February Woodpecker

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Produced for the community, by the community

Proposal to open and upgrade Kaiapoi Pa Road from Tiritiri Moana Drive, to Waikuku Beach Road. Now that Waikuku School has relocated to Pegasus Town and the new bus service programmed to use Kaiapoi Pa Road, increasing demand has led to the need to consider upgrading Kaiapoi Pa Road.

The project will involve opening the existing link at the western end of Tiritiri Moana Road to Kaiapoi Pa Road, and is being planned with the collaboration of Te Runanga o Ngai Tuahuriri to ensure the recognition and protection of cultural sensitivities. Throughout the project, focus will be on the preservation of the rural nature of Kaiapoi Pa Road and its surroundings where possible. The main aim of this road improvement is for traffic to and from Waikuku Beach, including the bus service and school traffic, to be able to use local roads instead of travelling on State Highway 1. To enable two-way traffic, Kaiapoi Pa Road will be widened to 6 metres and sealed with appropriate safety management measures, including signage and appropriate speed limit.

Preeces Road will remain unchanged. Access to Preeces Road will be from Kaiapoi Pa Road with an emphasis on use by farm vehicles and stock, pedestrians, cyclists and horses. The use of Preeces Road as an access to State Highway 1 from Pegasus will be discouraged.

The Metro bus service between Waikuku Beach and Pegasus Town will use Kaiapoi Pa Road, Tiritiri Moana Road and Lakeside Drive. Give way signs will be installed on Kaiapoi Pa Road at the intersection with Waikuku Beach Road, and also on Stokes Road at the intersection with Kaiapoi Pa Road.

Although some aspects of this proposal, such as the route and the road width are subject to engineering and financial constraints, the Council is interested in consultation with the community and is encouraging feedback, which will be considered in their final planning and detailed design processes. The Council is particularly interested in the community’s views with regards to:


The increased distribution into Pegasus is proudly supported by the LIONS CLUB of WOODEND.



ANIMAL FEED & PET STORE Come and visit us and see the animals We have food for all types of animals such as: Cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, birds, rats and mice and all other farmyard animals. We stock most leading brands of pet foods, such as

“For all your pet and animal feed and supplies” ***STOCKIST OF FROZEN PET FOODS*** North Canterbury Stockfeed Supplies Chinnery’s Road, Woodend Open Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm Saturday - 9am to 1pm 03 3100 444 Page 2


WOODEND RUGBY CLUB IS SEEKING PLAYERS For Div 2 and Colts for 2016. We would like to enter two Div 2 sides as the number one side will play in the North Canterbury Div 1 Competition in July. Trainings are Monday and Thursday at 6.30pm. Anyone interested in playing for one of these teams or being involved in helping WRFC achieve Division 1 status please contact the following people:

Division 2:

Coach, Steven Stockwell 027 4455222 Ian McGillivray 021 478515 President: Wendy Giles 021 355336 Club Captain: Dean Cotton 027 2511973 Registrations for all teams: Tuesday 16th February 2016 6.00pm – 8.00pm and Sunday 21st February 2016 10.00am to 12.00pm At the club rooms, 202 Gladstone Park, Woodend Registrations can also be done online at: www.woodendrugby.co.nz If your child has not played for Woodend before please bring a copy of their birth certificate. Payment of subs must be made with registration. (see website for details www.woodendrugby.co.nz) Any queries please contact the Club Captain: Dean Cotton 027 2511973 or President: Wendy Giles 021 355336 THE WOODPECKER FEBRUARY 2016

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Woodend Community Association MONTHLY MEETING The first meeting for the New Year was held in the Woodend Community Centre at 7.30pm on Monday 1st of February. Guest Speaker was Nick Deane, Woodend’s New Vet. Anyone is able to attend monthly meetings to air any matters they feel are impacting on our Community. WALKWAY PROJECT TO WOODEND BEACH This was the main focus of the Association last year and it will remain so this year. As you may be aware the 2nd stage has been started which will take us down to the S/ Bends down the Beach Road. On area that has to be resolved is the access over or alongside the sand hill at the beginning of this stage. The Council have provided us with various options to allow us to negotiate this trickey area. Options include timber post and retaining or Gabion baskets of boulders. The

• Domestic & Commercial • Leaking Taps & Pipes

Sub Committee tasked with this project will be determining the most suitable option of those on offer.

Fundraising is still a priority so we can keep on with the completion of the trail. The Community Association are looking for fund raising events to help us realise the completion of the project and if there are any suggestions/ideas that anyone can come up with please contact John Archer at jjarcher@clear.net.nz or 027 433 2558 to discuss. There have been a few suggestions put forward and if they do eventuate your support of them is appreciated. Ideas have included: The collection of pine cones and bagging them for sale, a bingo evening with entertainment, a Euka evening. REPRESENTATIVE REVUE:

We made a submission to the revue

• Water Cylinders • Alterations & New




<<<< questioning the boundaries that have been set for review. The district was to be reduced from 4 to 3 wards and Woodend was to be included with Kaiapoi as well as areas currently in the Ward. It was considered by the WCA and Pegasus Residents Group that this could water down the Community of Interest status of the ward. Kaiapoi has many issues requiring attention and it is felt we may get sidestepped on issues impacting us. The hearing is in March, so keep your eyes open for news. If anyone has any comments to make on this matter, in support of our appeal or again contact John Archer at: jjarcher@clear.net.nz WELCOMING NEW COMERS

A cultural meeting was held prior to Christmas welcoming new comers to the area. This was held in the Community Centre and organised by WCDC staff members. The idea was to put any new comers in contact with information and people who would help them meld into our Community.

support. The small membership fee of $5.00 per household is a small financial commitment. This support provides us with funds to represent any Community concerns to the relevant authority and promote events for the social well being of Woodend. Contact one of the people listed below if you would like to join. CONTACTS

President; John Archer 18 Sandhill Road, RD1 Kaiapoi 7691 Phone: (027) 433 2558 Email: johnearcher65@gmail.com Secretary; Jacqui Miller 20 Woodglen Drive, Woodend 7610 Phone: (027) 6377 927 Email: jacquiandsam@smfilms.com Treasurer; Pam Smith 5 Stopforth Street, Woodend 7610 Phone: (021) 158 5941 Email: peachy819@gmail.com


A reminder our coffee group at The Grub Hub cafe is on every month. Everyone welcome especially anyone new to the Woodend area – we are a friendly bunch, come along and invite your neighbours. Meets 2nd Tuesday of the Month. MEMBERSHIP.

We welcome new members to join the Association in either an active or passive WOODEND SPRING FLOWER SHOW - AGM 22 February 2016, 1.30pm At The Cotton Residence Gressons Road. Waikuku New Members welcome

Robyn Gauld

Senior Property Consultant Phone: 327 5379 anytime Mobile: 027 221 0171

“Local knowledge, 19 years working in your area” THE WOODPECKER FEBRUARY 2016

Page 5

All sorts of original art on display Woodend artist Joanne McDougall welcomes everyone to view her latest exhibition at the id gallery. Joanne runs PegasusArt, which encompasses both her obsessive painting habit and children’s art classes.

bargain basement, watercolour and acrylics.

Having recently decluttered her studio, old paintings which have been poked in boxes, and forgotten, are seeing the light of day. As a result of the declutter, the exhibition at the id gallery has no theme, she explains there are all sorts exhibited, new and old, large and small, framed, matted, loose, expensive and

Pegasus drinking water

Joanne says it has been a few years since her last solo exhibition, usually she is represented in group shows. She likes to paint movement, and is best known for her works which include florals and birds. Recently she has been using gold, glitter and grids, producing purely decorative works in acrylic.

ISBT-Bowen Therapy

“A good move for every body” - Do you suffer from low, middle or upper back pain or stiffness? - Frozen shoulder or arm pain, including Carpal Tunnel syndrome (pain, numbness or tingling in hands and fingers)? - Headaches, migraines, dizziness - Thigh, hamstring or knee pain - Sciatica, pain in groin, hip or buttocks? - Lymph and circulatory problems - Joint injuries and restriction - Fibromyalgia - RSI - Arthritic symptoms ISBT - Bowen Therapy is gentle yet powerful for treating a broad range of physical ailments. It uses a series of soft tissue moves performed over specific points on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. These moves initiate relaxation of the muscles, flexibility of the fascia, reducing nerve pressure and increasing circulation of blood, lymph and energy. Gentle, fast pain relief, long lasting, safe painless treatment of the whole body. ISBT-Bowen Therapist

Alexandra Foerstmann Treatments available in Pegasus Please call to make an appointment 03 9200 800 or 021 044 3208 Page 6 THE WOODPECKER FEBRUARY 2016

So, if you fancy original art for your wall, visit the id gallery at the Brick Mill, and as it’s a cash and carry show, there is no waiting to collect your painting. As well as hosting the Wai exhibition, the gallery represents many artists and crafts people. Joanne’s work will be on display from the 17th - 21st February, she will also be painting on site and available for a chat during the weekend.

Many Pegasus residents have expressed concern over the quality of the Pegasus town tap drinking water and in particular the chlorine taste. WDC have informed the Pegasus Residents’ Group that the water supply in Pegasus is fully compliant with the Drinking Water Standards of New Zealand and it is safe to drink.

The Pegasus Water Supply comes from deep secure groundwater and is a very good quality, but does have slightly elevated levels of manganese. Manganese is a naturally occurring mineral in the groundwater and chlorine is added to remove the manganese as part of the treatment process. If the manganese was not removed this would cause problems with staining washing and sometimes people would notice a black mineral in the water.

WDC are currently looking at an option to treat the water with a biological process to remove the manganese that would not require chlorine. There are trials underway at the moment to see if this is feasible. If the trials are successful WDC will consult with residents prior to making any decisions about changing the treatment process.


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Woodend Combined Probus Club The months of December and January are when the Club holds its Christmas Lunch and Summer Picnic. The Christmas Lunch venue this year was the Plough Hotel in Rangiora where 95 of our members were looked after superbly by Amy and her team.

The Summer Picnic was held at the home of Club President Mike. Rain in the preceding days gave some anxiety but on the day itself the weather was sunny and warm! Altogether some 33 members were able to find sun or shade as they pleased and we all enjoyed the wide variety of food dishes they brought. Right top: Members Enjoying Christmas Lunch. Right bottom: The sun arrives in time for the Summer Picnic.



From our Mayor David Ayers

Water Issues Water issues seem to have been dominating the printed and social media over Christmas – from cattle in lakes to lime in water supplies to weed in Pegasus Lake to chlorine smells in tap water. The interesting thing is that, with the exception of the cattle, none of it seems to have actually impinged on safety.

When it comes to drinking water, when you are not used to the smell of chlorine, you tend to notice it. When the Rangiora water supply was chlorinated, as it was until relatively recently, I tended to only notice it at times


Call Geoff Todd

Brilliant Deductions 312-7023 or 021 359-003

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of high summer when the supply was under pressure. Visitors from Kaiapoi, who had long been used to an unchlorinated supply, usually found Rangiora water horrible. Now that I have got used to Rangiora’s nowunchlorinated supply, I certainly noticed whiffs of chlorine in Australia over the holidays. This, I suspect, is what is happening in Pegasus. The reason for the chlorination is explained elsewhere in the Woodpecker, and some have certainly noticed it over the Christmas period. The irony is that, because it is currently chlorinated, Pegasus water is technically safer than the water in Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Woodend and Oxford. However, when presented with the facts and given a choice, people tend to opt to have the chlorine removed. This has been our experience in Rangiora and Oxford and, when I was given the choice, that was my preference.

If we can get manganese out of the Pegasus water by other means we’ll be closer to being able to offer the choice to Pegasus. The issue of weed in the lake is not so clearcut. It certainly isn’t pleasant. There is a thought that it might be reducing the risk of an algal bloom such as was experienced last summer but nevertheless there are also very good reasons for not having too much weed in Lake Pegasus. Although the lake is still under Todds’ control, the Council is certainly interested in its quality. As time goes on, our staff and Todds’ are learning more and more about the lake and the processes that go on within it, and hopefully that will help our arriving at a solution.


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Connecting cultures in our community The Cultural and Community Christmas Event, held on 19 December, celebrated all that is good in our community. The Christmas spirit was tangible, and being held in Woodend, the event showcased all that it has to offer. Over fifty new and long-term Woodend, Tuahiwi, Pegasus and Kaiapoi residents and new European, British and Canadian families turned out, despite inclement weather. The atmosphere inside the Community Centre was warm and welcoming and the shared food delicious. Old fashioned games were the order of the afternoon, bringing laughter and delight to both young and old. A number of the groups who attended saw the benefits of connecting cultures and communities and are interested in participating in similar events in the future. Of note was the welcome provided by the Women’s Institute and in turn them signing up four new members - well done ladies!

Council Community Development Facilitator,


Denise Wiggins, said the event owed a special thank you to Councillor Kevin Felstead and MP Matt Doocey for their welcome and mihi, to Mayor David Ayers and his wife Marilyn, Councillors Peter Allen and Robbie Brine for attending, Councillor Kirstyn Barnett for judging the preschool painting competition, our emergency services partners for attending the event and local businesses for providing the prizes and gift vouchers. “We look forward to hosting, supporting and promoting more community events, groups and activities in future. If you didn’t get a chance to come along and join in the fun this time, we look forward to seeing you soon!” she says.

ENROLMENT SPECIAL! Enrol you under 2 or 3-5year old before the end of February and receive the first 2 weeks free! (Conditions apply) Come and visit Acorn Early Childcare and observe the quality environment for yourselves! We have 3 classrooms dedicated to meeting the developmental needs, interests and passions that are reflective of the tamariki, making each classroom an environment which nurtures learning success. Our philosophical beliefs come from Vygotsky, Bronfenbrenner, Montessori and Reggio, making our curriculum and environment a place where every child can achieve success in the way that reflects their own learning style. Our teaching and learning is based on developing skills and dispositions children will need to be successful learners for life in the 21st century, not just for school. Come and be a part of an Early Childhood Centre that is community focused, and puts your tamariki and family/whanau at the heart of their practice. Please ring Melissa today and make an appointment for viewing our spacious and high quality learning environment. Look out for our fantastic ERO report!

Phone: 03-312-2179 Operating hours: 7.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. 6 Judsons Road, Woodend, North Canterbury Email: jointhefun@acornearlychildcare.co.nz THE WOODPECKER FEBRUARY 2016

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Woodend Indoor Bowling Club The indoor bowling season will start again in early March. We are a small friendly club and are keen to get more players. The playing season is March to September and we meet on a Friday evening at 7.30pm at the Woodend Community Centre. New players of all ages are welcome and if you would like more information please contact: Club Captains: Rex Macauley 3139171 or Pat Vaughan 312 2335


Kaiapoi Pa Road upgrade

• Giving preference to farm vehicles, stock, pedestrians, cyclists and horses on Preeces Road, discouraging its use to get to State Highway 1. • Subject to funding availability, the potential for a cycle path (shared cycle and pedestrian path, separated from the road or an on-road cycle lane). • The speed limit on Kaiapoi Pa Road. • Any landscaping suggestions for the roadside and around the new intersection. More information can be found on the Waimakariri District Councils Website, including a feedback form or you can contact Christine Toner, phone 03 311 8900 or 03 327 6834, or email christine.toner@wmk. govt.nz The deadline for feedback is 19 February 2016.


Citizens’ Advice Bureau requires Volunteers.

Parenting Through Separation

Would you like to join our team who give this service to our community? We provide free, confidential and independent information and advice. The work is interesting, stimulating and will certainly challenge you.

Our next comprehensive training programme starts in late March. For more information phone 313 8822, or call into the Bureau in the Rangiora Library on Percival Street between 9.00am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

A free programme designed to help parents help their children when they separate. Content includes: • How separation affects children • What children need during separation • Talking with children during separation • Communicating with ex-partners about arrangements for the children • The Family Court process To register for 2016 courses please phone Michelle at Family Works/Presbyterian Support on 313 8588

Local Handyman Services

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Page 14



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Pegasus Lake Meeting Update As many of you know, the Pegasus Residents’ Group have been working on organising a meeting for relevant parties to discuss Pegasus Lake. Following is an update on progress:

Both Todd Property and WDC have agreed to attend a meeting about Pegasus Lake. In attendance will also be Te Kohaka Trust, Ecan representatives and KORE Hire. PROGRESS SO FAR:

1. Todd Property have had an internal meeting to discuss lake issues and the planned Pegasus meeting. 2. The PRGI Chairperson and Secretary have met with WDC (Gerard Cleary, David Ayers and Kalley Simpson). This meeting was both positive and productive. 3. WDC and Todd Property were due to meet last week to discuss Lake ownership and other issues. 4. Both Todd Property and WDC have been given a list of ‘perceived issues’ and have agreed to discuss and provide some detail and answers (in writing). Each was to look at the list and then discuss it together at their meeting last week. 5. Todd Property prefer not to hold the main meeting until after they have met with WDC and are talking about a date of mid/late February before they will be ready. The current situation is that we will wait for




the outcome of the TP and WDC Jan 16) news (27 meeting (still to take The latest d Property have d is that To some of place at time of clean up to d e rt sta e lake, th f o s writing this), then area tail the worst re e we will set a date for ehind th such as b rea and a d n u ro yg the main meeting (as block, pla e north long as they are still in the dog leg at th is process h nd. T agreement to attend). western e en overnight, happ t o n ill w … We are still determined great start and but it is a to see the meeting go Property d d To ks Than r getting ahead with all relevant People fo the Plant t work! parties present. If you importan on to this think you are a ‘relevant party’, please contact PRGI at pegasusresidentsgroup@gmail.com Things are moving, but not as fast as we had hoped. However, rest assured that all matters are being taken seriously and at the end of the process we will have a good range of answers for our residents (although not necessarily the answers they want!).

It should be noted that throughout our discussions thus far, we have heard nothing to suggest that people shouldn’t be out enjoying what the lake has to offer. We have found both Todd Property and WDC receptive and from our discussions with WDC so far, they appear to us to be very positive and practical in their handling of lake issues. Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc.

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Page 17

LAWN MOWING, GARDENING, TRIMMING, WEED EATING, PRUNING, CHAINSAWING, SPRAYING, FERTILISING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL (Quotes provided incl. WINZ) Whether you would like manicured lawns /gardens, a quick tidy up or on going lawn/garden maintenance we can help Ph Ron or Annette Ph: 03 310 0604 Mob: 027 271 7187

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Page 18


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Page 19

The Truth about the Pegasus Residents’ Group Incorporated (PRGI) “When I first purchased here I was told by a neighbour not to join them as nothing ever got done.” Wow! I was both shocked and deeply disappointed to read the above words on a Facebook page recently. While I respect everyone’s right to freedom of speech and to have an opinion, that respect stops dead when someone posts such an unsubstantiated and potentially harmful opinion on social media. However, it made me realise that maybe it is time for the Pegasus Residents’ Group to pause from just getting on with it and shout their own praises. Before you read on, please note that all of this is documented, provable fact…

A brief history

The Pegasus Residents’ Group was formed in mid-2011 and became an incorporated society in September 2013. The main driving force behind the original committee was setting up a volunteer Community Watch team. The current PRG Committee is made up of 14 residents with a diverse range of ages, interests and backgrounds. This dedicated team of volunteers collectively put in hundreds of hours for the Pegasus Community each year. PRGI is bound by its constitution and the Incorporated Societies Act 1908.

How do PRGI communicate?

PRGI have a list of over 250 email contacts, as well as a website: pegasusresidentsgroup. com. They are a registered incorporated society with the postal and delivery address of 60 Infinity Drive, Pegasus 7612. Their email address is pegasusresidentsgroup@ gmail.com and they are always happy to hear from residents (whether members or Page 20


not). There is also a Facebook Page ‘Pegasus Residents’ Group’, which PRGI use for posting community information.

What have PRGI got to shout about? Here’s some of what we’ve done •

Coordinate Pegasus volunteer Community Watch team (4 ½ years). Originally supported by the developers (both Infinity and Todd Property), PRGI now own the community watch vehicle and pay all costs related to its upkeep and running.

Organised and hosted public meetings with Pegasus School, NZ Post, WDC, Todd Property, Ravenswood developers, Te Kohaka trust, Vodafone and others.

• Organised rubbish clean-up of Pegasus Town.

• Organised free community Christmas on the Lake event (3 years).

• Compiled and produced Pegasus and Woodend Community Directory (2 years). • Organised Easter Egg Hunt event (coming your way again soon!).

• Formed positive, proactive working relationships with Waimakariri District Council & Todd Property Pegasus Town Ltd. •

Organised petition and submitted written appeal against Waimakariri Representation Review process and result (Hearing with Local Government Commission to be held in March).

• Have a current membership of over 145 Pegasus households.

• WDC consulted and sought support from PRGI before installing a bus shelter on the

boulevard and a seat at Pegasus beach. With our support and consultation, both projects went ahead.

PRGI have been invited and sent representatives to attend meetings including; the Woodend Pegasus Area Strategy Steering Group; the Gladstone Park Working Party; Civil Defence meeting.

• Maintain a growing email contact list and send out regular updates and information about Pegasus. •

Ongoing contact with outside organisations as required, including; Neighbourhood Support, NZ Police, Civil Defence, local businesses and many more.

PRGI have been in discussions with WDC about the state of some sections. These discussions have been held up by the Christmas/New Year break and staff being away.

What’s PRGI been up to lately?

Discussions are underway with WDC, Todd Property and others about Pegasus Lake with a plan in place to hold a meeting of relevant parties as soon as is realistically possible (again there have been some delays with staff being on leave).

• PRGI will be undertaking a fundraising project to purchase a defibrillator over the next few months. • Preliminary discussions have taken place with WDC regarding the need for a community facility in Pegasus. This is looking promising, though it is very early days and a plan has yet be put to the full Council for approval. Council management acknowledge the need for a community facility and this is a BIG step in the right direction. Many of the things we take action over start with the voice of just one resident, or the

concerns of many. You may not be aware, but we do our best to keep our finger of the pulse of the Pegasus community and the issues affecting it.

Why do we do it?

BECAUSE WE LOVE THIS PLACE AND ITS FABULOUS COMMUNITY!! But here’s the formal reason we exist…

(a) To promote, preserve and protect the interests of the residents of Pegasus Residents Group Incorporated’s area.

(b) To support the efforts of any person, persons, association, or any other bodies, who may in the opinion of PRGI be working for the benefit of the Pegasus area.

(c) To foster social activities within PRGI’s area.

Email us at: pegasusresidentsgroup@gmail.com or drop a note in the letterbox at 60 Infinity Drive if: • You would like more information

• You have any questions or feedback related to PRGI or Pegasus;

• You would like to be added to our contact list for regular updates and info; •

You would like to become a member (only $5 per household – join now and that will take you through to 31 March 2017!). Members receive additional meeting rights and information.


Written by Rhonda Mather, Secretary Pegasus Residents Group Inc. THE WOODPECKER FEBRUARY 2016

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Woodend Bowling Club

The mens fours were held Saturday 23rd January 2016, run as a round robin and the over all winners were: Skip: Mike Carpenter Third: Alan Pegley Second: Henry Eder Lead: Peter Nicholl. Also on Saturday, the ladies triple final was played winners were: Skip: Joan MacFarlane Third: Mary O’Brien Lead: Pauline Barr. On Sunday 24 January 2016 the Gipeswic Pairs was held. Winning teams as follows: 1st Mike and Lyndall Carpenter 2nd Ngareta Orchard and Alex Wyllie 3rd Dave McLaughlin and Angela 4th Pauline and Graeme Barr. th

Window cleaning Pest management Shower and glass restoration House washing / Water blasting Pieter Koekemoer Free Phone: 0508 776722 Phone: 021 040 7608 or 027 221 8078 Website: www.propcare.co.nz Email: pieter@propcare.co.nz www.facebook.com/propcareservices

Welcome to PT on Panckhurst! A service offering personal training designed to help with injuries. Whether you would like to be able to run a half marathon without sore knees, complete a round of golf without a painful shoulder or simply just be able to do the household chores without hurting your back then with home run PT on Panckhurst look no further. A service offering: · Postural analysis – stiff neck and shoulders? Headaches? Postural correction available here! · One to one training - help achieve your goals whether you have an injury, would like to tone up, get in shape and become more active. Partner training - bring a friend and achieve your goals together. · Exercise classes in Woodend and Pegasus – circuit training and gentle exercise for seniors. Qualified and experience trainer with competitive prices! Contact Laura for more info on: Ph: 0221 345 275 Email: laura@ptonpanckhurst.co.nz Website: www.ptonpanckhurst.co.nz

For latest info and offers search “PT on Panckhurst” on facebook THE WOODPECKER FEBRUARY 2016 Page 23


Blue Gum 6mtrs = $480.00 Old Man Pine 8mtrs = $480.00 Pine 8mtrs = $400.00 MIX OMP 4mtr & Blue Gum 4mtr = $560.00 FREE DELIVERY: Woodend, Rangiora, Tuahiwi, Kaiapoi

Phone Sue or Peter 312 7161 or 027 312 7179 Page 24



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Page 26


Lions Club of Woodend

Every year the Loins Club of Woodend donates to the Santa Claus Workshop Charitable Trust and in return are given a number of toys which they distribute throughout the community. Prior to Christmas 2015, Club members, Ian Lennie and Cliff Hurley presented toys to both the Tuahiwi Preschool and also Natures Play Preschool in Pegasus, both preschools were very appreciative of the christmas surprise.

Above the children of Tuahiwi Pre School wait patiently for Lions Club of Woodend Member Cliff Hurley to open the gift of toys from Santas Workshop, before diving in, below, to play.

Also prior to Christmas the Club worked hard selling their annual Christmas Raffle Tickets. Again this was a successful fundraiser for the Club, the results are; 1st: 404 S.Paki 2nd: 526 W. Thornley 3rd: 339 Fiona The Club manages bookings at the Woodend Youth Centre, if you are interested in booking this facility please contact the Youth Centre Co-ordinator, Lois on 312 7732.

The Club next meets Thursday, February 18th

if you are interested in knowing more about the Club, membership or fundraising opportunities please contact Club President David Marks on 03 352 1016. THE WOODPECKER FEBRUARY 2016

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Special project, lounge, man’s cave or front fence? NO JOB TO SMALL Contact us for a FREE QUOTE and ADVICE Email: lilybrook@xtra.co.nz Phone: 03 313 3309 Mobile: 0274302938 We do both town and country work Page 28


CHURCH NOTICES Woodend Methodist Church 86 Main Road, Woodend. State Highway One. Rev. Philomeno Kinera Office (03) 313 3448, Home (03) 313 1912, Mob 021 521 118 Sunday services for 2016 will commence at 9 a.m. from Sunday 7 February 2016.

drinks for children. There will be a sales table with home baking, plants etc.

The Community Fun Day is on Sunday 14 February 2016 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All activities are free – bouncy castle, face painting, archery, balloon twisting, sausage sizzle and

Easter – There will be a Good Friday combined service at Rangiora Trinity Methodist, King Street including Woodend congregation and John Knox Presbyterian. Timings will be in next month’s Woodpecker along with the Easter Sunday service as these have to be confirmed.

Our first movie afternoon will be on Wednesday 3 February at 1 p.m. sharp. The movie will be a follow up to “Exotic Marigold Hotel”. Any queries phone Ruth 3122094 or Evelyn 3127740.

Any bookings for the Hall please contact Evelyn 3127740.

Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus St. Barnabas Church

A community of believers, serving the wider community in love Rev. Lynnette Lightfoot 313 8726 Happy New Year to you all! Christmas feels be restricted and work will be taking place a long time ago now. Our Christmas services at the same time as the sessions would be were well attended, particularly Christingle running. Keith and the team have missed and the midnight Eucharist. Our guest actress seeing our children and caregivers, and are Harriet the donkey thoroughly enjoyed looking forward to greeting old and new appearing in the Christingle and posing friends when sessions resume on March 2nd. afterwards for photos with the children. We regret we have also needed to increase the session cost to $4 per family this year, as Our 9.30 am traditional services and 4.30 pm we are now required to pay a licence fee to contemporary services resumed immediately use the music. after Christmas Day; we would love to see you at one of them, if you would like to join We will be saying a sad farewell at the end of us. The 4.30 congregation in particular the month, to Reverend Lynnette Lightfoot. continues to grow, with more young families Lynnette has been our hard working and taking part and a thriving children’s ministry. much loved vicar since we became a Parish. Now she is retiring and although we will miss We are delighted that the important task her, we wish her the retirement she deserves. of replacing the shingles on the church roof is due to begin soon, to make the roof Our new vicar will be Reverend Gerard watertight again. Members of the building Jacobs, and we look forward to welcoming team have worked hard to make this possible him to our Parish. and we are very grateful to them. We close with a reminder that Easter falls Unfortunately it has meant postponing the in March this year, the times of our Easter beginning of the Mainly Music sessions, for services will be published next month. We safety reasons. Entrance to the buildings will hope to see you then! THE WOODPECKER FEBRUARY 2016

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COMMUNITY NOTICES WOODEND SPRING FLOWER SHOW - AGM 22 February 2016, 1.30pm At The Cotton Residence Gressons Road. Waikuku New Members welcome

PEGASUS & WOODEND COMMUNITY DIRECTORY This valuable reference booklet with over 130 local businesses, clubs and groups is now available in Woodend from North Canterbury Stockfeed Supplies in Chinnery’s Road and Veg’n Out on the Main Road. It is also still available at the Pegasus General Store. Only $2 per copy!!

Pegasus Bay Home Maintenance Services Ltd • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning (Home & Car) • Window Cleaning • Water Blasting

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COMMUNITY CONTACTS Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Fire Officer, Murray Lamb 312 7487 Community Emergency Response Team Rick Cable 312 2667 Email: rcable@clear.net.nz Woodend Play Centre Claire Cameron 022 122 0452 Woodend Toy Library Stephanie 312 2993 Email: toylibrarywoodend@gmail.com Woodend / Waikuku Plunket Appointments, Clare Hewett 312 2640 Woodend Preschool & Nursery 312 7654 Sheryl Rule email woodendpreschool@xtra.co.nz website www.woodendpreschool.co.nz Acorn Early Childcare 03 312 2179 Email; jointhefun@acornearlychildcare.co.nz Website: www.acornearlychildcare.co.nz Nature’s Play Preschool -Pegasus 9434935 Email: pegasuspreschool@naturesplay.co.nz Website: www.naturesplay.co.nz Tuahiwi Community Pre-School Pre-School Daytime 313 2141 Woodend Community Association Inc President, John Archer 0274 332 558 Secretary, Jacqui Miller 021 890 358 Pegasus Residents Group Inc Email: pegasus residentsgroup@gmail.com Website: www.pegasusresidentsgroup.com Woodend Lions Club President David Marks 03 352 1016 Youth Centre Co-ordinator, Lois Inch 312 7732 Woodend Combined Probus Club President, Mike Benson 03 327 9050 Secretary, Rae Miller 310 0202 Woodend Community Centre Advisory Group Chairperson, John Batistic 310 0654 Woodend Garden Club Helen Power, President 312 2414 June Bryson, Secretary 313 3254 Gladstone Park Advisory Group Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 Woodend Ashley Ward Community Board Chairperson, Chris Prickett 310 7308 Deputy Chairperson, Karen Eastwood 027 600 794 Waikuku Beach Surf Life Saving Club Richard Marsom wbslsc@wbslsc.com Woodend Gymnastics Club Astrid Breach 310 0212


Editor & Advertising Rebecca Harris Phone: 312 5458 Email: richardandrebecca@xtra.co.nz Drop Box: The Grub Hub, Main Rd, Woodend. NEXT ISSUE MARCH 2016. Deadline 28/2 Woodend Boys’ Club John Harris 313 7832 St Barnabas Church, Woodend Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus Vicar: Revd Lynnette Lightfoot 313 8726 Hall Hire Bookings – Audrey 313 6034 Home Groups - Anne Graham 313 4457 Mainly Music – Keith Heyworth 03 745 9181 or email rurukid@gmail.com cell 027 688 5597 Woodend Methodist Church Minister, Rev. Philomeno Kinera 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 Woodend Bowling Club President, Mike Carpenter 312 7463 Secretary, Doreen Williams (03) 327 9519 Woodend Indoor Bowling Club Helen Power 312 2414 Pat 312 2335 Woodend Netball Club Sharon Cocker, President 310 7236 Rachael Paterson, Secretary 312 7439 Woodend Golden Oldies Rugby & Netball President, Tony Hurley 312 7311 Woodend Rugby Club www.woodendrugby.co.nz President, Sean Adamson 310 7911 Secretary, Sherryn McPherson 312 7080 Junior Club Captain, Dean Cotton 310 6873 VP & Senior Club Captain, Wendy Giles 021 355336 Club rooms bookings, Sherryn McPherson 312 7080 Woodend Cricket Club Bruce Davey 312 2413 Woodend Junior Cricket Club Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 Woodend Tennis Club President, Jim Bucknell 313 9405 Woodend Country Music Club Robert Jongenburger (President) 312 7313 Glen Taylor (Vice-President) 967 6832 Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute Elaine 312 7963 Kathryn 03 327 6621 or 027 335 5771 THE WOODPECKER FEBRUARY 2016

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