Marris, Bruce Cosgrove or Steve Clegg will probably need to open an account. Most meetings we have guest speaker who is followed by a short meeting outlining forthcoming events. Our March meeting will be an open one so if you are interested watch the February ‘Woodpecker’ for details. Open to boys and girls aged between 18 and 97 and it won’t cost you a thing. Or conversely if you would like to see how one of our projects work come along to one of our famous cemetery tours.
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These start again in the new year ---watch the ‘Northern Outlook’ for details.
Wishing all my fans a Merry Xmas, you are both very kind. J.H. TO THE EDITOR, Dear Cur/Madam,
On October 24th my husband Clarence who was on leave from his very important work at the Paparua Government Institution and I were travelling eastwards along the Rangiora Woodend road towards our fair village when we noticed thick black smoke rising into the air. Thinking at the very least a large aeroplane must have crashed or an oil tanker had run aground and caught fire we hurried to the source of this pollution. As we turned off the Rangiora Woodend road onto Turiwhaia road we were confronted by this huge polished green edifice on four
wheels belching smoke and steam out its chimney. A large puddle underneath gave signs of incontinence and it was clear that in its state of excitement the thing had wet itself. I sometimes have the same problem after a skinful of beer and a sneezing bout. As we approached cautiously, a small man who had been hiding in the coal box peered over the side and asked if we had a tractor big enough to shift this thing. Thinking he obviously had a flat battery and needed a tow, I offered him my jumper leads which were refused. The thing then grunted and began to spew water and steam again as if it had served time in Rotorua. My question is that if one owns a pet dragon, is one obliged to carry a plastic bag to clean up after it as we responsible dog owners do? Secondly how many carbon credits do these ozone layer wrecking devices need? Yours etc Fiona Crud (Miss)
CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME Noddy Train • Mini Digger • Clown & Fairy * Bumper Balls • Coffee Van GREAT FOR ALL THE FAMILY 20 hectares of park like grounds and a short walk to a beautiful sandy beach. Numerous children’s play areas plus forest biking and walking tracks. Wifi and clean tidy amenities. Woodend Beach Holiday Park, 14 Woodend Beach Road, Woodend Beach Phone: 03 312 7643 or email:
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To all my loyal and wonderful clientele, thank you! for your time and making this year such a pleasure. Looking forward to seeing you again next year.
WISHING YOU ALL THE VERY BEST FOR 2016 Offering you Professional hair care and styling services. As a freelance Hair Stylist, my pricing differs from the salons, please enquire. NZQA Trade Qualified + DIP Hairdressing
Wednesday . Thursday . Friday . Saturday Wednesday & Friday till 8pm Call Lyndia to book your Hair Appointment 03 3100 411 or 021 239 0713 Styling at Hair in Woodend, 49 Main North Road. Plenty of parking. THE WOODPECKER DECEMBER 2015/JANUARY 2016
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Woodend Bowling Club
Christmas greetings to everyone and a safe holiday season.
Safety has been improved at the our Bowling Club thanks to community support. We have purchased a new AED defibrillator which will be housed in the clubrooms. The purchase has been made possible thanks to funds raised in the Club’s recent Bookarama and a generous donation from the Woodend Lions Club.
Sadly school bowls has been badly affected by inclement weather bringing on a cancellation of this year’s programme but we thank Bob and his team for making an effort to run the school bowls. CHRISTMAS PARTY will take place on Saturday December the 19th. Members to sign in on list in the clubrooms please. Written by Noelene Johnstone
Woodend Lions Club President, David Marks, says his organization is thrilled to support the initiative.
“It has been a pleasure as a principal sponsor to present this defibrillator to the bowling club. It is an invaluable asset in any sporting compound. “Such a device is constantly charged, available at moments notice and can be used by anyone at hand.” Rymans Healthcare has also generously sponsored the purchase of new safer mats. Our thanks go out to Rymans Health care for those.
Community bowls have started again but will not take place in December/ January, but begin again on Wednesday evening February 10th, followed by each Wednesday until March 9th. We would like to see more folk/families come along and enjoy the evenings. Flat soled shoes are required, a small charge towards supper is also needed. See you there! Championships are getting well on the way and hopefully some results before Christmas will come through. Woodend is having some good results with the interclub fixtures in both men’s and women’s teams. Page 20
Woodend Lions Club President David Marks (left) and Woodend Bowling Club member Alan Pegley are thrilled with the purchase of a new AED defibrillator.
Kingsley Howie gives the new bowling mats, donated by Rymans Health Care a go.
clients a very Wishing all our Happy New Year! & Merry Christmas
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Page 21
There is a new danger lurking in the sand dunes!!!
If you’re heading to Waikuku or Woodend Beach, there’s a danger you should know about. A sand cave can collapse, trap and kill our kids.
This year the tide has carved out a cliff face of sand which has the potential to cause this problem – so please discourage digging into the bank. What seems like fun could be deadly!
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Page 22
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A “tootin” success
Following yet another successful Toot For Tucker Food Drive we want to firstly thank all those involved, in particular the Lions Club of Woodend and the Kaiapoi Fire Brigade. Without their involvement we would not be able to celebrate another great event. The generosity of the community is so much appreciated by the Salvation Army and Well Being North Canterbury- Kaiapoi Community Trust. Here at Property Brokers Real Estate we are proud to be the organizers and sponsors of this region wide event and thank the community for their donations, if however we missed collecting your donation you can either leave it at the Fire Station doors or at the BP in Woodend. We will arrange collection from there in the next few days. Again Thank you to everyone involved.
Gordon Patterson
Special project, lounge, man’s cave or front fence? NO JOB TO SMALL Contact us for a FREE QUOTE and ADVICE Email: Phone: 03 313 3309 Mobile: 0274302938 We do both town and country work
Welcome to PT on Panckhurst! A service offering personal training designed to help with injuries. Whether you would like to be able to run a half marathon without sore knees, complete a round of golf without a painful shoulder or simply just be able to do the household chores without hurting your back then with home run PT on Panckhurst look no further. A service offering: · Postural analysis – stiff neck and shoulders? Headaches? Postural correction available here! · One to one training - help achieve your goals whether you have an injury, would like to tone up, get in shape and become more active. Partner training - bring a friend and achieve your goals together. · Exercise classes in Woodend and Pegasus – circuit training and gentle exercise for seniors. Qualified and experience trainer with competitive prices! Contact Laura for more info on: Ph: 0221 345 275 Email: Website:
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For latest info and offers search “PT on Panckhurst” on facebook
Woodend Garden Club
Woodend Garden Club held their rose and flower show in the Woodend Community hall earlier in November. It is always a wonderful sight to see all the roses, cut flowers, decoratives and vegies on display. The perfume from the roses filled the air and made it feel like summer is here.
Our judge for the roses said it was a slow time for roses due to the cold nights and thought we had done a wonderful job in producing the quality of the roses. At the end of the day it was the flowers that won the day. The results are:
Stalker Cup Decorative Open: 1st Jeanie Robinson, 2nd Jan Osborne, 3rd Helen Power. Bud Vase Decorative Novice: 1st Rae Miller, 2nd Judy Stewart, 3rd Pam Cleeve.
Woodend Garden Club Cup - Cut Flowers: 1st Brenda Batchelor, 2nd Judy Stewart, 3rd Helen Power (Premier Bloom) Pam Cleeve. Rose Bowl - Roses: 1st Jan Osborne, 2nd Shirley Wheeler, 3rd Rae Miller (Premier Bloom).
Macann Cup - Most Championship Points: Brenda Batchelor, 2nd Rae Miller, 3rd Jan Osborne.
Congratulations to the winners and thankyou to all who entered.
Woodend Garden Clubs next meeting is December 7 at 11:00am. Bring a plate of food for lunch, a Bric Brac Auction to follow. The members of the Woodend Garden Club would like to wish one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Blue Gum 6mtrs = $480.00 Old Man Pine 8mtrs = $480.00 Pine 8mtrs = $400.00 MIX OMP 4mtr & Blue Gum 4mtr = $560.00 FREE DELIVERY: Woodend, Rangiora, Tuahiwi, Kaiapoi
Phone Sue or Peter 312 7161 or 027 312 7179 THE WOODPECKER DECEMBER 2015/JANUARY 2016
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COMMUNITY NOTICES BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Kind, Caring, Friendly, Cheerful, Bubbly and Loving Experienced Babysitter. Wanting work in Woodend area. Please phone Montana on: 3127120 or 0212684513. MATURE FLATMATE WANTED Woodend lifestyle block. Professional person, non smoker. Large room available in modern house. Shared facilities. $120.00 + expenses. Phone evenings 03 312 7676 or leave msg. KAIAPOI COMMUNITY SUPPORT Close: Thur 24th Dec – 12pm Open: Mon 4th – Fri 8th Jan – 10am – 2pm Normal hours: 11th Jan onwards Phones will be checked over the Christmas period for those who need Community Pantry assistance.
NORTH CANTERBURY Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury wishes you all the joys of the festive season. May 2016 bring good health and good cheer. Our Bureau closes on Friday 18 December 2015 and re-opens on Monday 6 January 2016. Our phone (03 313 8822) and our email will be checked regularly for any messages – so please contact us if need be. The St John’s Health Shuttle Service will be closed from 18 December 2015 until 11 January 2016. We look forward to helping you with any enquiries in the New Year.
Wishing all our customers a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year. Come in and have a craft beer or cider out in the garden, bar snacks now available.
20% OFF
For bookings and enquiries phone: 03 312 2912 79 Main North Road, Woodend • Email: * 20% OFF the FOOD BILL valid to a maximum of $20.00. Conditions apply valid until 31/12/15. 1 voucher per table, not to be used in conjunction with any other offer or vouchers, no change given. Page 26
Merry Christmas from the Woodend-Ashley Community Board Enjoy your time spent with friends, family, neighbours and colleagues and share the Christmas Spirit with all people throughout our wonderful communities.
Being cheer to those that live alone, or in need of assistance over the Christmas holidays, you may assist in making this Christmas, one to remember. We hope you all enjoy the Christmas festive season and wish you all the best for a safe and relaxing Christmas and New Year and a fabulous 2016
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