APRIL 2017
Produced for the community, by the community
Free Bus service to Eats & Beats, Victoria Park, Sat 8th April Encouraging people to plan ahead and stay safe on our roads is one of the key drivers behind the free bus service being provided by the Council for the Eats and Beats music and food festival in Victoria Park on Saturday 8 April.
Eats and Beats kicks off at 3pm on Saturday 8 April, and runs for five hours, organisers are promising foods from all over the world in the gourmet food market, accompanied by live music for the duration of the event.
The free bus will do three trips from Kaiapoi via Woodend to Ashley Street in Rangiora and return later in the evening.
Timetable (approx departure times):
The first pick up in Kaiapoi will be on Williams Street just north of Ohoka Road. The bus will stop if signalled at regular bus stops on the way to Woodend where it will travel down Woodend Road before travelling down Rangiora-Woodend Road to Ashley Street by New World. It is then approximately a 400m walk to Victoria Park. Once in Rangiora the bus will do a loop of the town before heading back to Kaiapoi. Users are asked to wait at designated bus stops or if there is no bus stop nearby signal to the driver.
Kaiapoi – Williams Street (north of Ohoka Road): 3.00pm 4.10pm 5.20pm Woodend: 3.10pm 4.20pm 5.30pm Return Journey from Ashley Street, Rangiora: 8.00pm – Loops Rangiora, arriving Woodend 8.40 & Kaiapoi 8.50 8.25pm – Direct, arriving Woodend 8.40 & Kaiapoi 8.50pm 9.15pm – Direct, arriving Woodend 9.30 & Kaiapoi 9.40pm
ANIMAL FEED & PET STORE Come and visit us and see the animals We have food for all types of animals such as: Cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, birds, rats and mice and all other farmyard animals. We stock most leading brands of pet foods, such as
“For all your pet and animal feed and supplies” ***STOCKIST OF FROZEN PET FOODS*** North Canterbury Stockfeed Supplies Chinnery’s Road, Woodend Open Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm Saturday - 9am to 1pm 03 3100 444 Page 2
• Domestic & Commercial • Leaking Taps & Pipes
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Woodend-Sefton Community Board The March meeting of the WoodendSefton Community Board (WSCB) was a true demonstration of ‘the power of the people’. First up we had a deputation of children from Woodend School who presented WSCB members with very compelling information about the need to reduce speed and improve safety on Rangiora Woodend Road near the school. As a result of their hard work and ongoing campaigning, measures are being introduced to make the area a safer and more pleasant environment. Well done Woodend School – I’m sure an important lesson has been learned by the children on the power of the people to take a constructive, proactive approach and get a positive result. Our second group were residents from Woodend Beach who were seeking speed reduction and increased safety for their area. Again, some compelling facts were presented and this group had taken a constructive and detailed approach. Council staff also reported on the results of their assessment and analysis of the traffic around the Woodend Beach area. They are preparing a plan, which will be consulted on, to help reduce speed and increase safety for the residents and visitors to the area. The residents didn’t get all they were looking for, but all agreed that good progress was made.
present your ideas; please contact Karyn Ward, Community Board Advocate by emailing karyn.ward@wmk.govt.nz or by phone to 311 8900. KEEP INFORMED We recommend anyone who wants to follow Community Board happenings check out the agendas and minutes on the Council website: http://www.waimakariri. govt.nz/your-council/meetings/minutesand-agendas. You are also very welcome to attend Community Board meetings with the next Woodend-Sefton Community Board meeting scheduled for Monday 10 April commencing at 7pm in the Woodend Community Centre. Stay Safe and Be Happy From the Woodend-Sefton Community Board Team
It is heartening to see community members stand up for their neighbourhoods and a great example to others that you can make a difference. The Council and Community Boards are there for you and welcome your comments and input. If you would like to discuss something with a Community Board member, please check the website for contact details of the individual members. You can also come to a board meeting to THE WOODPECKER APRIL 2017 Page 5
From our Mayor David Ayers
What’s in a name?
It has somehow got about that Woodend is named after some early settler called Thomas Woodend. I have never found any reference to this character in any early writings about the area and I have come to the conclusion that he never existed. Unfortunately, these stories become selfperpetuating and it gets very difficult to get them out of the public record.
The name Waikuku is, of course, much older, and means “waters of freshwater mussels” and Pegasus was the name of the ship which surveyed part of the South Island in 1809 (Pegasus was a winged horse of Greek mythology). Ravenswood was the name of the farm of an early settler, Rev John Raven, who also gave his name to Raven Quay in Kaiapoi.
A much more likely explanation is that the emerging settlement, which had at least one earlier name of Gibbs Town after some of my relatives, became Woodend because it was on the edge of what was then known as the Maori Bush.
Ravenswood has re-emerged as the name of the development in the north of Woodend and which, with the appearance of serious-looking machinery, looks to be about to get under way. People often talk about it as a separate town, like Pegasus, but if one looks at the southern end, where the residential development is to start, it can be seen that it is straight across Chinnerys Road from the rest of Woodend. Ravenswood is therefore part of Woodend, although I have no doubt that the name will stick around, particularly for the commercial development at the northern end – no doubt to be reinforced by a big sign enticing passing motorists to come and spend their money!
MARKET DAY Woodend rec. ground. Entry off School Rd
Saturday 15th July • 9am - 1pm
Load your car boot or trailer with your surplus items and bring along to our market to sell! $10 entry per boot or 6x4 trailer $20 entry per truck Food available onsite Woodend Lions sausage sizzle For more information contact Cliff Hurley 3131651 Page 6 THE WOODPECKER APRIL 2017
Developers, understandably, have a concept to sell, and every development concept these days has to be marketed with its own name. Looking around our District, it is easy to see the names that have some sort of historical (like Ravenswood) or geographical (like Silverstream) basis, but it is also easy to see those subdivision names that have been designed merely to sell sections. I’ll leave you to think of examples!
Woodend Combined Club Since it was our AGM last month we did not arrange Speakers. Instead, following a delicious afternoon tea, provided by our members, we were superbly entertained by members of Neville Wilkins’ Viscount Band, with Neville (trumpet), Dave (piano), Graham (base) and Chrissi (vocals) performing numbers mainly from the 1950/1960 era. Neville started the band in 1962 and performs regularly at the Cashmere and Hornby Clubs. Vocal numbers included favourites such as Paper Roses and Sailor, and Neville gave memorable renditions of O My Papa and Amazing Grace. Altogether a very relaxing way to end an AGM! Our March outing took 37 of us to Watford Grange Llama Park in Templeton where owner Anne Thompson hosted us for a visit including an excellent finger buffet lunch. Anne gave us a very interesting and funny talk about llamas and how they differed from the other South American camelids (alpacas, guanacos and vicuñas) and about her life with 110 llamas on 40 acres! We later stopped off at Greenlinc Nursery where Tom gave us a quick tour and the opportunity to buy some plants. Altogether a great day out! Some 23 members were lucky enough to visit the Mobile Surgical Unit parked at the Rangiora Health Hub in early March. This unit regularly travels the length of NZ including both coasts and Golden Bay. There are different teams of nurses and three drivers each taking one week on duty. This involves long hours of work and travelling. The surgeons are usually locals. The bus is fitted out with an operating table, recovery bed, an anaesthetic Page 8 THE WOODPECKER APRIL 2017
machine, equipment cupboards and a machine to help administer colonoscopies and gastroscopies. The scopes used in these explorations are amazing diagnostic tools. They cost upwards of $35,000 but do a number of things such as light-up area, wash area if necessary, cut off polyps and cauterise when needed. Surgeons also carry out orthopaedic operations, varicose vein procedures and other day-only surgeries. To be referred to the unit you must be on the Public waiting list. Before the bus moves on, all the equipment must be strapped to the sides since these are moved upward and inward to make the vehicle become legal width for road travel. A very interesting and fascinating visit! The March coffee morning was at the Station Café in Rangiora – 21 members enjoying coffee or tea, delicious scones and a good chat.
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Woodend Garden Club
Our meeting was a gathering held at one of our member’s home. Jan Bliss organised her husband Adrian to show us his take on Hypertufa pots. Was really interesting, although the end results looked good, it was a time consuming process, taking some months for the cement mix to dry properly. Also known by the Bliss family, was Robert Dunns, he showed us how to make a simpler rugged look pot. He painted the surface of a pot & tossed a sand mix all over the painted surface. The end result was quite impressive.
Barbara Eden’s 80th by singing Happy Birthday to her. Because of Easter, our next meeting will be earlier in the month than usual, April 10th at 1.30pm. The subject will be the making of table arrangements. As usual, new members always welcome. Ring Rae on 03 3100202 or Joy on 03 3235258. ONE-TO-ONE FRIENDSHIP PROGRAMME
The day ended with a good cuppa & homemade baking made by Jan. Our VicePresident, Pam Cleeve thanked Jan for an enjoyable day.
IHC is looking for volunteers to join their One-to-One Friendship Programme. The main emphasis of this role is that you are doing something you usually do and including someone with similar interests... along with ‘having fun’!
We also had to mark the occasion of
Phone Jackie Cronin on 027 531 3579
Welcome to PT on Panckhurst! Personal training programmes specifically designed to help with injuries and medical conditions. Whether you would like to be able to run a half marathon without sore knees, exercise safely with a medical problem or simply just be able to do the household chores without hurting your back then home run PT on Panckhurst is just what you are looking for. A service offering: · Postural analysis – stiff neck and shoulders? Headaches? Postural correction available here! · One to one training - help achieve your goals whether you have an injury, would like to tone up, get in shape and become more active. Partner training available – a cost effective way to train with a friend and achieve your goals together. · Exercise classes in Woodend and Pegasus – circuit training, gentle exercise for seniors, Bootcamps and BoxFit also running. Qualified and experienced trainer with competitive prices! Contact Laura for more info on: Ph: 0221 345 275 Email: laura@pt-on-panckhurst.co.nz Website: www.pt-on-panckhurst.co.nz For latest info go to “PT on Panckhurst” on facebook Page 12 THE WOODPECKER APRIL 2017
138 Main North Road, Woodend (On the right heading North)
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Your cat will receive personal care and attention by the team of animal loving RVC vets and nurses. They provide top quality food in an enriched environment, along with tending to individual medical needs. • Flexible housing options including single, double and family units, short term or extended stay. • Purpose built, secure facility with indoor and outdoor areas. • Comfortable, temperature controlled environment.
138 Main North Road, Woodend Phone: 312 8387 • Inspection Welcome C AT T E R Y
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Easter, as Christm ar w Ye and Ne fast p filling u DAY! O BOOK T
PRGI - Pegasus Info Page - April 2017 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Work has commenced on preparing the old pharmacy premises (next to Ray White) for use as a community centre. WDC will be leasing the premises from Todd Property and bookings will be run by the Pegasus Residents’ Group. At this stage, we are taking expressions of interest from potential users with an expected opening date of 1 May 2017 (beginning of Term 2). Please contact PRGI at prgi@ pegasusresidentsgroup.com or phone/text 0274 310 803 for bookings or more info. CIVIL DEFENCE MEETING The public meeting held on 22 March at the Pegasus Bay School proved to be very informative and reassuring in terms of how Pegasus might (or might not) be affected in the event of a tsunami. The speakers provided mapping of ‘worst case’ scenarios showing that Pegasus is not expected to be affected by a tsunami. Ultimately, it is important that people have their emergency kit and supplies ready and take the action that makes you feel safe at the time. The message from Civil Defence is ‘if its long and strong, get gone’. For more information on how to prepare, check the Get Ready Get Thru website: http://getthru.govt.nz/ WEBSITE The PRGI website is currently undergoing an upgrade, so you might find some things missing until this is completed. Keep an eye out for our new, more informative and user friendly site. Email: prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com Page 14
PRGI MEMBERSHIPS Membership renewals are now due and still only $5 per household per year. Please contact us if you need more information. Remember, you need to renew your membership before the AGM if you want to vote. PRGI AGM 7PM, TUESDAY 9 MAY 2017 PEGASUS BAY SCHOOL HALL Guest speakers from Christchurch Airport and Waimakariri District Council. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Pegasus Residents’ Group committee, please contact us at prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com or ph/text 027 431 0803 EASTER EVENT The annual Easter event for Pegasus families is on Sunday 9 April from 11am – 3pm. We invite Pegasus families to join us for a treasure hunt, picnic and old fashioned family fun and games. For more information see our website; http://www.pegasusresidentsgroup.com/ THANK YOU… Thank you to Doig Auto Electrical in Rangiora for work done on the lights of the Community Watch car free of charge. Thanks also to Justin Hartley and the team at Ray White for sponsoring the Easter event this year. You are awesome and we couldn’t do it without you! Pegasus - Living It - Loving It!
PEGASUS - NEIGHBOURHOOD SUPPORT Come along and learn more about how Neighbourhood Support can help make your street a safer and more community-minded place. Talk to Pegasus residents who already have an NS group about how it is working for them. 2.30PM, SUNDAY 7 MAY 2017 PEGASUS COMMUNITY CENTRE Pegasus Main St (next to Ray White) Talk to Tracy Doe from North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support
A police representative will also be present to address local crime concerns
NEW TO PEGASUS? Contact us for a ‘Welcome Bag’. These bags are FREE and contain lots of useful information about Pegasus and the wider Waimakariri area. ¶¶¶¶¶¶ WANT INFORMATION AND UPDATES ABOUT PEGASUS? Contact PRGI to add your email address to our list of contacts to start receiving regular updates from us, including WDC notices. ¶¶¶¶¶¶ BECOME A MEMBER OF PRGI FOR ONLY $5 PER YEAR Contact the Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. at : Email: prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com | Website: pegasusresidentsgroup.com Facebook: Pegasus Residents Group Inc. | Phone: 0274 310 803
Woodend Bowling Club Paul Jenkins defeated Phil Harris in the men’s final of the Colts singles. Paul had the upper hand throughout and won convincingly.
button, a singles competition for newer bowlers. Pauline with more experience beat new comer Peggy Hey.
Other finals results were, Jack Dzenis won the Junior singles, having played all his games being undefeated, although in an earlier round Neil Tiplady lead all the way but Jack hung in and won by a single shot. Well done Jack. The runner up was Paul Jenkins. The women’s championship pairs were won by Joan Macfarlane (skip) and Rosalie Dickison, defeating Yvonne O’Brien and Maureen Mariu. Rosalie Dickison won the open singles beating Maureen Mariu. Pauline Barr won the Bill Cream
Colts finalists: Paul Jenkins, left, winner and Phil Harris.
STORAGE/WORKSHOP UNIT FOR LEASE • L12m x W4m x H4.5m • Roller door one side, door and window the other side • Power • Automatic gate • Part of yard area • Eastern side of Main North Road between Pineacres and Woodend • 2km to Woodend; 2km to Kaiapoi
LONG-TERM PARKING AVAILABLE for trucks, boats, caravans
Price by negotiation Ph: 027 248 4507
Blue Gum 6mtrs = $540.00 Old Man Pine 6mtrs = $420.00 Pine 8mtrs = $440.00
TEVRA DOG TRAINING LTD Behavioural & Training Specialists Janice and Alistair Kirk Directors / Principal Trainers
Offering the following services: • Individual or group sessions for all ages and breeds • Daycare facilities available • Stockists of dog products and dog food 6 McLean Drive, Lethfield, RD1 Amberley Ph: 03 314 7561 Mobile: 0274 570 819 Em: tevra@clear.net.nz www.tevradogtraining.co.nz Tevra Dog Training
MIX Pine 4mtr and Blue Gum 4mtr = $580.00 Mina load 4mtrs
FREE DELIVERY: Woodend, Rangiora, Tuahiwi, Kaiapoi Phone Sue or Peter 312 7161 or 027 312 7179 THE WOODPECKER APRIL 2017 Page 17
Woodend Community Association Update ! PLEASE COME AND JOIN US ! Woodend Community Association was set up to promote and support initiatives to advance safety, wellbeing and community spirit in the Woodend Community. We provide members with opportunities to express ideas and concerns and raise awareness of developments which affect the Woodend area. By paying a $5.00 household membership you have direct input into the Woodend Community Association’s objectives to enhance our community. The more members we have the stronger our voice to make changes which benefit the wider community. Please email Woodend.Community.Association@gmail.com for membership information. WOODEND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE - TREASURER Woodend Community Association Committee (“WCAC”) are looking for a community resident to take on the role of Treasurer. This role involves attending the monthly Committee meeting, depositing cash and cheques, paying bills and tracking income and expenditure throughout the year. Estimated time involved for this role is about 4 hours per month. If this a role that sounds like you then please contact us by email. SPEED LIMITS Following on from our January submission regarding the deputation made by the Woodend Beach residents to the Woodend-Sefton Community Board to lower the speed limits on Woodend Beach Road, the Proposal was presented to the WCA Committee and a formal letter of support has been provided to the Woodend Beach residents. The Proposal is for Child Safety at Woodend Beach by enforcing and lowering of vehicle speeds in the settlement. Noting the dangers to residents and especially their children, residents are asking to reduce the speed limits on Woodend Beach Road to 80kmph from SH1, to 50kmph at the Christian Camp, rough gravel strips on the bridge before the entry to Woodend Beach and Page 18
a speed bump at the 30kmph entry sign, with further speed bumps on Stalkers and Ferry Roads. Three dogs have been killed on the settlement roads in recent times and the residents fear for their children if something is not done quickly. It was said the numbers of children of Primary & Pre-school age resident at the Beach has grown, and is now close to 50. In addition to the above, WCA has also written two submissions on reducing speed limits in our community: 1. To the Waimakariri District Council for inclusion in their 2017/2018 Annual Plan and; 2. To the NZTA for inclusion in their SH1 Programme Business Case. Both submissions have been acknowledged by the respective parties and WCA are waiting for next steps. Child safety on our roads is a major priority for the WCA and it is through the continued support of our community that we can strive to effect change where required in order to reach acceptable levels of safety. With this in mind, we ask residents to be mindful of the 40km speed limit in the Woodend School zone on SH1 before school and after school. The school traffic wardens are doing a great job with helping people to cross the road and it Continues on Page 21 >>>
ACCOUNTING SERVICES Don’t forget that 2016 GST & Provisional Tax is due by 8th May 2017 For any of your personal or business accounting needs
Call Geoff Todd
Brilliant Deductions 312-7023 or 021 359-003
ISBT-Bowen Therapy “A good move for every body” - Do you suffer from low, middle or upper back pain or stiffness? - Frozen shoulder or arm pain, including Carpal Tunnel syndrome (pain, numbness or tingling in hands and fingers)? - Headaches, migraines, dizziness - Thigh, hamstring or knee pain - Sciatica, pain in groin, hip or buttocks? - Lymph and circulatory problems - Joint injuries and restriction - Fibromyalgia - RSI - Arthritic symptoms ISBT - Bowen Therapy is gentle yet powerful for treating a broad range of physical ailments. It uses a series of soft tissue moves performed over specific points on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. These moves initiate relaxation of the muscles, flexibility of the fascia, reducing nerve pressure and increasing circulation of blood, lymph and energy. Gentle, fast pain relief, long lasting, safe painless treatment of the whole body. ISBT-Bowen Therapist
Alexandra Foerstmann Treatments available in Pegasus Please call to make an appointment 03 9200 800 or 021 044 3208
Page 20
What will the weather do next? Rain, Hail, Scorching Heat – we’ve had it!
Beat it by having your Heat Pump cleaned and ready to cope! Get it done now! Ring or text John on 0274 968 192 Locally based - no travel charges. Best rates in Waimakariri! Times and days available to suit you. Call now! Abacus Services The people you can count on!
<<< From on Page 18 Woodend Community Association
would be courteous for all to stop at the crossing when people are waiting to cross so the wardens can safely put their signs out. WAIMAKARIRI DISTRICT COUNCIL CONSULTATIONS
Following on from our December submission regarding the WDC’s Our District – Our Future Waimakariri 2048, Waimakariri District Development Strategy on the proposed vision for the Waimakariri District, the WDC have started to form working groups to discuss their seven key themes. WCA have a seat on the first of these working groups for the key theme Our Growing Communities. You can view the WDC strategy on their website at https://www.waimakariri.govt.nz/ your-council/media-and-news/2016/ourdistrict,-our-future-waimakariri-2048. WOODEND TO WOODEND BEACH WALKWAY/CYCLEWAY Work has been completed on the Sandhill Road bend and “S” bends on Woodend Beach Road and work continues down towards Woodend Beach. Consultation is underway with the Council on solutions for the walkway to cross the creek safely. Below is the list of people who have donated to the walkway to date. WCA would like to extend our sincere thanks for your support! Barnett Family S Robertson David Mansel Michael McIlhone and Elaine Gray David & Catherine Butt David Ayers McClaren Drainage Woodend Beach Holiday Park Vanessa Forsyth Niamh and Isla Rowley Forgues Family
Claire Wilson Pegasus Residents Group Rotary Club of Rangiora Woodend Lions Club Paterson Family Gayleen & Steve Clegg 2 Fat Ladies - Tim Holland Woodend Landscape Supplies Hugh & Helen Paterson Brian Simonsen John Archer Woodend School Laura Organ Julie Van Meer Rangiora Country Music Club Olivia Isla and Iris Niamh Woodend Nurseries Malcolm and Maureen Stalker Marah and Neville Bax Spark Foundation Borolass Bruce Cosgrove Bryan & Andrea Howell Russell Wills Paws Limited J M Woolman GMC Painters Doug & Lou Wethey Pegasus Super Bikers Anonymous donations combined
WCA Committee Meeting The next WCA Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday 3rd April, 7.30pm at the Woodend Community Centre – everyone is welcome to attend. President: John Archer Vice President: Andy Childs Secretary: Andrea Rigby Email: Woodend.Community.Association@ gmail.com THE WOODPECKER APRIL 2017 Page 21
This Month with Harry The following is in answer to a request from a Pegasus fan regarding the name of Winsloe Street. And yes dear reader, I do have at least one fan in Pegasus in spite of the majority not agreeing with my solution to the lake problems. Winsloe Street is also famous as a couple of Boys’ Club members live on it, a set of twins born in the land of the Springbok and biltong. Named after John George Elliot Winsloe, born 1856, from Monmouthshire in Wales. He arrived in Woodend about 1880 and went to manage ‘Brockenhurst’ for Martha Palmer. The Pegasus golf course now takes up what was ‘Brockenhurst’ farm. Martha was widowed when her husband George Seymour died in January, 1880 at the age of 38. George and Martha were married in October, 1878 and had one daughter, Ethel. George owned and trained trotters, his horse ‘Clipper’ won three races on the same day. He was also a very good shot, winning several trophies at live pigeon shoots organised by John Conway, the ‘White Crane’ publican. Martha was nee Murfitt, another Woodend family who gained fame in horse racing and still do to this day. John Winsloe married Martha Palmer in December 1882 and they were to have 8 children, Sadly 3 were to die before they reached their 2nd birthday and are buried in the Anglican cemetery. After the sale of ‘Brockenhurst’ they purchased a farm on Gladstone Road which they named ‘Pencoed’. ‘Pencoed’ loosely translates to Woodend in the Welsh language. John Winsloe also owned the general store and post office that stood on the corner of Eders and the main road where the present day B.P. garage is today. He Page 22
was involved in a big way in community affairs including chairman of the school committee. Winsloe became a sportsman of some repute representing Canterbury at both rugby and polo. In the early 1900s, the Winsloes moved to the Gore area in Southland. As well as general farming, the family became involved in horse racing, something that is carried on by the descendants to this day. Martha was killed in a gig accident in Gore when her horse shied at one of the first motor cars in the district. Apparently she was impaled on a broken shaft. Her daughter Ethel Palmer married Robert Johnston, a wool classer at the Kaiapoi Woollen Mills. In 1905 she went to England to retrieve a legacy from her fathers family estate. She was to run out of money whilst awaiting proceedings regarding this which put her into dire straits so far from home. It took another 10 years to resolve the matter after she returned home. Robert and Ethel remained in Kaiapoi till 1927 then they too moved to Gore. I see the local Lions are planning to have a car boot, trailer and truck sale in July. What a marvellous idea. A sort of collective garage sale. And whilst a garage sale can be very easy to organise at home it can attract some shady Toms Dicks and Harrys hellbent on simply casing the joint for a later visit. Conversely local ne’er do wells would be Teds, Bruces or Stephens. A colleague of mine in Christchurch had a garage sale of unwanted items only to lose the stuff he wanted a few days later. Events of this size usually attract a wider clientele. So if you have a rusty old Roby traction engine gathering dust in your shed or a Polaris 4 wheeler you can’t sell, bring it along, pay a small fee and flog it off.
How often in every day life does one come across a situation one regrets for not being quick enough to answer appropriately or conversely ask the right question. Especially if you are trying to put down or go one up on your opponent. Sir Winston Churchill was a master of quick replies to suit the occasion. One of his most famous being during a heated debate in the House of Commons with I think, Lady Astor. She said to him “if you were my husband I would put poison in your coffee”. To which Winston replied “And if I were your husband I would drink it” or something similar. Recently I had occasion to visit Christchurch hospital for my bi-monthly leg scan. I was joined in the lift by a group of elderly ladies, all done up in their finery off to visit a friend. The elevated decibel level gave rise to the thought that Merivale had been left a ghost like silent
suburb. It was either the thought of the gin and tonics to come, or the ones that had already been consumed, certainly heightened the level of excitement. And amongst the ten of us in that lift I was the only male. The leader of the pack in charge of operating the elevator enquired as to which floor I wanted to go. I replied the 1st one as with all the females around me I had got the wind up and wanted out as soon as possible in case I was molested. We arrived at the 1st floor and I pushed my way through clouds of Chanel and lace towards the door. And as I neared the exit, the leader of the pack, old purple hair, said “Now don’t be a whimp. I’ll bet you were a bit of a stud in your day.” The brazen hussy. I replied “yes in my day I would have made your eyes water”. The laughter and banter went into overdrive. And I bet so did the Poise pads. J.H.
Bluegum, Oregan, Beech or Pine
Free delivery with orders over 2 meters
PEA STRAW Railway Sleepers, Soil, Compost, Pre-mix Aggregates & Rocks Stump Grinding Service Available Open 7 Days * Ph 03 312 2003 * 48 Chinnerys Road www.woodendlandscape.co.nz THE WOODPECKER APRIL 2017 Page 23
CHURCH NOTICES Woodend Methodist Church
86 Main Road, Woodend. State Highway One. Rev. Philomeno Kinera Office (03) 313 3448, Home (03) 313 1912, Mob 021 521 118
Come and practise your English in a small and friendly group. For speakers of English as a second language. We are hosting ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES at the Woodend Methodist Church Hall starting 31 March for 4 weeks on Friday nights from 7-8 p.m. Light supper provided, cost $5 per session. To register or to find out more please contact Andrea Wortley 3133448 or email rangioramethodist@ clear.net.nz The April movie is on Wednesday 5 April at 1 p.m. at the Methodist Hall. Any queries phone Ruth 3122094 or Evelyn 3127740. FREE ENTRY. Gold coin donation for
afternoon tea. Easter Services – The Good Friday Service will be combined at the Knox Presbyterian Church, King Street, Rangiora at 9.30 a.m. On Easter Sunday at Woodend Methodist Hall we will be holding a sunrise service at 7 a.m. followed by hot cross buns. All welcome. Curtain Bank – There is a bin outside the hall where you can dispose of good used curtains. If you require curtains please contact Andrea at Trinity Centre, King Street, Rangiora, 3133448. TRINITY’S APRIL SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMME – Registrations are now being taken for children aged 7 to 10 years to participate in Rangiora Trinity’s School Holiday Programme which will be held in the first week of term one’s school holiday i.e. Tuesday 18th to Friday 21st April 2017. There is a limit of 20 places only and registration is required. Contact Andrea at the Church Office 3133448 or at rangioramethodist@clear.net.nz COMMUNITY FUN DAY AT TRINITY – This will be held on THURSDAY 20th April from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will be run in conjunction with the School Holiday Programme. The fun day is open to all in the community to attend. Hall Bookings – For any bookings of the Church Hall can you please contact Evelyn on 3127740.
Page 24
CHURCH NOTICES Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus St. Barnabas Church
Priest-in-Charge Rev. Shirley Hawke, Ph: 03 550 3708, or 027 678 8270. Em: sghawke@hyper.net.nz A community of believers, serving the wider community in love.
The Mainly Music sessions are going well again this year, encouraged by the enthusiasm of the caregivers. It is great to see you getting so involved, and your offers of help during Keith’s abscence in April and May have been much appreciated. He is going on holiday, lucky man! Whilst he is away, we are sure you will give a warm welcome to Sam, who will be leading the sessions for you. We know he will do a great job and ensure you and your children have as much fun as ever. The Lenten study, on the subject of Risk, is very worthwhile. We meet on Tuesdays at 9.30 am., at St Barnabas church and have two studies left to do. By the time we finish, Easter will be upon us! The 9.30 am and 4.30 pm services continue to run every week. The afternoon service, known as ‘4.32’, is a contemporary service with a childrens’ programme, whereas the morning service is more traditional. If you decide to come along one Sunday (or more) and find out what we are about, we will be delighted to
welcome you. We will be holding a number of services this month which will be a little different from normal. This includes the services for Sunday April 23, which will be focussed on the commemoration of ANZAC Day. We will also be having an additional service on Sunday April 30 at 7.30 pm., a Taize service, which will be a time for reflection and contemplation. Then of course there are the Easter services, when we remember what Jesus did for us when he died on the cross. These will be as follows: Sunday April 9, 9.30am will be the Palm Sunday service. We will meet outside the church Friday April 14, 9.30am Good Friday service Sunday April 16, Easter day services at 9.30am and 4.30pm We would love to see you at one or more of these very special services.
Pegasus Bay Home Maintenance Services Ltd • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning (Home & Car) • Window Cleaning • Water Blasting THE WOODPECKER APRIL 2017 Page 25
COMMUNITY NOTICES FIVE STAGS RANGIORA COURTESY COACH AVAILABLE! Woodend and Pegasus pick up/drop off Thurs - Sat from 5.30pm Call 313 7871 to book HELP US FUNDRAISE FOR THE WOODEND VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE by booking a $49 three course set menu, including free drink. Book now, any day/ time, for any number of people! Fundraising target is $1000 - With everyones help we’ve raised 16% so far! 29 Huntingdon Drive, Rangiora WWW.FIVESTAGSRANGIORA.CO.NZ
WOODEND GOLDEN OLDIES Woodend Golden Oldies Rugby are looking for new members to join our social friendly club. With the ladies interacting in netball before the gentlemen stimulate their manly muscles in a game of rugby. Then finishing with a drink or two and a family friendly dinner. (Only special requirement you must be 35 years or older). So if fun, family, and social is in your vocabulary, don’t be shy bring your family and friends down to our next game! For more details phone Tony Hurley 027 476 9611. The
Rebecca Harris Phone: 312 5458 Email: richardandrebecca@xtra.co.nz Drop Box: The Grub Hub, Main Rd, Woodend. NEXT ISSUE APRIL 2017. Deadline 28/03/17 Page 26
COMMUNITY CONTACTS Acorn Early Childcare 03 312 2179 Email: jointhefun@acornearlychildcare.co.nz Website: www.acornearlychildcare.co.nz Community Emergency Response Team Rick Cable. Email: rcable@clear.net.nz
312 2667
Gladstone Park Advisory Group Chairperson, Mark Paterson
312 7439
Lions Club of Pegasus President Ian McGregor Secretary Sharon Divall
920 1955 920 0102
Lions Club of Woodend President David Marks Youth Centre Co-ordinator, Lois Inch
03 352 1016 312 7732
Nature’s Play Preschool - Pegasus 943 4935 Email: pegasuspreschool@naturesplay.co.nz Website: www.naturesplay.co.nz Pegasus Residents Group Inc Email: prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com Website: www.pegasusresidentsgroup.com President: Ian Lennie Secretary: Rhonda Mather Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute Elaine 312 7963 Kathryn 03 327 6621 or 027 335 5771
Woodend Boys’ Club John Harris Woodend Combined Club President, Sandra Benson Secretary, Rae Miller
313 7832 03 327 9050 310 0202
Woodend Community Association Inc Email: woodend.community.association@gmail.com President, John Archer 0274 332 558 Secretary, Jacqui Miller 021 890 358 Woodend Community Centre Advisory Group Chairperson, John Batistic 310 0654 Woodend Country Music Club Robert Jongenburger (President) 0274 885297 Marilyn Johnston (VPres) 312 7589 or 0211 362929 Woodend Cricket Club Bruce Davey
312 2413
Woodend Garden Club Rae Miller, President Joy Collins, Secretary
310 0202 323 5258
Woodend Golden Oldies Rugby & Netball President, Tony Hurley 312 7311 Woodend Gymnastics Club Astrid Breach 310 0212 Woodend Indoor Bowling Club Helen Power Rex Macauley
313 5749 313 3627
Woodend Junior Cricket Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711
St Barnabas Church, Woodend Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus Priest-inCharge: Rev. Shirley Hawke 03 550 3708 or email: sghawke@hyper.net.nz cell:027 678 8270 Home Groups - Anne Graham 313 4457 Mainly Music – Keith Heyworth 03 745 9181 or email: rurukid@gmail.com cell :027 688 5597
Woodend Methodist Church Minister, Rev. Philomeno Kinera Hall Bookings, Evelyn
313 1912 312 7740
Woodend Netball Club Caitlin Loose, President Rachael Paterson, Secretary
312 2237 312 7439
Tuahiwi Community Pre-School 313 2141 Email: tuahiwipreschool@xtra.co.nz Facebook: Tuahiwi Community Preschool Website: www.TuahiwiCommunityPreschool
Woodend Preschool/Nursery Sheryl Rule 312 7654 email woodendpreschool@xtra.co.nz website www.woodendpreschool.co.nz
Woodend Sefton Community Board Chairperson, Shona Powell shona.powell@wmk.govt.nz Ph:021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson, Andrew Thompson Waikuku Beach Surf Life Saving Club Richard Marsom wbslsc@wbslsc.com Woodend Badminton Club Paul Henderson
0274 925 936
Woodend Bowling Club President, Mike Carpenter Secretary, Doreen Williams
312 7463 (03) 327 9519
Woodend Play Centre Claire Cameron 022 122 0452
Woodend Rugby Club www.woodendrugby.co.nz President, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Secretary, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Senior Club Captain, Phil Kennett 027 717 2569 Junior Club Captain, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Club Room Bookings, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Woodend Tennis Club Jim Bucknell
313 9405
Woodend Toy Library Stephanie Email: toylibrarywoodend@gmail.com
312 2993
Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Fire Officer, Murray Lamb
312 7487
Woodend/Waikuku Plunket Clare Hewett 312 2640 THE WOODPECKER APRIL 2017
Page 27
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