The Woodpecker April 2022

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Delivered to 3,220 households

April 2022

Produced for the community, by the community

Anzac Day There will not be an Anzac Service in Woodend this year. However, with the kind assistance of Rangiora RSA, there will be a sounding of the Last Post, Ode and Reveille at the waterfront at Lake Pegasus opposite the townhouses on Lakeside Drive at 6am and then at the Woodend

Memorial at 6.30am. We encourage all to otherwise stand at the gate at 6am to show their respect. If folk would like to lay a wreath, cut flowers or poppies in commemoration, please do so on Bob’s Bridge at Pegasus or the Woodend Memorial.

Suits or Gumboots, we’ve got you covered. For a friendly chat about your real estate needs, call Kirstyn or Dayan today. Refer a friend, and receive a $200 New World voucher. Simply refer someone interested in selling their home, and after the sale we will give you New World vouchers to the value of $200!

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The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 1

Editor’s Note

One month into Autumn already and a quarter of the way through the year, isn’t it going so fast? It’s great to see we are still holding those lovely temperatures and having blue sky days. This month I wanted to make mention our Woodpecker Community Trust Annual General Meeting which is taking place on Tuesday 17 May at 5.30pm at the Staff Room, Woodend Primary School. We do require RSVP, so we are aware of numbers. Last year we had some of our community contributors and advertisers come along as well as one of our now former distributers. There is a notice about this on Page 12. As you know our Trust is a charity and as such, we are reliant upon our wonderful volunteers. It is a very organised ‘machine’ which has been operating successfully now for over 40 years. The Woodpecker once inputted into the template is sent to our printers in south Christchurch and couriered to our two distributers in Woodend and Pegasus, who upon arrival of the 3,220 copies of The Woodpecker, deliver the specific amount of Woodpeckers to each of our lovely deliverers who no matter what the weather delivers all of these to your letter box. Page 2 The Woodpecker April 2022

Last month we we’re in need of a Ravenswood deliverer which we had a volunteer put their name forward, however, this month, we are in need of a deliverer for a small area in Pegasus. So, if you live in Pegasus and you are looking for a great excuse (or reason) for a monthly walk of 1-hour approximately around Pegasus, please do get in touch. Our deliverers tell us they love the job and get to meet wonderful people who are always great at giving feedback. One of the things they like are the children who are delighted to get their copy to find Woody Woodpecker! Lastly, it would be great to hear your ideas. We know you love the Woodpecker and for different reasons. For some it’s knowledge of businesses operating locally who can help us; for others it’s the community clubs and groups’ stories. I know children love finding Woody Woodpecker, (some adults too!) It would be good to hear from you the readers if you have any ideas of something else you might want to see. I’d love to hear from you. The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’ Ngā mihi nui Debs Taylor-Hayhurst The Editor – Woodpecker

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Daryl Power 027 230 9401 • The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 3

One-hour complimentary consultation available

Inspiring and motivating you to make positive changes in your professional and personal life. Business coaching & mentoring Life personal coaching Speech Coaching Working together to make a difference Ph 021 863 877 Email

When Roses Blossomed on Tepeyac A True Story As Told by Anastasia Marambos Part Three Juan Diego briefly explained to the lady that his uncle was dying, and that he was going to fetch a priest. She told him not to worry about his uncle, because she would look after him. She reminded him about the sign she had promised to give. “Go to the top of the hill,” she said, “and cut the flowers that you will find there. Bring them to me.” Juan Diego had come past Tepeyac hill many times over the years, and he knew that the only plants that grew there was thistle and cacti. However, he obeyed the lady, and climbed to the top. He was amazed at what he Page 4 The Woodpecker April 2022

saw. Not just a few little flowers, but many beautiful roses were growing there. He picked armfuls and gathered them up in the tilma, (a tilma is a type of Mexican poncho), that he wore. He climbed down the hill. The lady carefully arranged the roses in the tilma and told Juan Diego not to open the tilma until he saw the bishop. When Juan Diego arrived at the bishop’s house, he opened his tilma, and showed the roses to the bishop. The bishop recognised them as the beautiful Castilian roses which grew in Spain. What happened next was unexpected,

perhaps unprecedented. An image of the young woman appeared on Juan Diego’s tilma. Now the bishop understood perfectly who the woman was. She had revealed her name to Juan Diego during the first apparition: she was the Virgin Mary. Her image on the tilma told a story: She was greater than the moon-god, for she stood on the moon. She was greater than the serpent-god, for she crushed the serpent under her foot. Her hands were folded – a sign of prayer. Needless to say, the bishop granted the request to have a Church built on Tepeyac hill. When Juan Diego visited his uncle, he found that he had been miraculously cured from the fatal disease. There is evidence that the image on the tilma was not an ordinary image. The tilma had been made from a cacti fibre that usually lasts up to ten years. Yet Juan Diego’s tilma has lasted for almost 500 years. In 1921, someone hid a bomb near the tilma, probably in an attempt to destroy it. When the bomb exploded, much damage was done to the area surrounding the tilma, but the tilma was unscathed. Furthermore, scientists have done comprehensive tests on the tilma, using infra-red photography. They found that they could not explain what type of paints or art medium was used to make it. Even with modern art techniques, it isn’t possible for such vibrant colours be placed on such a rough tilma and for the result to survive for hundreds of years in a hot climate, and the art supplies available in Mexico in 1531 were comparatively

limited. To this day, many people travel far distances to see the miraculous tilma of Juan Diego and the picture of the Virgin of Tepeyac, more commonly known as Our Lady of Guadalupe. The End

Do you have a story to tell? We would love to hear our reader’s stories. If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers. Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story Funny story Send us a photo too!

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 5

Mayor Dan Gordon Report

After years of pandemic uncertainty and now the unprovoked and senseless attack on Ukraine by Russia we can all be forgiven for thinking much doesn’t make sense in the world at the moment. There’s a sense of powerlessness as the rest of the world sits by and watches, not wanting to provoke a broader conflict. Our thoughts go out to the people of the Ukraine. Their bravery is inspiring. At home the effects of Covid continue and with increasing cases of Omicron in our community it is important that we follow the guidelines in order to keep safe and protected. I am part of the Regional Leadership Group that meets weekly with government officials including Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB), Ministry of Health and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. Because of this I am able to keep our community’s voice connected at this level and make sure the issues facing Waimakariri are known and acted on. I was very pleased to see the new COVID-19 Community Testing Centre recently open in Rangiora. We have been working for some time to see this achieved.I have personally been advocating strongly as I know our community would prefer a local site. Page 6 The Woodpecker April 2022

We offered Council facilities to support the efforts of CDHB. The location is Council’s Waimakariri Hockey Turf, at 291 Coldstream Road Rangiora, and is open each day 9am to 3pm. At this point the site is offering Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) collection only. I really appreciate the efforts of Council staff who have worked hard to turn this project around so quickly. As we have cases in our community, we should spare a thought for all the essential services, our Police, Ambulance, doctors, nurses, pharmacy staff, Fire Service, schools and all frontline staff including our supermarkets – thank you to you all for what you are doing to keep our community supported and safe through this time. Just as we have before, we will get through this with the same community spirit we have always had. Keep an eye out for those in need and might require a little support through this time. A friendly hello or call to a neighbour or friend may make that difference to them. As always, I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you may want to discuss. Email me at or phone 021 906 437. I’m here to help.

St Barnabas Church

The alterations to our two Sunday services have been going well, with only the 9.30am (vaccine pass only) service being held at the church; the 4.30pm congregation has been temporarily dividing into groups of up to 25 people, and the service live-streamed to several host homes simultaneously. The video of the 4.30pm service on our Facebook page has been popular, and an audio of the 9.30am is also posted there. The Men’s and Young Adult (Year 12 +) Bible Study Groups have continued to run fortnightly during this time; and the monthly Youth Group held an evening of Card and Board Games.

We also held a day of prayer for peace in the Ukraine on 25 March, where members of both congregations came together to prayerfully support all those effected by the terrible events taking place there. In light of the upcoming changes to the traffic light system, further changes may take place in the way we ‘do’ church. In the meantime, we remain grateful we can still stay in touch with and support one another. Take care of yourselves this month. And may the seasons of Lent and Easter continue to remind you anew of the one certainty which never changes. God’s love.

y a d th r i b r u o It 's AND we're going t o s h o u t yo u ! We have a super special deal to celebrate 2 years of business in our community

Contact ME to find out how much you cAN save

Susan Mullink | 022 105 6877

Lime Real Estate Ltd Licensed REA 2008 | T’s & C’s apply

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 7

Inky by Kevin A Warren Barry was driving the car off the road when – “Stop!” Barry stamped hard on the brake and Barbs slammed against the seat belt bruising her breast. She gave him a dirty look as she undid the offending belt, opened the door and leaned out to look towards the front of the car. “What’s wrong?” “There’s something there on the side of the road, looks like a dead animal,” said Barbs. “Well if it’s dead then running over it again won’t hurt will it?” Barry said, trying hard, but failing, to veil the annoyance in his voice. Hitting the

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brakes like that was not going to do them a lot of good and they couldn’t afford new brake pads right now. Besides, she had given him a fright shouting like that; he’d almost wet himself. “I don’t want dead animal all over the car tyres, it’ll stink like hell,” said Barbs, not even trying to hide the annoyance in her voice. “Go and have a look,” she continued in a softer voice. Barry backed the car on the deserted country road and felt the tyres spin a little as they hit a small patch of snow. It was a beautiful day, one ‘right out of the box’ as the saying goes, after a full day of snow a few days earlier. Cont’d on Page 33

Woodend Garden Club 21 February 2022 at 1.30pm Woodend Community Centre Monthly Exhibits - Winner Rose for the Occasion Decorative Open - Jeanie Robinson Decorative Novice - Shirley Rogers Cut Flower 3 Roses in 3 Different stages - Glenis Everts Gladiola - Judy Stewart 1 Begonia - Maureen Day Small Bloom - Pam Mason Produce 2 Tomatoes -Jennifer Dalziel 3 Runner Beans - Judy Stewart 2 Carrots - Tricia DeHaan Bowl of Strawberries - Brenda Batchelor Baking 2 x Pieces of Short Bread - Brenda Batchelor 2 x Slices of Apple Shortcake - Brenda Batchelor Most Points overall First - Brenda Batchelor Second - Maureen Day Third - Judy Stewart Winner of Eileen Seareel Cup Decorative Novice - Shirley Rogers Winner of Jenny Leadbetter Cup Best in Show -Shirley Rogers Speaker Dawn Eagle gave us a fascinating talk on how she found out about roses. She has written many books on Roses and cultivated her own.

for the feeling

- physical and mental wellness

GYM NOVICES WELCOME Feet fitter / stronger / healthier

Great new member care programme Rangiora - 313 0909 Kaiapoi - 327 7250

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 9

Public Health Notice

Please Flush Your Taps Some plumbing fittings may allow tiny traces of metals to build up in water that has been standing in the fittings for several hours. Although the health risk is small, the Ministry of Health recommends you flush a couple of cups of water from your drinking-water tap each morning before drinking, or after long absences from your property. This simple precaution is recommended for all public and private water supplies for all households in New Zealand. For more information call 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV).

Woodpecker Donations

The Woodpecker is a community publication and registered charity, individuals can claim a donation tax credit for donations of $5 or more to The Woodpecker. This tax credit equals 33.33% (one third) for all qualifying donations made.

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If you would like to assist us, please either post a cheque or make payment direct to bank account: 0306740212552-00. Thank you for your support. Post to: P O Box 78333: Email: com

We wish all our patients and whanau an enjoyable Easter and well-deserved break. We thank you all for your support over the past month as it has been a testing time for everyone. COVID VACCINATIONS: We continue to run clinics Wednesdays 5-8pm and Saturdays 9-12pm please continue online through or by calling 0800 282 926. You don’t have to be a patient of PMC get your vaccine done with us, we welcome everyone! We will accept walk-ins on the day if we have enough vaccines, please note you may need to wait as booked vaccines will take priority. BOOSTER DOSES you can get your booster for covid if you are over 18yrs old provided you have had your 2nd vaccine 3-months prior. Boosters for under 18yr olds are not available or recommended at this stage. If you have had covid and need a covid vaccine you will need to wait until you are symptom free for 3months.

FLU VACCINES yes, it’s that time of the year again and we hope to deliver flu vaccines from 1 April 2022, you will be able to book an appointment online in the “Flu clinic” that will run daily from 1-2pm, Wednesday 5-8pm and Saturday mornings. More information will be on our website regarding eligibility for subsidised vaccine and cost of vaccines once we have been informed. ONLINE BOOKINGS - We encourage patients to register and use Manage My Health portal. You can use it for booking a phone consultation only currently, seeing your results, recalls and to request repeat prescriptions. If you need assistance to register with MMH, please contact our reception team who will be happy to help. If you have any issues with MMH, contact . You can download the app from the App store or Google Play, or our website Currently when you book online you can only book a phone consultation. If you require a face-to-face appointment please call and speak to the receptionist and they can help you book this. We are encouraging phone consultations to ensure our staff and medically compromised patients are not at risk. NEW PATIENTS WELCOME – we have opened our books for new enrolments. Please note you will enrol with the practice not an individual doctor, we encourage to book in advance to see your doctor of choice. You can print the enrolment form off online and drop into us with ID or pick up a form from us. NEW STAFF We have increased staffing levels to enable us to offer you a timely service. We welcome the following staff joined PMC over the past months. Practice Nurse Team - April, Hayley and Kirsty Reception Team - Jayne and Annette Manager - Chantal Woodham Doctor Team - Isaac Ryan and Alex Andrews (GP Registrar)

If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. If you have an urgent /acute condition, do not use Manage My Health, call us to speak to a nurse. ________________________________________________________________________________ 52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 11

Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury

Youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury, recently welcomed Keighley (Big) and Aleisha (Little) to the whānau

- the first match of 2022! Keighley and Aleisha had an instant connection, and we know they are going to have lots of fun together!

For one hour, once a week our ‘Big Brothers’ and ‘Big Sisters’ meet with their Mentee and engage in shared hobbies and interests at school or in their community. We recruit volunteer Mentors all year round across North Canterbury. If you would like to help our young people thrive and reach their full potential in life, contact us today to find out more. Tel: 03 310 7004 Email: Facebook: bbbsnorthcanty

The Woodpecker Community Trust AGM Tuesday 17 May 2022 5.30pm – 6.00pm School Staff Room, Woodend Primary School RSVP required Page 12 The Woodpecker April 2022

Ever thought of advertising in The Woodpecker?

Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services? Please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates. You can be an occasional or recurring advertiser, the latter securing your place each month. Email our Editor Debs on debs.

Want 1/8th advertising space?

That’s this size! Email Debs - The Editor on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.

Attention Advertisers and Community Groups

Are you part of a group which you would like to promote? Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves?

Do you have any community stories you would like to share? Have you any information or notices you would like to share? YES? We would love to hear from you!

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 13


Lush affordable houseplants, plant pots and everything needed to help them thrive

3/137 Williams Street, Kaiapoi Open 7 days

Page 14 The Woodpecker April 2022

Pegasus parkrun Pegasus parkrun is back! From midnight on Friday 25 April the limits on outdoor gatherings were relaxed, and parkrunners all around New Zealand dusted off their barcodes in preparation for the restart! It is great to have our Saturday ritual going again, I know that Pegasus parkrun touches many corners of our community, and its great that we can bring everyone together again. parkrun has a social spirit and is not competitive. Everyone is welcome. parkruns are a positive, welcoming, and inclusive experience where there is no time limit, and no one ever finishes last. Everyone is welcome, whether you walk, jog, run, volunteer, or spectate. You don’t have to be fast; all ages are welcome, and you don’t

have any prior experience. You don’t even need to book a place, or tell us you’re coming, although you might want to arrive a bit early to listen to the first timer’s welcome and soak up the feel-good atmosphere. We’d suggest arriving 30 minutes early if you’re volunteering, or 15 minutes before if you’d like to walk, jog, or run. Or just wander past on a Saturday morning if you want to have a look at what it’s all about. We normally have about 80 people taking part each week. If you are nervous about coming on your own for the first time, why not invite someone to join you and come along together? Cont’d on Page 26

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 15

This Month with Harry

Continuing my life story!! I thoroughly enjoyed the voyage on the Australis, but it was just long enough. Great food with the choice of English or Greek tucker. Working on the old saying, when in Rome etc, I tried the Greek menu and got hooked on it. The salads and dressings, octopus and squid, and of course the good old olives. I still eat a lot of them. Cheap booze and frisky, female fellow OErs made for fun times. Amongst the never-ending entertainment there were Greek language lessons which I attended. I became quite fluent and sometimes could put two words together such as poli kalo, which means very good or some such. The boat fare included a fortnight stay at one of the Overseas Visitors Club hotels in Earls Court. I shared a room with one of my Irish cabin mates and together we took in the

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sights of London. We even went to Soho and saw some of the other sights of London. After the fortnight was up, I went to stay with one of Mum’s cousins in Hounslow near Heathrow Airport. Her husband was the ground superintendent for BOAC, and responsible for all the vehicles that went to the planes. He took me to his work for a couple of days. It was very interesting buzzing about amongst the planes checking on loading etc. From England I flew to Northern Ireland and in the only hitch of the trip so far; my suitcase flew to Rome!! It turned up by taxi two days later while I was staying with a cousin in Bangor. My grandfather emigrated to NZ in 1912 from Ireland. In 1966 I had relations spread all over Northern Ireland and Donegal and in true Irish tradition they all wanted to host the relative from the distant antipodes. Most were into farming of some sort and as NI was a member of the EEC,

Pegasus SAYGo – Farewells a member – Eric Watson

Pegasus SAYGo members say farewell to dear Eric Watson who has been with us for quite a long time now. Sadly he is returning to the UK, but he hopes to start up his own SAYGo group back home. were doing quite well. However, it was a very different story in the south where the people were not as well off. At that time there was a strictly controlled border crossing, and a fair bit of smuggling went on, my rellies included. Several times when returning from the south I had a couple of pounds of butter down my shirt. After six weeks amongst the relatives which included two extensive tours of the south I returned to London and looked for work. After a couple of false starts I got a job with a farm relief labour service based in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. This entailed being sent to a farm to cover for the owner going on holiday, between employees or illness. It really was an enjoyable experience. The wages were very good compared to what the then average was at 19 pounds ($38) and board per week. Over a certain number of hours overtime rates kicked in. Of this we gave 3 pounds to the boss who


SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main Street (by the Flat White Cafe). All Welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group; join us for a cuppa after class! organised the placements, mainly in the southern counties. In the main they were pretty good people to work for but there were one or two who left me in no doubt as to the status or what was expected by the employer. I could relate many a tale about some of the things I saw during my English farming tenure, but I’ll stick to a couple or so!! TBC JH

Woodpecker delivery person needed in Pegasus Retired, semi-retired, time to spare, dog walker?

Delivery person needed for Pegasus. Approximately one hour and 112 magazines to deliver on a monthly basis. Interested? Please contact Jeff on 021 865 877 for any enquiries. The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 17

Stop Duck Hunting Each year, over 200,000 native ducks are killed by duck hunters for sport. That number is way too high. There are a ton of native and endemic (indigenous) species that are killed by hunters each year. These native ducks (and more) include: The endemic Paradise Shelduck/ Pūtangitangi (Tadorna variegata), of which 200,000 alone are killed each year by duck hunters, over 30% of the entire population. The native Australasian Shoveler/ Kuruwhengi (Spatula rhynchotis), which is declining because of duck hunting. The native Grey Duck/Pārera (Anas superciliosa), which is critically endangered but is still hunted. The native Pūkeko (Porphyrio melanotus), which is an iconic New Zealand native bird. Additionally, ¼ of these ducks killed are not killed immediately, but instead die a slow, painful death.

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Australia has already banned duck hunting in four states. It’s time to catch up. Sign this petition to stop duck hunting: stopduckhunting

Thursday Casual Sailing Monthly Report - February 2022 Members of Pegasus Radio Sailing Club have long enjoyed impromptu sailing. Many live in Pegasus Town and, at any time of the week, can look out over the lake, check the weather, and WhatsApp other members to join them and share in their wit and wisdom. They all delight in the sight of their yachts sailing and sharing their questions or ideas for building or setting up their yacht, or tuning alongside another one, or improving their yacht handling skills, or getting the most out of the radio control system, and more. There is so much about the activity that is radio sailing. This year PRSC has offered a set day for this to happen with an experienced radio sailor available to add to the pool of tips and tricks, and to identify, acknowledge, and highlight break throughs or improvements. Since the first outing on 20 January the weather has been kind five out of six times for what is called ‘Thursday Casual Sailing’. Some amazing sights and very positive experiences have been notched up by eleven radio sailors sailing five different classes of yacht from the 760mm Dragen J yacht to the 2.4 metre overall (from stern to tip of the bowsprit) A class yacht. Others in between include the International One Metre, Dragon Flite 95 and the EC 12 class. The group is growing and looking forward to more classes and sailors joining in.

Martin with his beautiful A class yacht. This one is gaff rigged standing 10 feet tall on the trolley and weighing 25 kilograms. In the top right photo, the yacht is accompanied by Darryl’s EC 12. Around lunchtime, a classic touch was added when Terry rowed quietly past. On another day, Martin brought a schooner version of his yacht (shown to the right) The montage of pics below displays some of the joys of relaxed radio sailing on a Casual Thursday with PRSC. Find us on and Facebook.

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 19

Update from Tūhaitara Coastal Park

walk that combines art and nature. However, with the Covid situation it can’t go ahead as intended, so we have With the exception of the sounds of an alternative invitation for you! We nature, it’s been quiet in the park welcome you to come out to the beach recently. Several of our regular schools and bring a garden rake! Inspired by a have had to local Pegasus cancel their resident fortnightly who creates visits and beautiful sand we have mandalas had to using only a cancel or rake to draw postpone her designs, the events we would love that we had to see the planned for beaches along the autumn. the coastal This said, park decorated with your artwork. we did welcome a visit from Cashmere Check out the tide times online for the High School in March, following strict best time to visit, and if you share a Covid-19 protocols of course. The young photo of your finished sand mandala people were all social studies students. with us Their teachers we’ll were keen for highlight them to learn it on our more about Facebook the cultural and significance Instagram of Tūtaepatu pages. Lagoon and its We usually importance as start our a key area for community mahinga kai. tree Relationships planting between programme culture and in April, nature are but we deeply rooted have had here. to postpone community involvement Some of our public events are designed until further notice. Hopefully we’ll be to engage people in nature whilst also able to welcome you to a tree planting encouraging creativity. As part of the event later this year. If you would 2022 Walking Festival, we had planned like to be added to our tree planting our second Art Hike, a ranger-led Page 20 The Woodpecker April 2022

volunteers mailing list please send your name, number and contact email to, and we will contact you as soon as we can run a tree planting session. Find out more about the coastal park and our work: Website Facebook Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park Instagram tuhaitara.coastal.park Captions for photos: Photo 1 - Cashmere High School Social Studies group Photo 2 - Local Pegasus resident creates beautiful sand mandalas

Kaiapoi Community Patrol

We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling. Full training given. If interested, please contact Bill 021 146 2136 All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.

Rangiora Toy Library

1 Blackett Street, Rangiora Don’t forget to book your Bouncy Castle for Easter! We have three currently available to hire. Please see our website for booking information: https://rangioratoylibrary.mibase.

The Sun Changed Colour A true story As told by Anastasia Marambos

In Fatima, which is in Portugal, it rained. And it rained. And it rained. The ground was muddy. People’s shoes were muddy. People’s clothes were soaked through. But they didn’t go home. They just waited. Their eyes were fixed on three kneeling children. The children had said that there would be a miracle at midday, on that day, October 13, 1917. Most people’s watches said that it was 1:30, but the miracle hadn’t happened yet. People started to get angry. They had come a long way. The children’s parents started to worry. Cont’d on Page 26 The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 21


CHECK YOUR SMOKE ALARMS THIS DAYLIGHT SAVING WEEKEND Fire and Emergency New Zealand wants you to help yourself this weekend when daylight saving ends. On Sunday 3 April at 3am the clocks push back one hour, taking us back to New Zealand standard time. This is also the weekend to check your smoke alarms are working, no matter how new they are or how recently you tested or changed the battery. Every year, with the arrival of autumn and winter, when people start lighting fires and turning on their heaters, we see a significant increase in the number of residential fires. We also recommend people get their chimney’s cleaned and check electrical appliances that haven’t been used in a while.

ARE YOU FIRE SAFE THIS WINTER ? Remember the ‘heater metre’ rule: keep flammable materials at least one metre away from any heat sources.

Fire moves incredibly fast – a house fire can kill within three minutes. Keep your smoke alarms in working order by pressing the button to check.

Check your electric blanket is in good working order before you use it and always turn it off before you go to sleep.

Make a household escape plan so you can get out safely during a fire.

Keep an eye on your elderly relatives, friends and neighbours too. Are they as safe from fire as they could be? Always empty ashes and ashtrays into a metal bin and pour water over them before disposal. Remember that ashes can take up to 5 days to cool.


Check existing smoke alarms to ensure they are working and are in the right places Install smoke alarms ,if you need them

Page 22 The Woodpecker April 2022

Help you make an escape plan

Call 0800 693 473 to schedule a visit

Find out how to get your smoke alarms sorted: sorted

REMEMBER! Woodpecker Deadline 25th of each month at the latest The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January). Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5pm of deadline sent out to all contributors, advertisers and community contributors as a reminder. To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out.

From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the publication ready to go to the printers for them to deliver them to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your doors. Thank you to everyone who submits their articles and adverts each month, your contributions are gratefully received.

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 23

Located overlooking Lake Pegasus, The Good Home is positioned perfectly to capture all day sun with views across the lake and the hills beyond, it is simply a stunning and unique setting that you will never want to leave.

62 Pegasus Main St, Pegasus For details or reservations phone 03 967 6891 Or visit

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Lo y c al lu t b y




The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 25

The Sun Changed Colour Cont’d from Page 21 Thousands of annoyed people are not a very pleasant sight, especially near one’s own field. But the children stayed calm. They believed that a miracle would happen. But nothing happened. It rained some more. The ground got muddier, and people wetter. The crowd grew angrier. The parents grew more worried. And the children stayed just as calm. Nothing happened. Then, some people started worrying that they would catch pneumonia. The parents worried that the crowd would kill the children. The children didn’t worry about anything. Nothing happened. Cont’d on Page 45 Page 26 The Woodpecker April 2022

Pegasus parkrun Cont’d from Page 15 You do need to sign up once for a barcode – this means that you are included in the results, and you receive an email with your results every time you finish a parkrun. Print off this barcode or have a scannable copy on your mobile phone – we will ask for this after you finish. We have a briefing just for first timers at 7:50am where we explain how it works – this is your opportunity to ask questions in case you need to. While we have been on pause over the previous few weeks we have been doing (not)parkruns, a virtual 5K alternative to parkrun that can be done anywhere at any time. Pegasus punched well above our weight on the national (not)parkrun leader board, we typically came in at 1st and 2nd position. Our biggest competitors were Whangarei parkrun, and Anderson parkrun (who are keeping up the banter on our Facebook page. You may have spotted Da Geoffrechaun skipping around Lake Pegasus on St Patricks Day, that is one Pegasus tradition that COVID could not dare hold back! Thanks to everyone who contributed their 5K efforts over this time, it really helped to keep our community together. For now – we will see you around the lake on Saturday! We also meet up for some social interaction at the Flat White Café afterwards. All are welcome! Would you like to know more about parkrun or (not)parkrun? Check out for more info and to get a barcode!

Kids Bikes

I refurbish kids bikes and donate them to charity. Got one you don’t want? Please call or text Pete on 021 2021 827 and I’ll collect it.

Dancewear & Alterations

For all your costume needs, Clothing alterations and Repairs Call Paula 027 627 7212 Check us out on Facebook

Look who found Woody Woodpecker last month? A very maughty Woody Woodpecker was in two places last month! It was fantastic to see another two children who found Woody Woodpecker. Remember, he’s hidden in this month’s magazine, hope someone can find him!

Left Photo: Leah Odendaal Aged 7 - Pegasus Below Photo: Lucy Lunn Aged 6 - Woodend

Photo below: Heather Emery

Lucy’s mum said, “My daughter was so pleased to spot this Woodpecker and asked if I could send in the picture for a chance to be chosen”.

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 27

FRAMEMAKERS All Picture Framing Photography and Canvas Printing Framing Supplies

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Rangiora Bridge Club

LEARN TO PLAY BRIDGE FOR FREE!! Bridge is a popular card game that has existed for centuries and is played around the world. Most people who learn the game find it addictive and challenging. The local home of bridge is the Rangiora Bridge Club which is 55 years old and has about 220 members. It is situated behind the Rangiora Museum at 31 Good Street, Rangiora. Many people in The Woodpecker’s area are members and more are welcome. COME AND LEARN TO PLAY! There will be 11 weekly lessons at the club starting on Monday 2 May 2022 at Page 28 The Woodpecker April 2022 Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

7pm. The lessons are free and will be taught by a top tutor. ALL WELCOME!! Please register by emailing or visit the club’s website www. rangiorabridgeclub. You will be contacted following your registration. After learning, you will be welcome to join the club. It has several sessions of bridge each week at various levels of experience – you can play at levels from for fun to competitive. Please note that at the current COVID setting masks must be worn and a vaccination certificate is required at bridge. **See Community Contacts page for contact details**

North Canterbury Our free information and advice service continues to be available during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have kept our service going through lockdowns or when it’s been wise to close our doors for face-to-face work with our clients. Our phone and email service has been maintained throughout. The operators of our three free clinics – legal, budgeting and immigration – have been able to continue to support CAB clients by phone or electronic means when we haven’t been able to welcome clients to our office. The CAB is the best first port of call for information about people’s rights and responsibilities. We provide support with any issues people are facing as well as connecting them with available services in our area. Thanks to our CAB volunteers, we have been able to adapt quickly to the new challenges that our community is facing. This means we have

continued to operate and give specific information and advice on issues such as how to get food assistance, accessing the wage subsidy, advice on employment rights and housing rights, how to navigate sometimes quite complex relationships, concerns about safety, managing financial situations, just to name a few. While this pandemic has created a crisis, people have also worked collectively to support each other through this challenging time. Community spirit is alive and well and CAB volunteers and staff are a testament to that. If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. All our services are free and confidential. You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 29


GLADSTONE PARK ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 Kaiapoi & Pegasus Croquet Club Captain: Adrienne Lamb 921 2895

LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS 943 4935 MENZSHED PEGASUS & WOODEND COMMUNITY TRUST Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805 MUSIC AND PLAY Meaghan 027 392 6409 NORTH CANTERBURY WOODCRAFT CLUB Merv Laws 021 237 7105 David Crawford 027 341 0246 Pegasus Brownies PEGASUS BROWNIES PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE TEAM Email: PEGASUS MONDAY MORNING WALKING GROUP Christine Johnston 021 179 7330 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RANGIORA BRIDGE CLUB 03-3137941

Page 30 The Woodpecker April 2022

RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253 Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612 THE ASHLEY LODGE Norme Shore - Secretary THE LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND-PEGASUS President John Canton 310 8157 Secretary Anne Attenborough 313 6124 Youth Centre Brian Attenborough 313 6124 TIMEBANK WAIMAKARIRI Email: 021 0265 4071 Website: Facebook: timebankwaimakariri TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL 313 2141 preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool WAIKUKU BEACH SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Danelle Asher WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Gill Beale 310 6612 Secretary Phil Harris 327 6553 WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Kris Stacey

COMMUNITY CONTACTS WOODEND FLOWER SHOW President Evelyn Paget 314 9195 Secretary Helen Power 313 5749 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President John Fortster 327 3681 Secretary Jo Reid 03 310 6164 WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Brenda Batchelor 313 9556 Secretary Lynn Oliff 310 0575 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Simone Templeton 027 514 8363 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389 Club Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH Minister Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 027 787 5365 Secretary Vicki Attrill 021 244 1881

WOODEND PLAY CENTRE 027 353 2131 Facebook: woodendplaycenter WOODEND PRESCHOOL / NURSERY Jana Thorn 312 7654 WOODEND RUGBY CLUB Senior Club Captain, Matthew McLeod 027 722 8011 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker 021 267 1429 WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson WOODEND SENIOR CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963 WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 021 1311 780 WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640

Are you listed in our Community Contacts?

If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts, please contact the Editor providing the appropriate details.

NEXT ISSUE MAY 2022 Deadline for advertisements and community articles is 25 April 2022 The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: thewoodpecker4 Email: Cell: 021 863 877 Post / Cheques: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648 The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 31

Woodend-Sefton Community Board Priorities for 2022 - What can the

community expect to see happening Community and Recreation Facilities The Board will be working with Council staff and the community to advance these projects:

Pegasus Lake

Like the wider community, the Board are very interested in the trial in Pegasus Lake which starts this winter. This is led by the developer, as the owner, and is the first step in trying to mitigate the recurring toxic algae • the redevelopment of the Woodend Beach bloom in the lake. playground and new toilets. • developing a plan for recreation activities Have Your Say in Waikuku Beach. This will help the - there’s still time community identify the kinds of activities they want to see and how they could work Your rates bill shows two separate together so that groups can get going and rates for two separate Councils, your local Council, Waimakariri District seek funding. Council (WDC) and the Regional • working alongside our young people to Council, Environment Canterbury determine what youth facilities should be (ECan). in the Pegasus/Ravenswood area. Both Councils are consulting with the Business and Development public on their draft Annual Plans for With the growth in both residential and 2022/23. business in the area the Board will be Waimakariri District Council Draft working with businesses, the community Annual Plan and other stakeholders to help develop a strategy for the Woodend Pegasus area. Consultation on the Council draft This will assist in planning for the future and Annual Plan closes 4 April 2022. A provide a blueprint going forward. rating increase of 4.3% is proposed. Full information at Road Safety In partnership with Council, we will continue to advocate strongly to the Government for Environment Canterbury (ECan) the Woodend Bypass to be funded. And Draft Annual Plan also, to Waka Kotahi for the much-needed Consultation on their draft Annual safety improvements on SH1 through Plan closes 3 April 2022. A 24.1% Woodend and a safe and easy pedestrian increase in total rates is proposed for and cycle crossing between Pegasus and the planned activities. Full information the Ravenswood commercial area. at

Next meeting

Monday 11 April starting at 6pm. This meeting will be held online and the recording will be available online. Go to for the link or the Board Facebook page.

Contact us - more information about the Board, and members contact details at Facebook: @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Email:

Page 32 The Woodpecker April 2022

Suits or Gumboots, we’ve got you covered. For a friendly chat about your real estate needs, call Kirstyn or Dayan today. Refer a friend, and receive a $200 New World voucher. Simply refer someone interested in selling their home, and after the sale we will give you New World vouchers to the value of $200!

Kirstyn Barnett & Dayan Muntz Residential/Lifestyle Sales Consultants

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Inky Cont’d from Page 8 They had decided a picnic lunch in the countryside would be just the tonic to clear the senses from the drudgery of being cooped up at home for several days. The sky was brilliant blue and the snow on the Alps in the distance and covering the open countryside was a thrill to see and he could already feel the medicine working. He stopped the car clear of the road and got out leaving Barbs to enjoy the warmth and the scenery and went to investigate the roadkill. It was definitely a furry animal of some kind, but it appeared to be deformed, which could easily be explained if it had been hit by a passing vehicle. It looked like it had been badly squashed and misshapen. As he approached,

he began to make out four separate bodies, very small and unmoving, three on the frozen ground and one laying on top: king of the castle. He squatted down beside them and saw that they were tiny puppies, the top one black as Indian ink, small strands of steam rising from them as the sun’s warmth dried their wet little bodies. “Oh! You poor wee buggars; what the hell happened to you?” “Not hard to guess, really,” he murmured as he reached down to gently touch their stiff cold bodies and wonder at the cruelty that had left them here. He heard the car door open, “What is it, Dear?” Cont’d on Page 36 The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 33

RONEL’S COMMUNITY CUPPA EXPECT A VERY INFORMATIVE APRIL COMMUNITY CUPPA! We are delighted to have Dan Gordon (Mayor of Waimakariri), Gerard Cleary (Manager Utilities and Roading) and Kelly LaValley (Project Delivery Unit Manager) as our guest speakers at the April Community Cuppa. Kelly is an expert on Pegasus Lake, while Gerard’s role includes management of roading, including the swales in Pegasus. With Mayor Dan Gordon having a widespread knowledge of Council and District activities, that’s an awful lot of knowledge and experience in one room! There will be time for questions, so please join us at 10.30am, grab your cuppa and cake and prepare to be informed. MARCH COMMUNITY CUPPA At the March Cuppa we had Helene and Simon from WDC presenting information about the Draft Annual Plan 2022/23 which is currently out for public consultation. For more information about the plan, visit the Council’s website; Submissions close on 4 April. Woodend-Sefton Community Board Chair, Shona Powell, gave us an update on a variety of matters and a reminder that ECan also have an Annual Plan out for public consultation. For more info: Submisions close 3 April. Thanks to The Good Home Pegasus Helene from WDC presents the Good Home for donating another voucher. This voucher to Catherine. month the winner of the lucky draw was one of our regular Cuppa volunteer helpers. Well deserved Catherine! COMMUNITY CUPPA UNDER COVID CONDITIONS Ronel’s Community Cuppa continues to run during the Omicron outbreak. We adhere to government restrictions and ask those attending to please do the same. A vaccine pass is required for the April Cuppa. Keep an eye on the ‘Pegasus Residents’ Facebook page for any last minute cancellations.

Ronel’s Community Cuppa for Pegasus Residents 10.30am, Friday 1st April Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, near Flat White Café Please don’t come early as we need time to set up.

Great Food – Great Fun – Great Information – Great to See You! Free of Charge and All Pegasus Residents Welcome!

Page 34 The Woodpecker April 2022

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 35


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Inky Cont’d from Page 33 “Just one of the local speed bumps, Barbs, stay there, I’ll bury it and we can have lunch.” “Why bury it. Just leave it and come on, we’ll go further down the road.” But she did wonder at why he wanted to bury it when they had passed several roadkill as they drove here. Barry looked at the wee black lumps laying there and decided that it wouldn’t be right to just leave them. “Nah! Won’t take me a minute,” he said as he stood and walked back to the car and took a small garden trowel from the shopping in the boot. “Hurry up, hero,” said Barbs as he went back to the puppies, “I’m starving.” It was hard work digging a decent sized hole in the frozen ground deep Page 36 The Woodpecker April 2022

enough to give them a good covering of dirt. Once he was satisfied that it was deep enough to prevent a hawk or wandering dog from getting at them, he took the top puppy and laid it in the hole then scooped the other three together and laid them out as good as he could around the first one. He saw that the first one’s eye had come open and he gently closed it with his finger. He took some dirt and was about to toss it into the hole when he noticed that the eye had opened again, and it was looking at him. He put down the trowel and gently laid his hand against the puppy and it watched his hand; only its eye moved. Ever so carefully he slid his hand beneath its cold body and lifted it out. He cupped his other hand around it to form a nest and headed back to the car. Cont’d on Page 40

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 37

Award winning service, fair flat fees and New Zealand’s #1 FREE marketing package. Thinking of selling? Let’s talk.

Rachael Lay Sales Consultant


Page 38 The Woodpecker April 2022

Woodend Methodist Church It is very exciting to see the progress on the upgrading of our Church Hall and connecting the Hall to the Church. We are continuing to worship with the Rangiora Methodist congregation at their home church in King Street, Rangiora at 10.30 on Sundays. We are in the season of Lent leading up to Easter.

The Easter services are as follows: Thursday 14 April 7pm Maundy Thursday Service at Rangiora Methodist Good Friday 15 April 9.30am. A combined service at Rangiora John Knox Presbyterian Church on the corner of King and High Street, Rangiora Easter Sunday 17 April 10.30am. Rangiora Methodist

Upgrading of Church Hall Woodend Methodist Church

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 39

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30 Ashworths Beach Rd, Leithfield Inky Cont’d from Page 36 Barbara saw him carrying something back to the car and quickly locked the door. “Don’t play silly buggers, Barry.” “Barbs, open the door. It’s a wee puppy and it’s almost dead.” “You must think I came down with the snow if you think I’m falling for that,” “Barbs, open the door.” He said angrily. She saw that he was not joking but still didn’t want to open the door. He put his hands close to the window and showed her the tiny black animal in his hands. It sighed and opened its eyes again just as Barbs was peering at it through the glass; she couldn’t help but smile. Page 40 The Woodpecker April 2022

She opened the door and got out, cradling his hands in her own as she looked closely at the little creature lying helplessly there. “Here, you take it and keep it warm. There are three others but I’m sure they’re dead. I’ll bury them and then we’ll see how this one’s doing.” Barry checked that none of the others were still alive, buried them and got back into the car. Barbs had already started the engine and had the pup in her lap with her hands set in a position that would allow the warm air from the heater to funnel onto the poor little thing. Cont’d on Page 44

Tiger Shuttles Ltd

Tiger Shuttles is a friendly, professional, locally owned shuttle company providing transport for small and larger groups to any destination of your choice at competitive rates including door-to-door service Bookings are essential! Available for: Airport Transfers; Work Functions; Wine Tours; Restaurants & Bars; Weddings; Golf Outings; Concerts Hospital / Doctor ACC approved We go Anywhere |Anytime!! Call, text or email anytime for a free quote 027 739 8251 or 03 312 8803

Tai Chi, Qigong

Exercise that balances body and mind. Flow into better health. Improve immunity now. Classes in Rangiora and Kaiapoi beginning first week of May. Visit or call Rose 027 438 8364.

Publishing & Delivery Dates

The Woodpecker is published monthly except for January where December and January are combined and are delivered at the beginning of each month with December / January Woodpecker being delivered beginning of December. Each month the community publication is uploaded onto Issuu which can be found on: www.issuu. com/thewoodpecker4 available on the 1st of every month and available in colour and digitally. Feel free to contact Debs, Editor on

Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker?

Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. with a photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.

Woodpecker delivery person needed in Pegasus

Retired, semi-retired, time to spare, dog walker?

Delivery person needed for Pegasus. Approximately one hour and 112 magazines to deliver on a monthly basis. Interested? Please contact Jeff on 021 865 877 for any enquiries.

Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer days

Wednesday 11am - 1pm and the last Saturday of the month 10am - 11.30am Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 41


site - we urge to you visit and take a look around!

2022 PEGASUS RESIDENTS SURVEY OUT NOW We are proud to announce that our new Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc (PRGI) website is now live!

Keep an eye out for our 2022 Pegasus Residents Survey which will be in residents letterboxes from the week of the 4th of April. If you prefer, you can do the survey online via our website or visit our Facebook page.

Discover more about our town, find out what the Pegasus Residents' Group is all about and how you can be involved. Access the latest community news and updates and information. Learn more about the Pegasus Lake, our swales and other local information. You can even find about your street’s name! Read about our Pegasus Community Centre, the range of activities and services available at the centre, and how to book it for your own event. New to Pegasus? Download our Welcome Booklet with contact details and information on essential services, community groups, and local facilities. All this and much more on the new Website: Page 42 The Woodpecker April 2022

The PRGI run this survey every second year. It offers an opportunity to provide valuable feedback about your concerns, what is important to you, and what you want for the Pegasus community. Your feedback will guide how we advocate for and support our members and residents. It is important that you have your say! Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

SURVEY DROP-OFF POINTS Any completed (printed) surveys can be dropped off into the survey collection box at the Pegasus Main Street Store (60 Pegasus Main Street), or the survey collection box on the Book Trolley outside the Pegasus Community Centre (8 Tahuna Street – just down from Flat White).


To stay up to date, like our Facebook page @PegasusResidentsGroupInc Look out for the green and blue clover logo (see above).

We will advise our decision via our Facebook page and website. Remember, this only applies to the PCC VOLUNTEER OPENING TIMES: Mon: 24pm, Wed & Sat: 10am-12pm. It does not apply to any other bookings or activities at the centre. COMMUNITY BOOK CAVE To give some access to books in our Community Book Cave while the volunteer operations are currently suspended, the book trolley is out in front of the centre during the above times. Grab a book or puzzle (they are free) or return your book at the back of the trolley. We also take book donations – but please not DVD’s or CD’s.

COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS At our PRGI April Committee Meeting we will be reviewing when to begin our PCC volunteer operations again at the Pegasus Community Centre. This also depends on our volunteers and the government announcements about red-light traffic setting on April 4th. Website:

Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 43

Inky Cont’d from Page 40 Barry touched its now warming, no bigger than a teacup body, and it opened its eyes again and looked straight at him; the eyes alert and

intelligent. He gently lifted the tail and declared, “We have a son, Dear.” He gently stroked him, “Welcome to the family, Inky.” Inky, a story provided and written by Kevin A Warren


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Open Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 | PAG Pegasus Dental - 03 920 4003 54 Pegasus Main St, Pegasus Page 44 The Woodpecker April 2022

PAG Silverstream Dental - 03 925 8003 Shop 4/42 Silverstream Boulevard

The Sun Changed Colour Cont’d from Page 26 Then, something happened. The sun changed colour, becoming silver so that people could look at it easily. Then, it started spinning in the sky. After that, it looked like things were about to go horribly wrong. The sun started falling. The crowd screamed and said their prayers. The parents had no idea what was happening. The children stayed calm. Then, the sun returned to its usual place in the sky. The rain had stopped. People’s clothes were dry. The crowd was happy. The parents were happy. The children, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta were happiest of all. A story provided by Anastasia

Anzac Day

There will not be an Anzac Service in Woodend this year. However, with the kind assistance of Rangiora RSA, there will be a sounding of the Last Post, Ode and Reveille at the waterfront at Lake Pegasus opposite the townhouses on Lakeside Drive at 6am and then at the Woodend Memorial at 6.30am. We encourage all to otherwise stand at the gate at 6am to show their respect. If folk would like to lay a wreath, cut flowers or poppies in commemoration, please do so on Bob’s Bridge at Pegasus or the Woodend Memorial. The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 45

Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus Easter Raffle $2 each or 3 for $5 New World Ravenswood Sat 2 & 9 April & Wed 6 April From 11am -3.00pm Proceeds to local school projects We look forward to your support

Community Foot Care Clinics

Community Foot Care Clinics are run by Registered Nurses and held monthly at Amberly, Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Woodend, and Belfast. Please call 021 288 9618 to make an appointment.

Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus

Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. Support club activities but having fun and friendship. New members are very welcome. Dinner meetings on 3rd Thursday each month (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888.

Is your Club or Group listed correctly?

If you are listed in our Community Contacts, please check if your details are up-to-date and correct.- Page 46 The Woodpecker April 2022

LAWNS, GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, FERTILISING, SPRAYING, CHAIN SAWING, PRUNING, SPOUTING CLEANING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Whether you would like manicured lawns/gardens, a quick tidy up or ongoing lawn/garden maintenance we can help. Quotes provided incl. WINZ

Contact Ron or Annette 03 310 0604 | 027 271 7187

Considering buying a rental property or expanding your investment property portfolio? Contact Rachelle NOW for great hints & tips on choosing the right rental. 80 Ivory Street, Rangiora P 03 3 106 106 M 027 558 1739

Rachelle Hughes Business Development Manager Email:

Love Your Hearing, North Canterbury

Alison Highman Ear Nurse RN

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The Woodpecker April 2022 Page 47


never to early to start! Dental disease is one of the

A vet since ’92 I have most common things we see when doing health y setting up a small checks on dogs and cats. y clinic.


Everyone has to brush their teeth in this house!

Left untreated dental disease can be uncomfortable and lead to other more serious health issues. So, preventive care is key to help avoid diseased teeth and gums. Regular teeth brushing with animal toothpaste, gels, chews and dental Jayne diets and are all have helpful a in keeping dental disease at bay.

Hi to inic. We would love to Please don’t hesitate to discuss dental care with us, we will try and find rry family members. a solution that fits you and your furry friends needs. CONTACTS:

PHONE: 03 312 2669 EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays

Local 24 hour emergency service (available for customers only) 03 312 2669

Page 48 The Woodpecker April 2022

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