The Woodpecker - June 2020

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June 2020

Produced for the community, by the community

What did you miss in April & May? Featured in May issue:

Featured in April issue:

Back to the beach!

Pegasus Teddy Bears!

Not only was the beach opened but it was great to see we now have mobility access!

It was great during lockdown to see so many Pegasus houses with teddies galore!

BUYING IN RAVENSWOOD WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE... AND SOMEONE ELSE’S. For every stage 2 section bought this year we’ll donate $2,000 to Community Wellbeing

share the love


North Canterbury Trust.

T’s & C’s apply

The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 1

Editor’s Note

Kia ora everyone

As you can see The Woodpecker is back in print! We are so incredibly pleased to be back in print this month having had two months of digital only. I hope you are all enjoying the benefits and additional freedom gained at Alert Level 2? It’s wonderful to see so many businesses opening their doors and trading with life slowly returning albeit in a new normal way. I thought this month I could talk about some firsts!

The first ‘FIRST’ is that it is thought

that The Woodpecker has been going for 40 years! In fact, one of our Trustees has a Woodpecker in his possession dated November 1981 which was a single sheet of A4 paper printed on the Woodend School gestetner!!! Who is old enough to remember them? I certainly am! And of course, as you know we have since moved from a single sheet to an A5 booklet style newsletter in part colour and available digitally. This means that for the first time in 40 years The Woodpecker wasn’t in print.

Who would have thought back then, or even as late as last year we would be in the middle of a pandemic and not be able to print for these reasons! As you probably already realise, The Woodpecker Community Trust is a registered charity, which has produced a monthly community-based magazine covering news and events in our region every month (barring January) since then. Who’s good at maths and can work out how many newsletters that equates to?

The second ‘FIRST’ is that due

to the same reasons above, namely COVID-19 restrictions, The Woodpecker Community Trustees were unable to meet face-to-face for their Trustees meeting last week, so for the first time this was held via Zoom! We even have a photo to prove it! In print for prosperity!

The third ‘FIRST’ is that The

Woodpecker received some additional exposure on air thanks to Compass FM who interviewed me on 18 April 2020 at my request to raise awareness of our inability to print and the availability of the newsletter digitally. A follow-up interview was held on 28 May 2020 to cover The Woodpecker in more depth. A big thank you to Compass FM for supporting our community newsletter. Debs Taylor-Hayhurst - Editor

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The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 3

Woodend Community Menzshed Hi Guys Here’s the latest update from the Pegasus / Woodend Community Menzshed Well guys we are at last at stage 2 and we have been De-Bubbled and are out and about getting ready for LEVEL 1 that cannot come to soon. While we are under stage 2 and are unable to get back to normal activity, we have been doing a lot of working bee’s getting our shed ready for use when the environment allows. This has involved additional minor repairs to the shed and creating a suitable environment from the School classroom that was its previous use. While we are unable to commence any outside work, we have several projects on hold and are looking forward to when we can start business as normal, some of the project’s involve entering people houses this can be particularly difficult at present so we ask the people who are waiting to be patient until we have the ok to commence full activities. We are still pursuing funding but we understand that due to the current situation the availability of funding is limited and we may have to seek yet further funding to complete the shed plans and for the purchase of additional much needed tools. To this end if any of the readers have tools no longer needed donating them to the Menzshed would be much appreciated. Page 4 The Woodpecker June 2020

While activity is currently reduced and operations curtailed the members are still very much in support of the Menzshed and are eager to get back to normal activities so even as we are presently in a holding patters on most activities please contact the Menzshed email if you have any projects you need help with.

Interesting Facts - As promised here are some more facts that may interest you. To let the cat out of the bag - This old saying is probably derived from the days when people who sold piglets in bags sometimes put a cat in the bag instead. If you let the cat out of the bag you exposed the trickery. Shambles - Originally a shamble was a bench. Butchers used to set up benches to sell meat from. I time the street where meat weas sold often became known as the Shambles. (This street name survives in many UK towns today). However, because butchers used to throw offal into the street shambles came to mean a mess or something very untidy or disorganised. Spick and span - Today this means neat and tidy but originally the saying was spick and span new. AQ span was a wood shaving. If something were newly built would have tell-tale wooden chips so it was ‘Span new’. Spick is an old word for nail. New spicks or nail would be shiny. However, word and phrases often change their meanings over the centuries and spick and span came to mean neat and tidy.

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The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 5

Mayor Dan Gordon Update Bunnings. These are but two examples of the fact that it is a difficult time for many as we face an uncertain economic climate. It is important to support each other and be kind through this time. Council’s pools and libraries have reopened, with social distancing rules in place. We are in the process of working out the details of how we reopen our other venues. As I write, Council is heading into making decisions on our Annual Plan We have been at Level 2 for two weeks this week. It’s fair to say things have now. It’s been great to see people out changed since we first drafted the plan and the rates increase we had signalled and about again. I have personally enjoyed being able to get back into the at an average 4% across the District earlier this year will be significantly less office, to pop out to get a coffee and than that. As Mayor and Councillors we support a café, or shop at one of our have been working with staff to find local retailers. savings to get rates as low as possible. I have been impressed to see how our retailers have all stepped up to operate Council is looking to adopt a responsible budget that keeps rates safely within the new restrictions. I as low as possible while supporting encourage everyone who can to get essential services and a programme out and support local businesses. that provides the right level of stimulus to our local economy. It is important Red Bus cancelling the Oxford Bus also that we consider the impact on Service and the proposed closure of Bunnings’ store in Rangiora have been outer years and avoid making decisions that might lead to large increases in disappointing. I am pleased to have been able to go into bat on both these future years. It is always a balancing matters, as I would for other issues in act, but this year more so than others. our community. We have heard the concerns of Oxford has been able to secure private our community and are acting appropriately. In my next column I will and community providers who are let you know the outcomes. delivering a transport solution. I am hoping Bunnings will reconsider their proposal to close the Rangiora store and have made strong representations Cont’d on Page 8 to the New Zealand director of Page 6 The Woodpecker June 2020

k ac b nce e u ffe Bo o C th Get your coffee i w

(beans or ground)

DELIVERED FREE Monday or Friday. Use discount code LOCAL for FREE DELIVERY to Woodend, Waikuku or Pegasus*. * Minimum delivery of 500gm. The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 7

Mayor Dan Gordon Update Cont’d from Page 6 At the same time work is going on developing a Recovery Plan for our District and a vision for the role that Council will play in helping Waimakariri recover. We celebrate Queen’s Birthday this weekend. This will be an opportunity to get out and do more than we have previously been able. It is important that, where you are able to, you relax and connect with family and friends. I am looking forward to doing this and getting along to our local beaches, out for a walk, and supporting local cafes and businesses. I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance - email me at or phone 021906437. I’m here to help.

Woodend Methodist Church We Are Now in Level Two! The Parish has continued to use Zoom computer technology to have our Sunday services and also our normal meetings. The services are then converted to You Tube where any member of the public can listen and watch the service at their leisure if they Google ‘Rangiora Woodend Methodist Church Service’. Our fingers and toes are crossed that the announcement due out last week Page 8 The Woodpecker June 2020

in May will allow our Church services to recommence. If not Zoom services will continue. Our minister Veitomoni Siufanga is back working from Rangiora Methodist Church, 176 King Street Rangiora or contact 313 3448 or Woodend Church is opening for groups to meet again. From Monday 25 May there will be cleaning equipment and signage so these groups can keep the premises clean and ready for the next user. Of course, groups will be limited to 10 people and social distancing will be required. Still, it is a good sign. Woodend Church / Hall bookings – contact Evelyn 3127740. Need Help in Isolation? If you need help to ease up the burdens of Covid-19, please contact Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga on 313 1912 or 027 446 4804. Watch the Woodpecker in the first week of July to see if the Movie Afternoons are able to recommence in August.

Coming Soon!

Find Woody Woodpecker! Mr Woody Woodpecker will be ‘hidden’ amongst one of the newsletter pages. For fun, you can search for him and if you find him and are the first to text the Editor with a photo of you pointing to the very page, we will give you a mention in the following month’s newsletter.

St Barnabas Church Now that we have moved into Alert Level 2, we have (with much rejoicing) been able to re-start some of our small groups, subject to the restrictions currently in force. The Men’s Home Group was the first on Wednesday 27 May, normally they meet once a fortnight so as you can imagine they were pleased to see one another. Next was the Girl’s Group on 28 May, a six-weekly social group for teenage girls, followed by the fortnightly Women’s Group on Wednesday 2 June. We are hoping to get the Teenager’s Bible Study running again soon, on alternate Thursdays. A date has not yet been set for The Tribe Youth Group to re-start. If you or your teenager would be interested in joining any of these groups, we would love to hear from you. For the Men’s Group please ring Andrew on 021 073 5730; for the Women’s or Teenager’s Groups, contact Amy on 021 234 4253. We are very much looking forward to coming back together as a church community again, to worship God and socialise with one another. Until such time as it is safe to do so, we will continue to support each other by phone and social media. When we can start running our services again, we will let you know.

And if you would like to be part of a church community, learn more about God and find out more about us, we would love to meet you. Whether you come for one visit or many, you will always be made welcome! In the meantime, if you would like to hear a sermon or two, our vicar Jeff Cotton has recorded one every Sunday since lockdown began. These are available on our website; search for www.stbarnabaswoodend. org They are well worth listening to. Until next month, keep warm and keep safe!

Are you listed in our Community Contacts? If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts, please would you contact the Editor providing the appropriate details.

Is your Club or Group listed and incorrect or out of date? If you are listed in our Community Contacts, please do check to see the details we have are up-to-date and correct. Have you checked if you are in Community Contacts? If you are a community group and wish your contact details to be in each issue of The Woodpecker, please email The Editor on The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 9

Tuhaitara Coastal Park

We are slowly returning back to ‘normal’ here at Tūhaitara Coastal Park after a bit of a break from our typical state of affairs. As many have noticed we have staff working on-site again and it has been great to see that walkers, cyclists, and horse riders are taking advantage of the mild days by visiting the park. At the time of writing, all tracks are currently open, but the park office remains closed to the public. We are still happy to respond to enquiries and the best way to get int touch would be through email or the office phone 03 313-1768. Please keep checking our ‘Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park’ Facebook page for updates and announcements regarding the park. We have tentative dates for all of our upcoming volunteer planting days and we hope to be able to announce those very soon. We have some exciting projects planned and we hope you can join us! As the Education and Visitor services Ranger, I would like to congratulate the Kaiapoi North Envirogroup for their winning project for the 2020 Bruce Banks Environmental Education Award. Each year this award recognizes a project that enhances Page 10 The Woodpecker June 2020

native biodiversity in the Waimakariri District. Their project is titled ‘Feast for Flight’ and will use fruiting and nectar producing plants to create a food source to attract native birds to the area. We will be posting pictures and updates on our Facebook as we progress the project-stay tuned! The park’s General Manager would like to remind dog walkers that dogs MUST be on a lead on the Tutaepatu Trail between Pegasus and Woodend beach. This is an ecologically and culturally significant area and there are active traplines so please do your part to keep wildlife (and your dog) safe. On a related note we’ve noticed an increase in dog poo in the park, especially around track entrances. So again, do your part and clean up after your dog. The park’s Ecology Ranger is looking forward to seeing new and returning faces at our upcoming planting days which we will announce very soon. Thank you all and please continue to enjoy and look after our park! Image 1: The ecology ranger weeding one of our restoration sites (Biota Nodes) Image 2: A young fur seal pup near Woodend Beach



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Phone 0800 161 163 The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 11

PRGI – Pegasus Info Page – June 2020 PEGASUS RESIDENTS’ GROUP MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TIME If you have not received your renewal invoice, or would like to become a new member for just $10 per annum, please email us at or post to PO Box 78019, Pegasus 7648 If you would like more information about what we do and have done for the Pegasus community, please contact us PEGASUS LAKE UPDATE Waterfall: AT LAST! Yes, we shared your frustration over how long it took to fix the Lake waterfall, but are very pleased to see it is back in operation. Thank you to the Templeton Group for making this happen. Algal Bloom: Thanks to Kelly from WDC for the following update regarding the algal bloom, which remains in the Lake later than usual this year: "Yes, Pegasus Lake is still considered to be in bloom. We have had one week of test results showing that total concentrations of cyanobacteria at the locations sampled have decreased to be below the “Alert” (red) mode. We need 3 weeks of testing below the “Alert” mode before the warning on the lake gets lifted. It certainly has been a much longer cyanobacteria bloom this season. We are continuing to work with ECan to have the developer implement measures to bring the lake into compliance with its ECan consent. " PRGI says: ECan are in discussions with the Lake's new owner, Templeton Group, to work towards a solution to this Website: Page 12 The Woodpecker June 2020

recurring issue. PRGI are optimistic that a solution will be found now that the Lake has changed ownership. Ongoing patience will be needed and PRGI will continue to keep tabs on progress. RONEL’S COMMUNITY CUPPA The next community cuppa for Pegasus residents’ is scheduled for Wednesday 10th June from 10.45am at the Pegasus Community Centre. This will only run if public gathering restrictions have been sufficiently eased by that time. Watch the Pegasus Residents’ Group FB page for updates. Pegasus residents only please (to help with controlling numbers) PRGI AGM NEW DATE & VENUE Our AGM has been rescheduled to 7pm, Tuesday 23rd June, subject to Covid-19 restrictions. The venue will be the Pegasus Bay School Hall, which will enable social distancing as required. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact us for a nomination form. All are welcome at the AGM and we expect to have a very interesting guest speaker or two. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and your letterbox for more info.

NEW ADDRESS FOR PRGI Please note our new postal address is PO Box 78019, Pegasus 7648. If you need to hand deliver anything to us, please drop it off at the Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, during open hours.

Pegasus – Living it – Loving it! Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

This Month with Harry – May Re-Run for printed June issue One of the first exercises a boy has to learn on camp is making a firerestrictions permitting. At first this is one thing a modern boy is not good at. Very few would ever qualify for an arsonist’s ticket. Give the modern boy a box of matches and he will amuse himself for hours trying to start a conflagration. If it had been left to a modern boy to incinerate Joan of Arc, she would probably would have got away with just having the hairs on her legs singed. After a set time and several boxes of matches, those who know how step in and share their knowledge on where to find kindling wood and build a fire. On joining each boy is given a pocket-knife and headlamp and expected to look after both. Using the pocket-knife, he is shown how to make a ‘fuzz’ stick or whittle shavings to start the fire. Of course, boys and pocket-knives are now off the PC list. In my day as a follower of Baden- Powell we all carried a pocket-knife on our belts. They were part of the uniform. Knives with dirty great blades and a spike thing for getting stones out of horses’ hooves. Which was all very well if you owned a horse but in reality, were as useless as tits on a bull if your only steed

was a bike. With our modern boy and pocketknives, we sometimes get a little blood, but nothing ever serious. Nothing that a band aid and a couple of reassuring words doesn’t fix. And if the finger does go buggy and falls off, he will just have to learn to pick his nose with one of the other nine. In fact, during 51 years of dealing with Woodend youth there has only been one boy that needed a visit to a doctor. On a camp at Duvauchelle, a little boy named Kevin Wells, who today works for a local Honda outfit, managed to get a fishhook embedded in his finger. When given the choice he chose going to the Akaroa doctor rather than letting the leaders remove it. Little whimp!! After a bit of guidance, the challenge is then set to light the fire using only one match. Sometimes they have to use one match several times, but it doesn’t take long to become proficient. The next item on the survival and self- reliance programme is bivouac making. First up you explain to the troops what a ‘bivvie’ is. It’s a shelter or a hut. You then explain what a hut is. One of the saddest things with a modern boy is the demise of hut building. Cont’d on Page 18

The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 13

Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade 8 Eders Road Woodend Phone 033127794 (leave a message as this station unmanned ) Email

WE ARE RECUITING NOW Almost anybody can join a Volunteer Fire Brigade, male or female, young or older, those who want to contribute to their community The minimum application age for a volunteer is 16 with parental/ guardian consent, or 18 and above) We are currently seeking applicants who are available during the hours of 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday or work in the Woodend area

Make an appointment to find out about this opportunity to serve your community by contacting Lew Grant ( 0211311780 ) or Robbie Boyd (0274241876)


Hi, my name is Laura Jory My husband and I moved to Woodend in 2008, and I joined the brigade about a year later in 2009. We had the Fruit & Vege shop on the main road, and we would hear the siren go up and then see all the members heading to the station. We thought this was pretty awesome. When a customer who was also a member at the time suggested we joined, I thought I could never do all that, but with a bit of persuasion the idea grew, and I have never looked back!

I have learnt so many skills and can do things I never thought I could do. The training is excellent, and you don’t all have to be amazing at everything. While you are expected to keep up your physical fitness and your training, we work as a team. Utilizing the specific strengths that members have. Other than the fact that it is amazing to be able to help out people in the community, the best thing about being in the brigade is the incredible sense of family that we have. Knowing that you’ve got 30 new “brothers and sisters” who have got your back is a pretty special thing. I have had two children while I have been in the brigade and they now have their own wee family of “fire kids” who sometimes find themselves down at the station being looked after by whoever gets there last. I am continually learning new skills and challenging myself to get better, and yes, some calls are tough, and some jobs do stick with me, I would be lying if I said otherwise. But there is always help available to us if we need it. I do enjoy being part of the Woodend Brigade; in fact, I really enjoy living in Woodend. It’s a wonderful community full of kind and community-minded people. To anyone out there who is thinking that this could be for you its definitely 100% worth it

Page 14 The Woodpecker June 2020

Ki Ora my name is Dave Houlihan

I moved from Central Auckland City to Pegasus Town in 2014 and Rejoined Fire and Emergency New Zealand (previously serving in Oamaru in the late 1990s) about six months later in 2015. At the time I saw a poster in a local store advertising that the Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade were recruiting and were short on people for Day Time Crew Manning, So I thought this is a golden opportunity to give back to the community that I am living in My day time job; I am the Company Director of two consulting business. –one offering services in business management systems, and specialising in Disaster/Crisis and Risk Management, and the other offering services to business in the discipline of industrial psychology One of the values of FENZ is “We serve and support – Manaakitanga”. I find this value is a part of my everyday life as I love to share my knowledge of emergency management practices with the team at Woodend. I also get a massive kick at seeing our individual brigade members develop their skill sets and expertise. FENZ offers a wide range of courses from fire fighting, medical , right through to governance and leadership. So I find that these learnings and skills have benefited me personally along with the business that I am responsible for. I enjoy being part of a team, but at times our work is challenging both physically and mentally. However, I know that there is excellent welfare and wellness programmes and support if needed from other brigade members, our regional and national staff . I enjoy living in our community and working with like-minded people who have the same values and morals as myself, So if you are thinking of a volunteer career FENZ could be for you and its 100% worth it !

Call statistics from the 1 May to 25 May The Brigade has turned out to a total of 10 emergency response callouts 1 Motor Vehicle Accident

2 Medical calls 1 Motor Vehicle Fire 2 Vegetation Fires 5 Investigate smoke in the area

Fire Safety Tip

The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 15

Thank you all for your co-operation and support during Level 4 and 3. At Level 2, you can book a telephone or in-practice consultation by calling us or online via Manage My Health website. If you have any flu-like symptoms, please call us first for a phone consult. One of our clinicians will call you for an assessment and arrange a FREE COVID-19 swab if necessary. Please note fees for phone consultations are the same as regular consultations. Any patients needing to be seen at the practice will be asked to wait in their car. If you are stable and need prescriptions, please request these online through our website or by calling reception. If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. We have resumed minor surgeries, mole checks, smears, immunisations and health checks. Some of our visiting specialists have resumed their clinics at the medical centre. We are starting this week the patient portal “Manage my health” where you need to register then either download an app or go to the website. You would be able to book appointments online and request repeat prescriptions. Soon, you will be able to check your results with the doctor’s comment along with many other features. You are able to download the app from the App store or Google Play, or visit the website

Flu vaccine: Flu vaccines are available Please phone us to make an appointment with the nurse. No Flu vaccine will be administered if you are unwell. __________________________________________________________________________________

52 Pegasus Main street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 Page 16 The Woodpecker June 2020

Woodend-Sefton Community Board Get accurate information straight from the source about how Council services are operating, how to contact the Council, or other questions. Local Council information can be found at This has all the updated information relating to how the Council is operating, including: · Services open · Latest News · Hours · All Council Updates How to Get in Touch with Council: E-mail Ph 0800 WMK GOV (0800 965 468) What’s Been Happening The Board have continued getting together via online Zoom meetings. These have been great to keep updated and also to work with Council staff going forward with recovery and what it might be look like for our communities. The Board are continuing to work with Council on several projects around the area and we’ll update you on progress on specific projects through our Facebook page and in this column. In May the Chair presented the Board’s submission virtually on the draft Waimakariri District Annual Plan for the 20/21 year. Given that the Annual Plan affects rates this is always an important submission for the Board. Residents often ask about how they can help local businesses in these tough times. The obvious is to shop locally and use local services wherever you can. You can also post positive reviews online and tell your friends about it when you get great service. Word of mouth is great promotion for businesses.

One positive aspect is that during lockdown residents got out walking and cycling around their community and now have a greater awareness of what their community has to offer. An example is that more residents discovered the Kaiapoi Pā site by Pegasus and are interested in learning more about the history. June Meeting The Board are excited to meet together once again with our next meeting to be held on Monday 8th June starting at 6 pm. The venue will be notified on the Council website and on our Facebook page. It could be Council Chambers as at the time of writing community centres aren’t available to us. Contact us We are here for you and Board members contact details are at Keep up-to-date with us through our Facebook page: @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard

The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 17


The next thing is to spend the night in it weather permitting, which everyone a turn at. Not all achieve a full Harry’s Story - May Re-run has night as sometimes a huge boy- eating animal will be heard snuffling around Cont’d from Page 13 in the dark and we scarper to the In days of yore every household in safety of the hut. But the leaders don’t Woodend containing a boy had a hut on mind- at least we have given it a go. the place, or up the resident tree or on Occasionally just for the sheer hell of the neighbouring vacant section. it and the weather is fine, we have It had something to do with descending our tea, gather up sleeping bags and from primitive man did hut building. groundsheets and head out the back. They were the bane of local builders On reaching the highest point we who, on Friday nights, had to make sure all their timber was nailed down to can on the hill we find a suitable flat place, make a tussock bed and spend something. the night sleeping out. The alpine Failure to do so meant re-ordering on air makes for more visible starts, Monday morning and if the site shed meteorites and satellites. A truly hadn’t been locked properly there memorable experience and truly good would be bugger all nails to start the boy type fun. JH week’s work. Nowadays with all the local development ancient boys would have had enough fodder for a hundred such abodes. Our boys are shown how to choose a site which offers the best natural base for their bivvie such as a bank, fallen tree or convenient bushes. The frame is made with branches etc, all tied with natural material such as flax or tussock. The roof is then covered with fern or bracken or grass making sure we work from the bottom to the top, so we achieve a thatching effect. With a little guidance and encouragement, it can be quite amazing how our modern boys club member can revert to his ancient instincts and produce a satisfactory ‘house.’ Page 18 The Woodpecker June 2020

Do you have a story to tell? We would love to hear our reader’s stories. If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers. Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story or funny story. Send us a photo too!

The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 19

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Page 20 The Woodpecker June 2020

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The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 21

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Daryl Power 027 230 9401 • Page 22 The Woodpecker June 2020


Volunteers from Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury have continued to

provide a service via the 0800 number and by email during the lockdown period by working from home. Now that we are at Level 2, we will continue to deliver our service by phone and email only. Our board will review the situation after the Cabinet announcement on 25 May with the hope that we will be back in our office on 2 June 2020 dealing with calls to our local number and email enquiries.

We will not provide a face-to-face service or offer clinics with JPs or lawyers until at least Level 1. We deal with anything and everything, so please get in touch with us if you don’t know where else to turn.

We’re still here to help you. You can reach us on: 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222 or by email at

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PEGASUS Bringing Dental Services to North Canterbury General Dentistry Family Dentistry Facial Pain Minor Oral Surgery Tooth Whitening Hygienist Oral Medicine Specialist Super Gold Card Welcome Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm Late Night Tuesday 54 Pegasus Main Street Pegasus Phone 03 920 4003 Email: The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 23

COMMUNITY CONTACTS GLADSTONE PARK ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson, Mark Paterson - 312 7439 LIONS CLUB OF PEGASUS President - Amanda Smith - 027 422 2648 LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND President: Ian Lennie - 920 1576 Youth Centre Co-ordinator: John Harris - 313 7832 LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS Tel: 9434935 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 MAINLY MUSIC Litia Maclean 313 8678 / 022 052 2674 MENZSHED PEGASUS/WOODEND COMMUNITY TRUST Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805 ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH: Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253 Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612 TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL Tel: 313 2141 Facebook: Tuahiwi Community Preschool Page 24 The Woodpecker June 2020

www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson WAIKUKU BEACH SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Danelle Asher WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Alan Pegley 310 6772 Secretary Phil Harris 327 6553 WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President Doug Tatterson 423 3879 Secretary Lynn Muir 312 2027 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Andrea Rigby WOODEND COMMUNITY CENTRE ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson Simon Kong 310 8900 WOODEND COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB President Kevin Taylor 327 8920 Vice President Roger Wedlake 027 588 6062 WOODEND CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963 WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Shirley Wheeler 327 3416 Secretary Lynn Oliff 310 0575 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Stephanie 312 2993 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB President Gillian Small 310 6772 Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711

COMMUNITY CONTACTS CONT’D WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH Minister Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 312 2237 Secretary Rachael Paterson 312 7439 WOODEND PLAY CENTRE Phone: 027 353 2131 Email: Facebook: woodendplaycenter WOODEND PRESCHOOL / NURSERY Jana Thorn 312 7654 Email:

WOODEND RUGBY CLUB: Senior Club Captain, Matthew McLeod Ph 027 722 8011 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker Ph 021 267 1429 WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Deputy Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 0211311780 Operational Support -Fire Fighter Dave Houlihan 0275665582 (Brigade Secretary) WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640


Ever thought of advertising in The Woodpecker? Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services? Please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates. You can be an occasional or recurring advertiser, the latter securing your place each month. Contact our Editor Debs Email: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.

Pegasus Plus Group Pegasus Plus Group meetings will be put on hold until further notice, in line with the Ministry of Health Guidelines for our age group. For further information please phone Kay or David Mills on (03) 920 0126. David & Kay Mills

OR Cell: 021 863 877 Is your community agency listed in the community contacts? If not please let the Editor know, or if your contact name or number is incorrect please advise. The Editor The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 25

This Month with Harry April Re-Run for printed June Issue First up, last month’s column contained the statement “we learnt knots and lashings and made tube driven ballistas and had four- fights with other troops down on the waste land where Gladstone park is today” To those fans who enquired as to just what these fights were I can assure you we were not a bunch of feral warmongering ratbags. (incidentally I have lots and lots of fans and they are both very nice people). Due to a typing error it should have read flour fights. The ‘bombs’ were manufactured by tightly filling small paper lolly bags with flour and sellotaping shut. Before launching they were pricked all over with a sharp stick or nail. This had a spectacular ‘tracer’ effect due to a bit of flour escaping during flight. On hitting someone or something they ‘exploded’, covering someone or something with a coating of flour. All bloody good boy-type fun. Sadly, off the PC list now as someone might get hurt. Something like what might happen if you cross the road in a town that desperately needs a bypass!! For the first two years the Lions subsidised the running costs and provided a uniform of cap and jersey. Nowadays in order to give everyone a chance at a bite of the cherry membership is free i.e. there is no subscription or camp fees and we have done away with the uniform. The Lions Page 26 The Woodpecker June 2020

have no financial input whatsoever and all costs are met by a local retired peasant. We meet once a month and the programme is loosely based on what the old-time scouts used to do with a few added extras. Rope works such as knots, lashings, splicing and a bit of fancy stuff like quoits etc. Basic 1st aid and including CPR and resuscitation, observation, fire lighting and bush style cooking. Because everyone has to have fun whilst a member- we even have a rule that insists on it, and we play lots of games. Games that let off steam, games that challenge one, games that are quiet and makes one think. And we still play old games that have been removed from the PC list. Games that involve matches- we go through cords of them, candles enough annually to light the average cathedral and balloons about enough rubber to shoe the family car. Games like ‘out brief candle’ where one has to light and blow out the candle as many times as possible with the one match. Or a real favourite ‘balloon bust’- one blows up his balloon, puts it between his knees and with hands behind head waddles to a lit candle busts the balloon, relights the candle and touches off his waiting team-mate. And ‘cartons’ where one puts a cardboard box over his head and is calle3d across the room diagonally by his team-mates in the opposite corner while the rest of the group call their mates from the other corners. All good boy-type fun.

Other activities include constructing ‘Chinese lamps’ with candles and fruit tins and don’t blow out in the wind; ‘Shanghai’s’ or catapults using suitable branches, billy making and cooking a simple feed, and assembling personal survival or 1st aid kits. To augment our monthly meetings, we have regular activity days. We have 3 off-road go-carts and a couple of small motor bikes, all of which inspires a bit of confidence and gets rid of a bit of fuel. We do a bit of air rifle practice and trapshooting with an assortment of suitable calibre shotguns to suit size and don’t ‘kickback’. At least once a term we have an outing to Christchurch for a swim at QE2, or the pictures or the museum etc etc. As a special treat during each boy’s tenure we get a helicopter in and they have a look at the village from the air. All good boy-type fun. During the warmer months we go to our Boy’s Club hut at Waiau. For many this outing is the first time they get to go on a strictly ‘stag’ do-and it shows. Our present abode is the third hut we have had. The first was on the northern slopes of the Fyffe range at Kaikoura. Logistically it was a bit of a hassle getting there as everything had to be carted in on a 4-wheeler bike. Also, it wasn’t possible to leave after school and arrive in daylight. The views were magnificent and we had plenty of wildlife to look or shoot at. When that property was sold, we looked for something a little closer and built another on the banks of the Leader

River at Waiau. This served the purpose well and could be accessed by 4-wheel drive vehicle. Unfortunately, when, due to the earthquake a large chunk fell off the hill and blocked the river forming Lake Rebekah, our hut suffered bad rising damp and today only the top of the roof is showing. It now provides a bit of a novelty for the boys to visit it by canoe. So, we hurriedly built another, also on the banks of the river but away from troublesome earthquake prone hills. At a pinch we can get to the new one by 4-wheel drive. However, it is much more fun to go the 7 kilometres in from the road gate on the big side by side 4-wheeler. Our small covered trailer is filled with gear, helmets are donned and away we go!! If we are really quiet, we may see a pig or deer on the track, but only if we are really quiet which is not all that often!! Once at the hut bunks are chosen. Gear is stored and we have a look about. This initial ‘exploration’ always includes a visit to the ‘long-drop’- again another novelty for most boys and they acquaint themselves with the instructions for use printed on the walls. Rules such as ‘patrons are requested not to bite woodwork while straining’ and ‘loads over 70kg must be lowered by rope’. And if it smells a little, they are reassured that it is so blind people can find it!! TBC JH The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 27

Page 28 The Woodpecker June 2020

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The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 29

Page 30 The Woodpecker June 2020

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The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 31

It is great to now be at level 2. It is really important that we all continue to support each other and also support our local businesses. The Community of Woodend Facebook page is a really good way to connect and keep up with what is happening locally so if you are not a member please feel welcome to join. We are looking for a secretary and a treasurer so if you have a bit of spare time and an interest in helping out in Woodend, we would love to have you aboard. Woodend Community Groups If you are new community group, please get in contact with us and let us know what you are up to so we can share any information that we can to all our members and residents. Woodend Businesses We also have a business page on our website and the ability to share Woodend businesses on Facebook so if you are in a business please get in contact with us so we can make sure we are following you and sharing any info to help residents shop locally. Our Objectives Woodend community association objectives are: • To promote and support any initiative to advance safety, well being and community spirit in the Woodend community Page 32 The Woodpecker June 2020

• To provide members of the Woodend community opportunities to express ideas and concerns • To raise awareness of developments which affect the Woodend area and provide information to the community • To liaise with the WDC and its committees and boards and with other local, district or national organisations on matters that affects the common or general interests of the Woodend community • To encourage the development of additional amenities and services for the Woodend area and to seek support form appropriate quarters for the realisation of such projects If anyone would like to become a member, please join via our website. All we ask is for a small donation of $10 which goes towards our admin and funding small projects. We also have a business section on our web site. If you are interested in joining our committee, we have 1 meeting a month. Mark Paterson 027 534 9112 Woodend.Community.Association@

The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 33


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Page 34 The Woodpecker June 2020

ARE YOU AT RISK OF SKIN CANCER? Skin/Mole Checks Skin Cancer Treatments t Minor Surgery t t

Dr Julia Racle Ph 03 310 7315 6/6 Cone St Rangiora

The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 35

June 2020

Waimakariri Events 06


Virtual Kaiapoi Art Expo 1st June – 31st October. Calling all artists in Waimakariri! The Virtual Kaiapoi Art Expo provides an opportunity to display and sell your work online. In conjunction with the Waimak App, the Waimakariri Arts Trust has produced a user friendly method for artists whose work is usually exhibited in the Kaiapoi Art Expo. Download the Waimak app for information on how to submit your art access the exhibition.

Get Outdoors Image Credit:

Now, more than ever, is the time to embrace nature and discover the open spaces and fresh air of Waimakariri. Explore the valleys and ridges of our two conservation areas set in the foothill forests of Mount Thomas and Oxford. Both offer easy access to fantastic outdoor adventures. Tailor your adventure to suit your skill level with options ranging from short nature walks to challenging tramping routes along exposed mountain tops. Take your camera as you will be treated to views that spread over the Canterbury Plains to the Pacific Ocean. Dogs under control are welcome.

Bridge to Bridge North Sunday 21st June 2020. Bridge to Bridge “North” is three mountain bike rides on the Northern Bank of the Waimakariri River. 15km, 30km and 60km.

For that quick and easy local walk check out Matawai Park and Northbrook Waters in Rangiora – perfect for young families. Take a jaunt around Kaiapoi Lakes or for a longer option head to Kaiapoi Island. Autumn is a great time to get on your bike and Waimakariri has numerous trails that are popular with individuals and families. There are a number of easy trails to choose from that highlight the best natural features of the region including the Waimakariri and Kaiapoi Rivers, regenerating coastal forests and wetlands, and the Ashley/ Rakahuri River. The ocean is a tonic, to be sure. Take a stroll, build a sandcastle or brave the waters for a final swim before it gets too cold. Balance your negative ions with the positive ions produced by the sea. Gather a little driftwood, find a shell or simply wander the wideopen sandy beaches stretching from Kaiapoi to Waikuku, filling your lungs with fresh air. Please always ensure that you practice safe distancing and visit our website for more information on walking and cycling in the district during COVID-19. For more information on Waimakariri walks, bike rides and locations visit our website Image Credit: Les Humphris

Page 36 The Woodpecker June 2020

Ryde Falls

Virtual Events We encourage you to continue to spend time browsing our website and the virtual and physical events that are available to you during Level Two. Our events page will be updated regularly so come back any time you want to escape into the world of Waimakariri.

Virtual Events Club “Join the Club” and race events with other people throughout New Zealand and the World for 1 week of every month, without even seeing them when you race. Running, Walking, Mountain Biking, Road Biking and Swimming. Virtual Events Club wants to see everyone being active and being rewarded for it. Check out and to learn more on taking part.

MARKETS Kaiapoi Farmers Market

Farmers Markets On the subject of fresh air, Waimakariri is blessed with three farmers’ markets offering that great outdoor shopping experience. Ohoka and Oxford Farmers Market are back and operating during Level two. You can expect some small changes to the layout of the markets which have been put in place to provide a safe, comfortable and relaxing place for you to get your market fix. Please remember to keep a safe distance, wash your hands and check the relevant Facebook pages and websites for specific rules and regulations in place at each market before attending.

Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi every Saturday 10.00am–12.00pm

North Canterbury Sunday Market Rangiora Racecourse every Sunday 9am–2pm

Ohoka Farmers Market Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka every Friday 9am–12.30pm

Oxford Farmers Market Main St, Oxford every Sunday 9am–12pm MORE INFO AT or Kaiapoi i-Site Visitor Information Centre Ph: 03 327 3134 E:

A couple of quotes from our senior students are below: Jess Morel “Throughout lockdown it was really great to spend time with family but it’s great to be back at school again”

Finn Batterbury

Woodend School News It was so good to see most of our families returning on the 19May after the Alert Level changed to 2. It certainly is a different environment that we are all learning and working in with many health and safety procedures in place to keep our students and staff well as we adhere to the Ministry of Health requirements of hygiene, social distancing etc. At present we have parents dropping off and picking up their children from behind the gates to try and keep contact as minimal as possible. We were very appreciative of our parents helping support the learning for their children online during the lockdown period.

“Throughout lockdown I was either doing work or playing with my friends. Every now and then I’d get stressed over the work, but I had told myself you’ve got this.”

Tenaya Stokes “My days went a little the same except for some birthdays. We had my Mum’s birthday on the 18 of April and it was my brother Charlies birthday on the 21 of April. We had so much fun even though we were in lockdown that it just shows how much fun you can have with family and not always with your friends.” Many of the school activities planned for this term have been cancelled or postponed until we hear further.

Our teachers and support team did an outstanding job keeping everyone connected during these unusual times. We have heard from students some positive reflective thoughts on lockdown like family times doing puzzles together, walking and cycling as families, baking with Mum and Dad etc. The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 37

Page 38 The Woodpecker June 2020

The Woodpecker Community Trust Annual General Meeting will be held in the Staff Room at Woodend School on Tuesday 16 June 2020 at 5.30pm. PLEASE RSVP

The Woodpecker Your Choice! If you’d prefer NOT to have your newsletter delivered and would rather ONLY read the digital version, please contact Tyree Woodham on: 027 902 5611 OR 03 312 2256 or via email: Digital Issue available on:

Attention Advertisers and Community Groups Are you part of a group which you would like to promote? Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves? Do you have any community stories you would like to share? Have you any information or notices you would like to share? YES? We would love to hear from you!

Lions Club of Pegasus Town Lions Club of Pegasus Town are seeking new members. If you would like to assist the community with fund-raising projects and meet other like-minded people; please contact Amanda on mobile 027 422 2648 or Brian on 027 958 8888.

NEXT ISSUE JULY 2020 Deadline for advertisements and community articles is 25 June 2020 at 5.00pm at the latest The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: Email: Cell: 021 863 877 Post / Cheques: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648 The Woodpecker June 2020 Page 39

PLEASE PROTECT MY PAWS! Please protect your pets from paw damage when using moss removal products on footpaths, decks, patios and driveways. They are often strong chemicals that can burn the feet and Woodend’s also, when they groom their pads, cause ulcers on their tongues. family owned vet



PHONE: 03 312 2669 EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays



Page 40 The Woodpecker June 2020

Nick Deane. May I introduce myself. A vet since ’92 I have

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