The Woodpecker - March 2020

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March 2020

Produced for the community, by the community

Woodend Community Sends a Clear Message to the Government at the Rally for Woodend

Continued on page 2

THE GOOD HOME PEGASUS I 62 PEGASUS MAIN ST I 03 9676891 The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 1

Woodend Community Sends a Clear Message to the Government at the Rally for Woodend Cont’d from Front Page Frustrated residents spilled on to State Highway 1 through Woodend on Sunday 9 February halting traffic after the well-attended rally in support of a bypass to the east. The placard-waving protesters left long traffic queues building up to the north and south. The exasperation felt by the Woodend community at living alongside a busy section of SH1 was expressed at the gathering, dubbed the Rally for Woodend. It was held in Woodend’s Owen Stalker Park, with many among the large crowd carrying placards calling for the long-awaited bypass. Woodend Community Association president Mark Paterson, who is also a Woodend-Sefton Community Board member, said the Woodend community had been waiting 40 years for a solution to the town’s traffic problems. ‘‘What you can’t argue with is it’s just not safe,’’ he said. ‘‘Does someone have to die on that road before something is done?’’ He wanted those responsible for making the decision about a bypass to consider that and asked who would be responsible if someone was killed. Page 2 The Woodpecker March 2020

‘‘In the private sector, if dangerous problems like this are ignored and people get hurt, someone is fined, prosecuted or goes to jail.’’ Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon, Woodend School principal Adrienne Simpson and the Woodend-Sefton Community Board’s chairwoman Shona Powell, who is also on the Make SH1 Safer Committee, also spoke at the rally. Speakers said the safety measures planned for the highway, and the bypass, were both needed because they would make the town safer and a better place to live and visit. ‘‘To be clear, the safety improvements and the bypass work hand in hand,’’ Shona said. ‘‘Even if funding was announced soon for the bypass, it would be years before completion. ‘‘In the interim we need the safety improvements now so that people can move around the town safely.’’ The rally was organised by Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey to call on the Government to include the Woodend bypass in this year’s Budget. As yet, no money has been allocated toward the bypass or the safety improvements so we therefore as a community need to continue to pressure the government for this to happen. Cont’d on Page 6

Located overlooking Lake Pegasus, The Good Home is positioned perfectly to capture all day sun with views across the lake and the hills beyond, it is simply a stunning and unique setting that you will never wont to leave. Our all day dining menu, fresh baking, and cafĂŠ setting is sure to please

The Good Home Pegasus – 62 Pegasus Main St, Pegasus Open everyday from 8:30am For bookings phone 03 967 6891 or visit The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 3

This Month with Harry - March 2020 Continued from last month At first the Woodend scouts met in the Methodist Sunday school but increasing membership over the years made it necessary for the provision of their own building. In the 1950s a triangular section, the present youth centre site, was purchased off Miss Percy and 2 ex-army huts transported on site. These buildings served the purpose well, but again a surge in membership resulted in the need for expansion. This resulted in the construction of the present building under the leadership of Allan Sheppard, Estelle Tull and site foreman Mitchell Wilson. All with voluntary labour and fundraising. Unfortunately, with the collapse of scouting in Woodend the Scout Association decided to sell the den. If it hadn’t been for the foresight of then councillor Elaine Cole who urged the Council to buy the building, it could have ended up in private hands. And who knows what we might have got- a tattoo parlour, brothel or nudist camp!! In my day as the local Baden Powell we had a lot of fun. With the able help of a couple of good mates; Noel Hyde and Brendon Hurford, we turned things around a bit and soon had a flourishing group of 30-40 boys. Page 4 The Woodpecker March 2020

We did things a little bit different to other troops! As many of our members had travelled no further than the extremities of North Canterbury rugby fields, we organised trips to far flung places like the West Coast, Stewart Island, Nelson and Wellington, where the great expedition of 44 members of the Woodend scout group arrived at the same time as a state of emergency was declared due to a torrential rainstorm. Money for these forays was raised by the leaders running pub raffles which certainly raised the eyebrows of the scouting hierarchy. We camped at Kaikoura where Steve Clegg learned how long paua had to be, but soon forgot it. We built rafts and spent 2 days on the Ashley from gorge to sea- ask Kevin Wells at the Honda shop about it. We went fishing and boating and body surfing at Duvauchelle-ask Mark Paterson who lost his togs when he was being towed around the harbour on a rope. There were other simple activities like survival hikes up the Ashley where the boys had to make ration packs, build bivouacs to sleep in and make an attempt to get a meal off the land. We learnt knots and lashings and

made tube driven ballistas and had four fights with other troops down on the wasteland where Gladstone Park is today. All good wholesome boy-type fun based on the great outdoors that required minimal financial outlay. Over the years we had a great bunch of guys, much like Frank Haden’s compatriots. Independent, inventive, industrious, reliable and trustworthy. Most went on to hold down good jobs, get married and produce a sound family. Some became quite famous in their chosen fields. Guys like Andrew Mehrtens and Todd Blackadder and a boy names Dean Brettschnreider who even as a youngster could construct a threecourse meal out of a packet of wine biscuits. Watch out for the TV programme ‘a kiwi baker in just about everywhere in the world’. There were those who today own their own successful businesses, those who went working for the government and a couple who spent a bit of time as guests of the government. During the late 1980s I was approached by a local lass to see if I would start scouts again in Woodend. Recently widowed she was left to raise two boys with no male influence whatsoever; no grandads, no uncles, no partners.

At that time, much to my regret I wasn’t that interested. Been theredone that!! Besides scouts were bringing girls into the fold. Nothing wrong with girls, I am certainly not a misogynist. I like girls, my mother was one and I was quite fond of her. In my opinion bringing girls into scouts did nothing more than stuff up a perfectly good female group, the Guides. Do girls really have to be doing what boys do all the time? Are not boys getting enough female influence now? Where does that sensible solo mum looking for a bit of male association for her son go now? Have a think about the teacher sex ratio in our schools. In 1998 as part of ‘The year of the Youth’ programme, the local Lions Club started the boys club. At that time the girls were catered for by a strong and vibrant well-run guide group. However apart from sport there was nothing for boys: no scouts, no boy’s brigade no nothing. The original thinking was to get it up and running and hand it over to the community. And as yours truly has had a bit to do with local male youth he was charged with co-ordinating the outfit. To be continued

John Harris

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 5

SAYGo Exercise Class SAYGo Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursday, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St. All Welcome. $2 donation please. Steady As You Go (SAYGo) is the exercise class designed to help older people reduce their likelihood of having a fall.

Cont’d from Page 2

Woodend Community Sends a Clear Message to the Government at the Rally for Woodend

Proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength.

If you would like to send a message to Transport Minister Phil Twyford (and we urge you to do so) asking that the government commit to urgent safety improvements on SH1 between Kaiapoi and the Ashley Bridge AND the Belfast to Pegasus Motorway, including the Woodend Bypass

Participants feel physically better and more able.

Please look up and comment on the following link

Class members enjoy being with a social and friendly group of likeminded people

Simple activities, seated in a chair, standing and walking.

Page 6 The Woodpecker March 2020

they in turn can use to assist various Community Organisations and Activities.

Lions Club of Pegasus Town Charity Fun Mud Run Project 2020 After the successful inaugural run last year the club is holding a run this year on Sunday 19 April. It is hoped that we may see those runners who took part last year and indicated that they hoped it would become an annual event back and encourage others to join them. We have discussed the layout of the course with The Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust and this year we have added 3 more mud holes as well as a stream crossing. We have decided on 3 courses 1.5kms, 3kms and 5 kms. The 5km course has been extended to cross Tiritiri Moana Drive into the northern part of the wetlands. If there is enough interest, there will also be prizes for those entering in fancy dress. Last year we had 119 runners and it is hoped that we can see 150 entrants in the various categories. It is through projects such as this that the Lions Club of Pegasus can raise funds that

Last year we raised just over $1,500 which were distributed to The Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust $500 for tools which they use to keep the wetlands accessible for our pleasure, The Waikuku Volunteer Fire Brigade $400 for equipment to help keep us safe, The Waikuku Surf lifesaving Club $400 towards a gazebo to protect members and anyone rescued whilst on duty at our beaches, The Lions Club of Woodend $100 towards the erection of the War Memorial which is now completed and St. John $100 for equipment again to provide assistance to our communities. We have not yet decided where the proceeds will go this year, but we are open to ideas from members of the community. We are a club, small in numbers, and would like a few more fun loving and community minded people to help us. These are people who might have some skills to share with us – whom may or may not officially wish to join our Club – but can help with time or ideas. We will need some people to help on the day of the Charity Fun Mud Run to act as course marshals. If you are interested in assisting us, please contact The President: Amanda Smith on 0274 222 648 or Darrell Daish on 021 339 052 for more information. Darrell Daish – Convener.

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 7

Pegasus / Woodend Community Menzshed Hi Guys Another update from the Pegasus / Woodend Community Menzshed. It’s been a while since our last update but what with Christmas and everything some of our members were having a Christmas break, but now we are back in earnest. I am delighted to report our membership has now reached 16 but we would welcome still more members to spread the diversity of activities and inclusion in the community activities. We are still in discussions with the Rangiora Council regarding a location for our workshop, to ease the workload on some of our members we have created two sub committees, one actively seeking sources of funding and the other reviewing possible buildings that we can negotiate the purchase, indications are that the cost of suitable building that fit into the Rangiora District Council requirements could run into may thousands of dollars. At the moment funding is our more pressing concern, there are a number of other groups seeking funding for one activity or another and with only a limited number of resources for the funding dollar so any support from members of the community would be most appreciated. With input from our team members we have completed a number of project for the Pegasus Community and have Page 8 The Woodpecker March 2020

a couple more in the pipeline, these project have been reasonable small and we were able to complete them on site, any project bigger than the one’s completed to date would be more difficult without our own building to construct them in. An interesting fact, the team is made up of a number of skills including Engineers, Metal workers, electricians (sparkies), carpenters (chippies) and a plumber (I feel a bit left out???), the well-known term for a carpenter is chippie this originates from back in the day when wooden ships were built largely in the UK, to carpenters building the ships were allowed to take some the wood shavings and offcuts home to light the their home fires.

As you can expect over time the offcuts!!! became larger and the carpenters started building sheds leantos and other small buildings. It wasn’t too long they started building houses, remember the houses then were a lot smaller than we see today. The local community recognised these houses as being built by the carpenters working in the shipyard and they became known as chippies houses. Strange but true!! There is a lot of activity regarding funding and the location of a suitable build planned for Feb / March, so I hope to have a positive update you for the next publication. I’ll try and find another Interesting Fact for the next publication.

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The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 9

Woodend Indoor Bowling Club Start of a new season for 2020 Would like to welcome all new players

If you haven’t played Indoors bowls, please come along and give it a go and bring a friend with you We are a friendly bunch of people

Opening night is Monday 2nd march starts at 7 pm held in the Woodend Community Centre every Monday night School Road Woodend For further information please contact: President: Gill Small 310 6772 Club Captain: Rex Macauley 313 3627 - 021 126 3344

Page 10 The Woodpecker March 2020


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The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 11

Mayor Update With the events of recent weeks concerning the rural scrub fires, I wish to pay tribute to all our firefighters, both professional and volunteer, for all they have done to keep our community safe. As a community we couldn’t function without people who generously give of their time volunteering. Thank you to all Brigade members for your service to our community and to those employers who have allowed their people to respond. I recently read an excellent article in North and South that pointed out we have over 11,000 volunteer fire fighters in New Zealand. Our community is fortunate to have our local fire brigades. At the invitation of local MP Matt Doocey I attended and spoke at the recent Rally for the Woodend Bypass. It was encouraging to see such a big turnout. Community rallies are important to demonstrate community support and commitment. This bypass has been contemplated and discussed for more than 20 years between the Council, the Woodend community and the NZ Transport Agency. On being elected Mayor and taking note of the community’s concerns around transport, I established Council’s Transport portfolio on which Page 12 The Woodpecker March 2020

I take the lead. I sit on a number of regional bodies and this affords me the opportunity to raise transport issues of importance to our District, with the Woodend Bypass being one of these. I wrote to Transport Minister Phil Twyford last year putting forward the case for the Woodend Bypass and requested a meeting to discuss the Bypass becoming a project of priority, as well as discussing long and shortterm ways in which NZTA can make the Woodend Community safer. I am pleased that Minister Twyford has agreed to meet with me and we now have a confirmed date for mid-March. The Council is fully committed to seeing the Bypass built and we will do all we can to advance this project on behalf of our communities. I attended Waitangi Day celebrations at Trousselot Park in Kaiapoi - another excellent event organised by ‘All Together Kaiapoi’ (formerly ‘You Me We Us’). In my speech I talked of Waitangi Day being a special day for New Zealanders when we reflect on the history of our young country and consider what we want for New Zealand’s future. I encourage you to attend next year’s event as it was an excellent day of celebration, including hearing from inspiring young students from Kaiapoi High School. After listening to these young people, I know the future is in good hands.

SAYGo Exercise Class Celebrates 2 Years in Pegasus

Steady as you go (SAYGo) is a falls prevention exercise class facilitated by Age Concern Canterbury. It is two years this month since a group started in Pegasus, with classes being held at the Pegasus Community Centre at 1.30pm on Thursdays. Exercises are a mixture of seated and standing and are proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. Participants feel physically better and more able. Although the class is held at Pegasus, people from all areas are very welcome. The Pegasus group have been featured in Age Concern’s ‘Keeping On’ magazine and have received praise from Age Concern for the community-minded way in which the group operates. The group has donated funds to local

organisations that have a positive impact on the community (such as the newly formed Pegasus Woodend Menz Shed) and recently gave a $100 donation to Age Concern, which was gratefully received by SAYGo Coordinator, Beverly Mason, during her recent visit to Pegasus. A wide range of physical abilities are catered for in the SAYGo programme and a wonderfully diverse range of participants attend classes. You don’t have to be of retirement age – all are welcome, though the environment is not suitable for children. Check out the Age Concern website for more information, or just come along on the day; Cont’d on Page 19 The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 13

Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade 8 Eders Road Woodend

WE ARE RECRUITING NOW Almost anybody can join a volunteer fire brigade, male or female, young or old, or those who want to contribute to their community (The minimum application age for a volunteer is 16 with parental/ guardian consent, or 18 and above) We are currently seeking applicants who are available during the hours of 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday or work in the Woodend area

What’s in it for you? • Meet new people - Joining a volunteer brigade is

• Transferable skills such as leadership, decision

a great way to meet new people and be part

making, problem solving, ingenuity and the

of the fabric of our community.

ability to perform under pressure.

• Learn new skills - Fire and Emergency is com-

mitted to supporting our volunteers’ safety, health and wellbeing. Our volunteers are fully trained to deal with the situations they’ll be

• Pride for your community, which builds moti-

vation and is highly rewarding. • Greater respect for your co-workers.


Contribute to your local community Volunteering at Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade provides a wide range of opportunities for you to positively contribute to your community. Providing advice and education about fire safety, visiting schools and pre-schools, fitting smoke alarms and talking or providing demonstrations at events.

Be part of our team Teamwork is an essential part of firefighting. The challenges faced on the job means trusting and looking after each other is critical. Comradeship and support is an integral and strong part of the culture. It is a huge extended family of diverse individuals united in a common purpose.

Page 14 The Woodpecker March 2020

Women and diversity Fire and Emergency New Zealand along with Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade are committed to increasing diversity at all levels of the organisation, including having more women in operational roles. Research demonstrates that diverse groups are more productive and capable WVFB volunteers from left to right — Grace Poppelwell , Kyla Forbes Kean , Laura Jory , Sandra Grant and Olivia Chinnery of reaching more creative solutions to complex problems learning styles, cultures and gender. They enrich our work environment and add to our situational awareness on the fire ground or emergency incidents. Call in at the Station and have a look on Sunday mornings - Between 10.00 and 11.00am or make an appointment to find out about this opportunity to serve your community by contacting Lew Grant (0211311780 ) or Robbie Boyd (0274241876 )

Call statistics from the January 26th to February The Brigade has turned out to a total of 19 emergency response callouts 1 X False Alarm 1 X Motor Vehicle Fires 5 X Rescue and Medical calls 1 X Structure Fire 5 X Vegetation Fires 5 X Calls to assist another brigade

1 X Private Fire Alarms

Fire Safety Tip Visit for more details

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 15

• Lawn mowing • Window cleaning • Solar panel cleaning • General section tidy up • Carpentry and home maintenance

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Page 16 The Woodpecker March 2020

PAG Dental provides complete dental services to North Canterbury from its modern Pegasus and Silverstream surgeries • General Dentistry • Hygienist • Dental Therapy • Periodontal Therapy • Minor Oral Surgery • Family Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry • Facial Pain • Oral Medicine Specialist • Oral Cancer Detection • Ulcer Management • Ample parking, easy access • Clinicians all New Zealand trained • Super Gold and Community Services Card Discounts

Open Monday to Friday 8.30 to 5.30 |


PAG Pegasus Dental 54 Pegasus Main St Pegasus 03 920 4003

PAG Silverstream Dental 4/42 Silverstream Boulevard Silverstream 03 925 8003 The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 17

Page 18 The Woodpecker March 2020

St Barnabas The hone groups have been back underway for over a month now and are going well. As many of the members are parents of young children, and to avoid the need for babysitters, we have a men’s group and a woman’s group, meeting alternate Wednesday evenings. At present the men are doing a study on the topic of prayer and the women are studying the book of Romans. In addition, we will be running a sevenweek Lenten Home Group for Easter, beginning on Wednesday 4 March at 7.30pm. The title of this study is ‘Life in the Garden’. If you would like to join us, please give us a call. The Tribe youth group met up for the first time this year on 8 February and had a great time. The Young Leaders Guild and Young Ladies Group are also underway for the year. Ruth and the Mainly Music team were delighted to welcome so many of you back when our popular programme resumed last month. There is still room for more preschoolers and their caregivers however, so if you want to see what it is all about, come down to the church hall at 10am. on Wednesdays. Our Parish AGM takes place this month, on Sunday 15. On that day we will be having one short combined service at 11am. Our usual 9.30am. traditional service and 4.30pm. contemporary service will resume the following week.

where does the time go! The Palm Sunday service will be held on 5 April, followed by the Good Friday service on 10 April and the Easter Sunday service on 12 April. The Sunday services will be at the normal times, however the exact time of the Good Friday service will be in the April edition of The Woodpecker. You are most welcome to join us at any of our services, we would love to see you there. Have a good month everyone!

Steady as you go (SAYGo) Cont’d from Page 13 There is also a fun and social aspect to SAYGo, with many of the group members enjoying a cuppa and chat at the Flat White Café after class. Come along and try it out on Thursday at 1.30pm in the Pegasus Community Centre. $2 donation appreciated to assist with costs. Photo Caption: Pegasus SAYGo Group in December 2019

The Woodpecker deadline is 25th of every month Issues are February to December inclusive. Let the Editor know if you want to be on the distribution list.

And in April it will be Easter again – The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 19

Woodend Primary School We are almost half-way through Term 1 this year already – students have been busy with sporting activities; cricket, swimming sports, Friday Night Basketball and Miniball. It is great to see so many of our students participating. We have our Year 7 & 8 students heading off to Wainui in

showing our Intelligent Behaviours – Team Playing, Self Managing, Creating and Logical Thinking. This may be in class or during lunchtimes or morning tea breaks. The winning reward was MUFTI day, and this was enjoyed by everyone last Friday. This year we are again fundraising with Garden Post. This fundraiser is to provide sports equipment for the whole school. If anyone in the community wishes to buy spring bulbs please just pop into the office for an order form or email c.bucknell@ for more details. We have available Daffodils, Tulips, Freesias, Ranunculus, Dutch Iris and Sweet Peas. Orders will need to be in by Tuesday 24 March.

Woodend Playcentre We provide a fun and safe environment where children ages 0-6 can come with their whānau to learn and thrive through free-play and exploration. This year we’ve had many adventures which include exploring Spencer Park, a bus ride to the Kaiapoi Library for story time and an exciting day out at Ferrymead Heritage Park. Your first three visits are free come and join us one morning soon! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday March for camp. Preparations are underway and camp is a highlight for them all. We recently had our first draw in our Reward Token Draw. Our students are given a token as a recognition of doing the ‘right thing at the right time’, Page 20 The Woodpecker March 2020

9:15am – 12:30pm Located behind the Woodend Community Centre 6 School Road 027 353 2131

Limited spaces for Easter and School Holidays - BOOK NOW!

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 21

Tūhaitara Coastal Park Here at Tūhaitara Coastal Park we are wrapping up a busy summer and preparing for the upcoming planting season. You may have seen our rangers out watering the native plantings throughout the park and we are looking forward to some muchneeded rain after a very dry season. Activity in our animal pest traplines has also been substantial over the past few months with the current count of pest animals trapped reaching over 2,100! A big thank you to our volunteers who run traplines and dedicate their time to keeping our vulnerable birdlife, invertebrates, and native reptiles safe. Would you like to be involved with our animal pest control programme? If so please let us know by emailing tkot. We are kicking off this month with fun event to celebrate Kaupapa Moana Seaweek 2020. There’s a range of great events happening throughout the region to celebrate our special coastal and marine ecosystems and we hope you able to take

some time to enjoy a few of them. Our event this year is a mountain bike ride on Sunday 1 March and if you would like to hear about future events check out our Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park Facebook Page 22 The Woodpecker March 2020

page. We will be announcing dates for upcoming volunteer planting days very soon and if you’d like those details sent to you please get in touch. A final note for those who use our walking tracks and beaches. Please remember that there are three areas where dogs MUST be walked on lead. These are: Te Kohanga Wetlands and Kaitiritiri Ridge (both in Pegasus Town) and the Tūtaepatu trail (between Woodend Beach Domain and Pegasus town). We also encourage residents in these areas to keep cats contained, especially at night-time. If you have any questions about this, please contact the park office at 03 313 1768. Please also remember to always pick up and remove dog poo in all areas, no exceptions. For those who walk dogs on our beaches-dogs must on lead or be under control at all times. Two of our rangers recently spotted a very young fur seal pup on the beach which was a great reminder to respect all wildlife and keeping dogs well away. Photos: Fur seal pup spotted on the beach-dogs must be kept under control at all times! Christina (Ecology Ranger) checks on native plants in one of the Biota Nodes (restoration areas)

Woodend Methodist Church We held a very successful breakfast last Sunday with 24 attending. There was plenty of scrumptious food for all and an interesting talk by one our own parishioners.

Woodend Movies The movies will recommence on Wednesday 4 March at 1pm.

Please note the change of time The movie will be a 1970 British drama film based on a novel by E Nesbit starring Dinah Sheridan, Jenny Agutter, Sally Thomsett and Bernard Cribbins. Afternoon tea served for a gold coin donation. Any queries contact Evelyn 312 7740 or Ruth 312 2094. The following month on Wednesday 1 April will be a nature documentary / family movie about penguins which won several awards. On Saturday 21 March at 7pm in the Church for a fundraiser we are screening a 1942 remake American romantic film which starred Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. It is not just the best-loved movie, but the best remembered. Entry is $5.

THE BELLRINGERS are performing at

the Woodend Church on the afternoon of Sunday 29 March at 2 pm. Entry fee will be $5 and includes afternoon tea. This is a chance to hear this amazing group playing their bells. A treat not to be missed. Car boot sale at Woodend Methodist

Church on Saturday 4 April 8.30pm to 1pm. Phone Ruth 312 2094 if you would like to book a stall. Woodend Church / Hall bookings – contact Evelyn 312 7740.

Woodend Indoor Bowling Club

Monday 16 March Woodend Indoor Bowling Club invites you to their OPEN EVENING Come along to the Woodend Community Centre between 7.15pm and 9.00pm for a chat with the members and try Indoor bowling. The club meets every Monday during the Autumn and Winter months. All bowls are supplied and the subscription for the season is only $50. For further information please contact: President: Gill Small 310 6772 Vice President: Helen Power 313 5749 Club Captain: Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344

Woodend Netball Club

Primary Trials (Yrs 7-8) - Trial dates are Tues 10 and Thurs 12 March at 3.30pm. All primary players MUST attend both trials. Future Ferns (Yrs 3-6) - Registration only Thurs 12 March Please register online at www.sporty. Any queries contact Caitlin Loose 027 787 5365 or Rachael Paterson 021 166 2740 The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 23

LAWNS, GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, FERTILISING, SPRAYING, CHAIN SAWING, PRUNING, SPOUTING CLEANING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Whether you would like manicured lawns/gardens, a quick tidy up or ongoing lawn/garden maintenance we can help. Quotes provided incl. WINZ

Contact Ron or Annette 03 310 0604 | 027 271 7187

Canterbury Print Service We print: newsletters, flyers, brochures, business cards and stationery, wide-format banners, posters, plans, direct mail, construction plans, architectural drawings, manuals, booklets... Whatever you imagine, we can help make it happen.

Canterbury print service

design print wide-format mail Page 24 The Woodpecker March 2020

Call 03 366 1999

Email Visit 174 Carlyle Street, Sydenham Christchurch

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 25

Meet Your Street!

Come along for a free BBQ and games hosted by North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support. Bring a picnic and the family and come along to get to know your street.

Woodend Neighbourhood BBQ

Where: Grange View Reserve When: Friday 6 March 2020 Time:


Organise your own “Meet Your Street” and get a $25.00 Voucher* towards the cost of your event (terms and conditions apply) *Collect your voucher at the BBQ

Page 26 The Woodpecker March 2020

Even though it is hot and dry, Our team of Healthcare Professionals are preparing for the upcoming winter. Our goal is to assist you in achieving the best possible health outcome for yourself and your family. Pegasus Medical Centre is purpose built practice and equipped for modern healthcare. It includes a minor procedures operating theatre and facilities to accommodate visiting specialists and health professionals, in a family friendly environment. Corona Virus: Please, phone our nurses first if you have flu-like symptoms ( fever, aches, coryza, cough) especially if you have travelled overseas over the previous 2 weeks. It is important to phone for advice and not just present to the surgery. Flu vaccine: From the 1st of April 2020, we will message our community to confirm. Menactra Vaccine ( Meningococcal ACWY) is now fully funded for individuals aged 13 to 25 living in close-living situations. Zostavax (Shingles) vaccine is available free at 65. Until 31st March 2020. anyone aged 66-80 is eligible for a free vaccine. Our Skin Cancer Clinic has the goal of early detection, using specialised equipment, and management of skin cancer, in an affordable and easily accessible way.

A reminder: “It is Pegasus Medical Centre's policy to contact patients about their results ONLY if the results require further action. If your symptoms persist or get worse, it is important that you make a follow up appointment with your Doctor.� __________________________________________________________________________________ 52 Pegasus Main street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 27

Woodend Playcentre We provide a fun and safe environment where children ages 0-6 can come with their whÄ nau to learn and thrive through free-play and exploration. This month the children (and caregivers) were very excited to meet the axolotls and bearded dragon from the Axolotl Rescue Christchurch! Come and visit us at playcentre. Your first three visits are free. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:15am – 12:15pm Located behind the Woodend Community Centre 6 School Road

Page 28 The Woodpecker March 2020

Reunion for Player Managers and Coaches of The Woodend Senior Teams Between 19811989 1 - 3 May 2020 Contact Mark Paterson 027 534 9112 – or Phil Henry 021 322 543 phil.henry@nzbakels. for further details.

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 29

Pegasus Plus Group Pegasus Plus is a social group for Pegasus residents plus those in surrounding areas. Our aim is for semi-retired and retired people to come along, socialise, meet new people and have fun with a variety of activities which may include: - Quiz, Bingo, Indoor Bowls, Card Table etc. Refreshments and Raffle at each group meeting.

Join us at the Pegasus Community Centre from 1pm - 3pm every FOURTH Wednesday of the month from February through to November Entry $2, which covers room hire and beverages. For further information contact: Kay or David Mills Phone: 03 920 0126 or see you there.

Meetings for 2020 • • • • • • • • •

25 March 22 April 27 May 24 June 22 July 26 August 23 September 28 October 25 November

Page 30 The Woodpecker March 2020

Make the Switch North Canterbury Do you need help with your hearing? We are a full service hearing clinic and it’s easy to make the switch! We can’t wait to welcome you to North Canterbury’s Vera Setz Hearing family.

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Rally for Woodend Thanks to everyone that turned up to the rally and make our voices heard. It was great to see the community get in behind and support making our town safer.

NZTA Meeting with Local Businesses Matt Doocey is arranging a roading meeting for local businesses with NZTA. Invitations have been sent out. Any business that hasn’t received an invite and would like to attend please contact Mark Paterson (contact details please see below).

WCA 2019 / 2020 - Projects

Each year we set ourselves some projects to work on. Our current list is: ▪ Community Hangi and Cultural day ▪ Mobile stage for the Community Centre. Fundraising is under way and we hope to complete this by April 2020 ▪ Seating or picnic tables around the War Memorial ▪ Toilet block by the Bowling Club – upgrade / mural ▪ Woodend Beach playground and toilets If anyone has any other ideas for Woodend projects, please let us know. If anyone would like to become a member, please join via our website. All we ask is for a small donation of $10 which goes towards our admin and funding small projects. We also have a business section on our website. If you are interested in joining our committee, we have one meeting a month. Mark Paterson 027 534 9112 The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 31

Page 32 The Woodpecker March 2020

Waimakariri Events MARCH


More info at: or Kaiapoi i-SITE Visitor Centre, Phone: 03 327 3134, Email:



1st Ashley River Ramble

8.30am – 12.30pm, Start Waikuku. A family friendly walk, run or cycle 12km along the bank of the AshleyRakahuri River from Waikuku to Rangiora. Spot prizes and food and coffee at the Ashley River Picnic Ground at the end. $20 adult, $10 child. All proceeds go to Koru Care Christchurch.

8th North Canterbury Pride

Picnic 11.00am – 3.00pm, Victoria Park, Rangiora. A North Canterbury pride picnic for members of the LGBTQI+ communities, families, friends and allies. Enjoy food and beverage stalls, live music, games, face painting and laughter!

8th Kaiapoi Fun Run

1st Kaiapoi River Carnival & Boat Show

10.00am – 3.00pm, Kaiapoi River. Fun for the entire family! Enjoy on water activities such as jet boats, jet skis, classic boats and much more. There are plenty of off water activities to get involved with including bouncy castles, water balls, bumper boats and boat show.

1st Swannanoa Country Fair

10.00am – 3.00pm, Swannanoa Domain. Come and join North Canterbury’s largest annual fair – a great day out with something to suit all of the family. All the favourites including kids rides and games, farming demonstrations, craft and trade stalls, delicious food and entertainment galore! Check out the plant stall on the way in and grab yourself a bargain at the White Elephant. Adults $5 and kids FREE!

9.00am, Kaiapoi Borough School, Raven Quay, Kaiapoi. 5km or 10km run/walk through Silverstream and back to Kaiapoi Borough School. Tickets available at Kaiapoi i-SITE. $5 under 16 and $10 over 16 (cash only). Fabulous spot prizes up for grabs!

8th Kaiapoi Community Garden 10th Birthday Celebrations

10.00am – 1.00pm, Kaiapoi Community Garden, Hilton Street, Kaiapoi. Held in the beautiful settings of Kaiapoi Community Garden, there will be birthday cake, live music, preserves for sale, kids’ activities and much more. Come and browse around the garden or take a seat and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere for the morning.

8th Kaiapoi Children’s Day

12.00pm – 3.00pm, Trusselot Park, Kaiapoi. Children’s Day is about putting tamariki first and is a day to celebrate, nurture and treasure our children. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy a raft of FREE activities from pedal go karts to bouncy castles.

8th Rakahuri Rage

10.00am, Rangiora Racecourse, Lehman’s Road. Entrants 12 years and over are welcome to compete in this 8km course over a variety of established tracks. Whether riding solo, or in a team of 2-4 people, the course offers a challenge for riders of all skill levels.

9th The Riley Car Club of New Zealand 60th National Rally 10.00am – 11.30am, New World, Rangiora. 9th March – 14th March. A public display of the cars will be held in the Rangiora New World car park from 10am to 11.30am. Everyone is invited to come along and vote for the best cars at the event.

29th Oxford Club Open Day

14th Happyhire’s Eats & Beats

4.00pm – 9.30pm, Victoria Park, Rangiora. Gather your friends, family and colleagues and come along to taste an enormous variety of food from across the world at Rangiora’s only evening Food and Music Festival. Featuring Live Jazz and Classic Music, Popular Children’s entertainers from Beyond the Faerie Tree, professional fire performers, gourmet food markets, craft beer and wine, as well as delectable food vendors for all your dinner needs.

28th Ben Hurley & Friends

8.30pm – 10.30pm, Rangiora Town Hall. One of the most recognisable and hairy comedy faces in New Zealand is coming back to Rangiora! Presales $27.50 Concession $25.00 Door Sales $35.00 (if not sold out prior).

11.00am – 3.00pm, 160 High Street, Oxford. Come along and enjoy hay cart rides, bouncy castle, treasure hunts, lolly scramble, face painting for the kids as well as an appearance from Oscar the Little Owl. Enjoy music, classic cars and motorcycles, sausage sizzle and refreshments.

Woodford Glen Speedway • 7th 6.30pm, Kiwi Auto Spares Streetstock State of Origin + Wingless Modified Champs + Sidecar Invasion & Demolition Derby Grades Racing.

• 13th 6.30pm, Suck it Up Ltd Battle of the Stocks + Christchurch Speed Stockcar Stampede & Youth Ministock Challenge Grades Racing. • 14th 6.30pm, Suck it Up Ltd Battle of the Stocks + Christchurch Speed Stockcar Stampede, SuperNites & Ministock Best Pairs Grades Racing. • 27th 6.30pm, Christchurch Glass Modified Invasion Grades Racing. • 28th 6.30pm, Christchurch Glass Modified Invasion + Ramp Race Demolition Derby Grades Racing.

MARKETS Kaiapoi Farmers Market

29th Rangiora Festival of Colour 10.00am – 4.00pm.

A colourful day out in the Waimakariri; throw vibrant colours, play traditional games and enjoy performance, music and food with family and friends.

29th North Canterbury Classic Car Tour

9.15am – 2.15pm, Starting at Better Half Café. The Classic Car Tour travels through Ashley into Rangiora which includes a drive through of the new Charles Upham Village, where the public are invited to watch the classic parade. Finishing at the Balcairn Hall where you can enjoy a free concert and afternoon tea for all the participants.

Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Saturday weekly, 9.30am – 12.30pm

Ohoka Farmers Market Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Friday weekly, 9am – 12.30pm

Oxford Farmers Market

Main St, Oxford. Sunday weekly, 9am – 12pm

Oxford Craft Market

Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am – 2pm

Rangiora Sunday Market Blake St Carpark, Rangiora. Every Second Sunday, 10am – 2pm. 20 Jan, check Facebook page for dates.

Upload your event at

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 33

w e lco m e to


BeST SeRVIce GUARANTee Our award-winning service technicians are trade certified and factory trained by all the leading manufacturers. We have Evinrude Mastertech and Honda advance tech mechanics on site. With over 50 years combined experience our service technicians can service, diagnose and repair all makes and models of outboard motor. We specialise in service and repair of sterndrives, jet skis and jet boats.

Marine supplies store on site offering a wide range of boating/RV parts and accessories. Electronics supplied and installed by accredited installers.

We can offer Alloy boat/trailer manufacturing, repairs and modifications by our team of talented tradespeople at our adjacent factory.

M 027 665 5894 • P 03 313 3560 305 Flaxton Road, Rangiora Page 34 The Woodpecker March 2020


Preserves for sale

Birthday Cake

Live Music Cooking Demonstration

Make a Bird Feeder s

Kids Painting


on the playing field by the railway line

For more information follow us on Facebook contact; or phone Debbie 027 313 1234

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 35

Summer Budget 2020 Fujitsu 5.4 KW Heating / 4.2 KW Cooling (ASTG14LUCB) - Built-in 7 day timer (set and forget) - Healthy air filtration - Human sensor for automated control - 6 years warranty

Mitsubish 3.7KW Heating / 3.5KW Cooling (MSZ-GL35VGD) - Quietness & High Energy Efficiency - Low Stand By Power - 7-Day Programmable Hand Held Controller - 5 Years warranty

$2,599 *

$2,449 *







$2,599 installed (Back 2 Back)




* Conditions apply, Travel charge may apply

Gree 4.0kW Heating / 3.4kW Cooling

(GWH12QC) - G10 Inverter Power Saving Technology - Smart Health with High Density Filters - Quietly Smart with 7 fan modes - Anti-Corrosion Components & Turbo Mode - Intelligent Defrosting & Cold Air Prevention - Mould & Odour Prevention & I-Feel Remote - De-Humidifying,Sleep Mode & "iChoose" LED - 6 year warranty

Haier 8.0KW Heating / 7.1KW Cooling Cooling (AS71NH) - Quiet design with Enhanced cross flow fan design - Intelligent Air for Cooling & Heating - Long Distance Air Supplying up to 20m - Evaporator Self-cleaning - Multi-layers Filter - 5 Years warranty

Phone 0800 161 163 Page 36 The Woodpecker March 2020

Rangiora Scottish Country Dance Club If you enjoy music, the company of others, and like to maintain a healthy level of fitness, Scottish country dancing is an ideal activity for you. The Rangiora Scottish Country Dance Club meets at 7.30pm every Monday night in the Trinity Methodist Hall, King Street, Rangiora. No partner, previous experience or knowledge is required, just a sense of fun and a willingness to learn. Dancing begins on Monday 2 March 2020, with a special class for beginners running for the six weeks from 2 March to 6 April. The total cost for this course is $30. We suggest you wear soft shoes and comfortable clothing.

St Barnabas Friends Group St Barnabas Friends Group will meet on Wednesday 25 March at 12 noon in the church hall (white church on Main Road at north end of Woodend). Please bring a small plate of finger food for a shared lunch. We are a group of women of varying ages, who meet on the last Wednesday of the month. Lunch normally followed by a speaker or an activity of some sort. No formal meeting procedures, no membership fees, just good company and friendship. Enquiries to Beverley 312 7777.

For more information please contact Bob on 313 0980 or 027 3639 623 or join us on 2 March and give Scottish country dancing a try.

Lions Pegasus Town Charity Fun ‘Mud Run’ Sunday 19 April 2020 9.00am - 1.00pm Bring along your family & friends. Fancy Dress (optional) and spot prizes available for best dressed! Proceeds to local Community Projects. For more information and to Register Online go to website: The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 37


WASP/BEE’S YOUR LOCAL PEST CONTROLLERS For all your pest control needs and pest control supplies

Page 38 The Woodpecker March 2020

Woodend-Sefton Community Board SH1 Safety Improvements & Bypass A hot topic is the long-awaited SH1 safety improvements and the Woodend Bypass. The public rally held in February allowed the community to show their support for these. Thank you to those that made signs and were able to make it. At the rally Mayor Dan Gordon confirmed that he will be meeting with the Minister of Transport, the Hon Phil Twyford, to discuss the need for the safety improvements from the Ashley River to Kaiapoi and to get a commitment to fund the Woodend Bypass. The proposed Bypass and road safety improvements have been issues that the Board have been campaigning about for a number of years. The Board will give a letter to the Mayor to take to the Minister to highlight the issues and to stress that some safety improvements need to be implemented immediately including:  Moving the 50 km/h speed limit sign further south from Woodend  A signalised pedestrian crossing by the school. The Board will also reiterate that the proposed safety improvements are only an interim solution until the Bypass is completed. With current safety issues, population growth, the increasing traffic volumes and the time to complete the Bypass this funding needs to be agreed now. Information on the NZTA proposed safety improvements and the Woodend Bypass is available at dend-corridor-safety-

improvements/publications. A map showing the designated Bypass route can be viewed at cts/woodendcorridor/docs/newsletter-201304.pdf Owen Stalker Park, Woodend The draft concept plan to upgrade Owen Stalker Park in Woodend is out for public consultation. It has been noted that the train is a well-loved part of the playground so it is proposed that the train stay, although with a few improvements. A flying fox is also proposed. Details of the concept plan are at Let Council know what you think, please get your feedback in by Wednesday 4 March. Funding Request The Board has approved a funding request from Waikuku Beach Surf Lifesaving Club to replace the muffler on a patrol vehicle. The Board felt that the club provides a fantastic service which is invaluable to local residents and visitors alike. Keep informed Through Facebook: @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Check the Council website for more information at: Our next meeting is at the Woodend Community Centre on Monday 9 March starting 6pm, all are welcome.

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 39


80's PARTY Sat 7th March 9pm



Page 40 The Woodpecker March 2020

PRGI – Pegasus Info Page – March 2020 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Open Monday 2 – 4pm & Friday 9.30 – 11.30am Pop in for a chat, information, visit the book cave and grab some books or jigsaw puzzles, grab a bucket for watering your street trees, or if you are new to Pegasus come and get a Welcome Bag. It’s all free! ALL ARE VERY WELCOME!

Volunteers Meeting in Todd Room

COMMUNITY CENTRE VOLUNTEERS Our volunteers have been staffing the Pegasus Community Centre twice a week for three months now and in that time we have had over 100 visitors come in for a variety of reasons. We are now looking for more volunteers so we can increase the number of times the centre is open each week. We are especially keen to hear from people who could do shifts on the weekend. Please contact us for more information: or phone 021 072 4636. TEMPLETON GROUP (TG) Representatives from the Pegasus Resident’s Group (PRGI) met with Templeton Group (TG) on 25 February to discuss their position as the new Website:

owners of Pegasus and to give them a heads up on some of the key issues for residents. The change of ownership from Todd Property to TG was only finalised late December, so this is early days and TG staff will be back to talk to residents when they have an increased knowledge of the issues, plus have had the opportunity to look into answers. TG made it clear that they don’t see themselves as a developer, but rather as a resident, so they will try to approach issues from that perspective. Among topics discussed were Lake Pegasus, the proposed lakeside reserve, the land originally earmarked for some sort of retirement complex and the form of ongoing communication between TG, PRGI and the wider Pegasus community. Another meeting is expected in April and in the meantime, TG have asked PRGI to email them additional info about a variety of topics for future discussion. NEW TO PEGASUS? Contact PRGI for a FREE Welcome Bag, or pick one up at the Main St Store or Community Centre. They are full of info to help you get to know your new community.

RONEL’S COMMUNITY CUPPA All Pegasus residents are welcome to come along to Ronel’s Community Cuppa on Wednesday 11th March from 10.45am at the Pegasus Community Centre. This is a fun, free, opportunity to meet some new people while enjoying a cuppa and some yummy treats!!  For more info, or assistance with transport, phone 021 1080 634

Pegasus – Living it – Loving it! Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 41

Page 42 The Woodpecker March 2020

ARE YOU AT RISK OF SKIN CANCER? Skin/Mole Checks t Skin Cancer Treatments t Minor Surgery t

Dr Julia Racle Ph 03 310 7315 6/6 Cone St Rangiora

The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 43



LIONS CLUB OF PEGASUS President - Amanda Smith - 027 422 2648

WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936

LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND President: Ian Lennie - 920 1576 Youth Centre Co-ordinator: John Harris - 313 7832

WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Alan Pegley 310 6772 Secretary Phil Harris 327 6553

NATURE’S PLAY PRESCHOOL PEGASUS Tel: 943 4935 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 HOME GROUPS: Men’s Group: Andrew Clark 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy Clark 021 234 4253 MAINLY MUSIC Litia Maclean 313 8678 / 022 052 2674 TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL Tel: 313 2141 Facebook: Tuahiwi Community Preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson Page 44 The Woodpecker March 2020

WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President Doug Tatterson 423 3879 Secretary Lynn Muir 312 2027 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Andrea Rigby WOODEND COMMUNITY CENTRE ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson Simon Kong 310 8900 WOODEND COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB President Kevin Taylor 327 8920 Vice President Roger Wedlake 027 588 6062 WOODEND CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963 WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Shirley Wheeler 327 3416 Secretary Lynn Oliff 310 0575 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Stephanie 312 2993 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB President Gillian Small 310 6772 Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH Minister Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 312 2237

COMMUNITY CONTACTS CONT’D Secretary Rachael Paterson 312 7439 WOODEND PLAY CENTRE Phone: 027 353 2131 Email: Facebook: woodendplaycenter WOODEND PRESCHOOL / NURSERY Jana Thorn 312 7654 Email: WOODEND RUGBY CLUB President Wendy Giles 021 355 336

Secretary Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Senior Club Captain Phil Kennett 027 717 2569 Junior Club Captain Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Club Room Bookings Karen Giles 021 126 7917 WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Chief Fire Officer Murray Lamb 312 7487 WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640

Robyn Gauld NORTH CANTERBURY We’re here – the value of face to face in the digital age. As more and more public services disappear behind computer screens, the Citizens Advice Bureau prides itself on being available and accessible to everyone. Please pop in to talk to one of our trained volunteers face to face or alternately call us on our free phone line, 0800 367 222.

A good move!

Local Knowledge 24 years working in your area Harcourts 55 Million Dollar Club

Robyn Gauld Your Area Specialist 03 327 5379 027 221 0171 Your home for local proeprty

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Four Seasons Realty

Is your community agency listed in the community contacts? If not please let the Editor know, or if your contact name or number is incorrect please advise. The Editor The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 45

Woodend Beach Holiday Park 14 Woodend Beach Road, Woodend

Easter Weekend Camping

Come camping and join the Great Easter Egg Hunt

Ring for a reservation 03 3127643 Or go online at woodendbeachholidaypark.

Page 46 The Woodpecker March 2020

Free Noddy Train and Mini Digger rides

Community Foot Care Clinics held monthly at the Pegasus Medical Centre, the Kaiapoi Working Men’s Club, and the Rangiora RSA. Come and get your toenails, corns, and calluses attended to for $30. Experienced Foot Care Specialist Heather will be happy to help. Phone 021 288 9618 for an appointment.

Editor’s Note: If you’d prefer NOT to have your newsletter delivered and would rather ONLY read the digital version, please contact Tyree Woodham on: 027 902 5611 OR 03 312 2256 or via email:

Digital Issue available on:

Letter to Editor Hi Debs, Thank you for our very nicely laid out ad for Pegasus Plus in the Woodpecker - good one! :) You’re the best! The new colourful Woodpecker is excellent, very vibrant and good looking. Big tick from us two! Kind regards Kay & David Mills Pegasus Plus

Attention Advertisers and Community Groups Are you part of a group which you would like to promote? Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves? Do you have any community stories you would like to share? Have you any information or notices you would like to share? YES? We would love to hear from you!

NEXT ISSUE APRIL 2020 Deadline for advertisements and community articles is 25 March 2020 at 5.00pm at the latest The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: Email: Cell: 021 863 877 Post / Cheques: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648 The Woodpecker March 2020 Page 47





Nick Deane. May I introduce myself. A vet since ’92 I have Wormed your ofpetonerecently? had a dream day setting up a small family owned veterinary clinic.

I was reading an article this month that showed just how contaminated Opening in January 2016. with worm eggs soil in parks and dog parks really are. This got me thinking, people vaccination saying Please pop many in and sayvisit Hius toatJayne andtime have a they have not wormed their pet since last year. look around our new clinic. We would love to Humans can accidentally become infected, and sometimes damaged, by becatofworms. service toityour furry family members. dog and I think a timely reminder to keep us all safe. An easy way to remember when to worm is once a season :-Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. If your cats are hard to pill, there is a spot on complete wormer available to take all of the risk away! But be sure the product you buy gets all of the worms.

ployed Nurse

ofessional care

d Veterinarian

Page 48 The Woodpecker March 2020

CONTACTS: PHONE: 03 312 2669 EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays

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