The Woodpecker Community Trust held its Annual General Meeting on 15 May. We were fortunate to have some visitors come along for the meeting, which included Mayor Dan Gordon, a deliverer, and a former advertiser. We elected two new members and said a fond farewell to Ian Lennie who stood down from his current role as Chair and Trustee, formerly Treasurer. Ian joined the board in 2017 as a Trustee, a year later became Treasurer and later Chair & Treasurer for a time with his role being Chair for the last year. An active and committed member of the board applying a prudent process to ensure as a Trust we are financially sustainable. Ian was presented with a voucher from The Good Home as a vote of thanks. We wish Ian well and thank him for his support over the last seven years.
Board Members this year consist of:
• Mark Paterson – Chair & WCA
Representative & Woodend & Ravenswood Distributor
• Heidi Wood – Vice Chair & PRGI
• Nicole Graham - Treasurer
• Debs Taylor-Hayhurst - Secretary & Editor
• Andrew Retallick – Woodend
Primary School Representative
• Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst – Pegasus & Waikuku Distributor
• John Canton – Lions of Pegasus & Woodend Representative
Newly elected Board Members:
• Ger van Hees (incoming Woodend & Ravenswood Distributor)
• Jonathan Chua
We are pleased to welcome some new advertisers and it’s always our continued pleasure to promote community groups, clubs and good causes. We are blessed to have so many who provide voluntary roles for the better of others.
Once again, we have a 56-page publication, full of interesting and informative news as well as promoting local businesses.
The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’
Ngā mihi nui
Debs Taylor-Hayhurst
The Editor – Woodpecker debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
DISCLAIMER: All efforts are made to verify the correctness of information contained within this publication; however, The Woodpecker Community Trust accept no liability for the correctness or accuracy of any information contained within these pages. Any views, information or opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily the opinions or views of The Woodpecker Community Trust or any of its providers.
Our 2024 Pegasus Residents' Survey is open. Held every two years, this survey helps us understand how our residents feel about living in our community and gather feedback on important issues It only takes a few minutes to complete and is open until Sunday, 9th June. The results will be shared at our PRGI Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, 24th July.
Complete it online or scan our QR Code here or via posters around the community.
Alternatively, complete a printed version (delivered to residents’ letterboxes in May), or pick one up from: - Pegasus Community Centre - The Good Home Pegasus
- Pegasus Vets
- Pegasus Main Street Store
Drop your completed form into the survey box at any of these locations. Your feedback is important to us, so please take a moment to share your thoughts!
Website: pegasusresidentsgroup.com
E: prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com
Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc
Our 2024 AGM will be on Wednesday 24 July 2024 at the Pegasus Bay School Hall. Doors open 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. Please note the date in your calendar. Come and hear the results of our survey. Our guest speaker will be announced soon !
We have plenty of books and puzzles in the Community Book Cave ready for those cold winter nights and weekends !
WEEKLY OPENING TIMES for books, puzzles and local information : Monday's 2 - 4pm, Wednesday's and Saturday's 10.00am - 12noon. Check out our website for what else is on at the community centre each week/month
A Justice of the Peace (JP) can witness signatures and documents, certify document copies, hear oaths, declarations, affidavits, or affirmations as well as sign citizenship, sponsorship or rates rebate applications. This service is free.
Only Saturday 18th June. No JP on the 8th due to the long weekend. Time: 10.30am - 11.30am.
Important! Please bring the original and a photocopy of your identification if it is required for your documentation.
In a society that values compassion and understanding, the harsh reality of bullying continues to impact lives. This is a guide to harnessing the power of assertiveness in the face of bullying, offering insights and strategies to empower individuals to speak up confidently, set boundaries, and reclaim control over their wellbeing. Bullying is an unfortunate and widespread issue that affects people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. Whether you are a child in school, a teenager dealing with cyberbullying, or an adult facing workplace bullying, it’s crucial to understand how to assertively address this behaviour. Being assertive is a powerful skill that can help you stand up to bullies, protect yourself, and create a safer environment for everyone involved. Here we will explore the importance of assertiveness when dealing with bullying and provide practical tips on how to develop
and apply this valuable skill. Understanding Bullying
Before we delve into assertiveness, let’s first understand what constitutes bullying. Bullying is the repeated aggressive behaviour intended to cause harm or distress to another person. It can take various forms, including physical, verbal, relational, and cyberbullying. Common examples of bullying include name-calling, teasing, spreading rumours, exclusion, and online harassment.
The Role of Assertiveness: Assertiveness is a communication style that lies between passivity (being submissive and avoiding conflict) and aggression (being hostile and confrontational). When dealing with bullying, assertiveness plays a pivotal role. It enables you to express your feelings, needs, and boundaries in a respectful yet firm manner. Here’s why assertiveness is crucial: Self-Respect: Being assertive shows that you value yourself and your rights. It sends a message to the bully that you won’t tolerate
Empowerment: Assertiveness empowers you to take control of the situation. It allows you to speak up, defend yourself, and seek support when needed.
Effective Communication: Assertive communication is clear, honest, and direct, making it more likely that your message will be understood and taken seriously.
Tips for Being Assertive When Dealing with Bullying
Stay Calm and Confident: Keep your emotions in check and maintain a calm demeanour. Confidence in your assertiveness will make it more effective.
Use “I” Statements:
Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to trusted friends, family members, teachers, or colleagues for support and advice. They can provide emotional backing and help you address the situation.
Document Incidents: Keep a record of bullying incidents, including dates, times, locations, and any witnesses. Documentation can be valuable if you need to involve authorities or superiors.
Express your feelings and needs using “I” statements. For example, say, “I feel hurt when you tease me” instead of “You always make fun of me.”
Set Boundaries: Clearly state your boundaries and what behaviour you will not tolerate. Be specific about what actions are causing you distress.
Avoid Blame and Name-Calling:
While it’s essential to describe the bullying behaviour, refrain from using derogatory language or blaming the bully. Stick to the facts.
Practice Assertive Body Language: Maintain eye contact, stand or sit up straight, and use a steady tone of voice. Non-verbal cues are an integral part of assertive communication.
Know Your Rights:
Familiarise yourself with anti-bullying policies and regulations in your school or workplace. Understanding your rights can bolster your assertiveness.
Consider Professional Help: If the bullying persists or escalates, consider seeking help from a counsellor, therapist, or HR department. They can provide guidance and mediation.
Being assertive when dealing with bullying is a powerful way to stand up for yourself and promote a culture of respect and kindness. Remember that assertiveness is not about seeking revenge or escalating conflicts but about asserting your rights and boundaries in a firm yet respectful manner. By practicing assertive communication, seeking support, and documenting incidents, you can take steps towards ending bullying and fostering a safer environment for everyone involved.
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Who Found Mr Woody Woodpecker last month?
Thomas Collinson, 6yrs and Jack Collinson 2yrs, Woodend. (photo right). The boys found Mr Woody Woodpecker. Thomas was very excited to find him, dad was even happier to notice it was on a free coffee voucher!
Sent in by dad Mark Collinson
Dyuthit Mithun, 5yrs, Woodend (photo far right) was excited to find the Mr Woody Woodpecker in the magazine!
We find information in the magazine quite helpful and look forward to it each month. Sent in my mum Ashvini.
Chloe Lloyd, 7yrs, Woodend (photo right). Sent in my Emma Lloyd
Sophie Endo and her friend Mahlika (photo bottom right) both 10yrs, Woodend found Mr Woody Woodpecker on their playdate last Friday. It was a good activity on a cold day. Sent in my mum Saty.
Felsi Judith, 33yrs, Pegasus (photo right)
Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker!
Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, along with your name, age and location and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
Do you have a story to tell?
We would love to hear our readers’ stories.
If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers.
Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story | Funny story Send us a photo too!
We live local, we support local and we understand the local and Canterbury market.
We have more listings, more sales, more offices, more agents and more global exposure than any other real estate company in Canterbury. If you want more for your property, talk to your local and most trusted real estate experts today.
SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class
1.30 Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St (by the Flat White Cafe).
All welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility, and strength. A fun social group, join us for a cuppa after class!
For more information: 64682.
Classes also available at Waikuku community centre, Park Terrace, Waikuku. Wednesdays 10.00am followed by a cuppa. All welcome. $2 donation.
If you are interested in sea fishing, chasing Trout or Salmon then come and join our club.
Monthly meetings are held at the Fish and Game building at 595 Johns Road on the last Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm.
Fishing trips are organised catering for all types of fishing, from targeting Grouper, Bluenose, Blue Cod etc to fishing in the Lakes and the canals at Twizel.
Doesn’t matter if you own a boat or not, all fishermen are catered for and welcome.
The Club also owns a Bach at Oaro near Kaikoura for the use of its members.
New members welcome
For more information contact Shayne 027 664 0016.
For more information: Mavis 03 312 7839 or Lorraine 027 332 9298
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In New Zealand 8,250 members belong to 312 Lions Clubs in seven districts. We are ordinary people in the community who volunteer by rolling up our sleeves to help with the needs of our community along with our five main causes of diabetes, vision, hunger, the environment, and childhood cancer.
When funds are raised the full proceeds go to the cause as Lions Clubs do not incur administration costs. This makes us distinctly different from other charities and fund raisers. People who live in the community know their community needs and because Lions Clubs are autonomous, decisions about community projects
are made at a grass roots level. Lions’ projects tend to be very hands on, and we actively work alongside organisations that we support.
Woodend Play Centre Fence - Lions Project (shown in photo below)
We are community volunteers who roll up our sleeves to help young people, the elderly, the ailing, the needy and our environment. In terms of our time on projects and money raised, it is estimated Lions Clubs contribute more than $100 million each year for charitable organisations here and in the Pacific Islands.
We are proud that every dollar raised from the public goes to the cause. We do not take a percentage of the money for our own purposes. People who live in the community know their community needs and because Lions Clubs are autonomous, decisions about community projects are made at a grassroots level. Lions’ projects tend to be very hands-on, and we actively work alongside organisations that we support Lions Club of Woodend & Pegasus is looking to complete several projects that benefit the local community in the next 12 months.
To do this we desperately need new members from the Woodend, Pegasus, Ravenswood, Waikuku, and Kaiapoi areas.
Our motto is WE SERVE. Wherever there is a need there are Lions ready to provide support.
If you wish to support your local community, please contact:
Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst President on 021 865 877 president. woodendpegasus@ lionsclubs.org.nz
Richie Moyle 1st Vice President on 021 904 572 or rsmoyle@gmail.com
John Canton, Secretary 021 171 9175 or john. can@outlook.com
The Kaiapoi men’s shed grew out of the need of an opportunity for the local men to get together to support each other and the Kaiapoi community after the destructive earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. Initially, the gatherings were informal and held in a member’s garage and workshop - a handful of Guys with varying skills. However, as the group grew, this could not be sustained and a site and sponsorship was successfully pursued. The site was provided by Suttons / Patience and Nicholson, Suttons of Australian origins have a strong link with the Menzshed organisation in Australia. In 2014 a wooden triple bay garage was donated and transported from Cass Street in Kaiapoi to the Menzshed current location in Sutton’s Dale Street Complex. After significant effort, both to fit out and kit the shed, and to raise finances, by the men of the shed, the MenzShed of Kaiapoi was formally opened on 15 July 2014.
In the last three years we have:
Built flat- Rat Traps for DoC
29 large picnic tables for St Joseph’s
Built theatre flats for the local high school
Made the Kaiapoi daffodils
Computer trolleys for a local school
Frames for the Kaiapoi food forest
Three outdoor cat enclosures
Raised garden beds
Shade house
Half-size road signs for a play centre to teach the children road safety, disability access
A beehive
Giant Connect-4, Jenga and Quoits
Standard and disability access picnic tables for the council
Chocolate wheel for the Battered Women’s Trust
refurbished beds for a local charity re-housing families that come through the Battered Women’s Trust
Large outdoor toy boxes for local play centres
Shed for ride-on mower at the Croquet Club
Teaching aids, shelves, mud kitchens, and outdoor resources for
Local pre-schools, kindergartens, and primary schools
Rabbit jumps for the local bunny fanciers (elaborate) What makes Kaiapoi different from other Menzsheds is that we will come to you.
Now we must relocate from our site on Suttons Tools Kaiapoi following the 2022 fire.
To enable us to relocate we need your support, until now we have never had funding from anyone. Now we need to raise a lot of money to build new premises to enable us to continue our work for our community. If you wish to help please donate to our Give a little page.
Night tennis is fun!
Come and join us on most Wednesdays for social tennis in great courts with lighting from 7pm, subject to weather. Check our Facebook page for holiday closures.
If it looks like bad weather and you are not on our message system, check with us before you come down in case we have had to cancel.
From beginners to competitive players with teams made up on the night.
at Gladstone Park (end of Gladstone Road), with easy access from either Woodend or Pegasus.
Contact: Jim Bucknell 021 806 366 or Eric van de Wiel 021 292 7004
It’s good tennis, but we also have a lot of laughs.
Our courts are next to Woodend Rugby
Weekday tennis:
We used to have Tuesday morning social tennis, and it was very popular. We have had some interest, so if anyone is interested in a similar format during the week, please contact Jim on 021 806 366 and we will see what can be arranged. Looking forward to seeing you. Support your local club.
Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer days
Wednesday 10am – 12pm and the last Saturday of every month 10-12pm. Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KaiapoiCommunity-Garden kaiapoicg@gmail.com
Kaiapoi Toy Library
Kaiapoi Toy Library, 9 Cass Street Kaiapoi, open 11.00am - 1.00pm Saturdays. Access to a range of toys for a small annual fee, no toy rental charges. Check us out www. kaiapoitoylibrary.org
We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling. Full training given. If interested, please contact Owen 027 442 4436
All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.
Foot Care Clinic
Held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment.
Held every Monday Morning starting at 9.30am.
Meet outside The Good Home Pegasus, in the car park.
Contact details Christine Johnston 021 179 7330.
There have been some reports in the media lately discussing nitrate levels predominantly in private wells in the Waimakariri and other neighbouring districts.
I would just like to clarify a few things. The testing was carried out by Greenpeace. They alleged that several public water supplies have concerning levels of nitrates present in the samples. In Waimakariri this includes the Oxford Rural No 1 supply. This is simply not true.
Council drinking water supplies are tested monthly for nitrates in accordance with the Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules which sets out source water monitoring requirements. The results across all Council water supplies are all less than 50 percent of the Maximum Allowable Value (MAV) under the Drinking Water Standards (which aligns with World Health Organisation guidelines), this means they are all less than 5.65 mg/L.
Taumata Arowai, the water services regulator, is responsible for making sure drinking water suppliers provide safe drinking water. Taumata Arowai have set the MAV for Nitrate-N in drinking water at 11.3mg/L, which is in line with the guidelines from the World Health Organisation and other international standards including the European Union and Australia. This means nitrate levels in the Oxford Rural No 1 supply and all
other Waimakariri Council water supplies are well within the safe drinking water standard.
For private well owners in the district who have been alarmed by the levels alleged by Greenpeace,
I would suggest having their water tested by a registered laboratory, so they have all the necessary and factual information.
If residents are currently not on council water supplies but would like to discuss their options, then they can contact our customer services team and be put in touch with staff to talk about their water supply options.
I enjoyed attending Club Day at Woodend Rugby Club recently. I was very impressed with the spirit of the club which in a large part is down to President Mark Paterson and the committee. Mark’s leadership and passion for the club is very evident and he is well supported by the dedicated committee – they are doing a fantastic job.
I also enjoyed attending the Community Hangi and Cultural Day at Woodend School. What a great way for the school community to come together!
I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you might want to discuss.
Email me at dan.gordon@wmk.govt or phone 021 906 437. I’m here to help.
Ever thought of advertising in The Woodpecker?
Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services? The Woodpecker is delivered to 4,300 households! Uploaded to a number of Facebook pages and groups as well as a digital copy being permanently available via Issuu.com If you are interested, please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates where you will be added to our mailing list. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Do you have a busted zip or pants that are too long? Or maybe a dress or skirt that needs an alteration? Call or text
Paula 027 627 7212.
Debs Private Transport
Airport pick up or drop off, Medical & Hospital appointments
Shopping, outings. Helping you to get places.
Email dtooby.nz@gmail.com
PH: 021 2899 256
House Cleaner available in
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$40 per hour. 25 years’ experience. Reliable-Honest & Trustworthy.
I am very thorough with excellent references.
Please ph / txt Alaina on 022 064 9334.
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Fitness, Beauty and much more…
Walk in Ravenswood store or online shop. USE SAVE10 for discount www.ghwsupplement sales@goldingltd.com
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 9am–12.30pm.
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.
Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church
events@visitwaimakariri.co.nz visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events
Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 8am – 4pm
Check website for dates and locations.
Rangiora Library
141 Percival Street, Rangiora
72 Main Street, Oxford
June 16th marks the start of National Volunteer Week, so what better time to say a very big thank you to the ‘Big Brothers’ and ‘Big Sisters’ of North Canterbury!
Playing board games and sports, baking and crafting, watching movies or going for walks – they’re just a few of the activities that volunteer mentors and their mentees get up to each week.
But it’s more than just hanging out and having fun. Through shared experiences and quality one-on-one time with their mentors, our young people are provided the opportunity to participate in new activities, connect with others in their communities and learn important, everyday life skills.
Volunteers are the threads weaving our community together and we’ll be celebrating all week long on Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to follow along!
Open TUESDAY - SUNDAY from 10am
Booking of our complex: You can hold small or large gatherings e.g. classes, tutoring, concerts, interviews, conferences, clubs etc. – for any enquiries please contact Kaye at the Rangiora Trinity Office, 176 King Street, Rangiora, 313 3448 or email rangioramethodist@gmail.
com Rangiora Trinity office hours are Tuesday 10am to 1pm, Wednesday 9.45am to 1.45pm, Thursday 10am to 1pm.
The June movie will be on Wednesday 5th at 1pm at Woodend Methodist Hall. The movie will be ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ – An old Southern Jewish lady and her African American driver develop a bond that improves over twenty years. This teaches them about deaths, racial discrimination, and other valuable lessons of life. $5 admission
and afternoon tea will be served. Blanket Collection: It is that time of year again that people in need will be thinking of warmth overnight, so with that in mind it is time for us to begin collecting unwanted blankets to redistribute to those who need / want them. All donations are gratefully received. Thank you.
Winter Clothing Collection: Good quality winter clothing needed. Jackets, coats, shoes, warm socks, trousers, jerseys, hats and / or gloves, scarves etc.
Services for month of June:
• Sunday 2 June – Pentecost 2 - Holy Communion:
• 9.00 am Woodend - Rev Darryn R Hickling
• Sunday 9 June – Pentecost 3:
• 9.00am Woodend – Rev Darryn
• Sunday 16 June – Pentecost 4:
• 9.00am Woodend – Rev Darryn Hickling
• Sunday June 23:
• 9.00 am Woodend – Rev Norman West
• Sunday June 30:
• 9.00 am Woodend – Rev Darryn Hickling. This will be a combined Parish Service with Rangiora held here in Woodend.
Our Minister is Darryn Hickling phone 022 675 7391 email minister. rangioramethodist@gmail.com
Want 1/8th advertising space?
That’s this size!
Up to 30 words available - no logos. Interested?
Email Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Is your Club or Group listed correctly in our Community Contacts page?
Email our Editor Debs on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Would you like your club or community group to be listed in Community Contacts?
If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts page, please would you contact the Editor via email providing the appropriate details and these can be included. Thank you!
Email our Editor Debs on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Our office is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9.30am to 3.30pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 4.30pm.
We are an independent community organisation whose service is delivered by committed and trained volunteers who live in your community. We provide free, confidential, independent information and advice to anyone. We help people know what their rights are and how to access services they need. We can help you in person, over the phone or by email. What sorts of questions can CAB help me with?
We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. Some examples of questions we’ve been asked include:
• What can I do if my son and daughter-in-law won’t let me visit my grandchildren?
• Is it illegal to ride a bicycle on the footpath?
• How do I challenge a decision ACC have made about my claim?
• Does my tenancy agreement have to be in writing?
• I’ve lost my credit card. What should I do?
• Can I appeal my driver licence suspension?
• Do I have to show a receipt if I have a problem with goods?
• Where can I donate excess garden produce?
• My car was damaged when I swerved to avoid a farm animal which was on the road. What should I do?
• Can you help me fill in a form?
• My neighbour has installed a security camera that points directly into my home. What can I do about this? Do get in touch with us. We’re trained to listen and to research. We’re here to help.
You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz
In May we had Mandy Palmer give us a talk on how timebank works and how the community can get involved.
We all enjoyed learning more about this and had lots of questions for Mandy. Thank you, Mandy, for sharing the workings of timebank with us.
Dates to remember:
Our next morning tea will be held on Tuesday 11 June at 10am. We meet at St Barnabas on the Main North Road.
Our guest speaker will be Judith Schumacher talking about rates, options for payment, rates rebate.
2 July we will be having a talk about the expense of dying. Are we prepared?
doctor’s appointments are 15 minutes long usually to cover one or… if time is
checks are offered to anyone (you don’t need to be enrolled).
– We get sick too…
always see you on the day if triaged clinically urgent and can’t wait till the following day.
In a medical emergency, and if acutely unwell don’t hesitate to dial 111.
This month, we would like to introduce you to another of our recruits – Cameron Horner.
You may have seen him recently on ‘Mount Hutt Rescue’ on TV 1, working as a Critical Care Paramedic (CCP) on the Westpac Rescue Helicopter for GCH Aviation (his full-time job).
Our community is lucky to have him volunteering for the Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade on his days off from his full-time job. Read on to discover what this young man has achieved in his lifetime this far.
He tells me, he started his career as a Volunteer Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in Cape Town, South Africa at the tender age of 16. In 2010, he attended the University of South Africa where he completed a degree in Advanced Medical Rescue and Critical Care. This included the following: Proficiency in High Angle Rope Rescue,
Confined Space Rescue, Swift Water Rescue, Fire Search and Rescue, Hazardous Substances, Structural Collapse, USAR, Wilderness Search and Rescue, and Surf Rescue – Phew – what didn’t you cover in your degree, Cam! He then went on to work as an Operational CCP for an Ambulance Service in Cape Town in 2014.
In 2017, he then relocated to Doha, Qatar in the Middle East where he continued his work as a CCP, later moving into Management and working as a Consultant CCP for the Ambulance Service there. Not busy enough, he completed his Masters’ Degree (MSc) in Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine through the Queen Mary University of London!
In 2021 he moved to the United Kingdom and worked in the busy National Health Service (NHS) as a Paramedic, before finally coming here and settling in the lovely township of Woodend, New Zealand. It has already been said; but Cameron - welcome to the Brigade, we are thrilled to have you and long may you stay with us.
Is your Club or Group listed correctly in our Community Contacts page?
Email our Editor Debs on debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January).
Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5pm of deadline sent out to all advertisers, and community contributors as a reminder. To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out.
From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the publication ready to go to the printers for them to deliver them to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your doors. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
The community cuppa held in May was attended by a large group of guests who came to listen to Jo, an audiologist from Dilworth hearing. Jo talked about hearing loss, hearing aid funding, and the latest technology in hearing aids. For more information about your hearing needs please contact Jo Ritchie at Dilworth Marivale or ask at the local Pegasus medical centre.
Our June cuppa will be filled with interesting information. We will have a presentation by Dean Eades from Civil Defence. Dean will talk about the many different ways people can be involved in Civil defence. This a great opportunity to learn how every person can be of help in the event of a disaster. We will also have a 5-minute update on the Pegasus Bay bylaw, this is in follow-up from the presentation at the cuppa in February.
The cuppas would not be possible if it were not for the support we have from our great sponsors, namely the Good Home Pegasus, Ray White Pegasus, New World Ravenwood, and Ravenwood Developers.
On the 1st of June, our first Pink Ribbon morning tea is held in the Pegasus Community Centre. The event is in support of breast cancer education, patient support, research, and advocacy. Our focus is on putting together an event that is affordable for residents and to provide a fun filled social opportunity for those who do not always have a chance to attend our morning cuppas. For anyone unable to attend but who wants to donate to the Pink Ribbon Foundation, please use our QR Code below.
Free Morning Tea and cake for Residents of Woodend, Ravenswood, Pegasus, and Waikuku 10.00 am, Wednesday 12th June 2024
Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, Pegasus Town Guest Speakers – Free Morning Tea – Meet new people!
Email: waioralinks@gmail.com
Want to promote your business? This space could have been yours. We require a print ready file from you to have your advert in The Woodpecker.
We can arrange someone to design your advert for you at a very reasonable cost if you can’t arrange this for yourself.
Contact The Editor for details, costs and specifications.
Email: debs.thewoodpecker@ outlook.co.nz
The world is changing. It’s unsettling and exciting. Those who have lost hope in the promises of progressive national success and economic stability are (possibly for the first time) considering spiritual things. You aren’t alone in your search.
God never changes. He’s seen it all. There’s nothing new in this world – it’s a pretty predictable cycle as humans largely stay the same. We are known, held, and loved through it all.
Jesus invites us to a different way to do life. A way that releases us from addictions, frees us from destructive patterns, brings life to struggling relationships and offers the deep peace that our souls yearn for. Simply ask God for help. Your prayers are heard.
We are spoiled for choice with great churches in North Canterbury and being able to join with other people who are realising their limits. I’m sure that if you were to step foot into any one of these churches you would be welcomed warmly. And we too join them in extending a warm welcome to one of our gatherings at St Barnabas – the pretty white church at 147 Main North Road with the graveyard on the left as you head north out of Woodend.
Below are also some of the community services we offer:
Free Food for everyone – Fridays at 4pm.
Daily Prayer for everyone – Weekdays at 5pm.
Eldercare for seniors – Mondays at 1.30pm.
Music and Play for the littlies –Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am Church meetings for everyone. Sunday 9.30am and 4pm.
On Wednesday, 5 June a group for women will be launching to share stories and to journey together. This group called Haere Tahi will continue to meet fortnightly on Wednesdays alternate to our Village Men group (who enjoy a good fire, snacks, and soul-filling conversation). Along with these two groups, there is also a Wednesday morning life group that meets in Woodend that you could belong in.
Flick us a message on Facebook, visit the website, or show up and ask around whenever the church is open. Blessings to you and those you love! From your friends at St Barnabas Woodend.
Facebook - St Barnabas Church
Email: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Call: 021 863 877
Post: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648
Nau mai haere mai from the rangers at Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust!
Youth Week 2024 took place from 20 to 26 May.
Youth week is an opportunity to acknowledge how incredible our rangatahi are. What better way to celebrate than by getting our hands dirty and contributing towards a sustainable future where they can continue to flourish? As an extension of these festivities, we’re organising a planting day on 8 June to honour our rangatahi and their whānau. This event will run from 10am til 1pm on the Pegasus ridgeline above the intersection of Arahura Road and Kokopu Street in Pegasus. Everyone is invited, and we’ll provide a sausage sizzle lunch to thank our volunteers.
Please RSVP on our website under the planting days tab. Huria Mahinga Kai Heritage Reserve continues to impress as entranceways are near completion. The development of this area has been relatively speedy; while there is still work to do in this area to ensure the native plants reach a self-sufficient maturity, the progress of the site over the last couple of years has been phenomenal, from a red zone area with heavily compacted soils to an array of natives, with new paths weaving throughout, beautiful palisade fencing and of course we can’t forget to mention the timber Waha structure that brings it all in together. Stay updated with park news by following us on Facebook. This
platform is where we can get information to everyone faster and adjust information as necessary, to ensure everyone is kept up to date. An important update on our Facebook page is the opening of the southern end of the park (Woodend Beach Road heading towards Kaiapoi) following forestry operations. The operations have now shifted northward from Woodend Beach Road towards Pegasus.
For more details, visit our Facebook page.
Website: www.tuhaitarapark.org.nz
Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Instagram: tkot_friendsoftuhaitarapark
• A grant of $500 was approved toward an event for Matariki hosted by the Pegasus Residents’ Group.
• Presented the Board submission to the WDC Council draft Long-Term Plan at the hearings. You can read the submission in the Board’s agenda for May 2024 at https://www.waimakariri.govt.nz/council/meetings/minutes -andagendas/woodend -sefton-community-board.
During the summer community feedback on our beaches and the Bylaw was sought as part of a review. The bylaw includes the themes of:
• Vehicles on the Beach
• Horse Riding & Training
• Swimming at the Beach
• Dogs on the Beach (changes proposed)
• Ashley/Rakahuri Estuary (changes proposed)
• Camping & Fires (changes proposed)
To find out more about the Bylaw and changes proposed to where dogs can go, to the Ashley/ Rakahuri Estuary and fires on the beach go to https://letstalk.waimakariri.govt.nz/northernpegasus-bay-bylaw-2024. There is a link to a survey there that you can complete with your feedback on the proposed changes.
Credit: Ashley-Rakahuri River Rivercare Group
There are 2 upcoming local community events where you can find out more information and talk to staff about the Bylaw. Both are on Wednesday 12 June at:
• 10 am to around 11 am – Waiora Links Community Cuppa at Pegasus Community Centre
• 6 pm to 7 pm – Waikuku Beach Hall, just drop in
Our next meeting – all are welcome Monday 10 June starting at 5.30pm at Woodend Community Centre.
Contact us – more information about the Board and our contact details are at waimakariri.govt.nz/council/council,-boards-and-committees/woodend-seftoncommunity-board
If you would like to see what will be discussed at each meeting check out the Board Facebook page or the agenda at waimakariri.govt.nz/council/meetings/minutes-andagendas/woodend-sefton-community-board around Thursday of the prior week. WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Email: shona.powell@wmk.govt.nz
143 Percival Street, Rangiora 0800 226 695
FB: https://www.facebook.com/
New Members Welcome
Shayne Riwaka 027 664 0016
Paul 028 434 9928
Chairperson: Mark Paterson 312 7439
5 Solander Road, Pegasus 7612 03 379 8463
Rachel Emmitt 021 203 6085
Available outside work hours
Adrienne Lamb 021 265 7857
9 Cass Street, Kaiapoi
10.30-12.30 Saturdays www.kaiapoitoylibrary.org
President Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst 021 865 877
Treasurer John Canton 021 171 9175
Clive Jones 027 245 5770
John Burns 021 347 805 menzshedpegasuswoodend@gmail.com
Meaghan 027 392 6409
Merv Laws 021 237 7105
Noel Graham, President 027 240 8112
Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council
Freephone: 0800 965 468 www.waimakariri.govt.nz
Email: pcc@pegasusresidentsgroup.com
Christine Johnston 021 179 7330
prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com www.pegasusresidentsgroup.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ PegasusResidentsGroupInc
Kay Mills 021 022 64682
Knit & Natter, The Good Home, Fridays 10am-Noon
Chris 027 313 1931 or Denise 021 166 3587
Helen Power 313 5749
Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895
Krystel Arboleda - Plunket Nurse
Plunketline 0800 933 922 Admin is 0800 184 803
Ian McGregor 027 595 9000
Chris Koskela 027 228 7177
RANGIORA BRIDGE CLUB www.rangiorabridgeclub.co.nz rangiorabridge@xtra.co.nz 03 313 7941
RANGIORA TOY LIBRARY rangioratoylibrary@gmail.com
Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730
Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253
Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612
Norme Shore - Secretary ashley.lodge@ymail.com http://www.ashley28.net.nz
Email: tbwaimakariri@gmail.com 021 0265 4071
Website: waimakariri.timebanks.org
Facebook: facebook.com/ timebankwaimakariri
313 2141
tuahiwipreschool@xtra.co.nz https://www.facebook.com/tuahiwi. preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool
John Forster 027 444 3427
Danelle Asher wbslsc@wbslsc.com
Woodend, Pegasus, Waikuku waioralinks@gmail.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ Waioralinks
Paul Henderson 0274 925 936
President Phil Harris 027 222 5764
Secretary Sheryl Atkins 021 225 5778
John Harris 313 7832
President Mark Paterson
Secretary Kris Stacey kris@stacey.kiwi.nz
Andy Childs 027 512 2681
Meets Sunday’s at 10 am at 38 Rangiora Woodend Road www.woodendcommunity.church
Co-ordinator: Andy Childs 027 512 2681 andyandsuechilds@xtra.co.nz
President Shirley Wheeler 03 327 3414
Secretary Helen Power 313 5749
Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120
President Maxeen Dzenis 310 6164
Secretary Jo Reid 310 6122
President Helen Power 03 313 5749
Secretary Chris Sutherland 0274 555 708
Treasurer Glenis Everts 03 930 8240
President Tony Hurley 312 7311
Simone Templeton 027 514 8363
Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389
Club Captain Linda Hayes 027 906 7300
Amy Hallmark woodend.cricket@gmail. com
Minister: Darryn Hickling 022 675 7391 minister.rangioramethodist@gmail.com
President Caitlin Loose Phone: 027 787 5365 caitlinloose@gmail.com
Secretary Fiona Bisphan Phone: 027 890 3445
027 353 2131 woodend@playcentre.org.nz Facebook: www.facebook.com/ woodendplaycenter
Jen Hall 312 7654 office@woodendpreschool.co.nz www.woodendpreschool.co.nz
Club Secretary - Darren Watts secretary@ woodendrugby.co.nz
Treasurer - Scott Murray-treasurer@ woodendrugby.co.nz
Chairperson Shona Powell, 021 0231 6152 shona.powell@wmk.govt.nz
Deputy Chair Mark Paterson, 027 534 9112 mark.paterson@wmk.govt.nz
Robert Davey 021 762 963
Jim Bucknell 021 806 366
Eric van de Wiel 021 292 7004
WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE CFO Shayne Robinson, 021 286 6574 www.fireandemergency.nz
TRUST (YDOT) info@ydot.co.nz www.ydot.co.nz
Tena Koutou Katoa
Welcome to Term 2!
A big welcome to all the new students and families joining us this term. We have had a wonderful start to Term 2 with several exciting events and accomplishments already.
School and Community Hāngī
During the first week, we hosted a fantastic school and community hāngī. This event was a great success thanks to the incredible effort and support from teachers, parents, grandparents, caregivers, and community members. The preparation and involvement of our students in the hāngī process provided authentic learning experiences that were both educational and fun.
Cross Country and Pegasus Sports Spectacular
In Week 2, our Year 5-8
students completed the school cross country with great enthusiasm and determination. Meanwhile, our Year 3-4 students participated in the Pegasus Sports Spectacular held at the Kaiapoi Rugby Club, showcasing their athletic skills and sportsmanship.
Leadership Announcements
Congratulations to our Kapa Haka Captain Eli B and Kapa Haka Leaders Indi R, Ivy C, Matilda D, Isabel M, Finley T, Timoti P-F, Nevada A for 2024, and to Carly K, who has been named Pou Manawa leader at our last school assembly. We are excited to see the positive impact they will have in their new leadership roles.
The Woodend ANZAC service on Wednesday, 24 April, saw a great turnout from our community. Student leaders Indi R and Tess H proudly read the poem ‘In
Flanders Field’ during the service. Our junior and senior kapa haka groups performed beautifully, representing our school with pride, and honouring the significance of the occasion. Thank You for the Hāngī
A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of our hāngī. Your donations of money, produce, and time was invaluable. The collective effort made this event not only possible but memorable for all involved.
We look forward to many more exciting events and achievements as we continue through Term 2. Thank you for being a part of our school community and for your ongoing support. Paws Woodend, Ravenswood New World, Woodend Rugby Club, GMC Painters, Move Freight, Canterbury Honda, Stopforth Contracting, Woodend Landscapes, Woodend Nursery, Bruce Cosgrove, T & G Fresh, Rachel and Jane Stanley, Andrew Thompson, John Harris, Mark Paterson, Vicki Tiweka, Logan Moore, Jason Moore, Brett Jory, Kaiapoi High School, Allie Coyle, Ash Campbell, Corey French, Steve Clegg,
Jane & Rusty Retallick, Molly Paterson, Alister Carlton, Claire King. Kiwi Gaming Foundation Recently we were successful in an application to the Kiwi Gaming Foundation towards funding literacy resources for our Years 3 - 8 students. The students and teachers are very excited about these new resources and have started implementing them in classes. Huge thanks to the Kiwi Gaming Foundation.
Andrew & the Team Woodend School
Project Mayhem has a vision to ‘Get Teens Off Screens!’ by providing the youth of Canterbury with a musical social experience once a month, by highlighting the brilliance of our young musicians by giving them the stage to perform live.
The Mayhem venture wants high school youth to experience true fellowship and by bringing together teens with common interests, shared attitudes, and goals we know we are going to succeed.
Music has a magical way of enriching lives, invoking emotions, and fostering creativity.
Music can relax the mind, energise the body, and can improve our health by relieving us of stress.
staying sober, individuals can remain present and engaged in the moment, without the distractions and moodaltering effects of drugs or alcohol.
Creating sober spaces at music events promotes inclusivity and diversity by prioritising sobriety and creating safe and supportive environments, we can create a more accepting and supportive community.
It fosters patience and discipline whilst improving mood and it nurtures cognitive development, emotional expression, social skills, discipline, and cultural awareness. It also encourages teens to explore their creativity, build confidence, and develop an appreciation for the arts.
Project Mayhem believe the Benefits of attending one of our Rock Nights with the intention of staying sober can be a life-changing experience. By
“On a social level, teens use music to bond with one another at a time when friends are important, and emotions are running high. My research has learned that youth who spend most of their time on digital technology are exhibiting higher levels of depression, anxiety, aggression, defiance, and bullying”. Says Kev Merriman founder of the Project Mayhem initiative.
“Constant screen staring is also associated with obesity, poor mental wellbeing, poor sleeping and affects the ability of teens to concentrate and regulate their emotions and behaviour. This is where Project Mayhem comes in
“We will offer our young people a safe space in their local community to come together to mix with their peers and
Yes, it’s cold. Yes, it’s nicer to stay home under the toasty heat pump! But there are still benefits of getting out in the cold weather to do some movement.
Firstly, cooler weather requires your body to work harder to stay warm. As a result, winter running increases your metabolic rate, leading to more calories burned. Walking, jogging, and running in colder temperatures strengthens your heart and helps to build your mental resilience. It also helps to have a regular local event where you can do a 5K and reap the benefits it brings. And that is what we do at parkrun.
Pegasus parkrun is a weekly 5k run where people of all fitness levels are encouraged to jog, run, walk, volunteer, or simply spectate. It’s not just about running; it’s about meeting people and being part of a local and global community. It’s open to everyone, free of charge, and there’s no time limit.
Our course at Lake Pegasus, Pegasus Town, North Canterbury combines tarmac paths and grass, offering a scenic and varied experience for participants. As you run, jog, or walk, you’ll enjoy the picturesque lakeside surroundings –it’s perfect for those who want to get out there
and try a timed event in beautiful surroundings.
If you’re not up for running, you can join as a volunteer. It takes around 15 volunteers to make parkrun happen each week so we could always use a hand. Volunteering is a great way to contribute to the event and support our friendly community here in North Canterbury.
It’s getting more popular too; there are four parkruns in Canterbury now, with several more planned. Here at Pegasus, we have well over 100 participants each week. That’s not bad for winter.
The parkrun phenomenon started in 2004 with just 13 runners and five volunteers in Bushy Park, Teddington, London. From that modest start, parkrun has exploded into an international family of over nine million participants.
If you are interested in giving it a go, perhaps drop by on a Saturday morning to feel the vibe. Everyone is welcome! You may also check out our Facebook page (search for ‘Pegasus parkrun’) or visit www.parkrun.co.nz/ pegasus.
PROJECT MAYHEM - Cont’d develop a sense of belonging in their community”.
Project Mayhem hosts its first event on Friday 31 May at the Pines Kaiaraki Beach Hall in Kaiapoi.
Teenage rock band sensation ‘Singularity’ who are multiple Battle of the Band winners will kick start the venture by playing to a crowd of over 120 rocking teens! Speaking about the band Kev said, “I have seen the band perform a few times and they are simply brilliant. Teens use music to distinguish themselves and as grow their individual identities”.
There are very few forums in our region where teens can come together and socialise and that’s where Project Mayhem comes in to its own. Kev added, “We are inviting the youth of our community to rally together at these events and also interested in hearing from other rock bands looking to play at one of our events”.
For more information visit the Project Mayhem page on Facebook or scan the QR Code on the previous page.
Exercising and playing with your pet strengthens the bond and is good for their mental and physical health.
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New clinic, same great service, friendly staff and plenty of parking.
PHONE: 03 312 2669
EMAIL: pawsvets@gmail.com
ADDRESS: 8 Hinge Lane, Ravenswood
HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 12 Saturday, 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays
For 24 hours emergency care during this time please phone 033122669 for contact details.