Delivered to 3010 households
September 2021
Produced for the community, by the community
New World opens first supermarket in lockdown New World has opened its first supermarket in lockdown in the growing suburb of Ravenswood, in the Waimakariri District of North Canterbury. The brand-new store, which opened on Friday, 27 August 2021 at 9.00am was quite a different kind of opening to the usual, says Ross Martin, Head of Retail Operations at Foodstuffs South Island. “There was no ribbon cutting, or crowds of shoppers gathered around, but it was still a momentous occasion
for all. The team have been working hard to get the store built and open for this awesome new community and we really didn’t want lockdown to stand in the way of that.” Foodstuffs and owner operators of the store, Justin and Melissa Blackler, shouldn’t have been concerned, working closely with the Ministry of Business Innovation and Enterprise at Alert Level Four, and we’re really proud to be able to open on time and on schedule. Cont’d on Page 5
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 1
Editor’s Note
Kia Ora everyone Well that was a shock, wasn’t it? Plunged into Level 4 Lockdown! A difficult time for everyone, with businesses being affected once again. However, we got through this last time and will again. Unfortunately Level 4 restrictions prevented us from printing this month’s publication, however, as you know the digital copy is widely circulated and shared via email and on social media. If you’re reading this right now, consider sharing the link with someone you know who may welcome a community read, you could make their day! A HUGE thank you particularly to our advertisers who continue to support our charity by continuing to advertise during this difficult time, it is hugely appreciated. Also a MASSIVE shout out to all our community groups who are strived to keep you all updated by updating their notices with the latest information before this reaches you on 1 September! Lastly, as always, to you, the reader, and often the contributor of some fantastic articles, stories and activities that inform us of the wonderful things that are going on in our community – we very much appreciate your wonderful contributions. Page 2 The Woodpecker September 2021
Please do take particular note to the lockdown messages from some of the businesses and groups for latest information. This month I’ve included a trip down memory lane with some articles recently provided which show some historical events and articles from The Woodpecker which I hope you enjoy. One of them is harder to read (November 1981) however enlarging this on digital helps! As always, keep the feedback coming, it’s always very much welcomed and appreciated. Ngā mihi Debs Taylor-Hayhurst The Editor - Woodpecker
Make the Switch North Canterbury Do you need help with your hearing? We are a full service hearing clinic and it’s easy to make the switch! We can’t wait to welcome you to North Canterbury’s Vera Setz Hearing family.
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Will Water Reform Benefit Waimakariri? The Government is proposing that three water (drinking water, wastewater and stormwater) services move from the 67 councils who currently manage these, into four large entities. If the reform goes ahead, Waimakariri District would become part of an entity that covers most of the South Island. The Government has given councils until the end of September to provide feedback on the proposal. Quality drinking water and better environmental outcomes are a good thing for the country. But we’re not clear yet whether the Government’s proposed Three Waters Reform is the best way to achieve this, and what the advantages are for our District. We want to know what’s important to our community and hear what you think. Visit out website and have your say about the Government’s Three Waters Reform. Share your thoughts by 5pm, Sunday 5 September at
Complete the survey online The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 3
Page 4 The Woodpecker September 2021
Cont’d from front page What’s most important is that the local community of Ravenswood have a safe store to shop in where they can get all their essentials and more while they’re in lockdown and beyond.” All New World stores are 100% locally owned and operated, with store owners and their teams having the flexibility to cater to the specific needs of their community. Justin and Melissa Blackler are the new owner operators of the store, having moved minutes up to road from their previous store, Raeward Fresh Harewood. “We’re looking forward to getting behind this awesome new community and are excited to share with them what’s on offer in-store. We have employed approximately 100 locals including in-store butchers,
bakery and deli experts, all who are committed to providing fresh food, great value and excellent customer service,” says Justin Blackler. New World Ravenswood will provide a full-scale offering to the Ravenswood community and was built in just over 12 months. Store features include an in-store café, a spacious fresh foods hall, an extensive craft beer and local wine selection, a zero-alcohol zone and an Eco Store refillery station. The new store will also cater to the wider North Canterbury Community and has the ability to grow as families move into the residential developments in surrounding areas. New World Ravenwood is located at 10 Bob Robertson Drive, Ravenswood and will be open Monday- Sunday from 7.00am – 9.00pm.
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 5
Brian Attenborough – Trustee Profile
Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Brian Attenborough, and I am the newly appointed Vice Chairman of the Woodpecker Community Trust. I grew up in the North Island city of Hamilton and after completing School Certificate joined the Royal New Zealand Navy going on to serve for the next six years before returning to Hamilton where I found employment with Liteweight Caravans / Portacom NZ Ltd.
I got married in 1989 and following a restructure at Portacom NZ Ltd my wife and I left New Zealand to live in Australia where we spent the next 24 years before returning home in 2012 and settling in Rangiora as my wife wanted to return to the area, she grew up in. My first introduction to a Community Organisation came about when I joined the Lions Clubs of Deer Park in Australia and when we returned home my wife and I transferred to the Lions Club of Rangiora before moving on to the Lions Club of Pegasus Town to assist this new young Lions Club.
One-hour complimentary consultation available
Inspiring and motivating you to make positive changes in your professional and personal life. Business coaching & mentoring Life personal coaching Speech Coaching Working together to make a difference Ph 021 863 877 Email Page 6 The Woodpecker September 2021
Pegasus parkrun COVID has caused several parkrun’s around the World to pause while authorities got the outbreaks under control. Events are starting to slowly reopen – England have recommenced, and Wales and Scotland restarted in the final weeks of August. Here in NZ we have noticed that parkrun has become more popular as more people start to focus on their wellbeing. At Pegasus we had 437 finishers running, walking & jogging 2,185km around the picturesque Lake Pegasus in the month of July. We even had a Mid-Winter Christmas-themed event where we had Santa’s, Elves, Snowman, celebratory Tinsel runners, Tutu runners and of course parkrunners everywhere! 2 of our regulars celebrated milestones this month – Trudy Diggs & Geoff Macmillan completed 200 parkruns at Pegasus! This is an amazing feat and is a testament to how compelling parkrun is! Word has gotten out over the years,
and we have had many instances of locals joining us for a walk at first, and then starting to run the course. Mayor Dan occasionally joins us for a brisk 5k walk too. It truly is a community effort, and we are very lucky to be supported by a committed core team of volunteers who do a fabulous job of welcoming everybody each week to Pegasus and keep the events fun and fulfilling for visitors. Pegasus parkrun is the only free weekly 5k timed walking / running event in the Waimakariri district, and it is fantastic to see local members of the community giving it a go. So – if you are looking to meet new, likeminded people in a friendly environment and you are also considering partaking in a regular free local event which is good for your health & mental wellbeing you should consider giving parkrun a go. If you are still undecided, perhaps to check out our News page to get a sense of what parkrun is like, and to see results, photos, and other interesting titbits of information: news/
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 7
Blessed be thee - A short Story by Kevin Warren of Pegasus
“Come on, ‘The wee boy’; time for walkies.” “Oh, seriously dad; its bloody cold out there. Do I have to?” “Hey! If I have to go then, you have to go. Hey, look on the bright side. Some kind person out there might have some doggy treats for you.” “Oh yeah, hasn’t happened yet. But hey, big guy, I live in hope. I’ll get the harness.” Mom arrived at the door to investigate the noise, took the harness out of Inky’s little mouth, slipped it over his head, secured it and then put on the jacket. “Oh, come on Mom, I have a built-in doghair coat on; do I have to wear the jacket?” “Inky! Keep still, I’m trying to put your jacket on. It’s cold out there.” Said a now angry mom. “Phooey.” Thought Inky. “I hope none of me mates see me with this ponsy thing on.” But Inky knew he wasn’t going to win this little altercation and plonked his arse down and let mom put on the jacket. Mom secured him to dad’s walking frame and declared that all was well and that they should head out on their walk. Inky saw dad look at him and chuckle. Inky got upset and began to growl. “Your day is coming, boss.” He thought. Dad pulled up on the lead. “Don’t you growl at me.” He demanded. “Or Page 8 The Woodpecker September 2021
there’ll be no lunch for you when we get back.” “Lunch! Did you just say lunch? Whoopie. Let’s move old guy.” Barked inky as he strained against the lead; a food addict if ever there was one. “It certainly is a bit chilly out here, luv.” “I told you to put long pants on,” mom said. “Nah, come on dad, let’s get on with it. There are heaps of new smells to be investigated out there, and cats, dogs and people to be barked at; not to mention, lunch is waiting.” Dad put on his radio headphones, carefully stood up from his wheelchair and balanced himself on the gutterframe he used when he walked the exercise circuit. “Okay, ya little bugger. Let’s go.” They walked out the driveway and moved to the footpath. Inky took his usual toilet stop immediately at the start; one of many that would interrupt progress. They scrabbled, in Inky’s case and staggered in dad’s, until they reached the point where they crossed the road. Dad stopped to check the road. Inky never understood why they always stopped there. “Go!” dad commanded, and they crossed the road just as a speeding car came around the corner a little way to their right. But it was all good; the driver slowed to let him pass and then sped away. They continued on their way; dad counting steps and listening to the radio playing through his headphones. Inky sniffing the hedges and the bottom of each fence to ensure the
scent he had deposited the previous day was still there. If not, he simply cocked a leg and redeposited his marker. He had to be quick; dad never hung around. They reached the end of the road, turned left, reached the end of that road and turned left again. Inky was in his element; gone were the worrying thoughts about his attire. They continued all the way to the round-about and again, turned left. Suddenly, Inky was dashing back and forth and barking in alarm. While still wondering at what is going on, a woman stepped close with a big smile and began to speak. Dad couldn’t hear her because the radio headphones were load in his ears. To rectify that situation, he would have had to let go the gutter-frame; he couldn’t do that and stay upright. Falling down was not an option for two reasons. First, the women would feel bad that she was partly to blame for his misfortune. And second, if he injured himself in the fall; especially if it was a serious bone fracture, and a serious fracture was definitely on the cards because he had been told he had the bone density of a post-menopausal eighty year old woman. Inky began to jump up at her, barking his head off but the woman was not bothered by his antics and simply reached down and scratched him behind the ears. “Yeah, yeah, okay lady. That feels nice but, it’s no substitute for a treat.” Inky
was not happy to see her step forward and place her hand on dads. Dad and the lady talked a while then she stepped forward and placed her other hand atop dads’ head and began to pray. “You know he can’t hear you lady; he’s not wearing his hearing aids and the music is playing through the radio headphones. After she had finished and dad was feeling precariously unsteady, she finished and stepped back and headed back to her car. “Thank you,” dad called out to her and started walking on, or, more accurately, staggering on. “I can’t believe you let her do that,” barked Inky. “I was so scared yer atheist arse was going to be hit with a bolt of lightning. Phew!”
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The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 9
Will Water Reform Benefit Waimakariri? The Government is proposing that three water (drinking water, wastewater and stormwater) services move from the 67 councils who currently manage these, into four large entities. If the reform goes ahead, Waimakariri District would become part of an entity that covers most of the South Island. The Government has given councils until the end of September to provide feedback on the proposal. Quality drinking water and better environmental outcomes are a good thing for the country. But we’re not clear yet whether the Government’s proposed Three Waters Reform is the best way to achieve this, and what the advantages are for our District. We want to know what’s important to our community and hear what you think. Visit out website and have your say about the Government’s Three Waters Reform. Share your thoughts by 5pm, Sunday 5 September at
Complete the survey online
Page 10 The Woodpecker September 2021
Woodend Methodist Church
Welcome to all in our second life of Covid lockdown. We all have to be patient and vigilant in keeping ourselves safe. Hopefully the following events will take place. Monthly movie – Wednesday 1 September at 1pm the movie will be “Jane Eyre” a 2011 romantic drama film starring Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender. The movie is based on Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 novel of the same name. Afternoon Tea to follow. Gold Coin donation. Please phone Ruth on 3122094 if you have any queries. On Sunday 19 September the Richmond Handbell Ringers are presenting a concert at 2 p.m. in the Woodend Methodist Church. Entry will be $5. A CONCERT NOT TO BE MISSED. The Richmond Handbell Ringers started ringing bells 21 years ago in the year 2000, when the congregation at the Richmond Methodist Church in Christchurch were introduced to the art of handbell ringing by a person from Japan, Kiyoko Toya, who imparted her knowledge to a small but keen group of people. There are currently about 6 or 7 handbell ringing groups in New Zealand, plus a few groups at schools. Handbell ringing came to the fore early in the 1700s in Britain when tower bell ringers could practise their change ringing with handheld bells, sitting around a fire in a pub in the middle of winter, instead of being up a cold and draughty bell tower. Later, the bells were developed to enable musical tunes to be played, and each bell represented a black or white
note of a piano. The bells are usually used in octave sets ranging from 2 to 7 octaves. The Richmond group rings on three octaves of handbells and three octaves of hand chimes. Hand bell ringing is very popular in the USA, Canada, Britain, Japan, South Korea and Australia. Probably from mid-September we are upgrading the Woodend Methodist Church Hall and toilets so our facilities will not be available. Our minister Veitomoni Siufanga is available at Rangiora Methodist Church, 176 King Street, Rangiora – 313 3448 or rangioramethodist@ He is at the Church from 9am to 5pm on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you need to see him on Thursday or Friday, please ring and make an appointment. He is available to provide prayer, support and a welcome for anyone with any needs, or who wants to drop in.
Free digital banking class
DORA the digital online access bus will be at Woodend Community Centre on 9 September at 10am for a two-hour Intro to Digital Banking class. The class is run by Waimakariri library staff and takes place while the bus is parked at the Community Centre. No financial information is required in the class which discusses online safety and uses a practise online banking module. To book contact Waimakariri Libraries on 311 8901, or drop in to any Waimakariri Library. The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 11
Mayoral Dan Gordon Update
As I write this column, we are in Level 4. I know this is not where we expected to be but it is important that we all play our part and follow the rules to ensure this lockdown is as short as possible. Over this time Council staff, Councillors and I are working remotely to make sure we continue to support our community. We are here to help if needed. Phone 0800 965 468 or email The Council website will always be up-to-date with the services we can offer at each Alert Level, so head to for updates. While we can’t see people outside
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Page 12 The Woodpecker September 2021
our bubble we can call or message neighbours, friends and family to keep in touch. We have got through this before and will do so again. Take care. New MainPower Stadium It was a privilege to officially open MainPower Stadium recently. It was important for the Councillors and me that this opening be for the whole community. Despite the weather on opening day, 4,000 people went through to view this outstanding facility. At 6,000 square metres, people were amazed at the size and quality. There have been many who have contributed significantly to this project and helped us get to the official opening. You know who you are, and a huge thank you for your work in creating this facility. What has been delivered is a stunning multi-use facility that I know our community will be pleased with. There has been huge expectation and excitement. This facility is for all ages but I am
especially excited about the benefits it will provide our young people who now have access to high-quality sport facilities and activities, but also the wider benefits to our community’s health and wellbeing. Our hope is that this stadium will inspire our next generation of athletes and help our young people have the opportunity to reach their potential as future representatives for Canterbury, New Zealand or indeed become Olympians. No matter what level you achieve at, you will make us proud. 3 Waters Reform As you will have read, the Government is proposing changes to the way our drinking-water, stormwater and wastewater services are delivered to residents through a Three Waters Reform process. The Government has given Councils until the end of September to provide feedback on whether we as a District wish to opt-in or opt-out of the
proposed reform. Before we make a decision about the next stage of the reform process, we are keen to hear what our community thinks. All ratepayers should have received a letter which lays out the best information we know to date regarding the reform proposal. A feedback form was included. You can also provide feedback online: letstalk We had planned a series of community drop-ins to discuss the reform proposals and answer any questions you may have. Unfortunately Level 4 prevents this, and these sessions have been cancelled. Your views are important, and we strongly encourage receiving your feedback by 5 September before we make a formal decision on 28 September.
Ravenswood Repairs
Panel Beating, Rust Repairs, Classic Cars, Trailers, Horse Floats, Light Engineering, Cert Work, I-Car Welding, Plastic Welding. 35 Years’ experience. 48 Chinnerys Road, Woodend Storage. Call Gary 022 322 0812
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That’s this size! Email Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 13
STORAGE UNITS • 4 x 3m (2.8 high) • Roller door or Single door
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A purpose built state of the art storage facility in Ravenswood. Owned & managed by locals. • State of the art security 24 hours • Electronic gates. Simple card access • Individually alarmed units with lights • Affordable & various sized units to suit all • Security senser lights • Steel framed building, dry, clean & rodent proof • Concrete yard & floors with ample parking • Access from 6am- 10pm, 7 days per week
For more info visit
Page 14 The Woodpecker September 2021
How fantastic is it to see so many people out biking and walking, enjoying what our communities have to offer with the help of the lovely weather? I just wanted to take this time to introduce myself, Anna Scott, the newest member of the Woodend Community Association and I live at Woodend Beach. The reason I joined the association a year ago was that I was noticing a few things in the community that could be improved upon. The Woodend Community Association has given me a stronger voice for these matters to be heard and a sense of helping the community I love. Moving forward, every Woodpecker publication I will introduce a member of the association and update you on different projects we are working on at present. The Woodend Community Association and its members would not exist without support from the residents of Woodend. We appreciate each and every one of our residents contacting us and engaging with us regularly. There are other 2 ways to help the association better our community: By making a $10 yearly donation to keep our projects alive. You can become a member either via our website or email. It is a great way to connect into your community and be in the know of what is happening and
when. Have you got a matter in Woodend you would like to improve? We are looking for new committee members for the 2021/2022 period. The association would love some fresh thinking people who want to contribute their ideas to help the Woodend community become better. We are looking for a new secretary and a marketing person. The commitment is a monthly meeting for an hour, thats it. Oh, and eating the fresh baking at the meeting. AGM AGM for the Woodend Community Association 6 September 2021 Woodend Community Centre 6.30pm All Welcome PLEASE NOTE: If we are still not able to hold meetings due to alert levels, it will be done via Zoom. If this is the case, please email Woodend. and we will send you the link. Any questions or queries please contact Mark. Website and Facebook Please keep an eye on our website and our Facebook Page ‘The Community of Woodend’ for any updates that come from any community groups. Cont’d on Page 17 The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 15
All Construction & C onc rete Work
• Driveways, patios & paths • Bridges and Culverts • Floors, foundations, sheds and buildings • Dairy Sheds, Herd homes • Silage pits, effluent ponds
• Retaining walls & landscaping • Swimming pools & ponds • Excavation and cartage • Precast concrete • Insulated panels • Placing & Finishing
Daryl Power 027 230 9401 • Page 16 The Woodpecker September 2021
Cont’d from Page 15 Woodend Community Groups If you are new community group, please get in contact with us and let us know what you are up to so we can share any information that we can to all our members and residents. Woodend Businesses We also have a business page on our website and the ability to share Woodend businesses on Facebook so if you are in a business, please get in contact with us so we can make sure we are following you and sharing any info to help residents shop locally once this is all over and also during this lockdown phase. Mark Paterson 027 534 9112 Woodend.Community.Association@
From all the crew at The Good Home Pegasus we wish to thank everyone for their support and messages during this lockdown. We can’t wait to see all your faces (with masks) again very soon. We will be operating at Level 3 with contactless pickup and deliveries from 10am Wednesday. Coffee, teas, cold drinks and daily baking will be available to order online at www. or on phone 03 967 6891 and your favourite dishes will be available from 12pm everyday also. Don’t miss our next virtual quiz on Thursday 2 September from 7:30pm (and following week if still Level 3) – go to our Facebook page and join in the live quiz from there.
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 17
Page 18 The Woodpecker September 2021
WIN movie tickets
ill be prize w s i h ate. t s e ppropri a s continu a s ation consult October
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With every consultation in the month of September you go into the draw to win one of five double passes to the Rangiora Town Hall Cinemas! There will be one prize drawn each week. PAWS Vets is Family owned PAWS Vets have full medical and surgical care onsite PAWS Vets provides 24 hour emergency care for clients
myself. A vet since ’92 I have
CONTACTS: PHONE: 03 312 2669
EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 19
Update from Tūhaitara Coastal Park The health and safety of visitors and staff is always at the forefront of our minds in all our work at the coastal park. In these worrying times of community transmission of the Covid-19 virus, we strictly follow the government alert level requirements. Here’s what this means for you: Alert Level 4 • Tūhaitara Coastal Park remains open during the lockdowns as a place for local exercise such as walking, running or cycling • If you are unwell, you should stay at home • If the park is not a short walk, run or cycle ride from your home, please do not visit • If you do visit, you must be on your own or with your household bubble • Keep a 2-metre distance from other people not in your bubble • Do not do activities that may require search and rescue services. For example, do not go swimming, surfing, or boating Page 20 The Woodpecker September 2021
• Keep your dog on a leash Alert Level 3 The restrictions above are the same, with some easing on the types of activity permitted. Only do low-risk activities. If you are experienced you can do more activities including surfing and horse riding – but only if you are experienced, and only staying close to home. You can find more detail about what activity is allowed at each of the alert levels here: sports-and-recreation/ You can also check the Trust website and Facebook page for updates: Website: http://www. Facebook: Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park The most important thing is that you stay safe and stay close to home until restrictions are lifted. Captions for photos: Photo 1 - Kowaro (above left) Do you know that kowaro / Canterbury mudfish can breathe out of water?
FRAMEMAKERS All Picture Framing Photography and Canvas Printing Framing Supplies
Photo 2 - A tracking tunnel (left) Inside a tracking tunnel - peanut butter is used as a lure on top of moist tracking ink. Visiting animals leave their prints behind. Photo 3 - Identifying animal tracks (above) School children identifying animal prints on the tracking tunnel cards.
Art Gallery 137 Main North Road Woodend Open Weekdays 9.30am - 5.00pm
Saturdays 10am - 1pm
03 312 2276
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 21
This Month with Harry
Continuing a little about the Burnham children. Not all the children were to have a happy stay in Woodend. In September 1887 the four Brown siblings: William 11, Mary 10, Emma 7 and Maggie 6 arrived and were fostered by Mrs Booth. Within a month Emma Brown was dead. On Tuesday 25 October 1887, Fanny Beatty recorded in her journal “at 5 ½ a note from Mrs Booth to say Emma was very ill, thought she ought to have a doctor (they all have whooping cough). Nina went at once and put her in a warm bath and sent for Dr Overden who came very soon and thought the child very ill-effusion of the brain” The following day, Wednesday 26th, she records “J Judson bought a message that the child died
Considering buying a rental property or expanding your investment property portfolio? Contact Rachelle NOW for great hints & tips on choosing the right rental. 80 Ivory Street, Rangiora P 03 3 106 106 M 027 558 1739
Rachelle Hughes Business Development Manager Email:
Page 22 The Woodpecker September 2021
at 2” Emma is buried in an unmarked grave in the eastern extremity of the Methodist cemetery. Alongside Emma is John Hazelhurst. His story is perhaps the saddest of all. In 1882 three Hazelhurst brothers arrived from Burnham. William and John were fostered to John and Hannah Green, storekeepers and butchers, whilst George was taken in by Mrs John Bailey. We know that the family were living in Lincoln in 1880 with father James and mother Sarah. However, the Lyttelton Times of 27 February 1882 reported that six children named Hazelhurst aged 2 to 7 were brought before the court. “The father had deserted them and the mother was addicted to drunkenness. Sgt Wilson had found the children in a house with no furniture or bedding” The Green’s business was about opposite the present greengrocers. They had four children of their own. On the morning of 21 December 1885, the hottest day recorded in Canterbury to that date, John Hazelhurst collapsed while playing with one of the Green children, Nina Gresson was summoned and she put him in a warm bath which appears to be the cure-all of the time. And a fat lot of good if the patient was running a temperature. Dr Ovenden was notified but John died before he arrived. He thought the cause of death to be sunstroke. However due to the suddenness of death, an inquest had to be held. This was presided over by the coroner Caleb Whitefoord and a jury of six local men. It was held in the White Crane hotel. Dr Ovenden had been instructed to do a post mortem. The Lyttelton Times reported “Dr Ovenden who had been instructed to
make the post mortem examination had on removal of the clothes from the deceased found the body to be in such a frightful state” TBC JH
for the feeling
- physical and mental wellness
Hi everyone I’m the Pegasus based owner of the two local Snap Fitness gyms. The teams at both Rangiora and Kaiapoi are missing the gym and the comradery and fun we have with our members. Personally I am very grateful to be living in Pegasus through this lock down as we are so lucky to be able to get our daily exercise in around the lake, beach or wetlands. This is so much better for me than the 2020 lock down when we were still living in the city. If we are still in lock down at the time this reaches you, we encourage you to keep a daily exercise routine in place for both your physical and mental health. A recent study by Exercise Association of New Zealand found that the major benefits people felt from exercise were overall health benefits (79%), feeling good about themselves (63%) and mental health benefits (61%). At Snap Fitness we are huge advocates of the
GYM NOVICES WELCOME Feet fitter / stronger / healthier
Great new member care programme Rangiora - 313 0909 Kaiapoi - 327 7250
benefit of exercise on mental as well as physical health. We encourage you to supplement your walking, running or biking with some targeted muscle exercises and are happy to make some workouts available at home via the link below. There are different workouts for different parts of the body and graduated versions of the exercises for different levels of fitness. You will need to register but that will only take 30seconds and the link is open to everyone. http://my.snapnation. Best wishes to all Jo Hawley-Smith
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 23
Woodend Spring Flower Show
The Show Committee were very disappointed to have to postpone the 2020 Show due to Covid-19 restrictions. However planning is now under way for the 2021 Show to be held in the Woodend Community Centre on Saturday 2 October 2021. Eight-eight years ago a group of farmers’ wives, many of whom were members of the Woodend Anglican Church, started the Show. At one stage the name was Woodend Horticultural Society. The light green vases used for the Daffodils and some of the trestles have WHS marked on them. Several of our Cups / Trophies have the names of people and families of those involved- Barker, Bourne, Edwards,
Page 24 The Woodpecker September 2021
Jelfs, MacDonald, Moody and Percy. The early Schedules catered for Farmers, with classes for various grains, root crops, eggs, potatoes, and vegetables. The Wives could enter in Baking, Preserves, Handcrafts, Daffodils, and cut Flowers. Over a period of time other classes were added--increased Daffodil Classes, Children Classes, Photography, increased Decorative Floral Classes, and the Blokes Section. This year we have introduced a new Intermediate Decorative with a cup presented in Memory of the late Shirley Tull, a dedicated Committee Member. Also Adults and Secondary School pupils are able to enter the Colouring Contest.
Schedules, containing information and instructions for entering, which is free, will be available shortly -- Online, in local shops and Libraries. We are holding a craft morning for children at the Woodend Community Centre on Saturday 25 September. 10am until 12 noon entry fee. $2.00. We would like to see many people come to these two events.
LAWNS, GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, FERTILISING, SPRAYING, CHAIN SAWING, PRUNING, SPOUTING CLEANING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Whether you would like manicured lawns/gardens, a quick tidy up or ongoing lawn/garden maintenance we can help. Quotes provided incl. WINZ
Contact Ron or Annette 03 310 0604 | 027 271 7187
Lockdown Message Woodend Tennis Club
New tennis season to start in September. Actual dates for our Open Day will depend on alert levels, so to be confirmed. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page: https://www. or call Jim on 021 806 366 or 313 9405. Look forward to seeing existing and new members there at the appropriate time
Woodend Netball Club
We have had a great season at the Woodend Netball Club. We fielded a record number of 15 teams – 4 grade, 3 primary yrs 7 and 8 and 8 future fern teams yrs 3-6. 3 of our teams made it to the finals but we are still waiting for these to be held due covid. Unfortunately also our end of season ‘W’ party fundraiser for new dresses was cancelled so we hope to hold this at the start of next season. We would like to thank Josh at the Woodend Tavern for his support this year and also Canterbury Insulated Builders.
Advertisers - Stand out MORE in colour!
If you want to ensure your advert gets noticed as much as possible and currently have a black and white advert, you should consider changing your advert to colour. It’s great value! Ask our Editor for our advertisers’ information sheet. The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 25
Friendship Club
Our minispeaker’s talk was entitled ‘0 – 13’ and he took us back to 1943 when he was born in a private nursing home in Straven Road and, along with aerial photos of Riccarton at the time, described his local area. He went on to entertain us with his many ‘Boys Own’ adventures with the boys in his neighbourhood, including an unsuccessful solo attempt to parachute from the roof with a sheet tied to his belt (fortunately to a soft crash landing as his father had recently turned over the garden). Their house was on a corner with a bus stop outside and on rainy days people would shelter on their front porch waiting for the bus. When he was 7 he planted an acorn outside the kitchen window, which flourished, was moved to the
fenceline and forward 70 years is now a huge protected tree and the bane of the current owner who would rather like it if he came and unplanted it and picked up the acorns. In 1956 he was in Form 11 with 50 students and one teacher. We look forward to the next instalment. Josh (Pharmacist, Stan’s Pharmacy) was our guest speaker and gave us some advice on the many options available for pain relief for general aches, strains and sprains. First off he mentioned the stand containing ‘Selfcare charts’ giving advice on common conditions which can be kept at home for any eventuality. He ran through the first treatment of painful injuries RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and what not to do HARM (heat, alcohol, rubbing, massage) then went on to go through the wide range
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of pain relief medications available. The safest is panadol / paracetamol (2 tabs 4hrly up to 6-8 daily). The different brands are the same despite the price. Anti-inflammatories should be used with caution as they can react with blood pressure meds and affect kidney function. Those over 65 yrs should get advice from a medical professional. It should not be used for more than a few days. Maxigesic / Nuromol are combined paracetamol and anti-inflammatory – check the instructions. Gels – they are also antiinflammatories but because thery are used topically do not need as high a dose to be effective and are easier on kidneys. There are also natural products available and Josh discussed the use of magnesium for muscle cramp. Not all magnesium products are equal and he advised discussion with the pharmacist as it can also react with other medications. Deep heat can provide relief. Pharmacies can also provide a Yellow Card which shows your information( including current drug regimen) and is recommended to take on holiday, GP visit, hospital admission etc. and it can be updated when necessary. This is usually a free service. Some pharmacies also provide a ‘Medicines Use Review’ where if you are unsure about why or when you are meant to be taking your medications, the pharmacist can go through it with you and try to improve the procedure. A very informative talk. On a fine sparkly morning we set off to Glenroy to visit Wairi Water Buffalo Farm where there are about 60 Italian water buffalo. We were met by Chris and invited to sample many different cheeses, yoghurt and tea
/ coffee. We then saw where a very clever Swedish designed robot cleans, records and milks 16 buffalo twice a day. Each animal is indiviually tagged which the machine recognises and records everything to do with that animal. It is the only machine milking buffalo in the Southern Hemisphere and can be controlled by Chris’s cell phone. The milk is pastuerised then 5 cheesemakers make a variety of cheeses, yoghurt, A2 milk; all can be purchased on line. Apparently buffalo are tricky, they don’t like change and need to be treated firmly. The farm featured on Country Calendar on 4.6.20 and can be viewed on You Tube. After a lovely lunch at Hororata Village Bar and cafe (great range of pies) we went just up the road toHororata Food (Prime Smoked Salmon). Henry Studholme (owner) came on board to explain how the venture started. He was farming and became a casualty of Rogernomics. He bought a property which had a near-new shed (which had been used for honey processing) and a friend suggested he try smoking salmon, now 27 years later he sources salmon from Stewart Island, manuka chips from the West Coast and employs 25 staff (more in summer). Most products are sent to the upper North Island and because of problems having to rely on supermarkets, they are in the process of setting up their own outlets- one in Bush Inn and another has opened in Parnell Road (Auck). We were able to purchase from their shop, they also stocked Wairi cheese and yoghurt. We had a most enjoyable day with fantastic views there and back. The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 27
North Canterbury Woodcraft Club
The Club founded in 1994 presently has 34 members who enjoy their own well-equipped clubrooms at the Northbrook Studios, Rangiora. There are 15 lathes and other associated machines and tools available for use. Sessions are held on Saturdays and Mondays from 9.00am, on Wednesday from 1.00pm and Thursdays from 7.00pm when anyone is most or welcome to visit and to see our activities. Prospective new members (12 years old and over) are always welcome and are invited to attend a free introductory first session where an experienced turner will guide you in the use of the lathe. You will leave the session having turned a bowl, rolling pin or other item of your choice. This is a great opportunity to find out whether turning is for you.
Page 28 The Woodpecker September 2021
Our experienced turners continue to mentor and assist our members to improve their skills during all club meetings. For those members who wish to gain a nationally recognised qualification, we run the National Association of Woodworkers Certificate course in Woodturning. This course is run on one full Wednesday per month and takes approximately two years to complete. Whilst COVID has caused a temporary halt to club activities, as soon as restrictions are removed, we will be proceeding with our regular meetings.
8 Eders Road - Woodend
New - Deputy Chief Fire Officer Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade is pleased to announce Shayne Robinson's appointment as our new Deputy Chief Fire Officer. Shayne has been in the Brigade for over 20 years and moves up from his earlier role as Station Officer. Shayne takes over the reins from Lew Grant, who has been recently appointed to the role of Chief Fire Officer. Shayne's new role supports the Chief in ensuring the Brigade is ready to respond to all the incident types we go to, and that our people are trained to the standards needed to perform their duties.
DCFO Shayne Robinson
He has been instrumental in the command and control of many of our more challenging incidents over the years and has the full support of the Brigade in his new role. His employment with Fire Emergency New Zealand allows him to respond to emergencies for our Brigade during regular business hours, along with his trade experience as an electrician and fire alarm technician is invaluable.
DCFO Shayne Robinson
Shayne says, "I enjoy being part of the Woodend Brigade; in fact, I enjoy serving the people in our North Canterbury communities. "
We could not ask for a better person to step into this challenging leadership role, build on the steady foundations that have already been laid and help lead our Brigade into the future.
Fire Safety Message Our Recent Calls
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 29
Kids eat FREE
Happy HOUR
Page 30 The Woodpecker September 2021
Lo y c al lu t b y
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 31
We are open at different alert levels but will be operating slightly differently. If you have a health concern or need medication, call us as usual on 920 4060. Do not come into the practice. You can book a phone consult initially with your GP (normal fees apply). Some patients will need to be seen and will be asked to wait in the car park. Immunisations continue. Please wear a mask. COVID SWABS: Patients who have been in locations of interest or who have symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, cough, loss of smell, fever, shortness of breath. We encourage you to call us to book a test. Covid swabs are free. Please Wait in the Car Park. COVID VACCINATION: We are starting to administer COVID vaccine from 4 September, on Saturdays (all day). Wednesdays and Thursday evenings. You book online or by calling 0800 282926. You do not have to be enrolled with the medical centre; this is for everyone. Please, book 12–15-year-olds in the same way. At all alert level 2, 3 and 4, we are required to have patients sign in at Reception either using the manual tracer or the QR code and wear a mask. If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. If you have an urgent /acute condition, do not use Manage My Health, call us to speak to a nurse. You can book a consultation by calling us or alternatively online via our website and go to ‘Manage My Health (MMH)’. You can also use this portal to access lab results and request repeat prescriptions. If you need assistance to register with MMH, please contact our reception team who will be happy to help. If you have any issues with MMH, contact You can download the app from the App store or Google Play, or our website Booking through MMH is Temporarily on hold until alert levels change Phone Calls to nurses: Nurses will take your phone call if they are available. Otherwise, please leave a message and you will be called back in a timely manner. Test results can take some time to be available and reviewed by the Doctor. You will be contacted if further action is needed. They can be viewed on Manage My Health as well. Thank you for your patience. _______________________________________________________________________________________
52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 Page 32 The Woodpecker September 2021
We’re now well settled into our new address at 209 High Street, Rangiora. We’ve been delighted to welcome many visitors to the office who notice our distinctive signage and come to see what we’re all about. We’d love to see you too, so do pop in if you’re passing. We’re proud to offer yet another service to North Canterbury. On Mondays we will have available in our office a Language Support volunteer who is a Mandarin speaker. A Language Support volunteer is a trained CAB Bureau Interviewer who can provide the CAB service of information and advice in another language (as well as in English). Our volunteer works on a Monday on one of three shifts that vary from week to week, so you will need to get in touch with us to check her availability.
Nationally, we have a number of CAB Language Support volunteers in various bureaux and we can put you in touch with them to speak with you in your first-language. These include speakers of Cantonese, Hindi, Afrikaans, Farsi, French, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Tamil, Tongan, Samoan, Russian, Sinhalese, and many more. Just get in touch; we’re happy to help. Here’s an update on our digital exclusion campaign. We have joined together with a number of other community organisations to prepare a collated submission in support of our petition to Parliament. This submission provides a powerful call for Government to take action to prevent the sorts of harm people are experiencing as a result of digital exclusion. Here is a link to the full submission in support of the petition. Remember all our services are free and confidential. You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 313 8822 or 0800 367 222 or send us an email
Citizens Advice Bureau LOCKDOWN MESSAGE
While the country is in Level 4, CABs are not able to provide face-to-face services, but we are still taking your calls and answering your emails. Need advice? Call us on 0800 367 222 or email us on The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 33
Great Opportunities to discover the hidden gems in New Zealand! Though Covid19 has turned the Travel Industry upside down it has not managed to quash my own wanderlust. Instead of travelling to the far corners of the world, I’ve been travelling to the far corners of New Zealand. The world class destinations I’ve discovered have been astounding and just when I think I’ve seen it all, I find another hidden gem. This has been the inspiration to design exclusive trips for travel groups with Janine Thompson Travel. From cycling the Rail Trails of Otago to Page 34 The Woodpecker September 2021
hiking the Crater Lakes in Tongariro. From Italian Villa Stays in the North to Golf and Whiskey trips in the south. Right now Kiwis have the unique opportunity to tick off these bucket list destinations without the crowds and while supporting our own Tourist Industry. So while we wait for the world to reopen, gather your friends and family and let me design the perfect getaway for your group. Janine Thompson Janine Thompson Travel 027 626 2338 Email: Website:
Woodpecker Deadline
The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January). Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5.00pm deadline. A twice-monthly email reminder is sent out to all contributors whether voluntary or paid as a reminder. To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out. From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the Woodpecker ready to go to the printers for them to deliver The Woodpecker to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your doors.
Do you have a story to tell?
We would love to hear our reader’s stories. If you have a story to tell why not share this with The Woodpecker readers. Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story Funny story Send us a photo too!
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GLADSTONE PARK ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439
LIONS CLUB OF PEGASUS President Amanda Smith 027 422 2648 LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND President John Canton 310 8157 Youth Centre Lois Inch 312 7732 LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS 943 4935 MENZSHED PEGASUS & WOODEND COMMUNITY TRUST Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 805 MOTORCYCLE CRUISING GROUP Pete Carrington 021 1911 776 Sharon & Chris Woodruff 021 164 4795 MUSIC AND PLAY Meaghan 027 392 6409 NORTH CANTERBURY WOODCRAFT CLUB Merv Laws 021 237 7105 David Crawford 027 341 0246 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 468 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE TEAM Email: PEGASUS MONDAY MORNING WALKING GROUP Christine Johnston 021 179 7330 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 Page 36 The Woodpecker September 2021
ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253 Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612 THE ASHLEY LODGE Norme Shore - Secretary TIMEBANK WAIMAKARIRI Email: 021 0265 4071 Website: Facebook: timebankwaimakariri TOY LIBRARY TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL 313 2141 preschool www.tuahiwicommunitypreschool WAIKUKU BEACH SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Danelle Asher WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Gill Beale 310 6612 Secretary Phil Harris 327 6553 WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Jim Stringleman j.stringleman@ WOODEND CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963 WOODEND FLOWER SHOW President Evelyn Paget 314 9195 Secretary Helen Power 313 5749 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President John Fortster 327 3681 Secretary Lynn Muir 312 2027
COMMUNITY CONTACTS WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Brenda Batchelor 313 9556 Secretary Lynn Oliff 310 0575 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Simone Templeton 027 514 8363 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389 Club Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH Minister Rev. Veitomoni Siufanga 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 027 787 5365 Secretary Rachael Paterson 021 166 2740 WOODEND PLAY CENTRE 027 353 2131 Facebook: woodendplaycenter WOODEND PRESCHOOL / NURSERY Jana Thorn 312 7654 WOODEND RUGBY CLUB Senior Club Captain, Matthew McLeod 027 722 8011 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker 021 267 1429 WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson Andrew Thompson WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 021 1311 780
WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640
Would you like your club or community group to be listed in Community Contacts?
If you would like your community group or club listed in our community contacts, please would you contact the Editor via email providing the appropriate details and these can be included. Thank you!
Are your community group details correct?
If you are listed in our Community Contacts, please do check to see the details we have are up-to-date and correct.
Prefer Digital ONLY?
Would you prefer the digital publication instead of a delivered copy of The Woodpecker? If you’d prefer NOT to have your Woodpecker delivered and would rather ONLY read the digital version, please contact Tyree Woodham on: 027 902 5611 OR 03 312 2256 or via email: Digital Issue available on: www. The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 37
Page 38 The Woodpecker September 2021
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 39
AdviceKiwi MenzShed Grand Open Day Friday 1 October 2021 5pm – 7pm Gladstone Park, Pegasus
We invite everyone in the local community to come down and see the brand new MenzShed, which has been kindly funded by local business,
AdviceKiwi Insurance Advisers. There will be a Bouncy Castle, Live Music and Two ‘free entry’ prize draws to the value of $500 each, drawn on the night. The MenzShed will be open for everyone to have a look around, and the guys from the MenzShed will be on-hand to answer any questions
Page 40 The Woodpecker September 2021
you may have. The event will be hosted by AdviceKiwi, and there will be some brief talks by MP Matt Doocey and Mayor Dan Gordon before the conclusion of the event. Food options will be available (Pita Pit, BBQ, Mr Whippy). The MenzShed provide a great community service, so please come down and celebrate the new shed, which will enable them to do even more great work for our community.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury Update Meet our Newest Matches Did you know that MainPower
give their staff an hour off each week
recently been matched. Liam loves all things hands-on, and Mike is a mechanic - they are two peas in a pod. Whatever your interests or hobbies are, we will find a child who shares the same passions. Find out more by emailing northcanterbury@bbbsnz or calling 03 310 7004.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
to volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters North Canterbury? A great opportunity to support our young people, Vania (Big) jumped at the chance to mentor and has recently been matched with Sabria (Little). A school-based match, Vania and Sabria will spend one hour once a week hanging out and getting to know one another. Mike (Big) and Liam (Little) have also The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 41
PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS INTRODUCING… Over the next few months we will be featuring some of the regular users of the Pegasus Community Centre. This month its... SAYGO EXERCISE GROUP Steady As You Go (SAYGo) is an exercise class designed to help older people reduce their likelihood of having a fall. Simple activities, seated in a chair, standing and walking. Proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. Participants feel physically better and more able. Class members enjoy being with a social and friendly group of like minded people. SAYGo has been running at the Pegasus Community Centre since March 2018 and both the class and the particpants have gone from strength to strength in that time. Attendance costs just a $2 donation and any money that is not needed to pay the facility hire fee is used either for an afternoon tea for participants, or given to a local not-for-profit orangisation. The group recently celebrated the milestone of having given away a total of $1,000. Beverley Mason, Age Concern’s SAYGo coordinator, joined the Pegasus Group who celebrated this acheivement with a custom iced cake and afternoon tea. Recipients of donations from the SAYGo group included: Age Concern, Pegasus Woodend Menz Shed, Pegasus Knitting Group, Pegasus Community Centre and the Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust. The Pegasus SAYGo group meets at the Pegasus Community Centre at 1.30pm Page 42 The Woodpecker September 2021
on Thursdays. For more information contact Kay at or visit the Age Concern website:
NEW RESIDENTS If you are new to the Pegasus,Ravenswood-Woodend area, make sure you get a copy of the ‘Welcome Booklet’. This handy booklet is available in ‘Welcome Bags’, at the Pegasus Community Centre, or Ravenswood Sales Office. It contains information on essential services, plus health services, hobbies, recreation and much more. Huge THANKS to Ray White Pegasus for sponsoring the printing of the Pegasus-Woodend Welcome Booklet. JP DROP-IN SESSION AT PCC JP drop-in sessions are happening on the first and third Saturday of the month from 10.30 – 11.30am. Upcoming dates: 18th Sept & 2nd Oct. No appointment needed. All are very welcome. Just come along on the day.
PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS COVID-19 LOCKDOWN CLOSURE: Please note that the Pegasus community centre is closed to ALL activities during Lockdown Level 3 and 4. RONEL’S COMMUNITY CUPPA Special guests at the August community cuppa were Jim Harland, WDC CEO and Dan Gordon, Mayor of Waimakariri. Information was shared regarding the
seeking feedback on the Representation Review. This covers representation of our district by Community Board members and Councillors. More on this on the WDC website: Please Note: The September Community Cuppa is canceled due to Covid Lockdown restrictions.
PCC VOLUNTEERS Our thanks to Dave and Duncan from the Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade who came along to a meeting of our volunteers and gave some tips and pointers on evacuation procedures and use of a fire extinguisher. Pegasus Community Centre volunteers are rostered on for 2 hours each month and we are always keen to hear from potential new volunteers. This is a great way to learn more about Guests at Ronel's Community Cuppa in August with host, Ronel (left), include Dan Gordon, Jim Harland, Shona Powell Pegasus and meet new people. Please contact the PCC Team and Philip Redmond for more information at: Government’s proposed Three Waters Reform and residents were encouraged Ronel – 021 072 4636 to have their say via the Council’s Rhonda - 0274 310 803. website. The Council are also currently
Pegasus Community Centre Open Times – All Welcome Monday 2 – 4pm : Wednesday and Saturday 10am – 12noon Located on Pegasus Main St, by the Flat White Café. For books, jigsaws, Welcome Bags, buckets, bus timetables, loads of pamphlets and information. Our volunteers are here to help. WOODEND - RAVENSWOOD - WAIKUKU - PEGASUS Come visit us soon; you are all VERY WELCOME. To book the PCC: visit or phone 0800 965 468 To contact the PCC Team: Email
The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 43
St Barnabas Church
Like everyone else in the country, we have had to hit pause on all physical church activities during the second half of August. Thanks to technology, however, we can still keep in touch with, pray for, and support one another during this difficult time; can access the Sunday readings and sermon, which Reverend Graeme has kindly posted on www. for our benefit; and thanks to Reverend Toby from the Rangiora Parish, we can even participate in an online Sunday service together! Technology truly can be a blessing. Reverend Graeme has been appointed to look after our Parish of Woodend Pegasus until November, for which we are very grateful. Then from 1 November we will be welcoming Steve Dunne as our new Ministry Team Leader; we look forward to meeting Steve and his family when they arrive. Hopefully we will be back to level 1 well before then and will be able to greet them in person! Or should that be people lol?! In these uncertain times, look after yourselves and stay safe. God bless.
Dancewear & Alterations
For all your costume needs, Clothing alterations and Repairs Call Paula 027 627 7212 Check us out on Facebook Page 44 The Woodpecker September 2021
Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker!
Mr Woody Woodpecker is ‘hidden’ amongst one of The Woodpecker pages. For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor with a photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
Attention Advertisers and Community Groups
Are you part of a group or local business which you would like to promote? Do you have a community story, information or notice you would like to share? YES? We would love to hear from you!
Woodend-Sefton Community Board Owen Stalker Park Playground redevelopment – almost there The redevelopment of Owen Stalker Park in Woodend is so close to the finish line. The much-loved train has had a new lease of life and is very much the centrepiece of the playground with the train theme being built on with a new platform and tracks. Valuable input from a wide range of groups, residents and the school pupils has resulted in what will be a place for fun and a focal point for the community. The fence around the BMX track will remain to allow the ground to harden.
Have Your Say Full information and how to have your say is at
Three Waters Reforms – closes 5 September
You will have seen the advertising campaign for the proposed Government reforms for three waters (drinking water, waste water and storm water). This which would see services move to four large entities for NZ. You can go online and learn more about the pros and cons and share your feedback. Lockdown has meant the drop-ins are cancelled. Instead, there will be an online event on Tuesday 31 August 6.30 – 7.30pm.
Representation Review For this area there are currently four Councillors elected in the Kaiapoi-Woodend Ward. Two of these Councillors are then appointed to join the five elected Board members on the Woodend-Sefton Community Board. The same applies for the Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board. There are 10 Councillors in total elected across three wards. Council are looking for ideas and feedback on whether the arrangement for fair and effective representation meets the needs and expectations of residents. Closes 27 September.
Updates The Board granted $500 toward the cost of hosting the Older Person’s Expo in Rangiora in October. New street names for Stage 5 in Ravenswood have been approved. The new streets are all named after early farmer settlers of the Woodend area and include: • • • • •
Rudd Street – after John Rudd Cousins Street – after Richard Cousins Weaver Street – after Thomas Weaver Herridge Street – after Fred Herridge Mehrtens Crescent – after Henrich Mehrtens
Next meeting
Depending on what happens with alert levels our next meeting is on Monday 13 September starting at 6pm, in the Woodend Community Centre.
Contact us More information about the Board, and members contact details are at Facebook page: @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Email the Chairperson: The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 45
Who found Woody Woodpecker this month? Congratulations to all our lovely Woody Entrants!
Top Left: Evette, Aged 7, Woodend Top Right: Therese, Aged 5, Woodend Page 46 The Woodpecker September 2021
Mid Left: Ben Cairns-Newton, Aged 9, Woodend Above: Jordan, Aged 4, Woodend Left: Charlee top left Olivia and Mitchell
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The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 47
In these challenging and ever-changing times, it is great to have a community newsletter like the Woodpecker to help keep us all connected. The teachers have been busy delivering online learning to our students and there have been many helpful resources coming through for both students and parents to keep everyone motivated and connected. Sadly, our School Production has been put on hold, but the good news is it can still go ahead later next term. All students have been involved with this
Maunga are booked to go skiing, so hopefully these events can go ahead. We are once again doing our Monster Raffle and once things get back to some normality we hope to be able to send these home with our students. We are once again very grateful to many businesses who have supported us. Photos show our Te Pou students who at our last Assembly received their Intelligent Behaviour Certificates. We are super proud of you all!! Stay safe in your bubbles and enjoy the family time. Hopefully we will see you all again back at school very soon. Nga mihi nui Adrienne Simpson (Principal)
Outdoor and Social Activities Group
and it has been shaping up to be an amazing show. We look forward to this next term. We have two events that we are hopeful will still be able to go ahead. The Te Ngahere students are heading off to camp at Living Springs in the last week of term. Our senior students - Te Page 48 The Woodpecker September 2021
Join our ‘North Canterbury Outdoor and Social Activities’ MeetUp group. It’s Free! It’s Flexible! It’s a great way to meet new friends and keep fit while enjoying some awesome walks, hikes, bike rides or social activities. outdoors-and-social-activitiesaround-north-canterbury/ or email travel@janinethompson. for more details.
Pegasus Medical Centre Casual Receptionists wanted to support our Team and provide additional back up for our forthcoming Covid Vaccination Clinics – must be Medtech 32 or Evolution Woodend Bowling Club trained and had previous experience as a Medical School Road, Woodend Receptionist. PLEASE NOTE: Due to Covid19, our OPENING Registered Nurses also DAY, set for 4 September, will be required to support the postponed. Covid Vaccination roll out. Bowls will NOT commence until we Must have done the Covid are down to Level 2 vaccinator training. New Members welcome. If you are interested we would For further information contact love to hear from you! Phil Harris (Secretary) 027 222 5764
• General Dentistry • Family Dentistry • Funded Dental Care* (0 - 18yrs) • ACC Accredited (no surcharge) • Teeth Whitening
• Hygiene Clinic • Facial Plan • Dental Therapy • Oral Medicine Specialist • Minor Oral Surgery
• New Zealand trained Clinicians • Ample parking, easy access • Community Services Card discounts *Conditions Apply
Open Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 | PAG Pegasus Dental - 03 920 4003 54 Pegasus Main St, Pegasus
PAG Silverstream Dental - 03 925 8003 Shop 4/42 Silverstream Boulevard The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 49
Pegasus Info Page – September 2021 PEGASUS RESIDENTS’ CHRISTMAS ON THE LAKE EVENT The PRGI Christmas at the Lake event is scheduled for SUNDAY 05 DECEMBER and will run from 1.00 – 3.00PM. This fun, FREE event is for everyone in our community. Mark the date in your diary! We will send out regular reminders via our Facebook page along with other details. PS: We can confirm that Santa has it in his diary and is coming to visit on the day!
please contact the police by dialling 111 (threat to life or property) or 105 (after the event). For more information on what to do and when to do it, visit;
SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY AND BECOME A PRGI MEMBER We rely on your financial support to help us to work on your behalf and with you to support a vibrant and connected community. You can learn more about what we do on our website. Membership of the Pegasus Residents’ Group (PRGI) is only $15 per year (or partyear) per household. If you would like to join, visit our website (details below) and download a membership form there or email us:
LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE During August, our dedicated Community Watch Volunteers spent 27 hours patrolling our streets, travelling 431kms around our town. MORE PATROL VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO HELP KEEP OUR COMMUNITY SAFE. Keen to help? We are always on the lookout for new volunteers for the patrol. Please email us if you are interested to join or learn more:
To stay up to date, like our Pegasus Residents' Group Inc Facebook page. It is a public page that people can follow (click LIKE), but no posts can be made by the public. It’s purely to share information so you know what is happening in our community. You can easily spot our page by looking out for the green and blue clover logo.
Remember - If you have security concerns or see dangerous or suspicious activity, Website: Page 50 The Woodpecker September 2021
Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc
Crumbs by Alison Dormaar
It’s not easy being Me. If you’re a sparrow in winter, that is. You humans have it easy. As I flit by your house every day, eyes narrowed into slits and every feather fluffed up to the max to guard against the biting early morning cold, I see you indoors basking in the glowing yellow warmth. No draughty nest swaying atop leafless branches in the icy breeze, no icicles dripping remorselessly on you throughout the night. Ohhh no. Not you. You humans somehow figured how to make the best of things long ago. Through the windows I see you bustling about in the kitchen, packing school lunches, brewing coffee, making toast... ahhh, there’s the rub. Toast. That means Bread. This has been
renowned throughout the bird world since the first human planted wheat and discovered how to bake it into loaves. And as every self-respecting bird knows, that means stale leftovers. You see, your unwanted crusts and stale heels, so casually tossed onto the back of suburban lawns, is avian currency. Every crust, every mouth-watering crumb equates into golden goodies for us of the winged persuasion that we don’t have to cajole, steal, dig and dive for. And let’s face it; winter is a pretty lean season for we feathered folk. So this is where the real hustling comes in. Each morning I assume my position atop the neighbour’s rooftop, my beady eye cocked expectantly on the kitchen door. I see the shadow of an approaching hand through the frosted glass window, a couple of burnt toast slices clasped within. And as the handle of the kitchen door turns, I immediately tense and prepare to dive, aware that countless other eyes just like mine have seen the exact same bounty. The countdown begins. One...two... three... Burnt crusts fall on lawn, kitchen door slams shut, and dive, dive, dive! I close my eyes and swoop down with the desperation of a kamikaze, eager to get to the feast first before those greedy big starlings next door muscle in and bag it. Suddenly I am aware of the furious forest of opposing feathers, claws, beaks and chirruping squawks around me. The starlings are there again, dammit! They can bag The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 51
worms and grubs anywhere, anytime, without gobbling up my bread as well! Their heads dart forth, ripping off great chunks and entire lengths of crusts, shoving poor little me to the side. I squawk in protest and catch the swaying end of a crust from one starling’s beak, cramming as much as I can into my own small mouth before that oversized bully notices. He tries to fly away, me still dangling from the hanging crust, and he tries to shake me off, but I hang in there, beak clamped shut. The lower crust rips free and I fall back to earth with it still clamped in my beak. Safe! Safe, safe... ohhh no... go get your own, you moochers! Now I have several other sparrows hopping over to me, cheeping gimme gimme gimme as they make random snatches at my hard-won breakfast. Push off! It’s mine, I tell you! MINE! I hop frantically to the side for some peace and quiet, gobbling great mouthfuls as fast as I can. Behind me
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the lawn is now littered with small white specks like snow, all that remains of the once thick, generous slices. The initial chaos of push and shove has eased somewhat, everyone pecking here and there at the scattered crumbs quietly and calmly. I gulp down the last of my hard-won meal and hop back to the main scene. One advantage of being so small is that I often get to see stray tidbits that have slipped deep down in the grass that the larger birds often overlook. I trail a large blackbird as he zig-zags around the lawn with my eye cocked for any leavings in his wake. Several snaffled morsels later I finally, thankfully flit back into the safety of the air – and not before time! From the corner of my eye I thought I saw the cat door move. Nope, it’s not easy being me. Taking or leaving whatever crumbs you humans let slip from your own amply supplied dinner plates.
But hey...all those crumbs sure mount up. Maybe it’s not such a bad living after all.
Ever thought of advertising in The Woodpecker? Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services? Please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates. You can be an occasional or recurring advertiser, the latter securing your place each month. Email our Editor Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.
The Woodpecker Donations Wanted!
The Woodpecker is a community publication and registered charity, individuals can claim a ‘donation tax credit’ for donations of $5 or more to The Woodpecker. This tax credit equals 33.33% (one third) for all qualifying donations made. If you would like to assist us, please either post a cheque or make payment direct to bank account: 030674-0212552-00. Thank you for your support. Post to: P O Box 78333: Email:
Canterbury Print Service We print: newsletters, flyers, brochures, business cards and stationery, wide-format banners, posters, plans, direct mail, construction plans, architectural drawings, manuals, booklets... Whatever you imagine, we can help make it happen.
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design print wide-format mail The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 53
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The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 55
Community Notices Pegasus Plus
Pegasus Plus is a social group for semi-retired and retired residents of Pegasus and surrounding areas. Our aim is for people to socialise while enjoying a variety of activities plus enjoying social chat over a cuppa and biscuit. Activities may include Quiz, Bingo & Cards. We meet every FOURTH Wednesday of the month from February through to November at the Pegasus Community Centre from 1.00 - 3.00 pm. There is a $2 charge to cover room hire and beverages. Refreshments and a raffle are available at each get together. For further information contact Kay or David Mills 03 920 0126 or just come along, everyone welcome. Dates for 2021: 22 September; 27 October; 24 November
SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St (by the Flat White Cafe). All Welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group; join us for a cuppa after class!
During Levels 4 and 3 restrictions will mean meetings will either be postponed, cancelled or held via Zoom - PLEASE do check with contact person beforehand. Page 56 The Woodpecker September 2021
Community Notices The Lions Club of Pegasus Town BULBS FOR SALE! Great Opportunity!
The Lions Club of Pegasus Town have Lily and Freesia bulbs for sale. Plant lilies now for Christmas bloom, many varieties, bags of 4 bulbs for $10 & freesias are bags of 20 bulbs for $5. To order please contact Anne on 313 6124
Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer days
Wednesday 11am - 1pm and the last Saturday of the month 10am 11.30am Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening.For more information follow us on Facebook Kaiapoi-Community-Garden
Community Foot Care Clinic
Community Foot Care Clinic held at the Woodend Community Centre monthly. Please phone 021 288 9618 for an appointment.
Lions Club of Pegasus Town
Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. Support to club activities but having fun and friendship. New members are very welcome. Dinner meetings on 4th Wednesday of month (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888. PLEASE NOTE: No meetings during COVID-19 Level 4 & 3 restrictions
NEXT ISSUE OCTOBER 2021 Deadline for advertisements and community articles is 25 September 2021 The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: thewoodpecker4 Email: Cell: 021 863 877 Post / Cheques: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648 The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 57
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The Woodpecker September 2021 Page 59
WIN movie tickets
will be s prize i h t iate. s e appropr s continu a s n atio consult October
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With every consultation in the month of September you go into the draw to win one of five double passes to the Rangiora Town Hall Cinemas! There will be one prize drawn each week. PAWS Vets is Family owned PAWS Vets have full medical and surgical care onsite PAWS Vets provides 24 hour emergency care for clients CONTACTS: PHONE: 03 312 2669
EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays
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myself. A vet since ’92 I have ne day setting up a small