The Woodpecker - November 2021

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Delivered to 3,120 households

November 2021

Produced for the community, by the community

Toot for Tucker

On Tuesday 7 December 2021 we will again be Tooting for Tucker. This charity food drive is now in its 11th year, and we continue to be astounded by the generosity of our community as we set out to help fill the local food banks ahead of Xmas the coming year and again this year, we are asking for people to provide their own bags, please. Where once Food Banks were seen as providing primarily for the poorer folks in our community often on benefits, that is no longer the case, those on lower wages who struggle to meet

extra costs such as school fees, new uniforms, camp fees, and of course the rates or a warrant or registration on the car, all which seemed to come at the same time. Today, we find that because of Covid, many of our small business owners are suffering, the income they rely on is just not there, but bills still need to be paid. Our rural community has also suffered badly this year, many farmers have had a great deal of damage done to their properties due to flooding and windstorms. Cont’d on page 4

Book a Christmas function package for November or December, and receive a complimentary round of Stella Artois on arrival For more information phone - 039676891 The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 1

Editor’s Note

Kia Ora everyone I’m sure you will have noticed we have a NEW-style Woodpecker this month! After much deliberation by The Woodpecker Community Trustees, we have had to make a change to our printing supplier to enable us to keep our costs down, ensure the quality and standards are high and not have to offset the increased costs for printing for a continually increasing number of households onto our advertisers. We are pleased to announce that as we’d advised everyone two years ago, we have moved to full-colour! This is a great move forward not only for our loyal advertisers, but to all our wonderful community groups and clubs in that all the amazing photos and logos you send us will now be in colour. I hope you have noticed the difference and that it’s made the read more enjoyable for you. As usual your comments and feedback are welcome. As you are aware The Woodpecker Community Trust is a charity and therefore solely reliant upon advertising costs to pay for our main expense which are our printing costs. Whilst our anticipated increase in advertising costs from this month has come into effect, the first increase for two years, we are offering our Page 2 The Woodpecker November 2021

recurring advertisers the benefit of remaining at the current price until 1 April 2022. This is an offer of goodwill and thanks for their continued support. Part of the reason for our change in printing supplier was that our print run has been regularly increasing to keep up with the demand of all the new houses being built. Only this month we’ve had to increase our delivery run by another 110! This means our advertisers are having an even wider reach than before with The Woodpecker now being delivered to 3,120 households!! In just two years our print run has increased by 620, from 2,500 to 3,120 and counting.. As a thank you to all our dedicated Trustees, distributors, deliverers, advertisers and community contributors, we are holding our annual Xmas social function to recognise, acknowledge and thank them all for your regular contribution to The Woodpecker. We hope to see you there. Don’t forget to RSVP and bring your invitation with you. The Woodpecker – produced by the community for the community Ngā mihi Debs Taylor-Hayhurst The Editor - Woodpecker

All Construction & C onc rete Work

• Driveways, patios & paths • Bridges and Culverts • Floors, foundations, sheds and buildings • Dairy Sheds, Herd homes • Silage pits, effluent ponds

• Retaining walls & landscaping • Swimming pools & ponds • Excavation and cartage • Precast concrete • Insulated panels • Placing & Finishing

Daryl Power 027 230 9401 • The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 3

Toot for Tucker - Cont’d from front page:

I guess what I am saying, is that more than ever, we need each other, and like the way we tackled Covid when we came together to try and beat this thing, we now need to come together again to help those in our community we have a greater need. If we all give a little, we will make a huge difference to those Food Banks in our areas, it will allow them to give to those who call on them. If you would like to help on the night or want any further information, then please call Ian Lennie on 027 271 7451. You’re help would be very much appreciated.

Woodpecker Donations

The Woodpecker is a community publication and registered charity, individuals can claim a ‘donation tax credit’ for donations of $5 or more to The Woodpecker. This tax credit equals 33.33% (one third) for all qualifying donations made. If you would like to assist us, please either post a cheque or make payment direct to bank account: 0306740212552-00. Thank you for your support. Post to: P O Box 78333: Email: com

Attention dvertisers Do you want to stand out MORE in colour! The Woodpecker is now in FULL COLOUR! If you want to ensure your advert gets noticed as much as possible and currently have a monochome advert, you should consider changing your advert to colour. It’s great value! Ask our Editor for our advertisers’ information sheet for further details. Page 4 The Woodpecker November 2021

CROQUET HAVE a GO at Kaiapoi (Woodend Pegasus) Croquet Club

Murphy Park over stop bank between Mandeville Tavern and Kaiapoi Borough School Exercise, Challenges, Skill, Social. Fun, A game for all ages. Coaching and equipment supplied. Thursdays and Saturdays from 1.15pm to 3.15pm Contact Adrienne Lamb. 021 265 7857 or Brian White 0210 293 7591

Tyree Woodham Woodpecker Trustee Profile

Hello fellow readers, allow me to let you know a little about me. I grew up in Redwood, Christchurch and was the last of four children. I got my 1st horse at 7 years of age and did cross country and eventing every winter till I sold my last horse at 24. Took on cricket, indoor and outdoor at the age of 17, played for Harewood till I had my 1st child at 31. Worked in The National Bank for 10.5yrs, left, met my husband and

have been married for coming 24 years which gave me my move to Woodend. I have held numerous positions at Plunket and Playcentre and was there till my youngest started school. When he was four years of age I started as a casual at Vbase (Otatahi Venues) and was there for 10.5yrs. I started delivering The Woodpecker approximately 21 years ago then became Head Distributor approx 19 years ago. I am now full time at NW Ravenswood in the Cafe. The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 5

A Poem by Barbara Petrie Cow Yard

I see the shapes of cows – pied.

See their huge sides and the soft falling necklines that scoop and gather under and away to the udder. They have walked from paddocks far into my dreams. I have woken from sleep to be amongst them.

auras of moving energy hich reinforce harder than eyes, outlasting. Altogether, meekness and strength. What the soul craves, is given. What it does not, sloughed off, a riddance. Soft and falling away the loose Poll necks. Now the ridges of upper

Rounding the dark of my fenceless bed

necks meet with this memory of

their soft eyes fathom mine.

childhood – the seam my running

Slowly, to assess my need.

finger makes in the fur of a rabbit.

Soon their bovine sides are lashed with

Barbara Petrie

Page 6 The Woodpecker November 2021

We are OPEN at different alert levels but will be operating slightly differently. If you have a health concern need medication or would like to book a consult, call us as usual on 03 920 4060. COVID SWABS: Patients who have been in locations of interest or who have symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, cough, loss of smell, fever, shortness of breath. We encourage you to call us to book a test. Covid swabs are free. Please Wait in the Car Park. COVID VACCINATION: We are running COVID Vaccine clinics on Saturdays (all day). Wednesday and Thursday evenings. You can book online through bookmyvaccine or by calling 0800 282926. You do not have to be enrolled with the medical centre; this is for everyone. Please, book 12–15-year-olds in the same way. APPOINTMENTS ARE AVAILABLE ON BOOKMYVACCINE. If you have any concerns or questions about having the COVID vaccine, please call us to speak with one of our nurses or book an appointment with the nurse or GP to discuss, free of charge. At all alert level 2,3 and 4, we are required to have patients sign in at Reception either using the manual tracer or the QR code and wear a mask.

If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. If you have an urgent /acute condition, do not use Manage My Health, call us to speak to a nurse You can book a consultation by calling us or alternatively online via our website and go to ‘Manage My Health (MMH)’. You can also use this portal to access lab results and request repeat prescriptions. If you need assistance to register with MMH, please contact our reception team who will be happy to help. If you have any issues with MMH, contact . You can download the app from the App store or Google Play, or our website Booking through MMH is available now. Phone Calls to nurses: Nurses will take your phone call if they are available. Otherwise, please leave a message and you will be called back in a timely manner. Test results can take some time to be available and reviewed by the Doctor. You will be contacted if further action is needed. They can be viewed on Manage My Health as well. Thank you for your patience. Saturday Clinics are temporarily withheld until level 1. Our phone lines have been extremely busy, and some patients find it hard to get through. Thank you for your patience. We are adopting different measures to alleviate that including resuming booking through Manage My Health. Appointments are 15 minutes to cover 1 or 2 issues. If you have more issues, please book 2 appointments Mole Checks and Musculoskeletal issues need 2 appointments. If you have a mole of concern or which has changed, book a single appointment and we will see you within a week. There might be a wait for routine mole checks due to demand ________________________________________________________________________________ 52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 7

Mayoral Dan Gordon Update

Despite COVID restrictions I have been able to attend and celebrate several significant events over the past few weeks. Recently I had the privilege to speak at the unveiling of the new ‘Karo’ sculpture by the renowned artist Andrew Drummond which sits on the riverbank by the Kaiapoi marina. This event marked the launch of the new Waimakariri Public Arts Trust. The Council set up this Trust with the purpose of promoting art and culture and to encourage new public art. I would like to acknowledge and thank Chair Jackie Watson and the Trustees for their work. We as a community are indebted to the Blackwell family for their donation that has brought about the purchase of this fantastic artwork and is part of celebrating their 150th anniversary. Giving back to Kaiapoi and Waimakariri is firmly embedded in the Blackwell family’s DNA and is highlighted in this beautiful new sculpture. From George Henry Blackwell to today’s generation of Andrew and Page 8 The Woodpecker November 2021

Michael, we salute your commitment to our community and wish you a happy 150th anniversary.

Pegasus Menz Shed

I enjoyed attending and speaking at the recent opening of the new Advice Kiwi Pegasus Menz Shed based at Gladstone Park in Woodend. Concept to completion of this project was achieved in 20 months which is remarkable and down to the commitment of the local committee and generosity and support of funders such as Joel McLachlan from Advice Kiwi. Council has supported the establishment of other Menz Sheds in the District because they are a great place to learn new skills, share skills, have a laugh and enjoy each other’s company as well as work on practical tasks - either personal or as a group - to benefit the community. If this is of interest to you I encourage you to make contact with your local Menz Shed – they would welcome your involvement.

Covid Vaccinations

I believe in the Covid vaccination programme and encourage everyone

One-hour complimentary consultation available

Inspiring and motivating you to make positive changes in your professional and personal life. Business coaching & mentoring Life personal coaching Speech Coaching Working together to make a difference Ph 021 863 877 Email

who is able to get vaccinated. It is our best chance to beat this virus and allow us to get back to normal. The more people who are fully vaccinated, the more protection we have against Covid, resulting in more freedom for all New Zealanders and the ability to also make the most of the coming summer season. If you haven’t already booked your vaccine you can do this at https:// or by phoning 0800CANVAX (226829). Recently I had the honour of laying a wreath at the Kaiapoi cenotaph to commemorate the 104th anniversary

of the Battle of Passchendaele. 846 young New Zealanders lost their lives, including local residents. We can never thank those who gave the supreme sacrifice during World War 1 and conflicts since, but we can remember them always and not forget that it is due to their sacrifice that we enjoy our freedom today. Lest we forget. I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue they may want to discuss. Email me at dan. or phone 021 906 437. I’m here to help.

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 9

New Brownie Unit Pegasus Brownies

Do you have a story to tell? We would love to hear our reader’s stories. If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers. Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story Funny story Send us a photo too! Page 10 The Woodpecker November 2021

A new Brownie unit opened in Pegasus at the start of Term 4. Girls between 7 & 9.5 years were invited along to an Open Day to experience some of the activities that are part of the Brownie programme. A fun time was had by those who attended. If you are interested in Brownies contact through the GirlGuiding NZ website or email Jan Murphy – Pegasus Brownie Leader


8 Eders Road - Woodend

FIRE SAFETY TIP Dos and don'ts for charging your device safely at home 

Batteries get hot when charging.

Don't leave your charging phone or laptop on a bed.

Don’t cover your phone or laptop with blankets or pillows.

Always charge your laptop on a hard surface that allows the computer's fan to vent hot air.

Don't use a damaged charger especially one with exposed wires.

Our Recent Calls

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 11

Thank you to our community

for voting for our school in the Mainpower Funding round. We were one of the recipients and today our junior students received some muchneeded sports equipment. They were super excited with the new purchases of tennis balls, soccer balls,

basket balls, elastics and frisbees. We are seeing a lot of the students playing with the new equipment at morning and lunchtimes. Many of our planned activities for this term have had to be modified, postponed or cancelled due to the Alert Levels but we are working within the restrictions and need to Page 12 The Woodpecker November 2021

remind ourselves of the positives building resilience in ourselves and children. Property We have some building projects on which will help with a solution to the storage of our Te Pou student’s bags and an enhancement around the school with updated signage. Look out for the changes coming! We have two Teacher Only Days planned for this term. The 29 October is for staff professional development and the 26 November for 2022 school planning. If you have a child who is likely to attend our school next year, we would love to hear from you. We have an online pre-enrolment form to fill out on our website: www. or you can ring the office on 312 7808 for more information. This would greatly help with our organisation for next year. Nga mihi nui Adrienne Simpson (Principal)


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PAG Silverstream Dental - 03 925 8003 Shop 4/42 Silverstream Boulevard

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 13

Pegasus parkrun

Pegasus parkrun is still paused at Alert Level 2, so you won’t see us running around Lake Pegasus on Saturday mornings at 8am as usual. Unfortunately, as a community sporting event we are bound by the 100-person limit for social gatherings, so we are patiently waiting for a return to normal. It is difficult to adjust to the constantly changing alert levels and restrictions, therefore selfcare is important. It’s understandable to feel sad, distressed, worried, confused, anxious or angry during this time, and you may be looking for new or additional ways to help you feel mentally well and get through. Our parkrunners are keeping themselves entertained by doing 5K walks, runs, and jogs at a time and place of their choosing, and are uploading them to their parkrun profiles. Every week we share the leader board and results on Facebook. It’s a great way to for everyone to check-in and engage! Pegasus (not)parkrunners have submitted over 500 parkruns since we moved away from Alert Level 1 in August! This is astounding, and it shows how popular and motivating the parkrun phenomenon is. It’s worth noting that anyone can sign up for parkrun, and it’s totally free. Page 14 The Woodpecker November 2021

The mission of parkrun is to create a healthier and happier planet, and to do so by keeping parkrun totally free – always. Check out or visit our Facebook page by searching ‘Pegasus parkrun’. Also, Pegasus had 3 teams taking part in the annual Takahe to Akaroa Relay race. The Pegasus parkrun Defenders held onto their title for the 4th consecutive year for the 6-leg race to Cooptown, the Angels team also performed well (see their photo alongside). The Great 8 team completed the full distance relay for the first time and did remarkably well. It was great fun, well done to all! Stay safe, and we look forward to having a restart soon! Don’t forget to wave at a runner if you one, every little bit helps!

Pegasus Plus

It is with regret that we inform you Pegasus Plus is postponed until the South Island returns to Level 1. The restrictions that are in place make it awkward for us to go ahead with our social group. We are hoping 2022 life will be back to resemble some sort of normality.




7.00pm Five Stags, Rangiora




Ohoka Domain, Ohoka. Every Friday 9am–12.30pm.

5.30pm - 9.30pm Rangiora CBD

05-06 TUNES OF


7.00pm – 9.45pm Rangiora Baptist Church



11.00am - 4.00pm Rangiora Showgrounds Pavilion



9.00am -12.30pm Ohoka Domain



Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm



Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.

10.30am Kaiapoi Golf Club




7.00pm - 9.00pm MainPower Stadium, Rangiora

Blake St Carpark, Rangiora. Every 2nd Sunday, 10am2pm.



Kaiapoi i-SITE 03 327 3134


The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 15

Hello everyone… With the warmer days and longer nights, so much more can be accomplished each day. So, on this note, we are meeting a Woodend Community Association member that doesn’t sit around and wait for things to happen. This man is extremely passionate about his community. Introducing, Doug Wethey…. Doug has lived in the Woodend area since 1977. Whilst being part of multiple committees over this time and seeing many changes within Woodend his underlying focus has been targeted toward traffic safety campaigns. Doug has been a part of the Woodend Community Association for 5 years. The main reason Doug became involved with the Association is he had concerns for the safety of his grandchildren, as cars were exceeding the speed limit by 20km an hour outside of their home. Doug wanted this to change, he needed an avenue that would hear his concerns and help action them. With the help of the Association, speed bumps were placed at Woodend Beach which has been very successful in slowing speeds. Doug is also currently spearheading to 2 other major projects. 1. For the last 2 years he has been working on improvements to the toilets and playground at Woodend Beach. This has involved getting signatures from the residents at the Page 16 The Woodpecker November 2021

beach, submitting applications, and attending hearings and meetings with Community Boards, council project managers and submitting to the WDC Long Term Plan. Happily this project has now been moved forward 5 years and it will hopefully be started in early 2022. 2. Also working with the council to create a cycleway linking Woodend and Kaiapoi, keeping cyclists and pedestrians safe on that dangerous piece of roadway. With constant communication to the local boards and the council, they have given a green light for the project and are currently working on the details. Thanks, Doug, for the effort you have given our community. One of the many future projects we were focusing on was the Woodend Community Hangi. Unfortunately, this has had to be cancelled this year due to covid reasons. Hopefully we can make next year’s Hangi bigger and better because of this. The Woodend Community Association and its members would not exist without support from the residents of Woodend. We appreciate each one of our residents contacting us and engaging with us regularly. There are two ways to help the association better our community: 1. By making a $10 yearly donation to keep our projects alive. You can become a member either via our website or email. It is a great way to

connect into your community and be in the know of what is happening and when. 2. Have you got a matter in Woodend you would like to improve? We are looking for new committee members for the 2021 / 2022 period, in particular a secretary. The association would love some fresh thinking people who want to contribute their ideas to help the Woodend community become better. The committee has a monthly meeting for an hour, that’s it….. oh, and eating the fresh baking at the meeting... Website and Facebook Please keep an eye on our website and our Facebook Page ‘The Community of Woodend’ for any updates that come from any

community groups. Woodend Community Groups If you are new community group, please get in contact with us and let us know what you are up to so we can share any information that we can to all our members and residents. Woodend Businesses We also have a business page on our website and the ability to share Woodend businesses on Facebook. If you are in a business, please get in contact with us so we can make sure we are following you and sharing any info to help residents shop locally. Have a wonderful week and please be in touch if there is anything you would like to discuss via email, woodend. The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 17

Ronel’s Community Cuppa for Pegasus Residents Ronel’s Community Cuppa became a regular event at the Pegasus Community Centre soon after the centre opened in July 2017. Since then the cuppa has run every month apart from January and Covid-19 related shutdowns. From the first cuppa, when only a handful of people attended, this has now grown to a regular attendance of 40 – 50 (or more) Pegasus residents (the maximum capacity for the venue). Catering for the event is ably handled by Ronel Stephens, the event’s host, with guests looking Cuppa guests enjoying cake and getting to know their neighbours. forward to a different variety of cake each month from Ronel’s kitchen. As delicious as Ronel’s cakes are, the main purpose of the event is to connect and inform Pegasus residents. A range of mini speakers have attended the event over the years, including staff from the Tūhaitara Coastal Park, local police, St John and frequent visits from a range of Council staff and Waimakariri Mayor, Dan Gordon. Woodend-Sefton Community Board Chair, Shona Powell often gives updates on what is happening locally and various local groups such as the Pegasus-Woodend MenzShed are introduced. The November Cuppa is scheduled for Wednesday 10 th November, starting at 10.45am. Members of the Waimakariri District Council planning team will be present to give an overview of the District Plan Review and answer questions. The District Plan sets rules for sustainably managing how people use, subdivide and develop land, what and where they can build and what kind of activities they can undertake. It also controls any adverse effects an activity could have on the neighbourhood and protects the uniqueness of our district by looking after our heritage, cultural values, outstanding landscapes and coastal environment. Join us at Ronel’s Community Cuppa on Wed 10th November at the Pegasus Community Centre from 10.45am. Please don’t come early as we need time MP Matt Doocey with Cuppa regulars to set up. Level 2 Covid restrictions apply. Page 18 The Woodpecker November 2021

This Month with Harry repeated from September

Continuing a little about the Burnham children. Not all the children were to have a happy stay in Woodend. In September 1887 the four Brown siblings: William 11, Mary 10, Emma 7 and Maggie 6 arrived and were fostered by Mrs Booth. Within a month Emma Brown was dead. On Tuesday 25 October 1887, Fanny Beatty recorded in her journal “at 5 ½ a note from Mrs Booth to say Emma was very ill-thought she ought to have a doctor (they all have whooping cough). Nina went at once and put her in a warm bath and sent for Dr Overden who came very soon and thought the child very ill-effusion of the brain” The following day, Wednesday 26th, she records “J Judson

bought a message that the child died at 2” Emma is buried in an unmarked grave in the eastern extremity of the Methodist cemetery. Alongside Emma is John Hazelhurst. His story is perhaps the saddest of all. In 1882 three Hazelhurst brothers arrived from Burnham. William and John were fostered to John and Hannah Green, storekeepers and butchers, whilst George was taken in by Mrs John Bailey. We know that the family were living in Lincoln in 1880 with father James and mother Sarah. However, the Lyttelton Times of 27 February 1882 reported that six children named Hazelhurst aged 2 to 7 were brought before the court. “The father had deserted them and the mother was addicted to drunkenness. Sgt Wilson had found the children in a house with no furniture or bedding”

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 19

The Green’s business was about opposite the present greengrocers. They had four children of their own. On the morning of 21 December 1885, the hottest day recorded in Canterbury to that date, John Hazelhurst collapsed while playing with one of the Green children, Nina Gresson was summoned and she put him in a warm bath which appears to be the cure-all of the time. And a fat lot of good if the patient was running a temperature. Dr Ovenden was notified but John died before he arrived. He thought the cause of death to be sunstroke. However due to the suddenness of death, an inquest had to be held. This was presided over by the coroner Caleb Whitefoord and a jury of six local men. It was held in the White Crane hotel. Dr Ovenden had been instructed to do a post mortem. The Lyttelton Times reported “Dr Page 20 The Woodpecker November 2021

Ovenden who had been instructed to make the post mortem examination had on removal of the clothes from the deceased found the body to be in such a frightful state” TBC JH

Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer days

Wednesday 11am - 1pm and the last Saturday of the month 10am 11.30am. Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook

Woodend-Sefton Community Board

SH1 Safety improvements

The Board have been strong advocates for improving safety on SH1 through Woodend and at the Pegasus roundabout. It is creating more and more concern with the residential and commercial growth and needs to be addressed. We are inviting Waka Kotahi (NZTA) to attend an upcoming meeting. We are very disappointed at the lack of progress on safety improvements in Woodend, which the public were consulted on over two years ago. Safety improvements are needed now to create some breaks in the traffic to allow safe movement around and through Woodend. The Board has also raised safety concerns for pedestrians and cyclists at the Pegasus/SH1 roundabout and the lack of a safe cycle/walkway along SH1 between Woodend and the roundabout. An underpass could be a great option as it would still allow traffic flow but give safe access for cyclists and walkers across SH1.

Have Your Say - District Plan Review Full information and how to have your say is at The District Plan is being updated to ensure it enables economic and residential growth, while protecting the things that make Waimakariri special. If you have questions - there is a frequently asked question section, there will be drop-in sessions where you can talk to a planner or you can talk to someone during business hours at the Rangiora Service Centre. Full information on the Lets Talk webpage. The proposed e-plan is available at Submissions close 26 November


A Board workshop was held on possible projects for our annual landscaping budget. As always it was an interesting discussion on how to spread the funding around the area. Previous projects include: • colourful welcoming Waikuku Beach sign • contribution for the Woodend War Memorial • planting along part of the Jill Creamer Trail • seats overlooking the wetlands, Pegasus • dog poo bin and bag dispenser, Pegasus • seat and planting in the Sefton domain. Board Chair Shona Powell, along A project from last year, a welcome sign at with the Mayor, are meeting with the the entrance to Woodend Beach is making CEO of NZTA in November to outline progress. We look forward to engaging with their concerns at the lack of action. the community soon to find out their views The Board and community have and thoughts on some possible designs. heard a lot of talk about improvements but no funding to back A funding grant of $500 to the Life Education Trust towards the delivery of the Healthy those words up. Harold Programme was approved.

Next meeting

Monday 8 November starting at 6pm, in the Woodend Community Centre.

Contact us - more information about the Board, and members contact details at Facebook: @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Email: The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 21

Therese and the Bad Man A true story set in the 1970s As told by Anastasia Marambos

Everyone talked about him. Everyone thought about him. There were plenty of articles about him in the newspapers. People frowned when they mentioned his name. He was wicked, they said. He, Pranzini, was a murderer. Pranzini was a murderer. That was why almost no one felt sorry for him when he was given the death penalty. But Therese felt sorry for him. She knew that he was not happy. She knew that, even though he had done these terrible things, he was still a person. She knew that he was still capable of doing something good. So she knelt down and prayed. She prayed for the people Pranzini had killed. She prayed for Pranzini’s friends and his enemies. But most of all, she prayed for Pranzini, that he might be sorry for what he had done. But Pranzini wasn’t sorry. He was angry. He didn’t want to repent of his crimes. He didn’t seem to want to do anything good. That didn’t stop Therese from praying and hoping that maybe, maybe, he might be change his mind. Then Therese heard that Pranzini had died. She wondered if he had felt sorry before he died. She had no way of telling. Then, she saw the newspaper lying on the table. She didn’t usually read the newspaper, but she picked it up Page 22 The Woodpecker November 2021

anyway and flipped to the page about Pranzini. She read that he had kissed a crucifix three times before he died.

LAWNS, GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, FERTILISING, SPRAYING, CHAIN SAWING, PRUNING, SPOUTING CLEANING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Whether you would like manicured lawns/gardens, a quick tidy up or ongoing lawn/garden maintenance we can help. Quotes provided incl. WINZ

Contact Ron or Annette 03 310 0604 | 027 271 7187

Dancewear & Alterations For all your costume needs, Clothing alterations and Repairs Call Paula 027 627 7212 Check us out on Facebook

Want 1/8th advertising space? That’s this size! Interested? Email Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.

Blessed be Thee A short Story by Kevin Warren of Pegasus

(repeated from September issue) “Come on, ‘The wee boy’; time for walkies.” “Oh, seriously dad; its bloody cold out there. Do I have to?” “Hey! If I have to go then, you have to go. Hey, look on the bright side, some kind person out there might have some doggy treats for you.” “Oh yeah, hasn’t happened yet. But hey, big guy, I live in hope. I’ll get the harness.” Mom arrived at the door to investigate the noise, took the harness out of Inky’s little mouth, slipped it over his head, secured it and then put on the jacket. “Oh, come on Mom, I have a built-in

doghair coat on; do I have to wear the jacket?” “Inky! Keep still, I’m trying to put your jacket on. It’s cold out there.” Said a now angry mom. “Phooey.” Thought Inky. “I hope none of me mates see me with this ponsy thing on.” But Inky knew he wasn’t going to win this little altercation and plonked his arse down and let mom put on the jacket. Mom secured him to dad’s walking frame and declared that all was well and that they should head out on their walk. Inky saw dad look at him and chuckle. Inky got upset and began to growl. “Your day is coming, boss.” He thought. Dad pulled up on the lead. “Don’t you growl at me.” He demanded. “Or there’ll be no lunch for you when we get back.” “Lunch! Did you just say lunch? Whoopie. Let’s move old guy.” Barked inky as he strained against the lead; a food addict if ever there was one. “It certainly is a bit chilly out here, luv.” “I told you to put long pants on,” mom said. “Nah, come on dad, let’s get on with it. There are heaps of new smells to be investigated out there, and cats, dogs and people to be barked at; not to mention, lunch is waiting.” Dad put on his radio headphones, carefully stood up from his wheelchair and balanced himself on the gutterframe he used when he walked the exercise circuit. “Okay, ya little bugger. Let’s go.” Cont’d on Page 39 The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 23

It’s never too late to start something BIG with Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury.

Considering buying a rental property or expanding your investment property portfolio? Contact Rachelle NOW for great hints & tips on choosing the right rental. 80 Ivory Street, Rangiora P 03 3 106 106 M 027 558 1739

Rachelle Hughes Business Development Manager Email:

Page 24 The Woodpecker November 2021

We recruit Mentors all year round, and it takes just one hour a week to make a real and positive difference to the lives of our tamariki – and that’s all we ask of you! Best of all, you get to do all the fun things you love to do - walk the dog, go to the beach, bake or play board games - all whilst spending time with a young person. Open to anyone aged between 18+, with full training and on-going support provided. Find out more and become a Mentor today! Call 03 310 7004 or email:

52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus 7612, New Zealand Part Time Medical Receptionist We are seeking a Part Time Receptionist to join our supportive and friendly team in Pegasus Town. Flexible hours (negotiable) working a variety of shifts between 0745 – 1800 (Monday to Friday) with the occasional Saturday morning shift. You will have: ▪

▪ ▪ ▪

Excellent customer service skills and the ability to work under pressure in a fast paced but caring environment Time management skills with a strong attention to detail Initiative and a desire to finish the job to a consistently high standard Flexibility to cover for staff annual leave and illness

You will be: A Team player who enjoys working collaboratively with her colleagues to deliver outstanding primary healthcare. Priority will be given to candidates who: ▪

Experience in General Practice is desired with a sound knowledge of Medtech Evolution A good knowledge of office accounting would also be an advantage

If you believe you have the skills and experience that we are looking for please send a cover letter and CV to Nicky Sloss, Practice Manager. Email:

We are open! Units available now For more info visit

Applications close Friday 12 November 2021

Make the Switch North Canterbury Do you need help with your hearing? We are a full service hearing clinic and it’s easy to make the switch! We can’t wait to welcome you to North Canterbury’s Vera Setz Hearing family.

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Amberley | Rangiora | Hanmer Springs | Cheviot

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 25

Pegasus Woodend WI The Pegasus Woodend WI meeting which was held on 12 October 2021 in the Pegasus Community where we made bouquets to give to the community. This is a way to let people know that we are still around and giving to the community is one of the things that we do. After we had finished making them, we had a lovely, shared lunch before taking the bouquets and putting them

Middle Photo: Bunches of flowers that we made for people to pick up, that were left on seats at bus stops – here we are in the Cafe in Pegasus making the bunches of flowers. Bottom Photo: Dawn, Mavis and Lorraine with the ladies from the early childhood centre with the undies and Christmas decorations that we gave to them.

where the public would see them and pick them up to take home and enjoy. The photos show some of the bunches of flowers that we made. Top Photo: This is some of the bunches of flowers that we made.

Page 26 The Woodpecker November 2021

The Sun Changed Colour A true story As told by Anastasia Marambos

In Fatima, which is in Portugal, it rained. And it rained. And it rained. The ground was muddy. People’s shoes were muddy. People’s clothes were soaked through. But they didn’t go home. They just waited. Their eyes were fixed on three kneeling children. The children had said that there would be a miracle at midday, on that day, October 13, 1917. Most people’s watches said that it was 1:30, but the miracle hadn’t happened yet. People started to get angry. They had come a long way. The children’s parents started to worry. Thousands of annoyed people are not a very pleasant sight, especially near one’s own field. But the children stayed calm. They believed that a miracle would happen. But nothing happened. It rained some more. The ground got muddier, and people wetter. The crowd grew angrier.

The parents grew more worried. And the children stayed just as calm. Nothing happened. Then, some people started worrying that they would catch pneumonia. The parents worried that the crowd would kill the children. The children didn’t worry about anything. Nothing happened. Then, something happened. The sun changed colour, becoming silver so that people could look at it easily. Then, it started spinning in the sky. After that, it looked like things were about to go horribly wrong. The sun started falling. The crowd screamed and said their prayers. The parents had no idea what was happening. The children stayed calm. Then, the sun returned to its usual place in the sky. The rain had stopped. People’s clothes were dry. The crowd was happy. The parents were happy. The children, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta were happiest of all. The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 27

Applies to Christmas Set Menu bookings with minimum 20 people. For more info phone 039676891 or email Page 28 The Woodpecker November 2021


Lo y c al lu t b y




The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 29

Who Found Woody last month?

Georgia Dexter – Aged 5 - Pegasus

Therese McBreen - Aged 5 & Max McBreen – Aged 3 Woodend

Deborah McLean - Pegasus

“A GOOD MOVE” Robyn Gauld Local Knowledge 24 years working in your area Harcourts 60 Million Dollar Club

Robyn Gauld

Your Area Specialist 03 327 5379 027 221 0171 Your home for local proeprty

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Page 30 The Woodpecker November 2021

Christmas Tree Festival

The North Canterbury News Christmas tree festival is back this year in the Waimakariri District Council Offices, running from 6 – 17 December 2021. With so many event cancelations it will be sure to bring some much-needed Christmas joy to the community. The trees will be displayed in the foyer and in the Rakahuri Committee room from 9am to 4.30pm weekdays and on Sunday 12 December 2021 for the Santa Parade. The funds raised this year will be donated to Rachels House and Karanga Mai Parents College, both organisations doing great work helping mothers and children. It is not too late to register to decorate a tree which costs $200. There are three categories – Schools, Non-Profit Organisations and Business’s. The winner in each category wins a prize of $300 of advertising in the North Canterbury News. Business may either decorate their own tree or sponsor a school or non-profit group. For further information or a registration form please contact Mary on

Tired of Health & Safety? Don’t Have time to do it? It’s too Hard? Costs too Much? Hazardous Substances Regulations ‘Doing Your Head in’? Semi-Retired Health & Safety Adviser with over 30 years’ experience and Nebosh Qualification can help you out. Just pay for the hours you need if you already have a H&S System in place or systems can be provided. Keep it Simple Keep it Safe Call / email Jeff on 021 865 877 jeff@ for a 1-hour complimentary session

Want 1/8th advertising space?

That’s this size! Interested? Email the Editor: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 31


GLADSTONE PARK ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 Kaiapoi & Pegasus Croquet Club Captain: Adrienne Lamb 921 2895 LIONS CLUB OF PEGASUS President Amanda Smith 027 422 2648

LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND PEGASUS President John Canton 021 171 9175 Secretary Anne Attenborough 313 6124 President John Canton 310 8157 Youth Centre Lois Inch 312 7732 LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS 943 4935 MENZSHED PEGASUS & WOODEND COMMUNITY TRUST Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805 MOTORCYCLE CRUISING GROUP Pete Carrington 021 1911 776 Sharon & Chris Woodruff 021 164 4795 MUSIC AND PLAY Meaghan 027 392 6409 NORTH CANTERBURY WOODCRAFT CLUB Merv Laws 021 237 7105 David Crawford 027 341 0246 Pegasus Brownies PEGASUS BROWNIES PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE TEAM Email: PEGASUS MONDAY MORNING WALKING GROUP Christine Johnston 021 179 7330 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Page 32 The Woodpecker November 2021

Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253 Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612 THE ASHLEY LODGE Norme Shore - Secretary TIMEBANK WAIMAKARIRI Email: 021 0265 4071 Website: Facebook: timebankwaimakariri TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL 313 2141 preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool WAIKUKU BEACH SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Danelle Asher WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Gill Beale 310 6612 Secretary Phil Harris 327 6553 WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Jim Stringleman j.stringleman@ WOODEND CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963

COMMUNITY CONTACTS WOODEND FLOWER SHOW President Evelyn Paget 314 9195 Secretary Helen Power 313 5749 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120


WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President John Fortster 327 3681 Secretary Lynn Muir 312 2027

WOODEND RUGBY CLUB Senior Club Captain, Matthew McLeod 027 722 8011 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker 021 267 1429

WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Brenda Batchelor 313 9556 Secretary Lynn Oliff 310 0575 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Simone Templeton 027 514 8363 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389 Club Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH Minister Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 027 787 5365 Secretary Rachael Paterson 021 166 2740 WOODEND PLAY CENTRE 027 353 2131 Facebook: woodendplaycenter

WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 021 1311 780 WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640

Are you listed in our Community Contacts?

If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts, please contact the Editor providing the appropriate details.

Is your Club or Group listed correctly?

If you are listed in our Community Contacts, please check if your details are up-to-date and correct.


Deadline for advertisements and community articles is 25 November 2021 The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: thewoodpecker4 Email: Cell: 021 863 877 Post / Cheques: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 33

Panther - (Part 2) A Short Story by Kevin Warren of Pegasus Town

“Sergeant mobomo! Come in here”. Sergeant mobomo had been in the Police force for many years. He was near fifty now and getting fat. He had three wives and seven children. He thought he did not have enough children but none of his wives wanted more and he was not mentally strong enough to win that argument, primarily because they always ganged up on him when the subject came up. But he was a happy man, not over-burdened by his police duties and home life. He had caught many criminals in his time as a policeman, often administering summary justice in the form of a good beating to first time offenders and he was well respected in the community. “Yes, Captain”. He greeted cheerfully as he entered the boss’s sweltering hot office. Captain Williamson swayed back in his chair and wiped his neck with an already damp handkerchief and he sighed loudly. “Sergeant, I want you to go and look at the Bagata Stream cave and find out what’s living in there.” “Ah, this I think I already know Captain. It is a beautiful big Black Panther. Very big, boss. Very long; and heavy I think.” “How do you know this, and why did you not inform me of its presence?” “Captain, Sir. It has only been there a short time. My nephew saw it a few nights ago. It crossed the road after he had driven by and it was only that Page 34 The Woodpecker November 2021

the moon was low on the horizon and silhouetted the animal that he saw it in his rear-view mirror. He stopped his car and watched to see where it went but was unable to see it again. But it was by the stream and the cave is there so I think it must be living there.” “Go and kill it.” “Captain?!” “It seriously injured Mrs. Williamson’s dog and she insists that it is dangerous. Never mind that the bloody stupid dog didn’t have enough brains to get out of the cave before he got hurt. Well now she insists that whatever beast gouged his eye out is dangerous and wants it killed.” “But Captain. My nephew says that this is a beautiful animal. He went back early the next morning and waited to see if it came back. He saw it as it left the cave. Indeed, it is a magnificent creature, Sir. Sir, we should not kill this animal just because of a dog.” Captain Williamson sighed again. It was eerie how the Sergeant had ended using almost the exact same words he had said to his wife. He rocked forward and leaned his arms on the desk and looked his Sergeant straight in the eye. “Sergeant mobomo. You have met Mrs. Williamson, have you not?” “Oh yes Sir. I have had that wonderful pleasure, Sir.” “I doubt that your meeting was a pleasure Sergeant. As I recall, you came to me shortly after and wanted to know if you were now working for her.” “That is true, Boss. But things are much better now and she….” “But you know that she is a woman of strong character, yes?”

“Oh yes, Boss. She is a very strong woman, indeed. You are a very lucky man to have such a strong mate.” Captain Williamson knew full well that his staff felt sorry for him because his wife was too strong and would not let him have more than one wife. They did not understand or did not accept the Christian concept of only having one wife. “Are you the boss of your Kraal, Sergeant mobomo?” Sergeant mobomo laughed. If he had been asked that question by any other man, that man would be lying dead on the floor already, but he and Captain Williamson were friends from childhood and such questions were part of their special relationship. “No man is boss of his Kraal unless the women are away, Boss.” “Exactly right. So go kill the Panther.” “Boss, you and I both know this is not a right thing to do.” “mobomo, Mrs. Williamson is going through a very uncomfortable time in her life right now. Both my children are getting married in the next two weeks. The area commander is due in tomorrow and he is bringing the auditor with him. Just go and kill the bloody thing, please….” Lifetime friend or not, Sergeant mobomo would not argue further with the captain, it was not in his nature to argue or disobey his superior. With a heavy heart he left the office and went to the armoury. “Give me a rifle.” “Huh! Where’re y’ going, Sergeant. What’d ya want a rifle for?” “None o’ ya business Constable. Just

issue me the rifle.” The young armoury constable took a quick step back, shocked by the fury of this normally jovial sergeant. He turned quickly to take a rifle from the rack but suddenly realised that without knowing what it was to be used for he didn’t know which one of the three various types he should give. “Which one Sergeant?” Sergeant mobomo was still angry. “Just give me a fucking rifle.” The armoury constable took down the first standard .303 rifle from the nearest rack, opened the bolt action and handed it to the sergeant. Sergeant mobomo glanced at the weapon and then looked at the constable. The constable looked nervously back at him. “What-d-ya think I’m going to do with this, constable? …piss through it?” The constable quickly put several five round clips of ammunition on the counter. Sergeant mobomo snatched one clip and stalked away. “Ah Sergeant Obo………” the constable began but let the rest fade away as he decided his life might be more important than the sergeant’s signature in the issues book. Cont’d next month.....

Community Foot Care Clinics

Community Foot Care Clinics available in North Canterbury. Phone 021 288 9618 for an appointment. The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 35

Phone: 03 312 8387 Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm 138 Main North Road, Woodend

Call for an appointment to meet Lynda & the team

Woodend Vet Clinic is the most recently opened branch of Rangiora Vet Centre. It offers a quiet environment and personal service, as well as greater convenience to our clients in Pegasus, Ravenswood and Woodend. The small but dedicated and experienced Woodend team take great pride in getting to know both patients and their owners well, and look forward to developing long-standing relationships. While Lynda and her team are available for all routine veterinary care, they are also skilled, resourced and equipped to offer dental care, de-sexing and minor surgery. They will also work with you to manage chronic conditions and longterm illness. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always go to plan, so it is reassuring to know that if something more serious were to happen, any time of day or night, our Best Practice 24/7 RVC Hospital is just 15 minutes down the road in Rangiora. As an RVC client you will always be welcome and your pets records are at our fingertips, so we’ll always know exactly where you’re at.




Free microchip when your cat is desexed or your puppy has it’s 2nd or 3rd vaccination. Limited offer, enquire now.

Congratulations KENNY! Winner of our World Famous in Woodend pet photo competition.

FINANCE OPTIONS & ANNUAL CARE PLANS AVAILABLE For more information or to book online visit • Personal care and attention • Indoor and outdoor areas • Short term or extended stays • Flexible housing options • Comfortable, temperature controlled environment

Page 36 The Woodpecker November 2021



What’s Happening in North Canterbury We are thrilled to announce that we have resumed groups with safe distancing, QR scanning, contact registering, mask wearing, & hand sanitising requirements. To assist with planning at Level 2 please phone 0800 226 695 to register for all face-to-face groups provided by the Cancer Society. We would also like to invite you to join our Cancer Society fortnightly webinars held fortnightly on a Wednesday from 10.00am – 11.00am. Upcoming Webinars: 10 November 2021 Strategies for Supporters 24 November 2021 Finding a New Normal To join live on Zoom please email: RANGIORA Rangiora Patient Support Group: Held on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 10.00am - 11.30am at the Centre. Meet in a safe, warm, friendly environment. Rangiora Walking & Coffee Group: Meeting every Tuesday 9.30am - Meet at the Jewellery Stand in The Warehouse for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then to Artisan Café at 10.30am to purchase your coffee and head upstairs. Carers Group Please contact the centre for more details.

Men’s Get Together. Held the last Wednesday of the month, 1.00pm 2.30pm. Support for men living with cancer. Held on the last Wednesday of the month at different locations across North Canterbury. November location to be advised, please contact the centre for more details. Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men at 8.15am on Mondays at the Rangiora Fitness Centre, 345 Flaxton Road. Phone Gabrielle on 021 904 907 to register for Rangiora. Prostate Support Group (Prostate Cancer Foundation) meet 2nd Tues of the month 1.30pm to 3.30pm, Wylie Room. John Knox Centre, 303 High Street, Rangiora. Contact Dean on 021 0224 6078 or November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. All lung cancer patients and carers are invited to meet to discuss their own support needs. Held at the centre on Wednesday 17 of November 10.30am - 12.00pm. Kaiapoi Therapeutic Art (acrylics) Class. Mondays 10:00am - 12:00pm. Facilitated by Lynette. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street. Kaiapoi. Parking on site. All patients and their carers welcome. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced painting skill. Oxford Support Group – Third Wednesday of the month, 10.00am at Café 51, High Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans Fonteyn. All patients and carers most welcome.

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 37

Kaikoura Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men Kaikoura 10.00am on Wednesday. Please call Belinda Rickerby 027 562 0811 to register. New Initiatives under consideration: Tai Chi class for patients and carers in the Waimakariri district. Please contact 0800 226 695 if you are interested. Craft Group – we are hoping to run the craft group again in December. Contact the centre for more information or check out our Facebook page for event information. Please call or text Gabrielle on 021 904 907 or 0800 226 695 to register or find out more about any of support our groups. Fundraising & Events On the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me a ticket to a movie! The Cancer Society North Canterbury is hosting “Respect”, a Biopic of Aretha Franklin at the Oxford Town Hall on Sunday 5 December 2021 at 5.30pm. This will be an evening of wonderful entertainment with an incredible movie, drink and nibbles on arrival and the opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts, raffles and maybe an auction item too!! Gather some girlfriends, your mum or aunty, your partner ora group of

Page 38 The Woodpecker November 2021

workmates and come along to what will be a fantastic night out. This fundraising event will see all profits go to the Cancer Society North Canterbury to support our local services for cancer patients, whānau and carers. Tickets available at the following locations: Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora. Eftpos available. Emma’s at Oxford, 53 High Street, Oxford. Cash only Online at https://events.humanitix. com/respect-movie-night For more information please contact Tiff Wafer on 0800 226 695 or 021-

139 4909 or email tiffany.wafer@ Firewood Raffle Trailer of firewood for next winter! Tickets available at the Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre.

1 ticket $2.00, 3 tickets $5.00 - Drawn Monday 13 December 2021. Christmas Stocking Filler $25.00 Includes The Food Connection Cookbook, a reusable daffodil shopping bag and a voucher for a bag of daffodil bulbs (available for collection in April 2022 from your local Cancer Society Centre). “Cancer Society North Canterbury”, please like or share our Facebook page to widen our support network. Thank you! Blessed Be Thee - Cont’d from Page 23 They walked out the driveway and moved to the footpath. Inky took his usual toilet stop immediately at the start; one of many that would interrupt progress. They scrabbled, in Inky’s case and staggered in dad’s, until they reached the point where they crossed the road. Dad stopped to check the road. Inky never understood why they always stopped there. “Go!” dad commanded, and they crossed the road just as a speeding car came around the corner a little way to their right. But it was all good; the driver slowed to let him pass and then sped away. They continued on their way; dad counting steps and listening to the radio playing through his headphones. Inky sniffing the hedges and the bottom of each fence to ensure the scent he had deposited the previous day was still there. If not, he simply cocked a leg and redeposited his marker. He had to be quick; dad never hung around. They reached the end of the

road, turned left, reached the end of that road and turned left again. Inky was in his element; gone were the worrying thoughts about his attire. They continued all the way to the roundabout and again, turned left. Suddenly, Inky was dashing back and forth and barking in alarm. While still wondering at what is going on, a woman stepped close with a big smile and began to speak. Dad couldn’t hear her because the radio headphones were load in his ears. To rectify that situation, he would have had to let go the gutter-frame; he couldn’t do that and stay upright. Falling down was not an option for two reasons. First, the women would feel bad that she was partly to blame for his misfortune. And second, if he injured himself in the fall; especially if it was a serious bone fracture, and a serious fracture was definitely on the cards because he had been told he had the bone density of a post-menopausal eighty year old woman. Inky began to jump up at her, barking his head off but the woman was not bothered by his antics and simply reached down and scratched him behind the ears. “Yeah, yeah, okay lady. That feels nice but, it’s no substitute for a treat.” Inky was not happy to see her step forward and place her hand on dads. Dad and the lady talked a while then she stepped forward and placed her other hand atop dads’ head and began to pray. “You know he can’t hear you lady; he’s not wearing his hearing aids and the music is playing through the radio headphones. Cont’d on Page 54 The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 39




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Page 40 The Woodpecker November 2021

A drawing book for children

Win a f re e c o py wo r t h $ 2


To enter, email me a photo of your drawing and your age. Facebook: PegasusArt email:

To purchase a copy email me or see your local bookseller The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 41

NEW WOODPECKER DISTRIBUTOR Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst - Profile

Hi, my name is Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst, I’ve lived in Pegasus for five years and I was recently ‘volunteered’ by the Editor of Woodpecker to take on the role of Distributor of the Woodpecker for Pegasus. My predecessor Rhonda is a very hard act to follow having done such a fantastic job over many years. Luckily, I have such a fantastic group of volunteer deliverers, so my transition into the role has been smooth (so far). I moved to New Zealand in 2005 having found a brother (by accident) here two years earlier that I hadn’t seen for 44 years. I have been lucky enough to have had quite a varied background learning many skills along the way including an apprenticeship as a Carpenter & Joiner and 35 years in Nuclear Power Generation in various roles (operator, Foreman Firefighter and Operations Engineer), culminating in becoming head of industrial safety and emergency planning. It also gave me the chance at an Emergency Planning meeting to meet a very special lady who some seven years later was to become my wife and Page 42 The Woodpecker November 2021

who is the Editor of The Woodpecker, Debs Taylor-Hayhurst. Debs and I have been married for 11 years and our greatest passion has been exploring this land we love so much. After moving to New Zealand, I started my own business Ultimate Safety Systems working as a Health & Safety Consultant and Trainer. The role involved me travelling all over this beautiful country meeting so many fantastic people from many different backgrounds, industries and cultures and I have loved every minute of it. Unfortunately, Covid 19 impacted my business like so many other people and now at the young age of 71, I am getting used to being semiretired and beginning a new chapter in my life that involves Kaiapoi and Pegasus MenzSheds, Woodpecker and Pegasus and Woodend Lions, Pegasus Community Watch driver, and now one of the two distributors for The Woodpecker along with the very long-standing other distributor, (Tyree Woodham), who is also profiled in The Woodpecker (another exceptionally hard act to follow!). These roles are giving me the opportunity to give back to this community that means so much to myself and Debs.

The Woodpecker Deadline

for the feeling

- physical and mental wellness

GYM NOVICES WELCOME Feet fitter / stronger / healthier

Great new member care programme Rangiora - 313 0909 Kaiapoi - 327 7250

FRAMEMAKERS All Picture Framing Photography and Canvas Printing Framing Supplies

Art Gallery 137 Main North Road Woodend Open Weekdays 9.30am - 5.00pm

Saturdays 10am - 1pm

03 312 2276

The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January). Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5.00pm deadline. A twice-monthly email reminder is sent out to all contributors whether voluntary or paid as a reminder. To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out. From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the Woodpecker ready to go to the printers for them to deliver The Woodpecker to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your doors.

Kaiapoi Community Garden Open Day Sunday 7th November 2021 10am - 1pm On the grounds of Kaiapoi Borough School Seedling sale Preserves, Jams, Chutneys & Sauces Pot sticker dumpling demonstration Floral wreath workshop Kids Activities The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 43

Tūhaitara Coastal Park Update

There are many ways that we work to protect native wildlife here at Tūhaitara coastal park. Keys areas of our work are supporting native wildlife and threatened species providing habitat and food sources and running a robust programme of predator control. A great example of attracting wildlife through planting is the Bruce Banks Environment Awardwinning Project Feast for Flight, designed by students from Kaiapoi North School. Their idea was to plant native trees and shrubs such as tī kouka, harakeke, kohuhu, makomako, karamu and poroporo because they provide the energy-rich nectar and berries that native birds. This newly planted food forest for birds can be found at the end of Batten Grove, Pines Beach. With support from the Department of Conservation (DoC) and the Working Waters Trust, the endangered endemic kōwaro Canterbury mudfish, has Page 44 The Woodpecker November 2021

been translocated to several of our freshwater biota nodes. The fish spawned at the end of winter / early spring, so now is the time to look out for the young fry swimming around. We are working with Larsen’s Signs of Kaiapoi on a series of artistic interpretation panels to create a trail through the park that shares the story of these fascinating animals. Predator control is a cornerstone of our work to protect our vulnerable bird species against introduced mammals. We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of local resident volunteers in Pegasus, Woodend and Pines Beach who are the backbone of our trapping programme. They help make, maintain and monitor our traps and trap lines. We are grateful for the support of our amazingly knowledgeable partners and passionate volunteers, all of whom are vital in taking care of the park’s taonga. To find out more about our work you can visit our website: nz; find us on Facebook at Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park; or follow us on

Lions Christmas Cakes Ideal Christmas Gift!

The festive season is approaching, and the Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus Town have Christmas cakes for sale.

Instagram tūhaitara.coastal.park. Captions for photos: Photo 1. Predator control volunteers meeting Angela from DoC and her adorable stoat detector. Photo 2. Inside a tracking tunnel peanut butter is used as a lure on top of moist tracking ink. Visiting animals leave their prints behind. Photo 3. The endemic endangered kōwaro Canterbury mudfish.

Ideal as Christmas gifts or in hampers for family, friends. work colleagues or clients. Our cost is $22.00 per cake and are very popular. Order early to avoid disappointment. Proceeds to various community groups. Contact Anne or Brian 313 6124

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 45


Your local shop for indoor plants, pots and accessories

Quality affordable houseplants and everything needed to help them thrive! 3/137 Williams Street, Kaiapoi (Right across the road from Craze Fashion & The Five Peaks) Page 46 The Woodpecker November 2021

NORTH CANTERBURY A reminder – we are now located in our new office at 209 High Street, Rangiora. We are open for all work with clients, and our hours are 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. At CAB North Canterbury, in addition to our face-to-face, phone and email services, we offer additional services for clients. Our volunteers who are also Justices of the Peace are available to help clients with JP matters. A phone call to our office will confirm when one is rostered on duty. We can help find a JP at any time if we don’t have one available in our office. We offer three services on an

appointment only basis. Our free fortnightly legal clinic is for a 10-minute period. The lawyer will help with information but do no other work for the client, such as writing a letter or making a phone call on their behalf. A free CV preparation and cover letter service One-to-one help with online forms and applications We also provide a face-to-face settlement information service to newcomers to New Zealand. If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. All our services are free and confidential. You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email -

Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. Support club activities but having fun and friendship. New members are very welcome. Dinner meetings on 3rd Thursday each month (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888.

Fundraising for local community projects as volunteers with Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 47


Chris Simpson from Templeton Group has advised us that a lot of work is being undertaken behind the scenes regarding the lake bloom mitigation. Lake trials are being planned and they will keep residents updated regarding the next steps. Please remember that there may be delays if we move into COVID lockdowns at any point in the future.


At this stage, we are still planning for the PRGI Christmas at the Lake event to go ahead on SUNDAY 05 DECEMBER, 1.00 – 3.00PM. However, there is uncertainty on how COVID restrictions will affect this. Please keep an eye out on our Facebook page for updates.

OUR PEGASUS COMMUNITY WATCH IS AT RISK ONCE AGAIN Some Community Watch volunteers have retired and we are looking for new volunteers! We would hate to lose this valued community service that helps keep our community safe - but we need your help to continue it. Website:

Page 48 The Woodpecker November 2021

The purpose of the patrols is to observe and report any suspicious or dangerous activity. The role is nonconfrontational, and our volunteers are rostered in pairs once every 6-8 weeks. Please email us if you are interested to join or learn more: Over the past month our Community Watch Volunteers have spent 12 hours patrolling our streets, travelling 130kms around our town (hours/kms reduced due to COVID restrictions).

SPARE AED DEFIBRILLATOR PADS A big thank you to Andrea Allen from Harcourts Grenadier City Real Estate who has kindly funded the purchase of a spare set of AED defibrillator pads. The existing Pegasus AED unit has new pads, but they can only be used once. The PRGI Committee thought it was essential that our community has a spare set of pads on hand - ready to go if needed.

WHERE IS THE AED DEFIBRILLATOR UNIT LOCATED IN PEGASUS? The unit is mounted on the wall outside the Pegasus Medical Centre at the corner of Pegasus Main Street and Te Kohanga Drive. It can be Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

PEGASUS COMMUNITY NEWS used by any member of the public. Access is gained by dialling 111, then a code is given to open the cabinet. The device gives step-by-step instructions, so no previous training is required.

opening hours and help yourself to a book - no charge or formalities. Just grab and go! Our book room is open to all, not just Pegasus residents, so please come in and browse.



The Pegasus Community Centre (PCC) is open at Level 2, but mask wearing and signing in is required.

Pegasus Community Centre Opening Times: • •

Monday 2 till 4pm Wednesday & Saturday 10am till 12noon

For FREE books, jigsaws, Welcome Bags, buckets, bus timetables, loads of pamphlets and information. Our friendly volunteers are here to help. ALL WOODEND, RAVENSWOOD, WAIKUKU, AND PEGASUS RESIDENTS ARE WELCOME! The centre is located on Pegasus Main Street, by the Flat White Café.

LOVE BOOKS? FREE BOOKS IN OUR PCC BOOK CAVE! We’ve got a fantastic selection of books to choose from in our book cave for young and old. Pop in during Website:

Justice-of-the-Peace (JP) drop-in sessions happen on the first and third Saturday of the month from 10.30 – 11.30am. Upcoming JP dates: Saturday 6th and 20th November, and 4th December. No appointment needed, just come along on the day.


Our PCC is there to be used. If you would like to book our community centre for an event, special function, conference or meeting, go to the Council website: or phone 0800 965 468. To check out the space, visit during our opening times or contact the PRGI PCC Sub-committee:


Our Pegasus Community Centre volunteers are vital in helping us open the centre for our community. They are rostered on for 2 hours each month and we are always keen for more to join us. Email us to find out more: Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 49

St Barnabas Church During the course of October, we have been gradually getting used to the ‘new normal’ at level 2. We were very grateful to be able to keep in touch during lockdown, and especially for being able to worship together online, thanks to the blessing of technology. But there is no substitute for meeting and worshipping together in person. We are delighted to say we have now re-established all our services and programmes, subject to the current COVID rules. Our 9.30am and 4.30pm Sunday services were naturally first to be reintroduced, along with Children’s Church at the 4.30pm service. Our fortnightly Home Groups have been back in operation since 6 October 2021, the Tribe Youth Group since the 9th and the Teen Bible Study since the 28th. Music and Play, our Wednesday morning music and movement programme for preschoolers, has also now resumed and, as with all our services and programmes, we would love for you to join us. Over the last few months, we have really appreciated the generosity of clergy from Rangiora, who have given their time to lead our services and look after us as we searched for a new leader. Our deepest thanks to all you lovely people. And an extra thanks to Reverend Graeme Pratley, who acted as our interim priest for several months. Page 50 The Woodpecker November 2021

On 31 October 2021, our two congregations will be welcoming our new Ministry Team Leader, Steve Dunne, at a joint 3.00pm service. We are looking forward to meeting Steve and his family, and to getting to know them. We’d like to meet you too, if you’d like to come along one day and see what we’re about. In the meantime, enjoy the sun and stay safe.

Kaiapoi Toastmasters Club

Woodend Methodist Church The Parish Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 2 November at Rangiora Trinity Church. There will be a takeaway meal at 6pm with the meeting starting at 7pm. Food orders to Bev Alexander please 313 7009 – fish and chips or Chinese. Monthly movie – Wednesday 3 November at 1pm the movie will be “My Best Friend’s Wedding” a 1997 American romantic comedy film. The film stars Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Cameron Diaz, and Rupert Everett. It features some well-known songs e.g. “I Say a Little Prayer” and other songs by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. Afternoon Tea to follow. Gold Coin donation. Please phone Ruth on 312 2094 if you have any queries. On Sunday 7 November we will be holding our annual Candle Light Service where you can light a candle for any loved one you have lost during the year. The service will be at 9am in Woodend and 10.30 am at Rangiora. Hi10 for families and children under 12 is held in the lounge and hall of Rangiora Methodist Church, 176 King Street, Rangiora on every second Sunday of the month. The next Hi 10 will happen on the 14 November. Please contact Margaret for any further information. Ph 313 8413.

Friday Lunch – This is held at Rangiora Methodist Church on Friday 19 November 11.30am to 1pm $10 Koha for 2 course meals. All are welcome. Contact Bev on 313 7009 or Margaret Olorenshaw on 313 9230 for more information. Sunday 21 November both churches are holding a Hymn Service – come and sing your favourite hymns. Sunday 12 December at both churches we are having a pet service when you bring along any of your pets and tell a brief story about them. Garden Help Wanted If anyone is willing and able to help in the Rangiora Church Garden, please get in contact with Ray Lilley 027 814 4465. Cleaner wanted 3.5 hours per week at the Rangiora Methodist Church. Please contact Kaye, ph 313 3448 during office hours, if you are interested. Our minister Veitomoni Siufanga is available at Rangiora Methodist Church, 176 King Street, Rangiora – 313 3448 or rangioramethodist@ He is at the Church from 9am to 5pm on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you need to see him on Thursday or Friday please ring and make an appointment. He is available to provide prayer, support and a welcome for anyone with any needs, or who wants to drop in.

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 51

Woodend Indoor Bowling Club

The Indoor Bowling Club has now finished for the year.

as possible and find some champions among our growing club numbers. We have one more fun night to look forward to our Christmas bowls on the 6 December 2021 with visiting clubs Clarkville and Ouruhia, one last night of laughter. Don’t forget to dress up in the Christmas theme. Our new season will start in March, so if your keen to give it a go. Mark it on next year’s calendar. For further information please contact our Club President -Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389. Photo 1: Triples- Pat Godfrey, Graham Young

We held our AGM on 27 September 2021 followed by a fun night and then our presentation of our Club Champions. All though our season was again hindered by lock down, we still managed to play as many games

and Linda Pascoe Photo 2: The Fours - Ross Heasley, Pat Vaugham, Peter Scholes and Bob Godfrey Photo 3: Our Pairs winners Andrew Hatrill & Shirly Hoy (not present) and our most improved player of this year Peter Scholes. Page 52 The Woodpecker November 2021

The Woodend Spring Flower Show The Woodend Spring Flower Show Committee were thrilled to stage the 2021 show on 2 October 2021. We received over 1000 entries with the Daffodil Classes exceeding all other Sections. We were grateful to all exhibitors, sponsors, the

Garden Club and Lions for their help and support. We were pleased with the many visitors who attended under the strict number controls used The Committee are hopeful our 2022 Show will be able to take place with the lowering of Covid Levels.

The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 53


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Blessed Be Thee - Cont’d from Page 39 After she had finished and dad was feeling precariously unsteady, she finished and stepped back and headed back to her car. “Thank you,” dad called out to her and started walking on, or, more accurately, staggering on. “I can’t believe you let her do that,” barked Inky. “I was so scared yer atheist arse was going to be hit with a bolt of lightning. Phew!”

Page 54 The Woodpecker November 2021

Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker! Mr Woody Woodpecker is ‘hidden’ amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor with a photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.

Woodpecker Trustees, Advertisers and Community Contributors, Distributers & Delivers are cordially invited to The Woodpecker Community Trust

Xmas Social Function Thursday 2 December 2021 6.00pm onwards The Good Home, Pegasus

Nibbles provided Please advise in advance of any dietary requirements

RSVP by 30 November 2020

(It is essential you confirm your attendance – no RSVP no attendance)

to Debs on 021 863 877 or The Woodpecker November 2021 Page 55








Nick Deane.

self. A vet since ’92 I have e day setting up a small inary clinic.


ay 2016.


say Hi to Jayne and have a w clinic. We would love Wetoknow our * Family owned h • Family owned ur furry family members. buy for! * Experienced Veterinarian

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May I introduce myself. A vet since ’92 I have had a dream of one day setting up a small family owned veterinary clinic. Opening in January 2016.

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ble and coffee shops)

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Page 56 The Woodpecker November 2021

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