Produced for the community, by the community
Construction kicks off at new Gladstone Park dog park Man’s best friend and their owners are in for a treat as construction of a new dog park in Gladstone Park kicks off. The WoodendAshley Community Board approved the Gladstone Park Master Plan back in April 2016, which identified a variety of different works to provide for its growing community. As well as extra sports fields, a larger playground and a new pathway it also included a dog park, catering for our large and small fourlegged friends. Work to complete the dog park will take between 6-8 weeks and it will be located at the eastern end of the reserve. There will be some heavy machinery in the area
and contractors ask that people keep clear while the work is taking place. The dog park will include a water fountain, bags, bins and a pathway for easy access to dog owners. A new pathway will be installed along the top of the embankment running roughly parallel with Hakatere Road. Pathways from Hakatere Road over to the dog park will also be constructed.
** NEW DOG FOOD** UNCLE ALBERS & GREAT BARKO 22KG Do you have trouble maintaining your dog’s body weight and condition? Have you been struggling to keep a healthy natural shine on his coat? “Introducing Uncle Alber’s and Great Barko”
Uncle Alber’s and Great Barko are nutritionally dense dog foods, rich in tasty real meat, cooked cereals, vitamins and minerals. Well balanced with the right levels of amino acids to aid in quicker absorption of all vital nutrients your best mate needs to live a long, active and healthy life!
ONLY $54.90 BAG
ONLY $52.90 BAG
You will notice that by volume both Uncle Alber’s and Great Barko are heavier than many dry dog foods, this is because during the manufacturing process the ingredients are compressed tightly together into crunchy bite size pieces. These crunchy pieces are beneficial in keeping your dog’s teeth and gums clean and healthy plus helping reducing decay and smelly breath! Uncle Albe’rs and Great Barko have been formulated to meet or exceed the nutritional specifications recommended by the National
Research Council, Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. By weight both Uncle Alber’s and Great Barko are higher in protein and contains considerably less water than either fresh meat or canned dog food and is balanced for other essential nutrients such as energy, fat, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and trace minerals.
Like most dog owners, we want the best for your furry companions whether it’s a household pooch or a working dog we are all very likeminded. That’s why when it comes to nutrition people know and trust that what we offer in our store is the best quality to price ratio you will find. So if you’ve got a skinny, lacklustre working dog or just a lazy household pooch come down and see us, with two tasty flavours and nutritionally dense foods, we will have one that’s right for you!
North Canterbury Stockfeed Supplies Chinnery’s Road, Woodend Open Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm Saturday - 9am to 1pm 03 3100 444 Page 2
Page 3
Woodend Spring Flower Show 2017
Saturday 30th September 1:00 - 4:00pm Woodend Community Centre School Road, Woodend Admission $2.00 / Children FREE
Floral Art North Canterbury FLORAL ART EXHIBITION
See the best floral artists in North Canterbury showcase their work. Many have won awards at Ellerslie Flower Show and other prestigious events - not to be missed. • Plant and Craft Stalls • Daffodil Bulbs for Sale • Vote for your favourite colouring competition entry NEW COMPETITORS WELCOME Pick up an entry brochure from PAWS Vet in Woodend
SCHOOL HOLIDAY CRAFT CLASS REGISTRATION IS ESSENTIAL! Numbers are limited, all attendees MUST register.
Woodend Community Centre, School Road, Woodend Saturday 23rd September 10:00am - 12:00pm $2 per person – open to primary and preschool children • Decorated Biscuit • Posy in a can • Floral Collage using dry materials • Angel’s - on A4 paper folded paper body, made out of paper and card. Self - Standing (20cm height max) This is a wonderful social opportunity in the school holidays designed to bring out your child’s creative talents. Skills taught will enable your child to enter creations into the Woodend Flower Show. Finishes at 12pm.
DON’T MISS OUT - REGISTER TODAY Phone Kirstyn on 312 5150 or 021 312 230 A Woodend Flower Show Committee initiative
Woodend Garden Club
Woodend Garden Club monthly report, held at the community centre on 21st August.2017.
President Pam Cleeve welcomed 27 members. Our bus trip has been finalised on 16th October, with a fee of $30.00, which is a great price as it includes lunch, bus & garden walk. Any members wishing to attend but for some reason do not know it was planned, need to contact the organiser Helen Power as soon as possible. The Spring Flower Show on Saturday 30th September is well underway as organiser Shirley Wheeler informed us all. Shirley also reminded us to support the raffle on selected days which is at both New
• Domestic & Commercial • Leaking Taps & Pipes
World stores as well as The Warehouse in Rangiora. Our monthly speaker was Lyn Clark, all about Camelia’s. Wow what a great selection she had for us, so many different blooms, some big, some small, some perfumed. Lyn said they are not difficult to grow, they don’t like the ground dry or like lime. She was thanked by Helen Power. Our next meeting will be on September 18th, joining us will be Lee Carmichael, telling us all about her Bee Keeping business. If you would like to attend you will be welcome.
• Water Cylinders • Alterations & New
Page 7
New season’s
bare root fruit trees
New season’s deciduous trees
Nearly 200 varieties to choose from! 15% off
Rhodos and Camellias Our best EVER selection!
Fantastic range & great advice to help you choose
15% off bare root
Plant strawberries now!
Seed spuds 1kg $8.99 or 3kg
$15.99 New season’s Roses
Huge range of bush and standards
5 crowns for
WOODEND NURSERIES Canterbury’s Fruit Tree & Edible Specialists
42 Chinnerys Rd, Woodend. Ph: 03 312 7260
Op e n in g Ho u r s 8am to 5pm we e k d a ys 9am to 4pm we e ke n d s
* No rain checks. Stock on hand only. Sorry no loyalty cards stamped on discounted items. No NGIA gift vouchers accepted on discounted items. THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2017 Page 9
Waste Management and Minimisation - the Next Steps Over 3,100 Waimakariri residents made a submission in the recent Waste Management and Minimisation consultation where the Waimakariri District Council sought feedback on how many choices should be offered to people for a kerbside collection. This was a record response for a Waimakariri District Council consultation, and represented a fantastic effort from the community. Based on the number of submissions received, it was obvious that many residents had strong views on the proposed options. Councillor Robbie Brine, Portfolio Holder for Solid Waste says, “The level of interest from the public was incredible and we are really pleased to see people taking the
time to respond and for sharing their views with us. This is a really important issue for the community.” The following shows the level of interest in the 3 options: Option A: One Standard Service Option B: Two service choices Option C: Four service choices
22% 14.9% 63.1%
From the submissions made, over 2,600 have been taken into account by Council as permitted under government legislation. The remainder either were late submissions, did not contain an option choice, were anonymous and so could not be counted, or were duplicate submissions. The Council now moves to the next stage of the process and will hear from those 35 individuals or organisations who requested to present their submissions to Council in person. The Hearing Panel considered the feedback received through the consultation process over two days late in August. The deliberations hearing will take place on Monday 4 September at 4.30pm in the Function Room at the Rangiora Town Hall. After considering all written and verbal submissions, the Hearing Panel will make recommendations to the full Council at its meeting in November. The kerbside collection service that the Council approves will be put into the final Waste Management and Minimisation Plan and the Council’s draft Long Term Plan. The Long Term Plan consultation is in 2018 and there will be another opportunity for people to make submissions about the proposed level of service during that process.
Page 11
Totally Personalised | Individually Tailored Programmes Personal Growth | Professional Improvements | Self-development
Business Coaching / Mentoring
Provides clarity l keeps you focused l holds you accountable COMPLIMENTARY One-Hour Consultation Session
Servicing all areas in North Canterbury
Call Geoff Todd
Brilliant Deductions 312-7023 or 021 359-003
Speech Coaching Taking the panic out of public speaking in a safe environment Debs Taylor-Hayhurst: 021 863 877 Email:
Page 13
Email: Page 14
Pegasus - Living It - Loving It!
Home of the RVC Cattery
Phone: 312 8387
138 Main North Road, Woodend
Same trusted RVC friendly, professional veterinary care that has been serving North Canterbury for more than 30 years! Extensive range of consultation services for your family pets •
• Broad range of veterinary recommended pet food, petware and accessories • FREE kitten and puppy packs • Regular promotions including gift with purchase ALSO IN RANGIORA & KAIAPOI Rangiora Vet Centre - Pets
Blue Gum 6mtrs = $540.00 MIX Pine 4mtr and Old Man Pine 6mtrs = $420.00 Blue Gum 4mtr = $580.00 Pine 8mtrs = $440.00 Mina load 4mtrs FREE DELIVERY: Woodend, Rangiora, Tuahiwi, Kaiapoi Phone Sue or Peter 312 7161 or 027 312 7179 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2017
Page 15
Above: Mayor David Ayers cuts the cake at the official opening of the new Pegasus Community Centre. The open day was a real community event with the ladies, pictured right, from the Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute providing Devonshire as well. For more about the open day see page 20 of this issue.
Spring is just around the corner, phone for your free quote NOW! NO JOB TO SMALL Email: Phone: 03 313 3309 Mobile: 0274302938 We do both town and country work Page 16 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2017
Looking for a Mortgage Adviser in the North Canterbury area? Look no further…..
We can save you time and money and �ind the best option for you.
Get in touch today! Rebecca Taiaroa: 021 0590959 e-mail:
Pegasus Bay Home Maintenance Services Ltd • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning (Home & Car) • Window Cleaning • Water Blasting
Page 17
Our bus trip in August was up to Cheviot to visit “Harvest Glen”, a hazelnut farm. Paul & Lee were there to welcome us and Paul gave us an informative talk about the hazelnuts. The trees, 800 in all, were covered in catkins which produce the pollen that is spread by the wind. These trees started off as bushes, but, with good pruning have now become trees and so much easier to work with. The trees are 18 years old and were planted by the previous owners. Paul & Lee own 5.5 hectares and 2 of these are in trees. They harvest in April, waiting until the nuts fall. They are then blown into rows & sucked up by a special machine. These two people clean, sort and grade the nuts themselves which they store in onion bags to dry for about 2 months. They have a machine that cracks and sorts shell from nut. They sell the nuts in many different forms such as different flavoured roasted nuts, dukka, fudge and truffles. Sales are mostly done at the Amberley Market. A very tasty lunch at Twin Rivers finished a great day. Our mini-speaker’s working life was spent as a sailor beginning as a deckboy on the “Hinemoa”, when he learnt the basics. The “Waipori” was next as deckboy then ordinary seaman. Now he began splicing, steering, pointing, overhauling ship’s gear and standing watches at sea. There are different reasons ships are built, such as general cargo, containers, oil tankers, bulk and passengers. Ships carrying bulk wheat were trialed in Canada and were found to be dangerous as in rough seas the wheat moved and caused two ships to sink. This was solved by dividing the hold into four with verticle beams and placing in frames of wood to two thirds down and this worked well. He did the wheat run on the “Kawaroa”, then newsprint and paper pulp from Tauranga to Brisbane on “Waitaki”and later the coal run on “ Kaiapoi” from the Page 18 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2017
West Coast. These could be very rough trips and the river bars were always a challenge. Other trips were taking personnel to Raoul Island and the Auckland Islands. A working life most enjoyed. Chris Knowles from Trade Aid was our main speaker. He began with some of his own history then told us of the beginnings of Trade Aid and it’s workings. After retirement he was asked to assist Trade Aid Importers Ltd.. Trade Aid began when a young couple Vi & Richard Cottrell went to Northern India to help Tibetan refugees. When they returned to NZ they imported some of the carpets the Tibetans wove. All were sold within 15 minutes. Trade Aid became an offer of a”hand up” not a “hand out”. It is almost 44 years old and has 30 retail shops selling items from 25 countries and over 800 volunteers. In 2002 it was decided to add the words“ fair trade” to coffee to help the term become more common place. This worked so well that in 2002 they imported 8,000 kilos of green coffee beans & by 2016 they imported 1300 tonnes. It was decided to make the term “fair trade” chocolate a common place term as well. They started by setting up a chocolate factory in Christchurch. Chris was made chair of the board of this new company, Sweet Justice Ltd. & made a trip to South America to meet the suppliers of the ingredients they were importing. He travelled to Peru, Dominican Republic and Paraguay. When he arrived back in ChCh he arranged for the loan to purchase the factory and equipment needed and this chocolate, 7 variants of 100gm bars, is now available in some N.W. Supermarkets, Pak’N Save and local organic stores such as Mediterranean Foods, Rangiora. This talk was so interesting and there is much I had to leave out. President: David Mills – 03 920 0126 Secretary: Rae Miller -- 310 0202
Welcome to PT on Panckhurst! Personal training programmes specifically designed to help with injuries and medical conditions. Whether you would like to be able to run a half marathon without sore knees, exercise safely with a medical problem or simply just be able to do the household chores without hurting your back then home run PT on Panckhurst is just what you are looking for. A service offering: · Postural analysis – stiff neck and shoulders? Headaches? Postural correction available here! · One to one training - help achieve your goals whether you have an injury, would like to tone up, get in shape and become more active. Partner training available – a cost effective way to train with a friend and achieve your goals together. · Exercise classes in Woodend and Pegasus – circuit training, gentle exercise for seniors, Bootcamps and BoxFit also running. Qualified and experienced trainer with competitive prices! Contact Laura for more info on: Ph: 0221 345 275 Email: Website: For latest info go to “PT on Panckhurst” on facebook
LOVE YOUR HEARING To hear well, it takes more than just good technology. Having a caring and experienced audiologist makes all the difference. Vera Setz is here to help you hear the very best you can. Vera Setz Audiology, the North Canterbury hearing specialist. AMBERLEY CHEVIOT HANMER SPRINGS RANGIORA
Call 03 423 3158 today to book an appointment. THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2017 Page 19
Pegasus Community Centre Open Day Sunday 13 August saw the official opening of the new Pegasus Community Centre (PCC). The PCC is located in premises that were originally part of the General Store and more recently the Pegasus Pharmacy. The premises are owned by Todd Property Pegasus Town Ltd and the Council have taken a 3-year lease to enable Pegasus residents to have a community centre. The Council have a management agreement with the Pegasus Residents’ Group (PRG), which allows the PRG to manage the centre and its bookings. Income from hire charges goes to the PRG to use on additional equipment and supplies for the centre. A noticeboard located outside to promote PCC activities was the first such purchase.
Mayor David Ayers cuts the cake while PRG President, Ian Lennie and WSCB Chairperson, Shona Powell look on.
Although the centre has been in use since May, PRG decided to hold off on a public opening until signage was completed and the centre was fully fitted out. The open day was a real community event with the Pegasus Lions running a sausage sizzle, the Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute running Devonshire Teas, the Pegasus residents group had an information table, Soul Diva sang and the huge cake was beautifully iced by local resident, Lavina Pockson. The Woodend-Sefton Community Board were also present and were kept busy all day answering residents’ questions on a range of issues including walk and cycleways, Pegasus Bay bylaw implementation and tree felling plans in the Coastal Park. Mayor David Ayers cut the cake and said a few words before the cake was cut up for all to share. Page 20
Ronel Stephens and Helet Janse van Rensburg cut and dish the cake for those present.
The day was concluded with a presentation from Greg Byrnes, General Manager, Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust. Greg spoke of the work the Trust does in the Coastal Park, including their work with local school children and the input of volunteers from Pegasus. Enquiries about the PCC should be directed to the Pegasus Residents’ Group; email or ph 021 1080 634
Page 21
027 482 8760 Howie Andrew 23 Years Experience Trade Qualified FREE QUOTES New Glazing Window Repairs Commercial Glazing Glass Splashbacks Frameless Showers Retro-Fits-ALI plus Wood Cat & Dog Doors Insurance Work Balustrading + Pool Fencing Mirrors Caravan & Automotive
GUINEA PIG SHOW Sunday 1st October Doors Open 10am -2pm
Woodend Scout Den, Rangiora Woodend Road.
Bring along your pet to be judged! ENTRIES TAKEN 9-10AM.
White Elephant Stall Lucky Dip • Raffle Enquiries phone: Jenny 021 145 7245 North Canterbury Guinea Pigs. Page 22
CHURCH NOTICES Woodend Methodist Church
86 Main Road, Woodend. State Highway One. Office Hours: Tuesday 1pm - 4pm, Thursday 9am - 12pm, Friday 9am - 1pm. Phone: 313 3448
The next film afternoon is on Wednesday 6 September at 1 p.m. sharp. The movie will be about a New Zealand hero. Everyone welcome. Any queries phone Ruth 3122094 or Evelyn 3127740. Free entry. Gold coin donation for afternoon tea. Note your calendar that the October movie is on Wednesday the 4th. We welcome back Rev. Philo Kinera after her long service leave and overseas trip. We look forward to hearing about her adventures. Hall Bookings – For any bookings of the
Church Hall can you please contact Evelyn on 3127740. Fine China and Linen Sale will be occurring in the future so would like donations of items to the Trinity Church Office, 176 King Street, Rangiora. The office hours are Tuesdays 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Thursdays 9 a.m. to midday, Fridays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Phone number is 3133448 and email address Watch this space next issue – we’re hoping to have an announcement re the progress of our beloved Church rebuild. Exciting.
Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus St. Barnabas Church
Priest-in-Charge Rev. Shirley Hawke, Ph: 03 550 3708, or 027 678 8270. Em: A community of believers, serving the wider community in love.
We have had a number of people (of various ages) being baptised at church this month, some as a result of attending Alpha during the 4.32 service. It is always a joy to see people committing to the next stage of their relationship with God. The home groups and Mainly Music are going well this term and will continue to run throughout September, before breaking for the next school holidays. By that time we will be well into Spring! The mornings of course are still quite cold, so the heat pumps will still be kept hard at work warming the church, ready for the 9.30 am (traditional service). The welcome though is as warm as ever, for both that and the 4.32 pm (contemporary service). Speaking of the 4.32 service, at Children’s Church they are having a crash course in the Old Testament stories. It is well worthwhile for young people to learn about them. Enjoy the first month of Spring and keep warm in the mornings!
SATURDAY 4TH NOVEMBER 9.00am - 1.00pm Harris Road. Turn East at five cross roads onto Harris Rd (shingle road). Enter at second paddock on left.
Load your car boot or trailer with goods and bring along to our market to sell. Cost: $10-00 boot or 6x4 trailer or $ 20-00 large trailer/truck. Woodend Lions will be operating a sausage sizzle caravan. FOR MORE INFO CALL CLIFF: 03 313 1651 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2017 Page 23
Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute Report.
It was with pleasure our Institute participated in providing Devonshire morning tea’s as a fundraiser at the opening of the Pegasus Community Center. We are holding our monthly meetings there now, it is a warm and comfortable center to meet. Pegasus Woodend WI welcomed 4 new members who enjoyed learning a new craft, Folk Art, you can do anything if you try,
September 12, 2017.
Four members went to Sefton WI for craft day and lace making, card making and stitching now we are hooked on another craft to do.
1pm, Woodend Community Centre. A great display of daffoldils, spring flowers, crafts and more. Enjoy devonshire teas, the North Canterbury Floral Art display and browse market stalls. SEE PAGE 4 for more information.
Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute next meeting will be held at Pegasus Community Center 10:30am, on
ISBT-Bowen Therapy “A good move for every body” - Do you suffer from low, middle or upper back pain or stiffness? - Frozen shoulder or arm pain, including Carpal Tunnel syndrome (pain, numbness or tingling in hands and fingers)? - Headaches, migraines, dizziness - Thigh, hamstring or knee pain - Sciatica, pain in groin, hip or buttocks? - Lymph and circulatory problems - Joint injuries and restriction - Fibromyalgia - RSI - Arthritic symptoms ISBT - Bowen Therapy is gentle yet powerful for treating a broad range of physical ailments. It uses a series of soft tissue moves performed over specific points on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. These moves initiate relaxation of the muscles, flexibility of the fascia, reducing nerve pressure and increasing circulation of blood, lymph and energy. Gentle, fast pain relief, long lasting, safe painless treatment of the whole body. ISBT-Bowen Therapist
Alexandra Foerstmann Treatments available in Pegasus Please call to make an appointment 03 9200 800 or 021 044 3208 Page 24
We welcome new members to our interesting meetings, come and meet new people and have a shared lunch with us. Contact Helen Power 313 4759 for more information.
Woodend Spring Flower Show Saturday 30th September
Woodend Indoor Bowling Club We are nearing the end of the indoor bowling season with MONDAY 25 September the last club night for the year. The Club has had a successful season both in North Canterbury competitions and Inter club social games. Our AGM will be held on Monday 4 September at the Woodend Community Centre - 7pm. The new playing season will start in March 2018 and new members of all ages will be very welcome. For further information please contact: President: Helen Power 313 5749 Club Captain: Rex Macauley 313 3627 Kelvin Harrison 312 7103
TENNIS CLUB Come and join us for the season opening Sunday 10 September 9.30 to midday. Tennis courts are at Gladstone Park, near the rugby club. The club caters for all levels: • competition and social players • Seniors and Juniors, • and some coaching is available
CROQUET A fun game for all ages.
Saturdays 1:30 KAIAPOI CROQUET CLUB Murphey Park, Raven Quay Ph: Jan 03 314 7435 or Adrienne 03 9212 895
Cricket Registration Does your child dream of being the next Black Cap? COME PLAY CRICKET!
Register at the Woodend School Fair. 17/09/2017. 10-1pm
The cricket season runs in term 4 and some of term 1. $70 registration.
Great sport to learn and an awesome summer activity. Games are quick! Approx. - 9am to 11am.
Enquiries to Jim on 313 9405 or Eric on 312 2380
All welcome – support your local club
Register by phone or if you would like to coach- call Amy 0211276711 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2017
Page 25
COMMUNITY NOTICES NORTH CANTERBURY HOMEOPATHY & BOWEN THERAPY Are you happy? Are you healthy? Do you have physical or emotional problems that limit your health and happiness? You can do something to improve your health and your life naturally, with Homeopathy & Bowen Therapy. Emma Powell DipHom, ISBT Bowen Telephone: 0220843783
MANURE $5-00 a bag. Delivery on Saturday or by arrangement May be a charge if out of town. Ring Lois 033127732 or Cliff 033131651 Lions Club of Woodend fundraiser.
NORTH CANTERBURY Motor Vehicles. Are you thinking of buying (or selling) a car? Are you aware of the processes involved? Do you know what buying from a dealer or from a private seller or at auction involves? Are you going to have the car tested before you buy? Do you know how to find out about the history of the car? Will you have adequate insurance? Do you know what your rights and responsibilities are if there are problems with the vehicle? We also take Health Shuttle bookings. Remember we are now open from 10.00am until 1.00pm every Saturday. You are welcome to call in at the Trevor Inch Memorial Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora, Monday to Friday from 9 am until 4.30 pm, Saturday 10 am – 1 pm, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 – free phone 0800 367 222 or email us at
Deadline 5pm last Friday in SEPTEMBER
EDITOR & ADVERTISING Rebecca Harris Phone: 0211 966 255 Email: Drop Box: The Grub Hub, Main Rd, Woodend. WOODPECKER COMMUNITY TRUST: Page 26
COMMUNITY CONTACTS Acorn Early Childcare 03 312 2179 Email: Website:
Woodend Combined Club President, David Mills Secretary, Rae Miller
Gladstone Park Advisory Group Chairperson, Mark Paterson
312 7439
Lions Club of Pegasus President Ian McGregor Secretary Sharon Divall
920 1955 920 0102
Woodend Community Association Inc Email: President, John Archer Secretary, Andrea Rigby
Lions Club of Woodend President David Marks Youth Centre Co-ordinator, Lois Inch
03 352 1016 312 7732
Nature’s Play Preschool - Pegasus 943 4935 Email: Website: Pegasus Residents Group Inc Email: Website: President: Ian Lennie Secretary: Rhonda Mather Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute Elaine 312 7963 Kathryn 03 327 6621 or 027 335 5771 St Barnabas Church, Woodend Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus Priest-inCharge: Rev. Shirley Hawke 03 550 3708 email: cell:027 678 8270 Home Groups - Anne Graham 313 4457 Mainly Music – Keith Heyworth 03 745 9181 or email: cell :027 688 5597 Toy Library
Tuahiwi Community Pre-School 313 2141 Email: Facebook: Tuahiwi Community Preschool Website: www.TuahiwiCommunityPreschool Woodend Sefton Community Board Chairperson, Shona Powell Ph:021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson, Andrew Thompson Waikuku Beach Surf Life Saving Club Richard Marsom Woodend Badminton Club Paul Henderson
0274 925 936
Woodend Bowling Club President, Rae Miller Secretary, Jenny Anderson
310 0202 312 9076
Woodend Boys’ Club John Harris
313 7832
03 920 0126 310 0202
Woodend Community Centre Advisory Group Chairperson, John Batistic 310 0654 Woodend Country Music Club Marilyn Johnston (President) 312 7589 or 021 136 2929 Don Smyth (VPres) 03 981 6407 or 021 217 2652 Woodend Cricket Club Bruce Davey
312 2413
Woodend Garden Club Rae Miller, President Joy Collins, Secretary
310 0202 323 5258
Woodend Golden Oldies Rugby & Netball President, Tony Hurley 312 7311 Woodend Gym Club Stephanie
312 2993
Woodend Indoor Bowling Club Helen Power Rex Macauley
313 5749 313 3627
Woodend Junior Cricket Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 Woodend Methodist Church Minister, Rev. Philomeno Kinera Hall Bookings, Evelyn
313 1912 312 7740
Woodend Netball Club Caitlin Loose, President Rachael Paterson, Secretary
312 2237 312 7439
Woodend Play Centre Claire Cameron 022 122 0452 Woodend Preschool/Nursery Sheryl Rule 312 7654 email website Woodend Rugby Club President, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Secretary, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Senior Club Captain, Phil Kennett 027 717 2569 Junior Club Captain, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Club Room Bookings, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Woodend Tennis Club Jim Bucknell
313 9405
Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Fire Officer, Murray Lamb
312 7487
Woodend/Waikuku Plunket Clare Hewett 312 2640 THE WOODPECKER SEPTEMBER 2017
Page 27
Page 28