Tēnā koutou
Here we are yet another month in with only three months until the end of the year! We are well into spring with cherry blossom, daffodils, goslings and ducklings, not to mention now with daylight savings it feels like summer is on the horizon.
I felt it was fitting, whether you may be a royalist or not, to acknowledge the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Certainly, the end of an era. And now we have a new king, King Charles III. The beginning of a new era.
Another change of course, the removal of the traffic light system, bringing with it a feeling of our return to normalcy.
You may have noticed the recent articles of Adrienne Simpson, Principal of Woodend Primary School who is soon to be retiring. Some great tributes.
Adrienne has served on the board of The Woodpecker Community Trust for four years as the school representative, and been a fully participative, committed and active member.
On behalf of the board, I would like to express our extreme thanks and gratitude to Adrienne for her support,
wisdom and input during this time. The Woodpecker Community Trust is made up of volunteers from the governance board to the deliverers and distributers.
On another note, we are always on the lookout for new ideas and suggestions, so if anyone has some thoughts they’d like to offer that they’d like to see in The Woodpecker, we would love to hear from you.
We are currently looking for a deliverer in Waikuku area, preferably someone who lives there who would be able to deliver to people in this area. If you know of anyone, please contact The Editor.
The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’ Ngā mihi nui Debs Taylor-Hayhurst The Editor – Woodpecker
If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts page, please would you contact the Editor providing the appropriate details. If you are listed, please check your details are upto-date and correct. Email debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
DISCLAIMER: All efforts are made to verify the correctness of information contained within this publication, however, The Woodpecker Community Trust accept no liability for the correctness or accuracy of any information contained within these pages. Any views, information or opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily the opinions or views of The Woodpecker Community Trust or any of its providers.
We recently were one of the sponsors to assist in getting the Pegasus Bay School netball team to the AIMs Games held in Tauranga. From reports the girls had an amazing trip and a good experience. Upcoming we have the Annual Woodend Spring Flower Show happening in the Woodend community centre on Saturday 1 October from 1.00pm - 4.00pm.
Our involvement is in the setting up and cleaning up of all the tables and vases for the show. If you have a little time to assist, we are meeting at the Youth Centre from midday Friday 30 September.
On the Saturday 1 October at approx. 4:30pm we then take it all down and clean up. Again if you can offer some assist, we would be appreciable. It was good to see the Flag at Half Mast at the Woodend War memorial to join the world in mourning her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II passing. Coming up we have a Christmas raffle
and Christmas Cake sale. More details next month. Finally
I’m still waiting patiently for the wisdom that supposedly comes with old age, anyone else?
Lion John. President Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus. president.woodendpegasus@ lionsclubs.org.nz
We are currently running an Alpha course, which encourages discussion about life, faith and meaning. It is going well, with only two weeks left to run in October. Participants had an Alpha Day together on 11 September; it was a day to remember on so many levels. Not least for the delicious food supplied and served by parishioners from the 9.30am service!
It is always sad when a course comes to an end. However, the end of Alpha signals the return of the 4.32 (4.30pm) service, which has been missed. It recommences on October 16; anyone from the Alpha course is most welcome to join us, it would be lovely to see you there. In fact, we welcome anybody at either service, at any time!
On 18 September we held a Memorial and Thanksgiving Service for the life of Queen Elizabeth II. This amazing lady, whose faith was so clearly the foundation of her life of service to
her people, will be much missed. The Memorial was a beautiful tribute to her.
We’d love for you to join us at a service or two sometime, at 9.30am or 4.30pm in the meantime, stay healthy and enjoy the arrival of spring!
Are you part of a group which you would like to promote?
Are you a small local business who would like to promote themselves?
Do you have any community stories you would like to share?
Have you any information or notices you would like to share?
YES? We would love to hear from you!
Email debs.thewoodpecker@ outlook.co.nz
Spring is such a wonderful time of year. With the days getting longer, flowers blooming and weather warming it’s shaping up to be a beautiful summer period.
Now that we’re out of Covid-19 restrictions we can expect our usual summer events, festivals and shows. I love getting out during these events and mixing in the community. So if you see me about please make sure to pop over and say hi.
One event I enjoyed recently was attending the North Canterbury Kapa Haka Celebration held at Ohoka School Hall. It was great to see so many tamariki (young people) embracing Māori culture and customs. When talking about community involvement, we recently celebrated the 2022 Community Service Awards. These awards have been going for 30 years and recognise the substantial commitment of the unsung heroes who quietly in the background make the Waimakariri community a better place to live.
Most people would be unaware that each year passionate locals give up 1.5million hours of their time volunteering in our District alone. This year saw the introduction of a new award, the Youth Service Award which
an award offered collaboratively by the Council and Youth Council to acknowledge young people who are making a significant contribution to the community.
I am privileged to be involved in the awards process and spending time and meeting all the outstanding volunteers we have in the District. There are some truly remarkable people in our community.
Recently I represented Waimakariri District at the Civic Service in Christchurch and State Memorial Service in Wellington to honour the passing of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Queen Elizabeth had a strong sense of duty and dedicated her whole life to the service of her people. Her life of service is truly remarkable and her commitment to service is something everyone can admire.
Locally we held commemorative tree plantings in Rangiora, Oxford, Woodend and Kaiapoi on Saturday 1 October to pay our respects and honour the Queen and the ascension of our new King. I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you may want to discuss. Email me at dan.gordon@wmk.govt.nz or phone 021 906 437. I’m here to help.
Marion McKellow Jewellery boutique on High Street in Rangiora is about to celebrate its first Birthday. Marion sold her Merivale store in 2015 and moved to North Canterbury to retire. However her passion for semi-precious stones and silver was still strong so she decided to open a store closer to home. The industrial style shop fit really suits the old building with exposed steel beams and bricks. The store sits comfortably with the unique boutiques on High Street. Marion has just returned from an overseas buying trip, so the store is looking spectacular with sparkling gems.
I am pleased to say we had four lovely young entrants for September who found Mr Woody.
Avonhead and found Woody!
Image 1 (far left): William Riddler –Aged 10 yrs from Avonhead. Erin Hewson, another proud mum, sent a photo of her daughter Lucy who also found Mr Woody!
Image 2 (left): Lucy Hewson – Aged 9 from Woodend Carla, proud mum sent a photo of her daughter Isla who successfully managed to find Mr Woody!
Image 3 (bottom left): Isla Davis Aged 7 from Pegasus Ann Furlong said, “My son Samuel who was 5 years’ old last month, found Mr Woody on page 33”. He will be delighted to have his picture posted in The Woodpecker.
Kay Mills said “Our grandson William was here for the weekend from
Image 4 (above): Samuel Meagher Aged 5 from Woodend Beach.
Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
New tennis season is here. Come and join us at Wednesday evening social tennis. From beginners to competitive players. Just come along and join in. Teams made up on the night. It’s good tennis, but also fun. Every Wednesday from 7pm (subject to weather). Great courts, and great lighting. Small fee for non-members Where: Our courts are next to Woodend Rugby at Gladstone Park (end of Gladstone Road). Easy access from either Woodend or Pegasus
Contact details: Jim - mobile 021 806 366 or landline 03 313 9405; Ericmobile 021 292 7004
Looking forward to seeing you Support your local club
Want 1/8th advertising space?
That’s this size! Email Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
The 2023 touch season is just around the corner!
Kia ora koutou hoa o Tuhaitara Coastal Park a hari te wiki o te reo maori (Hello friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park and happy Māori language week).
This month at Tūhaitara Coastal Park we have been focusing on factors of the manapou o wai (sustenance of water) within our education program. The main focus has been towards mātai arowai (hydrology), ika (fish), and hātaretare (invertebrates).
Students have engaged in assessing water chemistry, turbidity, making observations of species present and collecting samples to view under the microscope. (See images above)
Last week we welcomed St Joseph’s school for their annual school camp run by Enviroschools. The school group observed kowaro (Canterbury mudfish) and invertebrates we had trapped with Gee’s Minnow traps at their biotanode before planting some native trees. Of the kowaro we had trapped to show the tamariki, one appeared to be pregnant which was exciting to see. Kowaro females release their eggs in abundance of 500-10,000 in late autumn/ early spring. Some invertebrates we found in the biota-node included diving beetles, bloodworms, freshwater snails and mayflies which are a good water biodiversity and health indicator. For Conservation Week / Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Tūroa, our rangers visited the Kaiapoi library to show primary and kindergarten aged tamariki how fascinating the most threatened freshwater fish species in New Zealand is, the kowaro. They are a taonga species for Ngāi Tahu. The kowaro is predicted to decline in population by greater than 70% over the next 10 years in Canterbury. They are at risk
from intensified agriculture, irrigation, abstraction of waterways and predators including introduced species of trout. However, where other species struggle, these little guys can survive. When the oxygen is low these fish can gulp and hold onto air from the surface to allow for oxygen to diffuse
is where they get their Latin name Galaxiidae burrowsis. In experimental conditions they have been observed to survive for up to 85 days in these drought conditions with a 60% survival rate.
into their blood over their gills. Even cooler, when in conditions of extreme drought these fish can create a flask shaped burrow to retain moisture and they diffuse oxygen through their skin much like an amphibian! Perhaps this
Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages.
For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. co.nz with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
The spurwing plover parents have moved on from the Driving Miss Daisy node along with their two chicks towards more estuarine / marine food sources. There have been several seal sightings along Woodend and Waikuku beach. It is important to remember to give the seals space and to keep dogs away from them while they rest on the beach. (See image on left) Although Conservation Week has passed, you can still support this cause by taking eco-action and getting involved with your friends and whanau. This could involve volunteering for a local planting day (we have plenty coming up, just check out our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ TuhaitaraFriends/)), picking up litter, or planting a native tree in your own backyard.
SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls
Prevention Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St (by the Flat White Cafe).
All Welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group; join us for a cuppa after class!
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently running at full capacity at the moment - ask about our waiting list.
The good news is that driving past the Church and Hall the alterations appear to be finished. However, we are awaiting Council compliance before we can be up and operating again. It will be so exciting to be back together in our own Church.
Hopefully our movie afternoons will recommence on the first Wednesday 2 November at 1pm. We will also show the next movie and final one for the
year on Wednesday 7 December. There is a plant sale to be held at the Rangiora Methodist Church, King Street, Rangiora on Saturday 5 November at 9am.
Our Minister Darryn Hickling is available on Tuesdays 12.00pm. to 3pm, Wednesdays 9.45am to 1.45pm, Thursdays 11.00am to 2.00pm. Phone 313 3448.
We would love to hear our readers’ stories.
If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers.
Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story Funny story
Send us a photo too!
A car drove slowly into St. Peter’s Square. In the car was an elderly man dressed in white, who had come to see the people and to bless them. As he saw the crowds of people eagerly watching him, his smile lit up. Not that he hadn’t been smiling before, of course – he always so joyful that it was hard to imagine him more so. Nothing in his expression or manner suggested that he’d seen very tough times. Indeed, all of his immediate family died before he was 22. Working in the quarries, Karol Wojtyla had seen some of the worst of the Nazi Occupation of Poland. He became a seminarian, and his goal was to bring people hope. But he needed hope to carry on with his studies. The Nazis did not
like seminarians. Yet Karol escaped the Nazis, and eventually became Pope John-Paul II. Most people loved him because he always understood what they were going through – and because he really cared. When he would speak, they would come from far away to listen. That was why the audience that day was so large, and so attentive. The Pope raised his hand in blessing and a gunshot was fired. The crowd gasped. The Pope was rushed to the hospital, seriously injured. All over the world, people mourned and prayed. John-Paul II recovered, and when he had recovered, he visited the man who had fired the gunshots, and forgave him.
Five years later, he visited New Zealand. He said, “Young people of New Zealand: Jesus is with you. Do not be afraid!”
The Waiora Links Community Trust Board are delighted to announce that New World Ravenswood are now sponsoring supplies for our community morning tea events and we thank them for their generosity Justin and Melissa Blackler, Owner/Operators or our local supermarket, had no hesitation in offering to support these community events. They have also offered the Waiora Links Trust Board free use of the New World conference room, which is a big help in saving on the cost of room hire fees. This all means that the Waiora Links team have more resources to work on additional combined events for the residents of Woodend, Pegasus and Waikuku.
Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, near Flat White Café
Great Food Great Fun Great Information Great to See You!
FREE: All Ravenswood and Woodend Residents Welcome!
SEPTEMBER COMMUNITY CUPPAS: Ronel’s Community Cuppa attendees enjoyed a very informative chat from library staff with everyone amazed at just how much is available through our local libraries. Local resident Senior Constable Ken Terry also gave a very informative and entertaining talk with some timely reminders about crime prevention. Big Thanks to Tasteful Affairs for donating a voucher for the lucky draw at the Ravenswood Community Cuppa with the first winner being local artist Leah, who was also the guest speaker. Mayor Dan Gordon was on hand to do the draw and present the voucher to Leah (see photo) Our thanks also to The Good Home Pegasus for continuing to provide a voucher for Ronel’s Community Cuppa each month.
10.00am, Wednesday 12th October 2022
Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, near Flat White Café
Great Food Great Fun Great Information Great to See You!
Free of Charge and All Pegasus R esidents Welcome!
Waiora Links Community Trust
Email: waioralinks@gmail.com
FB: Waiora Links Community Trust
Call me to find out how our local property market is performing right now.
Welcome to the October update of the Woodend Community Association.
Firstly, we would like to say a big THANK YOU to Andy Childs for organizing and orchestrating a ‘Keep New Zealand Beautiful’ cleanup day around Woodend.
With this very successful event, the collectors cleared a total of 70kgs of rubbish and recycling from our community.
Thank you so much Andy, and to everyone who came along. We really appreciate your efforts.
This month we saw Adrienne Simpson farewell her seat at the Woodend Community Association table.
We will miss her knowledge of the community, commitment to projects and her fabulous sense of humor that she has given the WCA for many, many years.
Thank you so much Adrienne, although you have had limited time throughout your very busy life as a principal you always made time for your community and its enhancement.
We will really miss your input to the WCA and we all wish you well for the adventures that lay ahead for you.
We have no further update at this stage, but with Dan Rosewarne’s appointment to parliament, we will ask him to report each month on the proposed and potential highway as well as safety improvements.
We are still waiting to hear if the winning Woodend School design has approval from the Waimak District Council.
A WCA member continues to push the council to commit to some land for the Woodend community garden.
Woodend Beach playground and toilets upgrade. This upgrade is in the councils plan and the budget is currently being redraughted.
Further updates on this are pending the results of the councils Draft Walking and Cycling Network plan. Reminders
Our next AGM is on 3 October and at this stage will be held at the Woodend Community Centre. All are welcome to attend and if you’re interested in joining the committee, please let us know.
A reminder that we still have a food pantry in Woodend. It is situated in the WASP car park just before the school on the main road. So, if you have spare fruit and vegetables etc. maybe from your own garden, you may wish to donate a few to our local community by putting them into the pantry. Or, if you need something, have a look from time to time.
The pantry is designed for things like fruit and veg, baked goods and tinned goods, so please no frozen, dairy or past best before dated goods thanks.
If you have any concerns or suggestions for the community and do not know where to start, contact the WCA via email at woodend.community.association@ gmail.com or call Mark Paterson on 027 534 9112.
For a small fee of $10 per household and $50 per business each year you can be part of improving our community and help the WCA continue to deliver projects like the Jill Creamer trail, ANZAC memorial and seating, new staging at the community center and more.
We are always looking for households and business memberships to help support our projects and to also offer suggestions on how we can allocate our funds. You can find the membership forms at
www.woodend.co.nz/join-households or www.woodend.co.nz/joinbusinesses
The WCA would like to thank PAWS Vets for their continual support as our Platinum sponsor. The other businesses that have joined with WCA Business Memberships, who we would also like to thank for their support are:
• Woodend Landscape Supplies
• Woodend Automotive
• Canterbury Honda
• Motivation Design
• Teresa Findley
• Ravenswood
• Menzshed NZ
Thanks for reading our update. Have a fabulous month and we will be back with more in the November addition.
The Woodend Community Association (WCA) team
Our office is open between 9.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday.
Many migrants really appreciate the ability to talk face-to-face with someone from their local community when they need support. All CABs offer a safe space for migrants who want to clarify their rights or need help upholding their rights.
In addition to our universal CAB service, CAB North Canterbury has a specialised ‘Migrant Connect’ service that is focused on ensuring that people who have recently moved to Aotearoa New Zealand are able to get face-toface, personalised help to settle in their new community.
The Migrant Connect service is supported by our extensive knowledgebase, which is invaluable in helping with the wide range of issues new migrants have to navigate as they settle into life in our community.
If you are a migrant or a newcomer to the Waimakariri District, please come and see us. We’d love to welcome you and help you.
This year we launched our internal Language Support service. CAB volunteers are able to use the CAB intranet to see when other volunteers across the country are available to assist clients in another language.
Currently, we are able to support more than 30 different languages using this service. This is a wonderful example of the way our volunteers work together to support clients.
We now also have access to a telephone and video interpreting service through Immigration New Zealand. This complements our own nationwide pool of volunteers who speak various languages.
If you or someone you know needs information, advice or support on any matter, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. We’ll even provide a listening ear if that’s what you need. All our services are free and confidential.
You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz
In support of the local body elections and to help our residents learn more about candidates standing in our district, the PRGI held two ‘Meet the Candidates’ events at the Pegasus Community Centre.
Thursday 15th was the Meet the Waimakariri District Council Candidates session and Thursday 22nd September was the Meet the Woodend-Sefton Community Board Candidates session .
Before each event, all candidates were sent two questions arising from our recent residents’ survey on security and safety, along with youth initiatives . Each candidate had six minutes to provide their ideas and answers on the night.
The first event, Meet the Waimakariri District Council Candidates, was
attended by over 80 people to meet ten candidates and hear their views .
At the second event, Meet the Woodend-Sefton Community Board Candidates, over 40 people attended to meet the eight candidates.
Both events were also livestreamed via our Facebook page which meant those who could not attend , could watch online. Recordings of both events and photos can be found on our website.
The events were well received and provided insights to each candidates' thoughts. We hope the community found it helpful in determining who they will be voting for.
A very big thank you to Chucky from Chucky Creative (videotestimonials.co.nz ) who kindly donated his services and time at both events. He did all the filming, and sound and enabled us to livestream
Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Incthe event. We highly recommend his services!
Once again we are in need of volunteers for our community watch. It's a valuable community service that helps keep our community safe. If we do not have enough volunteers on our roster, then we will have to reduce the number of days we operate.
Please take some time to learn about what is involved on our website and volunteer. Or encourage someone you know to volunteer.
We are looking for members of our community to join our PRGI committee. Why not take this opportunity to contribute to the wonderful community we live in ?
Get involved and give just a few hours a month of your time and help shape our community for the future.
Learn more about the committee and what is involved on our website. We would love for you to join us.
The Waimakariri District Council planning team held the Variation1: Housing Intensification Drop In Session on Thursday 25 August at the Pegasus Community Centre.
We had well over 50 people in attendence which the council team were thrilled with. It was great to see the people come to the centre to engage with the Council and voice their concerns about possible impacts on the community.
Monday's 2 - 4pm, Wednesday's and Saturday's 10.00am 12noon . Grab a free book/puzzle or access plenty of helpful information, and have a chat to our volunteers. Learn what is on at the centre via our monthly calendar which is on our website.
The next JP sessions are on Saturday 02 and 16 October from 10.30 11.30am. No appointment necessary
HIRE THE PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Visit our website to learn more about how you can hire the centre for your event or meeting.
Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc
Last month we finished with the Woodend scouts observing nature at the monkey cage in the Wellington Zoo. Most of the boys were wandering about eating toffee apples they had purchased from an Italian man in the kiosk. As they looked delicious Noel was dispatched to get the leaders one. He was set upon by the irate seller who ranted that some of our guys had uplifted goods without paying. He got no change from Noel who told him he was a silly little man for putting them on the counter in the first place. Or words to that effect.
Stewart Island was another ‘biggy’. We went by train to Invercargill, bus to Bluff and ferry to Oban. Another spewing experience. We had several days there exploring, fishing etc. As some of our members had never flown before we returned to Harewood by plane. Money for these ventures was raised mainly by pub raffles - another thing frowned upon by the scout hierarchy.
Our numbers grew rapidly and the den, an ex-army hut wasn’t coping.
For a while we split the troop in two, but this put a strain on leadership. A new den was needed. The committee under the astute and dedicated leadership of chairman Allan Sheppard and Secretary Estelle Tull set about fundraising. Mitchell Wilson won the honour of foreman builder and other local tradesmen volunteered their time. The new den was opened in 1977. Three years later the Tull room was added. With the demise of scouts in Woodend, the national association put the building up for sale. If it hadn’t been for the foresight of then councillor Elaine Cole, who persuaded the council to buy it, it could have been lost to the community
for ever. Now known as the youth centre, it is administered by the local Lions.
Although reluctant at first, scouting grew on me. We had a great bunch of boys over the years unaffected by play stations, Ipads and helicopter parents. Most played sport, all had a proper education and showed respect for themselves, others and the environment. Some became famous such as Andrew Mehrtens, Todd Blackadder and a wee fellow who could make a three-course meal out of a packet of wine biscuits, Dean Brettschneider. There were others who wanted to be famous such as Clegg, Stockwell, Paterson and Stopforth.
A couple even became guests of Her Majesty’s government. In 1981
I was honoured to receive a chief scout’s commendation for services to scouting.
I played my first game of rugby for Woodend in 1956. I was 10 and in the under 6st 7lb team. In those days junior players were graded by weight rather than age.
The Woodend Rugby Football club was formed in 1883 when the local guys who were playing for the North Canterbury team decided to break away. The North Canterbury club later became the Rangiora outfit.
Instrumental in the formation of the Woodend club was the local Anglican minister, the reverend Charles Gossett. Before arriving in Woodend he had been badly injured in a train crash in the North Island and only just survived.
In a report on the newly formed club, the ‘Lyttelton Times’ stated that ‘an hour of hard play’ had been held in the Rev. Gossetts paddock. Cont’d on Pg 28
The vast majority of pets, will find some tactic to keep eating. They have an extremely strong instinct to survive no matter what discomfort they feel.
Sometimes the symptoms of dental disease are so vague that we don’t notice them such as: reluctance to hold their toys in their mouths, be less playful, avoid having their face touched, have a hard time sleeping, cats may not groom themselves or some pets may have no visible symptoms at all!
We commonly hear at our post op checks that a dog is “acting like a puppy again” or that a cat “is more affectionate and active.”
If you are concerned about your pets bad breath and their dental hygiene call the Woodend Vet Clinic to get it checked out.
* Entry is automatic at time of admit for your dental procedure. Consultation charge only, does not include any medications prescribed or products purchased as a result of the consultation. 3 draws, 31/8/22, 30/9/22, 31/10/22.
Lynda before October 31, 2022.
312 8387
Cont’d from Pg 26 This in itself raises a bit of speculation as the revs. paddock would have probably had a resident cow or horse or both. Woodend’s first official game was against a Christchurch club. However this didn’t go the full distance as a third ball used was burst and no more were available. Our team stuck together through the grades, and we got pretty good. One highlight was our under 8st 7lb winning both the Nth Canty Competition and the Lex Hollow shield. We accumulated 132 points for letting in 19 against. Modesty prevents me from telling you just how good I was suffice it to say I gained Nth Canty Rep honours for several years. My senior playing career ended abruptly with a dose of peritonitis from a ruptured appendix. I very nearly fell off the perch and had a seven-week stint in hospital. As
was the norm for clapped out players I took up coaching the junior teams. In the same year I was elected club representative to the North Canterbury Junior Advisory Board, a position I held for 25 years, 20 as board secretary. At about the same time I became secretary for the Woodend Club. With the rapid growth of Woodend it soon became apparent that new grounds were needed. In those early days all sport was played on the recreation grounds beside the school. This area was originally used as a rifle range for the Woodend contingent of the Volunteers who were formed during the Maori wars. The occasional ricochet that whistled round the village upset the inhabitants and the brigade moved to a new site on Gladstone Road, about opposite the present park. At one time there was a bike
track, complete with raised corners round the outside and tennis courts were established in the northwest corner where the half-pipe is today. A concrete cricket pitch was laid dead centre. This had to be covered with soil each rugby season and uncovered when cricket started. Much to the delight of the neighbouring school children the Harris brothers arrived with their traction engine one day and winched the cricket pitch out. This was unceremoniously dumped in the pit that was where the two-storied classrooms are today. The resulting hole was filled with soil from the Weka Pass and a new grass pitch formed. The original pavilion was a very basic structure in the southwest corner. Showers were added in the late 1950s – the concrete floor later became foundations for public toilets. All long
gone. The present day building to the south became the sports pavilion. The bowling was as is and a croquet green complete with small clubroom is now covered by classrooms. The rugby committee authorised then President Peter Jones and secretary yours truly to liaise with council in establishing new grounds. Negotiations went well considering the Councillors at that time included Ken Stokes, Owen Stalker, Morris Harris and chairman Trevor Inch, all ex-Woodend players. Several sites were investigated – the beach road and Petries Road were deemed too small. The site eventually chosen was close to town and free draining. However the vendors wife pulled the plug when she learned that a sports ground with children was to be established. So it was back to the drawing board and the Gladstone
Authorised by Andrew Thompson; andrewbjthompson@gmail.com
roadblock was accepted. There were the dissenters. ‘It was too far from town’, ‘it was a wilderness’ (it was too!), ‘People would leave the club and go elsewhere’. Attitudes changed when people learned the options. The council owned the land so any monies set aside for sports could be used for development and help with a clubroom. Above all with 20 feet of sand underneath and proper management it could be an all-weather venue.
Held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment.
A fun and social exercise group for all you lovely senior ladies. All fitness levels welcome 9-10am Monday mornings at the Woodend Community Centre (with coffee afterwards)
Come along and have some fun and keep moving-first class is free
I refurbish kids bikes and donate them to charity. Got one you don’t want?
Please call or text Pete on 021 2021 827 and I’ll collect it.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury would like to give a BIG shout out to Aotearoa Gaming Trust (AGT) for continuing to support its youth mentoring programme. AGT run a socially responsible gaming operation that in turn generates funding for community organisations. Big Brothers Big Sisters has been a
Volunteer delivery person needed for the Woodpecker. Simple easy run with only 30 to deliver. Please contact Tyree on 027 902 5611
grateful recipient of AGT funding for many years, enabling the charity to make a positive difference in the lives of rangatahi through professionally supported, mentoring relationshipsjust like Zoe and Grace (pictured). Get in touch today to find out how you can change the life of child in North Canterbury.
03 310 7004 northcanterbury@bbbs. nz facebook.com/bbbsnorthcanty
WEBSITE Our website www.pegasusmedicalcentre.co.nz is updated regularly, please take a few mins to check out our news and new staff profiles.
VASECTOMY We are delighted to offer a new service ‘No Scalpel Vasectomy’ Dr Roger Dehn is experienced in this specialist procedure. Book an initial consultation with reception.
MELANOMA NZ has the highest rate of mortality from Melanoma . Check your moles for changes prior to the summer time with PMC. We recommend getting a full mole check regularly. Your health insurance may subsidise this specialist appointment.
ADVANCED CARE PLANS Living well your way with increasing health needs can take some planning for the future. Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, discussing and writing down your wishes about the type of medical care and treatment you want to receive in the future including end of life care.
LANGUAGES - we pride ourselves on being multi international with some staff speaking and understanding many languages. Sign Language, Māori, French, Arabic, Mandarin, Afrikaans, Sinhala, Dutch.
KEEPING US ALL WELL- As there continues to be such high rates of illness in the community at the moment, it is important to us that we keep our waiting room as infection free as possible. We do require everyone coming into the practice to wear a mask as per the government’s directive. For peace of mind, you may wish to wait in your vehicle that is absolutely fine. Please just call us on your arrival with your details of vehicle. We will continue to screen patients and operate a “streaming” process again this is for your protection, as well as our staff. This means you may be required to be seen differently i.e., in vehicle, in outside or inside treatment rooms should you have cold/flu covid symptoms.
PHONE CONSULTATIONS- We would remind you that telephone consultations are absolutely appropriate for many health concerns and is the safest approach during these times. Please speak to our receptionist if you require a phone consult.
STAFF SICKNESS Due to covid and winter illness, we also have ongoing staff absences. Please be kind to us if we have to re schedule your appointment at short notice, we will always see you on the day if triaged clinically urgent and can’t wait till the following day. We do apologise for any inconvenience. We thank you for your understanding and support through these difficult times. Kia ora ☺
If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. If you have an urgent /acute condition, do not use Manage My Health, call us to speak to a nurse.
Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 www.pegasusmedicalcentre.co.nz
Wednesday 10am – 12pm and the last Saturday of every month 10-12pm, as we are now on our summer hours. Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook
W When the siren sounds and the doors go up, we respond 24/7, but not just blindly into the night. We review, check and check again to make sure we know as much about local business, proper ty and roading as pos sible. So, when it comes to an emergency and your time of greatest need, we're prepared and ready.
Which all takes a great deal of time, dedica tion and commitment from a relatively small group of volunteer Operational Suppor t and Firefighters.
We all share an underlying desire to serve our local community in the best way we can.
We're always on the lookout for new recruits, especially if you're available during the day, to join the team.
So next time you see us either at the Station or out and about training, please show your suppor t and say hello.
143 Percival Street, Rangiora 0800 226 695 northcanty@cancercwc.org.nz
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ CancerSocietyNC
Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 Kaiapoi & Pegasus Croquet Club Captain: Adrienne Lamb 921 2895
Rachel Emmitt 021 202 6085
Available outside work hours
LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS 943 4935 cm.pegasus@ledu.co.nz lollipopseducare.co.nz/location/pegasus
Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805 menzshedpegasuswoodend@gmail.com
MUSIC AND PLAY Meaghan 027 392 6409
Merv Laws 021 237 7105 David Crawford 027 341 0246
PEGASUS BROWNIES pegasusbrownies@gmail.com
PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 www.waimakariri.govt.nz
PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE TEAM Email: pcc@pegasusresidentsgroup.com
PEGASUS MONDAY MORNING WALKING GROUP Christine Johnston 021 179 7330
PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com www.pegasusresidentsgroup.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ PegasusResidentsGroupInc
Helen Power 313 5749
Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895
RANGIORA BRIDGE CLUB www.rangiorabridgeclub.co.nz rangiorabridge@xtra.co.nz 03 313 7941
Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587
Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730
Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253
Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612
Norme Shore - Secretary theashleylodge28@gmail.com http://www.ashley28.net.nz
The Lions Club of Woodend-Pegasus President John Canton 310 8157
Secretary Anne Attenborough 313 6124
Youth Centre Brian Attenborough 313 6124
TIMEBANK WAIMAKARIRI Email: tbwaimakariri@gmail.com 021 0265 4071 Website: waimakariri.timebanks.org Facebook: facebook.com/ timebankwaimakariri
TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL 313 2141 tuahiwipreschool@xtra.co.nz https://www.facebook.com/tuahiwi. preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool
Danelle Asher wbslsc@wbslsc.com
WAIORA LINKS COMMUNITY TRUST Woodend, Pegasus, Waikuku waioralinks@gmail.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ Waioralinks
Paul Henderson 0274 925 936
President Gill Beale 310 6612
Secretary Sheryl Atkins 021 225 5778
John Harris 313 7832
President Mark Paterson
Secretary Kris Stacey kris@stacey.kiwi.nz
President Shirley Wheeler 03 327 3414
Secretary Helen Power 313 5749
Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120
President John Fortster 327 3681
Secretary Jo Reid 03 310 6164
President Helen Power 03 313 5749
Secretary Chris Sutherland 0274 555 708
Treasurer Glenis Everts 03 930 8240
President Tony Hurley 312 7311
Simone Templeton 027 514 8363
WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389
Club Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344
Amy Hallmark woodend.cricket@gmail. com
Minister: Darryn Hickling 022 675 7391
President Caitlin Loose 027 787 5365
Secretary Vicki Attrill 021 244 1881 Woodendnetballclub@gmail.com
woodend@playcentre.org.nz Facebook: www.facebook.com/ woodendplaycenter
WOODEND PRESCHOOL / NURSERY Jen Hall 312 7654 office@woodendpreschool.co.nz www.woodendpreschool.co.nz
Senior Club Captain,Nick Boyd 027 296 5511
Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker 021 267 1429
Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 shona.powell@wmk.govt.nz Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson
WOODEND SENIOR CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963
Jim Bucknell 313 9405
WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 021 1311 780 lewsandra@xtra.co.nz www.fireandemergency.nz
WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640
Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. Support club activities but having fun and friendship. New members are very welcome.
Dinner meetings on 3rd Thursday each month (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888.
863 877
PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648
KAIAPOI FARMERS MARKET Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 10am–12pm.
OHOKA FARMERS MARKET Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am–12.30pm.
OXFORD FARMERS MARKET Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
OXFORD CRAFT MARKET Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
RANGIORA WELCOME MARKET Hope Centre, - 111 East Belt, Rangiora. Every Thursday, 3pm-7pm.
RANGIORA CHURCH STREET MARKET St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
Williams Street,
Percival Street,
Physical activity does not need to be complicated, and many people are daunted by the thought of getting out there and doing it. Walking is one of the best entry points into a healthier
But how do you get started? Here are a few tips to help you ease into a routine.
Beginner Tips: It starts with walking. Take the
lifestyle, you can literally walk your way to fitness.
parkrun know this and are dedicating the whole month of October to walking! This will encourage more people to take part in parkrun and to celebrate that our events truly are for everyone!
It’s Springtime and we recognise that many of you are looking to get out there to enjoy our surroundings. We are very lucky that the Waimakariri district has such a variety of landscapes to explore.
opportunity go to the dairy, walk the dog, or walk after dinner. Start slow. You are about to embark on a marathon, not a sprint. Take it very slow for the first few outings, perhaps alternate between walking and jogging as you become more comfortable.
Beginning runners should start with two to four outings per week at about 20 to 30 minutes each.
Focus on time on your feet, not distance or speed. You need to build your endurance, and this comes over time.
Cont’d on Page 45
Do you have a busted zip or pants that are too long? Or maybe a dress or skirt that needs an alteration? Call or text Paula 027 627 7212.
GraceBrook on the highway south of Amberley, we have HONEY 4kg bucket for $30, creamed clover $20kg, small plant nursery, Hosta’s, Hydrangeas, succulents & lots more, Open Daily text 027 673 3330
Gracebrook beautifully knitted jumpers pure NZ wool, Guernsey, Fair aisle or cabled, natural colours to choose from, baby sets to adults, we will knit to order text 027 673 3330
TimeBank Waimakariri is a community of people who help each other by sharing services, skills, talents and knowledge. Follow @ TimeBankWaimak on Facebook or email Mandy -tbwaimakariri@gmail. com for more information.
To everyone who supported Daffodil Day 2022, donating, organising fundraisers, buying fresh flowers, Painting the Town Yellow, wearing your daffodil, supporting someone with cancer, sharing our stories or volunteering for us, THANK YOU!
Saturday October 1st 8.30am - 1pm. Please note change to summer hours. Cnr Church St and 353 High St. Cafe, BBQ, books, clothing and car boot sales. Hosted by Anglican Parish of Rangiora.
Freesia & Lily bulbs for sale. Fundraiser to local groups. $5 & $10 per bag. For more info. Contact Anne 03 313 6124Lawn maintenance
Mowing / weed spraying and fertilising and includes scarifying /dethatching. Ph Hamish on 027 349 7986
Doll making workshops in Woodend Phone Carolyn 021 279 5555 Check us out on Facebook
We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling. Full training given. If interested, please contact Owen 027 442 4436
All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.
Have you been to visit our gift and homewares store at Woodend Nurseries yet?
Oakwood Road is fully stocked with all things beautiful. We will help you with your selection and gift wrap. With Christmas just around the corner, pop on in for a browse and say hi to Ray & Joss, we've got you covered.
Oakwood Road your local giftware store Located inside Woodend Nurseries 42 Chinnerys Road
Some plumbing fittings may allow tiny traces of metals to build up in water that has been standing in the fittings for several hours.
Although the health risk is small, the Ministry of Health recommends you flush a couple of cups of water from your drinking-water tap each morning before drinking, or after long absences from your property.
This simple precaution is recommended for all public and private water supplies for all households in New Zealand.
For more information call 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV).
As Term 3 finishes, we reflect on a very busy and exciting term. With the term finishing next week, we also say farewell to Adrienne who has been Principal for the past five years, and in various other teaching roles for over the past 24 years. We have some special events planned for her in the final week, where all the students will be involved, and the parent community invited. We thank Adrienne for her dedication to Woodend School - the focus has always been striving for the best outcomes for the students, and we wish her the very best in her retirement.
Our Year 7 & 8 students enjoyed their camp experience at Glentui last week. Some of the activities included canyoning, abseiling and bivvy making. All the students were engaged and
challenged themselves in trying many new activities. Huge thanks to our parent helpers who attended camp and helped make the camp the success it was.
Monster Raffle: You may see students out and about in the community selling raffles. We have our annual raffle which this year has 18 awesome prizes. $2.00 a ticket. Many thanks to all the businesses who donated towards these prizes. Our school roll continues to grow, and we ask any new families to the area who may have students due to start next year to please register their enrolments online on our website www.woodend.school.nz This helps with our planning for 2023. Nga mihi nui, Woodend School
Choose the right surface for you. Pavements / tar seal is a good surface; however it can be hard on your joints because the pavement does not cushion your steps. Tracks in the wetlands / Tūhaitara park are good, but roots, rocks and bumps might increase the chance of injury. The beach is great, but its hard work on your leg muscles!
Take short steps when you start to jog. Short, easy steps are more effective than long, powerful strides and you do not get tired as fast.
Take time to recover. Leaving a day between outings is helpful.
Download an exercise tracking app onto your phone to keep an eye on your progress. It’s motivating to see your improvement over time.
We don’t need to mention that there are countless benefits - regular brisk walking can help you maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat
You will see a few Facebook posts going out to help and encourage for walkers (look up Pegasus parkrun on Facebook)
We would love it if you joined us at parkrun. You will find a supportive, social environment with friendly people who are just like you. You can go at your own pace. Get yourself a free barcode from parkrun.co.nz/ register and join us at 7:50am on a Saturday of your choice. See you out there!
Ask for our Advertisers Information Sheet for further details. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
Poolwerx Christchurch come to you to discuss what options are right for you and your budget. We offer regular or casual servicing for pools and spas, a wide range of equipment options including Eco pumps, robotic cleaners, chlorinators, filters plus an extensive line of pool chemicals. Call us today!
Poolwerx Christchurch 021 783 463 | christchurch@poolwerx.co.nz
With lockdowns and limitations on socialisation for our pets, we are seeing more pets with phobias to noise. These can include babies crying, trucks, bangs and on the near horizon, fireworks.
Medications can help but longer term desensitisation is better. It takes time, so if you know your pet is fearful of noise, now is the time to start.
Check out this website.
https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/dog-advice/understanding-your-dog/ sound-therapy-for-pets
CONTACTS: PHONE: 03 312 2669
EMAIL: pawsvets@gmail.com
ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops)
HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays
24 hour emergency service available to registered clients- phone: 03 312 2669