May 2020
Produced for the community, by the community
COVID-19 Restriction Alert Level 3 Pegasus Bay Beach and Hospitality are Open! Great news for all the locals to
have the beach access gates open, which has been hugely welcomed particularly during this amazing autumn weather we are having. Not only that but did you notice there was digger down at Pegasus beach the other day? It was widening and flattening out one of the tracks down to the beach from the car park.
Also our Hospitality is Open!
A huge thank you to The WoodendSefton Community Board and the Waimakariri Access Group who made this happen. See Pages 4 & 5.
Three Llamas - Page 21 Flat White Cafe - Pages 36 & 37 The Good Home - Pages 38 & 39
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 1
Editor’s Note
Kia ora everyone
As you can see once again, we’ve had to run a digital ONLY issue of The Woodpecker newsletter due to COVID-19 restrictions. Whilst our newsletter is being emailed to our extensive mailout list and shared on various social media pages as well as being uploaded onto ISSUU I encourage you to share the link wherever you see it with friends, family and colleagues so we can ensure as many people as possible are able to read our community news and read our business updates. Once again, I’ve been touched by the continued support of our regular and occasional advertisers who have supported us by continuing to advertise. We’ve been able to show our support and thanks by offering discounted advertising prices whilst we don’t have printing costs to pay. This has meant we’ve once again had plenty of material to produce another informative community newsletter full of local news and updates. Restrict Alert Level 3 has meant we’ve seen many hospitality businesses open their doors enabling local community members to enjoy a coffee or a takeaway after nearly five weeks of lockdown. A reminder to encourage you to continue to share your stories with me for our June edition. Page 2 The Woodpecker May 2020
What are you able to do that you couldn’t do before now we are on Restriction Alert Level 3? Our newsletter covers Tuahiwi, Woodend, Pegasus, Ravenswood and Waikuku Beach, so if you have any news or updates you would like to share please email the Editor on debs. as we would love to share your stories. Stay home Stay safe Let’s finish what we started Debs Taylor-Hayhurst The Editor - Woodpecker
Attention Advertisers Community Groups and Club • Are you part of a group which you would like to promote? • Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves? • Do you have any community stories you would like to share? • Have you any information or notices you would like to share? • YES? We would love to hear from you!
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 3
Woodend-Sefton Community Board Get accurate information straight from the source about what Council services are operating, how to contact the Council, or other questions. Local Council information can be found at This has all the updated information relating to how the Council is operating, including: · Facilities closed · Latest News · Essential services · All Council Updates How to Get in Touch with Council: E-mail Ph 0800 WMK GOV (0800 965 468) What’s Been Happening Along with other many others the Board have been getting together via online Zoom meetings. These have been great to keep updated and also to start to work with the Council as we look at what recovery looks like for our communities. Ravenswood Update - tenders are currently being sought from subcontractors for the construction of the supermarket which is another step forward. Last week, the Chair, Shona Powell, presented the Board’s submission on the Environment Canterbury (ECan) draft Annual plan for the 20/21 year. The submission focused on the proposed large increase in ECan rates the unaffordability. The targeted public transport rate was proposed to increase by $57 alone for urban ratepayers. The Chair asked ECan Councillors to take another look at it. On 6th May at 1.20 pm the Chair will present the Board’s submission on the draft Waimakariri District Annual Plan for the 20/21 year. You will be able to view the hearings as they will be on the Council YouTube channel at Page 4 The Woodpecker May 2020
It was wonderful to see communities be together but stand apart for ANZAC Day. With no gatherings it was different but there were many touching things including pipers, the haunting strains of the Last Post, drummers, a horse rider in uniform, the home-made wreaths and poppies and the cleverly crafted ones. Check out our Facebook page for photos. Woodend Bypass Support Support has been growing this year for the Woodend Bypass and the Mayor has been very proactive in his support. Along with ourselves, the Woodend Community Association, Pegasus Residents’ Group, the Make SH1 Safe Committee our local MP, Matt Doocey have all been passionate advocates. After the wellattended and visible Community Rally held in February in Woodend to push for the safety improvements and the Woodend Bypass, the Mayor and Council Chief Executive met with the Minister of Transport in Wellington. They took along letters of support from community groups, businesses and the Board. With the Government recently setting aside a pool of funds towards infrastructure projects for
recovery after the Covid-19 lockdown, one project put forward by the Waimakariri District Council is the Woodend Bypass. This has been supported by the Canterbury Mayoral Forum, which consists of the 11 Canterbury Mayors. The Automobile Association (AA) has also come out in support of the Woodend Bypass saying that now is the perfect time to construct the bypass with infrastructure projects needed to stimulate the economy. AA Canterbury-West Coast chair Roy Hughes said "the current road is simply not up to the task and dangerous," and "the Woodend Bypass is urgently needed to improve
safety, to reduce congestion and to remove large volumes of through traffic from the local town centre.� Read what the AA say here 15219/aa-urges-bypass-fordangerous-woodend-roads Contact us We are here for you and Board members contact details are at Keep up-to-date with us through our Facebook page: @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard
Pegasus Beach Access There has been a lot of positive feedback for the new accessible path to get onto Pegasus Beach. This is a project that was planned and agreed just prior to lockdown. The Woodend-Sefton Community Board and Waimakariri Access Group had both been discussing how to improve beach access for those with mobility issues. Two Council staff really got onboard with it. A plan was drawn up (see left), quoted and the path is now finished. Compacted hardfill runs from the existing slats down to the base of the dunes with an even gradient. A sand
fence has been added at the bottom on an angle to try and stop as much sand as possible drifting back up the path. Longer term we want to to apply for ECan consent to put a small viewing deck with seating at the bottom so that those that can't manage the soft sand can at least sit down at the beach. It’s been very exciting to see the end result. The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 5
All Construction & C onc rete Work
• Driveways, patios & paths • Bridges and Culverts • Floors, foundations, sheds and buildings • Dairy Sheds, Herd homes • Silage pits, effluent ponds
• Retaining walls & landscaping • Swimming pools & ponds • Excavation and cartage • Precast concrete • Insulated panels • Placing & Finishing
Daryl Power 027 230 9401 • Page 6 The Woodpecker May 2020
Experienced podiatrist Erin Marsden ,
new to Rangiora.
$60 Initial & Follow Up Appointments The Gables Arcade, Level 1 (elevator and stairs access available)
96 High St Rangiora (ample parking at rear of arcade in public carpark at side of New World)
Book Online & More Information:
022 1726 049 The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 7
North Canterbury Podiatry Hello from my bubble; I hope you are all keeping well! The Ministry of Health has announced that health practitioners (podiatrists, dentists, physiotherapists etc) cannot
Page 8 The Woodpecker May 2020
treat patients face-to-face until Level 2, apart from the most urgent of cases. Currently Level 2 is scheduled to begin on Tuesday 12 May. Obviously, this date may be changed; latest updates made be found at: or by calling Erin directly on 022 1726 049 Erin Marsden
Mayor Dan Gordon Update
Waimakariri District Council looking at reductions and recovery
I want to take this opportunity to talk to you about your Council’s plan to assist Waimakariri District residents and businesses recover from the impacts of COVID-19. While this virus has been primarily a health issue, it has immediate and long-ranging economic effects that I know are being felt by families, workers and employers across the District. Given the uncertainty about what’s coming next, I wanted to share your Council’s plans for how Waimakariri will recover. I know that everyone in our District has been affected in some way by this virus – be it through health and wellbeing issues, reduced working hours, job losses, businesses under pressure and worse, having to close. I’ve been hearing the stress and concern in people’s voices and know a lot of people are hurting. My friends and family, like yours, may be experiencing increased anxiety and a general level of uncertainty about the future. That said, there continues to be a lot of assistance from the Government which I won’t repeat here. I’ve also heard people call for a zero percent rates increase in the coming year, while others are asking the Council to invest to assist economic recovery to support local jobs and businesses. Restraining rates is and will be important, but delivering essential water services, maintaining community-owned assets like roads and providing services such as pools
and libraries requires funding, and remain important. In my view we need to play a role in helping to get our local economy running again, which ultimately results in more local people in local jobs. Equally, essential service infrastructure that needed to be replaced still needs to be replaced so that as a community our essential services are reliable and resilient. The challenge when the Council looks ahead to decisions on next year’s budget is walking the line in a way that looks after residents today, with relief initiatives, while also making decisions which will help us recover - and which will benefit our young people and future generations. The decisions we need to make to help Waimakariri recover will not be easy ones but will, I believe, help in the short term while also minimising the locally felt and longer-lasting economic effects of COVID-19. (Cont’d on Pg 10) The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 9
(Cont’d from Page 9) Recently Central Government identified a large pool of funds for infrastructure projects towards recovery, and our Council has put forward our list of ‘shovel-ready’ projects, together with Greater Christchurch partner Councils. We have a number of projects planned and ready to go. This includes programmes of smaller works that will benefit smaller local contractors. We’re also working with developers and builders to make sure projects requiring consents, or businesses requiring approvals, are dealt with as quickly as possible. As I’m sure you all appreciate, the situation has been changing rapidly and the effects of COVID-19 remain uncertain, but what is clear is that they will be felt for a while. I know it can be an overused phrase but, given what we’ve been through in recent years, Waimakariri is a resilient district and one that has overcome adversity of this level before. We can, and will, do it again. The Council and staff are working from home on a review and revision of our programme with the aim being to maintain essential services. Rates and the Annual Plan We know locals facing hardship will be anxious about their upcoming rates bill and we have a significant rebate scheme and range of options available designed specifically to help. Waimakariri District Council is one of only a small number of Councils that has always offered hardship support Page 10 The Woodpecker May 2020
like this. It’s not something new, and we will continue to support you however we can. We have also moved quickly to sharpen our pencil and we’re reviewing our Draft Annual Plan for the coming year to make sure any immediate rates increases are as low as possible. We can’t yet confirm the numbers, but trust that we are working hard on this and will update you as soon as possible. What the review will also do is place the Council in an informed position so that our next moves are considered and are the best path to recovery. We need to be mindful of the effects of budget decisions in both the short and longer term. In short, we want to cushion the impact on families in the immediate future but don’t want to make any quick or illconsidered decisions that have longer term financial consequences and stall Waimakariri from bouncing back. The coming year is when we write our Long Term Plan, a work programme that takes a ten year look ahead from mid-2021. We are already working on that Plan and the decisions we make will have long-term consequences. As a Council we owe it to ratepayers to make the right decisions for our residents today as well as in the future. The view I take is that we should continue to work to create a thriving, sustainable district that we will be proud to leave to future generations. The role of infrastructure You will have seen news coming from the Beehive that significant Central Government funds are being repurposed for projects that will
stimulate the economy, keep people in jobs and equally provide greatly needed infrastructure. The signals coming from Wellington are that they are looking for ‘shovel-ready’ projects. This is in addition to the $12 billion upgrade programme announced recently, and an $800 million reallocation of unspent Provincial Growth Funds. The reason for this is simply that there are significant projects the country needs and funding these projects creates jobs and keeps people in work. Keeping people in work will soften the COVID-19 economic blow and fill pockets - which has flow-on effects for all parts of the community. As a Greater Christchurch partner, we are working with neighbouring Councils on an overall Recovery Plan that takes both an economic and social recovery point of view. Ultimately, that Plan will aim to see the wider Canterbury region thriving and prosperous. The Greater Christchurch Councils have a strong history of collaborative working which, behind the scenes, assisted our fast recovery from the earthquakes of 10 years ago and we aim to repeat this success. The projects we are asking the Government to fund or co-fund are ones that are needed, and have been designed already for Waimakariri – road realignments, flood protection, drinking water infrastructure, public transport support and big-picture projects like the Woodend Bypass, which will better enable the development of shovelready Ravenswood residential and
commercial areas. Recovery isn’t in any way just the role of Councils however, and we are committed to working with local developers, builders and businesses on projects with aligned purposes and goals. I see this as a huge opportunity for the District to stimulate our economy as well as bring forwardthinking and on-the-ground initiatives around climate change and sustainability to the fore so that our District grows in a way that is both economically and environmentally sustainable. Residents remain at the forefront of our thinking Discussions around the Council table have been almost wholly focused on the twin goals of relief and recovery that I’ve mentioned already. We are aware of the issues out there; the hardships people are facing and the anxiety that comes with an uncertain future. This whole COVID-19 situation has been a rollercoaster for everyone! Please know that all members of the Council are united in their desire to look after the Waimakariri community – what is best for the community overall is the view we take with regard to all our decisions. I’d also like to thank Council staff and all other essential workers (a big shout out to health and supermarket workers) for working exceptionally hard to keep the District running and ensuring essential services continue as best as possible while we are all in this lockdown. (Cont’d on Page 14) The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 11
Waimakariri District Council Update on Services at Level 3 As we move into Alert Level 3 this week we collectively breathe a sigh of relief that the lockdown seems to have had the desired effect and we can turn our minds to recovery planning. Next week the Council will meet on Tuesday 5 May followed by public hearings on the Draft Annual Plan 2020/21 on Wednesday 6 May. These meetings will be live streamed and you can pop on to our website to watch them live. Council continues to provide a range of services with the majority of staff working remotely from home.
Some key service changes include: Kerbside recycling This is back up and running but only plastic types 1, 2 and 5 can be accepted. All other plastics, including lids need to go in the rubbish. Please make sure your bins are out by 7am on collection day, and that they are spaced at least 50cm apart. Transfer stations Southbrook Resource Recovery Park - Open for green waste, rubbish disposal and recycling of clean mixed glass – expect delays in the first few weeks. From Monday 4 May it can accept clean flattened cardboard. All other drop-off areas are closed. Oxford Transfer Station - Open for drop-off of official Council branded rubbish bags in the skip during normal opening hours. From Friday 1 May it will accept clean flattened cardboard and glass. All other areas are closed.
Please make sure that your kids stay out of these spaces too -there is a risk of breaking your bubble and physical distancing can be hard in these spaces.
Upcoming Meetings The following meetings will take place via video conference (Zoom) and will be live streamed through our website.
And again please clean up after your dogs when you are out and about – your dog, your mess! Libraries Our librarians continue to work from home and are keen to connect from their bubble to yours. You can reach them by email on library@wmk.govtnz, by phone on 311 8901, or via Facebook at waimakaririlibraries.
• Council Tuesday 5 May at 1pm • Annual Plan Hearing Wednesday 6 May at 1pm. Sarah Nichols Governance Manager
Please note that Waimakariri Libraries is unable to take any returned items during Alert Level 3. Hold on to your items and we will let you know when we are accepting returns again. All loans have been extended and there will be no overdue fines accrued during this time.
While we have closed the Civil Defence Emergency Operations Centre we continue to point people in the right direction for support and help when they need it.
Capital Projects and Maintenance You will notice Council staff and contractors will be restarting key projects and maintenance work across the District where it is safe to do so. There have been changes made to the way both site inspections for contractors and building inspections will be carried out to keep everyone safe. You can find out more information at
At times like this it’s normal to experience symptoms of stress related to COVID-19. And if you’re unsure of who to contact for support you can touch base with us for a steer in the right direction.
We can all
We canthe all We all slow slow the slow the spread spread spread
The Cust Rural Recycling Drop-off remains closed. Rates Information on rates relief is available on our website. You can contact the team on 0800 965 468 or email Our team can work with you to come up with a plan that suits your circumstances – please contact us as soon as possible so we can help you. Parks, Reserves and Community Facilities The access gates to our beaches will be opened to the public and you can go to your closest beach – please still practice physical distancing. While our parks and reserves are open – please don’t use playgrounds, skate parks or dog parks. These are closed and where possible locked or have tape or signage in place.
We all need to work together if we want to slow the spread of COVID-19. Unite against the virus now.
We all need to work together if we want to slow the spread
We are here to help. You can contact us in a number of ways:
Unitetogether against the virus now. Weof allCOVID-19. need to work if we want to slow the spread of COVID-19. Unite against the virus now.
• Rangiora Service Centre, 0800 965 468
Be kind. Check-in on the elderly or vulnerable
• Or search for us on facebook @WaimakaririDistrictCouncil
Be kind. Check-in on the elderly or vulnerable
Be kind. Check-in on the elderly or vulnerable
• Try our online options services/online-services
Washing and drying your hands kills the virus Washing and drying your hands kills the virus
Washing and drying your hands kills the virus
Find out more at
• Snap Send Solve App. STS_A4_20/03
Find out more at
Find out more at
Page 12 The Woodpecker May 2020
Cough or sneeze into your elbow
Cough or sneeze into your elbow
Cough or sneeze into your elbow
Stay home if you are sick
Stay home if you are sick
Stay home if you are sick
Covid 19 - We're back! Air Con New Zealand (ACNZ) was formed by Stephen Tucker from Tucker Electrical after 30 years of contracting experience in Canterbury. Air Con’s strong commitment to professional and trusted advice over the last 20 years has allowed it to become a leading nationwide supplier and approved service agents for all top brands of heating solutions in New Zealand with branches around the country. Our experience and expertise in the field are available in many cities to many more people and the local branches specialise in a residential and commercial heat pump and air conditioning installations, maintenance and repairs with a proven record in quality and customer service. Air Con New Zealand’s range of service also includes insulation, solar (PV), solar hot water, heat pump water heating & ventilation systems including positive pressure and heat recovery solutions for domestic, commercial & industrial installations. We choose to support reliable and trusted brands like Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, Panasonic, Haier, Gree, Smooth Air & SolarCorp so we can provide varied and unbiased answers to your requirements that you can rely on
Ducted Heat Pumps / Central Heating The ultimate heating solution that adds value and luxuriousness to a home. Ducted heat pumps are incredibly discreet with near-silent and economical operation. They provide a very even heat with no cold/hot spots around the home. Powerful performance with excellent cooling ability. While temperatures are dropping, especially in the night you will feel the cold and who wants to wake up and freeze. Our new AirCon NZ ONLINE QUOTING TOOL. For all kind of heatpumps and all kind our houses. Try it! No time to see or call us, far too busy! AirCon offers 20% off Ceiling & Underfloor Insulation Retail Price and with Canterbury Healthier Homes you can make it happen. INSULATION – Why do you need it? A well-insulated home is warmer in Winter, cooler in Summer, better for your health, and will save you money on your energy bill. We install to NZS4246 Standard which is also the standard for the new Rental Healthier Homes Standard This enables eligible Canterbury ratepayers to add the cost of home heating, insulation and ventilation products and installation to their rates bills. A maximum of $6,000 (including GST) is available per ratepayer.
Phone 0800 161 163 The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 13
(Cont’d from Page 11) I also know the farming community have been ‘getting on with it’ as we come out of tough drought conditions, and I thank them for the vital role they play in filling our grocery stores as well as feeding the world. Finally, thanks to you all for playing your part and staying home. Waimakariri is a strong and unified community. That was shown by how we bounced back following the earthquakes. Together we can do it again. Be kind. Stay safe. Stay home. And look after one another. Ngā mihi nui Dan Gordon Mayor Waimakariri District Council ********************************
This Month with Harry
One of the first exercises a boy has to learn on camp is making a firerestrictions permitting. At first this is one thing a modern boy is not good at. Very few would ever qualify for an arsonist’s ticket. Give the modern boy a box of matches and he will amuse himself for hours trying to start a conflagration. If it had been left to a modern boy to incinerate Joan of Arc, she would probably would have got away with just having the hairs on her legs singed. After a set time and several boxes of Page 14 The Woodpecker May 2020
matches, those who know how step in and share their knowledge on where to find kindling wood and build a fire. On joining each boy is given a pocket-knife and headlamp and expected to look after both. Using the pocket-knife, he is shown how to make a ‘fuzz’ stick or whittle shavings to start the fire. Of course, boys and pocket-knives are now off the PC list. In my day as a follower of Baden- Powell we all carried a pocket-knife on our belts. They were part of the uniform. Knives with dirty great blades and a spike thing for getting stones out of horses’ hooves. Which was all very well if you owned a horse but in reality, were as useless as tits on a bull if your only steed was a bike. With our modern boy and pocketknives, we sometimes get a little blood, but nothing ever serious. Nothing that a band aid and a couple of reassuring words doesn’t fix. And if the finger does go buggy and falls off, he will just have to learn to pick his nose with one of the other nine. In fact, during 51 years of dealing with Woodend youth there has only been one boy that needed a visit to a doctor. On a camp at Duvauchelle, a little boy named Kevin Wells, who today works for a local Honda outfit, managed to get a fishhook embedded in his finger. When given the choice he chose going to the Akaroa doctor rather than letting the leaders remove it. Little whimp!! (Cont’d on Page 19)
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Amberley | Rangiora | Hanmer Springs | Cheviot
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 15
PAG Dental provides complete dental services to North Canterbury from its modern Pegasus and Silverstream surgeries • General Dentistry • Hygienist • Dental Therapy • Periodontal Therapy • Minor Oral Surgery • Family Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry • Facial Pain • Oral Medicine Specialist • Oral Cancer Detection • Ulcer Management • Ample parking, easy access • Clinicians all New Zealand trained • Super Gold and Community Services Card Discounts
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PAG Pegasus Dental 54 Pegasus Main St Pegasus 03 920 4003
Page 16 The Woodpecker May 2020
PAG Silverstream Dental 4/42 Silverstream Boulevard Silverstream 03 925 8003
Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade 8 Eders Road Woodend Phone 033127794
Emergency Call statistics from the Month of April
1X False Alarm •
3 X Rescue and Medical calls 5 X Vegetation Fires
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 17
We are working during this lockdown. Certain services are limited during this time. If you have any enquiries please phone or email. Keep safe during this time.
Page 18 The Woodpecker May 2020
(Cont’d from Page 14) After a bit of guidance, the challenge is then set to light the fire using only one match. Sometimes they have to use one match several times, but it doesn’t take long to become proficient. The next item on the survival and selfreliance programme is bivouac making. First up you explain to the troops what a ‘bivvie’ is. It’s a shelter or a hut. You then explain what a hut is. One of the saddest things with a modern boy is the demise of hut building. In days of yore every household in Woodend containing a boy had a hut on the place, or up the resident tree or on the neighbouring vacant section. It had something to do with descending from primitive man did hut building. They were the bane of local builders who, on Friday nights, had to make sure all their timber was nailed down to something. Failure to do so meant re-ordering on Monday morning and if the site shed hadn’t been locked properly there would be bugger all nails to start the week’s work. Nowadays with all the local development ancient boys would have had enough fodder for a hundred such abodes. Our boys are shown how to choose a site which offers the best natural base
for their bivvie such as a bank, fallen tree or convenient bushes. The frame is made with branches etc, all tied with natural material such as flax or tussock. The roof is then covered with fern or bracken or grass making sure we work from the bottom to the top, so we achieve a thatching effect. With a little guidance and encouragement, it can be quite amazing how our modern boys club member can revert to his ancient instincts and produce a satisfactory ‘house.’ The next thing is to spend the night in it weather permitting, which everyone has a turn at. Not all achieve a full night as sometimes a huge boy- eating animal will be heard snuffling around in the dark and we scarper to the safety of the hut. But the leaders don’t mind- at least we have given it a go. Occasionally just for the sheer hell of it and the weather is fine, we have our tea, gather up sleeping bags and groundsheets and head out the back. On reaching the highest point we can on the hill we find a suitable flat place, make a tussock bed and spend the night sleeping out. The alpine air makes for more visible starts, meteorites and satellites. A truly memorable experience and truly good boy type fun.
JH The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 19
Page 20 The Woodpecker May 2020
Three Llamas Coffee Roastery is
for takeaway coffee and bean sales
Please phone your order in first Pre order your coffees at or pay with paywave on pickup 03 3100 632 - 65A Main rd Woodend Mon to Fri - 7am to 1.30pm Sat and Sun - 8am to 12pm
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 21
St Barnabas Church Updates April Update
May Update
As you will appreciate, there is little in the way of news to give this month.
Our congregation are continuing to support one another by phone and social media – aren’t we blessed to have the use of technology, this would be an even lonelier time without it.
Our weekly services and all programmes, such as Mainly Music, have been halted for the time being, to assist in checking the spread of Coronavirus. Our congregation will be staying in touch with one another by phone and social media, until such times as it is safe for us to meet again in person. In the meantime we will be praying a swift end to Coronavirus, and for your and our health and safety. And may the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services? Please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates. You can be an occasional or recurring advertiser, the latter securing your place each month.
It seems very strange not to be going to church on Sundays, but our vicar, Jeff Cotton, is recording a sermon for us each week. If you wish to hear Jeff’s sermons, they are available on our website; search for . They are well worth listening to. Nothing of course can replace meeting face to face and we look forward to re-starting our church activities and programmes; home groups, children and young peoples’ groups, Mainly Music and of course our two weekly services. Until such time as we can all safely partake in these again, we will be praying for continued progress in the battle against Coronavirus. In the meantime, enjoy the nice weather from the protection of your bubble and stay safe.
Community Contacts Have you checked if you are in Community Contacts? If you are a community group and wish your contact details to be in each issue of The Woodpecker, please email The Editor on Page 22 The Woodpecker May 2020
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The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 23
subsidies, redundancies, annual leave) • rental housing
NORTH CANTERBURY • income support Everyone at Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury hopes you and your families are all managing well in your bubbles. We have continued to deliver our service over the lockdown period through our coordinator and a team of volunteers being part of the triage team dealing with telephone enquiries to the CAB’s national 0800 number. We also have a team of volunteers tasked with making phone calls to vulnerable people on behalf of Civil Defence’s National Emergency Management Agency and the Ministry of Social Development. Between Monday 30 March to Wednesday 24 April 2020 CABs conducted 275 client interviews for the Canterbury region. This amounted to 110 hours of indepth interviews. There continues to be a range of difficult and complex issues facing clients. Some are related directly to Covid-19, such as information about illness, disease, mental health, inability to contact GP, and other health issues. Others related to Level 4 regulations or general matters such as • conditions of work (including wage Page 24 The Woodpecker May 2020
• communication (including lack of access to Wi-Fi, owning no computers or mobile phones, how to get groceries delivered when you don’t have access to the internet) • material welfare assistance (such as food banks) • relationship issues (such as separation, care of children, custody, moving children between bubbles when there is shared custody, and family violence) • banking and financial services • budgeting and general financial issues • migrant issues (such as work visas, and financial help in the event of a migrant losing a job) • consumer law • legal (how to have documents witnessed while the JP service is suspended, trespass, legal aid) You can see we deal with anything and everything! Please get in touch with us if you don’t know where else to turn. We’re still here to help you. Our office will remain closed over the Level 3 period, however you can reach us on 0800 367 222 or by email
All Construction &
cret • Driveways, patios & paths e Wo r k • Bridges and Culverts • Floors, foundations • Sheds and buildings • Dairy Sheds, Herd homes • Silage pits, effluent ponds • Excavation and cartage 027 230 9401 • Precast concrete • Insulated panels
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Dr Julia Racle Ph 03 310 7315 6/6 Cone St Rangiora
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 25
Woodend Primary School Kia Ora Koutou What an unusual time this is for education and the community as a whole. We started Term 2 on 15 April under Level 4 Lockdown with all our students engaging in distance learning and the teachers doing a wonderful job of connecting with them online, through email, through U-Tube live and other various technological platforms. This week we have moved to Level 3 and school is a very strange environment to be in. The teachers have thoroughly
enjoyed seeing all the photos of activities that our families have been engaging in. As you can see by the photos the vast majority of our students are continuing working online / distance with their learning and we have a few students and teachers working within bubbles onsite. It is vastly different from what we know to be school as normal with tight restrictions on students and staff within their bubbles around social distancing, hygiene procedures and other health and safety requirements. The bubbles must stay within their spaces, not interact with other bubbles and even maintain social distancing within the classroom – not really a very exciting environment as we would normally know it. Hopefully if we can all play our part; we will soon be able to move to Level 2 with more normality in our lives. A huge thank-you to our parent community for supporting us so well during this time and to the staff for their enthusiasm and ability to embrace the changing environment to work for the best for our students and ensure their learning can continue. Remember to try to maximise the
Page 26 The Woodpecker May 2020
(Cont’d on Page 30)
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 27
COVID-19 Thank you all for staying at home to stay safe. Your health providers continue to be available to you. Our systems are different to keep you and our staff safe. Our medical centre is kept as " clean" from COVID as possible. So, if the doctor or nurse think you need to be seen in person, then you know we are doing our best to keep you safe. Thank you all for participating in the COVID Rahui. In level 3, we are still minimising face to face contact, providing your care using phone/video consults, especially for those over 70, those who have a chronic medical condition or are immune compromised. Hence: * If you are stable and need repeat scripts, call us and we will fax to the chemist of your choice. * If you have a health concern, book with one of the GP's or nurse for a phone consult. We might be able to manage your concerns without the need to come in * Person to person consultations will only be given to people who have had a phone consult with the nurse or doctor.
PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE AT THE PRACTICE We will resume minor surgery, mole checks, smears, before school checks and other checkups when we move to level 2. We will keep you informed.
Flu vaccine: Flu vaccines are available Please phone us to make a Flu clinic appointment. No Flu vaccine will be administered if you are unwell. We are doing our best to meet the health needs of our community and would appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Thank you. __________________________________________________________________________________
52 Pegasus Main street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 Page 28 The Woodpecker May 2020
Menzshed – May Update Hi Guys, latest update from the Pegasus/Woodend Community Menzshed. It has been two months since our last update what with the dreaded Virus setting in and all us senior members having to go into isolation lockdown ‘we are a fragile bunch don’t you know!!’ but although there was no activity held on a group basis a lot of activity has been taking place in the background. I am delighted to report even though the lockdown our membership still sits at 15 we also have 24 followers on Facebook (Pegasus / Woodend Menzshed) but we would welcome still more members to spread the diversity of activities and inclusion in the community activities. Discussions with the Rangiora Council regarding a location for our workshop is ongoing with the funding subcommittee busily seeking support from various entities and the building subcommittee actively sourcing building options. At the moment funding is our more pressing concern, especially during this lockdown period where there are a number of other groups seeking funding for one activity or another and with only a limited number of resources for the funding dollar so any support from members of the community would be most appreciated. We are delighted to confirm that Lisa and Sandy who now own the old Waikuku school and have converted
it into boutique shops and café. I can vouch for the café from personal experience. They have given us the use of one of their unused classrooms for which we are extremely grateful. With input from our team members we have completed a number of project for the Pegasus Community and have a couple more in the pipeline, these project have been reasonable small and we were able to complete them on site, we have been approached to complete a few more but again due to the current situation we are unable to complete any but once the all clear is given we shall be back in earnest to fulfil our commitments. Interesting Facts As promised, I shall include another fact that may be of interest to you. Getting the sack Unfortunately, at these uncertain times many people are losing their jobs or as is known ‘getting the sack’ this comes from the days when workmen carried their tools in sacks. If your employer gave you the sack it was time to collect your tools and go. Hobsons choice This means to have no choice at all. In the 16th century and the early 17th century if you went on a journey you could hire a horse to take you from one town to another and travel using a relay of horses. (that was better than wearing out your own horse on a long journey over very poor roads). (Cont’d on next page) The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 29
(Cont’d from previous page) In the early 1600s, Thomas Hobson was a man in Cambridge UK who hired out horses. However, he would not let customers choose which horse they wanted to ride. Instead, they had to ride whichever horse was nearest the stable entrance. So if you hired from him you were given ‘Hobson’s Choice’ We will try and find another Interesting Fact for the next publication.
Woodend Methodist
As you know we have completed our fourth week of COVID 19 shutdown, living in our ‘bubbles’ in what has been unprecedented times. Professor Paul Spoonley from Massey University has warned us of the dangers ahead as we get tired of lockdown in Level 3, which will not be too much different from Level 4! Be careful! Care for others! Continue to ‘break the cycle’ in the interest of elimination of the Virus. The Parish has been using Zoom computer technology to have our Sunday services and also our normal meetings. The services are then converted to You Tube where any member of the public can listen and watch the service at their leisure if they Google ‘Rangiora Woodend Methodist Church Service’. Try it out. An excellent way of reaching out to anyone, especially at this present time. David Ayers, our Parish Secretary has established a Parish Telephone Tree to communicate with us all and stand alongside the pastoral care offered by Veitomoni our Minister and the Parish Pastoral Committee team members. Page 30 The Woodpecker May 2020
We also send out a Parish Bulletin with information about future Worship and appropriate news about people, along with the Sunday Service and Sermon. This is distributed by email or dropped in letter boxes. Our minister Veitomoni Siufanga is working from home – contact: 313 1912. He is available to ‘virtual pastoral care’ by phone or email. Regrettably we cannot make pastoral calls. Let’s care for each other. Be kind. Keep contact with those who live alone. In Level 3 we cannot gather for Sunday worship at Woodend or Rangiora Trinity Church.
Woodend Primary School
(Cont’d from Page 26)
positives that this situation has created, enjoy the extra family times and the wonderful autumn weather. Stay safe and be kind to yourselves and each other…….. Adrienne Simpson Principal Woodend Primary School
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 31
The Lions Club of Pegasus Town Giving to the Community In the past, The Lions Club of Pegasus Town have contributed through the Pegasus Residents Group to the Karen Eastwood Memorial Fund towards a picnic table; Running costs of the Pegasus Security Vehicle and installation of the Defibrillator at the Community Centre; The Pegasus Lions have also assisted at the Toot for Tucker, marshalling during the Pegasus Triathlon and The Pegasus Christmas on the Park and run a Family Fun Day at Waikuku;
The Pegasus Mud Run 2020 Restoring The Pegasus Wetlands Te Kōhanga is the 97-hectare recreation and conservation area of Pegasus. As part of the restoration is the Tūtaepatu Lagoon close to Woodend Beach. Places like Tūtaepatu are increasingly difficult to find, with 90 per cent of New Zealand lagoons having been lost in the past 150 years. There's a huge cultural component to the park as well. Literally, the park is there because of the return of Tūtaepatu to Ngai Tahu [in 1998] who then gifted it back to the nation. More than 30,000 native plants have been planted and over 800 pests trapped at Tūtaepatu Lagoon. Tūtaepatu is a spring-fed freshwater lagoon located within 500m of the sea. The lagoon feeds the coastal freshwater system that runs the entire length of the Tuhaitara Coastal Park between these two significant Canterbury braided rivers. It has huge and rare ecological values and supports a diverse range of indigenous species including mudfish, inaka and eel, morepork, bitten and bellbird and soft tree fern, raupo and matagouri. Last year our Pegasus Fun Mud Run proceeds were used to buy tools for the Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust, a Gazeebo for the Waikuku Surf Lifesaving Club, equipment for the Waikuku Rural Volunteer Fire Brigade and donations to the Woodend War Memorial and St. John Ambulance. The Pegasus Mud Run for this year was to be run on 19th April 2020, but like all events have been affected by the Covid-19 lockdown. We are therefore postponing it to 18th October, 2020. Our webpage will be up and running soon to keep you up to date with the proceedings. In conjunction with the Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust it is hoped that the mud pits and obstacles may become permanent fixtures so that they can be used by other organisations, whilst at the same time support native plants set around them. As a conclusion, we are always looking for community-minded people who are interested in bringing forward ideas of how we can help the communities of Pegasus and Waikuku; We are looking for people who might have some skills to share with us – who may or may not officially want to join our club – but can help with time or ideas if this is more you.
Would you too like to give back to the community? If so please contact for further details: Amanda Smith: 0274 222 648 (President)
Page 32 The Woodpecker May 2020
Darrell Daish: 021 339 052
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 33
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The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 35
Flat White Café Supporting local business in operation since the start of Pegasus town, through starting developments with Infinity, then the change in population Lemon Coconut a gluten free favourite served with you ‘Flat White coffee’. Create cuisine using local and seasonal produce - try our quince shortcake (see photo) after the Christchurch earthquakes.
Clare Giffard
The cafe has certainly seen a change over the years as the dynamics of Christchurch has changed.
Flat White Cafe
A popular destination for the walkers, bikers and our great local personal. Serving hospitality at Pegasus since the beginning. Now serving Switch coffee, our own freshly baked muffins and scones each day. We thrive on serving our local community and the visitors to Pegasus Town each day. A section of cabinet food, gluten free, vegan and a great takeaway coffee service is always available. We even have our own coffee car to serve coffee at your next event. Flat White is a superb venue for the private events, we welcome creating the occasion with you. Creamy Mushrooms, Salmon eggs Florentine or bacon and egg nest, all are created on site using local produce. Page 36 The Woodpecker May 2020
Steady As You Go (SAYGo) Steady As You Go (SAYGo) Falls Prevention Exercise Classes are cancelled until further notice. We encourage our participants to keep doing some of the exercises at home, especially the ‘sit-to-stands’ which can easily be done in the commercial breaks when you are watching TV! We have a sheet of home exercises designed for older folk (and kindly provided by Laura Organ) if anyone would like a copy (whether you are a SAYGo participant or not). Please email rfmpegasus2011@gmail. com (for an email copy) or ring Rhonda on 424 1844 and a hard copy can be left in your letterbox. Best wishes to all and may you have a happy and healthy ‘lockdown’. Please follow Jacinda’s instructions to help us all keep well.
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 37
Page 38 The Woodpecker May 2020
The Good Home Pegasus
is still at the hear of The Good Home.
The Good Home Pegasus is proud to welcome our new award-winning Executive Chef Simo Abbari.
Simo is a well-known figure in the Canterbury restaurant scene and brngs a wealth of knowledge and creativity to Pegasus and is looking forward to bringing his touch to the dining experiences at The Good Home Pegasus. Chef Simo was appointed prior to the current COVID-19 lockdown and officially joined us at Level 3, whilst a lot has changed since our first discussions with him coming here, great food and good honest hospitality
Expect some exciting changes to the menu with an emphasis of local fare and produce, fresh ingredients and samples of international trends, as well as keeping some of our favourite and popular dishes that everyone loves. Chef Simo and all the team look forward to welcoming you back and can’t wait until we can bring back the dining experience at Level 2. Currently at Level 3 we are open from 10am – 8pm for takeaways and delivery, our menu can be viewed online at www.thegoodhomepegasus. and orders placed there or phone 03 967 6891, text 021 941 931.
THE GOOD HOME PEGASUS I 62 PEGASUS MAIN ST I 03 9676891 The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 39
Robyn Gauld
A good move!
LAWNS, GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, FERTILISING, SPRAYING, CHAIN SAWING, PRUNING, SPOUTING CLEANING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Whether you would like manicured lawns/gardens, a quick tidy up or ongoing lawn/garden maintenance we can help. Quotes provided incl. WINZ
Contact Ron or Annette 03 310 0604 | 027 271 7187
Page 40 The Woodpecker May 2020
Local Knowledge 24 years working in your area Harcourts 55 Million Dollar Club
Robyn Gauld Your Area Specialist 03 327 5379 027 221 0171 Your home for local proeprty
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Four Seasons Realty
Level 3 at Snap Fitness Rangiora and Kaiapoi
Sadly, we remain closed and need to wait until Level 2 to be allowed to open. We are still waiting on some more detail as to any restrictions or rules that may be placed on us but rest assured we have a great contact tracing system already in place as our norm and plenty of sanitiser, cleaning product and disinfectant on hand. We are itching to get open again and can’t wait to see existing and new members.
In the interim we strongly recommend everyone supplements their walking running and biking with a little muscle strengthening and toning work and are happy to offer free access to workouts and information to everyone – please see the adjacent advert Anyone with any questions is welcome to email Jo at rangiora@snapfitness. com
• Lawn mowing • Window cleaning • Solar panel cleaning • General section tidy up • Carpentry and home maintenance
Fath own er, son ed a n ope rate d d
Call Adam for a free quote 022 329 8571 Ⅰ
Pegasus Plus Group Pegasus Plus Group meetings will be put on hold until further notice, in line with the Ministry of Health Guidelines for our age group. For further information please phone Kay or David Mills on (03) 920 0126. David & Kay Mills The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 41
Hello and welcome to our Visit Waimakariri Events update.
Virtual Events #Inspireyou
We hope you are all keeping well during the lock-down period. During this unprecedented time our Event Calendar has been put on hold. But don't despair; there is still lots going on in Waimakariri and you can access it all from the comfort of your own home. Join us and explore a bunch of online activities and events right at your fingertips. Check it out and if you are running a virtual event, class, exercise group or similar then please submit to our website for all to see. As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch if there is anything we can do to help. Gwen, Janine & Lucy
Virtual Events We bring to you Waimakariri Virtual Events - a showcase of online events that are fun, interactive and educational from fitness through to community events. During the COVID-19 lock-down period we encourage you to spend time browsing our website and the online events that are available to you. This page will be updated regularly so come back any time you want to escape into the virtual world of Waimakariri. We would LOVE you to SHARE this to your social media pages too - the more people knowing about our awesome virtual events throughout the district - the better! Virtual Events
Page 42 The Woodpecker May 2020
Inspire You
knowing about our awesome virtual events throughout the district - the be
Inspiring Your Wellbeing As we all get used to our new norm, travel and exploration have temporarily been put Virtual Events
on hold. We’ve launched #inspireyou to give you your regular dose of travel inspiration and a well-deserved break from our lockdown lives.
Waimakariri Kai
We're bringing your favourite Waimakariri
#inspireyou is designed to celebrate and share your favourite spots, activities,
recipes to you! moments and adventures in the Waimakariri District and to brighten your days with
Here you'll find some of the
beautiful pictures of our backyard; to bring nature and Waimakariri to you at home,
most popular recipes from eateries in our Inspire You
and to inspire your future Waimakariri adventures when the time comes. We would
district, shared love you to join in and share your favourite photographs and memories of Waimakariri
strictly on the basis that you
with one another, as well as the things that you can’t wait to get out and explore
make them, eat them and enjoy every
again. To join in, simply comment on our Facebook posts with #inspireyou and share As we all get new norm, travel and exploration have temporarily been put moment. too.used to our your pictures away! Don't forget to tag us on Instagram on hold. We’ve launched #inspireyou to give you your regular dose of travel inspiration and a well-deserved break from our lockdown lives.
Inspiring Your Wellbeing
Waimakariri Kai #inspireyou is designed to celebrate and share your favourite spots, activities, We're bringing your favourite Waimakariri moments and adventures in the Waimakariri District and to brighten your days with recipes topictures you! Here find some of of you'll our backyard; to the bring nature and Waimakariri to you at home, beautiful
Wellbeing mosttopopular from eateries in our and inspirerecipes your future Waimakariri adventures when the time comes. We would
district, the basis love youshared to joinstrictly in andon share your that favourite memories of Waimakariri Wellbeing isyou so photographs important and right now as we all make them, eat them and every that As we all get used to our new with norm, travel and exploration have temporarily one another, as well as enjoy the things you can’t wait to get been out and put explore
adjust to a new norm. Here we'll share with
again. To join in, simply comment on our Facebook posts with #inspireyou and share we all get used to ourof newtravel norm, travel and exploration have tempora on hold. We’ve launched #inspireyou to give you yourAsregular dose
youforget our to tips on self-care and staying tagand us ontricks Instagram too. your pictures away! Don't on hold. We’ve launched #inspireyou to give you your regular do
inspiration and a well-deserved break from our lockdown lives.
inspiration and a well-deserved well (both mentally and physically) duringbreak thefrom our lockdown lives.
Inspiring Your Wellbeing Wellbeing
#inspireyou is designed to celebrate and share your favourite spo
Waimakariri Kai #inspireyou is designed to celebrate and share your favourite spots, activities, Wellbeing is so important right now as we all
moments and adventures in the Waimakariri District and to brighten yo We're bringing your favourite Waimakariri
moments and adventures in the Waimakariri District and tobeautiful brighten withtoof bring of you'll ourdays backyard; nature and Waimakariri to y recipes topictures you! your Here find some the adjust to a new norm. Here we'll share with
you our tips and tricks on self-care and staying
and inspire recipes future adventures when the time come mostto popular from Waimakariri in our to bring nature and Waimakariri toyour you at eateries home, beautiful pictures of our backyard; well (both mentally and physically) during the
love youshared to join strictly in andon share your favourite district, the basis that you photographs and memories o
lock-down. and to inspire your future Waimakariri adventures when the time comes. We with onethem, another, well aswould the things make eat as them and enjoy every that
you can’t wait to get out
To join in, simply comment on our Facebook posts with #inspirey moment. love you to join in and share your favourite photographs andagain. memories of Waimakariri Your Waimakariri your pictures away! Don't forget to tag us on Instagram too.
with one another, as well as the things thatCheck you can’t to getimages, out and explore out ourwait favourite shared from Inspiring Your Wellbeing again. To join in, simply comment on our Facebook postswith with andBrowse, share our followers the#inspireyou #inspireyou tag. Your Waimakariri out our favourite images, shared from to tag us on Instagram your pictures away! Don't forgetCheck be inspired too. for lifeWellbeing after lock-down and don't
Inspiring Your Wellbeing
Waimakariri Kai
our followers with the #inspireyou tag. Browse,
Wellbeing is so important right now as we all
be inspired for life afterforget lock-downtoandshare don't
your on share our with adjust toown a newpicturess norm. Here we'll
recipes to you! Here you'll fin
you our tips and tricks on self-care and staying Facebook and Instagram page.
most popular recipes from e
forget to share your own picturess on our Facebook and Instagram page.
Waimakariri Kai
We're bringing your favourit
well (both mentally and physically) during the
district, shared strictly on the
make them, eat them and moment.
We're bringing your favourite Waimakariri recipes to you! Here you'll find some of the
Your Waimakariri most popular recipes from eateries in our Check out our favourite images, shared from
district, shared strictly on with thethebasis our followers #inspireyou Browse, life after lock-down and don't make them, eatbe inspired them forand enjoy every
Contact us (03) 327-3134 |
forget to share your own picturess on our
Wellbeing is so important right
adjust to a new norm. Here w
you our tips and tricks on self-c
well (both mentally and physic
Facebook and Instagram page.
Contact us (03) 327-3134 |
Your Waimakariri
Check out our favourite image
Wellbeing is so important right now as we all
our followers with the #inspireyo
be inspired for life after lock-d
adjust to a new norm. Here we'll share with Contact us you our tips and tricks on self-care and staying (03) 327-3134 |
forget to share your own pic
Facebook and Instagram page.
well (both mentally and physically) during the lock-down.
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 43 Your Waimakariri
Contact us (03) 327-3134 |
COMMUNITY CONTACTS GLADSTONE PARK ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson, Mark Paterson - 312 7439 LIONS CLUB OF PEGASUS President - Amanda Smith - 027 422 2648 LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND President: Ian Lennie - 920 1576 Youth Centre Co-ordinator: John Harris - 313 7832 LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS Tel: 9434935 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 HOME GROUPS: Men’s Group: Andrew Clark 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy Clark 021 234 4253 MAINLY MUSIC Litia Maclean 313 8678 / 022 052 2674 MENZSHED PEGASUS/WOODEND COMMUNITY TRUST Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805 TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL Tel: 313 2141 Facebook: Tuahiwi Community Preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool Page 44 The Woodpecker May 2020
WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson WAIKUKU BEACH SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Danelle Asher WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Alan Pegley 310 6772 Secretary Phil Harris 327 6553 WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President Doug Tatterson 423 3879 Secretary Lynn Muir 312 2027 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Andrea Rigby WOODEND COMMUNITY CENTRE ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson Simon Kong 310 8900 WOODEND COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB President Kevin Taylor 327 8920 Vice President Roger Wedlake 027 588 6062 WOODEND CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963 WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Shirley Wheeler 327 3416 Secretary Lynn Oliff 310 0575 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Stephanie 312 2993 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB President Gillian Small 310 6772 Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH
COMMUNITY CONTACTS CONT’D Minister Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 312 2237 Secretary Rachael Paterson 312 7439 WOODEND PLAY CENTRE Phone: 027 353 2131 Email: Facebook: woodendplaycenter WOODEND PRESCHOOL / NURSERY Jana Thorn 312 7654 Email:
WOODEND RUGBY CLUB: Senior Club Captain, Matthew McLeod Ph 027 722 8011 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker Ph 021 267 1429 WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Deputy Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 0211311780 Operational Support -Fire Fighter Dave Houlihan 0275665582 (Brigade Secretary) WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640
Success Factor Do you or your business need help or support during lockdown? COVID-19 we know will take many casualties health-wise and economically. New Zealand has many small business owners, some of which are single-person enterprises, sole traders or small family businesses. The virus not only creates worry and concern for us personally but professionally as well.
With that in mind, Debs at Success Factor would like to offer any business owner a one to two-hour complimentary consultation via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, What’s App or telephone to help with general life coaching, business coaching & mentoring, business continuity planning, strategic planning and / or health & wellbeing support during the lockdown period to help you put some plans in place for you, your family and your business. If you are interested and would like support during this time, please do feel free to reach out via email to
Is your community agency listed in the community contacts? If not please let the Editor know, or if your contact name or number is incorrect please advise. The Editor
The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 45
Professional paving specialists based in Woodend with over 30 years of combined industry experience
Patios, pathways, driveways, doorways, pool surroundings, stone landscaping ... anywhere you could need paving
We are a quick, reliable, friendly, and tidy professional team Check out our facebook page for examples of our work and contact Lee for a quote!
021 292 2335 - Lee Squires
fb: dragonstonepavingltd
Canterbury Print Service We print: newsletters, flyers, brochures, business cards and stationery, wide-format banners, posters, plans, direct mail, construction plans, architectural drawings, manuals, booklets... Whatever you imagine, we can help make it happen.
Canterbury print service
design print wide-format mail Page 46 The Woodpecker May 2020
Call 03 366 1999
Email Visit 174 Carlyle Street, Sydenham Christchurch
The Woodpecker Annual General Meeting Postponed The Annual General Meeting of the Woodpecker Community Trust is normally held in May. Owing to the present restrictions this has now been deferred until social distancing rules have been relaxed.
The Woodpecker Your Choice! If you’d prefer NOT to have your newsletter delivered and would rather ONLY read the digital version, please contact Tyree Woodham on: 027 902 5611 OR 03 312 2256 or via email: Digital Issue available on:
Attention Advertisers and Community Groups Are you part of a group which you would like to promote? Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves? Do you have any community stories you would like to share? Have you any information or notices you would like to share? YES? We would love to hear from you!
Debs’ Private Driving Service Debs Private Driving Service is now offering to help with deliveries of goods or food. Support a local business and let’s help keep the money flowing. Contact Deb 021 289 9256
NEXT ISSUE JUNE 2020 Deadline for advertisements and community articles is 25 May 2020 at 5.00pm at the latest The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: Email: Cell: 021 863 877 Post / Cheques: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648 The Woodpecker May 2020 Page 47
Please....... Bear with us!
. A vet since ’92 Ivets have At PAWS we are still open and y setting up a small seeing people. A vet since ’92 I have y clinic. However, the restrictions are
y setting slowing up a small down everything we do. y16. clinic. Phone consultations tie up phone
Hi to Jaynelines, andconsultations have a without owners present slows down the process of
16. diagnosislove and decision making. New regulations increase demands on our linic. We would to
team filling extra prescriptions, holding every animal and deciding who we rry family members.
Hi to Jayne have a The strangest of all is the extra garb we wear ensuring canand and cannot see. inic. We we would love are all kept safe.toStrange days indeed. please “bear with us” during this time and try to plan ahead so we rry familySomembers. have more time to look after your needs. Take care. The PAWS vets team. CONTACTS:
PHONE: 03 312 2669 EMAIL:
ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays
Page 48 The Woodpecker May 2020