The Woodpecker - June 2021

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Editor’s Note

Kia Ora everyone Welcome to the official first day of winter! This month I wanted to share a huge milestone for The Woodpecker, crossing the 3,000-circulation threshold. This month, as noted on the front page, we are printing 3,010 copies of The Woodpecker which are all delivered to your homes. Our area is growing so rapidly we are almost increasing our circulation on a monthly basis. How fantastic is that, not only a HUGE benefit and added value to our advertisers reaching more people, but also to our wonderful community clubs and groups who can now reach even more people in the community, lots of which are new to the area. We expect a frequent increase to continue whilst the building ‘frenzy’ continues. If you’ve never previously considered advertising your business or group, now is the time to do so. We have new enquiries and advertisers every month! Word is getting out! The Woodpecker is the place to advertise to get your message out there. We are a charity, proudly run by volunteers ‘produced by the community for the community’ and truly thankful and appreciative to those who make The Woodpecker possible. For me, I’m just proud to play my part in contributing to such a wonderful community. Ngā mihi Debs Taylor-Hayhurst The Editor - Woodpecker Page 2 The Woodpecker June 2021

Letter to Editor

We have recently moved into the Woodend area and have been delighted to read over The Woodpecker especially This Month with Harry. It’s great to see that the Politically Correct Brigade have not yet made it over the Waimakiriri River, we really enjoy the articles, please keep them coming. Thank you for the laughter Wayne & Allison Anderson

Rev Irving Rutherford - Cont’d from front page

always ensuring that he did his best to provide balanced reporting. In 2010, Irving was awarded a Waimakariri District Council Community Service Award in recognition of his contributions to the Woodend Community. Irving was recorded as saying that “the main motivation for him was to try to put something back into the Community and to help others”. Irving and the late Professor Wally Clark were well versed at keeping the Waimakariri District Council on their toes regarding Woodend Community issues and affairs! Irving and Jean thoroughly enjoyed their time in Woodend and their home in Lacy Gate Place was always full of people. They moved to Diana Isaac Retirement Village in 2015 where Jean still resides. A Memorial Service was held at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Merivale Lane, Merivale at 2pm on Saturday 29 May 2021.

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 3

Dan Gordon – Mayor Report Meeting with CEO Canterbury District Health Board Update Recently I met with the CEO of the Canterbury District Health Board, Dr Peter Bramley. Several topics were raised which I thought would be worthy to update on. The four flexi-beds at Rangiora Health Hub - there had been confusion around the availability of these for use for convalescence. Good news - we were able to get this resolved and they will continue to be available for flexi-bed use for our community. The referral is determined through your doctor and the hospital. Thanks to Gendie Woods, Chair of the Friends of Rangiora Hospital, who raised this matter and for attending the meeting with me. Also raised was the demolition of the old Rangiora Hospital. A number in the community would like to visit and say goodbye before it is demolished, given its significance over the years. Canterbury DHB are considering holding a community open day. The new GP practice that is to be built at the Rangiora Health Hub and will offer extended after hours (from 8am to 10pm) is on track to be completed by the end of next year. The excellent St John Paramedic service will continue to be operated for times outside of this. With the contract for blood testing being taken back in-house by Canterbury DHB, consideration is being given to delivering the Page 4 The Woodpecker June 2021

service at the Rangiora Health Hub, which would be a great outcome given there is plenty of onsite and street parking and a bus stop nearby. I extended an invitation to the CEO and Chair of Canterbury DHB to visit our District and tour the Rangiora Health Hub, Oxford Hospital and other locations. I am pleased that my invitation has been accepted. It is important to show them our District, to see the growth that is occurring and brief them on the projected growth and other community issues they should be aware of for current and future planning. Amazing Volunteers I have had the privilege to attend a number of Volunteer Fire Brigade and St John North Canterbury Awards functions recently. As a community we are very fortunate to have so many committed volunteers who freely give of their time to ensure our community is protected. Three at St John (Debbie Hancox, Bernie Power and Judith Brown) were recognised for over 175 years’ service. In total over 2,200 years were recognised at the St John Awards. Amazing dedication and service. As a community we couldn’t function without volunteers. Cont’d on Page 6

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 5

Mayor Report - Cont’d from Page 4 On behalf of a grateful community, a huge thank you to all who give of their time - it is very much appreciated. As always, I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you may want to discuss. Email me at dan.gordon@ or phone 021 906 437. I’m here to help.

Ian McGregor Woodpecker Trustee Profile

I joined the woodpecker board of trustees in 2017, initially as the representative for The Lions Club of Pegasus Town, then as a co-opted trustee in 2019. Having lived and worked in many small communities

The Addams Family – Kaiapoi High School

Kaiapoi High School have recently completed their Addams Family

production. This was performed from 13 - 15 of May, with some people choosing to purchase VIP tickets which gave them an Addams Family themed dinner before the show. The students have been rehearsing for months and a lot of time and effort has been put into this. Cont’d on Page 41 Page 6 The Woodpecker June 2021

in both New Zealand and Australia strongly believe in giving back to the community in some form more than you get from that community. This has seen me hold many varying positions on school committees, Sports club committees and coaching positions, Rural fire brigades, community watch etc. My partner Vicki and I have lived in Pegasus for over eight years now, having owned and built several houses in that time, a community we both love and appreciate so much that we have decided to retire here. Being part of the Woodpecker Board has given me so much pleasure seeing our great team of people deliver a fantastic community newspaper that just keeps growing and getting better and better. Coming from a sales and marketing background I feel I am able to contribute to the running of the Woodpecker on several levels.

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• Retaining walls & landscaping • Swimming pools & ponds • Excavation and cartage • Precast concrete • Insulated panels • Placing & Finishing

Daryl Power 027 230 9401 • The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 7

Snippets from End of Term 1 & the Beginning of Term 2

End of Term 1: The term has flown by with many learning experiences for all our students. We appreciate the fact that we are in a relatively Covid free environment, nearly normalising our school programmes. We had a Student Leader involved with the Anzac Day presentation in the Community Centre on Saturday 24 April. Liam read ‘In Flanders Fields’ and laid a wreath on behalf of all students and staff at Woodend School. In the last week of term all students were involved in a Whare Manu Day with many co-operative fun activities throughout the day. Top Team provided the fun outdoor team building activities. All students were in their Whare Manu house teams, so we had many of the older students helping and working Page 8 The Woodpecker June 2021

senior’s uniform. Many thanks to CERT (now known as Kiwi Gaming

with the younger ones. We recently applied to CERT with an application to help fund more Kapahaka uniform. We were successful with this application and so can now complete our

Foundation). We really appreciate your support to our school. Term 2: We are now into Week 4 of Term 2, with students quickly settling into classroom routines with events and activities planned for the term. Last Friday the students celebrated Pink Shirt Day - raising $378.00 to this foundation. This is a wonderful way to recognise awareness about bullying prevention. Any families in the community who may have their children due to start school either this year or next, please go onto our website Con’td on Page 10

LAWNS, GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, FERTILISING, SPRAYING, CHAIN SAWING, PRUNING, SPOUTING CLEANING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Whether you would like manicured lawns/gardens, a quick tidy up or ongoing lawn/garden maintenance we can help. Quotes provided incl. WINZ

Contact Ron or Annette 03 310 0604 | 027 271 7187

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 9

Cont’d from Page 8 and go to enrolments to fill in the pre-enrolment form. This gives us helpful information as to expected roll numbers for the coming terms this year and into next year. Our main fundraising event for this term is our Ethel and Bethel Bingo Babes Night – Friday 11 June from 7pm to 10pm. This event is being held at the Kaiapoi Golf Club Function Room. Tickets are $20 per person and available from the school office. Lucky Prizes, Raffles, Chocolate Wheel, and lots of fun and laughter - All adults welcome. Tickets are limited so be in quick to enjoy a night of fun. We appreciate the sponsorships received so far: Delury Builders, Town & Country Autoglass, Rivers & Ranges Rangiora, Propaganda Rangiora, Animates, The Butcher’s Mistress, Street Legal, Woodend Tavern, Vogue Hair & Barbers, Paws Woodend, Life Pharmacy, Woodend Honda Shop, Sefton Hair Design, Woodend Vege’n Out, Amanda Newson, Lane & Neave Law Firm. We also thank our parent community for their contributions of wine and chocolate. It’s going to be an awesome night. Please do join us! Adrienne Simpson Tumuaki / Principal

Prefer a Digital Woodpecker If you’d rather have a digital copy instead of a delivery, please contact Tyree Woodham 027 902 5611 OR 03 312 2256 or email: totyshshmi@ Digital Publications available on: Page 10 The Woodpecker June 2021

THANK YOU North Canterbury!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury would like to thank everyone who attended and supported The BIG Breakfast Fundraiser on 12 May, our sponsors PAK’n SAVE Rangiora, WHO’s The Caterer and Horton Signs; local businesses and individuals who

donated vouchers and prizes for our raffle and live auction; our host Frank Endacott, guest speaker Billy Graham, auctioneer Linda WarrenDavey, photographer Shane Jones; our volunteers and students from Rangiora High School and; of course, our Tuakana Teina. Together, we raised nearly $17,500! We are humbled, not only by the generosity of those who attended and supported the Breakfast, but by those of you who continue to recognise the important role we play in the North Canterbury community. Want to get involved? Call us on 03 310 7004 or email to find out more. Photo: Billy Graham with young Cieran, mum Diane and mentor, Matt

ARE YOU AT RISK OF SKIN CANCER? Skin/Mole Checks t Skin Cancer Treatments t Minor Surgery t

Dr Julia Racle Ph 03 310 7315 6/6 Cone St Rangiora

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 11

Blue Sky by Kevin Warren

The old man walked slowly down the corridor of the hospital. His back was old, and it ached worse than ever today, but he still carried himself erect; thirty years of military service and an otherwise hard working, physical life had kept this now tired old body in good condition; if a bit worn around the edges. He was here to visit a very sick little girl; his God Daughter, the Grand-daughter of his very old friend. She was failing and the doctors had given up, they just didn’t know what was afflicting her. From ahead of him he heard the crying of children and he stopped, put his hands on the window sill and leaned his weight on his arms. He didn’t want to be here. He was no good with children, too strict, dogmatic; a severe nononsense kind of man who children would never warm to. He would not abide a fool or any person who wanted to talk or express any religious thoughts; God-botherers he called them; people scared of their own mortality. Everyone should be more like him. As he stood there gathering his breath, he looked at the sky through the canopy of leafless branches and wondered at its blueness. As a boy, growing up in Masterton during the 1950s, the sky had been this blue. But during the following half century it had become pale and not so beautiful. Things had changed and over the last decade some of the colour had come back and he was happy about that. As he waited Page 12 The Woodpecker June 2021

there a great sense of peace came over him and that strange tingling feeling that he had been experiencing over the last few weeks again spread all over his body; it felt like his nerve ending were laughing at some event or joke he couldn’t hear. He entered the ward at the end of the corridor and a young nurse stopped what she was doing and smiled at him with a puzzled look in her eyes as she scrutinized him. “Hello! Sir, can I help you.” “I’ve come to see the girl you can’t heal.” “Visiting hours are over for the day, I’m sorry, Sir. Are you a relative?” “Godfather.” Despite his years of military service he had difficulty with rules. Rules were for the weaklings who couldn’t or wouldn’t take control of their own lives, not men like him. The nurse looked at this well dressed, tall, strikingly handsome older gentleman with his jaw set in a way that said ‘I’m here to see my sick Goddaughter and you would do yourself a favour by not getting in the way,’ and decided that it would be easier to let him in and face the charge nurse later if she caught him here. “Just a few minutes then.” “Which bed?” “Over there in the corner, Sir. He moved down the row looking at each little bundle of misery. He was unaware that they seemed to settle and calm as he passed. The tingling feeling was almost constant now. He reached the cot of his Goddaughter. She was two years old and had been in and out of hospital too many times

during that brief life-span. He moved down the side of the cot and looked down at this wasted little bundle and a great sense of compassion flooded through him. Her big green eyes opened wide and locked onto his for a moment before they tiredly closed again. “Can I pick her up?” The nurse didn’t answer, and he looked around thinking she had not come with him as he thought, but she was there staring at him with a look on her face halfway between confusion and fear. He scowled at her, annoyed at her lack of response. ‘Stupid girl,’ he thought. He carefully and, as quietly as possible, unlatched the side of the cot and the child turned her head slowly to look at him. “How’s my wee girl? He asked gently as he smiled down at her and gently stroked her pale check with the back of his finger. A wave of tingling shot down his arm and her eyes widened as she tried to look at the finger. “Come to Da Da,” he cooed as he gently slipped his big hands beneath her thin little body. The tingling seized his back and travelled down both arms as he lifted her and cradled her to his chest. He sat down in the worn leather chair jammed between her cot and the wall and gently adjusted her in his arms. She lay there more dead than alive, but her beautiful eyes were still open and she was looking into his. A surge of tingling enveloped his chest and she breathed deeply again the corners of her mouth twitched into the ghost of a smile before she sighed and closed her eyes. Then her breathing began to run in unison with his and he saw a vein in her forehead pulse strong

and regular. She moved her hand and laid it upon his arm. “How’s my wee girl?’ he asked again. A small sound came from her, not a moan but the next best thing. He stroked her cheek and her smile returned. He began to pat her and sing a nursery rhyme. He didn’t know most of the words but that didn’t seem to matter. He hummed what he didn’t know, and her tiny smile widened. Her eyes moved away as she caught a movement at the end of the cot. He looked up to see the Charge Nurse there with the other nurse next to her; they were both looking from him to her with strange smiles on their faces. He noticed several other nurses attending to the other little souls in the ward and there was an air of happiness all around. A nurse came to him and handed him a needleless syringe. “Could you please try to feed her this,” she asked. “It’s a mixture of all sorts of nutritious stuff. She’s stopped eating; maybe she’ll take it from you.” He took the syringe and held it so she could see it, “Dinner time, Poppet.” He took a small taste himself. “Hmm! That’s quite nice actually.” He squeezed the plunger and a small amount entered between her smiling lips and she swallowed. He heard the nurses sigh and murmur as he slowly fed her all that was in the tube. The same nurse handed him another syringe, “water.” After she had finished all the water, she smiled up at him and then Cont’d on Page 15 The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 13

“A GOOD MOVE” Robyn Gauld Local Knowledge 24 years working in your area Harcourts 60 Million Dollar Club

Robyn Gauld

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Page 14 The Woodpecker June 2021

Blue Sky by Kevin Warren Cont’d from Page 13 snuggled deeper into his arms and went to sleep. As they reposed there, an old Godfather and his wasted Goddaughter, he looked out the window and watched the setting sun perform its magic on the fluffy clouds and he felt again the tingling surround them as the Angel of Death glanced their way once more.

NORTH CANTERBURY Did you know that Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand has a social policy unit? Our work nationally and here in North Canterbury is driven by a desire to use our knowledge of the types of problems people in our communities are facing to help solve the underlying causes of those problems. Our service provides us with unique information about the issues affecting people in communities nationwide. Every time a person seeks the CAB’s help, we record what they sought help about and what we did in response. We use the insights gained from these enquiries to show when government policies and laws, or the implementation of these, are having a negative impact on people throughout the country, and we argue for positive social change. Confidentiality is a core principle

for the CAB service so we always make sure when telling stories from our clients’ experiences that the individuals involved will not be identified. We do this by removing identifying information and summarising or paraphrasing the client’s situation. Therefore, when you come to us about a matter that affects you, you are not only gaining support for yourself, but you are also possibly helping to effect change for everyone. Remember all our services are free and we can help you with any enquiry, big or small. You can find us in the Trevor Inch Memorial Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222 or send us an email

Can you find Woody Woodpecker!

Mr Woody Woodpecker is ‘hidden’ amongst one of the publication pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him and are the first to text the Editor with a photo of you pointing to the very page, we will give you a mention in the following month’s publication.

Do you have a story to tell? Why not share this with The Woodpecker readers. Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story Funny story Send us a photo too! Contact the Editor today!

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 15


The PCC Team used a video clip of PCC activities and people to help demonstrate the need for the purpose-built Pegasus Community Centre during Council’s Long Term Plan Hearings on 6 May. Our thanks to the residents who came along to support us and to those who contributed to the video. With Councillors due to deliberate on LTP submissions from 25 – 27 May, it is hoped that the proposal to purchase land for the new centre will be confirmed soon and then planning and further public consultation can begin. We do stress that no site for the centre has been confirmed yet, nor has design of the building begun.


Welcome Bags are back in stock at the Pegasus Community Centre! These bags contain useful information about Pegasus and the wider Waimakariri area. They are great for new residents and best of all, they are FREE! Welcome Bags are also available from the Main Street Store, or contact the PCC

Team to get one delivered;

PCC Volunteers put contents in Welcome Bags


If you would like your club, group, activity or organisation to go into the Welcome Booklet (which will be put into Woodend and Pegasus Welcome Bags), please contact the PCC Team at asap. Listing in the Welcome Booklet is FREE.

Pegasus Community Centre Open Times – All Welcome Monday 2 – 4pm : Wednesday and Saturday 10am – 12noon Located on Pegasus Main St, by the Flat White Café For books, jigsaws, Welcome Bags, buckets, bus timetables, loads of pamphlets and information. Our volunteers are here to help. WOODEND - RAVENSWOOD - WAIKUKU - PEGASUS Come visit us soon; you are all VERY WELCOME. To book the PCC: visit or phone 0800 965 468 To contact the PCC Team: Email

Page 16 The Woodpecker June 2021

PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS VOLUNTEER EXPO AT PEGASUS : 25 JUNE 2021 A Waimakariri District Council initiative When: Friday 25 June from 5 – 7pm Where: Pegasus Community Centre (Pegasus Main St by Flat White Café) Who: MenzShed, Community Watch, parkrun, PRGI, Pegasus Community Centre, CAB and many more. What: Chat about how they can help you or how you can help them. More Info: or

Free Tea and Coffee – Plus… PEGASUS WETLANDS NIGHT WALK and TALK Guided walks with Tūhaitara Coastal Park staff When: Friday 25 June 2021 Walk 1 Meet: 5pm Start: 5.15pm Walk 2 Meet: 6pm Start: 6.15pm Duration: 45mins to 1 hour Meet at Pegasus Community Centre (Pegasus Main St by Flat White Café) What to bring: warm clothes, comfortable footwear, torch. Please: no children under 10 and no dogs.

TUHAITARA COASTAL PARK TALKS When: 5.15pm and 6.15pm, Friday 25 June 2021 Where: Todd Room, Pegasus Community Centre What: Learn about the Tūhaitara Coastal Park, what they do and the history of the area. Numbers are limited to 20 for each talk, with content being the same for both talks. The walks and talks are FREE events. The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 17

Pegasus Info Page – June 2021 PEGASUS MAINTAINECE UPDATE Waimakariri District Council advised they began removing dead and dying Whitebeam trees within Pegasus Township, week commencing 11th May. Details below: Many Whitebeams in the township have been found to be infected with Fireblight and have either died or will go into decline in the coming Spring. Fireblight is a bacterial infection that affects certain tree species and once infected there is no known cure or treatment. While some trees, particularly the larger ones can survive for a few years after being infected the eventual outcome is death of the tree. Smaller trees succumb much more easily, and this has led to a large number of smaller Whitebeams going into decline over summer and dying. The trees will be replaced with Hornbeams which are of a different species even though the names are similar. There are a number of Hornbeams planted in Pegasus already and they have proved to be able to tolerate the difficult conditions well and shown to be more than capable of thriving there. Contractors will initially remove those trees that are either dead or have declined to the extent that it is obvious they will not come into leaf in Spring. Once these trees are removed, we will be able to determine exactly how many will require Website: Page 18 The Woodpecker June 2021

removal in the next year or two. Removals are being staged so there are not a large number of empty tree spaces at once within the town. Once the removals for this year are completed Contractors will begin planting the new trees with work expected to be completed by the end of June.


We are delighted to advise that Peter Carrington is our new volunteer Community Watch Coordinator. Peter is taking over from John Allin who stepped down from the role after our AGM on Tuesday 25 May. We would like to take this opportunity to thank John, who has done this role for seven years, for all the countless volunteer hours he has given and a resounding commitment to help keep our community safe. We are lucky that John remains as a volunteer on the Community Watch roster. We are always on the lookout for new volunteers. Please email us if you are interested to join or learn more: Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc



We would like to acknowledge and thank our valued sponsors and supporters of the Pegasus Community Watch and vehicle. They are absolutely vital in helping us continue this service for our community. Dave, Jane, and Mike - the friendly, local team at Woodend Automotive keep our vehicle moving with their ongoing servicing and mechanical support. David Van De Geest has kindly donated funds again this year to help support our community watch. An ongoing supporter of the PRGI, Debbie Johnstone from Harcourts has generously donated funds this year to the community watch.


CERT kindly provides funding for the vehicle's operational AMI Insurance provides complimentary insurance for our community watch vehicle.


Our special guests for the May, community cuppa, Mayor Dan Gordon and new WDC CE Jim Harland, were unable to make it due to other commitments, so have rescheduled for the July cuppa. We filled the gap by showing the video created by the PCC Team for the WDC LTP Hearing, as well as updates from the PCC Team, PRGI and the Woodend-Sefton Community Board. The next date for the Community Cuppa is Wednesday 9th June from 10.45am. Please join us, especially if you are new to Pegasus or haven't been to the cuppa before.


To stay up to date, like our Facebook page: Pegasus Residents' Group Inc. Look out for the green and blue clover logo (see below):

Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 19

Friendship Club

Driven by ‘Capt’ John to Waipara we joined the train to head towards Waikari (12.8km away) via the Weka Pass. It was mooted in 1864 to join Christchurch, Nelson, Picton and the West Coast by rail and using unemployed labour during the Depression it reached as far as Waiau. Passenger services were stopped in 1940 and goods were stopped in 1978. In the 1980s a group of railway enthusiasts formed with the aim of running a steam powered engine taking tourists from Waipara-Waikari. Because of the current fire risk we travelled behind two diesel locomotors pulling three restored vintage carriages and an open carriage. We had 90 minutes for lunch at Waikari and on return into Glenmark Station we were able to view the engineering yards, which were full of engines, carriages and railway paraphernalia. Very enjoyable and informative trip. Our mini speaker was born in Kumara towards the end of the depression. His earliest memory was moving to Rutherglen around the age of four. His father had a job in a mill, and they lived a mill house which had no electricity, two bedrooms, a kitchen dining room, a woodburning stove and outside a water tank on a stand (which collected rain from the roof) with a tap at the bottom to fill a bucket, to take water inside. At the end of the path there was a long drop with the obligatory flies and nail holding newspaper squares. The family then moved to Belfast and he recalled Page 20 The Woodpecker June 2021

going to movies in a hall with children sitting on forms in the front and adults on hard chairs at the back. He then progressed to attending local dances and worked part-time at the Winter Gardens, as a doorman, barman and then head steward at weddings and dinners. During the 1954 Royal Tour he had the honour of serving at the head table, when the Duke drank whiskey and the Queen’s meal was inspected by a royal staff member before it was presented to her. In 1948 he started work at the Post Office delivering telegrams and retired 43 years later in charge of the South Island accounting centre for telephones. At the age of 18 he was conscripted into the Army for 12 weeks, which he enjoyed. He concluded by noting how things have changed, e.g. appliances were made to last and be repaired to now throwing away; cars developing to electric cars, bicycles developing to mountain bikes and now electric; internet invented, news from a newspaper to now radio, TV and internet. A very far-ranging and interesting mini talk. Our guest speakers were Anna and Sarah from Waimakariri Libraries, with the topic “Library service more than books” and they proceeded to tell us the many and varied services they offer. These include ‘booking a librarian’ to help with any research enquiry or reading interest; free internet, computer use and WiFi, photocopying, faxing, scanning, laminating, housebound service (for those who cannot physically visit the library), weekly Justice of the Peace attendance, and jigsaw exchange. Cont’d on Page 26

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 21

This Month with Harry

This month at the risk of repeating oneself we return to the Anglican cemetery and also answer a query from the north eastern suburb of Pegasus. During a gambol around the gone, my loyal fan had come across the final resting place of the Wagner family in front of the church. Father A.J., MOTHER Mary and children Wyn Emerson, A.J. junior and Mary Margaret, better known as Nancy. As my loyal fans mother had had something to do with Canterbury Women’s hockey, she wondered if it was the same Nancy Wagner who also had something to do with Canterbury women’s hockey. Indeed, so was my humble learned reply- modesty is one of the things I like about myself. Nancy’s great grandfather was John Bowie who leased, then purchased Ravenswood off the Reverend John Raven. Her grandfather Rawdon Heautenville Nicholson married Mary Bowie jnr. Rawdon was a drover and it said he courted Mary as he shifted stock up and down the north road past the Bowie home. Mary Nicholson died relatively young and the six children were brought up by their maiden Bowie aunts Jessie and Agnes. Mary Nicholson junior married A. J. Wagner. The Wagner children were educated at Woodend primary then onto Rangiora High where Nancy excelled at hockey. At a fairly young age she made the Canterbury women’s team Page 22 The Woodpecker June 2021

then onto represent New Zealand for several years. During the early 1930s she toured the British Isles with the national team on what weas a lengthy trip. In Scotland when visiting the ancestral Bowie home near Kilmarnock she was honoured with the ‘freedom’ of the town. However, a visit to Dublin proved a little more lucrative. Her uncle Herbert, the eldest Nicholson son confided to Nancy of a legacy he had received some years earlier from his paternal grandmother’s family, the Jaffrays. This amounted to 2/10ths 3/5ths and the right to graze a cow on the common. One stipulation was that Uncle Herbert, or a nominee, had to collect it from the Dublin lawyers in person. And as uncle Herby had no intention of travelling to Ireland he told Nancy if she collected it, she could have it. Which she did. Although she never told me exactly it must have been a reasonable amount. Apparently on uplifting it the team had one almighty party. ‘some of us nearly disgraced ourselves” What was left she brought home and invested it in the name of Canterbury hockey- the interest to be used to buy equipment. On retiring from her playing role, Nancy took on coaching and managing including the NZ team. Just prior to WW2 Nancy the New Zealand air force and was given the role of driver. She was to get herself into a spot of bother and ended up as the only air force female to be court marshalled in NZ. After giving her vehicle a clean and polish she decided to take a photo of it, unfortunately she did so with a plane in the background.

An eagle-eyed developer at Hannifins spotted it and dobbed her in as a spy. She received “a thorough telling off”. Her last assignment was chauffeur to Rear Admiral Dufek, the head of the American Deep Freeze operations. You know he had tickets on me- “he wanted to smuggle me down to the ice”. Nancy never married- in her own words “my mother didn’t like any of my boyfriends and I had a few” She retired to Kauri Lodge where she died on 20 June 2002 aged 94. A newly arrived resident to the district has enquired as to the origins of Winslow Street in Pegasus. Named after John George Elliott Winslow, born 1856 in Monmouthshire, Wales, he arrived in Dunedin on board the ‘Blair Drummond’ in 1879. A fellow passenger was G. R. George. The two of them made their way up to Woodend where they purchased Booths general store and blacksmith shop. This was on the corner of Eders and the main road where the garage is today. After a partnership of five years George moved to Invercargill ending up as secretary to the Bluff Harbour Board. For a time, Winslow managed ‘Brockenhurst’ for Martha, the widow of George Seymour Palmer. Palmer died in 1880 after 2 years of marriage leaving Martha nee Murfitt and daughter Ethel. In 1882 Winslow married Martha Palmer at about the same time he purchased ‘Pencoece’ on Gladstone road. Pencoece translates as Woodend in the Welsh language. This property was about opposite ‘honest Chins’

tree nursery. The couple were to have several children although not all survived. Son John Palmer George died aged 17 months, daughter Gladys Annie lived 8 weeks, son Edward Arnold lasted 14 months whilst daughter Florence Phoebe took ill at school and died soon after of peritonitis. Third daughter Edith Iris Tui was to become very ill and nearly died. Winslow sent to England for some royal jelly, a bee by-product, for her and she recovered. He was to become active in community affairs and a sportsman of some repute. A member of the Canterbury Yeomanry Calvary, Kaiapoi Mounted Rifles, chairman of local school committee, Anglican church and represented Canterbury at both rugby and polo. In 1893 he obtained an auctioneer’s licence and conducted several local sales. In May 1904 the Winslows moved to Chatton near Gore and were to become renowned in the horse racing industry an occupation carried on by the family to this day. Martha Winslow was to die in a gig accident when her horse shied at a car in Gore. Ethel Palmer married Robert Johnston, a wool classer at the Kaiapoi Woollen Mills. In 1905 she went to the UK to retrieve a legacy from a relative of her father. She was to run out of money waiting for the long-drawn-out legal proceedings to come to fruition which left her in dire straits. It took a further 10 years for the matter to be resolved. JH

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 23


Kids eat FREE











Happy HOUR








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The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 25

Friendship Club Cont’d from Page 20 At the Kaiapoi Library there is a scanner which can scan slides into digital slides- you would need to book a 60-minute help session, again at no charge. There are also free computer classes for Term Two which instruct and help seniors with technology problems – Introduction to Digital Banking, Introduction to email and Introduction to smart phones (most popular), bookings are essential, and dates and times are available at the Library or on your app! Then there are Library Events including monthly movies at Kaiapoi, weekly Games for Grown-ups (Rangiora/Kaiapoi) and a weekly book group (Rangiora / Kaiapoi). As well they explained the uses of the website for the Waimakariri Library app to access e-books, e-audiobooks, e-magazines, Press

Page 26 The Woodpecker June 2021

reader, films via Kanopy and access to Ancestry Library edition. What a great service and certainly ‘not just books’. As a member pointed out ‘our rates are not too bad after all’.

Pegasus Plus

Pegasus Plus is a social group for semi-retired and retired residents of Pegasus and surrounding areas. Our aim is for people to socialise while enjoying a variety of activities plus enjoying social chat over a cuppa and biscuit. Activities may include Quiz, Bingo & Cards. We meet every FOURTH Wednesday of the month from February through to November at the Pegasus Community Centre from 1.00 - 3.00 pm. There is a $2 charge to cover room hire and beverages. Refreshments and a raffle are available at each get together. For further information contact Kay or David Mills 03 920 0126 or just come along, everyone welcome. Dates for 2021 28 July 25 August 22 September 27 October 24 November

Proudly brought to you by the Rangiora Promotions Association


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Make the Switch North Canterbury Do you need help with your hearing? We are a full service hearing clinic and it’s easy to make the switch! We can’t wait to welcome you to North Canterbury’s Vera Setz Hearing family.


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Combined Training Exercise On a recent training night at the Station, we invited St John Rangiora to join us.

A great night was had by all and both organisations learnt a lot from each other. St John bought out an ambulance, CPR Mannequins and other equipment for us to have a look at and get familiar with and practice our skill sets, as we are frequently called out to CPR and other Medical calls in our community. We were able to show St John our BA(Breathing Apparatus), Rescue Equipment including our cutting equipment used on vehicles in Road Accidents. As we often work together, it was an excellent opportunity to familiarise ourselves with each other’s equipment. Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade 8 Eders Road, Woodend

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 27

Canterbury Print Service We print: newsletters, flyers, brochures, business cards and stationery, wide-format banners, posters, plans, direct mail, construction plans, architectural drawings, manuals, booklets... Whatever you imagine, we can help make it happen.

Canterbury print service

design print wide-format mail Page 28 The Woodpecker June 2021

Call 03 366 1999

Email Visit 174 Carlyle Street, Sydenham Christchurch

Woodend-Sefton Community Board Owen Stalker Park redevelopment The redevelopment of Owen Stalker Park in Woodend is underway. This includes a complete overhaul of the playground and improving the skate park. There is a focus on accessibility throughout the design. The beloved train will remain with some adjustments to improve accessibility, like a new platform. A lick of paint and Owen Stalker Train will be open for all. Work is expected to take six to eight weeks and hopefully be ready for use in July/August. Rangiora Woodend Path Extension This will extend the existing path along Rangiora Woodend Road to School Road. A new pedestrian crossing on School Road is in place outside the Community Centre to link the path to the school. Most of the new kerb and channel at Turiwhaia Road and the sealing of the path up to this point has been completed. Work is progressing well and should be finished in mid-June. Safety – Speed Review At our last meeting the Board agreed with recommendations to consult the public on speed limits on Gladstone and Petries Roads in Woodend because of the growth of Two Roads subdivision. Speed limits on four unsealed roads between Woodend and Waikuku will also be included. Bob Robertson Drive opening It is exciting to have Bob Robertson Drive through Ravenswood open. The Board will continue to advocate to NZTA for a way to cross safely at the SH1 roundabout by foot, scooter or cycle.

Hearings of Board Submissions It has been a busy month with hearings for three submissions made by the Board. • Environment Canterbury draft LongTerm Plan (May 2021 agenda) • Waimakariri District draft Long-Term Plan (April 2021 agenda) • Ravenswood Private Plan Change 30 (February 2021 agenda) The Chair spoke at each of the hearings on behalf of the Board. This is an important part of what we do, representing and advocating for you. If you wish to read the Board submissions they are in the agendas for the meetings as shown above. New Tsunami Evacuation Zones A reminder that the coastal communities of Woodend Beach, Pegasus and Waikuku Beach alongside other coastal areas in the District are directly affected by these new zones. Well attended meetings were held in Pegasus and Waikuku Beach in May. If you weren’t able to attend either of these, Woodend will host a meeting on Wednesday 9 June at 7.30 pm in the Woodend Community Centre. You will hear about the science behind the new tsunami evacuation zones and learn practical things you can do at home to be better prepared.

Next meeting

You’re very welcome to come along to our next meeting on Monday 14 June starting at 6pm, in the Pegasus Community Centre.

Contact us

More information about the Board, and members contact details are at Facebook page: @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 29


GLADSTONE PARK ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 LIONS CLUB OF PEGASUS President Amanda Smith 027 422 2648 LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND President John Canton 310 8157 Youth Centre Lois Inch 312 7732 LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS 943 4935 MENZSHED PEGASUS / WOODEND COMMUNITY TRUST Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805 MOTORCYCLE CRUISING GROUP Pete Carrington 021 1911 776 - Pegasus Sharon & Chris Woodruff 021 164 4795 MUSIC AND PLAY Meaghan 027 392 6409 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE TEAM Email: PEGASUS MONDAY MORNING WALKING GROUP Christine Johnston 021 179 7330 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Page 30 The Woodpecker June 2021

Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253 Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612 THE ASHLEY LODGE Norme Shore - Secretary TIMEBANK WAIMAKARIRI Email: Phone: 021 0265 4071 Website: Facebook: timebankwaimakariri TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL 313 2141 Facebook: Tuahiwi Community Preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool WAIKUKU BEACH SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Danelle Asher WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Alan Pegley 310 6772 Secretary Phil Harris 327 6553 WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Andrea Rigby com WOODEND CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963 WOODEND FLOWER SHOW President Evelyn Paget 314 9195


Secretary Helen Power 313 5749 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President John Fortster 327 3681 Secretary Lynn Muir 312 2027 WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Brenda Batchelor 313 9556 Secretary Lynn Oliff 310 0575 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Simone Templeton 027 514 8363 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389 Club Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH Minister Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 027 787 5365 Secretary Rachael Paterson 021 166 2740 WOODEND PLAY CENTRE Phone: 027 353 2131 Email: Facebook: woodendplaycenter WOODEND PRESCHOOL / NURSERY Jana Thorn 312 7654 Email: WOODEND RUGBY CLUB Senior Club Captain, Matthew McLeod 027 722 8011 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker 021 267 1429 WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD

Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Deputy Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 021 131 1780 Operational Support - Secretary Dave Houlihan 027 566 5582 WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640

Have you checked your Community Contacts Listing is correct? and Have you checked if you are listed in our Community Contacts? If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts, please would you contact the Editor providing the appropriate details. Is your Club or Group listed correctly? If you are listed in our Community Contacts, please do check to see the details we have are up-to-date and correct. The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 31

Page 32 The Woodpecker June 2021

2021 Flu vaccine programme is now underway by appointment. Flu clinics will be run during the day and Saturday mornings as per demand. These can be pre-booked by calling reception. COVID 19 Immunisation: Canterbury DHB has created a public website ( to provide information about the vaccination roll out, including frequently asked questions, resources, and links through to sites with more information. Do Not Turn up at vaccination centres or try to book until you are asked to. We would like to remind you that at Level 1, we are still required to have patients sign in at Reception either using the manual tracer or the QR code. Any patients with respiratory symptoms, should call first and discuss their condition with a nurse. The nurse will do an assessment over the phone and if you need to be seen at the practice, you may be asked to wait in the car. If you meet the Ministry of Health criteria, a free COVID swab will be offered at the Centre. If you need to see a GP, this will be arranged, and you will be asked to wear a mask. Results of COVID swabs are texted to you as soon as they become available. If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. You can book a consultation by calling us or alternatively online via our website and go to ‘Manage My Health (MMH)’. You can also use this portal to access lab results and request repeat prescriptions. If you need assistance to register with MMH, please contact our reception team who will be happy to help. If you have any issues with MMH, contact . You can download the app from the App store or Google Play, or our website If you have an urgent / acute condition, do not use Manage My Health, call us to speak to a nurse Please note fees for phone consultations are the same as regular consultations. Phone Calls to nurses: Nurses will take your phone call if they are available. Otherwise, please leave a message and you will be called back in a timely manner. Test results can take some time to be available and reviewed by the Doctor. You will be contacted if further action is needed. They can be viewed on Manage My Health as well. Thank you for your patience. Please, arrive on time as your Doctor may not be able to see you if you are late. If you are not able to make it to your appointment, please cancel the previous day or at least 2 hours prior, so another patient can utilise that time slot. Otherwise, there may be a charge for non-attending. Appointments are 15 minutes to cover 1 or 2 issues. If you have more issues, please book 2 appointments. Mole Checks, Musculoskeletal issues, New Patients, Insurance / Full Medicals, need 2 appointments. Pegasus Skin Cancer Clinic (Southern Cross Affiliated Provider) offers full mole checks, Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Management, Minor Surgery for Skin lesions. If you have a mole of concern or which has changed, book a single appointment and we will see you within a week. There might be a wait for full mole checks. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 52 Pegasus Main street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 33

Update from Tūhaitara Coastal Park

With tree planting season well underway it’s fitting that the topic of plant communities is the focus of this month’s update. Our volunteer planting sessions in the wetland areas of the park will see over 3000 moisture-loving species going in the ground, including the magnificent tī kōuka, harakeke and toetoe. Also, amongst this year’s planting list are makomako / wineberry and tauhinu. Both of these are excellent for forest regeneration as they are quick to colonise and provide protection for other plants. Native birds love the makomako berries too! We still have some volunteer planting sessions coming up if you would like to get involved and find out more about what we’re planting and why. Each of our fortnightly school groups have been making plans for extending their biota node site through learning about different habitats and finding out which plants love to grow in each. The tamariki have been busy devising planting plans. These are designed to create the conditions for a diverse ecosystem to flourish by providing food and Page 34 The Woodpecker June 2021

shelter for native birds, lizards and invertebrates. We’ve also been working with several other visiting schools doing the important tasks such as ‘releasing’ plants – this involves removing the grass and weed growth around young native trees, to ensure they get the sunlight that they need to thrive. Dates for your diary: Thursday 3 June – World Bicycle Day. A perfect excuse to come down to the park and enjoy a ride! Volunteer community tree planting – stay for as little or long as you wish. Saturday 5 June. 10am – 1pm. Meeting point: Tūtaepatu trail. Entry into the park at the end of Tiritiri Moana Drive, Pegasus. Staff will be at the gate entrance to direct you. Saturday 4 September.10am – 1pm. Meeting point: End of Batten Grove, Pines Beach. Visit our website to find out more about our environmental restoration projects: www.tuhaitarapark.; or follow us on Facebook - search for Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park. Captions for photos: Photo 1: Playing the habitats and plant communities card game

Photo 2: Species in a forest margin plant community Photo 3: Blackberry weeding success

Pegasus Bay School

Kia Ora koutou! What a whirlwind start to the term we have had! Our students have been extremely busy with their learning since Day 1 of the term and there are many more experiences coming up in our calendar. Weeks 1& 2 saw our Year 4 and 5 children go to Wai Swim. They learn water skills and spend time in the pool each day. Over the term all of our tamariki will be going swimming and learning the important skills they need for being in and around water. Winter sport practices are ramping up ready to go in Week 4. We have over 100 students in our sports teams which is fantastic. Staff are putting in many hours coaching and supporting them in various sports and we have a group of enthusiastic parents who have volunteered as referees and umpires. We are very lucky to have such a supportive school community. At the time of writing, we are getting ready for our cross-country. Children have the option of it being a competitive run or doing it as a fun run, but all are expected to take part. As it is the same day as ‘AntiBullying Day’, we are also dressing in pink! Once again, we know we will have many of our families supporting us and cheering the children on.

Week 3 was not slowing down! On Wednesday 19 May our students were lucky enough to listen to a story read by an astronaut in the International Space Station! Thank you to our librarian, Paula Van Meer for organising this. There were many amazed expressions on the students’ faces. What an experience! We also had people from Canterbury University come in for the Arts Centre Roadshow. They were showing us science experiments that tied in with our Physical World (Science) theme for this term. All of our students attended this and were entertained and educated at the same time. I spend a lot of time walking through the Active Learning Spaces and am continually impressed with the learning that is happening. Often it is so quiet that it is hard to believe there are as many children in the spaces as there are! This is because of the engagement in their learning and the expectation the staff have of children to allow others to learn. When it is louder, it is excitement and discussion about the activity they are working on. I continue to be amazed at the digital capabilities of our students. We are an Apple Distinguished School and each child from Year 5 - 8 is assigned an iPad which is used for learning only. They learn to code and to create with apps such as Keynote, Pages, Book Creator etc. These creations are shared with family using See-Saw. What an exciting and busy term this is for all of us! Nga mihi Di Murphy, Deputy Principal Pegasus Bay School The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 35

Pegasus Woodend WI

This is a photo of the ladies that were first and second in the North Canterbury Federation of Women’s Institute Bowls Tournament.

They are from left team A Ngareta Orchard, Ingrid Eck, and Mavis Elms in the front. B team are Lorraine Duncan, Helen Power, and Helet Janse van Renburg. The A team were first and the B team second. Our May meeting was an outing where we caught the bus into the bus exchange and walked down to the Riverside Market for lunch This was very much enjoyed by everyone that went. In June we are to have a celebration for our 7th Birthday.

Page 36 The Woodpecker June 2021

Pegasus parkrun

Happy Birthday to us!!!

Can you believe that Pegasus parkrun will be celebrating its 5th Birthday this month? Not only that, we have double the reason to celebrate because Pegasus parkrun will also be celebrating the 250th event on the same day! We started out in June 2016 with 61 participants, and we have had over 17,000 people running, walking, or jogging with us on a Saturday morning. In fact, Pegasus parkrunners have a covered a staggering 85,000km around Lake Pegasus since we first started! You are invited to share the fun with us at 7:50am on Saturday 26 June at Motu Quay (by the swing bridge). All are invited, we only ask that you sign up for a free barcode which enables you to receive an email with your result after the parkrun has concluded. Visit this link to sign

up to parkrun for free: register We have a bit of a fuss planned for the day. We are aiming to have over 250 parkrunners take part in the event, and we are inviting as many of the parkrun 250 club as possible. If you were at the first event in Pegasus, then it is likely that you would have received an emailed invitation from us too. We are also encouraging everyone to wear green to celebrate the occasion, and of course there will be cake! The Mayor and other elected officials will be there. We will also have a few other visitors, including The Athletes Foot who are one of the national partners of parkrun, along with Eukanuba. In other news, there is no doubt that Pegasus parkrunners love fancy dress! This month we celebrated Star Wars day (May the 4th) by running around the lake dressed in Rebel Alliance or Galactic Empire for parkrun. We did get a few odd looks, but everyone had great fun! Pegasus parkrun happens every Saturday morning at 7:50am at Motu Quay. Please do feel free if you would like to join in. You don’t have to walk, jog or run with others – you can go at your own pace. If you would like to know more, you can check out our Facebook page – simply search for ‘Pegasus parkrun’ and you will find our page and upcoming events.

Who Found Woody? Jamie Young - aged 11 - Pegasus

Evette - aged 6 Woodend

Michelle Bennett and Roxy cat – Woodend

Paisyn Williams aged 10 Woodend

Lyn Petrie Ravenswood

Or visit to read more about us. The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 37

FRAMEMAKERS All Picture Framing Photography and Canvas Printing Framing Supplies

Art Gallery 137 Main North Road Woodend Open Weekdays 9.30am - 5.00pm

Saturdays 10am - 1pm

03 312 2276

PEGASUS Bringing Dental Services to North Canterbury General Dentistry Family Dentistry Facial Pain Minor Oral Surgery Tooth Whitening Hygienist Oral Medicine Specialist Super Gold Card Welcome Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm Late Night Tuesday 54 Pegasus Main Street Pegasus Phone 03 920 4003 Email: Page 38 The Woodpecker June 2021

St Barnabas

During April our interim Priest, Jeff Cotton, left us to take up a permanent position with the Parish of South Christchurch. Many of our congregation attended the service when Jeff was installed in his new position, it was a privilege for us to be able to support him and we wish him the very best. Our Parish is currently searching for a fulltime Priest to lead us. In the meantime, clergy from the Parish of Rangiora have been generously presiding over our two weekly services, and this will continue during June. We are much appreciating their time and help. This month we reran the study ‘Raising Kids With a Faith Which Lasts’, for the benefit of parents who were unable to attend the first running. Meanwhile our youth were privileged to attend an art class run by one of our parishioners, artist Jennifer Milligan. They learnt a great deal and had a wonderful time. Our home groups and children’s groups are continuing to run as normal, thanks to the wonderful people who take responsibility for leading them. Another thing that remains the same is the warm welcome given to everyone who attends our services and groups, known and unknown. So if you would like to come along, we would love to see you!

Woodend Methodist Church

We enjoyed a lovely Mother’s Day service during the month and also an Anzac Service. Monthly movie – Wednesday 2 June 2021 at 1pm the movie will be the wonderful musical ‘Cats’. Afternoon Tea to follow. Gold Coin donation. Please phone Ruth on 312 2094 if you have any queries. The July movie is on Wednesday 7 July 2021 and will be ‘Australia’. We are holding another fundraiser Singalong afternoon at the church on Sunday 13 June 2021at 2pm. There will be a variety of old-time songs so come along and enjoy a good old singalong with the piano. $10. Afternoon tea to follow. Sunday the 20 June there is going to be a Breakfast Church at Trinity, King Street, Rangiora so there will be no service at Woodend that Sunday and the speaker will be Jill Hawkey from the Methodist Mission. The Woodend Mid-Week Group will be meeting on Monday 28 June 3.30pm to 5pm to discuss ‘Hot Potatoes of Faith’. Phone Margaret on 313 8413 for details. Our minister Veitomoni Siufanga is available at Rangiora Methodist Church, 176 King Street, Rangiora – 313 3448 or rangioramethodist@ He is at the Church from 9am to 5pm on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you need to see him on Thursday or Friday, please ring and make an appointment. He is available to provide prayer, support and a welcome for anyone with any needs, or who wants to drop in.

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 39


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Page 40 The Woodpecker June 2021

Regional CWKA Championships

Tournament Medal Winners from the Seiko-Kai Karate Dojo (Kaiapoi) Jack Brown, Daisy Little, Dan Visker (Squad Coach), Chris Flanagan, Jake Dale, Liam Visker, Lucas Anderson, Annie Visker.

(Additional medal winners not present: Aidan Leigh, Shauna Minerva Barclay) all representing North Canterbury at the CWKA Regional Karate Championships in Kumite (Fighting) and Kata (form). The tournament is organised and run by the Canterbury & Westland Karate Association (CWKA) who hold the event every year. It has become established as a one New Zealand’s most prestigious Karate Tournaments, with hundreds of competitors from around the country taking part. Team Coach Dan Visker had been preparing the athletes for the event over recent months said “All of the students have performed exceptionally well and represented

North Canterbury with pride. It is evident that the number of medals we secured is a testament to their instruction, their skills and ability with only one person narrowly missing out on a medal, but still placing 4th”. He added, “It is just reward for the hard work they have all put in and they are all thirsty for more. It is just a matter of time before some of them get selected to represent New Zealand on the International Stage”. * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Addams Family - Cont’d - Page 4 The crowds attending thoroughly enjoyed the show and seeing the talent amongst the youth in the Waimakariri area.

How the cast feel about their character? Morticia: “I was happy and felt very privileged to be playing Morticia because she is such an icon!” Alice: “I loved how outgoing and positive my character was and was so excited to be able to act as her.” Lucas: “I loved becoming my character so much because the character I played was the opposite of myself.” Fester: “My character was so fun to play! When at rehearsals I loved the energy and enthusiasm I was able to put into portraying Fester.” Cont’d on Page 45 The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 41

We were looking around Canterbury exploring where we potentially could live. We had been to a few open homes and then contacted Natarsha about seeing 2 houses she had listed. Nothing was too much trouble for her. From showing us through the houses at the last minute (one of which we bought) to responding to questions (of which we had many, moving from Masterton to Canterbury!) and keeping us fully informed on progress; to even introducing us to the people we bought from. She was brilliant. Professional and friendly with a great sense of humour. A very different experience to any other house purchase in the past! It was a joy to find a real estate agent who is genuinely a nice person and who goes the extra mile – even after the paperwork was all signed and sealed. T O’CALLAGHAN & J KETTLE

For exceptional service call... Natarsha Crawford

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Page 42 The Woodpecker June 2021

National Volunteer Week 20-26 June 2021

The Cancer Society could not do the work it does so effectively without the support of our invaluable volunteers. Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back to an organisation, support an organisation, learn practical skills & experience for work experience, networking or to be involved in a meaningful cause. We need more volunteers to help with Daffodil Day 2021, pop in and see us at the North Canterbury Centre, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora. During National Volunteer Week there will be volunteering displays around the Waimakariri at the Kaiapoi Library 19 June, Pegasus Community Centre 25 June, Rangiora Library 26 June. Come and find out more about volunteering with the Cancer Society and a variety of other wonderful local organisations. Cancer Society North Canterbury Happenings: June 2021 Rangiora Newly Diagnosed Patients Group. 2 June (1st Wednesday of each month) from 10.00am -11.30am at the Centre. Meet in a safe, warm, friendly environment. Rangiora Support Group: Meeting every Tuesday for walking and coffee. 9.30am - Meet at the Jewellery Stand in The Warehouse for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then to Artisan Café at 10.30am to purchase your coffee and meet upstairs.

Carers Group Tuesday 29 June 2.00pm to 3.30pm. This group aims to provide practical help and support for those caring for patients with cancer. Blues Bros Exercise classes for Men at 8.15am on Mondays at the Rangiora Fitness Centre, 345 Flaxton Road. Kaikoura - Wednesdays at 10.00am. Writers and Orators Group. This group is facilitated by Jason Clements from the Waimakariri libraries in Rangiora. Please contact us to enrol for Term 3. There will be a performance later in the year for contributors to share their work. Men’s Get Together. Support for men living with cancer. Next meeting 1.00pm Wednesday 30 June, location to be advised on Facebook. Held monthly at different locations across North Canterbury. Kaiapoi Therapeutic Art (acrylics) Class. Mondays 10:00am- 12:00pm. Facilitated by Lynette. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street. Kaiapoi. Parking on site. All patients and their carers welcome. Catering from absolute beginners to advance painting skill. Cont’d on Page 45 The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 43

What kind of car-washer are you? Self Serve OR TouchFree? Either way, we have you covered at the Auto Self Serve!

13 Hakarau Road, Kaiapoi (Opposite PlaceMakers)

Page 44 The Woodpecker June 2021

National Volunteer Week Cont’d from Page 43 Oxford Support Group – Third Wednesday (16 June) of the month. 10.00am at Café 51, High Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans Fonteyn. All patients and carers most welcome. Christchurch Yoga with Hollie Tang – Thursdays 1.00pm to 2.00 pm starting 10 June for 4 weeks at 97 Fitzgerald Avenue, Christchurch. Seated or lying down. To book phone 03 3795 835 or email groups@ Speaker Series Improvements in gastro-intestinal cancer presented by Sharon Pattison, medical oncologist, University of Otago, Dunedin. Monday 15 November. Further details to follow. Please call or text Gabrielle on 021 904 907 or 0800 226 695 to register for any of our groups. Find us on Facebook ‘Cancer Society North Canterbury’, please like or share our page to widen our support network. Thank you! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Addams Family - Cont’d from Page 41 Grandma: “I really liked my character; it was fun to act as her and do the voice.” Wednesday: “I loved my character. Wednesday was such a cool character to play. She’s so sarcastic and her lack of emotion just adds to her sarcasm and her whole personality.” Pugsley: “My character was fun to play, he was so different from me.” Lurch: “I think I suited my part as Lurch very well, because I feel we share many of the aspects in our

personalities.” Gomez: “I was so proud that I got the role of playing Gomez for this year’s production of The Addams Family. I was able to use his humorous side to make myself a much funnier person.” The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 45


VOLUNTEER EXPO Celebrating Volunteer Week. Displays and activities by local groups. Find out how you can make a difference. » Kaiapoi Library • Saturday 19 June 10am - 2pm » Pegasus Community Centre • Friday 25 June 5pm - 7pm » Rangiora Library • Saturday 26 June 10am - 2pm

Find out more at

Page 46 The Woodpecker June 2021

Dancewear & Alterations For all your costume needs, Clothing alterations and Repairs Call Paula 027 627 7212 Check us out on Facebook

Lions Club of Pegasus Town

Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. Support to club activities but having fun and friendship. New members are very welcome. Dinner meetings on 4th Wednesday of month (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888.


SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St (by the Flat White Cafe). All Welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group; join us for a cuppa after class!

Want a 1/8th advert? Interested? Email Debs, Editor now!

Pegasus Medical Centre

is looking for Part time and Casual Receptionist to join our amazing Team. If you’ve had previous experience, we would love to hear from you. Email manager@ or call Nicky on 03 920 4060

Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer Days Hilton Street on the playing field of Kaiapoi Borough School, by the railway line. Wednesdays 10am – 12pm and the last Saturday of the month 10am – 11.30pm. Come and join the Community Garden, a great place to make new friends or to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook Kaiapoi-Community-Garden contact; or phone Debbie 027 313 1234

Advertisers - Stand out MORE in colour!

Want your advert to get noticed more and currently have a black and white advert! Consider changing to a colour advert. It’s great value! Ask our Editor for our advertisers’ information sheet.


Deadline for advertisements and community articles is 25 June 2021 The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: Email: Cell: 021 863 877 Post / Cheques: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648

The Woodpecker June 2021 Page 47

We at PAWS VETS are proud of our commitment and continued care to our local family Nurse Jayne Vet Nickpets. Deane and Nurse Mel Deane Supporting local events, schools and community is important to us as a locally owned family business. We thank you too for supporting us over the past 5 years.

CONTACTS: PHONE: 03 312 2669

EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays Page 48 The Woodpecker June 2021

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