Spring is almost upon us! We can see daffodils around Lake Pegasus on our parkruns, and the mornings seem to be warming up a little. It is much easier to get out and exercise in the early morning when it’s not icy cold or pouring with rain!
Speaking of daffodils, Pegasus parkrun partnered with Cancer Society North Canterbury for Daffodil Day in August. You would have noticed balloons on the parkrun posts and many runners running around the lake. Our 67 Pegarunners were in dashing fine yellow form, and they created yellow blur around the Lake, as they blitzed around. - There was yellow from head to toe, - including, but not limited to: caps and ribbons, yellow shorts n Ts, yellow socks and yellow tutus. Did you see the marshall dressed as a unicorn at the turnaround point? We had lots of whacky fun! It was uplifting to see our Pegasus community coming together to help such a great cause by getting the word out and helping to raise much needed funds.
Page 1 September 2022 Produced for the community, by the community Delivered to 3,400 households THE GOOD HOME PEGASUS I 62 PEGASUS MAIN ST I 03 9676891 CHECK INSIDE FOR OUR DAILY RITUALS
Cont’d on Page 4 Pegasus parkrun

All efforts are made to verify the correctness of information contained within this publication however The Woodpecker Community Trust accept no liability for the correctness or accuracy of any information contained within these pages. Any views, information or opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily the opinions or views of The Woodpecker Community Trust or any of its providers.
The other area is around our need for a Waikuku deliverer. Currently we drop off at the local shop and to some households, however, having a local deliverer would enable us to reach more households, so if you know of anyone who is willing and able, please do let me know. Ideally, we are looking for someone who is retired, has some spare time, a dog owner who can walk their dog whilst Ourdelivering.publication is ‘produced by the community for the community’ and so completely reliant upon contributions from advertisers and community groups and clubs. monthThisI’m pleased to say we have a bigger copy of 56 pages as well as an distributionadditional number, so a great boost for toandbusinesseslocalgroupspromote their services or products as well as activities and events.
The Editor –debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nzWoodpecker
The Woodpecker – ‘produced by the community for the community’ Ngā mihi nui Debs Taylor-Hayhurst
This month I wanted to focus on a couple of areas, one being, we’ve further increased our distribution number this month to 3,400, an increase of another 100 copies. This will enable us to have some spare to leave at local outlets. If you aren’t receiving a copy and would like one please do let me know and I can tell you where copies are available. Please also do remember there is a digital copy online along with previous copies on issuu.com
A reminder also, that as a charity we are solely reliant on advertiser income and payments being made on time. For anyone interested in advertising or promoting their group please email me and an information sheet will be sent to you with all the information you Irequire.hopeyou enjoy this month’s edition and would love to receive your comments. I regularly receive some lovely emails of thanks for “a great read” which is great, however, any ideas or suggestions would also be gratefully received too!
Page 2 The Woodpecker September 2022 Editor’s Note Tēnā koutou Today 1 September we celebrate the first day of spring, and we’ve already seen these signs with lambs, daffodils and snowdrops as well as longer days, doesn’t it feel great?

The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 3

It’s not often that you will find a totally free event with no strings attached. parkruns will be free, for everyone, forever and we are proud to be North Canterbury’s only free, timed 5K walking, jogging and running event. With longer days and warmer weather, spring is a great time of year to take your workouts outside. Did you know that when people exercise outside, they tend to spend more time doing it? parkrun is perfect for this as it is all inclusive and is accessible to everyone. We are committed to delivering physical activity interventions designed to help our community to be healthier and happier. We are friendly too! parkruns are a positive, welcoming, and inclusive experience where there is no time limit, and no one ever finishes last. Everyone is welcome, whether you walk, jog, run, volunteer, or spectate. You don’t have to be fast; all ages are welcome, and you don’t need any prior experience. We like spice things up at Pegasus to keep it interesting. You are welcome to get in contact with us if you have any suggestions. Check out our Facebook page (search for ‘Pegasus parkrun’) or see out web site at parkrun.co.nz/ Pegasus. See you Saturday at 8am by Motu Quay by the swing bridge!
ReadersCommunityDear Our recent PSA Quiz Night was successfulhugelyand lots of fun. We wish to thank our local businesses and other families who so kindly donated prizes and helped make the night such a success. Thanks to; Kostas Marks, Lane Neave, Libby Ellmers Photography, Black Cat Cruise, Farmlands, Push Bikes, Mitre10, Woodend Automotive, Good Home Pegasus, Town Hall Cinemas, Animates, Whitcoulls, Dapperman, Vege n Out, Pak n Save, Bento Ninja, Shaperal Sparkelz. On the fundraising side of things, we made just over $5,000 that will subsidisingtowardsgo every student at school for education outside classroomthe (EOTC) and cultural activities. Minecraft
Page 4 The Woodpecker September 2022
Pegasus parkrun - Cont’d from front page parkrun is a global organisation whose mission is to create a healthier and happier planet. We do the same thing every Saturday and everybody is welcome to join in. It is all to create a healthier and happier planet. Exercising outdoors is not only convenient, but it’s less expensive than a gym membership. Spending time outside is also good for the heart. A recent study estimated that nearly 10% of people with high blood pressure could get their levels under control if they spent at least 30 minutes in a park each week.

Adrienne Simpson (Principal)
Competition: Some of our students from Te Awa competed at Tuahiwi School this week in a Minecraft competition. See photos below of students in action. This week our Year 6s have been participating in a Cycle Safety programme fully funded and run by Mainpower Sports, where they have practiced cycle safety road skills. They spend time learning these skills within the school grounds and the culmination of skillsputableisprogrammethebeingtotheseinto practice out on our local Ourroads.Year 7 & forwardarestudents8lookingtogoing on camp before the end of this term. This year they are going to Glentui. Many exciting and challenging activities are planned for this event and the countdown is on. Nga mihi nui
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 5

Authorised by: Mark Paterson, 250 Woodend Beach Rd, Woodend - Ph: 027 534 9112
Mark Paterson Seeking Election
My wife, Rachael and I both feel that it is important to give back to the community in which we love living. The only way to get things done is if like-minded people come together and work towards common goals which benefit all. Our area has many challenges but also great opportunities as we experience significant growth, and I would be privileged to be your representative on the community board for the next term.
My name is Mark Paterson, and I am seeking re-election to the Woodend / Sefton Community Board.
I am married to Rachael, and we have three daughters - Ella, Molly and Lucy.
Page 6 The Woodpecker September 2022
I work as a Business Development Manager for a Nationwide Logistics Company and have vast experience in many aspects of Broughtmanagement.upin Waikuku, and going to that primary school, I was one of the original members of the Waikuku Surf Lifesaving Club as an eight-yearold. This and tennis were my summer sport with rugby being played in the winter from age seven until 27. I have been on the committee for most of my adult life and was a very young President between 1994 and 2003. I was very honoured to have been made a Life Member and also Patron. During my time as President of the Club, the clubrooms were extended making them more usable by the wider community. My interest in rugby led me on to the Council’s Gladstone Park Advisory Group, succeeding my father Hugh as chair in 2004. Gladstone Park is an important sporting and recreational facility for our Woodend / Sefton area and the role of the Advisory Group has made an essential contribution to the development of the park. From 1998 to 2001, I was on the Council’s Ashley-Eyre Advisory Group and am now chairing the Woodend Community Association, which does important work in promoting the interests and community of Woodend. I chaired the Association’s subcommittee that brought to a successful conclusion the Woodend to Woodend Beach pathway (now the Jill Creamer Trail). I have also been a representativeparents’on the Woodend School Board of Trustees since 2012, currently serving as IChairperson.thehaveapassion for all these groups, and I thrive on interacting with a large cross section of the community. In recent years, my main community focus has been advocating on future proofing our infrastructure due to major growth in our area, with particular interest in roading, cycleways and road safety.

The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 7

Page 8 The Woodpecker September 2022
Very near Matariki, we took our first sneaky, Determined to flesh out some clues, But alas it weren’t easy as Toots felt right queasy And we couldn’t stray far from the Toloos.be wrapped up in bed would have been oh so sweet, Instead we were out battling rain, wind and sleet Down by the island where ‘nobs’ own the high land, Learning the hard way why p’lice call it ‘the beat’. We quizzed Faye McMaster (cos nothing gets past her) And she whispered she’d spotted a ute. But was just Billy Stypes adjusting his Oncepipes,again we’d been led up the Wespoot.next sought out Merv, who’d lost much of his verve Though his cognicals still seemed Heintact;knows lots of things ‘bout Jacuzzis and flings And can separate figures from fact. “Go out, ask around, get down on the ground, For someone knows summat.” “You think?”
So he showed us how best to get bangs for his Jewel’sbucks.sister Kathcart, a smart student of art, Drew duck fliers in poses serene. We dropped Pegasus through and some folk got two, Cos Toots was unsure where he’d been. Twas then we young braves figured radio waves Would reach corners that nothing else Wecould.discovered a jock playing classical rock And cautiously asked if he would. It took him a minute, “Bout ducks, innit? Yah conks, why bug me? I’m flat chat, can’t yah see? If your ducks flied away, call the SPCA!”
“Ask our local MP.” “Mister Doocey?” “That’s “Awww…hehe.” won’t be free.” “Course he will, don’t you see, What with all those bill-boardings and colourful hoardings, He’s available, take it from me!” Well he certainly was and he listened because Matt loves all things Waimakariri. And like good pollies should said he’d do what he could
Then our search moved afar, so we borrowed Pete’s car, After swearing we’d try not to prang Buther. alas Pete enjoys manufacturing Andnoiseto this end his crate is a banger! We carried the search through Ravenswood first Then moved out to the top of
To tap his connections and shake up the ‘hood. We sought out the mayor as ratepayers oughta, Of course he’s way busy protecting his Butwater;Dan does like ducks (and children, awww…shucks!)
Pegasus in Winter: Part II - by Robert Nimmo (Mei Lee, Jewel, Pockets, Puckie and Toots, the Pegasus Possums, set out to find Marvin’s lost quackers.)
Along with a half-eaten scone; But worse was to follow and Toot’s cheeks went hollow When out slipped a little white swan. The head was non-plussed, Toot’s teacher concussed,
‘bout trucks, than vanishing ducks, The folks there had no leads to lend. Soon Pockets was grumbling and Puck started mumbling Words and phrases I cannot repeat. And as Toot’s lot adore him, we couldn’t ignore him When he started to snivel and greet. See, Toot’s mother’s right firm, but his gran makes yah squirm For her boot can sink goals at ten metres; And well in the pink when she’s out for a drink What she quaffs yah can measure in Thus,litres. fin’ly the guys, with tears in their eyes, On their knees bawled: “This case will sure bust us.”
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 9
Jewel retorted, “Like h…, we’re not chucking the towel, Those oldies won’t get Marvin justice! They can’t stop dogs howling or pesky cats prowling; With them it’s talk talk and no do! Always toing and froing, by the time they get going Those ducks could have reached Timbuktu!”
The issue was solved in a strange sort of way In the headmaster’s office the very next day. Mr G was like fair (though at times pretty square) And to us he was awfully dope. Straight on the attack, he told Toots to unpack
But the little chap couldn’t quite cope. So the headmaster shook and out fell a book

Page 10 The Woodpecker September 2022 The outlook was seriously grave; Galumphing gadzooks, what will happened to Toots…? More important: Will granny behave? (To be continued…) Bob Nimmo *URGENTLY REQUIRED* Volunteer delivery person needed for The Woodpecker in Tuahiwi Volunteer delivery person needed for the Woodpecker on a car run in Tuahiwi. Simple easy run with only 47 to deliver. Please contact Tyree on 027 902 PLEASE5611NOTE: If this delivery run isn’t filled deliveries unfortunately may not be able to be done for this area. Do you have a story to tell? We would love to hear our readers’ stories. If you have a story to tell why not share this with The readers.Woodpecker Young or old, local or from afar. Personal story Funny story Send us a photo too!

The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 11 Dragon Stone Paving Ltd Professional paving specialists based in Woodend with over 30 years of combined industry experience Patios, pathways, driveways, doorways, pool surroundings, stone landscaping ... anywhere you could need paving We are a quick, reliable, friendly, and tidy professional team Check out our facebook page for examples of our work and contact Lee for a quote! fb: dragonstonepavingltd 021 292 2335 - Lee Squires COMMERCIAL CIVIL RESIDENTIAL

Page 12 The Woodpecker September 2022 LAWNS, PRUNING,LANDSCAPING,GARDENING,FERTILISING,SPRAYING,CHAINSAWING,SPOUTINGCLEANING,GREENWASTEREMOVAL Whether you would like manicured lawns/gardens, a quick tidy up or ongoing lawn/garden maintenance we can help. Quotes provided incl. WINZ Contact Ron or Annette 03 310 0604 | 027 271 ravanoosten@gmail.com7187 Lions Club of PegasusWoodend Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. clubSupport butactivitieshaving fun and friendship. membersNew are Dinnerwelcome.verymeetings on 3rd Thursday each month (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888. i Come and join us for a night of fun andprovidedSupperdancing.Cashbaronsite Featuring: The TrevorwithCeilidhRoberstonBandlivecalling Saturday 10th September 7.30pm start until late. Upstairs at The River View Lounge, Kaiapoi Club 113 Raven Quay Tickets: $30pp adult $15pp school student Available from: The Kaiapoi Club 03 327 7884 Or contact: Cure Boating Club: info@curerowing.co.nz COME TO OUR Spot prizes Coin roll game Woodpecker Deadline The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January). Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5pm of deadline sent out to all contributors, advertisers and community contributors as a reminder. To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out. From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the publication ready to go to the printers for them to deliver them to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your co.nzdebs.thewoodpecker@outlook.doors.

The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 13 for the feeling - physical and mental wellness GYM NOVICES WELCOME Feet fitter / stronger / healthier Great new member care programme Rangiora - 313 0909 Kaiapoi - 327 7250

Page 14 The Woodpecker September 2022 * Entry is automatic at time of admit for your dental procedure. Consultation charge only, does not include any medications prescribed or products purchased as a result of the consultation. 3 draws, 31/8/22, 30/9/22, 31/10/22. Did you know bad breath is not normal? Enhancing Lives Together WOODEND VET CLINIC Phone: 03 312 8387 138 Main North Road, Woodend Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm For more information or to book online visit www.woodendvetclinic.co.nz 80% of dogs and cats are afflicted with varying stages of dental disease, if left untreated, this can have serious implications for their overall health and welfare. If you are concerned about your pets bad breath and their dental hygiene call the Woodend Vet Clinic to make an appointment with Vet Lynda to get it checked out. WIN BACK the cost of consultationyour * when you book a dental procedure with Lynda before October 31, 2022. 3 TO BE WON!!

In 2010 Chorus began a trial in Auckland to test if artworks on telecommunication cabinets decreased the frequency of tagging. Cont’d on Page 26
There has been plenty happening in the district since my last column.
Firstly, just an update on traffic safety improvements in the district. I am meeting with James Caygill from Waka Kotahi on 2 September and will be joined by Community Board Chair Shona Powell. This will be to discuss in particular, the longpromised Woodend and State Highway 1 safety Linesideimprovements,Roadand a number of other roading priorities.
There have been a number of meetings of late to ensure these projects are on track and are being given the urgent attention they require. I am pleased to have James Caygill come out to visit the sites to further discuss the progression of this work.
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 15
Dan Gordon Update
I also presented at Parliament in Wellington, Communities 4 Local Democracy (C4LD) submission to the Select Committee. C4LD is made up of 31 partner Councils which came together to oppose the Government’s forced Three Waters Reform but also to present an alternative model that retains local ownership and influence. Our Council was one of the founding members of C4LD, of which I am the Deputy Chair. It’s not too late for the Government to turn this reform around and partner with Councils to achieve a better outcome that we can all agree on. I’m pleased to see that Woodend is one of the locations chosen for cabinet art to be showcased.
Recently the Councillors and I presented Council’s submission on Three Waters Reform to Parliament’s Select Committee which was conducting hearings in Christchurch. There have been 88,000 submissions made in total. I’m not clear of the breakdown of the numbers for and against. If it’s anything to go by in terms of the views that are expressed to me on a daily basis I’d suggest the numbers would be strongly against. Last year we wrote to every ratepayer to seek their view. Of those respondents, 95% told us they oppose loss of control of their Three Water assets, and we made clear our communities’ views when we spoke to the Select Committee.

Page 16 The Woodpecker September 2022 WoodendKaiapoiforWard “Serving the community” Authorised by Philip Redmond 3276374 PHILIP REDMONDQSM COUNCILLOR Kia ora koutou mai Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara kaitiaki o te taiao. Greetings to you all from Te kohaka o Tuhaitara ranger of the environment. In the months of July and August we have seen great volumes of rain in the park with low-lying residents experiencing flooding. Surface water can be a pain for people in the area and interrupt recreational activities, however significant rainfall periods can have their benefits. Contrasting weather over differing seasons is a natural process of balance for ecosystem function, however the frequency and intensity of significant events are increasing as a result of climate change.
Tuhaitara Coastal Park Trust Cold weather periods could have also been the cause for a young fur seal found on Woodend Beach which was found to have passed away with low body fat deposits. The fur seal was able to provide knowledge and interest for keen young minds through observation of dissection of the animal and measurement taking. This exploration allowed us to get a better idea of how or why it may have passed away. The animal was treated with respect in its death, and we are grateful for all we were able to learn and will continue to learn as we have marked burial location with GPS and will
The park staff are doing their best to dig drains in attempts to redirect water, re-shingle trails, and close flooded trails for public safety until surface water reduces. Later in the month of August, we have been experiencing some frosty mornings but drier days overall as we approach daylight savings and the spring season.

In the rainfall period, waterfowl birds such as pukeko, paradise shelduck, and spur winged plover have been spotted in abundance in particularly waterlogged areas. They are often found in areas where they may not usually visit such as the ‘lake’ that has formed within the domain (Image 2 below).
Spur winged plover have been spotted further inland, and in areas they haven’t been observed over the summer and autumn months which had less flooding. With tidal flooding being one of the main contributors to nesting failure specifically over the winter period, perhaps this is the reason that we currently have a devout spur winged plover mother warming her eggs through these frosty mornings at one of our new biota-nodes (Image 3 overpage). We have also began collecting water quality data with schools at their biota-nodes. This data has made for interesting discussions about reasons why data may differ between the sites in relation to habitat quality, age, and species present.
Flooding is a disturbance event within ecological systems; however, this disturbance can be beneficial to some and not others. Some birds even use flooding as seasonal indicators in which they base their timing of breeding and nesting. Alternately, for many ground-nesting birds, flooding can be devastating particularly in riverine, estuarine, and tidal areas with existing nests being washed away.
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 17 be able to look at its skeleton after 2/3 years (Image 1 on left).

Page 18 The Woodpecker September 2022 Overall, at the park, we are excited to continue using nature as an education tool and point of inspiration for the next generation of young people. We thathopethis education will needsconsiderthemprompttotheofthe environment and pursueolderasimportanceitstheygrowandtheir Ourpassions.upcoming planting day is on Saturday 10 September. Meet at the north end of Batten Grove by Achilles Parade If questions,haveyouany or want to get involved with what we do, feel free followto us or get in touch FriendsFacebook:with:of tuhaitara.Instagram:CoastalTūhaitaraPark Website:coastal.parkwww.tuhaitarapark.org.nz

All the Trustees are local residents who have been actively advocating for and involved in their communities over many years and many projects. They have established successful, collaborative relationships with many organisations including Council and numerous social service and community organisations.
Waiora Links Community Trust is a newly formed charitable trust which covers the Woodend, Pegasus and Waikuku area. The purpose of Waiora Links is to facilitate, promote, encourage and enhance a sense of belonging and wellbeing for the residents of Woodend, Pegasus and Waikuku, both as individual communities and collectively, and to strengthen community networks. In particular the Trust will facilitate, promote, encourage and enhance opportunities for the following: Events and activities with the aim of increasing local knowledge, social inclusion and a sense of belonging; To link residents with healthcare and social services; To link residents with local agencies or organisations which align with the purpose of the Trust; To liaise with Council and others to ensure the area has well maintained and fit for purpose community facilities; To provide support and assistance consistent with this charitable purpose.
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 19
Waiora Links has taken on the running of Ronel’s Community Cuppa, a free event for Pegasus residents that has been running successfully for 5 years. A new, similar event for Ravenswood residents started in WeAugust.have a lot of work to do before we are fully up and running. Meanwhile, If you would like to know more about Waiora Links, or want to have a conversation with us about how we can work together, please contact us by email: waioralinks@gmail.com, or phone our Chairperson, Ronel Stephens on 021 072 4636 or Secretary, Rhonda Mather on 0274 310 803. Waiora Links Trustees meeting

All attending candidates have been sent two key questions resulting from our recent residents survey concerning security and safety and youth initiatives in Pegasus .
Page 20 The Woodpecker September 2022
Below is an update from Katie Coluccio, a Hydrogeologist from WSP who is in charge of the lake trial for Templeton Group (who are the current lake owners). Note: this was sent in August but due to the timing of this publication we had to put it in th is September issue. As you may have seen, work h as been ongoing over the past few months to install equipment for the aeration trial on the lake. All equipment for the trial has now been installed and tested.
Based on historical measurements, we expect lake conditions to start to shift in early spring. Normally, this would mean a stratified water column with low oxygen levels towards the bed of the lake. We are aiming to disrupt this pattern with the aeration trial. We plan to turn the aeration on or about the 24th of August. We will carry out water quality monitoring just before and after the aera tion is turned on to assess immediate effects of the trial beginning. Regular monitoring
With the local body elections coming up the PRGI are holding two ‘Meet the Candidates’ events at the Pegasus Community Centre.
Thursday 15th September 7.00pm8.30pm: Meet the Waimakariri District Council Candidates (Kaiapoi Woodend Ward).
Website: pegasusresidentsgroup.com
More information on these event s are on our website.
At the meeting, each candidate will have the opportunity to provide their ideas in response to these questions.
Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc
Thursday 22nd September 7.00pm –8.30pm: Meet the Woodend-Sefton Community Board Candidates.
This is an opportunity to put faces to names and learn more about potential candidates.
The monitoring buoys in the lake continue to show the lake conditions are generally in ‘winter mode’, with well mixed conditions consisting of healthy oxygen levels at the bottom of the water column.

Monday's 2 4pm, Wednesday's and Saturday's 10.00am 12noon . Grab a free book/puzzle or access plenty of helpful information, and have a chat to our volunteers who are happy to help. JP SERVICES AT THE CENTRE
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 21 Website: pegasusresidentsgroup.com Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc will continue throughout the trial. To see the report and monitoring information visit our website www.pegasusres identsgroup.com. CAN YOU SPARE A FEW HOURS A MONTH? Have you seen things you would like to change in our community? Got some new ideas or suggestions? Why not take this opportunity to join the Pegasus Residents Group Inc Committee. We know everyone is busy, life is hectic, but this is a great chance to get involved by donating just a few hours a month of your time, to give back to your community and help shape it for the future. We also have a zoom meeting option for those who may be unable to attend every meeting in person. Learn more about the committee, and what we do on our website. COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS OUR WEEKLY OPENING TIMES
The next JP sessions are on Saturday 03 and 17th September from 10.30–11.30am. No appointment necessary THE PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Our community centre is here to be used and enjoyed by all. We have various sized rooms available for hire at very reasonable rates and for multiple uses e.g., Community or business meetings, to provide a community service, a hobby group, an event, a birthday party, and more. Visit our website to learn more about the rooms available and how to book /bookinghttps://www.pegasusresidentsgroup.com:communitycentrefacilities

Page 22 The Woodpecker September 2022

VASECTOMY – We are delighted to offer a new service “No Scalpel Vasectomy” - Dr Roger Dehn is experienced in this specialist procedure. Book an initial consultation with reception.
MELANOMA – NZ has the highest rate of mortality from Melanoma . Check your moles for changes prior to the summer time with PMC. We recommend getting a full mole check regularly. Your health insurance may subsidise this specialist appointment.
ADVANCED CARE PLANS - Living well your way with increasing health needs can take some planning for the future. Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, discussing and writing down your wishes about the type of medical care and treatment you want to receive in the future including end of life care.
52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 www.pegasusmedicalcentre.co.nz
LANGUAGES - we pride ourselves on being multi-international with some staff speaking and understanding many languages. Sign Language, Māori, French, Arabic, Mandarin, Afrikaans, Sinhala, Dutch.
PHONE CONSULTATIONS- We would remind you that telephone consultations are absolutely appropriate for many health concerns and is the safest approach during these times. Please speak to our receptionist if you require a phone consult.
STAFF SICKNESS – Due to covid and winter illness, we also have ongoing staff absences. Please be kind to us if we have to re-schedule your appointment at short notice, we will always see you on the day if triaged clinically urgent and can’t wait till the following day. We do apologise for any inconvenience. Take care and stay healthy. If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111. If you have an urgent /acute condition, do not use Manage My Health, call us to speak to a nurse.
KEEPING US ALL WELL- As there are such high rates of illness in the community at the moment, it is important to us that we keep our waiting room as infection-free as possible. We do require anyone coming into the practice to wear a mask and when sitting in the reception area, please socially isolate. For peace of mind, you may wish to wait in your vehicle –that is absolutely fine. Please just call us on your arrival with your details of vehicle. We continue to red and green stream – again this is for your protection, as well as our staff. This means you may be required to be seen differently i.e., in vehicle, in outside or inside treatment rooms.
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 23 WEBSITE – Our website www.pegasusmedicalcentre.co.nz is updated regularly, please take a few mins to check out our news and new staff profiles.

Skin allergy season has arrived!!
If your pet suffers from itchy, irritated, or infected skin, there are a number of highly effec�ve op�ons to relieve their suffering.
If your pet required medica�on for itchy skin last spring then we strongly advise that you seek advice about if and when to start treatment this year. Don’t wait for the condi�on to become severe before ac�ng on it.
At the heart of Pegasus. 8 Tahuna Street, beside the Flat White Café.
For the last couple of weeks a heavy dus�ng of pollen has covered my car every morning and with this we have seen an influx of itchy pets.
The Woodpecker September 2022
Pets chewing their paws, scratching their bellies, rubbing their faces and eyes, and dogs skidding their bo�om on the carpet are the tell tail signs of an animal with an allergy flare up. Le� unmanaged, a dog or cat with allergic skin disease will suffer through the spring and summer - not only from the constant itch, but also from the ear, skin and anal gland infec�ons that are sure to follow.
All pets requiring ongoing, long term, medica�ons for chronic health condi�ons are eligible for our chronic care plan discounts—enquire
A sore, infected ear in a dog with an allergy flare-up. The view down the microscope confirms a yeast infec�on that has established and now requires treatment.

Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, near Flat White Café
Ravenswood Community Cuppa
Great Food – Great Fun – Great Information – Great to See You! Gold coin donation appreciated. All Ravenswood Residents Welcome!
The first Ravenswood Community Cuppa was held on Monday 15 August with 24 people in attendance. Woodend Sefton Community Board Chair, Shona Powell and WDC Councillor Philip Redmond gave an update on local issues and matters of interest. This new community event will be held at the Pegasus Community Centre at 10am on the third Monday of the month and is brought to you by Waiora Links Community Trust.
Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, near Flat White Café
Great Food Great Fun Great Information Great to See You! Free of Charge and All Pegasus R esidents Welcome!
Please note new time and day!
Waiora Links Community Trust Email: waioralinks@gmail.com
Ronel’s Community Cuppa for Pegasus Residents
FB: Waiora Links Community Trust
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 25
10.00am, Monday 19th September
10.00am, Wednesday 14th September
The first Ravenswood Community Cuppa
Ronel’s Community Cuppa attendees enjoyed a presentation from Rachel Emmitt and Brett Kilbride from Corcoran French’s Kaiapoi office. Rachel and Brett answered many questions as they hightlighted the importance of having up to date wills and power of attorney documents. For the September community cuppa, we have WDC library staff coming along to talk about what’s available at Waimakariri libraries and also to answer questions about how to use smartphones and apps

Page 26 The Woodpecker September 2022 Cont’d from Page 15 - Mayor Dan Gordon Update
group or club listed in our community contacts, please would you contact the Editor via email providing the appropriate details and these can be included. Thank you! Email our Editor Debs on thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nzdebs.
I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that you may want to discuss. Email me at dan.gordon@wmk.govt.nz or phone 021 906 437. I’m here to help. Would you like your club or community group to be listed in Contacts?Community If you would like your
This successful so the programme has been extended include artworks throughout the Fourcountry.cabinets, two in Rangiora and one each in Woodend and Kaiapoi, have been chosen for beautification and artists are encouraged to submit their designs. The winning design for each cabinet will be chosen from the designs Ireceived.amapassionate supporter of the arts, and know that vibrant artwork enhances our towns. This is a fantastic opportunity for local artists to get involved and showcase their work, which can only be positive for district. community

For the first time EVER, no-one found Woody Woodpecker. Here he is below. One little person in Pegasus showed me she had found him, so he was ‘findable’. Come on ‘little humans’- look very carefully and see if you can find him in this month’s issue! Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker! Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker Forpages.fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 27
Who found Woody last month?



NEW - Employment Clinic: We’re delighted to be adding to our service another free clinic to support our clients. Our new Employment Clinic runs fortnightly on a Wednesday between 1pm and 2pm as a drop-in clinic with provision for bookings. Appointments will be for 15 minutes. The clinic is hosted by CAB in conjunction with the Ministry of Social Development. MSD provides an Early Response Work Broker who holds one-on-one sessions with clients at our office supporting those needing help
Woodend Spring Flower Show
Our office is open between 9.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday until further notice. We’re located 209 High Street, Rangiora in the lane that runs from High Street to the Rangiora Library alongside the Waimakariri District Council’s main building.
The Woodend Community Centre is expected to be in full bloom on Saturday 1 October 2022 from 1pm to 4pm. There will be daffodils and lots of other flowers, floral art, craft, and baking on display for the 89th Annual Spring Flower show. Entry is $2.00 for adults and children are free.
Page 30 The Woodpecker September 2022
The Flower Show is part of Woodend’s Heritage, Entries increased to 1200 last year, This being our biggest show. This year we are hoping for a good show again, with exhibitors from Leeston, Christchurch, Rakaia and many local people. There are open, intermediate, and novice classes in the daffodils, which means all people can enter, also classes for it flowers, fruit and vegetables, preserves, Baking, handcraft, photography, a blokes section and children classes. Entries are free. Schedules for the show are available at Paws Woodend, Kaiapoi and Rangiora Libraries, Boots n All and Businesses throughout the Waimakariri area. There will be stalls outside with plants, and Daffodil. Bulbs for sale. Also there will be Devonshire Teas at $ 5.00 per person.
Children are encouraged to register for a craft afternoon after school at the Woodend Community Centre from 3.30pm to 5.30pm on Wednesday 28 September 2022 to prepare their entries for the show on Saturday 1 October 2022. They will need to ring Val Cotton 03 313 8410 or email pamjcleeve@gmail. com. to let us know if you are coming so that we would have a bit of an idea of how many will be there. Looking forward to seeing a lot of people.

The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 31 Love Your Hearing, North Canterbury Vera Setz: (03) 423 3158 Ear Care: 020 4124 25 25 Alison Highman Ear RNNurse Vera AudiologistSetzMNZAS CharlotteAudiologistWatsonMNZAS Hearing Aids & Hearing Care We’re your local hearing experts! Ear Health & Wax Removal finding employment, requiring advice on interview tips, or needing to speak about employment seeking goals. Please note this clinic is not for those seeking help with benefits. Our CAB volunteers will assist those clients as much as possible and / or refer them to Work and Income for specialist Thissupport.clinic is in addition to the three we already host – legal, immigration and budgeting Remember,drop-in.CABhas an extensive, reliable and accurate database of local and national information at our fingertips, which is updated regularly, and we display many pamphlets and booklets which are available to take Weaway.can help you with information as wide ranging as dealing with noisy neighbours, passport applications, art classes in Canterbury, piano tuners, relationships, tenancy, and so much Ifmore.you or someone you know needs information, advice or support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to help. All our services are free and confidential. You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz

Page 32 The Woodpecker September 2022 2022 17-23 SEPTEMBER www.knzb.org.nz | 0800 TIDY KIWI | cleanup@knzb.org.nz Be part of New Zealand’s largest litter event by joining your local community clean up for Clean Up Week 2022. CLEAN UP CONTACTTIMELOCATIONDATE Saturday 17th of September Woodend Community Center 10am Mark Paterson - 027 534 woodend.community.association@gmail.com9112

24 PLANTY AFFAIR HOUSEPLANT LOVERS MARKET 25 MUDDY GOOD RUN 30 RANGIORA PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY EXHIBITION Scan to receive our monthly events calendar straight to your inbox! EVENT INFORMATION Please check our website for updates on event changes or cancellations.
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi. Every Saturday, 10am–12pm OHOKA FARMERS MARKET Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am–12.30pm OXFORD FARMERS MARKET Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm OXFORD CRAFT MARKET Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm. RANGIORA WELCOME MARKET Hope Centre - 111 East Belt, Rangiora. Every Thursday, 3pm-7pm RANGIORA CHURCH STREET MARKET St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm ART EXHIBITIONS ART ON THE QUAY Kaiapoi Library 176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi CHAMBER GALLERY Rangiora Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora OXFORD GALLERY 72 Main Street, Oxford ETHEL & BETHEL (R18) ARTS
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 33 SEPTEMBER KEEPWAIMAKARIRI2022EVENTSINTOUCH visitwaimakariri.co.nz/eventsevents@visitwaimakariri.co.nz

Page 34 The Woodpecker September 2022 Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 PB061658 Kirstyn Barnett & Dayan Muntz Residential/Lifestyle/Commercial Sales Consultants M 021 312 230 E kirstyn.barnett@pb.co.nz M 021 432 926 E dayan.muntz@pb.co.nz Support Woodend Spring Flower Show Nominate “Woodend Spring Flower Show” and once your property sells, Kirstyn and Dayan will donate $500 to the show. Suits or Gumboots, we’ve got you covered. For a friendly chat about your real estate needs, call Kirstyn or Dayan today. Volunteer Recognition Award - Trish de Haan One of our Garden Club members Trish de Haan has recently been awarded a Christchurch Community Volunteering Award. Trish is on the right in the photo along with a copy of her citation. Trish and her husband are long time Woodend residents.

seeing Thankingeveryone.youPam Cleeve Woodend Methodist Church Report The
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 35
Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute At our August meeting we did some folk art (see image right) and made these lovely Father Christmases. Our next meeting will be on 13 September 2022, and we are going on an outing to play Table Bowls in River Road in Rangiora starting at 5.30pm until 7.30pm and after to the Plough Hotel for a snack. Looking forward to alterations to the Hall connecting to the Church are going along to plan so are hopeful that we will be back in the venue in October. Minister Darryn Hickling is available on Tuesdays 12.00 pm to 3pm, Wednesdays 9.45am to 1.45pm, Thursdays 11.00am to 2.00pm. Phone 313 3448.

I started with the Woodend Brigade in May 2015, and officially became a member in September, so have been an operational member for 7 years. I have recently become a Station Officer and lead a duty crew. The role is exciting and challenging, having ultimate responsibility for the decisions made and actions taken at incidents and the safety of everyone involved. Getting to this level involved several courses over the years to progress through the ranks as well as a lot of on the job learning. We have a great support network in the Woodend brigade with many experienced firefighters all of whom have helped me by sharing knowledge and offering guidance. The social aspect of the brigade is fantastic and very family orientated whether it be a Christmas feast or just a few watching the rugby at the station. I really enjoy being part of the brigade.
THIS MONTH, WE WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE ANOTHER VALUABLE MEMBER OF OUR TEAM STATION OFFICER RICHARD DAVIES. We asked him to put in his own words; a little about himself, why he joined the Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade and his experience so far and this is what he had to say:
My partner and I moved to Canterbury in 2011 and purchased our home in Woodend in 2014. We have 2 beautiful school aged daughters and 2 dogs. I’m fortunate and grateful that my family support me being in the brigade and they are very proud. It can be demanding on them when I race out the door at awkward times!

injection and oral treatments available. Book your dog’s kennel cough vaccination with us now. PHONE:CONTACTS:03 312 2669 EMAIL: ADDRESS:pawsvets@gmail.com71MainNorthRoad,Woodend(betweenvegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays Just a reminder..... School holidays are coming, so remember to check your dog’s vaccinations are up to date. 24 hour emergency service available to registered clients- phone: 03 312 2669
disease seen in dogs. It can spread very quickly and easily by dog-to-dog contact and shared objects like toys and food bowls. Vaccination reduces the
recommended. If your dog does not
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 37 Tiger Shuttles Ltd Tiger Shuttles is a friendly, professional, locally owned shuttle company providing transport for small and larger groups to any destination of your choice at competitive rates including doorto-door AirportAvailableBookingsserviceareessential!for:Transfers;Work Functions; Wine Tours; Restaurants & Bars; Weddings; Golf Outings; Concerts Hospital / Doctor ACC approved We go Anywhere |Anytime!! Call, text or email anytime for a free quote 027 739 8251 or 03 312 8803 tigershuttlesltd@gmail.com Letter to Editor Wonderful Woodend I just want to give a friendly reminder to dog owners, not to forget their dogs. We have enjoyed living down one of the rural roads in Wonderful Woodend for thirty years. We are now experiencing more and more dogs toileting on the roadsides. I’m sure no one enjoys dog poo litter while going for a walk in our lovely wee town!! Thank you.
Kennel Cough is a common, airborne and
of canine cough and
the disease. Dogs can
Lisa (DogMcKeefryowner) highly contagious infectious upper respiratory severity remains an important cornerstone managing be vaccinated from the age of 6 weeks and an annual booster is like the liquid down the nose, at PAWS vets have

Page 38 The Woodpecker September 2022 Woodend Garden Club
Christchurch Horticultural Society
We were fortunate to have David Adams speaking on Edible Gardens and Daffodils. David is one of NZ’s top daffodil breeders. Don’t miss him at the Woodend Spring Flower Show on 1 October.
July Mid-Winter Lunch
Helen Power (President) 03 313 5749 or Chris Sutherland (Secretary) 0274 555 708.
The Club met at The Plough Hotel in Rangiora for a Mid-Winter Christmas lunch.
We meet every Monday at the Woodend Community Centre at 1.30pm. members
The Woodend Garden Club is an affiliated member of the Christchurch Horticultural Society (CHS) and as such a representative attends the CHS meeting each month. Maureen Day (our rep) reported that the CHS is now 160 years old. The Woodend Garden Club (which is over 75 years) features in photos dating back showing Woodend’s involvement over many years with the CHS. It was reported that garden clubs in Canterbury (along with many community groups) are sadly closing due to falling memberships.
What’s been happening in the Club?
June Meeting In June we enjoyed a workshop on creating beautiful wreaths. Shirley Rogers (our Vice President) has been working with flowers all her life and has specialised in drying and collecting flowers & foliage for that purpose. Shirley generously shared her knowledge which resulted in some wonderful creations being taken home by members.
are always Forwelcome.moreinformation call
FYI - From the History Books Garden Club minutes from June 1948 show that the Club organised food parcels for soldier’s families post WWII. Ever thought of advertising in The Woodpecker? Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services? Please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates. You can be an occasional or recurring advertiser, the latter securing your place each month. Email our Editor Debs on thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nzdebs.
August Meeting

You may have heard of Constantinople and the famous emperor who it was named after. But how much do you know about Emperor Constantine’s mother? Her name was Helen, or Helena in Latin, and she was an empress. But you wouldn’t guess that by looking at her face. It was serene and serious, and criss-crossed with more wrinkles than empresses usually have – even in their sixties. For she knew what it was like to suffer. She knew what it was like to be deserted by one’s spouse, to lose one’s title, to see one’s only son barely escape from being murdered by his own countrymen. When she was younger, her troubles had distressed her. Now, she would calmly slip into the back of a quiet Church, gaze at a cross, and murmur a silent prayer. And no one recognised her for an empress – she dressed so simply. But if anyone had recognised her, they would have thanked her for the beautiful Churches and basilicas that reminded them of Heaven. For, besides giving food and clothes to the poor, one of her favourite things was paying for Churches to be made more beautiful.
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 39
Helen’s inspiration was never a career, or ideology, but a person. And she worshipped that person. She would always keep a cross near her, to be reminded of that person. He had given His life for her – and all people. She would serve Him by giving of her Yet,wealth.she thought, while two pieces of wood nailed together in the shape of a cross could remind someone of Jesus, it would be so much better, so much more inspiring, to be able to look at the cross on which He had died. But nobody knew where it was. Of course, this was not enough to discourage an empress as determined as Helen. She ordered the search for it to begin. Eventually, three crosses were found, buried. But none of them looked more special than the others. It was impossible to tell which cross was the true one. A dying woman touched the first cross. Nothing happened. She touched the second cross. Her illness was as bad as ever. But, when she touched the third cross, she was completely healed. And that cross has been guarded safely to this day. Year after year, it reminds people of Jesus. Many, many people like Helen have been encouraged by looking at Jesus’ cross.
Are you
to share? Have you any information or notices you would like to share? YES? We would love to hear from you!
business who
promote? Are you
promote themselves? Do you have any community stories you would
The Hidden Cross A True Story As told by MarambosAnastasia
Attention Advertisers and Community Groups part of a group which would like to a small local would like to like
Page 40 The Woodpecker September 2022 COMMUNITY CONTACTS GLADSTONE PARK ADVISORY GROUP Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 Kaiapoi & Pegasus Croquet Club Captain: Adrienne Lamb 921 2895 LOLLIPOPS PRESCHOOL PEGASUS 943 lollipopseducare.co.nz/location/pegasuscm.pegasus@ledu.co.nz4935 MENZSHED PEGASUS & WOODEND COMMUNITY TRUST Clive Jones 027 245 5770 John Burns 021 347 menzshedpegasuswoodend@gmail.com805 MUSIC AND PLAY Meaghan 027 392 6409 NORTH CANTERBURY WOODCRAFT CLUB Merv Laws 021 237 7105 David Crawford 027 341 0246 Pegasus pegasusbrownies@gmail.comBrownies PEGASUS BROWNIES pegasusbrownies@gmail.com PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Bookings and enquiries contact: Waimakiriri District Council Freephone: 0800 965 www.waimakariri.govt.nz468 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE TEAM Email: pcc@pegasusresidentsgroup.com PEGASUS MONDAY MORNING WALKING GROUP Christine Johnston 021 179 7330 PEGASUS RESIDENTS GROUP INC Facebook:www.pegasusresidentsgroup.comprgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.comPegasusResidents’Group Inc. PEGASUS WOODEND WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Helen Power 313 5749 Pam Cleeve 03 3138120 / 021 170 9895 RANGIORA BRIDGE CLUB 03-3137941rangiorabridge@xtra.co.nzwww.rangiorabridgeclub.co.nz RADIO SAILING CLUB Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 ST BARNABAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Men’s Group: Andrew 021 073 5730 Women’s Group: Amy 021 234 4253 Hall Hire: Elizabeth 313 4612 THE ASHLEY LODGE Norme Shorehttp://www.ashley28.net.nztheashleylodge28@gmail.comSecretary THE LIONS CLUB OF WOODEND-PEGASUS President John Canton 310 8157 Secretary Anne Attenborough 313 6124 Youth Centre Brian Attenborough 313 6124 TIMEBANK WAIMAKARIRI Email: tbwaimakariri@gmail.com 021 0265 4071 Website: timebankwaimakaririFacebook:waimakariri.timebanks.orgfacebook.com/ TOY LIBRARY rangioratoylibrary@gmail.com TUAHIWI COMMUNITY PRE-SCHOOL 313 www.tuahiwicommunitypreschoolpreschoolhttps://www.facebook.com/tuahiwi.tuahiwipreschool@xtra.co.nz2141 WAIKUKU BEACH SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Danelle Asher wbslsc@wbslsc.com WAIORA LINKS COMMUNITY TRUST COMMUNITY TRUST waioralinks@gmail.com WOODEND BADMINTON CLUB Paul Henderson 0274 925 936 WOODEND BOWLING CLUB President Gill Beale 310 6612 Secretary Sheryl Atkins 021 225 5778 WOODEND BOYS’ CLUB John Harris 313 7832 WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC President Mark Paterson Secretary Kris Stacey kris@stacey.kiwi.nz
COMMUNITY CONTACTS The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 41 WOODEND FLOWER SHOW President Shirley Wheeler 03 327 3414 Secretary Helen Power 313 5749 Treasurer Pam Cleeve 313 8120 WOODEND FRIENDSHIP CLUB President John Fortster 327 3681 Secretary Jo Reid 03 310 6164 WOODEND GARDEN CLUB President Helen Power 03 313 5749 Secretary Chris Sutherland 0274 555 708 Treasurer Glenis Everts 03 930 8240 WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES RUGBY & NETBALL President Tony Hurley 312 7311 WOODEND GYM CLUB Simone Templeton 027 514 8363 WOODEND INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Club President Andrew Petrie 022 592 8389 Club Captain Rex Macauley 313 3627 or 021 126 3344 WOODEND JUNIOR CRICKET Amy Hallmark woodend.cricket@gmail.com WOODEND METHODIST CHURCH Minister: Darryn Hickling 022 675 minister.rangioramethodist@gmail.com7391 WOODEND NETBALL CLUB President Caitlin Loose 027 787 5365 Secretary Vicki Attrill 021 244 Woodendnetballclub@gmail.com1881 WOODEND PLAY CENTRE 027 353 woodendplaycenterFacebook:woodend@playcentre.org.nz2131www.facebook.com/ WOODEND PRESCHOOL / NURSERY Jen Hall 312 www.woodendpreschool.co.nzoffice@woodendpreschool.co.nz7654 WOODEND RUGBY CLUB Senior Club Captain,Nick Boyd 027 296 5511 Junior Club Captain, Michelle Tocker 021 267 1429 WOODEND SEFTON COMMUNITY BOARD Chairperson Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputyshona.powell@wmk.govt.nzChairpersonAndrew Thompson WOODEND SENIOR CRICKET CLUB Robert Davey 021 762 963 WOODEND TENNIS CLUB Jim Bucknell 313 9405 WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE Chief Fire Officer Lew Grant 021 1311 780 www.fireandemergency.nzlewsandra@xtra.co.nz WOODEND / WAIKUKU PLUNKET Clare Hewett 312 2640 NEXT ISSUE OCTOBER 2022 Deadline for advertisements and community articles - 25 September 2022 The Woodpecker Digital Issue Available on: www.issuu.com/ thewoodpecker4 Email: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nzCall:021863877 Post: Debs Taylor-Hayhurst, Editor PO Box 78333, Pegasus 7648 Is your Club or Group listed correctly? If you are listed in our Community Contacts, please do check to see the details we have are up-to-date and Emailcorrect.ourEditor Debs on thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nzdebs.
Contact us see our Facebook page WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard - Sefton Community Board Local Body Postal Election - Voting papers will be posted out 16 September must be by Noon, Saturday 8 October
Funding Grant -The Board was pleased to approve a grant of $715 to the Woodend Fire Brigade for safety signage for the support vehicle they own which is used at call outs and for transporting additional firefighters.
Next meeting - Monday 12 September starting at 6pm at the Woodend Community Centre. All are welcome. If you want to see what will be discussed check out the Board Facebook page or the agenda at waimakariri.govt.nz/your council/meetings/minutes and agendas around the Thursday of the previous week.
Page 42 The Woodpecker September 2022 Board Update -
The Board approved two additional recommendat ions to Council on the Walking and Cycling Network Plan. It was felt that the priority of the Pegasus roundabout to Woodend path should be higher, in line with submission the Board made and feedback from the public, and also the need for funding for signs.
Housing Intensification - A reminder that submissions close at 5pm on Friday 9 September. Hopefully you were able to get along to one of the drop in sessions to get any questions answered. Full information at waimakariri.govt.nz/planning/districtplan/district plan changes/council plan changes

The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 43 Rangiora Photographic Society Exhibition The Brick Mill Waikuku, 30 September at 7pm; 1 & 2 October 10am to 4.30pm. Wonderful talent on show. Gold coin donation. Raffles Kids Bikes I refurbish kids bikes and donate them to charity. Got one you don’t want? Please call or text Pete on 021 2021 827 and I’ll collect it. Lions ClubPegasusWoodendFreesia and Lily bulbs for sale. Fundraiser to local groups. $5 & $10 per bag. For more info. Contact Anne 03 313 6124

Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer days
Wednesday 11am - 1pm and the last Saturday of the month 10am - 11.30am join the Community Garden of
gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook Community-Gardenhttps://www.facebook.com/Kaiapoi-
and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love
Come and
Rangiora Church Street
SaturdayMarket3September9.30am-1.00pm Cnr Church Street and 353 High Street Cafe, BBQ, books, clothing and car boot sales. Hosted by Anglican Parish of Rangiora.

The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 45 Lawn maintenance Mowing / weed spraying and fertilising and includes scarifying / Phdethatching.Hamishon 027 349 7986 Dancewear & Alterations For all your costume needs, clothing alterations and repairs Call Paula 027 627 7212 Check us out on Facebook GRACEBROOK - HONEY GraceBrook on the highway south of Amberley, we have HONEY 4kg bucket for $30, creamed clover $20kg, small plant nursery, Hosta’s, Hydrangeas, succulents & lots more, Open Daily txt 027 673 3330 GRACEBROOK - KNITTING Gracebrook beautifully knitted jumpers pure NZ wool, Guernsey, Fair aisle or cabled, natural colours to choose from, baby sets to adults, we will knit to order txt 027 673 3330 Community Foot Care Clinic Held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment. SAYGo SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St (by the Flat White Cafe). All Welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group; join us for a cuppa after class! We are currently running at full capacity at the moment - ask about our waiting list. Kaiapoi Community Patrol We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and FullPatrolling.training given. If interested, please contact Owen 0274424436 All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.

Contact details: Jim - mobile 021 806 366 or landline 03 313 9405 Eric - mobile 021 292 7004 Looking forward to seeing you Support your local club Want 1/8th advertising That’sspace?thissize! Email Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
At present we are having one service on a Sunday, at 9.30am. When we did this earlier in the year it was due to COVID restrictions – this is for a much more exciting reason – we’re running an Alpha course! A wonderful way to get to know God, the course is being run in the timeslot of the 4.32 service. But the 4.32 hasn’t ceased, it’s taking a holiday and will resume at the completion of Alpha. In the meantime, we welcome members of the 4.32 congregation at the 9.30am service. In fact, we welcome anybody at Ouranytime!midweek groups are still running as normal, for young folk and adults alike. For pre-schoolers, our Music and Play sessions are the place to be! Held on Wednesday at 10am, our volunteers enjoy it as much as the children and their caregivers do. Every fortnight on Thursday we have a Young Adults group at 7pm; and The Tribe youth group for years 7 and up, monthly on a Saturday at 5pm. For the adults, we have the men’s group fortnightly on Wednesday evenings, as well as an exciting new women’s programme s which has just started up on Wednesdays. So there is a lot happening right now. if you would like to bring your preschooler to Music and Play, or attend the 9.30am service, just come along, we’d love to see you. And whether you join us or whether you don’t, stay healthy and enjoy the arrival of spring!
Page 46 The Woodpecker September 2022 St Barnabas Church Report
Woodend Tennis Club New tennis season is starting soon Come and join us at: Wednesday evening social tennis. From beginners to competitive players. Just come along and join in. Teams made up on the night. It’s good tennis, but also fun. Every Wednesday from 7pm (subject to Greatweather).courts, and great lighting. Small fee for non-members. Club Open Day Sunday 18 September from 10am. All ages and abilities welcome. Juniors (up to 16) come and talk about teams, coaching or social. Seniors (over 16) several competitive grades available for Thursday or Saturday games or various options if you just want social tennis Where? Our are next to Woodend Rugby at Gladstone Park (end of Gladstone Road). Easy either Woodend or Pegasus.
access from
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 47

This Month with Harry Last month we arrived in Sydney on the way home from the OE. By this time, we were getting pretty low in the funds department. As we were walking past Elder Smith’s huge woolstore in Pyrmont we saw a note on the door ‘staff wanted urgently’. To start we had to join the union. This necessitated having to pawn some of our Hong Kong purchases to raise the fee. A little further along Harris(sic) Street we found ‘digs’ in an old house owned by a sulky Italian. He had my flash watch as a guarantee till we got the first pay. The job was the most boring I have ever had. eight hours of wheeling bales of wool from here to scales to there onto the lift to one of the nine stories. However, the pay was good at $110 clear a week with more for the occasional overtime. Our fellow workmates were good jokers but the collective IQs were fairly low. The boredom was slowly steering us to join them. We stuck at it for six weeks before buying the airfare Arrivinghome. home on a cold and wet October day was a joyous occasion. The only ones that had changed much were my twin brothers. They were three when I left and had grown into schoolboys. Grandad was still with us and we had many an hour reminiscing about Ireland and the relations. I was to begin my life as a working career on the family farm eventually owning it. About a fortnight after I returned my uncle, Arthur Lewis, came and asked if I would look after the local scouts. He was the Woodend Group leader and the scout troop was in danger of folding due to the lack of minders. At that time, I must confess looking after youngsters was furthest from my thinking. There was rugby and cricket to be played, beer to be drunk, and a wife to be ‘found and caught’. My civic conscience kicked in and I said I would do it for six weeks or until they got a new leader. I left 19 years later. There was the usual proverbial to go through such as initiation and acceptance, police checks and leadership courses. I had five boys to start with but these were soon added to with some recruits from the well-run cub pack looked after by Jean Moody and Evelyn Wilson. The leadership courses one had to go through were patronising and bored me witless. At one, Joe Loffhagen who ran a very successful Waipara troop, got up and told the narcissistic half wit who was running the course, that scouts were only an idea Baden-Powell dreamt up. I never forgot it. As the troop started to grow, I asked my good mate Noel Hyde to give us a hand at a weekend camp. He stayed 10 years. When Noel retired, I asked another friend, Brendon Hurford, to take Noel’s place. He stayed many years eventually taking the leader’s role over. We ran the Woodend troop a bit different to others. Sure, we used the book and made sure the boys passed the relevant tests and badges. We camped locally at the Ashley and did some day bikes. The most popular expeditions were the ‘survival’ camps at Summerhill. This was an overnight affair whereby the boys hiked three miles carrying the minimum of gear i.e., sleeping bag, ground sheet,
Page 48 The Woodpecker September 2022
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 49 & C’s apply Lime Real Estate Ltd Licensed REA 2008 | T’s & C’s apply CASHBACK $3,000 When you sell your property with us Offer ends 30 September 22 Susan Mullink | 022 105 6877
cooking gear and a ration pack. The ration packs were made on the prior meeting night and for a while were augmented by an acquaintance in the stores at Burnham army camp till he was sacked. The cooking gear was made from fruit tins and each guy was allowed one item to help get the meal off the land. No traps, guns, dogs, landmines etc etc. Working in pairs made for a lot of innovative thinking when one turned up with a pair of goggles and his partner had a spear Ourhead.raft trips down the Ashley were legendary. However, we found the furthest some of the guys had travelled out of the district was bounded by their rugby games. So, we set about organising a few trips to far flung places. We went regularly to the West Coast and camped in a cousin’s shearing shed at Marsden. As some of the members had never caught a fish legally, we had an annual camp on a friend’s farm at Duvauchelle and wreaked havoc on the local fish. At that time Noel had a 22ft France sea jet and a commercial licence with rig and flounder nets so we dined pretty well. I had a large black iron frying pan made that we could cook four flounders at a time. We also had a smaller glass over ply dinghy with a 7½-horse seagull and four at a time take themselves fishing. Flushed with the success of our out of district camps we decided to expand a little. This meant that each boy during his tenure with the Woodend scouts would go on a ‘biggy’. First up it was a week-long tour to the north- Blenheim, Nelson and back down the West Coast. Probably the most ambitious was the trip to Wellington. We went by train to

Page 50 The Woodpecker September 2022 KEEP YOUR POOL SPARKLING ALL LONGSUMMER YOUR LOCAL POOLWERX TEAM ARE THE POOL EXPERTS Poolwerx Christchurch 021 783 463 | christchurch@poolwerx.co.nz Poolwerx Christchurch come to you to discuss what options are right for you and your budget. We offer regular or casual servicing for pools and spas, a wide range of equipment options including Eco pumps, robotic cleaners, chlorinators, filters plus an extensive line of pool chemicals. Call us today!
Picton for a couple of nights then onto the ferry to Wellington. It rained – oh how it rained and it was a rough crossing. As we sailed up the harbour an announcement came over the inter-com that a state of emergency had been declared in the capital. Luckily the three mini-vans we had organised were on the wharf, but we were unable to get to the arranged accommodation at Plimmerton. A quick trip to scout headquarters found a diversion to a den at Khandallah with no cooking facilities. The weather improved a little for the following days and we visited the Ford car assembly plant at Petone, Parliament and the Zoo. It was a trip to leave many lasting memories. Firstly, the rain. As we walked from the Picton camping ground to the ferry we passed an IGA grocer selling cheap bags of pink and white marshmallows. Despite being warned of the consequences the boys cleaned them out. The boat was covered in multi coloured chunder!!
The proprietor of the Khandallah fish and chip shop wasn’t fazed about delivering 35 individual pieces and a scoop. He even supplied extra in case. The sun shone on the afternoon we visited the Zoo and the guys were able to let off a bit of steam tearing about. We were told that our boys shouldn’t be watching the antics of the monkeys. The appearance of the sun had set the monkeys alight in the process of making more monkeys. After all the scout handbook encouraged boys to observe nature.

WCA HighwayUpdatesimprovements
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 51
Further updates on this are pending
Welcome to the September update of the Woodend Community Association. What a lot of interesting weather we have had lately, and with this the WCA would like to remind all Woodpecker readers about the Snap, Send Solve app which sends a notice to the Waimakariri District Council about matters that need attention in the community. These can include a range of things like damage to roads or walkways, trees in public spaces that pose a risk, streetlights that need repair etc. The app is available from the Apple App store or the Google Play store and is free to use. Many of our committee members are using the app and getting great responses and / or repairs in a timely fashion. Woodend Cleanup Woodend Community Association have registered for the Clean Up NZ week which is from the 17- 23 September. Our Plan is to do this on Saturday 17 September. We will meet at the Woodend community center at 10.00am. Then we will split into teams and go to selected areas around Woodend to pick up rubbish. Bring your own gloves. For further information please email the Woodend Community
Woodend-Kaiapoi Cycle way
We have no further update at this stage, but with Dan Rosewarne’s appointment to parliament, we will ask him to report each month on the proposed and potential highway as well as safety improvements. Toilet painting We are still waiting to hear if the winning Woodend School design has approval from the Waimakariri District Council. Community Garden A WCA member continues to push the council to commit to some land for the Woodend community garden. Woodend Beach playground and toilets upgrade This upgrade is in the councils plan and the budget is currently being redraughted.

When I asked Jim what his drive is for being a part of the WCA, this was his answer. “Woodend and surrounds are the fastest growing area in Waimakariri, and it needs to maintain its community spirit and togetherness, to make council and government aware of what our needs are. Our biggest battle is still to be fought over ‘the road’. The main road and intersection at Woodend Beach Road is getting worse and as a community we must demand more from the authorities, MPs, and Perhapscouncil. more direct action is required from all in the community. And with a small donation from residents and businesses, the WCA can contribute to many more advancements in the community.”
Page 52 The Woodpecker September 2022 the results of the councils Draft Walking and Cycling Network plan. Reminders
Alongside golf and gardening, Jim is involved with maintaining The Willows Cricket Club and Grounds in Loburn. As soon as Jim moved to Woodend, he was asked by his neighbour to become secretary of the association which he said “YES” to and held the role until early this year.
Jim and his wife retired to the Copper beech subdivision four years ago after spending their time on the West Coast, Timaru and Loburn.
WCA contact information
If you have any concerns or suggestions for the community and do not know where to start, contact the WCA via email at association@gmail.comwoodend.community.orcallMark
Children’s craft afternoon – Woodend Spring Flower Show This is held on Wednesday the 28 September from 3.30 – 5.30pm. Registrations are essential, so go to their website - Woodend Spring Flower Show - for details on how to register. Woodend Spring Flower Show Saturday the 1 October, 1pm until 4pm at the Woodend Community Centre. Entry $2, children are free. Also refer to the website for entering flowers or handcrafts and it is open to all ages.
Now it’s time to meet another WCA member, this month the lucky winner is - Jim Stringelman.
Our next AGM is on 3 October the and at this stage will be held at the Woodend Community Centre. All are welcome to attend and if you’re interested in joining the committee, please let us know. A cuppa and sweet treats will be provided. Food Pantry A reminder that we still have a food pantry in Woodend. It is situated in the WASP car park just before the school on the main road. So, if you have spare fruit and vegetables etc. maybe from your own garden, you may wish to donate a few to our local community by putting them into the pantry. Or, if you need something, have a look from time to time. The pantry is designed for things like fruit and veg, baked goods and tinned goods, so please no frozen, dairy or past best before dated goods thanks.
The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 53 Paterson on 027 534 9112. For a small fee of $10 per household and $50 per business each year you can be part of improving our community and help the WCA continue to deliver projects like the Jill Creamer trail, ANZAC memorial and seating, new staging at the community center and more. We are always looking for households and business memberships to help support our projects and to also offer suggestions on how we can allocate our funds. You can find the membership forms orwww.woodend.co.nz/join-householdsatwww.woodend.co.nz/joinbusinesses The WCA would like to thank PAWS Vets for their continual support as our Platinum sponsor. The other businesses that have joined with WCA Business Memberships, who we would also like to thank for their support are: • Woodend Landscape Supplies • Woodend Automotive • Canterbury Honda • Motivation Design • Teresa Findley • Ravenswood • Menzshed NZ Thanks for reading our update. Have a fabulous month and we will be back with more in the October addition. The Woodend Community Association (WCA) team Approachable and keen to work for our community. Woodend – Sefton Community Board PLEASE VOTE FOR: ThompsonAndrew Authorised by Andrew andrewbjthompson@gmail.comThompson;

I look forward to meeting you as I work to be elected to Council and re elected to Community Board. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to meet with me. It is time for a local voice on Council. I bring a fresh perspective and as Chair of the Woodend Sefton Community Board for the last six years I have a proven track record of standing up for the interests of our communities and getting results.
Ph 021 0231 6152 email: voteshona@gmail.com
Authorised by Shona Powell:
shonapowell.com shonapowell.waimakariri
Living locally and being actively involved in the community means that I get to talk with people like you. I understand the everyday problems and the big issues so can better represent you.
With the four Councillors standing for re-election, from Kaiapoi and further south, every vote for me from this area is a vote that really counts. I am the right person, for the right reason and this is the right time.

The Woodpecker September 2022 Page 55 COUNTRY PARTY ★ RIDING BULL ★ BEST RIDER ★ BEST DRESSED ★ DANCE FLOOR 9PM SAT SEP 17TH C O U R T E S Y C O A C H 0 3 - 3 1 3 - 7 8 7 1 #3 COWBOY + COWGIRL YEE HAA! -

Page 56 The Woodpecker September 2022 PHONE:CONTACTS:03 312 2669 EMAIL: ADDRESS:pawsvets@gmail.com71MainNorthRoad, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays 24 hour emergency service available to registered clients- phone: 03 312 2669 It’s nearly spring when fleas go “ping”, Everyone knows dogs and cats don’t like those. So pop into PAWS and protect their skin Pick up a packet of seeds while you are in. Poem by Charis Deane aged 8 While stocks last, get a free packet of Kings vege seeds with every purchase of flea products in September!