The Woodpecker June 2022

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Delivered to 3,300 households

June 2022

Produced for the community, by the community

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 1

Editor’s Note

Tēnā koutou Welcome to the first day of winter! Isn’t the year going fast? This month, I wanted to share some exciting news, and that is we’ve had some great additional new advertisers come on board lately, more than usual, as well as some new community contributors – not only that but some wonderful feedback from both to say they’ve received interest for their business and / or group which is great news! The other piece of exciting news is we’ve increased our circulation yet again, reaching a grant total of 3,300 households. This is likely to increase again in the coming months with new houses being completed. I would like to thank those who volunteered to come on board as

volunteer deliverers too. As you know The Woodpecker Community Trust is a charity and therefore totally reliant upon volunteers. Great to have some new additions to our ‘team’. Lastly a huge thank you to those who came along to our Annual General Meeting. We were very grateful to have them attend and it was I believe good for them to ‘see us in action’ and hear more about what we have been doing as well as hear about our successes over the past year. We are in a healthy position led by a great board of Trustees which is a great foundation to be able to bring you The Woodpecker each month. The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’ Ngā mihi nui Debs Taylor-Hayhurst The Editor – Woodpecker

An Unstable Enterprise A True Story As Told by Anastasia Marambos

Note: Pauline Jaricot (1799-1862) was Beatified by Pope Francis on the 22 May 2022. Pauline folded her hands and prayed silently. Things had not been going well at all lately. Her health was failing. However, the anxious thoughts that crossed her mind as she sat alone, quietly, in the small, dim room, had nothing to do with health. Page 2 The Woodpecker June 2022

She was worried about a current enterprise. She had put all her money into it, but that was not all. She had put hours and hours of her time into it. She had put all the energy she could into it. If it only succeeded, if only it remained, she would be overjoyed. And she would not be the only person who was overjoyed. Cont’d on Page 30

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 3

Woodend-Sefton Community Board SH1 Safety Concerns Work has started on the first stage of the Ravenswood Central Retail Park which will have restaurants and other food outlets close to the supermarket. This is the next stage of this exciting development that locals and visitors are looking forward to. However, this will add to the safety issues already identified by the Board at the roundabout on SH1. Since the opening of Bob Robertson Drive and the supermarket there is more traffic exiting and entering into Ravenswood at the Pegasus/Ravenswood roundabout. There are also many more cyclists and pedestrians wanting to cross SH1 to get to and from the supermarket or connect with the Rangiora-Woodend path. There is also the stretch of SH1 between Woodend and the roundabout. The Board is adamant that the safety concerns of both road users and pedestrians and cyclists at this roundabout will be heard and action taken. Along with Council, the Board have been advocating to Waka Kotahi (NZTA) who have responsibility as it is SH1. NZTA have been made very aware, from discussions with the Mayor and the Board, of the concerns raised by residents and visitors. We will continue to advocate for safety improvements not only at the roundabout but also from the Ashley River to the Cam River (by Pineacres), including through Woodend.

Walking and Cycling Network Plan – what do you think Look out for more information on the Let’s Talk page on the Council website at This is a longish-term plan which shows the proposed network of paths so people can cycle and walk around the District and your feedback is needed. So please get involved, find out more, get your questions answered at a drop-in session, and provide your views. There are two planned drop-in sessions in this area: • 8th June – 6pm to 7.30pm at the Woodend Community Centre • 23rd June – 6pm to 7.30pm at the Pegasus Community Centre Next meeting Monday 13 June starting at 6pm at the Woodend Community Centre. If you want to see what will be on the agenda go to or the Board Facebook page. Contact us - more information about the Board, and contact details for members is at Facebook: @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Email: Page 4 The Woodpecker June 2022

Woodend Methodist Church Report

Not a lot to report at present as we are still worshipping at the Rangiora Methodist Church at 10.30am on Sundays. The renovations at the Woodend Church and hall are progressing and at this stage we are hoping to occupy the buildings again in September 2022. The photo shows the new opening from the lounge into the

Church Hall. A Table-Top Sale is to be held on Saturday 11 June from 9am to midday at Rangiora Methodist Church, King Street. There will be cakes, preserves and plants etc for sale. Our new Minister Darryn Hickling is available on Tuesdays 12.00pm to 3pm, Wednesdays 9.45am to 1.45pm, Thursdays 11.00am to 2.00pm. Phone 313 3448.

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 5

Pegasus parkrun Winter is almost upon us, although you must admit it took a while to get here. Last year Pegasus parkrun started doing the alternate out and back course early in April to avoid frost on the flat bridge and Bobs Bridge. But finally, Jack Frost is here in Canterbury. And this makes the world’s simplest sport difficult – not many of us enjoy exercising outdoors in the cooler air! Winter is not great for our motivation, or our waistlines! The benefits or walking, jogging, or running are largely psychological. Getting outdoors keeps the dreaded Seasonal Affective Disorder at bay, while the rush of endorphins encourages us to make exciting choices that keep our chins up. So, what can we do to keep getting outside to get moving? Here are a few suggestions: Set a spring goal. Perhaps set yourself a target distance or event that you would like to achieve and focus on reaching your goal. Set yourself a monthly target and count it down. Having goals is important – they literally keep us on track! Parkrun is great for this – the 5k distance is a good target to aim for. Take your dog out for a run. You won’t want to let them down if they have been waiting to go out, and it’s great for the both of you! If you haven’t got a dog, ask a friend or maybe an elderly Page 6 The Woodpecker June 2022

neighbour whether they would like you to take their dog out for a fun run? Try to keep things new and interesting! Try new routes or new classes at the gym, mix the pace of your runs up. Even if you do not get out as often, cross training through the winter will still help your running. Also try mixing up the terrain – we live in a beautiful place, with meadows, rivers, hills, mountains, beaches, and lakes. The possibilities are endless. Find an exercise buddy! Find a running friend, maybe someone a little more experienced than you. It’s good to have some to gently push you and will make you want to run. It is also harder to break a running date. Parkrun can help for this too – the social, noncompetitive environment is supportive for walkers, joggers and runners alike. Dress appropriately. You don’t need the most flash gear but do make sure that it is fit for purpose. Your base layer should be made from moisturewicking material that pulls sweat away from your body. Avoid cotton! Keep waterproof and windproof. Keep your head warm, and wear gloves to keep your digits toasty. Join a local running group! You don’t have to be a fast runner to enjoy

the social, structured and safer runs a group environment can provide. Parkrun happens every Saturday at 7:50am by the swing bridge on Lake Pegasus. Everyone is welcome! Don’t let all your great work through the summer go to waste; a strong winter of training will mean a great year ahead. Coming along to parkrun helps. Being local, regular, and free it is an excellent place for you to keep moving every week. Pegasus parkrun happens every Saturday at 7:50am at Motu Quay. You should sign up before you come along. Visit and sign up for free barcode! Bring a copy of your barcode start having some Saturday fun!!!

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The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 7

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• Retaining walls & landscaping • Swimming pools & ponds • Excavation and cartage • Precast concrete • Insulated panels • Placing & Finishing

Daryl Power 027 230 9401 • Page 8 The Woodpecker June 2022

This month we will be graced by the shortest day of the year, and the beginning of winter. With this, the WCA have reflected on the groundwork achieved during the first part of the year and are excited to see many projects transform during the rest of 2022. The latest development on these include: WoodendKaiapoi Cycle, the local council will have a public consultation about the cycle way late May-June. Woodend Toilet Mural. With the success of Woodend School in the Resene Mural Competition, artists from Woodend Primary will alter portions of the design and submit to Waimak District Council for approval. Woodend Community Garden – still in the approval stages at the council. Highway issues – We have contacted James Caygill from Waka Kotahi (NZTA) about getting an update on

proposed work for Woodend and the surrounding Waimak area. Further information will be given as soon as we know. Woodend Beach playground and toilets redevelopment has potentially been brought forward to be completed in the next few years. A recent success that we would like to shout from the rooftops and what the WCA would like to acknowledge is the efforts of Jasper Rosewarne, who lobbied for new ‘reduce speed’ signage on Petries Road and was successful in getting this implemented. It’s superb to see the younger members of our community helping to make our streets safer. Well done, Jasper. Here is his story. “Hi. My name is Jasper Rosewarne. I am a student at Woodend School. Last year I did a petition on putting a speed limit sign on Petries Road. I did this because when walking home with my friends and sister, I noticed that the cars speed quite fast off the main road The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 9

and down Petries Road, where a lot of children and people walk. After getting 68 signatures I sent this to Kathy Graham, the Road safety Co-ordinator at the Waimakariri Council. She met with me in December to discuss my concerns and said she would definitely look into seeing what they could do. In early March the signs were put up! I was so pleased to see that. I want to thank Mike Crawford, Dan Rosewarne, Adrienne Simpson and Mark Paterson for all their help and guidance in making this happen.” To continue” getting to know the WCA team”, I would like to introduce Anna Scott who happens to write this monthly article, now you know. I was asked to join the Woodend Community Association a year ago and I was eager to do so from seeing the HUGE accomplishment they made in completing the cycle way from the beach, which has created a safer way for us to get to Woodend. I have been living at Woodend Beach for 20 + years and from working also in the Woodend community, I can see some potential changes in the area that will majorly benefit the daily lives of many. The more I become involved in the WCA, the more I see how every member has such valuable life skills Page 10 The Woodpecker June 2022

to help brainstorm, initiate and foster projects to help create a better community. As we speak, one of our projects that was once a dream for the beach residents, is now becoming an exciting reality. I really do suggest to anyone with any thoughts for our community, to join the association. For as little as 1 hour a month, you can create a lot of change. As the saying goes, “each one of us can make a difference, together we make change “. Now onto the other good stuff happening in our community. The members of the Woodend Community Association have noticed an increased amount of litter in our community, especially on Woodend Beach Road and Sandhills Road. So, with the moto of “many hands make light work” we organised a community rubbish collection on Sunday 22nd of May. This was an AMAZING success, with 10 + people participating in gathering rubbish for the morning. Thank you so so much to everyone that helped clean our community up. If you have any concerns or suggestions for the community and do not know where to start, contact the WCA via email at or call Mark

Paterson 027 534 9112. Just a reminder that we have a Woodend Food Pantry available to everyone, in the WASP carpark on the main road. If you have any spare fruit and veges, baked or tinned not perished goods – this is what the pantry is designed for. Please, no frozen, dairy or chilled products. Also, if you or another family are in need of food, have a look as there are regular drop offs during the week. We are always looking for households and business memberships to help support our projects and to also offer suggestions on how we can allocate our funds. You can find the membership forms at

or And one last big thank you to PAWS Vets for their continual support as our Platinum sponsor. The other businesses that have joined with WCA Business Memberships, who we would also like to thank for their support are, Menzshed NZ, Woodend Landscape Supplies, Canterbury Honda, PAWS, Woodend Automotive, Ravenswood NC, Motivation Design, Theresa Findlay. Thanks for reading our update. Have a fabulous month and we will be back with more in the July addition. The Woodend Community Association (WCA) team.

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 11

Women’s Institute

Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus

Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. Support

club activities but having fun and friendship. New members are very welcome. Dinner meetings on 3rd Thursday each month (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888. Page 12 The Woodpecker June 2022

This is a photo of one of our members Judith Chapman being presented with the North Canterbury Honours badge, by The President Ann Jelfs of the North Canterbury Federation of WI, with our President Mavis Elms looking on, this was at our April meeting. The other photo is of the other members with their Easter Bonnets on, that they made out of paper. This was a lovely meeting, and everyone had a great time. The May meeting we are going on an outing to Kaiapoi and having lunch at Riverlands Cafe. From left to right: Joan Quigley, Kathryn Hopkinson, Helen Power the winner, Mavis Elms, Janet Pearson, Ingrid Eck, and Judith Chapman. These are all members of the Pegasus Woodend WI. We have our meetings on the second Tuesday of each month, anyone interested could contact Mavis Elms on 03 312 7839.

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 13

Grab a FREE appraisal, dust off your passport & start dreaming about your adventure!

Dayan Muntz Sales Consultant M 021 432 926 E Kirstyn Barnett Sales Consultant M 021 312 230 E kirstynanddayan *Terms and Conditions apply | Licensed REAA 2008

Tūhaitara Coastal Park Update Te Aitanga Pepeke o Tūhaitara (The insects of Tūhaitara) Kia ora everyone, my name is Emily, I am a University of Canterbury student and a new member of the Tūhaitara Coastal Park ranger team. Multiple nations are taking weeks in the upcoming month of June to appreciate insects, so I thought I would showcase some examples of species that can be found at the park from fuzzy, to colourful, to creepy. Photo above: The humble bumblebee (pī rorohū) is an important pollinator species that Page 14 The Woodpecker June 2022

can be found in both your back yard and all over the park. Many of our bushes and trees are flowering species and require pollinators such as bees and birds to spread pollen so the plant species can produce fruit for frugivorous native birds. Photo above right: The nursery web spider (tuarahonu) is endemic to New Zealand, they are quaintly named for their ability to make nursery nests for their babies

on bushes, trees, and woody weeds within the park. Despite their ability to spin silk for making these nurseries, they do not catch their prey in webs, they are instead hunters at the peak of their insect food chain. Although they may seem to put the ‘creepy’ in ‘crawly’ they are very important members of their ecological community. They even help us by controlling populations of invasive species or pesky insects such as mosquitos and agricultural pests such as aphids. Photo Left: The blue damselfly (kēkēwai) is an important endemic species especially within a wetland system as they spend their childhood days as a larva in water until they emerge as dynamic fliers. They are a multifunctional species with responsibilities tied to pollination, seed dispersal, control of pest populations and eating of dead material. All these species have one thing in common that can help them, having a habitat that supports them in their

ability to feed themselves and have a place to live. Therefore, participating in one of our planting days can be your way of providing future habitat for these insects as well as birds and lizards that will eat them too. Our next community planting days are: Sunday 19 June - 10am - 12pm - Tūtaepatu Transect. Meeting point: Tūtaepatu trail. Entry into the park at the end of Tiritiri Moana Drive, Pegasus. Staff will be at the gate entrance to direct you. Friday 22 July - 10am - 12pm. Kaitiritiri Ridge. Pegasus. Meeting point: Corner of Infinity Drive and Solander Road, Pegasus. Sunday 31 July - 10am - 12pm. Tūtaepatu Transect. Meeting point: Tūtaepatu trail. Entry into the park at the end of Tiritiri Moana Drive, Pegasus. Staff will be at the gate entrance to direct you. Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 15

Mayor Dan Gordon Update

The cold weather is here but I’ve still been enjoying the last of the autumn sunshine and have been getting out to enjoy numerous events across the District over the last few weeks. Each year the Waimakariri District Council celebrates the people who have made great contributions to the Waimakariri District. Now in their 30th year (the 2021 ceremony was suspended due to Covid-19), the Waimakariri Community Service Awards formally recognise the substantial commitment of the unsung heroes who work quietly in the background making our community a better place to live. Last week we held the ceremony for the award recipients who were joined by their family, friends and supporters. This year there were two Mayor’s Award recipients, and 11 people received a Community Service Award; among those there were three couples. A new award category, a Business Award, was established. There were also two awards presented during the year (to see more about the award recipients visit www.waimakariri.govt. nz). We are fortunate to have a District full of passionate people who Page 16 The Woodpecker June 2022

dedicate themselves and their time to the betterment of Waimakariri. While I know many do so because of their passion for the community, it’s important we thank and celebrate them and their significant contributions. It is the least we can do, on behalf of a grateful community, to say thanks to people who go the extra mile to give outstanding service. As you will have read recently, we are disappointed that the Government has pressed on with its Three Waters Reform without making any substantial change. As part of ‘Communities 4 Local Democracy’ we had developed a 10-point plan which we presented to Minister Nanaia Mahuta that the Government could have partnered and worked with us on. The overwhelming majority of Councils don’t support the direction the Government is headed in Three Waters. Our efforts now turn to the Parliamentary Select Committee process and when submissions open I encourage you to submit and let Members of Parliament know what you think. As always, I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you may want to discuss. Email me at dan.gordon@wmk.govt. nz or phone 021 906 437. I’m here to help.





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St Barnabas Church Update

We’ve been able to re-establish more of our routines this month and it has been great to see people returning to our congregations who haven’t been for a while! Sadly there are some folks who still find it necessary to stay away. You are missed and we look forward to when you can come back. It has been a delight to resume our Music And Play sessions and see those little smiling faces again. We hope our preschool children and their caregivers are enjoying it too! Remember, our preschool Music And Play sessions are held on Wednesdays at 10 am, here at St Barnabas church. We have also started something new – English Country Dancing! Running weekly, at 7.30pm on Thursdays, it sounds like a lot of fun.

We are very grateful to be able to support one another and worship together again. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for anyone new – so if you want to come and see what we are all about, or you haven’t been for a while and are thinking of coming back, we would love to welcome you! In the meantime, enjoy the sun when it shines, stay warm and stay healthy!

Do you have a story to tell?

We would love to hear our readers’ stories. If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers. Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story Funny story Send us a photo too!

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 17

Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer days

Wednesday 11am - 1pm and the last Saturday of the month 10am - 11.30am Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook

Ever thought of advertising in The Woodpecker?

Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services? Please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates. You can be an occasional or recurring advertiser, the latter securing your place each month. Email our Editor Debs on debs. Page 18 The Woodpecker June 2022

Tiger Shuttles Ltd

Tiger Shuttles is a friendly, professional, locally owned shuttle company providing transport for small and larger groups to any destination of your choice at competitive rates including door-todoor service Bookings are essential! Available for: Airport Transfers; Work Functions; Wine Tours; Restaurants & Bars; Weddings; Golf Outings; Concerts Hospital / Doctor ACC approved We go Anywhere |Anytime!! Call, text or email anytime for a free quote 027 739 8251 or 03 312 8803

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 19

NORTH CANTERBURY From Tuesday 7 June our office will be operating on slightly reduced hours over the winter months. We will be open between 9.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday until further notice. Our recent campaign to recruit new volunteers was a great success and our latest cohort is undergoing several weeks of induction training. Towards the end of June, they will start working with their mentors in the office, putting theory into practice. We’re delighted to welcome them to our team. To give you an idea of some of the questions we deal with on a daily basis, here are some examples. How do I check if I am due a tax refund without paying someone to do it? Can I put up a boundary fence without talking to my neighbour? Our flat is cold and damp. What should we do? Where can I find a Justice of the Peace? Can I claim for the cost of damage or

Page 20 The Woodpecker June 2022

loss resulting from a power outage? Can a landlord advertise a rental property without stating the rent amount? My mobile phone has been stolen. What should I do? How do I dispose of used batteries safely? How long does it take for money to be transferred when I make an electronic payment? How should I talk to my creditor about having trouble with my debt repayments? What is the phone number of a new retailer in Rangiora? How should I dispose of used light bulbs? Is a verbal agreement with a friend legally enforceable? As you can see, no question is too big or too small. If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. All our services are free and confidential. You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email

PEGASUS RADIO SAILING CLUB Find us on and Facebook

International One Metres (IOMs)

Spectators Always Welcome Dragon Flite 95s (DF 95s)

We race most Sundays, and in the Pegasus sunshine on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Boats will be on the water on other days when a one or more skippers feel like a sail.

Pegasus Radio Sailing Club 2022 Highlights To Come

June Sunday 19 – DF 95 Club Championship 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Sunday 26 – Matariki “Steering By The Stars” 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm July Sunday 3 – Winter Medal Day 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Sunday 24 – PRSC Marathon Race 11:30 am – 3:00 pm Sunday 31 – Inter Club Team Racing Challenge 11:30 am – 3:00 pm August Sunday 14 – PRSC Match Racing Championship 11:30 am – 3:00 pm Sunday 21 – Winter Medal Day and Club AGM 11:30 am – 3:00 pm Sunday 28 – DF 95 Training Day 11:30 am – 3:00 pm September Sunday 11 – IOM Training Day 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Sunday 18 – IOM Club Championship 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Weekend 24 / 25 – IOM Canterbury Championship – on Lake Pegasus October Thursday 13 to Sunday 16 – IOM National Championship – on Lake Pegasus Sunday 23 – Canterbury J Class Invitation Day 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Wednesday 26 – DF 95 Spring Twilight Series 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Sunday 30 – Spring Medal Day 10:30 am – 3:00 pm November Sunday 6 – DF 95 Club Championship 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Wednesday 9 – DF 95 Spring Twilight Series 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Friday 11 to Sunday 13 – DF 95 National Championship – on Lake Pegasus Wednesday 16 – DF 95 Spring Twilight Series 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Sunday 20 – IOM Club Championship 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Wednesday 23 – DF 95 Spring Twilight Series 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Sunday 27 – Spring Medal Day 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Wednesday 30 – DF 95 Spring Twilight Series 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm December Sunday 4 – EC 12 Class Invitation Day 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Wednesday 7 – DF 95 Spring Twilight Series 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Sunday 11 – PRSC Closing Day and Annual Prize Giving 10:30 am – 3:00 pm

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 21

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Page 22 The Woodpecker June 2022

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury

Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury would like to give a BIG shout out to Te Puna Tahua, the NZ Lottery Grants Board, for continuing to support its youth mentoring programme. The Lottery Grants Board distributes the profits made from New Zealand state lotteries, such as Lotto and Instant Kiwi, for the benefit of New Zealand communities.

Big Brothers Big Sisters has been a

grateful recipient of Lotto funding for many years, and Jasmine (pictured) thinks it’s pretty cool that Te Puna Tahua played a BIG part in matching her with her Mentor, Lauran! Get in touch today to find out more about becoming a Mentor or other ways you can help support North Canterbury’s most vulnerable tamariki 03 310 7004

OPEN DAILY 10am - 4pm

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 23

Located overlooking Lake Pegasus, The Good Home is positioned perfectly to capture all day sun with views across the lake and the hills beyond, it is simply a stunning and unique setting that you will never want to leave.

62 Pegasus Main St, Pegasus For details or reservations phone 03 967 6891 Or visit

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Lo y c al lu t b y




The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 25

Page 26 The Woodpecker June 2022

RONEL’S COMMUNITY CUPPA JUNE SPEAKER: CHRIS BROWN, WDC COMMUNITY & RECREATION MGR The June cuppa will have a British High Tea theme in celebration of the Queen's Jubilee and birthday. Feel free to dress up for the occasion! Chris Brown, Community & Recreation Manager for the Council, will be our guest speaker at the Community Cuppa on Friday 3rd June. Chris’ areas of responsibility include pools, libraries, community facilities, parks and reserves and the community team. There will be time for questions, so please join us at 10.30am, grab your (free) cuppa and cake and prepare to be informed. MAY CUPPA At the May Cuppa Greg Byrnes gave an update on what’s been happening in the Tuhaitara Coastal Park and answered questions. Greg is always a popular speaker and we were very pleased to see several first-time Cuppa attendees who came especially to listen to him speak (though Greg thought everyone had Rex Anglem & Greg Byrnes from the Te Kōhaka o come especially to hear him ). Tūhaitara Trust doing the Good Home Pegasus

Greg brought 3 of the park staff with voucher draw. him to the Cuppa and also did our lucky prize draw. A very deserving Rex from the Park team won the Good Home Gastropub Pegasus voucher. Having donated some cards and field guides for the lucky draw, Greg then managed to randomly draw the tickets of 3 of his park teammates (including himself)! The winners of the cards and fieldguides were redrawn after great hilarity! CUPPA CHANGES Please note that from July Ronel’s Community Cuppa will move back to the second Wednesday of the month. The new start time will be 10am. This change is being made to accommodate the many requests from people unable to attend the current Friday timeslot.

Ronel’s Community Cuppa for Pegasus Residents 10.30am, Friday 3rd June – British High Tea Theme Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, near Flat White Café

June Speaker: Chris Brown, WDC Community & Recreation Manager Great Food – Great Fun – Great Information – Great to See You! Free of Charge and All Pegasus Residents Welcome!

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 27

Menzshed Ticking Along

These last few months of good weather have provided perfect conditions for the ongoing development of the shed. The recently added containers (strategically painted green to blend in) have enabled us to create indoor materials storage facilities and start setting up a basic engineering workshop. Some of the guys are currently refurbishing a Centre Lathe which has recently been donated. During May Waimakariri District Council kindly formed a road entrance as part of their project to resurface the Gladstone Park parking areas, and we completed an all-weather surface adjacent to the concrete pad in front of the Shed and around the containers. Not to mention the brilliant macrocarpa picnic table now located out the front for the all-important tea breaks. We have been busy with a mixture of projects this year so far, including some community work, various projects for local residents to raise funds, and our members are often working on their own jobs. Having access to specialist equipment and friendly skilled assistance on hand helps to get good results. We would like to give a thumbs up to Topmaq who kindly gave us a new hose reel after ours was stolen a few weeks Page 28 The Woodpecker June 2022

back. Also, to the knuckleheads who broke the chain on the road-gate last week and proceeded to do wheelies around the shed and on the park grounds, you need grow up and get a life!!! We are always on the lookout for materials. If you have any surplus timber, wood panels, screws, bolts, nails or other hardware that you do not want we will generally be happy to take it off your hands. Any builders with left over site materials, please give us a call and we will pick them up. Better to repurpose materials than toss them. OPEN DAY Saturday 2 July – pencil in this date! We are planning an Open Day, in conjunction with the Rugby Club’s Club Day, at the shed, for local people to come and have a look at what we are up to. Bring along any items you would like us to have a look at repairing and we will see what we can do. More on this closer to the time. We are keen to see some new faces at the shed. The shed is open Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.30am to 1.00pm, so come along and for a look-see or a cuppa (11.00am). Alternatively send us an email menzshedpegasuswoodend@gmail. com or call Derrick 022 436 5960 or John 021 347 805. And remember, “A day without laughter is a day wasted” Charlie Chaplin

Rangiora Toy Library need YOU!

Our annual AGM meeting is being held next month and both our President and Vice President are needing to step down. These roles are vital in keeping our toy library up and running. If we cannot fill these roles we will have to close. Join a fun, relaxed, enthusiastic committee and team who will help and support you to run the library. Intrigued? Flick us an email at for further info and job descriptions. These roles are voluntary and have no exact hours. Perfect to fit around the family. Committee meetings are held once a month at our premises. Alternatively, feel free to give our current president Tabitha a call on 027 308 6095 if you would like to know more.

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 29

Rangiora Church Street Market

Saturday 4 June 9.30am - 1pm. Cnr Church Street & 353 High Street Cafe, BBQ, books, clothing and car boot sales. Hosted by Anglican Parish of Rangiora.

Rangiora Wool Craft Group

(Vaccinated group) 10am-2pm, 2nd and 4th Monday of the month Bring own cup, food and drink Brass Band Hall, Northbrook Studios, Northbrook Road

An Un Stable Experice - Cont’d from Page 2 She thought back to the day she when the idea had come to her, and how excited she had been. She had been greatly saddened by the harsh conditions under which many, many, many people were forced to labour. The long hours, the meagre wagers, were enough to bring her to tears. But she had not just looked on in pity. She had formed a plan to start a business in which the workers were paid well and worked reasonable hours. Yet now it looked like the business would be an utter failure. As she sat, alone, and quietly, in the small dark room, thinking of her problems, she fingered her rosary beads. She gently touched the cross, and then clasped it to herself. She prayed, silently and fervently. Then, she realised that what proceeded from the business did not matter so much as what she had put in. She realised that even if the business failed, what mattered was that she had tried her very best.

Woodpecker Deadline

Kaiapoi Community Patrol

We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling. Full training given. If interested, please contact Bill 021 146 2136. All volunteers are required to be vetted by police Page 30 The Woodpecker June 2022

The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive. Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5pm of deadline sent out to all contributors, advertisers and community contributors as a reminder. To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out.

Look who found Mr Woody last month! Leon Mathew – Aged 11 – Ravenswood (right) Lily Squires – Aged 9 – Woodend (bottom left) Noah Nortje – Aged 10 – Pegasus (below middle)

Mum said Noah Nortje was adamant to find Mr Woody this time round as his 5-year old sister found him last month! Can you find Mr Woody this month?

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 31

This Month with Harry

More on my life so far. On the 28 May 1969, to avoid the rise in holiday charges we crossed the English Channel in our newly acquired Vauxhall Viva. Straws were drawn when we arrived at Calais as to who was going to have first go at driving the right-hand drive on the right side of the road. I won the privilege!! As it was late in the day we booked into a bed and breakfast in a little village between Calais and Paris. The proprietor was very welcoming as it turned out a detachment of kiwi soldiers had been billeted at his parent’s home during the last war. Another feature of this first night on the continent was our wonderment at why they needed a large urinal with taps next to the toilet. We had never seen a bidet before! We spent four days doing the sights of Paris before heading down the coast towards Spain, passing through Orleans where Joan of Arc had a heated moment, and Bordeaux. Crossing into Spain at San Sebastian we had a couple of days at Bilbao, then onto Madrid across the Spanish meseta. It was here that we were to have the first of our unforgettable moments with the local police. There were several on this trip. Coming around a corner we were met by a young boy running after a heavily laden donkey. It was clear that the naughty donkey had done a runner on him. Showing great presence of mind, we hopped out and arrested the wayward animal. As soon as he had regained his breath it was obvious the youngster was very grateful although none of us spoke each other’s language. We took photos and distributed some Page 32 The Woodpecker June 2022

lollies and a souvenir plastic tiki. Wearing this around his neck, we assured him, would make donkeys run towards him instead of away. It was halfway through this sojourn a couple of policemen, resplendent in their daft hats, turned up on a motorbike. Like all policemen world wide they turn up when you don’t need them. They proceeded to interrogate the youngster who was obviously terrified of them. Of course, they got nowhere with us. They checked the boy’s bag and the stuff we had given him. We explained that if a policeman looked too long at a tiki it would give him a bad dose of diarrhoea, but it was lost in translation. From Madrid it was west to Portugal and the first border hiccup. New Zealanders needed a visa to visit Portugal. We returned to the Spanish guard again and it was here we came across another first. He wasn’t that keen on issuing temporary visas but the sight of a few pesetas being waved under his nose helped to change his mind. It must be remembered that before the European union some of the countries were very poor and even the authorities were not unappreciative of a little gratuity. From Lisbon we drove south back into Spain and onto Gibraltar via Seville and Cadiz. Gibraltar was a fascinating place with tunnels and monkeys etc. From Gibraltar we followed the coast to Barcelona camping at various beaches on the way. At Barcelona we attended the obligatory bullfight. Although I consider myself a hard person, scared of no man and not many women, I never want to see another bullfight. After leaving Barcelona we digressed

for the feeling

- physical and mental wellness

GYM NOVICES WELCOME Feet fitter / stronger / healthier

Great new member care programme Rangiora - 313 0909 Kaiapoi - 327 7250

a little and visited Andorra. A small principality high in the Pyrenees it relies on beautiful leatherwork and stamps for it’s GDP. Well worth a sighting if you are going that way. The French riviera was another eye-opener for us shy kiwi boys. At some of the beaches we camped the ladies were so poor they could only afford the bottom half of their bikinis. However, this didn’t worry us as we only looked at their faces. Well, most of the time we only looked at their faces!! Our English boss advised us to get off the beaten track a little when in Italy. This we did but still made way for the regular sight such as Pisa, Florence, Rome and Naples. Most of the villages had a fair smattering of older folk who had vivid memories of the Kiwis during the war. Anywhere near Casino the guys from the Māori Battalion were

still remembered by the locals. We drove as far south as Pompeii before turning north up the east coast passing through San Marino and crossing the Po River. And along with countless others over the years we all had a celebratory pee in it. From Venice we made our way west to the Swiss border via Milan. Although poor the Italians were a friendly bunch and the food was great especially the pizzas which were another first. It was at this time the Israeli - Egyptian war got going and we found getting news on this scrap pretty hard. However, we were to learn later a 21st birthday cake my mother sent was on one of two cargo boats sunk during this war. We entered Switzerland via the Saint Golthard pass which was a real eyeopener. However, Veronica viva handled it well and to date hadn’t missed a beat. After a few days taking in the alpine sights, we moved on to Austria, another hilly outfit. At Innsbruck we did another small diversion north to Munich. And as everybody knows when in Munich you visit the Hoffbrau Haus. TBC JH

Dancewear & Alterations

For all your costume needs, Clothing alterations and Repairs Call Paula 027 627 7212 Check us out on Facebook

Kids Bikes

Pete refurbishes kids bikes and donates them to charity. Got one you don’t want? Please call or text Pete on 021 2021 827 and he will collect it. The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 33

Community Foot Care Clinic

held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment.


Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker!

Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.

SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St (by the Flat White Cafe). All Welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group; join us for a cuppa after class!

Want 1/8th advertising space?

That’s this size! Email Debs on:

Your Property Matchmaker I'll find someone to fall in love with your home so you can focus on your next move! Get in touch 021 105 6877

Lime Real Estate Ltd Licensed REA 2008

Page 34 The Woodpecker June 2022

Susan Mullink

NEW PATIENTS WELCOME – we have opened our books for new enrolments (maybe subject to waiting list). Please note you will enrol with the practice not an individual doctor, we encourage to book in advance to see your doctor of choice. You can print the enrolment form off online and drop into us with ID or pick up a form from us. WEBSITE – Our website is updated regularly, please take a few mins to check out our news and new staff profiles. FLU VACCINES we continue to offer flu vaccines in practice, we have had a great uptake to date. Please call us for an appointment with the nurse. More information can be found on our website regarding eligibility for subsidised vaccine. If not subsidised the cost is $35. MEASLES – is one of the most infectious diseases in humans. It is also known by the name’s English measles, morbilli and rubeola. Measles is now the third most common vaccine-preventable cause of death among children throughout the world. The MMR vaccine, given on time (two doses) is the best way to prevent measles. For more information see or . There is no cost for this vaccine. We will be recalling children enrolled with us as measles is a problem in NZ right now and particularly in Auckland, MOH are predicting a measles outbreak. ONLINE BOOKINGS - We encourage patients to register and use ‘Manage My Health’ portal. You can use it for booking a phone or in person consultation, seeing your results, recalls and to request repeat prescriptions. If you need assistance to register with MMH, please contact our reception team who will be happy to help. If you have any issues with MMH, contact You can download the app from the App store or Google Play, or our website EMAIL CORRESSPONDENCE – Emails are our preferred method of contact for reminders about; accounts, screening tests you are due for like smears, mammograms, blood pressure checks, immunisations etc. Please ensure we have your email address and let us know if your contact details have changed. NEW DOCTOR - Dr Rachel Fok Hello, greetings from Singapore! I completed my medicine degree with Duke NUS Graduate Medical School and have been a doctor for ten years now. I felt it was time for a change and to pursue an opportunity to work and live in a beautiful country like New Zealand. I am trained in Family Medicine and wish to contribute my skills and experience to provide quality care to the local community. I am an avid hiker and regularly do hiking trips around the world (including Peru, South Korea, Nepal and Indonesia). I enjoy nature and landscape photography too. I have been a houseplant enthusiast for the past two years. I find it to be a calming and therapeutic experience to watch my plants grow and thrive under my care.

If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. If you have an urgent /acute condition, do not use Manage My Health, call us to speak to a nurse. ________________________________________________________________________________ 52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 35


NEWS THIRD TIME LUCKY We love parties! And we've fallen in love with live bands recently! Thanks to everyone who came and rocked the dance floor for "The Kingsmen" in May! We'd originally booked our friends Allin Drive Band (good locals!) pre-lockdown. Then the lockdowns happened. We booked them in again... then they caught the spicy flu! But in an incredible twist of fate - they introduced us to "The Kingsmen" who played in their place and seriously rocked the Dancefloor! So, third time lucky, our good mates the Allin Drive Band are here Sat August 13th from 9pm!



PArty time!

BOok a table or coach now! SICK OF COOKING? Just before the first Lockdown, Jay, Kerry & Steve from Five Stags saw a need for frozen meals that could be ordered online and shipped nationwide. Since then they've shipped literally hundreds of thousands of meals... Mostly to Auckland.. (What!) They now have a goal to give their locals so they've started promoting their Fresh Chef product in North Canterbury.

WANT THESE IN YOUR FREEZER? Visit Page 36 The Woodpecker June 2022

Phone: 03 312 8387

Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm 138 Main North Road, Woodend

Call for an appointment to meet Lynda & the team For more information or to book online visit

Welcoming, experienced and personal service


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garden tool set worth $350

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Details in clinic



The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 37


GLADSTONE PARK ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 Kaiapoi & Pegasus Croquet Club Captain: Adrienne Lamb 921 2895

LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS 943 4935 MENZSHED PEGASUS & WOODEND COMMUNITY TRUST Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805 MUSIC AND PLAY Meaghan 027 392 6409 NORTH CANTERBURY WOODCRAFT CLUB Merv Laws 021 237 7105 David Crawford 027 341 0246 Pegasus Brownies PEGASUS BROWNIES PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE TEAM Email: PEGASUS MONDAY MORNING WALKING GROUP Christine Johnston 021 179 7330 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RANGIORA BRIDGE CLUB 03-3137941

Page 38 The Woodpecker June 2022

RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253 Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612 THE ASHLEY LODGE Norme Shore - Secretary THE LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND-PEGASUS President John Canton 310 8157 Secretary Anne Attenborough 313 6124 Youth Centre Brian Attenborough 313 6124 TIMEBANK WAIMAKARIRI Email: 021 0265 4071 Website: Facebook: timebankwaimakariri TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL 313 2141 preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool WAIKUKU BEACH SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Danelle Asher WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Gill Beale 310 6612 Secretary Phil Harris 327 6553 WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Kris Stacey


WOODEND FLOWER SHOW President Shirley Wheeler 03 327 3414 Secretary Helen Power 313 5749 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120


WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President John Fortster 327 3681 Secretary Jo Reid 03 310 6164

WOODEND RUGBY CLUB Senior Club Captain, Matthew McLeod 027 722 8011 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker 021 267 1429

WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Brenda Batchelor 313 9556 Secretary Lynn Oliff 310 0575 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Simone Templeton 027 514 8363 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389 Club Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH Minister Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 027 787 5365 Secretary Vicki Attrill 021 244 1881 WOODEND PLAY CENTRE 027 353 2131 Facebook: woodendplaycenter

WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson WOODEND SENIOR CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963 WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 021 1311 780 WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640

Attention Advertisers and Community Groups

Are you part of a group which you would like to promote? Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves? Do you have any community stories you would like to share? Have you any information or notices you would like to share? YES? We would love to hear from you!

NEXT ISSUE JULY 2022 Deadline for advertisements and community articles is 25 June 2022 The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: thewoodpecker4 Email: Call: 021 863 877 Post: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648 The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 39


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Pegasus in Autumn - Bob Nimmo

(Best read around groups of two or three lubricated by a fine Chablis.) Tis the season of mellow with foliage yellow And mosaics of leaves ‘neath our feet; Those dawns richly red, skeins of ducks overhead, Why, in Pegasus Autumn’s replete. The magpies are diving, feijoas are thriving, The cats they are doing all over; Still it’s mighty refreshing when trees are redressing: Makes yah feel that yah trippin’ through clover. And if those leaves falling are berms and lawns spoiling, Take a rake and they’ll soon disappear; But never refuse the bountiful hues That are gifted at this time of year. Lord Alfred would sigh: “Let dying Page 40 The Woodpecker June 2022

leaves lie!” (If he’d lived around here, bet he wouldn’t!) While the wind from the east, that merciless beast, Sends shivers up places it shouldn’t. Sharp phalanxes fly ‘cross a gravelly sky As thin bands of cirrus streak east; Two Canadian geese, black javelins apiece, Provide a visual and audible feast. And the weathermen dither as the last blossoms wither, And we know ‘cross th’ horizon hangs ice; But tis hardly a bummer this Indian summer, So let’s savour this flick of the dice. We’ve tightened our locks and turned back the clocks, Confusing the dogs, cats and kittens; But ahead lies a reckoning, those long-

johns are beckoning, So we’re swapping loose frocks for warm mittens. Hark, hark tis the lark! Oh no, tis the bark Of those wandering poochies and mutts; Course it could be a goonie or out of tune loonie, Don’t forget tis the season of nuts! But isn’t it a blast to hear planes sweeping past And know that we’re open again; Two years have been tough but enough is enough And it’s time to move on past the pain. Still prices go up and there’re cracks in our cup, It’s inflation, though experts can’t judge it. But rather than groan or find someone to stone, Be best if we learned how to budget.

Our community’s strong and you’ll feel you belong When you meet and you greet ‘long the way; Like enjoying a chase at Cassandra’s place Or a cuppa with David and Kay. Feel the aroha spill and bouquets of goodwill In the front yard of Martin and Jill; Get a tall tale from Stew and a nifty hair-do That would even give werewolves a thrill. Admire dahlias and fuchsias, near Kevin and Lucia’s, Or just chew on the play of the day. P’raps a neighbourly natter ‘bout a seasonal matter With Beverley, Mandy and Faye. If you’re looking for pals meet up at Ronel’s Where the coffee and gossip are rich;

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 41


1 High Street, Rangiora 03 313 1733

support local, shop local Tis fine for a break with a cuppa and cake And a great place to settle an itch! Hey, you fancy a bite? Check out our Flat White Or at Good Home partake of a steak; And after indulging, should you find yourself bulging, Gird up and take awf round the lake; You’ll get rid of those bumps and unwarranted lumps Be surprised by the new friends you’ll make. Our gardeners are fleet, so their borders are neat, Thus seasonal life is bucolic; And those fellows in blue are a big part of our crew But the light-fingered Freddies still frolic. For I fear you will find not ev’ryone’s kind, There are some who just don’t seem to care; When generous elves fill community shelves Page 42 The Woodpecker June 2022

With produce they’re able to spare, Some rotten old grot up and snaffles the lot: (He’s clearly not learned how to share.) Yet still there is much that keeps us in touch, Confirming our world’s pretty neat: Boys bouncing footballs off unwelcoming walls, While girls skip and trip to their beat; Then older than sucklings, a line of black ducklings Giggle their way down the street. Our kids’ laughter rings from the slides and the swings And new mothers rock babies nearby; The oldies share tales (some bigger than whales) And hopscotch in chalk draws a sigh. Overseeing our nest are some of the best, Who balance both choler and phlegm; Our Councillors smart have the Waimak at heart,

Some call them la creme de la creme. Our worthy MP’s a right doozy who sees His constituents never come last; His talents are real (he can even repeal Legislation that hasn’t been passed.) Three cheers for our mayor who pops up everywhere, And exerts himself more than he oughta; He listens and learns ‘bout ratepayers’ concerns And is sure to keep taps on our water. We saw Anzac again and remembered the pain Our forefathers suffered to gift us The freedoms we love, so Heavens above, Let’s enjoy and have Pegasus lift us! In the still of the night, ‘neath the pale moon’s half-light, You’ll hear the comforting hum of the

sea; While the mountains don capes like fluffy white crepes And the far purpling hills beckon free. So c’mon, Pegasites, time to tighten yer tights And gird up your loins (or whatever.) Though temperatures fall, we can still have a ball, Remember we’re in this together!

TimeBank Waimakariri

TimeBank Waimakariri is a community of people who help each other by sharing services, skills, talents and knowledge. To find out more email Mandy or visit

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 43

RESULTS OF THE RESIDENTS SURVEY We had a successful AGM in May where we presented the results of our 2022 Pegasus Residents’ Survey. We will provide a summary from our AGM in next issue of the Woodpecker. In the meantime, the results of the survey will be available on our website in early June. We will advise when it is available via our Facebook page. NEW PEGASUS, WOODEND & RAVENSWOOD MAP Keep an eye out for our new Pegasus Woodend & Ravenswood residents map which is hot off the press! You can pick up a copy from the Pegasus Community Centre, Ravenswood New World supermarket and Flat White Café in Pegasus. The map will be updated as new subdivisions come on stream and an online version will shortly appear on the PRGI website. Website:

Page 44 The Woodpecker June 2022

MATARIKI COMMUNITY EVENT – SAVE THE DATE! To celebrate Matariki, we have organised a community event on the new public holiday, Friday, 24 June. We are still confirming a few details but please mark the event in your diary. One special activity we can share is a night walk around the wetlands with Greg Brynes, General Manager of Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust (note: weather dependent). We will also be running a free sausage sizzle to help keep you warm! WHEN: Friday, 24 June TIMES: TBC WHERE: Pegasus Community Centre PEGASUS COMMUNITY WATCH UPDATE

Please remember that our volunteer Community Watch does not do the job of the Police. If you have security concerns or see dangerous or Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

suspicious activity, please contact the police by dialling 111 (threat to life or property) or 105 (after the event). Volunteers needed: We are looking for more patrol volunteers, email us if you are interested to join. To learn more about what is involved, please visit our website. THANK YOU TO OUR MEMBERS

We would like to thank our members who have renewed for another year. A very warm welcome to our new members joining us this year. Thank you all for your support – we very much appreciate it. If you would like to become a member, please visit our website, and fill in the form. The membership fee is just $15.00 per household per year and helps us to meet our running costs which are not covered by our fundraising or grant applications. Website:

COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS On Monday's 2 - 4pm, Wednesday's and Saturday's 10.00am - 12noon, our friendly PCC volunteers open the community centre to provide free books and jigsaws via our Community Book Cave, and access to information about Pegasus and the district. To learn what is on at the cente this month, visit our website for our monthly Calendar of Events. JP SERVICES IN JUNE AT THE CENTRE JP drop-in sessions this month are: Saturday 4th and 18th June from 10.30am – 11.30am. No appointment necessary. Please remember to bring a copy of your identification if you require it, as the JP does not have a photocopier at the centre. FOLLOW OUR FACEBOOK PAGE

To stay up to date, like our Facebook page @PegasusResidentsGroupInc . Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 45


THE END OF AN ERA Robbie Boyd – More than 30 years of Service to Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade A Retirement Function was held for Senior Station Officer Robbie Boyd on Saturday 14th May. After 30+ years, Friday the 13th May was Robbies’ last day and incidentally it just happened to be his 65th Birthday. This is a milestone that very few fire personnel achieve, particularly on a Voluntary basis and we thought this article may help other young people decide it would be something they would like to do. Robbie tells us that when he came to Woodend, he wanted to be involved in some way; to be part of the Community; meet like-minded people and at the same time help out in some way. There was a Member by the name of Ted Pearce, who lived opposite, and after inviting him to come along, Robbie was hooked. His wife Carol, was more than encouraging and keen for him to give it a go and over the ensuing years, she was very proud of the difference he was able to make.

Above ; Robbie Boyd

We asked him about the Memorable Calls he had gone to, but when you’ve attended over 90% of the calls in 30 years, it becomes a huge list and it has to be said that he has attended all the major incidents that Woodend have been called out to.

To name a few, you couldn’t go past the Christchurch Earthquake, where Woodend was one of the first appliances to arrive in Christchurch – to be sent to the Cathedral, the CTV Building and City Mall, Cashel Street. We remember Robbie being sent into the Cathedral to look for any people that may need rescuing. Many days following were spent immediately after the Quake, with relief work and a lot of time was spent away from his business, but he was more than willing to lend a hand. Other Calls:- The Port Hills Fire; Interior Timbers in Southbrook; McAlpines in Rangiora; Daikens; Kaiapoi Plastics Factory; Sutherlands Saw Mill; Kaikanui Shops; Patience and Nicholson Tools and of course recently Sutton Tools to name a few. There were 5 or 6 big fires out at McLeans Island; Beach and Scrub fires; Numerous House, Garage Fires, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Medical Calls. Robbie has an Upholstery Business in central Woodend (a stone throw from the Station) and this has allowed him to be able to attend most of the daytime calls. Without him at times, the Brigade would have been running short crewed. He said it definitely had impacted on his business over the years, but felt a sense of duty which he was more than willing to perform and that was more important to him than his business. He has pretty much attended 100% of Trainings on Monday Nights, allowing for the odd sickness and holiday. As in all Organisations, there have been ups and downs, but Robbie wanted it to be known that the good far outweighed the bad.

Robbie and his wife Carol put plans in place 7or 8 years ago for the very day he turned 65. Unfortunately, Carol passed away nearly 2 years ago, but Robbie decided he wanted to stick to those plans. He has 2 wonderful Grandchildren to fuss over and his minder dog, Buster needs a lot of exercise to keep up with Robbie!! He feels it is time for the younger Members to step up and we do have some very capable people who have been trained by Robbie and ready to try and fill those big boots. Finally, he wanted to wish the Brigade well with all their endeavours in the future.

Page 46 The Woodpecker June 2022

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The Woodpecker June 2022 Page 47

We at PAWS VETS are proud of our commitment and Nurse Jayne Vet Nick Deane and Nurse Mel Deane continued care to our local family pets. Supporting local events, schools and community is important to us as a locally owned family business.

We thank you too for supporting us over the past 6 years. We are still at 71 Main North Road, Woodend.

CONTACTS: PHONE: 03 312 2669 EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays 24 hour emergency service available to registered clients- phone: 03 312 26694 hrs emergency cover for registered clients phone 033122669 Page 48 The Woodpecker June 2022

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