The Woodpecker - November 2020

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November 2020

Produced for the community, by the community

The North Canterbury News Christmas Tree Festival organised by Soroptimist of North Canterbury 5 December to 18 December 10am 6pm Prize giving 2pm Friday 18 December 2020 Entry by gold coin donation - funds to go to St John’s ambulance and North Canterbury Rural Support Trust. Good raffle prizes to be won.

Trees will be decorated by Schools and PreSchools, Not for Profit organisations and Business and organisations. Sponsor a tree $200, we can match you with a group to decorate it. Contact Dael on 022 354 0914 or daelfoy@

Choose your favourite tree.

COMMUNITY Supporting those, who support us If you Sell with me, I'll Donate $500. *T’s & C’s apply

The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 1

Editor’s Note

Kia ora everyone

The year is marching on and can hardly believe we are already in November, where has it gone, and what a turbulent year it has been! This month I wanted to talk about three key areas, the first being the collaboration The Woodpecker Community Trust has with Compass FM, in that they host a live interview each month to help promote our wonderful community publication to the wider community and more awareness of the digital copy being available on line in FULL COLOUR. We return the compliment by offering them a small complimentary advert with their logo, resulting in two notfor-profits working together for the benefit of our community. The second area I wanted to mention was the great opportunity available ONLY to our registered long-standing, current, recurring advertisers. Our premium advertising space in the form

Can you find Woody Woodpecker! Mr Woody Woodpecker is ‘hidden’ amongst one of the newsletter pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him and are the first to text the Editor with a photo of you pointing to the very page, we will give you a mention in the following month’s newsletter. Page 2 The Woodpecker November 2020

of the frontpage banner is going to be made available for purchase soon for 2021. An email will be sent out soon inviting expressions of interest for one month’s banner space. Everyone will go in the draw and these will be offered to the lucky advertisers, one per advertiser. Payment must be made by end December 2020 and the month will be also be selected at the draw. Last year the banner space sold out immediately, so we anticipate this may be the same for next year. If there are any banner spaces available following the draw these will be offered to existing advertisers. The third area I wanted to talk about is the rapid increase in circulation numbers of The Woodpecker due to the huge growth we have in the area. This has meant our printing costs have increased, but it’s also meant we’ve had lots more exposure which has and is hugely benefited our advertisers with almost 3,000 copies being delivered locally as well as the digital copy being made more and more widely available on social media and online. It’s been great to witness such growth, maturity and popularity for our community publication, produced by the community for the community. Debs Taylor-Hayhurst The Editor - Woodpecker

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The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 3

Christmas Messages Wanted for December Woodpecker Next month’s Woodpecker is the last one for the year. As we don’t have a January issue, your Christmas message, advert or community article lasts two months. Why not take advantage of this and send us in your Christmas message, advert, article or funny Christmas story. Email Debs, The Editor: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.

‘Explore the Netherlands!’ Sunday 29 November at Woodend School

The Waimakariri Migrants and Newcomers Group is excited about the next event in the ‘Explore!’ series. These events are to help locals discover more about the diverse range of cultures that make up the district and showcase different countries through dance, music, culture and food. Project leaders Hanna Mason and Ingrid Rammers from the Migrants and Newcomers Group say, “We want to share the diverse cultures and ethnicities we have in our district. We hope that these events will help people have a better understanding of what it’s like to be a migrant and the value that diverse cultures add to our communities”. Page 4 The Woodpecker November 2020

The next country to be explored will be the Netherlands and the event is organised in partnership with Woodend School. The Migrants and Newcomers Group will work together with the teachers and children in the Te Ngahere group to study the Netherlands. Participants will be able to enjoy lots of interesting activities such as playing traditional Dutch games, having their face painted by Lolytwist, riding a bike with Pedalmania and buying something delicious at the fabulous Dutch Food Market. There also will be a display of work from the Woodend students, they will meet with ‘Sinterklaas’ and much more! Everyone is welcome to come along to this free event taking place on Sunday 29 November at Woodend School in School Road, Woodend, from 11am to 3pm. To find out more about this and other cultural events please contact Denise Wiggins at the Waimakariri District Council: or call 0800 965 468.

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The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 5

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Daryl Power 027 230 9401 • Page 6 The Woodpecker November 2020

This Month with Harry! There is some good news and some bad news on the leg front. And no that shouldn’t read as front leg!! With me it’s a right leg with a bit on the other side. The bad news is that the one that actually reaches the ground has an ulcer on it. I showed it to Dr Steve, Woodend’s answer to Dr Finlay and he prescribed antibiotics. His sidekick Janet, aka Nurse Marilyn was once again disappointed I didn’t have to lower my pants.

shrinker. This fact wasn’t discovered till I stood up. Standing up caused a length difference between the stump shrinker and the bit of apparatus that owned the base the hair was attached to. In fact, quite a bit further than the length of hair. Tears came to my eyes. Like two children pulling on a xmas cracker neither end had the common decency to let go. With more tears streaming out I sat down and with the aid of a mirror and scissors forced a back-up from both sides.

The good news is that the stump has been transformed from a Parma ham to a large dog roll. This was done using a stump shrinker 24/7 for the last fortnight.

However, the really great news is that I have had the first session at Burwood for getting a new leg. I am in the market for a parrot and an eye patch. The first fitting is on 4 November.

A stump shrinker is a large rubber tubular thing that you roll onto what’s left of the leg. As this is a family publication, I cannot make any comparisons to anything else that needs rolling on. This has to be attached as for up as possible i.e. groin.

On page 23 of the 14 October 14 ‘Northern Outlook’ there is a letter from a worried mother about her an 8-year-old son who has just started a job as a mechanic.

My next drama can only be related to the male sex. You girls are simply not equipped with the bit of apparatus featured in this story. But do have a guess at what I am writing about and like Cinderella you will get to the ball. This piece of equipment has the occasional hair growing out of it. They used to be short and curly but age has changed them to long and droopy. And unbeknown to me one of those long and droopy hairs managed to get united with the rubber stump

Whilst one would assume by its nature that this a made-up diatribe, one has to consider in light of present day thinking and attitudes it may not be. It appears that this poor little bugger hates the job. He doesn’t like the “cold dismal work environment, or his fellow workmates who he says are disgusting” The radio channel is bad, their chat is gross and they are all old and grumpy. To cap it off he has to work from 7am to 1pm each Saturday. Cont’d on Page 8 The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 7

Woodend Methodist Church We held a very successful Parish Garage sale in the last month and raised about $2,700. A great effort. On Sunday 1 November at 9am in the Woodend Methodist Church we will be holding our Candlelight Service in remembrance of friends, family and church members who have passed on over the last 12 months. Come and join us and light a candle for your loved one. Morning tea will follow. The last movie showing for the year on Wednesday 4 November at 1pm will be a British Comedy ‘Whisky Galore’. Gold coin donation and cup of tea afterwards. The movies will recommence in March 2021. Any queries contact Ruth Vaughan 312 2094. A Concert not to be missed is on Sunday 8 November at 2pm in the Woodend Methodist Church when the Richmond Handbell ringers will present their programme. Their music is unique so I encourage you to come and listen. Entry $5. Afternoon tea provided. Woodend Church / Hall bookings – contact Evelyn 312 7740. Our minister Veitomoni Siufanga is available at Rangiora Methodist Church, 176 King Street, Rangiora – contact 313 3448 or Page 8 The Woodpecker November 2020

Cont’d from Page 7 I left High school with a couple of qualifications after 4 years of enjoying the place. I would have got the second school cert too but she was expelled. Much to my mother’s dismay, who considered I should do something in the academic line, I went milking cows for a local cocky. I liked cows- still do. We started milking at 4am each morning, 2 on 1 off, and finished about 6pm each night. I got every third weekend off and a fortnight’s paid holiday each year. All for the princely sum of 8 pounds 10 shillings and board per week. That equates to $17 plus board today. And I didn’t grizzle and moan about it. Yes, most of the time. But I stuck to it glad to having a job. One of the things we freshly delegged people get to do is a lot of thinking. This is because we don’t run ½ marathons, go mountaineering, play golf or chase frisky women. We sit and contemplate. I have contemplated starting a new political party. ‘Harry’s Popular Liberation Front’ Amongst my many hundreds of brilliant ideas and schemes for running the country will be an emphasis on youth. I will make youth happy. So happy they will not have to wander about hiding themselves in shame under hoods, or smoking or injecting themselves with stuff that transports them to laa-laa land. A vote for me will give you a chance to join my make youth happy scheme. If you leave school without a

permanent job you will be enrolled and given the opportunity to join your fellow unemployed at the nearest opportunities camp. The nearest will be at Burnham and attendance is compulsory. On arrival you will be issued with some work clothes and a dress set of attire for when we have visitors or a do.

some elocution skills so you don’t have to grunt when spoken to.

You will shower and have a medical check-up and a nice no 1 (4 for girls) haircut. We don’t want long hair getting caught in the machinery or creepy-crawlies falling out into the food you will be preparing.

Time on the farm will give you tuition with sheep and beef work such as lambing and calving, shearing and drenching. And as the country is crying out for dairy workers, ample training in the art of extracting milk from cows will be given.

The camp will be explained and you will receive your very own log book in which progress and achievements are recorded and signed off. And now for the fun filled and exciting daily programme. You will rise at 6am, make your bed, then go for a run, returning at 6.30 when you will perform your ablutions. At 7am you will line up for a hearty breakfast. All the meals will be prepared, cooked and served by sets of teams so all will get a go. From 8 to 12pm you will have an enjoyable time in the classroom where you will be taught the basic 3 x Rs: arithmetic, writing and reading. As modern education sees little need for legible writing and correct spelling this will be a priority at our classes. This skill will be a big help when you compose your CV after all we don’t want you writing home telling mummy about the new shirt you were given. You will also learn how to use new words like please and thank- you and

After a hearty lunch it is out into the fields or workshop to learn something to make you employable. Mechanics, carpentry, engineering, truck driving, plumbing etc etc, in fact any trade you care to name.

Our institution will be aiming for selfsufficiency so market gardening and butchery will be high on the agenda. Other vocational skills will be learnt on regular forays to orchards that need fruit harvested or pruning. After a hearty evening meal, you will be encouraged to read, learn a new hobby or some recreational sport. We will manage your benefit for you deducting costs for your keep and welfare. At the end of the week if there is any surplus you will get a small allowance and the rest banked for you. At all times you will apply for work using your new found skills to establish a decent CV. If you do not accept our happy lifestyle you will be sent on such expedition’s eradication wilding pines etc. Reaching a modest target will ensure enough daily food. Cont’d on Next Page The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 9

Cont’d from Page 9 It is here I cease to write this load of crap. It would never work. Some dogooder or a bloody civil rights nutter would appear and tell our prospects it is their right to work or accept discipline. It is their right to take the dole and not contribute to the country. But are we are not getting closer to when something has to be done? JH

An Important Update from The Tūhaitara Coastal Park

On behalf of the team at Tūhaitara Coastal Park we would like to thank all of our wonderful volunteers for a fantastic native tree planting season. Despite a late start, we were able to successfully plant all the trees we had ordered for the season. This would not have been possible without the support from our volunteers who kindly donate their time and energy.

Coastal Park’ FB page for more information and further updates. In the meantime, please continue visiting and enjoying our wonderful park. If you would like a map of all the walking, cycling, and horse tracks that Tūhaitara Coastal Park has to offer, visit www.

As always, we encourage you to check out our ‘Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park’ Facebook page for regular updates as well as information about volunteer opportunities.

Finally, summer is just around the corner and we have a few important reminders to ensure you and your whanau stay safe this season while visiting the park and beaches:

In regard to our Open Day Event which is normally held in November each year- we have made the decision to postpone this year’s event until early 2021. We apologise for the change and hope you will still be able to join us for the event.

Surf Life Saving crews patrol at Waikuku, Woodend Beach, and Pegasus Beach during the peak summer season. The public are advised to swim at these locations

Please see the ‘Friends of Tūhaitara

Be sun safe (sunscreen, hats, seek shade) at all times and carry plenty of water while exercising. Cont’d on Page 13

Page 10 The Woodpecker November 2020

Friday - Sunday 10am - 4pm October till Christmas 25 Gladstone Road, Woodend Phone 027 314 6575 The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 11

Woodend Seiko-Kai Karate Kids The Seiko-Kai Karate Academy on Williams Street, Kaiapoi, celebrated another medal tally at the recent JKA New Zealand National Karate Championships with three silver and one gold. It was a debut for all four boys who competed in Kumite. Liam Visker affectionately known as ‘Worm’ with the dojo performed brilliantly and won his first bout outright scoring with kicking techniques and without dropping a point, eventually settling for silver against a much taller and more experienced opponent. Vincent Taw showed his technical skill as he scored with a difficult spinning back fist to his first opponent and he narrowly missed securing the gold medal, losing by just a couple of points. However, the fight of the day belonged to Jack Brown and Aidan Leigh who have become good friends and training Page 12 The Woodpecker November 2020

partners at the dojo but who met each other in the final. Aidan scored first with a sweet face punch, but Jack came back strongly with a kick to the body. Aidan earned a well-deserved silver medal and Jack became the 2nd National Champion for Seiko-Kai and Kaiapoi. “The boys’ performances and results were worthy of their individual success” Said Coach and Chief Instructor Kev Merriman. “They gave their all on the matts and as a coach that’s all I can ask for”. Fellow Coach Daniel Visker added “I am proud of the boys and their achievements. Considering this as their first competition, they have done the exceptionally well. Now we go back to the dojo to prepare for the next one”.

PHOTO: Back row left to right:

Kev Merriman Sensei, Daniel Visker Sensei, middle row, Aidan Leigh, Vincent Taw, Jack Brown and Liam Visker front centre

Cont’d from Page 10 Fires are NOT permitted anywhere in the park or on beaches- please immediately report fires by ringing 111.

Designer Bluempire Creative Leah is a local graphic designer who owns her own business Bluempire Creative. Leah has become The Woodpecker’s ‘resident’ graphic designer, making herself available to create and revise advertisers’ adverts to they have a more professional look. As an advertiser, if you would like a ‘new look’ for your business please do give Leah a call or send her an email. She will give you a quote and work closely with you to provide you the best possible service, enabling you to promote your image. Leah Attwood 022 125 3075

Dogs must be on a lead or under effective control at all times. To protect sensitive areas, dogs are required to be on lead while using wetland tracks in Pegasus Town, and on the Tutaepatu trail Thank you for doing your part and we hope you have a wonderful summer enjoying Tūhaitara Coastal Park. Photos: 1. Remember to swim between the flags at Waikuku, Pegasus Beach, and Woodend Beach. 2. Another successful season of native tree planting at the park included a selection of Rongoā species.

Lions Christmas Cakes A perfect festive tradition, ideal for Christmas gifts to family, friends, staff and clients, large 1.2kg cake and full of flavour, maximum 2-year shelf life. Great value at $20 each and delivered within Rangiora and surrounding area at no extra cost. Proceeds donated to various Community Projects. Fundraiser for the Lions Club Pegasus Town. Orders close 18 December 2020. Please contact Anne on 03 313 6124. The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 13

Page 14 The Woodpecker November 2020

The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 15

Don’t sell until you know what your neighbours sold for Waimakariri monthly sales figures at:

“It’s a smart move” Natarsha Crawford Licensed Sales Consultant

p 021 070 0799 e f w Licensed Agent REAA 2008 Page 16 The Woodpecker November 2020

Who found Woody in last month’s Woodpecker? Georgia found the Woodpecker all by herself! She’s definitely ready to start school next term

Declan Crawford, 6 also found Woody!

Jessica Waddington, 4, straight away found Woody. No doubt this was not to be outdone by her older brother, Sam, who found it last month!

Mum Kim said “Declan wanted to submit his find for The Woodpecker.” She said “Declan will be thrilled to make the Woodpecker. He has this idea in his head about wanting to become famous so he can be on the bank note so being in The Woodpecker will be as good as it gets.”

Fame at last for three little ones! The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 17

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Page 18 The Woodpecker November 2020

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The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 19

Pegasus Info Page - November 2020 HOW THE PRGI HELP IN OUR COMMUNITY

There might be a few people who wonder what the Pegasus Residents Group Incorporated does in the community. Below is a summary of some of the activities and services we provide our community: • •

• • • • •

We foster a positive relationship with stakeholders e.g the Waimakariri Council, The Templeton Group. We advocate for residents on matters where we can reasonably and fairly influence decisions e.g road safety, lake water quality. We support community engagement and activities e.g Menzshed and Lions We run the Community Watch We provide Information e.g bus schedules, snap-send-solve etc We produce the Pegasus local directory We participate in public submissions e.g Youth facilities, Community facilities

PRGI MEMBERSHIP If you would like to become a Pegasus Residents Group Member and support our work, membership is only $10 per year (or part year) per household. Receive monthly newsletters with exclusive updates. Visit our website for more information: or email us at: Website:

Page 20 The Woodpecker November 2020

PEGASUS MAINTENCE UPDATE Some good news for people frustrated by the lack of signs about dog rules and doggy poo bags. We have been informed that more signs and bins will be placed at more strategic (visible) points around Pegasus.

Please remember, if you are a dog owner, it is your duty to keep your dog on a lead and to pick up behind your dog. This rule also applies to the footpaths around the wetlands and the walkway going to the beach. Please also remember to keep dogs on leashes around children's playgrounds and sports grounds. If you have any queries you can read the Waimakariri District Council Dog Control Bylaw on the Council’s website.

PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE The Community Centre continues to be a great meeting space for residents. The October coffee morning attracted fiftyeight people, many new residents visited, and we always want to see more new faces. Our volunteers are helping visitors by giving them information about activities in and around our town, the most popular piece of information shared over the last Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

Pegasus Info Page - November 2020 couple of weeks has been the new Rangiora Bus Schedule. The new bus route seems to be very popular with our residents. We have also been giving away lots of free watering buckets. These are an aid supplied by the Waimak Council to encourage people to water the trees near their homes and to recycle some wastewater, for example, the water you use when washing your car. Please feel free to grab a bucket or two from the Community Centre on any of our open days. Pegasus Community Centre opening hours: Mon 2-4pm, Wed 10amnoon and Sat 10am-noon

for more information on the 105 number and when to use it.


Our Facebook page is administered so that only information can be shared by the Administrator. No posts can be made by the public. This is a public page that people can follow (click LIKE) for our regular updates, but you cannot become a "member" as it is not a group. If you do wish to contact PRGI please email us. PRGI will not be responding to private messages on Facebook. As you know we are a volunteer organisation so there is a limit to our resources.

Like all communities in New Zealand, Pegasus at times does experience criminal behaviour. Working together within the realms of public safety and looking out for each other to keep our community safe can have a great effect. The more eyes watching means the Police are likely to be called more and when they attend it starts a chain of events. Reporting by multiple people is key as it creates patterns/trends for Police to respond to. If they don’t know what’s going on, they can’t help. If you witness any concerning behaviour, see a crime in progress or a threat to life or property, phone 111. If it is a nonemergency, phone 105. Check about Website:

PRGI FACEBOOK PAGE We have our own official Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. Facebook page. There are other Pegasus residents’ pages so it can be a little confusing. For ease of finding our page, search for Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc and look out for the green and blue clover logo (see below)

CHRISTMAS EVENT Just a reminder that there is no Christmas on the Lake event this year. Instead there will be Carols outside the Good Home (like last year). Date and times to be confirmed. Keep a look out on our Facebook page. Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 21

PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS AND INFO You don’t have to live in Pegasus to enjoy the benefits of the Pegasus Community Centre (PCC). Come along any time the centre is open to check out the Community Book Cave and have a chat or grab some info.

PCC OPEN HOURS Monday, 2 – 4pm; Wednesday 10am – 12noon Saturday 10am – 12noon We have free buckets to give away courtesy of WDC to enable you to water your street trees (you can use it to clean the car too!). We also have bus timetables and Welcome Bags for new residents and much more info. Infinity Room/Reception area PCC VOLUNTEERS The PCC is staffed by volunteers to help with enquiries at the above times. Our volunteers currently do a 2-hour duty once a month. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and learn more about Pegasus. We welcome new volunteers and the more we have the more we can open the centre. We seek volunteers with a ‘sunny disposition’ who are willing to learn and not afraid to say “I don’t know, but let me see if I can find out” when they can’t answer a Volunteers’ Meeting question. If you would like to know more about becoming a volunteer at the PCC, please contact the PCC Team (details below). RONEL’S COMMUNITY CUPPA FOR PEGASUS RESIDENTS This event is where Pegasus residents get together for a free cuppa and cake, meet new people, catch up with ‘old’ people and learn more about the town they live in. The next cuppa is on Wed 11th November from 10.45am. Contact the PCC Team for more info or phone 021 072 4636 The PCC is a Waimakariri District Council facility run in association with the Pegasus Community Centre (PCC) Team (a function of the Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc.). To book the PCC: visit or phone 0800 965 468 To contact the PCC Team (Ronel, Roger, Rhonda): Email or phone 021 1080 634 Page 22 The Woodpecker November 2020

LAWNS, GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, FERTILISING, SPRAYING, CHAIN SAWING, PRUNING, SPOUTING CLEANING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Whether you would like manicured lawns/gardens, a quick tidy up or ongoing lawn/garden maintenance we can help. Quotes provided incl. WINZ

Contact Ron or Annette 03 310 0604 | 027 271 7187

ARE YOU AT RISK OF SKIN CANCER? Skin/Mole Checks t Skin Cancer Treatments t Minor Surgery t

Dr Julia Racle Ph 03 310 7315 6/6 Cone St Rangiora The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 23

November 2020

Waimakariri Events 11


1st: USA Day 10am – 3pm, Gladstone Park, Woodend Rugby Grounds. All American vehicles display featuring live music, raffles and food & trade stalls. Display cars $5 pp or $10 per carload. Children under 12 FREE. No dogs allowed.

1st: North Canterbury Holistic Fair 10am – 4pm, Ashgrove School, Rangiora. A fantastic day full of amazing energy and wonderful likeminded people bringing their gifts and passion together.

1st: Futures Festival of Golf 9am – 11am, Rangiora Golf Club. Free “give golf a go” event designed for young people and families.

1st: Oxford Garden Tour 10am – 4pm, Oxford Gardens, Oxford. Wander the gardens and visit the Oxford Farmers’ Market, local cafes and craft shops. Tickets from Oxford Area School, on the day from Oxford Farmers’ Market (cash only).

6th: Ashgrove School Summer Gala 3.30pm – 7.30pm, Ashgrove School, Rangiora. Enjoy games, entertainment, food trucks and white elephant! Bring chairs and picnic blankets, enjoy the entertainment.

7th: Tranz Alpine Scooter Safari 8am – 5pm, Rangiora A & P Showgrounds, Rangiora. Support 250 scooterists to conquer the Southern Alps from Rangiora to Hokitika to raise funds for the Cancer Society.

8th: Kaiapoi Community Garden Open Day 10am – 1pm, Kaiapoi Community Garden, Kaiapoi. Enjoy morning tea and check out the preserves and veggie seedlings for sale. Enjoy live music, food demonstrations and kids’ activities. Gold coin appreciated.

8th: Ashley Forest Colour Fun Run and Walk 9am – 11am, Ashley Forest, Rangiora. The 2 km loop will feature 8 different colour stations, so put on your white T-Shirt and let’s get coloured. Suitable for all ages including under 5 years old (free with an adult ticket holder). Coffee and food stalls on site. Tickets start from $12.00.

13th: Oxford’s Big Family Day Out 9am – 3pm, Oxford A & P Showgrounds, Oxford. Enjoy display and food stalls, animal farmyard, line & highland dancing, horse cart rides, bouncy castles and so much more! $10 pp, $20 per family car.

13th: Fun HQ at Victoria Park 1pm – 4pm, Victoria Park, Rangiora. Join us with a picnic on Canterbury Day. 5 bouncy castles for kids aged 2-6 years. $5 entry.

13th: Ohoka Farmers Market - Canterbury Day 9-00am – 12.30pm, Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Undoubtedly the biggest market of the year. Come prepared to enjoy great food, produce, crafts and music.

18th: Rangiora Harness Racing Club 3pm – 6.30pm, Rangiora Racecourse. An afternoon/

evening out with all the family at the Twilight Racing Night. Bars and cafes open. Bring your own BBQ or picnic.

20th - THE MAINPOWER CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION NIGHT 5.30pm – 9.30pm, High Street, Rangiora. ‘Shop until you drop’ at Rangiora’s High Street retailers and eateries – peruse quality market stalls, live music, a kids’ entertainment pitch, grab a Santa photo and stay until the end for an impressive fireworks display.

21st: Recycle Runway 6.15pm – 10pm, Rangiora Town Hall, Rangiora. The Cancer Society NC is hosting a fashion show with recycled clothing and accessories, fashion advice and commentary. Come along and grab yourself a bargain. Tickets $25 from the Cancer Society.

21st: The KFC Summer Festival 11am – 5pm, Pegasus Lake, Pegasus Town. Family fun for everyone! Support our local businesses and schools, bring the family out for a fun-filled day of activities. Stalls, food trucks, live music, kids’ entertainment and beer tent.

22nd: Gardens of Fernside 10am – 4pm, Fernside. An inspirational tour for all gardeners. Enjoy the free family market held at Fernside School; stalls, entertainment and great food. Tickets $25 for the tour, $45 for a gourmet lunch.

ART EXHIBITIONS Arts in Oxford Ends 8th Nov: Philip Trusttum, What Have We Got Here.

Art on the Quay 23rd Oct –2nd Dec: A Celebration of Ceramics Exhibition 2020

MARKETS Kaiapoi Farmers Market

Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday 10am–12pm. North

Canterbury Sunday Market Rangiora

Racecourse. Every Sunday 9am –2pm. Ohoka Farmers Market Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday 9am–12.30pm. Oxford

Farmers Market

Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday

9am–12pm. Oxford Craft Market Oxford Town Hall,

Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm. Rangiora Sunday Market Blake St Carpark, Rangiora. Every 2nd Sunday, 10am-2pm.

WOODFORD GLEN SPEEDWAY 14th: Canterbury SuperStock, Saloon & Production Saloon Champs. 6.30pm, SuperStocks, Modifieds, Stockcars, Saloons, Production Saloons & Youth Ministocks 28th: Mainland Stockcar Teams Champs + Canterbury Super Saloon Champs. 6.30pm, Super Saloons, Streetstocks, Stockcar Teams, Saloons & Ministocks Tickets start from $5.

MORE INFO AT: or Kaiapoi i-Site Visitor Information Centre Ph: 03 327 3134 | E:

Page 24 The Woodpecker November 2020

The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 25

Page 26 The Woodpecker November 2020

Did you know that Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand has a social policy unit?

only gaining support for yourself, you are possibly helping to effect change for everyone.

Our work nationally and here in North Canterbury is driven by a desire to use our knowledge of the types of problems people in our communities are facing to help solve the underlying causes of those problems.

Remember all our services are free and we can help you with any enquiry, big or small.

Our service provides us with unique information about the issues affecting people in communities nationwide. Every time a person seeks the CAB’s help, we record what they sought help about and what we did in response. We use the insights gained from these enquiries to show when government policies and laws, or the implementation of these, are having a negative impact on people throughout the country, and we argue for positive social change. Confidentiality is a core principle for the CAB service so we always make sure when telling stories from our clients’ experiences that the individuals involved will not be identified. We do this by removing identifying information and summarising or paraphrasing the client’s situation.

You can find us in the Trevor Inch Memorial Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email

PEGASUS Bringing Dental Services to North Canterbury General Dentistry Family Dentistry Facial Pain Minor Oral Surgery Tooth Whitening Hygienist Oral Medicine Specialist Super Gold Card Welcome Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm Late Night Tuesday 54 Pegasus Main Street Pegasus Phone 03 920 4003 Email:

Therefore, when you come to us about a matter that affects you, you are not The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 27

Thank you for all your co-operation and support through the COVID Pandemic. At alert level 1, we are still required to have patients sign in at Reception either using the QR code or the manual tracer. Any patients with respiratory symptoms, should call first and discuss their condition with a nurse. The nurse will do an assessment over the phone and if you need to be seen at the practice, you may be asked to wait in your car. If you meet the Ministry of Health criteria, a free COVID swab will be offered at the Centre. The criteria are subject to change. If you need to see a GP, this will be arranged, and you will be asked to wear a mask. Results of COVID swabs are texted to you as soon as they become available. We have resumed all our services including minor surgeries, mole checks, smears, immunisations, health checks and Saturday morning clinics. Most of our visiting specialists have resumed their regular clinics at the medical centre. If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. You can book a telephone or in-practice consultation by calling us or alternatively online via our website and go to ‘Manage My Health(MMH)�. You can also use this portal to access lab results and request repeat prescriptions. If you need assistance accessing MMH, please contact our reception team who will be happy to help. If you need assistance with MMH, please call 0800 664 123 or email You can download the App from the App store, Google Play or the website Please note fees for phone consultations are the same as regular consultations. Online Enrolment: New patients can enrol with Pegasus Medical Centre online through our website. Phone Calls to Nurses: Nurses will take your phone call if they are available. Otherwise, please leave a message and you will be called back in a timely manner. It is much appreciated that if you leave a message asking for a call back, to remain available to answer the phone. Test results can take some time to be available and reviewed by the Doctor. You will be contacted if further action is needed. They can be viewed on Manage My Health as well. Thank you for your patience. _________________________________________________________________________

52 Pegasus Main street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 www Page 28 The Woodpecker November 2020

The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 29

St Barnabas Spring has arrived and the natural warmth during our church services lately has almost rivalled the warmth of the people! For visitors or members, the welcome is the same, although the two services are quite different. They are both Eucharist services but the 9.30am is the more traditional of the two, following the prayer book. The 4.30pm service is run on contemporary lines and, being at an easier time for parents, offers a selection of age-based groups for children.

Ruth Wethey for Mainly Music (020 401 39220) or Amy Clark for the adults or teens group (021 234 4253). In the meantime, make the most of the sun whilst it is shining!

Do you have a story to tell? We would love to hear our reader’s stories. If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers. Young or old, local or from afar.

At present, the groups are studying Jesus’ teaching and at last count, were catering for around 40 children.

Personal story

Groups running outside service times include two adults’ home groups, one for men and the other for women. They are run at 7.30 pm on alternate Wednesdays, so that any parents of young children can take it in turns to childmind!

Send us a photo too!

For children of 12 and up, The Tribe Youth Group runs one Saturday a month from 5pm; there is a monthly Teen Bible Study on a Thursday at 7.30pm; and a two monthly Girls Group, also on a Thursday at 7.30pm. And of course, for pre-schoolers, there is the ever popular Mainly Music weekly on Wednesdays, beginning at 10.30am. If you or your young folk are interested in any of these groups, please ring Page 30 The Woodpecker November 2020

Funny story

List with me in November 2020 and I’ll pay for your marketing *T&C’s apply

“It’s a smart move” Natarsha Crawford Licensed Sales Consultant

p 021 070 0799 e f w Licensed Agent REAA 2008 The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 31

Woodend-Sefton Community Board What’s Been Happening

The Woodend Lions Club have donated two seats to further enhance the Woodend War Memorial. The Board is very grateful for the commitment of the Woodend Lions Club, along with the Woodend Community Association who are organising the installation, and of course all the donors. Contractors have been busy preparing for the summer by topping up the mulch, adding wetting agent and fertiliser to street trees around Pegasus. Hopefully this will help the trees health over the summer when they have often struggled.

What’s Coming Up

Asphalt resurfacing on both approaches to Bob Robertson Drive on Rangiora Woodend Road is programmed for the 11th and 12th November.

Project Update

Youth Space in Pegasus – the Council are in the process of working out how best to engage with the youth to determine what they want. The community will also be consulted. Keep an eye out for this.

Council e-newsletter

Want to know what is going on? Sign up to receive relevant alerts, news and updates from Waimakariri District Council. You will receive e-mail updates for our local area and you can choose what interests you, like community spaces, roads, water, policy and planning and others. Sign up at

Page 32 The Woodpecker November 2020

Consultations Underway

Go to to provide your feedback on: Speed Limit Reviews – Council are reviewing speed limits south of Kaiapoi on Main North Road, Tram Road, and Doubledays Road. The proposal is to reduce the speed limit to 60 km/h for the 1.9km stretch on Main North Road between Kaiapoi and the Old Waimakariri River Bridge and to 60 km/h on the other roads. Closes 5pm, Friday 6 November. Draft Climate Change Policy – your feedback will help shape the comprehensive Climate Change Response Strategy to be developed over the coming months. If adopted, the policy commits the Council to considering climate change in all Council decision making and work programmes, and regularly measuring corporate emissions. Feedback Closes 5pm, Friday 13 November.

Next Meeting You are welcome to come along to our next meeting on Monday 9 November starting at 6pm at the Woodend Community Centre.

Contact us

More information about the Board and members contact details are at Keep up-to-date with us through our Facebook page: @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard

Canterbury Print Service We print: newsletters, flyers, brochures, business cards and stationery, wide-format banners, posters, plans, direct mail, construction plans, architectural drawings, manuals, booklets... Whatever you imagine, we can help make it happen.

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design print wide-format mail The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 33


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Page 34 The Woodpecker November 2020

Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer Days Monday and Weds 10am – 12pm And the last Saturday of the month 10am – 11.30pm Come and join the Community Garden, a great place to make new friends or to share your love of gardening. KAIAPOI COMMUNITY GARDEN, Hilton Street on the playing field of Kaiapoi Borough School, by the railway line For more information follow us on Facebook contact; or phone Debbie 027 313 1234

Woodend Lions Report - Toot for Tucker 2020 We are happy to advise that the annual collection is being held on Tuesday 1 December. This year to recognise that we all had to do things a little differently, we are asking people to use their own bags / boxes for the collection. We appreciate your donations and if you wish to pop a little something in there for families to enjoy at Xmas that would be wonderful. Many families need your support, so do we!! Volunteers are always needed on the night and it’s only for hour or so, and it’s so much fun. If you would like to assist in this very commendable event, then please contact Ian Lennie on 920 1576, or email him on The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 35

COMMUNITY CONTACTS GLADSTONE PARK ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson, Mark Paterson - 312 7439 LIONS CLUB OF PEGASUS President - Amanda Smith - 027 422 2648 LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND President: John Canton 310 8157 Youth Centre: Lois Inch 312 7732 LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS Tel: 9434935 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 MAINLY MUSIC Litia Maclean 313 8678 / 022 052 2674 MENZSHED PEGASUS / WOODEND COMMUNITY TRUST Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805 ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH: Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253 Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612 THE ASHLEY LODGE Norme Shore - Secretary Page 36 The Woodpecker November 2020

TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL Tel: 313 2141 Facebook: Tuahiwi Community Preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson WAIKUKU BEACH SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Danelle Asher WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Alan Pegley 310 6772 Secretary Phil Harris 327 6553 WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Andrea Rigby com WOODEND COMMUNITY CENTRE ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson Simon Kong 310 8900 WOODEND COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB President Kevin Taylor 327 8920 Vice President Roger Wedlake 027 588 6062 WOODEND CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963 WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President Cheryl Judson phone 312 7791 Secretary Lynn Muir 312 2027 WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Shirley Wheeler 327 3416 Secretary Lynn Oliff 310 0575 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120

COMMUNITY CONTACTS WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Simone Templeton 027 514 8363 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389 Club Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH Minister Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 312 2237 Secretary Rachael Paterson 312 7439 WOODEND PLAY CENTRE Phone: 027 353 2131 Email: Facebook:

woodendplaycenter WOODEND PRESCHOOL / NURSERY Jana Thorn 312 7654 Email: WOODEND RUGBY CLUB: Senior Club Captain, Matthew McLeod Ph 027 722 8011 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker Ph 021 267 1429 WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Deputy Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 02 113 11780 Operational Support - Secretary Dave Houlihan 027 566 5582 WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640

Are you listed in our Community Contacts? If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts, please would you contact the Editor providing the appropriate details.

Is your Club or Group listed correctly? If you are listed in our Community Contacts, please do check to see the details we have are up-to-date and correct.

Would you prefer the digital publication instead of a delivered copy of The Woodpecker? If you’d prefer NOT to have your Woodpecker delivered and would rather ONLY read the digital version, please contact Tyree Woodham on: 027 902 5611 OR 03 312 2256 or via email: Digital Issue available on: The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 37

Pegasus Plus Our aim is for semi-retired and people to socialise, meet new people in a friendly atmosphere while enjoying a variety of activities. Join us at the Pegasus Community Centre for our final get today together of the year on Wednesday 25th November 1.00-3.00pm. Entry $2 to cover expenses. We will be heads down for a quiz and raffle plus an end of year afternoon tea to thank everyone for their ongoing support throughout the year. We also would like to thank Debs, our ‘Woodpecker Angel’ for her reminders and ads throughout the year. We wish you all a merry and safe Christmas and a very healthy, happy New Year. See you in February.

Woodpecker Donations The Woodpecker is a community publication and registered charity, individuals can claim a ‘donation tax credit’ for donations of $5 or more to The Woodpecker. This tax credit equals 33.33% (one third) for all qualifying donations made. If you would like to assist us, please either post a cheque or make payment direct to bank account: 030674-0212552-00. Post to: P O Box 78333 Email: Thank you for your support.

Attention Advertisers and Community Groups Are you part of a group which you would like to promote? Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves? Do you have any community stories you would like to share? Have you any information or notices you would like to share? YES? We would love to hear from you!

Page 38 The Woodpecker November 2020

FRAMEMAKERS All Picture Framing Photography and Canvas Printing Framing Supplies

Art Gallery 137 Main North Road Woodend Open Weekdays 9.30am - 5.00pm

Saturdays 10am - 1pm

03 312 2276

The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 39

Explore the Netherlands! Want to find out more about the Netherlands? Enjoy a Dutch food market and ride a bike with Pedalmania. Try some traditional Dutch games and meet ‘Sinterklaas’. Fabulous face painting by Lolytwist. Let pupils from Woodend School amaze you with their knowledge about the Netherlands! This free event is on Sunday 29 November from 11am to 3pm at Woodend School. ALL WELCOME!

Page 40 The Woodpecker November 2020

mers & Newco Migrants Group

Woodend Indoor Bowling Club The Indoor Bowling Club has now finished for the 2020 season.

On Monday 21 September we held our AGM followed by fun bowls and then presentation of Club Championship cups.

Fours Competition: Andrew Hatrill, Jenny Hammond, Linda Pascoe, Barry Gernhoefer Most Improved Player: Linda Pascoe

The winners are as follows:

Aggregate Winner: Brian McKenzie Congratulations to all the above winners. The new bowling season will start in March 2021 and new member of all ages will be very welcome. For further information please contact: Pairs Competition: Jenny Hammond and Linda Pascoe

Club President: Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389

Triples Competition: Peter McClatchy, Linda Pascoe, Graham Young The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 41

What are your plans for next year? Check out these FREE programmes COMMUNITY COLLEGE NORTH CANTERBURY


New Zealand Certificates in Foundation Skills Level 1 & 2 NCEA Level 1


New Zealand Certificate in Hospitality Entry Skills (Café) Level 2 NCEA Level 1 & 2

SPORT & RECREATION New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills in Sport, Recreation & Coaching Level 2 NCEA Level 1 & 2


New Zealand Certificate in Equine Skills Level 2 & 3 NCEA Level 1 & 2

Achieve with us! ph: 03 313 5874 txt: 029 770 5423 e: Page 42 The Woodpecker November 2020

Facebook “f ” Logo

CMYK / .eps

Facebook “f ” Logo

CMYK / .eps

Community Foot Care Clinics held in North Canterbury Phone 021 288 9618 or 03 3541 380 to make an appointment.

Lions Club of Pegasus Town Lions Club of Pegasus Town are seeking new members. If you would like to assist the community with fund-raising projects and meet other likeminded people; please contact Amanda on mobile 027 422 2648 or Brian on 027 958 8888.

SAYGo SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St (by the Flat White Cafe). All Welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group; join us for a cuppa after class!

Dancewear and Alterations For Dancewear, Clothing Alterations & Repairs. Call Paula 027 627 7212 Paula Aird

PEGASUS PLUS Our aim is for semi-retired and retired people to socialise, meet new people in a friendly atmosphere while enjoying a variety of activities. Join us at the Pegasus Community Centre from 1.00pm -3.00pm every FOURTH Wednesday of each month from July through to November, all welcome. Entry $2 to cover expenses. For further information contact Kay or David Mills on 03 9200126 or see you at the next get together. The last date this year will be on the 25 November 2020. Remember to send us your Xmas advert for next month’s Woodpecker!


Deadline for advertisements and community articles is 25 November 2020 at 5.00pm at the latest The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: Email: Cell: 021 863 877 Post / Cheques: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648 The Woodpecker November 2020 Page 43

Coming into the warmer season our pets like to “change their clothes”. We want to help out with all that hair. So, all appointments and vaccinations with us, for the month of November, will go into a draw for a Black and Decker pet DustBuster. Some conditions apply. CONTACTS: PHONE: 03 312 2669

EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesday

Woodend’s family owned vet Page 44 The Woodpecker November 2020

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