Produced for the community, by the community
From Green-Waste to Garden Gold Every cuppa counts at Woodend School. The photo shows Mahi Māra (the Junior Garden Group) re-using teabags to grow new plants from seed for the garden. The “hat lady” (Lesley Ottey education officer from Schools and Community Recycling and Waste Minimisation Education Programme) was impressed by Woodend School’s attitude towards re-using kitchen and green waste. In the garden group they experimented with vege scraps left over from making dinners and lunches. They also experimented with re-growing celery, sprouted yams, re-grown carrot tops and they have plans to do more. The group has learned that Green Waste is garden gold, and it’s free.
6 Grades of Bark Mulch Pea Straw Plant straight into our veggie mix or purchase Mushroom Compost or Pig Manure and boost your existing vegetable garden.
Dry Screened Soil & Top Dressing Mix available We now stock, from down South Shotover Stone Blackmountain Chip Garden: Composts, soil, barks, pea straw, mulch etc Landscape: Premix, feature rocks, sleepers, irrigation & more Stump grinding service available Open 7 days * Ph 03 3122003 * 48 Chinnerys Road
Page 2
ANIMAL FEED & PET STORE Come and visit us and see the animals We have food for all types of animals such as: Cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, birds, rats and mice and all other farmyard animals. We stock most leading brands of pet foods, such as
“For all your pet and animal feed and supplies” ***STOCKIST OF FROZEN PET FOODS*** North Canterbury Stockfeed Supplies Chinnery’s Road, Woodend Open Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm Saturday - 9am to 1pm 03 3100 444 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2016
Page 3
Local Body Election sees hot competition in the Kaiapoi-Woodend area A strong turnout has resulted in 69 nominations being received for elected positions within the District in this year’s local government elections. The final count saw 25 names registered for the 10 positions available on Council, while 42 nominees are vying for the 24 openings across the District’s four community boards. Across the three wards, the hottest competition comes in the KaiapoiWoodend area, where 11 contenders are bidding for four available seats around the Council table. This includes three incumbent Councillors. Three of the four incumbents have also put their names up for re-election in the Rangiora-Ashley ward. They will face a further six challengers, with nine names to feature on the election ballot document. Oxford-Ohoka also sees a strong contest, with the incumbents being challenged by three others in a five-way ballot for the
two available Council positions. The number of Community Board aspirants also ensures a fascinating election will take place. There are eight nominees vying for five vacancies in the Woodend-Sefton ward while Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi has eleven candidates seeking election to one of the five available positions. The election for the Oxford subdivision of the newly created Oxford-Ohoka Community Board has produced a five candidate run-off for three spots, although the three nominees in the OhokaSwannanoa subdivision will all be elected to the three positions up-for-grabs. Voting documents will be despatched to the community on Friday September 16, with voting closing at noon on Saturday October 8. Progress results will be available as soon as is practical after voting closes, with the final results declared between October 13 and 23.
Pegasus Bay Home Maintenance Services Ltd • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning (Home & Car) • Window Cleaning • Water Blasting Page 6 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2016
Page 7
PEGASUS BAY AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES Special Offer Heat Pump Servicing For Only $60 Ends 1st October
Energy health check, make sure your Heat Pump is working efficiently with a maintenance & health check
SERVICE, MAINTENANCE & INSTALLATION Why not talk to a member of our dedicated team for a free no obligation consultation to discuss your heating and cooling requirements, from heat pumps not operating at their best to system designs in your new home or office we can help guide you through the best options that meet your budget. We work with all the leading brands and have access to the latest energy efficient technologies available. Talk to a member of the team today!!
Pegasus Bay Air Conditioning Services Ltd Page 8 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2016
Heat Pump, Heating & refrigeration Specialists 24/7 call out for all heating and cooling requirements PEGASUS BAY AIR CONDITIONING 16 Hakatere Road Pegasus North Canterbury 027 607 1074 or 027 508 6484
PRGI - Pegasus Info Page - August 2016
Earlier this year representatives from the Woodend Community Association and Pegasus Residents’ Group appeared before a Local Government Commission hearing to ensure those living in Woodend, Waikuku, Pegasus and Sefton would have their own community board to represent them, rather than sharing one with the Kaiapoi Tuahiwi area. Now it’s your turn to acknowledge this by making sure you VOTE! There are 8 local candidates standing for the Woodend Sefton Community Board and you get 5 ticks – use them! If you don’t tick now, nobody will care when you get ‘ticked off’ later!
PRGI – WHAT’S HAPPENING? Lions Club of Pegasus Donation The Pegasus Residents’ Group thanks the Lions Club of Pegasus for its recent donation of $100 towards the installation of the defibrillator on the outside of the Pegasus Medical Centre. Community Directory The revised community directory will be delivered free to all Pegasus homes in a month or so. This excellent publication contains info for over 150 businesses, community groups and clubs in the Woodend, Pegasus and Waikuku areas. Woodend and Waikuku residents will find them at selected outlets from the beginning of October. HUGE THANKS to Rebecca Harris for her expertise Email: Page 10
and patience in helping us compile the 2016/17 edition.
Canterbury University Student Projects
We are very lucky to have Canterbury University Students assisting us again this year as part of their Management 208: Principles of Leadership programme. We have one group working on a market research project, so please support them and us by completing the survey that they produce over the next few weeks. A second team are working on upgrading our website, with the result expected to make the site more user friendly and informative. Woodend and Pegasus Water Supply PRGI put in a submission to WDC regarding the proposal to join the Woodend and Pegasus water supplies. This was also open to individuals, so we hope many of you took the opportunity to have your say. Christmas on the Lake – 10 December Planning for our annual free community Christmas event is well underway. If you would like to offer assistance of some kind with this, please email us at or phone/text 0274 310 803.
WELCOME BAGS – if you are new to Pegasus, contact us for a FREE Welcome Bag. Contains, maps, local info, community directory and more…
Pegasus - Living It - Loving It!
Hello Woodend, Pegasus & Waikuku
The last three years have been stimulating for me, both on Council and personally. We are challenged with altered ward boundaries with Woodend/Pegasus no longer the larger urban part of the ward. However, we retain a separate Community Board, thanks to many of you giving valuable time to challenge the council decision on this matter. I’m enthusiastic about representing our communities and with my experience, am very keen to provide the necessary continuity for the ward as it merges with Kaiapoi. The list of tasks is indeed large, with Pegasus Lake, water supplies, mounting debt, town centres and a review of the district plan to name a few. I am not one to let my guard down and will challenge those matters at Council that affect us all.
I ver� much appreciate your ongoing confidence in me and my abilities and keenly seek your ongoing suppor� for another challenging ter� on Council. THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2016
Page 11
Woodend Combined Probus Club
Our August Mini-Speaker was Foundation club member Barbara Erwood who spoke to us about the beginnings of Probus in the UK in 1965, the start of Probus in NZ in 1974 (on the Kapiti Coast) and the setting up of our club, facilitated by Rangiora Rotary, in 2002. At that time, all the Rangiora Probus clubs were full and had waiting lists, so a public meeting was held in Woodend on 13 October 2002 to gauge interest and the first Club meeting was held in the Woodend Anglican Church Hall on 20 November. At that meeting were 38 Foundation members, of whom some 20 are still active in the club today. A year later, a Christmas Lunch was attended by 54 people – so the Club was growing and it eventually became necessary to change venue from St. Barnabus to the Rugby Club in Gladstone Rd., until we were able to move to the Woodend Community Centre when it became available after post-quake refurbishment. In November 2012, the Club celebrated its 10th birthday at the end of year dinner where we were fortunate enough to have the Club President and all 9 past Presidents in attendance! (see picture above) With its 15th birthday approaching the club continues in “good health” with some 100 members enjoying our monthly meetings and outings. Our first main speaker last month was Kate Russell, C.E.O of the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation (CMRF) and Page 12 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2016
Commercial Director of its subsidiary – the NZ Brain Research Institute (NZBRI). Kate explained that CMRF had been founded in 1960 with funding raised by Rotarians. Its aim was to encourage great clinicians to Canterbury by providing a source of research funding to the University of Canterbury, the University of Otago Medical School and other worthy Institutions. She then outlined some of CMRF’s successes. In 2004, a legacy gift from a Christchurch businessman was used to used to set up the Van der Veer Institute to undertake research on Parkinson’s disease. This transformed into the NZBRI, with research of Parkinson’s as the flagship activity but also encompassing Dementia, Alzheimer’s etc. Kate then introduced Prof. John Dalrymple-Alford (University of Canterbury & NZBRI) who spoke to us about his work and collaboration with others from all over NZ on Dementia. Dementia itself is an umbrella term for many different syndromes and it’s not so much a case of finding a cure but of trying to slow its progression. The fact that some faculties decline with age is to be expected and having a “senior moment” is not to be equated with no longer being able to remain independent. John explained many details of his research work (and also why the Hippocampus - literally seahorse - is so named – see photo!). The key thing John wanted to stress for our age group >>>
<<< was that having rich social networks and engaging in both mental and physical activity makes a difference – so clubs such as ours are most important. Also, NZBRI always welcomes healthy elder people to participate in their studies!
Our monthly coach outing in August took 69 of us for a “Behind the Scenes” tour of the Court Theatre. It was a revelation to see what went on “backstage”. This was followed by an excellent lunch at the Papanui Club before returning to Woodend. 16 of our members enjoyed coffee and goodies at our monthly coffee morning at the “Continental Bakery” in Percival St., Rangiora.
• Domestic & Commercial • Leaking Taps & Pipes
Very Flexible Hours Eftpos Available 5 Bowie Drive, Woodend Ph 021 027 66720
• Water Cylinders • Alterations & New
Page 13
One of the initiatives the students organised was to be out on Rangiora Woodend Road with sandwich boards displaying road safety messages. The students researched the safety messages and made the boards themselves. WOODEND STUDENTS SPEAK UP FOR ROAD SAFETY
If you missed the CTV news clip coverage regarding the campaign go to the following link to view https://www. videos/1194288810627342/
Woodend School Student Leaders are taking action to promote safer driving behaviour around their school. The student leaders have worked with School Community Constable Ken Terry to gather speed data on Rangiora Woodend Road at various times of the day. Head Girl Brooke Hurley said she was “surprised and disappointed by the number of drivers exceeding the 50km speed limit with some doing more than 20km/h over”. Highway Patrol Officer Constable Shane Thomson also met with student leaders and informed them that over a 3 day period he had issued 26 Infringement Notices for speeding on Rangiora Woodend Road outside the school with one driver clocked at 105 km/h which was 55km over the limit!
Site preparation for construction of the Woodend School new 8 Flexible Learning Space block, which is designed to support Collaborative Learning Practices for year 5-8 students, is to begin during the next school holidays.
Wyatt Crockett (All Black) visited Woodend School last month for a surprise training with Senior Rimu Rugby Team. They worked on their tackling, passing, line outs, scrummaging and work around the break down.
Vote for
Council Kaiapoi – Woodend Ward Woodend – Sefton Community Board Experienced community advocate and leader Authorised by R Cable 33 Main North Road Woodend Page 14
138 Main North Road, Woodend (On the right heading North)
Phone: 312 8387 Open Monday - Friday till 6pm
Same trusted RVC friendly, professional veterinary care now closer to home in Woodend & Pegasus! Extensive range of consultation services for your family pets Vet recommended pet and working dog food and treats Quality petware and accessories FREE kitten and puppy packs Regular promotions including gift with purchase
Rangiora Vet Centre - Pets
C AT T E R Y Come in and check out the plans for the new cattery under construction soon.
Page 15
MIKE ON 022 048 7099
Hi There I am a Woodend/Sefton Community Board Candidate My name is John Archer and I have lived in North Canterbury most of my life and my family history have been linked to the Woodend Community for ďŹ ve generations. I have been married to Judy for 47 years and we have raised three Sons who have all attended Woodend School and we now have three Grandchildren continuing this association. I am a retired Landscape Architect and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m keenly interested in environmental issues and sound policies and activities that protect and enhance our enjoyment of our surrounds. As an advocate for anything that improves the well being of our Community, I have been associated with various Community Groups and activities during the past 41 years, in one way or other. My reason for standing for the Woodend/Sefton Community Board is to extend my knowledge of how council works and that decisions that impact on Our Community are sound and inclusive. I acknowledge the importance of a link between Woodend and our Beach Community. This extends to advancing a bond with our neighbouring communities in Pegasus, Waikuku and Sefton. One of these links is the Walk/Cycleway currently under construction, from Woodend to the Beach. This pathway will link with the Tutaepatu trail up to Pegasus and Waikuku Beach in the north and Pines/ Kairaki in the south via trails throughout Te Kohaka o Tuihaitara reserve. It is my belief that all eyes see the same thing differently and the art of living harmoniously within a community, is to look for a common ground that promotes this. Page 16 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2016
friends, and sharing with the Woodend Community all about the wonderful benefits of being part of the Toy Library family.
The Woodend Toy Library is currently looking for more Committee Members, do you have approx 2 hours a month you can give? Currently there is myself (Stephanie), Margaret-Librarian/Treasurer (moving on before the end of the year), Tammy (wonderful long standing Committee member and supplier of Warratahs:), Scott (Toy Buyer), Zoe (grants officer), Jenni (Bouncy Castle Wrangler). Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m am moving on after being with the toy library for 10 years, and on the Committee for 5 years, I have loved being on a great Committee, meeting and making new
We would love some more help from the Woodend/Tuahiwi/Pegasus Community with the Toy Library if you can spare a few hours a month give us a call and let us know what you can help with. We are looking forward to being at the Woodend School Fair, on Sept 11th at 10am-3pm we will have our Bouncy Castle for the little kids, as well as we will be selling some of our old toys. A REMINDER: Our new days are the 1st and 3rd Wed of the Month 3.30-5pm and the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month 10am-12 noon. If you have any questions, feel free to call me 03 312 2993, you can find us on Facebook or email toylibrarywoodend@
Page 17
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Woodend Indoor Bowling Club
We are nearing the end of the indoor bowling season with Monday 26 September the last club night for the year. On this last evening we will begin with our AGM and prize giving and finish with an evening of fun bowling. The Club has had a very successful season both in North Canterbury competitions and Inter club social games. We are 2016 winners of the North Canterbury Inter Club Tournament - Fleming Cup. We won all four challenges during the season. This has been an enormous achievement for the club and we get our name on the Fleming Cup for the first time.
very welcome.
For further information please contact: President: Helen Power 313 5749 Club Captains: Rex Macauley 313 3627 Pat Vaughan 312 2335
Here is an opportunity to sell your art, crafts, loved, but still working stuff, jams, baking, plants, garden produce. Antiques, collectables and handmade things, welcome! Or here is an opportunity to buy early Christmas presents!
Our change of club night from a Friday to a MONDAY has proved popular with the club welcoming three new members.
St. Barnabas Church carpark. 147 Main Rd, Woodend Saturday, 24 September 2016 8:30 am - 12:30 pm (all weathers)
The new playing season will start in March 2017 and new members of all ages will be
To book a $20.00 space phone: Sue 312 2624 or email:
Christine's Beauty Services Fully qualified beauty therapist and makeup artist offering waxing, massage, makeup and styling at affordable prices. Call or text to make an appointment 0274 746 681 • PEGASUS THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2016 Page 19
Woodend Tennis Club
Open Day
10 September - 10am till midday VENUE is the courts, Gladstone Park, east end of Gladstone Road, adjacent to the rugby club. CONTACT is Jim Bucknell ph: 313 9405 or email: All ages and abilities catered for. • • • • • •
Junior competition grade (up to 16yrs) Senior competition grade Presidents competition grade (35yrs & over ) Tuesday morning social play Evening Social tennis (night to be decided) Casual court use welcome (money in coin slot)
New players particularly welcome - hope to see you there!
Blue Gum 6mtrs = $540.00 Old Man Pine 6mtrs = $420.00 Pine 8mtrs = $440.00
MIX Pine 4mtr and Blue Gum 4mtr = $580.00 Mina load 4mtrs
FREE DELIVERY: Woodend, Rangiora, Tuahiwi, Kaiapoi Phone Sue or Peter 312 7161 or 027 312 7179 Page 20
Woodend Playcentre
You are the most important teacher your child will ever have! Oh my goodness what a start to the term!! What more can a preschooler ask for than to get up still wearing their sleepwear and come to Playcentre. Yes, we had pyjama week with breakfast and what a smorgasbord – fruit, yoghurt, cereal, waffles, toast & jam. If the sticky hands and faces were anything to go by, I think our young ones really enjoyed it. Exciting news – August we welcomed to our Playcentre Aimee, our new Thursday coordinator. She brings an abundance of experience as she also coordinates at St. Albans Playcentre. We are fortunate to have her and excited to see our children benefit from both our amazing coordinators.
WE HAVE SPACES NOW AVAILABLE ON MONDAYS....YAY!!!! Come and have a look around, come and have a play. First 3 sessions are FREE
We still have copies of this year’s Entertainment Book available or download the App. Woodend Playcentre is parent led and is a small whanau welcoming children from 0yrs-6yrs, and relies on your help to support us. If you would like to help your local Playcentre please call/ text Claire 022 122 0452 or go to the link below: orderbooks/134y532 As you know Entertainment Book provides over $20,000 worth of money off vouchers and by supporting Woodend Playcentre you are getting the fun. Woodend Playcentre, School Rd, Woodend (behind the Community Centre) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9:15am-12:15pm Claire 022 122 0452 , Kim 027 717 8754 Lee 021 999 077 WOODPECKER DELIVERER REQUIRED - TUAHIWI AREA This is a volunteer position and requires someone to deliver copies of the Woodpecker into letterboxes In the Tuahiwi area, once a month. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Tyree on 312 2256 if you can help.
Page 21
Rugby Touch Season for 2016/2017 Starts 11th October 2016 and finishes 10th March 2017 Team entries need to be in by 30th September 2016. For entry forms and information please contact Sally at
Call Geoff Todd
Brilliant Deductions 312-7023 or 021 359-003 ISBT-Bowen Therapy “A good move for every body”
LAWN MOWING, GARDENING, TRIMMING, WEED EATING, PRUNING, CHAINSAWING, SPRAYING, FERTILISING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL (Quotes provided incl. WINZ) Whether you would like manicured lawns /gardens, a quick tidy up or on going lawn/garden maintenance we can help Ph Ron or Annette Ph: 03 310 0604 Mob: 027 271 7187 Page 22
- Do you suffer from low, middle or upper back pain or stiffness? - Frozen shoulder or arm pain, including Carpal Tunnel syndrome (pain, numbness or tingling in hands and fingers)? - Headaches, migraines, dizziness - Thigh, hamstring or knee pain - Sciatica, pain in groin, hip or buttocks? - Lymph and circulatory problems - Joint injuries and restriction - Fibromyalgia - RSI - Arthritic symptoms ISBT - Bowen Therapy is gentle yet powerful for treating a broad range of physical ailments. It uses a series of soft tissue moves performed over specific points on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. These moves initiate relaxation of the muscles, flexibility of the fascia, reducing nerve pressure and increasing circulation of blood, lymph and energy. Gentle, fast pain relief, long lasting, safe painless treatment of the whole body. ISBT-Bowen Therapist
Alexandra Foerstmann Treatments available in Pegasus Please call to make an appointment 03 9200 800 or 021 044 3208
RHONDA MATHER Your candidate for the Woodend Sefton Community Board
✓ Tick for the person with the time, knowledge, enthusiasm and commitment to work with you towards making our fantastic communities even better! ✓ Secretary of the Pegasus Residents’ Group for over 3 years. ✓ Proven track record of working successfully with senior WDC staff on community improvements and information sharing.
✓ A driving force behind the Representation Review appeal to the Local Government Commission to retain our local Community Board.
✓ Initiated the Pegasus, Woodend & Waikuku Community Directory. ✓ Over 9 years living locally: Living it – Loving it! (Authorised by Rhonda Mather, 60 Infinity Drive, Pegasus 7612)
Welcome to PT on Panckhurst! Personal training programmes specifically designed to help with injuries and medical conditions. Whether you would like to be able to run a half marathon without sore knees, exercise safely with a medical problem or simply just be able to do the household chores without hurting your back then home run PT on Panckhurst is just what you are looking for. A service offering: · Postural analysis – stiff neck and shoulders? Headaches? Postural correction available here! · One to one training - help achieve your goals whether you have an injury, would like to tone up, get in shape and become more active. Partner training available – a cost effective way to train with a friend and achieve your goals together. · Exercise classes in Woodend and Pegasus – circuit training, gentle exercise for seniors, Bootcamps and BoxFit also running. Qualified and experienced trainer with competitive prices! Contact Laura for more info on: Ph: 0221 345 275 Email: Website:
For latest info and offers search “PT on Panckhurst” on facebook THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2016 Page 23
Page 24
Page 25
This Month with Harry end up with a Coronation Street. He was Following on from last months ranting and however a keen astronomer, a fact which raving about the suggested names for the soon got about the town. One night a street names in the new Ravenswood sublocal wag hung a small lantern on a kite division it has been suggested that one and enquired of the Rev. what the new may put forward a few ideas. When doing some for the Petrie block one tried to stick star was. Much to his delight, Fairclough gave the correct astronomical name and with or near enough to early settlers that supplied full details. lived in the vicinity. As intimated before if the name appears elsewhere in the county, How about a DELLOW street after the Rev or the person has at some time been a John Dellow who arrived in Woodend in bit naughty then that name no longer 1894. According to his obituary “ his gift qualifies. Bearing in mind that Woodend of song was remarkable and he was a was once known for the strong Methodist faithful and hardworking influence in the village In 1875, P.W. FAIRCLOUGH minister”. He was to what about we list a few die “after a short and was appointed to Woodend. of the original ministers painful illness” in 1897 It is not known if he was for street names? And leaving a widow and five just so we don’t upset related to Len Fairclough young children. Another the other mob we’ll of Coronation Street fame, to die on the job was throw in a few Anglican but the way things are going the Rev Henry Ellis. He vicars as well. took over the Woodend we will probably end up It has been said that in with a Coronation Street. flock in 1878 but died the following year, the early days Methodist “leaving behind him a blessed memory”. ministers were easily recognised by the Both men are buried in the Methodist fact they always sat in the centre of the cemetery. Others to be appointed buggy seat so as to wear out both tyres to Woodend prior to 1900 included evenly. The first resident preacher in J.A.LUXFORD, S.J.GARLICK, L.HUDSON, Woodend was Robert Atkinson. He was J.T.PINFOLD, D.J.MURRAY, C.H.STANDAGE married three times losing his first wife and T.A.JOUGHIN. In May, 1881, the Rev and two children on the voyage out from Garlick was intrumental in forming the England. He first lived in the loft above ‘Woodend Wesleyan Bible and Mutual the church and is credited with starting Improvement Class. The aim was to “study the first school in Woodend. Atkinson and the Bible, and to help improve one another his third wife died at Woodend within a spiritually, culturally and socially. “ The first few days of each other during the 1890 hour was devoted to Bible study led by flu epidemic. He was 91. In 1875, P.W. the minister, and the rest of the meeting FAIRCLOUGH was appointed to Woodend. was “the giving of papers, recitations It is not known if he was related to Len and readings together with criticisms of Fairclough of Coronation Street fame, but the rendering of them.” The 1st Annual the way things are going we will probably Page 26
<<< report records that “Mr Claude Pateman led the way with one paper on ‘theatre going’ which, though short, was very good. This shortness may be attributed to its being the first, still Bro. Pateman greatly improved as the one he read on ‘Saul’ was both better and longer. Mr John Howell wrote two, the one on ‘Horse racing’ in which he gave several very satifactory reasons why it should be stopped. The other on ‘Erasmus’ was very interesting. Mr Alfred Catchpole wrote one on ‘David’ ---very fair. Mr J.H.Salkeld wrote one on ‘Dreams,’ being greatly pulled to pieces.” The minister didn’t avoid any criticism either. “On April 14th Rev S.J.Garlick read and spoke at great length on evangalistic services, not very interesting.” Another member of the group was C.S.Howard, the then headmaster of the Woodend school.
He was the grandfather of Sir Howard Kippenberger. These meetings sound like real bundles of fun with not the slightest hint of a stubbie or single malt being needed. And talking of such liquids there is a bit of legend of a Woodend minister being moved on after he started showing an interest in the evils of drink i.e. checking it out for himself. Unfortunately there is, as one would probably expect, no official confirmation of this. However, in a letter written by John Salkeld to William Judson in 1932, reminiscing about the early days in Woodend, he makes reference to this minister. Apparently he was drunk when he put young John Petrie over his knee and smacked his backside for some misdemeanor at Sunday school. Petrie bit him on the leg. T.B.C. J.H.
Page 27
Woodend THE 84th ANNUAL
Spring Flower Show 2016 Saturday 1st October 1:00 - 4:00pm Woodend Community Centre School Road, Woodend Admission $2.00 / Children FREE
Floral Art North Canterbury FLORAL ART EXHIBITION
See the best floral artists in North Canterbury showcase their work. Many have won awards at Ellerslie Flower Show and other prestigious events - not to be missed. • Plant and Craft Stalls • Daffodil Bulbs for Sale • Vote for your favourite colouring competition entry
Pick up an entry brochure from PAWS Vet in Woodend
SCHOOL HOLIDAY CRAFT CLASS REGISTRATION IS ESSENTIAL! Numbers are limited, all attendees MUST register.
Woodend Community Centre, School Road, Woodend Wednesday 28th September 10:00am - 12:00pm $2 per person – open to primary and preschool children • Create a beautiful mask • • Decorate a cool biscuit • • Make a handmade card • • Create a facecloth animal • This is a wonderful social opportunity in the school holidays designed to bring out your child’s creative talents. Skills taught will enable your child to enter creations into the Woodend Flower Show. Finishes at 12pm.
DON’T MISS OUT - REGISTER TODAY Phone Kirstyn on 312 5150 or 021 312 230 A Woodend Flower Show Committee initiative
Page 28
Come in and meet the team @
Dry Cuts
Colour & Foils
Wet Cuts
Kids Cuts
Full Head Human Hair Extensions With Cut
Regrowth Full Colour
$80 from
Full Head Foil SPECIAL Includes cut & toner $90
Monday closed • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9-8 • Friday 9-4 • Saturday 9-2
PH 312 7778 4 9 a M a i n N o rt h R o a d , Wood end
*Extra charges apply to long hair
Russelectrical Domestic
No job too small
Local and reliable 40 years’ experience Prompt and efficient All work guaranteed
Russell Thompson - Phone: 027-943 4096 A/H: 03-312 7562
Page 29
Waste Free Parenting Workshops On the 17 September Kate Meads also Known as The Nappy Lady is coming to Waimakariri to present her hugely popular “Waste Free Parenting Workshops’. Many assume that Kates workshops are just about nappies given her title The Nappy Lady but the Waste Free Parenting workshop is actually more to do with Kate’s personal journey to become a more conscious consumer. The information attendees receive inspires them to make small changes to their day to day household activities that encourages them to become more conscious consumers and also save a huge amount of money. Attendees receive $100 worth of Waste Free Parenting products to take home provided by Waimakariri District Council. The workshops are entertaining, inspiring and thought provoking. Kate covers a variety of topics including recycling
properly, reducing food waste, composting, reducing packaging, cloth nappy basics and she shows lots of new products that suit parents busy modern lifestyles. The workshop will be held at Pegasus Bay School, 5 Solander Road, Pegasus on the 17 September. The cost to attend is $25 for an individual or a couple. Bookings are essential as spaces are limited. Tickets are available through Kates website www. Grandparents, expectant mums and dads and parents of young children get a lot out of the workshop and the tickets often sell out. Come along to a workshop, get educated and change the world for our future generations. For more information please contact Kate Meads on 027 2211242 or thenappylady@
S E W W H AT Clothing Alterations 30 years trade experience
Prompt Efficient Service 021 175 5682 â&#x20AC;¢ 03 312 7234 WOODEND
Page 31
CHURCH NOTICES Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus St. Barnabas Church Vicar, Rev Gerard Jacobs Phone: 027 858 9595 A community of believers, serving the wider community in love.
As mentioned last month, in addition to our two services (the traditional 9.30 am service and the contemporary 4.30 pm service), we are currently running two study groups, both on a Wednesday night. They are both going well and will continue running into September. The 4.30 service, formerly known as the Family Service, has been re-named ‘4.32’– if you hear anyone talking about it now, you’ll know what they are referring to! The last Mainly Music session for this month will be on 21st September, after which there will be a break for the school holiday. Sessions resume again on 12 October, from 10 am until midday on Wednesdays. We still have spaces available at the moment, if you would like to bring your preschooler along to see what it’s all about. We would love to see you there. The launch for Operation Christmas Child has taken place and we are beginning to collect items to fill the boxes. We have ordered 70 boxes this year, in anticipation we will be able to exceed last years’ total of 60 boxes of gifts. This is a wonderful outreach and we are proud to support it. We are holding a car boot sale in our car park on 24th September, from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm. If you are interested in booking a spot, please see our advertisement in this edition of the Woodpecker for details on who to contact. And if you want to see what’s on offer, we’ll see you on the day! We’d love to see you at one of our services Page 32
this month, so if you’d like to join us, do come along. In the meantime, enjoy the lighter evenings!
Here is an opportunity to sell your art, crafts, loved, but still working stuff, jams, baking, plants, garden produce. Antiques, collectables and handmade things, welcome! Or here is an opportunity to buy early Christmas presents! St. Barnabas Church carpark. 147 Main Rd, Woodend Saturday, 24 September 2016 8:30 am - 12:30 pm (all weathers) To book a $20.00 space phone: Sue 312 2624 or email:
Woodend Bowling Club Open Day The Woodend Bowling Club has its’ Opening Day on Saturday 10th September at 1.30pm. If the green is unable to be played on then, the opening will be at 3pm. Afternoon tea will follow (and there is no cost for participation). All prospective new members are most welcome to come along. If you wish to join in the Roll Up at 1.30pm please wear flat soled shoes. The Woodend Bowling Club is in School Rd Woodend, adjoining the Woodend School. Come and join our friendly club.
The Woodend School Fair is on September 11th, the organisers have confirmed a number of the main attractions as well as stall holders bookings coming in thick and fast - It is shaping up to be a great day
Book in for your Spring & Summer paint & papering!
HELPERS NEEDED: WSSPA need your help at the fair. There is a lot of work to complete on the day and many jobs need doing. We are looking for a number of people to help only for an hour or so on the day. If you are able to lend us an hour of your time from 8am through to about 4pm please contact James Robson on or 021 901 051 and register your interest.
NO JOB TO SMALL Contact us for a FREE QUOTE and ADVICE Email: Phone: 03 313 3309 Mobile: 0274302938 We do both town and country work
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COMMUNITY NOTICES WOODPECKER DELIVERER REQUIRED - TUAHIWI AREA This is a volunteer position and requires someone to deliver copies of the Woodpecker into letterboxes In the Tuahiwi area, once a month. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Tyree on 312 2256 if you can help.
FRIENDS GROUP Next meeting Wed 28 Sept at 12 noon. Shared finger food lunch followed by “Felting” with Frances Hutt. All welcome. St. Barnabas Church Lounge, 147 Main Road, Woodend. Enquiries: Beverley 312 7777
WANTED: A reliable person to distribute leaflets once a month in Woodend (approx. 600-700). Please contact Karen Dugdale, Property Brokers Craft & Market Day direct on 021 1111 271 or email her 23rd Annual Soroptimist Craft & Market Day, Tuesday October 18th 2016 10am for further information. 4.30pm Rangiora A&P Showgrounds. BATTERIES We have been busy making Christmas decorations including gorgeous Old car, truck, tractor batteries – wreaths,patchwork fabric bells, and Woodend Lions Club are collecting for hessian angels. We will also have our raising funds to be used for youth and very popular biscuit stall and recycled community activities in your area. scarfs and handbags along with all the Please contact: Ian 9201576 other great stalls.
Waimakariri Light Party
A fun family evening offering a safe alternative to trick or treating. Monday 31 October 2016 – Wylie Park, Smith Street, Kaiapoi (4.30pm to 7.30pm) - $2.00 per person A fun-filled alternative to traditional Halloween activities that provides family-fun in a safe environment for children up to 14 years. Bouncy Castle, Crazy Bikes, Clowns, Petting Zoo, Pony rides, Bungee Fun Run, Water Walkers, Mickey Train, Face Painting, and much much more… Come dressed as something funny, friendly or fantastic and enter the non-scary Fancy Dress Competition (rules apply) Give away prizes and loads of treats. Food and Beverages available to be purchased. Page 34
NORTH CANTERBURY Are you a tenant? Are you a landlord? Are you a boarder? Are you a flatmate? Find out what you need to know. We can help with tenancy issues – rights and responsibilities, tenancy agreements, bonds, rents, and information on disputes and mediation. Please contact us. You are welcome to visit our office at the Trevor Inch Memorial Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora, Monday to Friday from 9 am until 4.30 pm, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 – free phone 0800 367 222 or email
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THINKING OF SELLING? In this competitive and challenging real estate market you need an agent thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to make your property stand out in a crowd. With my extensive market experience and local real estate knowledge I will connect your property with more buyers on all devices and negotiate the best deal, getting you the result you desire. Call me today and lets have a chat about what I can do for you ...
Adrian Louttit Free Call: 0508 237 426 or 0274 307 750
Knowledge - Experience - Service - Results Page 36