The Woodpecker - November 2022

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New Principal - Andrew Retallick Woodend Primary School

I am delighted to be part of the Woodend School family again.

My family has strong ties to Woodend / North Canterbury, and I grew up in the community and attended Woodend School during the late 80 / early 90s, along with my younger siblings.

My family was heavily involved in the Woodend community through sports clubs and my parents still live in Woodend.

My wife Alana and I have four children, Danika (23), Danyon (21), Indi (10) & Keira (7). Alana and our two youngest girls will be moving to Woodend at the end of the year and the girls are looking forward to starting at Woodend School in 2023.


Page 1 November 2022 Produced for the community, by the community Delivered to 3,400 households THE GOOD HOME PEGASUS I 62 PEGASUS MAIN ST I 03 9676891

Editor’s Note

Tēnā koutou

I’m sure like me you are wondering where the time is going, the year has gone so quickly yet again!

This month I wanted to remind readers and advertisers that The Woodpecker Community Trust is a registered charity with a clear objective to produce a magazine produced by the community for the community. I would invite you to check the community contacts and see if your group or club is listed. If not, we’d love to add you to the list.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that we are run by a small and committed team of volunteers which comprise of board trustees, two distributers and a small number of deliverers. The latter, no matter what the weather ‘schlep’ around their designated area with a bag of Woodpecker magazines to drop into your letter box for you to enjoy your read.

We are in urgent need of a couple of deliverers for Woodend and one for Ravenswood. If you or someone you know has an hour each month to deliver some Woodpeckers, please do

let me know.

The other role is distributor – we have two. The magazines are delivered by courier from the printer to the two distributors who distribute to the deliverers. We are on the lookout for either an existing deliverer or interested person to be a back-up distributor. You could also be a distributor and a deliverer if you wanted and have the time.

Ideally, we are looking for a grown-up human or retired / semi-retired person to volunteer. If you think this is something you’d like to do, please do get in touch.

What’s in it for you, you may ask? Well just ask any of the deliverers, they LOVE IT! They say residents thank deliverers and say they can’t wait to read it. You get to meet lots of new people and get to know people better in your local neighbourhood. What’s the pay you might ask. Well.. It’s our thanks, appreciation and gratitude for being part of our community team!

Contact me via email if you’re interested or want to find out more. The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’ Ngā mihi nui Debs Taylor-Hayhurst The Editor – Woodpecker

DISCLAIMER: All efforts are made to verify the correctness of information contained within this publication, however, The Woodpecker Community Trust accepts no liability for the correctness or accuracy of any information contained within these pages. Any views, information or opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily the opinions or views of The Woodpecker Community Trust or any of its providers.

Page 2 The Woodpecker November 2022
The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 3 Love Your Hearing, North Canterbury Vera Setz: (03) 423 3158 Ear Care: 020 4124 25 25 Alison Highman Ear Nurse RN Vera Setz Audiologist MNZAS Charlotte Watson Audiologist MNZAS Hearing Aids & Hearing Care We’re your local hearing experts! Ear Health & Wax Removal for the feeling - physical and mental wellness GYM NOVICES WELCOME Feet fitter / stronger / healthier Great new member care programme Rangiora - 313 0909 Kaiapoi - 327 7250 LAWNS, GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, FERTILISING, SPRAYING, CHAIN SAWING, PRUNING, SPOUTING CLEANING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Whether you would like manicured lawns/gardens, a quick tidy up or ongoing lawn/garden maintenance we can help. Quotes provided incl. WINZ Contact Ron or Annette 03 310 0604 | 027 271 7187

Kia Ora koutou

As we are now in a time where we can meet together as a whole school and see everyone’s faces again, I think back to how resilient our school community has been over the last

librarian, Paula Van Meer, organised many events throughout the school for this.

On Monday, James Russell came to share his journey of having his books published.

James Russell is the best-selling author of The Dragon Brothers Trilogy and The Dragon Defenders series.

He talked about his journey from redundancy to where he is now and showed photos of his childhood and the funny stories that went with them. James read sections of his books and showed us how the reader can interact with them using apps on a device.

Staff are all reading their favourite books to groups within the school,

couple of years with all of the changes and restrictions. No matter what challenges we have faced, our staff and students have shown true grit and gotten on with things.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

At Pegasus Bay School one of our Pou is Te Ao Māori so Te Reo is integrated into our learning as much as possible. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the presentation of the Māori Language petition, we all sang ‘Tutira Mai’ together and participated in a school-wide Kahoot. We like to think that every week is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, but it is good to remember the journey the language has taken in Aotearoa.

Book Week

We celebrated book week from 19 to 23 September and our amazing

and Thursday was our dress-up day where we all got to dress up as book characters. It was a very exciting week!


This year Jen Loffhagen took a team of netballers to the AIMS games. These students were recognised for their fair play and general positive attitude while they were on and off the court. We are hoping to send more teams next year.

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Mr Todd Henderson took our korfball team to the Canterbury Koru games in Lincoln, and our netball, rugby and football teams competed in the Canterbury Winter Sports Tournament. Our Year 7/8 rugby team came 2nd!

to attend a camp this year. Lots of planning goes into these camps and they are always enjoyed by all. Coming up - our students have been given the opportunity to showcase their talents in our X-Factor competition. It will be interesting to see the many interests and performances of our students on display.

Congratulations to all of our competitors in all of our teams - you consistently demonstrate Whanaungatanga and Ako when representing our Kura.

Training has already started for athletics with our school athletic day being held on 19 October. This is a massive day for staff and students, and we are thrilled that parents can attend this year.

Term 4

We are gearing up for an incredibly busy nine weeks at PBS. All Year 3 to Year 8 children have the opportunity

As it is coming to the end of the year, staff are reviewing our achievements and processes in Maths No Problem, Structured Literacy and Digital Technology. We want to ensure we have met the learning needs of our current students and are ready to hit the ground running in 2023. Have a wonderful term and take some time to relax over the upcoming long weekends.

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 5

Pegasus parkrun!

Much of the attention is on the runners, however we know that our parkrun attracts many walkers to Pegasus Town for a social workout every Saturday morning. parkrun is open to everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from. It truly is all inclusive - whether people volunteer, walk, jog or run they are welcomed with open arms. Walking at parkrun is a great way of soaking up the parkrun atmosphere, getting the opportunity to chat to people, being active and is something that whole families or friendship groups can do together. It’s also one of the best entry points into parkrun, especially for those who may be taking their first steps towards healthier and happier lifestyles. So, we really want to encourage walkers to join us at Pegasus. You can walk at any pace, alone or with others. You could bring a dog or a buggy and even use walking poles if you have them.

In addition to this, this October marks 18 years since Paul Sinton-Hewitt started the very first parkrun event in London. Given all the challenges of the past few years parkrun wanted to make this global 18th anniversary celebration extra special! So, for October, Pegasus parkrun is also known as a parkwalk. The other big news this month is that we have another parkrun event

in Canterbury! Bringing us to four events in Canterbury, and the 40th in New Zealand, Broad Park parkrun launched in North Christchurch at Waimairi Beach. This means we have events in Pegasus Town, Foster Park parkrun in Rolleston, Hagley parkrun and now Broad Park parkrun in Waimairi Beach. The beauty of parkrun is that you only need to register once (for free!) and you can us your barcode at any parkrun in the World! Check out this page for more: register Pegasus parkrun / parkwalk happens EVERY week at Bobs Bridge on Lake Pegasus. This year we will also be having special parkruns on Christmas Day and New Years Day!

We are in Spring / Summer now, this means that the 5K course takes us around Lake Pegasus twice to finish where we started. The first timer welcome is at 7:50am and the run briefing is at 7:55am. Its informal and social, and you can go any speed you like. There is plenty parking nearby. And everyone is welcome!

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Want 1/8th advertising space? That’s this size! Email Debs on:
The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 7 Are you heading away for a long weekend? We have a cosy, safe and secure place for your little one to lounge about! 138 Main North Road, Woodend Ph: 03 312 8387 Inspection Welcome

Mayor Dan Gordon Update

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you all for your continued support of me as Mayor of the Waimakariri District. I am truly honoured and humbled that you have placed your confidence and trust in me to continue to serve this wonderful district for another term. I feel we have achieved some fantastic outcomes in the past term, and now is the time to focus on what the next three years will bring.

Government reform, particularly around the Three Waters, is going to be an ongoing issue. We know from the results of a survey sent to our residents last year that 95% of respondents told us that they are opposed to the Government’s current proposal around Three Waters. In this term, I will continue to push strongly for a better outcome on this issue for all our ratepayers and residents. Other concerns may be the proposed RMA reforms and the review of local government. Managing development and strong growth in Waimakariri will be a priority. The Waimakariri District expects to have around 13,000 more residents in 10 years’ time and around 100,000 by 2050.

There is a need to plan ahead and invest in infrastructure and facilities. This includes roading improvements and addressing traffic congestion in Woodend and Southbrook. Climate change and its effects will also be important to address. This includes managing the challenges that arise from flooding events which are occurring more frequently. These are some of the major issues the Council is concerned about and are priorities in our long-term planning.

I would like to acknowledge all the hard work that has been undertaken at the Woodend / Pegasus Food Forest at Gladstone Park. It’s wonderful to see the first plantings under way and the laying of mulch and cardboard. I enjoyed being part of the first planting.

All those involved in the Food Forest are creating something wonderful for everyone in the Woodend / Pegasus community to be able to enjoy and I’d really like to thank you for your hard work.

I’d also like to thank those who submitted their feedback for the new playground designs for Woodlands Estate. These ideas will help feed the final concept designs and help make sure Council is on the right track for delivering something that meets the needs of the community.

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Finally, it was my honour to attend and speak at the Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade Awards night last month. The fire brigade does some incredible work in this district. They are not just putting out fires and attending emergencies, but they offer fire safety education and are keenly involved in the community - even helping plant trees at the Food Forest!


Support the Woodend Pegasus Lions by purchasing our famous traditional Christmas Fruit Cake. Cost $22 each, Ideal for gifts, raffles, or share with family and friends. Contact Anne 03 313 6124

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 9

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Woodpecker readers

I would like to thank those of you who voted in the recent election (a solid 44.6% voter return, slightly less than 2019 but a huge increase on 2013 and 2016) and in particular those who trusted me with their vote. I appreciate the support and humbled to top score in the ward again.

I have agreed to return to the Woodend Sefton Community Board as one of the two council appointees joining board members Shona Powell, Andrew Thompson, Mark Paterson, Rhonda Mather and Ian Fong with whom I am looking forward to working with. I congratulate them on their election success and in particular Ian Fong as a new member and Rhonda Mather who is returning to the board after a break.

Working closely with Mayor Dan Gordon I continue to advocate for the long overdue SH1 safety improvements, Ravenswood underpass and Woodend by-pass, in addition to the proposed new community facilities at Pegasus and land acquisition for community facilities at Ravenswood. My wife Phillipa is a member of the Pegasus Golf Club so you might see me on the course if time permits! You may also recognise me in a red suit at Christmas by the Lake in December.

I will continue to be active in your community and approachable as in the past. Community is at the centre of local government and my reelection slogan remained ‘Serving the Community’ and that commitment remains unchanged.

Philip Redmond QSM District Councillor - 027 439 5515

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Sales Consultants
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today. Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 PB063077

Pegasus Brownies 1st birthday

At the start of Term 4 we celebrated our first year of brownies in Pegasus. We had a lovely party with fun games and activities. Our numbers have remained reasonably steady over the year, but we can always welcome more girls into the unit.

Information about Girl Guiding is available on the website.

Please let us know if you would like to come along for a visit - email Looking forward to our area camp in November and celebrating the girl’s achievements during the rest of term.

Pegasus Brownies meet Wednesday’s during school term 3.30pm to 5pm at the Pegasus Community Centre. Contact or information on Girl Guiding NZ website

Jan Murphy - Pegasus Brownie Leader

Letter to Editor

“Thank you for your wonderful work with the Woodpecker. It really is a delight to read and it’s got so big.”

Linda Pasco – Woodend Indoor Bowling.

St Barnabas Church

Our very successful Alpha course has now finished; however, we hope that those who participated will be encouraged to grow their relationship with God, as a result of attending. We are now back to holding two services on Sundays, at 9.30am and 4.30pm (the latter generally referred to as the 4.32). Our 9.30 service is the more traditional service and is followed by morning tea in the hall; our 4.30 service is a contemporary one, run alongside a youth programme and followed by an informal dinner.

On the subject of youth programmes, we have an exciting development on the preschool front. Our preschoolers’ weekly (Wednesday) Music And Play sessions have become so popular, that we are delighted to announce we are now holding a second weekly session on Fridays! Same place (the church hall) and same time (10am), just different day!

It is always great to welcome new people to any of our services or programmes, so if you or your family would like to come along and see what we’re about, we’d love to see you. In addition to those mentioned above, we have adult homegroups and young people’s group outside of service times – if you or your young folk are interested in finding out about these, you can ring Amy on 021 234 4253 to find out more about them. Enjoy the spring weather!

How much do you enjoy The Woodpecker?

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 11
Is there something you’d like to see in The Woodpecker? We’d love to hear from you!


RONEL’S COMMUNITY CUPPA: Labour List MP Dan Rosewarne was very well received with topics including local bus routes and SH1 safety improvements at the October Pegasus Cuppa. If you would like a copy of Dan’s presentation, please email us at and we will send it to you. Photo (right) shows Dan presenting The Good Home voucher to the winner of the lucky draw.

Ronel’s Community Cuppa for Pegasus Residents


9th November 2022

Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, near Flat White Café

Great Food Great Fun Great Information Great to See You! Free of Charge and All Pegasus Residents Welcome!

RAVENSWOOD COMMUNITY CUPPA: Waimakariri District Library staff joined us at the Ravenswood Cuppa and gave such an informative presentation that many people signed up as new members on the spot. Some new release books were on hand and able to be borrowed staight away. Many people are unaware of just what a treasure trove of resources we have avaliable at our local libraries, including access to movies, newspapers and home delivery for people who are housebound. Please note that there is no Ravenswood Community Cuppa in November. We hope you will join us at the Combined Christmas Community Cuppa on 14 Decemer in the Woodend Community Centre. Ronel’s Community Cuppa is on as normal in November.

Ravenswood Community Cuppa

Please note that due to

unavailable, there is no Nove mber Community Cuppa

Ravenswood/Woodend residents.



FB: Waiora Links Community Trust

Page 12 The Woodpecker November 2022
the venue being
Links Community Trust
The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 13

Call me to find out how our local property market is performing right now.

Susan Mullink | 022 105 6877

Page 14 The Woodpecker November 2022
Lime Real Estate Ltd Licensed REA 2008
It’s still a good time to make a move dandy

Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus Report


The Annual Woodend Spring flower show was held at the beginning of October. It was a very successful show with just over 1000 entries. Many thanks to those who came along and assisted in the setting up and cleaning up at the end.

At our last dinner meeting we had Mike Clemens come along as a guest speaker. He gave us a talk and video on his TranzAlpine Scooter Safari from Christchurch to Hokitika in May 2022 - raising funds for the North Canterbury Cancer Society.

We hold a Dinner Meeting on the third Thursday of each moth at The Good Home, Pegasus. This is mainly a social get together for the club members, however, we welcome anyone to join us and find out about what we, as Lions, do. Just contact me as above.

Our annual Lions Christmas Cake promotion is on again. You can support the Woodend Pegasus Lions by purchasing our famous traditional Christmas Fruit Cake. Cost $22 each, Ideal for gifts, raffles, or share with family and friends. Contact Anne 03 313 6124. The Annual Toot for Tucker is on the Tuesday 6 Dec. Vehicle’s will be traveling through Woodend, Pegasus and surrounds from around 6:00pm. Any non-perishable food donation is appreciated. The club will be running the Annual Christmas Raffle at New World Ravenswood on Friday 11 Nov, Sunday 20 Nov and Thursday 24 November. If you happen to be shopping on these days

see our table, buy a ticket.

you are not in, you cannot win.


‘DO NOT TOUCH’ must be one of the most terrifying things to read in braille President John

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 15
WE NEED YOUR HELP! WOODPECKER DELIVERERS WANTED! CAN YOU HELP? Volunteer delivery people needed for The Woodpecker in Ravenswood AND Woodend. Volunteer delivery persons needed for the Woodpecker. Simple easy run with only 30 to deliver for Ravenswood. At Woodend we are looking for two deliverers for this area. Please contact Tyree on 027 902 5611.


Main Street in the open green space by the lake. You won't miss it!

Things to remember: Bring a hat, sunscreen and water

- We are next to the lake, so safety is important - please keep a very close eye on your children

Please take your rubbish home with you at the end of the event.


After a few years of not being able to hold the Pegasus Christmas by the Lake event due to COVID, we are delighted to invite Pegasus Residents to our 2022 Christmas by the Lake on SUNDAY 04 DECEMBER, 1.00PM3.00PM.

This is a free, fun-filled family event with live music (including a special song from the tiny tots at Little Wonders Pegasus), face -painting for kids, bouncy castles and kids ice blocks and of course, Santa will be popping past to deliver his famous lolly scramble!

Feel the love let's come together and celebrate our community. The event is held next to the retail area on Pegasus


Sadly, the Community Watch patrol will be moving from patrolling two days a week, down to one day a week from the beginning of next year, due to a lack of new volunteers.

This is a valuable community service that has been running for over 10 years and helps keep our community safe.

If you want to see this service to continue two days a week next year, please volunteer or encourage someone you know to who might be interested. Learn about what is involved on our website.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY PATROLS : Thank you to our Community Watch Volunteers who kindly ran day patrols

Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

Page 16 The Woodpecker November 2022

during the September school holidays once again. The extra level of security was no doubt welcomed by the community.


A HUGE thank you to Woodend Automotive who serviced the Community Watch truck for FREE. The Woodend Automotive team are amazing, and we so value their ongoing support.


One of the points to come out of the recent 'Meet the Candidates' sessions was that in Pegasus, we are lucky to live in a community with a low crime rate compared to other areas in our district and the wider country. We are coming into the Christmas/holiday period when crime can increase. It is important that crimes are reported directly to the Police our Community Watch does not do the job of the Police.

If you have security concerns or see dangerous or suspicious activity, please contact the police by dialling

111 (threat to life or property) or 105 (after the event)

COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS BOOK CAVE UPDATE: We were excited to have received 169 books from the Kaiapoi Library (thanks to our PCC sub committee members Janet and Christine). A big thank you to Waimakariri District Council Library Services Manager Paula Eskett, for facilitating this.

AdviceKiwi Menzshed Pegasus Woodend are building us a trolley for children’s books and puzzles –we estimate this will be ready in the next few weeks. We have also altered some of the shelving to enable us to store more jigsaws.

OUR WEEKLY OPENING TIMES : Monday's 2 4pm, Wednesday's and Saturday's 10.00am 12noon

JP sessions: Saturday 05th and 19th November, 10.30 11.30am.

See what is on at the centre via our .

Website: Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 17
Page 18 The Woodpecker November 2022

Dear Community Readers,

On Monday we had a special Mihi Whakatau to welcome our new Principal - Andrew Retallick, his family and whanau, and new families into Woodend School for the start of Term 4. Representatives from Ngai Tuahuriri; Hutika Crofts-Gibbs and Daniel James McDonald led the Mihi Whakatau. Mayor Dan Gordon and Presiding Chair, Mark Paterson also spoke and welcomed Andrew and their families. We were especially touched by Andrew and his daughters singing a waiata from Taranaki.

Athletics Day. Some of our students have progressed through to the Pegasus Zones which is being held on 8 November. Congratulations to all our students who participated

On Wednesday we held our Te Pou

on this day. Huge thanks to the parent helpers on the day. Our school roll continues to grow, and we ask any new families to the area who may have students due to start next year to please register their enrolments online on our website This will help enormously with our planning for 2023.

Nga mihi nui Woodend School

Would you like your club or community group to be listed in Community Contacts?

If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts, please would you contact the Editor via email providing the appropriate details and these can be included. Thank you! Email our Editor Debs on

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 19
Page 20 The Woodpecker November 2022 GraceBrook - HONEY on the highway south of Amberley, we have HONEY 4kg bucket for $30, creamed clover $20kg, small plant nursery, Hosta’s, Hydrangeas, succulents & lots more, Open Daily txt 027 673 3330 Want 1/8th advertising space? That’s this size! Email Debs on:

Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker!

Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages.

For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs. with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.

Gracebrook - KNITS

beautifully knitted jumpers pure NZ wool, Guernsey, Fair aisle or cabled, natural colours to choose from, baby sets to adults, we will knit to order txt 027 673 3330

Want 1/8th

That’s this size! Email Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.

Kids Bikes

I refurbish kids bikes and donate them to charity.

Got one you don’t want? Please call or text Pete on 021 2021 827 and I’ll collect it.



Clothing Alterations & Repairs

Do you have a busted zip or pants that are too long? Or maybe a dress or skirt that needs an alteration? Call or text Paula 027 627 7212.

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 21
advertising space?
you have a story
tell? We would love to hear our readers’ stories. If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers. Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story Funny story Send us a photo too!

Welcome Dr Tessa Stewart seeing patients Mondays and Wednesdays; she will be in the GP Registrar Training programme in 2023.

"IhaverecentlymovedtoWaimakaririafterworkingatTauranga hospitalforanumberofyearswithmyyoungfamily,and I’m happytobebackintheSouthIsland!

Iamlookingforwardtogettingtoknowandhelpingcareforthis communityaswellasexploretheregionandmakeitmynew home".

VASECTOMY We are delighted to offer a new service ‘No Scalpel Vasectomy’ Dr Roger Dehn is experienced in this specialist procedure. Book an initial consultation with reception.

MELANOMA NZ has the highest rate of mortality from Melanoma . Check your moles for changes prior to the summertime with PMC We recommend getting a full mole check regularly. Your health insurance may subsidise this specialist appointment.


Living well your way with increasing health needs can take some planning for the future. Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, discussing and writing down your wishes about the type of medical care and treatment you want to receive in the future including end of life care.

LANGUAGES - We pride ourselves on being multi-international with some staff speaking and understanding many languages. Sign Language, Māori, French, Arabic, Mandarin, Afrikaans, Sinhala, Dutch, Samoan.

KEEPING US ALL WELL- We do require everyone coming into the practice to wear a mask as per the government’s directive. For peace of mind, you may wish to wait in your vehicle that is absolutely fine. Please just call us on your arrival with your details of vehicle. We will continue to screen patients and operate a ‘streaming’ process again this is for your protection, as well as our staff. This means you may be required to be seen differently i.e., in vehicle, in outside or inside treatment rooms should you have cold / flu / COVID symptoms.

PHONE CONSULTATIONS- We would remind you that telephone consultations are absolutely appropriate for many health concerns and is the safest approach during these times. Please speak to our receptionist if you require a phone consult.

If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111 . If you have an urgent / acute condition, do not use Manage My Health, call us to speak to a nurse.

Page 22 The Woodpecker November 2022
52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060
The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 23

Welcome to the November update of the Woodend Community Association.

The Woodend Community Association’s AGM was on 3 October and here are the appointments made as follows:

• President - Mark Paterson

• Vice President - Andy Childs

• Secretary - Kris Stacey

• Treasurer - Kris Stacey Committee members - Jim Stringleman, Andrew Retallick, John Archer, Jocelyn Adams, Doug Wethey, Anna Scott and Dan Rosewarne

Here is a message from Mark, our president, about the year ahead…. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone that voted for me in the recent Community Board elections, I look forward to representing you for the next 3 years. I am also looking forward to the next year with the WCA and am hoping we can get a few more projects underway as we move forward after COVID. It’s been great to finally get the community garden underway and thanks to those that turned up at our first working bee. We value the communities’ input with any ideas and projects that the Association could consider.

WCA Updates

Woodend has a Community Garden

Andy Childs has been the driving force behind Woodend developing a community garden for the past year. From discussions at WCA meetings for possible sites for the garden, Woodend School has very kindly offered their school garden to the Woodend community to use for growing produce and educational purposes. The WCA spent a morning tidying up the area and turning in new soil, getting it ready for the planting season ahead.

Andy will work with the teachers and students on good gardening practices. There will also be opportunities soon for public involvement, we will keep you updated on this.

If anyone has any spare tools, plants, or time that they would like to donate to our new garden, please contact Andy on 027 512 2681 or email Andy at

AGM presentations

At our AGM, we were very fortunate to have presentations made about developments within our community.

Here is a brief outline of what was discussed.

Dan Rosewarne spoke about his new appointment to parliament, his involvement with traffic and roading legislation and an increase in

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EV charging locations, including a new installation at Woodend Community Centre. Dan also presented on a change to the school decile rating system and interesting statistics about community growth in our region. This presentation is available to all who are interested. Rhonda Mather presented information about Waiora Links Community Trust and their aim to promote, encourage and enhance a sense of belonging and wellbeing for the residents of Woodend, Pegasus and Waikuku, both as individual communities and collectively, and to strengthen community networks.

Mayor Dan Gordon spoke about the upcoming elections and since that time has successfully been voted back in as Mayor of the Waimakariri district. We look forward to another great term and the continued support of the WCA.


Food Pantry

A reminder that we still have a food pantry in Woodend. It is situated in the WASP car park just before the school on the main road. So, if you have spare fruit and vegetables etc. maybe from your own garden, you may wish to donate a few to our local community by putting them into the pantry. Or, if you need something, have a look from time to time.

The pantry is designed for things like fruit and veg, baked goods and tinned goods, so please no frozen, dairy, or past best before dated goods thanks.

WCA contact information

If you have any concerns or suggestions for the community and do

not know where to start, contact the WCA via email at or call Mark Paterson on 027 534 9112.

For a small fee of $10 per household and $50 per business each year you can be part of improving our community and help the WCA continue to deliver projects like the Jill Creamer trail, ANZAC memorial and seating, new staging at the Community Center and more.

We are always looking for households and business memberships to help support our projects and to also offer suggestions on how we can allocate our funds.

You can find the membership forms at or

The WCA would like to thank PAWS Vets for their continual support as our Platinum sponsor. The other businesses that have joined with WCA Business Memberships, who we would also like to thank for their support are:

• Woodend

Men’s Shed NZ

Thanks for reading our update. Have a fabulous month and we will be back with more in the December addition.

The Woodend Community Association (WCA) team

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 27
Landscape Supplies • Woodend Automotive • Canterbury Honda • Motivation Design • Teresa Findley • Ravenswood •

In November we are advertising for volunteers, with applications closing on Friday, 18 November 2022. Training will commence in mid-January 2023. We’re looking for people who are good listeners, non-judgmental, willing to learn and keep learning, and confident using a computer. We can promise an expansion of your knowledge, a great deal of satisfaction in helping and empowering a client, and a bunch of really nice people to work alongside. If you’d like to apply, please get in touch with us for an application form. All trainees are fully supported with initial and ongoing learning plus a mentoring programme as you come up to speed with the challenges and pleasures of being a CAB volunteer.


to approach your gas / phone / power provider about a query on your bill, or how to talk to your employer about an issue in the workplace.

Our Service

Do come and see us. We trained to listen and to research. We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help.

You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222 or send us an email northcanterbury@cab., plus we’re on Facebook and Neighbourly. We’re open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

Kaiapoi Community Patrol

Our Clinics

We hold fortnightly clinics that cover legal assistance, employment, budgeting and immigration queries. All are now back to being held face to face in our office. Just get in touch and we can book you in. In addition, we have volunteers who are also Justices of the Peace, and they offer their service when they’re on duty. Again, please get in touch to find out when they’ll be in the office.

Extra support even if you’ve already done some research

Even if you’ve already done some research, we’re happy to discuss options with you and perhaps find even more information to support you. It can be very helpful to talk things over before taking action, whether that’s what to say when you visit a retailer about a faulty product, how

We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling. Full training given. If interested, please contact Owen 027 442 4436

All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.

Community Foot Care Clinic

Held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment.

Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker!

Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.

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Woodend Methodist Church

We feel a tad embarrassed republishing about the reopening date of our lovely church. Seems to have gone on forever. The date has now stretched out to December at some stage so we are keeping everything crossed that this will be the case. Dare I say watch this space!!!!!!!! A service where you can light a candle for a loved one who has passed away during the year is to be held at Rangiora (Trinity) Methodist Church, King Street, Rangiora on Sunday 6 November at 10.30am. All invited.

Our fundraiser for November is a Tabletop Sale selling cakes, plants, jams, books, puzzles etc. This will be held at the Trinity Methodist Church, King Street, Rangiora on 5 NOVEMBER, 9-12 noon. Hope to see you there.

Any queries, you can contact the Rangiora Church Office Tuesday 10.00am to 1pm, Wednesday 9.45am to 1.45pm and Thursday 10am to 1pm. The Church phone number is 313 3448. Email address:



If so,

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 29
thought of advertising in The Woodpecker?
you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services?
please email Debs, Editor to ask about our advertising rates. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.
Page 30 The Woodpecker November 2022 Dragon Stone Paving Ltd Professional paving specialists based in Woodend with over 30 years of combined industry experience Patios, pathways, driveways, doorways, pool surroundings, stone landscaping ... anywhere you could need paving We are a quick, reliable, friendly, and tidy professional team Check out our facebook page for examples of our work and contact Lee for a quote! fb: dragonstonepavingltd 021 292 2335 - Lee Squires COMMERCIAL CIVIL RESIDENTIAL

Farms, Rural Properties and Rural Businesses

This month we are going to focus on our Community living on rural properties, lifestyle blocks and farms, with some running businesses on them. You need to have preparations in place for the possibility of a fire emergency, especially during the Summer months.

It’s important to understand the fire risks of rural living and take actions to minimise them as water supplies may be limited in your area.

Make it easy for emergency services to find you by making sure your RAPID rural property identification number is on your signpost and clearly visible from the road.

Fire appliances are generally larger and heavier than those used by other emergency services. Poor or inadequate access can result in a delayed response and have a direct impact on the safety of occupants and their property.

To ensure we have sufficient access, make sure your driveway is at least 4 x 4 meters.

Follow these tips to help protect your rural property from fire:

Zone one extends to 10 metres on all sides of your house:

Convert to lawn and plant fire resistant plants and trees remove flammable material and debris.

Zone two is from 10 to 30 metres of your home:

Remove scrub and thin excess trees

Evenly space remaining trees so they aren’t touching.

Prune large trees and remove all branches within two metres of the ground

Remove dead or dying trees remove overhanging branches near power lines


We are pleased to welcome our latest matches to the Big Brothers Big Sisters whānau! Pictured below is long-time

Mentor Peter with his new match Ollie. They can’t wait to go fishing; target shooting and get busy in the kitchen.

Haere mai also to new Mentor Dennis and his match Ryan, below. With Dennis’ background in woodwork and carpentry, Ryan is going to have the opportunity to learn some useful life skills during their mentoring sessions. We recruit volunteer Mentors all year round. Contact us today to find out how just one hour, once a week, could change the life of a child in your community. Call 03 310 7004 or email

Page 32 The Woodpecker November 2022 146 High Street, Rangiora | m JEWELLERY Specialists in hand made Sterling Silver and Semi Precious Stones

Woodpecker Deadline

The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January).

Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5pm of deadline sent out to all contributors, advertisers and community contributors as a reminder. To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out.

From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the publication ready to go to the printers for them to deliver them to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your doors.

Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus

Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. Support club activities but having fun and friendship. New members are very welcome.

Dinner meetings on 3rd Thursday each month (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888.

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 33

Woodend Vet Clinic

Vaccination News

Canine Cough (formally known as Kennel Cough) outbreaks during the last 2 summer periods, has prompted many local dog owners to have a booster vaccination given over December and January. This was a smart move. However, as a result vet clinics will have a large number of dogs falling due for their boosters again over what can be a very busy period in the veterinary calendar.

Vaccination appointments are normally restricted during the summer months to allow our vets to deal with the influx of injuries, illnesses, toxicities, allergic reactions, barley grass seeds (and outbreaks!) which occur when people are generally out and about more with their dogs.

Consequently, Rangiora Vet Centre and their branch clinics in Woodend and Kaiapoi has taken the proactive approach of opening up more vaccination appointments to ensure clients are not turned away when their pet becomes due.

Small Animal Veterinarian, Kathy Preston, says that the strength of immunity following a vaccination is strongest during the 3 months immediately after vaccination, and the protection from the Canine Cough

vaccine only lasts up to 12 months. It is no problem bringing the vaccination date forward, but running overdue presents a risk for your dog. Therefore, it also makes sense for you to ensure your pet receives their vaccination PRIOR to the time of greatest risk (boarding kennels, summer outings and increased interaction with other dogs).

If your pet (dog or cat) is boarded in a kennel or cattery while you are away on holiday, Kathy reminds you that it takes at least 10 days to respond fully to a vaccine, so it is important that you plan carefully for your pet’s “holiday”, too.

Please keep this in mind and book your cat or dog in for their vaccination early so you don’t miss out and put them at risk!

Phone: 03 312 8387 or book online 138 Main North Road, Woodend

Enhancing Lives Together

Proudly supporting

Page 34 The Woodpecker November 2022

Banquet of Loaves A True Story as told by Anastasia Marambos

Yesterday there’d been a big feast. It had been a fun evening – the food was delicious, the entertainment delightful, and the guests well-dressed and chatty – all in true Medieval style. Everyone had thoroughly enjoyed themselves, except perhaps the young queen, but she was always much too quiet for her own good. Even the servants had chuckled over the tasty pheasant pie they’d stolen when they should’ve been doing dishes.

Today, everyone was too tired to notice the hooded figure who quietly slipped into the pantry and tucked a few loaves of bread into a basket. And they were all too sleepy to care that the king paced through the corridors with a perplexed expression.

When the king spotted the cloaked figure walking towards the back door, he quickened his pace.

“Elizabeth,” he said, laying his hand gently on her shoulder.

The teenage girl who was wearing the cloak turned and looked up at him anxiously.

“Elizabeth,” he repeated, “ever since you came here, as a four-year-old Hungarian princess, betrothed to me, though we were both too young to understand what that word meant,

and especially since you became my queen, I have loved you, and given you everything you could possibly want. I even gave you permission to take goods from the castle at your pleasure. But you know that recently I asked you to stop this, because the people in the castle need the food, and don’t like it when you take it. Why are you disobeying me?”

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. She loved him too and hated to displease him.

But the people who really needed the food were in the streets, not the castle. She knew that the night before, those on the streets had been starving, while those in the castle filled themselves with exquisite delicacies. And the people in the streets weren’t just names, or anonymous faces, but people who she had met and spoken to, who had names and souls and families.

Her heart was full of things too deep to explain, so instead of replying to her husband, she lifted the cloth off her basket. And instead of bread, he saw only roses – beautiful roses which could not have come from the castle pantry. He looked at the roses, and he looked at Elizabeth’s face. Then he understood what she was thinking about, and never again tried to hinder her from taking food to those who needed it.

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 35


CANCER SOCIETY NORTH CANTERBURY 143 Percival Street, Rangiora 0800 226 695

FB: CancerSocietyNC


Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 Kaiapoi & Pegasus Croquet Club Captain: Adrienne Lamb 921 2895

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Rachel Emmitt 021 203 6085

Available outside work hours



Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805

MUSIC AND PLAY Meaghan 027 392 6409


Merv Laws 021 237 7105 David Crawford 027 341 0246



Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468



Johnston 021 179 7330



Power 313 5749

Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RANGIORA BRIDGE CLUB 03 313 7941

RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253 Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612

THE ASHLEY LODGE Norme Shore - Secretary The Lions Club of Woodend-Pegasus President John Canton 310 8157 Secretary Anne Attenborough 313 6124 Youth Centre Brian Attenborough 313 6124 TIMEBANK WAIMAKARIRI Email: 021 0265 4071 Website: Facebook: timebankwaimakariri

TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL 313 2141 preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool


WAIORA LINKS COMMUNITY TRUST Woodend, Pegasus, Waikuku FB: Waioralinks

WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936

WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Gill Beale 310 6612 Secretary Sheryl Atkins 021 225 5778

WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832

Page 36 The Woodpecker November 2022
RESIDENTS GROUP INC FB: PegasusResidentsGroupInc


President Mark Paterson Secretary Kris Stacey


President Shirley Wheeler 03 327 3414 Secretary Helen Power 313 5749 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120


President John Fortster 327 3681 Secretary Jo Reid 03 310 6164


President Helen Power 03 313 5749 Secretary Chris Sutherland 0274 555 708 Treasurer Glenis Everts 03 930 8240


President Tony Hurley 312 7311

WOODEND GYM CLUB Simone Templeton 027 514 8363

WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389

Club Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344



Minister: Darryn Hickling 022 675 7391


President Caitlin Loose 027 787 5365 Secretary Vicki Attrill 021 244 1881

WOODEND PLAY CENTRE 027 353 2131 Facebook: woodendplaycenter



Club Captain,Nick Boyd 027 296 5511 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker 021 267 1429


Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson


Robert Davey 021 762 963

WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405

WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 021 1311 780 WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640

COMMUNITY CONTACTS The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 37
NEXT ISSUE DECEMBER 2022 / JANUARY 2023 Deadline for advertisements and community articles - 25 November 2022 The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: thewoodpecker4 Email: Call: 021 863 877 Post: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648
CLUB Senior
If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts page, please would you contact the Editor providing the appropriate details. If you are listed, please check your details are up-to-date and correct. Email our Editor Debs on debs.
Page 38 The Woodpecker November 2022
The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 39 Lawn Maintenance Mowing, spraying, fertilising and scarifying. Phone Hamish 027 349 7986 White Heron engaging with a hawk in Marangai Drive, Pegasus Tūhaitara Coastal Park were unable to submit an update this month, however, was told about a great sighting that was posted on their Facebook page showing a curious White Heron. This photo was sent in by Jill James recently from the boundary of Te Kohanga Wetlands Pegasus Town. Clearly not worried by the metal kaarerea (NZ falcon).

This Month with Harry

Carrying on with my life so far I still maintain a fervent interest in the Woodend Rugby Club even though I didn’t get an invite to this year’s end of season prize giving. For the first time in 50 years. Each year I like to ‘adopt’ a junior team, this time it was the under 11 and what a great bunch of youngsters they were. I have been honoured to receive a life membership and patron of the Woodend club as well as a life membership of the North Canterbury Sub-Union.

For several years I joined my father and uncle playing in then Woodend ‘junior’ cricket team. I could sit and watch cricket all day from Woodend junior teams to international games. To this end I am a member of the ‘Willows’ club who promote secondary school’s cricket. My sporting passion would have to be trapshooting or as it is more politically correct clay target shooting. Whilst not a world beater, in the early days I could hold my own and over the years have won several championships. When local boy Gerard Eder was at St Andrews, he got several likeminded shooters together and formed a team. I was invited to coach. In the second year the Stac team won the South Island secondary schools’ competition. This made the school hierarchy sit up and we were awarded a teacher to manage the team. The following year it was up to Blenheim to compete in the New Zealand secondary school’s championship. When we arrived the man in charge

enquired who and where from we were. On learning this he said that if we watched we may learn something about clay target shooting. One of the team commented “that fellow thinks we are here for a picnic.” Stac won the national title by 54 points. Considering it was a 300-point shoot this was pretty good and cheesed the north island off big time. I was with the college trapshooting teams for 30 enjoyable years. During this time St. Andrews held their fair share of local and national titles. In March 2018 I was awarded a certificate of achievement by the New Zealand Clay Target Association for services to shooting and are honoured to be a life member of both the Canterbury and Amberley gun clubs.

For many years I have enjoyed hunting, mainly deer with the occasional foray into tahr and chamois country. From a fairly young age I accompanied my dad or uncle into Lees Valley or the Mt. Somers area. With my fathers trusty old single shot lever action 303 I bagged my first stag whilst still at primary school. Nowadays I just watch others from my side by side. With only one leg the hills have to be pretty steep to get round! I no longer shoot ducks but pigeons who ‘c**p’ in my sheds and pukekos who kill ducklings, wreck nests and eat gardens are fair game.

Another activity I show great enthusiasm for is travel. Since my ‘OE’ I have been lucky enough to return to the UK three times. To date I have circumnavigated Ireland seven times. I love the place; the people and the medicine Arthur Guinness makes. Up to Fiji several times and the 10-day 10

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country Balkan tour feature highly on the enjoyable list. Perhaps the most memorable sojourn was a 3-week stint in the Marshall Islands. Brother Brendan, then a Mt Cook pilot had been lent by the company to Marshall Island Air to fly their sole 748. They simply didn’t have enough trained people to drive the one plane. I joined the flight on its weekly run to Fiji and as it was a ‘jackup’ tour had to sit in the ‘jump’ seat with the pilots. Stops were made in Fune Futu and Tevalu which were once part of the Gilbert and Ellis Islands but are now known as Kiribati. Majuro atoll which is the capital of the group is slightly north of the equator. There is a three-minute difference between the longest and shortest day. The highest point of the atoll is 24 feet, the height of a bridge between islands. The natives are Micronesian – smaller and finer featured than other ‘nesians’. The place is looked after by the Americans and as with tradition everything is solved by throwing vast amounts of money at it. At that time there was no age of consent and 66%of the population were under 12 – two lots of school were held each day. Of these children ¾ were diabetic. The administration encouraged them to consume vitamin c which could be obtained from orange juice. What they didn’t tell the mothers there was a subtle difference between orange juice and Fanta. Fanta was cheaper and easier to feed than orange juice. Whereas each morning in Fiji there was a stop at the local lolly shop to stock up for distribution to any children met, one had to change due to the diabetes problem in the Marshalls. So

we bought up the entire stock of pushout balsa gliders on the atoll. These were given to any children met. They were a friendly little lot and loved to ‘cuddle’ up to us strangers. This was a little worrying as they all harboured great herds of headlice. However one could get away with a ‘high five’ and a shout ‘yok wey’ which was some form of greeting.

The ultimate part of the trip was a visit to Bikini. An American senator attached to the defence department arrived and the plane was booked to take him and a small entourage out to the atoll. When asked if the wife and brother of the two New Zealand pilots could tag along, he was very accommodating. We landed on an island in the atoll and a waiting speed boat took us to the base. Here we partook of a fabulous lunch – a top French chef was base cook. We were then given a tour of the experiments they were doing to get rid of the caesium still present.


The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 41
Advertisers! Please note! Don’t forget to submit your Xmas messages and adverts for the December / January issue. Deadline 25 November 2022 at 5pm.

Woodend Indoor Bowling Club

The Indoor Bowling Club has now finished for the year. We held our AGM 26 September, followed by A fun night and then our presentation of our Club Champions. Thankfully this season we were not hindered by lockdowns, and we were able to get back to normal. And find some champions among our growing club numbers. And this year’s champions were.

The Fours - Barry Gernhoefer and Lorraine Duncan accepted on their team’s behalf.

The Triples - Ross Heasley, Jenny Gernhoefer and Peter McClatchy

Our Pairs winners Gernhoefer and Billy Johnston

Our Single champions Power and Billy Johnston. And our most improved player Mavis Elms.

Well done to everyone, we have one more fun night to look forward to our Christmas bowls on the 28 of November 7.15pm start and please note the new date, and don’t forget to dress up in the Christmas theme. Our new season will start again in March, so if your keen to Give it a go, mark it on next year’s calendar. For further information please contact our Club President -Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389

Kaiapoi Community Garden

Volunteer days

Wednesday 10am – 12pm and the last Saturday of every month 10-12pm, as we are now on our summer hours. Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook Kaiapoi-Community-Garden

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The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 43
Page 44 The Woodpecker November 2022

KAIAPOI FARMERS MARKET Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 10am–12pm.

OHOKA FARMERS MARKET Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am–12.30pm.

OXFORD FARMERS MARKET Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.

OXFORD CRAFT MARKET Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.

RANGIORA WELCOME MARKET Hope Centre, - 111 East Belt, Rangiora. Every Thursday, 3pm-7pm.

RANGIORA CHURCH STREET MARKET St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm. ART EXHIBITIONS ART ON THE QUAY Kaiapoi Library 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi CHAMBER GALLERY Rangiora Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora OXFORD GALLERY 72 Main Street, Oxford 3 STAND-UP COMEDY OPEN MIC NIGHT 4 TREETECH’S OUTDOOR CINEMA AND FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR 5 KAIAPOI TOY LIBRARY OPEN DAY 6 KAIAPOI FUN RUN AND WALK 6 USA DAY 2022 12 COPPERMINE JUNCTION MUSIC 19 TOKOWHĀ 20 GARDENS OF FERNSIDE 27 OXMAN Scan to receive our monthly events calendar straight to your inbox! EVENT INFORMATION Please check our website for updates on event changes or cancellations.

Rangiora Church Street Market

Saturday November 5th 8.30am - 1pm. Cnr Church St and 353 High St. Cafe, BBQ, books, clothing and car boot sales. New stalls this month on Church green behind the hall. This month’s market will be supporting Big Brothers, Big Sisters North Canterbury. Hosted by Anglican Parish of Rangiora.

TimeBank Waimakariri

Join TimeBank Waimakariri and connect with other people who help each other by sharing services, skills, talents and knowledge. Follow @ TimeBankWaimak on Facebook or email for more information.

SAYGo - 2022

SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St (by the Flat White Cafe).

All Welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group; join us for a cuppa after class! We are currently running at full capacity at the moment - ask about our waiting list.

Page 46 The Woodpecker November 2022

LOOK WHO FOUND MR WOODY LAST MONTH! Our daughter Elle Hewison 6yrs, Woodend loves finding Mr Woody Woodpecker each month! She’s very proud to have spotted him straight away! Laura Carter (mum)

Elijah Anderson 9yrs, Pines Beach found Mr Woody WoodpeckerNicole Auret (Aunty). Charlie 5yrs and Violet 3yrs with Poppa Ken Croft, Woodend found Mr Woody Woodpecker They scoured for ages and were so excited when they found him. Phillipa Croft. My grandchildren (all Carshalton’s) from the left on the floor is Leo 9yrs, Thomas 5yrs, Tess 8yrs, Maria 12yrs on the couch. Mary Carshalton. Far left Ciara Manaena 8yrs, Woodend – Karla Oulds. My daughter (above left) Sienna Nicol 5yrs, Woodend found Mr Woody Woodpecker. Very exciting! Kirsten Nicol

The Woodpecker November 2022 Page 47

not far away so, just a reminder, never leave your pet in the car (for any length of time, even with the window down!).

could take just 10 minutes for the inside of a car to reach 40 degrees on an otherwise cool day, and pets can quickly suffer from heat stroke, irreparable brain damage, and even death.

Also, on really hot days, if the path/sand is hot on your feet – it is likely too hot for your pets feet too. So walking in the cooler morning or evening is best to avoid burnt pads.

Page 48 The Woodpecker November 2022 CONTACTS: PHONE: 03 312 2669 EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays 24 hour emergency service available to registered clients- phone: 03 312 2669

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